English Day 2

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Maulana Malik Dopong, S.Pd (MI AL AHMAD-KRIAN)
Jamilah Usdayati Ningsih, S.Pd (MI DARUSSALAM-JABON)



Chapter 1: Bathroom …………………………………………………………1

Chapter 2: Bedroom ………………………………………………….………4

Chapter 3: Kitchen…………………………………………………………….7

Chapter 4: Living room ….……………………………………….…………10

Chapter 5: Garden ……………………………………….….………………13

Chapter 6: Classroom …………………………..…………..………………16

Chapter 7: Canteen ………..………………………….…….………………19

Chapter 8: Library …………….……………………….…….………………22

Chapter 9: Office ……………...…………………………….………………26

Chapter 10: Post Office …………………………………….………………28

Chapter 11: Hospital …………………………….………….………………30

Chapter 12: Market…………………………………………..………………32

Chapter 13: Bus Station ……………..……………………..………………34

Chapter 14: Bus ….………….………….……………………..……………36

Chapter 15: Train ….…………..……...……………………….……………38

Chapter 16: Motor Cycle ….…….………………………….………………40

Chapter 17: Bicycle ….………..…………………………….………………42



➢ Toothbrush = sikat gigi

➢ Dipper = gayung

➢ Soap = sabun

➢ Shampoo = sampo

➢ Bathub = bak mandi

➢ Shower = pancuran

➢ Water tap = kran air

➢ Water = air

➢ Water closet = jamban

➢ Hanger = gantungan

➢ Bath mat = keset kamarmandi

➢ Mirror = cermin

➢ Towel = handuk

➢ Plunger = alat penyedot

➢ Wall shelves = rak dinding

➢ Hand towel = handuk tangan

➢ Shower curtain = tirai mandi

➢ Tub and tile cleaner = pembersih bak dan ubin

➢ Room spray = pewangi ruangan semprot

English day (second grade) 1


What are you doing? = apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?

Take a bath = mandi dengan bak mandi

Taking a bath = sedang mandi denganbak mandi

Take a shower = mandi dengan pancuran

Taking a shower = sedang mandi dengan pancuran

Brush teeth = menyikat gigi

Washing hands = mencuci tangan

Washing face = mencuci muka

Pee = kencing (buang air kecil)

Peeing = sedang kencing (buang air kecil)

Poop = berak (buang air besar)

Pooping = sedang berak (buang air besar)

English day (second grade) 2


Please describe your bathroom!










Come forward with one of your friend and make a conversation about


English day (second grade) 3



➢ Pillow = bantal

➢ Bolster = guling

➢ Bed = kasur

➢ Blanket = selimut

➢ Studying table = meja belajar

➢ Wardrobe = lemari baju

➢ Chair = kursi

➢ Table lamp = lampu meja

➢ Picture = lukisan

➢ Window = jendela

➢ Doll = boneka

➢ Toy = mainan

➢ Curtain = gorden / tirai

➢ Clock = jam dinding

➢ Rug = karpet

➢ Shelf = rak

English day (second grade) 4

Eva : What was your room like when you were nine?

Yuke : It was fantastic!

Eva : What colour were the walls?

Yuke : They were green. Green was my favourite colour.

Eva : Were there any posters on the wall?

Yuke : Yes, there were. There were posters of the Simpsons!

Eva : Was there a TV in your room?

Yuke : No, there wasn't a TV but there was a CD player.

Eva : What was your favourite thing in your room?

Yuke : My bed!


Wake up = bangun

Tidy up bed = merpikan tempat tidur

Clean up the room = membersihkan kamar

Open the window = membuka jendela

Doing homework = mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah

Turn on the lamp = nyalakan lampu

Turn off the lamp = matikan lampu

English day (second grade) 5


Please describe about your bedroom!










Please come forward with one of your friend and make a conversation

about a bedroom!

English day (second grade) 6



➢ Stove = kompor
➢ Knive = pisau
➢ Cutting board = talenan
➢ Pan = wajan
➢ Pot = panci
➢ Teapot = teko
➢ Cup = cangkir
➢ Glass = gelas
➢ Plate = piring
➢ Bowl = mangkuk
➢ Spoon = sendok
➢ Fork = garpu
➢ Kitchen shears = gunting dapur
➢ Colander = saringan
➢ Can opener = pembuka kaleng
➢ Grater = parutan
➢ Whisk = pengocok
➢ Rolling pin = penggilas adonan
➢ Refrigerator = kulkas / lemari es
➢ Apron = celemek

English day (second grade) 7

Mother : Sara, its good that you have now learned cooking. You will

be take core of the family when I am away or sick.

Sara : Sure, mom. Cooking is indeed something that everyone

should know.

Mother : Absolutely, Even men should know it. Eating food from

outside is always risky for health.

Sara : That's right. Its necessary for everyone to learn cooking and

stay healthy


Mother is cooking = ibu sedang memasak

Make a tea = membuat teh

Wash the dishes = mencuci piring

Cutting = sedang memotong

Boiling water = merebus air

Peeling fruits = mengupas buah

Chopping vegetable = mengiris sayuran

Baking cookies = memanggang kue

Frying potatoe = menggoreng kentang

English day (second grade) 8


Please make a paragraph about what you do in the kitchen!










Please come forward and describe your kitchen to your friend!

English day (second grade) 9



➢ Door = pintu

➢ Chair = kursi

➢ Fan = kipas angin

➢ Table = meja

➢ Floor = lantai

➢ Curtain = gorden

➢ Book case = lemari buku

➢ Radio = radio

➢ Clock = jam dinding

➢ Lamp = lampu

➢ Television = televisi

➢ Window = jendela

➢ Wall art = lukisan dinding

➢ Sofa = kursi sofa

➢ Phone = telepon

English day (second grade) 10

I would like to talk about the living room in my home. It’s like a

normal-sized room and it’s rectangular in shape. Our living room is white

but one wall is painted grey. We have a big sofa in the living room. The

sofa in my living room is made of leather and it’s white. Our sofa is very

comfortable. Sometimes I like to sit on the sofa and listen to music or read

a book. The curtains are light grey. We keep them open during the day

and close them at night. We have a big flat-screen TV in the living room.

I love our living room because it’s so nice and warm, in the living room our

family can spend a long time to telling stories.


Turn on the lamp! = Nyalakan lampu!

Switch off the fan! = Matikan kipas!

Keep silent please! = Tolong diam!

How are you today? = Bagaimana kabarmu hari ini?

Sweep the floor! = Sapulah lantai!

English day (second grade) 11

Please make a dialogue with your friend about your living room!










Practice your dialogue with your friend in front of your classroom!

English day (second grade) 12



➢ Garden = kebun

➢ Flower = bunga

➢ Soil = tanah

➢ Plant = tanaman

➢ Rock = batu

➢ Water = air

➢ Grass = rumput

➢ Flower pot = pot bunga

➢ Fence = pagar

➢ Gardening gloves = sarung tangan berkebun

➢ Lawn mower = pemotong rumput

➢ Hoe = cangkul kebun

➢ Fertilizer = pupuk

➢ Seeds = biji tanaman

➢ Pesticide = pestisida

➢ Gardening boots = sepatu bot berkebun

➢ Bucket = ember

English day (second grade) 13

Andrew : “Have you bring all the seeds to the basket before we plant


Sandy : “Billy have just bring it”

Billy : “Yeah, I don’t forget about it”

Andrew : “Sandy, which one we want to plant first? Vegetables or fruit?”

Sandy : “I like to plant vegetables like the spinach. I like it, and this is

the most cheap and has many nutritious vegetables”

Billy : “I like to eat carrots, so I will plant it first. What about you


Andrew : “I’d like to plant fruits than vegetables. I would plant

watermelon and oranges”

Sandy : “Don’t forget to give it enough fertilizer and water so that our

plants can grow fast”

Billy : “And don’t forget to use our gardening gloves to protect our

hand keep healthy. Let’s plant together!”

English day (second grade) 14


Water the flower! = Sirami bunga!

Give the flower fertilizer! = Beri pupuk ke bunga!

Wear gardening gloves! = Pakailah sarungan tangan berkebun!

Be careful! = Hati-hati!

Don’t step on the grass! = Jangan injak rumput!


Write a descriptive text about your garden!










Please come forward and describe your text!

English day (second grade) 15


➢ Book = buku

➢ Pencil = pensil

➢ Bag = tas sekolah

➢ Blackboard = papan tulis hitam

➢ Whiteboard = (papan tulis putih)

➢ Eraser = penghapus

➢ Ruler = penggaris

➢ Broom = sapu

➢ Flag = bendera

➢ Cupboard = lemari

➢ Marker = spidol

➢ Map = peta

➢ Pencil case = kotak pensil

➢ Shoes = sepatu

➢ Uniform = seragam sekolah

➢ Calender = kalender

➢ Table cloth = taplak meja

➢ Tie = dasi

➢ Belt = ikat pinggang

➢ Picket list = jadwal piket

English day (second grade) 16
Mr Mike : “Have you done your homework?”

Jhon : “Yes, I have done”

Mr Mike : “Okay, so now Jhon has bought in something to show the

class! Jhon, what have you brought for us?”

Jhon : “I have brought my dad’s guitar. I love listening to him play

it. It has six strings and it is brown”

Mr Mike : “That’s great! Can you play the guitar?”

Jhon : “a little bit, my dad teaches me a new song every month so

that I can play little bits of music”

Mr Mike : “Come up to the front and show us please!”

Jhon : “Okay”

Mr Mike : “Thank you for sharing Jhon. Okay class Jhon’s

performance summed up our day. Class dimissed. Let’s pray

together! See you tomorrow!”

Jhon : “See you”

English day (second grade) 17


Let’s pray together! = Mari berdoa bersama!

Don’t disturb your friend! = Jangan ganggu temanmu!

Sit down please! = Silahkan duduk!

Time is up! = Waktunya habis!

Who is absent today? = Siapa yang tidak masuk hari ini?

Prepare your text book! = Siapkan buku pelajaranmu!


Write a descriptive text about your class room!










Present your story in front of your classroom!

English day (second grade) 18



➢ Chiller = pendingin

➢ Tray = baki

➢ Glass shelf = kaos kaki

➢ Napkin = serbet

➢ Plastic bag = kantong plastik

➢ Coupon = kupon

➢ Trash bin = tempat sampah

➢ Food = makanan

➢ Drink = minuman

➢ Snack = makanan ringan

➢ Money = uang

➢ Change = uang kembalian

➢ Ice cream = es krim

➢ Seller = penjual

➢ Buyer = pembeli

English day (second grade) 19

Seller : “Pedro, what do you want?”

Pedro : “I'm so hungry, I want a bowl of fried noodle, please!”

Seller : “OK, Do you want a glass of iced tea too?”

Pedro : “No, I don't. I want a bottle of cola.”

Seller : “Alright. What about you, Aldo?”

Aldo : “I want a plate of pizza and a glass of iced cream.”

Seller : “OK dear, wait a minute, please. I'll be back soon.”

Pedro and Aldo : “Thank you.”


Throw the rubbish in the bin! = buanglah sampah pada tong


Let’s buy this food! = ayo beli makanan ini!

Let’s buy this drink! = ayo beli minuman ini!

How much? = berapa harganya?

It’s very expensive! = ini sangat mahal!

It’s very cheap! = ini sangat murah!

It looks delicious = terlihat enak

It tasted bad = rasanya tidak enak

It tasted good = rasanya enak

Where is your money? = mana uangmu?

This is your change! = ini uang kembalianmu!

English day (second grade) 20

Please make a dialog that happens in the canteen!










Please come forward and describe the canteen at your school!

English day (second grade) 21



➢ Bookshelf = rak buku

➢ Carpet = karpet

➢ Dictionary = kamus

➢ Book = buku

➢ Story book = buku cerita

➢ Library card = kartu perpustakaan

➢ Computer = computer

➢ Librarian = petugas perpustakaan

➢ Newspaper = Koran

➢ Magazine = majalah

➢ Chair = kursi

➢ Table = meja

➢ Folder = map

➢ Clock = jam dinding

➢ Air Conditioner = pendingin ruangan

English day (second grade) 22

Afi : How's it going?

Boy : I'm fine. Thank you.

Afi : Do you need anything?

Boy : I need you to help me.

Afi : What can I do for you?

Boy : I am looking for an article in a newspaper.

Afi : Did you check the periodicals?

Boy : I didn't even bother to think of that.

Afi : I'll show you where to find your article.

Boy : I get lost in this library.

Afi : It's right this way.

Boy : Thanks a lot for your help.


Don’t make a sound! = jamgan bersuara!

Keep silent, please! = tolong diam!

Be quiet please! = harap tenang!

I want to borrow this = saya mau pinjam ini

I want to read that book = saya ingin membaca buku itu

Turn back = mengembalikan

Borrow = meminjam

Read = membaca

English day (second grade) 23


Please make a conversation that happpened in the library!










Please come forward in front of the class!

English day (second grade) 24



➢ Stationary = alat tulis

➢ Book = buku

➢ Pencil = pensil

➢ Ruler = penggaris

➢ Eraser = penghapus

➢ Bolpoint = bolpoin

➢ Scissors = gunting

➢ Paper = kertas

➢ Envelope = amplop

➢ Ducktape = lakban

➢ Copy machine = mesin fotocopy

➢ Chair = kursi

➢ Desk = meja kerja

➢ Lamp = lampu

➢ Fan = kipas angin

➢ Vase = vas bunga

English day (second grade) 25

Anang : "I can't get the printer to work."

Bowo : "Did you check to see if it had paper?"

Anang : "Yeah. That's the first thing I checked."

Bowo : "I don't know then. You might have to call the technician."

Anang : "How do I do that?"

Bowo : "Just tell the admin and she should take care of it."

Anang : "Is there another printer that I can use?"

Bowo : "Yeah. There's one down the hall next to the supply room."

Anang : "Oh yeah... I remember that one. Thanks."

Bowo : "No problem."


Help me please : tolong bantu saya

Can you… : bisakah kamu …

I need the pen : saya butuh pulpen

Type : ketik

Give me that : berikan saya itu

I have work to do : saya punya pekerjaan yang harus dikerjakan

Can I help you? : ada yang bisa saya bantu?

No problem : tak masalah

I don’t know : saya tidak tahu

English day (second grade) 26

Please make a conversation that happens in the office!









Come forward and describe the school’s office in front of the class!

English day (second grade) 27



➢ Uncle = paman

➢ Postman = tukang pos

➢ Post office = kantor pos

➢ Work = bekerja

➢ Diligent = rajin

➢ Letter = surat

➢ Package = paket

➢ Enjoy = menikmati

➢ Job = pekerjaan

➢ Everyday = setiap hari


My uncle is a postman.

He works in the post office.

He is very diligent.

He delivers many letters and many packages everyday.

My uncle enjoys his job.

English day (second grade) 28

Good morning! : Selamat pagi!

How are you today? : Bagaimana kabarmu hari ini?

Where are you going? : Kemana kamu akan pergi?

Thank you : Terimakasih.

Have anice day! : Semoga harimu menyenangkan!

See you tomorrow! : Sampai jumpa besok!


Write a descriptive text about post office!










Present your story in front of your classroom!

English day (second grade) 29


➢ Today = hari ini

➢ Go = pergi

➢ Hospital = rumah sakit

➢ Father = ayah

➢ Grandmother = nenek

➢ Sick = sakit

➢ Take care = merawat

➢ Nurse = perawat

➢ Doctor = dokter

➢ Chek = memeriksa

➢ Everyday = setiap hari


Today I go to the hospital.

I go to the hospital with my father.

My grandmother is sick.

My grandmother take care by a nurse.

Doctor checks my grandmother everyday.

English day (second grade) 30


Good afternoon! : selamat siang!

Will you come with me? : maukah kau ikut denganku?

Don’t be noise! : jangan berisik!

Keep silent please! : tolong diam!

Wear your mask! : pakailah maskermu!

Get well soon! : semoga cepat sembuh!


Please make a descriptive text about hospital!










Present your story in front of your classroom!

English day (second grade) 31



➢ Mother = ibu

➢ Goes = pergi

➢ Market = pasar

➢ Buy = membeli

➢ Daily need =: kebutuhan sehari-hari

➢ Vegetables = sayuran

➢ Fruits = buah-buahan

➢ Crowded = ramai

➢ Seller = penjual

➢ Sell = menjual


My mother goes to the market.

She will buy many daily needs.

She buys vegetables.

She buys fruits too.

I follow with her.

The market is very crowded.

There are many sellers.

They sell many kinds of daily needs

English day (second grade) 32

Keep it clean! : jagalah kebersihan!

Throw the trash in the bin! : buanglah sampah ditempatnya!

Be careful! : hati-hati!

Let’s buy this food! : ayo beli makanan ini!

Follow me please! : ikuti saya!

Don’t go over there! : jangan pergi kesana!

Be a good children! : jadilah anak yang baik!

Let’s go! : ayo pergi!


Please make a descriptive text about market!










Present your story in front of your classroom!

English day (second grade) 33


➢ Bus station = Terminal

➢ Went = Pergi

➢ Many = Banyak

➢ Clean = Bersih

➢ Throwing = Membuang

➢ Bin = Tempat sampah

➢ Place = Tempat

➢ Around = Sekitar

➢ Comfortable = Nyaman

➢ Excited = Bersemangat

Yesterday I went to the bus station. There are many of bus

parking. The bus station looks really clean because everyone is throwing

trash in the bin. Clean place can make everyone around it comfortable

and excited.

English day (second grade) 34


Throw trash in the bin! : buanglah sampah pada tempatnya!

Can you help me? : bisakah kamu membantuku?

Where are you going? : kemana kamu akan pergi?

Thank you : terimakasih.

Please stop here! : tolong berhenti disini!

Please make the discribe with the bus station theme!









Please presentation your discribe in front of your class!

English day (second grade) 35


➢ Land = Darat

➢ Wheels = Roda

➢ Front = Depan

➢ Back = Belakang

➢ Take = Naik

➢ Escaped = Terhindar

➢ Sun = Matahari

➢ Rain = Hujan

➢ Reduce = Mengurangi

➢ Congestion = Kemacetan

Bus is one of the land transportation that I like. The bus has four

wheels, two at the front and two at the back. I like to take the bus

because it can escaped from the hot sun and rain. Taking the bus can

reduce congestion

English day (second grade) 36


Shit down please! : Tolong duduk!

Silent please! : Tolong diam!
Be carefull! : Hati-hati di jalan!
Don’t froget wear a mask! : Jangan lupa memakai masker!
Keep your distance! : Tetap jaga jarak!


Please make the discribe with the bus theme!










Please presentation your discribe in front of your class!

English day (second grade) 37



➢ Long = Panjang

➢ Walk = Berjalan

➢ Rails = Rel

➢ Stopped = Berhenti

➢ Waited = Menunggu

➢ Past = Lewat

➢ Many = Banyak

➢ Carriages = Gerbong

➢ Collect = Menampung

➢ People = Orang-orang

➢ Fast = Cepat

➢ Quickly = Dengan cepat

➢ Destination = Tujuan

I am a train. I am a land transportation that has a long and I walk

on rails. All the transportation stopped and waited for me to pass first. I

have a many of carriages that collect many people. I’m going really fast,

so everyone can quickly get to the destination.

English day (second grade) 38

Keep your ticket! : Simpanlah tiketmu!

Sit where you are! : Duduklah ditempatmu!

Can you help me? : Bisakah kamu membantuku?

Take care of your stuff! : Jaga barangmu!


Please make the discribe with the train theme!










Please presentation your discribe in front of your class!

English day (second grade) 39


➢ Motorcycle = Sepeda motor

➢ Transportation = Transportasi

➢ Engine = Mesin

➢ Gasoline = Bahan bakar

➢ Run = Berlari

➢ Without = Tanpa

➢ Red = Merah

➢ Black = Hitam

➢ Happy = Senang

➢ Have = Mempunyai

➢ Walk = Jalan

➢ Feel = Merasa

➢ Very = Sangat

I have two motorcycle. Motocycle are a means of transportation

that uses. Engine and gasoline without it all motorcycle cannot run. My

motorcycle have a many color is red and black. Im very happy to have a

motorcycle to go for a walk, go to school and go to work. I feel very

happy to have a motorcycle.

English day (second grade) 40

Turn on the lamp! : Nnyalakan lampu!

Riding motorcycle! : Jangan cepat-cepat!

Be careful on the way! : Hati-hati di jalan!

Wearing your helm! : Pakai helmmu!


Please make the discribe with the motorcycle theme!










Please presentation your discribe in front of your class!

English day (second grade) 41



➢ Bicycle = Sepeda

➢ There are = Ada

➢ Wheel = Roda

➢ Two = Dua

➢ Get = Dapat

➢ Father = Ayah

➢ Mather = Ibu

➢ From = Dari

➢ Rajin = Diligent

➢ Because = Karena

(sing song)


Kring-kring there is my bicycle

My bicycle is two wheels

I got from my father because I am diligent

English day (second grade) 42

Turn on the lamp! : Nyalakan lampu!

Riding motorcycle! : Jangan cepat-cepat!

Be careful on the way! : Hati-hati di jalan!

Wearing your helm! : Pakai helmmu!


Please make the discribe with the bicycle theme!










Please presentation your discribe in front of your class!

English day (second grade) 43

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