Emf Edfc
Emf Edfc
Emf Edfc
List of Figures
The plan to construct dedicated freight corridors across the country marks a
strategic inflexion point in the history of Indian Railways that has essentially run
mixed traffic across its network. Once completed, the dedicated freight corridors
will enable Indian Railways to improve its customer orientation and meet market
needs more effectively. Creation of rail infrastructure on such a scale -
unprecedented in independent India – is also expected to drive the establishment
of industrial corridors and logistic parks along its alignment.
In the first phase, DFCCIL will be constructing two corridors – the Western DFC
and Eastern DFC- spanning a total length of about 2800 route km. The Eastern
Corridor, starting from Ludhiana, Punjab will pass through the states of Haryana,
Uttar Pradesh and terminate at Son Nagar, Bihar. The Western Corridor will
traverse the distance from Dadri to Mumbai, passing through the states of Delhi,
Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra. The present section deals with
eastern corridor and environment management framework is prepared to deal with
associated environmental issues, regulatory requirements, capacity building plan
and institutional strengthening requirements for DFCC.
Past decade has seen a global increase in concerns regarding protection of the
Environment and conservation of forest and forest reserves. Government of India
(GoI), through Ministry of Environment and Forest, MoEF ensures the
conservation of flora, fauna, forests and Wildlife, prevention & control of pollution,
afforestation & regeneration of degraded areas and protection of environment, in
the frame work of legislations. Central Pollution Control Board, CPCB an
autonomous body of MoEF ensures the prevention and control of pollution,
addresses the public grievances arising due to project intervention. To
address/compile with the concerns/policies of the MoEF and other applicable
agencies, a detailed analysis/reporting of environmental features and parameters
need to be prepared for compiling with the statutory / legal requirements set forth
by GoI. A detailed list of applicable clearance/approval in the works, along with
their criteria for applicability is presented in Chapter-3. In view of the above the
project planning is not complete without Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
and the suitable Environment Management Plan (EMP).
All the major environmental impacts along with mitigation and management
measures have been compiled in the form of EMF i.e Environmental Management
Framework. Environmental Management Framework will be adopted as a policy
document by DFCCIL for all present and future projects.
The first objective of the EMF is to develop a generic environmental management
plan and framework to address environmental issues arising during planning,
design, and construction and operation phase of any upcoming project. The EMF
will be used to establish criteria to identify the level of EA required for the project
and the processes involved, their sequence to conduct the EA studies for various
components/phases of freight corridor projects including their legal requirements
and implications. Comprehending the level of EA will help the DFCCIL in
assessing the requirement of external agency in the form of consultancy services
and also the stage of such requirement, like Planning Consultant at planning
and design stage and Construction Supervision Consultant, CSC at
construction stage. It is worth to mention here that any external agency or
consultant can help DFCCIL in analyzing and reporting of environmental feature
and parameters, filing the application for clearance and approval, but ultimately
the responsibility lies with DFCCIL. Hence the need of institutional
strengthening/capacity building plan is crucial as emphasized in next paragraph.
The EMF will also be used to suggest suitable mechanisms for the
operationalisation/Implementation of EMP, appropriate institutional mechanisms
and specific training / capacity building needs and environmental guidelines to
prepare a work plan. For better understanding the Environmental Management
Framework, EMF is divided into three sub sections
Part 2: Capacity Building Plan, CBP: An important part of this capacity building
is ensuring that people have the skills and training necessary to understand the
linkages between freight corridor development and environmental consequences.
The CBP will suggest suitable mechanisms for the
operationalisation/implementation of EMP, appropriate institutional mechanisms
and specific training/capacity building needs and environmental guidelines to
prepare a work plan.
In recent years, the international community has placed the environment at the top
of the development agenda. As a result, international lending organizations, like
the World Bank, have begun to tie the provision of development funding to a
requirement to assess the environmental impacts of proposed projects. Many
lending institutions and international environmental agencies have issued
guidelines to ensure that proposed projects are designed and implemented in an
environmentally and economically sound fashion.
People in government and business need to know how to evaluate and mitigate
the environmental impact of all development projects, starting from the time the
projects are conceived. They need to take a precautionary, integrated and
proactive approach to protecting the environment. Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) can act as a catalyst to sustainable development by increasing
environmental awareness and knowledge, and can serve as a starting point for
implementing an Environmental Management regulatory procedure EMRP.
The Indian Railways' quadrilateral linking the four metropolitan cities of Delhi,
Mumbai, Chennai and Howrah, commonly known as the Golden Quadrilateral and
its two diagonals (Delhi-Chennai and Mumbai-Howrah), adding up to a total route
length of 10,122 km carries more than 55% of revenue earning freight traffic of IR.
The existing trunk routes of Howrah-Delhi on the Eastern Corridor and Mumbai-
Delhi on the Western Corridor are highly saturated with line capacity utilization
varying between 115% and 150%.
The rapid growth of Indian economy in the last few years has created demand for
additional capacity of rail freight transportation, and this is likely to grow further in
the future. This burgeoning demand led to the conception of the dedicated freight
corridors along the Eastern and Western Routes. Hon'ble Minister for Railways,
made this historic announcement on the floor of the House in the Parliament while
presenting the Railway Budget for 2005-06.
In April 2005, the Project was discussed at the Japan-India Summit Meeting. It
was included in the declaration of co-operation signed between the Hon'ble Prime
Ministers of India and Japan for a feasibility study and possible funding of the
dedicated rail freight corridors by Japanese Government. The feasibility study
report was submitted to Ministry of Railways in October 2007.
Managing Director: is over all responsible for successful implementation of the proposed
DFCCIL project. Coordinate with the MoR, direct concern officials of DFCCIL about
environment regulation, R & R,
Director(Project and Planning): Chief Executive of the project(EDFC) and is responsible
for successful implementation of the various project components including environmental
studies, environmental regulations, RAP, Ensure timely release of money to CPM offices for
social component, Interact regularly with SMU staffs
General Manager(Eng. III): Interact with General Consultant, SEMU and CPM offices,
synchronize construction schedule and progress made in environmental studies, related
NOCs and Clearances, LA and R&R, report to Director(PP) about need of corrective
measures to speed-up LA and R&R work,
General Manager (SEMU): Key officer in DFCCIL Coordinate with CPM offices and
DFCCIL, report to Director(PP) about the progress on environmental studies, related NOCs
and Clearances, forest clearances, LA and R&R, Participate in the State Level Meetings on
LA and R&R,
Additional General Manager (SEMU): Coordinate with CPM office, report to GM (SEMU)
about the progress, monitor the progress of EIA, LA and R&R under the project,
At CPM office level
Chief Project Manager: Key officer and chief executive of the unit, interact regularly with
Dy CPM and APMs of the unit, Ensure timely release of budget to field offices, interact State
and District level officials, report to Director (PP)
Dy Chief Project Manager: Report to CPM about EA, regulatory requirement, LA and R&R
work, participate in District level meeting, coordinate with Competent Authority of concern
project Districts
Asstt. Project Manager: In charge of the assigned corridor, ensure progress of
environmental monitoring, field studies, LA and R&R, interact regularly with field staffs and
land acquisition offices.
Funds Flow:
Through budgetary allocation from Government of India.
Loan assistance from International funding Agencies. Loan assistance is
available from World Bank & JBIC and other overseas agencies.
The freight corridor projects taken up by DFCCIL are range from medium to large
scale infrastructure projects. Such projects can have a potential of causing
environmental and social impacts. The Railway projects may have negative
impacts on some parameter of environment on short term basis but in long run it
will have positive impact on environment. As an environmentally aware and
socially responsible corporation, DFCCIL is cognizant to the need to mitigate and
minimize the negative environmental and social impacts of projects in its portfolio
and has adopted Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) and developed
procedures that ensure minimization of such impacts.
During this stage, reconnaissance surveys are carried out and two or three route
alternatives are studied in detail. Field officers record all critical information such
as rivers, hills, railway crossings, telephone, and power transmission lines. In
addition to environmental and social details are also noted. Detailed Survey is
carried out for forest areas and preliminary survey for the rest of the areas. DFCC
employs modern survey tools such as GPS, aerial photography and satellite
images to collect all relevant information.
The Introduction of GIS and GPS provide topographical and geo-technical details
in route selection process. This helps in developing cost effective design
alternatives related to local site conditions and planning for the mitigation
After the finalisation of route, DFCC carries out the environmental assessment
and formulates an Environmental Assessment and Management Plan (EAMP),
which include the forest proposal. An attempt is made to select the route so that
minimum forest area is involved. Acquisition of forest land is done by obtaining
clearance from the State as well as MOEF with an undertaking to bear the cost of
compensatory afforestation on degraded forest land double the area.
Land acquisition for the selected site is generally carried out only after the
approval of the project by GOI. However, in case of urgency or to meet the project
schedule, special permission is obtained from competent authority for starting land
acquisition process before GOI approval.
The project will be implemented through Chief Project Manager as per the
approved final alignment. However, minor changes may be done, if required, due
to some field constraints. Construction of railway line, electric sub-station,
erection, & stringing of towers and other facilities are then initiated. Due care is
taken to minimise / mitigate environmental impacts. Health & Safety aspects are
also given utmost importance. DFCC has a dedicated department to oversee
environmental and social requirement both during construction as well as
operation stage.
Sl. Applicability to EDFC
Act / Rules Purpose Authority
MoEF Circular on Defining “marginal land’ Not Applicable MoEF
Marginal Land acquisition relating to
Acquisition and the 1997 Notification
Bypasses 1999
The Forest To check deforestation Forest land is involved in Forest
(Conservation) Act by restricting the project. Department, Govt.
1927 conversion of forested UP (for land
The Forest areas into non- forested conversion below
8 (Conservation) areas 5 hectare & 40 %
Act. 1980 density).
The Forest
(conversion )
Rules 1981
MoEF circular Protection / planting Applicability of Forest MoEF
(1998) on linear roadside strip as conservation act
Plantation on avenue/strip plantations
roadside, canals as these are declared
and railway lines protected forest areas.
modifying the
applicability of
provisions of
Act, to linear
Wild Life To protect wildlife No wild life Sanctuary or Chief Conservator
Protection Act through certain of National park is involved. Wildlife, Wildlife
1972 National Parks and Chambal WLS is Wing, Forest
Sanctuaries bypassed with 12 Km Department, GoUP
distant from project
Air (Prevention To control air pollution Emissions from UPPCB
and Control of construction machinery
Pollution) Act, and vehicle should be
1981 checked time to time.
Water Prevention To control water Various parameters in UPPCB
and Control of pollution by controlling Effluents from
Pollution) discharge of pollutants construction sites and
Act1974 as per the prescribed workshops are to be kept
standards below the prescribed
Noise Pollution The standards for noise DG sets at construction UPPCB
(Regulation and for day and night have sites and workshops
13 Control Act) 1990 been promulgated by should be provided with
the MoEF for various acoustics enclosures.
land uses.
Ancient Conservation of cultural The proposed corridor is Archaeological
Monuments and and historical remains passing within 100m from Dept Gol, Indian
Archaeological found in India ASI protected monument Heritage
Sites and “Budhiya ka Tal” near
Remains Act Athamadpur, Agra. NOC
1958 and its from ASI need to be taken
amendment up to as per the act.
Public Liability Protection form Shall be taken as per UPPCB
15 and Insurance hazardous materials requirements
Act 1991 and accidents.
Explosive Act Safe transportation, Respective Authorization Chief Controller of
16 1984 storage and use of shall be obtained from Explosives
explosive material CCE
Sl. Applicability to EDFC
Act / Rules Purpose Authority
Minor Mineral and For opening new Quarry Licenses shall be District Collector
concession Rules quarry. obtained by Contractors.
Central Motor To check vehicular air All vehicles in Use shall Motor Vehicle
Vehicle Act 1988 and noise pollution. obtain Pollution Control Department
and Central Motor Check certificates
Vehicle Rules1989
National Forest To maintain ecological Forest land is involved in Forest
Policy1952 stability through the project. Department, Gol
19 National Forest preservation and and GoUP
Policy (Revised) restoration of biological
1988 diversity.
The Mining Act The mining act has Quarry Licenses shall be Department of
been notified for safe obtained by Contractors. mining, GoUP
and sound mining
Railway Land acquisition for Applicable for DFC GoI
21 (Amendment) special railway project
Act, 2008
3.3.1 Environment
Applicable as the law extends to the whole of Indian Territory as an umbrella Act
to protect and to preserve/conserve environment. This act is intended to provide
protection and improvement of environment and for sustainable development.
be taken over by the SEIAA constituted by MOEF at State level. Railway projects
are not included in this Notification.
Unlike other states, in U.P. the freight corridor side plantation within the right of
way comes under the authority of railway department. But for felling and
transportation of Trees, permission has to be taken from forest department at
DFO level.
Environmental issues during freight corridor construction stage generally involve
pollution, safety and public health issues. The freight corridor construction
agencies require complying with laws of the land, which include inter alia, the
Workmen's Compensation Act 1923 (the Act provides for compensation in case
of injury by accident arising out of and during the course of employment);
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 (gratuity is payable to an employee under the Act
on satisfaction of certain conditions on separation if an employee has completed 5
Employees PF and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952 (the Act provides for
monthly contributions by the employer plus workers);
Maternity Benefit Act, 1951 (the Act provides for leave and some other benefits
to women employees in case of confinement or miscarriage, etc.);
Contact Labor (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 (the Act provides for
certain welfare measures to be provided by the contractor to contract labor);
Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (the employer is supposed to pay not less than the
Minimum Wages fixed by appropriate Government as per provisions of the);
Payment of Wages Act, 1936 (it lays down as to by what date the wages are to
be paid, when it will' be paid and what deductions can be made from the wages of
the workers);
Equal Remuneration Act, 1979 (the Act provides for payment of equal wages for
work of equal nature to Male and Female workers and not for making
discrimination against Female employees);
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 (the Act provides for payments of annual bonus
subject to a minimum of 83.3% of wages and maximum of 20% of wages);
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (the Act lays down the machinery and procedure
for resolution of industrial disputes, in what situations a strike or lock-out becomes
illegal and what are the requirements for laying off or retrenching the employees
or closing down the establishment);
Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act; 1946 (the Act provides for laying
down rules governing the conditions of employment);
Trade Unions Act, 1926 (the Act lays down the procedure for registration of trade
unions of workers and employers. The trade unions registered under the Act have
been given certain immunities from civil and criminal liabilities);
The Factories Act, 1948 (the Act lays down the procedure for approval of plans
before setting up a factory, health and safety provisions, welfare provisions,
working hours and rendering information-regarding accidents or dangerous
occurrences to designated authorities);
Such occupier shall apply for authorization in prescribed format to the State
Pollution Control Board)
Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response)
Rules, 1996. (The Rules provide for mandatory preparation of On-Site Emergency
Plans by the industry and Off-Site Plans by the district collector and the
constitution of four tier crisis groups at the centre, district, and local levels for the
management of chemical disaster.)
1. Forest clearance for For forest land Pre construction DFCCIL 6-8 months
land diversion acquisition
2. Tree felling For tree cutting Pre construction DFCCIL 15 days
permission under
Forest Act
3. NOC from DFC alignment Pre construction DFCCIL 2 years
Archaeological Survey passing within 100m
of India as per Ancient from ASI protected
Monuments and monuments Budhiya
Archaeological Sites ka Tal
and Remains Act
1958 and its
amendment up to
4. NOC and consents For establishment of Pre construction The Contractor 2-3 months
under Air, Water & construction camp
Environment Act and
noise rules from
5. NOC and consents For operating Construction stage The Contractor 1-2 months
under Air, Water & construction plant, (prior to initiation of
Environment Act and crusher, batching any work)
noise rules from plant, ready mix
SPCB concrete plant etc.
6. Explosive license from For storing fuel oil, Construction stage The Contractor 2-3 months
Chief Controller of lubricants, diesel etc. (prior to initiation of
Explosives at construction camp any work)
7. Permission for storage Manufacture storage Construction stage The Contractor 2-3 months
of hazardous chemical and import of (prior to initiation of
from CPCB hazardous chemical any work)
8. Quarry lease deed Quarry operation (for Construction stage The Contractor 2-3 months
and quarry license new quarry) (prior to initiation of
from state Department any work)
of Mines and Geology
9. Permission for Extraction of ground Construction stage The Contractor 2-3 months
extraction of ground water (prior to initiation of
water for use in road any work)
construction activities
from State Ground
Water Board
10. Permission for use of Use of surface water Construction stage The Contractor 2-3 months
water for construction for construction (prior to initiation of
purpose from irrigation any work)
11. Labor license from Engagement of labor Construction stage The Contractor 2-3 months
labor commissioner (prior to initiation of
office any work)
The World Bank has various safeguard policies; the details and applicability of the
operational/safeguard policies to the Project freight corridor are provided in the
Table 3.3.
This Act provides the framework for power sector development by measures
conducive to the industry. But, the Act does not explicitly deal with environmental
implications of activities related to power transmission, signals etc. However,
DFCCIL integrates environment protection as a part of its project activities and its
transmission schemes are planned in such a way that the power of eminent
domain is exercised responsibly. The applicable legal provisions under the Act
Section 68(1) – Sanction of the Ministry of Power (MOP) is a mandatory
requirement for taking up any new transmission project. Such sanction
authorizes DFCCIL to plan and coordinate activities to commission a new
Section 164(B) – Under this section DFCCIL has all the powers that the
telegraph authority possesses and can erect and construct towers without
actually acquiring the land.
The main features of the Electricity Act 2003 are given in Appendix-I.
This Act provides for the conservation of forests and regulating the diversion of
forest lands to non-forestry purpose.
When any project falls within forest area, prior clearance is required from relevant
authorities under the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980. State Governments cannot
de-reserve any forestland or authorise its use for any non-forest purpose without
approval from the Central Government. The flow chart for forest clearance as per
this law is given in Appendix -II. The steps for forest clearance are briefly
described below:
Preliminary route selection for railway lines is done by using tools such as the
forest atlas and Survey of India maps. During route alignment, all possible efforts
are made to avoid the forest area or to keep it to the barest minimum. Whenever it
becomes unavoidable due to the geography of terrain or heavy cost involved in
avoiding it, different alternative options are considered to minimize the
requirement of forest area. Modern tools like GIS/GPS are used for finalization of
route. For selection of optimum route, the following criteria are taken into
consideration to the extent possible that:
To accomplish this, route selection of railway line is undertaken in close
consultation with representatives of the State Forest, Environment and Revenue
Departments. Site-specific alterations are made to avoid environmentally sensitive
areas and settlements at execution stage. Alignments are generally sited away
from major towns, whenever possible, to provide for future urban expansion.
Right of Way (ROW) width depends on the line voltage. Both, a maximum width of
ROW for railway lines on forest land and a minimum clearance between
conductors and trees should be adhered to in route selection. The ROW
requirement is 40 m in parallel alignment and 60 m in new alignment.
Trees on such ROW are felled but after stringing is complete and natural
regeneration is allowed to specific heights and whenever required the tree
plantation is taken. Forest department is requested to undertake felling, pollarding,
and pruning of trees for electrical clearance, whenever necessary, under the
advice of DFCCIL.
report prepared, including measures to protect the wildlife, which is submitted with
the proposal.
The proposal is submitted to the State Forest Department and then forwarded to
the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests in the State and finally to the State
Secretariat. The State Government recommends the proposal for further
processing and approval to
Submitted To
State Secretariat
(Forest Secretary)
(Government of India)
Area < 5 ha Area > 5 < 40 ha Area > 40 ha Area > 100 ha
The Environment (Protection) Act 1986 was introduced as umbrella legislation for
the protection and improvement of environment. The Act and the subsequent
Rules require that environmental clearances be obtained (Appendix-VII) for
specific types of new projects or expansion of existing projects (addressed under
Environmental Impact Assessment Notifications, 1994 and 2006) and these also
require a submission of an environment statement to the State Pollution Control
Board annually. Project categories specified under the schedule of the EIA
notification is provided in Appendix VI. Environmental clearance is not applicable
railway projects.
Since transmission line projects are non polluting in nature and do not involve any
disposal of solid waste, effluents and hazardous substances on land, air and
water, so limited requirements of Environment (Protection) Act 1986 are
The other relevant rules and regulations under the Environment (Protection) Act
1986 applicable to the operations of DFCCIL are described below:
By notification dt. 16th May, 2001 under Sections 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment
(Protection) Act 1986, the MoEF has put certain restrictions on the disposal and
handling of used batteries. Thus, it is the responsibility of the bulk consumer
(DFCCIL) to ensure that the used batteries are deposited with the dealer,
manufacturer or registered recycler for handling and disposal. A half-yearly return
is filed as per form-8 (Appendix -VII) to the concerned State Pollution Control
These rules classify used mineral oil as hazardous waste under the Hazardous
Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules, 2003, that require proper handling and
disposal. The requirements for disposal of used mineral oil as per the rules are:
The used oil can be sent / sold for re-refining to registered recyclers; if it meets
the specification in Schedule –5 (refer Appendix VIII).
The waste oil which is not suitable for re-refining (i.e. does not meet the
specifications listed in Schedule-5), can be used in furnaces if it meets the
specifications laid down in Schedule –6 (refer Appendix IX)
Any waste oil which does not meet the specifications in Schedule–6 shall not
be auctioned or sold, but shall be disposed of in a hazardous waste
Used mineral oil generated at the DFCCIL substations meets the requirements of
Schedule 5 of the above mentioned Rules. DFCCIL seeks authorisation for
disposal of hazardous waste from concerned State Pollution Control Boards
(SPCB) as and when required. The oil can be auctioned to authorised/registered
re-refiners and information to the respective SPCB is submitted in Form – 13 as
per Appendix X.
By notification dt. 17th July, 2000 under Sections 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment
(Protection) Act 1986, the MoEF has notified rules for the regulation/ control of
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) under the Montreal Protocol. As per the
notification, certain control and regulation has been imposed on manufacturing,
import, export, and use of these compounds. DFCCIL is following the provisions of
the notification and is phasing out all equipment, which uses these substances,
and is aiming at CFC free organisation in the near future.
The Ministry of Environment and Forests has enacted the Biological Diversity Act,
2002, following the Convention on Biological Diversity signed at Rio de Janeiro in
1992, of which India is a party.
DFCCIL is fully conscious of the provisions of this enactment and will abide by the
same as best as possible.
The Act recognizes and vests the forest rights and occupation in forest land in
forest dwelling Scheduled Tribes and other traditional forest dwellers who have
been residing in such forests for generations but whose rights could not be
recorded, and provides for a framework for recording the forest rights so vested
and the nature of evidence required for such recognition and vesting in respect of
forest land.
The definitions of forest dwelling Schedule Tribes, forest land, forest rights, forest
villages, etc. have been included in Section 2 of the Act. The Union Ministry of
Tribal Affairs is the nodal agency for implementation of the Act. While field
implementation is the responsibility of the government agencies, DFCCIL is
committed to abide by the provisions of the act, if any portion of a transmission
line passes through any forest land to which the Act applies.
Category B: Projects having some adverse impacts that are not as significant as
of Category-A projects. These impacts are generally site specific and addressed
through carefully designed mitigating measures. These projects do not require full
EIA but would normally require an environmental review through Initial
Environmental Assessment (WB) or Initial Environment Examination (ADB)
Railway projects fall under Category-B, having limited impact, which are
minimized through mitigation/ management measures and, therefore, require only
an environmental review. However, due to the size of the investment, and its
spread over to substantive portion of the country and its importance to the
country, DFCCIL projects might be considered under category-A, and may be
subjected to Environmental Assessment (EA).
compensate for adverse impact and improve environmental performance. EA
takes into account the natural environment, human health and safety, and social
aspects and trans-boundary and global environmental aspects. During EA
process, public is kept informed at every stage of project execution and their
views are respected in decision-making.
DFCCIL, by the very nature of its operations, is not involved with activities that are
grossly polluting in nature. Even then, its approach is to aim for “Zero Pollution” in
its projects, irrespective of a compliance requirement.
DFCCIL follows the rules and notifications under the Environment (Protection) Act
1986, which prescribes the Ambient Air Quality Standards with respect to noise
and functions within permissible levels as prescribed by Indian and International
o DFCCIL is fully conscious of the need to conserve the natural resources and
avoids ecologically sensitive areas, eco-sensitive zones, forests, sanctuaries,
national parks, tiger / biosphere reserves, and CRZ covered coastal areas, as
far as possible. In case traversing forest land is unavoidable, clearance from
the forest authorities is obtained under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.
Other relevant laws and / or regulations relating to natural resources that have
bearing on the working of DFCCIL are:
The nodal agency at the centre for planning, promoting, and coordinating
environmental programmes is the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF).
DFCCIL interfaces with MoEF at central and regional levels. The Central Pollution
Control Board has executive responsibilities for prevention and control of all forms
of pollution. Correspondingly, there are Departments of Environment & Forests
and State Pollution Control Boards to perform the above functions at the State
level. As power transmission is inherently a non-polluting industry, interaction with
these boards is not anticipated. Due to liberalisation, DFCCIL’s activities may
require international interface and would honour the international regimes as
covenanted by the GoI.
DFCCIL maintains safety as a top priority, apart from various labor laws dealing
with workers’ health and safety, such as the Workmen’s Compensation Act.
DFCCIL has a dedicated unit to oversee all health and safety aspects of its
projects under the Operation Service Department and has framed guidelines/
checklist for workers’ safety based on prevailing international practices (including
WBG EHS guidelines for Transmission and Distribution) as its personnel are
exposed to live EHV apparatus and transmission lines. These guidelines include
work permits and safety precautions for work on the railway line and associated
facilities during construction and operation. See Appendix XI for detailed
There have been some concerns about the possibility of an increased risk of
cancer from exposure to electromagnetic radiation from overhead transmission
lines. However, a review by the World Health Organization (WHO) held as part of
the International EMF Project (1996), concluded that:
Currently no EMF exposure guidelines have been framed in the country. However,
international guidelines in this regard are detailed below:
DFCCIL complies with international norms for field strength limits, which are
certified by Power Technologies Inc).
The Budhiya ka Tal falling within 100 m from the proposed detour alignment near
Etmatpur. The monument has been declared to be of National Importance under
the ancient monument and archaeological sites and remains Act, 1958 (24 of
1958). As per this act, whosever destroy, removes, injure, alters, defaces,
imperials or misuse this monument, shall be punishable with imprisonment, which
may extend to three months or with fine which may extend to five thousand
rupees or both.
Further, under sub-rule 32 of the ancient monuments and archaeological sites and
remain rules, 1959 and notification issued in 1992, area up to 100 m from the
protected limits and further beyond it up to 200 m near and adjoining protected
monument have been declared to be protected and regulated areas, respectively,
for purpose of both mining operation and construction.
The NOCs is required from ASI Department through Superintending
Archaeologist, 22, Mall Road, Agra. The concerned application form is attached
as Appendix XII.
Screening is the process by which the appropriate level and type of EIA is
determined for a given project on the basis of its likely environmental impacts. The
methodology for screening includes Desk study, Reconnaissance survey and
literature available.
Desk Study: To collect the secondary information and choking out the
methodology for carrying out EA study and fixing of responsibilities of EA team
members for preparing a complete, addressing all issues, Environmental
Management Plan, EMP.
Gathering and reviewing existing environmental data (Secondary Data)
relevant to the proposed development, in the form of toposheets, physical
maps, thematic maps showing details of soil type, geology, seismic activity,
hydrology etc.
Collect all the earlier carried out environmental and engineering studies in
project influence area.
Reconnaissance survey: to collect the first hand information about the project
area and develop a perspective of the entire team and revise the methodology
and work programme.
Verifying the data collected during desk study, assessing the likely impacts,
identifying the major/main issues and preparing the methodology for detailed
Screening Statement: compiles the primary & secondary data thus collected,
and checking with the legal framework of State and National level thus suggesting
the requirement/category of Environmental Assessment Required. There are
usually three possible outcomes (categories) of a screening process:
1. Where significant concerns exist or where there is a lot that is unknown about
project impacts, a full EIA study is necessary.
2. If environmental impacts of a project are known and can be easily mitigated, a
limited environmental study and mitigation plan may be all that is necessary.
3. If screening identifies no concerns, further environmental analysis is
unnecessary, and the project may proceed without an EIA study.
The Environmental Assessment (EA) process will incorporates a number of key
steps. A complete EA cycle in presented here, based on the categorization of EIA
require, DFCC (with the assistance of Environmental Expert if desired) should
finalized the Term of Reference.
The assessment process will constitute a systematic approach to the evaluation of
a project in the context of the natural, regulatory and environment of the area in
which development is proposed as illustrated in Figure 4.2.
Project Environment Legislation &
Quality Assurance
Consultation and Participation (village, district & state level) throughout the project cycle
Scope Scoping and Key issues
Detailed Data Gathering and Review
Environmental hazard and Risk
Assessment EHRA Workshops
Impact Identification
Consequence & Identification of
likelihood of Impacts Impacts
Mitigation and Monitoring
Alternative Actions Mitigation
Comments and Review Communicate Findings and Recommendations
(Environmental Impact Statement)
Environmental &
Mitigation & Monitoring
Monitoring Procedures Plan Framework
and Management
4.8.1 Quality Assurance
Soon after the commencement of planning and design process, based on desk
study, reconnaissance survey and experience of earlier projects, detailed
methodology and schedule should be prepared for the effective and timely
execution of the Environmental Assessment.
Desk Study: To collect the secondary information and choking out the
methodology for carrying out EA study and fixing of responsibilities of EA team
members for preparing a complete, addressing all issues, Environmental
Management Plan, EMP.
Reconnaissance survey: to collect the first hand information about the project
area and develop a perspective of the entire team and revise the methodology
and work programme.
It is important to consider effects not only at the project site but also in
the area surrounding a site. For this based on Reconnaissance survey and
desk study, will finalize a Project influence area.
Present clear and appropriate options for mitigation of impacts and for
sound environmental management. Mitigation is an integral part of effects
assessment. Application of appropriate mitigation can eliminate or reduce
adverse effects, and improve the net overall environmental performance of a
project. Hence public consent, practical viability will be considered in
proposing the mitigation measures.
Bank. Proper budgeting will be ensured for smooth functioning of monitoring
plan proposed. Proposal for preparation of Environmental Management
Framework (EMF) is covered in RFP, highlighting client’s commitment to
continue with the process of EA improvement.
4.8.2 Scoping
The next step in the EA will be to define the proposed project activities and the
natural, regulatory (i.e. legal) and environment of the area in which development
will occur. This will be achieved through Scoping. Scoping will identifies which of
the activities has a potential to interact with the environment. Scoping will be
conducted early in the EA process so that a focus on the priority issues (i.e. those
that have the greatest potential to affect the natural and/or environment) can be
established for the rest of the EA process.
Informing stakeholders of the project and its objectives and get input on the
Obtaining agreement/consensus on the methods and techniques to be used
in EA studies and document preparation;
In order to identify any potential impact on and potential change to the natural and
socioeconomic environments, the existing baseline environmental data are to be
collected. Baseline will include but not limited to following:
o Inventory of Cultural Property Resources will be done along with
measurements, details and photographs, consultation will be done for
gathering public opinion.
Secondary Data to define meteorological, geology, seismicity, quarries,
borrow areas, disposal sites etc
o Details of quarry and borrow areas to be used will be collected
(Photographs, measurements and public opinion) and a comprehensive
plan for extracting material will be prepared.
o Meteorological data from IMD, toposheets and maps from Survey of India,
geological and soil data from GoI, Seismic data from earthquake
Social data including ownership pattern, identification of tribes, vulnerable
social groups, land estimates etc.
Analysis of Alternatives
With or without the project.
Analysis criteria to include environmental, social, technical/design and
economic options.
Alignment options within existing RoW
Alternatives of Bypass
Other engineering alternatives.
Structured Consultation
o Consultation at Village Level
o Consultation at District Level
o Consultation at State level
Consultation at Village Level
o Along with preliminary inventory and survey information dissemination will
be done along the alignment by one by one canvassing about the project.
Date and venue for detailed consultation will be fixed.
o Pictorial method (Pamphlet) will be adopted to explain proposed
improvements and possible environmental impact in the concerned
o Public consensus would try to be arrived for and mitigation proposed.
o Public suggestion and graveness will be addressed at appropriate level.
Workshop will take input from all workshop participants in the identification of
potential environmental hazards associated with the project activities and the
evaluation of possible alternatives and options. Further, each will used to confirm
the impact assessment team understands of the project design and as an
opportunity to gather additional information on the project where necessary. The
workshop process considered each activity that will, or may, occur during the
project including:
planned routine activities;
planned but non-routine activities, and
Unplanned or accidental activities.
Table 4.2: Possible Impacts on Physical Environment
Project Planning & Pre-construction Phase Construction Phase Operation Indirect effect
Activity Design Phase of operation
Env. Land Removal Removal of Earth works Laying of Vehicle & Concrete & Sanitation & Project of induced
Component acquisition of trees and including railway line machine crusher waste (labor operation development
affected structures vegetation quarrying operation & plants camps)
Air Dust Reduced Dust generation Dust due to Noise, dust Noise, soot, Odour / Noise Other pollution
generation buffering of aggregates pollution odour, dust smoke
during air and noise pollution
dismantling pollution,
hotter, drier
Land Loss of Generation Erosion and Erosion and loss Contamination Contamination Contamination Spill from Change in
productive of debris loss of top of top soil by fuel and compaction of from wastes accidents land use
land soil lubricants soil deposition of
compaction lead
Water Loss of water Siltation siltation due Alternation of Reduction of Contamination Contamination Contamination Spill Increased
source due to to loose earth drainage break ground by fuel and by leakage or from wastes contamination contamination
loose earth in continuity of water lubricants fuel overuse by fuel, of ground
ditches siltation, recharge lubricants water
stagnant water area
pools in quarries
Noise Noise Noise Noise pollution Noise pollution Noise pollution Noise pollution Noise pollution
pollution pollution due
to machinery
Vibration - - Vibration - - - - Vibration level May impact
increase the
Flora Loss of Lowered Removal Lower Felling trees Impact of
biomass productivity loss vegetation productivity for fuel pollution on
of ground for use as fuel vegetation
vegetation wood lowered
toxicity of
Fauna Disturbance Disturbance Disturbance Disturbance Poaching Collision with Distorted
habitat loss traffic habitat
Table 4.3: Possible Impact on Social and Cultural Environment
People and Anxiety and fear Displacement Loss of Noise and Odour and Noise and air Air and noise Community Noise Induced
community among of people shade and air dust pollution, pollution and clashes with pollution, pollution
community psychological community pollution collision with discomfort migrant labor risk of
impact on trees, loss pedestrians accident
people loss of of fuel livestock and
livelihood wood and vehicles
fodder, loss
of income
Determining degree of impact
Once all project environmental aspects will be identified, the level of impact
that may result from each of the activity-receptor interactions will be
assessed. In assessing the level of impact that an activity may cause, two key
elements are considered namely:
Consequence: the resultant effect (positive or negative) of an activity’s
interaction with the legal, natural and/or socio-economic environments;
the categorization for consequence is presented in Table 4.4 below.
Construction practice, including labor welfare measures.
operational control procedures
management systems
Sourcing quarry material from authorized quarries, other
than quarries located in national parks/Reserve
Forests/Protected Areas
4. Concrete mix plant Consent to Establish and Operate for CMP
Material shall be sourced from plants operating with valid
5. Wet Mix Macadam (if Consent to Establish and Operate for WMM plant
used) Or
Material shall be sourced from plants operating with valid
6. Batching Plant (if Consent to Establish and Operate for Batching plants
relevant) Or
Material shall be sourced from plants operating with valid
7. Crushers Consent to Establish and Operate for crushers
Material shall be sourced from plants operating with valid
8. Vehicular Emissions Pollution control certificate
9. Camp sites/Labor Camp Permit from land owner and/or local authorities /
revenue department
Authorization from labor commissioner
10 Borrow Areas Authorization from Mines & Geology Department for as
per (Mineral Rights) Tax Act, 1975, and/or local
authorities/revenue dept. if new borrow areas are
expected to be opened
Sourcing material from authorized borrow areas
B) Effective Implementation of Environmental Management Measures
1. SOIL/Aggregate
1.1 Disposal of Debris and No-objection Certificate (NOC) from land owner /
other wastes Revenue authorities as may be applicable
Disposal Areas
No residential areas are located downwind side of
these locations;
Dumping sites are located at least 1000 m away
from sensitive locations such as all notified forest
lands, all water bodies, and productive lands
Available waste lands are given preference.
Specifications for Waste Disposal
In case of bituminous wastes, debris are to be
disposed in a minimum 60cm thick clay lined pits so
as to eliminate any chances of leaching and top
layer shall be covered with soil/good earth so as to
enable natural re-vegetation of the disposed
area/site. Care should be taken not to dispose these
wastes near farmland and water bodies.
In case of filling of low-lying areas with wastes, it
needs to be ensured that the level matches with the
surrounding areas. In this case care should be
taken that these low lying areas are not used for
rainwater storage
In case oil and grease are trapped for reuse in a
minimum 60cm thick lined pit, care shall be taken to
ensure that the pit should be located at the lowest
end of the site and away from the residential areas.
All arrangements for transportation during
construction including provision, maintenance,
dismantling and clearing debris, where necessary
will be planned and implemented as approved and
directed by the Engineer.
1.2 Borrowing of Earth (in Borrow Area Selection
case of opening of new Borrowing within the Row is prohibited. However, earth
borrow areas) available from excavation for railway side drains as per
design, may be used as embankment material (if
necessary and applicable), subject to approval of the
Engineer, with respect to acceptability of material.
Borrowing to be avoided on the following areas:
Lands close to toe line and within 0.5 km from toe
Irrigated agricultural lands (In case of necessity for
borrowing from such lands, the topsoil shall be
preserved in stockpiles.
Grazing land.
Lands within 1km of settlements.
Environmentally sensitive areas such as Reserve
Forests, Protected Forests, Sanctuary, wetlands.
Also, a distance of 500 m should be maintained
from such areas.
Unstable side-hills.
Water-bodies (only if permitted by the local
authority, and with specific pre approved re-
development plans by the concerned authority and
Streams and seepage areas.
Areas supporting rare plant/ animal species;
Documentation of Borrow Pit
The contractor must ensure that following data base
must be documented for each identified borrow areas
before commencing the borrowing activity that provide
the basis of the redevelopment plan.
Chainage along with offset distance;
Area (Sq.m);
Photograph and plan of the borrow area from all
Type of access/width/kutcha/pucca etc from the
Soil type, Slope/drainage characteristics;
Water table of the area or identify from the nearest
well, etc;
Existing land use, for example barren / agricultural /
grazing land;
Location/name/population of the nearest settlement
from borrow area;
Quantity excavated (likely and actual) and its use;
Copy of agreement with owner/government; and
Community facility in the vicinity of borrow pit.
Rehabilitation certificate from the land owner along
with at least four photograph of the rehabilitated site
from different angles
1.3 Contamination of Soil by Location of fuel storage and refilling areas at least
Fuel and Lubricants 500m from all cross drainage structures and
important water bodies and storing of fuel and
lubricants on a sand flooring of at least 6” thick,
done on brick edge flooring lined with polyethylene
1.4 Quarry Operations and To minimize the adverse impact during excavation
Management (if new of material following measures are need to be
quarries are opened) undertaken:
i. Adequate drainage system shall be provided to
the excavated area
ii. At the stockpiling locations, the Contractor shall
construct sediment barriers to prevent the
erosion of excavated material due to runoff.
iii. Construction of offices, laboratory, workshop
and rest places shall be done in the up-wind of
the plant to minimize the adverse impact due to
dust and noise.
iv. The access road to the plant shall be
constructed taking into consideration location of
units and also slope of the ground to regulate
the vehicle movement within the plant.
v. In case of storage of blasting material, all
precautions shall be taken as per The Explosive
Rules, 1983.
The followings precautions shall be undertaken
during quarry operations.
i. Overburden shall be removed and disposed as
per B 1.1 above.
ii. During excavation slopes shall be flatter than 20
degrees to prevent their sliding.
iii. In case of blasting, the procedure and safety
measures shall be taken as per The Explosive
Rules, 1983
iv. The Contractor shall ensure that all workers
related safety measures shall be taken.
v. The Contractor shall ensure maintenance of
crushers regularly as per manufacturer’s
vi. During transportation of the material, measures
shall be taken to minimize the generation of
dust and to prevent accidents.
2. Water
2.1 Labor camp, sanitation Construction labor camps shall be located at least
and waste disposal in 500m away from the nearest habitation complying
construction camps all relevant provisions of the Factories Act, 1948
and the Building and other Construction Workers
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Service) Act, 1996
3. Air Pollution
3.1 Generation of Dust a. All vehicles delivering materials should be provided
with tail guard and shall be covered to avoid spillage
of materials.
b. No fugitive dust emission at settlement sites arising
from maintenance activities shall be allowed. All
such operation leading to dust pollution in
settlement areas shall be performed with necessary
dust suppression by adequate water sprinkling to
keep the dust below visible limit. Such measures
shall be taken to ensure no dust pollution arises
from construction stock piles
3.2 Concrete mix plants and a. CMP to be used at least 1000m from the nearest
Batching plants habitation in the cross wind direction.
b. In case if new CMPs/Batching plants are set up, the
conditions of UPPCB shall be strictly adhered
3.3 Odour from a. Construction laborers' camp shall be located at least
Construction Labor 500 m away from the nearest habitation.
camps. b. The waste disposal and sewerage system for the
camp shall be properly designed, built and operated
so that no odour is generated. Compliance with the
Factory Act, the Building and other construction
workers (regulation of employment and conditions of
service) Act, 1996 and all other relevant legislation
shall be strictly adhered to.
3.4 Pollution from Crusher a. All crushers used in construction shall confirm to
relevant dust emissions control stipulated as per
UPPCB’s norms
4. Noise Pollution
4.1 Noise from Vehicles, a. Any activities related to road maintenance
Plants and Equipment operations and/or associated facilities near
settlements shall not be carried out during night time
(10:00 PM to 6 AM).
b. Workers in vicinity of strong noise, and workers
working with or in crushing, compaction, batching or
concrete mixing operations shall wear earplugs
5. Flora and Fauna
5.1 Loss or Damage of a. All works shall be carried out in a fashion that
Vegetation ensures minimum damage or disruption to the flora.
Prior tree felling permission under Forest Act will be
obtained before felling any tree. Trees or shrubs will
only be felled or removed that impinge directly on
the permanent works or necessary temporary works
with prior approval from the Engineer.
b. The Engineer shall approve such felling; only when
the proponent secures receives a "clearance" for
such felling from the DoF, as applicable.
5.2 Loss, Damage or a. All works shall be carried out in a fashion to ensure
Disruption to Fauna minimum damage to the flaura.
b. Construction workers shall be instructed to protect
natural j resources and fauna, including wild animals
and aquatic life, j Hunting and unauthorized fishing
are prohibited.
6. Disruption to Users
6.1 Loss of Access a. At all times, the Contractor shall provide safe and
convenient passage for vehicles, pedestrians and
livestock to and from side roads and property
accesses connecting the project corridor. Work that
affects the use of side roads and existing accesses
shall not be undertaken without providing adequate
provisions to the prior satisfaction of the Engineer.
b. The works shall not interfere unnecessarily or
improperly with the convenience of public or the
access to, use and occupation of public or private
roads, railways and any other access footpaths to or
of properties whether public or private.
6.2 Traffic Jams and a. Detailed Traffic Management Plans shall be
Congestion in rail and prepared and submitted to the Engineer for approval
road crossing areas 5 days prior to commencement of maintenance
works on any cross-section with road. The traffic
control plans shall contain details of temporary
diversions, details of arrangements for construction
under traffic and details of traffic arrangements after
cession of work each day.
b. Temporary diversion for road traffic (including
scheme of temporary and acquisition) will be
constructed with the approval of the Engineer.
c. Special consideration shall be given in the
preparation of the traffic control plan to the safety of
pedestrians and workers at night
d. The contractor shall ensure that the running surface
is always maintained within diversion guidelines,
particularly during the monsoon so that the traffic
flow is smooth at all times.
e. The temporary traffic detours in settlement areas
shall be kept free of dust by frequent application of
6.3 Traffic Control and a. The Contractor shall take all necessary measures
safety for the safety of traffic during construction and
provide, erect and maintain such barricades,
including signs, markings, flags, lights and flagmen
as may be required by the Engineer for the
information and protection of traffic approaching or
passing through the cross section.
b. All signs, barricades, pavement markings shall be
as per railway specification.
7.1 Risk from Operations The Contractor is required to comply with all the
precautions as required for the safety of the workmen as
per the international labor organization (ILO) convention.
The contractor shall supply all necessary safety
appliances such as safety goggles, helmets, masks,
books, etc., to the workers and staff. The contractor has
to comply with all regulation regarding safe scaffolding,
ladders, working platforms, gangway, stairwells,
excavations, trenches and safe means of entry and
7.2 Risk from Electrical Adequate precautions will be taken to prevent danger
Equipment from electrical equipment. No materials on any of the
sites will be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or
inconvenience to any person or the public. All necessary
fencing and lights will be provided to protect the public.
All machines to be used in the construction will conform
to the relevant Indian Standards (IS) codes, will be free
from patent defect, will be kept in good working order,
will be regularly inspected and properly maintained as
per IS provisions and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
7.3 Risk at Hazardous a. All workers employed on mixing material, cement,
Activity lime mortars, concrete etc., will be provided with
protective footwear and protective goggles.
Workers, who are engaged in welding works, would
be provided with welder's protective eye-shields.
Stone-breakers will be provided with protective
goggles and clothing and will be seated at
sufficiently safe intervals.
b. The use of any herbicide or other toxic chemical
shall be strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. The Engineer shall be
given at least 6 working days notice of the proposed
use of any herbicide or toxic chemical. A register of
all herbicides and other toxic chemicals delivered to
the site shall be kept and maintained up to date by
the Contractor. The register shall include the trade
name, physical properties and characteristics,
chemical ingredients, health and safety hazard
information, safe handling and storage procedures,
and emergency and first aid procedures for the
7.4 Malarial Risk The Contractor shall, at his own expense, conform to all
anti-malarial instructions given to him by the Engineer
and the EMU, including filling up any borrow pits which
may have been dug by him.
8.1 First Aid Medical facilities shall be provided to the labor at the
construction camp. Visits of doctor shall be
arranged twice a month wherein routine checkups
would be conducted for women and children. A
separate room for medical checkups and keeping of
first aid facilities should be built. Workplaces remote
and far away from regular hospitals will have indoor
health units with one bed for every 250 workers.
Suitable transport will be provided to facilitate take
injured or ill person(s) to the nearest approachable
hospital. The site medical room should display
awareness posters on safety facilitation hygiene and
HIV/AIDS awareness. The medical office should
also distribute condoms at regular intervals to
First Aid Box will be provided at every construction
campsite and under the charge of a responsible
person who shall always be readily available during
working hours. He shall be adequately trained in
administering first aid-treatment. Formal
arrangement shall be prescribed to carry injured
person or person suddenly taken ill to the nearest
hospital. The first aid box shall contain the following.
small sterilized dressings
medium size sterilized dressings
large size sterilized dressings
large sterilized burns dressings
1 (30 ml) bottle containing 2 % alcoholic
solution of iodine
1 (30 ml) bottle containing salvolatile
1 snakebite lancet
1 (30 gms) bottle of potassium permanganate
1 pair scissors
Ointment for burns
A bottle of suitable surgical antiseptic solution
In case, the number of labor exceeds 50, the items in the
first aid box shall be doubled.
8.2 Payment of Wages The payment of wages should be as per the
Minimum Wages Act, Department of Labor, and
Government of India for both male and female
Display of the minimum wages board at camps and
major construction sites should be done in local
languages at the construction and labor camp sites.
Wages should be paid to the laborers only in the
presence of DFCC staff;
Contractor is required to maintain register for
payment of labor wages with entry of every labor
working for him. Also, he has to produce it for
verification if and when asked by the Engineer, EMU
and/or the concerned DFCC staff/Engineer’s
In case there are sub-contractors, the main
contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the
payment of wages to laborers is as per the Minimum
Wages Act. Sub-contractor has to follow the same
procedure as the main contractor.
8.3 Rehabilitation of labor At the completion of construction, all construction camp
and construction camp facilities shall be dismantled and removed from the site.
The site shall be restored to a condition in no way inferior
to the condition prior to commencement of the works.
Various activities to be carried out for site rehabilitation
Oil and fuel contaminated soil shall be removed and
transported and buried in waste disposal areas.
Soak pits, septic tanks shall be covered and
effectively sealed off.
Debris (rejected material) should be disposed off
suitably (Refer Guideline 10 on “Waste
Management and Debris Disposal”).
Ramps created should be levelled.
Underground water tank in a barren/non-agricultural
land can be covered. However, in an agricultural
land, the tank shall be removed.
If the construction camp site is on an agricultural
land, preserve top soil and good earth can be
spread back for a minimum 30cm for faster
rejuvenation of the land.
Proper documentation of rehabilitation site is
necessary. This shall include the following:
− Photograph of rehabilitated site;
− Land owner consent letter for satisfaction in
measures taken for rehabilitation of site;
− Undertaking from contractor; and
− Certification from Engineer in-charge of the PIC.
In cases, where the construction camps site is located on
a private land holding, the contractor would still have to
restore the campsite as per this guideline. The
rehabilitation is mandatory and should be include in the
agreement with the landowner by the contractor. Also, he
would have to obtain a certificate for satisfaction from the
9.1 Conservation of a. All necessary and adequate care shall be taken to
Religious Structures and minimize impact on cultural properties which
Shrines includes cultural sites and remains, places of
worship including temples, mosques, churches and
shrines, etc., graveyards, monuments and any other
important structures as identified during design and
all properties / sites / remains notified under the
Ancient Sites and Remains Act). No work shall spill
over to these properties, premises and precincts.
The design options for cultural property relocation
and enhancement need to be prepared.
b. All conservation and protection measures will be
taken up as per design. Access to such properties
from the road shall be maintained clear and clean
9.2 Chance found a. During earth excavation, if any property is
Archaeological Property unearthed and seems to be culturally significant or
likely to have archaeological significance, the same
shall be intimated to the Engineer. Work shall be
suspended until further orders from PIC. The State
Archaeological Department shall be intimated of the
chance find and the Engineer shall carry out a joint
inspection with the department. Actions as
appropriate shall be intimated to the Contractor
along with the probable date for resuming the work.
b. All fossils, coins, articles of value of antiquity and
structures and other remains or things of geological
or archaeological interest discovered on the site
shall be the property of the Government, and shall
be dealt with as per provisions of the relevant
c. The contractor shall take reasonable precaution to
prevent his workmen or any other persons from
removing and damaging any such article or thing
and shall, immediately upon discovery thereof and
before removal acquaint the Engineer of such
discover)' and carry out the Engineer's instructions
for dealing with the same, awaiting which all work
shall be stopped within 100m in all directions from
the site of discovery.
d. The Engineer shall seek direction from the
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) before
instructing the Contractor to recommence work on
the site.
10.1 DFCC Corridor Protect all the trees, re-vegetation of DFCC corridor
Landscape embankments and other slopes, edge treatment of water
bodies shall be taken up as per either detailed design or
typical design guidelines given as part of the Bid
Heavy machinery is used to for installation of transmission lines and towers
and may require clearing of ground vegetation for its movement. This activity
cause temporary disturbance to the forest, orchards, plantation and
agriculture fields. DFCC, wherever possible uses the existing path / access
roads for the movement of man and machinery. The existing roads that
cannot support heavy machinery load are upgraded and thus the village
infrastructure is improved. In areas where lines traverse agricultural land,
compensation is paid to owners for any crop damage incurred as a result of
construction activities. Agricultural activities are allowed to continue following
the construction period. If bunds or other on-farm works are disturbed during
construction or maintenance, they are restored to the owner's satisfaction
following cessation of construction or maintenance activities. In the event that
private trees are felled during construction or maintenance operations,
compensation is paid to the owner as determined by the forest / horticulture
The Key environmental issues with construction of substation are
o Objectives
a. To identify environmentally sensitive areas, issues, and possible
management measures
b. To suggest alternative transmission line routes, if necessary
c. To outline scope of environmental assessment and management planning
o Process
i. The Environmental and Social Management Department (SEMU)
through its “Bee” line survey (a desk review) on Survey of India
topographic sheets (toposheets) and the Forest Atlas will examine
various route options. SEMU will identify environmentally sensitive
areas such as evergreen, semi evergreen, deciduous and scrub
forests, riparian areas, wetlands, mountains, critical wildlife habitats
and geologically sensitive areas.
ii. Field units will conduct spot verifications to confirm the information of
Bee- Line survey, and identify possibilities of circumventing
environmentally sensitive areas (not restricted to previously designated
ones) and collect information on issues identified during desk review
through studies of alternatives, at least 3 alternatives routes are
studied in the process of environment assessment and after analysis of
different parameters and significant economic benefit associated with
the project and without the project, the most optimum route having
minimum environment impact is selected for further investigation
iii. CPM office and Site office will consult state forest departments for
transmission lines passing through forest areas. Revenue authorities
will be consulted for their views on revenue lands. Based on the above
process the scope for an Environmental Assessment and Management
Plan (EAMP) is finalised.
o Output
i. Environmental screening and scoping document as part of feasibility
report. This report provides details of environmentally sensitive areas,
environmental issues and views of Forest Department, Revenue
Department and an Initial Environment Assessment Report (IEAR).
4.8.10 Environmental Management process for a Typical Electric Facilities along the Railway Line
Milestones Objectives Process Responsibility Product/
2. Environmental To prepare environmental Transmission Lines SEMU Environmental
Assessment & assessment management plans a. Forest Areas Site assessment
Management for the project tree enumeration Auth. Agencies management plan
Planning cost-benefit analysis Environmental
Compensatory Afforestation review
b. Other Areas Forest Proposal
Undertake environmental review Environmental
and formulate appropriate management
management measures measures
Sub-Stations Views of Public
Undertake environmental review
and formulate appropriate
management measures
Public Consultation
To inform/record public views for
refinement / review if needed
3. Forest Clearance To obtain Forest Clearance Submit Forest Proposal to state SEMU Final Forest Clearance
Government Site office by MoEF
Forest Proposal to MoEF for conditional
Forward Compliance report by State
Government to MoEF for Final Forest
III. Project Approvals
1. BoD Approvals To obtain financial approval from Submit FR (with EAMP screening and SEMU Approval of Board of
Board of Directors scoping details) to CoD/BoD for their Corp. Plg. Dept. Directors
review Engg. Dept.
2. Financial Agency’s
To obtain acceptance from FA for Submit FR (with EAMP screening and Corp. Plg. Dept. EAMP screening and
Acceptance environmental components of scoping details) /IEAR to Funding SEMU scoping /IEAR
feasibility report Agencies for acceptance approved by FA
IV. Detailed Design & Award
Milestones Objectives Process Responsibility Product/
1. Social Assessment To appoint a suitable agency for Select and appoint suitable agency for SEMU Agency appointed for
& Management SAMP, If required social assessment & management Cont. Ser. Dept SAMP
Planning planning, If required
To prepare social assessment & Transmission Lines SEMU SAMP
management plan for Negotiate compensation packages Site office a. Transmission line
transmission lines with Revenue Authorities Social review
and PAPs Compensation &
Finalise and document other management
compensation and other measures
management measures
To prepare social assessment & Sub-Stations SEMU b. Sub-station
management plan for sub- Finalise site for sub-station External LAA
stations Notify area under LAA Agency. RAP/TPDP
Undertake detailed LA Census Site
Final negotiations and
documentation of agreements
2. Concurrence of FA To obtain concurrence of FA for Submit social assessment & management Corp. Plg. Dept. Concurrence of FA for
for Social the social assessment & plan (with Internal Management approval) SEMU SAMP
Assessment & management plan (RAP/IPDP) to FA for concurrence
Management Plan
3. Consultation for To take help from authorised Consult Authorised Agencies for SEMU Authorised Agencies
Environmental agencies for environmental environmental management work Site office Consulted to execute
Management work management work EM works
4. Award of Social To award social management Award social management work to SEMU. Agencies appointed to
Management work work to appropriate agencies, If appropriate agencies through competitive Cont. Ser. Dept execute SM works
necessary bidding, if necessary
V. Project Implementation
1. Execution of To undertake environmental Execute environmental management works SEMU Environmental
Environmental management work as prescribed Authorised management
Milestones Objectives Process Responsibility Product/
Management Works in environmental assessment Appropriate clearance for Agency measures executed
management plan transmission line ROW, etc. Site office
Compensatory Afforestation Contractors
Payment of tree/crop
2. Execution of Social To undertake social management Transmission lines SEMU Social management
Management Works work as prescribed in social Pay compensation as agreed & External Agency measures executed
assessment management plan documented in SAMP and execute Site
(RAP/ IPDP) other measures Contractor
Deposit compensation and take
possession of land
Disbursement of RA prior to civil
Execute RAP /TPDP measures as
prescribed in the SAMP
VI. Operation & Maintenance
1. Environmental To monitor work being Monitor EAMP measures SEMU. Periodic monitoring
Monitoring undertaken as part of EAMP and Maintenance of ROWs reports
SAMP Progress on compensatory
Monitor SAMP measures SEMU
Appropriate compensation and
other measures during
maintenance of towers and lines
Progress on R&R measures to
restore livelihood
VII. Project Review
1. External IMS Audit To verify status of compliance Appoint an external agency with SEMU/ QA&I IMS audit report from
and implementation of IMS appropriate expertise to conduct the External Agency.
Milestones Objectives Process Responsibility Product/
review/ audit of performance of
2. Oversight and on-site implementation of IMS IRC on-site oversight /
Performance Audit To verify / review Performance audit to review compliance of SEMU performance audit
/Review implementation of EMRP EAMP, SAMP at project site / field by IRC. reports.
2. Annual To review annually the EAMP Appoints an external agency with SEMU Annual environmental
Environmental and the SAMP of transmission appropriate expertise to conduct the review sustainability report
Review projects and report on environmental performance
of project during construction operation
and maintenance including IMS audit
4.8.10 Bid Document
Prepare cost estimates, to be incorporate in Bid Documents.
Environmental Management Plan, EMP along with the good
environmental construction guidelines to be incorporated in the Bid
document’s work requirements.
Preparation of work requirement (addendum/corrigendum to Railway
specifications) and
Corrigendum / Addendum to Railway Specification as Special provisions
to be incorporated in Bid Document. Penalty clauses for not complying
with EMP requirements to be incorporated.
o The contractor has to follow all traffic safety measures as defined in the
Technical specification. Damage shall be levied at the rate Rs.2000/-
per day per location for non – conformity of traffic safety measures as
per the decision of the engineer.
o The contractor has to follow all environmental mitigation measures as
defined in the Technical specification read along with the
Environmental Management Plan for the specific corridor. Damage
shall be levied at the rate Rs. 2000/- per day per location for non-
conformity of Environmental Management Plan measures as per the
decision of the Engineer.
o The contractor has to ensure that prior to every monsoon season,
during the construction period; all the temporary and permanent cross
drainage structures are free from debris as defined in the Technical
Specifications read along with the Environmental Management Plan.
Damage shall be levied at the rate of Rs 2000/- per day per location for
non conformity as per the decision of the Engineer.
o The contractor has to ensure that sufficient numbers and good quality
Personnel Protective Equipments, should be provide to staff and labor
all time as defined in the labor codes read along with the
Environmental Management Plan (EMP). Damage shall be levied at
the rate of Rs 500per day for non conformity as per the decision of the
Monitoring Plan
The monitoring programme will be devised to ensure that the envisaged
purpose of the project is achieved and results in the desired benefit to the
target population. To ensure the effective implementation of the EMP, it is
essential that an effective monitoring programme be designed and carried out.
Freight corridor objectives of the monitoring programme will be:
To evaluate the performance of mitigation measures proposed in the EMP
To suggest improvements in the management plans, if required
To satisfy the statutory and community obligations
The monitoring programme contains monitoring plan for all performance
indicators, reporting formats and necessary budgetary provisions. Monitoring
plan for performance indicators and reporting system is presented in the
following sections.
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (AAQM)
The air quality parameters viz: Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen
(NOX), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydro-Carbons (HC), Suspended Particulate
Matter (SPM), and Respirable Particulate Matter (RPM) shall be regularly
monitored at identified locations from the start of the construction activity. The
air quality parameters shall be monitored in accordance with the National
Ambient Air Quality Standards as given in Table 4.9.
** Silence zone is defined as area up to 100 meters around premises of
hospitals, educational institutions and courts. Use of vehicles horns, loud
speakers and bursting of cracking are banned in these zones.
Outdoor bathing (organized) B 1. Total Coliforms Organism
MPN/100ml shall be 500 or less
2. pH between 6.5 and 8.5
3. Dissolved Oxygen 5mg/l or more
4. Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5
days 20oC 3mg/l or less
Drinking water source after C 1. Total Coliforms Organism
conventional treatment and disinfection MPN/100ml shall be 5000 or less
2. pH between 6 to 9
3. Dissolved Oxygen 4mg/l or more
4. Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5
days 20oC 3mg/l or less
Propagation of Wild life and fisheries D 1. pH between 6.5 to 8.5
2. Dissolved Oxygen 4mg/l or more
3. Free Ammonia (as N) 1.2 mg/l or
Irrigation, industrial cooling, controlled E 1. pH between 6.0 to 8.5
waste disposal 2. Electrical Conductivity at 25oC
micro mhos/cm Max.2250
3. Sodium absorption Ratio Max. 26
4. Boron Max. 2mg/l
Below -E Not Meeting A, B, C, D & E Criteria
of 15 from edge of
Soil Monitoring of Pb, Sample of soil collected Threshold for each Grab
SAR and Oil & to acidified and analysed contaminant set by Sampling
Grease using absorption IRIS database of
spectrophotometer USEPA until
national standards
are promulgated
In addition of the critical locations selected during design stage, the
environmental monitoring will also be done at the construction camp site and
any other plant site during construction stage. List of critical locations for
caring out monitoring should be presented in EIA report.
Table 4.13: Roles and Responsibilities of Officers
Role Officer Responsibility
Coordinating / General Manager, Key officer in DFCCIL, coordinate with CPM
Facilitating SEMU offices
Agency Report to the World Bank and funding
agency for overall implementation of
environmental rule and regulation, funding
Chief Project Overview of the project implementation
Manager Ensure timely budget for the EMP.
Coordination with different state level
committee, to obtain regulatory clearances.
Participate in state level meetings
Monthly review of the progress.
Deputy Chief Project Overall responsible for EMP implementation
Manager / Asst. Reporting to various stakeholders (World
Project Manager Bank, Regulatory bodies) on status of EMP
Coordination with PIU (Project
Implementation Unit) Staff
Responsible for obtaining regulatory
Clearances Review of the progress made by
Ensure that BOQ items mentioned in EMP
are executed as per Contract provisions.
Environmental Assisting Project Manager in overall
Officer (PIU) implementation of EMP
Review of periodic reports on EMP
implementation and advising Project Director
in taking corrective measure.
Conducting periodic field inspection of EMP
Assisting Project Manager to reporting
various stakeholders (World Bank,
Regulatory bodies) on status of EMP
Directly report to G. M., SEMU to comply
World Bank requirements
Preparing environmental training program
and conducting the same for field officers
and engineers of contractor.
Implementing/ Engineer-incharge Act as an “Engineer” for supervising EMP
Monitoring (CSC if implementation
Agency any ) Responsible for maintaining quality of EMP
envisioned in detail Project Report
Maintaining progress reports on EMP
Periodic reporting to PIU-DFCC about the
status of EMP implementation
Work in close coordination with Chief Project
Manager (package unit) and contractor.
Unit (EMU)
Programming necessary training program on
environmental issues.
Asst. Project Working as site-representative of DFCC.
Manager Conducting regular site inspection to all
onsite and offsite works
Maintaining records of all necessary
statutory compliance, to be obtained from
Maintaining records of EMP implementation
including photographic records
Attending environmental training programs
Preparing periodic reports on EMP
implementation and forwarding to EE
Executing Environmental As detailed below
Agency & Safety For ensuring that EMP is implemented as per
Manager of provision in the document, Contractor shall
Contractor nominate a qualified and experienced manager
from the commencement to completion of the
project. (Minimum requirement (graduate in
environmental engineering / science with
minimum 05 years of experience in similar field)
contractual basis) to ensure that environmental protection requirements are
being met. It is important to plan and budget for environmental construction
monitoring as part of the project. If construction is to be contracted out, DFCC
to reconfirm that specific environmental requirements during construction (as
already specified) are built into construction bidding documents and contracts
to ensure, they are met (e.g. requirements for local hiring, penalty for not
adhering to EMP clause requirements etc).
A. Project Brief
a. Technical closure
b. Financial closure
c. Implementation commencement
d. Implementation completion
B. Environmental Settings, Regulatory Clearances, and Applicable World
Bank Safeguard Policies
d. What is the project arrangement (like contract provisions, concession
arrangements, etc.) for required construction stage environmental
permits/clearance (e.g. quarries, Borrow pits, Tube wells for construction
water, Construction Camps etc.). Provide the current status
4 Which of the World Bank Safeguard Policies are applicable for the project
and how does the project comply with these arrangements (refer
c. What is the environmental monitoring and reporting arrangement made by
SPV to report the progress of implementation of EMP to lenders?
d. What is the grievance redressal mechanism established to address local
environmental impacts (such as impacts on community assets,
environmental nuisance during construction phase, etc.)?
Placing dedicated manpower with specialization in the respective field to
deal with and manage the environment and social issues;
Reviewing progress of the EMRP internally or through external agencies
From time to time DFCCIL also deploys staff with requisite skill base to
strengthen the in house capacity of SEMU. Some of the key areas considered
are expertise in Rapid Appraisal techniques, social issues identification,
negotiation skills, management and mitigation techniques and land acquisition
assessment skills. These personnel after receiving appropriate training are
absorbed in the functioning of SEMU.
At the regional level an Environmental and Social Management Cell (ESMC)
has been created to provide a nodal point to manage environmental and
social issues of projects under its jurisdiction and to coordinate between
SEMU and the Site office. The key functions of ESMC are;
Advising and coordinating with site offices to carry out environmental and
social surveys for new projects envisioned in the corporate investment
Assisting the SEMU and sites to finalize routes of power transmission lines
considering the environmental and social factors that could arise enroute.
Follow-up forest clearances and land acquisition processes with state
forest offices and other state departments for various ongoing and new
Supervision and Monitoring of EAMP & SAMP implementation
At the site level the site in charge, after receiving appropriate training from the
CPM office, is responsible for implementation of the requirements of this
EMRP document. The site head will select and deploy personnel with relevant
background, to form a core group called the Environmental and Social
Management Team (ESMT). The key responsibilities of ESMT are;
A responsibility allocation matrix has been developed as per Table 5.1. This
matrix captures the project activities, environmental and social management
processes, key indicators to monitor progress, roles, and responsibilities of
various stakeholders at different levels and involvement of external agencies.
Environmental Specialist
CPM Office (Supervision Consultant) Environmental Management Unit
Dy Chief project Manager, (SEMU)
Additional General Manager
Dy Project Manager (km), (SEMU,
state Government Clearance by Site office FD Management
Forest Proposal to MoEF MoEF Approval
for conditional approval
Forward FP to MoEF for
Final Forest Clearance
III. Project Approvals
1. GOI Authorities Submit FR (with ESMP and EAMP and SEMU SEMU Internal
Approvals social Screening & Scoping social Corp. Plg. Dept. Corp. Plg. Management
reports) Planning Screening and Engg. Dept. Dept. Approval
Commission, Pre-PIB, PIB, scoping Engg. Dept.
CCEA & GOI for approvals (Approved as
part of FR) by
GOI Authorities
2. FA Acceptance Submit FR (with EAMP and SEMU SEMU Internal Detailed
environmental assessment social screening Corp. Plg. Dept. Corp. Plg. Management appraisal and
management plan and & scoping Dept. Approval concurrence
social screening and (concurred as
scoping details) to Funding part of feasibility
Agencies for appraisal report) by FA
Transmission Lines economic survey.
Public Disclosure
2. Concurrence of FA Submit SAMP (with BOD Concurrence of FA SEMU Corp. Plg. Internal Appraisal /review
for SAMP approval to FA for for SAMP Corp. Plg. Dept. Management by FA
concurrence Dept. Approval
3. Consultation for EM Consult authorised Authorised RHQ SEMU Internal
works & Tendering & agencies (forest dept.)for agencies Site Management
Award of EM & SM environmental consulted to Approval
Contracts management work execute
Select and award social Agencies RHQ SEMU
management work to appointed to Site office Legal Dept.
appropriate agencies execute social Cont. Ser.
through competitive management
bidding, if necessary works
V. Project Implementation
1. Execution of Execute environmental Environmental RHQ SEMU Internal
Environmental management works management Site office Management
Management Works measures Authorised Approval
executed agency
2. Execution of Social
Execute social Social RHQ SEMU Internal Ex. Agency (if
Management Works management works management Site office RHQ Management required) for
Transmission lines measures Ext. Agency Approval SAMP
Sub-stations executed (if required) implementation.
VI. Operation & Maintenance
1. Environmental Monitor environmental Periodic SEMU SEMU Internal
Monitoring assessment management monitoring reports RHQ Management
plan measures Site office Approval
Monitor social assessment Periodic SEMU SEMU Internal
& management plan monitoring reports RHQ Management
measures Site office Approval
VII. Project Review
1. Annual Appointment of consultant Annual SEMU Internal Ex. Auditors (if
Environmental Review and report on environmental and Management required)
Review environmental and social social review Approval
performance of project report
during construction
operation and maintenance
SN Project Activity / Monitoring Indicator Frequency Responsibility
Oil spill containment and spill cleanup Once – Built in product DFCCIL
Sewage disposal system Once – in tender DFCCIL
Fire prevention and fire protection equipment monitoring Once – in tender DFCCIL
Crop disturbance during construction Periodically when DFCCIL assigned
required contractor
Air borne dust emissions during construction Every two weeks DFCCIL assigned
Vegetation marking and clearance Every two weeks – DFCCIL assigned
strictly limited to target contractor
Trimming and cutting of trees in ROW Once per site – DFCCIL assigned
Identification of contractor
presence of target
species with height
following vegetation
clearance plan
Disposal of cleared vegetation Once per site – as DFCCIL assigned
approved by statutory contractor
Disposal of excavated soil Every 2 weeks DFCCIL assigned
3 Operation and Effectiveness of Training programs and plan Once a year DFCCIL
Maintenance Compliance with transmission tower setback conditions Once in quarter DFCCIL
Maintenance of ground clearance to comply with limits of Once DFCCIL
Noise levels at boundary nearest to substations Once a year DFCCIL
DFCCIL is not involved in activities that are polluting in nature. However, environmental monitoring programme for air,
water, soil, noise and vibration shall be followed.
Training Strategy
A key concept in training programmes for DFCC /any organization is to provide
training through a combination of formal classroom training and practical on-the-
job sessions. Technical assistance should be made available to provide training,
guidance and advisory support in all aspects of works implementation in order
that the key players (Environmental as well as technical team) become fully
conversant with, and capable of carrying out their respective duties.
Training for the various categories of staff needs to be carried out with varying
duration and through different approaches, such as on-site and classroom
training, workshops, seminars and practical on-the-job training.
Concept of Training
Training is always an effective up-front quality assurance measure. Experience
shows that there is a great demand for training in technical subjects for the
government staff in charge of work supervision. Effective training programmes
involve both the introduction of new technology as well as in-depth studies of the
particular skills required in each position in the works organization. As the
training content for these reasons relate to practical hands-on skills, the training
often consists of dissemination of best practices and work methods which have
been proved most effective in projects with similar tasks and working conditions
(i.e. neighbouring provinces, pilot projects, etc).
Training Methods
The most effective way of addressing such training needs is by carrying out the
training in an environment which to the extent possible resembles the real
situation in which the trainees will eventually operate.
Classroom Sessions although training needs to focus on practical skills, which
are best taught in the field, there is always a demand for a certain theoretical
foundation on which the practical skills are placed. For example, experience
shows that it is useful to review basic methodology and regulations, which in turn
is explained in the context of environmental management system in railway
works. Also for technical subjects such as impact categorization, selection of
mitigation measures, EMP as part of bidding document and others, there is a
demand for an introduction to the subjects in a class-room environment, during
which (i) the theory is reviewed, and (ii) a general briefing of the field exercises is
conducted, before the field sessions commence.
After the initial classroom training and skills development sessions, further
practical training should be carried out in a full-scale demonstration situation.
This includes establishing training/demonstration sites fully equipped with the
same type of tools and equipment that contractors will be using.
On-the-job Training It has been proved that on-the-job training is the most
effective method of training most categories of government staff. This involves
the extensive use of practical demonstrations and skill training at full-scale
training sites. This approach is very effective for the training of managers,
engineers and supervisors with the on-site training being supported by classroom
components tailored for the various categories of staff.
Short Courses and Workshops Intensive refresher courses for periods of one
to three days are useful for addressing specific problem areas. Such courses or
workshops are organized to supplement on-the-job training for some of the
technical and administrative staff. Short courses can either be arranged through
the provision of technical assistance, an in-house training facility, or by
contracting other training institutions within the country.
Seminars: Seminars are useful as a means for disseminating data and
information, in particular for senior government officials at central and local level,
as well as representatives of other government agencies. Seminars can be an
effective platform for policy makers, planners and administrators to review the
importance of an Environmental Management System. Equally important, this
type of seminar is important in terms of creating awareness of the potential of
utilising new organisational arrangements, work methods, and involvement of the
private sector, beyond the boundaries of a particular programme.
Training Module Details
A comprehensive training programme should be planned for the project by PIU
intended to address all components of the project. Developing a comprehensive
idea about the Environmental requirements, DFCC/PIU will fix the
role/responsibility to effectively manage the environment components involved.
As discussed earlier DFCC/PIU may or may not take the services of external
agency. In general the training programme is proposed by the planning
consultant, during the design stage of project.
The programme should be intended for all Contractors, Construction Supervision
Consultants (if any) and the Package Unit -DFCC. As and when found necessary
PIU in consultation with EMU will select appropriate modules for the training of
contractors and for the training of engineers responsible for supervision and
maintenance work. List of appropriate training modules and their time frames is
discussed in subsequent paragraphs
The training components may be broadly divided into the following categories:
Principles and policies for (natural and social) environmental mitigation in
development projects;
Legal and institutional aspects; project mandates;
Probable (natural and social) environmental impacts and losses in road
strengthening and widening projects;
The EMP in DFCC consisting of
i) The construction stage environmental concerns;
ii) The environmental designs and implementation plans;
iii) The project entitlement framework;
iv) Types and aspects of vulnerability of the EPs;
v) Counselling and grievance redressal methods and mechanisms and
vi) Financial control mechanisms;
Monitoring, evaluation and reporting methods and mechanisms and,
Inter-sectoral and inter-agency collaboration, etc.
Module I Initiation Principles and policies for (natural and social) environmental
mitigation in development projects;
Legal and institutional aspects; project mandates including the
WB operational policies;
Introduction to the designs, implementation schedule for DFCC.
Module II Project Probable (natural and social) environmental impacts and losses
Specifics in road strengthening and widening projects;
Basic features of the EMP and the RAP in DFCC.
Module VI long term environmental surveys including ambient air, noise, biological
issues and water quality surveys;
social surveys, survey questionnaire design, sampling
data storage, analysis and retrieval;
contract documents and incorporation of environmental clauses;
community consultation and participatory technology generation
legal or statutory requirements for environmental, social and
forestry clearance of road projects and,
contingency planning and management, etc.
The above are the major areas of training and discussion. The additional areas of
training, in order to develop long term capacity in the DFCC can also be
6.1.2 Technical Assistance: Additional Staff/collaboration with experts
Once the system has been developed, and staff has received initial training,
technical assistance is useful for providing support to establishing the system
and ensuring that it becomes fully operational. Also, technical assistance is
useful for designing and assisting in the conduct of the training programmes
required to equip government staff with the specific skills needed to manage and
operate the system.
Through the provision of technical assistance, it is possible to establish a useful
yardstick for quality and control during initial works implementation. In a start-up
phase, it is useful to provide the programme with external assistance in order to
achieve full levels of control and monitoring.
Following agencies could be helpful in the process on Environmental
Management System, EMRP. DFCC understanding/comprehending the
environmental requirement of the project may involve independent experts or
agency during the various stages of project. Its shears on the requirement
understand by DFCC to involve the following expertise.
A Force, staffed by the General Manager (SEMU) of the DFCC, the Supervision
consultant; and the Project Director, need to be created. It is anticipated that the
Task Force will usually react to requests for advice or assistance from the EMU
but it may, from time to time, take proactive initiatives.
e) Non-Government Organization(s)
A number of responsibilities, especially with respect to the implementation of the
RAP rest with NGOs, which can be procured by the DFCC. Details of the role
responsibility of these NGOs are to be described in Resettlement Action Plan
(RAP). The RAP needs to be developed by DFCC through planning consultant.
PART-I: This part deals with the jurisdiction of the law and important definitions
PART-II: This part deals about National Policy and Plan to be prepared by Central Govt. in
consultation with state Govt. National Policy and National Electricity plan needs to be published
in Gazette / News paper once in 5 years.
PART-IV: This part deals licensing for transmission of electricity, distribution and undertaking
trading in electricity.
Authorised persons to transmit, supply, etc. electricity
Power to exempt
Grant of license
Procedure for grant of license
Conditions of license
Licensee not to do certain things
Amendment lf license
Revocation of license
Sale of utilities of licensees
Vesting of utility in purchaser
Provisions where no purchase takes place
Directions to licensees
Suspension of distribution license and sale of utility
PART V: This part deals transmission of electricity including inter-state, regional and inter-
regional transmission system.
Inter-State, regional and inter-regional transmission
National Load Despatch Centre
Constitution of Regional Load Despatch Centre
Functions of Regional Load Despatch Centre
Compliance of directions
Intra-State transmission
Transmission within a State
Constitution of State Load Despatch Centres
Functions of State Load Despatch Centres
Compliance of directions
Grid Standards
Intervening transmission facilities
Charges for intervening transmission facilities
Directions by Appropriate Government
Central Transmission Utility and functions
State Transmission Utility and functions
Duties of transmission licensees
Other business of transmission licensee
PART-VI: This deals with provisions of distribution of electricity with respect to distribution
Duties of distribution licensee and open access
Duty to supply on request
Exceptions from duty to supply electricity
Power to recover charges
Power to recover expenditure
Power to require security
Additional terms of supply
Agreements with respect to supply or purchase of electricity
The Electricity Supply Code
Other businesses of distribution licensees
Provisions with respect to electricity trader
Control of transmission and use of electricity
Use, etc. of meters
Disconnection of supply in default of payment
Standards of performance of licensee
Different standards of performance by licensee
Information with respect to levels of performance
Market domination
PART-VII: This chapter deals about terms and conditions for the determination of tariff.
Tariff regulations
Determination of tariff
Determination of tariff by bidding process
Procedure for tariff order
Provision of subsidy by State Government
Development of market
PART-VIII: This part deals work of licensees includes provision as to opening up of streets,
railways etc., overhead lines, notice to telegraph authority.
Provision as to opening up of streets, railways, etc
Overhead lines
Notice to telegraph authority
PART-IX: This part deals about constitution and functions of Central Electricity Authority
PART-X: This part deals about Regulatory Commissions and its constitution, power and
functions of central commission
PART-XI: This part deals about appellate tribunal for electricity
PART XII: This part deals about investigation, enforcement of assessment for electricity
consumed by consumer by State Govt. or board or licensee.
PART XIII: This part deals about reorganization of Electricity Board
PART XIV: This part deals mainly about offences and penalties for misusing/theft of electricity.
PART XV: This part deals constitution of special courts for the purpose of providing speedy
trial of offences referred to in sections 135 to 139
PART XVI: This part deals mainly resolution of dispute by arbitration under this Act.
PART XVII: This part deals mainly protection of railways, highways, airports and canals,
docks, wharfs and piers, protection of telegraphic, telephonic and electric signalling lines,
amendment of sections 40 and 41 of Act 1 of 1894
PART XVIII: This part mainly deals miscellaneous matter includes following:
Coordination Forum
Exemption of electric lines or electrical plants from attachment in certain cases
Protection of action taken in good faith
Members, officers, etc., of Appellate Tribunal, Appropriate Commission to be public
Recovery of penalty payable under this Act
Services of notices, orders or documents
Transitional provisions
Inconsistency in laws
Act to have overriding effect
Provisions of this Act to be in addition to and not in derogation of other laws
Power of Central Government to make rules
Powers of Authority to make regulations
Powers of Central Commission to make regulations
Rules and regulations to be laid before Parliament
Powers of State Governments to make rules
Powers of State Commissions to make regulations
Rules and regulations to be laid before State Legislature
Power to remove difficulties
Provisions of Act not to apply in certain cases
Repeal and saving
The Electricity Act, 2003 does not explicitly deal with environmental implications of activities
related to power transmission other than 164 (B) to avail benefits of eminent domain provided
under the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, which provide all the powers that the telegraph authority
possesses. Accordingly, POWERGRID can erect and construct towers without actually acquiring
the land and after paying compensation towards all the damages.
MOP order under Sec Proposal submitted to
68(1) Electricity Act 2003 Nodal Officer Tree Enumeration / Forest
CF/CCF Recommendation
PCCF’s Recommendation
RMoEF’s Recommendation
Note: For any clarification sought at any level case is referred back to utility through proper
As per MoEF notification dt.3.2.04 specific time limit has been fixed for processing of forest
proposal w.e.f. its submission. A total of 210 days has been allocated for state Govt. to process
and recommendation of case to concerned RMoEF. RMoEF has been allotted 45 days for
approval involving forest area up to 5ha.
MOP order Under Sec Proposal submitted to
68(1) Electricity Act 2003 Nodal Officer
Tree Enumeration / Forest
Proposal Formulation by Cost Benefit Analysis
Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Land Identification for
Compensatory Afforestation
DFO’s Recommendation
O Recommendation
Nodal Officer’s Recommendation
PCCF’s Recommendation
RMoEF’s Recommendation
Minister Approval
Note: For any clarification sought at any level case is referred back to utility through proper
As per MoEF notification dt.3.2.04 specific time limit has been fixed for processing of forest
proposal w.e.f. its submission. A total of 210 days has been allocated for state Govt. to process
and recommendation of case to RMoEF depending upon the area involved. RMoEF has been
allotted 45 days for processing of cases involving forest area up to 40 ha and submission to
MoEF for obtaining sanction of MoEF.
MOP order under Sec Proposal Submitted to
68(1) Electricity Act 2003 Nodal Officer Tree Enumeration / Forest
Proposal Formulation by Cost Benefit Analysis
Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Land Identification for
Compensatory Afforestation
DFO’s Recommendation
CF/CCF Recommendation
PCCF’s Recommendation
Minister’s Approval
Note: For any clarification sought at any level case is referred back to utility through proper
As per MoEF notification dt.3.2.04 specific time limit has been fixed for processing of forest
proposal w.e.f. its submission. A total of 210 days has been allocated for state Govt. to process
and recommendation of case to MoEF. MoEF has been allotted 90 days for processing of case to
obtain sanction of central Govt. and issue of In-principle approval/ rejection.
1. Projects details:
i) Short narrative of the proposal and project/scheme for which the forest land is required
ii) Map showing the required forest land, boundary of adjoining forest on a 1:50,000
scale map
iii) Cost of the project
iv) Justification for locating the project in forest area
v) Cost benefit analysis (to be enclosed)
vi) Employment likely to be generated
5. Undertaking to bear the cost of raising and maintenance of compensatory afforestation and/or
penal compensatory afforestation as well as cost for protection and regeneration of Safety
Zone etc. as per the scheme prepared by the State Government (undertaking to be enclosed)
(Name in Block letters)
Address (of User Agency)
Location of the project/Scheme:
7. Location of the project/ scheme :
i) State/Union Territory
ii) District
iii) Forest Division
iv) Area of forest land proposed for diversion (in ha.)
v) Legal status of forest
vi) Density of vegetation
vii) Species-wise (scientific names) and diameter class-wise enumeration of trees (to
be enclosed, in case of irrigation/ hydel projects enumeration at FRL, FRL-2
meter & FRL-4 meter also to be enclosed.
viii) Brief note on vulnerability of the forest area to erosion
ix) Approx. distance of proposed site for diversion from boundary of forest
x) Whether forms part of National Park, wildlife sanctuary, biosphere reserve, tiger
reserve, elephant corridor, etc. (if so the details of the area and comments of the
Chief Wildlife Warden to be annexed).
xi) Whether any rare/endangered/unique species of flora and fauna found in the area-
if so details thereof
xii) Whether any protected archaeological/heritage site/defence establishment or any
other important monument is located in the area. If so the details thereof with
NOC from competent authority, if required
8. Whether the requirement of forest land as proposed by the user agency in col.2 of Part-I is
unavoidable and barest minimum for the project. If no recommended area item-wise with
details of alternatives examined.
9. Whether any work in violation of the Act has been carried out (Yes/No). If yes details of the
same including period of work done, action taken on erring officials. Whether work in
violation is still in progress
11. Site inspection report of the DCF (to be enclosed) especially highlighting facts asked in col.7
(xi, xii), 8 and 9 above.
12. Division/District profile:
i) Geographical area of the district
ii) Forest area of the district
iii) Total forest area diverted since 1980 with number of cases
iv) Total compensatory afforestation stipulated in the district/division since 1980 on
(a) forest land including penal compensatory afforestation
v) Progress of compensatory afforestation as on (date)_______ on
a) forest land
b) non-forest land
13. Specific recommendations of the DCF for acceptance of otherwise of the proposal with
(To be filled by the concerned Conservator of Forests)
14. Whether site, where the forest land involved is located has been inspected by concerned
Conservator of Forests (Yes/No). If yes, the date of inspection & observations made in form
of inspection note to be enclosed
15. Whether the concerned Conservator of Forests agree with the information given in Part-B
and the recommendations of Deputy Conservator of Forests.
(To be filled in by the Nodal Officer or Principal Chief Conservator of Forests or Head of
Forest Department)
17. Detailed opinion and specific recommendations of the State Forest Department for
acceptance of otherwise of the proposal with remarks (While giving opinion, the adverse
comments made by concerned Conservator of Forests or Deputy Conservator of Forests
should be categorically reviewed and critically commented upon).
(Official Seal)
(To be filled in by the Secretary in charge of Forest Department or by any other authorized
officer of the State Government not below the rank of the Under Secretary)
18. Recommendation of the State Government (Adverse comments made by any officer or
authority in Part-B or Part-C or Part-D above should be specifically commented upon)
(Official Seal)
Date: _______
Place: _______
forest land, or which would require forest
land if these facilities were diverted due to the
Parameters for Evaluation of Social Assessment
2 Primary Processing
2(a) Coal washeries 1 million <1million ton/annum General Condition shall
ton/annum throughput of coal apply
throughput of coal (If located within
mining area the
proposal shall be
appraised together with
the mining proposal)
2 (b) Mineral beneficiation 0.1million < 0.1million ton/annum General Condition shall
ton/annum mineral mineral throughput apply
throughput (Mining proposal with
Mineral beneficiation
shall be appraised
together for grant of
3 Materials Production
3(a) Metallurgical a)Primary
industries (ferrous & metallurgical
non ferrous) industry
All projects
b) Sponge iron Sponge iron manufacturing
manufacturing <200TPD General Condition shall
≥ 200TPD Secondary metallurgical apply for Sponge iron
c)Secondary processing industry manufacturing
processing industry
i.)All toxic
and heavymetal producing
All toxic and heavy units
metal producing
<20,000 tonnes
20,000 tonnes /annum
/annum ii.)All other
non –toxic
secondary metallurgical
- processing industries
>5000 tonnes/annum
3( b) Cement plants 1.0 million <1.0 million tonnes/annum General Condition shall
tonnes/annum production capacity. All apply
production capacity Stand alone grinding units
4 Materials Processing
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
4(a) Petroleum refining All projects - -
4(b) Coke oven plants 2,50,000 <2,50,000 & -
tonnes/annum 25,000 tonnes/annum
4(c ) Asbestos milling and All projects - -
asbestos based
4(d) Chlor-alkali industry 300 TPD <300 TPD production Specific Condition shall
production capacity capacity apply
or a unit located and located within a
outside the notified notified industrial area/ No new Mercury Cell
industrial area/ estate based plants will be
estate permitted and existing
units converting to
membrane cell
technology are
exempted from this
4(e) Soda ash Industry All projects - -
4(f) Leather/skin/hide New projects All new or expansion of Specific condition shall
processing industry outside the projects located within a apply
industrial area or notified industrial area/
expansion of estate
existing units
outside the
industrial area
5 Manufacturing/Fabrication
5(a) Chemical fertilizers All projects - -
5(b) Pesticides industry All units producing - -
and pesticide specific technical grade
intermediates pesticides
drugs and
excluding drug
synthetic rubbers;
basic organic
chemicals, other
synthetic organic
chemicals and
5(g) Distilleries (i)All Molasses All Cane juice/non- General Condition shall
based distilleries molasses based distilleries apply
(ii) All Cane juice/ <30 KLD
based distilleries
30 KLD
5(h) Integrated paint - All projects General Condition shall
industry apply
5(i) Pulp & paper industry Pulp manufacturing Paper manufacturing General Condition shall
excluding and industry without pulp apply
manufacturing of manufacturing
paper from waste Pulp& Paper
paper and manufacture manufacturing
of paper from ready industry
pulp without -
5(j) Sugar Industry - 5000 tcd cane crushing General Condition shall
- capacity apply
5(k) Induction/arc - All projects General Condition shall
furnaces/cupola - apply
furnaces 5TPH or
6 Service Sectors
6(a) Oil & gas All projects -
transportation pipe
line (crude and
products), passing
through national
reefs /ecologically
sensitive areas
including LNG
6(b) Isolated storage & - All projects General Condition shall
handling of hazardous apply
chemicals (As per
threshold planning
quantity indicated in
column 3 of schedule
2 & 3 of MSIHC
Rules 1989 amended
7 Physical Infrastructure including Environmental Services
7(a) Air ports All projects - -
7(b) All ship breaking All projects - -
yards including ship
breaking units
7(c) Industrial estates/ If at least one Industrial estates housing Special condition shall
parks/ complexes/ industry in the at least one Category B apply
areas, export proposed industrial industry and area <500 ha.
processing Zones estate falls under the Note:
(EPZs), Special Category A, entire Industrial Estate of area
Economic Zones industrial area shall below 500 ha. and not
(SEZs), Biotech Parks, be treated as housing any industry of
Leather Complexes. Category A, category A or B does not
irrespective of the require clearance.
Industrial estates of area>
500 ha. and not housing
Industrial estates
any industry belonging to
with area greater
Category A or B.
than 500 ha. and
housing at least one
Category B
7(d) Common hazardous All integrated All facilities having land General Condition shall
waste treatment, facilities having fill only apply
storage and disposal incineration
facilities (TSDFs) &landfill or
incineration alone
7(e) Ports, Harbours 5 million TPA of < 5 million TPA of cargo General Condition shall
cargo handling handling capacity and/or apply
capacity (excluding ports/ harbours 10,000
fishing harbours) TPA of fish handling
7(f) Highways i) New National i) New State High ways; General Condition shall
High ways; and and apply
[see rule 10 (2)(ii)]
[To be submitted by the bulk consumer to the State Board by 30th June (for the period October-
March) and 31st December (for the period April-September) every year]
Specifications for Used oil Suitable for Re-refining
Specifications for Waste Oil Suitable for Recycling
SN Parameter Limit
1. Sediment 5% (maximum)
2. Heavy Metals 605 ppm maximum
3. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 6% maximum
4. Total halogens 4000 ppm maximum
5. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Below Detection Limit
Form - 13
[ See rule 20 (5) ]
Form for Filling Returns of Auction/ Sale of Non-Ferrous Metal Wastes/ Used Oil/Waste Oil
[To be submitted by waste generators / auctioneers to the concerned State Pollution Control
Board / Committee by 31st January of every year]
Date : …........................
Plant Protection Agreement for the Asia and the Pacific Region, 1956
Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Culture and Natural Heritage – 1972
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild Flora and Fauna (CITIES),
Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (Vienna Convention), 1988
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1989
Convention on the Control of Trans boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their
Disposal (Basel Convention), 1992
Male Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its Likely Trans boundary
Effects for South Asia, 1992
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, 2001
Safety Related Check List during Construction of Railway Lines and Associate Facilities
1. Dumping of Excavated soil. (Minimum 1.5 Mts. or half the depth
of the pit whichever is more) Yes / No.
2. Whether angle of repose of soil as per design in the foundation is
maintained or not. Yes / No.
3. De watering arrangement is available ( If necessary) Yes / No.
4. Working area has been protected properly to avoid against fall of
passerby or animal in the excavated pit. Yes / No.
5 Shoring & Shuttering to protect the loose rock / soil against fall
exists. Yes / No.
6 Arrangement of illumination at construction site is available. (if
required ) Yes / No.
7 Check proper/adequate arrangement is made for extension of
electric supply. (Proper size of cable, Use of fuse, No loose Yes / No.
connection for De-watering Pumps/ Illumination / Electric
compressors etc. if applicable).
8 Check for damage / Uneven settlement of foundation. Yes / No.
9 Ensure Life saver arrangements have been made during
construction of well foundation in river bed. (Where necessary) Yes / No.
10 Check that the adequate arrangement is made for the storage of
blasting material at safe place. (if required) Yes / No.
11 Check that the blasting materials is handled with due care at site. (
If required ) Yes / No.
SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks
12 Check that during blasting operation, Labor / Workmen / Passerby
are at safe places and arrangement is made to inform public by Yes / No.
caution markings (Red Flag) / Public Notices.
13 Check that the Blaster is holding the proper license issued by the
appropriate authority. As per the Indian Explosive Act. Yes / No.
14 Check that the length of the fuse wire used during blasting
operation is adequate. Yes / No.
15 Ensure Laying of temporary cable used for operation of Machines
used during construction should not cause any danger for Yes / No.
electrocution of workmen.
16 Check that PPEs i.e. Safety helmets, Safety Shoes, is used by
blaster and their gang members during blasting. Yes / No.
17 Ensure that Shuttering and timbering has been made as detailed in
I:S: 3764. Yes / No.
18 Ensure that before undertaking excavation, the soil has been tested
and in case of availability of any explosive / dangerous gas, Yes / No.
necessary arrangement must be made to remove / dilute such
19 The positions of underground installations such as sewers, water
pipes and electrical cables have been verified and in case of their Yes / No.
existence, they must be isolated.
20 Arrangement shall be made to prevent external vibrations due to
rail / road traffic (If required). Yes / No.
21 Safety is ensured during the construction of Tr. Lines for
buildings, structures etc. which are coming in the vicinity of the Yes / No.
excavated area from collapse. ( If required )
22 Check that sufficient strong ladder of suitable length is available
for ingress / outgress of persons in the pit Yes / No.
23 Lone worker should not be allowed to work in the excavated area
beyond shoulder level. Yes / No.
24 Check for any possibility of seepage of water from nearby pond /
river should be estimated and taken care of. Yes / No.
25 After excavation the work has been completed speedily and back
filling done at the earliest. Yes / No.
SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks
4 Check that the Concreting Mixer machine is placed at a safe place.
(Not very near to pit.) Yes / No.
5 Check proper / adequate arrangement is made for extension of
electric supply. (Proper size of cable, Use of fuse, No loose Yes / No.
connection for De watering Pumps / Illumination / Electric
compressors etc. if applicable).
6 Check that laying of temporary cables used during construction Yes / No.
activities should not cause any danger for electrocution to
7 Inspection of excavations shall be made by a Competent Person
every day. In case, possible cave in or slide is apparent, all Yes / No.
working in the excavation shall be seized until the necessary
precautions have been taken to safeguard the possible cave in or
SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks
for adequate strength / physical condition (Free from break of Yes / No.
strands and knots etc.
6. Check that the lifting tools and tackles i.e. Winch Machine, Chain
Pulley Block, Trifor, D - Shackle etc. are in healthy condition and Yes / No.
has been tested periodically. (Attach copy of test certificate).
7. Ensure that permission has been obtained from Aviation Authority
for erection of special towers. (Where necessary). Yes / No.
8. Ensure that permission has been obtained from Aviation Authority
for erection of towers which comes in the vicinity of flying zone. Yes / No.
(Where necessary)
9. Check that the safety measures has been taken before undertaking
for the Road / Rail / River Xing jobs involving likewise stretches. Yes / No.
10. For rail or road crossing check whether written working plan is
available at site with specific reference to safety e.g. local Yes / No.
earthing, skilled & experience manpower, proper T&P, strength
and height of scaffolding to maintain the required clearance etc.
11. Ensure that all the members and proper size of Nuts and Bolts of
lower section are fitted properly before erection of the upper Yes / No.
section of tower is taken up.
12. Check that the anti climbing devices are provided in the tower
after erection job. Yes / No.
13. Check that the danger plates have been provided. Yes / No.
14. Check that only erection team members are allowed to stand near
the tower while erection is in process and should wear the safety Yes / No.
helmet / Safety Shoes.
15. Working area of the tower has been demarcated during erection. Yes / No.
16 Check that proper guying arrangement has been made. And also to
see that proper size of the crow bars has been used which has been Yes / No.
fixed at hard surface in case of sandy soil or loose soil.
17 Check that proper arrangement is made while lifting the tower
members and fixing them at height i.e. Proper size and strength of Yes / No.
the hook used for lifting the tower members.
18 Check sufficient numbers of guys are made while lifting the
assembled cross arm and also avoiding use of single sheave Yes / No.
pulleys while lifting the assembled cross arm / heavy load.
SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks
vicinity of aviation zones. (Where necessary.) Yes / No.
4. Check that all safety measures have been taken during stringing of
conductor crossing the EHV / HV / LT lines (Earthing of existing Yes / No.
lines etc.)
5. Ensure that proper size of Nuts and Bolts is rigidly tightened and
punching / tacking / tack welding is done in towers before Yes / No.
undertaking stringing job.
6. Ensure that proper scaffolding arrangements made during
stringing of conductor ( While Road Xing / Power Line Xing etc. Yes / No.
7. Ensure that all members are fitted in tower before undertaking
conductor stringing work. Yes / No.
8. Check that the back filling of the foundation has been done as per
specification. Yes / No.
9. Ensure that the discharge rod is electrically tested before use. Yes / No.
10. Stringing Machine / Tension pullor Machine are properly earthed. Yes / No.
11. Check the brake arrangement of the TSE Machines is working. Yes / No.
12. Ensure that the pulleys used before conductor stringing has been
checked for adequate strength / proper size (diameter), also in case Yes / No.
of open type pulleys proper locking arrangements like providing
of Safety Pin is made Ensure for copy of test certificate for all the
lifting machines and tackles.
13. Ensure the ropes used before conductor stringing has been
checked for adequate strength / physical condition (Free from Yes / No.
break of strands and knots etc.
14. Check that the lifting tools and tackles i.e. Winch Machine, Chain
Pulley Block, Trifor, D - Shackle etc. are in healthy condition and Yes / No.
has been tested periodically. (Attach copy of test certificate).
15. Check for the brake arrangement of the Drum reel of conductor
during laying / paying out of conductor. Yes / No.
16. Check that proper communication facility is available at site
during of stringing of conductor ( If required ) Yes / No.
17. Whether the tower has been permanently earthed. Yes / No.
18. Check that Sag Board is provided at two locations. Yes / No.
19. Check that the Sag Board arrangement is made by the experienced
/ trained persons. Yes / No.
20. Check approved Sag tension chart is available and followed at site. Yes / No.
21. While clamping of conductor / EW to be done, check for earthing. Yes / No.
22. Ensure sending signal to puller to stop when last layer of
conductor / EW being pulled. Yes / No.
23. Check tension applied on the dynamo meter dial and check values
with approved data. Yes / No.
24. Before stringing starts check that the villagers do not come
underneath the job of the concerned section. Yes / No.
SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks
25. Only nylon or polypropylene ropes should be used during
conductor stringing in vicinity of live overhead lines. Yes / No.
26. Ensure that PTW has been taken from the concerned authority. Yes / No.
27. Ensure that Winch, Pulleys etc. are properly earthed. Yes / No.
28. For LT lines, whether special persons are posted at each point of
isolation till return of permit (PTW). Yes / No.
29. Whether the network of LT lines has been thoroughly checked and
precautions taken Against inadvertent charging. Yes / No.
30. Check that proper arrangement is made / available for
development and use of a Portable Earthing and Short – Circuiting Yes / No.
Devices which can be engaged and disengaged to and from the LT
lines, keeping away from the LT lines, until all operations on the
same are completed and all men and materials are removed from
LT lines.
31. Check the provision and proper positioning for the guying and
back staying (Where necessary). Yes / No.
32. Check demarcation of feeder is done for D/c Line. Yes / No.
33. Ensure that all the insulator strings are thoroughly checked for
availability and proper fixing of cotter / split pins before hoisting Yes / No.
the same.
General Points common for all activities during Excavation, and Casting of Foundation
Name :
Designation : Name : Name :
Representative of Designation: Designation:
Contractor Power Grid Rep. from Site. Power Grid Rep. from RHQ.
SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks
ensure Human Safety.
11. Check that the scaffolds are not overloaded in any case. Scaffolds Yes / No.
are to be erected and supported properly.
12. Stability of the soil of the excavated pit for safe working is to be
checked and certified by a competent person daily before start of Yes / No.
work. A register at site is maintained where competent person can
certify accordingly. No manhole should remain uncovered during
night & off days.
13. Check the provision of sufficient strong ladder of suitable length is Yes / No.
available near the working place during excavation.
14. Check if any permission is required from local statutory body
before excavation. Yes / No.
15. Check for No undercutting / toe cutting in soil. Yes / No.
16. Check after excavation the work should be speedily completed Yes / No.
without delay and back filling done at the earliest.
17. Check for any possibility of seepage of water from nearby pond / Yes / No
river has been estimated and taken care of.
18. Check to avoid slide / collapse of side walls of excavated pit, the Yes / No.
excavation is to be done in trapezoidal cross – section.
1 Check that the adequate arrangement is made for the storage of
blasting material at safe place. (Temporary Magazine is to be Yes / No.
installed observing all norms) as per Indian Explosive Act.
2. Check that the blasting materials is handled by licensed blaster Yes / No.
with due care at site. (If applicable)
3. Check smoking is prohibited in the vehicle carrying explosives. Yes / No.
4. Check that the Blaster is holding proper license issued by the Yes / No.
appropriate authority. As per Indian Explosive Act.
5. Check that the length of the fuse wire used during blasting Yes / No.
operation is adequate.
6. Check while transportation, no unauthorized person is allowed in Yes / No.
vehicle carrying explosives.
7. Check that the loading and unloading of explosives is being done Yes / No.
8. Check explosives and detonators or blasting caps is not being Yes / No.
transported in the same vehicle.
9. Check while transportation the detonators and explosives are not Yes / No.
carried loose or mixed with other materials.
10 Check surplus explosives shall not be stacked near working area Yes / No.
during loading / unloading.
11. Check explosives shall not be held in hands when lightening the Yes / No.
SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks
12. Check that blasting in the open has been carried out during the Yes / No.
fixed hours every day or on fixed days in the week so that the
public at large should know about this.
13. Check that arrangement has been made to display sufficient Yes / No.
warnings / sign board to enable the people to get out of the
blasting area to get off the danger zone
14. Check that the danger zone has been suitably cordoned off. Yes / No.
15. Check during blasting operations begin / after the firing of
explosives shall follow the loud siren. Yes / No.
16. Check that during blasting operation, Labor / Workmen / Passerby
are at safe places and arrangement is made to inform public by Yes / No.
caution markings ( Red Flag ) / Public Notices etc.
17. Check that PPEs i.e. Safety helmets, Safety Shoes, is used by
blaster and their gang members during blasting and also the Yes / No.
persons supervising the blasting operations.
18. For covered blasting ensure placement of cover plates of proper
thickness and sufficient numbers of sand filled bags. Yes / No.
19. Ensure that permission for blasting has been obtained from the
appropriate authority. Yes / No.
SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks
SN Description of Activity Feedback Remarks
14. Check sufficient numbers of guys are made while lifting the
assembled structure / heavy loads and also avoiding use of Yes / No.
single sheave pulleys while lifting the assembled structure /
heavy load.
15. Check arrangement has been made for equipment
identification. Yes / No.
16. Check that required painting made on tower falling in the
vicinity of aviation zones. (Where necessary.) Yes / No.
17 Check no live wires nearby. Take shut down if necessary. Yes / No.
18. Check the structure has been permanently earthed. Yes / No.
19. Check crane are preferably be used for erection of pipe
structure in the substation building works (if required.) Yes / No.
20. Check all safety procedures for erection work like use of
safety helmets, Safety belts, use of guy wires, lowering / Yes / No.
lifting of tools by rope etc. are strictly adhered to during
structure erection works is in progress in the switchyard.
21. Check that correct size of spanner (Box or ring type) as well
as DE spanners is being used. Yes / No.
22. Check working area of the structure has been demarcated
during erection. Yes / No.
23. Check heavy structures are lifted with crane with proper Yes / No.
SN Description of Activity Feedback Remarks
main earth mat with (G I Flat 75 x 12 mm) and earth pit Yes / No.
separately as per drawing.
33. Check the alignment of earth switch with isolator, earth
switch of isolator is put into operation and the contacts are Yes / No.
cleaned. After completion of pre commissioning checks and
formats are dully filled and signed.
34. Ensure that the rubber beadings are kept in good condition. Yes / No.
35. Check CT has been placed on the support structure very
carefully and all nuts have been tightened. Earthing is done Yes / No.
as per drawing.
36. Ensure the lattice structure of CT has been earthed at two
points. Yes / No.
37. Check the marshalling box in the switchyard has proper
illumination arrangement. Yes / No.
38. Check the capacitor unit is short circuited & earthed, until
erection and commissioning works are being done on CVT. Yes / No.
(The capacitor get charged by the electrical fields in the
vicinity and they keep these charges for a long time, which
can be dangerous to human life. Hence the shorting of
capacitor unit is necessary). It should be removed before
tests / use.
39. Check Fuses in the marshalling box are OK. Yes / No.
40. Check proper earthing of CVT tank has been done. Yes / No.
41. Check all housing accessories, mounting stools including
bolts / Nuts for fixing Line Trap and insulators are of non Yes / No.
magnetic material.
42. Check H.F. point of CVTs on which the coupling device is
not mounted has been earthed. Yes / No.
43. Check the remaining CVTs have been earthed thro’ coupling
device. Yes / No.
44. Cable drums after visual inspection should be stored
preferably in the covered area. Cable ends should be Yes / No.
45. Ensure each cable and conduit run should be tagged with
cable identity numbering as per the approved that appear in Yes / No.
the cable and conduit schedule.
46. The tag should be of aluminium plate with ID number
punched on it and securely attached to the cable conduit by Yes / No.
not less than two turns. Cable tags should of rectangular
shape for power cables and of circular shape for control
47. Check underground cable markers should project 150 mm
above ground and spaced at an interval of 30 Mts. They Yes / No.
shall be located on both sides of road and drain crossing and
SN Description of Activity Feedback Remarks
also at every change in direction.
48. Check cable tags should be provided inside the switchgear,
motor control centres, control and relay panels etc. wherever Yes / No.
required for cable identification, where a number of cables
enter together through a gland plate.
49. The cable (power and control) between LT stations, Control
room, DG set building and fire fighting pump house should Yes / No.
be laid in the buried cable trenches. In addition to the above,
for lighting purpose also, buried cable trench can be used in
outdoor area.(as per Technical specification of specific
contract )
50. Cable route and joint markers and RCC warning covers
should be provided wherever required. The voltage grade of Yes / No.
cables should be engraved on the marker.
51. Tray Identification Number on each run of trays at an
interval of 10 Mtrs should be painted. Yes / No.
52. In case the outer sheath of a cable is damaged during
handling / installation, the same should be repaired to the Yes / No.
satisfaction of the site. In case any other part of a cable is
damaged, the same should be replaced by a healthy cable.
Power cables should be at the top most layers. The armour
of control cable is to be earthed.
53. All cable termination should be appropriately tightened to
ensure secure and reliable connections. All the exposed parts Yes / No.
of cable lugs should be covered with tape, sleeve or paint.
54. Power and control cables are laid on separate cable trays Yes / No.
55. Co-axial cable is laid separately from power cable. Yes / No.
56. All cable trays, racks and metallic ducts have been grounded
by connecting each to earth / mat. ( As per Scheme ) Yes / No.
57. Check sections of cable trays have been bridged by copper
jumpers/ G I to retain continuity of earthing. (As per Yes / No.
58. Check earthing of panel is done by the erection contractor
for connecting it with switchyard earth mat. ( As per Yes / No.
Scheme )
59. Auxiliary bus wiring for AC and DC supplies, Voltage
Transformer circuits, annunciation circuits and other Yes / No.
common services is provided near the top of the panels
running throughout the entire length of the panels.
60. All internal wiring to be connected to external equipment is
terminated on terminal blocks, preferably vertically mounted Yes / No.
on the side of each panel.
61. Check whether Mimic Diagram is available preferably made
of anodized aluminium or plastic of approved fast colour Yes / No.
material and screwed on to the panel that can be easily
SN Description of Activity Feedback Remarks
62. Check the panels all equipment mounted on front and rear
side as well as equipment mounted inside are provided with Yes / No.
individual name plates with equipment designated engraved.
63. Check on top of each panel on front as well as rear side,
large and bold name plates are provided for circuit / feeder Yes / No.
64. Check all front mounted equipments are provided at the rear
with individual name plates engraved with tag numbers Yes / No.
corresponding to panel internal wiring to facilitate easy
tracing of the wiring.
65. Check the name plates mounted directly by the side of the
respective equipments should not be hidden by equipment Yes / No.
66. Check availability of 240V single phase 50 HZ, AC socket
with switch suitable to accept 5 Amps and !5 Amps pin Yes / No.
round standard plug, is provided in the interior of each
cubicle with ON-OFF switch for connection of hand lamps.
67. Check that panels are provided with a fluorescent lighting
fixture rated with 240 Volts single phase, 50 Hz supply for Yes / No.
the interior illumination of the panel during maintenance.
The fittings are complete with switch fuse unit and
switching of the lighting is controlled by the respective
panel door switch. Adequate lighting with fuse unit is also
provided for the corridor in control panels.
68. Check control panels are provided with necessary
arrangements for receiving, distributing, isolating and fusing Yes / No.
of DC and AC supplies for various control, signalling,
lighting and space heater circuits. The incoming and sub
circuits are separately with switch fuse units.
69. Check panels are provided with a space heater rated for 240
V, single phase, 50 Hz, AC supply for the internal heating of Yes / No.
the panel to prevent condensation of moisture.
70. Check all panels are equipped with an earth bus securely
fixed Yes / No.
71. Check when several panels are mounted adjoining each
other, the earth bus is made continuous with necessary Yes / No.
connectors and clamps for this purpose.
72. Check provision is made for extending the earth bus bars to
adjoining panels on either side. Yes / No.
73. Check provision is made on each bus bar of the end panels
for connecting earthing grid. Yes / No.
74. Check all metallic cases of relays, instruments and panel
mounted equipment including gland plates are connected to Yes / No.
the earth bus by copper wires of specified size.
SN Description of Activity Feedback Remarks
75. Check the colour code of the earthing wire is green. Yes / No.
76. Check that earthing made with equipment is with Nuts and
Bolts i.e. For such connection lugs should be pressed and Yes / No.
tightened to the terminals through Nuts and Bolts.
77. Check that no equipment is mounted on the panel doors. Yes / No.
78. Check each switch should bear clear inscription identifying
its function. Yes / No.
79. Check those who have sufficient knowledge of steel
structural job have been employed in steel structural works Yes / No.
80. Check necessary instruction has been communicated by
supervisor before start of the day’s works to workmen under Yes / No.
his control.
81. Storing of equipments is to be made properly to avoid any
accident during handling. Yes / No.
82. Check all Nuts and bolts are properly raised or lowered
preferably using closed loop pulleys and gully bags / hand Yes / No.
bags tied at the end for carrying nuts and bolts.
83. Check that Fire resistant sheets are used before entrance of
control cable in control room. Yes / No.
84. Check air compressor tubing properly tightened. Yes / No.
85. Check all carrying connectors / clamps properly tightened. Yes / No.
SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks
8. Ensure that Winch, Pulleys etc. are properly earthed. Yes / No.
9. For LT lines, check whether special persons are posted at each
point of isolation till return of permit (PTW) if positioning of Yes / No.
person is not possible then it is to be seen that all the point of
isolation has been kept in the locked position till the work is in
10. Whether the network of LT lines has been thoroughly checked and
precautions taken against inadvertent charging. Yes / No.
11. Check that proper arrangement is made / available for grounding
LT lines coming across during conductor laying. (This can be Yes / No.
done by way of portable earthing and short circuiting devices
which can be engaged to and disengaged from LT lines, keeping
away from the LT lines until all operations on the same are
completed and all man and materials are removed from the LT
12. Check the provision and proper positioning for the guying and
back staying (Where necessary). Yes / No.
13. Check working of hydraulic crimping machine. Yes / No.
14. Check before and after crimping, dimensional changes in clamps
and are in accordance with the drawings and specifications. Yes / No.
SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks
8. Check that this earthed flat is earthed at about 30 Mts. distance. Yes / No.
9. All accessories in transformer and reactor like radiators tank,
cooling banks etc are connected to the earthing grid at minimum Yes / No.
two points.
10. Check metallic conduits are not used as earth continuity Yes / No.
11. Check flexible earthing connectors should be provided for the
moving parts. Yes / No.
12. Check sheath and armour of single core power cable is earthed at
switchgear end and equipment side. Yes / No.
13. Check contact surface of earthing pads for jointing free from scale,
paint, enamel, grease, rust or dust. Yes / No.
14. Check that light poles, junction boxes on the poles, cable and
cable boxes / glands, lockout switches etc. are connected to the Yes / No.
earthing conductor running along with the supply cable which
intern is connected to the earthing grid conductor at a minimum
two points.
Check earthing conductor which is generally buried 2000 mm
15. outside the switchyard fence. All the gates and every alternate post Yes / No.
of the fence are to be connected to earthing grid.
16. Check megger used for measuring soil resistivity is calibrated with
desired accuracy. Yes / No.
17. The earth resistivity has been measured in dry weather condition. Yes / No.
18. Check the earthing of Transformers and Shunt reactor, earth pits
are constructed as per relevant standard / approved drawing. Yes / No.
Check that the measured value of combined earth resistance
19. should be less than 1 Ohm. Yes / No.
Check that for earth electrode and individual earth pits, this value
20. should not be more than one Ohm. Yes / No.
Check all non current carrying metal parts shall be effectively
21. earthed by two separate and distinct earth connections ( Indian Yes / No.
Electricity Rule 61,67 )
22. Check that all pylon supports in the Fire Fighting HVSW system
has been earthed to the earthmat. Yes / No.
SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks
Gum Boot etc. as applicable )
2. Check availability of First Aid Box with required medicines at Yes / No.
3. Check Site Instruction register is available at site. Yes / No.
4. Ensure Supervisor / Gang Leader always issues instruction to the
Workmen including contractor labor before start of work. Yes / No.
5. Ensure supervisory staff from Power Grid is available at site
during construction. Yes / No.
6. Check all driver and plant operators are holding valid driving
license. Yes / No.
7. Check the vehicle for rescue is available at site. Yes / No.
8. Ensure engaged labor are aware of the job. Yes / No
9. Ensure supervisor / workmen engaged in the field are aware of Yes / No.
First Aid Techniques ( Such as in case of Electric Shock, Fall from
the height, Snake bite and the person rescued from buried under
the debris, rescue of person from drowning etc.
10. Check for availability and to keep a record of nearby Hospital /
Doctor in case of emergencies arises. Yes / No.
11. While transporting heavy consignment of conductor / EW drums
from central store to site by the use of Cranes, Truck, Tractor. The Yes / No.
safety aspect for construction and failure of brake system of
moving machinery is to be checked.
12. At least one dry powder type of portable fire extinguisher shall be
provided especially where explosive or blasting agents are used Yes / No.
for excavation. ( If applicable )
13. Check the competence (Qualification / experience) of supervisor /
gang leader of contractor. Yes / No.
14. Wire mesh rolls shall be secured in order to prevent dangerous Yes / No.
recoiling action.
15. Proper unloading arrangement has been made at site (Preferably
with crane) to unload the material. Yes / No.
16. After unloading the material visual inspection of the materials has
been carried out along with the erection contractor to check that Yes / No.
the material has not been damaged or not (Galvanizing is proper or
As per approved Field Quality Plan etc.
17. While transporting the heavy laden equipment like transformer /
Reactor by road from Rly Stn to Substation check whether for all Yes / No.
safety precaution taken. Like safe lifting capacity of crane, safe
load on culvert / Bridge / Nala / Drain etc. and working plan is
available at site with specific reference to safety e.g. local
earthing, skilled & experience manpower, proper T&P, strength
and LT wires / HT wires interrupting the height of equipment and
the required clearance maintained etc. Permission to be obtained
from concerned authority if required. “Impact recorder on the
SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks
equipment like Reactor / Transformer must be installed during
18. Check that the adequate and safe means of access and aggress has
been provided for all work places as far as reasonably practicable Yes / No.
and is being used by the workers.
19. Check proper illumination is provided at the work places and their
approaches including passage ways. Yes / No.
20. Check that the lamps have been protected by suitable guards
where necessary to prevent danger, in case the lamp breaks. Yes / No.
21. Check loose materials which are not required for use shall not be
placed or left so as dangerously to obstruct work places or passage Yes / No.
22. Check all projected nails has been removed or bent over to prevent
injury. Yes / No.
23. Check scrap, waste and rubbish has not been allowed to
accommodate on the site or the scrap materials has been stored at Yes / No.
the isolated place.
24. Check that the worker while working at height scaffold materials,
waste materials and tools are not being thrown by them to cause Yes / No.
injury to any person.
25. Check whether contractor has procured required quantity of PPE
considering maximum number of erection gangs deployed at one Yes / No.
time. Check the quantity of PPEs.
26. Check that the PPEs required by the workmen are being utilized
by them always. Yes / No.
27. Check the worker is under constant surveillance by the other
person while working at height. Yes / No.
28. Check construction site has been barricaded for unauthorized
persons / animals. Yes / No.
29. Check that lifting appliances and machines and vehicles used on
the construction site is of sound material and good quality and is Yes / No.
free from patent defects and is strong enough to with safely the
load and stresses to which they will be subjected.
30. Check structures and equipment is being used only for the purpose
for which they were intended. Yes / No.
31. Check equipment has been operated by the competent person. Yes / No.
32. Check portable ladders shall not exceed 9 Mts. in length, Yes / No.
otherwise may cause danger while climbing of person and back
legs shall be equally braced.
33. Check unskilled labor are not utilized for skilled jobs and only
experience persons are deployed for erection. Yes / No.
34. Check a well planed and documented procedure for the entire
Construction works of Substation shall be prepared by contractor Yes / No.
SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks
and get approved from Power Grid for distribution to Contractors’
field staff and Power Grid for follow up.
35. Check no metallic measuring tapes are being used during
expansion of charged bays. Yes / No.
36. Check metal ladders are not being used in the vicinity of exposed
live electrical equipment. Yes / No.
37. Check one bore well is available for water supply in case
Municipal Construction supply is not available Yes / No.
38. Check charged area of a yard should be properly fenced off. Yes / No.
39. Check ladders / lengthy articles / lengthy equipments etc. should
always be carried in horizontal position. Yes / No.
40. Check insurance by contractor for the labor to provide adequate Yes / No.
coverage for any accident etc.