8628 Assignment1
8628 Assignment1
8628 Assignment1
Semester : Autumn,2022B.Ed(1.5Yrs)
Roll No : CE-614625
Learning outcomes are goals for student learning that you, as the instructor, set for
your course. They essentially answer the question "What will students learn?" Course-level
or semester-long learning outcomes are usually shared with students in the syllabus. You
can also write learning outcomes for each unit or chapter, or even each class meeting; use
them as a guide as you design the course, and share them with students to guide their
Over all, learning outcomes:
Allow us to demonstrate that learning has occurred in our students in an objective,
measurable way
Focus on learning and student success, supporting the university mission and provost
Are an integral part of accreditation standards
Empower students to become more involved with their learning experiences
Allow us to assess students' learning and use the results as a tool for improvement
Create a common language that crosses all departments within a university
Learning outcomes demonstrate what you want students to know, do, or value by
the end of your course. A typical learning outcome may start with "By the end of this
course, students will be able to…" Then, continue the sentence with an action verb and a
goal for the course. When writing learning outcomes, Bloom's Taxonomy (described
below) can be a helpful tool to choose action verbs that reflect the appropriate level of rigor
intended for the course.
Focus on outcomes, not processes
Start each outcome with an action verb
Avoid vague verbs such as know and understand
Incorporate a mixture of lower-order and higher-order thinking
Write the outcomes from the student perspective
Check that the outcomes reflect knowledge, skills, or attitudes
Try for no more than three outcomes per major topic
Bloom's Taxonomy is a tool to help you to assess the level of rigor and challenge your
students are experiencing in your course. To consciously and intentionally address the level
of cognitive complexity and challenge in a course, Bloom's Taxonomy is an excellent
framework, providing multiple points of entry.
The cognitive domain concerns knowledge (remembering/retaining information) and the
development of intellectual skills (synthesis, problem solving, etc.). The different levels of
the cognitive domain categorize students' thinking from less to more complex levels of
thinking; for example, having students write a paper analyzing the impact of interest rates
on the growth of the U.S. economy requires substantially more complex thinking than
asking students to state the current interest rate. There are six major categories of
cognitive processes, starting from simple to more complex processes:
Instructors can use the six major categories to organize their lesson plans and assignments
into varying levels of difficulty, resulting in a course that guides students through
increasingly more complex material. Additionally, instructors can use the verbs associated
with Bloom's taxonomy to develop clear learning objectives associated with a specific level
of difficulty. Building learning objectives using Bloom's cognitive taxonomy can help
instructors link learning activities with specific levels of complexity.
The affective domain demonstrates how new knowledge and learning promotes the growth
in a student's feelings or emotions such as values, motivations, and attitudes. Students
encounter the world through their affective domain via their values and belief systems: the
outward portrayal of the affective domain would be the student's attitude. A student's
attitude can have a profound effect on his or her learning. For example, a student may have
competency in performing a task, but may not have the desire (attitude). People in general
change their attitude in response to various events in life; however, instructors can change a
student's affective domain over the course of a class by performance interventions.
1. Exposure effect uses simple experiences to form a student's attitude by exposing the
student to a positive experience a number of times.
2. Reinforcement requires a constant action to promote an effect or instill a good
habit. For example, making classrooms safe and non-threatening promotes feelings
of security while students are learning.
3. Persuasive communication promotes a student internalization of a message by
making sure that the source (the instructor) is believable and likeable, the message
has appropriate content and style, and is properly tailored to the students' attitudes.
4. Changing viewpoints takes your students through the steps of understanding how
they initially approach a situation, and how that approach can be broken down to
The psychomotor domain relates to the physical movement, coordination, and use of motor
skills involved in completing a task or learning new material. Students learn how to
physically accomplish tasks through the psychomotor domain by applying strategy and
practicing performing the actions required. Students improve their skill by choosing and
implementing the most efficient strategies to accomplish the task, reviewing the results, and
then refining their strategies
AIOU Course book 8628 book “Assessment in Science Education”
A table of specifications (TOS) is a chart that teachers and test developers use
in item writing. It ensures that the test developed assesses the content taught and the
learning experience given to the students. It also helps align the test with learning objectives
and their cognitive levels. Moreover, it defines the amount of the test to assess each
objective. In nutshell, a Table of Specifications precisely illustrates the scope and focus of a
The basic purpose of making a TOS is to enable teachers to:
1. determine the content area of the test;
2. develop items that reflect student learning across cognitive levels.
3. allocate a specific amount of instructional time needed for each topic/SLOs.
4. make sure that no important learning objective is left out of the assessment;
5. produce valid test items;
6. assess learning objectives that are actually included in the instructional process;
7. ensure proportional emphasis on each learning objective.
The development of TOS has three steps. In the first step, topics along with cognitive levels
are tabulated. The table mentions the total number and percentage share of student
learning outcomes (SLOs) and their cognitive levels in each topic.
Table 1 illustrates the first phase of the first development of TOS. There are 5 columns in the
table. The extreme left column represents the chapters taught. The second column from the
left shows SLOs whereas the last three columns represent the cognitive levels i.e.
knowledge, understanding, and application in each topic.
Table 1, Table of specification For Midterm Examination. (Based on Cognitive
Level: K, U, A)
Topics SLOs K U A
Major Industries of
6 1 2 3
Trade and
4 1 3 –
Transportation 4 1 1 2
Formative Phase of
2 – 2 –
Pakistan (1947-58)
Marks 40 6 18 16
Total Marks
After the completion of the first step (the tabulation of topics, number of SLOs, and their
cognitive distribution), we find out the percentage share of SLOs and marks in each topic as
illustrated in Table 2. The table represents topics, no, of SLOs in each topic, percentage
share of SLOs, and distribution of marks in columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively.
The formulas given below are used for calculating the percentage share of SLOs and
distribution of marks per SLO:
Weight in Percentage = No. of SLOs of the topic × 100 ÷ total no of SLOs
Weight in Marks = Calculated % of Max. Marks
Table 2: Content-wise /Chapter Wise distribution of test syllabus
Distribution of
Topics No. of SLOs in a topic % share of SLOs
Major Industries of
6 30% 12
Trade and Commerce 4 20% 8
Transportation 4 20% 8
Formative Phase of
Pakistan 2 10% 4
Total 20 100% 40
Once done with the calculation/distribution of marks per SLO, the TOS developers move on
to the next steps of calculating the number of items per cognitive level i.e. knowledge,
understanding, application. All six cognitive levels of Bloom’s taxonomy are not covered in
this case. Instead, the test developers at the secondary and higher secondary level
distribute SLOs in three cognitive levels of knowledge, understanding, and application. They
consider all higher-order thinking levels as part of the application. This is best manifested in
Table 3.
The formula given below is used to calculate the weight of items per cognitive level:
The number of items = Maximum marks topic ÷ no. of SLOs X number of SLOs in each
cognitive level
Table 3: Cognitive levels distribution of items
Topics MCQs K U A
Major Industries 12 6 2 4 6
Trade and
8 4 2 6 –
Transportation 8 4 2 2 4
Formative Phase
4 2 – 4 –
of Pakistan
There are three crucial steps to follow in the development of TOS. In the first step, we
tabulate the topics, SLOs, and cognitive levels of the taught curriculum. In the second step,
we tabulate the percentage share of each topic and the distribution of marks for each topic.
In the third and last stage, tabulation of the item distribution per cognitive level takes place.
The developed TOS informs the item developer to ensure the credibility of items.
Assessment experts also make use of TOS in a test review. This review informs if the test is
aligned with the taught curriculum or not.
2) By having test specification, test users will know about the description of a test's content.
3) Test specification also will be able to give some description of a test to help admissions
officers decide whether the test is valid for the particular decisions to be taken: for
university admissions purposes, a test that does not measure academic- related language
skills is likely to be less valid than one that does.
AIOU Course book 8628 book “Assessment in Science Education”
How the “knowledge objectives” are assessed? Explain the procedure for developing test
for knowledge of universals and abstraction in a field?
The categories were designed to range from simple to complex and from concrete to
abstract. Further, it was assumed that the taxonomy represented a cumulative hierarchy, so
that mastery of each simpler category was prerequisite to mastery of the next, more
complex one. A meta-analysis of the scanty empirical evidence available, which is described
in the Lorin Anderson and David Krathwohl taxonomy revision noted below, supports this
assumption for Comprehension through Analysis. The data were ambiguous, however, with
respect to the location of Knowledge in the hierarchy and for the order of Evaluation and
The taxonomy has been used for the analysis of a course's objectives, an entire curriculum,
or a test in order to determine the relative emphasis on each major category. The unceasing
growth of knowledge exerts constant pressure on educators to pack more and more into
each course. Thus, these analyses repeatedly show a marked overemphasis on Knowledge
objectives. Because memory for most knowledge is short, in contrast to learning in the
other categories, such findings raise important questions about learning priorities.
Along these same lines is the taxonomy's use to assure that objectives, instructional
activities, and assessment are congruent (aligned) with one another. Even when instruction
emphasizes objectives in the more complex categories, the difficulty of constructing test
items to measure such achievement often results in tests that emphasize knowledge
measurement instead. Alignment analyses highlight this inconsistency.
The taxonomy has also commonly been used in developing a test's blueprint, providing the
detail for guiding item development to assure adequate, and appropriate curriculum
coverage. Some standardized tests show how their test items are distributed across
taxonomy categories.
In addition to devising the cognitive taxonomy, the Bloom group later grappled with a
taxonomy of the affective domain–objectives concerned with interests, attitudes,
adjustment, appreciation, and values. This taxonomy consisted of five categories arranged
in order of increased internalization. Like the cognitive taxonomy, it assumed that learning
at the lower category was prerequisite to the attainment of the next higher one
A forty-year retrospective of the impact of the Cognitive Taxonomy by Lorin Anderson and
Lauren Sosniak in 1994 (dating back to its preliminary edition in 1954) resulted in renewed
consideration of a revision, prior efforts having failed to come to fruition. In 1995, Anderson
and Krathwohl co-chaired a group to explore this possibility, and the group agreed on
guidelines for attempting a revision. Like the original group, they met twice yearly, and in
2001 they produced A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and Assessing: A Revision of
Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, hereinafter referred to as
the revision. Whereas the original was unidimensional, the revision had two dimensions,
based on the two parts of objectives: (1) nouns describing the content (knowledge) to be
learned, and (2) verbs describing what students will learn to do with that content; that is,
the processes they use in producing or working with knowledge.
Instrumentalism is one of a multitude of modern schools of thought created by scientists
and philosophers throughout the 20th century. It is named for its premise that theories are
tools or instruments identifying reliable means-end relations found in experience, but not
claiming to reveal realities beyond experience. Its premises and practices were most clearly
and persuasively stated by two philosophers, John Dewey (1859-1952) and Karl Popper
(1902-1994). Independently, they defined the school quite similarly, but their judgments of
its premises were irreconcilable. Dewey was a practitioner of instrumentalism, accepting
means-end relations as discoverable by joining inductive and deductive reasoning about
Popper was a critic of the school. He insisted that induction is not scientifically valid, and
that realities can be known without experience. These contrary judgments endowed the
school with the legacy of confusion and ambiguity described below. This article gives the
definition of instrumentalism accepted by these two philosophers. It explains the grounds of
their irreconcilable judgments, which are still embedded in popular understanding of the
school, and describes the practice of followers of each philosopher, demonstrating that
neither philosopher's judgments have achieved universal assent, leaving the school's
meaning and legitimacy in modern scientific inquiry indeterminate. In 1925, John Dewey
published an article entitled "The Development of American Pragmatism," in which he
defined instrumentalism to distinguish it from schools known as "pragmatism" and
"experimentalism." In 1956, Karl Popper published an article entitled "Three Views
Concerning Human Knowledge," in which he defined instrumentalism to distinguish it from
"essentialism" and a "third view"—his own— which he came to call "critical rationalism."
Dewey's article was republished in 1984 in John Dewey:
The Later Works Popper's article was republished in 1962 in Conjectures and Refutations.
The following four premises defining instrumentalism are taken from these sources.
Premises 1 and 2 were accepted by both philosophers and the general public. Premises 3
and 4 were and remain controversial.
Theories are tools-of-the-trade of thinking, seeking to map means-ends relationships found
in experience. Dewey: "Instrumentalism is an attempt to establish a precise logical theory of
concepts, of judgments and inferences in their various forms, by considering primarily how
thought functions in the experimental determinations of future consequences." Popper:
Instrumentalism endorses "the interpretation of scientific theories as practical instruments
or tools for such purposes as the prediction of impending events."
Theories predict consequences of using means to achieve ends. Dewey: "The verification of
a theory … is carried on by the observation of particular facts."Popper: "… we submit
[theories] to severe tests by trying to deduce from them some of the regularities of the
known world of common experience."
Theory-development requires inductive reasoning, basing general statements on limited
observations of facts-of-the-case. Dewey: An empirical philosopher must "… first find
particular cases from which he then generalizes. I am "… an opponent of the widely
accepted dogma of intuitivism—of the view that science starts from observation and
proceeds, by induction, to generalizations, and ultimately to theories."
There are no realities behind or beyond what can be known by applying instrumental
theories. Dewey: "It is therefore in submitting conceptions to the control of experience…
that one finds examples of what is called truth.
AIOU Course book 8628 book “Assessment in Science Education”
AIOU Course book 8628 book “Assessment in Science Education”
What is the need of assessment of higher order skills? Explain the process of development
of test for analysis skills with suitable examples?
In most of the societies around the world, education is considered a great asset for
economic development (Ozturk, 2001). It contributes towards socio-economic and political
modernisation as well as the well-being of individuals within a society (Ogawa and
Nishimura, 2015). This normally happens by increasing a “person’s and a nation’s
productivity (Ozturk, 2001:39). Education can largely contribute to economic development
when learners develop the knowledge, skills and values required and appropriate for the
labour market (Ozturk, 2001; UNESCO, 2000). To tune education towards an economic
development perspective, Altinyelken (2015) argues that the current global shift from inputs
and outputs to outcomes and from processes to results is a great minds-shift in education
and development. His argument is in favour of the current global paradigm shift from
measuring a nation’s quality of education based on attendance and completion rates
towards the intended learning outcomes more particularly higher-order thinking skills. In
Africa, although statistics indicate that the continent has achieved a steady progress in the
education sector, it is still a matter of debate. Most African countries have achieved
Universal Primary Education enrolment rates above 90 per cent (Altinyelken, 2015; Ogawa
and Nishimura, 2015). On a theoretical note, such a progress ties in with the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) on education and global focus on human capital development
for national sustainable development. The reality on the ground, however, seems to suggest
that there are salient challenges concerning the quality of assessment of learning outcomes
and systemic reforms which might impend the process of human capital development (Allen
et al., 2016). This situation is African Educational Research Journal Vol. 6(4), pp. 240-249,
October 2018 DOI: 10.30918/AERJ.64.18.083 ISSN: 2354-2160 Full Length Research Paper
becoming even more pronounced as studies continuously reveal that the school enrolments
alone are not sufficient for national development or individual’s wellbeing (UNESCO, 2000;
Wagner, 2011). At the national level, Uwezo (2015) reports that there are also many
Ugandan children and youth who are in school but either not learning or not learning what
is relevant for their future life achievements. Odongo (2018) has equally argued that many
of the students, in Uganda, who are “successful in school” have not acquired enough of the
skills they need for their current and future including the world of work. In terms of
assessment and examinations, Allen et al. (2016) have argued that most of the knowledge
and skills learners need today and for their future have little or no role in the formal
learning, tests and examinations. This is supported by Altinyelken (2015) who argues that
most examinations in Uganda, including PLE, hardly call for critical consciousness but rather
focus on “the evocation of responses that involve repetition rather than critical analysis and
reflection, lack of procedures designed to improve students’ higher-order cognitive skills”
AIOU Course book 8628 book “Assessment in Science Education”