Military Leave Approval Letter
Military Leave Approval Letter
Military Leave Approval Letter
[Employee Name]
[Address] Personnel Number: [Number]
This confirms your request for a military leave of absence beginning [DATE]. Your
absence has been approved through [expected end DATE]. The enclosed Notice to
Employees provides information about your rights, benefits, and obligations while
on a military leave of absence. Please read it carefully and in its entirety.
[Please complete the enclosed Request for Military Leave of Absence form and
return it to our office; the form should be completed for all absences, regardless of
the length of the absence. Refer to the Notice to Employees Military Leave of
Absence while completing the form. Timeliness in completing and returning
this form is very important, since timeliness could affect benefit options
All paid absence to which you are entitled or requested will be entered for you
based on your orders and the options you elected on the Request for Military Leave
of Absence form. All remaining days will be charged to military leave without pay. If
you choose to delay your return to work after your release from service, military
leave without pay will be charged.
If your military duty continues beyond [expected end date], you must notify this
office as soon as possible. Requests to return to work sooner than the expiration of
the orders or to request a delay to return to work after orders expire should be
made at least 24 hours in advance of [expected end date]. For absences greater
than 30 calendar days, an Application for Reemployment After Military Leave of
Absence form and a copy of the DD-214 form or other written documentation from
the military unit that reflects the date of release from duty must be provided upon
your return to work, or as soon as possible thereafter.
HR Service Center | P.O. Box 824 | Harrisburg, PA 17108-0824 | Phone 866.377.2672 | Fax 717.425.7190
Failure to report your release or an amendment or extension of military orders
could result in an overpayment or underpayment of paid absences, stipends, and
Please contact the HR Service Center at 866.377.2672 and indicate that you are
calling about your military leave. We are available from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm,
Monday through Friday. If you have ESS access, you can submit your questions
online at any time via the AskHR link on the Home page.
HR Service Center