LPS Fastners Removal
LPS Fastners Removal
LPS Fastners Removal
ra u./vi.1efi6s) or orqleq
O/o. General Manager/Mech. Design
+ilNo. MD/D/HWI/80 fuflo / Date: 01 .06.2023
As per mailing list
1. Further to this office dated 28.02.2023 at Ref , M/s Lakshmi Precision Screws
brand / make fasteners have been removed from the following relevant drawings
of ICF mainline and EMU bogies: J
1) T-0-2-619, AIt'y',
2) 216-0-3-227, All.',c'
3) 216-0-3-226, Alt. 'c',
4) 617-0-2-002, Alt. 'c'
5) 568-0-5-002, Alt. 'd'
6) T-3-1-809, Alt.'d',
7) T-0-5-673, Alt. 'd',
8) T-0-5-674, Alt. 'd',
9) T-0-5-675, Alt. 'd',
10) 568-0-5-003. Alt. 'd'
11) 329-0-6-008, Alt. 'e',
12) 089-0-6-014, Alt.',i'
13) T-0-6-614, Alt. 'j',