Accounting – is the process of identifying, measuring, and Primary Users – parties to whom general purpose financial
communicating economic information to permit informed reports are primarily directed
judgement and decision by users of the information
(American Accounting Association, AAA) a. Existing and potential investors – providers of risk
capital concerned with the risk inherent in and return
Three Important Activities in the Accounting Process provided by their investments
Identifying – recognition and non-recognition of b. Lenders and other creditors – interested in the
business activities as accountable expenses information that enables them to determine whether
- Involves the analysis of transactions before their loans as well as related interest can be collected
they can be recorded in the books of by them when due
- Analytical component of accounting Other Users – users of financial information other than the
primary users
Measuring – assigning monetary amounts to the
accountable economic transactions and events a. Employees – interested in information about the
- Technical component of accounting stability and profitability of their employers
- Unit of measure is usually the currency of a
country b. Customers – interested in the continuance of the
- Historical cost (common measure of enterprise, especially when they have long-term
financial transactions) and current value involvement or dependent on the enterprise
Communicating – preparation and distribution of c. Governments and their agencies – need information
accounting reports to potential users of accounting to regulate the activities of the enterprise and
information determine appropriate policies
- Formal component of accounting
- Through this, accounting is considered as the d. Public – providing information about the trends and
language of business range of activities of organizations
FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARD COUNCIL CPA – a person who holds a valid Certificate of Registration
(FRSC) and a valid Professional Identification Card issued by the
- Replaced Accounting Standards Council Commission upon recommendation by the Board to those who
(ASC) as the accounting standard setting body have satisfactory complied with all the legal and professional
- Function to establish and improve accounting requirement for such issuance (Philippine Accountancy Act
of 2004)
standards that will generally accepted in the
Philippines - General average of seventy-five (75%) and a
- Issues standards in a series of pronouncements: rating of at least sixty-five percent (65%)
Philippine Financial Reporting Standards
(PFRS) and Philippine Accounting Standards
1. Integrity – accountant should be straightforward and
Composed of 15 members
honest in performing professional service
1. Chairman
2. Board of Accountancy
2. Objectivity – accountant should not allow bias,
3. Securities and Exchange Commission
conflict of interest or undue influence of others to
4. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
override professional or business judgments
5. Bureau of Internal Revenue
6. Commission on Audit
3. Profession Competence or Due Care – accountant
7. Major organization of preparers and users of
has a continuing duty to maintain professional
financial statements
knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure
8. Public practice (2)
that a client or employer receives competent
9. Commerce and Industry (2)
professional service
10. Academe and Education (2)
11. Government (2)
4. Confidentiality – accountant should respect the
confidentiality of information acquired as a result of
professional and business relationships and should
not disclose any such information to third parties
- Replaced the International Accounting Standards
without proper and specific authority
Committee (IASC)
- Adopted the body of standards issued by the 5. Professional Behavior – accountant should comply
Internal Accounting Standards Council with relevant laws and regulations and should avoid
anu action that discredits the profession
Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants
a. Association of Certified Public Accountants in Public
Practice (ACPAPP) 1. General or Financial Accounting – recording of
b. Government Association of Certified Public transactions for an economic unit and the periodic
Accountants (GACPA) preparation of reports
c. Association of Certified Public Accountants in
Commerce and Industry (ACPACI)
2. Auditing – involving an independent review of the 3. Monetary unit – requires entities to include in their
accounting records and examination of financial accounting records only transaction data that can be
statements by an independent CPA for purposes of measured in terms of money
expressing an opinion as to the fairness with which
the financial statements are prepared 4. Time period or periodicity – concept behind the
preparation of financial statements for a specified
3. Management Advisory Services or Management time period
Accounting a. Calendar year – twelve-month period that starts
- Management Advisory Services – refer to January 1 and ends December 31
services to clients on matters of accounting, b. Fiscal year – twelve-month period that starts at any
finance, business policies, procedures, and month of the year
administration and many other phases of
business operations
- Management Accounting – application of
appropriate techniques and concepts in
processing the historical and projected economic
data or an entity to assist management
Accounting is constructive in nature and involves
the preparation and presentation of financial
statements using the generally accepted accounting
principles as bases
Auditing is analytical and involves the examination
of financial statements to ascertain their conformity
with the generally accepted accounting principles and
the expression of an opinion as to the fairness of the
presentation of financial statements
Value – expression of monetary worth applied to a particular Entity shall present all assets and liabilities in the
asset, group of assets, business entity, or services rendered order of liquidity when such presentation provide
information that is faithfully represented and more
1. External transactions – are economic events relevant because such entity does not supply goods or
involving the enterprise and other entities and involve services within a clearly identifiable operating cycle
transfer of resources or obligation to or from the
entities 1. Cash – currency or cash items on hand
2. Internal transactions – economic events in which 2. Cash Equivalent – short term highly liquid
only the enterprise participates investments that are readily convertible to known
a. Production – process by which resources amounts of cash and so near their maturity
are combined or transformed into products
b. Casualties – sudden substantial, 3. Trading Securities – investments which are readily
unanticipated reduction in enterprise marketable and represent temporary investments of
resources not caused by other entities funds available for current operations and intended to
meet working capital requirements
- Quantitative information reported in the 4. Accounts Receivable – open accounts or those that
statement of financial position and financial are not supported by promissory note
5. Allowance for doubtful accounts – contra asset
Assets, Liabilities, and Equity – elements directly related to account and is provided for possible losses from
the measurement of financial position uncollected accounts
Real Accounts (permanent accounts) – their
usefulness continues throughout the life of the 6. Notes Receivable – amount collectible are evidenced
business and their year-end balances are forwarded to by a promissory note
the next accounting period
7. Merchandise inventory or inventory – goods held
Income and Expenses – elements directly related to the for sale by trading concern
measurement of financial performance
Nominal Accounts (temporary accounts) – 8. Finished goods in process, raw materials and
usefulness is limited to the year when they are factory or manufacturing supplies – inventories
incurred and year-end balance are closed and not held by manufacturing firms
forwarded to the next accounting period
9. Prepaid rent – rent paid in advance
- Properties or rights on properties owned by the 10. Prepaid insurance – insurance paid in advance
- Present economic resource controlled by the 11. Unused supplies – stationary and other supplies
entity as a result of past events (Revised purchased for use and are still unused
Conceptual Framework)
Characteristics of an Asset II. Non-Current Assets – all other assets except current
a. The asset is a present economic resource assets
b. The economic resource is a right that has the A. Property, Plant and Equipment or Fixed Assets
potential the produce economic benefits - Tangible assets which are held by the enterprise
c. The economic resource is controlled by the entity as a in production or supply of goods of services
result of past events (PAS No.16)
Current Investments – readily realizable and is intended to 7. Deferred revenue – income received but not yet
be held for not more than one year earned
Long-term investment – intended to be held for more than 8. SSS premiums payable – amount due and payable
one year by the enterprise to SSS
C. Intangibles – identifiable non-monetary assets 9. Philhealth premium payable – amount due and
without physical substance payable by the enterprise to PHIC
1. Copyright – right granted to authors, 10. Withholding tax payable – amount due and payable
composers, playwrights, artists, publishers, or by the enterprise to BIR
distributors to publish and dispose of their
works for a limited time II. Non-Current Liabilities – all liabilities that do not
fit into the definition of current liabilities
2. Franchise – rights granted to operate a utility or
to manufacture or to market a product of another 1. Mortgage payable – economic obligations secured
company by collateral
3. Patent – right granted to an inventor to 2. Notes payable – debts supported by notes and
manufacture or produce his inventions or payable beyond one year
3. Deferred revenue – income received in advance but
4. Trademark or Brand name – symbol, sign, not yet earned
slogan or name used to mark a product or to
distinguish it from other products
D. Other Non-Current Assets – assets that do not fit in 1. Owner’s capital – capital contribution of the owner
into the definition of the above mentioned non- made at the formation of the business or subsequent
current assets thereto
1. Accounts payable – amounts due to suppliers for the 3. Rent Income – charges for the use of assets like
purchase of goods or services on credit equipment and spaces in building
2. Notes payable – amount due to other parties when it 4. Repair Income – charges to customers for repair
is evidenced by a promissory note services rendered
5. Laundry Income – chargers to customers for 5. Transportation Expense – paid for services of
laundry services rendered conveyance or means of transportation of goods and
6. Transportation income or fares earned – chargers
to passengers for transportation services rendered 6. Taxes and licenses – amount of taxes and other
licenses paid to the government
7. Ticket Sales – amount of tickets sold to watchers of
games, shows or movies 7. Depreciation Expense – portion of the cost of a
fixed asset that is charged or allocated as expense for
8. Miscellaneous Income – income coming from other the period
sources which is not the main line of business and
could not be clearly identified 8. Insurance Expense – premiums on insurance
For the merchandising firm, the account titles are:
9. Supplies Expense – the amount of supplies used
1. Sales – income from the sale of merchandise
10. Utilities Expense – cost of light and water consumed
2. Sales returns – deduction from sales due to by the business
merchandise returned by customers
11. Representation and Entertainment – value placed
3. Sales allowances – deductions from selling price of on activities that will promote goodwill and increase
goods with defects or goods sent to customers but not customers’ patronage
as ordered
12. Postage and Entertainment – amount paid for
4. Sales discount – deductions from the selling price postage, telephone and other forms of communication
due to payments of the customers within the discount
period 13. SSS Premiums – contributions of employer to the
Social Security System
- Costs of the merchandise bought and sold and 14. Miscellaneous Expense – small amount paid for
other spendings incident to the operations of the items or services which do not fall under the above
business will normally reduce income accounts
- Decrease in assets or increase in liabilities that
results in decreases in equity, other than those
relating to distributions to equity holders
- Accounting book wherein business transactions
are recorded for the first time
- Called the book of original entry
- Group of related accounts
- Called the book of final entry
Two-column account – used under manual accounting system
Three-column account – used under the computer-based
CHAPTER 5: THE ADJUSTMENT PROCESS - used to accumulate the total past depreciation on
a specific long-lived asset
Adjusting entries – entries made at the end of the accounting - represents a balance that is subtracted from the
period to update or correct the accounts in order to portray balance of an associated account
realistic financial statements
- Need at least one statement of financial position Contra Account is used for two very good reasons:
account entry and one income statement account 1.) recognizes depreciation is an estimate
entry 2.) preserves the fact of the original cost of the asset and
shows how much of the asset has been allocated to
Deferral – postponement of the recognition of an expense expense as well as the balance left to be depreciated
already paid or of a revenue already received
Two cases of deferral: Net book value or carrying amount – difference between the
a. Costs recorded that must be apportioned between cost of fixed assets and the related accumulated depreciation
two or more accounting periods
b. Revenues recorded that must be apportioned Apportioning Recorded Revenues Between Two or More
between two or more accounting periods Accounting Periods
Accrual – recognition of an expense that has been incurred Unearned or Deferred Revenue – payment for revenue
but not yet paid or revenue that has been earned but not yet received in advance
collected - liability account
a. Unrecorded revenues - adjusting entry needed is to transfer unearned
b. Unrecorded expenses revenue to earned revenue