Gofamint 3rd & 4th Quarters Manuals

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(MARCH - MAY, 2022)


The book of Romans is the longest of the New Testament letters written by Apostle Paul. It is
also the most significant in the history of the Church. While Martin Luther was studying the
letter, he asserted that a person becomes righteous before God through faith.
Paul wrote the letter to remind the Romans Christian of the fundamental truth of the Gospel.
He was concerned about false teachers’ negative influence on the Church. He also called the
Church to unity. He addressed the differences between the Jewish and Gentile believers which
have caused disunity in the Church.
Furthermore, his letter is meant to correct distorted rumours about Paul’s message and
knowledge about God which he has been teaching for 25 years.
The exposition from the book of Romans with the theme “God’s Plan For Man’s Salvation”
is meant to enlighten believers that a transformed life in Christ is attained by applying Christ’s
righteousness and love to our ways of life in the body of Christ (moral, civil and social). All the
twelve lessons in this third quarter have been carefully divided into three units with a theme for
UNIT 1: Justification Through God’s Love (Lessons 1-4)
UNIT 2: Grace And Not Self-Righteousness (Lessons 5-8)
UNIT 3: Salvation Precedes Service (Lessons 9-12)
These lessons are intended for us to know that the entire human race is surrounded with
universal guilt and each battles with sinful tendencies and fleshly lust.
Paul’s letter to the Romans reveals God’s power for salvation and His righteousness. God is
working out His plan of redemption in spite of Israel’s unbelief. He intimated us with the
promise offered by salvation – justification: man’s need for justification; the gifts of justification
through Jesus – (peace, righteousness and joy). Having been justified, we ought to devout
ourselves and our resources to the service of the Lord.
It will be expedient for you to take advantage of this quarter’s lesson to increase your knowledge
about God’s provision for our salvation and be more committed to His service.

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LESSON 1 6/3/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 22, 160
Devotional Reading: Rom. 1:18-32
Topic for Adults: All People are Guilty of Sin
Topic for Youths: We Inherited Sin
Topic for Intermediates: Our Nature is to Disobey God
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 1 and 2

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness”
Romans 1:18 (NKJV).


MON. 28/2/2022 THE GOSPEL OF GOD ROM. 1:1-7
Romans is the first epistle (or letter) of the New Testament. Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit to tell us
how to walk on the Christian pathway. In verse 1, he tells us what he is going to talk about in the Gospel
of God. The Gospel you accepted was not devised by men, but it went out from God. It is His Gospel. In
the past, God spoke of this through His prophets. The contents of the Gospel of God are centered on the
Son of God. It is the Gospel of God “concerning His Son”. This Gospel is not a religion, but rather about
a person with whom you now have a living relationship through faith. Paul was so impressed by this
person that he wanted to go out to all nations to bring people into obedience by faith in Him.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The Gospel is not a religion, but about a person (Jesus Christ).
PRAYER POINT: Thank You Lord for drawing me into a relationship with You through our Lord Jesus
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Cor.1; Evening: 2 Chro.34-36
One of the first things Paul conveys in almost every letter he wrote is to thank God for the believers. We
live in a world full of unthankful people. We even allow ourselves to become influenced by this thankless
attitude and forget that God knows of it. This is why He often reminds us in the Bible to give thanks. We
thank God for things we receive from Him (our salvation inclusive) because we know only God can give
us good things. Have you ever thanked God for your brothers and sisters and for other believers? Paul
heard about the believers in Rome because their faith was being spoken about in the whole world. Paul
desires to meet with these Christians so that he can encourage them with his gift of faith and be
encouraged by theirs.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: We should seek to come together and share the experiences of our faith with each
PRAYER POINT: Thank God for your brothers and sisters in Christ. Mention their names to Him.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Cor. 2; Evening: Ezra. 1-3


Have you ever felt ashamed of the Gospel? Most of us have! The reason for this is we have not yet fully
realised the power of the Gospel. We pay too much attention to what people think because we are more
concerned with their reaction towards us. It is only the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ that has the power
to save people from their sins and from the wrath of God that is coming upon the ungodly. Every rational
person must conclude that there is a God because of the wonders of what he observes around him in

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creation. The fact that there must be a God should lead him to glorify and thank God. Only a fool can say
there is no God.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: It is ungodly to ignore God.

PRAYER POINT: I will not be ashamed of the Gospel; I will preach it and live it in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Cor. 3; Evening: Ezra. 4-6


God did not create mankind in wickedness. Genesis 1:31 says, “Then God saw everything that He had
made, and indeed it was very good”. This includes mankind, but when a person abandons God, such
person is given over to do things that are shameful. People that reject God are depraved. In view of this,
they make their own ideas of what God should be and therefore fall into all kinds of wickedness. They
changed the truth of God into a lie. Their erroneous, foolish thought to acknowledge God made God
abandon them to their foolish thinking and to do things that ought not to be done.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The ability to attain to true humanity only comes when mankind lives for God.
PRAYER POINT: I make a declaration that I will not replace You, Lord, with something else in my life in
Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Cor. 4; Evening: Ezra. 7-8


When Paul was condemning the idol worshippers, homosexual practices, and violent people in the
previous chapter; the Jews must have been nodding their heads and saying – “go on, tell them”. But what
surprised his listeners was when he turned on them and said: “You are inexcusable”. In other words,
“you are just as bad!” An example of this is found in John 8:1-11. The leaders of the people of Israel
came to the Lord Jesus with a woman caught in the act of adultery. Jesus said: “He who is without sin
among you, let him throw a stone at her”. No one could do that because they have equally committed sin.
All mankind are guilty and depraved before God there is no way to be saved from sin’s consequences
apart from Christ.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: A day will come “when God will judge the secrets of man”.
PRAYER POINT: Help me, oh Lord, not to be quick in passing judgment on others.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Cor. 5; Evening: Ezra. 9-10

SAT. 5/3/2022 GOD IS NOT PARTIAL ROM. 2:9-16

Paul continues with the topic about the righteous judgment of God, but he makes a distinction between
the Jews and the Greeks. The Greeks are also called Gentiles. The Jews and the Greeks have both
received something from God through which they know what is right and wrong. God gave the Jews a
law in which He made known what they were to do. So God will judge them according to the law. God
did not give the Greeks a law, but He gave them a conscience. So, God will not judge them according to
the law but according to their conscience. Every person, even if he is ignorant of God and His will, has
received a conscience passed down from the fall of Adam through which he knows the difference
between good and evil.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God is not partial; He will judge you according to what you know.
PRAYER POINT: Give me grace not to show favouritism in my dealings with people, oh Lord.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Cor. 6; Evening: Neh. 1-3

SUN. 6/3/2022 NO REASON TO BOAST ROM. 2:17-29

The people of Israel felt superior and elevated above other people because God gave them the law. They
imagined that other people are inferior because they do not know God’s will through the law. Christians

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can also boast like this about knowing the Bible. They tell others how to behave, but they have never seen
themselves in the light of the Bible. They only know it for others. They may condemn stealing if someone
else does it but if they do it, they call it taking something to which they have a right. What they did not
realize is that they must obey God’s word. So, if someone is boasting of knowing the will of God, but is
not obeying it, such an individual dishonours God.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: You have no reason to boast if you do not obey God.
PRAYER POINT: O Lord, give me the grace to always obey You in every area of my life.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Cor. 7; Evening: Neh. 4-6

Man was created in the image of God, and he was righteous and holy. Through voluntary disobedience,
man fell into the depth of sin. As a consequence, everyone born through Adam and Eve became sinners,
shapened in iniquity and utterly void of the holiness of God. Every man became totally inclined to evil.
As a result of the fall of man (Adam and Eve), all men born through man and woman became sinners
through inheritance. By inheriting the nature of sin, man became depraved. There is nothing in the natural
man that has not been affected by the power of sin. Today’s lesson will show us the sinfulness of


Rome was the most important city in the world at the time of Paul. The rulers of Rome were extremely
powerful and wealthy. Rome was also an important city for trade. Paul had never been to Rome. He was
not the person who founded the Roman Church. This makes the Book of Romans different because most
of Paul’s letters were to Churches he founded. The Church in Rome was founded by people who visited
Jerusalem and heard Peter preach on the day of Pentecost. These people took the Gospel to Rome and
founded the Church in Rome.
Paul introduces himself to the Roman Christians as a bond servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an
apostle and separated to the Gospel of God. After telling the Christians in Rome that he is eager to come
see them and preach the Gospel there, Paul stressed that the Gospel is God’s power to save everyone who
believes in Jesus. We need to be saved because our sin has earned us God’s wrath.
Paul went on to give reasons why the human race is guilty before God.
i. Ungodliness: This refers to man’s offences against God.
ii. Unrighteousness: This refers to the sins of man against man.
iii. Suppression of the truth in unrighteousness: Every truth revealed to man by God has been fought
against, disregarded, and deliberately obscured.
iv. His invisible attributes are clearly seen: God has given a general revelation that is obvious both in
creation and within the mind and heart of man.
v. Although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God: The problem is not that man did not
know God, but that he refused to glorify Him as God.
vi. Nor were thankful: Man’s ingratitude is shocking.
vii. Professing to be wise they became fools: Our rejection of God’s general revelation makes us to
become fools.
The tragic result of human guilt before God are:
a. Therefore God also gave them up: God allows man to experience the destructive result of sin.
b. Man began to exchange the truth of God for a lie.
c. God gave them up to vile passion.
d. God gave mankind over to uncleanness and lust.
e. Man begins to receive the penalty of his error which was due.
f. As further judgement, God gave man over to a debased mind, so that things that are disgraceful and
sickening are readily accepted and approved.

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In Romans chapter 1, Paul lists the terrible sins humanity indulges in as a result of rejecting God. In
this chapter, he now speaks to those who are generally moral in their conduct. Paul assumes they are
congratulating themselves that they are not like the people described in chapter 1. Paul turns to them and
says “This applies to you, too”. Nobody can judge arrogantly because we are all guilty. Paul makes it
clear that the moralist is just as guilty as the obvious sinner. He points out that the moralist himself
presumes upon the goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering of God, which should bring the moralist into
humble repentance instead of the attitude of superiority.
 Goodness may be considered as God’s kindness to us in regards to past sin. He has not dealt with us
according to our past sins.
 Forbearance may be considered as God’s kindness to us in regard to our present sin. He holds back His
judgment against us.
 Longsuffering may be considered as God’s kindness to us in regards to our future sin. He knows that
we will sin tomorrow and the next day, yet, He holds back His judgment against us.
That is why Paul describes these three aspects of kindness to us as riches.
God will judge the moralists because their works also fall short of God’s perfect standard (verses 6-
10). God’s wrath will come to all who do evil - without respect to who they are - Jew or Gentile. God is
not partial, He will judge righteously. He will judge the Jews according to the law He gave to them, and
He will judge the Gentiles according to their conscience.
Williams Newell summarised Romans 2 with “Seven Great Principles of God’s Judgement”. God’s
judgment is: according to truth (Rom. 2:2); according to accumulated guilt (Rom. 2:5); according to
works (Rom. 2:6); without partiality (Rom. 2:11); according to performance not knowledge (Rom. 2:13);
reaches the secrets of the heart (Rom. 2:16) and according to reality not religious profession (Rom. 2:17-

The Gospel is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. The just shall live by faith,
while the unjust (sinners) will face the wrath of God. Those who have been saved should not judge those
who have not been saved. They should thank God for His goodness, forbearance and longsuffering. God
is not partial, He will judge everyone righteously.

1. Mention at least five reasons why the human race is guilty before God.
2. What are the tragic results of human guilt before God?
3. Why will God judge the moralists according to this lesson?
4. List the “Seven Great Principles of God’s judgment” according to William Newell.

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LESSON 2 13/3/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 28, 54
Devotional Reading: Rom. 3:21-24
Topic For Adults: By Faith Alone
Topic For Youths: Declared Righteous
Topic For Intermediates: Justified By Faith
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 3:1-2, 9-13, 21-31

“Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the
deeds of the law” Romans 3:28 (NKJV).


Let it be known that God loves the world so much that He gave His only begotten son to die for the sins
of mankind (Jn. 3:16). God loves every race, tribe and people alike. If anyone accepts Jesus as his / her
Lord and Saviour, he or she is no more a Jew or Gentile but a part of the body of Christ. God’s original
redemptive plan before the death of Christ revolved around the Jews. The Gentiles were somewhat
disadvantaged. Jesus boldly said in Matt. 15:24, “I am sent only to the lost sheep of Israel”. Most of the
men and women used mightily by God in the Bible had a Jewish decent or were somewhat connected to
the Jewish bloodline. The passage of today did not fail to reveal why the Jews are very crucial, because to
begin with, the Jews were entrusted with the oracles [utterances, revelations] of God, verse 2. The Jewish
nation were God’s special possession, the people of God and the first Church. Jesus came and extended
God’s love to all humanity.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Before Christ’s death, the Jews were the solo trustees of the oracles of God
PRAYER POINT: Lord Jesus, I thank You for integrating me into Your redemptive plans.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Cor. 8; Evening: Neh. 7 - 9


An African adage says, “if lie goes undetected for twenty years, it only takes the truth a day’s journey to
catch up”. The truth will always have an edge over lies. One of the characteristics of God that makes Him
God is that He cannot lie. He is ever just, ever faithful and ever sure – “indeed, let God be true but every
man a liar- vs 4b”. The argument presented in the passage read today is ancient. Paul attests to this when
he said, “I am using a human argument”. Looking at our human nature and that we were born sinners,
people always believe that God is unfair and unjust to punish us. A lie will always be a lie and the truth
will always be true. We cannot continue in sin and validate or rationalise it with lies. We cannot magnify
or amplify the righteousness of God or the availability of grace by committing sin. We cannot continue in
sin and expect grace to abound.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The truth is always true. Lies do not amplify the truth.
Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, help me to remain truthful and live a holy and righteous life in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Cor. 9; Evening: Neh. 10-13

WED. 9/3/2022 NO, NOT ONE ROM. 3:9-17

Both Jews and Gentiles had the same starting point. We were all born into sin and were all sinners until
we turned to God. There was no one righteous, no one who understood, no one who sought after God, no,
not even one. We had all lost the ability and capability to be spiritually upright. The power of sin and hell
held us bound and we had all turned away from God and denied His glory. We have all sinned and kept at
it so long. Was there any hope for us? Could we be saved? We were all sin-infested, sin-contaminated.

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Our best efforts were grass-stained rags (Isa. 64:5-6 MSG). The main reason for the prevalence of sin is
the lack of the fear of God. If the world will turn back to God and fear Him, there will be peace and
tranquillity in the world.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: We were all sinners. We had all sunk deep into sin before the Saviour came.
PRAYER POINT: O Lord, help me to fear You so that I will be among those who value Your will and
command above all else in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Cor. 10; Evening: Est.1 – 3

THUR. 10/3/2022 THE POWER OF THE LAW ROM. 3:18-20

Someone said the law is like a police officer. It exists to always make you aware of your wrongdoings.
The law holds us accountable to God. The law was given to make us aware of God’s requirement. We
were all born into sin and lawlessness; this was why the law was given to lay bare our sinfulness and guilt
before us. “God doesn’t accept people simply because they obey the law. All the law does is to point out
our sin” (verse 20 CEV). The power of sin is in its ability to point out our guilt and sinfulness. No one
can be declared righteous by doing the biding of the law, no one is saved by works. We are saved by the
sacrifice of Jesus Christ who died to save mankind.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: All the law does is to point out our sin.
PRAYER POINT: Thank You Jesus, for rescuing me from the power of the law.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Cor. 11; Evening: Est. 4-6


Righteousness is defined as right standing with God. No one born of a woman has the ability to be right
with God. All of our human efforts; our righteousness is like filthy rags before the judge of the earth. God
is a righteous judge. He is not righteous because He obeys the law, He is the giver of the law who is more
perfect than the law. We were sinners but God did not turn His back on us, He reconciled us to Himself
by becoming a propitiation for our sins. All we have to do is to accept Jesus’ sacrifice through faith and
believe that we have been justified, vindicated and accepted by God because of His benevolence towards

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Justification is not by human efforts; we are justified by God’s grace through faith
in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER POINT: Lord God, I thank You for Your sacrifice which brought me justification in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Cor. 12; Evening: Est. 7-8

SAT. 12/3/2022 THE JESUS’ ADVANTAGE ROM. 3:25-26

God is the judge and justifier of all who believe in the Lord Jesus. He presented His son Jesus as a worthy
sacrifice for the sins of humanity. This sacrifice was made by the shedding of His blood, for without the
shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. We were sinners and were to be punished but Christ’s
sacrifice cancelled out our debts and paid for our punishment. All those who believe in Jesus Christ in this
present age and those who will come to accept His atoning sacrifice are free from the punishment of past
sins and are called into a new life through faith in Jesus Christ. All these were done by God to portray His
benevolence, justice and faithfulness.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: We are free from punishment due to our past sins because we have come to believe
in the free gift offered to us through Christ’s death.
PRAYER POINT: May the death and sufferings of Jesus Christ not be in vain in my life in Jesus name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Cor. 13; Evening: Est. 9-10

SUN. 13/3/2022 JUSTIFIED BY FAITH ROM. 3:27-31

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We are products of grace through faith in Jesus Christ. God is the judge of both the circumcised and
uncircumcised and His judgment is not based on how much of good we have done because the Bible
confirms that no one is good. God is the one that declares people righteous. All He needs from us to merit
His righteousness is our faith and belief in His son. The law requires good works and morality, but God’s
righteousness requires our faith. Some may argue that we dismembered the law and made it of no effect,
but the truth is that, since the law convicts us all of sin and points to the need for salvation, with our new
life in Christ, the law is upheld and fulfilled.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The sacrifice of Jesus Christ did what the law couldn’t do; it enables us to live a
life free of sin.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, I receive grace and power to live a life free from sin.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Gal. 1:1-10; Evening: Job 1-3

The doctrine of justification reveals the blessedness of having our numerous sins pardoned and our slate
wiped clean, not because we deserved it but because Jesus took our place, died for us, imputed His
righteousness into us and made us God’s family. Someone described justification as the case of an
offender who committed a crime before the judge who will decide his case. It so happened that on the day
the crime was to be decided, the judge paid the price demanded for the release of the offender and the
criminal was freed. We were offenders who were still in sin when Jesus came and took our place, paid our
debts and delivered us from the guilt and punishment of sin.


PART 1: WE HAVE ALL SINNED - ROM. 3:1-2, 9-13, 23
In the Bible days, the Jews were considered as the only family of God on earth. The Jews were God’s
people and the Gentiles were the race of the underserving and unworthy. But one thing binds us all
together, we are all products of sin and sinners from birth. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory
of God (verse 23). The seed of sin in man originated from the fall in the garden of Eden. Since the
disobedience of the first man, the human race has been doomed and condemned to hell.
The popular verse of the Scripture, “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” remains
relevant to all generations. It serves as a reminder of three major truths;
i. we were all born as sinners;
ii. We are all sinners not because we all sinned but we were born so. ;
iii. We have all fallen short of God’s glory.
Romans 3:23 reveals the generality of the decadence of the human race, no one is exempted from the
matter. No one is righteous, no one seeks God, no one understands, no, not one [verses 10-11]. This Bible
passage is explicit about the inclusiveness of every human being. It is clear that no one can stand before
the judge of the earth and proclaim himself righteous and sinless. We have all sinned, we have all strayed
far away from God, we have all transgressed. As Christians today, we must never forget where God
brought us from. We must always remember that we were once sinners, lost in sin and condemned to hell,
but Grace found us.


Justification is a legal declaration by God. Justification is simply God acting as a judge, declaring that
a person is righteous in His sight. Justification is pivotal to the Bible messages. It is so crucial that it
appears in over two hundred places in the New Testament alone. Justification is not making someone
righteous; it is declaring someone righteous. If God has declared you righteous in His sight, you do not
have to pay the penalty for your sins. Justification does not only cancel our eternal damnation; it also
settles our age-long dispute with God.
God is the perfect and unbiased judge of the earth. He rules the world in righteousness. Obedience to
His perfect law is the requirement for His pardon. Anyone who falls short of God’s standard is punished

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and made to pay for his incapability. The truth is that there is no hope for anyone if God’s verdict goes
against him. ‘The righteousness of God’ is therefore a predominantly legal concept, symbolising God’s
gracious work of conferring upon guilty sinners a justified justification, exonerating them in the court of
heaven without prejudice to His justice as their judge.
There is an executive and judicial view to the topic of justification by God. Because God is King, He has
the final ruling over every matter of life. He has the executive power to overrule judgement and set a
criminal or offender free. Jesus partly demonstrated this executive power when He set the woman caught
in adultery free and exonerated her from all her crimes. Legally, God sits as a judge and decides who is
condemned. He has the judicial authority to absolve sins and set the offender free. Once He proclaims a
sinner forgiven, that settles the matter.


Timothy Keller wrote, “Justification is not merely an abstract theological concept, it is the sense of
approval and belonging that every person desires”. Justification is more than having our sins forgiven.
Justification means that in God’s eyes, we are given Jesus’ perfect record. We are treated as if we have
lived the perfect life that Jesus lived. We are given the love that Jesus deserved. We have the same access
that Jesus has to the Father. The good news is that all of these comes not from us having done anything,
but simply by faith.
One of the contentions about the subject of justification is that; is man truly absolved of all his sins? or
will he still have to pay a bit of penance for his wrongdoings? Another sect questions the pardon of future
sins. The truth is that believers need to truly believe that Jesus has paid the price for all of our sins. No
one can pay for his own pardon. The punishment is far too grievous to be borne by anyone. We must
therefore believe that Jesus has been punished for all of your sins, past, present and future – all sins have
been paid for. No more sacrifice is needed for God’s mercy and pardon. No more “works”, no more
shedding of blood, Jesus did it once and for all and perfected it. The finished work is truly finished!

Man stood eternally condemned in the court of law. Man could not pay for his own sins because the
punishment was far too great. God, the King and Judge of the earth sent forth His only Son, Jesus Christ
as a propitiation for the sins of men. However, there is something to be done to repay for this. Not good
works, for our best is as rags. The only thing needed to be truly justified is to believe in the finished work
of Jesus Christ.

1. What does the word justification mean to you?
2. In your own words, explain Romans 3:23.
3. What do we need to do to be justified by God?
4. Will people still be punished for sins committed?
5. What does the finished work of salvation mean?

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LESSON 3 20/3/2022
Suggested Hymns: G. H. B: 14, 75
Devotional Reading: Rom. 4
Topic For Adults: Not By Works
Topic For Youths: God Credited Righteousness To Abraham
Topic For Intermediates: God Justified The Uncircumcised
Lesson Scriptures: Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 4:9-12; Acts 15:5-6; Rom. 4:1-8; 22; 4:16-27

And being fully convinced that what He had promised He was able to perform. And therefore it was
accounted to him for righteousness” Romans 4:21-22 (NKJV).


It is true that Abraham had something to boast about. He walked with God and his walk with God was
almost a perfect one. He obeyed God without hesitation, he offered his son in obedience to the instruction
of God but all these good acts did not commensurate or was not proportionate to the righteousness of
God. No human effort can equal the standards of God. Aside Abraham’s good works, He walked by faith
with God and His promises. We must do good works and walk in faith with God. Do the right thing,
believe God, walk in faith and you will be counted righteous.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Believe God and do not waver in your belief.

PRAYER POINT: Lord Jesus, increase my faith and help me never to be shaken in my faith in You.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Gal. 1:11 - 24; Evening: Job 4-6

TUE. 15/3/2022 NOT BY WORKS ROM. 4:4-8

Wages are earned by works. Sometimes, it is true that the more work you do, the more you earn. Putting
effort in spiritual activity is commendable. Believers should know that good works is not a replacement of
faith. While you walk in faith with God, don’t fail to do good works, understand that it is not enough to
just confess your sins and just believe that you are forgiven and acquitted. Some people believe that there
remains a penance [punishment] everyone must pay even after their conversion. But righteousness is not
attained by good works, it is only attained by believing in the finality of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
David affirms this when he said, “blessed is he to whom God credits righteousness, whose sins are
forgiven and whose sins have been completely buried and no longer accounted for”.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Before circumcision, Abraham walked with God with a perfect heart.
PRAYER POINT: Lord Jesus, because I believe in Your suffering, death and resurrection, I believe my sins
are forgiven and I receive pardon in Your name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Gal. 2:1-10; Evening: Job 7-9
Foreign Missions Copy


God loves sinners but hates the sin in them. Jesus still seeks the lost and He is still much interested in
giving eternal life to all who believe. God never seeks for the perfect but perfects the sought. Abraham
was uncircumcised (circumcision is a symbol of spiritual consecration and separation to God) when God
credited righteousness unto him. God didn’t wait for him to “do the rituals” and fulfil the requirements of
the law before he was right with Him. God reached out to him and declared him as righteous because he
obey and walk with God. The same is applicable to us today. Once we decide to walk in faith with Jesus

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and lay aside all filthy things, as Abraham was called to circumcision after his justification, we are also
called to a life long relationship with the one who died for us and bore our guilt.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Our justification is not by work but by faith.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, by grace I’m justified. Help me to walk faithfully with Thee to the end.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Gal. 2:11-21; Evening: Job 10-12


God is a promise keeper. When He makes a promise, He fulfils it. God’s ability to fulfil what He
promised is not dependent on effort and contribution. If God’s favour, blessings and redemption can be
earned or bought with good works or human effort, then faith becomes useless. The promise depends
entirely on faith, verse 16. This makes it entirely the work of Grace [unmerited favour] and no one can
allude to their contribution or efforts to the fulfilment of this glorious promise. Abraham received what
was promised by faith and he became the spiritual father of every children of God. If we too can believe
the finished work of grace, we can receive God’s blessing by faith.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The promises is for all and it requires no human effort, but faith in God alone.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, I believe, and therefore I am assured that Your promises shall be fulfilled in my
life in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Gal. 3:1-14; Evening: Job 13-15

FRI. 18/3/2022 UNWAVERING FAITH ROM. 4:18-22

Abraham kind of faith is rare today. He is called the father of faith because even though he had several
reasons to doubt the promises of God, he did not. The birth of Ishmael is a proof that he was physically in
a perfect condition to father a child and probably Sarah was the one with problem. But he believed that
since God had promised that Sarah would be the mother of his son, it would definitely manifest at God’s
appointed time. The Bible minced no words in the description of the state of their physical bodies and
reproductive system; they were old and their bodies were as good as dead. But Abraham believed God’s
word and was unwavering in the face of reasonable doubts. This unwavering faith was rewarded with
divine fulfilment. We too must ensure that our faith in God is unshakable and unwavering because
faithful is He that promised and will perform it.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Physical realities are unreal when faith is at work. Faith calls out the non-existent
and does the impossible.
PRAYER POINT: Beloved Father, I refuse to waver in my faith in Your promises. By faith, I receive the
promises in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Gal. 3:15-29; Evening: Job 16-18

The Scripture was not written for those who have lived and passed on in the Bible times. It was written
for us so that by applying the principles of the word, we may get results. Abraham wasn’t declared
righteous by God because of his own benefit alone, he was declared righteous to assure us that God is the
judge and justifier of all men – Jews or Gentiles; rich or poor; circumcised or uncircumcised. As
Abraham in his uncircumcised state believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness, we know
that if we believe the power of God and call upon Him, He will hear us, save us and declare us righteous
before Him.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Whoever calls on God’s name (in any generation and times) shall be saved.
Prayer Point: Lord, I believe in You and in Your power that raised Jesus from the grave, I therefore
receive pardon today in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Gal. 4:1-20; Evening: Job 19-21

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SUN. 20/3/2022 JESUS PAID IT ALL ROM. 4:22-25
The Bible affirms that Jesus’ purpose of coming to the world was to save us from our sins (Matt. 1:21). It
is also clear from the Scriptures read today that it was not for Abraham sake alone why God counted him
righteous but it was recorded for our benefits. When we accept Jesus as our Saviour, He takes away our
sins, forgive us and make us right with God. When Jesus died and rose again, our hope was restored, our
sins absolved and we were discharged and acquitted of all sins before God by faith in Him only.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Jesus paid it all. Your sin has been absolved and forgiven. We are justified.
PRAYER POINT: O Lord Jesus, I pray that Your death, burial and resurrection will not be in vain over my
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Gal. 4:21-31; Evening: Job 22-24

Abraham is regarded as the father of faith. He became the father of faith by becoming a great example of
unwavering faith for both the Jews and Gentiles; the circumcised and the uncircumcised. Although on
several occasions Abraham obeyed God without hesitation and was relentless in his pursuit of the God
who spoke to him, it was not his good works alone that made him right with God. Rather, it was his faith.
On the premise of his unwavering faith, righteousness was imputed and credited to him and he became an
example to us who believe in the name of the Lord and have as a result been declared righteous.


Circumcision was a sign to others and a personal seal for the Jews that they were God’s special
people. God’s ways are not same as the ways of men. One of the things that make God sovereign is His
ability to decide on matters without consulting any man. The debate on circumcision is a well pronounced
debate in the New Testament Church. When Gentiles believers were introduced to the Jewish community,
there were people who protested and demanded that they should be circumcised before their admittance
into the community of the saints.
Paul in his response to the matters of circumcision attests that. “Circumcision was a sign that
Abraham already had faith and that God had already accepted him and declared him to be righteous
(Rom. 4:11 NLT).
God, who is the righteous judge and justifier declared Abraham as righteous even when he was yet
uncircumcised; this was done to make it clear what was written in 1Tim. 2:4. God desires the salvation of
all men irrespective of their background, belief, tradition or race. God made provision through Jesus
Christ for all men to be saved, justified and forgiven. Salvation is for all men.
After the justification of Abraham, he was circumcised. The circumcision of the heart may not be an
initial requirement for salvation (salvation is free), but after we have come to know the Lord and are
converted, there is a need for us to experience spiritual circumcision - the removal of the nature of sin.


One of the Bible truths being attacked today is imputation of sin and righteousness. The truth remains
unchanged though; when Adam sinned, his guilt was imputed to us and we also became as culpable as he
was. In the same way, when Jesus suffered and was crucified, His righteousness and sinlessness was
imputed into us. Just as Adam’s guilt was not ours but we became partaker of it by imputation, same way,
the righteousness of Jesus Christ is not ours but became ours when God made Christ culpable and liable
for our wrongdoings.
Righteousness is not earned by good works; there is nothing we can do that will measure to God’s
standard of holiness and righteousness. If it were to be earned by good works, Abraham (more than most
of us) had several things to boast about in his walk with God. But God’s unchanging rule is that salvation

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or righteousness is not to be attained by good works. The only requirement for salvation is faith in the
finished work of Jesus Christ.
Abraham believed God and righteousness was imputed or credited to him. He didn’t do anything to
merit God’s righteousness. The sacrifice of his son, his obedience to leave his father’s house, his care for
the angels and every other good works he did were not too good or sufficient enough to earn God’s
righteousness. Through Adam’s sin, sin was imputed to all mankinds. Christ’s righteousness was imputed
to make us right with God


God requires unflinching faith from all who will come to Him. Abraham became the father of faith
because his walk with God was an epitome of faith in action. Abraham trusted God, believed in Him and
never doubted God even in the face of conflicting circumstances. It was the kind of faith that Abraham
displayed in his walk with God that laid the foundation for all who walk with God throughout all
generations. Abraham’s faith made the following clear; (a) God loves everyone no matter their religious,
ethnic or geological background, (b) God desires obedience that is built on trust in Him as God, (c) There
are no requirements for Salvation [justification]. Aside faith in Jesus Christ.
Abraham’s faith hinges on God’s word. God spoke to him and he so believed that he refused to
consider physical and biological factors that were so glaring. God told him that he would become the
father of many nations and he believed the one who had spoken. He did not waver because he knew
faithful is He who had promised (Rom. 4:19-20). This was why God credited righteousness unto him.
As Abraham believed God and God imputed righteousness unto him, we also, by believing in God,
through Jesus our Lord, righteousness is imputed to us.

Abraham became the father of faith not by being circumcised, not by being a Jew, not by doing good
works and not even by his sacrifice. He became the father of faith and became an example to us all by his
total trust in and dependence on God. Abraham heard the voice of God and he believed Him and God in
His sovereignty credited righteousness unto him. It was faith of Abraham that prompted him to do good
works. Any believers who have faith in God will not fail to do good works like Abraham. Though, it is
not the good works that make us righteous.

1. How important is circumcision to salvation?
2. In your own words, explain how righteousness is credited to Abraham.
3. How important is faith to our salvation?
4. What did you learn about the faith of Abraham in God’s word?
5. What do we need to do to be declared righteous by God?

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LESSON 4 27/3/2022
Suggested Hymns: GHB. 75, 210, 342
Devotional Reading: Rom 5:6-8
Topic For Adults: The Best Time To Love
Topic For Youths: Despite Your Sin, God Still Loves You
Topic For Intermediate: God Loves You Still
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 3:23; 6:23; 7:15-23; 5:6-8; Phil. 2:5-8

“For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. 
For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to
die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for
us” (Romans 5:6-8) NKJV.


MON. 21/3/2022 ALL HAVE SINNED ROM. 3:23; 5:12-14
Man was made in the image and likeness of God to represent God on earth and have dominion over all
things God made (Gen. 1:26-27), but when man disobeyed God, as previously warned by God, he lost his
relationship with God and all the earthly benefits prepared before his arrival. Adam’s sin was transferred
by inheritance to all humans. We do not become sinners by acts but by nature. The Bible says in Rom.
5:12 that sin entered into the world through one man and spread to all. This one man was Adam. The
reason man finds it easy to sin is the human nature we were born with. David lamented in Ps. 51:5 that in
sin he was conceived and brought forth. This is the situation of every man and no one is exempted. All
our righteousness remains like filthy rag before God (Isa. 64:4-9).

POINT OF EMPHASIS: You are a sinner not just by acts but by nature.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, deliver me from my sinful nature in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Gal. 5:1-15; Evening: Job 25-27

TUE. 22/3/2022 THE CONSEQUENCES OF MAN’S SIN ROM. 5:12-14; 6:23

Adam’s sin has several consequences. He was sent out of his original location. God cut off all His
supplies. The ground was cursed for his sake. His wife was also cursed, etc. But the greatest of the
consequences of his sin is eternal death. Adam and all his descendants inherited eternal death which is
also called the second death. Anyone who is not born again, whose name is not found the book of life,
will forever face the second death in the lake of fire (Rev. 20:14) which was originally prepared for the
devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41). How terrible it will be for a man to go through pains and suffering on
earth and still end up in the lake of fire. The best time to seek salvation is now!

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Don’t wait till it is too late. The best time to get saved is now!
PRAYER POINT: Lord, I surrender my life to You today. Save me from eternal damnation in Jesus name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Gal. 5:16-26; Evening: Job 28-30

The “qualification” for the second death in the lake of fire is simply. There is nothing anyone can do to
free himself from the human nature or avoid the eternal consequence that awaits him. We are hopeless.
According to the Amplified version of the Bible, Rom. 5:6a says; “for while we were yet in weakness
(powerless to help ourselves)…”. We were helpless and none of us was able to help himself. Paul
explains that when man was in this deplorable hopeless state, God demonstrated His love towards us by
sending His only begotten Son - Jesus Christ to die for us and make us right with God.

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POINT OF EMPHASIS: The only hope of man for salvation is Jesus, run to Him today.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, I come to You today, deliver me from my sins in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Gal. 6; Evening: Job 31-33

THUR. 24/3/2022 GOD’S LOVE DEMONSTRATED JN. 3:14-16; ROM 5:6; 1 PET 1:18-19
The only saving grace for man is God’s love. It is interesting to note that while cursing man in the garden,
God made provision for his redemption (Gen. 3:15). While man was in the state of hopelessness, God
fulfilled this promise. God’s love for man will not allow Him see us perish. He made all necessary
provisions for our salvation, redemption, restoration, justification, reconciliation, and sanctification.
When the blood of animals was not effective to atone for our sin, God gave us His only begotten Son -
Jesus, He made Himself man, came to the world and shed His precious blood. There is no greater love
than for Him to lay down His life for His friends (Jn. 15:13). He did this not because we merited or
deserved it. It was purely because He so much loves us despite our sins. This love is also the reason He
does not want any sinner to die until he comes to repentance. As a matter of fact, God wants all to come
to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9). The sacrifice He made is for all including you.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God’s sacrifice of love is for all!

PRAYER POINT: Lord, may Your sacrifice of love not be in vain in my life.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Eph. 1; Evening: Job 34-36

FRI. 25/3/2022 GOD’S LOVE TO MAN IS NOT AUTOMATIC JN. 3:16-21; ROM 10:8-13
As beautiful as God’s provision of love for man is, it does not automatically apply to everyone. Anyone
who desires to be free has to deliberately approach the throne of grace for mercy (Heb. 4:16). It is
interesting to remind ourselves that man chose to disobey God despite His warning in the Garden of
Eden. The same way, each person has to make this deliberate choice of accepting God’s offer of
salvation. It is not automatic! One thing that is constant in the character of God is that He does not force
anyone to obey Him. He can counsel and warn but He will not enforce His will on anyone. The decision
to be free from sin and have access to the gift of eternal life is your personal decision. Be reminded that
each decision has its consequence(s). He who chooses Jesus chooses life but he who decides otherwise is
condemned already (Jn. 3:16, 18).

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Enjoying God’s love is your personal decision to make.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me not to trivialise Your love for my life in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Eph. 2; Evening: Job 37-39

SAT. 26/3/2022 GOD’S LOVE IS TOTAL 1 JN. 3:1-2; 2 COR. 6:18

God’s love is not limited to freedom from sin but it is also demonstrated in our day-to-day life. When we
err, God rebukes, corrects and chastises us (Prov. 3:12; Heb 12:5-6). He answers us when we cry to Him
in prayer. He daily meets our needs (Matt 6:11). He gives us victories over our enemy (Matt. 6:13). He
daily builds our faith and character (Rom. 5:3-4; Jam. 1:2-4). He is our present help in times of need (Ps.
46:1). His name is the strong tower that we can run into for safety (Prov. 18:10). He makes provision for
us to abide under His shadow in order not to be touched by the enemy (Ps. 91:1). Through Jesus, we
become inheritors of the Father (Rom. 8:14-17). He promised to be our Father and make us His children
(1 Jn. 3:1-2; 2 Cor. 6:18). We cannot fully enumerate the extent of God’s love to us. Whoever enjoys
God’s love is fortunate indeed. We need to ensure we do not forsake this special love expressed to us by
the Father.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God’s love is applicable to all areas of our lives.

PRAYER POINT: O Lord, help me to experience Your love in all areas of my life in Jesus name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Eph. 3; Evening: Job 40-42

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SUN. 27/3/2022 GOD’S LOVE RECIPROCATED MK. 12:28-32
If God has so much expressed His love to us, we need to consider how we will reciprocate His love. He
loves us without any reason and when we do not deserve it. Each one who has experienced and enjoyed
God’s love must strive to reciprocate it to the best of his or her ability. God wants us to love Him in return
by obeying His will (Mk. 12:30). You cannot claim to love God without obeying Him. We need to also
love the people God placed around us. You cannot claim to love God whom you have not seen if you
have not loved the people you can see (Mk. 12:31; 1 Jn. 4:20-21). You need to also love your enemy
(Matt. 5:43-48). It is not in your place to kill your enemy. That enemy can also receive the love of God
and be saved through you. You cannot be a recipient of the love of God without loving Him in return.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: You cannot be a recipient of the love of God without loving Him in return.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to fully reciprocate Your love to me in Jesus name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Eph. 4:1-16; Evening: Ps. 1-4

This week’s lesson exposes us to the kind of love God has for mankind. We failed Him by obeying
another voice different from His and as a result of this, we lost all the benefits provided for us. We
became wild and uncontrollable and eternal death was waiting for us all. Despite this, God demonstrated
His love by redeeming and restoring us through Jesus to Himself. He gave us another chance to return to
Him. As many as accept His unconditional love and reciprocate it will reign with Him here on earth and
in eternity


PART 1: THE NEED FOR GOD’S LOVE – ROM. 3:23; 6:23; 7:15-23
Man failed God by disobeying His instruction thereby losing his place both in the Garden of Eden and
in God’s eternal kingdom. All earthly and heavenly benefits originally enjoyed by man were withdrawn
and a different, wicked nature of sin replaced God’s nature. All human race, through Adam, inherited this
sinful nature that leads to eternal death. We became hopeless and unable to free ourselves from this sinful
nature and its consequences. We became slaves to sin (Jn. 8:34) and a “thing” owned, used and prone to
destruction by the devil (1 Jn. 3:8). A slave does not abide in the house forever and he cannot free
himself. Besides, the devil, a wicked taskmaster has no mercy for every prey in his trap.
The relationship that was once cordial between God and man became sour. Man completely lost God
and our fellowship with Him. Man also lost the dominion (the reason why he was made). He became
dominated by sin, the devil and other lower creatures he was made to rule over. Man became so wicked in
thoughts and deeds. All the intents of man’s thoughts became evil (Gen. 6:5). Different forms of images
were made to replace the Almighty God. Some come around to say there is no God whatsoever. The
Bible says in Rom. 1:28 “… and even as they did not retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over
to a debased mind, to do those things which were not fitting…” . This was the reason God sent flood to
destroy the world in the time of Noah.
The helpless situation of man continues today. Paul the Apostle expressed this helpless situation in
Rom. 7:15-23. It was the lamentation of one who needed help. He declared that another force was
working within him as what he desired to do he could not do but what he hated was what he did. This is
the same for everyone born of man. Until help comes, man will remain in this sorry state.


God is justified for cursing man and preparing an eternal place of torment for him and the devil who
deceived him. God loves man so much that He would not allow man to be forever separated from Him.
He therefore made provision for his salvation (forgiveness, sanctification, redemption, justification,
restoration, and reconciliation) through Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son.

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There is no other price that is precious enough to pay for man’s ransom than the unblemished, pure
blood of the Lamb. The blood of animals was not sufficient and since no man was good in the sight of
God, God caused His Son - Jesus Christ to come down as man to pay with His blood for our sins. Despite
our sin, He loved us and showed this by paying the ultimate price to have us permanently restored to
Himself. He chose to die the painful and shameful death like criminals on the cross. He was mocked, spat
on, beaten, pierced and nailed for our sin. If the devil knew the mystery behind the death and resurrection
of Jesus Christ, he would not have crucified the Lord of glory (1 Cor. 2:8). The greatest mistake the devil
made till date was the crucifixion of Jesus. Salvation was guaranteed for man through His death.

PART 3: RECIPROCATE GOD’S LOVE - MK. 12:28-31; ROM. 8:38-39; MATT. 5:43-48.
God so much loves us that He gave us His Son who had to die for our sins to redeem and restore us to
Himself. If we believe He has done so much for us, what is the best way to reciprocate His love? Some
reciprocate God’s love by denying His existence. Some claim it is stupidity to believe that Jesus came in
human form to die for sinners while some others simply make different gods (physical and imaginary) for
themselves and bow to them. All those who deny God’s love are condemned already (Jn. 3:18).
Believers must reciprocate God’s love in the following ways; (1) Give your life to Him. Giving your
life to Him shows that you indeed appreciate His sacrificial love. (2) Obey His commandments
(Jn.14:15). Loving God is not primarily by words but by acts. (3) Love your spouse as Christ loves the
Church and gave Himself for her (Eph. 5:25-33). (4) Love God’s people. We cannot claim to love God
whom we have not seen when we have not loved the brethren whom we see (1 Jn. 4:20-21; 3:10-12). (5)
Love your enemies (Matt. 5:43-48). Loving our enemies is a direct instruction from the Master Himself.
Jesus demonstrated this love to us by dying for us while we were still His enemies. While on the cross,
Jesus showed us example of how to love our enemies. He prayed for, restored the ear of the servant of the
high priest who followed those who came to arrest Him. (6) Serve the Body of Christ in any capacity you
can. We are meant to serve others (Matt 20:20-28). (7) Do not let anything or anyone separate you from
the love of Christ (Rom 8:38-39). Whatever you are going through whether positive or negative should
not stop you from loving God and being with Him to the end.

God’s love is available for all to explore. It is not discriminatory. Jesus died once for all. He
instructed His disciples to go and make disciples of all the nations. This means, His love life and death are
not meant for only Israel but for the whole world.

1. Explain why man needs God’s love.
2. How did man lose all the privileges available to him at creation?
3. Explain why God’s love is not discriminatory.
4. How best can we reciprocate God’s love?
5. Is there any danger in forsaking God’s love? Justify your answer.

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LESSON 5 3/4/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 310, 419
Devotional Reading: Rom. 6:1-14
Topic For Adults: Don’t Be Deceived!
Topic For Youths: Grace Is Not A Liberty To Live In Sin
Topic For Intermediate: Don’t Make Grace An Excuse To Sin
Lesson Scriptures: Jn. 1:14-17; Rom. 6:1-14; Tit. 2:11-14;
Gal. 2:16-17; Heb. 4:14-16.

“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? 
Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?”
(Romans 6:1-2) NKJV.


Paul painstakingly summit that Jesus is superior to angels, Moses and High Priest. The new covenant is as
well superior to the old. Jesus is greater than Jewish leader. Jesus Christ’s atonement is the perfect
sacrifice for our sin. God’s intolerance for sin made Him to perfect our forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
He remove sin that separate us from God’s presence. Anyone who believes in Him is covenant with
grace. Such person is no more condemned of sin and its consequence.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Jesus is greater than the greatest. He removes sin that separates us from God.
PRAYER POINT: God, we are grateful for giving us Jesus Christ who removed the wall of hostility
between us and You.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Eph. 4:17-32; Evening: Ps. 5-8

TUE. 29/3/2022 MOSAIC DISPENSATION JN. 1:17; EXO. 20:1-17

The Mosaic dispensation started when God gave Moses the laws to govern His people at Mount Sinai in
Exo. 20. This period lasted till Acts 2 covering about 1,500 years. It was the period of the written law -
what to do and what to avoid in order to please God. Altogether, there were a total of 613 commandments
given to govern God’s people, Israel. The law was not given to the whole world but only to the people of
God who were about to inherit the Promised Land. The law was to give God’s people a guide not to sin
against God and man. The law was to serve as tutor (Gal. 3:24) to teach God’s people to avoid sin and
intimate them what to do whenever they err. The Mosaic Law separated Israel and made her different
from the rest of the world (gentiles). It was referred to as the moon-light era because God’s redemptive
plan through Christ began to shine a bit brighter and clearer.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God’s instructions distinguish His people from the rest.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to jealously obey Your word in order to be different from sinners in
Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Eph. 5:1-14; Evening: Ps. 9-11

WED. 30/3/2022 GRACE DISPENSATION JN. 1:14-17; ROM. 6:14

This dispensation is for all humanity (both Israel and the rest of the world). The Lord instructed His
disciples to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:18-20). Through the death of Jesus on the
cross, the whole world was reconciled to God. Just as the Mosaic Law was ratified through the blood
(Exo. 24), Jesus’ blood on the cross ratified and paid for the sin of the world. We all became members of
God’s family by the price paid by Jesus. We do not need to make any more sacrifice but to simply believe
in what Jesus did on the cross. The Holy Spirit was also released to teach us all things, guide us into all

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truth and remind us all Jesus had taught us. In Rom. 6:14, believers are reminded that they are not to be
dominated by sin because they are no longer under the law but grace.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Under grace, you are not permitted to be dominated by sin
PRAYER POINT: I break the dominion of sin over my life in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Eph. 5:15-33; Evening: Ps. 12-14


All of us were born and lost in our trespasses and sins. We were unable to save ourselves. The best of our
righteousness is at best like a filthy rag to God. There was nothing we did that could atone for our sin. He
made all arrangements to redeem us. This is grace! If salvation is by works, then Jesus’ death was in vain.
When we were dead in our trespasses, Christ’s death made us alive to God. We died and resurrected with
Him to live a new life (Gal. 2:20). By grace we are saved. All a believer needs is faith in the finished
work of Jesus. The price He paid was once and for all (Heb. 9:12) and is sufficient for all. Saints of God
should live above sin.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Your work is at best as a filthy rag before God; you are saved by grace.
Prayer Point: Lord, help me not to trivialise the work of grace over my life in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Eph. 6; Evening: Ps. 15-17

FRI. 1/4/2022 THE THRONE OF GRACE HEB. 4:14-16

Jesus, our High Priest, showed Himself an example in all areas. The Bible says He was tempted just as we
are being tempted today, yet, without sin. Why didn’t He sin? Because He knows He who sins is of the
devil (1 Jn. 3:8) and a slave of sin (Jn. 8:34). He therefore made provision for us to approach the throne
of grace. It is so that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in times of need. We will continue to be
tempted until we leave this corrupt world but coming daily and always to the throne of grace is our
guarantee of the required help in times of our need. If anyone wants victory over temptation and sin, he
needs to boldly access the throne of grace to obtain the required help. Jesus has made available this
provision and we must access it.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Help has been made available at the throne of grace; it is up to you to access it.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, keep me constantly at the throne of grace that I may daily find help in times of my
need in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Phil. 1:1-18; Evening: Ps. 18-20


When we become born again, a new nature of God is imputed in us. This nature is the opposite of the
sinful nature which we inherited from Adam. The lifestyle of sin becomes a thing of the past and a new
lifestyle of righteousness begins to reign. Sin does not have dominion over a man who is born of God
(Rom. 6:14). If anyone claims to be born of God and still lives in sin, he is a liar. The Bible describes
God’s kingdom as that of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17). Jesus loves
righteousness and hates iniquity. Therefore, anyone who desires to reign with Him must run away from
sin “for in Him there is no unrighteousness” (Ps. 92:15). Check your life, unrighteousness is capable of
ruining destiny and eternity.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: If unrighteousness is still found in you, no matter how little, run to Christ now.
PRAYER POINT: O Lord, take out every trace of unrighteousness from my life in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Phil. 1:19-30; Evening: Ps. 21-23


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The power of sin is broken through the grace offer by God through Jesus Christ. Paul raised a vital
question in Romans 6:1 “Shall we continue in sin and ask the grace to continue He affirmed that ‘of
course not’. In the KVJ version, the answer looks much stronger, “God forbid! How shall we who died to
sin live any longer in it”? The truth is, anyone who is born again is dead; he is dead to the flesh and its
passion (Gal. 5:24). We died with Him and His death has freed us from sin (Rom. 6:7). If truly we are
dead, we need to be unresponsive to the allurement of sin. Our old man was crucified with Christ (Rom.
6:6) and we can no longer be slaves to sin. We cannot claim to have found grace and still continue in sin.
It is going to be an abuse of grace.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: It is an abuse of grace if we continue in sin after finding grace.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me not to abuse Your grace in Jesus name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Phil. 2:1-11; Evening: Ps. 24-26

Grace, also known as unmerited favour, is what grants us unhindered access to the Father and qualifies us
for eternal rest with God. All we are and have in God is because of favour. Grace made salvation
available without price, labour or effort. There is nothing we have access to in God without the provision
of grace. However, as wonderful as grace is, we can and should not take it for granted. Grace does not
condone sin. This is the subject matter for this week’s lesson.
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Before the dispensation of grace, there was the Mosaic dispensation with its uniqueness as God did not
condone sin. God frowned at anyone who went against righteousness. Adam and Cain were major
examples of men who lived during this era and neither of them was spared when they sinned. The
multiplication of sin made God destroy the world with flood in the times of Noah (Gen. 6-9).
In the Mosaic dispensation, the law was given. This meant that God wanted His people to carefully
obey Him. He told Joshua not to let the book of the law depart from his mouth (Jos. 1:8) so he could
carefully obey what was written in it. What God was driving at for giving the law was to ensure that His
people had a guide that would keep His relationship with them. A total of 613 commandments were given
in the Mosaic Law.
In the dispensation of grace, God replaced them with grace. We can only access grace through the
Lord Jesus (Jn. 1:17; Rom. 6:14). Grace simply means salvation is free for all to access. All that is
required of you is your faith in the Lord Jesus as your Saviour and Lord. Believe in who He is and what
He did to save you and you will be saved (Rom. 10:8-10). One major defect of the Mosaic law was that
once a man broke one of the 613 laws, he had broken all but in the dispensation of grace, once you have
believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, you have fulfilled the law because Jesus is the fulfilment of the law
(Matt. 5:17; 8:3-4; 10:4). Let no one deceive you, all you need to be saved is your faith in the personality
of Jesus and His finished work on the Cross for you. Faith in Jesus gives you power over sin.


Grace is wonderful! It makes salvation free for all. Anyone and everyone can access salvation no
matter who he or she is. But as simple as it is, there are some misconceptions about grace that can make
us abuse it. We need to be aware of some of these misconceptions in order for us to fully enjoy God’s
provisions through grace.
Some of these misconceptions are; (1) Grace downplays the seriousness of sin. This is not true as
different Bible passages clearly rebuke sin. Many people commit sin and hide it under the umbrella of
grace. Grace is not an alibi to commit sin. Many false teachers teach the doctrine of eternal security that
says, “once saved, you are forever saved” and that “you cannot go to hell even if you die in sin”. This is
not true as the Bible clearly revealed that those who indulge in sin would end up in eternal torment. The
Bible says ‘Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?’ (2)There is no need for believers to repent

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on the premise that the previous, present and future sin are forgiven because of grace. (3) Sanctification
as optional. This is heresy from the pit of hell. The Bible talks about sanctification for believers in Acts
20:32; 1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Thess. 2:13; Heb. 12:14. (4) Downplaying personal responsibility on account of
grace. Some believe that because we are saved by faith and not works, we do not need to take
responsibility for what we do and the decisions we take believer should know that faith without works is
dead” (Jam 2:26). (5) The law is no longer relevant because of grace. Yes, we are made right by faith
and not by law but do we completely throw away the law because of grace? Though we are free from the
ceremonial laws of the Old Testament, we still need to obey the moral laws. The law is no more our ticket
to heaven but in loving our neighbours as ourselves, the moral laws come to play here (Mk. 12:31).

PART 3: GRACE: OUR TEACHER – TIT. 2:11-14; GAL. 2:16-17; HEB. 4:14-16
In Titus 2:11-14 the Bible presents grace to us as a teacher. The Bible says; “for the grace of God has
appeared to all men, teaching us that,…”. First of all we need to note that there is no partiality in grace, it
is for all men irrespective of gender, race, status, culture, ethnicity etc. Whatever grace wants to teach is
for all and anyone can access the throne of grace. Jesus paid the price for all.
According to Tit. 2:11-14, there are three major areas of concentration for grace as our teacher. (1) To
teach us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust. Anyone who claims to have found grace must allow
grace to teach him how to deny ungodliness and worldliness. We cannot claim to enjoy the grace of God
and at the same time partake in all manner of ungodly and worldly acts. (2) To live soberly, righteously
and godly in this present age. As corrupt as this present age is, grace will teach us how to be righteous
and holy. There is no excuse for any believer who fails to live a righteous life because grace is available
for us all. (3) To look forward for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and
Saviour - Jesus Christ, grace will continue to strengthen those who remain focused until He returns.
Anyone who claims to be waiting for the return of the Lord has to live right to justify his waiting (1 Jn.
Those that needs help to overcome sin should come boldly to the throne of grace.

There are several misconceptions about grace which have led many to hell. Though grace is free, it does
not condone any form of worldliness and ungodliness. It helps us live right and to patiently await the
coming of our Lord Jesus while we maintain our purity and holiness. God, through the grace. There is no
excuse for anyone not to live according to the standard expected of God.

1. What are the three dispensations highlighted according to today’s lesson?
2. Point out the characteristics of each of these dispensations in the Scriptures.
3. Clearly explain some of the misconceptions about grace and provide Biblical proof to nullify these
4. Identify the three areas of concentration for grace as our teacher did.
5. Explain God’s provision for anyone who is struggling with sin or any form of ungodliness.

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LESSON 6 10/4/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 165, 306
Devotional Readings: Rom. 6:1-25
Topic For Adults: Saved through Jesus
Topic For Youths: Delivered From The Law And Sin
Topic For Intermediates: Saved Only Through Jesus
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 7:1-12; 13:25

“But sin, taking opportunity by the commandment, produced in me all manner of evil desire. For apart
from the law sin was dead. I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin
revived and I died” (Romans 7:8-9) NKJV.


MON. 4/4/2022 DIE TO OLD SELF ROM. 7:1-6
Paul uses the law of marriage to illustrate our faith in Christ. When a person died, the law of marriage is
no more bounded on him or her. True Christian is dead with Christ. Such person is no more obligated to
be under the law. He or she lives in Christ to produce good virtues and serve God. Every Christian is
expected to put on faith in Christ to serve God. It is not by observing a set of rules. As a result of our
acceptance of Jesus Christ, we are dead to the old self and made alive to Jesus.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Christians are dead to old self and made alive in Christ.
PRAYER POINT: By the grace of God, I will never go back to my old self in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Phil. 2:12-30; Evening: Ps. 27-29

TUE. 5/4/2022         THE LAW VERSUS FAITH IN CHRIST ROM. 7:4-6
Keeping a set of rules to earn God’s approval only ends in disappoint and frustration. The way to walk
pleasing to God can only be achieved through faith in Jesus Christ. Since the law is just a school master,
showing us what is good and bad, Christian should depend on the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ to
please God instead of depending on our own ability to keep the law.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The law lacks the power to please God, the Holy Spirit, through Jesus, is our
PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to live in the newness of life.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Phil. 3; Evening: Ps. 30-2

WED. 6/4/2022                     THE LAW AND SIN ROM. 7:7-13; 3:23
Paul stated in the earlier verses that we must be dead to the Law in order to bear fruit for God. The big
question is: Is the Law sin? Certainly not but the Law is like a mirror, the Law shows us the work of sin
in our flesh. We then become overwhelmed by the knowledge and awareness of sin in us. The Mirror is
not the sin, it only gives the true image of our corrupted flesh. Paul describes in verse 8, how sin corrupts
the Law, stating that without the Law he won’t have known what is called sin. This infers that without the
Law we cannot as humans know the sin. Sin was therefore able to corrupt us through our heart desire
from what the law showed us. Only that which is pure can show the true state of the human heart. The
Law is holy, but sin through the Law deceived us to perform the works of sin.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The Law showed the sin in our flesh.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to overcome every sin in my flesh.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Phil. 4; Evening: Ps. 33-35

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THUR. 7/4/2022             THE LAW AND I ROM. 7:14-19
Paul spoke from a great wisdom that though the law is spiritual and holy, he is a man of the flesh. “ Sold
unto sin” shows that he is in bondage to sin. In the Law, there is only provision for those that are holy.
The Law is holy and can only justify that which is holy. In verses 15-19: Paul explained his struggle with
obedience through his own strength. Paul exclaimed that his problem was not desire or knowledge as he
was aware of this through the Law. Is Paul dismissing his responsibilities as a sinner? No. He realises that
when he sins, he is acting against his nature as a new man in Jesus Christ. A Christian must admit his sin
while also understanding that the desire to sin is not a reflection of who we truly are in Jesus Christ.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Paul’s main problem was the lack of power to do that which was right.
PRAYER POINT: Father, give me the power to overcome sin.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Col. 1:1-18; Evening: Ps. 36-38

FRI. 8/4/2022                       THE LAW, SIN AND I ROM. 7:20-23

Man is a spiritual being that longs for spiritual things. This is because Man was created in the image of
God. The image contains the spirit, soul and body. The Law is spiritual and therefore, Man can, most
time, desire to fulfil the law. To fulfil the Law becomes extremely difficult because the flesh is cursed in
sin. Paul expressed how he desired to obey the law but in reality, he could not. His mind knew and
accepted the law but the mechanism of his body did contrary to the Law. Sin through Paul’s body
continually waged war against his mind and prevailed because he had no power to avoid sinning. Paul
was trapped in the agonising powerlessness of fighting sin in his own strength. Neither goodwill,
discipline nor morality are good enough to overcome sin. It takes a greater power of deliverance through
Jesus to deliver man from the bounds of sin.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: You can never fight sin all by yourself.

PRAYER POINT: Oh Lord, deliver me from the power of sin.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Col. 1:19-29; Evening: Ps. 39-40

SAT. 9/4/2022            THE DELIVERANCE ROM. 7:24-25; HEB. 7:24-28

“Oh, what a wretched man I am!” More literally, the ancient Greek term wretched means “wretched by
the weariness of hard labour”. Paul was fully exhausted and depressed as a result of his futile attempt to
please God according to the Law. The beautiful reality remains that Jesus is victorious. Jesus came and
die to set free, those who believe in His name. He gave them power to live victorious over the power of
the law and sin. In all, Jesus is the answer, He is the only one who save us from our sinful nature. His
grace abounds beyond all punishments in the Law. In Jesus, we now have power to live above sin while
also fulfilling the law.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Total deliverance from sin is only through Christ.

PRAYER POINT: Thank you Jesus, for delivering me from the power of the Law and sin.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Col. 2:1-10; Evening: Ps. 41-43

The wall of partition between God and man as a result of the sin of Adam and Eve due to the deceit of
Satan got broken by the redemption plan of God through Jesus Christ. Jesus fulfilled the condition
required to set people free from sin. He is blameless, perfect sacrifice for remission of sin. He came under
the power of Satan’s kingdom. The only way to be free of the written Law was to fulfil the Law that
bounded us to it. Jesus lived a blameless life; He fulfilled the entire law by fulfilling all conditions and
consequences of the law. As a result, when He died on the cross, He broke the power of darkness and sin.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Christ fulfilled all the set conditions of the Law.

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PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to maximise the benefits of Christ’s sacrifice.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Col. 2:11-23; Evening: Ps. 44-46

Throughout the New Testament, Paul utilized the example of marriage to demonstrate amazing truths.
Marriage institution existed before the fall of the Garden and continues to this day in every tribe, nation,
and community, no matter how remote. This can be traced back to the beginning of recorded history. The
analogy that when a spouse dies that he or she is no longer bound to the marriage vow is what Paul uses.
A Christian is no longer bound by the law because we have died with Christ Jesus. There are several
similarities in the Bible between marriage, Christ and the Church. This understanding provides us insight
into who Christ is to the Church.


The law originated for God’s people (the Israelites) from God to lead them to live a life of practical
holiness in order to please God. It is meant to see the nature of God and His plan for how they should
The law is good. Nevertheless, it is a school master, it lack the power to deliver from sin. It is a way of
death. ‘The soul that sin must die’. In contrast, faith in Christ is a spirit that give life (Rom. 7:10). The
law is a curse, Jesus redeem us from the curse of the law (Gal. 3:6).
The imperfection of the law caused God to send His only begotten Son – Jesus to save us from the
curse of the law.
The Law informed us about what was sacred, and we, like children, longed to do what we had been
commanded not to do. We were aware of what constituted sin. We had a desire to sin because we were
governed by the sinful nature. The fruit of such desire resulted in death.
The era of Moses was known as the era of the law but when Christ came and died for us, it became the
era of grace. When we become dead to sin, we become dead to the law because our spirit man and mind
are no longer controlled by the things of the world but are dead to sin and the works of the flesh. We
become renewed by the word of God daily. Based on this transformation, we are led by the spirit and not
by the law. The presence of the law makes us aware of the existence of good and evil. The law tells us
that when we do badly, it is punishable by the law as the law is the differentiating factor between good
and bad which in turn makes us realise that we are capable of committing evil as we have a choice to do
so due to our adamic nature. This weakness made God look for a better provision for his children through
the death and resurrection of Christ.

It was through the law that we become aware of our need for a Saviour. When we view ourselves in
our sinful state, powerless to break free, we look outside ourselves for redemption. As a result, the law’s
purpose has always been to lead us to Christ as our Saviour. God’s ultimate plan was to show Man His
standard and allow Man to see for himself that he can never meet the standard all by himself. Paul
explained how impossible it was for him to fulfil the law even when he had the desire to obey it. The war
between the flesh and spirit is a great war that can only be won through the acceptance of the death and
resurrection of Christ Jesus.
This brings realisation that being born again is provides a way for us to be free and to live free from
sin’s bondage. Once we have accepted His payment for our sin and believed in Him by faith, then, we
must walk in the spirit to escape the effects and desires of our previous nature. Our minds are renewed
when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour Christian must win the war between the flesh and
the spirit man. Our mind represents our spirit man, and the flesh represents the sinful nature in us. When
the Bible says we are dead to sin, it means we died to the power of the law used to control us.


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It is pointless to try to work your way into heaven, and it is futile to try to work your way through the
Christian life. When Paul declared that nothing good resided inside him, he was pointing to the reality
that he had nothing good in him aside from Christ and his born-again spirit. When we act apart from
Christ and our born-again spirit, we will experience the duality that Paul described in this Chapter (Rom.
7:1-25). The desire to do what is right is inherent in us, but the ability to carry it through is not. “I have
the purpose and urge to do what is right, but no power to carry it out,” the Amplified Bible says (Rom.
7:18 Amp).
1. Explain the origin of the Law.
2. How was Man bounded by the Law?
3. Why did God send His only begotten Son when the law was in existence?
4. Explain how Christ delivered Man from the Law.

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LESSON 7 17/4/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 35, 147,
Devotional Reading: Rom. 8:1-11
Topic For Adults: No True Liberty Without Jesus
Topic For Youths: Liberty Is Possible For All
Topic For Intermediates: Be Diligent To Ensure Your Liberty
Lesson Scripture: Jn. 3:16; Rom. 8:1-39

“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,
who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit”
(Romans 8:1) NKJV.


All human race inherited sin through Adam and Eve. We deserved punishment because of God’s standard
for righteousness, but God imputed our sins to Christ Jesus. Due to the atonement made by Jesus for our
sins, God in His mercy declared those who accept Jesus as their Lord and personal Saviour “ not guilty”.
There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus says the LORD because God offered them salvation
through His only begotten Son “Jesus Christ”. Through Christ Jesus’s righteousness, we were set free
from bondage and the consequences of sin. God deserves our praise.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Christ’s righteousness set us free from the bondage and consequences of sin.
PRAYER POINT: Thank You Jesus for setting me free from the satanic bondage of sin. I am free indeed in
Jesus name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Col. 3:1-11; Evening: Ps. 47-49


God made Jesus Christ to be substituted and to atone for our sins. In the Old Testament, people offered
animals for their sins. The blood of animals could not remove sin. It only pointed to Jesus as the
sacrificial lamb that takes away the sins of the whole world. Jesus was not forced to die for the human
race. He willingly surrendered Himself to die for us because of His great love. He did this so that we
could be freed from the wrath of God and be delivered from the power and consequences of sin.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Jesus sacrificed Himself willingly to set us free from the bondage of sin.
PRAYER POINT: Holy Spirit, help me to live for Jesus who sacrificed Himself to set me free.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Col. 3:12-25; Evening: Ps. 50-52

The sin of Adam and Eve made all human race to possess a sinful nature. Jesus’ death and resurrection
broke the hostility between God and man. Though we became corrupt and carnal with the sin of our first
parents on earth, the divine grace made available through Jesus Christ by God broke and expelled the
hostility between God and man. The people who are yet to be saved walk in the flesh, they cannot please
God, neither can they be in good relationship with Him. It is expedient for those that are yet to experience
salvation in Christ to reconcile with God through Jesus Christ now.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: The unregenerated should access the wonderful plan of God through Jesus to
break their hostility with God.
PRAYER POINT: I receive the power to reconcile with God. No more hostility between me and God in
Jesus’s name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Col. 4; Evening: Ps. 53-55

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THUR. 14/4/2022 MADE RIGHT WITH GOD ROM. 8:9-10, 30
Those who are led by the Holy Spirit are Christians indeed. The promise of the Holy Spirit is meant for
the ones who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. It is the presence of the Holy
Spirit in the life of believers that makes them right with God. Anyone who wishes not to be condemned
must be made right with God. You cannot have the Holy Spirit without accepting the giver (Jesus Christ)
of the Holy Spirit.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Accept the giver of the Holy Spirit in order to be made right with God.
PRAYER POINT: Create in me, O Lord, the right Spirit, let me be made right with you.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Thess. 1; Evening: Ps. 56 - 58


There is unspeakable joy for those in whom Christ dwells. The present mortal body is subjected to death.
The soul of the saints are immortalised by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. God quickens our mortal
body by the power that raised Jesus from death. No doubt, we will be raised up on the last day. Right
from this world, Christians are adopted as children of God. In view of our new position, we are delivered
from the spirit of fear (verse 15). There is the privilege of taking everything to God as our Father. We are
going to reign with Him forever.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Blissful future of glory awaits the saints in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER POINT: O Lord give me grace to live for You in order to enjoy Your supernatural presence and
have a blissful future.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Thess. 2; Evening: Ps. 59-61


Man’s limited ability is not enough to fulfil God’s purpose in life. God does not leave His children to
cope with their problems with their limited resources. He provided the Holy Spirit to grant them the right
word to be used in presenting their requests rightly. God chose to intervene in our lives so that things can
work according to His plan. As long as anyone remains faithful to Him, He will continue to guide and
protect such forever. God has not called you in vain. Remain in Him, His purpose for your life will be
POINT OF EMPHASIS: God’s ultimate plan is for you to fulfil His purpose. Remain faithful to Him.
PRAYER POINT: Holy Spirit, help me to fulfil God’s purpose on earth.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Thess. 3; Evening: Ps. 62-64


What awaits the people in Christ Jesus is overwhelming victory. Those who celebrate Easter without
cordial relationship with Jesus are the most miserable on earth. You should rejoice if you have good
relationship with Jesus. Celebration of Easter is not in eating and drinking. You must rejoice if you have
given your life to Jesus. Reflect on your relationship with Jesus. Are you truly saved? It will be disastrous
for you to celebrate Easter if your liberty is not guaranteed in Jesus. Let your time of reconciliation be
now because deferring it may be dangerous.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Celebrating Easter without Christ is like building a castle in the air.
PRAYER POINT: I receive the grace to build an intimate relationship with Jesus and live for Him forever.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Thess. 4; Evening: Ps. 65 - 67

Jesus’ selfless and sacrificial life set human race at liberty through the salvation He offered the whole
world. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ changed the history of the human race. Prior to what He
offered through the cross and His resurrection, we were under the bondage of sin and its consequences.
Jesus Christ willingly atoned for our sins on the cross and rose up on the third day to bring salvation to
mankind which set us at liberty. This is the point for our discussion this week.

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All mankind were condemned through the sin of our first parents (Adam and Eve) on earth. Some
erroneously have the illusion that freedom is doing anything we want but freedom on the part of the
creator of heaven and earth is obedience to His will. This is having knowledge of what to do and what not
to do. It is also doing the right thing. Disobedience is sin. The holiness of God demands that sin should be
checked and punished. We are from the lineage of Adam and Eve. We are therefore sinners from birth.
Due to the sin committed by Adam and Eve, our relationship with God was broken. God was willing to
forgive and restore our relationship with Him. God planned to offer salvation to the world through His
only begotten Son-Jesus Christ.
The fall experienced by our first parents on earth affected all mankind. Before their fall, life to them
was like living in heaven. The fall of Adam and Eve made all of us lose our relationship with God. It
became impossible for anyone to please God no matter how good the person may be. God in His mercy
sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins in order for our relationship with God to be restored. Jesus
took away our sins and reconciled us with God. The Scripture declares in Romans 8:1 that there is no
condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. The death and resurrection was the price paid which
granted us freedom from the bondage of sin and its consequences.


There are many opportunities that accrue to Christians as a result of what Jesus did for the human race.
It is mandatory for anyone who wishes to partake in the unparalleled love of Christ to forsake his/her sins
and accept Him as personal Lord and Saviour. Some of the privileges that could be enjoyed through Jesus
a) Reconciliation is made possible with God.
b) Those in Christ Jesus are no more controlled by sinful nature.
c) The Spirit of God dwells in the saints of God.
d) We are empowered to do God’s will.
e) One is made right with God and the Spirit of God gives eternal life, through our body we may
experience physical death.
f) God who raised Jesus Christ from death will make us to resurrect on the last day.
g) We became joint heirs with Jesus Christ.
h) The born again receive God’s spirit which qualifies them as children of God.
i) The saints can call God their Father and present their requests to Him.
j) At the end of our sojourning here on earth, we will share in the future glory.
The benefits are more than whatever we may go through in the world.


Paul enjoins all Christians to endure all kinds of sufferings that we may experience because of our
faith in Christ Jesus. He posited that none of the trials can compare with the rewards awaiting us. The
resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is a historical event whereby Jesus came back from physical death to
newness of life with a glorified body, never to die again. The bodily resurrection of Jesus is one of the
central tenets of the Christian faith. God delivered Jesus Christ for our offences and raised Him for our
justification. Jesus atoned for our salvation which set us at liberty.
While sinners remain under the bondage of sin, Christians have hope of future glory. They
passionately look for a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells. The Holy Spirit gives us
the power to wait patiently for what God had promised. Evidences abound in the Bible that Jesus Christ
resurrected. In view of this, Christians are certain that all true believers will not taste the second death.

The fact that God imputed our sins to Jesus Christ and made Him to die for us to be reconciled with
Him is great demonstration of His unparalleled love towards mankind. Reflection on what God did

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through Jesus Christ should prompt a reasonable person to appreciate Him and accept Jesus as personal
Lord and Saviour.

1. Explain what obedience is from God’s perspective.
2. How did God offer salvation to mankind?
3. Mention the price paid which set us free from the bondage of sin.
4. State some privileges we enjoy through Jesus.
5. What should you do in response to what Jesus did for mankind?

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LESSON 8 24/4/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 22, 92
Devotional Reading: Rom. 9:1-8
Topic For Adults: God’s Sovereignty in Showing Mercy
Topic For Youths: God Is Righteous in Selection
Topic For Intermediates: God Chooses Some People Above Others
Lesson Scripture: Rom. 9:1-21
Foreign Missions Copy

“For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion. So then it
is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy”
(Romans 9:15-16) NKJV.


Self-righteousness is the belief and attitude that one can satisfy the righteousness which God demands
through one’s effort. The Pharisees relied on the fact that their great father, Abraham, was a friend of God
and that God had given him promises that his descendants would occupy a special position in God’s
agenda. When Jesus told them that if they believe in Him they would be set free, they demonstrated that
they had always been free and had never been slaves to anyone. From their history, it is clear that they
had been slaves in Egypt and later in Babylonia. But more importantly they were slaves to sin. Even
today people count their self-righteousness as a means of pleasing God. Such self-righteous attitude
makes one blind to the fact that one needs Jesus Christ to be saved.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: The pedigree of Your self-righteousness does not confer upon you the
righteousness of God.
PRAYER POINT: Open the eyes of our understanding so that we may see our need of your gift of
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Thess. 5: 1-11; Evening: Ps. 68-70


The Pharisees were known for their fastidious keeping of their religious practices—praying at specific
hours of the day, fasting at specified periods, paying tithe of everything, giving alms to the poor. They
were keenly aware that they surpassed other people in their religious efforts; and believed that they have
gained special position in God’s eyes for serving Him so religiously. They felt pleased with themselves
and believed that God must be pleased with them. This is apparent in the prayer offered by the Pharisee
compared to the one offered by the tax collector. Whatever religious activity or service one offers to God
that does not proceed from a contrite heart is contaminated before God and is therefore, an abomination.
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit and a contrite heart.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such that have a
contrite spirit.
PRAYER POINT: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Thess. 5:12-28; Evening: Ps. 71-73


Till today, orthodox Jews put in much effort at keeping the laws of Moses. The aim is to try to please and
be acceptable to God. Experience has shown however, that it is humanly impossible to keep all the laws
by one’s effort. The laws came with a curse on anyone who is not able to keep all of them. In essence,
anyone who relies on his own effort to keep the laws is under the curse of the law. Jesus Christ offers

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another way of achieving righteousness—by accepting the righteousness which He purchased through the
shedding of His blood on the Cross of Calvary. The believer receives imputed righteousness and
empowerment to fulfill the demands of the laws from Jesus. Have you surrendered your life to Jesus so
that He can give you His righteousness and empower you to live holy?

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us.
PRAYER POINT: On my own, I cannot satisfy Your righteous demands, O God. Impute unto me the
righteousness of Jesus Christ.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Thess. 1; Evening: Ps. 74-76


God’s verdict on man is that we have all gone astra (Ps. 14:2-3). Though there are those who believe they
are righteous because of their religious activities or moral standing. Man’s righteousness through self-
effort is tainted with sin, with wrong motives, etc. God is holy and cannot stand anything tainted with sin;
self-righteousness is viewed as filthy rag before God. However, when one’s efforts stand on the
foundation of the righteousness through the blood of Jesus Christ, God is well pleased and He shows
Himself strong on behalf of that person. Putting your hope on your religious activities or connections
alone will not get you to heaven.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Man’s strife to achieve righteousness by his own effort is not acceptable to God.
PRAYER POINT: Father, wash me clean with the blood of Jesus and account me holy before You.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Thess. 2; Evening: Ps. 77-79

The laws were given to the Israelites centuries before the coming of Jesus Christ with the sole purpose of
showing man that he cannot meet God’s righteousness on his own. There is a curse attached to breaking
any of the laws. Humanly, it is impossible to keep all the laws without breaking any one of them. The
laws were given to show man. What the Holy God demands and how we should relate with Him.
However, man cannot fulfil the laws through his own self effort. The divine help came when Jesus Christ
came into the world and was crucified for man’s sin. He paid the price for the sin already committed by
man. He provides the power to overcome sin and then fulfill all the requirements of the law. If anyone
ignores the sacrifice which Jesus made, and tries to please God by keeping the laws, he will end up in

POINT OF EMPHASIS: No one is justified by the law in the sight of God, rather the just shall live by faith.
PRAYER POINT: I plead the blood of Jesus for my cleansing, to deliver me from the power and the guilt
of sin.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Thess. 3; Evening: Ps. 80-82


There was the temptation for the children of Israel to think that God drove out the nations whose land He
was giving them because He saw some merit or good quality in them. The children of Israel were stiff-
necked and disobedient; they were sinners lacking merit before God. They did not merit being shown
mercy; instead they deserved God’s wrath. In the same vein, the people in the land of Canaan who God
was driving out were also sinners; and they deserved the judgment of God. Both deserved God’s
judgment. God chose His prerogative of mercy on the Israelites. Such mercy should not be taken for
granted; the recipients ought to be eternally grateful to God and walk with God in complete obedience.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Be grateful for God’s mercy shown to you instead of the judgment you deserve.
PRAYER POINT: I ask for and receive the heart of gratitude for the mercy You have shown unto me, O
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Tim. 1; Evening: Ps. 83-85

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There is the question of why God chooses some people to be saved while others are not; why God
chooses to show mercy to some people while He passes by others. The question presupposes that God
was making a choice between people who deserve His mercy and those who don’t. In that case, it would
be unjust to reward one person that deserves mercy and neglect another who equally deserves His mercy.
In the case of God dealing with man, no one deserves his mercy. Mercy shown is therefore not a reward.
If a lecturer decides to give his money as unconditional gift to a few of his students, those that are not
given have no right to charge him for being unjust. God’s sovereignty of showing mercy cannot be
questioned. He show mercy to whom He pleases.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God reserves the sovereign right to show mercy to whomever He chooses.
PRAYER POINT: Father, when You are choosing people as recipients of Your mercy, do not pass me by.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Tim. 2; Evening: Ps. 86-88

Self-righteousness is the belief and attitude that one can satisfy the righteousness which God demands
through one’s effort. Religious activities or service one offers to God that does not proceed from a
contrite heart is contaminated and is an abomination. Some people may feel their lives are pleasing to
God because of the Church they attend or their parents who happen to be Christians. Such self-
righteousness attitude makes one blind to the fact that one needs Jesus to be saved. Today’s teaching
stands on the foundation of the righteousness through the blood of Jesus and not putting one’s hope on
religious activities which will not make one get to heaven.


Jews are descendants of Abraham, the friend of God. They are aware of the special relationship that
Abraham had with God and God’s covenant with him. They are proud of and do declare that they are a
special people in God’s agenda. They assume that they are spiritually better than any other race for the
following reasons:
(i) The Jewish race was adopted by God as His son (Exo. 4:22);
(ii) They experienced God’s glory on Mount Sinai and in the temple; they had with them the Mercy Seat,
which represented God’s presence, in the tabernacle in their midst;
(iii) God gave their ancestors—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—the covenant;
(iv) God gave them the laws which regulate God’s relationship with man;
(v) God gave the promise of the Messiah to them.
So are some Christians who thought in their hearts that they are better than others.


The Jews believe they are special and acceptable to God on the basis of God’s covenant and promises
to Abraham which cannot be broken. This belief made them insensitive to their need of salvation, even
when Jesus was trying to convince them. They assumed that God gave them comparative advantage and
victory over the inhabitants of Canaan because they were righteous before God. The fact that God drove
out the Canaanites for them was not because of their righteousness (Deut. 9:4). They were just as sinful as
the Canaanites. The favour which God gave them did not confer on them redemption automatically.
Proper understanding of God’s covenant with Abraham shows that God reserves His sovereignty in
choosing who benefits from His mercy. He chose Isaac and not Ishmael; He chose Jacob and not Esau—
not because those who received mercy were better than those rejected. God chooses to show mercy to
whoever He pleases. God’s mercy that brings salvation through Jesus Christ is also dispensed at God’s
sovereign will. Understanding this fact will make those who are saved to be eternally grateful to God and
to hold their salvation with fear and trembling; lest they forfeit the mercy shown to them. No one comes

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to Jesus to be saved unless the Father moves him to do so (Jn. 6:44). Self-righteousness makes one
become complacent; making one have the feeling that it is God who needs one because of one’s
righteousness. The person who thinks he stands should take heed lest he falls.


The debate about “free will” and “predestination” has been an age long debate. Chapter 9 of Romans
presents the argument that God has the right to save whoever He chooses. Human argument against
“divine selection” is that it’s unfair or unjust for God to reject some people while He chooses to save
some. This argument is however flawed in that it presupposes that God is choosing between two persons
who are deserving of His favour. All men have come short of the glory of God; everyone is under the
condemnation of sin.
In human government, the head of state is given the power to show prerogative of mercy to some
prisoners. All prisoners have been tried and found guilty and deserve to be punished. While serving their
punishment, the head of state is given the power to pardon or release those he chooses to show mercy to.
The prisoner who is not released cannot accuse the head of state of being unjust because he was not
released. It is important to note that the issue of God’s prerogative in showing mercy does not negate
repentance and faith. Believers should not downplay the preaching of the Gospel on the promises that
God will show mercy to whom He pleases. The Holy Spirit convict, regenerate and make one to turn a
new person. Those that are shown mercy by God are those who repent from their sins and give their live
to Him.

No one can earn God’s mercy as reward for one’s righteousness. God shows mercy to whoever He
chooses and has compassion on whoever He decides to. No man should therefore boast of his

1. Explain how Jews are descendants of Abraham.
2. Explain why the Jews considered themselves special and holier than any other on earth.
3. Mention the reasons why the Jews assume they are better than the rest of the world.
4. What are the consequences of having self-righteousness?
5. How would you explain God’s action and authority in choosing whoever He wants to save?

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LESSON 9 1/5/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 190, 194
Devotional Reading: Rom. 11:11-21
Topic For Adults: Consequence of Unbelief on Jews
Topic For Youths: Do not Toy With Your Salvation
Topic For Intermediates: Unbelief Closes The Door To Salvation
Lesson Scriptures: Matt. 10:5-7; Acts 9:46-48; Rom. 10:1-5; 11:13-36

“Concerning the Gospel, they are enemies for your sake, but concerning the election, they are beloved for
the sake of the fathers” (Romans 11: 28) NKJV.


The orthodox Jews are very zealous in keeping the laws given through Moses - ceremonial laws and
moral laws. They believe that they will be righteous before God by keeping these laws. They are ignorant
that all these activities do not count for righteousness before God because they proceed from their sin-
stained life. They are ignorant that God has provided another avenue of becoming righteous, which is
accepting Jesus as Saviour and believing in His atonement. Out of ignorance and hardness of heart, they
rejected all proofs which Jesus gave to them that He is the Messiah. In view of this, they preclude
themselves from God’s salvation.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
PRAYER POINT: Open our eyes, O God, that we may be able to see the true source of righteousness.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Tim. 3; Evening: Ps. 89-91


Even if a person were to decide to keep all the laws and is successful, the stain of sin he has committed in
the past still exists in his record and therefore he stands condemned. The blood of a sinless being needed
to be shed to atone for sins committed. God provided the Lamb of God for this sacrifice, the Lord Jesus
Christ. His blood was shed on the cross of Calvary where He died to atone for man’s sin. What does God
require from man to enjoy this remission of sin? Man has to believe in his heart that Jesus Christ suffered
and died for our sins and accept Him as Lord and Saviour. Many problems in the Church these days arise
from unregenerated people. Check your life and make amend where necessary.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: To receive God’s righteousness, you need to genuinely believe Jesus as your
Saviour and give Him chance to regenerate you.
PRAYER POINT: Lord Jesus, I believe in You as my Saviour. Create in me a new heart.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Tim. 4; Evening: Ps. 92-94

Though God has the power to force people to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour or to send angels to preach
the Gospel to people, He normally does not do so. He uses those who have accepted Jesus Christ as
Saviour to preach to others. People need to hear the Gospel message before they can take decision to
accept Jesus or not. If Christians do not preach the Gospel, unbelievers cannot hear, neither can
unbelievers believe. Everyone who has put his faith in Jesus Christ receives the charge to preach to
others. Preaching to unbelievers is for every heaven-bound believer. The go-ye command should not be
taken for granted. Jesus has given the command to all His followers to go and make disciples of all
nations. Let us complement our prayers with actions.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

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PRAYER POINT: Holy Spirit, empower me to be an effective witness and to be fruitful in bringing others
to know Christ.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Tim. 5:1 - 16; Evening: Ps. 95-97


The children of Israel till today have rejected Jesus Christ as their Saviour; and because of this, they are
expunged from God’s salvation plan. However, the covenant God made with Abraham must be fulfilled,
therefore, in every generation God has always reserved a remnant for Himself—a small number of Jews
whose eyes are open to understand that Jesus Christ is the Messiah which the Jewish nation has been
waiting for. Even in this generation, we hear of Jewish Christian groups like Jews for Jesus. The remnant
is compared to the days of Elijah when it appeared as if all those who worshipped Yahweh had been
killed except Elijah. God confirmed that He had reserved for Himself 7,000 believers who had not bowed
their knees to Baal. God selects the Jewish remnant in every generation who will be given understanding
of salvation through the death of Jesus Christ.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: No matter how ungodly a generation may be, there will always be a remnant who
serve the Lord.
PRAYER POINT: I receive the grace to live holy no matter how ungodly the society may become.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Tim. 5:17-25; Evening: Ps. 98-100


When a tree is not bearing the desired fruits, the gardener can cut off some of its branches and replace the
cut off branches with branches from another similar plant which is producing the desired fruits. This is
the process of grafting. God chose the nation of Israel as His own that they might bring forth the fruit of
righteousness. The people rejected the God-sent Messiah and spurned God’s offer of salvation. God
brought in Gentiles to replace the Jews—Gentiles were grafted into the vine where the Jews were cut off.
The Gospel was therefore, preached to Gentiles who gladly accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour. It is
not the entire Jewish nation that was cut off; those who do not continue in unbelief remain in the vine.
There is a warning to the Gentiles who were grafted in not to take God’s offer for granted. If Jews were
cut off, anyone who missteps will not be spared.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Jews who persisted in unbelief were cut off from God’s vine; Gentiles who believe
are grafted in to replace them.
PRAYER POINT: O God, give us understanding of Your salvation plan so that we do not end up being cut
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Tim. 6:1-10; Evening: Ps. 101-103

All those whom God has selected to be saved get saved through His grace. No one qualify for redemption
by his own efforts. Salvation is the process of grafting Gentiles who were part of wild olives into the olive
that is of good stock. Wild olives cannot produce good and savoury fruits; they produce sour fruits that
are of no use to anyone. The Gentiles who are grafted into the good olive tree are selected by the same
grace that the selected Jews enjoy. If Jews who are descendants of Abraham could be cut off because of
unbelief, Gentiles who have been shown grace should not forfeit the privilege given to them. To continue
to enjoy God’s goodness those who are engrafted have to continue to live in the redemption and
sanctification to which they are called. When Jews turn away from their unbelief, God will graft them
back into the holy olive tree.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: For by grace you have been saved, not of works lest anyone should boast.
PRAYER POINT: By God’s grace, I will continue in the redemption and sanctification to which I am
called; I will not go back into perdition.

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Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Tim. 6:11-21; Evening: Ps. 104-106

Out of ignorance and unbelief, the Jews did not accept Jesus as Messiah when He came to the world.
Their inability to recognise Jesus caused them to be rejected from God’s salvation plan, except for the
selected remnant. Their rejection gave Gentiles the opportunity to come into God’s redemption plan. The
rejection of the Jews will remain in force until God has fulfilled His program of bringing in the Gentiles.
Then, God will heal the Jews of their spiritual blindness. They will come into the realisation that it was
the promised Messiah they crucified. They will then be saved and will be grafted in again into the olive
tree that they may start to enjoy God’s goodness. God’s kindness to be shown to the Jews is in keeping
with His attributes to show mercy to those who love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The Jews that were cast away in order that the Gentiles might be saved will
eventually be saved.
PRAYER POINT: By Your mercy O God, open the eyes of those who are spiritually blind and are rejecting
Jesus as Saviour.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Tim. 1; Evening: Ps. 107-109

The obedience of Abraham paved way for an everlasting covenant made with him by God. Faithful
Yahweh keeps this covenant and is ready to ensure that Israel is saved even though they neglected the
great salvation encapsulated in the Messiah, the Christ, whom they treated disdainfully and with cruel
disposition. This is the focus of this week’s lesson.


ROM. 10:1-5
The Gospel of the kingdom of God was first focused on the Jews. Out of spiritual blindness, unbelief
and pride they rejected the Gospel and refused to accept Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus instructed His
disciples to go and preach to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and not to go to the way of the Gentiles.
In spite of the great miracles Jesus performed in their midst, they rejected Him and caused Him to be
crucified. The early Church started mainly with Jews, but majority of the Jews rejected the Gospel
message. Paul would always preach to the Jews in any city he entered; it was when the Jews rejected the
message that he turned to preach to Gentiles.
The Jews were zealous in keeping their ceremonial and moral laws, hoping to meet God’s standard of
righteousness through the keeping of these laws. Saul demonstrated such zeal without knowledge in
joining others to persecute the early Christians before he had an encounter with Jesus Christ on his way to
Damascus. The trouble with righteousness through the law is that no one can keep all the laws without
breaking any. There is a curse attached to not being able to keep every law. In their zeal, they were
blinded to the fact that God has provided a path to righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ; that Christ
has redeemed those who believe from the curse of the law (Gal. 3:10-14). The Jews are trying to earn by
their own efforts the righteousness which God is offering them freely. Righteousness by faith is a free gift
from God and not a reward for some religious activities.
It is saddening to know that some who claim to be Christians still try to please God and earn salvation
by keeping sets of laws and religious practices at the detriment of giving their life to Christ.

Grafting is a horticultural technique of taking a stem or branch from a plant (scion) that has desired
genes, attaching it to the lower part of another plant (stock) which has less desired genes. The desired
genes of the scion are duplicated in the stock/scion plant thus formed.

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Spiritually, the nation of Israel is likened to an olive tree whose roots are in the patriarchs—Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob. Individual Jews are expected to bring forth the fruit of righteousness. In Isaiah 5:1-5 the
Jewish nation is compared with a vineyard planted with choicest vine with the expectation that it will
bring forth good grapes of righteous living. In either case God could only get sour fruits though the roots
and stems of the plants are good. God’s judgment is to lop off the branches that are bearing sour fruits
(Jn. 15:6). God then decides to replace the branches that were cut off from the good tree with branches
from wild olives. The branches from the wild olives bear sour fruits while being attached to the wild
olive. But when attached to the good olive tree, the wild branches draw nutrients from the good olive
stock and begin to bear good savory fruits. The Gentiles are the wild olive trees; when attached to the
good olive tree the branches begin to bear fruit of righteousness.
It is important to note the difference between normal horticultural practice and the grafting which God
is doing. In God’s grafting, it is the rootstock that has the desired qualities while the grafted branches
possess the undesired qualities. Gentiles should therefore remember this and guard against thinking that
God chose them because they are better than the Jews. They will not be spared either if they do not bear
good fruits when they have been grafted.


The Jews are cast off God’s salvation plan because of their unbelief; Their rejection is not total and not
final. It is not total because in every generation, God has always reserved for Himself a remnant whose
eyes are opened to know that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. It is not final either in that the rejection of the
Jewish nation is not forever. God has a time window for the Gentiles to be saved. After this time window,
the veil that covers the spiritual understanding of the Jews will be taken away. They will realize that Jesus
is the Saviour of the world (Zech 12:10). That all Israel will be saved (Rom. 11:26) does not necessarily
imply that every Jew will be saved at this period, just as not every Gentile is grafted into salvation. It
implies that God will restore the nation of Israel out of His mercy and not because the nation merits it.
God’s plan for man’s salvation through the mercy He shows to both the Jews and Gentiles is a
demonstration of how immeasurable His wisdom and power are.

The Jews were thrown out of God’s salvation plan because of their unbelief. Meanwhile, the Gentiles
are grafted in to replace the Jews. The rejection of the Jews is however not total nor is it forever. The
Jewish nation will still be grafted in again after the time slot God allots the Gentiles has expired.

1. In what ways do the Jews made effort to please God?
2. What is God’s standard for righteousness?
3. Why did God make a plan to save the Jews?
4. What is the place of grace in the issue of Salvation?
5. How can both Jews and Gentiles appropriate and benefit from the Gospel of Christ?.

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LESSON 10 8/5/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 235, 237
Devotional Reading: Rom. 12:1-12
Topic For Adults: Your Reasonable Service To God
Topic For Youths: Do Not Follow Worldly Pattern
Topic For Intermediates: Respond Appropriately To God’s Love
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 6:11-13; 12:1-21; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 2:10; Matt. 5:43-45

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service”
(Romans 12: 1) NKJV.


All those who have been redeemed have received uncommon mercy from God. To that privilege, the duty
of living holy lives which are acceptable to God is attached. It will be difficult for a person to attain this
holiness unless the person surrenders his body as a sacrifice to God. God here demands His children to
yield their bodies as a living sacrifice holy and reasonable service, and not their wealth or property. Any
sacrifice offered to God without surrendering the body to be made holy is unacceptable to God; it is in
fact an abomination. The body as a living sacrifice becomes an instrument for God’s use to bring glory to
POINT OF EMPHASIS: You were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in Your body.
PRAYER POINT: Purify me like gold that my body may become your fitting sanctuary.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Tim. 2:1-13; Evening: Ps. 110-112

TUE. 3/5/2022 RENEWAL OF THE MIND IS NECESSARY ROM. 12:2; 2 COR. 5:15-17
The mind is the seat of our thinking and it is the control centre of our actions, feelings, will, emotions,
and affections. Before we were redeemed. Our affections were on the things that bring pleasure to the
flesh, our will was not subjected to God’s control, and we did whatever pleased us. When we come into
Christ, old things must pass away and new things must appear. Our minds need to be renewed and our
lives transformed. Our affections must now be on those things that please God. This transformation is a
lifelong process which happens through the application of God’s word to our lives and empowered by the
Holy Spirit.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: If there has been no change in your life after being born again, your salvation is
PRAYER POINT: Create in me a new heart, o God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Tim. 2:14-26; Evening: Ps. 113-115


In any congregation, no Christian is a replica of another. God endows each person with natural and
spiritual gifts different from another person for a particular assignment which God created him or her for.
The endowments are different just as the assigned works are different. In that case, there is no reason for
envy or competition. Human being has different body parts, each part is designed for a peculiar function.
This makes the body to be healthy and function perfectly. In a similar way, the Church becomes healthy
when every member carries out his or her duty diligently and cheerfully. Are you truly performing the
task God assigned you to do effectively?
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Let each member serve the body of Christ according to the gift God has given him
or her.

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PRAYER POINT: Open my eyes, o God, that I may see the areas in which You have appointed me to
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Tim. 3; Evening: Ps. 116-118


Jesus told the parable of a master who distributed talents to his servants and told them to do business with
them till he comes back. . The Master represents God, while the Christians are the servants He has called
to engage in the kingdom business. God expects every Christian to be diligent in serving Him. Most
times, we get so busy running our personal business that we do not have time for God’s business. These
days, commitment is lacking in the work of God as the second coming of Christ is drawing near, the love
of many is growing cold, many are becoming self-centered, and fire on the prayer altar is going out. Are
you still committed to God’s work?

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Do not lag in diligence, be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.
PRAYER POINT: Holy Spirit, rekindle Your fire in me that I may become diligent in serving God.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Tim. 4:1-8; Evening: Ps. 119:1-96


Christian is redeemed not to only serve God, but to serve people around him in love. We should not
become so engrossed in spiritual worship of God that we do not have time for people around us. If a
Christian does not love a man whom he can see, how can he love God whom he cannot see (1 Jn. 4:20).
Our love should not be shown only to those who are nice to us, but also to those who persecute us. We are
called to bless our persecutors and not to curse them (Matt. 5:44). As difficult as this may sound, the Holy
Spirit wants to enable us to obey if we are willing. Love should also compel us to share in the joy and
sorrow of people around us. We should not feel indifferent to their plight. Whatever we are or we have is
a gift from God; it is by His grace.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Love of God shown to us constrains us to show love to others around us.
PRAYER POINT: Holy Spirit, enable me to love the unlovable, especially those who persecute me.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Tim. 4:9-22; Evening: Ps. 119:97 - 176


In the journey of life people will hurt us. Some will hurt us unintentionally, while others will hurt us with
evil intentions. We may have opportunities to retaliate and hurt them back. Our carnal nature will derive
satisfaction if we do so, but that will only show we are not better than them and that we are available as
tools in the hand of the devil to hurt others. We prove that we are better than those who hurt us and that
we are available as tools in God’s hand to reconstruct lives if we choose to repay them with good deeds.
People give out of what they possess in abundance. We should strive as much as it lies in our power to be
at peace with people around us, even if we have to forgo our rights just for Christ’s sake.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: If it is possible, as much as it depends on You, live peaceably with all men.
PRAYER POINT: Father, give me the grace to repay evil with good; make me an instrument of Your
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Tit. 1; Evening: Ps. 120-122

Spiritually, every Christian is a branch grafted into the True Vine, Jesus Christ. The branch draws needed
nutrients from the stock of the True Vine. All the branch needs is provided by the stock. The Christian
cannot enjoy the supply which Christ provides unless he or she remains attached to Christ. The only way
to do this is for the Christian to surrender himself as a living sacrifice to God and allow the Holy Spirit to
renew his mind. Thus, transformed, the Christian becomes a tool in God’s hand to carry out the good

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works which God has prepared beforehand for him to perform (Eph. 2:10). The good works will touch the
others positively. Sinners may be won to Christ by virtue of good fruits you bear.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: If you are born again, surrender your body to be a living sacrifice that will be
transformed to become fruitful.
PRAYER POINT: In the name of Jesus, I refuse to remain fruitless; I will bear fruits that will remain till
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Tit. 2; Evening: Ps. 123-125

Some postulated that the cross gives an illustration, symbolically represents our service to God our
Creator and fellow human beings. The upright stand depicts our service to God while the vertical depicts
our service to man. Our service to both God and man is meaningful and fruitful if only we are redeemed.
The bedrock of this required service is salvation. The essence of which is the focus of this week’s lesson.
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PART 1: CONSECRATION TO GOD – ROM. 12:1-2; 6: 11-13; GAL. 2:20
In the earlier chapters of the book of Romans, God’s unparallel love towards man was commended.
He gave His only begotten Son to die for our sin; He showed His mercy by granting us salvation. In view
of such great love and mercy shown, the reasonable response of the Christian is to surrender his life to
God as a living sacrifice. God does not require the Christian to be killed as the lamb or goat that was
offered in the Old Testament. He wants the Christian to live for Him. In the Old Testament, when an
animal is offered as an offering, the person giving the offering transfers all rights of ownership to God.
The Christian is required to surrender the control of his life to God; that is, the Christian must be ready to
follow the commandments of God and to live to please Him.
In order for the sacrifice to please God, it has to be holy. The Christian needs to consecrate his body to
God. That means he needs to turn away from sin instead, he needs to offer every part of his body to be
used to promote righteousness. The first thing that God requires from us is our bodies. Anything offered
to God by a person who has not consecrated his body to God is unacceptable. Render your heart and not
your garment.
In order for a Christian to be truly consecrated, he needs to allow the Holy Spirit to renew his mind.
The mind, which is the control centre of our will, affections, emotions, etc. has been polluted while we
were in the world. We need to be transformed so that we no longer think the way the world thinks, or
react to issues the way people in the world do, neither should our affections follow the pattern of the
people in the world.

One of the reasons for redeeming a Christian is to make him fit to make heaven. Beside this, God
requires every redeemed person to get involved in the business of His kingdom. God endows every
Christian with spiritual gifts to function properly in the kingdom. The spiritual gifts are different from one
person to another; but are given by the same Lord. Since the assignments differ from one person to
another, there is no reason for envy or for one person to become proud or feel superior to another.
Whatever gift a person has is expected to be used for the benefit of the whole body of Christ; no
individual is self-sufficient, but we all need one another.
Our Churches are not operating at optimal level because many people do not have correct knowledge
of what God demands from them. There are members who are too busy running after the things of the
world that they do not have time to identify the gifts God has deposited into them and do not know that
God is waiting for them to occupy their positions. There are members who are slothful in doing God’s
work; Church leaders cannot count on them to carry out assigned duties with diligence. There are

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members who become uncontrollable because they think they are better than all others due to the gift of
God in them.
Don’t think of yourself higher than you should. Humble yourself. Inability to utilise the gift of God to
serve the body of Christ make you become unfruitful. Have you identified your gift? How are you
utilising the gift to benefit the Church of God?

PART 3: LOVE TO BE SHOWN TO OTHERS – ROM. 12:13-21; MATT. 5:43-45

As we journey through life, we will come across all manners of people, some loveable and some
unlovable. Love of Christ within should restrains us from retaliating those who hurt us. The great love
which God has shown to us should constrain us to show love to those He brings across our way.
God demands we should love our fellow Christians. (1 Jn. 4:20). Love will make us to be affectionate
to others and to give honour to them instead of seeking self-glorification (verse 10). Love will make us to
meet the needs of those who lack among us and to be hospitable to strangers. Rather than stirring up
conflict among the brethren, love will make us to strive to be of the same mind towards one another; it
will make us humble and not to be wise in our own opinion. Love will make us try our possible best to
live peaceably with others.
We should endeavour to repay evil with good. It is better to leave the process of avenging to Him.

A Christian is one of those whom God has shown mercy and compassion out of multitudes in the
world. A Christian should respond to this mercy by surrendering his life to God fully. He should separate
himself from the ways of the world and sin which can easily get him entangled. He should endeavour to
serve God with diligence and offer himself as instrument in God’s hand to touch the lives of other people
positively. Christians are saved to serve God and others.

1. What is the relationship between a sacrifice intended for God and holiness?
2. Why do the spiritual gifts given to individuals differ?
3. How can a Christian have the knowledge of what God demands from him or her?
4. Is it possible for a man to love God and hate his fellow human being?
5. Mention the importance of man’s salvation.

LESSON 11 15/5/2022

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Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 240, 242
Devotional Reading: Rom. 13:1-12
Topic For Adults: Be A Responsible Citizen
Topic For Youths: Be Law Abiding
Topic For Intermediates: Learn To Obey Civil Laws
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 13:1-21; 1 Pet. 2:13-21; Isa. 56:1; Prov. 21:3

“And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep;
for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent,
the day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put
on the armor of light” (Romans 13:11-12) NKJV.



Many people look for ways of disobeying civil authorities and justify their actions by claiming that the
people in positions of authority are unjust and self-serving. Civil laws are disobeyed with impunity; those
in government are abused and even cursed. Sometimes, Christians participate in these disobedient acts.
The result of citizens flagrantly disobeying civil laws and authorities is anarchy which will lead to the
collapse of the society. We need to know that human government is approved, if not ordained, by God.
God allows those in power to get to the positions of authority; even the wicked rulers. Christians should
not disobey lawful civil authorities nor break civil laws. If people in authority are misruling, Christians
should seek lawful ways of changing the rulers. Punishment for disobeying civil laws is not tantamount to

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Let your conscience bear you witness - obey lawful authority.
PRAYER POINT: Father, make us change makers in our society that has become grossly lawless.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Tit. 3; Evening: Ps. 126-128


God is the only source of power and He allows whomever He wills to get to position of authority. People
in power are expected to rule and wield power as God’s representatives. They are in power to maintain
law and order; to punish those who disobey civil laws and to reward those who obey. Of course, wicked
rulers misuse the power given to them. Christian should recognise the rulers in authority. Pray for the
ones that are found wanting. We should be seen to be good citizens who conscientiously obey laws. When
they break laws which do not conflict with God’s commandments, and are punished as lawbreakers they
should not react as if they are being persecuted for their faith.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Do not suffer as a lawbreaker, be a good citizen for the Lord’s sake.
PRAYER POINT: Make use of us, o God, to bring positive changes to our nation in this period of crisis.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Philem. 1:1-7; Evening: Ps. 129-131

WED. 11/5/2022 RENDER TO ALL THEIR DUE ROM. 13:7-10

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Part of our civic duties is to render to everyone what is due to him. Christians should be seen to do what is
right and just all the time; no excuse should be given because whatever we do we will give account to
God. Do not feel it is alright to cheat the government or your employer. The Christian should pay the
correct tax and import duties; and not give the excuse that the government is not fulfilling its obligations.
To our family members, we should give to them the attention and care needed. If you owe anyone, don’t
cater for your own conveniences while failing to pay your creditor. Do not neglect the poor when it is in
your power to help them. Honour, respect and care are due for your parents; don’t neglect them in their
old age because it is inconvenient for you. Do not defraud your business partners. The only debt you
cannot finish paying is debt of love which you owe to people around you.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Learn to do what is just and right at all times; you are responsible to God.
PRAYER POINT: Help me O God to be a shining example to other people around me.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Philem. 1:8-25; Evening: Ps. 132-134

THUR. 12/5/2022 BE SPIRITUALLY ALERT ROM. 13:11-14

A Christian that will eventually make heaven needs to correctly interpret the signs of the time we are
living in. From all the things happening around us, it is clear that the second coming of the Lord Jesus is
very near; the rapture will occur any moment from now. The Christian cannot afford to slumber
spiritually. Don’t indulge in any act of sin. These are the perilous times predicted (2 Tim. 3:1-5) and the
enemy, like a roaring lion, is prowling about devouring those who have lost their spiritual sensitivity. It is
time to put on the whole armour of God and walk as children of light (Eph. 5:8; 6:13). It is time to put the
flesh under tight control and not indulge in the lust of the flesh.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Your primal duty to yourself is to walk in holiness so that you can make heaven.
PRAYER POINT: I receive the grace to be spiritually sensitive and to be alert so that I do not miss the
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 1; Evening: Ps. 135-137


Some of the things that Christians argue and quarrel on are not essential to saving faith. In the case of the
Christians in the Church in Rome, those who came from the background of Judaism believed that keeping
special holy days and abstaining from certain foods were essential to salvation. Those from Gentile
background believed that Christ has released them from such restrictions. It is likely that while the
Gentile Christians felt superior to the Jewish Christians, the latter considered the former as being worldly.
Those things that fall under Church conduct which are ways a Church chooses to conduct her services,
but which are not essential to holy living should not be allowed to divide Christians. No one can make
heaven by majoring in the non-essential things and living in sin.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Bear with other Christians’ differences in matters that are not essential to holy
PRAYER POINT: Help us, o Lord, to sink our differences in matters that are not essential to holy living.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 2; Evening: Ps. 138-140

SAT. 14/5/2022 BE YOUR BROTHER’S KEEPER ROM. 14:10-15; 1 COR. 10:23-24

While we are free to conduct ourselves in whatever way we are convinced in matters that are not essential
to holy living but we should be sensitive to those who have different conviction. If our freedom will make
another brother to go astray, we should restrain ourselves. Our primary goal should be to bring glory to
God and not to draw attention to ourselves. Our secondary goal should be how we can help to build up

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weak Christians and to edify other believers. This may call for denying ourselves the right to do certain
things which we are convinced are not sinful. Christ did not live to please Himself, but to bring glory to
God and to pay the price for redemption. He has set an example for us to follow.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Focus on things that will edify your Christian brother instead of pleasing yourself.
PRAYER POINT: I will not be a stumbling block to another believer in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 3:1-6; Evening: Ps. 141-143


Jesus prayed for His would be followers “that they may be one...” (Jn. 17: 21). God wants His Church
united, but instead, there is so much division, disagreement and quarrelling among members of the same
Church or between one Church and another. God wants His children to be of one mind and to be in
agreement when they speak. Of course, there will be individual differences, but we are to be patient with
one another, overlooking one another’s faults and be willing to comfort one another. Our like-mindedness
should not be in sinfulness, or rebellion like the people of Babel (Gen. 11:6; Rev. 17:13). We need to
have this kind of unity. We should no longer allow Satan take advantage of our differences to weaken and
destroy the Church and faith.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Christians can only be relevant and effective in the society when they are united.
PRAYER POINT: God of grace grant us the spirit to be of one mind and body.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 3:7-19; Evening: Ps. 144-146
Last week’s lesson focused on the topic, Saved to Serve. Indeed, we are to serve, but who? In our lesson
this week, we shall consider what our duties as Christians should be to the government, society and fellow
believers. What you know become easier to apply.

Last week’s lesson focused on the topic, ‘Saved to Serve’. Indeed, we are to serve, but who? In our lesson
this week, we shall consider what our duties as Christians should be to the government, society and fellow
believers. What you know become easier to apply.


The Christian is primarily a citizen of heaven, but is still living in an earthly society that is governed
by laws. All power belongs to God (Ps. 62:11) and He gives it to whomever He wills (Jer. 24:4-7).
Human rulers therefore derive their powers from God; they are expected to rule as His representative on
earth. Some rulers have lost the consciousness of this fact and therefore misuse the power God has given
them. Notwithstanding, the Christian should note:
(i) Rulers are God’s representatives on earth to maintain law and order. The Christian should be subject
to the ruler for the Lord’s sake and should not act as if he is above the law.
(ii) Power has been given to rulers to punish the disobedient. Anyone who breaks laws should expect
punishment and the wrath of the ruler. A Christian should not suffers as a lawbreaker.
(iii) When a ruler enacts a law which conflicts with God’s express command, the Christian should be
determined to obey God’s command, even if he has to suffer for his position (Acts 5:27-32).
Wisdom needs to be applied because there have been cases where Christians have not applied sound
judgment in what they took to be God’s commands.

In our society, people do what is convenient and what pleases them rather than what is right and good
for the society. Christians should not contribute to this decay; rather, they should be the salt of the earth.

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Christians should commit themselves to doing what is right for conscience sake and not because they will
be punished if they are caught.
(i) Pay correct tax and import duties to government. Do not give the excuse that the money is being
(ii) Give honour to whomever honour is due: Church members are to honour their ministers; children are
to respect and honour their parents; employees are to honour their employers; etc.
(iii) Endeavour to pay your debt when due. Christians should not borrow without the intention of paying
(iv) The debt a Christian owes, which he should continue to pay and which he can never finish paying is
that of love to others around him. Be ready to forgive those who offend you out of love for them. If
you cannot love people whom you can see, you do not really love God whom you have not seen.


Isaiah 60:2 says, “For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but
the LORD will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you”. Darkness or night implies a state of
utter godlessness and sin. Lust of the flesh and manifestation of carnality belong to the night. This is the
condition in which the whole world is in now. The Christian needs to be spiritually sensitive and alert.
The enormity of ungodliness in our generation is a pointer to the imminent second coming of Jesus
Christ. The Christian cannot afford to slumber spiritually; it is time to wake from slumber.
There will always be difference of opinion about some doctrines among Christians. For example, there
is the age-long debate about the sovereignty of God and free will of man. There are also differences in
Church conducts from one denomination to another. Often a Church emphasises these differences to
prove it is better or more spiritual than others. The more fundamental doctrines of the Bible which
determine either a believer is acceptable to God or not are those which affect life of holiness. There
should be no compromise on these. But on issues of Church conducts, tolerance should be shown.
In the case of the Church in Rome, the bone of contention was what food should not be eaten and
which holy days should be observed. In the Church today, instead of judging other Christians on such
matters we need to (i) realise that they are responsible to God and not to us; (ii) decide to try to build up
and encourage those we consider to be weaker than ourselves; (iii) be careful that we do not exercise our
Christian liberty in a way that will make weaker brethren to fall; we should be our brother’s keeper; and
(iv) strive to be like minded with other believers by humbling ourselves.

Christians are called to live at a standard higher than unbelievers; they should live in consciousness of
the fact that they will be called to give account to God. Believers in Jesus Christ should not constitute
problems to the government, to the community or within the Church; rather they should be solution

1. Taxes and import duties are parts of what a Christian should pay to the government. What should he
or she do if the money is mismanaged?
2. What should a Christian do when government’s law contradicts God’s law?
3. A commodity its supplier should not stop to supply and its beneficiary should not be tired of
receiving is what?
4. There is a lot of differences in the conducts of various denominations. There should however be
tolerance but no compromise on those that affect life of holiness. Explain.

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LESSON 12 22/5/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 75, 150
Devotional Reading: Rom. 16:1-10
Topic For Adults: Serve God Wholeheartedly
Topic For Youths: It Pays To Serve The Lord
Topic For Intermediates: Serve God All Your Life
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 12:1-21; 16:1-20

“For your obedience has become known to all. Therefore, I am glad on your
behalf; but I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil” (Romans 16:19) NKJV.



Rebellion is an act that God hates and does not bring commendation but condemnation. It is gaining
ground in Christian circles today and if God frowns at it then, He is still not in support of it. Twelve men
were chosen to spy the land promised by God. They had seen all the wonders from their miraculous
delivery from Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea and others, yet 10 out of the 12 spies sent never believed
God could establish them in the Promised Land, when they saw giants, they came back and brought heart
melting reports. Rebellion in this sense is having encountered God’s wonders previously, they blantanly
display unbelief in what God has promised. Are you a rebel? Those who forget the past good deeds from
God and think God is incapable for present challenges are rebels not worthy of commendation.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Those who forget the past good deeds of God and think God is incapable to rescue
them from present challenges are rebels not worthy of commendation.
PRAYER POINT: Oh Lord, may I never be a rebel, forgetful of Your past goodness in life’s present
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 4; Evening: Ps. 147-148

TUE. 17/5/2022 SERVE GOD FAITHFULLY NUM. 12:1-8; MATT 24:45-51

God is not man that would flatter. He said Moses was faithful, that act is worthy of commendation. Moses
was truthful to God and his calling. Moses was accurate at fulfilling to the letter the instructions of God
without questioning it. Moses was a man that told the children of Israel exactly what God desired without
fear or favour. Faithfulness to God when; you have the chance to sin - Joseph perceived sin as
wickedness, and situations are not palatable - Job continued to trust in the Lord despite the untoward
circumstances that befell him. Stewardship in our walk with God demands faithfulness. It is required in
stewardship that a man be found faithful. Serve God faithfully everytime will be a proof that God can
depend on you anywhere. He that is faithful in little is also faithful in much. If you stay committed to God
in hard places, He can take you to high places.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: It is required in stewardship that a man be found faithful. He that is faithful in
little is also faithful in much.
PRAYER POINT: Dear Father, help me to be faithful whenever, wherever and by whatever I am tested.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 5; Evening: Ps. 149-150

WED. 18/5/2022 LABOUR IN LOVE HEB. 6:9-20

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Men may forget your good deeds, your sacrifices and toiling, however; you need to know that God is not
man. Every labour for God brings commendation that far outweighs the pain or losses incurred. You must
not be deterred, dejected, discouraged or depressed when you labour for the godly course, only ensure
that it is done in love. It is only labour in love that is commendable and rewardable. Labour for show-off
or show of strength, skill, power, connection or endowment will get men to clap for you while God may
not clap and thus, you have only what man can give. Labour in love, with the right motive, with the right
heart. There is a holding hope which should be the anchor of the soul that whatever labour is executed for
God and the advancement of His kingdom in love is both commendable and rewardable.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Labouring in love, with the right motive and with the right heart is commendable
and rewardable
PRAYER POINT: Help me dear Father to labour in love.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 6; Evening: Prov. 1-3


Patience and perseverance are acts that are commendable as it is becoming practically difficult if not
impossible for people to wait again. Most of the heroes of the past had to wait upon the Lord for one thing
or the other. Some waited on God for instruction, for power, direction, protection, the fruit of the womb,
deliverance, etc. This is the era of fast things, jet age, speedy and instant miracles etc. Those who wait
upon the Lord cannot be put to shame, the Lord shall renew their strength, those who wait upon Him are
those who will know Him and knowing Him changes your story. The farmer has to wait for the fruits of
the earth and time varies for the different plant products. Your waiting more may mean a bigger yield!
The butterfly life process is intriguing; it moves from the egg stage to larvae and then the adult stage. The
larvae stage is one ugly thing no child wants to play with, the process may not be palatable but the end
intended is beautiful. Waiting establishes you and also rewarding, so wait upon God and wait for God.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Those who wait upon the Lord cannot be put to shame, the Lord shall renew their
PRAYER POINT: Help me oh Lord to wait on You and persevere irrespective of my challenges.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 7:1-10; Evening: Prov. 4-6


Commendation comes when the motive for the action is right and godly as God looks at the heart, looking
for the motives, the intentions and motivation for all we do. Gaius had the testimony that he had the truth
in him, he did faithfully whatever was done for the brethren and strangers. Diotrephes who loved to have
the praise of men, was malicious to the leaders, did not receive the brethren and was a bad example to
others. Demetrius the third character had a good testimony from all. The shocker is that these group of
people are still in the Church till date. Apostle John admonished in verse 11, that we should not imitate
what is evil but what is good because he who does evil has not seen God. That is you are full of good
deeds, for God is light and in Him there is no darkness or evil at all. Gaius had the truth in him, a
commendable act and lifestyle that is supposed to be emulated by everyone who professes to be a child of

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Commendation comes when the motive for the action is right and godly as God
looks at the heart.
PRAYER POINT: Dear Father, let my heart be right, let my motive be always right in Your service.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 7:11-28; Evening: Prov. 7-9

SAT. 21/5/2022 SUBMIT TO GOD’S WILL 1 PET. 2:11-25

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God appoints leaders and as such, they are to be respected. As children of God, our conduct should be
honourable among the Gentiles as the word ‘Christian’ emanated from a distinct way of life the disciples
in Antioch exhibited. It is God’s will and a commendable service to God when you honour all people
around you, most especially, your superiors whether good or harsh. When you do good and even suffer
because you fail to join them in their evil deeds, it is a commendable service as Jesus our perfect example
had a taste. He committed no sin, deceit was not found in Him, He was reviled and never reviled in
return, He suffered for the sin not committed, He never threatened, yet, He was condemned and for the
joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross and despised the shame, bearing our sins on the cross.
Simply because Jesus was tested and triumphed, you can draw strength from Him and also triumph in
Foreign Missions Copy

POINT OF EMPHASIS: When you do good and even suffer because you fail to join in their evil deeds, it is
a commendable service.
PRAYER POINT: Lord help me not to fail in the face of trials and harsh conditions because of my faith.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 8; Evening: Prov. 10-12


Emulating good and godly qualities is commendable. Crete was famous in the ancient word for its
immorality; in fact, Paul quoted and agreed with a Cretan Author who admits that the people of his
nation had a reputation of not telling the truth (Tit. 1:12),. Christian living is in contrast to what the false
teachers hold and believe. In Titus 2:1, Paul admonished Titus to be different, “As for you”…you are to
live differently against the evil tide and yielding to such compelling advice is commendable for us in this
generation when it seems you are foolish when you live against the evil tide. However, irrespective of the
standard of the world, the foundation of God stands sure, He is non-changing and His ways are non-
bending. Christians are to be sober, dignified, self-controlled, truthful, sound in the faith, reverent in
behaviour, live in love, teach what is good, sound and godly, be a model of all that is good, show integrity
and sound speech. Why do we do all the above and more? We have a hope, the appearing of the glory of
our great God and Saviour who is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Irrespective of the decadence of the world, the foundation of God stands sure. He
will not lower His standard.
PRAYER POINT: God, help me to emulate good qualities and also turn out a good role model.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 9:1-15; Evening: Prov. 13-15

There are seasons of life and nature with special peculiarities. We have the rainy season which is
associated with freshness and the dry season, associated with dryness. When it is raining, people tend to
use the rain as excuse and when it’s the dry season, excuses bordering around excessive heat is the order
of the day. The lesson enjoins us to serve God come rain, come shine; when easy and when not easy.
When you serve God in the rainy season, He gives you water in the dry season and when you serve God
in the dry season, God gives you warmth in the rainy season.


People commended in our scriptural text were workers, helpers, people who risked their lives for the
sake and propagation of the Gospel, accommodating people who allowed the Church in their properties,
obedient labourers in the vineyard, people of longstanding testimony in the truth and the Gospel. You

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don’t earn commendation for being idle, lazy, staying long in Church without impact, busy bodies,
rebellious and unthankful. Every character acknowledged for meritorious service and commended had an
impact on the Church and their community. Hence, positive impact enlists you in the honours roll.
Phoebe was commended because she was a servant of the Church. To some, it is derogatory to be
called a servant. How many are servants again in our fold today? Our generation has redefined so many
things; like people claim they are Christians simply by birth, some also see themselves as servants while
they live an irony of what the word means. A servant is simply somebody who serves another. Jesus said,
(Mk. 9:35). Jesus said if anyone wants to be a leader among you, he must be a servant (Mk. 9:35) He
demonstrated it by washing the feet of the disciples. How many are practical servants again in our fold
A couple, Priscilla and Aquila; who are fellow workers with Paul risked their lives and allow the
Church a place on their property. They identified with the Church, gave space for the expansion of the
Church, were workers in the very hostile gentile terrain and also risked their lives for the sake of the
Gospel. Jesus said, “Whoever desires to follow after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and
follow”. It is not easy to be a follower. When you are following, you don’t have your own direction, your
own pace and your own will. You stay where the Leader stays, you move when He moves and to the very
direction of His movement. Following Jesus takes denial, burning your own ego, desire and direction. It
entails accepting the cross and following without reservations. Such an act attracts commendation and
heaven’s applause.
Giving is a commendable service. Those who give to God acknowledges Him as the Owner. Giving is
a proof of our love for God. Give your time, attention, energy, intellect, resources, skills and entire life to
God. When you give to God, you are supporting yourself and your destiny.


Reasonable service is all God rewards. Presenting your body as a living sacrifice, non-conformity to
the world and its ungodly system, will make it easy for you to serve God reasonably. Renewing of your
mind, will all culminate in producing what is good, acceptable and perfect will of God. To have a service
that is commendable, since everyone who professes to be a Christian is dead and buried to sin, risen with
Christ and expected to walk, live the life of Christ, a sacrificial life that is not ours again but Christ’s, all
we do in body and soul now should reflect Christ. Living His life is what makes us Christians. Living His
life is the change the world wants to see and that was what they saw in Antioch! Now, if we have died
with Christ, we believe we will also reign with Him, therefore, do not present your members to sin as
instruments for unrighteousness but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from
death to life and your members to God as instruments for righteousness (Rom. 6).
The present evil age still tempts Christians. Don’t conform to the alluring evil desires of the world.
Renew your mind with the will of God (the word of God) which is commendable. Serve God in the
capacity He has endowed you with, contribute your quota to the growth of the Universal body of Christ
and live a Christ-like life.


As we have actions that attract commendation, so, we have acts that are not commendable. Impact can
be positive or negative. Division creates obstacles and runs contrary to God’s will; therefore, it is not a
commendable action. Don’t be a divisive person and also avoid divisive people. Divisive people have
motives that are ulterior to building up the body of Christ; they pull down for selfish reasons – for their
belly, for their own gains, for their own popularity and not of Jesus. Division in an organisation wastes
time, resources, life and destiny. Work done is a product of force and distance in the study of Physics,
however, when the distance is not in the same direction and the force is also in opposite direction, both
cancels and work done is zero. Reason why so many organisations are not leaving the same position
though, there is so much activity! Obedience is a godly act and disobedience is ungodly, simply put,
disobedience is not commendable.

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It is required for every faithful believer to brighten their own corner, serve God wholeheartedly.
Joyfully give yourself as a living sacrifice to serve the Lord. Imbibing the values, customs and behaviour
of the world will result to condemnation, therefore, don’t ever conform to the practice of this world.
Distinguish yourself in the work of God like Andronicus, Tunia and others mentioned by Paul in Romans
16:1-16. You will be commended and highly respected if you deploy your gifts and resources for the
growth of the Church. Rebellious people will reap condemnation while those who promote God’s work
will be commended.

1. Why are the people mentioned in Rom. 16:1-16 (our Scriptural text today) commended?
2. Briefly explain what this means “It is not easy to be a follower”.
3. What will culminate into producing what is good, acceptable and perfect will of God?
4. How can a Christian prevent this present evil age from luring him or her from conforming to the
values of the world?
5. Why is division (divisible people) not commendable?
6. How should you relate with those who cause division in the Church?

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Welcome to
NOVEMBER 28, 2021

REVISION DAY 1 23/5/2022

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 22, 160
Devotional Reading: Rom. 1:18-32
Topic for Adults: All People are Guilty of Sin
Topic for Youths: We Inherited Sin
Topic for Intermediates: Our Nature is to Disobey God
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 1 and 2

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness”
Romans 1:18 (NKJV).

SUMMARY: The Gospel is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. The just shall live
by faith, while the unjust (sinners) will face the wrath of God. Those who have been saved should not
judge those that have not been saved. They should thank God for His goodness, forbearance and
longsuffering. God is not partial, He will judge everyone righteously.

LESSON 2 13/3/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B: 28, 54
Devotional Reading: Rom. 3:21-24
Topic For Adults: By Faith Alone
Topic For Youths: Declared Righteous
Topic For Intermediates: Justified By Faith
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 3:1-2, 9:13; 23:21-26; 27-31

“Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the
deeds of the law.” Romans 3:28 (NKJV)

SUMMARY: Man stood eternally condemned in the court of law. Man could not pay for his own sins
because the punishment was far too great. God, the King and Judge of the earth sent forth His only Son,
Jesus Christ as a propitiation for the sins of men. However, there is something to be done. Not good
works, for our best is as rags. The only thing needed to be truly justified is to believe in the finished work
of Jesus Christ.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 9:16 - 28; Evening: Prov. 16 - 18

REVISION DAY 2 24/5/2022

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LESSON 3 20/3/2022
Suggested Hymns: G. H. B: 14, 75
Devotional Reading: Rom. 4
Topic For Adults: Not By Works
Topic For Youths: God Credited Righteousness To Abraham
Topic For Intermediates: God Justified The Uncircumcised
Lesson Scriptures: Lesson Scriptures: Acts 15:5-6; Rom. 4:1-12, 16-27.

And being fully convinced that what He had promised He was able to perform. And therefore it was
accounted to him for righteousness”. Romans 4:21-22 (NKJV).

SUMMARY: Abraham became the father of faith not by being circumcised, not by being a Jew, not by
doing good works and not even by his sacrifice. He became the father of faith and became an example to
us all by his total trust in and dependence on God. Abraham heard the voice of God and he believed Him
and God in His sovereignty credited righteousness unto him. It was faith of Abraham that prompted him
to do good works. Any believers who have faith in God will not fail to do good works like Abraham.
Though, it is not the good works that make us righteous.

LESSON 4 27/3/2022
Suggested Hymns: GHB. 75, 210, 342
Devotional Reading: Rom 5:6-8
Topic For Adults: The Best Time To Love
Topic For Youths: Despite Your Sin, God Still Loves You
Topic For Intermediate: God Loves You Still
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 3:23; 5:6-8; 6:23; 7:15-23; Phil. 2:5-8

“For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. 
For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to
die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for
us” (Romans 5:6-8) NKJV.

SUMMARY: God’s love is available for all to explore. It is not discriminatory. Jesus died once for all.
He instructed His disciples to go and make disciples of all the nations. This means, His love life and death
are not meant for only Israel but for the whole world.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 10:1 - 18; Evening: Prov. 19 - 21

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REVISION DAY 3 25/5/2022
LESSON 5 3/4/2022
Suggested Hymns: GHB. 310, 419
Devotional Reading: Rom. 6:1-14
Topic For Adults: Don’t Be Deceived!
Topic For Youths: Grace Is Not A Liberty To Live In Sin
Topic For Intermediate: Don’t Make Grace An Excuse To Sin
Lesson Scriptures: Jn. 1:14-17; Rom. 6:1-14; Tit. 2:11-14;
Gal. 2:16-17; Heb. 4:14-16.

“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? 
Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?”
(Romans 6:1-2) NKJV.

SUMMARY: There are several misconceptions about grace which have led many to hell. Though grace is
free, it does not condone any form of worldliness and ungodliness. It helps us live right and to patiently
await the coming of our Lord Jesus while we maintain our purity and holiness. God, through the grace.
There is no excuse for anyone not to live according to the standard expected of God.

LESSON 6 10/4/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 165, 306
Devotional Readings: Rom. 6:1-25
Topic For Adults: Saved through Jesus
Topic For Youths: Delivered From The Law And Sin
Topic For Intermediates: We Are Saved Only Through Jesus
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 7:1-25

“But sin, taking opportunity by the commandment, produced in me all manner of evil desire. For apart
from the law sin was dead. I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin
revived and I died” (Romans 7:8-9) NKJV.

SUMMARY: It is pointless to try to work your way into heaven, and it is futile to try to work your way
through the Christian life. When Paul declared that nothing good resided inside him, he was pointing to
the reality that he had nothing good in him aside from Christ and his born-again spirit. When we act apart
from Christ and our born-again spirit, we will experience the duality that Paul described in this Chapter
(Rom. 7:1-25). The desire to do what is right is inherent in us, but the ability to carry it through is not. “I
have the purpose and urge to do what is right, but no power to carry it out,” the Amplified Bible says.
(Rom. 7:18 Amp)
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 10:19 - 39; Evening: Prov. 22 - 24

REVISION DAY 4 26/5/2022

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LESSON 7 17/4/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 35, 147,
Devotional Reading: Rom. 8:1-11
Topic For Adults: No True Liberty Without Jesus
Topic For Youths: Liberty Is Possible For All
Topic For Intermediates: Be Diligent To Ensure Your Liberty
Lesson Scripture: Lesson Scripture: Jn. 3:16; Rom. 8:1-39

“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,
who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit”
(Romans 8:1) NKJV.

SUMMARY: The fact that God imputed our sins to Jesus Christ and made Him to die for us to be
reconciled with Him is great demonstration of His unparalleled love towards mankind. Reflection on what
God did through Jesus Christ should prompt a reasonable person to appreciate Him and accept Jesus as
personal Lord and Saviour.

LESSON 8 24/4/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 22, 92
Devotional Reading: Rom. 9:1-8
Topic For Adults: God’s Sovereignty in Showing Mercy
Topic For Youths: God Is Righteous in Selection
Topic For Intermediates: God Chooses Some People Above Others
Lesson Scripture: Rom. 9:1-21

“For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion. So then it
is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy”
(Romans 9:15-16) NKJV.

SUMMARY: No one can earn God’s mercy as reward for one’s righteousness. God shows mercy to
whoever He chooses and has compassion on whoever He decides to. No man should therefore boast of his
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 11:1 - 22; Evening: Prov. 25 - 27

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REVISION DAY 5 27/5/2022
LESSON 9 1/5/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 190, 194
Devotional Reading: Rom. 11:11-21
Topic For Adults: Consequence of Unbelief on Jews
Topic For Youths: Don’t Toy With Your Salvation
Topic For Intermediates: Unbelief Closes The Door To Salvation
Lesson Scriptures: Matt. 10:5-7; Acts 9:46-48; Rom. 10:1-5; 11:13-36

“Concerning the Gospel, they are enemies for your sake, but concerning the election, they are beloved for
the sake of the fathers” (Romans 11: 28) NKJV.

SUMMARY: The Jews were thrown out of God’s salvation plan because of their unbelief. Meanwhile,
the Gentiles are grafted in to replace the Jews. The rejection of the Jews is however not total nor is it
forever. The Jewish nation will still be grafted in again after the time slot God allots the Gentiles has

LESSON 10 8/5/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 235, 237
Devotional Reading: Rom. 12:1-12
Topic For Adults: Your Reasonable Service To God
Topic For Youths: Do Not Follow Worldly Pattern
Topic For Intermediates: Respond Appropriately To God’s Love
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 6:11-13; 12:1-21; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 2:10; Matt. 5:43-45

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service”
(Romans 12: 1) NKJV.

SUMMARY: A Christian is one of those whom God has shown mercy and compassion out of multitudes
in the world. A Christian should respond to this mercy by surrendering his life to God fully. He should
separate himself from the ways of the world and sin which can easily get him entangled. He should
endeavour to serve God with diligence and offer himself as instrument in God’s hand to touch the lives of
other people positively. Christians are saved to serve God and others.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 11:23 - 40; Evening: Prov. 28 - 29

REVISION DAY 6 28/5/2022

LESSON 11 15/5/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 240, 242
Devotional Reading: Rom. 13:1-12
Topic For Adults: Be A Responsible Citizen
Topic For Youths: Be Law Abiding
Topic For Intermediates: Learn To Obey Civil Laws
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 13:1-21; 1 Pet. 2:13-21; Isa. 56:1; Prov. 21:3

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“And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep;
for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent,
the day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put
on the armor of light” (Romans 13:11-12) NKJV.

SUMMARY: Christians are called to live at a standard higher than unbelievers; they should live in
consciousness of the fact that they will be called to give account to God. Believers in Jesus Christ should
not constitute problems to the government, to the community or within the Church; rather they should be
solution providers.

LESSON 12 22/5/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 75, 150
Devotional Reading: Rom. 16:1-10
Topic For Adults: Serve God Wholeheartedly
Topic For Youths: It Pays To Serve The Lord
Topic For Intermediates: Serve God All Your Life
Lesson Scriptures: Rom. 12:1-21; 16:1-20

“For your obedience has become known to all. Therefore, I am glad on your
behalf; but I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil” (Romans 16:19) NKJV.

SUMMARY: It is required for every faithful believer to brighten their own corner, serve God
wholeheartedly. Joyfully give yourself as a living sacrifice to serve the Lord. Imbibing the values,
customs and behaviour of the world will result to condemnation, therefore, don’t ever conform to the
practice of this world. Distinguish yourself in the work of God like Andronicus, Tunia and others
mentioned by Paul in Romans 16:1-16. You will be commended and highly respected if you deploy your
gifts and resources for the growth of the Church. Rebellious people will reap condemnation while those
who promote God’s work will be commended.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 12:1 - 11; Evening: Prov. 30 - 31

REVISION DAY 7 29/5/2022

Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 12:12 - 29; Evening: Eccl. 1 - 3

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(JUNE, 2022 - AUGUST, 2022)

Proverbs simply means a short well known statement that contains advice about life in general.
Our studies this quarter is from the book of Proverbs with the greater part written by Solomon. It
is a collection of pithy or wise saying which teaches one how to make prudent use of life’s
situation were recommended virtues that will enhance a rightful thinking person to possess
wisdom, filiar, piety, domestic faithfulness, diligence and honesty in business relationships.
Thus, it provides means of walking with our Creator without blemish.
The current prevalence of wickedness, vices, immorality, non-regard for moral ethics and all
kinds of inward sins and outward disregard for godliness in our contemporary world calls for
teachings that could make believers not to compromise their faith. To continue in the fear of the
Lord, there is need to imbibe the teachings from Proverbs. The lessons in this quarter gives a
godly worldview and insight which is capable of making those who yield to them please God in
life. The core message is Proverbs 1:7 – “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom”. It
provides a proper understanding of all the Proverbs. One can only worship, love and obey God
and others rightly with the fear of the Lord.
This quarter’s lesson ‘Wisdom for Today (Lessons From The Book Of Proverbs)’ is divided
into 3 units:
UNIT 1: Wisdom Towards God (Lessons 1-4)
UNIT 2: Wisdom Towards Self (Lessons 5-8)
UNIT 3: Wisdom For Existence (Lessons 9-12)
Wisdom towards God result to peace, progress, joy and make those that fear God not to
involve in moral laxity of the present day. Wisdom towards self inculcate discipline to observe
moral ethics to live a godly life befitting of believer. If one inadventedly commit an error, he or
she should take to correction to ensure proper restoration. In the management of our wealth and
disposition in business, we are to remain unspotted and unblemish in our dealings.
Ensure that you attend all the lessons in this quarter. The lessons are well designed to make
you informed and eligible to stand the test of time and yield not to the enticement of Satan. Some
carefree Christians have fallen to the trick of Satan. If you heed to the moral teachings in these
lessons, you will continue strong in your Christian journey and finish well. Heed all the
instructions provided by all the lessons. It will amaze you how your Christian’s life will be
moulded positively.

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LESSON 1 5/6/2022
Suggested Hymns: G. H. B. 61, 83
Devotional Reading: Ps. 112:1-10
Topic For Adults: Blessed Is The Man Who Fears The Lord
Topic For Youths: The Fear Of The Lord Is The Beginning Of Wisdom
Topic For Intermediates: The Fear Of The Lord Is To Hate Evil
Lesson Scriptures: Gen. 4:1-11; 39:1-12; Exo. 5:1-5, Rom. 1:28-32;
Dan. 3:12-25, Neh. 5:14-19; Ps. 112:1-10.

“The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way
and the perverse mouth I hate” (Proverbs 8:13) NKJV.


Many people tremble when there is thunder and lightning and shout the name of Jesus. This is not the fear
of the Lord. Some people are terrified when there is an accident or when something terrible happens, and
they begin to call upon the name of the Lord. This is not the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord means
to love, honour and respect God. If you fear the Lord, you will not like to offend Him or to do contrary to
His commandments. The fear of the Lord is also to live in awe of His power and sovereignty. To fear the
Lord means to run away from sin. A person who fears God will hate sin with perfect hatred.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: To fear the Lord is to hate sin.

PRAYER POINT: Father, help me to hate sin with perfect hatred.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Heb. 13; Evening: Eccl. 4-6

TUE. 31/5/2022 JOSEPH FEARED THE LORD GEN. 39:1-13

Joseph was a young man who went through tough times in life. He was hated by his older brothers
because of his father’s unique love for him and for his dreams that suggested that he would one day rule
over them. He was thrown into a pit and later brought out and was sold into slavery. Unfortunately,
instead of his dreams coming to pass, he seemed to be going farther and farther away from the fulfillment
and from home. However, in the midst of all these, when the wife of his boss tempted him persistently
asking him to sleep with her, Joseph refused. He said among other vital points “How then can I do this
great wickedness, and sin against God?” The fear of God would not make one succumb to temptations.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The fear of the Lord is an antidote to sin.

PRAYER POINT: Help me to always have Your fear at heart so as to be strengthened against the power of
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Jam. 1:1-11; Evening: Eccl. 7-9


Dangers abound everywhere. Satan comes to steal, to kill and to destroy (Jn. 10:10a). Also, Satan, the
adversary walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet. 5:8). Evil spirits and
wicked people are everywhere destroying the lives of people. They inflict people with sicknesses and
diseases. Road accidents also maim and claim human lives in large numbers. Against all these and many
others, God has made provisions for the protection by angels for all those who fear the Lord. As a result,
we should have the fear of God in our hearts so that we can enjoy the protection by the angels all the time.

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POINT OF EMPHASIS: The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them.
PRAYER POINT: Father, help me to have reverence for You so that I can continue to enjoy angelic
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Jam. 1:12-27; Evening: Eccl. 10-12


Many people, both men and women, have been misled into marriage through physical appearance. Many
men have been carried away into marrying wrong wives due to their beauty. Many of these marriages
have led to sorrow, heartache, and regret. This is because the women lack the fear of God. The Bible says
“charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised”. The
fear of the Lord is the virtue or quality or characteristics of a worthy woman. The woman who fears the
Lord will be holy, trustworthy, responsible, hardworking, caring and speaking with wisdom.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The fear of the Lord is the inner beauty of a woman.
PRAYER POINT: Dear Lord, fill my heart with the fear of You so that I can depart from evil.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Jam. 2:1-13; Evening: SOS. 1-3

FRI. 3/6/2022 WHO TO FEAR LK. 12:4-5

Due to persecution many people refuse to be committed to Jesus. They are afraid of men and women due
to their position, influence, riches, power and so on. Jesus makes us to understand that men may have
power to kill the body but cannot do anything more. However, we should fear God who after killing has
the power to cast into hell. We should always be willing to do the will of God regardless of the threat or
intimidation of men.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Fear God who can kill and cast into hell.
PRAYER POINT: Help me to fear You at all times.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Jam. 2:14-26; Evening: SOS. 4-6

Many people claim they fear God or respect Him even when they show disregard for His word. Such
people are deceiving themselves. To show that you fear the Lord, you must have respect for His word.
You must desire to meditate on His word and be obedient. If you don’t desire the word of God or respect
it, it means that the fear of God is not in your heart. Unfortunately, there are some people in the Church
who make phone calls when the preacher is ministering. Some will be discussing with others thereby
distracting the attention of others. There is lack of respect for the word of God. You must understand that
God honours only those who honour and respect His word. Therefore, to find favour in the sight of God
and to please Him, you must respect His word.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God honours those who honour His words.

PRAYER POINT: Father help me to respect Your word.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Jam. 3; Evening: SOS. 7-8

SUN. 5/6/2022 SOME WAYS TO FEAR THE LORD HEB. 12:28-29

Many people are ignorant of what it means to fear the Lord. They are also ignorant of how we can
demonstrate the fear of the Lord. As was explained on Monday, to fear the Lord means to love, honour
and respect Him. Consequently, we can demonstrate our fear of God through: Praise and thanksgiving for
the wonder of His grace towards us (Joel 2:26); meditation and obedience to the word of God; love for
God; Serving Him with holy fear and awe (Ps. 89:7; Heb. 12:28-29); prayer (Ps. 99:6); evangelism
(Isaiah 12:4) and being truthful (John 1:14; 14:6; Eph. 4:25; 5:9).

POINT OF EMPHASIS: To fear the Lord is to love, honour and respect Him.

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PRAYER POINT: Heavenly Father, help me to fear You in practical ways.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Jam. 4; Evening: Isa. 1-3

Wickedness, violence, corruption, abortion, murder, kidnapping, rape, ritual killing, eating of human
flesh and drinking of human blood and all kinds of sins and evils are being perpetrated with reckless
abandon in the society today because of lack of the fear of the Lord. If people fear the Lord according to
the Scripture, they will not be sinning there will be peace, progress and joy. The will of God will be done.


EXO. 5:1-5; ROM. 1:28-32
According to the passages above and many more not quoted because of space, there are clear
manifestations of lifestyles devoid of the fear of the Lord. Cain became envious and killed his brother in
spite of God’s warning. Pharaoh became swollen-headed and stubborn and refused to allow the children
of Israel to go and serve the Lord. He and his people paid dearly for this, as they eventually perished in
the Red Sea (Exo. 14:21-31).
In Rom. 1:28-32, we can see clearly, the lifestyles that show lack of the fear of the Lord. Those who
live contrary to the words of God do not fear the Lord. Those who live sinful lives do not fear the Lord.
The thieves, fornicators, adulterers, adulteresses, abortionists, armed robbers, kidnappers, students who
are involved in examination malpractices, the corrupt officials and those who embezzle public money
don’t have the fear of God in their hearts.
Examine yourself if you still indulge in sin or you still disobey known instructions and
commandments of God. You need to repent and have a change of heart because the judgment of God is
imminent on those who disrespect Him in anyway.
Foreign Missions Copy

3:12-25; NEH. 5:14-19
Jesus said “therefore by their fruits you will know them” (Matt. 7:20). Whoever fears the Lord will be
recognised through his or her lifestyle. In spite of the sinful and persistent sexual temptation from
Potiphar’s wife, Joseph did not sleep with the woman. He resisted the temptation. He said among other
things “…how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?”. Joseph resisted the temptation
because he feared the Lord. Whoever fears the Lord will resist and run away from sin regardless of the
The three Hebrews; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to worship the golden image which
Nebuchadnezzar had set up in spite of the threat of the burning fiery furnace. They said among other
things “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If that is the case, our God
whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your
hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you O King, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we
worship the golden image which you have set up” (Daniel 3:16-18).
They demonstrated their loyalty to God because they feared the Lord. Whoever has the fear of the
Lord will be loyal to God and will not succumb to the temptation of serving and worshipping the gods of
wood, sex, money, football, masquerade, alcohol, drug and so on.
For fear of the Lord, Nehemiah, unlike the governors before him did not lay unnecessary burden upon
the people of Israel while rebuilding the wall after they had returned from captivity (Neh. 5:15). Leaders
who have the fear of the Lord will not lay unnecessary burden on the people they lead.


There are several promises for those who fear the Lord. If we fear the Lord, we can confidently claim
these promises and blessings. Here are some of them which we need to meditate on and claim.

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Those who fear the Lord:
1. are assured of angelic protection (Ps. 34:7);
2. command God’s continual attention (Ps. 33:18);
3. access His provision (Ps. 34:9, Ps. 111:5);
4. receive God’s great mercy (Ps. 103:11);
5. have their heart desires granted (Ps. 145:19);
6. are endowed with wisdom and understanding (Prov. 9:10-11);
7. are confident (Prov. 14:26-27);
8. have peace of mind (Prov. 15:16);
9. are made rich, honoured and filled with life (Prov. 22:4);
10. are given clear direction (Ps. 25:12);
11. have a good reward for their labour (Matt. 16:27).
I encourage everyone of us to cultivate the fear of the Lord in our daily living and relationships. We
can then boldly claim the above promises and many more.

To fear the Lord should be a very easy way of life ready to enjoy the abundant blessings and benefit
embedded in it, but unfortunately, the force dwelling in man runs contrary. The fear of God is the
beginning of wisdom to be prosperous, to be secured, to be healthy and eventually be in heaven with God
It should be noted, that in this age of information, knowledge is plentiful but wisdom is scarce. Since
the fear of Lord is the beginning of wisdom, adhere to godly wisdom which the Bible offers.

1. Going by the week’s lesson, what does it mean to fear the Lord?
2. Mention some of the marks of lack of the fear of the Lord.
3. Mention some people in the Bible who feared the Lord and some of the people who did not have the
fear of the Lord.
4. Mention some of the benefits which accrue to those who fear the Lord.
5. What steps will you take to demonstrate the fear of the Lord?

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LESSON 2 12/6/2022
Suggested Hymns: G. H. B. 61, 69.
Devotional Reading. Ezek. 28:12-18
Topic For Adults: God Resists The Proud
Topic For Youths: Walk Humbly With God
Topic For Intermediates: Be Humble
Lesson Scriptures: Prov. 18:12; 16:18; Ps. 51:17, Isa. 66:2; 14:12-15; 1 Pet. 5:5. Jam. 4:5-7. Lk. 12:16-21;
Phil. 2:5-11; Ezek. 28:12-17; Deut. 8:2-3

“Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, And before honor is humility” (Proverbs 18:12) NKJV.


MON. 6/6/2022 IT IS A MATTER OF THE HEART PS. 51:17, ISA. 66:2,1 PET. 5:5
One of the marks of a Christian is brokenness. Today, there are many people in Christendom who claim
to be Christians but are not broken. One of the requirements of the godly to walk acceptably with God is a
broken and contrite heart. One of the reasons many are carnal and far from being spiritual is this issue of
the heart. When the heart of man is not right, his whole life will not be right. This is the reason why many
so-called Christians are arrogant, deceitful and unapproachable. In view of this, to receive the word of
God and demonstrate practical Christianity will be difficult. A broken and contrite heart is a requirement
for you to be godly, imbibe it.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: A broken and contrite heart is a necessity for you to be godly, imbibe it.
PRAYER POINT: Heavenly Father, bless me with a broken and contrite heart that trembles at Your word.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Jam. 5:1 - 12; Evening: Isa. 4-6

TUE. 7/6/2022 PRIDE GOES BEFORE A FALL PROV. 16:18; 18:12

An on-line dictionary defines pride as a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own
achievements. One of the most effective weapons in the hands of the devil to pull down anyone is this
five-letter word – Pride. No matter how great and anointed a man or woman may be, no matter what great
destiny a man or woman carries; pride can rob him or her of it in a short moment of time. If achievement
or success to men can abhor those who arrogate themselves, how much more the Almighty God. The
reason Lucifer became the devil was simply because of pride. Beware, pride is a killer and robber of
destiny, flee from it.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Beware of pride; it is a five-letter word that kills.

PRAYER POINT: Oh Lord, deliver me from pride and everything associated with it.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Jam. 5:13 - 20; Evening: Isa. 7-9


An on-line Dictionary defines “Resist” as “To fight against something or someone; to withstand, oppose,
fend off, oppose actively…”. The Dictionary definition of pride is enough to show us how bad it is and
how much a proud man is at loggerheads with his creator. When a man cannot be made to acknowledge
his fault, tender his apology and ask for forgiveness; it is simply because of pride. When a man is full of
himself, even those he calls his friends will be dealing with him at arm’s length. They will only be
singing his praises, telling him words that he wants to hear and will not warn of the impending danger
that they see looming at him. God looks at a proud man afar off but gives grace to the humble. Humility is
not a sign of weakness or stupidity. God resists the proud, spiritual men also do.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: You cannot be proud and godly.
Prayer Point: Oh Lord, uproot every seed of pride in my life and give me the grace to be humble.

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Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Pet.1:1-12; Evening: Isa. 10-12


There are many reasons why people, including Christians, are proud. Some are proud because of their
worldly attainments, background and opportunities. There is pride of place – where you are born, your
nativity or the family into which you were born. There is pride of lace – the clothes you wear. The
question you should answer is, “what do you have without God? Whatever is making you to arrogate,
puff up yourself and look down on others is your enemy that must be jettisoned with immediate effect.
The parable of the rich fool is a typical example we all should learn from. The people you are looking
down on today may be privileged and exalted tomorrow. Remember, a proud man is an enemy of both
God and man; don’t be one of them.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Whatever you are and whatever you have is a privilege and gift from God, don’t
boast of them.
PRAYER POINT: My blessings shall not turn me against God in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Pet.1:13-25 ; Evening: Isa.13-15


God demands that His children be humble and godly, and it is impossible to be godly without being
humble. Pride is the easiest weapon in the hands of the devil to rob man of his life, destiny and star. After
all, it was Lucifer’s undoing. The Lord Jesus gave us a great example of humility to follow. Jesus – He
being equal with God, made Himself of no reputation, took upon Him the form of a servant, became
obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. The cross – which then was an emblem of shame and
reproach, was the way by which His humility was displayed and through which He purchased our eternal
salvation (Gal. 3:13). Many Christians today are selective of what work they can do in the Church simply
because of pride. He did not arrogate power to Himself and God highly exalted Him and has given Him a
name that is above every other name. Remember that the way up is down, before honour is humility and
if you are too big to serve; then you are too small to lead.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The Lord Jesus humbled Himself and was highly exalted by God, emulate Him.
PRAYER POINT: I receive the grace to make Jesus my example in all things in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Pet.2:1-12; Evening: Isa. 16-18

SAT. 11/6/2022 LEARN FROM LUCIFER EZEK. 28:12-17; ISA. 14:12-15

It is easy and possible for a man to become another thing far from what God created and meant for him to
be when he is not walking worthy of his calling. The young Prophet in 1 Kings chapter 13 was a man
endowed with the gifts, grace and anointing of a Prophet. In fact he was not named in the Bible because
he was in the introductory part of his ministry. However, he was not able to maintain his ministry. He
became history. Such is the case of many Christians today. They could not live up to God’s expectation
and could not fulfill their God-ordained destiny because of one character flaw or the other. Pride was
what led to the downfall of Lucifer and he became the devil and Satan for which he is known today. He
fell from grace to grass. We are aware of God’s ultimate judgment waiting for him at the end of time.
Learn from Satan and never allow pride or any iniquity to be your undoing.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Satan fell from grace to grass because of pride; don’t be like him.
PRAYER POINT: I will not dabble into anything that will rob me of my destiny in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Pet.2:13-25; Evening: Isa. 19-21


As children of God, there are various ways and means by which God teaches us. The Bible verses we read
today confirm that whatever God permitted the Israelites to experience in their wilderness wanderings

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was a way of teaching them the virtue of humility. The wanderings, lack of suitable food and water all
added to teach them to become what God planned for them to be. In like manner today, there are things,
situations and circumstances that we undergo that God may be using to train us to be humble. For
example, for Apostle Paul; it was a thorn in his flesh. We therefore need to beware and patiently wait on
God in whatever situation so that we may not foolishly and ignorantly fail our spiritual examination.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: No promotion without examination, wait on God and don’t fail your spiritual
PRAYER POINT: Oh Lord, grant me the grace to wait on You until Your purpose is accomplished in my
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: I Pet.3:1-12; Evening: Isa. 22-24
The Bible and our contemporary world are littered with examples of both men and women with great
potentials, gifts and glorious destinies but who failed miserably and could not live to accomplish their
divine purposes because of – PRIDE! There are many who started with all the support and backing of the
Almighty God but who got side-tracked as their achievements and successes began to get into their heads.
Many of such who have been abandoned and replaced by God are looking for the arms of flesh, to do the
work of God. This lesson is meant to remind us the evil of pride and emphasise the blessedness of


The Merriam Webster on-line Dictionary defines pride in the following ways; “the quality of being
proud: such as a feeling that you respect yourself and deserved to be respected by other people, a feeling
that you are more important or better than other people; a feeling of happiness that you get when you do
something good”. You cannot be proud and be godly. Pride is a feeling of self-importance that makes one
to look down on others. A proud man will not give the necessary respect to those that are placed above
him or those who are senior to him in age and experience. A proud man is always right, he wants to have
the last say in every conversation and would impose his own ideas on others. One of the things that
salvation should take away from you is pride. In the Church, there are men and women who are still
enslaved by the spirit of pride which they explain away as peculiar to their tribe or town. When they
display such vice therefore, they say it is an inborn thing, it is in their blood. Is it a fact that one of the
benefits of salvation is a changed life and character? When a man maintains character traits peculiar to his
place of origin or birth, it is a sign that such a man though converted is not yet broken. A broken man will
submit all at the cross and his life will be rid of the adamic nature, pride, arrogance, stubbornness and the
like that are traceable to their place of origin and birth. One of the tell-tale signs that a man is godly is
humility. It is true that you cannot be proud and still resemble Christ. A child of God must consciously
and deliberately work on himself to get rid of pride because it destroys.

PART 2: PRIDE IS A KILLER - EZEK. 28:12-15, ISA. 14:12-15; REV. 12:1-3

God did not create Lucifer as Satan in the beginning; however, his pride brought him down. The
parable of the rich fool in the New Testament is exactly like what happened to Lucifer. He was
beautifully created with wonderful precious stones. However, his fall came the day he began to puff up,
desiring to be higher than his creator and maker. The rich fool died the day he also arrogated all his
achievement to his personal prowess. Isaiah 14:12-15, Satan refers to himself with personal pronoun ‘I’
severally. The vocabulary of a proud man is always “I, me, my and mine”. Many people have forgotten
their source and shifted their focus from God because of their worldly achievements. Pride has become an
issue in the Church of God today because of what God permitted men to have. Below are some of the
signs of pride to watch out for.
 Seeing yourself as too good to perform certain tasks.
 Looking down on others.

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 Inability to ask for help when you need it.
 Talking too much about yourself.
 Thinking that you are better than others.
 Having a judgmental spirit towards others.
 Fault finding.
 Approval and praise seeking.
 Inability to admit your mistakes and errors.
 Inability to say sorry and mean it.
 Unwillingness to accept constructive criticism.
 Ingratitude.
 Disregarding the advice of others.
 Unwillingness to submit to authority.
 Justifying your sin instead of admitting it.
Lucifer became Satan - the devil because of pride. Run from pride, it is a killer and robber of destiny.


Jesus Christ gave us a perfect example of what humility really entails. Though He Himself being in the
form of God and equal with God, but;
 He made Himself of no reputation.
 He took the form of a servant, not of a master.
 He was made in the likeness of man and fashioned as a man.
 He humbled Himself, and
 He became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
The Lord Jesus Christ came to the world simply to carry out the commandment of His Father,
pursued it until He accomplished it on the cruel Roman cross. He did not turn away from the will of His
Father despite knowing the gravity of what He stood to face. He obeyed to the end. Jesus have both the
power and authority over the ones using authority and power over Him. Yet, He maintained both His cool
and silence. No wonder He was able to please God and accomplish His divine purpose. Believers should
endeavour to emulate Jesus in all things. Christians obedient to constituted authorities and Biblical
injunctions. Don’t be a bad example to others; emulate Christ who is both your Saviour and Master.

No matter the destiny a man carries, the anointing and how great a man is ordained to be, pride can
ruin him in a day. Beware of pride, it kills, rather be humble.

1. What is pride?
2. Mention Biblical characters who failed God because of pride.
3. Give five signs of pride to watch out for.
4. In what ways are you displaying pride in your character today?
5. What can you deduce from this passage - Prov. 18:12 - “Before destruction the heart of a man is
haughty and before honour is humility” (NKJV).
LESSON 3 19/6/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 37, 306
Devotional Reading: 1 Cor. 15:30-34
Topic For Adults: You Are Different
Topic For Youths: Be Wise; Make Godly Friends
Topic For Intermediate: Who Is Your Friend?

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Lesson Scriptures: 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Jam. 4:4; 2 Sam. 13:1-15, Prov. 1:8-15; 13:20, 17:17; 18:24; 4:23; Lk.
6:43-45; Jn.15:13, Rom. 5:7-8

“He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed” (Proverbs 13:20)


MON. 13/6/2022 YOUR DUAL CITIZENSHIP 2 COR. 6:14-18
We live in the world and interact daily with both believers as well as unbelievers. The way the unbeliever
behaves and lives is quite different from the way the believer in Christ lives. As a child of God, the
Christian is a citizen of two kingdoms, namely the earthly and the heavenly. The heavenly kingdom is
opened for you at the verge of salvation. Though, we live in the world, we are not to live and behave the
way the unbelievers do. Our character and way of life is to reflect heaven on earth. Our changed lives are
exactly what make us Christians. The life we live here on earth will tell where we will end it and it is
what will grant us entry to heaven. Do not allow your earthly life to corrupt and destroy your heavenly

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Your earthly life can either make you fit or unfit for heaven, don’t permit your
earthly life to corrupt and destroy your heavenly life.
PRAYER POINT: My earthly life shall not mar my heavenly home.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Pet.3:13-22; Evening: Isa. 25-27.


The Christian is expected to live on earth, in the process, please God and prepare ultimately for the
heavenly home. A child of God should also exemplify Christianity by his or her holy living. Worldliness
is becoming an issue in the Church today. When the daughters of Zion and the sons of Jacob are desiring
to dress, sing, dance and live the way the daughters of Jezebel and sons of Anak do; is that not
worldliness? Today, Christians are divided on what to wear and what not to wear. A child of God should
live distinct and separate from the world. Body hug, sleeveless, transparent, mini and micro mini-skirts,
crazy hairstyles, tattoos and body piercing should not be mentioned among believers. Check yourself. Are
you not slowly desiring the things of the world?

POINT OF EMPHASIS: You are a child of God, live your life to glorify God on daily basis.
PRAYER POINT: Heavenly Father, help me to live my life to please You and to prepare for heaven.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Pet. 4; Evening: Isa. 28-30

WED. 15/6/2022 WHO IS YOUR FRIEND? 2 SAM. 13:1-15

Everyone on earth has one person or the other he or she can call a friend. A friend is a person with whom
one has a bond of mutual affection. However, experience has shown that there are good and bad friends.
This readily brings to mind the popular saying”show me your friend and I will tell you who you are”.
There are stories of people who have either been positively or negatively affected by the friends they
keep. A friend like Jonadab in the passage read can easily aid one in going astray. You must be careful
and watchful of whom you keep as friend. A friend who would not provoke you to do anything spiritual
should be jettisoned because a friend who does not make you will mar you.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Beware of those you make your friends because a friend can either make or mar
PRAYER POINT: Lord help me in my choice of friends.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Pet. 5; Evening: Isa. 31-33

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THUR. 16/6/2022 BEWARE OF PEER PRESSURE PROV. 1:8-15; 13:20
Peer pressure is when you are influenced by other people (of the same age, status or class) to act in a
certain way. It is when friends or a group of people make you to do something you wouldn’t have done.
Many children of God get to tertiary institutions or join societies and clubs only to be influenced
negatively. They forget their spiritual upbringing and Biblical convictions. A child of God should beware
of following multitude to do evil. A needle without thread will easily get lost, do not lose you spiritual

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Beware of peer pressure; don’t follow multitude to do evil.

PRAYER POINT: Heavenly Father, help me not to be tossed around, but to be firm and resolute.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Pet.1:1-11; Evening: Isa.34-36

FRI. 17/6/2022 SOMEONE NEEDS YOUR LOVE PROV. 17:17; 18:24

It is easy for some people to make friends. It is expected that those who want to make friends should also
be friendly. It is what you give that you will receive. There are friends who have helped their friends to
achieve greatness and connected them to destiny helpers. There are also some people who have led their
friends into trouble. There are some brethren in the Church today who cannot point to anyone as their
friend. They always frown their faces and wear a sad look. A friend is a burden bearer and a problem
shared is half solved. You must show yourself friendly and be a good friend to others. Someone needs
your love; show love to someone today.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Someone needs your love; show love to someone today.
POINT OF PRAYER: Lord make me a child of consolation and an encourager to someone today.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Pet.1:12-21; Evening: Isa.37-39

SAT. 18/6/2022 GUARD YOUR HEART PROV. 4:23, LK. 6:43-45

The most important parts of man is his heart. God and Satan are daily fighting for the control and
possession of the heart of man. If the heart of man is right, then his whole life and world will be right.
Today, the world at large and our society are saturated with evil because of the heart of man. Jesus
confirmed in Lk. 6:43-45 that every good or bad thought and deed originates from the heart of man. The
evil perpetrated daily in our world start with a mere thought and when it is acted upon, the result (positive
or negative) will be visible for all to see. According to the popular saying, “you cannot hinder a bird from
flying over your head, but you can prevent it from perching there”, you can weed out the negative
thoughts and not permit them to influence you. The duty to make your heart pure and right with God is
purely your personal responsibility. Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Guard your heart diligently, for when your heart is right; your life will be right.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, please purge my heart of every filth.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Pet.2:1-11; Evening: Isa.40-42

SUN. 19/6/2022 MAKE JESUS YOUR BEST FRIEND JN. 15:13, ROM. 5:7-8
There are friends who deceive and betray. We have also heard about friends who lead their friends astray
and even killed them. Beware of the man or woman you call your friend(s) because he or she can either
lead you to your stardom or your doom. Jesus Christ is a friend that will never fail you. He will never
deceive you. He is the loving friend who laid down His life for your salvation. Tell Him your innermost
thoughts and share your problems with Him in prayers. He is a friend who cares. Make Jesus your best
friend today and He will take you home to be with Him eternally someday.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Choose your friends prayerfully and make Jesus Christ your best friend.
PRAYER POINT: Lord Jesus I need You, help me to make You my choice friend.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Pet.2:12-22; Evening: Isa.43-45.

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There are friends and there are friends. There are people who are close to us and from whom we take
counsel, tell our innermost secrets and who we permit to influence us. Some of us can testify that we did
some things during the time of ignorance. There is a popular saying that, “the sheep that befriends a dog
may likely eat faeces”. The lesson of this week aims to emphasise the need for us to beware of those we
take as friends. We should not permit them to influence us negatively so as not to do contrary to our


The Christian is of dual citizenship. He belongs to both the earthly and heavenly kingdoms. However,
he is not to be like the world or operate like the people in it. He has been saved to live a life that is
different from that of those who are yet to be saved. The way he dresses, transacts business and behaves,
should be quite different from the rules, regulations and constitutions of the world. The Bible enjoins the
Christian to be separate and not to love the world.
Today, we see the world in the Church as Christians compromise their faith and indulge in what God
commanded them to be separated from. Consider the following;
- There are Ministers and Church workers with controversial haircuts – punk, etc. Imagine your liberty
sending someone away from Christ to hell.
- Many Christians wear body parts like body hug dresses, mini and micro skirts, sleeveless and
transparent clothes which are body revealing.
- There is the use of slangs, sensual words, evil jests and the likes which do not edify.
A ripe orange is known by its colour and the ripeness begins from the inside and reflect on the outside.
A Christian should manifest his or her christianity from the inside; it should reflect on the outward
appearance, in his/her language, dressing and character. Many leaders of the Church are afraid of telling
the truth as it is so as not to lose members. What is the advantage of gathering people who will only be
worldly and unfit for the kingdom of God? You are not to encourage or partake in the decadence and
pollution of the world. Be ye separate.


There are many wise sayings or idiomatic expressions on the badness and goodness of friends and
friendship. One of such transliterated from the Yoruba parlance says, “A sheep that associates with a dog
may eat what the dog eats”. That simply means that your association can affect or influence you. Another
of such idioms says, “Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are”.
The Bible confirms in our text that, “He that walks with wise men shall be wise…” (Prov. 13:20).
Some of us can testify that while growing up, there were many things we did both good and bad because
our friends did them. They influenced us and we did what they were doing. There are born again and
fervent children of God who have been known to forsake their Christian upbringing; rejected their
Christian faith and abandoned the Church as a result of peer pressure. They want to “belong”, live as a
big boy or big girl while on campus.
Some have joined the occult, yahoo boys and the like because of pressure from their peers.
- Amnon would have remained the true heir apparent to the throne of David if he had rejected the evil
counsel of his friend Jonadab (2 Sam. 13:1-15).
- Rehoboam the son of Solomon would have retained the twelve tribes of Israel under him if he had
rejected the counsel of his peers (1 Kgs. 12:9-14).
Since it is easy to be influenced by the company you keep there is the need for caution in choosing
your intimate friends. Your destiny can be truncated by evil influence, therefore, you must choose your
friends wisely, prayerfully and associate with those who will challenge you to be better be it spiritually or
otherwise. Remember, not everyone can be your close friend. You have a purpose, a destiny to fulfill; do
not allow bad influence to ruin it.

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The Lord Jesus Christ chose only twelve people as His disciples to be with Him and that He may send
them out to preach the Gospel. However, among those twelve men was Judas – the betrayer. The
friendship between Jonathan and David was a true, pure and loving one. David confirmed that, “thy love
to me was wonderful, passing the love of women” (2 Sam. 1:26b). Jonadab was a friend who counseled
Ammon his friend to commit sin with his half-sister (2 Sam. 13:4-5). During his challenges and tests, Job
called his friends “miserable comforters” (Job 16:2). At a time, David lamented and prayed against his
evil and disappointing friends (Ps. 55:12-15). However, Barnabas was a son of consolation (Acts 4:36).
The above are few examples of friends in the Holy Bible.
 There are friends who stick closer than brothers.
 There are friends who want you to be better.
 There are friends who only want to collect from you and have nothing to contribute to your
However, there is a friend who loves at all times and in all situations. His name is Jesus Christ. He
never disappoints and never fails. The secrets you tell Him are ever secure. You can tell Him your
innermost secrets and challenges. He so loved us that He paid the ultimate price for our salvation. Do not
live your life in isolation and apart from Him. Involve Him in all matters of your life and you will see
everything working well.

This lesson has emphasised the fact that the purpose of God in the life of a man can be actualise or
terminate by the type of friends a person keeps. As a result, you must be prayerful and watchful in your
choice of friends and companions. Choose friends that will challenge and make you better. Remember
that Jesus Christ is the best friend anyone can have.

1. ‘A Christian is of dual citizenship’. Explain.
2. In your own words, define who a friend is.
3. What are the dangers in associating with bad companions?
4. Give Biblical examples of good and bad friends.
5. It is a common saying that the world infilterated into the Church. How far is this true? Justify your
answer giving practical examples.

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LESSON 4 26/6/2022
Suggested Hymn: GHB 61
Devotional Reading: Proverbs 19:20-29
Topic For Adults: Safety In Godly Counsel
Topic For Youths: Walk In The Counsel Of The Wise
Topic For Intermediates: Seek Godly Counsel
Lesson Scriptures: Job 2:9-10; 2 Sam.13:1-16; Num. 31:16;
Prov. 12:5; 19:20-21; 15:22, 31-33; 24:6

“A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding
shall attain unto wise counsels” (Proverbs 1:5) NKJV.


The only source of wise and godly counsel is God and His word. Only the wise listens to godly advice,
accepts instructions continually and proactively seeks out wise counsel. In fact, to be wise and remain in
the will of God, you must not seek counsel from the ungodly. Therefore, on any crucial matter and issue
of your life, it is better to seek godly counsel from godly people and prepare your mind to follow and
obey. The holy writ is very clear; don’t allow ungodly people have any influence on you. The influence
you allow wrong people to have on you will to a large extent determine your spiritual destiny.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Get all the advice and instruction you need from godly people so that you will be
wise for the rest of your life.
PRAYER POINT: Destroy every negative influence of any ungodly counsellor in my life Oh! Lord.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Pet.3; Evening: Isa.46-48

TUE. 21/6/2022 HE WHO HATES CORRECTION PROV. 9:7-12; 12:1

The purpose of godly counsel is to correct any area of our lives that needs to be corrected. The bitter truth
is that most people hate correction because it may not be pleasant to hear and at times it touches our area
of weakness and humbles us. The purpose of correction is to make us better persons. When we work on
ourselves and try to make any necessary adjustment in our attitude, habit, character or lifestyle, we
become better and the name of God is glorified. Accepting correction make the wise wiser but only the
foolish will reject correction.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge. But he who hates correction is stupid
(Prov. 12:1).
PRAYER POINT: Lord God, give me grace to accept godly counsels in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Jn. 1; Evening: Isa.49-51


The knowledge, intelligence, and experience of your advisers will go a long way to determine the quality
and effectiveness of their advice. The elders who worked with Solomon gave his son sound advice, yet,
Rehoboam preferred the advice of the young men who are far younger and less experienced to guide him.
These young men demonstrated no concept of what real life is like and showed no mercy to those who
were less fortunate than themselves The consequence of this bad advice on Rehoboam led him to loose;
more than 80 percent of the populace to his opponent. There is great value in soliciting advice from those
who are older and wiser. We must also be very careful not to seek out only the counsel we want to hear. It
is very dangerous to reject the counsel of the wise and the elders. Experience is a good teacher. The Holy
Spirit is the best Teacher.

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POINT OF EMPHASIS: Don’t rely only on your peers for advice, always seek good counsel of those who
are older, wiser and more mature.
PRAYER POINTS: Holy Spirit, empower me to always seek advice from the right quarters.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Jn. 2: 1-14; Evening: Isa.52-54
Foreign Missions Copy


Moses was a hardworking man but he did not apply wisdom and so, he did not work smart. He had to do
it all. He led the people of Israel out of Egypt, acted as intermediary between God and the people, led the
people in battle, led them in worship, and settled all their disputes and quarrels. This was an enormous,
time and energy consuming task. Jethro analysed the situation, suggested a solution. He frankly advised
his son in law to intelligently share the burdens and responsibilities of leadership with other responsible
people. This according to him will reduce the stress and pressure on Moses and the people, and there will
be peace, harmony and progress in the camp. What a great relief for Moses and the Israelites. Thank God
for good and godly advice, and kudos to Moses for heeding to the advice

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed (Prov.15:22
PRAYER POINT: O God, surround me with godly advisers that will make the journey easier for me.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Jn. 2: 15-29; Evening: Isa.55-57.


King Josiah was a great reformer and God tremendously used him to restore true worship in Israel. The
Bible records in his honour that “Josiah removed all the detestable idols from all the territories
belonging to the Israelites, and had all who were present in Israel serve the Lord their God, as long as he
lived, they did not fail to follow the Lord, the God of their fathers” (2 Chro. 34:33 NIV), He died young
because he rejected good advice and followed his own way. Neco, the king of Egypt told him in plain
language that he had no quarrel with him but to carry out God’s judgment against the enemy of God.
King Neco even advised him to stop opposing God but he won’t listen. Ignoring God’s message through
Neco cost Josiah his life (2 Chro. 35:22).

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Josiah died prematurely because he rejected godly counsel.

PRAYER POINT: Help me, O God, to be spiritually sensitive and obedient to Your voice and Your
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: I Jhn. 3: 1-9; Evening: Isa.58-60


David erred, slept with Uriah’s wife and killed the husband to conceal his atrocity. David thought he had
perfectly concealed his crime. Then Prophet Nathan sent by God confronted and constructively criticised
David and sincerely pronounced the Lord’s verdict. (2 Sam. 12:1-14). “For God will bring every deed
into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil” (Ecc.12:14 NIV). David’s sin was
done in secret and was carefully concealed. But the punishment was fulfilled on the roof of the palace -
David’s son – Absalom slept with David’s concubine on the roof of the palace, in the sight of all Israel (2
Sam.16:22). If David had forseen this terrible consequence, no doubt he would have resisted the urge to
pursue Bathsheba and killed her husband. When God sent Nathan to reprimand David, he responded
positively to the prophet’s rebuke and criticism. He repented and confessed his horrible sin. He was not
like Jeroboam who commanded the arrest of the prophet sent to correct him (1 Kgs. 13:4).

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Rebuke may not be easy in the first instance, however, God will restore you if you
repent, confess and turn a new leaf.

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PRAYER POINT: Give me a humble heart, O God, to respond positively to any correction from Your
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1Jn. 3: 10-24; Evening: Isa.61-63


The nation of Israel marched out of Egypt gloriously and triumphantly under the leadership of Moses.
Suddenly, they looked behind them and saw Pharaoh and his army angrily pursuing them, they looked
ahead and saw the Red Sea and on the right and left were rocky hills. They were trapped and had one of
three options: surrender, fight, or trust God. It was a very difficult time and a hard nut for them to crack,
and so they resolved to blame and criticise Moses for their fate. Such criticism was uncalled for, it was
capable of destabilising, demoralising, and discouraging their leaders. Really, it was unnecessary and
point a big question on Moses’ leadership integrity, faith and capability. Moses’ prescription was
accurate; - don’t be afraid, stand firm, be still, move on and stop crying because God will fight for you.
Leaders cannot escape criticism from some unthinking people. It is part of leadership challenging roles,
so, learn how to handle such. Every child of God should not engage in destructive criticism. Also, do not
allow destructive criticism to demoralise you.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Destructive criticism result to demoralisation. Avoid it.

PRAYER POINT: Help us oh God to bridle our tongue and use it wisely to encourage others.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: I Jhn. 4: 1-11; Evening: Isa.64-66

Godly counsel is one very important and one of the factors that enhance success in life. The Bible
confirms this by saying; “without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counsellors they are
established” (Prov. 15:22 NKJV). The source of the counsel determines the quality of the counsel, it also
determines whether it is godly or ungodly because it is certain that there is no godly counsel that can
come outside God’s word. Godly counsel is not always easily received or quickly affirmed. It is always
opposed by most people and it can make someone become lone voice.


PART 1: THE PERILS OF UNGODLY COUNSEL - JOB 2:9-10; 2 SAM. 13:1-16; PROV. 12:5;
NUM. 31:16
To counsel simply means to give advice or deliberate opinion to another for the guidance of his
conducts. This advice, opinion or instruction may be given upon request or otherwise for directing the
conduct of another. At times, it comes in form of rebuke, correction or criticism, however, it must be
noted that only the wise takes counsel seriously.
Job’s condition was pitiable. He lost his wealth, health and offsprings within a day. The wife added to
the trauma and pains when she taunted him. She was astonished at Job’s continued integrity and steadfast
faith. She wrongly advised Job to curse God and die! (Job 2:9). This was a display of her lack of spiritual
insight. She allowed Satan to use her as instrument to derail her husband’s integrity and loyalty to God.
Probably, out of sympathy considering the pains and trauma her husband was going through. It may also
be as a result of human despair arising from her own traumatic losses. Whatever the cause, it was a bad
and ungodly counsel. It would have been better for her to keep her mouth shut.
Jonadab’s counsel to Amnon the eldest son of King David about his half-sister Tamar was another
deadly counsel. Following this ungodly advice, Amnon raped his sister and committed incest. Rape is a
vicious crime, when you add incest to rape the despicableness is multiplied. Because of this, Amnon’s life
was terminated by Absalom in vengeance of his crime.
It was the counsel of Balaam that made the Moabites and Midianites to seduce the Israelites into
apostasy. They committed harlotry with the women of Moab and also worshipped their Idols (Num.25:1-
13). These brought God’s indignation against them, “and those who died in the plague were twenty four
thousand” (Num. 25:9).

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PART 2: THE PROFITS OF GODLY COUNSEL - PROV. 24:6; 19:20-21; 15:22;11
Taking counsel from godly people is very profitable. “Listen to counsel and receive instruction that
you may be wise in your later years” (Prov. 19:20). It was a wise counsel from godly Joseph that saved
king Pharaoh, all Egyptians and the then entire world from famine. The secret of this counsel was the
spirit of the living God in Joseph’s life. (Gen. 41:37-40). The Shunamite woman also gave an intelligent
counsel to her husband concerning Prophet Elisha. This great counsel alleviated the suffering of the man
of God and the couple’s problem of bareness was supernaturally solved. (2 Kgs. 4:8-10).
Daniel’s counsel to King Nebuchadnezzar was a wise and godly counsel. His advice made him break
away from sinful life and escape God’s judgment. in a multitude of counsellors (Prov. 24:6 NKJV).


Criticism is the act of expressing disapproval and of noting the problems or fault of a person or thing.
It is the act of criticising someone or something. Criticism is part of life; no matter how careful you are,
you will be criticised because criticism is not just a part of leadership position, it is the price of leadership.
As a leader the way you handle criticism will either make you better or bitter.
While constructive criticism is designed to make you better and wiser, destructive criticism may
demoralise you. Christians should not be too critical, however, we should form the habit of advising. To
do this effectively, we need to pray for God’s wisdom. We also need to develop courage to speak the truth
in love. If people criticise you, don’t be offended. The following advice will help you.
• Admit you are wrong, and if you are,
• Accept constructive criticism and make it part of your culture for the improvement of your leadership
• Anticipate some specific criticism and assume they are logical enough to help you.
• Learn to scrutinise criticisms and know the ones to accept or reject.
• Don’t turn any criticism to personal contest and don’t take revenge.

You cannot succeed alone as a child of God. You need people to help you on this journey and some
people also need you. This help may come in terms of counsel or criticism. You cannot avoid any of these
and you cannot afford to throw them away. Nevertheless, you need to be very careful about the sources of
your counsel and should handle your criticism maturely.

1. What is the godly counsel?
2. How would you differentiate between godly and ungodly counsel?
3. What are the benefits of godly counsel? Cite examples to buttress your points.
4. What are the dangers of ungodly counsel? Cite examples.
5. Is criticism right or wrong? How can a Christian benefit from criticism?

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LESSON 5 3/7/2022
Suggested Hymn: GHB 61
Suggested Hymn: GHB. 47
Devotional Reading: Prov. 5:15-23
Topic For Adults: Marital Infidelity Is Tragic And Traumatic
Topic For Youths: The Way Of Immorality Is Destructive
Topic For Intermediates: Immorality Is Dangerous; Keep Off It
Lesson Scriptures: Jam. 4:4; Heb. 13:4; 2 Sam. 11:1-17; Prov. 6:20-29

“For by means of a harlot a man is reduced to a crust of bread; and an adulteress will prey upon his precious
life. Can a man take fire to his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?” (Proverbs 6:26-27) NKJV.


Everything you enjoy from the practice of adultery (romance, kiss, sexual intercourse, good promises
etc.) is momentary, however, the results and consequences of every illicit affair may last very long.
Adultery causes emotional trauma, regrets, sorrow, death and destruction of lives, properties and destiny.
Adultery hits the family the same way hurricane hits the land. The presence of hurricane in a place blows
in pieces everything and everyone in its path. Similarly, the discovery of illicit affair affects everyone in
the family. The partner suffers, the offender also suffers, and even the children feel and experience
turmoil, fear, uncertainty, bitterness and anger for life.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: The counterfeit pleasure of immorality can never be compared to the ways
infidelity destroys life, destiny, reputation and marriage.
PRAYER POINT: Heavenly father, help me to overcome every sexual temptation that comes my way in the
name of Jesus.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Jn. 4: 12-31; Evening: Jer.1-3.

Truly, sexual pleasure is a special gift from God. Sex is a ministry to your spouse; and you should treat it
with the dignity and respect it deserves because it is the strongest bond that can ever exist between a man
and his wife. God masterfully designed sexual attraction to be at the very core of marital union. The Bible
says, “A man shall be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). “ ...And Adam
knew his wife and she conceived” (Gen. 4:1). According to the word of God, Adam and Eve were not
ashamed of their nakedness. God permitted them to enjoy the purest form of pleasure known to human
beings. There was no guilt in their game, therefore, a healthy dose of romance of sexual intimacy within
the marriage alone.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Sex is a blessing from God and the purest form of pleasure in a sacred and
prominent place in your marriage.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, help all the married to always find sexual pleasure only at the bosom of their
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Jn. 5: 1-13; Evening: Jer.4-6


God detests adultery because it is a serious offence against the sanctity and purity of marriage. A wife or
husband who has an affair allows the devil to launch an attack on their marriage. Adultery destroys
marriage and the soul of the offender. “Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; he

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who does so destroys his own soul” (Prov. 6:32). Sexual immorality including adultery and fornication
are direct contradiction to God’s commandments, hence, a sin and abomination against the Holy God.
Marriage is the only platform provided by God for sex without curse and guilt. Sex is the fence around
marriage; therefore, stay inside the fence only. Since you belong to God. Every marital infidelity will be
judged by God. Stay clean!

POINT OF EMPHASIS: When adultery walks into your marriage, every good and precious thing walk out
of your life and your home.
PRAYER POINT: Oh! Lord, help everyone battling with marital infidelity to overcome the demon and
restore them by your Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 1 Jn. 5: 14-21; Evening: Jer.7-9


The heart is the source and centre of all evil actions. When the heart is polluted, every thought and action
emanating from it is equally polluted. So, a seductive woman is a polluted person with a polluted heart,
probably living in a polluted place with polluted principles and practices. They are very dangerous and
desperate in carrying out their master’s assignment of pulling precious people of God down into sexual
immorality. They dress seductively, deliberately leaving the sensitive or private parts of their bodies
uncovered. They talk and look seductively, twisting their tongues and moving their faces like the Jezebel
of old. They walk seductively, shaking their bodies to attract careless men unto themselves. You must be
very careful so that you don’t fall into their traps and snares. Coming out of the snare isn’t easy.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Do not yield to sexual temptation from a seductive woman.

PRAYER POINT: Deliver me oh! Lord from every satanic agent sent to lure me into sin.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 2 Jn. 1; Evening: Jer.10-12.


It is the word of God that can keep you from falling into the trap of an adulterous woman and man. Since
it is practically impossible to engage in sexual immorality without a serious consequence that destroy soul
and damage destiny and reputation, you must do everything possible to escape the dangers. Strict
obedience to the word of God is the way out. Let God’s word be your guiding lamp and light. Depend
absolutely on the grace and power of God. Open up yourself to leaders and mentors whenever you are
being tempted, stop every secret relationship that can entrap you and endanger your marriage, spirituality
and integrity. Be disciplined and determined to please God. Learn to flee temptation and avoid close
relationship with the opposite sex. Read your Bible, study, practice it, be watchful and prayerful.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Let God’s word be your lamp.

PRAYER POINT: Deliver me from every lust and sexual temptation that Satan may bring to me oh! Lord.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: 3 Jn. 1; Evening: Jer.13-15

David was described in an unmistaken term as a man after God’s heart. God totally accepted him and his
service, God found him as a perfect replacement for King Saul and without any exaggeration, David
loved and feared the Lord. However, at a crucial point of his life, probably due to some carelessness or
indiscipline, he was involved in the sin of marital infidelity. Painfully, moral uncleanness has always been
a cause for the downfall of so many people, Christians and men of God inclusive. A flood of moral laxity
in our society coupled with ungodly promotion of sexual immorality of the social media has increased the
pressure on Christians. Many have yielded to this moral temptation. The good news is that adultery or any
sexual sin can be avoided. It is a matter of personal determination and self-discipline. You must also
accept your personal vulnerability and avoid any unprofitable relationship.

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POINT OF EMPHASIS: Make a commitment to Jesus and to your spouse to live a holy life free from sexual
immorality and marital infidelity.
PRAYER POINT: Let nothing draw me away from You oh! Lord; help me not to fall into sexual sin.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Judg. 1: 1-11; Evening: Jer.16-18

SUN. 3/7/2022 EVEN THE WISE BECAME A FOOL 1 KGS. 11:1-11

King Solomon was one of the wisest men that ever lived. His intelligent quotient was so high that the
Bible attributed 3,000 proverbs to him; he also composed more than 1,000 songs (1 Kgs. 4:32). This
wisdom was given to him in answer to his prayer at the beginning of his reign (1 Kgs. 3:9) and the Bible
later recorded that his wisdom was greater than all the people of the then world. (1 Kgs. 4:29-21).
Solomon loved God so dearly and he spoke extensively on the fear of the Lord. His insights on the
dangers of adultery and seductive women were unparalleled and he warned people seriously on the perils
of sexual immorality. However, at a critical point in his life, this great man stumbled, and fell from grace
to grass. He became a victim of the evils he had severally warned the people about. His many ungodly
wives led him astray and turned his heart from his God to their lifeless gods. What a tragic end!

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Think less about the pleasure you are experiencing; think more about the pain you
are causing and the tragic results of your actions.
PRAYER POINT: Help me, oh Lord, never to become victims of marital infidelity.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Judg. 1: 12-25; Evening: Jer.19-21

Cases of marital infidelity are becoming rampant among present-day believers. This is because adultery
and other sexual perversion have become the prime tools which Satan the arch enemy of Christ now uses
against the Church of God. Sexual immorality which was once considered as sinful, shameful,
inappropriate and unacceptable to the Church is now being treated as a normal emotional problem. This
has wrecked many marriages, sent many to untimely Christless eternity and destroyed the reputation and
integrity of many notable Christians. This lesson aims at putting a stop to this trend in the Church.


Infidelity simply means disloyalty or unfaithfulness to a moral obligation. It is the act of having a
romantic or sexual relationship with someone other than one’s spouse or partner. Husband and wife may
cheat and become unfaithful in their marital relationship due to so many reasons or factors which may
include lack of love, sexual desire when the partner isn’t available or denying him/her, rift or conflict at
home, poor communication, irresponsibility of a partner, anger, failure to provide for the home etc.
Marital infidelity is never justifiable for any reason because the Biblical instruction on this issue is
unmistaken. “You shall not commit adultery” (Exo. 20:14). Adultery is defined as an extra-marital affair
that willfully and maliciously interferes with marriage relations whereas infidelity can be either being
emotionally or physically engaged.
An adulterer is living only for the moment, caught up in a fantasy of excitement and desire not
seriously minding the vital consequences of his or her action which are many and may include breaking
fellowship with God, emotional trauma as a result of guilt, painful memory, shame, stigma and suffering,
loss of trust, fellowship and intimacy among couples, loss of reputation, dignity and integrity; the children
feel and experience turmoil, fear, uncertainty, bitterness and anger. STDs may occur, reproach to the
family, damaged testimony, loss of ministry in the Church. This gives joy to the host of the kingdom of


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King David loved God and God also loved him. There was nothing he needed that was not supplied by
God. However, at a point, his adultery with Uriah’s wife reduced him to a crust of bread. Trouble and
turbulence entered his family.
King Solomon is another good example to explain marital infidelity despite his unparallel wisdom,
fame and wealth. He got hooked into having 700 wives and 300 concubines. His life ended in tragedy, he
lost his intimacy with God and his dynasty as a king because of his involvement in adultery. His honour
was given to another, the aliens took over his wealth and his labour went to the house of a foreigner.
(Prov. 5:9-14; 6:26).


Marital infidelity can be avoided and overcome no matter how strong the temptation might be.
Personal determination and self-discipline are very essential. Considering the consequences of any type of
sexual immorality viz-a-viz the momentary pleasure derived from it, it does not worth it. Though, sexual
sin may be part of societal evil that is overlooked, encouraged in some cultures and even legalised in the
so-called civilised world, as long as it contradicts God’s word and standard, every godly person must
avoid it. The following steps can help to overcome marital infidelity.
i) Repent and open up yourself to God, your spouse or any accountability partner (Acts 2:38; 3:19).
ii) Accept God’s grace and love that truly forgives and pardons our sins (1 Jn. 1:9).
iii) Forgive yourself and break off the relationship with the sin partner (Jam. 4:4; Phil. 4:8, 9).
iv) Seek spiritual help and guidance from a minister of God.
v) Be disciplined and determined to please God and live holy.
vi) Learn to flee temptation, avoid being too close with the opposite sex and let every relationship with
opposite sex be well defined.
vii) Watch and pray, pray and watch.

We are no longer slaves to sin or Satan. We have been purchased with a price; we must remain pure
and clean morally. We are married to Jesus; hence, we cannot afford to jump into bed with the world.
Therefore, avoid: going out with co-workers of the opposite sex; counseling or conversation that could
cause emotional attachment; any close contact or relationship with former boyfriend or girlfriend; and
giving your cell number to members of the opposite sex without the consent of your spouse.

1. What is marital infidelity?
2. Is there any difference between adultery and infidelity? Mention them.
3. Mention some examples of marital infidelity in the Bible and state the consequences.
4. Can there be any justifiable reason for marital infidelity?
5. What is your advice for the victims of marital infidelity?
6. How can we overcome immoral acts?

LESSON 6 10/7/2022
Suggested Hymn: GHB. 47
Devotional Reading: Prov. 5:15-23
Topic For Adults: Marital Infidelity Is Tragic And Traumatic
Topic For Youths: The Way Of Immorality Is Destructive
Topic For Intermediates: Immorality Is Dangerous; Keep Off It
Lesson Scriptures: Jam. 4:4; Heb. 13:4; 2 Sam. 11:1-17; Prov. 6:20-29

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“For by means of a harlot a man is reduced to a crust of bread; and an adulteress will prey upon his precious
life. Can a man take fire to his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?” (Proverbs 6:26-27) NKJV.


Discipline can be: (1) a field of study or academic subject. (2) a set of rules explaining how to behave
either for oneself or for others. (3) a systemic method by authority to make or enforce people to obey. (4)
a means of correcting wrong behaviour. This will be in form of punishment to someone who has erred.
Today’s devotion centres on the fourth definition given above. It is a means of correcting errors and
restoring offenders on track. Without discipline, no one can grow better or succeed in life. Our Christian
journey will also be in shambles. We all are bound to err from time to time but as we subject ourselves to
disciple, we will grow better and get better until God’s aim is achieved in our lives.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Submit yourself to discipline, you cannot succeed without it.
PRAYER POINT: Help me Lord to submit myself to Your correction and that of the elders in order to be
who You want me to be in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 1: 1-8; Evening: Jer.22-24

TUE. 5/7/2022 TRAIN UP A CHILD PS. 127:3-5; PROV. 22:6; 29:15

Every child belongs to God but He has given the parents (biological or spiritual) the responsibility to train
these children in a way they will be arrows (vessels) in His hands. Parents are expected to train (teach,
rebuke, correct, guide, model, etc.) their children and make them better and useful persons in the future.
Parents need to know that every child has the tendency to be wayward and the best time to train them is
when they are still young; when they are still bendable. It is the virtues parents impute in these children
that remain with them after they have grown. It is easier to train a child than an adult. Some parents find it
difficult to correct their children, some go as far as defending them when they err. These attitudes will
end up destroying these children rather than making them better. Christian parents must take up the
responsibility of properly training their children in order for them to be God’s models in the society. A
child left on his own will end up bringing shame to his parents, Church and God.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Take up the responsibility of training your child in order for them not to bring
shame to everyone in the future.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to do my best to train everyone You bring my way either biologically or
spiritually in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 1: 9-20; Evening: Jer.25-27

Every parent (biological, spiritual or guardian) needs to know that there is tendency for every child to err.
We were all born with Adamic nature and if left on our own, we will end up in destruction. The Bible
says foolishness abounds in the heart of a child. Being a child is not only about biological age. The less
matured a person is the more the tendency to err. An adult who refuses to grow can also err very often
whereas a child who is mature will behave better. According to Prov. 22:15, the rod of correction is the
antidote to the foolishness of a child. Those who are mature should not look away. Looking away is
simply abandoning such a person until he or she is ruined. God counts on us to play our roles to ensure
people around us do not end up in ruins. He is interested in our development as such allow our parents to
correct us (Prov. 3:11-12). When correcting, we should not look at the pain or discomfort, what should be
paramount in our minds is the end result.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Parents, use the rod of correction placed in your hands wisely and adequately and

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PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to wisely use the rod of correction to correct my children to make them
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 2: 1-7; Evening: Jer.28-30

God, out of love, corrects His children. He does not only have good plans for us, He ensures the good
plans come to pass. One of the ways to bring them to pass in our lives is to rebuke and correct us when
we stray. God will not punish us out of anger or hatred, if He does, He would destroy us. His love is
greater than that of our earthly parents. If we realise the magnitude of God’s love for us, we would
humbly submit to His chastisement. The Bible says, “His anger is for a moment but His favour lasts
forever” (Ps. 30:5). The story and history of the Israelites, reveals how God severally restored them to
Himself by punishing them. It may be painful, undesirable, and unattractive but chastisement is God’s
divine way of working out His plan in us.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: You must realise God’s love for you and submit to His chastisement.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to see and accept chastisement as part of Your love package for me in
Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 2: 8-11; Evening: Jer.31-33


Just as our loving earthly fathers do not leave their beloved children to grow wild, so is our heavenly
Father. Discipline confirms that we are legitimate children of the Father. No reasonable father will
abandon his children to become rotten. You will only abandon a child that you are not legitimately related
to. In fact, you have no right to correct another man’s child without permission and even if you are
permitted, there is a limit to which you can go. One of the rights of a legitimate child is to be trained,
guided, instructed, rebuked, corrected and punished as the case may be. Anyone who has no-one to
correct him or her have been marked and abandoned for destruction. A legitimate child will also not reject
or resist the chastening of his father, only a bastard does. One major reason many children become
wayward is because they run away from those who could train and correct them; they make themselves
POINT OF EMPHASIS: If you are a legitimate child, you will humbly submit to the discipline of your
PRAYER POINT: Lord, as a legitimate child, help me submit myself to discipline. I do not want to be
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 2: 12-17; Evening: Jer.34-36


Discipline is not attractive, pleasurable or enjoyable when it is being administered. Our natural body does
not want it. But the truth is, if we humbly go through it anytime we are disciplined, we will eventually
come out shinning. The end should be the focus for us. Discipline is a process of refining us. Refining is
like gold passing through fire, gold will not become attractive, valuable and precious if it refuses to be
refined in fire. God wants the best for us and He will do anything and everything to ensure we come out
glorious and valuable to Him and to our generation. If we must become useful vessels in His hands, we
must be ready to go through His “painful” corrections. These “painful” experiences will come in various
forms, we must be sensitive to know that God is at work in us.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: If you must come out glorious, you must be ready to go through the pains of
PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to pay the price of discipline in order to come out glorious in Jesus name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 2:18-29; Evening: Jer.37-39

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SUN. 10/7/2022 DISCIPLINE IS PROFITABLE HEB. 12:5-6,11; PROV. 29:15
God is interested in disciplining us each time we err. This is because discipline is profitable, not only to
us, but to all. The Bible says; “… afterwards, it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who
have been trained by it”. Discipline does not focus on the present but on the future, this is why many
people reject it. Anyone who looks forward to a brighter future will humbly embrace it. King David, after
his adulterous and murderous acts was rebuked by God through Nathan the prophet (2 Sam. 12:1-15).
This rebuke was the turnaround point for his life else, he would have perished in his sins. David
confessed and forsook his sin and he was forgiven. Though it was not a pleasant experience, he was saved
from imminent destruction. Discipline help those who err to be restored; it reshapes the future; restores
lost glory and anointing; guarantees eternity; gives wisdom; it averts the embarrassment and shame of the
future; etc. Our attitude should be of joy and happiness when we are being rightly corrected for our errors
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Discipline may be painful at the moment, it yields peaceful fruits in the future.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me not to reject discipline because of its present painful experience discipline
but the future rewards.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 3: 1-6; Evening: Jer.40-42

God is our Father. He has placed us by mercy in the hands of our biological and spiritual parents to train
and guide us. Part of the ways God ensures we arrive at the destination He planned for us is to discipline
us when
we err. Like the saying goes, “to err is human…” This means it is normal for humans to err but
what happens when we err? God will not abandon us; He will ensure we are properly corrected and
restored to the track. This is a privilege we enjoy as God’s children and we must embrace it with both
Foreign Missions Copy


PART 1: GOD DISCIPLINES OUT OF LOVE - JER 29:11; PROV. 13:24; HEB. 12:5-11
God has an end in view for every of His children. He said His thoughts for us are thoughts of peace
and not of evil to give us a future and a hope (Jer 29:11). With this in mind, God ensures His children are
well guided until His plans come to pass in their lives. He has an expected end for each of His children
who submits to His tutelage. Part of the ways God ensures His expected end comes to pass is to teach,
rebuke, correct and instruct them. Every legitimate child has a right to all these. God takes it upon
Himself to ensure we end up where He planned for us.
God will neither leave nor abandon His beloved children when they stray or err. For Solomon, God
said even when he sins, He would not abandon him but He will chastise him and restore him (2 Sam.
7:14). This is applicable to all God’s children. He will do this for us because of His love. Leaving us to
our own means we will end up outside His will and plan and we will end up in ruins. The Bible says a
child left to himself will return with shame (Prov. 29:15).
It is not believers alone who enjoy God’s love, sinners too enjoy His love. The Bible says God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to die in order for them not to perish (Jn. 3:16). The
Bible also confirms that God does not want any sinner to die but to come to repentance (2 Pet 3:9). This
may be the reason Christ has not returned. God may allow some people to experince challenges in order
to be saved.

PART 2: THE ROD OF HIS DISCIPLINE – PROV. 22:15; 29:15; PS. 23:4; 2 SAM. 7:14
When God chastises us, He does not come down physically from heaven. He uses men He has given
authority over us to do so. God does this through various means. Just like a shepherd who uses his rod to
perform threefold functions on the flock - to guide, protect and correct the flock when they stray, in the

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same way, God uses His rod to correct and bring us back on track. God’s rod any of these (1). Biological
parents - parents use physical rod, words (advice, harsh or soft), denial of some privileges for a period,
etc. Our Lord Jesus was rebuked by His earthly parents when He was missing on their way back from the
feast in Jerusalem (Lk. 2:41-48).
The Bible says Jesus henceforth subjected to them (Lk. 2:51). (2). God’s word - God’s word is always
there to rebuke and correct us (2 Tim. 3:16-17). (3). Situations and circumstances - God can ensure
situations and circumstances around us go wrong just to ensure we realize our mistakes and return to Him
(Ps. 107:17-20). (4). Enemies - As seen several times in the Old Testament, God uses the enemies to
correct His children (Judg. 2:11-15; 3:7-11, 12-14; 6:1-6) (5). His servants - God can speak through
messages or teachings. He can also use His servants to directly confront us just as He did to David
through Nathan (2 Sam. 12:1-15). (6) Government- God can also use constituted authorities to correct
His children (Rom. 13:4).


When we are being disciplined, we need to develop and deploy the right attitude. This will make us
enjoy the benefits of discipline. We need to realise that no one is above error. This means no one is above
discipline. There are both wrong and right attitudes to discipline. Some of the wrong attitudes that can be
displayed when being disciplined are; denial of the error, rebellion, argument, insubordination, separation,
inciting others against constituted authority and so on. Wrong attitude will only compound the difficulty
and error in a man’s life. When someone displays wrong attitude, it simply means he has neither realised
his error nor is he willing to correct those errors. The Bible says; he who is often rebuked, and hardens his
neck, will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy (Prov. 29:1; 2 Chr. 36:15-16). Wrong
attitudes bring swift and final destruction on those who reject discipline.
Right attitude to discipline shows we have realised our mistakes and are willing to make necessary
corrections. We may also realise that there may be pains and shame that are attached to discipline but we
know that God is correcting us out of love in order for us to get better. Some of the right attitudes to
demonstrate are; acknowledgement of our errors by admitting and confessing them,
submission/subjection to authority, respect for leaders despite their seeming harsh reactions to us (Heb.
12:9) and a change of attitude.
When God disciplines us, He meant well. Discipline is painful but rewarding (Heb. 12:10). He was
left alone after his sin with Uriah’s family, perhaps, it would have been more disastrous for David than
Saul. Anytime God corrects us, we need to know this is for our own good and profits.


There are several Biblical characters we can learn from. While some of them benefited from
discipline, some did not. Some of these characters include: David, Samson, Reuben, Simeon and Levi.
The first category are those who were not corrected. Reuben, Simeon and Levi were the first three
sons of Jacob. Reuben slept with his father’s wife (Gen. 35:21-22). The Bible says when Jacob, his father
heard it, he kept quiet. There was neither rebuke nor confrontation from him. Simeon and Levi, Reuben’s
brothers killed all the males of the city to revenge the rape of their sister, Dinah (Gen. 34:25-31). Jacob
only complained about their act, he never confronted them in any way. These three were later cursed by
their father, Jacob (Gen. 49:1-7).
The second category are those who blatantly rejected correction. Samson is in this category. Though,
God warned the Israelites not to intermarry unbelievers (Deut. 7:1-5). Samson insisted on marrying a
Philistine woman. This woman was taken from him by his best man. He eventually married another
Philistine woman, Delilah who sold Samson out to her people who shaved his hair and removed his eyes
(Judg. 16:6-21). He eventually died with the people he was anointed and called do destroy.
King David is in the third category. In 2 Sam. 11, David committed adultery with Bathsheba,
murdered Uriah (verses 2-4, 6-17). When Uriah died, David took his wife and pretended as if nothing
happened (verses 22-27). When God sent Nathan to rebuke him for his sins, he soberly repented. The

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famous Ps. 51 was sung by David while he was confessing his sins. God later called David a man after
His own heart (Acts 13:22) because he would not hide his sin but was ready to accept discipline.

God is always interested in our future and well-being. One of His plans to ensure His purpose come to
pass in our lives is discipline. Our response to discipline determines how far we can enjoy all He has in
store for us. Every believer needs to understand that good attitude to discipline makes one better while
wrong response truncate God’s purpose for our life.

1. To your own understanding, why will God not keep mute when we err?
2. What is the relationship between God’s love and discipline?
3. When we are being corrected, what are some of the attitude we must display?
4. How can you explain discipline and legitimacy as a child of a loving Father?
5. Which of the Bible characters impresses you most in his attitude to discipline and why?

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LESSON 7 17/7/2022
Suggested Hymns: GHB 237, 238
Devotional Readings: Gen 26:12-18
Topic For Adults: Hard Work: Pathway To Success
Topic For Youths: Be Diligent
Topic For Intermediates: Be Committed To Duty
Lesson Scriptures: Prov. 10:4; 12:24, 27; 13:4; 14:23; 19:15; 21:5-8; 20:4; 22:29

“The hand of the diligent will rule; but the lazy man will be put to forced labour” (Proverbs 12:24) NKJV.


MON. 11/7/2022 DILIGENCE LEADS TO SUCCESS PROV. 10:4-5; 12:24; JOSH. 1:8
God is a God of order. He desires His children to be orderly in the way they do things. As Christians, we
are expected to be diligent to duty. We should learn to persevere in doing our work. We should endeavour
to complete whatever job we are given to do. As believers, we are expected to do whatever we are
assigned to do painstakingly. We should pay careful attention to whatever we are doing and put effort to
it. As Christians, we should strive to do the right thing at the right time with the required effort. As we do
this, God will bless our efforts and the end result is success.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Diligence is the way to good success.
PRAYER POINT: Reward our diligence with good success O Lord.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 3: 7-13; Evening: Jer.43-45

TUE. 12/7/2022 DILIGENCE HAS A REWARD PROV. 13:4; 19:15; 22:29

The Bible is replete with examples of people who were diligent in their walk with God and in their work
for Him as well as the reward they got for it. Anyone who is serious with his work gets desired dividend
for it. In this regard the fact is that whatever you sow is what you will reap. It is neither a question of
being lucky nor of destiny. It is about being serious with what you are doing, it is about giving the
required effort to a worthwhile task. Hardwork brings prosperity. There is great reward in diligence.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: There is blessing in being diligent.
PRAYER POINT: O Lord, give me the grace to be diligent in my work.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 3: 14-22; Evening: Jer.46-48


There is a great reward in being serious with whatever one is doing in a legitimate way to earn a living. It
is a sin for anyone who calls himself a child of God to be lazy and unwilling to do anything. It is not
God’s desire for His child to wait for somebody to give him money to feed. There is a great deal of
lessons one can learn from the ant. It has no leader, instructor or guide, yet, it labours very hard in
summer and gathers food in advance for the winter. You have no reason to be lazy.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: There is no excuse for being lazy.

PRAYER POINT: O Lord help me to be hardworking and blessed in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 4; Evening: Jer.49-50

THUR. 14/7/2022 HARD WORK PAYS PROV. 22:29; 10:4-5

As His children, God expects us to be hardworking. He expects us to be fruitful. Being fruitful implies
that we must have something doing. The logic is clear; anyone who desires to harvest must sow seed,
anyone who wants to gain, must invest. There are no two ways about it. A fellow who is competent as a
worker will be promoted. Anyone who is diligent with what he is doing will be duly honoured. As

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Christians, God wants us to be diligent, hardworking, productive and proficient. Success, not failure, is
the mark of honour God desires for His children.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: It is rewarding to be hardworking.

Prayer Point: Lord, give me the grace to be hardworking and fruitful in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 5: 1-7; Evening: Jer.51-52


From the testimonies of scriptures, we have this basic truth: holiness produces diligence and faithfulness.
Those who were holy in the Bible were equally diligent in their duties as well as faithful to God. Joseph
was one of such fellows. He was a shining example worthy of emulation. He maintained a holy life in
spite of the wickedness of his brethren. When sold into slavery, he remained faithfully committed to the
life of holiness. Even in the prison, he maintained his sanctity which allowed his gifts to blossom. The
Christian calling is a call to a life of holiness, diligence and faithfulness.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: A holy fellow must be diligent and faithful.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, give me the grace to be diligent and faithful.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 5: 8-14; Evening: Lam.1-3

SAT. 16/7/2022 AIM AT GOOD SUCCESS JOSH. 1:8; GEN. 26:12-13

It is God’s desire that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord should have good success. The greatest
success a mortal can have is salvation. God gave His son for man to have salvation. There is nothing else
that God cannot give to the fellow to whom He has given His son. If a Christian follows Jesus and seeks
God’s kingdom and His righteousness, wealth, honour and riches will be added medals and advantages.
As a Christian, you should aim at good success, walk towards it, and work for it. Live for God as you
labour legitimately under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Walk in the light while you work hard.
PRAYER POINT: Help me Lord to walk in the light as I daily go about my legitimate duty.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 6: 1-6; Evening: Lam.4-5


As children of God, we are required and expected to be diligent in our work. Diligence is about
perseverance in doing whatever task we are meant to do. We have to be serious with our work. In the
creation account, we saw that God persevered in the task of creation. He created the world and all that is
in it in six days. As Christians, we have no reason to be lazy. It is appropriate to say here that laziness is
not a sign of godliness but rather a refusal to be Godlike in terms of diligence. We must also make room
for rest as God also rested after hard work.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Godliness is a call unto diligence.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to prove my godliness through diligence.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 6: 7-11; Evening: Ezek.1-3

God desires, requires and expects His children to be hardworking. It is through hardworking that we can
be productive and successful. It is God’s will that His children should be successful. It is equally true that
success, in most cases, comes through hard work. It is not godly for anyone to wish to be
successful without having anything doing. It is good we pray for blessing, but we must not forget that it is
the work we do that God will bless.


PART 1: SUCCESS IS A PRODUCT OF HARDWORK - PROV. 12:24; 10:4; 13:4; 19:15; 21:5-6

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God desires what is good for His children. He wants His children to be successful in life. He designed
man for success. He created man to be an achiever of great things in life. However, there is what man
must do in order to achieve the great things of life. There are laws that must be obeyed.
Apply Perseverance: Anyone who desires success must apply perseverance in carrying out any duty
assigned to him and in doing the task ahead of him.
Detest slothfulness: God desires His children to have genuine hatred for the acts of laziness and
pursue with vigour, a worthwhile goal that will lead to success.
Refuse to be indolent: Determine not to be indolent, lazy or slothful. This is because it is dangerous to
be indolent, as that simply gives you over to poverty. Riches, wealth or success do not and cannot come
by mere wishful thinking. Success, in all its ramifications, comes as a result of hardwork done in a right
way, in the right place, time and more importantly in the will of God.

PART 2: DILIGENCE PAVES WAY FOR GOOD SUCCESS – PROV. 6:6-8; 14:23; 4:23; 22:29
Good success is implied when the wealth acquired is such that is gotten through a legitimate means.
Success is termed good when it makes one more useful to God, when its proceeds are utilised in ways
approved by God, when the wealth keeps the owner closer to God and not far from Him and when the
owner is the master of the wealth and not the other way round.
Diligence – Hard work done with perseverance and in a sincere heart with a sense of commitment to
God-very often, paves way for God-honouring success.
Believers should note the following facts:
- It is God’s will for His children to have success.
- There are godly ways of having or getting success.
- If you do your work God’s way, you will have success.
- Love God and follow His will while doing your work.
- Follow God’s instructions while doing your business.
- Be transparently honest in your dealings with people, especially in matters relating to money.
- Pay your tithe fully and regularly.
- Pray earnestly before and after taking any step.
There is no way a believer can observe these and not be successful.

It is God’s will that His children should have success. The success that God desires for His children is
that which flows from doing the will of God, obeying the word of God, walking and acting in keeping
with the leadings of the Holy Spirit. Godly success comes as we do the following:
1. Be dutiful: As children of God, we are expected to be diligent people, paying careful attention to
doing the task we are assigned to do, putting worthwhile effort into whatever we are meant to do. We
are not to give room for laziness.
2. Be faithful: As children of God, we are required to be faithful. Our faithfulness must show in
diligence. If we are children of God, we are expected to be the best in our chosen fields, in our career,
in our profession. We should put the best of our efforts in our work. God has no room for indolent
people. It is what one sows that one reaps.
3. Be Committed: When we do our duties as expected, and we are faithful and diligent, God will bless
our work as we remain committed to Him.

For every labour is an expected reward just as the sower is expected to reap whatever he sows. While
it is appropriate for anybody to desire success, the bitter truth is that there is no success without hard
labour. It is foolhardy for anyone to be lazy and still expect success to fall for him as a “manna” from
heaven or unexpectedly as a “virus”. Success is the reward of diligence and hardwork.


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1. When can success be termed ‘good’?
2. Explain why success requires hardwork.
3. List 3 of God’s way of having success.
4. Why should a Christian aim at diligence as he or she works?
5. What are the dangers of slothfulness according to our lesson?

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LESSON 8 24/7/2022
Suggested Hymns: GHB. 133
Devotional Readings: Prov. 3:9-10
Topic For Adults: Be A Cheerful Giver
Topic For Youths: It Pays To Give Than To Receive
Topic For Intermediates: Stinginess Is Bad
Lesson Scriptures: Prov. 3:9-10; 11:24-25; Deut. 8:18; Lev. 22:18-24; Deut. 15:21

“There is one who scatters, yet increases more; And there is one who withholds
more than is right, But it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich,
And he who waters will also be watered himself” (Proverbs 11:24 - 25) NKJV.


MON. 18/7/2022 GOD IS THE GREATEST GIVER JN. 3:14-17
God is the greatest giver, after all He owns the heavens and the earth, and everything belongs to Him (Ps.
24:1). He exemplified giving when He gave Adam an above standard living in the earthly paradise. He
gave everything to the Israelites in the wilderness. He daily loads us with benefits. Beyond it all , He gave
His only begotten Son to die for the sin of the world so that by the death of one shall many be redeemed.
The Bible says “as many as received him he has given the power to become the sons of God”; God gives
His only begotten Son whom He loves so much. Nobody can outgive God in giving. He is indeed the
greatest giver.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: God gave the greatest gift in history willingly.
PRAYER POINT: Father! Help me to receive and appreciate the gift of life given to me through our Lord
Jesus Christ.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 6: 12-17; Evening: Ezek.4-6


Giving is a good lifestyle. Hospitality is also part of giving. Abraham saw the three men who were
complete strangers to him but because he perceived they must be very tired, he admitted them into his
house, and lavishly entertained them. He killed a fat calf just to entertain three men who were passing by.
Abraham did this out of outflow of a generous heart. Meanwhile, giving should not wait till you are rich
or comfortable. The result of Abraham’s action was that the men decreed fruitfulness at that instance into
Sarah’s womb, and it came to pass. Giving is highly rewarding if we can practise it.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Giving should not wait till a convenient moment comes around; it should be our
usual practice. Give especially to the men of God that keep watch over you.
PRAYER POINT: O Lord, let Abraham’s blessings come upon me as I practice the act of giving in the
name of Jesus.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 7: 1-8; Evening: Ezek.7-9

The widow of Zarephath was the instrument that God used in this passage to feed Elijah. The woman
gave out of her little resources at the time when it was not convenient. If the woman was to act by the
tone of Elijah’s voice, she might not do anything, but instead, she humbly, obediently and willingly gave
what she had, and was greatly rewarded by God through the prophet’s prayer. Every avenue to bless is an
opportunity that should be seized. If the woman didn’t do what she did, another person would have done
it, and that person would have been the reaper of her supposed harvest. Meanwhile, it is not the gift; but
the spirit behind it, don’t wait for a convenient moment before you give.

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POINT OF EMPHASIS: It is not the gift; it is the spirit behind the gift, go and do likewise. Don’t wait for a
convenient moment before you give.
PRAYER POINT: Father, give me a large heart and a selfless spirit when it comes to giving in the name of
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 7: 9-17; Evening: Ezek.10-12


Just as we mentioned in yesterday’s comments, it is not the gift but the spirit behind it. We should also be
cognisant of the fact that God sees everything. He sees your heart, He sees your pocket, He knows how
much you are worth, and how much you are giving for which people are hailing you. The widow in this
passage gave the least amount but that was all she had, and she was acclaimed the greatest giver. She
gave her all, not reserving anything with the backdrop that God is the owner of all things. This was where
Ananias and Sapphirra failed. You can see why some peoples offering are not acceptable; it does not
honour the Lord.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: That woman and her offering were recognised because she honoured the Lord.
PRAYER POINT: Father, help me to recognise Your ownership of all that I have, and to honour You with
all my earthly possessions in the name of Jesus.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 8:1-6; Evening: Ezek.13-15

FRI. 22/7/2022 GIVE TO GLADDEN AND HONOUR GOD 1 KGS. 3:4-5; 2 CHRO. 7:3-12
King Solomon offered two great sacrifices unto the Lord, one at Gibeon, “And the king went to Gibeon to
sacrifice there; for that was the great high place: a thousand burnt offerings…” (1 Kgs. 3:4), and one at
Jerusalem when the temple was being dedicated, “And King Solomon offered a sacrifice of twenty and
two thousand oxen, and an hundred and twenty thousand sheep: so the king and all the people dedicated
the house of God” (2 Chro. 7:5). The result on the first occasion was that the Lord appeared to Solomon,
and asked him to request for whatever he wanted. And on the second occasion, God appeared again and
promised to establish his kingdom forever provided he walks according to the ways of his father, David.
These sacrificial giving of King Solomon opens extraordinary blessing for him from God as they gladden
and honour Him.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: When your giving gladdens and honours God, He will also gladden and honour
PRAYER POINT: Father, give me a generous mind, and a large heart in attending to Your business in the
name of Jesus.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 8:7-9; Evening: Ezek.16-18

The tithe is a fraction (10 percent) of your periodical income and it belongs to the Lord. It represents how
much the Lord has blessed you within that period; it is also an index of your obedience, faithfulness and
submission to His will. If you give more than ten percent, you are challenging God but if you give lower
than that, you are accusing Him, and you are robbing Him too, and placing yourself under a curse. A
farmer was depressed one day when he was visited on his farm by a swarm of locust which appeared like
a cloud in the sky. The man’s son said; don’t forget that you are giving tithes. At that instance, there
appeared another cloud in the sky, behold it was a large company of birds which descended upon the farm
and ate all the locust. His promise says, I will rebuke the devourer for your sake, and all nations shall call
you blessed. Giving tithe means you are involving God in your finances.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Not giving tithe means you are preventing God from helping you in troublesome
times; moreover, inaccurate tithing is the same as non-tithing.

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PRAYER POINT: Father, help me to be dutiful and faithful to You in all my financial dealings, especially
in tithing.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 8: 10-13; Evening: Ezek.19-21

SUN. 24/7/2022 GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER 2 COR. 9:7; ACTS 4:33-37
According to the Bible, giving should not be done grudgingly or compulsorily done, God loves a cheerful
giver. The Church may not compel you to give but you should compel yourself to do so if you must be
blessed. Some people give because they heard the Pastor talking about the situation. Some think the
pastor has flogged the matter too much and so grudgingly get it done, it is not acceptable to be pressed
before giving. It is acceptable when you respond to a call by the Church for assistance, and more
acceptable when you sense a need in an individual or the Church and you go ahead to meet the need. The
man in today’s passage did not wait to be told before selling his property in order to meet the need of the
hour. You don’t need to be told that the reward awaits him in heaven.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Don’t wait to be told before you do the right thing in the household of faith, learn
from the Church of the apostles.
PRAYER POINT: Father, help me to understand the times and seasons when it comes to meeting dire
needs in my Church.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 9: 1-12; Evening: Ezek. 22-24

Giving is a conscious forfeiture of all or part of your belongings. Giving is a spirituo-cultural factor. God
demonstrated giving when He first gave man His breathe; later He gave His only begotten son, and
His son, He gave eternal life to whosoever believes. Not giving is a situation whereby you close
your door of compassion against the needing individuals; unlike the apostles of old, many Christians
today don’t give but we want to receive whereas the word of God says, “…It is more blessed to give than
to receive” (Acts 20:35), and generally, our lives are principled on “give and take”, This week’s lesson
seek to encourage believers to give according to Bible principle.


11:24-25; DEUT. 8:18
Believers should understand that it is God that give us what we have; therefore, you should:
 Honour the Lord with your substance, He is the owner of all, and the greatest giver, a stingy person
does not resemble God.
 Whosoever gives to the poor is lending unto the Lord.
 Know that God is your source, what you have now and you are hoarding belongs to the Lord; it is not
yours, you are just a steward of your possessions.
 The Lord your God gives power to acquire wealth.
 Giving is a demonstration of love
 Giving is a sacrifice, sometimes very painful but highly rewarding.
 Giving is an attitude that should be imbibed; it is a quality that should be imitated and a spirit that
should be encouraged.
 Giving is a habit propelled by a spirit; whenever there is a struggling within on the note of giving, you
should bring such situations under control.
 The giver is neither mad nor gone out of his senses.
 The rich also cry; giving should therefore not be focused on the poor alone.
 The stingy person may think he is wise but he is only deceiving himself.
 The table can always turn against the rich and stingy individual.

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 The giver should sow the right seed in order to have a good harvest (Deut. 15:21; Lev. 22:18-24)
which should be a good seed or a perfect one.
 Your giving should be a sowing in the right kind of soil namely:
o God the Father; your first fruit/your tithe regularly, punctually, accurately and reverently (Prov
11:24-25; 3 :9-10).
o God’s work: give committedly, unreservedly and without grumbling.
o God’s servants: give humbly and sincerely.
o Widows and orphans: lovingly and compassionately (Jam. 1:27).
o The poor and the needy: give without expecting anything in return.
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DEUT. 15:21
 Some offerings/gifts may not be accepted because:
 they are given with wrong motives
 they are given grudgingly and the givers also like to blow the trumpets of their offering.
 they are given sparingly and unwillingly (after a lot of pleas).
 they are given to silence the priest; and in the course of time if such people commit any error, the
priest that had been silenced will keep mute.
 the givers don’t give the amount that represent them either in tithe or offering.
 sometimes when we give, we want to monitor the outflow of funds as per the expenditures.
 the givers grumble and backbite the pastor or the finance committee after meeting any financial
commitment, forgetting that the money is now God’s money. Those in charge of money should also
take cognisance of the principle of accountability.
 the givers don’t have the understanding that God is the owner even before they earn the money, and
that they are just custodians.
 the heart of the giver is not right with God, his offering may not be acceptable.
 the money is not clean. You can’t steal or dupe someone, sell your body; make money rituals and
then bring the money to the Church as an offering; it is not acceptable.

PART 3: ADVANTAGES OF GIVING – PROV. 3:9-10; 11:24-25

 The giver will have more but the stingy will tend towards poverty.
 Givers never lack because God will always move others to do to them in a multiple dimension.
 Giving especially to the men of God will always be rewarded.
 Givers are more honourable and more accepted in the society than misers; a Yoruba proverb says, “ A
kìí l’ahun ká tún n’iyi”.
 Givers are loved, prayed for and wished well by so many people.
 Givers of tithe in the right percentage are free from devourers and God’s curse.
 Givers unconsciously build around themselves a host of well-wishers and prayer warriors.
 Giving whole-heartedly and cheerfully is honoured and preferred by God.
 Givers escape troublesome, dangerous and problematic moments.
 Givers easily enjoy unsolicited assistance in times of needs.
 Giving is a catalyst to answered prayers. (Cornelius, Tabitha etc).
 Giving invokes heartfelt prayers and blessings from the recipient (Phil. 4:17-19).
 Highly voluminous and heavy giving has always been recognised and highly rewarded by God.
Moreover, their names are engraved in His record.
God is happy with you when you give cheerfully, and without grudging. Giving is an attitude that
should be imbibed. God will reward you greatly when you give to the men of God, the poor or less

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privileged in the society, unbelievers also do this. These are the fertile soil to plant your seed. Giving is a
quality that should be imitated, and a spirit that should be encouraged. It shows that you resemble your
heavenly father.

1. Who is the greatest Giver, and what precious thing did He give?
2. A man made two great sacrifices unto the Lord. Who was he, and what did he give on the first and on
the second occasions?
3. Somebody entertained strangers very generously, who was that, and what was the result?
4. Mention two facts about giving.
5. Mention one advantage of giving; support your answer with an illustration.

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LESSON 9 31/7/2022
Suggested Hymns: GHB. 133
Devotional Readings: Gen. 41:34-36; Matt. 25:1-12
Topic For Adults: Manage Your Wealth
Topic For Youths: Plan Your Finances
Topic For Intermediates: Get Financial Knowledge
Lesson Scriptures: Gen. 41:34-36; Lk. 14:28-30; Prov. 13:11; 15:27; 20:17; 22:7.

“The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, But those of everyone who is hasty,
surely to poverty” (Proverbs 21:5) NKJV.


MON. 25/7/2022 ONLY GOD GIVES WEALTH DEUT. 18:11-20
Far too often, we become too sure of ourselves and like to believe that we are self-made successes. We
often want to believe that we can do anything we set our minds to do and do it all on our own. But are we
not forgetting God when we allow ourselves to become too proud of our own abilities? We need to
constantly remind ourselves that only the Lord give us the ability and skills needed to create wealth.
Without adding sorrow and pains to it (Prov. 10:22). Only the Lord can also give us the ability to manage
this wealth He has given to us.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: True wealth only comes from the Lord.

PRAYER POINT: O Lord, grant me the grace to get wealth and manage it well.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 9: 13-21; Evening: Ezek.25-27

TUE. 26/7/2022 SET FINANCIAL PRIORITIES PROV. 21:5-6, 24:27

One of the very important steps we must take as Christians is to set our financial priorities right. Often,
many are used to haphazard financial planning that they end up being messed up and land heavily in debt
and embarrassment. Prov. 21:5 says that the plans of the diligent SURELY will lead to plenty - this is
very sure when we plan adequately. In setting our financial priorities, for example, we can make plans
towards a family project, savings, acquisition of assets, children education etc. These plans may be either
short term or long term depending on the type(s) of project(s) and our source(s) of income. However, our
plans must be written, achievable, measurable within a time frame. Make sure these plans are yours and
are sincere. Do not plan on what you are still not sure of but base your plans on sure sources of income.
Do not forget that only God can make your plans work. Make sure you set them before the Lord in

POINT OF EMPHASIS: If you don’t plan, you are already planning to fail.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, as I make my plans, help me to achieve great results.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 10: 1-7; Evening: Ezek.28-30

WED. 27/7/2022 MAKE A BUDGET LK. 14:28-32

Our text today shows that our Lord Jesus Christ knows the importance of budgeting in our effort at
managing our wealth. According to inestopedia.com, budgeting means an ‘estimation of revenue and
expenses over a specified future period of time and is usually compiled and re-evaluated on a periodic
basis’. When we make periodic budgets as Christians, we will not be pushed into impromptu purchases
and spending that can cause us financial embarrassment and debt. Budgeting helps us to stay focused and
where we fail in any area of our budget, we can re-evaluate and still achieve our aim. Many are in
financial crisis today because of lack of budgeting. Our text today shows the effect of lack of budget

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(verse 30) - embarrassment. We however, need discipline to stick to only things we have budgeted for.
We must wade off all financial pressures that may derail the focus of our budget.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Make a budget and make sure you stick to it.
PRAYER POINT: O Lord, help me to be financially disciplined in budgeting.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 10: 8-11; Evening: Ezek.31-33

THUR. 28/7/2022 BUILD AN EMERGENCY FUND GEN. 41: 34-37; MATT. 25: 1-13
In today’s text, Joseph interprets the dream Pharaoh had that the seven fat cows in the dream represents
seven years of prosperity for Egypt which would be followed by seven years of famine. To plan ahead of
this disaster, Joseph advised Pharaoh to store up grains during the seven good years and use the stored
grains to get the country through the seven hard years to follow. This was also one of the major reasons
the wise virgins succeeded over the foolish ones. It always makes sense to save resources in good times to
take you through hard times. Many Christians have had a shipwreck of their health, family and ministry
because they didn’t store up resources when they had surplus. The whole purpose of having an emergency
fund is to avoid embarrasement when the unexpected happens.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Create an emergency fund to avoid embarrassment when the unexpected happens.
PRAYER POINT: O Lord, help me to save for emergencies.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 11: 1-6; Evening: Ezek.34-36

FRI. 29/7/2022 AVOID DEBT PROV. 22:7,26-27

Debt is a kind of slavery and one of the most discouraging things on earth. Many Christians don’t
understand this very well. In many countries of the world today and with the advantage of internet
services, access to credit has improved greatly and with a touch of button on your phone and computer,
your account is credited in minutes. But we should realise that as long as you are in debt, you are a slave
to the creditor. Debt prevents rest and affects the debtor both mentally and physically. Lots of health crisis
today (depression, stroke and high blood pressure, anxiety, relationship problems, lowered immunity etc.)
can be linked to financial pressure from debt. The life span of a person can be shortened by unpaid debt.
A clear way out should be planned to pay our loan if there is need for one at all.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Avoid debt with every strength in you and you will live long
PRAYER POINT: O Lord, help me to always have surplus and discipline myself from unnecessary
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 11: 7-10; Evening: Ezek.37-39

SAT. 30/7/2022 REDUCE RISK AS YOU AGE ECCL. 5:13-14

In this story in Ecclesiastes, a father loses everything on bad investment and has nothing to leave for his
son. This is unfortunate for the son’s and in our modern world today, it could be a disaster for the father
as well. This is because his bad business venture wouldn’t just wipe out his son inheritance, it could also
wipe out his own retirement savings as well. We must have heard stories of fathers who left huge debts
for their children after their deaths. In some cases, the assets left by the father may not be able to pay off
these old age debts, further impoverishing the children. As we age, we need to reduce our financial
exposures to the barest minimum, not only for us but also for our children. It’s one of the surest strategies
in the management of our wealth. In addition, we need to avoid scams (those investments that look too
good to be true) and runaway completely from transactions that are not provable.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Avoid unnecessary financial exposures as you age.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to run away from financial errors in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 11:11-14; Evening: Ezek.40-41


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Our text today is very distinct with investment diversification. Nearly all types of investments can fall
victim to ‘evil’ of sort, whether its plague of locusts that wipe out a grain crop or a market crash that
reduces the value of stocks or real estate. So it makes sense to put money into different types of
investments so that a single disaster won’t cost you everything you have. In Biblical times, it would be
suicidal for a cloth merchant to put all his wares in one ship. If the wares are divided into eight to ten
ships, the chances are very remote that he would lose all his wares even if one ship sinks. It’s one cardinal
principles in wealth management that the more you diversify, the more you reduce your risk. There are
however some people that argue that diversification is a myth. Their argument is based on the fact that
you can put all your eggs in one basket and still make as much profit as possible, so far the basket is the
right basket. However, it takes a true genius or a specific and sure divine leading to determine the right
basket, therefore, diversification is a much safer option.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, diversify.
PRAYER POINT: O Lord, open my eyes to godly and profitable ventures I can invest in.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 11: 15-19; Evening: Ezek.42-44

Discussing wealth and money matters in the Christian world is often tricky and debatable. This is because
there are always more than two opposing views. There are many characters in the Bible who were not
only wealthy but also godly (Abraham, Job, David, Solomon). It’s so easy to look at these characters and
conclude that wealth is from God and one should embrace it. At the other side, we can also look at what
Jesus said to the young rich ruler and the woman who gave her last two coins to the Church (Mk. 12:41-
44). From this perspective, it seems having wealth is not only a blessing, but managing it.


PART 1: MAKE MONEY – PROV. 13: 11-13; 1 TIM. 5: 8
It is important to note that one of the very important steps into managing our wealth is to develop
skills of making money that comes with peace of mind. Ideally for money to come to someone, it means
value has been created for it to come. There are important facts we must know about money;
(1) Money is not evil, it is a tool given by God for our flourishing. Paul’s word to Timothy in 1 Tim. 6:10
only advice that money should never be our master.
(2) Money is the reward for hardwork. Both Jesus and Paul affirmed that hardwork should be rewarded
by a wage (Lk. 10:7; 1 Tim. 5:18).
(3) God is glorified when we apply our gifts and talents to the marketplace and are rewarded with money.
(4) The Bible teaches an entitlement mindset that looks for money without work is sinful (2 Thess. 3:
(5) Money belongs to God. By recognising where money comes from, can free us from its power (1 Cor.
(6) Money traps us into wanting more, if care is not taken (1 Cor. 13: 5).
There are various strategies a Christian can adopt to make money.
(1) Selling our skills and talents to the right buyers.
(2) Specialising in our chosen career and becoming a force to be reckoned with.
(3) Being consistent and diligent in whatever we do (Prov. 22: 29).
(4) Looking for legitimate opportunities both offline and online on how we can make money.
(5) Enhancing and developing our skills to make us relevant in today’s competitive markets.
(6) Being a problem solver in attracting money to ourselves.
The list is not exhaustive. Numerous options are coming up daily on how we can make money. One
key point here is for us to make more money than we need.
We must however, do away with the following if we are determined to make money for ourselves:
(1) We should not just pray to God but avoid laziness, procrastination and lack of direction in money

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(2) We should create value in our efforts to make money.
(3) Talents, skills and profession prudently.
(4) Be a giver if you want God to always bless you with money. Give your tithe and bless people always.
There are reasons God wants His children to make money and not to depend on others.
(1) God wants His children to fund the kingdom work. God will not depend on unbelievers to fund His
work but His children.
(2) God wants His children to be able to provide for their household.
(3) God wants His children to subdue the earth, to have dominion over all He has created. To effectively
have dominion, one has to have control over earth resources especially money (Gen. 1: 26).

PART 2: SAVE MONEY – PROV. 21: 5, 20; GEN. 41: 34-36

Savings means accumulating material resources for a defined, responsible purpose. As we work and
God provides us with income, He expects us to pay our taxes (Lk. 20: 21-25), give to His work (2 Cor. 9:
6-8), and meet our personal needs (1 Tim. 5:8). God expects us to set aside money to prepare for
upcoming needs when income will not be adequate or available.
In order to forestall the impending famine disaster coming upon Egypt, Joseph wisely advised that a
fraction or percentage of that resources and harvests of the land during the period of surplus be set aside
for the drought period coming upon the land. In wealth management, saving is regarded as central to its
entire planning. To form the habit of saving, here are tips for us as Christians:
(1) Recording our expenses. Keeping every detail of our expenses will help us track the loopholes and
identify gaps that need to be bridged.
(2) Budgeting for savings. Saving needs a disciplined and tactical approach before it can work.
(3) Setting savings goal. This can be towards a project or retirement.
(4) Deciding on our priorities in making sure that our long term savings plan does not affect our
immediate needs.
(5) Picking the right tools for saving money.
(6) Lastly, we can make savings automatic. Lots of banks now have this feature where you can save
money as soon as an income comes in.
For us to succeed we need to deal with the following obstacles to savings:
(1) Temptations in spending outside our budget should be prevented.
(2) Our lifestyle should not hinder our savings. Living within our budget is the key to fruitful savings.
(3) Our limited knowledge of simple finance and money should be enhanced.
(4) We must consistently and intentionally manage our expenses.
(5) Avoiding excuses to savings.

PART 3: INVEST MONEY – PROV. 13:22; 21: 20; ECCL. 11:1-2

According to Investopedia.com, “investment is the act of allocating resources, using money, with the
expectation of generating an income or profit”. In real term, money is not deemed to have been saved
unless it is invested. In other words, savings is equal to investment. As Christians, one of the major
attributes that we should exhibit in our wealth management strategy is ability to put money saved into
profitable use. In Prov. 13:22, the grace to leave good inheritance for one’s children is heavily anchored
on investment.
As Christians, let’s take note of the followings when investing:
(1) Invest in only businesses you understand. Consult very widely before taking step to invest (Prov.
(2) Avoid get-rich-quick-schemes. Any investment that offers unbelievable returns within a short period
may be a scam.
(3) Never put all your eggs in one basket, please diversify.
(4) Eliminate debt before investing. Loans that have unending interest rates should be paid off before

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(5) Never rush or be pushed into any investment. Take your time, pray earnestly for God leading and talk
to your family before investing.
All these will help us in the management of the wealth God has bestowed upon us. Our prayers and
plan for our investment is that it should grow in leaps and bounds. For this to happen,:
(1) We must be faithful in whatever harvest we give to God (Lk.16: 10-11).
(2) We must observe the ‘seed principle’ (Mk. 4: 3-9). Seed must be sown if we want to multiply (2 Cor.
9:6-8), our seed must be sown on good grounds, and like we mentioned, we must not consume all our
(3) Don’t hoard your harvests. Bless God and His people.
(4) Be faithful with whatever result you have (Lk. 16: 10-11).
(5) When investing, patience is needed. Gain wealth one step at a time.

Let us know that in managing our wealth as Christians, we need to take control of how our resources
(money in most instances) are deployed. When we accept that wealth is God’s instead of ours, we are
better equipped to manage it. Managing one’s wealth Biblically calls for wisdom.

1. Explain the meaning of wealth as it relates to Christianity?
2. Mention at least three important steps in wealth management.
3. Why are Christians failing today in the management of wealth that God has given to them?
4. Mention three things you must take note as a Christian while investing.
5. What do you understand by investment?

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LESSON 10 7/8/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 23, 77
Devotional Reading: Prov. 3:5-8
Topic For Adults: Importance Of Staying Healthy
Topic For Youths: My Health, My Wealth
Topic For Intermediates: Having good health
Lesson Scriptures: Prov. 3:5-8; 31:17; 3 Jn. 2; Isa. 53:3-5;
Phil. 2:25-30; 1 Tim. 4:7-8; 1Cor. 10:31

“Don’t be wise in your own eyes. Fear the LORD, and depart from evil. It will be
health to your body, And nourishment to your bones.” (Proverbs 3:7-8) NKJV.


Good health is the desire of every individual. It’s more essential for a Christian to have good health
because it will portray the glory and blessing of God upon one’s life and this can be effectively achieved
when we shun evil and cleave to God’s will. Some people in the world seek healthy living by making
sacrifice, rituals with the use of human parts just to stay alive and healthy, but Jesus Christ has sacrificed
Himself for us on the cross that we might live and have good health. Our text reveals that departing from
evil “….will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones” (Prov. 3:8). So, shunning evil is the
starting point to the journey of good health which Jesus Christ has provided.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Aim at living a healthy life by forsaking evil.

PRAYER POINT: God, give me the grace to shun evil and give me good health.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 12: 1-6; Evening: Ezek.45-46


God’s word is indispensable for healthy living. Keeping God’s word which has to start with giving
attention to it, inclining your ear to it, and making it your life guarding and guiding principles through
obedience is very essential to healthy living. The obedience to God’ commandment brings joy to the
heart. The heart is necessary for effective functioning of other parts of the body. Therefore, if the heart is
not functioning well, it tends to affect every part of the body. In life distress, God’s word brings life and
heals our heart as the Bible declares that, “for they are life to those who find them, And health to all their
flesh”. Obeying the word of God is necessary for you to experience good health.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Obedience to God’s word is essential for healthy living.

PRAYER POINT: O Lord, give me the grace to always obey Your word.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 12: 7-12; Evening: Ezek.47-48

The food that you consume contributes to the state of your health. It either builds up your body to fight
against different forms of diseases or destroys it. Eating food in balanced proportions (balanced diet) and
shunning the eating of junks are highly beneficial in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Also, listen to the
advice of your dietician and doctors to prevent diseases associated with poor eating habit. Good nutrition
can reduce high blood pressure and improve energy levels. The elderly and people with health issues
should adhere strictly to medical advice on their diet. Remember, the Bible encourages us to do all things
in modesty.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: The food you eat contributes to your state of health.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, help me to discipline my appetite.

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Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 12: 13-17; Evening: Dan.1-3

Physical exercise improves your health and reduces the risk of developing several diseases like type 2
diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. It has immediate and long-term health benefits. This helps
increase blood supply to the heart, keeps the body in shape and at alert. Good exercise prevents different
types of heart related diseases, prevents obesity and its complications and keeps individuals fit. Regular
exercise improves your quality of life. However, precaution should be taken regarding some exercise so
as not to harm yourself and do more damage to your health. For example do not engage in exercise when
you are sick, listen to your body. In case of any discomfort, seek medical advice promptly.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Engage in exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, give me the grace to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 13: 1-10; Evening: Dan.4-5


Epaphroditus was warned by Apostle Paul when he neglected his health as he almost lost his life. As a
Christian, it is good and essential to have faith but do not forsake your health when you are sick. Visit
your physician and get proper medical care. God gave the medical practitioners knowledge to make
effective diagnosis and give adequate treatment. Therefore, to avoid untimely death or complications
from any illness, seek medical advice and back it up with prayers. Have this at the back of your mind that,
“Doctors care but God heals”.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: There is no wisdom in neglecting your health.

PRAYER POINT: God, grant me wisdom to manage my health well.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 13: 11-18; Evening: Dan.7-8


Stress is inevitable in life as an accompaniment of our hustle and bustle lifestyle. It is a state of mental or
emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances which affects our health.
It is initiated by: “Shocking moments, Traumatic events, Repetitious pressure from something, Errors
that we make, Strain from succeeding and striving through life, and Sales related to money-financial
pressures” (Michael Mccartney, 2003). These stressors are: serious illness, job loss, a death in the family
or a painful life event which makes you feel down or anxious. These can be handled by doing the
following: maintain positive attitude instead of being hostile; accept that there are events that you cannot
control; learn to manage your time more effectively and say no to requests that would create stress; make
time for relaxation; connect yourself with the injunctions in verses 4 and 6 - “Rejoice in the Lord always.
Again I will say, rejoice” and “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with
thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God”; spend enough time with those you love, and talk
to your Pastor or Doctor if the situation persists.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Handle your stress graciously and do not damage your health.
PRAYER POINT: God, grant me wisdom to manage my stress graciously.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 14: 1-5; Evening: Dan.9-10

SUN. 7/8/2022 CLAIM YOUR HEALING ISA. 53:3-5; 3 JN. 2

Divine healing is the will of God for His Children. Jesus healed ALL who came to Him during His
earthly ministry. That same Jesus is still in the business of healing people from their various sicknesses
and diseases today because the Bible says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever”
(Heb. 13:8). There are five things in the Scriptures that guarantee your healing by God: Christ’s
atonement (Isa. 53:4-5; Matt. 8:16-17); God is a healer (Exo. 15:26); He is a covenant keeper (Num.

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23:19); He is our Father who loves us (Matt.7:7; Rom. 8:17); and He is compassionate (Matt. 20:29-
34). Connect to the caring God through faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the only access you
need to claim your healing and constantly confess His promises (1 Pet. 2:24; Mal. 4:2; Jer. 33:6; Ps.
103:3; 107:20; Exo. 23:25-26). It is the desire of God that “…you may prosper in all things and be in
health, just as your soul prospers” as “He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Deliver yourself as you claim your healing.

PRAYER POINT: Lord, I receive my healing in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 14: 6-13; Evening: Dan.11-12

Health is a state of complete well-being in our physical, mental, and social components, and it is beyond
mere absence of disease or infirmity. Your health is the most important asset in your life. Good health
does not just happen, it must be developed. The quality of life you will live is as a result of the interaction
of your genes, environment and lifestyle habits (Olabanji, 2021). The type of interactions you permit
today is an investment which will manifest in the future. But as Christians, we have a promise of good
health in 3 John 2 This is why this week’s lesson centres on how to manage our health.


It is obvious that God wants us to be healthy not only spiritually but also physically. The Bible says,
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 Jn. 2)
which can be seen together as a promise and our responsibility. This should be a reason that ought to
arouse us to take care of ourselves and be healthy. The reasons why God would want us all to be in good
health are: It glorifies Him (1 Cor. 10:31), our body is God’s temple (1 Cor. 6:19-20), being a good
witness (Acts 1:8; 2 Cor. 5:20), having more energy to do God’s work, to be better equipped for what
God has planned for you (Eph. 2:10) and to fulfil His good purpose (Phil. 2:13).
God has given promises through His word for our good health that if we believe them by faith, it will
produce good result for our health. In Deuteronomy 7:15, “And the Lord will take away from you all
sickness, and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt which you have known …”. The
book of Psalm 103 verse 3 sees God as, “Who forgives all your iniquities; who heals all your diseases”.
While in Jeremiah 30:17, God says, “For I will restore health to you, and heal you of your wounds…”.
These promises if held onto by faith will definitely produce result. James opines that, “Is anyone among
you sick? Let him call for the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in
the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he
has committed sins, he will be forgiven” (Jam. 5:14-15).
God wants you to be healthy and to take good care of yourself healthwise. God wants the best for you
in life in all areas - social, financial, occupational, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.


Epaphroditus was a vibrant, effective and fellow soldier with Apostle Paul in the ministry. They both
worked together effectively for Jesus Christ, but, he neglected his health, and Paul had to caution him in
order for him not to lose his life. This encourages us as Christians to pay attention to our health as we
work for God and do our daily activities. You are sacred (Rom. 12:1) with only one body, so, you must do
the necessary good things for it and that may include eating well, working out and getting regular check-
ups at the hospital. God sacrificed His Son in order for us to be here in this body. We do not want to
misuse the body we were given by the LORD.
To have faith is good and essential as a Christian but do not neglect your health when you are sick, see
the physician and get proper medical care. God gave the medical practitioners knowledge to make
effective diagnosis and give adequate treatment. Therefore, to avoid untimely death or complications

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from any illness, seek medical advice and back it up with prayers. Prevention, they say, is better than
cure, so early presentation at the hospital saves a lot. Have this at the back of your mind that, “Doctors
care, but, God heals”. Enjoy their care if the need arises before it is too late.
Foreign Missions Copy


1COR. 10:31
The type of lifestyle we imbibe has either a positive or negative effect on our state of health. The three
most important things in a healthy lifestyle are: food, exercises and rest. The food that you consume either
builds up your body to fight against different forms of diseases or destroys it. Eating balanced diet and
shunning the eating of junks are highly valuable in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition not
only prevents diseases but can reduce high blood pressure and improve energy level. Christians with
health issues should keep to medical advice on their diet.
The essence of physical exercise cannot be jettisoned as it improves your health and reduces the risk
of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. It has immediate
and long-term health benefits. This helps increase blood supply to the heart, keeps the body in shape and
at alert. Good exercise prevents different types of heart related diseases and obesity. Regular exercise
improves your quality of life and keeps individuals fit. However, caution should be taken in performing
some physical exercises so as not to harm yourself and damage your health. If any discomfort is observed,
seek medical advice quickly.

God’s plan for us as individuals is that we be in good health and our soul prospers. To enjoy good
health, you should eat balanced diet, exercise effectively, relieve yourself of stress through exercise and
rest. Also, making yourself available for medical check-up involving the heart, kidneys, liver and other
organs of the body is essential to staying healthy and effective for God’s work. Good health is an
important part of being self-reliant. Safeguarding our health will enable us to fulfill our divine potential
and serve others more effectively.

1. What is good health?
2. Why does God want us to be healthy?
3. Identify God’s promises that assure us of good health.
4. It does not negate the Christian faith to go for medical check-up. Discuss.
5. Discuss the issues in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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LESSON 11 14/8/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 113, 266
Devotional Readings: Prov. 3:21-26
Topic For Adults: Physical Security is Essential
Topic For Youths: Do not Risk Your Life
Topic For Intermediate: Be Your Brother’s Keeper
Lesson Scriptures: Exo. 13:21-22; Hos. 4:6; Prov. 3:21-24,
26-35; 12:1; 11:1; 18:10-12; 2 Tim 3:1-7

“Do not be afraid of sudden terror, Nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes;
For the LORD will be your confidence, And will keep your foot from being caught” (Proverbs 3:25-26) NKJV.


Be very careful who you share information with, sharing your personal information with strangers can
open you up to danger. The enemy works with information before striking. The more they know, the
more accurate the attack and the less they know, the less accurate the attack. The Prophet in 1Kgs.13:8 -
9,15-18 gave out his secret to the King and based on the information the old prophet easily manipulated
the prophet sent by God to Bethel. Talk less and make sure that you only share confidential information
with people you can trust. Be careful when talking on phone in public places and when speaking on
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Don’t open your life, business and homes to attack by talking to wrong people.
PRAYER POINT: Lord teach me how to control my mouth in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 14: 14-16; Evening: Hos.1-3


Most criminals are opportunists who look for the best opening to carry out their activities. This means
that they will study their potential victim to learn their habit so they can look for the best opportunity. The
more predictable you become, the easier it is for the enemy to strike. They will simply plan an attack
based on your predictable pattern of life. God vividly instructed the prophet not to return by the same way
he came to Bethel knowing ahead the impending danger that will arise after delivering His message. Let’s
allow some form of randomness in our life and try to change some static patterns that can be used as clues
to strike by the enemy.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Identify consistent patterns in your life and make some changes to make it difficult
for any potential enemies.
PRAYER POINT: Lord protect me from unforeseen enemy.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 14: 17-20; Evening: Hos.4-6

WED. 10/8/2022 NEVER WALK ALONE PROV. 30: 25; ECCL. 4:12
Walking alone is dangerous for the simple reason that you’re an easier target for criminals. Ants move
together in line to carry their food. So, walking alone especially at night is always going to be more
dangerous. As much as possible, try not to walk alone during odd hours. If you are leaving home early to
work, make friends with someone else in your street who leaves as early as you do too. Walking alone
especially in the dark hour can attract unwanted attention. One person that is alone can be easily
overpowered but two people stand the chance to resist danger. Despite the fact that security operatives are
armed, they don’t work alone. Walking alone should never be a habit.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Never walk alone in strange or lonely places.

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PRAYER POINT: Lord guide my going out and my coming in.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 15; Evening: Hos.7-9

THUR. 11/8/2022 PROTECT YOUR PROPERTIES PROV. 24:3-4; LK. 4:21

Physical properties like building, cars, landed properties handset, ATM cards and other valuable items are
very important that needs to be properly protected. A little vigilance can go a long way. In Gen. 3:24,
God placed Cherubim “and a flaming sword which turned every way at the east of the Garden of Eden,
why? To guard the way of the tree of life so that Adam and Eve will not come back to eat of the tree of
life. Most of our properties are not properly secured, even some of the Church buildings and landed
properties are not duly registered under the Government and this exposes us to suffer intimidation and
threat from several agencies.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God knows the essence of protecting the tree of life.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, please protect my home against the attack of the enemies.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 16: 1-7; Evening: Hos.10-12

FRI. 12/8/2022 KNOW THE CONSTITUTION PROV. 19:8; ACTS. 25:10-12

A constitution is a collection of rules and principles which set out how a state is governed. It forms the
frame work for all decision made by every governmental official and particularly the legislator.
Constitution also set out the right of everyone which must be respected by the state and therefore establish
the relationship between the government and the people. As a Christian, we must be familiar with the
constitution of the country and any organisation we belong to. In Act 25, Paul was able to defend himself
before Festus the judge because he knew the Jewish constitution. A constitution defines the principles
upon which the state is based, the procedure in which laws are made and by whom.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Knowledge is important, if you are not informed you will be deformed.
PRAYER POINT: O Lord don’t let me be ignorant of my right.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 16: 8-11; Evening: Hos.13-14

SAT. 13/8/2022 WATCH MY BACK, I WATCH YOUR BACK 2 TIM. 4: 15-17

The Lord said to Cain, “where is your Brother?” He said, “I do not know, am I my brother’s keeper?”
(Gen. 4:9). To watch each other’s back simply means we should be our brother’s keeper, be willing and
prepared to help or defend someone; to look out for someone in case they need assistance. It should be
natural for us to be our brother’s keeper. God is love, and He made us to be caring and kind to others.
Apostle Paul in the above verse lamented how the brethren forsook him at the time he needed them most
but Paul said “Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me”. Assisting ourselves in time of trouble is part of
our Christian service and there is no surveillance like individual surveillance.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God wants us to be kind and care for others.

PRAYER POINT: O Lord, always stay by me even if others forsake me.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 16: 12-16; Evening: Joel.1-3


Nothing is missing if there is no record of its existence. One good way to guard against theft of properties,
equipment or valuable items is to ensure proper records are kept. Record keeping serves as  measuring
rods to determine how the Church is doing. Financial records and reporting can also serve as a compass in
helping keep the Church on course. In Romans 14:12 Paul reminds that each of us will be accountable to
God. Keeping accurate and up-to-date records is vital to the success of any organisation. The organisation
must realise that records kept will be one of the most important management tools it possesses and,
therefore, it should be allocated due importance. Keeping proper record of events is very important as its
purpose is to provide reliable evidence of, ‘who, what, when, and why’ something happened. All

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records must be signed, timed and dated if handwritten. If digital, they must be traceable to the person
who provided the care that is being documented.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Record keeping system should be accurate, reliable, and easy to follow and be very
PRAYER POINT: God, help me to keep good record of my life.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 16: 17-21; Evening: Amos.1-3

We are in a world where criminal activities are on the increase and people are increasingly falling victim
to criminal activities. It is not enough to pay people to secure us. We all have role to play. The concept
of security consciousness has been from the beginning of the world. To be security conscious will
not only protect us but will also help us to avoid situation that can expose us to danger. It is important to
remember that criminals are becoming more cunning and dangerous and everyone needs to be more
careful. This week’s lesson sensitise believers on the need to improve their security consciousness.


And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead them the way and by night in a
pillar of fire to give them light by day and night. The pillar was both a signal and a guide, when it moved,
the people moved and when it stopped, they encamped (Exo. 40:36-38). God has been in the business of
guiding and protecting his people not only spiritually but physically from the beginning of the world. God
is very proactive and interested in the physical protection of His people. This is evidenced in Exo. 14:13-
If God the Almighty could physically protect the Israelite from the hand of the enemy, it implies that
we too should protect ourselves and should improve more on security consciousness. We should be able
to recognise security problems and act accordingly. The best way to try and prevent getting caught in
dangerous situation is to be security conscious. Just as the criminals (armed robbers, kidnapers, terrorists,
assassins etc.) are improving their nefarious skills every day in our society, we must keep on being
security conscious (Matt. 10:16).
There are always unforeseen dangers that may occur at a sudden moment when you leave your house.
(Eph. 5:16). It is important to know that criminals are becoming more cunning and dangerous, this
implies that we should be more careful and keep improving on our security consciousness. God’s
presence will never leave His people and His supernatural protection is sure upon us. However, we on our
part should ensure that we do our best to put every measure in place to protect ourselves (Prov. 12:7).

Lack of knowledge is very destructive. God does not want us to be destroyed and that is the reason He
warned us not to be ignorant of the happenings around us. There are different types of crimes but we are
going to consider some common security threats around us. Threat simply means something that can
harm us or expose us to danger.
 Kidnapping (Act 23:12-22): Taking someone away by force, often demanding money for their
ransom. One of the saddest crimes is kidnapping or man stealing. Kidnapping can happen anywhere
and to anybody but being conscious of this danger will help you a great deal in making sure you are
not a victim. It is probably the most severe form of stealing in the world today. In the Old Testament
this crime is punishable by death (Exo. 21:16; Deut. 24: 7).
 Stealing (Exo. 20:15): This is a crime that involves the unlawful taking/using of another person’s
property. Thieves and opportunists are unarmed robbers always looking for easy target to exploit and
steal. Pickpocketing occurs when someone reaches into another’s pocket or purse and removes
something valuable. They are very common nowadays as the criminals take the advantage of crowds

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to try to cut through bags, purses and make away with valuables. Most of the victims don’t recover
the stolen items and are only left to wonder how it happened.
 Burglary and Robbery (1 Cor. 6:10): Illegally entering or breaking into a building and stealing
things. When you are getting a place for commercial or residential purpose, ensure it has reinforced
doors and windows.
 Suicide Attack (Judg. 16:30): A Suicide attack is any violent attack usually involving an explosion,
in which the attackers accept their own death as a direct method of the attack used. The dramatic end
of Samson where he was bound and blinded, regained his strength and pulled down the pillars of the
temple killing himself and the assemblies of the philistines is a good example of suicide attack. A
suicide bomber always look for crowded areas to perpetuate the act.
 Car-snatching: This is the criminal act of stealing or attempting to steal a motor vehicle. Car
snatching can be avoided just like other crimes, although more difficult when the car snatcher is
armed. Some wait until the car is parked before carrying out the crime. Another method used by these
criminals is to wave you down pretending to need your help in fixing their own vehicle (this is very
common when driving on the express). Please don’t stop, it could be a plan.
 A list of other crimes are; Abduction, Embezzlement, Fraud, Corruption, Bribery, Blackmail, Arson,
Assassination, Bigamy, Domestic violence, Cybercrime, Genocide, Homicide, Libel, Looting,
Mugging, Trafficking, Voyeurism and so on


With some basic precaution you can avoid becoming victim to these crimes.
 Stealing
- Keep expensive items out of sight, including purses and wallets, phones, electronics.
- Don’t keep your valuables (phone, backpack, wallet and purse) in your back pocket, it is easier to be
caught unaware from behind.
- Avoid close body contact.
- Wait until you arrive at your location to make or receive phone calls especially at night.
- Don’t carry more than you need, leave unnecessary valuable items secure at your residence.
- Periodically, feel your valuables in your bag especially after there is human collision.
 Burglary and Robbery
- When leaving your home or store, ensure the gate/doors are locked.
- Be careful with people you drop your keys with.
- Avoid keeping keys under the flower pot or foot mat, those places can be easily guessed.
- Get the service of security guard.
 Kidnapping
- While boarding a vehicle, ensure you board from Government approved parks.
- Avoid walking alone when it is dark.
- If you are driving, ensure you periodically check your rear-view mirror to see if you are being
trailed. If you think you are being, trailed drive straight to a police station or seek an escort.
- Never travel in odd hours.
 Suicide Attack
- The proactive step here is to ensure vehicles, persons and bags are scanned at entrance and exit
point of places that have high number of traffic.
 Car-snatching
- Install anti-lock and tracking device in your car.

Be vigilant and watchful. No matter how many security operatives. You have at your disposal, your
personal safety can only be guaranteed by yourself. There is no surveillance like individual surveillance.

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Be observant and report any unusual behaviour to the appropriate authority. Be aware of your
surroundings and learn how to identify potential problem.

1. Explain what you understand by ‘consciousness’.
2. Why did God take the protection of His people serious as in Exo. 14: 19-20?
3. Mention three (3) prevailing crimes in our society. Explain each briefly.
4. How can we prevent ourselves from being victims of kidnaping?
5. What is threat and how can we prevent it?

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LESSON 12 21/8/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B 28
Devotional Reading: Ps. 33:16-22
Topic for Adults: God – Our Eternal Refuge
Topic for Youths: Preserved And Sustained
Topic for Intermediates: Secured In God’s Hand
Lesson Scriptures: Prov. 21:30-31; 19:21; Jer. 9:23; Ps. 33:17-20; Eccl. 9:11

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember
the name of the LORD our God” (Psalm 20:7) NKJV.


MON. 15/8/2022 TRUST RIGHTLY PS. 20:1-9
Our text this morning is a battle prayer which is believed to have been solemnly chanted in the temple
sanctuary on the eve of the great campaign to crush the formidable rebellion of the Ammonites and their
Syrian allies in the day of David as the King of Israel (2 Sam. 10:1-19). Chariots driven by horses
furnished great advantages in war by the speed with which they can be driven against an enemy and by
the facilities in fighting from them. The same goes for horses, some in chariots is commonly a very
material reliance in war. It would therefore, be very reasonable for kings and their army to trust in them.
But the Israelites will not forget that their reliance is – the living God. In life struggles whatever
instrument that may be available for protection. Believers must always be aware that only God give
success. He is the right being to trust. Trusting God is trusting rightly.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Trust and obey.

PRAYER POINT: O Lord, I trust in You, let me not be put to shame.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 17: 1-6; Evening: Amos.4-6

TUE. 16/8/2022 ARM OF FLESH WILL FAIL PS. 33:16-20

God’s power cannot be compared to that of most powerful people like kings and warriors. They are
powerless even though they have a mighty army and men of great mental and physical strength at their
service. A mighty man is not delivered by much strength. Goliath (a giant) with his great strength could
not deliver himself out of the hands of David, a youth that had just passed from boyhood. The illustration
of an horse as a vain thing for safely and deliverance not by strength are designed to lead our mind to the
great idea that safety is to be sought from God as it can be found in Him alone. The eye of the Lord is
upon them that reverence Him. He watches over them, He guards them from danger. God’s eye is upon
all men, but it is directed with special attention upon those who trust and hope in His mercy.
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POINT OF EMPHASIS: By strength shall no man prevail.

PRAYER POINT: My Father, I trust and hope in Your mercy, let Your mercy speak for me.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 17: 7-18; Evening: Amos.7-9

WED. 17/8/2022 GOD DELIVERS 2 TIM. 3:11-14

All who whole-heartedly follow God must expect persecution. The life and experience of Paul the
Apostle illustrates this truth. Timothy his spiritual son was aware of this even before he joined Paul in
Gospel work and walk. Paul suffered because of his devotion to Christ (Acts 13:50; 14:5-6; 16:1-2). In
Antioch of Pisidia, the Jews contradicted and blasphemed his doctrine. They stirred up the chief of the
city both men and women against him and Banabas, and expelled them from their towns. The same goes
for them at Iconioum and Lystra where the Apostle was ill-treated and stoned, drawn out of the city, and

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left for dead. Paul attested to this in 2 Cor. 11:23. By the grace of God the Lord delivered him out of them
all. In all situations, hoping and trusting that God will deliver us as He did to Apostle Paul.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God will deliver you as you put your trust in Him.
PRAYER POINT: O Lord, deliver me from life’s challenges and trials in Jesus’ name
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 18: 1-8; Evening: Obad.1

THUR. 18/8/2022 SEEK REFUGE IN GOD PS. 34:15-22

In the world, believers must face two realities. The realities of human persecution and the reality of divine
preservation. The righteous are sometimes in distress, their affliction may be many and they often cry as a
result of the pressure. Why do the righteous suffer affliction? The righteous suffer affliction because the
world is full of wicked people who hate the truth. Like their captain of salvation, they will suffer from the
wicked. But the Lord delivers them from them all. He keeps all their bones, that not one of them is
broken. The Hebrew word translated trust in verse 22 actually means to seek refuge or flee for protection.
It then means the redemption of our soul is sure and we shall not be condemned that run to Him for

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Run to God for protection.

PRAYER POINT: Oh Lord! Unto you I run for protection. Let me not be ashamed.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 18: 9-20; Evening: Jonah.1-2


The text for our devotion today is titled ‘A Morning Song in Perilous Times’. It is universally agreed by
Bible scholars that it was composed by David in his flight from Absalom his son (2 Sam. 18:1). The
conspiracy against David was strong because in the narration of 2 Sam. 15:12, the people increased
continually with Absalom - even Ahithophel David’s childhood companion was part of the conspiracy. In
spite of all the challenges, David could lie down and sleep because God is his deliverer, shield and
protector which compasses him around. The Lifter up of his head who enables him to rise above his
troubles. What God was to David is what He is to saints still. Whether we sink in trouble or rise above
depend on our faith in Him and our prayers. But God still and will continue to RESCUE His own.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God delivers His own still.

PRAYER POINT: With You my Father, I can be at rest and smile at my foes. Lift my head above my
enemies in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 18: 21-24; Evening: Jonah 3-4
SAT. 20/8/2022 GOD WILL YET DELIVER 2 COR. 1:8-10
God’s children are often afflicted. The Bible says that those that will live a godly life in Christ will suffer
persecution. Whenever a believer is faced with persecution such should depend on God. Hope in Christ,
do not make ashame are on earth. So must it be, because the Author and Finisher of their faith was a man
of sorrow and so like Apostle Paul they are sometimes “pressed out of measure” and “weighed down
exceedingly” until their power collapses. Happy are we then if like the Apostle do not in such tribulations
despair of life. When our strength fails God’s is untouched. It is easy for Him to deliver us when we are in
great peril as when we are in little. As He delivered the Apostles and others in the time past, He will yet
deliver us.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God still delivers.

PRAYER POINT: O God; with You, I will not be despair of life. Please deliver me.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 19: 1-10; Evening: Mic. 3-4


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A righteous person is one who among other things does what is right. Perfect righteousness is found in
God alone, He is perfect in goodness and has a perfect knowledge of what is right and what is wrong.
Man also made in God’s image has a sense of righteousness characterised by proper behaviour and moral
uprightness. Righteousness is not a moral perfection that people achieve by their own efforts but with a
right relationship with God. Righteousness delivers from death. Makes the way of the blameless smooth.
The righteous goes a safe and secure way through life. The way that Joseph went in the midst of his
brothers and in Egypt is an example. On the contrary, what characterises the way of the righteous is
totally missing with the wicked. It is the opposite with the wicked. His wickedness does not given him
stability in life. His expectation comes to nothing.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: Be blameless and walk in righteousness.

PRAYER POINT: I receive grace to be righteous in Jesus’ name.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 19: 11-16; Evening: Mic. 5-7

Our contemporary world is been dominated with evil and wickedness. Natural disasters, political unrest
and pandemics are the order of the day. In some African countries like Nigeria, the activities of terrorist
organisations, kidnappers and bandits have reduced security of life and property to zero. There is inflation
and people cannot feed themselves adequately. The unfortunate aspect is that, it appears that the
government is at a loss on how to deal with the situation. We need a deliverer who can save us from the
situation. The lesson of this week explain the need for believer to settle for the ultimate deliverer – God.


PART 1: HUMAN WISDOM IS LIMITED - PROV. 21:30; 19:21; JER. 9:23
Human wisdom is no match for God’s wisdom. No wisdom or plans of any person can ultimately
thwart the Lord’s plan. A man may be wise and have insight and therefore give wise advice. He may be
highly educated and have experience. But if he has no fear of the Lord, he lacks the real wisdom and
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8). He who is God, overlooks the past, the
present and future. Man cannot look into the future. He can make predictions based on experience and
assumptions but he cannot offer guarantee. There can be no success against and without God and man
must never act in opposition to but in conformity with Him. Man must not act in contempt of divine
wisdom or in contradiction to His counsels.
Being wise includes the ability to make good decisions, especially choosing to do what pleases God.
People become truly wise by listening to God and humbly obeying God’s will. A truly wise person will
show the fruits of the Holy Spirit in his life, such as love, kindness and patience. With human wisdom, no
victory will be achieved. Godly wisdom is available to all who are prepared to leave the folly of self-
centred ways and Godly wisdom enable one overcome the temptations and challenges of life (Prov. 6:23-
27). Those who refuse godly wisdom, he will inevitably bring upon himself disappointment, shame and
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Human efforts like human wisdom has its limitations. It is useless to fight against God, or to fight
without Him. The horse is an emblem of military power and activity. These animals are used exclusively
for war. The horse and horse-drawn chariots were objects of extreme terror. The assertion is that, though
all preparations are made for the battle and the materials, forces are the best and strongest description,
safety or victory or deliverance is of the Lord. The superiority of a Cavalry unit against foot soldiers is no
guarantee of victory. Deliverance is only from the Lord who can turn battles His way in spite of man’s

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The eye of the Lord is upon all. God takes note of how all men act but carefully watches over the
safety and prosperity of His faithful ones. The protection and deliverance which man’s strength cannot
give, God freely furnish. He alone keeps souls from death and delivers those who put their trust in Him.
Believers must be confident in God’s will, and in His power. We must wait patiently and cheerfully
for Him to manifest Himself in His own good time. Believers must trust no one and nothing but Him. He
alone must be our full dependence because human wisdom is limited.

It is natural to look for success and prosperity from those who are highly endowed and who have
employed and developed their natural gifts. There are qualities adapted to secure success. But many a
time, we observe human endeavour and human hope crushed. The swift runner drops upon the course and
the bold warrior is smitten upon the battlefield. Victory is truly not for the strong.
Christians are to learn that our true defence, deliverance and safety is God – our rock and tower of
strength. individual and Nations put their trust in weaponry like David in Psalm 20:7 believers should
know that true might is of God. Safety or deliverance comes from God through the following:
 By a providential control of events. God delivered Israel from Egypt by opening a path through the
Red Sea. He saved Jerusalem from Senacheriub by the sword of the destroying angel.
 By divine influence exerted over the minds of men. God is the secret Counsellor of the most astute
statesmen. He can suggest and direct their thoughts and plans, awaken the conscience and allay the
passion of our foes. This was how God saved Jacob from Esau.
 By help given to men – His own in hour of danger. God can interfere by guiding and strengthening
those who trust in Him and so lead them to safety.
 Above all, by ultimate deliverance from all troubles at the coming of Jesus Christ.
To obtain deliverance from God do the following:
 Act justly towards others.
 Live at peace with God.
 Trust in God through His Son Jesus Christ and be reconciled to Him.

In the contemporary time, people device means of securing themselves. Some employ security men
and take insurance policy. Also, some purchase weapon to defend themselves against the enemies. While
these may be useful to some extent. Christians should know that the ultimate deliverer that never fail is
God. Therefore, make yourself secure in Him.
God is good and upright, He will teach and guide those who seek Him. To loyal souls all His ways are
mercy and truth. He will give such souls a rest and refuge.

1. What do you understand by deliverance?
2. Mention two approaches of man in solving problems and challenges.
3. What is divine wisdom?
4. How can we obtain deliverance and safety from God?
5. How does God give refuge or victory?

Welcome to
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AUGUST 28, 2022

REVISION DAY 1 22/8/2022

Suggested Hymns: G. H. B. 61, 83
Devotional Reading: Ps. 112:1-10
Topic For Adults: Blessed Is The Man Who Fears The Lord
Topic For Youths: The Fear Of The Lord Is The Beginning Of Wisdom
Topic For Intermediates: The Fear Of The Lord Is To Hate Evil
Lesson Scriptures: Gen. 4:1-11; 39:1-12; Exo. 5:1-5, Rom. 1:28-32;
Dan. 3:12-25, Neh. 5:14-19; Ps. 112:1-10.

MEMORY VERSE: “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way
and the perverse mouth I hate” (Proverbs 8:13) NKJV.

SUMMARY: To fear the Lord should be a very easy way of life ready to enjoy the abundant blessings
and benefit embedded in it but unfortunately the force dwelling in man runs contrary. The fear of God is
the beginning of wisdom to be prosperous, to be secured, to be healthy and eventually be in heaven with
God eternally. It should be noted, that in this age of information, knowledge is plentiful but wisdom is
scarce. Since the fear of Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Adhere to godly wisdom which the Bible


Suggested Hymns: G. H. B. 61, 69.
Devotional Reading. Ezek. 28:12-18
Topic For Adults: God Resists The Proud
Topic For Youths: Walk Humbly With God
Topic For Intermediates: Be Humble
Lesson Scriptures: Prov. 18:12; 16:18; Ps. 51:17, Isa. 66:2; 14:12-15; 1 Pet. 5:5. Jam. 4:5-7. Lk. 12:16-21;
Phil. 2:5-11; Ezek. 28:12-17; Deut. 8:2-3

MEMORY VERSE: “Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, And before honor is humility”
(Proverbs 18:12) NKJV.

SUMMARY: No matter the destiny a man carries, the anointing and how great a man is ordained to be,
pride can ruin him in a day. Beware of pride, it kills, rather be humble.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 19: 17-21; Evening: Nah. 1-3.

REVISION DAY 2 23/8/2022

LESSON 3 19/6/2022
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 37, 306
Devotional Reading: 1 Cor. 15:30-34
Topic For Adults: You Are Different

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Topic For Youths: Be Wise; Make Godly Friends
Topic For Intermediate: Who Is Your Friend?
Lesson Scriptures: 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Jam. 4:4; 2 Sam. 13:1-15, Prov. 1:8-15; 13:20, 17:17; 18:24; 4:23; Lk.
6:43-45; Jn.15:13, Rom. 5:7-8

MEMORY VERSE: “He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be
destroyed” (Proverbs 13:20) NKJV.

SUMMARY: This lesson has emphasised the fact that the purpose of God in the life of a man can be
actualised or terminated by the type of friends a person keeps. As a result you must be prayerful and
watchful in your choice of friends and companions. Choose friends that will challenge and make you
better. Remember that Jesus Christ is the best friend anyone can have.


Suggested Hymn: GHB 61
Devotional Reading: Proverbs 19:20-29
Topic For Adults: Safety In Godly Counsel
Topic For Youths: Walk In The Counsel Of The Wise
Topic For Intermediates: Seek Godly Counsel
Lesson Scriptures: Job 2:9-10; 2 Sam.13:1-16; Num. 31:16;
Prov. 12:5; 19:20-21; 15:22, 31-33; 24:6

MEMORY VERSE: “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding
shall attain unto wise counsels” (Proverbs 1:5) NKJV.

SUMMARY: You cannot succeed alone as a child of God. You need people to help you on this journey
and some people also need you. This help may come in terms of counsel or criticism. You cannot avoid
any of these and you cannot afford to throw them away. Nevertheless, you need to be very careful about
the sources of your counsel and should handle your criticism maturely.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 20: 1-3; Evening: Hab. 1-3.

REVISION DAY 3 24/8/2022

Suggested Hymn: GHB. 47
Devotional Reading: Prov. 5:15-23
Topic For Adults: Marital Infidelity Is Tragic And Traumatic
Topic For Youths: The Way Of Immorality Is Destructive
Topic For Intermediates: Immorality Is Dangerous; Keep Off It
Lesson Scriptures: Jam. 4:4; Heb. 13:4; 2 Sam. 11:1-17; Prov. 6:20-29

“For by means of a harlot a man is reduced to a crust of bread; and an adulteress will prey upon his precious
life. Can a man take fire to his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?” (Proverbs 6:26-27) NKJV.
SUMMARY: We are no longer slaves to sin or Satan. We have been purchased with a price; we must
remain pure and clean morally. We are married to Jesus; hence, we cannot afford to jump into bed with
the world. Therefore, avoid: going out with co-workers of the opposite sex; counseling or conversation
that could cause emotional attachment; any close contact or relationship with former boyfriend or
girlfriend; and giving your cell number to members of the opposite sex without the consent of your

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Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 99, 236
Devotional Reading: Prov. 29:15-17
Topic For Adults: Do Not Despise God’s Discipline
Topic For Youths: You Need Corrections To Get Better
Topic For Intermediates: Submit Yourself To Discipline
Lesson Scriptures: Prov. 1:8-9; 3:1-4; 13:24; 22:15; 29:1, 15; Ps 23:4;
2 Sam 7:14; Jer 29:11; Heb 12:5-11

“The rod and rebuke gives wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame
to his mother” (Proverbs 29:15) NKJV

SUMMARY: God is always interested in our future and well-being. One of His plans to ensure His
purpose come to pass in our lives is discipline. Our response to discipline determines how far we can
enjoy all He has in store for us. Every believer needs to understand attitude to discipline makes one better
while wrong response truncate God’s purpose for our life.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 20: 4-6; Evening: Zeph. 1-3.

REVISION DAY 4 25/8/2022

LESSON 7 17/7/2022
Suggested Hymns: GHB 237, 238
Devotional Readings: Gen 26:12-18
Topic For Adults: Hard Work: Pathway To Success
Topic For Youths: Be Diligent
Topic For Intermediates: Be Committed To Duty
Lesson Scriptures: Prov. 10:4; 12:24, 27; 13:4; 14:23; 19:15; 21:5-8; 20:4; 22:29

“The hand of the diligent will rule; but the lazy man will be put to forced labour” (Proverbs 12:24) NKJV.
SUMMARY: For every labour is an expected reward just as the Sower is expected to reap whatever he
sows. While it is appropriate for anybody to desire success, the bitter truth is that there is no success
without hard labour. It is foolhardy for anyone to be lazy and still expect success to fall for him as a
“manna” from heaven or unexpectedly as a “virus”. Success is the reward of diligence and hard work.

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Suggested Hymns: GHB. 133
Devotional Readings: Prov. 3:9-10
Topic For Adults: Be A Cheerful Giver
Topic For Youths: It Pays To Give Than To Receive
Topic For Intermediates: Stinginess Is Bad
Lesson Scriptures: Prov. 3:9-10; 11:24-25; Deut. 8:18; Lev. 22:18-24; Deut. 15:21

“There is one who scatters, yet increases more; And there is one who withholds
more than is right, But it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich,
And he who waters will also be watered himself” (Proverbs 11:24 - 25) NKJV.

SUMMARY: God is happy with you when you give cheerfully, and without grudging. Giving is an
attitude that should be imbibed. God will reward you greatly when you give to the men of God, the poor
or less privileged in the society, unbelievers also do this. These are the fertile soil to plant your seed.
Giving is a quality that should be imitated, and a spirit that should be encouraged. It shows that you
resemble your heavenly father.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 20: 7-10; Evening: Hag. 1-2.

REVISION DAY 5 26/8/2022

Suggested Hymns: GHB. 133
Devotional Readings: Gen. 41:34-36; Matt. 25:1-12
Topic For Adults: Manage Your Wealth
Topic For Youths: Plan Your Finances
Topic For Intermediates: Get Financial Knowledge
Lesson Scriptures: Gen. 41:34-36; Lk. 14:28-30; Prov. 13:11; 15:27; 20:17; 22:7.

“The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, But those of everyone who is hasty,
surely to poverty” (Proverbs 21:5) NKJV.

SUMMARY: Let us know that in managing our wealth as Christians, we need to take control of how our
resources (money in most instances) are deployed. When we accept that wealth is God’s instead of ours,
we are better equipped to manage it. Managing one’s wealth Biblically calls for wisdom.


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 23, 77
Devotional Reading: Prov. 3:5-8
Topic For Adults: Importance Of Staying Healthy
Topic For Youths: My Health, My Wealth
Topic For Intermediates: Having Good Health
Lesson Scriptures: Prov. 3:5-8; 31:17; 3 Jn. 2; Isa. 53:3-5;
Phil. 2:25-30; 1 Tim. 4:7-8; 1Cor. 10:31

“Don’t be wise in your own eyes. Fear the LORD, and depart from evil. It will be
health to your body, And nourishment to your bones.” (Proverbs 3:7-8) NKJV.

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SUMMARY: God’s plan for us as individuals is that we be in good health and our soul prospers. To
enjoy good health, you should eat balanced diet, exercise effectively, relieve yourself of stress through
exercise and rest. Also, making yourself available for medical check-up involving the heart, kidneys, liver
and other organs of the body is essential to staying healthy and effective for God’s work. Good health is
an important part of being self-reliant. Safeguarding our health will enable us to fulfil our divine potential
and serve others more effectively.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 20: 11-15; Evening: Zech. 1-2.

REVISION DAY 6 27/8/2022

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 113, 266
Devotional Readings: Prov. 3:21-26
Topic For Adults: Physical Security is Essential
Topic For Youths: Don’t Risk Your Life
Topic For Intermediate: Be Your Brother’s Keeper
Lesson Scriptures: Exo. 13:21-22; Hos. 4:6; Prov. 3:21-24,
26-35; 12:1; 11:1; 18:10-12; 2 Tim 3:1-7

“Do not be afraid of sudden terror, Nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes;
For the LORD will be your confidence, And will keep your foot from being caught” (Proverbs 3:25-26) NKJV.

SUMMARY: Be vigilant and watchful. No matter how many security operatives. You have at your
disposal, your personal safety can only be guaranteed by yourself. There is no surveillance like
individual surveillance. Be observant and report any unusual behaviour to the appropriate authority. Be
aware of your surroundings and learn how to identify potential problem.


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B 28
Devotional Reading: Ps. 33:16-22
Topic for Adults: God – Our Eternal Refuge
Topic for Youths: Preserved And Sustained
Topic for Intermediates: Secured In God’s Hand
Lesson Scriptures: Prov. 21:30-31; 19:21; Jer. 9:23; Ps. 33:17-20; Eccl. 9:11

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember t
he name of the LORD our God” (Psalm 20:7) NKJV.

SUMMARY: In the contemporary time, people device means of securing themselves. Some employ
security men and take insurance policy. Also, some purchase weapon to defend themselves against the
enemies. While these may be useful to some extent. Christians should know that the ultimate deliverer
that never fail is God. Therefore, make yourself secure in Him.
God is good and upright, He will teach and guide those who seek Him. To loyal souls all His ways are
mercy and truth. He will give such souls a rest and refuge.
Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 21: 1-8; Evening: Zech. 3-4.

REVISION DAY 7 28/8/2022

Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Rev. 21: 9-21; Evening: Zech. 5-6.

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