How To Prepare Samples For NMR
How To Prepare Samples For NMR
How To Prepare Samples For NMR
In NMR, unlike other types of spectroscopy, the quality of the sample has a profound effect
on the quality of the resulting spectrum. So that the sample you prepare gives a spectrum in
which useful information is not lost or obscured, you must follow a few simple rules.
For 1H spectra of organic compounds (except polymers) the quantity of material required is
about 5 to 25mg. It is possible to obtain spectra from smaller quantities, but at very low
concentrations, the peaks from common contaminants such as water and grease tend to
dominate the spectrum. 13C is six thousand times less sensitive than 1H, and a good rule of
thumb is to provide as much material as will give a saturated solution. If about 0.2 to 0.3
millimoles can be dissolved in 0.7ml, the spectrum will take no more than about half an hour
to record. If the quantity of material is halved, the data accumulation time will be quadrupled.
You should be aware that if you make up a sample at high concentration for 13C, and then
record a 1H spectrum from it, the increased solution viscosity may result in a spectrum that
has broader lines than you would get from a more dilute solution.
Solid particles distort the magnetic field homogeneity because the magnetic susceptibility of
a particle is different from that of the solution. A sample containing suspended particles thus
has a field homogeneity distortion around every single particle. This causes broad lines and
indistinct spectra that cannot be corrected. So that there are no solid particles in your samples,
you must filter ALL samples into the nmr tube. You should filter samples through a small
plug of glass wool tightly packed into a Pasteur pipette. If the plug is not tight enough, the
filtration will be ineffective; if it is too big, some of your sample will remain trapped in it. Do
not use cotton wool, since most NMR solvents dissolve material from it which can easily be
seen in 1H spectra. After filtration the sample should be as clear as water though, of course,
not necessarily colourless.
In the magnet, the main field direction is vertical, along the length of the sample. Each end of
the sample causes a major distortion of the field homogeneity which is corrected using the
spectrometer's shim controls. A partial correction is done for every sample, and takes a few
minutes. A complete correction takes many hours using a high quality test sample. So that
this lengthy task need be done as seldom as possible, your samples must be prepared so that
they physically resemble the test sample so, after filtration, they must be made up to a similar
depth. This must be between 4.5cm and 5.5cm. Shorter samples are very difficult to shim,
and cause considerable delay in recording the spectrum. Samples that are too long are also
difficult to shim and are a waste of costly solvent. You should check your sample depth using
a ruler. After preparation, you should ensure that the cap is pushed fully onto the tube to
minimise solvent loss through evaporation.
4) Use Deuterated Solvents.
Samples must be prepared using solvents that contain deuterium in place of hydrogen. The
NMR signal from the deuterium nuclei is called the NMR lock and is used by the
spectrometer for stabilization. Many deuterated solvents are available from the stockroom.
The NMR lab does not supply you with solvents.
NMR tubes are available from the stores, and after use they should be rinsed with acetone or
some other suitable solvent, then dried with a blast of dry air or nitrogen. Do NOT dry tubes
in a hot oven because it does not remove solvent vapour effectively, and solvent peaks will
appear in your spectrum. Tubes must be capped, and caps should be treated the same way as
tubes. You must not use NMR tubes with a chipped or broken top because they are
dangerous, and very likely to splinter lengthwise.
This is best done with a permanent marker directly on the top of the tube, or on the cap. If
you use a sticker or a piece of tape, your label must stick smoothly on the tube. Do not leave
a flap. Remember that the tube has to spin at 20Hz (1200rpm) while it is in the magnet
Usually, a small amount of reference is added to the solvent by the supplier. However, the
amount of TMS or any other reference material that is required for a 1H spectrum is far less
than can be added after the sample has been prepared. One drop of TMS in a sample causes
serious problems due to distorted baseline and exceeded dynamic range. Even the standard
amount of TMS added to a bottle of CDCl3 is too much. I typically will add about 2-3 mLs of
CDCl3 containing TMS to a bottle that does not contain TMS and then use that bottle for
sample preparation. This provides a small TMS signal; you never want your reference signal
to be taller than your solvent signal. Alternatively, the residual protons in the deuterated
solvent may be used as a secondary reference. For samples in D2O, DSS or TSP is used as an
internal reference. Remember that the chemical shift of water is highly temperature
8) Degassing Samples.
Some samples need to be degassed or have oxygen removed. The only effective way of doing
this is by using the Freeze-Pump-Thaw technique, at least three cycles. It is sometimes
sufficient to flush the space above the sample surface with nitrogen. This should be done with
great care to avoid blowing the solution out of the tube. Do not bubble nitrogen through the
solution in an NMR tube. This wastes costly solvent through evaporation, and is not an
effective method of removing oxygen.
9-13-99, modified from Alan S.F. Boyd's document dated 4 October, 1995 (NMR Services at
Heriot-Watt University Chemistry Dept., Edinburgh, Scotland)