Chronicle 02 2017 1
Chronicle 02 2017 1
Chronicle 02 2017 1
It’s a fresh new year…and once again we look forward to building on 2016’s
successes as we continue the too-long battle for treatments and a cure for
patients with ME/CFS.
As we look to 2017, some of our 2016 work will certainly move forward. We know
that the five Ramsay Award Program research projects (discussed in this issue’s
cover story) will proceed, and we know that our SMCI-Directed Research Studies
(detailed on pages 6-7) will yield meaningful results. We will continue our
research webinar series, just as we will continue to partner with other research
Carol Head, President and CEO and advocacy organizations.
SOLVE ME/CFS INITIATIVE And at the same time, as we look forward, some matters seem quite uncertain.
PROFESSIONAL STAFF With the federal administration transition, will National Institutes of Health
(NIH) funds be expanded or cut? Will the next director of the Department of
Carol Head
Health and Human Services (HHS) continue to support the Chronic Fatigue
President and CEO
Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC)? Will the Trans-NIH Working Group
continue to build on its progress? Will the Centers for Disease Control and
Zaher Nahle, PhD, MPA
Prevention (CDC) continue its multi-site clinical assessment?
Chief Scientific Officer and
Vice President for Research
Certainly, come what may, we will continue our relentless, thoughtful, assertive
work in both research and advocacy.
Karen Petersen
Director of Development
On a different note, I’m often asked why we, as a private medical research
non-profit, repeatedly ask patients and their loved ones for financial donations to
Emily Taylor
support our work. When other disease organizations like ours (e.g., Michael J. Fox
Advocacy and
Engagement Manager Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, Susan G. Komen, and the American Heart
Association) obtain funds from a wide variety of sources, why don’t we?
Jennifer Arganbright
Communications and Certainly, this is top of mind for us! It is painful to ask for funding from those
Media Relations Manager who suffer with this disease and often have extremely limited resources. So let me
provide our perspective on this core funding problem our disease faces.
Linda Leigh
Accounting, HR, and
Administration Manager First, by far the primary source of funds for medical research in general is the
federal government. Our efforts to obtain those funds for ME/CFS are years long
Mamie-Louise Anderson and relentless. It is a long haul, and we have described this at length.
Administrative and
Development Coordinator Second, there are unique attributes of our disease that make fundraising, both
from individuals and private foundations (e.g. Gates, Ford, and Kaiser), quite
Erin Davie
Biobank and Patient
Registry Coordinator • There’s a stigma. Most people simply still do not believe this disease is “real.”
We can report that our organization has received very few gifts from individ-
Diana Sagini uals who have not seen this disease up close and personal. For people who do
Development Coordinator
Aaron Paas
The other significant source of funds for other diseases is the pharmaceutical
industry. Drug companies, as private, for-profit organizations, are responsible New York, NY
primarily to their shareholders. They generally invest in new drugs for diseases
when there is a clear “target” for the drug. Michael Atherton
Arlington, VA
With so very little understood about the underlying causes and attributes of ME/
CFS, we are years away from a time when pharmaceutical companies are likely to
step up. Of course, that time will come. The good news/bad news is that there are Brett Balzer
a lot of ME/CFS patients. So, at some point, this disease will become an attractive Chicago, IL
market for pharmaceutical companies—it just hasn’t yet. 3
» from page 1
While our methods of improving the overall ME/CFS re- 4. Preclinical research: Denotes research in the basic
search ecosystem are straightforward, allow us to elabo- sciences using biological specimens (e.g., patient
rate on the overall discovery process. Dr. Nahle clarifies samples, cultured cells, tissues) or model systems
that this non-linear process can be broken down into six (e.g., animal models) to understand the mecha-
phases: nisms and signaling pathways that will have appli-
1. Capacity building: Includes the development of cations in clinical trials; this step is fundamental for
human capital, infrastructure, tools, and resources targeted therapy design
to drive ME/CFS research forward 5. Clinical research: Involves experimentation with
2. Target discovery: Encompasses the identification human participants done in a clinical or laboratory
of reliable biomarkers, indicators, or other biolog- setting; this includes clinical trials, natural history
ical culprits that can be therapeutically targeted or studies, clinical effectiveness, and outcome research
manipulated as well as the development and improvement of
clinical criteria updates
3. Repurposing opportunities: The retooling of exist-
ing FDA-approved drugs for other uses; when pos- 6. Therapeutic discovery: This is the goal and includes
sible, it can bypass several time-consuming steps the identification and development of treatments
toward drug approval and, eventually, a cure
2016/2017 1 2 3 4
Ramsay Award Program projects awarded through rigorous peer review
TEAM 1 Brain inflammation - Diagnostics - Neuroimaging 1 4
Dr. Nahle notes that “By creating environments in SMCI’S RESEARCH WEBINAR SERIES
which real and durable research and advocacy collabo- The medical webinars we produce, featuring influ-
rations develop and flourish, we reframe the discussion encers in science, medicine, and policy, are the go-to
so that all voices in ME/CFS can be heard and respected. source of trusted, up-to-date medical information,
Through unity and cross-pollination, we are affecting current research, and policy development. On-de-
change and deconstructing stubborn medical challenges mand video from SMCI’s 2016 Webinar Series, mod-
in ME/CFS.” erated by Dr. Zaher Nahle, is offered free of charge on
our website at
We act as agents for change and unity: we meet with
government officials and science leaders to advocate for SMCI’S RESEARCH ADVISORY COUNCIL
policies and federal action; we author dozens of opinion The SMCI Research Advisory Council (RAC) consists
and technical pieces addressing current ME/CFS affairs of world-class leaders and provides great depth to our
across the science, research, and policy landscapes; we work. The RAC includes foremost experts on ME/CFS
debunk fallacies and misinformation through our No like Anthony Komaroff, MD (Harvard); Susan Levine,
Spin Zone; we create opportunity for young investiga- MD (CFSAC, The Levine Clinic); Jose Montoya, MD
tors through our MeetME Travel Awards; and we bring (Stanford); Peter Rowe, MD (Johns Hopkins); Cindy
scientific and current information to our community Bateman, MD (Bateman Horne Center); and Andreas
through webinars and opinion pieces. In addition, we Kogelnik, PhD, MD (OMI) as well as a number of sci-
participate in conferences and convene some of the top entific leaders like Sheila Stewart, PhD (Washington
minds in ME/CFS clinical care and research to collabo- University) and Michel Silvestri (Sweden).
rate on the key issues facing ME/CFS.
To be specific, SMCI manages the following programs to This program supports and promotes original, bold,
facilitate research work for all who join us in the fight quality research work through seed grants. Grant
for a cure, while creating and collaborating on projects recipients are selected via a peer-review competition
that emphasize the role of patients as partners—not with three primary objectives: to INVEST in original
subjects: ideas that could clarify the onset, progression, root
causes, and natural history of ME/CFS; to CREATE en-
SMCI’S NATIONAL PATIENT REGISTRY vironments to attract, support, and retain talent in the
Our new, state-of-the-art national registry for ME/ ME/CFS community and help awardees generate rel-
CFS will enable clinical trials, further understanding of evant data to compete for long-term federal funding;
the natural history of this disease, and includes built- and to FACILITATE collaboration and cross-pollina-
in options for data sharing and collaboration among tion among dedicated researchers through the sharing
patients, researchers, and other disease organizations. of resources and access to additional programming
and the organization’s network.
Our biobank is a repository of physical samples from In 2016, SMCI’s Ramsay Award Program supported stud-
patients to support the work of qualified researchers ies in gut microbiome, autoimmunity, bioenergetics,
and accelerate the discovery process. This important pathogenic interaction, inflammation, brain imaging,
aspect of the services we provide also links patients and metabolomics research. Peer-reviewed selection
with researchers and facilitates the use of human criteria included significance, quality, feasibility, inno-
samples for ME/CFS research. Studies using samples vation, novelty, and research environment among other
from our biobank have been used in phases 1, 2, and 3 factors.
of the discovery process.
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SMCI’s Ramsay Award Program grant winners selected For more information on the studies summarized
in 2016 are as follows: above, please visit
program-results/ or check out the December issue of
Research Team 1’s study, entitled “Advanced Research 1st in our SMCI publication archive located at
Non-Invasive Analysis in ME/CFS Diagnosis and
Treatment Decisions,” will use a magnetic resonance
spectroscopic thermometry (MRSt) technique to SMCI-Directed Research Projects
assess absolute temperature across the entire brain, Dr. Zaher Nahle has led the creative scientific work to
allowing researchers to investigate the pathophysiol- design and invest aggressively in much-needed projects
ogy of ME/CFS (in other words, the functional changes to further understanding of the pathophysiology of ME/
that accompany the disease). CFS. With a growing number of targeted investments in
severe knowledge gaps (such as pathway and biomarker
Research Team 2’s study, entitled “Metabolic Analy- discovery, immuno-senescence and cell-cycle energet-
sis of B-Cell Maturation in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ ics, drug screening and functional genomics, diagnos-
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,” theorizes that “a single tics and advanced imaging, and metabolomics and big
agent is not responsible and that chronic changes to data research), we are creating value across every phase
the normal functioning of immune and other body of the discovery process. These are the elements of a
cells caused by stressors such as infections more growing portfolio of investment in ME/CFS at some of
likely underlie this disease.” the most prestigious medical
centers and research estab-
Research Team 3’s study, entitled lishments in the country, in-
“The Bioenergetic Health Index of cluding Washington Universi-
NK Cells as a Diagnostic Tool for ty in St. Louis, the University
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,” takes a of Washington, Memorial
look at natural killer (NK) lympho- Sloan Kettering Cancer Cen-
cytes (a type of white blood cell), a ter, Cornell University, and
critical first defense against viruses Metabolon.
and cancers. NK cell dysfunction is a
pathological hallmark in myalgic encephalomyelitis/ Pathway and Biomarker Discovery. Original research
chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). in the areas of bioenergetics, metabolomics, and lip-
idomics using high-throughput technology. Testing
Research Team 4’s study, entitled “Autoimmune completed. Partners in this SMCI-Directed Research
Signature in CFS/ME,” combines in-depth genetic Study include Dr. Sue Levine of The Levine Clinic in
screening methodologies with the study of autoim- New York, Dr. Maureen Hanson of Cornell University,
mune factors regulating a specific type of surface and metabolomics leader Metabolon.
receptors important in cellular signaling and function. • Analysis of same ME/CFS patients characterized for
their gut microbiome imbalance using metabolom-
Research Team 5’s study, entitled “HHV-6 Mediated ics and lipidomics methodologies; this is a powerful,
Mitochondrial Modulation and Its Association to integrative approach
ME/CFS,” examines the role of human herpesvirus 6
(HHV-6) in the development of ME/CFS.
• Analysis of well-characterized twins, one with ME/ A Collaborative Project through Our
CFS and the other without, to study possible genetic Cathleen J. Gleeson PhD Fund
and monogenetic differences in an ideal compara- This project, funded by our Cathleen J. Gleeson PhD
tive group fund, focuses on diagnostic testing using non-inva-
• Analysis of metabolomics profile in patients before sive technology to measure muscle metabolites in ME/
and after exercise to characterize the foundation CFS patients for diagnostic testing. This project is led by
of exertion intolerance in ME/CFS patients in well Kevin Conley, PhD, professor of radiology and co-direc-
controlled settings tor of the Translational Center
for Metabolic Imaging at the
Immuno-senescence and cell- University of Washington and
cycle analysis in the pathophysiology David Maughan, PhD, a pro-
of ME/CFS. Characterization of the fessor emeritus of molecular
disturbances in enzymes and cell-cycle physiology & biophysics at the
regulators that control cell function University of Vermont and visit-
using specialized senescence laborato- ing scholar in radiology at the
ries in collaboration with leaders in the University of Washington.
field. Partners in this targeted initia-
tive include Dr. Sheila Stewart of Washington Univer-
sity in St. Louis and Dr. Masashi Narita of the Narita SMCI’s MeetME Travel Awards
Group at Cambridge University. This program enables junior scientists and underrepre-
• Analysis of the molecular underpinnings of cellular sented groups to attend ME/CFS conferences and build
senescence (a fundamental biological process whose scientific networks by paying their travel expenses for
pathophysiology manifestations are reminiscent ME/CFS-focused meetings and conferences around the
of aging-related senescence and the arrest of cell world.
function), effects on muscle weakening, dysautono-
mia, and neurological dysfunction Per Dr. Nahle, “As you can see, we already have many
promising programs and studies under our research
Drug screening and functional genomics. Studies umbrella. And you have our steadfast commitment to
aiming to uncover potential drug screening targets in expand on our efforts in 2017, building on our activities
ME/CFS. Partners in this targeted initiative include of this past year. Previously, I’ve borrowed the words of
leading experts at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer President Lincoln in a time of political uncertainty: ‘The
Center, namely Drs. Ralf Garippa, Scott Lowe, and dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy
Myles Fennell. present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and
• Uses ME/CFS immune cells and chemical libraries we must rise with the occasion.’ This has never been
of characterized compounds to identify targets for more applicable to the here and now in the field of ME/
rapid therapeutic application. CFS research. That is precisely why we, through our
research programming, are shifting the paradigm and
• Objectives include promoting immune cells’ ability
altering the status quo.” n
to kill intruders and bolstering ATP production and
bioenergetics health using the power of big data and
pharmaceutical-grade technologies. 7
Dear Friends,
The new Research Advisory Council we convened Our presence and participation at leading scientific
provides great depth to our work and consists of world- conferences, such as the Invest in ME Research Confer-
class leaders such as ME/CFS experts Anthony Komaroff, ence and Colloquium, Action for ME CFS/ME Research
MD (Harvard); Susan Levine, MD (CFSAC, The Levine Collaborative conference’s big data session, and IACFS/
Clinic); Jose Montoya, MD (Stanford); Peter Rowe, ME Biennial Conference, has been both fruitful and well
MD (Johns Hopkins); Cindy Bateman, MD (Bateman received.
Horne Center); and Andreas Kogelnik, PhD, MD (Open
Medicine Institute) as well as a number of scientific And, most importantly, we initiated partnerships with
leaders like Sheila Stewart, PhD (Washington Universi- leading medical research centers and industry part-
ty) and Michel Silvestri (Sweden). ners to conduct innovative and targeted investigations
through our SMCI-Directed Research Studies, which are
The Ramsay Award Program, which awards seed grants explored in detail on pages 6-7.
in the areas of basic, preclinical, clinical, and epidemi-
ological research, generated international submissions This is all to change the status quo, create value in the
with high-quality, innovative proposals. We expect to ME/CFS ecosystem, and bring a different perspective to
see results from these seed grants later this year. the field. We remain committed to in-depth, basic, and
translational research—especially in our areas of priori-
Our MeetME Travel Awards program enables young ty: bioenergetics, neuroendocrine biology, and immuni-
investigators to attend ME/CFS conferences and build ty/inflammation.
scientific networks.
While we are aware of the many challenges still fac-
Our new, state-of-the-art national registry for ME/CFS ing the ME/CFS community—from the severe gaps in
will facilitate information sharing among organizations, knowledge to the painful lack of funding—we look to
enable clinical trials, and further understanding of the the future, energized and determined to build on our
natural history of this disease. growth and momentum moving forward.
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immunological (e.g., altered activities in cytokines, measurement also requires sophisticated equipment
B-cells, or natural killer cells), hemodynamic (e.g., re- and specialized expertise for data interpretation. In
duced total blood volume, reduced cerebellar perfusion, the ME/CFS community, it is well known that patients
or cell-free markers like specific microRNAs in blood), experience post-exertional malaise (PEM) after push-
or pathological (e.g., microbiome changes, viruses, and ing their energy boundaries.
Given their importance, what’s the fastest
Here are some of the difficult biomarkers we have for path to a meaningful biomarker for ME/CFS?
ME/CFS now: Are we even close?
• The spinal fluid of severe ME/CFS patients shows With steady and focused research, we may be close to
elevated levels of autoimmune markers and white identifying biomarkers in the next several years. Of
blood cells. But this test fails on most criteria. It is course, understanding the underlying cause of a disease
quite invasive, there is risk of harm, it’s expensive, greatly enhances the ease of obtaining a biomarker,
and it’s not generally accepted. The and that too is likely years away. At
key positive attribute is that it is reli- the same time, there are a number
able. of efforts underway with interesting
• MRIs for ME/CFS patients show results which may lead to biomarkers,
reduced gray and white matter in the including studies being done by our
For a field that has suffered from a Brurberg1 reported that there are 20
lack of standardization, this is an different case definitions and that
essential step to improving cross- prevalence estimates range from
study comparability. But Depart- 0.01% to 2.60% and even higher, Given the recognized lack of speci-
ment of Health and Human Services indicating the magnitude of the ficity of some of the commonly used
(HHS) staff members have also problem. Worse, these definitions definitions, the proposal to continue
stated that as long as researchers are sometimes modified in ways that to use any research case definition
use CDEs, it will not matter what further expand the set of conditions raises significant concerns. Will
research case definition they use. given the “ME/CFS” label. One ex- Fukuda or the 2005 Reeves crite-
ample is the 2011 PACE trial, which ria still be used to select ME/CFS
This is concerning, because re- stated it used the Fukuda definition cohorts even though we know they
quiring that standardized data be to characterize patients but only select patients who do not have ME/
collected on the presence or absence required Fukuda’s four symptoms to CFS? Will patients selected with
of a hallmark symptom, such as be present for one week instead of the NICE criteria, currently planned
post-exertional malaise (PEM), is the six months required by Fukuda. for a large UK study, all have ME/
not the same thing as requiring that CFS? NICE only requires fatigue,
patients have these hallmark symp- Many groups—including the NIH, characterized by PEM, yet defines
toms in order to be diagnosed with the Agency for Healthcare Research PEM’s worsening of symptoms
ME/CFS. The critical question to ask and Quality (AHRQ), the Institute following exertion as optional. If
is whether CDEs alone will compen- of Medicine (IOM), and a group of the IOM criteria is used, will those
sate for the continued divergence in 50 disease experts—as well as the primary psychological illnesses that
what core inclusion and exclusion Pathways to Prevention (P2P) report manifest as physical complaints be
criteria are required for the selection have identified the definitional in- excluded? Will any combination of
of ME/CFS research cohorts. consistency and lack of specificity as inclusion and exclusion criteria be
a priority issue. The research com- accepted as a valid way to identify
This lack of agreement on patient munity is increasingly using more ME/CFS cohorts?
selection criteria has plagued ME/ selective criteria, such as the Cana-
CFS for decades, confounding dian Consensus Criteria and the ME The use of disparate and non-spe-
research and resulting in inappro- International Consensus Criteria, to cific research case definitions is
priate clinical guidelines that have select research cohorts. responsible for the muddle we face
misled doctors and harmed patients. today. Continuing to use any case
definition to select ME/CFS patients
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To work toward this goal, SMCI presented an hour-long Chairing the panel was SMCI Chief Scientific Officer
session on ME/CFS at the Precision Medicine World- and Vice President for Research Dr. Zaher Nahle, while
wide Conference (PMWC) in late January. Presenting at speakers included SMCI Research Advisory Council
PMWC was an investment in the ecosystem of ME/CFS, member Dr. Andreas Kogelnik (Open Medicine Insti-
as we were able to educate the heavy hitters in medical tute), and SMCI President Carol Head. Carol, an ME/CFS
research in order to actively draw patient herself, was able to both
new scientists into the field. address the patient experience and
describe the many research chal-
PMWC is the original and leading lenges of ME/CFS.
forum for personalized medicine.
With over 8,500 attendees, mostly For most attendees, we believe
from the biotech and academic re- this was their first exposure to this
search arenas, the conference was complex and fascinating disease.
one of the largest gatherings of
Zaher Nahle, Carol Head, and Andreas Kogelnik
recognized authorities and experts Scientists, by their nature, are often
across the healthcare and biotechnology sectors. attracted to new and complex challenges; we hope that
by speaking to them directly about ME/CFS at this year’s
SMCI’s hour-long session explored why precision medi- PMWC we’ve gotten a good number of them to view our
cine is fundamental in solving ME/CFS and clarifying its disease in a new and intriguing light. n
etiology. The session’s title, “ME/CFS: The Mysterious
Illness Science Has Yet to Unravel,” is a nod to National
» from page 11
• THE BUDGET BATTLE In February 2016, the President’s • MEETINGS AT THE TOP OF HHS Led by #MEAction, SMCI
budget announcement included a bit of a shock: no President Carol Head participated in two meetings with
funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- Dr. Karen DeSalvo, the assistant secretary for health at
vention’s ME/CFS multi-site clinical assessment. SMCI the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
President Carol Head and other advocates from across This may have been the highest level government offi-
the country traveled to Washington DC and successfully cial to meet with ME/CFS patients and advocates.
lobbied to have the $5.4 million budget reinstated. • THE MIGHTY FIFTY-FIVE U.S. Representatives Zoe Lof-
• SENATE COMMITTEE APPROPRIATIONS REPORT Thanks to gren and Anna Eshoo of California led the charge by
successful meetings on Capitol Hill, advocates secured authoring a letter to NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins,
strong language from the Senate Appropriations Com- urging him to continue strengthening the NIH’s efforts
mittee to both the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in ME/CFS biomedical research. An unprecedented
and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 55 members of congress cosigned the ME/CFS letter,
directing these agencies to invest in ME/CFS research, making it the largest congressional action on ME/CFS in
include stakeholders as active participants, and work recent memory.
collaboratively to improve patient care. • MEETING AT THE TOP OF NIH Carol Head and Dr. Zaher
Nahle met with NIH Director Francis Collins in New
York for a private conversation regarding ME/CFS.
» from page 13
vision of federal agency action on ME/CFS that included mobilization. Key patient advocates are currently collab-
bolstering research investments, disability protections, orating on a unified strategy with nationwide coalitions
ME/CFS patient equity, and medical education policies. and key organizational partners. Following is a rundown
of SMCI’s federal advocacy plans for the first half of
SMCI plans to support and boost this call for agency 2017:
action with strong congressional support and advocacy
ME/CFS Advocacy
Advocate for ME/
Secure congres- Week to corre- Lobby for the
CFSAC in-person Draft and send CFS to be included
sional support for spond with May creation of a
meeting and bipartisan appropri- as part of Senate
Senate and House 12 International congressional
presentation ations letters confirmation
actions Awareness Day for ME/CFS caucus
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2013 US Funding
Fair ME/CFS Funding
ME/CFS Funding
AA==Actual ME/CFS
Actual ME/CFS Funding
1,000 100,000 10,000,000
2013 US DALYs y = 107326x0.5541
The resultant DALY was then compared to the NIH’s anal- these limitations, this analysis demonstrates a remarkable
ysis of funding versus disease burden to estimate the level level of underfunding, significant gaps in research, and
of NIH funding that would be commensurate with that of inadequate clinical care practices.
these other diseases (Figure 1).
Dr. Nancy Klimas once noted her HIV/AIDS patients were
This analysis suggests that NIH funding for ME/CFS would “hale and hearty thanks to three decades of intense and
have to increase roughly twenty-five-fold to $188 million excellent research and billions of dollars invested,” while
per year (from $7 million per year) to be commensurate her ME/CFS patients “are terribly ill and unable to work or
with disease burden. participate in the care of their families.”
Our paper describes significant limitations that could As was done with HIV/AIDS, the Department of Health
impact the accuracy of estimates of DALY and commen- and Human Services has the real opportunity to decrease
surate NIH funding. These include lack of quality research the terrible burden of ME/CFS by providing commensurate
on prevalence, levels of disability, and causes of prema- funding and the leadership necessary to address gaps in
ture death. Other limitations include missed and mistaken research, provide for accurate disease tracking, and correct
diagnoses of ME/CFS patients and inadequate tracking of the misperceptions in the medical community that have
ME/CFS in medical and death records. But even considering magnified the burden of an already horrific disease. n
In this recurring section of The Solve ME/CFS
Chronicle, SMCI will feature the creativity and
talent of the ME/CFS community. Every issue
you can find the art, writing, or other creations
of ME/CFS patients here. To submit an item to
Patient Voices, please email Emily Taylor at
This quarter, we feature patient advocate Jennifer Brea available at press time. Funding for the film was provid-
and her new documentary, Unrest (formerly titled Canary ed in part by more than 2,500 Kickstarter backers who
in a Coal Mine). contributed to the project back in 2013.
Unrest poignantly and effectively tells the story of Jen “I’m thrilled and honored that this documentary film
and her husband Omar as they face the challenges and is launching at Sundance,” said Jen Brea, who directed,
upheavals of a life suddenly redefined by a disability produced, and appears in the film.
that no one understands. It also demonstrates how ME
has affected other patients and their families around We at SMCI enormously admire Jen for her vision,
the world as well as the physicians and researchers who passion, and perseverance in creating this important
work with them. film. We trust this documentary will obtain broad
distribution so that many people will come to under-
Unrest earned a coveted spot at the 2017 Sundance Film stand how devastating this disease is.
Festival, premiering in the documentary competition
in late January. Results of the competition were not yet We applaud you, Jen! n 17
The reason is simple: while it is useful in some instances to examine diseases with overlapping features, fibromyal-
gia is a different disease, and we feel that we will have the most impact by focusing on a single disease. Unlike
fibromyalgia, ME/CFS currently has zero FDA-approved treatments. So, moving forward, we will remain laser
focused on finding treatments and, ultimately, a cure for ME/CFS. n 19
Solve ME/CFS Initiative NONPROFIT
5455 Wilshire Blvd. US POSTAGE
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Solve ME/CFS Initiative
Carol Head Named 2017 Health Hero
5455 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1903 by O, The Oprah Magazine
Los Angeles, CA 90036 devastating disease. With over 2.4 million the millions of patients who continue to
paid subscribers, being featured in O, The suffer, although she maintains that she is no
Solve ME/CFS Chronicle archive: Oprah Magazine provided much-needed pub- hero. Says Carol, “When we finally under- lic exposure for our disease. stand the devastation of this life-destroying
Humans of ME/CFS: disease—when there’s significant funding Carol humbly accepts this honor in the to support research and scientists discover
name of the hundreds of advocates who have a cause and cure for ME—then we’ll have
TO SUPPORT SMCI worked for recognition for this disease and heroes.” n