Workplace First Aid
Workplace First Aid
Workplace First Aid
This guide is designed to help you and your colleagues to administer life To give your casualty the optimum chances of survival you must quickly ASSESS THE CASUALTY FOR SIGNS OF CIRCULATION 1. Put on your gloves.
saving first-aid until trained help is at hand. Do not wait until you are faced assess their levels of response. A rapid assessment will allow effective 2. Examine the injury - if any foreign objects are present leave them
with an emergency, read the guide now and often. treatment to be administered and will also allow for accurate information to be 1. Look, Listen and Feel for normal breathing, coughing or in place and dress around.
Find out who is the nominated first-aider or appointed person within your passed on to the ambulance service. movement.
3. Open a dressing (fig 1) and place it firmly over the injury.
workplace. If there is a procedure in force 2. Only if you are trained to do so, check the carotid pulse.*
for calling out an ambulance find out what 4. Apply firm pressure.
3. Take no more than 10 seconds to do this.
it is now! 5. Secure the dressing.
“Are you alright?” “Can you hear me?” 6. Apply 1 dressing at a time up to a maximum of 2. If blood seeps
1. Apply 10 rescue breaths (See ‘Breathing’ below). through both dressings, remove them and apply a new dressing.
Gently tap the shoulders at the 2. After every 10 rescue breaths re-check the circulation. 7. If dealing with a limb, keep the affected part elevated (fig 2).
FACESHIELD same time.
NOT BREATHING, SIGNS OF LIFE ABSENT 8. If your casualty has lost a considerable amount of blood they may
HERE start to exhibit signs of shock.
1. Apply 2 rescue breaths.
* 9. Lay your conscious casualty down, conserve body heat and raise
2. Now give 15 compressions.
the legs (fig 3).
3. Repeat the above eg; 2 rescue
breaths and 15 compressions. 10.Reassure.
4. Continue until the casualty recovers Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3
Occupational Health: Pager: or help arrives.
First aider / appointed person’s extension:
The nearest first aid box is located at:
The nearest eyewash station is located at:
Useful numbers:
ELECTRICITY OPEN THE AIRWAY 1. Ensure the casualty is on a firm, flat surface. 1. Instruct the casualty to remain still.
2. Locate the Sternum (the flat bone located centrally in the chest 2. Do not attempt to move the affected part.
FUMES/GASES FOR AN UNRESPONSIVE CASUALTY which joins the ribs together). 3. Examine the injury for any blood loss - treat this first.
1. Open the airway by lifting the chin and tilting the head. This will 3. Place the heal of one hand on the lower sternum (approximately 2
TRAFFIC 4. If any bone protrudes from the injury do not touch it, if blood loss
free the tongue from the rear of the throat. fingers up from its base. Place the heel of the other hand on top is evident build your dressings up around it rather than over it.
2. If any neck injuries are suspected lift the chin only by placing of this hand and interlock the fingers.
MOVING MACHINERY three forefingers of both hands under the angles of the jaw
5. The casualty will find the most comfortable position and will not
4. Compress the chest (up to a maximum depth of approximately 4- be keen to have the injury touched.
("Jaw Thrust" technique). 5cm, 15 times at a rate of approximately 2 compressions per
FALLING DEBRIS 6. If the casualty cannot maintain a stable condition for themselves
second) and give 2 rescue breaths.
you may provide assistance or stabilise the injury with your
FIRE 5. Repeat above eg. 2 rescue breaths and 15 compressions. hands.
Whenever you approach an incident always ensure that the environment is HAND 7. Call the EMS.
safe for you to administer First-Aid, and secondly that the casualty is safe. If POSITION
the situation is not safe you must neutralise or control any hazards. You must STEADY
only move your casualty as a last resort.
1. Ensure that you are aware of the number of casualties involved.
2. Find out if anyone has any FIRST-AID knowledge.
3. Utilise bystanders to: call THE EMS, comfort the casualty(s).
4. Above all, stay calm. POSITION
© SAFETY FIRST AID GROUP LTD 2005 The information contained in this poster is for guidance only and should not be used as a substitute for recognised training courses. SFAP129 Version 7