Profit Efficiency Malayasia
Profit Efficiency Malayasia
Profit Efficiency Malayasia
Yahaya Kaka1 --- Mad Nasir Shamsudin2 --- Alias Radam3 --- Ismail Abd. Latif4
Department of Agribusiness and Information System, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM Serdang Malaysia
Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM Serdang, Malaysia
A multiple regression model based on Stochastic Frontier Profit Function which assumed Cobb-Douglass
specification form was estimated using a cross-sectional data obtained from a sample of 397 Paddy households via
Multi-stage and simple random sampling techniques. Maximum likelihood estimates of the specified profit model
revealed that profit efficiencies of the producers varied between 30.5% and 94.8% with a mean of 73.2% suggesting
that an estimated 26.8% of the profit is lost due to a combination of technical and allocative inefficiencies in Paddy
production. Results from the technical inefficiency model revealed that credit education, farming experience,
extension service, MR219 seed variety, broadcast planting method, machine broadcasting method and herbicides
were significant factors influencing profit inefficiency. This shows that profit inefficiency in Paddy production could
be shortened significantly with improvement in the level of the above socio-economics characteristics of the sampled
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Keywords: Stochastic, Profit efficiency, Cobb – Douglass, Paddy, MADA, Cross –sectional data
Received: 24 May 2016/ Revised: 2 August 2016/ Accepted: 29 August 2016/ Published: 9 September 2016
Contribution/ Originality
Self-sufficiency in Paddy Production has been the foremost issue in Malaysian Agriculture. The best and
effective approach to improve Paddy productivity is through more effective utilization of scarce resources. This paper
attempts to study production efficiency among Paddy producers in Malaysia employing a stochastic profit frontier
and inefficiency effects model.
Paddy farming is one of the most important activities in Malaysian Agriculture sector. Paddy (rice) is a crucial
part of everyday Malaysian diet. Thus according to Mohd and Shah [1] the crop enterprise was recently identified as
the most important food crop in Malaysia for ensuring the nation`s food security. Paddy is the most important
cultivated crops, besides oil palm and rubber in the country, covering a total land area of about 684,545 ha in 2012
[2]. It is mostly cultivated in the eight major designated producing areas called Granary Areas. The granary areas
which cover over 200,000 hectares of the irrigated paddy land are found in Peninsular Malaysia. The mini granary
areas with irrigation facilities totally about 28,000 hectares are also found all over the country. The granary Areas,
† Corresponding author
DOI: 10.18488/journal.2/2016.6.4/
ISSN(e): 2223-1331/ISSN(p): 2226-5724
© 2016 AESS Publications. All Rights Reserved.
Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 2016, 6(4): 66-75
which support both main-season and off-season paddy productions, provide about 72% of the rice production in the
country [3].
Historically, Malaysia has never meet self-sufficiency level with respect to paddy production the highest level
achieved was 92% during the third Malaysian plan [4]. The Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, in an
attempt to achieve higher self-sufficiency level and food security, adopted 4th National Agricultural Policy, which is
now called the National Agro-food Policy 2011-2020. This policy is targeting at making the country to attain 85%
self –sufficiency level in rice production by developing large scale paddy farming in Sabah and Sarawak through
private sector investment and sector modernization. However, the overall production of rice does not satisfy the
country`s need, the country therefore resorts to importation of rice to augment deficit (gap) between consumption and
domestic production in the country (figure 1).
Figure-1. Malaysia Rice Consumption, Domestic Production and Net Import, 1990-2014
Note: TRCTN (Total Rice Consumption); DRPTN (Domestic Rice Production); and, RNIPT (Rice Net Import).
Source: Time-series Data- Department of Statistics Malaysian (2015) and World Rice Statistics Online Query Facility-IRRI
Paddy farming in Malaysia is inherently operated with menace emanating from weeds, pests and diseases,
inadequate supply of quality seed, extension support and intensive management practices. Others include limited
opportunities for credit and the presence of technical inefficiency, which was identified by previous studies [5-7]
focusing on this sector as indispensable for sustainable paddy production. The ability of Paddy farmers to adopt new
technology and achieve sustainable production depends on their level of profit efficiency, mostly determined by
variable input and output prices as well as cost of fixed factors of production. Some factors would operate to cause
changes in farm level profit and its efficiency. Determining this factors and magnitude of their effects on farm level
profit efficiency constitute the empirical questions this study sought to answer. However, to assess the resource
productivity of Paddy farmers in MADA granary area is one of the prerequisites for increasing Paddy productivity in
the study area. Therefore, the need for sustainability of Paddy production in MADA justifies this study. Moreover, the
study estimates normalized stochastic profit function in addition to profit efficiency function of the Paddy farmers in
MADA granary area.
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Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 2016, 6(4): 66-75
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Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 2016, 6(4): 66-75
( ) ( ) ( )
Where: = normalized profit of i-th farmer; = description of the normalized profit, = vector of variable inputs;
Z = vector of fixed input(s); P = output price used to normalize variables in the model; π = farmer’s profit
defined as total revenue minus total cost of production (here paddy revenue consists of returns from the sales of
paddy output; while total cost is made up of the cost of seed, fertilizer, labour and agrochemical); ( )=
composite error term.
The profit/economic efficiency (EE) of an individual farmer in the context of stochastic frontier profit function is
derived as a ratio of the predicted, observed or actual profit ( ) to the corresponding predicted maximum profit ( )
for the best farm or frontier profit given the price of variable inputs and the level of fixed factor(s) of production of
that farmer. Mathematically, it is expressed following Sunday, et al. [16] as:
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )
The stochastic disturbance term ( ) consists of two independent elements: “v” and “u”. The symmetric two
sided error term (v) account for random variation in profit attributed to factors outside the farmer’s control (random
effects, measurement errors, omitted explanatory variables and statistical noise). The one-sided component ( ) is a
non-negative error term accounting for the inefficiency of the farm. Thus represents the profit shortfall from its
maximum possible value that will be given by the stochastic profit frontier. However, when u = 0, it implies farm
profit lies on the efficiency frontier (i.e. 100% profit efficiency) and u < 0 implies that the farm profit lies below the
efficiency frontier. Both v and u are assumed to be independently and normally distributed with zero mean and
constant variance.
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Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 2016, 6(4): 66-75
∑ ( )
= normalized profit computed for i-th farmer,
In = natural log,
= price of seed (RM/kg) normalized by price of paddy,
= price of fertilizer (RM/kg) normalized by price of paddy,
= price of labour (RM/manday) normalized by price of paddy,
= price of herbicides (RM/lt) normalized by price of paddy,
= area of land cultivated (ha),
, and are parameters to be estimated, represents statistical disturbance term and = represents profit
inefficiency effects of i-th farmer.
∑ ( )
= Profit inefficiency of i-th farmer, and are parameters to be estimated, are variables explaining
inefficiency effects, r =1,2,3....,n, k is truncated random variable, = Farmer`s age (year), = Level of education
(years), = Marital status (married = 1, single =0), = Household size (number), = Farming experience (year),
= Access to extension contact (number), = Credit usage (access =1, no access = 0), = Farm location (Perlis =
1, Kedah = 0), = Land cultivation technology (tractor = 1, others = 0), = Improve seed variety (MR219 = 1,
others = 0), = Improve seed variety (MR220CL2 = 1, others = 0), = Planting method (broadcasting = 1,
transplanting = 0), = Broadcasting method (machine = 1, manual = 0), = agrochemical use (used = 1, not used
= 0) and = Harvesting method (machine =1, others = 0). Both equation (4) and (5) were jointly estimated by
maximizing the likelihood function using the computer program Frontier version 4.1 [10].
3.1. Estimation Procedure
Maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters in the Cobb-Douglas and trans-log stochastic profit function
were obtained using Frontier 4.1. The unknown parameters of the stochastic profit function and inefficiency were
estimated simultaneously. To select the lead functional form for the data, hypothesis test base on the generalized
likelihood ratio test (LR) was conducted. = - 2 {log [L (H0) – log [L (Ha)]} formula was used to carry out the
likelihood ratio test. The first null hypothesis is the statement that the Cobb-Douglas profit function is the best fit for
the data. Result indicated that it is fail to reject the first null hypothesis because Lambda ( ) value (-64.33) was less
than critical value (24.384) at 5% level of significance, meaning that Cobb-Douglas form was the best functional
form for the data (table 1). After having Cobb-Douglas profit functional form as the function that suit the data, it was
applied to run another generalized likelihood ratio test for the second null hypothesis which states that profit
inefficiency is absent.
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Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 2016, 6(4): 66-75
This means that there is no profit inefficiency from the profit function of paddy farms and the actual profit which
is higher than the estimated profit is caused by uncontrollable factors. The LR test revealed that this second null
hypothesis is rejected at 5% level of significance as test statistics value (94.036) is greater than the critical value
Table 2 shows the MLE estimates of normalized frontier profit function. The estimated value of gamma (𝛾) is
close to 1 and is significantly different from zero thus ascertaining the fact that a higher level of inefficiencies exist in
paddy production. The estimated gamma parameter of 0.9333 is highly significant at 1% level of significance. This
revealed that 93.33% of variation in the actual profit from the maximum profit (frontier profit) among the farms was
mainly due to the differences in farmers` practices rather than random variability. The table indicates that the
coefficients of the estimated parameters of the normalized profit function were positive except the price of labour.
This implies that a unit increase in the price of inputs with positive coefficients will lead to increase in the
normalized profit realized from the production of paddy and vice-versa. Furthermore, the coefficient for price of
fertilizer with positive value of 0.8963 was statistically significant at 10% level of significance and this was revealed
to be the most important variable determining the profit efficiency. This mean that for a 10% increase in the price
incurred through fertilizer purchase, the profit obtained from the paddy production will increase by 8.963%. Oladeebo
and Oluwaranti [21] reported similar results. The positively signed and significant coefficient of land area (0.1346) at
5% level of significance indicates the fact that paddy farmers were operating at small scale level, therefore increasing
their cultivated land area will improve profit other things being equal. Alternatively a 10% increase in cultivated land
area will lead to 1.346% increase in profit obtained from the production of paddy. A research conducted by Ifeanyi
and Onyenweaku [17] and Sunday, et al. [16] reported comparable results.
A farm level profit also has negative relationship (-0.5211) with respect to the price of labour in the model. The
result shows that continuous increase in the price incurred through labour purchases will lead to the reduction in farm
level profit of paddy farmers in the study area. The result is consistent with the findings of Oladeebo and Oluwaranti
[21] and Ogunniyi [19]. The analysis also showed that the sign and significance of the estimated coefficient of price
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Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 2016, 6(4): 66-75
of herbicides (0.339) have important implications on the profit of the paddy farmers. In the light of this, the model
indicated that as the price increase through the purchase of herbicides the profit obtained by the farmers through the
production of paddy will be increased. This finding is also in conformity with result estimated by Oladeebo and
Oluwaranti [21].
Planting method (-1.4226) followed by chemicals (-0.8641) and MR219 seed variety tend to show evidence of
high levels of profit efficiency for paddy farmers in the study area. However, completely in line with a priori
expectation, the analysis indicates that the application of modern farming technology in paddy production has
significant function on elevating profit efficiency of farmers.
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Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 2016, 6(4): 66-75
The paddy farmers exhibited varied profit efficiencies ranging from 30.5% to 94.8%. However, the least profit
efficient paddy farmer needs an efficiency gain of 73.3% (1-0.305/0.948)100 of production if such a farmer is to
attain the profit efficiency of the best efficient farmer in the study area. Likewise for an average profit efficient
farmer, he will need an efficiency gain of 28.2% (1-0.733/0.948)100 to attain the most efficient level of production.
Furthermore, the most profit efficient farmer in the study area needs about 0.052% gains in profit efficiency to be on
the frontier efficiency. However, despite the variation in efficiency, it could be seen that about 87.9% of paddy
farmers seemed to be skewed towards efficiency level of greater than 60% and above. On State wise, Perlis is
revealed on the average to be the most profit efficient (75.7%) with minimum, maximum and coefficient of variation
in the profit of 34.%, 94.8% and 12.4% respectively compared to Kedah with average profit efficiency level o f
72.5%, minimum, maximum and coefficient of variation of 30.5%, 93.9% and 11.9% respectively.
Maximum likelihood estimates of the specified Cobb-Douglass stochastic profit function model shows that
farmer`s profit efficiency has not reached the frontier level. The results indicates that paddy farmers profit efficiency
could still be increased by 26.8% using the available technology to the farmers. Based on the magnitude of the profit
efficiency estimates, the study has found education, farming experience, extension service, MR219 seed variety,
broadcast planting method, machine broadcasting method and herbicides as the major significant determinants of
profit efficiency among Paddy producers. Finally, inefficiency in Paddy production could be reduced significantly by
improving the level of the above identified socio-economics and technological packages.
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Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 2016, 6(4): 66-75
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Frontier-4.1. Result of Cobb-Douglass Stochastic Frontier Profit Function and Profit Inefficiency effects
the final mle estimates are :
coefficient standard-error t-ratio
beta 0 0.38798565E+00 0.11110147E+00 0.34921739E+01
beta 1 0.64215212E+00 0.34450018E+00 0.18640110E+01
beta 2 0.89630295E+00 0.53383110E+00 0.16790010E+01
beta 3 0.33897919E+00 0.16881324E+00 0.20080131E+01
beta 4 -0.52117611E+00 0.81173161E+00 -0.64205473E+00
beta 5 0.13457565E+00 0.06055013E+00 0.22225493E+01
delta 0 0.10662854E+01 0.39046943E+00 0.27316443E+01
delta 1 0.09906032E+00 0.28274516E-02 0.35035195E+00
delta 2 -0.57492215E+00 0.32391515E+00 -0.17749159E+01
delta 3 0.06833029E+00 0.68985809E+00 0.09904979E+00
delta 4 0.00452043E+00 0.00376046E+00 0.12020958E+01
delta 5 -0.02842653E+00 0.01423433E+00 -0.19970404E+01
delta 6 -0.51146022E+00 0.14269038E+00 -0.35844058E+01
delta 7 -0.43315978E+00 0.65312674E+00 -0.66312674E+00
delta 8 0.00791798E+00 0.01741443E+00 0.45467929E+00
delta 9 -0.35118395E+00 0.68764513E+00 -0.51070521E+00
delta10 -0.74269849E+00 0.38339227E+00 -0.19371765E+01
delta11 -0.00529086E+00 0.01619542E+00 -0.32668871E+00
delta12 -0.14225543E+01 0.52668223E+00 -0.27009727E+01
delta13 -0.00237205E+00 0.00138357E+00 -0.17144488E+01
delta14 -0.86411189E+00 0.10101243E+00 -0.85545105E+01
delta15 -0.01056429E+00 0.00808168E+00 -0.13071905E+01
sigma-squared 0.77214750E+00 0.08828364E+00 0.87462128E+01
gamma 0.93328448E+00 0.07959502E+00 0.11725413E+02
log likelihood function = - 0.12114309E+03
LR test of the one-sided error = 0.10804239E+03
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