JCP 02 00001
JCP 02 00001
JCP 02 00001
Centre for Information Technology (CfIT), Waikato Institute of Technology, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand; (P.K.); (M.A.)
* Correspondence:
Abstract: In this paper, we present secondary research on recommended cybersecurity practices for
social media users from the user’s point of view. Through following a structured methodological
approach of the systematic literature review presented, aspects related to cyber threats, cyber aware-
ness, and cyber behavior in internet and social media use are considered in the study. The study
presented finds that there are many cyber threats existing within the social media platform, such
as loss of productivity, cyber bullying, cyber stalking, identity theft, social information overload,
inconsistent personal branding, personal reputation damage, data breach, malicious software, service
interruptions, hacks, and unauthorized access to social media accounts. Among other findings, the
study also reveals that demographic factors, for example age, gender, and education level, may not
necessarily be influential factors affecting the cyber awareness of the internet users.
1. Introduction
Citation: Herath, T.B.G.; Khanna, P.;
Ahmed, M. Cybersecurity Practices
The internet has become one of the primary communication channels in the modern
for Social Media Users: A Systematic
era and social media possess a large portion of internet usage ([1] Bosse, Renner, and
Literature Review. J. Cybersecur. Priv. Wilkens, 2020). A total of 3.78 billion users are predicted to have used social media in 2021
2022, 2, 1–18. ([2] Tankovska, 2021 January 28). Most countries have acknowledged that cybersecurity
10.3390/jcp2010001 has become one of the most critical issues that has emerged in the past few years with
the increased usage of internet and social media ([3] Tosun et al., 2020). This might be
Academic Editor: Xavier Bellekens
due to the fact that high social media usage has become a new trend, reaching a wide
Received: 2 November 2021 range of people within a short time period ([4] Constantinides and Stagno, 2011; as cited
Accepted: 11 January 2022 by Okyireh and Okyireh, 2016). Additionally, the number of and types of available social
Published: 20 January 2022 media platforms, their less reliable design and construction, the large unstructured content,
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
and more opportunities provided for people to act in malicious ways in those platforms
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
have triggered the vulnerability of high-level cyber threats in social media ([5] Chaffey,
published maps and institutional affil-
2016; Haimson and Hoffmann, 2016; Assunção et al., 2015; Fire et al., 2014; as cited by
iations. van der Walt, Eloff, and Grobler, 2018). Unfortunately, sole technical solution dedicated
to overcoming security problems is still unavailable ([6] Scott-Cowley, 2014; as cited by
Murire, Flowerday, Strydom, and Fourie, 2021). The above citations suggest that users
cannot totally rely on technology to safeguard themselves from cyber threats when using
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. internet or social media. Therefore, users have a responsibility to safeguard themselves
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. from their own point of view. Hence, the main objectives of this article are identified
This article is an open access article as follows:
distributed under the terms and
1. Identify cyber threats in internet and social media use.
conditions of the Creative Commons
2. Identify factors affecting users’ cyber awareness on social media platforms’ security-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
related features.
3. Identify the impact of users’ cyber awareness on users’ cyber behavior on social media.
4. Identify the impact of users’ cyber behavior on their vulnerability level on social media.
5. Identify recommended cybersecurity practices for social media users from users’ point
of view.
The structure of this article is organized with several sections. Section 2 of this article
discusses the research methodology. Then, the themes and subthemes of the literature re-
lated to the article are further discussed in the following order: cyber threats on the internet
are discussed in Section 2.1; cyber threats on social media are discussed in Section 2.1.1;
cybersecurity on the internet is discussed in Section 2.2; user awareness when using the
internet is discussed in Section 2.2.1; user behavior when using the internet is discussed in
Section 2.2.2; cybersecurity in social media is discussed in Section 2.3; user awareness when
using social media is discussed in Section 2.3.1; user behavior when using social media is
discussed in Section 2.3.2. Next, Section 3 discloses the discussion along with the findings
of the literature. Then, in Section 4, the limitations of the systematic literature review are
discussed. Finally, the article is concluded with Section 5—future development—which
illustrates the formation of main and sub research questions for the future research work,
followed by Section 6, which provides our conclusion.
2. Methodology
Searching through the literature is a significant component of a systematic review. The
commonly used literature search component is the preferred reporting items for systematic
reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement ([7] Rethlefsen et al., 2021). The PRISMA
statement is used in this research article to filter the most relevant literature. The PRISMA
statement is a road map that supports authors explaining what was carried out, what was
found, and what are they planning to do next ([8] Rafael, Ferran, Edoardo, and Craig, 2021).
Additionally, the PRISMA checklist is a tool that can be used to guide systematic review
reporting ([9] Rice, Kloda, Shrier, and Thombs, 2016). The PRISMA statement consists of
4-stage flow diagram and 27 check list items ([10] Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, and Altman,
2009). The adaptability of this article to the PRISMA statement is depicted in Table 1 and
Figure 1, accordingly.
When searching the literature, more than 10,000 probable articles were found using
Wintec OneSearch and Google Scholar online databases with the help of relevant keywords
and “AND” and “OR” operators. The main keywords used in the search of relevant
articles were as follows: cyber threats, cybersecurity, cyber security, social media, user
awareness, and user behavior. From that pool, only 2500 articles were revealed to be
suitable, after removing duplicates. Then, only 339 of the most relevant articles were
screened, and 170 articles were omitted from that pool due to ineligibility of the abstract.
Next, 169 relevant articles were filtered from the pool of screened articles, and 126 of them
J. Cybersecur. Priv. 2022, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 17
and 170 articles were omitted from that pool due to ineligibility of the abstract. Next, 169
relevant articles were filtered from the pool of screened articles, and 126 of them were
were disregarded
disregarded due
due to thetoexclusion
the exclusion criteria,
criteria, as listed
as listed in Table
in Table 2. Finally,
2. Finally, 43 articles
43 articles werewere
selected as the most eligible ones to include in the literature review, as depicted in Figure
lected as the most eligible ones to include in the literature review, as depicted in Figure 1. 1.
Figure 1.
Figure 1. PRISMA
flow chart.
Inclusion Criteria
Criteria Exclusion
Exclusion Criteria
Peer-reviewed articles with full access rights Articles asking for payments for the access
Peer-reviewed articles with full access rights Articles asking for payments for the access
Published time in between 2015–2021 Published outside the intended time frame
time in between
English2015–2021 Published outside
Otherthe intended time frame
Full text
Language: English Articles with no languages
Other full-text availability
Include relevant
Full textkeywords Not relevant
Articles with to
nothe literature
full-text themes
Original publication Non-empirical studies
Include relevant keywords Not relevant to the literature themes
After filtering publication
relevant literature, the main themes and Non-empirical
subthemesstudieswere identified as
per the concept map, as illustrated in Figure 2. This allowed the readers to refer to each
of literature
filtering easily,
relevant asliterature,
per their the
preference. All the
main themes andpieces of literature
subthemes listed in the
were identified as
per map aremap,
the concept elaborated in detail
as illustrated under the
in Figure threeallowed
2. This main subsections
the readerswithin
to referSection
to each2
and the
piece of five subsections
literature easily, within
as per them. The main sections
their preference. All theare as follows:
pieces Section
of literature 2.1. in
listed Cyber
threats on the Internet; Section 2.2. Cybersecurity on the Internet;
concept map are elaborated in detail under the three main subsections within Section 2 Section 2.3. Cybersecu-
rity the
and on Social Media. These
five subsections withinmain subsections
them. The mainare divided
sections arefurther into Section
as follows: other subsections,
2.1. Cyber
as follows:
threats on the Section 2.1.1.
Internet; Cyber
Section 2.2.Threats on Social
Cybersecurity on Media; Section
the Internet;
Section User Awareness
on Using
Social the Internet;
Media. These main Section 2.2.2. User
subsections areBehavior When Using
divided further the Internet;
into other subsections,Section
2.3.2. User
follows: Awareness
Section WhenThreats
2.1.1. Cyber Using Social Media;
on Social Section
Section UserUser
Behavior When When
Awareness Using
Social the
Using Media. The literature
Internet; depicted
Section 2.2.2. UserinBehavior
the concept mapUsing
When are further elaborated
the Internet; in the
Section ta-
User Awareness
bles listed underWhen UsingASocial
Appendix of theMedia;
article.Section 2.3.2. User Behavior When Using Social
Media. The literature depicted in the concept map are further elaborated in the tables listed
under Appendix A of the article.
Cybersecur.Priv. 2022,22, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Priv.2022, 4
4 of 17
Figure 2. Concept
Concept map
map of
of the
the literature
2.1. Cyber
Cyber Threats
Threats on on the
the Internet
The evolution of cybercrimes in
evolution of cybercrimes in the
the IT
IT industry
industry dates
dates back
1970s. ItIt has
evolved from just spam at that time to much more advanced forms, such as viruses
from just spam at that time to much more advanced forms, such as viruses andand
malware, in in the
the present
present day day ([11]
([11] Jobs,
Jobs, 2016;
2016; as
as cited
cited by
Frederick, Jacobson,
Jacobson, andand
Monticone, 2017). The word “Cybercrimes” covers a vast range of virtual illegalactivities
2017). The word “Cybercrimes” covers a vast range of virtual illegal activities
performedby bycybercriminals
cybercriminalsvia viaany source
any sourceof internet-connected
of internet-connected electronic device
electronic ([12]([12]
device Ali,
2019). Experts
Ali, 2019). Expertssay say
cybercriminals often aim
often aimforfor
easy targets
easy targetswith
even though they possess many sources, as well as a high level of knowledge on on
though they possess many sources, as well as a high level of knowledge howhow the
the technology works and its vulnerabilities. The reason for this is that they can easily
technology works and its vulnerabilities. The reason for this is that they can easily com-
commence the hacking with less effort with that kind of user ([13] Shryock, 2019). Gullible
mence the hacking with less effort with that kind of user ([13] Shryock, 2019). Gullible users
users often become targets of hackers and cybercriminals use creative and different ways
often become targets of hackers and cybercriminals use creative and different ways to collect
to collect personal data from them ([14] Ramakrishnan and Tandon, 2018). The internet has
personal data from them ([14] Ramakrishnan and Tandon, 2018). The internet has become
become an essential part of society and it has become the core of connecting and sharing
an essential part of society and it has become the core of connecting and sharing information
information in modern days. This has led the internet to become a target of various cyber
in modern days. This has led the internet to become a target of various cyber threats, ranging
J. Cybersecur. Priv. 2022, 2 5
threats, ranging from cybercrimes (hacking, identity theft, and other forms of fraud) to
cyber espionage, cyber terrorism, and cyber warfare ([15] van den Berg and Keymolen,
2017). Cybercrimes cover various cyber threats, including child pornography, fraud, email
abuse, missing children, stalking, copyright, violation, harassment, threats, children abuse
hacking, viruses, and many more ([16] Tripathi, Tripathi, and Yadav, 2016). The impact
of cyber threats is changing, based on globalization, imposed security environment level,
awareness, and the education level of the administrators and users of a given information
and communication environment. These cyber threats can range from privacy, personal,
confidential, and classified data loss and fund/cryptocurrency loss to harm to the health
and/or life of a person ([17] Svoboda and Lukas, 2019).
than young adults, and a small significant difference was found in the ISA score related to
gender, where females have higher ISA scores, compared with males ([29] McCormac et al.,
2017). In contrast to this citation, another research article stated otherwise, indicating that
males have more cyber hygiene knowledge than females; however, surprisingly, there
was no difference in cyber hygiene knowledge among different age groups ([30] Cain,
Edwards, and Still, 2018). In the research, it was found that higher education levels lead
to higher information security awareness of the users. It has been found that higher
education level or information security training reduces risky user behavior ([31] Ogutcu,
Testik, and Chouseinoglou, 2016). In the multinomial regression analysis, it was found that
people with higher education, who are not living in their own housing, more often fall into
the cybercrime victims category ([32] Oksanen, and Keipi, 2013, as cited by Nalaka and
Diunugala, 2020). Internet users should always be updated on cyber threats as new threats
are emerging and existing threats are evolving frequently. Unfortunately, most users have
failed to achieve an acceptable level of protection, compared with the increasing rate of
threats ([14] Ramakrishnan and Tandon, 2018). Human beings are the central figure of
cybersecurity, and they should be highly equipped with security awareness to mitigate the
risks they face in cyberspace ([33] Kovacevic, Putnik, and Toskovic, 2020). Factors including
a lack of awareness of cyber risks and use of third-party apps, information distributed in
social media, and web pages direct hackers to easily exploit these vulnerable users ([27]
Shaw et al., 2009; as cited by Zwilling et al., 2020). Lack of awareness in cybercrimes
can lead to high-level damage to finances, emotions, and the ethical or moral values of
users ([34] Thakur and Kang, 2018).
and personal messages with each other ([44] Bhatnagar and Pry, 2020). Social media
networks provide openness to user profiles and the data they share in the profile. However,
this openness threatens user profiles with being revealed or hacked ([45] Tang-Mui and
Chan-Eang, 2017). Most of the social media users are now addicted to sharing their ideas,
sentiments, and experiments with a wide range of friends and friends of friends, via
videos and photos ([21] Yan, 2016; as cited by Zhang and Gupta, 2018). People who post
information online might not think of security risks associated with it primarily. However,
this action can voluntarily reveal more personal information to unknown people than
they expected ([46] Nyblom, Wangen, and Gkioulos, 2020). Employees should be more
careful about what they share on social media, since social engineering scams are rising
gradually in modern days. Those data can be used against them and their company,
together with other personal data that the cybercriminals collected through other consumer
data breaches ([47] Wikipedia, 2020; as cited by Sangster, 2020).
3. Discussion
Based on the aforementioned literature, it was found that there are many cyber
threats existing within social media platforms, such as loss of productivity, cyberbullying,
cyberstalking, identity theft, social information overload, inconsistent personal branding,
J. Cybersecur. Priv. 2022, 2 8
personal reputational damage, data breach, malicious software, service interruptions, hacks,
unauthorized access to social media accounts ([18] van Zyl, 2009; Krasnova et al., 2009;
Hogben, 2007; Krasnova et al., 2009; Boyd, 2008; Argenti and Druckenbiller, 2004; Aula,
2010; Boyd, 2008; Hogben, 2007; Rivera et al., 2015; as cited by Goh et al., 2016), cracking
a password ([19] Eddolls, 2016), fake accounts, sexual harassments ([20] van Schaik et al.,
2017), spam attacks, malware attacks, Sybil attacks, impersonation, hijacking, fake requests,
image retrieval and analysis ([21] Zhang and Gupta, 2018), spear phishing attacks ([22]
Bossetta, 2018), and social engineering ([23] Wilcox, Bhattacharya, and Islam, 2014; as cited
by Aldawood and Skinner, 2019).
All users should have enough current and updated cyber awareness and cyber be-
havior to safeguard themselves from the aforementioned cyber threats. Tragically, most
users have failed to achieve an acceptable level of protection compared with the increasing
rate of threats ([14] Ramakrishnan and Tandon, 2018). People who post information on-
line might not think of security risks associated with this behavior. However, this action
can voluntarily reveal more personal information to unknown people than they expected
([46] Nyblom et al., 2020). It is also revealed that most social media users are unaware of
the risks and vulnerabilities associated with those platforms unless they have experienced
those in their real lives ([50] Atiso and Kammer, 2018). Hence, it is always recommended
that users take enough precautions to safeguard themselves from cybercrimes from their
point of view, since the most powerful user privacy protection strategy in social media
platforms falls into users’ own hands. Only they can control what they publish, and to
whom, on those platforms ([48] Pensa and Di Blasi, 2017).
When it comes to factors affecting cyber awareness, it was discovered that age, gender,
and education level may or may not affect the cyber awareness of internet users. Older
adults had higher information security awareness (ISA) scores than young adults. A small
significant difference was found in the ISA score related to gender, where females had
higher ISA scores compared with males ([29] McCormac et al., 2017). In contrast to this
citation, another research article stated otherwise, finding that males have more cyber
hygiene knowledge than females; however, surprisingly, there was no difference in cyber
hygiene knowledge among different age groups ([30] Cain et al., 2018). In the research,
it was found that higher education levels lead to higher information security awareness
of the users—higher education levels or information security training reduces risky user
behavior ([31] Ogutcu et al., 2016). However, in a multinomial regression analysis, it was
found that people with higher education and who are not living in their own housing are
more likely to fall into the cybercrime victims category ([32] Oksanen, and Keipi, 2013, as
cited by Nalaka and Diunugala, 2020).
Several items of the literature support the idea that cyber awareness has an impact
on cyber behavior. Research results show that higher awareness was connected with a
lower number of reported online risky behaviors ([37] Schilder, Brusselaers, and Bogaerts,
2016). Lack of understanding regarding appropriate cybersecurity actions can lead end
users to inappropriate cyber behavior ([30] Debatin et al., 2009; Goodhue, and Straub,
1991; Hu, Hart, and Cooke, 2006; Straub, and Welke, 1998; as cited by Cain et al., 2018).
The research findings revealed that user awareness improvements lead to better security
behavior ([39] Furnell, Khern-am-nuai, Esmael, Yang, and Li, 2018). Security awareness
impacts user behavior when protecting against risks in information security ([40] Herath,
and Rao, 2009; Thomson, and Solms, 1998; Puhakainen, and Siponene, 2010; as cited by
Torten, Reaiche, and Boyle, 2018). On the other hand, a study conducted by the Global
Cybersecurity Capacity Centre at the University of Oxford found that campaigns on
cybersecurity awareness were unsuccessful in changing behavior ([41] Bada et al., 2015;
as cited by Chang and Coppel, 2020); additionally, they found that cyber behavior has an
impact on the vulnerability level that users face. In another study, it was identified that
the cybersecurity behavior of the respondents potentially makes them vulnerable to cyber
threats ([38] Muniandy, Muniandy, and Samsudin, 2017).
J. Cybersecur. Priv. 2022, 2, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 17
•Age, gender and education level have an impact on users' cyber awareness
Cyber •Age, gender and education level have no impact on users' cyber awareness
Figure Summaryof
4. Limitations
Based onon the
the findings
findings in
in the
the discussion
discussion section
section of
of the
the systematic
systematic literature
literature review,
some significant limitations have been identified by the authors, as follows:
some significant limitations have been identified by the authors, as follows:
(1) The authors were
The authors were unable
unable to
to identify
security practices for social media users from users’ points of view, to the best
curity practices for social media users from users’ points of view, to the best of their of
their knowledge.
(2) The authors were unable to filter any studies discovering the impact of social media
(2) The authors were unable to filter any studies discovering the impact of social media
users’ age, gender, and education level on users’ awareness on social media platforms’
users’ age, gender, and education level on users’ awareness on social media plat-
security-related features, to the best of their knowledge.
forms’ security-related features, to the best of their knowledge.
(3) The authors were unable to find any studies revealing the impact of social media
(3) The authors were unable to find any studies revealing the impact of social media
users’ awareness of social media platforms’ security-related features on social media
users’ awareness of social media platforms’ security-related features on social media
users’ secure behavior in it, to the best of their knowledge.
users’ secure behavior in it, to the best of their knowledge.
(4) The authors were unable to find enough studies disclosing the impact of social media
(4) The authors were unable to find enough studies disclosing the impact of social media
users’ secure behavior on their vulnerability level in the platform, to the best of
users’ secure behavior on their vulnerability level in the platform, to the best of their
their knowledge.
We aim to explore the above aspects in our future research to enhance/expand the
We aim to explore the above aspects in our future research to enhance/expand the
review presented in this paper.
review presented in this paper.
5. Future Works
5. Future Works
The present research was mainly focused on identifying recommended cybersecurity
The for
practices present research
social media was mainly
users focused
from users’ on identifying
points recommendeditcybersecurity
of view. Additionally, intended to
identify the factors affecting users’ awareness on social mediaAdditionally,
practices for social media users from users’ points of view. it intended to
platforms’ security-related
features and impact of social media users’ awareness on their behavior in social media
platforms. However, above topics are not significantly addressed in the past literature, to
the best of the authors’ knowledge. There were not enough studies found to identify the
J. Cybersecur. Priv. 2022, 2 10
impact of social media users’ secure behavior on their vulnerability level in the platform.
Therefore, it may be worthwhile to carry out further research, considering these variables
(including their correlations), to identify recommended cybersecurity practices for social
media users from users’ points of view. The limitations mentioned earlier are also areas
worth investigating.
6. Conclusions
Cybersecurity, within the context of social media, is a timely topic to be discussed
considering its large user base all around the world. There are many cyberattacks existing
in the current social media sphere, according to the literature discussed in this article.
Although there is an in-built security framework within the different social media platforms,
it may not be enough to protect the social media users from cyber attacks. This is due to
human error, where there is the possibility of opening backdoors for commencing cyber
attacks. User awareness and user behavior play a major role to reduce the impact of human
errors. The impact of factors, such as age, gender, and the education level of the users on
their cyber awareness in social media platforms’ security features is not clear, based on
the current literature found. However, the impact of cyber awareness over cyber behavior
is backed by several studies, discussed in the article. Additionally, there is not enough
evidence to prove the impact of users’ secured cyber behavior on their vulnerability level
on social media platforms. Hence, further research is crucial to identify the factors affecting
user awareness, users’ secure behavior, and users’ vulnerability level on social media
platforms. Moreover, it is significant to discover recommended cybersecurity practices for
social media users, based on the impact of the aforementioned variables.
Appendix A
Table A1 illustrates the high-level concept of cyber threats on the internet in terms
of types of threats, need for trust, need for awareness, and need for a high-level security
framework by few researchers in recent years. These are further explained in Section 2.1 of
the article.
Author and Year Article Name Key Findings Research Area Research Method
Role of information Types of cyber threats and
Tripathi, Tripathi, and technology in the role of information Cybercrimes and
Yadav (2016) cybercrime and ethical technology act 2000 of India cyber ethics
issues in cyber ethics to discourage cyber threats
Regulating security on
van den Berg and Trust is a key element in
the Internet: Control Cybersecurity Qualitative
Keymolen (2017) cybersecurity strategies
versus trust.
J. Cybersecur. Priv. 2022, 2 11
Author and Year Article Name Key Findings Research Area Research Method
Cybersecurity in
The healthcare industry
Kruse, Frederick, healthcare: Cybersecurity threats
should strengthen its
Jacobson, and A systematic review of and trends in the Qualitative
cybersecurity practices
Monticone (2017) modern threats healthcare industry
and trends
Major cyber threats
available on the internet
Ramakrishnan and The evolving landscape Cyber threats and
nowadays and the Qualitative
Tandon (2018) of cyber threats user awareness
importance of cyber
A constant threat for
Need of high-level security
the business sector and Cybercrimes and
framework for online
Ali (2019) its growth (A study of cybersecurity in Quantitative
banking in the Gulf
the online banking online banking
Cooperation Council (GCC)
sector in GCC)
The growing cyber Medical practices should
threat: Practices are take necessary precautions
Shryock (2019) increasingly coming to protect against growing Growing cyber threats Qualitative
under attack by cyber threats as a part of a
cybercriminals broad cybersecurity plan
Sources of cyber threats and
Svoboda and Lukas Sources of threats and types of cyber threats
Cyber threats Qualitative
(2019) threats in cybersecurity. emerging from
those sources
It is important to identify the cyber threats exist specifically in social media since the
significant portion of internet usage is due to the usage social media. Table A2 depicts
some research works based on this domain by few researchers. More in-depth description
is provided in Section 2.1.1 of the article.
Author and Year Article Name Key Findings Research Area Research Method
Graduate student
Goh, Di Gangi, Rivera, perceptions of personal Risks inherited in Cyber risks/threats in
and Worrell (2016) social media risk: social media social media
A comparison study.
Making cybercrime Evolving cyber threats and
Cybercrimes and
Eddolls (2016) prevention the defensive mechanisms to Qualitative
preventive measures
highest priority minimizing the impact
Cyber awareness leads to
Cybersecurity risks
Risk perceptions of precautionary cyber
van Schaik et al. and relevant
cybersecurity and behavior and thereby Quantitative
(2017) precautionary
precautionary behavior protect users from
cyber risks
The weaponization of How political forces can
social media: Spear weaponize social media Social media and
Bossetta (2018) Qualitative
phishing and cyber platforms to perform spear phishing
attacks on democracy spear-phishing campaigns
J. Cybersecur. Priv. 2022, 2 12
Author and Year Article Name Key Findings Research Area Research Method
Social media security
Social media security and
Zhang and Gupta and trustworthiness:
trustworthiness make users Social media security Quantitative
(2018) Overview and
safe within the platform
new direction
Staff accessing social media
using company
cybersecurity social
interconnected information
Aldawood and Skinner engineering training Social engineering
systems can draw the Qualitative
(2019) and awareness attacks on social media
attention of social engineers
programs—Pitfalls and
to commence attacks on
ongoing issues
those systems.
Table A3 presents few key findings on cybersecurity on the internet in last few years.
This mainly covers the emerge of cybersecurity and state cybersecurity regulation re-
quirement, cyber awareness, and behavior. Section 2.2 is provided with more detailed
explanation of the below literature accordingly.
Author and Year Article Name Key Findings Research Area Research Method
Cyber threats, existing
federal and state
The rise of cybercrime
cybersecurity regulations, Cyber threats and
and the need for state
Bayard (2019) and the importance of cybersecurity Qualitative
imposing cybersecurity regulations
regulations to reduce the
impact of cyber threats
The human factor should be
Planning for given the same priority as
Richardson, Lemoine,
cybersecurity in same as technical Cybersecurity and
Stephens, and Waller Qualitative
schools: The advancements in schools human factor
human factor. when enhancing
Cybersecurity People with more cyber
awareness, knowledge, awareness and knowledge
Zwilling et al. (2020) awareness, knowledge, Quantitative
and behavior: showed less vulnerable
and behavior
A Comparative Study cyber behaviors
Author and Year Article Name Key Findings Research Area Research Method
IT and cybersecurity Cybersecurity situational
Tasevski (2016) awareness-raising awareness is a significant Cyber awareness Qualitative
campaigns factor in cyber awareness.
Analysis of personal
Higher education level Information security
Ogutcu, Testik, and information security
higher the information awareness and Quantitative
Chouseinoglou (2016) behavior and
security awareness behavior
Information security
awareness differs with
Individual differences
McCormac et al. individual differences Information security
and information Quantitative
(2017) including age, gender, awareness
security awareness.
personality, and
risk-taking propensity
Cyber hygiene behaviors
An exploratory study and knowledge differs
Cyber hygiene
Cain, Edwards, of cyber hygiene based on age, gender,
behaviors and Quantitative
and Still (2018) behaviors and experience in cyber attacks,
knowledge and self-described
expert level
Gender and locale Girls had a higher level of
Thakur and Kang differences in cyber awareness while boys
Cyber awareness Quantitative
(2018) cybercrime awareness had a medium level of
among adolescents cyber awareness
The participants of the
Kovacevic, Putnik, survey knew that their data
Factors related to Cyber awareness and
and Toskovic is not safe but still that did Quantitative
cybersecurity behavior cyber behavior
(2020) not alarm them to learn
more about cybersecurity
Factors associating
with social media The probability of becoming
related crime a cyber victim of the youth
Nalaka and Diunugala
victimization: Evidence is more than 50% and online Cyber victimization Quantitative
from the undergraduates security awareness among
at a public university in the youth generation is less
Sri Lanka
Responsible user behavior when using internet is also important in this digital era.
Table A5 is highlighted several factors impacting cyber behavior in internet based on some
literature analyzed with this regard including cyber awareness and internet addiction.
Section 2.2.2 illustrates the below key findings thoroughly.
Author and Year Article Name Key Findings Research Area Research Method
Information Awareness plays a
security-conscious care significant role in Information security
Safa et al. (2015) Mixed
behavior formation in information security behavior
organizations behavior
The effectiveness of an
Awareness was connected
intervention to promote
Schilder, Brusselaers, with a lower number of Online awareness
awareness and reduce Quantitative
and Bogaerts (2016) reported online and behavior
online risk behavior in
risk behavior
early adolescence
J. Cybersecur. Priv. 2022, 2 14
Author and Year Article Name Key Findings Research Area Research Method
Human factors in
examining the link
Internet addiction leads Human factors leading
Hadlington between Internet
to a risky cybersecurity to risky cybersecurity Quantitative
(2017) addiction, impulsivity,
behavior behaviors
attitudes towards
cybersecurity, and risky
cybersecurity behaviors
Cybersecurity behavior
Some vulnerable cyber
Muniandy et al. among higher
behaviors can be reduced by Cybersecurity behavior Quantitative
(2017) education students
proper cyber awareness
in Malaysia
Most of the
Cybersecurity best
Szumski cybersecurity-related Cybersecurity best
practices among Quantitative
(2018) information flows from practices
Polish students
unreliable resources
Users expected use of
Furnell, security features can be
Enhancing security
Khern-am-nuai, enhanced by proper
behavior by supporting Security behavior Quantitative
Esmael, Yang, and Li guidance, feedback,
the user
(2018) explaining their security
options and decisions
The impact of security Countermeasure awareness
Torten, Reaiche,
awareness on should be the primary focus Security awareness
and Boyle Quantitative
information technology of security and behavior
professionals’ behavior compliance training
Putting the privacy
paradox to the test: Users claim to be concerned
Online privacy and about their data misuse but
Barth, de Jong, Junger,
security behaviors yet they are unwilling to Online privacy and
Hartel, and Roppelt Quantitative
among users with invest their time and effort security behaviors
technical knowledge, or money to protect
privacy awareness, and their privacy
financial resources
Cyber maturity and the
Building cybersecurity
culture of a particular
Chang and Coppel awareness in a Cybersecurity
country are significant when Qualitative
(2020) developing country: awareness
designing cybersecurity
Lessons from Myanmar
awareness campaigns
Table A6 explains the need of cybersecurity in social media. Some of the below
literature highlights the important of this aspect in terms of students and employees as
well. Cybersecurity on social media is further explained in Section 2.3.
J. Cybersecur. Priv. 2022, 2 15
Author and Year Article Name Key Findings Research Area Research Method
Most respondents of the
Impacts of social media research were depending on
(Facebook) on human Facebook in their daily life Social media
Tang-Mui and communication and in terms of building (Facebook) on human
Chan-Eang (2017) relationships: A view relationships with friends communication and
on behavioral change and family, playing games, relationships
and social unity reading articles, accessing
audio and video clips
Student attitudes,
Students are aware of the Student attitudes,
awareness, and
risks involved in social awareness, and
perceptions of personal
Bhatnagar and Pry media. Additionally, they perceptions of personal
privacy and Quantitative
(2020) said that the security privacy and
cybersecurity in the use
settings of social media are cybersecurity in the use
of social media:
hard to understand and use. of social media
An initial study
When it comes to
Employees should be more
Sangster (2020) careful with the data they Cybersecurity Qualitative
ignorance isn’t
share in social networks
bliss—it’s negligence
Reddit and Snapchat are the
Nyblom, Wangen, and Risk perceptions on safest social media
Risk perceptions on
Gkioulos social media use platforms while Facebook Quantitative
social media use
(2020) in Norway and Twitter are the riskiest
in terms of risk perception
Author and Year Article Name Key Findings Research Area Research Method
A privacy The most powerful privacy
Pensa and Di Blasi self-assessment protectors in the social User privacy in
(2017) framework for online network platforms are the social networks
social networks users themselves
User beware:
Determining Most social media users are
Atiso and Kammer User vulnerabilities in
vulnerability in social unaware of vulnerabilities Qualitative
(2018) social media
media platforms for in those platforms
users in Ghana
Higher information security
Information privacy, awareness leads social
Information security
Ortiz, Chih, and Tsai consumer alienation, network users to protect
awareness and Quantitative
(2018) and lurking behavior in themselves using threat
social networking sites appraisal and generating
strong privacy risk belief
Author and Year Article Name Key Findings Research Area Research Method
There is a negative
relationship between the
Information disclosure Information disclosure
Benson et al. (2015) level of control over Quantitative
of social media users of social media users
personal data and
Screening out: Criminal
Main purposes of Criminal
justice students’
Leott (2019) justice students’ social Social media usage Quantitative
awareness of social
media usage
media usage in policing
Use of Social Media Social media usage
Platforms among decreases with age and the
Hruska and Maresova The behavior of social
Adults in the United usage increases when Qualitative
(2020) media users
States—Behavior on income and education
Social Media level increases
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