Alyaan Rafi
Alyaan Rafi
Alyaan Rafi
2 22-Jun-23 09:00-12:00 Digital Signal Processing Mian Ahmed Yaser NB-5 6x1 Cleared
3 24-Jun-23 13:00-16:00 Engineering Economics Ms. Fakhar un Nisa NB-4 2x2 Cleared
4 26-Jun-23 17:00-20:00 Data Communication and Syed Ahmed Faran NB-1 4x5 Cleared
Computer Networks
5 27-Jun-23 09:00-12:00 Electric Circuits Analysis II Dr. Aamer Bilal Asghar NB-11 4x1 Cleared
D-02 to D-14 = Ground Floor of D-Block, D-101 to D-118 = 1st Floor of D-Block, NB-01 to NB-12 = Ground Floor of
N-Block,N-13 to N-25 = 1st Floor of N-Block
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CNIC No. and Gender appearing on this coupon are correct. In case of any discrepancy, please submit a request to the representative of
Registeration Section at the Student Services Center (SSC) WITHIN THREE DAYS.
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Student Signature 15-Jun-2023 Exams Conduct Officer