Personal Loan Application Form 2019

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Please tick type of Loan: Fixed Term Loan Overdraft

Application Type: New Review Restructure Top-up Affix Current
Passport Photograph

Title Surname First Name

Middle Name Sex: Male Female Status: Married Single Separated Divorced Widowed

Date of Birth Current Residential Address

Area/City Landmark/Nearest Bus Stop

LGA State Country

Permanent Residential Address Landmark/Nearest Bus Stop

Area/City LGA State Country

No of Years in Present Residence Type of Accommodation: Rented Owned Living with Parents/Friends/Family Official Quarters

Mobile No 1. Mobile No 2.

Home/Office Phone Nationality

E-mail Address

Means of Identification

National ID Card National Driver’s Licence Int’l Passport Valid INEC Voter’s Card *Others (pls specify)

ID No. ID. Issue ID. Expiry

/ / / /
Date Date

Educational Qualification

Diploma Graduate Post Graduate Professional Primary School Leaving Certificate Junior. Secondary School



Title Surname First Name

Relationship Residential Address Landmark

Area/City LGA State Country

Mobile No 1. Mobile No 2.

Home/Office Phone E-mail


Title Surname First Name

Relationship Residential Address Landmark

Area/City LGA State Country

Mobile No 1. Mobile No 2.

Home/Office Phone E-mail

Employment Details

Employer’s Name Employer’s Phone No.

Category of Employer: Government Private Sole Proprietor Office Address


Landmark Area/City LGA State

Country Sector Years in Present Employment

Gross Salary per month(Amount N) Net Salary per month(Amount N) Pay Day

Employment Employment Expiration

Permanent D D M M Y Y Y Y Contract D D M M Y Y Y Y
Status: Date Date

Designation Employment Grade Total Work Experience (in years)

Exec. Mgt/Snr. Mgt/Staff

Facility Details

Requested Amount (N) Amount in words

Requested Tenor

Existing Loan Type (Personal, Home, Auto, etc.) Name of Bank Loan Amount (N) Outstanding Balance (N)




Personal Protection Plan

Name of Borrower Title

Date of Birth Sum Assured (N)

Monthly Premium Payable (N) Account No.

I declare that I am in good health and not undergone/about to undertake treatment for any condition apart from minor ailments. I irrevocably authorize the Insurance
Company approved by the Bank (”the insurer”) and Wema Bank Plc (”the Bank”) to:
a. Obtain any information from any person whom the Insurer and/or the Bank deem necessary.
b. Share information in any related policy or other document with other insurers either directly or indirectly, at any time.

The information provided in this form is true, correct and complete and will form the basis of this contract. The contract detail will be contained in the summary of the
cover provided under this policy and I hereby cede and assign to Wema Bank Plc all my rights in this contract.

Borrower’s Signature Date

Credit Card Details

Card Issuer Card Type Credit Card Limit (N) Minimum Monthly Due (N)

Introducer Details

Title Surname First Name

Middle Name Account No.


I hereby apply for a credit facility with Wema Bank Plc. I have read and understood the Term and Conditions overleaf governing the structure of the term loan/overdraft
granted by Wema Bank Plc. I accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions and hereby accept my liability to Wema Bank Plc. I understand that the Bank may, at
its discretion, terminate this loan agreement completely or partially for breach of any of the Terms & Conditions without any notice to me, at which point all understanding
obligations become due. I hereby declare that the information given is true and correct and to the best of my knowledge.

Name Signature

In the event that the amount I qualify for is less than the amount I applied for
(please tick only one option):

I authorize the Bank to contact me before crediting my account.

I authorize the Bank to credit my account with the approved amount (please sign offer Acceptance below).


Acceptance of Offer

I, __________________________________________________________________________ hereby accept the facility, as contained in this Facility Offer and with detail stated below:

on this _______________ day of _______________________, 20 ________________.

Name Signature



Amount Approved (N) Process Fee Management Fee

(% - on initiation only) (% - on initiation only)

Insurance Penalty Fee

(% - per annum) (% - in case of default)


The interest rate applicable on this facility at the date of offer is __________% per annum. This is however subject to reviews depending on changes in market
conditions and the Bank reserves the right to change the interest rate at its discretion.

Interest is calculated on the outstanding daily balance and debited to your current account monthly and in arrears. The Term Loan repayment shall be in
equal monthly installment of principal and interest over the loan tenor.


Tenor Repayment (N) First Repayment Date
No of Months (for term loan)

Account No. Branch


Surname First name Middle name

Nature of Relationship:

Direct: Senior Management Staff Indirect: Senior Management Staff


1. Proof of Identity Yes No 5. Employment letter Yes No

2. Three (3) months recent pay slips Yes No 6. Letter of Confirmation Yes No

3. Three (3) months bank statement Yes No 7. Terms & Conditions duly signed Yes No

4. Address verification - utility bill Yes No 8. Irrevocable salary domicilation Yes No

Sourcer’s Name Sourcer’s Staff Code

Relationship Officer Code Team Lead Code

Sales Support Name BDM Name

Sales Support Signature BDM Signature

Date Date

Originating Branch

Global Standing Instruction All notices and processes sent by registered post will be deemed to have
been received 7 days after the date of posting and all processes and
By executing this offer letter/loan agreement and by drawing on the The Applicant will be expected to provide the Bank with the statement notices delivered by hand will be deemed to have been received on the
loan, I covenant to repay the loan as and when due. In the event that I fail of the outstanding sum owed to his creditor. Subsequently, the Bank date of delivery.
to repay the loan as agreed, and the loan becomes delinquent, the bank would issue a 1st cheque to the creditor of the Applicant to cover the
shall have the right to report the delinquent loan to the CBN through the outstanding sum owed by the Applicant to its creditor. Appropriation All amounts received by the Bank will be first
Credit Risk Management System (CRMS) or by any other means, and appropriated towards overdue interest charges/fees, and interest. Any
request the CBN to Exercise its regulatory power to direct all banks and Upon receipt of an acknowledgement from the Applicant's debtor that balance left thereafter will be appropriated lastly towards principal. The
other financial institutions under its regulatory purview to set-off my the Applicant's outstanding has been settled, the bank then proceeds Bank reserves the right to refuse acceptance of post-dated cheques or
indebtedness from any money standing to my credit in any bank to issue a 2nd cheque in the name of the Applicant which represents the such other instruments towards payment or settlement of the credit
account and from any financial assets they may be holding for my remainder of the loan due from the Bank to the Applicant. The Bank facility.
benefit. would however start charging interest on the full loan amount from the
date that the 1st cheque is issued in favour of the Applicant's creditor. Disclosure of Information
I covenant and warrant that the bank shall have power to set-off my
indebtedness under this loan agreement from all such monies and Insurance The Bank may use any information relating to the Applicant for
funds standing to credit/benefit in any and all such accounts or from any evaluating the credit application and share such information with
other financial assets belonging to me and in the custody of any such The Bank will require the Applicant to take insurance to cover death, third parties including but not limited to the Applicant's employer (both
bank. present and future), referees and guarantors for any purpose in respect
permanent disability and loss of job, through the Bank's approved of the credit facility.
I hereby waive any right of confidentiality whether arising under Insurance plan. The insurance will cover both the principal and
common law or statute or in any other manner whatsoever and interest up to the unsecured limit of the loan, and the Insurance Policy The bank is registered with the Credit Bureaus licensed by the
irrevocably agree that I shall not argue to the contrary before any court shall name the Bank as first loss payee. Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to create, organize and manage database
of law, tribunal administrative authority or any other body acting in any for the exchange and sharing of information on credit status of
judicial or quasi-judicial capacity. The Applicant agrees to pay the insurance premium stipulated per individuals and businesses. This information shall be used for business
annum; covering the tenor of the facility, and the premium shall be paid purposes approved by the CBN and any relevant statute. By this, the
All other rights and privileges remain preserved. up-front. Bank is under obligation to disclose to the Bureaus credit information
and any other personal information disclosed to it in the course of the
Grant of Facilities Variation banker-customer relationship with it.

Wema Bank Plc (herein after referred to as the “Bank”) may approve or The Bank will advise the Applicant of any change in prime lending rate, By submitting information to the Bank (whether or not the Applicant
decline an application for credit facility at its absolute discretion. The charges, fees and any other terms and conditions of the loan by a notice proceeds with the transaction):
bank is not obliged to disclose any reasons for decline or approval at its branches, or by notes in the customer's statements. The Applicant
of an application. will be deemed to have received notification of changes thirty (30) a. The Applicant agrees that the Bank may collect, use and
days of publication of notice at its branches. The Applicant understands disclose such information to the Credit Bureaus and that the
Interest and agrees that the bank is not obliged to obtain the applicant's Bureaus may use the information for any approved business
signature for receipt of such communication. purpose as may from time to time be prescribed by the CBN
a. The Applicant authorises the Bank to apportion the monthly and/or any relevant statute
repayments between interest and principal, at its absolute Letter of Undertaking
discretion, and to debit the Applicant's current account with b. The Applicant understands that information held by the
the amount for each monthly repayment as they fall due. The Applicant agrees to submit to the Bank an irrevocable letter advised
to Applicant's employer, undertaking to remit the Applicant's Credit Bureaus may already be linked to records relating to
b. Interest on all credit facilities will be charged on a monthly monthly emoluments to the Applicant's account with the Bank or remit one or more of the partners of the Applicant, and may thus be
basis. Interest will therefore be calculated for the month based directly to the Bank such part of the Applicant's emoluments that is due treated as financially linked. The application will thence be
on the outstanding debit balance to the Bank monthly during the term of the facility and also undertake to assessed in reference to any 'associated' records. In addition,
ensure that during the said period, all the emoluments due to the for any joint application made by the Applicant with any
c. The bank reserves the right to increase/decrease either the Applicant in the event of the Applicant leaving the employment for any other person(s), new financial association may be created at the
tenor/monthly installment amount to effect any upward or reason shall also be paid to the Bank to the maximum of the outstanding Credit Bureau which will link our financial records
downward revision of interest rate or for any other reason on the loan and any other unpaid charges as advised by the Bank.
c. The Applicant hereby warrants that he/she is entitled to
d. The Bank reserves the right to change interest rate depending Set-Off and Consolidated Rights disclose information about any guarantor and/or anyone else
on changes in market conditions referred to by the Applicant, and to authorize the Bank to
The bank may at any time and without notice combine all or any of the search and/or record such information at Credit Bureaus. The
e. Interest will be charged on all amounts owed by the Applicant Applicant's accounts and liabilities with the Bank whether singly or jointly Applicant understands that an 'association' will be created at
with any person or set-off all or any monies standing to the credit of such the Credit Bureau, which will link the financial records of the
Disbursement account(s) including the Applicant's deposits with the Bank (whether Applicant to those of the guarantor and/or anyone else
matured or not) towards settling any of the Applicant's liabilities to the referred to by the Applicant.
The Applicant understands and agrees that all fees and charges will be Bank whether as principal or surety, actual or contingent, primary or
charged to the account of the Applicant. collateral, singly or jointly with any other person, and the bank may effect d. The Applicant hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the Bank
any necessary currency conversion at the prevailing exchange rate. harmless against all claims, costs, fees, expenses, damages,
Security Exchange risks associated with any collateral, cash or otherwise in and liabilities against the Bank relating to, or arising as a result
settling any outstanding debt shall be borne by the borrower. of, the disclosure of information about such guarantor and/or
The Applicant understands and agrees that the Bank will have a lien on anyone else referred to by the Applicant or any use of such
salary through salary domiciliation with Wema Bank as security for the Banking Instructions via Telex/Facsimile/E-mail information by Credit Bureau in compliance with the provisions
facility and hereby undertakes (by the letter of irrevocable salary of any CBN guideline and/or relevant statute.
domiciliation) that the salary will be paid into the current account with Unless the Applicant instructs the bank to the contrary, the Bank is
Wema Bank until the expiration of the facility. authorized but not obliged, to act on the Applicant's banking instructions e. The applicant hereby releases and discharges the Bank from its
transmitted through telex, facsimile service or e-mail. The Applicant obligations under the Banker's duty of secrecy and forfeit any
Facility Fees The Bank will charge fees as prescribed by the Central Bank releases the Bank from, indemnifies and holds the Bank harmless right to any claim, damages and/or loss on account of such
of Nigeria (CBN). from and against all actions, suits, proceedings, costs, claims, demands disclosure to Credit Bureaus in accordance with the provisions
and charges, expenses, losses and liabilities however arising, in of any CBN guideline and/or relevant statute.
The Bank reserves the right to vary such charges and fees as will be consequence or in any way related to:
communicated by publication from time to time. The publication will be Indemnity
displayed at its branches and a copy will be made available on request. a. The Bank having acted in good faith in accordance with the
Applicant's written facsimile, e-mail or telex instructions, The Applicant agrees to fully indemnify the bank against all costs and
Default notwithstanding that such instruction(s) may have been expenses (including legal fees, collection commission, et cetera) arising
initiated in error or fraudulently altered, misunderstood or in any way in connection with the Applicant, in enforcing these terms
In the event of default by the Applicant, the outstanding principal and conditions or in recovering any amounts due to the Bank in any legal
distorted in the lines of communication and/or transmission
amount of the loan and the accrued interest shall become proceeding of whatever nature
immediately due, and payable. A statement or demand signed by an b. The Bank having refrained from acting in accordance with
authorized officer of the Bank shall be conclusive evidence that the sum written facsimile, e-mail or telex instructions of the Applicant Waiver
is due and owing from the Applicant. by reason of failure of actual transmission thereof to the Bank
for whatever reason, whether connected with fault, failure or No forbearance, neglect or waiver by the Bank in enforcing these terms
In the event of default, the Bank reserves the right to assign this and conditions shall prejudice the Bank's right to strictly enforce
lack of readiness of the sending or receiving machine
agreement to a third party without the permission of the Applicant, to the same. No waiver by the Bank shall be effective unless it is in writing.
recover outstanding debt. c. The Applicant's failure to forward all original copies of
facsimile, e-mail or telex instructions to the Bank within 24 In so far as any right is conferred on the Applicant with regard to any
Default Fee obligation imposed on the Applicant by this contract, the Applicant
hereby waives and forgoes all such rights and benefits, whether
Where loan installments due from the Applicant are not received at the conferred by a statute, common law, equity and any other law in force.
Authority of Future Employers
date due for the payment, the Bank reserves the right to charge a default
rate on the outstanding balance for the month. A flat default charge will The Applicant undertakes to authorise present and future employers
be charged on the outstanding balance after 30days to deduct loan repayment from the salary and remit to the Bank or pay
salary to Applicant's salary account with the Bank and cause future
Foreclosure The Bank reserves the right to foreclose the loan and
employers to issue an irrevocable letter of undertaking to the Bank
recover all out standings in the event of loss or change of employment, Name
to make the monthly requisite deductions in respect of all outstanding
or any other circumstance which may impede the loan repayment, and
is thus considered a risk to the Bank.
Balance Transfer Option The Bank reserves the right to offer this option
to the Applicant and is at liberty to take over a running/outstanding loan The Applicant agrees to accept service of all notices and processes at Signature
of the Applicant where the running loan is below the amount that the his/her postal or physical address indicated on this form and hereby
Bank intends to grant to the Applicant. confirms these addresses as his/her address for service.



Account Details

Account Name

Account No 1.
Account No 2.
Account No 3.
Account No 4.

Personal Details

Date of Birth D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Gender M F Marital Status Married Single Widowed

Mother’s Maiden Name Religion Occupation

Nationality State of Origin Local Govt. Area

Residential Address Area/Town

Local Govt. Area State Postal Address

E-mail Address Mobile

Mobile 1 Mobile 2 Tel

Employer’s Details

Employer’s Name

Business/Employer’s Address (not P. O. Box)

Area/Town LGA State Tax ID No. (Self)

Electronic alerts Statement

on transactions: SMS E-mail None delivery method: Post E-mail Hold (Don’t send)

Mean of Identification

Int’l Passport Driver National ID Voter’s Card (PVC) Proxy

ID No. ID. Issue Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

ID. Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

Foreigners Only

Resident Permit No. Issue Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

Expiry Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

Next of Kin

Full Name Relationship

(Surname/First name/Middle Name)

Tel/Mobile Contact Address


Account Signatory Name

(Surname/First name/Middle Name)


Signature & Date


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