CCN Practical No.2
CCN Practical No.2
CCN Practical No.2
Aim: Study and demonstration of basic network command and Network configuration
Part I
1. Ping:
The Ping command is one of the most widely used commands in the prompt tool, as it allows the
user to check the connectivity of our system to another host.
This command sends four experimental packets to the destination host to check whether it receives
them successfully, if so, then, we can communicate with the destination host. But in case the packets
have not been received, that means, no communication can be established with the destination host.
2. Pathping:
The pathping command which provides a combination of the best aspects of Tracert and Ping.
This command takes 300 seconds to gather statistics and then returns reports on latency and
packet loss statistics at intermediate hops between the source and the target in more detail than
those reports provided by Ping or Tracert commands.
3. Netstat:
The Netstat command as the name suggests displays an overview of all the network connections
in the device. The table shows detail about the connection protocol, address, and the current state
of the network.
4. ARP:
ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol.
The ARP command is used to access the mapping structure of IP addresses to the MAC address.
This provides us with a better understanding of the transmission of packets in the network
5. NbtStat:
Nbstat is a utility that displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections
using NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP), which helps troubleshoot NetBIOS name resolution issues.
Normally, name resolution is performed when NetBIOS over TCP/IP is functioning correctly. It
does this through a local cache lookup, WINS or DNS server query or through LMHOSTS or
hosts file lookup.
6. Hostname:
The HOSTNAME command displays the hostname of the system.
The hostname command is much easier to use than going into the system settings to search for it.
7. Tracert:
The TRACERT command is used to trace the route during the transmission of the data packet
over to the destination host and also provides us with the “hop” count during transmission.
Using the number of hops and the hop IP address, we can troubleshoot network issues and
identify the point of the problem during the transmission of the data packet.
8. IpConfig:
The command IP config will display basic details about the device’s IP address configuration.
Just type IP config in the Windows prompt and the IP, subnet mask and default gateway that the
current device will be presented.
If you have to see full information, then type on command prompt config-all and then you will
see full information. There are also choices to assist you in resolving DNS and DHCP issues.
9. IpConfig/all:
It is used to check the ip configuration of various Network interface cards.
This command can also provide mac address information of NICs. Shorter command is ipconfig
which gives limited information.
The NSLookup command is used to troubleshoot network connectivity issues in the system.
Using the NSLookup command, we can access the information related to our system’s DNS server,
i.e., domain name and IP address.
Part II
All commands related to Network configuration which includes how to switch to privilege
mode and normal mode and how to configure router interface and how to save this
configuration to flash memory or permanent memory. This command includes
Demonstrated output
Switch Configuration
By simulating we developed a virtual environment using switches to transfer data from one PC to another
PC successfully.
Hub Configuration
By simulating this project we can developed a virtual environment using Hub to transfer data to from one
PC to another PC successfully.
We studied and understood the need of using network commands and the way to
implement them in the Linux Terminal and Windows command prompt.
We also learnt about the different network commands to troubleshoot and configure the
system's network settings.
We developed a virtual environment using various devices on Cisco Packet Tracer
software. We used the simulation tab to verify the connectivity of the network devices.