Moon of Thorns OSR

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by J.C.


About the Adventure Adventure Backstory

The Moon of Thorns is an OSR fantasy adventure set in the Until recently, Carac the Thorn was like many other young
cosmopolitan city of Caelkirk, although it can easily be adapt- men that lived in the poor Deadman’s Row section of Cael-
ed to other game systems and large, urban settings. A GURPS kirk, the cosmopolitan city that lies within the borders of
Tredroy version is available on three great nations. Carac made his living doing odd jobs
here and there (some legal, some not), and was a regular
Fresh to the bustling city, the PCs join in on a city-wide search spectator at the city arena. His passion for the violent games
for Carac the Thorn, a no-good hoodlum wanted for multiple helped him befriend some of city’s gladiators.
crimes against Caelkirk’s noble families. The search for Carac,
however, leads the PCs into the plans of a secretive death cult. One of Carac’s gladiator friends, Rathar Trygg, recruited
The cult has hired Carac to help excavate a long-lost tunnel Carac to help him smuggle goods across the Blue River. For
that leads under one of the city’s greatest palaces. There, in the most part, their jobs were small, nothing that would
the ancient catacombs of the palace, the cult hopes to find the earn them more than ten lashes if caught. One day, however,
body of a long-dead tyrant, who they hope to revive so that Rathar brought Carac in on a better paying, riskier effort. The
he can continue the bloody conquest he started six hundred nighttime job was to deliver crates of unusual lunagranate
years ago. magical artifacts to a secret portal located on the underside
of one of the city’s many bridges. There, an unusual servant
The Moon of Thorns is suitable for four-to-six 1st or 2nd level woman takes the crate and disappears into the bridge.
characters. The end of this adventure includes six pregener-
ated character backgrounds to give player some inspiration. When Rathar was killed in an arena mishap, Carac decided
If players are creating brand new characters, the adventure to continue the job on his own. Grief over the death of his
works best if they have never been to the great city of Caelkirk friend made him careless, however, and soon Carac was ac-
before, and are entering for the first time. cepting more dangerous, illicit jobs. One day, Carac took
a job to assault a noble and his bride-to-be, which earned
Characters introduced for the first time in the adventure are him a bounty across the city. While he has largely gone into
noted in ALL-CAPS. Ability rolls are in Small-Caps. Sec- hiding, Carac still performs his nighttime deliveries to the
tions marked with a map are side-quests and adventure bridge, using other friends to help.
hooks, and not important to the overall plot of the adventure.
Sections marked with a person are opportunities for spe- Unsuspecting Carac does not have any idea that he is em-
cific PCs, notably the pregenerated characters from the end of broiled in a darker scheme. His lunagranate deliveries are at
this adventure. the behest of a secretive death cult – the Order of Griev-
ers. The cult believes that they have found the location of the Finding Arsalan proves no easy feat. The young man is a
tomb of Prince Ivor, a fierce warlord and crusader who lived street rat, and knows the roads and roofs of Caelkirk incred-
six centuries in the past. ibly well. In part three, the PCs will have to use their brains
and their agility to catch him. Arsalan, however, is the key to
Carac’s deliveries are helping one of the cult’s mages excavate clueing in on Carac’s busienss. Carac still runs regular deliv-
underneath the Emir’s palace in order to find it. They are us- eries to the Emir’s Bridge, where the PCs can intercept him,
ing the imported lunagranate artifacts to demolish sections of in part four of the adventure.
the catacombs, hoping that it uncovers Prince Ivor’s sarcopha-
gus. For weeks, the mage’s work has been slow, as he has dug Confronting Carac, however, exposes the tunnel that lies un-
in the wrong direction, but recently he realized his mistake. der the bridge, traverses half of Caelkirk, and ends under
With one more crate of lunagranates, he believes he will find the great palace. In the final part of the adventure, the PCs
Prince Ivor’s sarcophagus and retrieve it for his necromancer must confront find two cultists of the Order of Grievers, who
masters. From there, the Order of Grievers plans to revive the are close to finishing their work to retrieve the Prince Ivor’s
prince, and set him up again as a great conquering crusader. sarcophagus. With careful planning and action, the PCs will
be able to foil their plot before the cult’s necromancers arrive
to recover the ancient relic.
Adventure Synopsis
The Moon of Thorns spans five parts. In part one, the PCs en- About Caelkirk
ter the great city of Caelkirk and are recruited into the local
Mercenaries Guild. The plains city of Caelkirk is located at the juncture of three
different kingdoms. It is divided between the rule of Brit-
In part two, the PCs are assigned to arena guard duty. As part taine, a Christian nation that has endured much change and
of their assignment, the PCs are asked to keep careful watch upheaval over the years, ib-Wazi, an Islamic nation of new
out for the Carac the Thorn, a renegade who is wanted by ideas, and al-Jabal, a Shiite Islamic nation of stern traditions.
two noble families for his crimes. After a deadly mishap in the Somehow, the city has forged its own identity, though the
arena, the PCs get clues to Carac’s whereabouts. His gladiator wide rivers that divide the city have managed to retain the
friends know the identity of Carac’s new smuggling associate original culture and laws of each of Caelkirk’s nations. Non-
– Arsalan al-Bir. humans such as elves, dwarves, and halflings are a smaller
presence in the city, but can be found in their own neighbor-
hoods and quarters.

The city itself is home to some 200,000 people, making it
roughly the same size and population of today’s Venice. The
comparison is also apt as Caelkirk is a hub of sophistication,
The Mercenaries’ Guild
trade, political innovation, and religious debate. As such,
Joining the influential Mercenaries’ Guild in Caelkirk is
English, Arabic, and Latin are all spoke here.
a straightforward affair. Either of its offices at Armshall
or Southhold can sign up new armsmen. The only real
Each section of the city is ruled by a governor who is subservi-
requirement is to look respectable and competently duel
ent to his own kingdom. A council, partially elected, partially
one of the available sergeants. Fighters are automatically
appointed, runs the city’s day to day affairs. Law enforcement
accepted! Others can gain membership by duelling,
is reasonably staffed with mages, who deploy truth detection
which can be handled with a Str or Dex ability check.
and information-seeking spells to track down criminals.
GMs can give a +1 or +2 bonus for especially charis-
matic or clever PCs. The sergeants like moxie!
Guilds, or livery companies, are highly influential in Caelkirk,
with the Mercenaries’ Guild, Mages’ Guild, and Company
Once inducted into the guild, new armsmen will be as-
of Merchants wielding the most obvious power in the city.
signed a master, to whom they must swear an oath of
Thieves, smugglers, slaver’s, and assassins’ organizations most-
allegiance. In exchange for steady work, armsmen owe
ly operate in the shadows.
20% of their income to their master.
Caelkirk is a religious city, with businesses pausing five times
Typical guild duties include police duty, especially in
a day for Muslim prayers, and churches packed on Sundays.
the bazaar and arena, guarding nobility, raiding death-
Although the city legally protects religious practice, it is not
cult lodges, and small defensive actions outside the city
uncommon for residents to experience religious intolerance as
(mostly against pirates and brigands.
they move about the city.
Three sample masters are described in the sections on
Part 1: Welcome to Caelkirk Armshall and Southhold, though GMs are encouraged
to invent their own!

The adventure begins with the PCs entering the bustling city
of Caelkirk. Presumably, this is their first time to the great any weapons smuggled through (25% for thieves), as long as
city. Unless the referee is inserting this adventure into another they are not exceptionally bulky, like halberds! Or, a good
campaign, the PCs enter the city from the east, along Capital Cha ability check may convince a guard to let a traveler into
Street, in the Brittaine section of the city. the city without checking their weapons, as long as the PC is
reasonably equipped (i.e., not bristling with deadly military
There are no walls around the city – the old ones were de- weapons and heavy armor).
molished over a century ago. Still, city guard casually inspect
those who enter the city, keeping a particular eye out for slaves The city guard advise any PCs who look skilled in martial
being brought into the city (which is illegal in East and North ways to join the Mercenaries Guild. Not only does it give the
Caelkirk) and anyone bringing a large amount of goods into PCs the right to carry arms, but there is plenty of work these
the city without merchant credentials. days inside the city and the pay is good. Inquiring PCs are
pointed to Armshall in East Caelkirk, or the massive South-
It is also illegal to bring bows, crossbows, and polearms into hold in West Caelkirk, which is the official Mercenaries’
the city. Such weapons will be confiscated, as only men-at- Guild headquarters.
arms are allowed them. Soldiers’ equipment such as swords,
plate armor, and war axes are allowed only to liveried men-
at-arms and members of the Mercenaries Guild. Upon seeing
any well-armed PCs, the city guards mandate that they go
join the guild before being allowed to bring in their weapons.
Armshall is a spacious, sun-bleached brick building that sur-
Handily, an honest merchant house just off the street, Bat- rounds a one acre, open training area. It is located just a block
tista’s Used Arms, is licensed to store weapons for only a few from Caelkirk’s grand bazaar, a swarming market of wonder-
coins a day – though if they are not claimed in a fortnight, fully colorful shops of wineshops, fabrics, glass, and pottery.
they will be sold off. Guards have a 50% chance of noticing

Muriel accepts new recruits’ oath of allegiance at sundown,
Carac the Thorn buys them a hardy dinner at Royal Inn nearby, and then
assigns them to policing duty at the city arena in the morn-
Bounty hunting is a seedy profession in Caelkirk. The au-
ing. She’ll also quietly ask the PCs to look for the amoral
thorities do not look fondly at their citizens being dragged
scoundrel, Carac the Thorn (see text box). While the guild
from its sovereign territory for any reason. As such, the
doesn’t often participate in bounty hunting, she’d like to
Mercenaries’ Guild discourages bounty hunters from tak-
further advance her reputation by capturing the scoundrel
ing jobs that ask them to cross bridges.
and returning him to Martin Guildford’s parents for pun-
Today, however, there is an exception. A few days ago,
a man named CARAC THE THORN snuck into Ab-
After dinner, as official members of the guild, PCs can rent
ner’s Hold, a viscount’s keep on the outskirts of North
a bed in the barracks here for 5 sp per night,. Here, they’ll
Caelkirk. Carac held a betrothed couple at knife point,
be surrounded by a hundred or so young mercenaries ea-
which ended up in scuffle. The young baron, MARTIN
ger for work, and can learn more about Muriel, Carac the
GUILDFORD and his betrothed, FELICIA NORTH
Thorn, and the Caelkirk arena, which is where the worst
were seriously embarrassed. Martin lost his sword, signet
convicts are often tried amidst great spectacle.
ring, and his pinky finger, sliced off Carac. Felicia was
thrown into a duck pond, whereupon she lost her great-
grandmother’s necklace, though it’s unclear whether she
lost it in the pond, or to Carac. Southhold
Regardless, the Viscount Abner is furious and has demand- Southhold is a massive fortress on the west bank, easily one
ed that the Mercenaries’ Guild apprehend Carac. Known of the largest structures in Caelkirk. Its great walls can hold
to be a connoisseur of the arena, both masters Brooker up to three thousand men. At any given time, there are
and Yvon ask the PCs to keep an eye out for Carac. If hundreds of mercenaries at the hall, meeting with their ser-
they see him, they are to apprehend him and immediately geants and officers, discussing city business, and – similar
return the villain to Abner’s Hold. Abner has set a reward to Armshall – attending martial training classes in one of
of 1,000 gp for his capture! the courtyards.

PCs who join the Mercenaries’ Guild from Southhold get

Classes are frequently taught in the Armshall courtyard. A assigned to MASTER MICHAEL YVON, the grandson
one-hour class ranges between 5 and 20 gp, though members of the old, high-ranking officer who acts as caretaker for the
of the guild are given a discount, depending on the class. In- fortress itself. Anyone looking to find out more about Mi-
quisitive students can sign up for swordsmanship and hand- chael can succeed at a Cha ability check to discover that he
to-hand classes from old veterans or learn bodyguard skills has made no real name for himself as of yet. He seems to have
from experienced royal guards. Occasionally, a celebrity gladi- earned his position from his grandfather’s great influence in
ator or well-known noble can be found teaching a class or the guild. Middle-aged and overweight, Michael Yvon is hir-
two. Today, IBRAHIM ASFOUR, a devout general from the ing more mercenaries into his camp after several were killed
great western city of Alhallabad – known as much for his skill in a recent desert skirmish with a sphinx and its bandit ser-
in combat as with his robust mahogany beard – is lecturing vants outside of Caelkirk. Fighters recall that the skirmish
eager students on small unit tactics, drawn from his skirmish- was a tactical disaster, with much to blame Michael for.
es with the dark elves of the Great Forest.
Michael Yvon will accept new recruits’ oath of allegiance at
Those who join the guild from Armshall get assigned to one sundown. He then assigns them to policing duty at the arena
of the city’s few hundred masters. Today, master MURIEL in the morning, but promises them a trip to the ruined city
BROOKER has agreed to take on the day’s recruits. One of of Umgazur within a fortnight, where he hopes to uncover
the guild’s few women officers, Muriel is a native of Cael- an unlooted treasure vault. Yvon also asks the PCs to look for
kirk who worked her way up in the ranks over the last twenty the amoral scoundrel, Carac the Thorn (see text box), having
years. An Int ability check recalls that Muriel and several of promised Felicia North’s family that he would see to it.
her senior mercenaries recently destroyed a bull-worshipping
death cult that was headquartered in a subterranean temple in Like at Armshall, once members of the guild, PCs can rent
East Caelkirk. This feat has earned a positive reputation in all a bed in the barracks here for 5 sp per night, where they can
of Caelkirk’s quarters. socialize with dozens of fellow recruits and mercenaries.

Part 2: Arena Duty Binni the Little
Regardless of which master the PCs serve, they end up at
Trainee Gladiator
AC 6 [13]
arena duty the next morning. The North Caelkirk arena is a
HD 2 (hp 8)
huge stone-block structure, easily capable of holding 40,000
Move 120’ (40’)
citizens, although it only hits that capacity once every few
years. On a typical event day, less than 10,000 spectators
gather to watch. Still, arena crowds can be raucous, competi-
1 x axe (1d8)
tive, and violent, so the Mercenaries’ Guild is regularly hired
THAC0 18 (+1)
to send armsmen to keep the peace. Armsmen are expected
to breakup brawls, box pickpockets around the ears, and turn
any serious criminals over to the West Caelkirk sharia courts,
D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (F2)
where they’ll be fined or punished. A typical day’s work at the
arena pays about 10 gp, more for larger events.
ML 9
Alignment: Neutral
Today, there is great disappointment among the crowds. An
XP 20
arena favorite, FELL BARRACUDA, was booked to make
a comeback today against his nemesis, the half-ogre EYE
Traits: Jealous and unlucky. Always hangs out with the wrong
UNUS, but had to cancel at the last minute due to a stomach crowd; sensitive about his short height. Speaks English and Arabic
sickness. Instead of exciting professional gladiator duels, the (broken).
event has been replaced by convict executions. A Wis ability
check identifies that the crowds are annoyed and restless as Gear: Ornate crested helmet; mail shirt; leather gloves; heavy
medium shield; small axe.
they stream into the arena. Soon, booing begins loudly across
the arena, with shouts from the crowd that the Grand Referee
had best make the lack of Fell Barracuda up to the spectators
in some creative way.
cided not to show up. A smith named DE HOLT – who
clearly doesn’t like Carac due to some unexplained “bad
The first event sours the mood even more. Three convicts are
business” – advises the PCs to talk to Binni the Little,
meant to fight a well-armored, but junior gladiator for their
the gladiator who is performing. “If you call this a per-
freedom. A minute into the match, the gladiator, BINNI
formance...” De Holt explains as he rolls his eyes. “Carac
THE LITTLE, twists his ankle, resulting in him limping
always hangs out with the gladiators after the show, but
around the arena after the convicts for an excruciating ten
none of ‘em give any attention to him except for Binni”
• If the ability check was made by a thief, the rogue hears
that Carac is lying low somewhere in West Caelkirk after
At this point, the referee should describe rowdy civilians
his brazen assault on the Baron Guildford. “Good luck
breaking arena etiquette rules. One large, obviously drunken
ever finding him there! Al-Jabal law isn’t too keen on let-
man throws rocks at the limping gladiator. Another, using a
ting folk get dragged back east.”
magically enhanced voice, starts shouting explicit, creative
• Talking to any gladiators discovers that Carac frequent-
obscenities at the Grand Referee, who signals to nearby arms-
ly hung out with them after the arena events, better to
men to kick the man out. The referee can flesh this interaction
meet powerful friends. The gladiators never really liked
out to give the PCs some policing activities to keep them busy
him. “He’d flirt with the ladies that were trying to flirt
as they try to do their job and find Carac the Thorn.
with us!” they complain. They’ll point the PCs to Binni
the Little, “the only gladiator that likes Carac, aside from
Tracking Carac poor Rather, God rest his soul.”
Unfortunately, Carac the Thorn is not at the arena today. He • Rather was Carac’s best friend, but he died a month ago
abandoned the games when he heard Fell Barracuda was a in an arena accident. If the PCs take time to inquire
no-show. Although Carac isn’t around, PCs can find more in- more about Rathar’s death, arena regulars will inform
formation about his whereabouts during the event: them that Rathar was killed when a convict named
TORVALD smuggled a shiv into the arena. The convict
• Working the cheap seats and making a Cha ability check surprised Rathar and got lucky with the blade, killing
finds a few unsavory fellows who know that Carac de- the talented gladiator.

crowd to panic and scream. Suddenly, a large stone breaks
The Sand Fury loose from above the referee’s seat box, nearly crushing the
grand referee himself. The conjurer who was controlling
Summoned Elemental
the sand elemental is not so lucky; his skull crushed as he
AC 6 [13]
falls into the arena.
HD 4 (hp 18)
Move 120’ (40’)
The death of the controlling mage causes the sand ele-
mental’s to be freed from his magical control. It roars and
climbs into stands, ready to pulverize anyone in his way
1 x fist (1d6)
as he seeks to return to the desert outside the city. Several
THAC0 16 (+3)
armsmen and junior gladiators – including Binni the Little
– rush to engage the creature, shouting for the PCs’ help
to stop the menace.
D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2)
Referee’s Note: The earthquake was caused by a mishap. Two
ML 9
members of the Order of Grievers accidentally dropped a crate
Alignment: Neutral
of lunagranates in the Emir’s Tunnel, which runs underneath
XP 75
the arena. The result was a near-catastrophic earthquake felt
Special Abilities: Magic resistance (+2 to all saving throws); Gaseous in the arena above.
form; Also, a cloud of swirling debris surrounds the sand elemental.
Anyone entering within melee range (5’) of the creature must make a
saving throw vs. breath attack or take 1 hp damage from the sand and Arena Aftermath
sharp rock. After the battle (and assuming the PCs helped in some ma-
terial way), they will be thanked profusely by the Grand
A young, charismatic, and well-spoken member of the
Emir’s court, Atabeg Mannaan heaps praise on those who
• Other arena staff who have been around for a while share helped calm the chaos, and vows to give their names to the
similar information. “Carac was always disappointed that Emir himself.
the women fans came escorted by their husbands or fa-
thers!” tells one man. They also point the PCs to Binni The earthquake is a mystery to Atabeg Mannaan. He does
the Little, “the only gladiator that puts up with Carac.” not recall a time Caelkirk was hit by an earthquake. He
vaguely suspects there was a mishap when the Sand Fury was
Earthquake! summoned, and that he needs to inquire among the senior
After the first, disappointing event is over, the Grand Referee members of the Mages’ Guild.
takes emergency action and hires an elderly conjurer from the
Mage’s Guild to summon an elemental – “The Sand Fury!” as Binni the Little is willing to speak to the PCs after the battle
it’s loudly announced – to face off against the next batch of as well. Binni is temperamental; his ego must be stroked for
convicts. him to give up any information about any of his friends. A
Good or better reaction will get him to give up informa-
The crowd’s ill mood reverses as they see a giant earth elemen- tion about Carac, who is a drinking buddy of his after the
tal, made from sand and rocky debris, rise up from the arena matches. Binni, however, doesn’t realize (or forgot) that Car-
floor. Cheers echo around the arena as the next batch of con- ac is hiding out from authorities, and freely gives up that he
victs flee in terror from the summoned brute! recently moved in with a friend, who is a cook at the famed
Black Stallion Coffee House in West Caelkirk. While Carac
The popular new match ends quickly, however, when a ter- doesn’t know the location exactly, as he tries to avoid con-
rible earthquake shakes the arena. At first, the shaking seems servative West Caelkirk, he knows that Carac’s friend is an
timed with the sand elemental’s performance, causing the are- ambitious, ebony-skinned, young miscreant named ARSA-
na to erupt into applause. But the shaking soon begins to rain LAN AL-BIR.
debris into the stands, shake people from their seats, and even
cause some fans even topple on to the arena sand. PCs must If, for some reason, Binni did not survive the battle with the
make a Dex check to stay on their feet, or take a tumble for 1 sand elemental, referees should have another gladiator come
hp damage. The shaking continues for a minute, causing the forward and talk to the PCs. Carac the Thorn often tried to

befriend gladiators after their matches, so many of the fighters
know his name, though few respect him, as they see him as a Arsalan al-Bir
scrawny hangers-on to those who do actual work for a living.
Miscreant Barista
AC 8 [11]
Arena Underground HD 1 (hp 4)
If the PCs investigate the corridors and tunnels underneath Move 120’ (40’)
the arena, they’ll find nothing unusual, as there is no entrance
to the Emir’s Tunnel from the arena’s underground. Instead, Attacks
they’ll only find cages of exotic animals, gladiator waiting ar- 1 x knife (1d4)
eas, prison cells, and large storage chambers that hold scenery THAC0 19 (+0)
and props. Quite a bit of those chambers have suffered struc-
tural damage due to the earthquake. Saves
D13 W14 P13 B16 S15 (T1)
If referees wish to extend the adventure, the damaged arena
tunnels can provide some additional opportunities for the ML 8
PCs to prove themselves: Alignment: Neutral
XP 10
• A manticore has escaped its cage during the earthquake.
Traits: Loud, stubborn, and arrogant. But when outmatched, gives
It devoured several prisoners and gladiators, and is now up easily.
making a lair in the arena’s underbelly. The Grand Referee
of the arena will happily pay Mercenary’s Guild members Gear: Fine, balanced small knife. He also keeps a second, cheap
to kill or capture the creature (25 gp for killing it, 150 gp dagger hidden in a wrap around his ankle.
for capturing it alive).
• A 12-year old boy, AARON BEN ADAN, the grandson
of the Guildmaster of Merchants, has gone missing. He
was touring the lion cages underneath the arena when the
for business for the weekend. He works in the spacious back
earthquake hit. The poor boy is trapped in a collapsed
room, boiling purified spring water and steaming fantastic
tunnel with a broken leg. Returning him to safety will
cups of great coffee. Any of the servers in the Black Stallion
earn a 100 gp reward from his father, as well as perhaps a
know Arsalan, as he has a “big talent and bigger mouth.”
future patron.
Arsalan, however, has no desire to be questioned about Car-
Part 3: The Black Stallion Escape ac. He’s nervous for two reasons. First, he knows that Carac’s
reckless assault on a baron and future baroness will likely
bring retribution to Carac and any of his associates. Second,
Today, as the PCs cross the bridge into West Caelkirk, mul- Arsalan’s recently been recently transporting illegal goods
lahs ask for alms to pay for food to be given out to the poor on around Caelkirk. The moment he suspects any strangers are
sham inniseem, upcoming the spring festival. Donating a few looking for him, he’ll make a quick run for it, hoping to es-
coins earns the PCs thanks and praise, and also the white arm cape into the crowded city and disappear.
bands, which West Caelkirk politely requires non-Moslems to
wear to distinguish them from the faithful. If Arsalan can’t easily flee through either the front door or
the back door, he’ll race upstairs to the second floor halls
The Black Stallion Coffee House is a an extremely popular that hold the rooms and suite to rent. He’ll dash through an
location in West Caelkirk. Everyone from poor laborers to open suite, head for a balcony, and then nimbly leap to the
great nobles can find tables of their own in the great coffee rooftops in an attempt to escape.
house. The house also features more than just its famous inky
black coffee. Above the dining lodge are over two hundred Arsalan’s objective is to get to Zayed Square, the bustling cen-
rooms and suites available to rent, along with a large stable ter of traffic and commerce in West Caelkirk. His friend, a
that boards, breeds, and sells fine horses. All of the servers at devout lizard man name KRLO RABBO owns a small art
this place are trained to be exceptionally polite and helpful. gallery in one of the buildings off the square. While Krlo
does not approve of Arsalan’s mischief, he has warmth is his
Carac’s friend, Arsalan al-Bir works in the coffee house all heart for the young man and will hide him from those chas-
days except Fridays and Saturdays, when the house is closed ing him, especially if they are Christians.
For simple chase rules, the chase starts at Close Range (within by his constant late-night comings and goings – she does not
30’). Ansalan will run every round of the chase, using his area know that he is smuggling goods as a side hustle.
knowledge to benefit him his escape. Each round the PCs can
make a Dex check to maintain distance, or a Dex-3 check The best way to get Taslima to give up her son’s location is
to close distance within 15’. Magical speed may help as well. for the PCs to convince her that her son is in some kind of
If the check is failed, distance grows to a city block, decreas- danger. Great roleplaying, and some good Cha checks, will
ing future rolls by another -3. If lost again, Ansalon efectively get her to reluctantly explain that her son can often be found
disappears. helping out – often very late at night – at Krlo Rabbo’s art
gallery in Zayed Square.
In five chase rounds, Ansalon will hit Zayed Square. He’ll
then use his stealth skill to disappear into the masses. PCs Sugarmelon War
must make a Wis check at -5 to spot him in the crowd! With her son helping around the house and the market less
than ever, Taslima has been bullied more and more from a
If the PCs entirely lose Ansalon, they’ll have to track him competitor, a burly woman known as FEYROUZA and her
through other means: dull, eldest son, KAB.

• A scan of the square identifies a few harried people that Thinking that the PCs are wealthy buyers, Feyrouza decides
look like they might have seen Arsalan. Good roleplaying to intimidate Taslima. If Taslima is talking to the PCs in her
or a Cha ability check, using techniques such as diploma- apartment, Feyrouza and her son start loudly smashing Tas-
cy or fast-talk, can convince an observer to give up infor- lima’s melon cart below, yelling that they are poisoned. If
mation. Outside of Zayed Square, the informant will just Taslima is talking to the PCs by her goods, they strut over
say “I saw him run into the square.” Inside Zayed Square, and start yelling at the PCs that Taslima’s melons are sour
the information points to Krlo’s art gallery. and will make people sick.
• A Cha -2 ability check, inside Zayed Square will find
someone who knows Arsalan by his description, and re- While Feyrouza will back down if threatened, her stupid son
calls that he has a friend who runs an art gallery in the will not. Kab has no problem threatening, boasting, and in-
square. This effort could take an hour or more, however, citing a fight to show his strength – especially with outsiders.
making it likely Arsalan slips back to his apartment to tell
his mother he’s going to disappear for a few days. If the PCs help Feyrouza handle the bullies, she will think
• A good or better reaction from one of Arsalan’s co-work- especially highly of them, and more easily give helpful infor-
ers at the coffee house reveals the location of Arsalan’s his mation on her son. She laments that if he were around more,
apartment, located a few blocks away. “He lives with his such ill things would not happen as much.
mother,” I think, says one server.

Note that any roleplaying or influence attempts asking to give Krlo Rabbo’s Gallery of Exquisite Paintings
up personal information about a West Caelkirk citizen are Krlo Rabbo is an unlikely lizard man who has a great love
difficult for obvious outsiders, or those who are wearing the for calligraphy and architectural paintings. After visiting the
white armbands that denote Christians and pagans. great mosque in the city, he was struck by a vision that he
should devote his life to beauty. Ten years ago, he opened
a small art gallery in Zayed Square. Because he is a devout
Arsalan’s Apartment Moslem, Krlo’s art is non-figural, and often features calli-
The PCs likely arrive at Arsalan’s apartment if they lose him graphic inscriptions and paintings of mosques and gardens,
entirely during the chase and discover its location through his which have proven to be quite popular among the nobility of
co-workers. North and West Caelkirk.
Arsalan lives in a small, two-room apartment above a fruit Krlo’s Gallery is a well-crated, two-room affair. The adorned
market located in a wide alley off of Al-Shaad Street. His wid- cedar door opens into a spacious, incense-scented entry,
owed mother, TASLIMA, works half the day in the market, where Krlo serves tea or coffee to his guests at an old, round
selling the bright red sugarmelons that are harvested south table. This room is also where he often holds hours-long ne-
along the River Lorraine. gotiations with clientele.
Like all mothers, Taslima is fiercely protective of her son, and The entry opens up through a sash-laden door into the larger,
will not easily give up any information on him. While she sus- a tiled room big enough to display a dozen or so large pieces.
pects that he has made some poor friends lately – as evidenced
A small closet is in the back of the gallery. Krlo himself lives
above the gallery, but his apartment can be accessed only from Krlo Rabbo
a staircase outside the gallery. Lizard Man Gallery Owner
AC 5 [14]
Although Krlo was once a veteran of many skirmishes in the HD 3 (hp 13)
northwestern wastes, he gave up soldiering life many decades Move 120’ (40’)
ago. Now, his enthusiasm comes from acquiring art from new
artists across al-Jabal and displaying and selling pieces from Attacks
his gallery. He also enjoys teaching the West Caelkirk youth 1 x longsword (1d8)
about art, and holds calligraphy classes at his studio on Mon- THAC0 17 (+2)
days. It was at one of these classes that he befriended Ansalon,
who enjoyed the temperament and stories of the old lizard Saves
man. While Krlo suspects Ansalon has been involved with D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (F3)
mischief lately, he does not know that the youth is participat-
ing in outright illegal activities, and would be disappointed if ML 9
he found out. Alignment: Neutral
XP 35
If the PCs were hot on the heels of Ansalon, he’ll be hiding in
Krlo’s closet, hoping that the lizard man shoos away his pursu- Traits: Soft-spoken Krlo loves talking art and negotiating deals.
ers. If Ansalon arrived well-ahead of the PCs, he’ll be hiding
Gear: Usually none, but he keeps a fine, curved sword behind his
upstairs in Krlo’s apartment. If Ansalon had enough time to
desk to scare away would-be thieves. Behind his counter, in a locked
talk with Krlo, he’s told him that the PCs are wicked bounty chest that is nailed to the floor is 300 gp worth of coins and gems.
hunters, paid to drag him back to East Caelkirk for crimes he
did not commit.

Negotiating with Krlo

Krlo will not simply turn Ansalon over to the PCs for ques- If Ansalon is captured while on the run, perhaps during his
tioning. The lizard man is calm and questions the PCs on getaway from the coffee, he does his best to resist question-
their motives. If threatened, he will try to chase them away, ing. He call for help from other citizens nearby. Any ruckus
using a razor-sharp broadsword that he keeps behind his desk summons a crowd who does not wish to see a teenage boy
in his entry. But if the PCs explain their motives honestly, and roughed up by strangers. The crowd demands the PCs re-
succeed at staying logical and unemotional, Krlo will sum- lease Ansalon, yelling that if the PCs truly have a problem
mon Ansalan, lock his gallery, and sit down at the table for a with the young man, they should take it up at the courts or
candid negotiation. with a local mullah (something that will entwine the PCs in
bureaucracy for weeks...)
Krlo is practical and has a merchant’s heart. If the PCs want
something from Ansalon, he expects them to give something If questioned some place more private, Ansalon first claims
fair in return. Similarly, he scolds Ansalon not to protect innocence and ignorance. There are several ways to get him
friends who have broken a fair and just law, regardless where to give up his secrets:
in Caelkirk it happened.
• Interrogating or intimidating Ansalon (perhaps aided
Krlo holds himself as the arbiter of fair. Krlo enjoys the ne- by a Str check) causes him to spill the location of his
gotiation though, especially on behalf of his friend, and tries friend. Roll at +2 if the PC uses believable threats – espe-
to do the best to aid Ansalon. Certainly, if the PCs aided An- cially about his mother or his mentor Krlo.
salon’s mother from her bullies, that will count as payment • Because Ansalon feels guilty about his association with
enough in his eyes. Otherwise, something in the range of 30 his friend Carac, after Carac’s assault on the baron, he
gp, or equivalent goods, will appease the devout lizard man, can be convinced that it is for his benefit to give up the
which represents a few weeks of honest work for the young location of his friend. A successful Cha check, using per-
man. suasive techniques, can reluctantly convince him to give
up the information.
• Various magical spells, such as Charm, can also get him
Interrogating Ansalon to divulge information on his friend.
If Ansalon does not have his friend Krlo to negotiate on his
behalf, interrogating him will be more challenging.
If convinced to talk, Ansalon shares the following:
Carac the Thorn
Ansalon has no idea where Carac the Thorn is hiding out, as Smuggler and Wanted Man
he has not seen him at is apartment in several days. However, AC 6 [13]
he suspects that Carac is still making midnight smuggling HD 1 (hp 6)
runs on the south side of the Emir’s Bridge. Move 120’ (40’)
For the last few weeks, Carac has been delivering illegal goods Attacks
at night. Carac takes a small boat and rows out under Emir’s 1 x +1 shortsword (1d6+1)
Bridge, a quiet bridge that connects North and West Caelkirk. THAC0 18 (+1)
The bridge is closed to commercial traffic after nightfall, and
lightly patrolled. There, Carac meets a “strange lady servant Saves
who glows like the moon” and delivers a box of unusual, ce- D13 W14 P13 B16 S15 (T2)
ramic moons to her. The woman, he explains, “opens a secret
portal under the bridge and brings the crate of moons inside.” ML 9
Alignment: Chaotic
Ansalon has this information because he helped Carac on two XP 20
occasions, but the job made him too nervous to continue. The
punishment for smuggling in North Caelkirk is harsh, and his Traits: Impulsive Carac has made himself a wanted man across the
share for such a trip was just a few copper coins. entire city.

Gear: Martin Guildford’s fine +1 shortsword; large knife; hooded

Ansalon does not know where Carac gets the moons, nor cloak; fine leather hip boots; small wooden shortsword (enchanted);
what they are for. He does know that Carac learned about the 30 gp.
job from Rathar, the gladiator who died in an arena accident
a month ago.

If asked about Carac’s assault on a baron in East Caelkirk,

Ansalon explains that he was discouraged to hear that news, Mugluk
but that it does not surprise him Carac has acted increasingly
erratic since the death of his friend Rathar. Ansalon has no
Half-Orc Smuggler
AC 6 [13]
idea why Carac would take such a job, other than the man has
HD 1 (hp 5)
a well-known hatred for Brittaine nobility, and was grumbling
Move 120’ (40’)
about his lack of money lately. “His ego is big and his purse
his small... that’s my only explanation.”
1 x hatchet (1d6)
Part 4: Midnight at Emir’s Bridge THAC0 19 (+0)

There are comparatively few boats on the rivers after dark. D13 W14 P13 B16 S15 (T1)
Only a couple dozen or so lantern-lit skiffs and some light
brigs can be seen on the river once dusk falls. PCs familiar ML 9
with fishing or anyone making an Int ability check identi- Alignment: Chaotic
fies these boats as either fishing boats hoping to catch rare XP 10
Lorraine lobsters, or cargo ships heading south to the city of
Tirri, carrying the valuable wares of several nations. Traits: None-too-bright, Mugluk is known for his creepy smile and
constant talk of the bloody arena games.
The half-mile long Emir’s Bridge itself is closed to commer- Gear: Hatchet; large knife; layered leather shirt; 20 gp.
cial traffic after dark. Many guards question those traveling
between the sections of Caelkirk; they generally only let resi-
dents past. Guards on the east bank are more numerous but
easier to talk past. Guards on the western, al-Jabal side are
disciplined and strict, and unlikely to let anyone on the bridge
without a very good authentic story.
To intercept Carac and his shipment, the PCs
must either be on the bridge and on the look-
out for him, or have a boat of their own. Guards Lunagranates
routinely from both sides of Caelkirk wave off Carac is delivering a crate of four lunagranates, also known as “shatter
anyone loitering on the bridge, so PCs need to moons.” They are ceramic, moon-shaped magical items enchanted
either be stealthy, use magic, or plan on talking with a variant of the Earthquake spell. Their enchantment has un-
their way into staying on the bridge for a while fortunately given them the quirk that they only work at full-strength
once it’s dark. on the same day as the full moon. When shattered, the items causes
the ground to shake for a minute. On a full moon, this has the power
Renting a rowboat is cheap, only about 5 sp, a few to topple walls within a 15’ radius, similar to a powerful Earthquake
more if they want an experienced sailor to pilot spell. Anyone caught in the radius must make a Str check or fall to
it. A Str check is necessary to steer around the the ground, suffering 1 hp damage.
swift nighttime currents to the south side of the
dock. Failure indicates losing time (~30 minutes During other lunar cycles, the shaking is minor, but those caught
per point failed) as the boat is swept southwards within its radius must still make a Str check to keep their feet.
down the river. If the PCs botch the intercep-
tion altogether, they’ll have to try another night,
which may result in the cult in the catacombs A minute or so later, the bridge’s masonry magically re-
having additional reinforcements. tools itself into an open doorway. Carac and Mugluk haul
the heavy wood box from their boat and pass it to a hooded
Once at the bridge, there are small grottoes that can reason- figure inside the bridge. A Wis ability check spots that the
ably obscure a rowboat. Thieves can also climb down from figure’s face inside the cloak every so slightly glows. After a
the bridge and hide in a grotto with a successful Climb Sheer few quick words, the brick and mortar of the bridge seal the
Surfaces check; others must use ropes. hidden passage shut.

Carac and Mugluk have zero desire to be caught smuggling.

Carac’s Skiff
Depending on how they are confronted, they will either try
Shortly after midnight, a small two-man boat leaves from the
to row away as fast as possible, heading towards the nearest
southern docks of East Caelkirk, not far from Cardonagh Pal-
docks, or even swim for it if they have no other option. If
ace, and steers southward. It goes under the Pasha’s Bridge,
cornered, they’ll shout for help from the bridge guards, hop-
sails along the docks of West Caelkirk, and then towards the
ing that the strict guards from western side of the bridge will
middle of the southern section of the Emir’s Bridge. This boat
come to their aid, or at least chase away both parties.
carries Carac the Thorn, his half-orc companion MUGLUK,
and a locked cedar crate carrying four of the ceramic moons
Failing to get help from the guards, the two men defend
that Ansalon described – “moon shatters,” or lunagranates, as
themselves up until their lives look in serious danger, in
dubbed the enchanters who manufacture them.
which case they will surrender.
Carac’s boat lights the way with a dim, hooded lantern. If he
sees another boat near the bridge as he approaches (a Wis -3 Questioning the Hoodlums
roll due to the darkness and concealment of a grotto), he’ll If the two hoodlums are captured, the PCs are able to extract
stop and observe for a while. If the intruder stays, he’ll abort details of Carac’s business from them. This feat requires some
the mission and sail back to the East Caelkirk docks. Simi- kind of interrogation:
larly, if he sees what looks like guards on top of the bridge
where he is heading (which he is more likely to be looking • Carac is being paid to bring a box of four magical ce-
for), he’ll wait and then abort the mission if it looks like they ramic artifacts to the “Luminous Bride” – the cloaked
are not leaving. woman who lives inside the bridge. He picks up the ar-
tifacts from behind a pub called The Bridge Rat in the
Otherwise, Carac steers his boat to the middle of Emir’s low-income Dead Man’s Row neighborhood, and then
Bridge, towards what looks like a rough patch of masonry in delivers them here. He has no idea what the items do,
a foundation block under an arch. There, he’ll moor his boat but he can sense that they are magical. He always brings
to the bridge, using the iron rings hammered into the brick, someone with him to help. He originally used Arsalan,
stand on his boat and tap on the bottom of the arch four but Arsalan chickened out, so he recruited Mugluk.
times with a small cudgel. • Carac’s been doing this job for about six weeks. Before
him, a gladiator named Rathar was doing the job, with
Carac helping him. Rathar was killed in an arena acci-
dent, and Carac took over the job. Carac visibly chokes The Luminous Bride
up when discussing Rathar, his best friend. Magically-Created Servant
• The half-orc Mugluk helps Carac because he desperately AC 9 [10]
wants to become a gladiator, and Carac has friends in HD 1/2 (hp 2)
gladiator circles. He’s not aware of any specifics of the job. Move 120’ (40’)
• Carac has no idea what lies deeper inside the bridge, or
who the Luminous Bride is. He doesn’t care either. Attacks
• Carac assaulted Martin Guildford and Felicia North be- None
cause he was paid to embarrass the couple. He’s hesitant
to give out the name of the man who asked him to do Saves
the job, because revealing the name might make trouble D13 W14 P13 B16 S15 (NH)
for him later. Getting this information requires a high de-
gree of persuasion. If successful, Carac says that one of ML 6
SICLANDUS DE ABNER’S footmen paid him for the Alignment: Neutral
job. An Int ability check knows that Siclandus de Abner XP 5
is a well-known member of the city mages’ guild, and
also one of the many sons of the 90-year old Viscount Gear: A fine silk cloak (enchanted to be soilproof ); a centuries old
Guillaume de Laney de Abner, a powerful lord of Cael- gold and copper crown (worth 80 gp).
kirk. The viscount rules from his keep located a day’s ride
Background: The beautiful Bride was created by the mage Guiscard
southeast of the city. Referee’s Note: The assault on the two Severin when his love, Erica Solway, a Brittaine princess, rejected him
nobles is unrelated to the events in this adventure, but can be for being below her station. Pouring all of his frustrated energy into
used as a hook for another adventure. Siclandus was madly his magical servant, he somehow succeeded in making her permanent
in love with Felicia North and angry that she was betrothed creation. However, a miscast caused her to have an unusual glow in
the dark. Has a slight “uncanny valley” appearance.
to marry Martin Guildford. Siclandus paid Carac to embar-
rass Guildford, hoping it would cause enough of a scandal
to cancel the engagement. Carac does not know any of these • Knocking on the door four times with an enchanted
particular romantic details, however. item opens the door. (Carac opens the door this way, us-
ing his enchanted wooden rudis, a shortsword that used
to belong to his gladiator friend, Rathar.)
The Emir’s Door • A Knock spell can open the door (while the PCs are un-
The brick portal in the underside of the bridge is magically
likely to have this spell, they can always hire someone...)
sealed with a Hold Portal spell. There are four techniques to
• A magic-user with the ability to move through stone,
gain entrance from the river-side:
teleport, or similar can simply pass through the door.

History of the Pasha’s Tunnel

The Emir’s Tunnel was built by Pasha Abdul ib Hayyam around 1386, more than six centuries prior to this adven-
ture. Fearing that the crusaders would conquer the city, the Pasha hired Rushdi Ramzi, a talented magic-user, to
carve the escape tunnel using earth magic.

The miles long tunnel leads from underneath the Crescent Palace to a few blocks from the arena, where it forks.
One fork leads under the Blue River and into the Emir’s Bridge, which is where the PCs find entrance. The other
fork continues north towards the plains, but mysteriously ends just a hundred yards out. Unfortunately, Ramzi
died of fever before he was able to complete this second tunnel, intended to allow for a northern land escape under
the city walls.

In 1854, the Emir of North Caelkirk ordered the interior of the palace remodeled. For over a year, mages and ar-
chitects worked to transform the palace’s original fortress-like design into one that could accommodate the Emir’s
magnificent banquets and receptions. Whether by accident or design, much of the old catacombs under the palace
were sealed off during remodel, and the existence of the Pasha’s escape tunnel was forgotten.

• The door can be smashed or blasted open! The door is The Luminous Bride has been helping Guiscard by picking
made from old bricks and has about 60 hp. Of course, up the lunagranate shipments, and tirelessly carrying the ar-
hammering on the portal likely attracts the attention of tifacts to the cult’s work site underneath the palace.
both curious pedestrians and ill-tempered guards...
The Bride can talk and is quite pleasant, though she is simple-
The door can be opened from the inside without hinderance, minded and catches no nuance. She cannot be incited to vio-
as it was designed to help the pasha and his court escape to the lence, and if threatened, scared, or attacked tries to flee down
river in the case of invasion. the tunnel, or else cower in fear. She only knows that it is
her job to deliver the crate of four lunagranates to Guisgard,
her master. She does not know why he needs them, who he
Part 5: The Pasha’s Tunnel working for, or any real details of the cult. She does know
that Guisgard is “helping the Order look for Prince Ivor,” as
The miles-long Pasha’s Tunnel runs under the Blue River into she has overheard him talking about this quest many times.
North Caelkirk, then forks and branches towards the Cres-
cent Palace, where the Cult of the Grievers works to find the A cleric, or anybody making an Int ability check, remembers
entombed body of Prince Ivor. that Prince Ivor was a crusader who lived over six hundred
years ago (see inset on p.17).
Anyone making an Int ability check knows history well
enough to realize that they have found what is likely to be a The Escape Tunnel
secret escape tunnel. The tunnel is a straight and regular corridor, big enough for
two people to comfortably walk side by side down its length.
The Antechamber The tunnel walls are unadorned except for an intricately
The antechamber to the tunnel is a small, brick room built on carved coat-of-arms positioned on the wall every hundred
the inside of the bridge. The chamber was built traditionally, yards or so. The coat of arms displays a two-branched tree
without magic, and even a casual investigation shows water and a crescent moon. Magic-users making an Int check A
damage and crumbling water due to the room’s age. The dank identifies it as the coat of arms of the Ramzi family. Several of
smell of river algae permeates the room. the Ramzis were leaders in the Caelkirk Mages Guild several
centuries ago, but the family has not been active in Caelkirk
Collapsed, cedar shelves line one of the walls. The pasha’s ser- for generations.
vants used to keep these shelves stocked with supplies in the
event he needed to escape to the river, but they’ve long since About five miles down the tunnel, the tunnel ends in a large,
rotted away. A small, silver bell (worth 25 gp) can be found in octagonal room. This chamber is marked by massive struc-
the corner of the room. It was once used to summon a boat tural damage. Heavy rubble is strewn everywhere and the
that would take the pasha to safety. ceiling is jagged and cracked. Two tunnel branches continue
from the room, with one route continuing north and the
In the rear of the chamber is a narrow, spiral staircase that other heading to the east. If the PCs investigate the room:
leads deep into the bedrock underneath the Blue River. Any
dwarf or magic-user will be able to identify that these stairs • A dwarf automatically identifies that the chamber’s dam-
were carved by magic, and are well-crafted and sturdy com- age is due to a localized seismic event. Anyone else must
pared to the antechamber. make a Wis -3 check to understand the damage.
• Searching the room finds the shattered remains of at
The only resident of the antechamber is The Luminous Bride, least two ceramic lunagranates on the floor. It also finds
a magical servant of the Order of Grievers. One of the Or- the bones of three crushed skeletons under the rubble.
der’s mages, GUISGARD SIVERIN, created the Bride as a If the PCs examine a skeleton, one of its hands will sud-
companion, fashioned to look like his great, unrequited love. denly, but feebly, reach outward, no doubt causing any
Unlike most magically created servants, the bride is both in- retainers to make a morale check at -2!
dependent and permanent. The PCs immediately notice that
her appearance is unusual, with her skin glowing slightly and Referee’s Note: This is the source of the earthquake that hit the
her features having a mildly unsettling, uncanny valley ap- arena. Three undead skeletons were transporting lunagranates
pearance to them. but accidentally dropped them, causing the quake. The falling
debris crushed the skeletons.



2 6

If the PCs follow the passage to the north, they will find that Additionally, the two are accompanied by five skeletons,
it suddenly ends. This was once intended as another escape created from the remains of dead crusaders by the Order of
route, north to ib-Wazi, but the mage who was excavating the Grievers’ necromancers. Guiscard is happy to use the skel-
tunnel died before he could complete it. etons to do some of the more dangerous excavation work,
especially when the magical lunagranates are used. Referee’s
The tunnel to the east heads underneath the Crescent Palace, Note: For more experienced or powerful PCs, you can increase
where Caelkirk’s great Emir and his council currently reside the number of skeletons, or give more of them sharp swords,
and hold court. shields, and armor.

As the PCs approach the end of the tunnel, Guiscard and

Under the Palace Chock are in their workroom (room 4). They are debating
the merits of ale versus mead, with Chock obviously annoyed
The tunnel extends another three miles to the east before it that Guiscard did not bring an extra bottle for him.
ends in a forgotten section of the old catacombs that lie un-
derneath the Emir’s palace. It will be difficult for PCs to sur- If the PCs were noisy on their approach, or if Guiscard’s bride
mise their exact location in the city, though magic, dwarves, frantically fled from the PCs, the two will be alerted and will
or someone with a fantastic sense of direction may get a hint take defensive action in the catacomb entrance chamber (see
as to their whereabouts. room 2 below).

Two members of the Cult of the Grievers work continuously 1 - Preparation Chamber
in this section of the catacombs. The first is Guiscard Severin, This chamber once held emergency supplies for those fleeing
a mage who has honed in on the area that he thinks Prince the palace. Shelves and chests were kept here, stocked with
Ivor is entombed. He is aided by a strong half-ogre merce- blankets, packs, and weapons. Most of these goods rotted
nary, CHOCK, who is happy to help with his massive pick- away centuries ago, leaving dust and debris.
axe when Guiscard Severin is fatigued from his spellcasting.
An old, medium shield is still hung on one wall, faintly em-
blazoned with Pasha Ali’s sigil. A few old coins can be found
The Order of Grievers
Guiscard Severin Chock
Half-Elf Mage Half-Ogre Bravo
AC 9 [10] AC 6 [13]
HD 2 (hp 6) HD 1 (hp 6)
Move 120’ (40’) Move 120’ (40’)

Attacks Attacks
1 x knife (1d4) 1 x hatchet (1d6)
THAC0 19 (+0) THAC0 19 (+1)

Saves Saves
D12 W13 P13 B15 S15 (E2) D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1)

ML 8 ML 9
Alignment: Neutral Alignment: Chaotic
XP 20 XP 10
Gear: Fine cloak (enchanted to be soil proof ); fine large knife; Traits: Overconfident and under-educated. Chock does have a
wooden rod (enchanted to move a yard of earth 3 times a day); strict mercenaries’ code - he takes his jobs seriously.
scroll of Floating Disc.
Gear: Leather armor; brass knuckles; two hatchets (one is a +1
Spells: Magic Missile; Shield. hatchet; mining pickaxe; purse with 100 gp in centuries-old coins.

Severin’s Man
Magically-Created Warrior Bone Grievers
AC 8 [11] Skeletal Squires
HD 2 (hp 8) AC 7 [12]
Move 120’ (40’) HD 1 (hp 4)
Move 120’ (40’)
1 x morningstar (1d6) Attacks
THAC0 18 (+1) 1 x shortsword (1d6)
THAC0 19 (+0)
D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1) Saves
D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1)
ML 12
Alignment: Neutral ML 12
XP 10 Alignment: Chaotic
XP 10
Gear: One of the skeletons wields a shield and has an ancient mail
shirt. Treat him as AC 4 [16].

on the floor as well (worth 50 gp); the rest that were here were
taken by Chock, who hid them from Guiscard. Skeletal Serpent
Undead Assassin
Three bronze map tubes can also be found scattered among AC 6 [13]
the debris as well. Inspection of the maps inside the tubes HD 2 (hp 9)
(which must be removed delicately, else they crumble away), Move 120’ (40’)
reveals that they show the location of key fortresses in what is
now southern ib-Wazi, circa 1400 (see Handout A). An Int Attacks
ability check recalls the area and history well, revealing that 1 x bite (1d4)
only a few of those fortresses still stand. THAC0 18 (+1)
These maps can make a good hook for future adventures. Saves
One map references a lost fort known as Shalfak Qala. A cleric D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1)
or fighter recalls recalls that the fort was destroyed in the Easter
Crusade of 1519. As the story goes, the fort’s last defender was ML 12
an ib-Wazii archmage known as Al-Damashki, who wielded a Alignment: Chaotic
legendary wand called the Rod of Black Destiny, which was said XP 20
to be enchanted with over a dozen magical properties. When the
crusaders burned Shalfak Qala, the wand was lost to history; Traits: The serpent has infravision and can sense foes through its
even the location of the fort has been forgotten. With this map, vibration sense. Constriction: When a bite attack is successful, the
snake wraps around the victim and begins to squeeze, inflicting 1d4
however, the PCs have an opportunity to find the ruins of the fort
automatic damage on each subsequent round.
and recover the rod...

On the western wall of this chamber is a gold leaf inscription

written in Arabic – Allah Maak, or “Go with God’s Might,”
a blessing to those who would flee the palace under threat of
siege or attack.
spell failing badly). An Int check reveals that this entire hall-
2 - Catacomb Entrance Chamber ways is now unstable. A lunagranate or some other explosive
Unlike the escape tunnel, this section is built without the effect going off here again has a material chance of toppling
help of earth-shaping magic. The rough and irregular walls are ceiling stones on top of anyone here for 1d8 damage, and
made from brick and mortar. Oil-less lanterns, each fueled by blockading the corridor.
an enchanted stone that emits light, are regularly hung along
the walls to provide light to Guiscard and Chock.
4 - Workroom
The entrance to the catacombs is guarded by a heavy metal Guiscard and Chock use this chamber as bed chamber and
door. The cult members usually keep the door open, but if work room. There are a few interesting finds here:
they are alerted to invaders, they will close and lock it from • A yellowed parchment map lies on an uneven table, show-
the inside. This seals them in quite effectively. ing a confusing layout of the palace catacombs. A Int
ability check figures out that the south-eastern chamber
Battering the door down requires a Str ability check at -5! connects to another set of disused catacombs, which may
Add +1 for using a crowbar or similar implement. allow for an alternate exit (see Extending the Adventure).
• A locked metal chest in the room holds lots of straw
Of course, this tactic leaves Guiscard and Chock locked inside and one lunagranate. Oddly, this lunagranate seems to
the catacombs, unable to escape. However, within 24 hours, be leaking some sort of faintly-glowing, sticky sap. Any
their cult’s powerful necromancers will scry what has hap- magic user or dwarf will know right away that it is quite
pened to their agents, and teleport them out. defective. Additionally, if an Int check is made, the inves-
tigator discovers it will likely act as a primitive explosive
(if it shatters, it explodes for 1d12 damage!)
3 - Blasted Wall • Two thick wool blankets lie at either end of the room.
The wall here is significantly damaged. Guiscard and Chock One smells foul, as it is the sleeping place of Chock. A
spent a week trying to crumble this wall, thinking that Prince bottle of strong Thorson’s Dwarven Mead sits over by the
Ivor’s tomb was on the other side (the result of a divination cleaner blanket. It is delicious, sweet stuff.

• A crumpled note in the corner is addressed to Guiscard. 6 - Crypt of the Seven Squires
It is from a Brittaine princess from the town of Datonne This chamber was once sealed in by two heavy doors. Only
named ERICA SOLWAY, who rejected Guiscard due to one of them is intact, the other destroyed completely with
his station and association with the Order of Grievers (see strategic usage of the lunagranates.
Handout B). The Luminous Bride was created to look
exactly like Erica Solway. This room once held the resting place of seven Christian
squires who served Prince Ivor. The necromancers of the Or-
5 - The Skeletal Serpent Chamber der of Grievers, however, revived them as undead skeletons,
This room is empty except for the dry and lifeless skeleton who now serve Guiscard Severin (and occasionally Chock,
of an enormous serpent. The necromancers of the Order of though he swears they ignore his commands). Several of the
Grievers have enchanted this skeleton to come to life once skeletons were lost in an accident with the lunagranates, but
Guiscard has removed the sarcophagus of Prince Ivor from the at least five remain to serve the cult.
catacomb walls. The necromancers had no desire for Guiscard
to be able to tell others of his accomplishment, so the undead The floor of this room is uneven and strewn with rubble and
serpent has been programmed to leave no survivors. debris, the result of the cult using the lunagranates to unseal
the crypt. Guiscard now knows this crypt is closest to the sar-
If Prince’s sarcophagus is removed at any point, the skeletal cophagus that contains Prince Ivor.
serpent revives and hones in on Guiscard (assuming he is
still alive, otherwise it targets other mages). The necroman- Guiscard needs at least one lunagranate to gain access to the
cers want Guiscard dead first, knowing they can more easily sarcophagus. The stone and hard clay surrounding the sar-
charm or enslave Chock, whenever they want. cophagus has been drained of magic, making it low-mana
(giving all spells a 50% chance of failing), so he’s loathe to use
The eastern wall in this room shows obvious signs of hur- his earth-shaping magic to uncover it.
ried brick and mortar work. If one were to bust through the
thick wall here, it would connect into yet another abandoned If Guiscard believes that he is in under threat, he retreats to
part of the palace’s old basement. (The wall is 9” thick brick, this room and devises a few potential plans:
with 60 hp, though referees can weaken this appropriately if
they have an adventure planned in another section of the cata- • If the Luminous Bride escaped the PCs and brings luna-
combs). granates to Guiscard, he will tell Chock and his guards to

Prince Ivor’s Sarcophagus

The third son of the Emperor of Megalos, Prince Ivor was a fearsome and cruel warlord who led the Second Cru-
sades of the 1420s. In 1446, Prince Ivor declared himself Ivor the First, “rightful ruler of all the world!” The world,
however, does not accept Ivor’s claim, and Ivor was eventually forced to retreat from the land. In 1449, he was
mysteriously killed by a bolt of lightning during a blizzard. Prince Ivor’s body was fought over for a year. Leading
the attempt to claim his body was the Order of Grievers, a group that believed Ivor’s claim. History, however, tells
that a nun claimed Ivar’s body and buried it in a hidden location, ending the story.

In reality, however, Prince Ivor’s body was stolen away by a woman pretending to be a nun, and delivered to the
Pasha of Caelkirk, who hated Ivor for his murderous crusades. The Pasha ordered a necromancer to revive Ivor,
curse him into an immortal, barely-conscious state, seal him in a 750-lb. stone sarcophagus, and then bury it in the
palace’s catacombs – eternal punishment for the cruel tyrant. The heavy sarcophagus was reinforced and magically
sealed with many appropriate spells to protect the prince’s torment.

Centuries later, the Order of Grievers had become an obscure, hidden sect of necromancers and loyal cultists who
seek to infiltrate the politics of ib-Wazi and Brittaine. However, when one necromancer discovered the true story
behind Prince Ivor’s burial, he hatched a plan to recover the prince, and use his revival to reclaim the world that
was once his.

scare away the intruders. He just needs to set off a luna- If the PCs leave the sarcophagus in place, it will not be long
granate, use a little bit of his Shape Earth spell, and then before the secretive necromancers of the Cult of the Grievers
uncover the sarcophagus. He then expects the necroman- steal it back again.
cers of the cult to teleport everyone away (which, sadly,
will not happen as soon as he thinks). If the sarcophagus is returned to the palace, the Emir, will
• Without the lunagranates, he’ll order Chock and his war- thank the PCs for their help in keeping his palace safe, and
riors to threaten the PCs, demanding they return the lu- reward them each with 300 gp. He will then order his mages
nagranates or die. to seal the sarcophagus up once again. This action will like-
• If the PCs outright attack, Guiscard will size up the situ- ly delay the necromancers’ plan to steal the Prince for quite
ation. His ability to participate in the battle are limited, some time.
so he will likely seal himself up in this chamber (using an
Illusion to disguise the opening), then painstakingly try If the PCs smuggle the heavy artifact out of the catacombs,
to use his earth magic to uncover the sarcophagus, which they can find other interested parties in Caelkirk. Several cu-
drains him of most of his magical energy to achieve. rious antiquarians are willing to spend ten thousand coins or
• If the PCs have captured the Luminous Bride, then all more for the sarcophagus. Also, the Brittaine churches will
bets are off. Guiscard values her more than anything else, also happily accept it as donation, as they see it as a sacred,
and will negotiate for her release. This quick surrender, lost relic (with some considering Ivor a martyr for the church).
however, angers Chock who will quickly turn on Guis-
card and the PCs. Completing the Adventure
For completing the adventure, the PCs should receive typical
Remember, as soon as the sarcophagus is removed from the XP awards for gold and defeating opponents. They should
wall, this triggers’ the cult necromancer’s plan of assassinating receive an additional 10% XP bonus for good roleplaying or
Guiscard and Chock. The skeletal serpent in the southeastern excellent performance, such as capturing Carac the Thorn
room silently comes to life, and slithers towards Guiscard and on behalf of their guild masters, or retrieving and returning
any other mages. Prince Ivor’s sarcophagus.

If the sarcophagus is removed and Guiscard is dead, a necro-

mancer from the cult will eventually teleport into the cham-
ber and then teleport himself and the sarcophagus into the
cult’s hidden headquarters. This event is unlikely to happen
while the PCs are still around. (The cult uses occasional divi-
nation spells to observe the happenings in the catacombs, but
they are not regularly watching. The soonest they’ll arrive is an
hour or so after their undead snake has been activated.)

If Guiscard is captured and interrogated, he will freely admit

he is working for the necromancers of the Order of Griev-
ers, who are paying him handsomely to recover the body
of Prince Ivor. He does not know the purpose, exactly, but
knows enough of the history of the cult that he assumes they
are trying to either find an artifact lost inside the sarcophagus,
or planning to resurrect the prince himself. He does not know
that the prince is still – barely – alive inside the sarcophagus!

With careful planning and bold action, the PCs can defeat the
two cultists and prevent Prince Ivor’s sarcophagus from falling
into the hands of the Order of Grievers.

Capturing Carac the Thorn earns the PCs the 100 ducat However, if the referee wants to settle that question, the an-
(1,000 gp) reward for his capture from Duke Abner and Mar- swer lies at the arena. If the PCs inquire into the death of
tin Guildford’s family. It also earns the PCs the thanks of their Rathar, they will discover that the lucky convict who killed
Mercenary Guild master, both of whom will gain significant him was named Torvald. This is the same King Torvald that
status in East Caelkirk due to the capture. Of course, the Mer- Svend seeks!
cenaries’ Guild will take its 20% cut from the reward...
In a one-shot game, Torvald continued to fight in the arena
If the PCs aided the Grand Referee of the Arena in a signifi- for several weeks, showing great skill in his matches. However,
cant way, he will send them each a gift of fine, balanced large he was eventually killed in an arena event when the referee
knives as a token of his appreciation. Such knives are usually surprised the crowd by unleashing a manticore into the arena.
reserved for gladiators who have pleased the crowd in good Torvald died bravely, but the mystery of how he went from
fashion. king to convict is unknown.

Referees should freely confer various reputations, contacts, or In a continuing campaign, having impressed the Grand Ref-
patrons for befriending any of the influential folk in the ad- eree, Torvald survived his battle with the manticore and was
venture. Depending on how the dealt with Guiscard, Chock, freed after a close victory. One gladiator recalls seeing Torvald
and the sarcophagus of Prince Ivor, they may have also earned two weeks ago outside a church in East Caelkirk, passionately
themselves an Enemy of the Order of Grievers. talking with a monk about the church’s stained glass located
in its rose window. “It seemed as if he found something spe-
cial in that window,” says the gladiator. Whether Torvald is
Extending the Adventure still in Caelkirk, perhaps on a great pilgrimage or quest, or has
moved on, is entirely up to the referee.
While this adventure ends with the PCs recovering (or aban-
doning) the sarcophagus of Prince Ivor, this retrieval can eas-
ily lead into other adventures. Special Thanks
An immediate extension of the adventure may find one or Special thanks hafizaprilio on for his illustration
more powerful necromancers teleporting into the Pasha’s Tun- of the fierce sand elemental. Thanks also to thispersondoes-
nel to investigate what is going on. This may force the PCs to for helping create illustrations of the various
find an alternate escape from the catacombs through the wall human characters, and to
in the skeletal serpent’s chamber. For dungeon-loving players, for generating the catacombs under the Emir’s palace.
this next section of the catacombs may be filled with dangers
thought sealed centuries ago – perhaps undead crusaders, dust For more free one shot adventures, please visit 1shotadven-
demons, and crypt ghouls. If you enjoyed this adventure, or ran it for a group,
all the author asks is that you give a shout out and let me
The catacombs may also lead directly into the cellar of the know how it went. Post a note on or
Emir’s palace. Avoiding the Emir’s servants and royal guards tweet @SageThalcos on Twitter.
will be a challenge, as they will not treat intruders lightly.
Change Log
In either scenario, the PCs will have earned the attention of v1.0 - Original OSR release.
the necromancers of the Order of Grievers. Unmasking the
ancient cult, and tracking down its leaders, and avoiding as-
sassination attempts can make the start of an exciting urban

Sir Svend’s Quest

Sir Svend Holfdon, one of the pregenerated PCs, is on a quest
to find out whether his king and friend, King Torvald, is alive
or dead. This adventure does give conclusion to that question,
leaving it as a hook for future adventures.


Handout A - Fragment of a map found in a tube in the catacombs.

The map shows the location of Shalfak Qala, a fort destroyed 500
years ago.


Dearest Guiscard

ou are very brave for writing me. But I write to you tell you
that your letters have afflicted me and you have abused my

A year ago we ended our engagement, although my father would argue

that an engagement cannot occur without his permission. Even still,
you knew he had issue with your station. Although we blushed at its
cruelty, we could not ignore it, and it disarmed us both the same.

I have become engaged to another, and I believe that the match will
bring me happiness and you peace.

If you will grant me but one last wish, my dear Guiscard, please
resolve to abandon the Order of Grievers. Although I know you
learn’t much by their books, I believe they mean you ill harm.

My still admires you and contemplates in you. Please stop writing,

else my new lord angers.

Erica Solway

Handout B - Crumpled letter found in catacombs workroom.

Here, Lady Erica Solway, a Brittaine princess from the town of
Datonne, scolds Guiscard not to write her anymore.

Handout - Player Safe Map

Elven Spy
Thirty years ago you were assigned to work as a spy to the mysterious Djinn Council. You never
knew who your true masters were, but the position was considered a great honor among the
elves of your homeland. For years, you traveled, listened, and brought back information for
your masters.
However, one day you were assigned to steal into a small manor house in the town of Tirri. To
your horror, you discovered the lord of the manor had been murdered, and a witch was living
in his stead. You were cursed by the witch and chained up in her closet. You were rescued by the
noble’s son, who had returned home. The witch, however, escaped, along with much your knowl-
edge. The Council ordered you to Caelkirk, to recover your wits, and await new orders.
Scourge of Pirates
Anguerrand Grey
Two years ago, you signed up with the Brittaine Navy to fight pirates that were raiding its
southern coast. The work was easy for you, and you were personally responsible for seiz-
ing over a million dinars in contraband.
Unfortunately, a half-ogre’s club to the head sent you back home to Calder. This would
also end your navy career, as the wound causes seasickness like you have never had before.
Missing the sea too much, you set off to Caelkirk to work in its great ports, where you
hope you can once again put your keen eye for busting smugglers to use.
Per 13 • Magery 3
The Catastrophe of Three Bridges
You lived along the Blue river as a hermit the last ten years. You made your living wander-
ing from village to village, helping the locals find lost animals, catch fish, and celebrate
feasts. One day, however, a village asked you to recover a herd of cows that was swimming
across the river. You used your magic to summon a gentle wave to bring them ashore, but
Allah must have been displeased with you, for instead a great kraken of a wave formed
and roiled down the river. You were arrested and tried for the destruction of three foot
bridges. Fortuntely, the local atabeg remembered you from the war you helped him win
twenty years ago, and let you off with a stern warning.
Per 11
Obsessed Knight of the North
Sir Svend Holfdan
You lived in Caelkirk two decades ago, but made your way north with your friends to fight
in the hobgoblin wars. There, you met King Torvald and his wife, General Rhisla, the most
beautiful, fierce, and strong woman in the world. You became one of the king’s body-
guards, and fought alongside him for years. One day, King Torvald told you he had received
a vision, and had to go south. He was never heard from again. For six years, the king has
been missing. In that time, you fell in love with Rhisla. However, she has sworn to stay loyal
to her husband unless you can find proof of his death.
Now, you’ve followed his trail back to Caelkirk, unsure if you want to find your king and
your friend alive or dead.
Mysterious Amnesiac
You washed up on the banks of the Blue River with little memory of how you got there.
Nearby, a hermit told you that men were looking for you, but the men didn’t see you lying
in the reeds. The only thing on your person was a dwarf-pattern padded shirt, an unusual
whip, and a pendant around your throat that you vaguely recall as being that of Eir, a
Norse goddess. With the hermit’s help, you also retrieved a rune-carved staff from the
water that you assumed was yours, as it perfectly fit your hands. Unsure what to do or
where to go, you headed south towards the city of Caelkirk to see if you can uncover clues
of your identity.
Business Mogul and Antiquarian
Cata Moreli
Since you were a little girl, you heard the store of how your father built the legendary
Moreli’s Ale Tavern and Inn in Minder with nothing by a penny he found in the street and
years of hard work. Now it’s your turn. You spent all your money buying a small three
story tower in the Abner district of Caelkirk, and fully intend to turn it an ale tavern that
will make your old father proud. Unfortunately, while you own a great piece of property,
you don’t have any coin left to buy the fermenters, ale aging barrels, or even the pewter
tankards. Your plan is to find some employ until you can fully equip the place, then open
your tavern in time for the Christmas ale rush.

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