719L Samsung 4 Door Fridge SRF719DLS User Manual
719L Samsung 4 Door Fridge SRF719DLS User Manual
719L Samsung 4 Door Fridge SRF719DLS User Manual
user manual
Safety information
SAFETY INFORMATION • This appliance can be used
by children aged from 8 years
• Before operating the
and above and persons with
appliance, please read this
reduced physical, sensory
manual thoroughly and retain
or mental capabilities or
it for your reference.
lack of experience and
• Use this appliance only for
knowledge if they have
its intended purpose as
been given supervision or
described in this instruction
instruction concerning use of
the appliance in a safe way
This appliance is not
and understand the hazards
intended for use by persons
(including children) with
Children shall not play with
reduced physical, sensory
the appliance.
or mental capabilities, or
Cleaning and user
lack of experience and
maintenance shall not be
knowledge, unless they have
made by children without
been given supervision or
instruction concerning use
• Warnings and Important
of the appliance by a person
Safety Instructions in this
responsible for their safety.
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maintaining, and operating The room must be 1 m³
your appliance. in size for every 8 g of
• Because these following R-600a refrigerant inside the
operating instructions appliance.
cover various models, The amount of refrigerant in
the characteristics of your your particular appliance is
refrigerator may differ slightly shown on the identification
from those described in this plate inside the appliance.
manual. • Refrigerant squirting out of
R-600a or R-134a is used as the pipes could ignite or
a refrigerant. cause an eye injury.
Check the compressor label When refrigerant leaks from
on the rear of the appliance the pipe, avoid any naked
or the rating label inside the flames and move anything
fridge to see which refrigerant flammable away from the
is used for your refrigerator. product and ventilate the
When this product contains room immediately.
flammable gas (Refrigerant - Failing to do so may result in
R-600a), contact your local fire or explosion.
authority in regard to safe
disposal of this product.
• In order to avoid the
creation of a flammable gas-
air mixture if a leak in the
refrigerating circuit occurs,
the size of the room in which
the appliance may be sited
depends on the amount of
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appliance,care should be or fire.
taken to ensure that no • Do not place this refrigerator
parts of the refrigerating in direct sunlight or expose to
circuit are damaged. the heat from stoves, room
- Refrigerant leaking from the heaters or other appliance.
pipe work could ignite or • Do not plug several
cause an eye injury. appliances into the same
If a leak is detected, avoid multiple power board.
any naked flames or potential The refrigerator should
sources of ignition and air the always be plugged into its
room in which the appliance own individual electrical outlet
is standing for several which has a voltage rating
minutes. that matched the rating plate.
- This appliance contains a - This provides the best
small amount of isobutane performance and also
refrigerant (R-600a), a natural prevents overloading house
gas with high environmental wiring circuits, which could
compatibility that is, however, cause a fire hazard from
also combustible. overheated wires.
When transporting and • If the wall socket is loose, do
installing the appliance, not insert the power plug.
care should be taken to - There is a risk of electric
ensure that no parts of shock or fire.
the refrigerating circuit are • Do not use a cord that shows
damaged. cracks or abrasion damage
along its length or at either
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in a location where gas may problems with the product.
leak. - Never plug the power cord
- This may result in an electric into a socket that is not
shock or fire. grounded correctly and make
• If any dust or water is in the sure that it is in accordance
refrigerator, pull out power with local and national codes.
plug and contact your
Samsung Electronics service • If the power cord is
center. damaged, have it
- Otherwise there is a risk of replaced immediately by
fire. the manufacturer or its
• Do not stand on top of the service agent.
appliance or place objects • The fuse on the refrigerator
(such as laundry, lighted must be changed by a
candles, lighted cigarettes, qualified technician or service
dishes, chemicals, metal company.
objects, etc.) on the - Failing to do so may result in
appliance. an electric shock or personal
- This may result in an electric injury.
shock, fire, problems with the
product, or injury.
• Do not store pharmaceuticals devices or any other means
products, scientific materials to accelerate the defrosting
or temperature-sensitive process, other than those
products in the refrigerator. recommended by the
- Products that require manufacturer.
strict temperature controls • Do not damage the
must not be stored in the refrigerant circuit.
refrigerator. • Do not spray volatile material
• Do not place or use such as insecticide onto the
electrical appliance inside surface of the appliance.
the refrigerator/freezer, - As well as being harmful to
unless they are of a type humans, it may also result
recommended by the in an electric shock, fire or
manufacturer. problems with the product.
• If you smell pharmaceutical • Do not use a hair dryer to dry
or smoke, pull out power the inside of the refrigerator.
plug immediately and contact Do not place a lighted
your Samsung Electronics candle in the refrigerator for
service center. removing bad odours.
• If any dust or water is in - This may result in an electric
Refrigerator, pull out power shock or fire.
plug and contact your • Fill the water tank, ice tray,
Samsung Electronics service water cubes only with
center. potable water.
- Otherwise there is a risk of - Do not fill tea or sports drink,
fire. this may cause the damage
• If gas leak is detected, avoid of refrigerator.
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• Never put fingers or other or smoke, unplug the
objects into the dispenser power plug immediately
hole, ice chute and ice maker and contact your nearest
bucket. service center.
- It may cause a personal injury - Failing to do so may result in
or material damage. an electric or fire hazards.
• Do not insert hands, feet • Pull the power plug out of
or metal objects (such as the socket before changing
chopsticks, etc.) into the the interior lamps of the
bottom or the back of the refrigerator
refrigerator. - Otherwise, there is a risk of
- This may result in an electric electric shock.
shock or injury. • If you experience difficulty
- Any sharp edges may cause when changing the light,
a personal injury. contact service agent.
• If the products is equipped
• Do not attempt to repair, with the LED Lamp, do not
disassemble, or modify disassemble the Lamp Cover
the appliance yourself. and LED Lamp by yourself.
- Do not use any fuse (such as - Please contact your service
cooper, steel wire, etc.) other agent.
than the standard fuse. • Plug the power plug into the
- When repairing or reinstalling wall socket firmly.
the appliance is required, Do not use a damaged
contact your nearest service power plug, damaged power
center. cord or loose wall socket.
- Failing to do so may result - This may result in an electric
in an electric shock, fire, shock or fire.
English - 11
the functionality of the close the water valve.
refrigerator. - Otherwise, water leakage
- Changes or modifications may occur.
may result in a personal injury • Wipe excess moisture from
and/or property damage. the inside and leave the
Any changes or modifications doors open.
performed by a 3rd party on - Otherwise, odor and mold
this completed appliance may develop.
are neither covered under • When the refrigerator got
Samsung warranty service, wet by water, pull out the
nor is Samsung responsible power plug and contact your
for safety issues and Samsung Electronics service
damages that result from 3rd center.
party modifications. • Do not apply strong shock
• Do not block air holes. or excessive force onto the
- If the air holes are blocked, surface of glass.
especially with a plastic bag, - Broken glass may result
the refrigerator can be over in a personal injury and/or
cooled. property damage.
If this cooling period lasts • Do not sit on or hang onto
too long, the water filter the door or home bar of
may break and cause water refrigerator.
- This may cause the
• Use only the ice-maker refrigerator to fall over, the
provided with the refrigerator. door to separate or a hand
• The water supply to this being caught in the crack of
refrigerator must only be the door, and this may result
installed/connected by a
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authority in regard to safe trapped inside.
disposal of this product. Children should be
Cyclopentane is used as an supervised to ensure that
insulation blowing gas. they do not enter and play
The gases in insulation with the appliance.
material require special - If trapped inside, the child
disposal procedure. may become injury and
Please contact your local suffocate to death.
authorities in regard to the • Please dispose of the
environmentally safe disposal packaging material for this
of this product. product in an environmentally
Ensure that none of the pipes friendly manner.
on the back of the appliances • Keep all packaging materials
are damaged prior to well out of the reach of
disposal. children, as packaging
The pipes shall be broken in materials can be dangerous
the open space. to children.
• It is hazardous for anyone - If a child places a bag over
other than an Authorised its head, it may result in
Service Person to service this suffocation.
In Queensland – the
authorized Service Person
MUST hold a Gas Work
Authorisation or Licence for
hydrocarbon refrigerants, to
carry out Servicing or repairs
which involve the removal of
English - 15
put it near a direct source of
heat (radiator, for example).
- Not to block any vents and This appliance is intended
grilles is recommended for to be used in household and
energy efficiency. similar applications such as
- Allow warm food to cool - staff kitchen areas in shops,
down before placing it in the offices and other working
appliance. environments;
- Put frozen food in the - farm houses and by clients
refrigerator to thaw. in hotels, motels and other
You can then use the low residential type environments;
temperatures of the frozen - bed and breakfast type
products to cool food in the environments;
refrigerator. - catering and similar non-retail
- Do not keep the door of applications.
the appliance open for too
long when putting food in or
taking food out.
The shorter time for which
the door is open, the less ice
will form in the freezer.
- Allow clearance to the right,
left, back and top when
This will help reduce power
consumption and keep your
energy bills lower.
- For the most efficient use
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For proper installation, you must place this
refrigerator on a level, hard surface that is the same
height as the rest of the floor.
This surface should be strong enough to support a
fully loaded refrigerator. Philips screwdriver Flat-blade Socket wrench
To protect the finish of the flooring, cut a large (+) screwdriver (-) (10 mm)
section of the cardboard carton and place it under
the refrigerator where you are working.
When moving the refrigerator, you need to pull and
push it straight forwards or back.
Do not wiggle it from side to side. Allen wrench Allen wrench
(4 mm) (5 mm)
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Red Clip
1. With the door open, remove the screw
(6.35mm) holding the cover (A) of the Adjustable Leg
at the bottom of the door with a Phillips
(+) Screwdriver, and then disassemble the
Connector (B).
3. Pull up the Fixer Lever (E), and then pull it
English - 20
them in the correct direction.
3. With the door open, join the connectors on the
bottom of the door.
• Be sure to re-attach the Freezer Door
CAUTIONbefore re-attaching the Fridge Door.
• Before re-attaching, make sure that all the wire - Be careful not to step on or damage the
connectors at the bottom of the Freezer Door connectors.
are connected.
A 1
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Red Clip
C (6.35 mm)
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When you rotate the Lever counter-clockwise,
please place the refrigerator you lower the refrigerator.
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system to do that.
The water line also connects to the ice maker. 2. Locate the nearest cold water drinking line and
For the ice maker to operate properly, water install the pipe clamp and shut off valve.
pressure of 138 ~ 862 kPa is required.
If the refrigerator is installed in an area with low
water pressure (below 20 psi), you can install a Cold water line
booster pump to compensate for the low pressure.
After you have connected the water line, make Pipe clamp
sure the water storage tank inside the refrigerator is
properly filled. Shut off valve
To do this, press the water dispenser lever until the
water runs from the water outlet.
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(1) (4)
(2) (5)
(3) (7)
(6) (8)
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Soft Freezing
Select Soft Freezing to set the temperature
Fridge to -5 °C.
( 4 )
(Hold 3 sec for Power Cool) • Use this setting to keep meat and fish
Touch this button to set the fridge to your fresh longer than fridge.
desired temperature.
You can set the temperature between 1 °C
and 7 °C. Select Chill to set the temperature to -1 °C.
Touch and hold this button for 3 seconds • Use this setting to keep deli like steak,
to decrease the time needed to cool fish, bacon and cheese.
products in the Fridge.
This can be helpful if you need to Cool
quickly cool easily spoiled items or if the Select Cool to set the temperature to 2 °C.
temperature in the fridge has warmed
• Use this setting to keep drink (juice,
soft drinks and beer), vegetable, fruit,
(For example, if the door was left open.)
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(See Ice Maker Off below.) After you install the new water filter, touch
and hold the Crushed Ice button for
3 Seconds to reset the filter.
Lighting - If water is not dispensing or dispensing
Touch the Cubed button for three seconds slowly, you need to replace the water
to set the Dispenser LED lamp (under the filter because the water filter is clogged.
display) to continuous mode so that it - Some areas have large amounts of lime
stays on continuously. in their water, which causes the water
If you want the Dispenser lamp to come on filter to clog more quickly.
only when some one uses the dispenser,
touch this button for 3 seconds again to
turn the continuous mode off.
Exhibition Mode
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USE ONLY SAMSUNG BRAND 3. Insert the new filter into the filter case ( 4 ).
SAMSUNG will not be legally
responsible for any damage,
including, but not limited to, property 4
damage caused by water leakage
from the use of a generic water filter.
SAMSUNG Refrigerators are designed to work
The Filter light turns red to let you know when it is
time to change your water filter cartridge.
To give you time to get a new filter, the red light 4. Push the filter in, and then turn it clockwise until
comes on just before the capacity of the current it locks.
filter runs out.
Changing the filter on time provides you with the
freshest, cleanest water from your refrigerator.
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This will clean the water supply system and
remove air from the lines. be a minimum of 276 to 414 kPa.
If the water pressure to the reverse osmosis system
3. Additional flushing may be required in some is less than 276 to 414 kPa:
• Check to see whether the sediment filter in the
4. Open the Refrigerator door and make sure there reverse osmosis system is blocked.
are no water leaks coming from the water filter. Replace the filter if necessary.
• Allow the storage tank on the reverse osmosis
system to refill after heavy usage.
• If your refrigerator has a water filter, it may
further reduce the water pressure when used
in conjunction with a reverse osmosis system.
Remove the water filter.
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Push the Ice lever dispenser ( 1 ) gently with your
glass. Ice will be released from the dispenser.
You can choose the type of ice by pushing the
cubed or crushed button first.
Recommend Temp (Fridge) : 3 °C (37 °F )
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Then, lift up on the ice bucket, and pull it straight
out. doors open.
To put the ice bucket back in, push it firmly straight Otherwise, odor and mold may develop.
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Fridge Multi-Purpose
Guard Egg tray
EZ Freezer Slide-Shelf
The door guards in the freezer of this model are the two star sections except the top guard, so
the temperature in two star sections are slightly higher than other freezer compartment.
(1) is two star section.
When closing the door, make sure the Vertical Hinged Section is in the correct position to avoid
scratching the other door. If the Vertical Hinged Section is reversed, put it back into the correct
position, and then close the door.
Moisture may appear at times on the Vertical Hinged Section.
The door handle may become loose over time.
If this happens, tighten the bolts found on the inside of the door.
If you close one door with too much force, the other door may open.
When the door opens, the interlock switch automatically turns off the auger motor in the ice
maker for safety reasons.
If the interior or exterior LED lamp has gone out, please contact Samsung service.
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EZ Freezer
Middle drawer
n of ASSY
( 1 )
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1. Unplug the power code of the refrigerator.
2. Slightly dampen a soft lint-free cloth or paper
towel with water.
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The food in the • Check if the set temperature on the digital display is too low.
fridge is frozen. If so, raise the set temperature inside the refrigerator.
• Is the temperature in the room too low? Set the refrigerator warmer.
• Did you store food with a high moisture content in the coldest part of the
refrigerator or near the cooling outlet vent?
Try moving those items to the other shelves in the fridge instead of
keeping them in the colder areas or bins.
The cabinet-door • Some heat is normal as anti-condensators are installed in the vertical
sealing area of the hinged section of the refrigerator to prevent condensation.
appliance is hot • Is the refrigerator door ajar?
and condensation Condensation can occur when you leave the door open for a long time.
is occurring.
The Ice Maker is • It may take longer to make ice if it is not sufficiently cool, such as when
not producing ice. first installed.
• Is the water line connected and the shut-off valve opened?
• Did you manually stop the ice making function?
• Check if the filter is properly installed.
If it is not properly installed, the ice making function may not work.
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suspicious food.
The water • Is the water line connected and the shut-off valve opened?
dispenser is not • Has the water supply line tubing been crushed or kinked?
functioning. • Make sure the tubing is free and clear of any obstruction.
• Is the water tank frozen because the fridge temperature is too low?
Try selecting a warmer setting on the Digital display.
• Check if the filter is properly installed.
If it is not properly installed, the water dispenser may not work.
The auto close • Is there an imbalance between the right and left parts of the door?
system does not • Open and close the door smoothly 1~2 times.
work with the After you do this, the auto close system usually works properly again.
freezer door. • Try opening the door smoothly to avoid unbalancing the right part and the
left part of the door.
Condensation or • Condensation or water drops may form if the humidity is too high while the
water drops forms refrigerator is operating.
on vertical mullion • If condensation or water drops appears on vertical mullion and
and surroundings, surroundings, etc., turn the Energy Saving mode off after removing the
etc. condensation.
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