Lateralidade Manual e Cognição

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Manual laterality and

cognition through evolution:
An archeological perspective
Natalie T. Uomini*,1,2, Lana Ruck†,‡,1,2
*Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution, Max Planck Institute for the Science of
Human History, Jena, Germany

Cognitive Science Program, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States

Department of Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States
Corresponding authors: Tel.: +49-177-393-0323 (N.T.U.); +1-812-606-4962 (L.R.),
e-mail address:;

To understand the evolution of lateralized motor biases and cognitive functions, we rely on
archeological methods to give us a window onto the past. Currently, the overwhelming ma-
jority of prehistoric data on asymmetry and laterality concern only the hominin lineage, span-
ning the time period from the presumed evolutionary split with the other great apes around 6–8
million years ago until the present day. We present an overview of these data from paleontol-
ogy and archeology. Lateralized motor biases and anatomical asymmetries are evident
throughout prehistory, showing increases in the predominance of right-handedness over time.
Laterality was a key feature of the motor-cognitive development of extinct human ancestors.
However, further research in living humans is needed to resolve the extent of colateralization
of functions in the human brain, so we urge caution when inferring functional cognitive later-
ality from behavioral markers of handedness.

Archeology, Fossils, Handedness, Hominins, Human evolution, Laterality, Lithics, Stone
tools, Paleoanthropology, Paleoneurology

Through the ages, laterality has been considered a hallmark of humanity. From the
predominance of right-handers in human societies to the functional specialization of
the hemispheres in human brains, our salient laterality has captured the attention

Both authors contributed equally.

Progress in Brain Research, ISSN 0079-6123,

© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

2 Evolution of laterality

of scholars worldwide. Although lateralized cognition and motor behaviors are wide-
spread in the animal kingdom—as discussed in the other chapters in this volume—
and lateralities are also ubiquitous in plants, molecules, and galaxies (McManus,
2004; Myrgorodska et al., 2017; Rosenberg et al., 2008; Shamir, 2012), it is clear
that our species has a unique system of distributing behavior and cognition across
the midline, with its unusual species-level preponderance of extreme side biases
and lateralized functions.
First, it is important to understand the place of humans in the evolutionary tree of
biological life, since Homo sapiens evolved in continuity with the ancestral species
preceding us. Humans are just one species of great ape, in the primate order, belong-
ing to the class of mammals. Our unique evolutionary lineage extends about 6–13
million years back in time (the exact dates are uncertain), starting from the moment
when we shared a common ancestor with other living apes, the chimpanzees
(Pan troglodytes), and bonobos (Pan paniscus), who themselves only diverged into
separate species 1.6 million years ago (mya). In the last 7 million years of our evo-
lution, dozens of different hominin species appeared and disappeared, many of them
living alongside one another (as do bonobos and chimpanzees today). Ultimately,
only H. sapiens remained into the present day (albeit with a significant proportion
of DNA from Neanderthals, Sankararaman et al., 2014). It is still unclear why only
our species survived; current theories propose that the success of H. sapiens was due
to one or more evolutionary adaptations for sociality, tool-use, cumulative culture,
language, increased brain size, or intelligence (McBrearty and Brooks, 2000;
Uomini, 2008b). Lateralization might also have contributed to our species’ evolu-
tion, as for example a stable individual hand preference over time facilitates learning
difficult bimanual skills (Todor and Doane, 1977), and having a functionally later-
alized brain is suggested to improve the ability to perform tasks that involve both
hemispheres (Rogers et al., 2004). Thus, knowing the conditions surrounding the
evolution of lateralization helps us to better understand why lateralization exists
There has now been over 150 years of scientific research on hemispheric special-
ization and lateralized functions in living humans, with three major domains being
hand preferences, language, and visuospatial skills and attention. Owing to its long
history, this research includes assessments of behavioral asymmetries, as well as
work on anatomical and functional brain asymmetries; it also includes large-scale
studies of laterality-related genes and comparative research on nonhuman species.
In other words, the literature on laterality is incredibly vast (see Rogers and
Vallortigara, 2017; Seghier, 2016). In the next section, we review some key findings
from comparative research and provide a broad overview of the evolutionary
perspectives which underlie contemporary laterality research today.


The evidence for lateralized cognition, motor biases, and anatomical asymmetries in
nonhuman animals suggests that laterality at the level of the individual is actually
quite conserved across animal taxa, with various forms of individual asymmetry

1 Introduction 3

across the midline being present in a range of species widely separated by evolution
to varying degrees. Thus, while laterality itself is not unique to humans, compara-
tive work shows that H. sapiens has a much more extreme degree of functional
specialization than other species, even when compared to our closest living
relatives among the apes (reviewed in Rogers, 2014; Rogers and Vallortigara,
2017), as we discuss later. Owing to various practical limitations—such as a gen-
eral inability to conduct task-based functional neuroimaging on nonhumans, the
contentious nature of work on nonhuman communicative (or linguistic) capabili-
ties, ethical considerations for animal and human research, etc.—much of the
work on hemispheric specialization and laterality in other species comes from
behavioral data and, when possible, anatomical comparisons between well-
established homologous brain areas.
Driven by the early discovery of a relationship between manual motor skill and
other lateralized behaviors in humans (Corballis, 2003, 2009), quite a bit of compar-
ative work relates directly to understanding the basis and the evolutionary context of
human hand preferences. Although some of this work seek to understand hand pref-
erences in themselves, a majority of research publications situate hand preference
as a proxy for the other lateralities (Bishop, 2013; Rogers and Vallortigara,
2017). The idea of hand preference as a proxy was certainly based on earlier research,
but the spread of this idea throughout the literature was likely facilitated due to a
relative ease of studying hand preference (a behavioral trait) compared to the com-
plications of studying functional specialization and hemispheric asymmetries
In the specific case of motor biases in lateralized hand use, which, as discussed
earlier, have been more thoroughly investigated than other forms of lateralization,
humans are at one end of a continuum on which individual-level and species-level
hand preferences can be quantified (Forrester et al., 2013). Nonhuman apes—which
also execute complex manipulations with their hands and fingers—commonly have
individual hand preferences, just as humans do (although some authors hypothesize
that hand preferences in primates can be task specific, as for example in western
lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) hand actions are more likely to be right-
handed if the target is inanimate, compared to animate targets, Forrester et al.,
2011). Hand preferences can also be rather consistent within an individual (i.e., some
authors argue that individual apes can be right- or left-handed, in much the same
way as us, Hopkins, 2004, 2006; Hopkins et al., 2004, 2011). However, unlike
humans, the other apes do not have a species-level bias toward one hand preference
configuration—that is, handedness (Cashmore et al., 2008; McGrew and Marchant,
1997; Uomini, 2009c).
In other words, all human groups (populations) have a statistically significant ma-
jority of right-handers, with proportions across various types of human societies
ranging from 77.4% to 96.6% right-handers (Faurie et al., 2016; Faurie and
Raymond, 2005), and there are no human groups with a majority of left-handers.
On the contrary, nonhuman great ape hand preferences are more evenly distributed
to the left or right, in adults, such that various groups have a majority of left-handers,
a majority of right-handers, or equal numbers of right-, left-, and ambilateral-handers

4 Evolution of laterality

(Meguerditchian et al., 2015); for instance, the highest proportion of right-handers in

a chimpanzee group does not exceed 70% (Neufuss et al., 2017). The comparative
data are on adult hand preferences because in humans, children’s hand preferences
do not stabilize until age 10 (Michel et al., 2013), but we currently lack thorough
comparative research on nonhuman primate hand preferences from similar
developmental perspectives. Beyond the primates, group-level limb preferences
are found in 61 species of vertebrates—mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and
fishes (Str€ockens et al., 2013). Some other nonprimate species among the whales
and dolphins also show behavioral side biases to 90% at the population level
(Karenina et al., 2017; MacNeilage, 2014; Rogers, 2009), which indicates that
species-level motor biases can evolve independently in species for different reasons
(Rogers, 2014; Rogers et al., 2013).
Some authors have also favored hand preference as a proxy for other forms of
lateralization due to the well-known overlaps between bilateral anatomical brain
areas subserving manual motor functions to those subserving more complex cogni-
tive functions. In living humans, hand preference and other lateralized functions,
such as language and visuospatial attention, share anatomical similarities ranging
from white-matter pathways (Bernal et al., 2015; Biswal et al., 1995; Figley
et al., 2017; Tzourio-Mazoyer, 2016) to cortical area overlaps (Gotts et al., 2013;
Guadalupe et al., 2014; Jung-Beeman, 2005; Marzoli et al., 2014; Mayka et al.,
2006; Salmelin and Kujala, 2006). Thus, efforts have also been made to explore
additional evidence for the evolutionary roots of human lateralization, specifically
to assess and compare brain asymmetries between humans and great apes. Although
sample sizes are currently smaller than the behavioral work on manual motor biases,
as with the hand preference work in apes, some crucial areas—including primary
visual and motor cortices, and even language areas like the planum temporale and
frontal operculum—show anatomical asymmetries in apes. These asymmetries
are often in the same direction as humans, but to a lesser extent both in absolute size
disparities and in the number of individuals presenting such asymmetries (Balzeau
et al., 2012a; Gomez-Robles et al., 2013; Holloway et al., 2003; Hopkins and Nir,
2010; Sherwood et al., 2003).
Coupled with the broader comparative work, these studies provide evidence that
human asymmetries are elaborations of preexisting biases in related taxa, although
confirmations of behavioral or anatomical asymmetries do not directly implicate
functional similarities (on this, see Striedter, 2002). In summary, laterality itself is
not rare in the animal kingdom, but humans’ lateralities have evolved to an extreme
form which is unique within our primate lineage in both direction and degree.
The comparative approaches are certainly of value in understanding the evolutionary
context of lateralization, but because we still lack a general consensus on the rela-
tionship between hand preferences, anatomical asymmetries, and functional lateral-
ization, we argue that it is hard to characterize when or how H. sapiens shifted away
from ancestral patterns of laterality, without learning heavily on implied proxies or
speculative logic. Despite these limitations, there is broad evidence that the strong
right-handed bias, which occurs at the species-level today in humans, has emerged

1 Introduction 5

during our evolution, in the course of the last 7 million years. To understand why
right-hand predominance evolved in our lineage, the timing of its emergence can
give us clues as to the evolutionary conditions surrounding it. It is our view that this
information can also provide some insight into the evolution of other human


To track the evolution of lateralized motor biases and cognitive functions, we rely on
archeological methods to give us a window into the past. Other sources of data, such
as genetics, cannot at present resolve the timing of their evolution. The complex
genetic underpinnings of human laterality are still being explored (Brandler et al.,
2013; Crow, 2002; Faurie and Raymond, 2013; Francks, 2015; Kavaklioglu et al.,
2016; Laval et al., 1998; Loffing and Hagemann, 2012; McManus et al., 2013;
Paracchini, 2011; Van Agtmael et al., 2001; Versace and Vallortigara, 2015). Recent
works have largely refuted isomorphic polygenic theories, which posited that the
genes controlling hand preferences would be identical to those controlling other
lateralities (McManus, 1985, 1999; McManus and Bryden, 1991), in favor of a
“partial pleiotropy” view, which acknowledges that there is some overlap between
the genes which affect the development of hemispheric asymmetries in the brain
and those contributing to hand preference, but it is likely that there are also genes
which affect each system independently (Ocklenburg et al., 2014, p. 195). New
genetic evidence from large-population studies finds hand preferences are weakly
associated with some pathologies like schizophrenia and dyslexia (Brandler and
Paracchini, 2014; Francks et al., 2002, 2003, 2007; Giouzeli et al., 2004;
Ocklenburg et al., 2014; Priddle and Crow, 2013; Scerri et al., 2011). In our view,
these associations are potential indicators that past evolutionary pressures affected
specific cognitive skills with tradeoffs, for example that selection for brain later-
ality created a higher risk of schizophrenia (Crow, 1998). There is a growing
literature on the role of the environment with regard to the development of later-
ality as well, with recent estimates of the heritability of hand preferences as low as
25%, and much higher contributions coming from external factors (Bishop, 2013;
Brandler and Paracchini, 2014; Paracchini and Scerri, 2017; Somers et al., 2015).
As the results of these large-scale studies show, there has been a general shift
from simple models of laterality—whereby the functional specialization of brain
and behavior is seen as largely controlled by simple mechanisms—to more com-
plex perspectives.
Inferences of cognitive function in prehistoric species, paleocognition, relies on
anatomical evidence of fossil brains to reconstruct the behaviors of past species.
To the best of our knowledge, there is currently only one published study of
paleocognition in a nonhominin species. Gaetano et al. (2017) used brain shape mea-
surements from endocasts (fossil brain cases) to infer that extinct maniraptors
(a common ancestor of birds and nonbird dinosaurs) could have been cognitively
equivalent to modern cormorants. Paleocognitive research on hominins is gaining

6 Evolution of laterality

momentum, especially thanks to the advent of paleoneurology (the study of past

brain anatomy from fossil endocasts, Bruner, 2014; Holloway, 2014), which has
expanded our ability to reconstruct the neuroanatomy of extinct hominins. Paleo-
neurology and paleocognition have not yet been applied to animal taxa other than
maniraptors and hominins. The main challenges in this research arise from preser-
vation, as many fossil cranial bones are fragmentary, distorted, or the surfaces are
too worn to reliably identify features. Linking the data with lateralization and cog-
nition is another challenge, as the features that can be measured are limited to those
which are large enough to leave imprints on the endocast, such as overall brain size,
arteries, vessels, nerves, sinuses, suture closure, sulci, and gyri of the cortex, and the
cerebellum (Bruner, 2017; Falk, 2014b). Inferences about cognition thus necessarily
occur at the coarse level, drawing on neuroscience data for these features. Laterality,
in particular, is relatively easy to identify in complete and partial fossil skulls, based
on asymmetries in size and shape between areas on the two halves of the brain, or
between the two hemispheres globally (Table S1 in the online version at https://doi.
org/10.1016/bs.pbr.2018.06.015). Below we discuss in more detail the fossil endo-
cast data presented in Table S1 in the online version at
pbr.2018.06.015. Just as fossil endocasts can give us an insight to brain asymmetries
and cognitive lateralities, so do fossil bones provide information about bodily asym-
metries and behavioral lateralities.


Currently, the overwhelming majority of prehistoric data on cognition or laterality
concern only the hominin lineage, spanning the time period from the presumed
evolutionary split with the other great apes around 6–10 mya until the present
day. Below we present an overview of these data from paleontology and archeology.
In this chapter, we focus on behavioral lateralities and related anatomical asym-
metries in hominins (i.e., humans, our ancestors, and related extinct human-like spe-
cies such as Neanderthals, Homo erectus, Australopithecines, etc.). As highlighted
earlier, reliable preservation is a primary factor which determines the sources of data
archeologists can consult in tracking the evolution of laterality in the human lineage
(Ruck et al., 2015), and in others. Here we review the major threads researchers have
followed in order to assess individual and population-level asymmetries through
time. Diverse methods have been used on a wide array of paleoarcheological data,
and each provides evidence on the context and evolution of lateralization in our spe-
cies and our ancestors. Direct evidence of behavioral laterality at one moment in time
is found in the artifacts made by people using a right-handed or left-handed manual
configuration. Anatomical asymmetries found in the skeleton, due to stronger muscle
activity of one arm during the lifetime, provide evidence of more consistently later-
alized behavior. Asymmetric neuroanatomy in the brain also indicates directional
asymmetries, and these are presumably linked with lateralized behaviors, although
we do not wish to impose a unidirectional or causal relationship between the two.

2 Evolution of laterality: The data 7

These directional asymmetries are canalized genetically and/or developmentally

(Fagard, 2013), indicating that hominins experienced selective pressures for the
resulting lateralized behaviors during their evolution.
To some degree, cognitive laterality (i.e., functional hemispheric specialization)
and manual laterality (i.e., hand preference) should also be treated separately.
Although previous work suggested that hand preference was linked directly to brain
asymmetries in many other domains, this idea has become more and more conten-
tious over time, and it is heavily debated today (Badzakova-Trajkov et al., 2016;
Zago et al., 2016). The central component of contemporary debate revolves around
a concept which we term colaterality: namely, that the functional lateralization of
one modality—such as language or visuospatial skills—is related in some way to
the functional lateralization of another—such as hand preference (Cai et al., 2013;
Willems et al., 2014). It is important to note that colaterality does not imply causality,
nor does it require that colateralized tasks must be located in different hemispheres;
for example, right-handedness and language are both largely subserved by the left
hemisphere in living humans, but left-hemisphere dominance for language may also
be complementary to right-hemisphere dominance for visuospatial skills (see discus-
oel et al., 2005; Oltedal and Hugdahl, 2017; Zago et al., 2016), with each
sion later; Fl€
being a form of colaterality. Thus, the concept simply posits that asymmetry for each
of these traits is likely not independent of asymmetry for the others. Although cola-
terality was widely accepted before researchers had the means to rigorously test it, in
recent years a fair amount of research has argued against colaterality. These studies
show that language, visuospatial skills, and manual motor behavior are all, indeed,
lateralized, but mounting evidence suggests that the three lateralize independently of
each other, and thus that no one behavior can be used to infer the laterality of another,
as we discuss later.


We now turn to the prehistoric evidence for lateralities. Table S1 in the online
version at presents the most compre-
hensive dataset published to date, compiled from numerous sources. We describe
the different categories of data available—artifacts, fossilized skeletal materials,
fossilized cut-marked teeth, and fossilized brain cases (endocasts). We then discuss
the overall patterns in hominin evolution revealed by the data, which show that
brain asymmetry and right-handedness increased over time, although data from
earlier hominins are too sparse to make any firm conclusions yet. We then briefly
describe a few interesting examples that illustrate the significance of laterality in
In Table S1 in the online version at,
we present data for hominin lateralities obtained from the bodies of evidence which we
believe are the most reliable, according to critical assessments by ourselves and others

8 Evolution of laterality

(detailed in Cashmore et al., 2008; Faurie et al., 2016; Gowlett and Uomini, 2014; J€oris
and Uomini, in press; Ruck, 2014a, b; Ruck et al., 2015; Ruck and Uomini, in press;
Steele and Uomini, 2005, 2009; Uomini, 2001, 2008a, b, 2009a, b, c, 2011, 2014;
Uomini and Ruck, in press; see Table S1 in the online version at
1016/bs.pbr.2018.06.015 for specifics on the data and their respective references).
The evidence for behavioral and anatomical hemispheric lateralities consists of:
1. the hand preferences determined—using various methods—from stone tool
manufacture and use;
2. the proportions of right- and left-hand prints and stencils found on rocks and
cave walls;
3. the right or left diagonal striations on fossil teeth;
4. the measured asymmetries in fossil skeletons, specifically in the arms; and
5. the measured asymmetries in endocasts, which are the imprints left by the brain
inside fossilized skulls.
Several methods have been devised and tested experimentally for determining hand
preferences from individual stone tools (lithics) or individual flakes, which are the
small pieces struck off during stone tool-making. These include reconstructions of
the grips used while holding a tool for cutting actions, spatial configuration of the
scatter of stone flake waste left behind after making the tool (also called knapping)
that shows the seated position of the knapper (stone tool maker), traces of use on
stone tools showing directional movement by one hand, asymmetric tool shapes
caused by use and resharpening by one hand, microscopic features on stone flakes
that indicate striking direction of the fracture while knapping (Bargalló and
Mosquera, 2014; Dominguez-Ballesteros and Arrizabalaga, 2015), and diagonal
marks on bone pieces that were used to resharpen stone tools using one hand con-
figuration (Semenov, 1964). Stone tools and knapping remnants number millions
or even billions around the world, and span nearly all of hominin prehistory, which
make them the most accessible evidence to investigate hand preferences and hand-
edness. The real challenge is to develop methods that work reliably for the great
diversity of tool types in the archeological record, as each new method needs ex-
perimental validation before it can be applied to archeological tools. In Table S1
in the online version at, we include
methods which have been successfully applied to the archeological record, which
result in conferred hand preference data and reveal that a few conspicuous left-
handers existed among the majority of right-handers for much of human evolution.
Thousands of hand prints and hand stencils made by prehistoric people survive
today on cave walls and rock shelters. Our ability to recognize individual cave pain-
ters (as opposed to one individual leaving behind many prints) is only just beginning
(Nelson et al., 2017), so we currently assess proportions of right- and left-hand sten-
cils to infer a right-handed majority, consistent with the fact that modern-day right-
handers tend to press their left hand against the wall to make stencils (Faurie and
Raymond, 2004). Hand prints are made by pressing a hand—already covered in liq-
uid pigment—onto the rock surface, but they are relatively rare. Hand stencils are by

2 Evolution of laterality: The data 9

far more frequent; they are made by the more involved method of placing the hand
palm-down onto the rock surface and dabbing or spraying liquid pigment around it,
leaving a “negative hand” behind. Dabbing can be done with animal fur or soft
leather, and spraying can be done directly from the mouth, or blowing through an
arrangement of two tubes in a container of liquid pigment (Uomini, 2009a). The data
cover numerous single sites and multisite surveys, showing a universal pattern of
high proportions of left-hand stencils, consistent with a right-handed majority among
the prehistoric artists (Table S1 in the online version at
pbr.2018.06.015 and references therein).
Some fossil teeth show characteristic diagonal striations that were caused by cul-
tural practices for using the teeth as a “third hand,” such as processing leather, plants,
or meat (Bruner and Lozano, 2014; Lozano et al., 2008; Uomini, 2008a, 2011).
The only documented ethnographic parallels to such behaviors are found in the prac-
tice of eating meat by gripping strips of meat in the front teeth and slicing off bite-
sized pieces with a knife—or in the case of hominins, a sharp stone flake (examples
from around the world are detailed in Uomini, 2008a, 2011). Although nobody has
yet studied the teeth of living humans who practice this meat-cutting activity in order
to verify the correlation of hand preference to dental striation direction, experiments
with simulated Neanderthal teeth confirmed that right-handed and left-handed meat
cutting with stone leaves distinct diagonal marks, whose angles and features can be
measured under microscopes (Bermúdez de Castro et al., 1988). All available data
from hominins, collected in Table S1 in the online version at
bs.pbr.2018.06.015, show that right-handedness comprises the majority of the sur-
veyed individuals, but that some hominins have clear left-handed marks, or a com-
bination of right- and left-oriented striations suggestive of mixed-handedness.
Directional asymmetries in arm bones—in contrast to fluctuating asymmetry,
which is caused by developmental stress—relate to regular, unequal biomechanical
loading of the muscles in both arms during use. As exemplary cases, athletes who
play asymmetric sports like tennis or baseball commonly have a stronger dominant
arm and a lesser range of motion in the joints of the nondominant limb (Ellenbecker,
2016; Hagemann et al., 2016), and these differences manifest themselves in the size
and robusticity of their arm bones. Directional asymmetry of this form is generally
detectable in individuals beyond athletes as well, and the data gathered in Table S1 in
the online version at show that hominins
generally had strong side biases, showing they habitually performed strenuous asym-
metrical activities during their hunter–gatherer daily lives (Shaw and Stock, 2013).
Although the lack of clearly paired long bones limits sample sizes for this method,
the current data suggest that right-handers were more frequent, but also that some
left-handers did exist.
Brain asymmetries occur in several areas and can be assessed with several dif-
ferent measurement methods. Some of these anatomical asymmetries are shared with
other apes, but are the most extreme in modern humans relative to other apes, which
again shows that the evolution of our species is characteristic of our biological, cul-
tural, environmental, and/or epigenetic heritage, while at the same time highlighting

10 Evolution of laterality

features particular to hominins (Balzeau et al., 2012a; Bruner, 2017; Falk, 2014a, b).
Relevant to paleoanthropology are the brain asymmetries, which (1) can be seen in
the skull and (2) are related to hand preferences. These asymmetries can be reliably
measured in fossil endocasts (Fournier et al., 2011). We focus here on the well-
known frontal–occipital petalias, although parietal and temporal petalias are also
documented and merit more attention in future research (Kitchell, 2015). Petalias
are defined as the protrusion of one hemisphere relative to the other, such as forward
(in the frontal lobe) or backward (in the occipital lobe), as related to greater size,
greater surface area, or brain torque (Balzeau et al., 2012b). Hand preference is prob-
ably correlated with petalia asymmetries. While several studies showed that statis-
tically, right-handed individuals are more likely to have right-frontal and/or left-
occipital (RF +LO) petalias and left-handers are more likely to have the opposite
petalias (LF + RO) or to have a brain tending toward symmetry (Balzeau et al.,
2012a; Galaburda et al., 1978; Kertesz et al., 1990; Kitchell and Schoenemann,
2014; LeMay, 1977; Ruck and Schoenemann, 2018), some other studies failed to find
a correlation (Good et al., 2001; Herve et al., 2006). However, it is clear that the
RF +LO petalia pattern is unique to humans (Balzeau et al., 2012a; Li et al.,
2018; Zollikofer and Ponce de León, 2013); thus the interesting question here is
when it emerged in the hominin lineage. Although different measurement methods
have been used by researchers, Table S1 in the online version at
1016/bs.pbr.2018.06.015 shows that in most cases, the endocast classifications from
different studies are in agreement. We indicate the few instances when different
researchers have found conflicting results. The data show that the right-handed peta-
lial pattern (RF + LO) was common among hominins, but that all of the other possible
petalia combinations also occurred.


In Table S1 in the online version at,
we combine the data from these four categories of evidence, so we can see how they
correlate in individuals with more than one type of data. In fact, there are 18 individ-
ual hominins with two categories of evidence for hand preference or other forms of
laterality. Although these cases would ideally be used to corroborate multiple
methods (insofar as multiple assessments of laterality in living individuals, from
experimental or comparative work, should result in nonconflicting classifications),
the current data are not auspicious. Unfortunately, the data from the two early homi-
nins (OH 16 and OH 7, both from around 1.7 mya) did not yield clearly lateralized
results. Out of the eight pre-Neanderthal and Homo heidelbergensis specimens
(all dated between 200 and 500 kya), three show conflicting results, suggesting
potential mixed-handers. Among the eight Neanderthals (dated between 40 and
122 kya), all show data consistent with right-handedness except the adult male
Spy 1, who has a left-occipital petalia consistent with right-handedness, but symmet-
rical arm bones, suggesting he was possibly mixed-handed. No fossils have all
four categories of evidence documented, but one individual has three. The adult

3 Colaterality: Is handedness a valuable proxy? 11

Neanderthal of unknown sex, La Quina H5, has two teeth with diagonal right-handed
striations and a stronger right arm, although the arm asymmetry might be patholog-
ical, and it has a slight left-occipital petalia suggestive of left-handedness, being
noted as either symmetrical or slightly rightward by different researchers. Thus,
the humeri and endocast data are uncertain and potentially not-right-handed, while
the teeth indicate a right-handed use; this individual we have marked as tentatively
mixed-handed. As discussed earlier, fossil endocrania are rarely perfectly preserved,
but it is possible to reliably measure petalias in many incomplete skulls; in Table S1
in the online version at, we include spec-
imens for which there are attributed endocast petalias.
We would like to point out some notable left-handers in our dataset. In prehistoric
humans, many left-handed individuals showed a clear left-hand preference already
as children. Thus, individual hand preferences were established by adolescence in
hominins (J€ oris and Uomini, in press), much as they are in living humans today.
The data in Table S1 in the online version at
06.015 show that, for example, two Neanderthal individuals at Krapina who died
at age 10 and 15 years old were left-handed, and the left-handed Vergisson 4 Nean-
derthal was 7–9 years old when it died. The pre-Neanderthal female Atapuerca Sima
de los Huesos X died at 15–17 years old and was possibly mixed-handed, as she had
tooth striations in all orientations. Finally, the Indonesian H. erectus individual Sam-
bungmacan 3, who was not quite adult at death, had left-frontal and right-occipital
brain petalias, suggesting it was left-handed. Were left-handers more frequent among
the individuals who died younger? Many of the fossils showing left-handedness or
mixed-handedness were of unknown age at death. For instance, two H. erectus
individuals from Zhoukoudian had left-frontal and right-occipital brain petalias.
We note the adult male Shanidar 1, who died at 40–50 years old with severe trauma
and disease on his skeleton; he most likely was obliged to use his left hand long
enough to cause right-arm atrophy and a stronger left humerus. The adult female
Liang Bua LB1 was about 30 years old at death and shows pronounced left-frontal
and right-occipital brain petalias, making her possibly also left-handed. Still, the fos-
sil record is full of right-handed children who also died young, such as at Atapuerca
Sima de los Huesos, El Sidrón, and Krapina. Thus, hominins generally lived danger-
ous lives, and the present data (Table S1 in the online version at
1016/bs.pbr.2018.06.015 and references therein) cannot tell us whether being
left-handed might have contributed to their young mortality.


As the data presented earlier make clear, behavioral and anatomical laterality were
key features of motor-cognitive development in extinct human ancestors. However,
further research in living humans is still needed: the extent of colateralization of
functions in the human brain is still unresolved, so we must advise caution when
inferring functional cognitive laterality from behavioral markers of hand preference.

12 Evolution of laterality

Although much is now known about hemispheric specialization for language, hand
preference, and visuospatial skills, there is still very little consensus on whether, or
how, functional laterality in one modality may interact with asymmetries for other
tasks in living humans—and even less in other species (for a review, see Badzakova-
Trajkov et al., 2016). We now turn to this topic, as we believe it is a major issue for
future works toward understanding the evolution of such lateralities. We present an
overview of both sides of the colaterality debate, beginning with a description of
the original large-sample studies, which urged caution with regard to colaterality.
We then present studies on both visuospatial skills and language laterality, which
are compatible with the concept of colaterality, considering open questions and
future directions with regard to this debate.


It has long been known that a stark majority of right-handers—about 95%—show
left-hemisphere dominance for language processing in the brain; from the initial sci-
entific inquiries on aphasia and apraxia, to split-brain studies in the late 1900s, to
newer lines of enquiry enabled by the explosion of technology and neuroimaging
methods, many researchers supported the use of hand preference as a proxy for other
lateralities, most notably language (Broca, 2011a [1861], 2011b [1865]; Gazzaniga,
2000, 2005; Geschwind and Galaburda, 1987; Springer and Deutsch, 1985, 1998).
However, early probes of hemispheric dominance for language in left-handers (using
various brain imaging techniques like the Wada test, positron-emission tomography
(PET) scans, functional transcranial Doppler sonography (fTCD) measures, func-
tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and most recently, functional near-
infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)) showed that many left-handers—between 70% and
85%—were also left-lateralized for language, as opposed to being right-hemisphere
dominant (Fl€ oel et al., 2005; Knecht et al., 2000; Paquette et al., 2015; Tzourio
et al., 1998; Tzourio-Mazoyer and Courtin, 2013). As this finding was a direct chal-
lenge to the expected relationship between hand preference and language dominance,
subsequent studies sought to identify and characterize left-handers with typical
language dominance in contrast to left-handers with atypical language dominance.
Knecht et al. (2000) made an early large-sample study using fTCD on the cued
word generation task in 326 participants, who were classed into six hand preference
categories and familial sinistrality scores. They found a linear relationship between
left-handedness and atypical, or right-hemisphere, language dominance, as well as
an effect of familial sinistrality. Only 4% of right-handers showed atypical language
dominance, with 15% of mixed-handers showing atypical dominance, and 23% of
left-handers showing right-hemisphere dominance for language. The authors con-
clude that: “degree of handedness is linearly and highly significantly related to
the side of language dominance… [but that the complexity of their results suggest
that] handedness and language dominance are each determined by multiple factors,
some of which have a role in both phenomena” (Knecht et al., 2000, p. 2517).

3 Colaterality: Is handedness a valuable proxy? 13

As McManus et al. (2013) point out, inherited hand preferences involve at least
40 genetic loci; thus it is most likely that the other lateralities also involve similarly
complex genetics.
Similar subsequent approaches highlight a few major advances in the study of
colateralization, including a shift toward treating hand preference as a categorical,
rather than binary variable, and the rise of “degree vs direction” discussions in
the literature; assessing effects of familial sinistrality (presence of left-handers in
the nuclear family); and including study samples enriched in left-handers in general
(Willems et al., 2014). This body of work confirmed that the degree of left-
handedness characterized language lateralization better than binary classifications;
and also that familial sinistrality played a small, but often significant role in explain-
ing rightward shifts of hemispheric specialization for language (in both right-handers
and left-handers). Despite these advances, an isomorphic relationship between hand
preference and language laterality was still lacking, as additional investigations
showed little-to-no improvements from using degrees of laterality, as opposed to
binary classes.
In the past 5 years, several large-sample analyses of hemispheric specialization
and colaterality have been published, many coming from the Brain Imaging of
Lateralization by the Groupe d’Imagerie Neurofonctionnelle (henceforth BIL&GIN)
database of brain and behavioral laterality, containing a battery of tests on over 450
participants enriched in left-handers (n ¼ 199 using self-reports; see Mazoyer et al.,
2016). In addition to self-reporting hand preference and familial sinistrality, partic-
ipants completed the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (henceforth the EHI,
Oldfield, 1971), and a behavioral measure of hand preference by finger tapping
(FT) (Mazoyer et al., 2016). We will review these works in some detail below,
but it is important to note that hand preference classifications for subjects in these
large-scale studies comes from a single, survey-based metric for assessing hand pref-
erence. As we will argue below, the claim for independence between hand preference
and language laterality is underpinned almost entirely by publications with this
methodological limitation.
Zago et al. (2016) used the BIL&GIN database to explicitly probe the relationship
between laterality for visuospatial cognition with that of language processing. This
paper includes a good review of the competing hypotheses regarding colaterality:

H1. The relationship between language laterality and visuospatial laterality is

causal—i.e., the hemispheric specialization in one modality forces the other
task to occupy the other hemisphere (essentially a “crowding” hypothesis;
see Bryden et al., 1993; Fl€ oel et al., 2005).
H2. These systems are independent—i.e., the typical left-language/right-visual
lateralization pattern is common by chance. On this view, all of the other
possible combinations of language/visuospatial hemispheric specializations
exist (both in left hemisphere; both in right hemisphere; and right language/
left-visual), but in smaller proportions, for an unknown reason (see Fl€oel
et al., 2005).

14 Evolution of laterality

Zago et al. (2016) showed that the degree of rightward lateralization for a visual task
corresponded to performance on the line bisection task, with right- and left-handers
both showing the well-known “pseudoneglect effect” (i.e., left-biased failures), and
persons who were more-lateralized performed better overall. However, the degree of
laterality in one domain was correlated to the degree of laterality in the other only in
strong left-handers. In other words, as visual processing shifted more to the right,
language processing shifted more to the left, but only for participants with EHI scores
below 55. Thus, we argue that these data support our proposal that different hand
preference groups (left-handers and right-handers, or weak- and strong-handers) may
simply have different systems governing colaterality.
Somers et al. (2015) conducted a cued word generation fTCD study on 310 par-
ticipants (166 left-handers) divided into five hand preference groups—strong right-
handers, right-handers, mixed-handers, left-handers, and strong left-handers—based
on EHI scores. Although their data support the idea that nondirectional variability in
hemispheric specialization for language increases as left-handedness does, they did
not find a mirror relationship with regard to direction. We contend that their results
raise the possibility of multiple systems (i.e., modeling one system for left-handers
and another for right-handers). Following this general schematic, others have argued
similar thoughts against the handedness-as-a-proxy concept (Allendorfer et al., 2016;
Corballis and H€aberling, 2017; H€aberling et al., 2016).
Arguing in support of the causal model for hemispheric colaterality, Badzakova-
Trajkov et al. (2010) conducted an fMRI study on 155 participants enriched in both
left-handers (n ¼ 48) and monozygotic twin pairs (n ¼ 94). Using covert word gen-
eration, a line bisection task, and a task involving recognizing repeated face stimuli,
the team sought to assess colaterality, in much the same manner as the BIL&GIN
studies. As with the early studies, despite the use of a relatively balanced sample,
overall leftward asymmetry was found for the language task, with overall rightward
asymmetry for both the landmark and the faces tasks (i.e., left-handers did not
show mirrored patterns of functional laterality). In terms of degrees of laterality, lan-
guage lateralization was higher in right-handers, with a significant effect of gender
(males more lateralized; no effect for twins). For the faces task, right-handers were
also more lateralized, but no significant differences were found in lateralization
between hand preference groups for the landmark task. In a subsequent paper
(Badzakova-Trajkov et al., 2016), the team reviews genetic, developmental, and neu-
roimaging studies on human lateralization and, in reversal of their earlier (2010)
views, they largely favor the statistical independence hypothesis (that laterality in
one domain is independent of laterality in another). Perhaps based on their earlier
findings, however, they at least acknowledge that the true scenario is likely a mix
of both causal and statistical factors; on this they state: “…causality [indicated by
language and visuospatial tasks co-lateralizing to opposite hemispheres] is most
likely in individuals lacking the innate disposition to asymmetry… paradoxically,
then, causality may be restricted precisely to those lacking innate predispositions”
(Badzakova-Trajkov et al., 2016, p. 391). This view is compatible with our sugges-
tion that multiple systems could be governing colaterality, although teasing these

3 Colaterality: Is handedness a valuable proxy? 15

systems apart would be difficult, if not impossible, using the approaches outlined
earlier. We think the “different systems” concept should be the target of future
To the best of our knowledge, only a few studies have been conducted directly
comparing survey-based hand preference classifications with actual performance
measures of hand preference (Brown et al., 2004, 2006; Bryden et al., 2011;
Corey et al., 2001; Gonzalez et al., 2007). In contrast to these previous approaches,
Gonzalez and Goodale (2009) assessed correspondence between the EHI and hand-
performance using more naturalistic tasks—a puzzle task and LEGO-building—in
20 subjects. They filmed subjects’ hand movements and created laterality indices
(LIs) for how often subjects used each hand, and compared these data to EHI scores.
They showed high correspondence between the LEGO and puzzle tasks for all
subjects, but these data did not match well with the EHI scores, especially for
left-handers. Although all 10 left-handers in the sample were classed as strongly
left-handed by the EHI, at least half of them used their right hand more frequently
than their left in the behavioral task (Gonzalez et al., 2007, p. 277). In a later study
probing language laterality with a dichotic listening task, the authors assessed
correlations between the EHI scores, grip strength (GS), FT, and the LEGO task
in 36 subjects (Gonzalez and Goodale, 2009). They found that the LEGO task mea-
sures were the only ones significantly correlated with the dichotic listening task.
Although there was significant correspondence between the EHI, GS scores, and
FT scores, these measures did not correlate with language laterality. The authors sug-
gest that, in their sample, “there is something about visuomotor control and handed-
ness that does not map onto other measures of laterality in motor control” such as the
EHI and more common behavioral tasks (Gonzalez and Goodale, 2009, p. 3187).
These studies provide initial evidence that left-handers are not left-handed in the
way that right-handers are right-handed in their manual motor behaviors. An impor-
tant distinction follows from this fact, in that perhaps we should not expect left-
handers to be lateralized in their hemispheric activation patterns in the way that
right-handers are, and thus, that task-based laterality systems for right-handers
and left-handers may need to be considered more thoroughly.
The concept of colaterality is a basic hypothesis that the lateralization of one mo-
dality has an effect on the lateralization of another. However, many published studies
suffer from various methodological flaws, with the most salient being the use of the
EHI as a sole hand preference metric, but they also fail to allow for different forms of
colaterality to exist in left-handers and right-handers (i.e., they do not acknowledge
that left-handers, and even mixed-handers, should not be modeled as atypical right-
handers, but instead should be assessed in their own right). As for how or why dif-
ferent hand preference groups would have different systems governing language
(and visuospatial laterality), there are many possible explanations already present
in the evolutionary anthropology and paleoarcheology literature (we will briefly
speculate on this in our conclusions). Next we discuss very recent works on hand
preference modulation of visual perception, and then briefly relate this to potential
applications for studying language.

16 Evolution of laterality


Marzoli et al. (2014) argued that perception–action studies on the relationship be-
tween leftward visual biases and right-hand preferences are largely unacknowledged
in the laterality literature, and thus, that there are many opportunities for future col-
laborative studies. These authors note that the early onset of left-biased visual atten-
tion to faces and bodies—of which there is much solid evidence (Nagel et al., 2013),
and which may stem from both genetic and environmental factors (Cochet, 2016)—
may be related to right-hand predominance in human populations. Important here is
that preferential attention to the left visual field in dyadic social interactions equates
to biased attention to the actions of the right hand (Verfaellie and Heilman, 1990),
which could then lead to social modulation of one’s own manual motor biases toward
the right hand (although modeling causality in such a system would be quite fruitless,
particularly in archeological contexts as described earlier, as it is much more likely
for the two to be interacting dynamically and continuously). In general, the
perception–action literature suggests that early visual perception biases can poten-
tially modulate and enable the development of action asymmetries toward the right
hand later in life, although this link needs to be confirmed with longitudinal devel-
opmental studies (Buckingham and Carey, 2015), and that hand preference plays
a key role in modulating visual attention. Several researchers have found that hand
location directly impacts spatial attention and reasoning, and vice versa, such that
visual attention biases might determine our patterns of space use for grasping.
Generally, there is a complex and reinforcing behavioral relationship between the
two behaviors (Abrams and Weidler, 2014; Adam et al., 2012; Cai et al., 2013;
Colman et al., 2017; Craddock and Lawson, 2009; de Bruin et al., 2014; Gingras
and Braun, 2017; Lawson et al., 2016; Reed et al., 2006, 2010; Stone and
Gonzalez, 2014; Thomas, 2015; Uomini and Lawson, 2017). The concept is nicely
summed up by the following statement: “the origin of the rightward hemispheric
dominance for spatial attention may have a manipulospatial origin, neither percep-
tual nor motor per se, but rather reflecting a mechanism by which a spatial context is
mapped onto the perceptual and motor activities, including the exploration of the
spatial environment with eyes and hands” (Petit et al., 2015, p. 1151).
The research on praxis and visuospatial asymmetries inherently adopts an
affordance-based view of perception–action, and as we have argued elsewhere,
embodiment is the only view of cognition which is compatible with evolutionary
theory (Ruck, 2014a, b), and so many of the aspects of the perceptuo-motor research
can be easily incorporated into evolutionary discourse. The main concept underpin-
ning the colaterality hypothesis is that the areal and asymmetrical similarities for
different modalities—despite being complex and difficult to characterize—are likely
not independent of each other, because hand preference, visuospatial skills, and
language all interact “online” in the real world every day. In order to tie this finding
back to hand preference, and to provide further support for seriously considering
multiple systems of colateralization, we close with an fMRI study on functional
asymmetry. Gotts et al. (2013) used a short resting-state fMRI paradigm to probe

4 Discussion 17

intrinsic levels of intra- and interhemispheric connectivity for the right and left brain
hemispheres in 62 right-handed participants. They have several ideas which we
adopt here in our own conclusion, although their timescale is more developmental,
whereas ours considers evolutionary perspectives. Their conclusions are:

1. The left hemisphere shows greater preference for within-hemisphere

interactions; this is likely a consequence of white-matter asymmetries present
before birth, as measured near birth (Perani et al., 2011), but it is also undoubtedly
related to strong right-handed bias and language functions.
2. The right hemisphere, in contrast, has interactions that are strongly bilateral; this
both stems from, and underpins, the bilateral nature of visual perception, and the
lack of mirror asymmetry between language and visuospatial networks.
3. The findings of improved cognitive performance in more lateralized participants
are consistent with the computational efficiency model for hemispheric
4. In spite of high individual variability in patterns of connectivity, caused both by
developmental considerations and plasticity, an overall pattern of lateralization
for cognitive tasks can be found in salient task-positive networks, even using
resting state data; this has implications for future comparative work.

Following each of these points, we will conclude by outlining a basic hypothesis for
the evolution of human-specific laterality biases, and set a framework for future
works which might help further elucidate colaterality. Based on all that we have
discussed in this chapter, we hypothesize a model for the evolution of uniquely
human lateral biases:

1. Hemispheric specialization has deep roots in vertebrate taxa, and based on

existing primate research, it is plausible that early hominin ancestors inherited
systems of preexisting lateral biases for vision, praxis, and communication;
these systems became elaborated over time in the hominin lineage.
2. Hemispheric specializations have multifactored genetic underpinnings, but
downstream effects of developmental biases and epigenetics may have even
stronger effects than genetic factors in driving directional biases, and multiple
systems may be operating in left- and right-handers today (Schmitz et al., 2017;
Vallortigara and Rogers, 2005).
3. One especially critical factor in driving the typical directional shifts may be the
increasing complexity of manual motor actions, including visually guided
bimanual coordinative ones, such as tool-use and tool-making, in hominins
(as proposed by Bradshaw and Nettleton, 1982; Uomini, 2009b, c; Tabiowo
and Forrester, 2013). On this:

18 Evolution of laterality

a. It seems that preexisting visual biases, underpinned by differential

hemispheric integration/segregation systems, would have more easily
enabled right-hand precision and left-hand support roles, at least on an
individual level.
b. These individual hand preferences (which were, again, being increasingly
driven to the right, simply via interactions between preexisting asymmetries
and higher task complexity) then coupled with increased reliance on social
learning in hominins (H€ ogberg et al., 2015; Morgan et al., 2015; Uomini
and Lawson, 2017), which (via developmental routes) drove populations’
hand preferences even more rightward.
c. Once a right-handed majority was established, a frequency-dependent
selection of the left-handed minority was reinforced and maintained by
selective advantages linked to close combat and/or interactive contests
(Faurie and Raymond, 2005, 2013; Loffing and Hagemann, 2012), which
we can speculate occurred as hominin groups encountered each other in
competitive territorial situations.
4. As brain size increased, these once-modest patterns of asymmetry grew
exponentially in their complexity (as there is a nonlinear relationship between
brain size increases and anatomical–functional changes in the brain, Herculano-
Houzel, 2009).

Of course, each of these steps would not have proceeded linearly, but instead
in a much more nuanced way, feeding backward and forward in a dynamic fashion.
As this is just a speculative sketch, many relevant factors are missing in the
earlier outline; most notably is the absence of an explanation for atypical laterality
patterns, which is not isomorphic with, but is no doubt related to, the persistence
of left-handers. However, until more comprehensive work is conducted to pin
down the forms and nature of colaterality, our proposed outline remains an open
In conclusion, multiple incredibly rich lines of evidence suggest that hand pref-
erence, visuospatial skills, and language should be related to each other, but there are
more open questions than answers. Much more pragmatic work needs to be con-
ducted on even the most fundamental aspects of colaterality, including a more careful
consideration of experimental methods. On this, we recommend to focus on a few
easy targets. First is to further probe the efficacy of the EHI in characterizing actual
manual behaviors, including communicative gestures, developmental trajectories for
the formation of hand biases (see Fagard, 2013), and to continue testing right- and
left-handers. Second is to cleverly use the data from current large-sample studies—
which unfortunately have the EHI (and other simple hand preference metrics) as their
only hand preference measures—because even with their hand preference measure
potentially confounded by the EHI, they can provide higher frequencies of atypically
lateralized persons for language and visuospatial skills, as well as cognitive perfor-
mance data, and other measures. Additional data from studies like Cai et al. (2013),
Pool et al. (2014), and Gotts et al. (2013) can be mined to further probe the disparities

References 19

regarding colaterality without needing to collect new data. Finally, dependent on rep-
lication results for the aforementioned studies—and, of course, continued discover-
ies from comparative, genetic, and developmental research—we can add hand
preferences back into the picture, using more rich, dynamic, and naturalistic tasks,
should it seem necessary down the line to do so. As Rogers (2014, p. 566) noted:
“it is timely for a more integrated approach to the study of lateralization”; we think
these are the best steps forward towards this goal.

N.T.U. was supported by the Max Planck Society. L.R. was supported by the Stone Age
Institute and the John Templeton Foundation. We are grateful to Antoine Balzeau, Emiliano
Bruner, David Frayer, Marina Lozano, Lisa Schunk, and Beccy Scott for answering our ques-
tions and sharing their data. We thank two anonymous reviewers and the Editors for helpful
comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.

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Uomini, N., 2009b. Prehistoric left-handers and prehistoric language. In: de Beaune, S.A.,
Coolidge, F.L. (Eds.), The Emergence of Cognitive Abilities: The Contribution of Neuro-
psychology to Archaeology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 37–55.
Uomini, N., 2009c. The prehistory of handedness: archaeological data and comparative ethol-
ogy. J. Hum. Evol. 57 (4), 411–419.
Uomini, N., 2011. Handedness in Neanderthals. In: Conard, N.J., Richter, J. (Eds.), Neander-
thal Lifeways, Subsistence and Technology. Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 139–154.

Further reading 29

Uomini, N., 2014. Paleoneurology and behaviour. In: Bruner, E. (Ed.), Human Paleoneurol-
ogy. Springer Series in Bio-/Neuroinformatics. vol. 3. Springer International Publishing
Switzerland, pp. 121–143.
Uomini, N., Lawson, R., 2017. Effects of handedness and viewpoint on the imitation of
origami-making. Symmetry 9, 182.
Uomini, N. and Ruck, L. (in press). Testing different models of handedness in stone tools.
In F. Coolidge and L. Overmann (eds.), Squeezing Minds From Stones: A Festschrift in
Honor of Tom Wynn. Oxford University Press.
Vallortigara, G., Rogers, L.J., 2005. Survival with an asymmetrical brain: advantages and
disadvantages of cerebral lateralization. Behav. Brain Sci. 28 (4), 575–589. https://doi.
Van Agtmael, T., Forrest, S.M., Williamson, R., 2001. Genes for left-handedness: how to
search for the needle in the haystack? Laterality 6, 149–164.
Verfaellie, M., Heilman, K.M., 1990. Hemispheric asymmetries in attentional control:
implications for hand preference in sensorimotor tasks. Brain Cogn. 14 (1), 70–80.
Versace, E., Vallortigara, G., 2015. Forelimb preferences in human beings and other species:
multiple models for testing hypotheses on lateralization. Front. Psychol. 6, 233. https://doi.
Willems, R.M., Van der Haegen, L., Fisher, S.E., Francks, C., 2014. On the other hand: includ-
ing left-handers in cognitive neuroscience and neurogenetics. Nat. Rev. Neurosci.
15, 193–201.
Zago, L., Petit, L., Mellet, E., Jobard, G., Crivello, F., Joliot, M., Mazoyer, B.,
Tzourio-Mazoyer, N., 2016. The association between hemispheric specialization for
language production and for spatial attention depends on left-hand preference strength.
Neuropsychologia 93 (Pt B), 394–406.
Zollikofer, C.P.E., Ponce de León, M.S., 2013. Pandora’s growing box: inferring the
evolution and development of hominin brains from endocasts. Evol. Anthropol. Issues
News Rev. 22 (1), 20–33.

Mazoyer, B., Zago, L., Jobard, G., Crivello, F., Joliot, M., Perchey, G., … Tzourio-Mazoyer,
N., 2014. Gaussian mixture modeling of hemispheric lateralization for language in a
large sample of healthy individuals balanced for handedness. PLoS One 9 (6),
Uomini, N., Meyer, G., 2013. Shared cerebral blood flow lateralization patterns in language
and stone tool production. PLoS One 8 (8), e72693.

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