ST SG AC.10 C.3 2023 3e
ST SG AC.10 C.3 2023 3e
ST SG AC.10 C.3 2023 3e
Secretariat Distr.: General
20 April 2023
Original: English
I. Introduction
1. When reviewing the Spanish version of the Model Regulations, and specifically the
use of mass and weight in Spanish, we have noticed two cases where the English and French
language versions should also be corrected.
2. Ensuring a more systematic approach, a better rationale and less differences between
the different linguistic versions of the Model Regulations helps to create clearer legal texts
and to avoid different criteria between different countries and inspection services, and by that
helps to implement target 16.6 of the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development (Develop
effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels).
II. Analysis
3. A specific case has been spotted in where the use of weight or mass in
the French and English version would need to be reviewed. The English, French and Spanish
versions of this paragraph are as follows:
“ The weight of the fibre reinforcement shall conform to that set
forth in the procedure specification with a tolerance of +10 % and −0 %. One or more
of the fibre types specified in and in the procedure specification shall be
used for reinforcement of shells. Le poids du renfort de fibre doit être conforme à celui indiqué
dans les spécifications de la procédure, avec une tolérance de +10 % et −0 %. Pour le
renforcement des réservoirs, on utilise un ou plusieurs des types de fibres prescrits au et dans les spécifications de la procédure.
III. Proposals
7. Amend as follows (deleted text is shown stricken through, new text in
“ The weight mass of the fibre reinforcement shall conform to that
set forth in the procedure specification with a tolerance of +10 % and −0 %. One or
more of the fibre types specified in and in the procedure specification
shall be used for reinforcement of shells.”
8. Amend (d) as follows (deleted text is shown in stricken through, new text in
“ (d) Beryllium incorporated in copper alloys up to 4 % in weight mass of
the alloy does not need to be considered.”
9. Amend as follows (deleted text is shown in stricken through, new text
in bold):
« Le poids La masse du renfort de fibre doit être conforme à celui
indiqué dans les spécifications de la procédure, avec une tolérance de +10 % et −0 %.
Pour le renforcement des réservoirs, on utilise un ou plusieurs des types de fibres
prescrits au et dans les spécifications de la procédure. »
10. Amend as follows (deleted text is shown stricken through, new text in
« Il n’est pas nécessaire de prendre en considération le béryllium
incorporé dans des alliages de cuivre jusqu’à 4% du poids masse de l’alliage »
11. Amend as follows (deleted text is shown stricken through, new text in
“ No es necesario tomar en consideración el berilio incorporado en
aleaciones de cobre de hasta el 4 % en peso masa de la aleación.”