Reinforced Concrete Slab Subjected To Soft Missile Impact

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Transactions, SMiRT-23

Manchester, United Kingdom - August 10-14, 2015

Division V, Paper ID 102

Analytical Study of Reinforced Concrete Slab Subjected to Soft Missile


Yuho Kawamoto1, Jan Stepan2

Research Engineer, Shimizu Corporation, Japan
Senior Engineer, UJV Rez a.s. div. Energoprojekt Praha, Czech Republic

This article provides a study of comparisons between experimental tests and numerical analysis
results for short-term dynamic loads on reinforced concrete slabs. Meppen Tests II/4 and II/5 in the series
of tests performed during the 80’s in Germany were selected as representatives of experimental tests and
Abaqus version 6.12-3 was used for the numerical FE analysis. These two test results were provided in
the international project “Improving Robustness Assessment Methodologies for Structures Impacted by
Missiles (IRIS_2010)” and Test II/4 was a subject of the simulation in the project.
In this article, parametric study for analytical parameters such as these in the inelastic concrete
material model “Concrete Damaged Plasticity” was carried out to figure out the effect of each parameter
and to obtain a set of reasonable parameters by mainly focusing on the Test II/4. And then Test II/5 was
simulated applying the same set of parameters. The conclusions were summarized based on the
comparison of experimental and simulation results with the idea of feasibility for simulating the two
separate tests, which had different level of damage using the same material constitutive model.

The robustness against impact load has been considering more and more important for safety
related structures in nuclear facilities especially considering aircraft crash since September 11th, 2001.
Although several empirical formulas have been developed to for the design of reinforced concrete wall,
practically, more detail evaluations are required and several commercial FE codes are commonly used.
However, material constitutive models under high inelastic damage especially for quasi brittle materials
such as concrete are still under development and benchmark analysis simulating experimental impact tests
is important to figure out its ability and sensitivity.
Meppen Test II/4 and II/5 were selected to be simulated. The missiles used in both tests were
fabricated with thin steel parts such as pipes and plates based of the same design. For the target slab, steel
reinforced concrete slabs were built. Shear reinforcement density was the only difference between the
target slabs of Test II/4 and II/5 and more severe damage was observed in Test II/5 than in Test II/4. Test
II/4 was simulated in the first phase of the international project IRIS_2010 organized by the Committee
on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) in conjunction with the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory
Activities (CNRA), both part of Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD).
For the numerical FE code, Abaqus 6.12-3 and its explicit solver Abaqus/Explicit was used.
Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) was selected among three standard concrete constitutive models
available in Abaqus, because this is the only model which can simulate both compressive and tensile
plastic behaviors with the explicit solver. During the simulation of Test II/5, numerical instability
problems were experienced because of the relatively sever damage. Therefore, the automatic conversion
of finite elements to mesh-free particles which is called “Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)”
method was applied to deal with this problem. In this study, only standard material models incorporated
in Abaqus were used and simple models which allowed obtaining of results within a few days were built.
Material test data were basically taken from IRIS_2010 project report and the required data which was not
available from the report was supplemented by civil standards and relating articles. These principles
23rd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
Manchester, United Kingdom - August 10-14, 2015
Division V
correspond to the design of new structures when only limited knowledge of material properties especially
for concrete and limited time for solution are available.

For Test II/4 and II/5, the missiles with 607 mm outer diameter and total length of 5,990 mm
were fabricated with thin RST 37-2 (S 235 G3) steel pipes and plates based on the same design (Figure
1a). The missile weight and the impact velocity were 1,016 kg and 247.7 m/s for Test II/4 and 974 kg and
234.8 m/s for Test II/5. The targets were 6,500 mm horizontal, 6,000 mm vertical and 700 mm thick steel
reinforced concrete slabs (Figure 1b). The concrete type was B35 and the steel type of reinforcement was
BSt 420/500 RK. 20 mm diameter reinforcement steel was arranged on a side where the missile hit the
target (front) with a density of 273 mm2/m and 28 mm diameter reinforcement steel was arranged on the
other side (rear) with a density of 536 mm2/m. 20 mm diameter shear reinforcement steel was arranged
with 502 mm2/m2 for Test II/4 and 126 mm2/m2 for Test II/5. This shear reinforcement steel density
difference was the only difference between Test II/4 and Test II/5 target slabs. The target slabs were
supported by the blind cylinders and tie rods. The blind cylinders and the tie rods were set for the
compression and the tensile reaction forces, respectively (Figure 1bc).

(a) Missile

!= Load cells
"= Blind cylinders
x = Tie rods

(b) Target (c) Target Support Condition

Figure 1. Meppen Test II/4 and II/5 – Missile, Target and Target Support Condition

Each model comprised a one-quarter symmetric representation of the missile and reinforced
concrete slab. The gravity was ignored and the general contact algorithm in Abaqus/Explicit was applied.

Geometry and Mesh

Since the missiles in Test II/4 and Test II/5 were geometrically the same, a single missile model
was constructed with 4-node reduced integration shell element S4R. Based on the sensitivity study (see
Table 2), the approximate element characteristic lengths were 20 mm for parts which had a plastic
23rd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
Manchester, United Kingdom - August 10-14, 2015
Division V
deformation and up to 50 mm for the other parts (Figure 2a). The concrete portion of the target was
represented using 8-node reduced integration hexahedral solid elements C3D8R. The reinforcement steel
was modeled using 2-node Timoshenko beam element B31 and embedded into the concrete solid
elements. The approximate element characteristic length both for the concrete solid element and
reinforcement steel element was 50 mm. The blind cylinders were modeled using the beam element B31
and a cubic solid element C3D8R which was attached on an end of the each beam element (Figure 2d).
The wire part of the tie rods were modeled using the beam element B31 and an end of the each wire part
was tied together with a small shell element on the front side of the slab (Figure 2e). Only these solid and
shell element parts were modeled to interact with the concrete solid element surface so that the blind
cylinder and the tie rod could support only compressive and tensile forces, respectively, and the degrees
of freedom of the other ends of the blind cylinders and tie rods were fixed to zero.

(a) Missile

(d) Blind Cylinder

(b) Target (Front) (c) Target (Rear View) (e) Tie Rod and Plate

Figure 2. Missile & Target Model and Support Condition

Material Constitutive Models

The material proretries defined for the analysis model are listed in Table 1. For the missle steel,
Classical Metal Plasticity in Abaqus was used. The missile steel’s stress-strain relationship was obtained
from the provided curve (Figure 3a) and the strain-rate effect was considered with a dynamic increase
factor (DIF) using the following equations (L. Javier Malvar and John E. Crawford, 1998):

ఌሶ ఈ
‫ ܨܫܦ‬ൌ ቀ ቁ (1)

where for the yield stress, Ƚ ൌ ߙ௙೤:

ߙ௙೤ ൌ ͲǤͲ͹Ͷ െ ͲǤͲͶͲ (2)

for the ultimate stress, Ƚ ൌ ߙ௙ೠ :

23rd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
Manchester, United Kingdom - August 10-14, 2015
Division V

ߙ௙ೠ ൌ ͲǤͲͳͻ െ ͲǤͲͲͻ (3)

and the strain rate ε -1 is in s-1 (1/second), and fy is the bar yield strength in MPa. This formulation is valid
for bars with yield stresses between 290 and 710 MPa and for strain rates between 10-4 and 225 s-1. The
steel density was set to fit the missile’s total weight in the test.




Ϭ ϱ ϭϬ ϭϱ ϮϬ Ϯϱ
(a) Test Data (b) Input Data

Figure 3. Missile Steel Stress – Strain Relationship

The concrete material model was represented by CDP. Figure 4 shows the compressive concrete
behaviour in stress-strain relationship inputted to the model. Since no stress-strain curve was available
from the experimental test, the static compression relationship was developed using the following
relationship in Eurocode 2:

ఙ೎ ௞ijିఝమ
ൌ (4)
௙೎೘ ଵାሺ௞ିଶሻఝ

where ߮ ൌ ߝ௖ Τߝ௖௟, ߝ௖௟ is the strain at peak stress, k = 1 .05 E cm × ε c1 / f cm . Ecm = 29.053 GPA was from
the test and ߝ௖ଵ ൌ ͲǤͲͲʹʹ and fcm = 38 MPa were picked up from Eurocode 2. The concrete compressive
strength of cubic specimen was provided as 37.2 MPa in the test, thus values relating to C30/C37 were
adapted. Since the equation (4) is valid only in the strain range Ͳ ൏ ߝ ൏ ߝ௖௨ଵ, the range over the nominal
ultimate strain ߝ௖௨ଵ ൌ ͲǤͲͲ͵ͷ was plotted with engineering judgment. The strain-rate effect for the
concrete compressive behaviour was taken into consideration using the following equations (L. Javier
Malvar and John E. Crawford, 1998):

ఌሶ ଵǤ଴ଶ଺ఈೞ
݂௖ Ȁ݂௖௦ ൌ ቀ ቁ for ߝሶ ൑ ͵Ͳ‫ି ݏ‬ଵ (5)

ఌሶ ଵ ଷ
ൌ ߛ௦ ቀ ቁ for ߝሶ ൐ ͵Ͳ‫ି ݏ‬ଵ (6)

where fc is dynamic compressive strength at ε , fcs is static compressive strength at ߝ௦ሶ ൌ ͵Ͳ ൈ ͳͲି଺,
݂௖Τ݂௖௦ is compressive strength DIF, ε is strain rate in the range of 30 ×10 to 300 s-1, logγ = 6.156α –

2, αs = 1 / (5 + 9fcs / fc0 ) and fc0 = 10 MPa.

23rd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
Manchester, United Kingdom - August 10-14, 2015
Division V

ϭϰϬ ϭϰϬ
ϭϬϬ ϭƐͲϭ ϭϬϬ ϭƐͲϭ


^ƚĂƚŝĐ ^ƚĂƚŝĐ
ϲϬ ϲϬ

ϰϬ ϰϬ


Ϭ Ϭ͘Ϭϱ Ϭ͘ϭ Ϭ͘ϭϱ Ϭ͘Ϯ Ϭ͘Ϯϱ Ϭ͘ϯ Ϭ͘ϯϱ Ϭ Ϯ ϰ ϲ ϴ ϭϬ ϭϮ ϭϰ ϭϲ ϭϴ ϮϬ
^ƚƌĂŝŶ΀й΁ ^ƚƌĂŝŶ΀й΁
(a) Developed by Equation (4) (b) Whole Input Data

Figure 4. Concrete Stress – Strain Relationship

Fracture energy cracking model was applied for the concrete tensile behavior. Since only the tensile
strength value 4.8 MPa was availabel from the material test, a linear loss of strength after cracking was
assumed. Abaqus Manual refers to typical values for the Fracture Energy, Gf = 40 N/m and 120 N/m for
typical construction concretes which have approximate compressive strengths 20 MPa and 40 MPa,
respectively. However, it is described in Eurocode 2 that the concrete which has a compressive strenght
about 40 MPa has a tensile strength only around 3.0 MPa. Due to the significant difference between these
tensile strengths from the test and Eurocode 2, the Fracture Energy Gf was studied as a parameter with
the values 120, 160 and 200 N/m. There are several parameters to define concrete plastic behavior in CDP,
however, defaut values were applied for the most of the parameters because of the insuficiency of the
material test data available in IRIS_2010 report. Only Dilation Angle for the flow potentioal was studied
with the values 30, 40 and 50 degrees, because no default value is specified in Abaqus Manual.
For the reinforcement steel, Classical Metal Plasticity was used. The strain-stress relationship of
the reinforcement steel was provided with mechanical calacteristic values, Elastic limit σe = 430 MPa,
Plastic limit σp = 500 MPa at plastic strain 0.2 % and Upper resistance σmax = 620 MPa at plastic strain
3 % (Figure 5a). From these data, the stress-strain curve was plotted considering the true stress – true
strain relationship with strain-rate effect (Figure 5b). The equ
ations (1) to (3) were also used for the reinforcement steel.






Ϭ Ϯ ϰ ϲ ϴ ϭϬ
(a) Test Data (b) Input Data

Figure 5. Reinforcement Steel Stress – Strain Relationship

23rd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
Manchester, United Kingdom - August 10-14, 2015
Division V

Table 1. Material Properties

Missile Steel (RST 37-2)

Young Modulus [GPa] 210
Poisson’s Ratio 0.3
Density [t/m3] 8.52 (Test II/4), 8.16 (Test II/5)
Target Concrete (B35)
Young Modulus [GPa] 29.053
Poisson’s Ratio 0.2
Density [t/m3] 2.4
Compressive Strength [MPa] 38
Tensile Strength [MPa] 4.8
Damage Variable dt, dc 0, 0 (default)
Stiffness Recovery Factor ω t, ωc 0, 1 (default)
Fracture Energy [N/m] 120, 160 and 200
Dilation Angle [degrees] 30, 40 and 50
Eccentricity Parameter 0.1 (default)
σbo / σc0 *a 1.16 (default)
Kc *b 0.666 (default)
Viscosity Parameter 0 (default)
Target Reinforcement steel (BSt 420/500 RK)
Young Modulus [GPa] 210
Poisson’s Ratio 0.3
Density [t/m ] 7.85
Shear Failure 0.05
*a: Ratio of initial equibiaxial compressive yield stress to initial uniaxial compressive yield stress
*b: Ratio of the second stress invariant on the tensile meridian, q, to that on the compressive
meridian, p, at initial yield


Missile Model
The missile model was calibrated before simulating its impact against the target slab. Table 2
shows the analysis cases. The missile model was impacted to a rigid wall and the displacement and
velocity of the rear of the missile (Figure 6) and its deformation shape (Figure 7) were compared with the
test results. It was assumed that, although the test results were of its impact against the RC slab, the
impact to the rigid wall could represent the missile’s similar response, because the RC slab was not
damaged severely and could be considered relatively stiff in Test II/4. Since Case M4 showed relatively
close results to the test results among these cases, this missile model was decided to be used to simulate
Meppen Test II/4 and II/5.

Table 2. Analysis Cases for Calibrating Missile Model

Approx. Mesh Size [mm] Strain-rate Effect

Case M1 50 –
Case M2 50 X
Case M3 20 –
Case M4 20 X
23rd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
Manchester, United Kingdom - August 10-14, 2015
Division V

Ϯϳϱ ϲ
ϮϱϬ ϱ

ϮϮϱ ϰ



ϱϬ Ͳϰ
Ϯϱ Ͳϱ
Ϭ Ͳϲ
ͲϮϱ Ͳϳ
Ϭ ϭϬ ϮϬ ϯϬ ϰϬ
(a) Test Result (Meppen Test II/4) (b) Case M1-M4

Figure 6. Displacement and Velocity-Time-History of Rear of Missile during Impact

400 600 1270 390 300 710 1120 620

(a) Test result (b) Case M1 (c) Case M2 (d) Case M3 (e) Case M4

Figure 7. Missile Deformation after Impact to Rigid Wall

Meppen Test II/4

Table 3 shows analysis cases for Meppen Test II/4. The Fracture Energy Gf, Dilation Angle and
strain-rate effect were studied as parameters to see the effect of each parameter and to figure out a set of
reasonable parameters. The strain-rate effect was considered only for concrete compression behavior. The
following effects were obtained for each parameter from the comparison of the displacement simulation
results (Figure 8): (1) among Case 1, Case 2 and Case 3, the bigger the Fracture Energy became, the
smaller the displacement result was predicted, (2) among Case 2, Case 4 and Case 5, the larger Dilation
Angle became, the smaller peak displacement was calculated, (3) from Case 5 and Case 6, the strain-rate
effect was relatively small. This might be because the target slab had a low strain-rate during the impact.
Comparing all the cases’ displacements with the test results, Case 4, Case 5 and Case 6 predicted the test
results reasonably. Since the strain-rate effect was considered only in Case 6 among these three cases, it
was thought that Case 6 had the most realistic material model. Figure 9 shows the reaction forces of Case
6 at the load cells. Although the magnitude of the reaction forces K5 and K6 in the analysis result were
interchanged after about 10 milliseconds unlike the test result, it seemed that the total momentum of the
observed points were more or less equal to the test result. Figure 10 illustrates the crack pattern of the test
result and the simulated configuration with contours of the equivalent plastic strain in uniaxial tension.
The gray color in the contours represents plastic tensile strain more than or equal to 0.2 % and, if it’s
considered as the plastic tensile strain is of a crack, it equivalent to a crack width 0.1 mm or more in a
concrete solid element which had the approximate mesh size 50 mm. From the distribution of the
contours, Case 6 captured the damage in the target slab reasonably, too.
23rd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
Manchester, United Kingdom - August 10-14, 2015
Division V
Table 3. Analysis Cases for Meppen Test II/4

Fracture Energy: Gf [N/m] Dilation Angle [degrees] Strain-rate Effect (compression)

Case 1 120 30 –
Case 2 160 30 –
Case 3 200 30 –
Case 4 160 40 –
Case 5 160 50 –
Case 6 160 50 X

Ϭ͘ϳŵ Ϭ͘ϳŵ

tϮ tϭ

ϭ͘Ϯŵ ϭ͘Ϯŵ ϭ͘Ϯŵ

tϰ tϯ

tϲ tϱ

tϴ tϳ

(a) Test Result (W3 – W6) (b) Test Result (W1, W2, W7 and W8)

ϱ ϱ

Equivalent to W3-W6

ϰ ϰ
Equivalent to W3-W6
ϯ ϯ
Equivalent to W1, W2, W7 and W8 Equivalent to W1, W2, W7 and W8

ϭ ϭ

dŝŵĞ΀ŵƐ΁ dŝŵĞ΀ŵƐ΁
(c) Case 1 – Case 3 (d) Case 4 – Case 6

Figure 8. Meppen Test II/4 Displacement





(a) Test Result (b) Case 6
23rd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
Manchester, United Kingdom - August 10-14, 2015
Division V
Figure 9. Meppen Test II/4 Reaction Force at Load Cells K5 – K8
^ĞĐƚŝŽŶϭ ^ĞĐƚŝŽŶϮ ^ĞĐƚŝŽŶϭ

(b) Crack Pattern (Sections)


(a) Crack Pattern (Rear & Sides) (c) Case 6 Damege (t = 100 ms)

Figure 10. Meppen Test II/4 Target Response

Meppen Test II/5

To fit the test condition to Test II/5, the shear rebar density, missile steel density and impact
velocity were changed from the Test II/4 model discussed above. And then, the simulation attempt for
Test II/5 was made using the same material constitutive models and parameters used in Case 6. However,
since Test II/5 had the more severe damage than in Test II/4, the calculation could not be complete
because of numerical instability. Thus SPH method that converts finite element to SPH particles was
applied additionally to the concrete material model. Strain-based criterion was selected and the absolute
principal strain 0.3 was defined for the threshold of the conversion. Thanks to the SPH method, the
analysis was successfully completed and the damage of the slab is illustrated (Figure 11c). However, the
displacement on the rear side of the slab was much smaller than the test result (Figure 12), because the
punching failure observed in the test was not captured by the simulation (Figure 11b). It was found out
that after the embedded reinforced steel beam elements are released from the host concrete solid elements
due to the SPH conversion, the beam elements don’t contact other elements and the missile and concrete
debris including the SPH particles slip through the released reinforcement steel beam elements.

(a) Crack Pattern (Rear) (b) Crack Pattern (Section) (c) Damage (t = 30 ms)
23rd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
Manchester, United Kingdom - August 10-14, 2015
Division V
Figure 11. Meppen Test II/5 Target Response
΀Đŵ΁ ΀Đŵ΁
ϯϬ ϲ

ϮϬ ϰ

ϭϬ Ϯ

΀ŵƐ΁ ΀ŵƐ΁ ΀ŵƐ΁
Ϭ ΀ŵƐ΁
Ϯϱ Ϭ
Ϭ Ϯϱ Ϭ Ϯϱ
(a) Test and Simulation Results (W3 – W6) (b) Test and Simulation Results (W2, W7 and W8)

Figure 12. Meppen Test II/5 Displacement (measurement positions were the same as in Test II/4)

Meppen Test II/4 and II/5 which had different level of damage were simulated with the
commercially available finite element code Abaqus. The material constitutive models and their
parameters were defined according to the Test II/4 results and using these parameters, the response and
damage observed in Test II/4 were reasonably predicted. On the other hand, the simulation of Test II/5
using the same material models used for Test II/4 experienced numerical instability. After SPH method
was additionally applied to the concrete material model, the analysis was successfully done. However, the
punching failure in Test II/5 was not captured and the damage could not be reproduced precisely enough.
Therefore, the simulation of the two tests which had different damage levels using the same set of
material constitutive models was not achieved reasonably within this study. The followings were found as
technical difficulties in the simulation of Test II/5 using SPH method: (1) the only absolute principal
strain and stress can be specified for the thresholds respectively for strain-based and stress-based criteria
to convert finite element to SPH particle but the separate thresholds for compressive and tensile principal
strain and stress might be needed to predict the response more accurately, and (2) the embedded beam
elements don’t have contact capability and after they are released from the host solid element due to SPH
conversion, they cannot contact other elements. Apart from problems with SPH, there are some more
difficulties - the material test data was not sufficiently available to define the material parameters and the
material constitutive models available in the Abaqus without incorporating user material models are not
sufficient enough to simulate impact against reinforced concrete slab with high level of damage.
From this study it seems that it is still needed to consider different approaches to simulate
different levels of damage in reinforced concrete slabs caused by impact. For a new design, it is important
to benchmark the capability of used code and material models by simulating a set of experimental impact
tests covering expected range of structure response and level of damage.

Abaqus Manual (2012), Version 6.12-3, Dassault Systemes.
Improving Robustness Assessment Methodologies for Structures Impacted by Missiles (IRIS_2010),
Final Report, NEA/CSNI/R(2011)8.
EUROPEAN STANDARD, EN 1992-1-1, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General
rules and rules for buildings.
L. Javier Malvar and John E. Crawford (1998), “DYNAMIC INCREASE FACTORS FOR STEEL
REINFORCING BARS,” Twenty-Eighth DDESB Seminar Orlando, FL, August 98.
L. Javier Malvar and John E. Crawford (1998), DYNAMIC INCREASE FACTORS FOR CONCRETE,
Twenty-Eighth DDESB Seminar Orlando, FL, August 98.

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