SWADE Updates v5.0

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Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Updates

UPDATED 6/29/2023

7 P42 IMPROVED FRENZY [5.0]: Replace the existing text

The following updates have been implemented since the with:
first printing of the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. Print
them out and stick a copy in the back of your book to see if As Frenzy but the fighter adds a third Fighting die to his
your printing already reflects these changes. Fighting attack made with Frenzy this turn.
Each update has a version number listed next to it in red
7P43 MARKSMAN [1.1]: Replace the existing text with:
like this: The hero is a natural with ranged weapons. If she doesn’t
move in a turn and fires no more than a Rate of Fire of 1 as
her first action, she may add +1 to an Athletics (throwing)
or Shooting roll, or ignore up to 2 points of penalties from
The number indicates when that update was added. The Called Shots, Cover, Range, Scale, or Speed. This is a lesser
whole number indicates the number of the printing of the version of the Aim maneuver and does not stack with it.
rulebook and the decimal indicates the order of updates Marksman doesn’t apply to additional attacks after the
during that printing. In the example above—[4.1]—this was first.
the first update after the 4th Printing of the Savage Worlds
7 P44 SWEEP [5.0]: Sweep is now a limited action. The –2
Adventure Edition.
penalty only applies to fighters not using a two-handed
You can find out what printing you have by checking the weapon.
bottom of the credits page in the book. Every printing after
7 P44 IMPROVED SWEEP [5.0]: Replace the existing text
the first lists which printing it is (Second Printing, Third
Printing, etc.). If that isn’t listed, you have a First Printing,
and all the updates on these sheets apply. Otherwise, you As above but the whirlwind of death is able to avoid allies
only need the updates on this sheet with a higher number when using Sweep.
than your printing.
7P45 COMMAND [2.0]: Now adds +1 to troops’ Vigor rolls
to recover from being Stunned as well. Updated Summary
For example, if your book says it is a Third Printing, you only
on page 61 as well.
need the updates from these sheets labeled 3.1 and higher. All
previous updates will already be in your book.
7P45 INSPIRE [5.0]: Using Inspire is now a limited action.

7P45 TACTICIAN [4.0]: Replace “one allied Extra” with
You can also download the latest version of the Core
“Extra (or group of Extras sharing an Action Card)”.
Rules PDF from www.peginc.com or DTRPG.COM which
incorporates all these updates.
7P46 GADGETEER [2.0]: Replace the last three paragraphs:
A Gadgeteer can spend up to three Power Points to “jury
Updates rig” a device from any reasonable collection of spare parts.
This allows her to activate any power normally available
to Weird Scientists of her Rank or lower in her particular
7 P18 [2.1]: We added the +1 version of Skill Bonus and setting, with a Power Point cost of 3 or lower.
clarified a bit when you should use this over the Skill The total cost of an individual power (plus any modifiers)
increase ability: cannot exceed the points spent to create it, nor can the
Cost 1/2 —Skill Bonus (Once per Skill): Biological factors give inventor apply Limitations to the gadget. She may attempt
the race a +1/+2 bonus when using a particular skill. A race
to create multiple devices as long as she has the points to
that emits pheromones, for example, might have a +1 bonus to
Persuasion. do so.
7 P37 ARCANE RESISTANCE [5.0]: Replace the second Each gadget is created and activated with a Weird
paragraph with: Science roll at –2. This takes one entire turn, during which
Enemy arcane abilities targeting the hero suffer a −2 she can do nothing else (she cannot take Multi-Actions
penalty and magical damage is reduced by 2 as well. If a that turn). [4.0] In all other ways, it works as the normal
hostile power fails to affect the hero due to this penalty, activation of a power.
it still activates and consumes Power Points (and may The inventor uses Power Points directly from her pool
still affect other targets). This includes magical bonuses for the device, but once its initial Duration is finished (it
granted to weapons, such as the smite power or the cannot be maintained) it falls apart into its component
damage bonus of magical weapons. pieces.
7P41 RABBLE-ROUSER [5.0]: Using Rabble-Rouser is now
Replace “turn” with “round.” a limited action.

7P42 FRENZY [5.0]: Frenzy is a limited action.


Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Updates
7 P51 WORK THE ROOM [4.0]: Clarified “The additional die “If a character spends her entire turn Aiming a ranged
Supports another ally normally and can apply to any Trait weapon at a particular target and takes no other actions,
chosen. It need not be the same Trait for both allies.“ on her next turn she may...”
[5.0] Work the Room is a limited action.
7P97 AREA EFFECT ATTACKS [1.1]: No change to how area

7P51 WORK THE CROWD [5.0]: Replace the existing text effect attacks work, but we made it a bit more clear that
with: area effect attacks hit anyone or anything caught under
the template, ignoring attack penalties such as Speed or
As Work the Room but the hero now adds a third skill die
the Dodge Edge. Here’s the slightly reworded full text.
to his Support roll this turn and Supports an additional
7 P56 CAN’T SWIM [1.1]: Summary should say:
Area Effect Attacks
Can’t Swim (Minor): –2 to swimming (Athletics) rolls; Grenades, spell effects, breath weapons, and other
Each inch moved in water costs 3” of Pace. attacks that cover a large area are “area effect attacks.”
The most common are Small, Medium, and Large Blast
SUSPICIOUS [1.1]: Summary should say:
Templates, and the Cone and Stream Templates. There
Suspicious (Minor/Major): The individual is paranoid. As
a Major Hindrance, allies subtract 2 when rolling to Support
are copies you can print out on our website and we make
him. sturdy cardstock versions as well.
TACTICIAN [4.0]: Summary should say:
7P61 Area effect weapons target a location rather than
Draw an extra Action Card each turn that may be assigned to individuals and so ignore defensive bonuses for specific
any allied Extra (or group of Extras sharing an Action Card) in targets covered by the template, such as the Dodge Edge
Command Range. or speed penalties.

7P79 MINEFIELDS [1.1]: “Failure means...” should read
Cone templates are placed with the small end emanating
“Success means...”
from the attacker and fired with the Shooting skill (or

7P88 CRITICAL FAILURES [4.0]: Change “skill die” in the Athletics for breath weapons and other natural attacks).
first paragraph to “Trait die.” Any power or other effect that uses a Cone Template
7 P92 ACTIONS [5.0]: To address several frequently asked may use the Stream Template instead. This is a straight
questions, we have removed movement from the action line 1” (2 yards) wide and 12” (24 yards) long. A basic
economy. The first paragraph was reworded to say: success means those beneath the template are hit. Failure
Characters perform “actions” when their Action Card means the attack didn’t occur for some reason—the
comes up each round. A character can move and perform creature failed to belch up noxious gas, the flamethrower
one regular action at any point in their movement without malfunctioned, etc.
penalty. Movement is not an action (see Movement, To attack with a blast template, the player places the
below). template on the tabletop (or describes where he wants
7 P92 FREE ACTIONS [5.0]: Removed reference to movement. it to land) and rolls Shooting, or Athletics for thrown
weapons and breath attacks. If the attack fails and there’s
7 P92 LIMITED ACTIONS [5.0]: Pathfinder for Savage Worlds
a chance it might deviate and hit someone else, see
introduced the concept of limited actions, and this is now
Deviation, below.
part of the core Savage Worlds rules. Add the following
after the Free Actions section. If the roll is successful, any target even partially beneath
the template is affected, regardless of any attack penalties
Limited Actions and Limited Free Actions to hit such as the Dodge Edge. If the effect causes damage,
Some actions are more restricted. A character may only roll for each victim separately. Attacks that hit with a
perform one limited action on their turn. For example, a raise cause bonus damage as usual.
giant octopus can attack with all its tentacles as a limited 7P97 STREAM TEMPLATE [5.0]: Add “Any power or other
action, but it can’t use Sweep as well. effect that uses a Cone Template may use the Stream
A character may also perform one limited free action per Template instead. This is a straight line 1” (2 yards) wide
turn. For example, if an item allows a character to teleport and 12” (24 yards) long.” to the above Area Effect text and
as a limited free action, he may not perform another limited to the Template table on this page.
free action, but may still use a limited action.
7P98 BOUND & ENTANGLED [4.1]: Playtesting has shown us
7 P92 RUNNING [5.0]: removed reference to free actions. the entangle spell has become a bit too powerful, especially
in small spaces like dungeons. We also wanted to make
7 P97 AIM [1.1]: To make it a bit more clear that the bonus
sure things like manacles weren’t too easy to escape, so
applies to your next turn, add this to the second paragraph:
we’ve made a few changes.


Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Updates
First, the entangle power (from the core book) no longer
has the Strong Power Modifier. Stunned
Second, the Entangled status now makes the victim Stun guns, creature abilities, the stun power, electrical
Vulnerable rather than Distracted, and we clarified a few hazards, or other shocks to the brain or nervous system
aspects of Breaking Free from a device. The amended make a character essentially helpless until they manage
text for both is below. to shake it off.
„ ENTANGLED: The victim can’t move and is Vulnerable Stunned characters:
as long as he remains Entangled. • Are Distracted (this is removed at the end of the
„ BOUND: The victim may not move, is Distracted and victim’s next turn as usual)
Vulnerable as long as he remains Bound, and cannot • Are Vulnerable (this remains until they recover from
make physical actions other than trying to break free. being Stunned)
Breaking Free: Attempting to break free is an action using • Fall prone (or to their knees, GM’s call)
Strength at −2 or Athletics. With success, an Entangled • Can’t move or take any actions
hero is free of one entanglement or grappler. A Bound • Don’t count toward the Gang Up bonus
character improves to Entangled with a success; with a Recovery: At the start of a Stunned char­acter’s turn, he
raise, he’s free. makes a Vigor roll as a free action. Success means he’s no
Breaking Free from a Device: A character bound by a longer Stunned but remains Vulnerable until the end of
physical device (such as a net, manacles, or handcuffs) his next turn. With a raise, his Vulnerable state goes away
who fails to break free can’t try again until the situation at the end of this turn.
changes in some way (GM’s call). 7 P112 EXPERIENCED SOLDIER [1.1]: Increase Stealth to d6.
Bound or Entangled victims may try to destroy the 7 P127 [3.1]: Falling. Not a change, but if calculating falling
entanglement with an accessible and appropriate weapon damage in feet is easier, use d6 per full 10 feet fallen.
(GM’s call based on circumstances and the entangling 7 P129 POISON [4.0]: Replace the text for Paralyzing poison
material). Weapon attacks hit automatically (see Breaking with the following:
Things), and attackers may Wild Attack for +2 damage. Paralyzing: Treat as Stunned. If a Duration is listed, the victim
If successful the character is no longer Entangled (others cannot attempt to recover from being Stunned until that
in an area effect entanglement must be freed separately amount of time has passed. Otherwise, she may attempt to
unless the attack is an area effect itself). recover from paralysis on her next turn as usual.
7 P136 CONVICTION [1.2]: Note that we took out the line that
7P100 DESPERATE ATTACK [5.0]: New combat option as
said you can only have one point of Conviction—there’s
no hard limit now.
Add this after the first paragraph:
Desperate Attack
Conviction can be spent to add a d6 to all a character’s
Desperate attacks are frantic efforts to hit a target at the Trait and damage totals until the beginning of her next
expense of damage. The attacker adds +2 or +4 to any turn. This die can Ace, and its result is added to the final
Fighting roll and subtracts a like amount from damage if total.
he hits. This can be determined per attack (before rolling),
Conviction tokens aren’t Bennies and can’t be used as
and can’t be combined with Wild Attack.
such. They are kept between sessions, however.
7 P101 GRAPPLING [4.0]: Replace the rules for Crush with
the following: A character may maintain Conviction from round to
round by spending a Benny (at the start of his turn, before
Crush: As an action, a grappler may make a Strength roll as
damage against a target he has Entangled or Bound. (This is a it runs out). Once Conviction lapses, however, the effect
damage roll so Scale modifiers are ignored.) ends.
7 P103 MULTI-ACTIONS [1.1]: Add this to the bottom of the 7 P137 SETBACK RESULT ON THE CREATIVE COMBAT CHART
section: [2.1]: The entry should say “...or simply loses her next turn
Free Actions: Multi-Action penalties do not apply to free as she attempts...” (instead of “action”).

actions, and free actions never inflict a penalty on other 7P143 SOCIAL CONFLICTS [1.1]: Under Trials, 2nd paragraph.
actions. Change “...at least four tokens...” to “...at least three
7 P106 STUN [2.1]: We’ve made Stunned status a little easier tokens...”
to recover from:
7P150 LIMITATION [1.1]: We updated this section to read:


Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Updates
Each limitation placed upon the power reduces its total casting and is not aware it is concealed unless presented
Power Point cost by one (to a minimum of 1). If this would with obvious evidence of such (for example, the attack of
normally reduce the cost to 0, you gain a +1 bonus (+2 an invisible foe).
maximum) to the arcane skill total instead.
7P158 DISPEL [5.0]: Dispel is now a Novice Rank power.
„ RANGE: The power’s Range is reduced to Touch (and Delete the existing Power Modifier and replace with:
its listed Range is greater). MODIFIERS
„ PERSONAL [2.1]: The power’s Range becomes Self (and „ DISENCHANT (+1): The caster can target a magical item
has a Range of Touch or the Range Limitation above). rather than an individual or a power. This is a standard
arcane skill roll, not an opposed roll (the GM may apply
„ ASPECT: The character can only access one aspect of a
a penalty to disenchant powerful items or artifacts). If
power (that has more than one choice), such as sloth/
successful, all the item’s magical abilities are negated
speed or boost/lower Trait.
for one round, or two with a raise.

7P154 ARCANE PROTECTION [5.0]: Replace with the
„ MULTIPLE POWERS (+3): If successful, the caster dispels
all the target’s currently activated powers.
Success with arcane protection means hostile powers
7 P159 DIVINATION[5.0]: Divination is now a Seasoned Rank
suffer a −2 penalty (−4 with a raise) to affect this character.
If the hostile power fails to affect the target due to this
penalty, it still activates and consumes Power Points (and
7P160 ELEMENTAL MANIPULATION[5.0]: Replace the
may still affect other targets). If the power causes harm, second paragraph and beyond with the following:
damage is also reduced a like amount for the protected Upon activation, the caster may choose one of the
target. following effects:
Arcane protection stacks with Arcane Resistance should „ ATTACK: The caster uses their activation roll as an attack
the recipient have both! roll, dealing 2d4 damage to a target (3d4 with a raise)
7 P156 BOOST/LOWER TRAIT [5.0]: The base cost is now 3, within Range.
and the cost per Additional Recipient is now +2. „ MOVE: The caster may move a cubic foot of air, earth

7P158 DEFLECTION [4.0]: Replace the effect of deflection (2nd (half that in stone), fire, or water up to the caster’s Smarts
paragraph) with the following: in any direction as a limited action.
With success, foes must subtract 2 from either melee or „ PUSH: The elements buffet and move the target. The
ranged attacks (caster’s choice). With a raise, the penalty caster uses his activation roll in place of his Strength for
applies to both. An attacker using a ranged weapon in a Push (see page 104).
melee against the recipient suffers the penalty either way. „ SPECIAL EFFECTS: The caster may use the elements
7 P158 DETECT/CONCEAL ARCANA [5.0]: replace the second to create an additional effect with the GM’s approval.
paragraph and beyond of effects to read: Some examples are using air to blow out a torch, fan
a flame, or cool someone down (reroll a Fatigue roll
When used on a supernatural creature, the caster learns its
in oppressive heat). The caster may use earth to cover
active powers and arcane abilities. With a raise, he knows
tracks, fix breaks in stone or earthen walls, or use fire to
Weaknesses common to that creature type. This doesn’t
conjure flame about the size of a torch or spread existing
reveal Weaknesses of unique individuals, if any. Those
flame. He may use water to conjure a quart of water (not
must usually be discovered through research or trial and
“inside” objects or people) or purify a gallon of water
per casting.
Invisible Creatures: Detect arcana also allows a character
After activation, each additional use of the effects above
to ignore up to 4 points of penalties when attacking foes
are an action. Roll a new arcane skill roll for Attack or Push
hidden by magical darkness, invisibility, or similar
(these rolls do not suffer Backlash for Critical Failures as
abilities (or all penalties with a raise).
they are not activation rolls).
Conceal arcana prevents detection of arcane energies on
7 P160 EMPATHY [5.0]: Replace the empathy effect with the
one being or item of Normal Scale for one hour (see the
Size Table page 179). For larger creatures, increase the cost
by the Scale modifier (+2 PPs for Large, +4 PPs for Huge, A successful arcane skill vs Spirit roll gives the caster
or +6 PPs for Gargantuan). insight into a target’s basic emotions. This grants him a
+1 bonus (+2 with a raise) to all Intimidation, Persuasion,
With success, attempts to detect arcana on the being or
Performance, or Taunt rolls against the target for the
item suffer a −2 penalty or −4 with a raise. If detect arcana
fails, the character cannot see through the ruse with this


Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Updates
Duration of the power. The bonus does not apply to skill (via the Additional Recipients modifier), the caster may
rolls made to activate powers. choose which condition(s) to remove for each ally.
Relief can’t remove conditions caused by ongoing effects
Empathy works on animals, a dding + 1 (+2 with a raise)
(Bound or Entangled, Stunned, etc.) unless the source of the
to Riding or other rolls to interact with the creature. effect is removed.
Numb: Reduces the recipient’s total penalties from Wounds
„ ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect and Fatigue by one with success, or two with a raise. An
more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each. Exhausted (−2) hero with three Wounds (−3), for example,

7P161 ENTANGLE [4.1]: Increase the Hardness in the base reduces her total −5 penalty to −4 with success, and −3 with a
raise. This effect lasts one hour. It doesn’t actually remove the
effect from 5 to 8. Tough Power Modifier replaces Strong: Wounds or the Fatigue, it just allows the recipient to ignore
„ TOUGH (+1): The entangling material is particularly the penalties. If the target would be Incapacitated by Wounds
resilient. Increase its Hardness to 10. or Fatigue, she’s still Incapacitated as usual.

7 P163 INTANGIBILITY [5.0]: Intangibility is now a Veteran MODIFIERS

Rank power. Replace the second paragraph and beyond „ ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect
with: more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.
While incorporeal, the character may affect other „ STUNNED (+1): If using the Recover option, the caster
incorporeal beings (including himself), and he is still may also affect the Stunned condition. This completely
susceptible to supernatural attacks, including powers and removes the effects of being Stunned.
enchanted items. With a raise on the activation roll, reduce 7P167 SHAPE CHANGE [5.0]: Remove the Speech Modifier.
the damage from supernatural attacks by 4. Leave the Shape Change table as it is, but change the effect
The being becomes corporeal when the power ends, text around it to read:
but if within someone or something he’s shunted to the This power allows the caster to take the form of other
nearest open space and Stunned. living creatures. She can only turn into the base form of
If cast on an unwilling target, the victim resists with such beings, not elite or alternative versions (so an orc
Spirit. If affected, he shakes off the effect with a Spirit roll is allowed but an orc chieftain is not). With a raise, the
as a free action at the end of his following turns. caster can increase the creature’s Strength and Vigor by
7 P165 OBJECT READING [5.0]: Replace the effects with the one die type each.
following, and remove the Modifier: The size of the new form is limited by the caster’s Rank:
Object reading is the ability to get visions of the past from Held and worn items are assumed into the new form
an object. With a successful casting, she gains a vague and reappear when the power ends.
impression of whatever information she’s looking for, While transformed, the character retains his Edges and
from the object’s creation forward. A raise grants her more Hindrances, and his Smarts, Spirit, and their linked skills.
specific information. He gains the creature’s Agility, Strength, Vigor, and linked
If the caster uses object reading on a bloody knife to skills, as well as any powers common to that creature (fire
investigate a murder, for example, success might tell her breathing for dragons, flight for pegasi, etc). The caster
the wielder was a human and that the attack happened at does not gain a target’s Power Points if it has them—he
night. With a raise, she might get a glimpse of the killer’s retains his own.
face or some other clue that reveals his identity. His ability to use devices and communicate is limited

7P165 PROTECTION [1.1]: Remove the More Armor and to those of his form—goblins can speak and therefore
Toughness modifiers and replace the effect of protection cast spells but bears and tigers cannot. The caster may
(1st paragraph) with the following: maintain powers cast before the shape change regardless
Protection creates a field of energy or armor around a of form.
character, giving him 2 points of Armor. With a raise, the „ WOUND EFFECTS: The caster cannot benefit from a
bonus is applied to Toughness instead. creature’s additional Wounds or Wound reduction

7P166 RELIEF [4.0]: Replace the relief effect with the abilities like Resilient, Very Resilient, or Unstoppable,
following: or extra Wounds from Large or Huge Scale creatures.
Relief allows the caster to recover from a negative condition or 7 P169 SUMMON ALLY[5.0]: Change the Power Point Cost
the effects of Fatigue. for servants to: Attendant = 1, Bodyguard = 3, Sentinel =
Recover: The caster removes one of the following conditions:
5, and Mirror Self = 7.
Shaken, Distracted, or Vulnerable. A raise on the arcane skill
7P169 TELEKINESIS [5.0]: Replace the telekinesis effect with:
roll removes two conditions. If affecting more than one target


Savage Worlds Adventure Edition Updates
Telekinesis is the ability to move objects or creatures Grappling rolls made with tentacles get a +2 bonus,
(including oneself) with arcane will. It has a Strength of and “crushing” causes the creature’s Strength in damage
d10, or d12 with a raise. On activation, the caster may unless otherwise listed.
immediately perform one of the “uses” below. Subsequent Severing a tentacle is a Called Shot. If damage exceeds
uses are actions and use the arcane skill (but are not the creature’s Toughness, the limb is severed and the
activation rolls and therefore not subject to Backlash from monster is Shaken. If it was already Shaken, it takes a
Critical Failures). Wound.
Unwilling beings targeted by telekinesis resist the 7 P179 SIZE TABLE [4.0]: Added the Reach bonus to the size
caster’s arcane skill with an opposed Spirit roll when first table headers.
targeted, and at the start of each of their turns thereafter
7 P180 ALLIGATOR [2.1]: Increase Size to 2 and Toughness
until they’re released. Successful resistance does not mean
to 11 (2).
the spell fails–the caster may try again on his next turn.
7 P185 LION (Pounce) [2.0]: Change to:
Pounce: Lions pounce on their prey to best bring their
BASH: The target may be bashed into the floor, ceiling, or
mass and claws to bear. If a lion makes a Wild Attack, it
walls for Str+d6 damage.
adds +4 to its damage instead of +2.
CHANGE TARGETS: The caster may release a victim or
7 P189 SWARM (Bite or Sting) [2.0]:
tool as a free action. Picking up a new weapon is a free
action. Selecting a new unwilling target is an action and Bite or Sting: Swarms inflict hundreds of tiny bites or
is resisted as above. stings every round, hitting automatically (unless Shaken)
and causing 2d4 damage to everyone in the template at the
MANIPULATE: The caster may use tools to perform
end of their turn. Damage is applied to the least armored
simple tasks or wield a weapon, using the caster’s arcane
location (those in completely sealed suits are immune).
skill. (This doesn’t alter the caster’s Parry if wielding a
weapon if his arcane skill is different from his Fighting Swarms aren’t intelligent enough to do anything but
skill.) move and bite and shouldn’t take Multi-Actions, make
Tests, etc.
MOVE: The target or tool may be moved up to the caster’s
Smarts as a limited free action. „ Swarm [2.1]: +2 to recover from being Shaken, Parry +2.
Swarms are composed of many small creatures, so cutting

7P178 SIZE [4.0]: Change the last paragraph to read “Unless
and piercing weapons do no real damage. Area effect
otherwise stated, such creatures have Reach equal to the
attacks work normally, and a character can stomp to inflict
additional Wounds granted by Size.”
his damage in Strength each round. Some swarms (bees,
7 P178 STUN [4.0]: Replace Stun text with the following: hornets, birds) may be foiled by total immersion in water.
A creature with this ability often has an electrical attack,
mild toxin, mind lash, or similar defensive mechanism that
7P186 [1.1]: Orc Chieftain. Change to:
temporarily disables their prey. Anyone Shaken or Wounded
by the accompanying attack must make a Vigor roll minus Pace: 6; Parry: 8 (or 7 great axe); Toughness: 12 (4)
any listed penalties or be Stunned (page 106). The Vigor roll is
made at –2 if the creature hits with a raise.
7P203 SUMMARY SHEET [5.0]: Updated to reflect changes
7 P178 TENTACLES [1.1]: Replace with the following text. to states.

The creature has a number of “tentacle actions” specified in
its description (usually 2 or 4). Tentacle actions collectively
count as a single limited action [5.0] for the creature on
its turn. The actions must stem from the tentacle in some
way--usually a Fighting, Shooting, or grappling attack,
but this is the GM’s call.
If the creature is a Wild Card, it rolls its Wild Die with
each tentacle action as usual.
If the being performs other actions on its turn, such as
Taunting or casting a spell, these and the tentacle actions
are affected by the Multi-Action penalty as usual.



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