MSDS HC-3 (i50、i90)
MSDS HC-3 (i50、i90)
MSDS HC-3 (i50、i90)
File No.:MSDS-1RD1A/1
The lithium ion cells are exempt articles and are not subject to the OSHA Hazard
Communication Standard Requirement. This sheet is provided as technical information
only. The information and recommendations set forth are made in good faith and are
believed to be accurate as of the date of preparation.
Manufacturer’s Name: Shenzhen Hengyu Energy Technology Co., LTD FAX: (+86)-755-26585593
MSDS 2022年1月1日
A lithium ion cell is normally stable under appropriate handling and storage conditions. If a lithium ion cell
generates abnormal heat, leave away from the cell to avoid inhaling internal-materials. Chemicals which
are contained in lithium ion cells, have some toxicity and it may cause irritation.
MSDS 2022年1月1日
Extinguishing Media: Plenty of water, Water fog spray, Dry chemical powder or Carbon dioxide. For
incipient fires, carbon dioxide extinguishers are more effective than water.
Flammable Limits: N/A
The risk of heat, fire, explosion:
・Do not dip or wet the cell or battery in water.
・Do not put the cell or battery into a fire or heat it. Do not solder the cell directly. Do not use or leave the
cell or battery in a place near fire or heaters.
・Do not disassemble. Do not apply heavy impact to the cell or battery.
・Do not connect the cell or battery reversed in positive (+) and negative (-) terminals in the charger or
・Do not use any battery charger not specified by manufacturer, also, follow the charge conditions specified
by manufacturer.
・Do not connect the battery directly to an electric outlet or cigarette heater socket in a car.
MSDS 2022年1月1日
・Store in cool place (preferably below 30°C/86°F) bu t prevent condensation on cells or batteries.
・Charge the battery every 6 months to the amount specified by the manufacturer,
even if the battery is not used.
MSDS 2022年1月1日
Components ACGIH *3
Lithium ion cells and batteries can be disposable in accordance with appropriate federal, state and local
regulations. However, we recommend recycling, since these cells and batteries contain recyclable material
(LiCoO 2).
Proper Shipping Name:Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment/contained in equipment
UN Number:UN3480/UN3481
The battery has passed the test items of UN model Regulations,Manual of Tests and
Criteria,Part III,sub-section 38.3. According to IATA DGR 63rd Edition,Packing Instruction
965,966 or 967 Section II is applied.
Proper Shipping Name:Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment/contained in equipment
UN number:UN3480/UN3481
The battery has passed the test items of UN model Regulations,Manual of Tests and
Criteria,Part III,sub-section 38.3. The goods is not restricted to IMO IMDG Code(Amend 38-16)
According to special provision 188.
Our products are properly classified, described, packaged, marked, and labeled, and are
in proper condition for transportation according to all the applicable international and
national governmental regulations, not limited to the above mentioned.
We further certify that the enclosed products have been tested and fulfilled the
requirements and conditions in accordance with UN Recommendations (T1 – T8)
on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations and the Manual of Tests and
Criteria that can be treated as “Non-Dangerous Goods”.
The consignments for battery models HC-3 ,have been packed in compliance with
section II of Packing Instruction 965.
MSDS 2022年1月1日
U.S. Regulations
Regulatory information EU
Hazardous components which must be listed on the label
As an article the product does not need to be labeled in accordance with EC directives or
respective national laws.
EU regulatory information
1999/13/EC (VOC): 0%
This information is furnished without warranty, express or implied, except that it is accurate to the best
knowledge of SHET. It relates only to the specific material designated herein, and does not relate to use in
combination with any other material or in any process. SHET assumes no legal responsibility for use of or
reliance upon this information.