Deliverance From Sexual Strongholds
Deliverance From Sexual Strongholds
Deliverance From Sexual Strongholds
The Lord commands us to “possess ye your souls” (Luke 21:19). Strongholds in our
souls (mind-emotion-will) are formed through sin. The more intense and the longer the
duration of the sin, the greater the stronghold. “The weapons of our warfare are divinely
powerful for the destruction fortresses.” (II Corinthians 10:4) The land of our soul is to
be cleared and cleansed so that it can be inhabited by God’s Holy Spirit to minister life
to all the people. Sins of long ago, even though not consciously on one’s mind, can
feed our current symptoms if they have not been confessed and cleansed properly.
a. Total commitment to Christ.
The first step in preparing for deliverance is to come to Jesus with your whole heart,
laying down all your idols and confessing all known sin in your life (John I:9). The Bible
says that we are to have no other god’s before Him. In fact, the Bible is very clear in
saying that no idolater will inherit the Kingdom of God (Revelation 22:15, Ephesians
5:5). An idol is anything you put before the Lord Jesus. If you treasure anything more
than Jesus and are not willing to turn to Him in repentance, then you are wasting your
time going through deliverance.
b. Forgiveness
To be forgiven, we must forgive (Matthew 6:14-15). To have our prayers
answered, we must forgive (Mark 11:25,Psalms 66:17-18). More problems are
rooted in unforgiveness than any one cause. The quickest way for God to turn
you over to the torturers is for you to hold unforgiveness in your heart. Read
(Matthew 18:21-35) When demons see sin in our lives, they have the legal right
to move in on us.
Forgiveness is not an emotion, it is a decision. God has never said that we have
to “feel like” forgiving, but he has commanded us to forgive. One must decide
and choose to forgive. God’s power in that person then makes forgiveness a
(1) Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any person or persons (including yourself)
toward whom you have unforgiveness or even a negative, critical, resentful
thought. List their names: ________________________________________
(2) By an act of your will CHOOSE TO FORGIVE them and pray this simple
prayer from your heart.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I have not loved the following people (name people
and groups) who have hurt and disappointed me. I have held unforgiveness in
my heart. I call upon you Father, to help me forgive them and to help me love
and understand them as only you can do. I can’t do it Lord without you. Please
forgive me and work forgiveness in my heart because I ask for it in the name of
Jesus. Lord, I have another confession to make. I also have not loved or
forgiven myself. Please forgive me. I choose to love and forgive myself in the
name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
(Check those that apply to you)
______ Spiritual separation from God ______ Strong desire for sex
______ Infliction of pain with sex ______ Sexual desires for persons of the same sex
Most often, behind each sexual sin is some form of ruination or blockage in the
It is important to deal with the root reasons for falling into sexual sin. Ask God to
show what other problems were associated with the sexual sin.
I Corinthians 6:16, 18 …Do you not know the one who joins himself to a
harlot is one body with her? For He says, “The two shall become one
Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body,
but the immoral man sins against his own body.
Colossians 2:13, 14…He made you alive together with Him, having
forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of
debt consisting of decrees against us and which was hostile to us; and He
has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.
2. Child abuse
In the name of Jesus, I direct your spirit to forget the union with ___________. I sever
any soul tie from my mind, emotions, or body, in Jesus Name. You are loosed from that
one. I set your spirit free to cleave only to your mate. Whatsoever is loosed in heaven is
loosed in earth.
I break and sever all demonic ties from ________________ and command them to
every part of ________________________ , spirit, soul and body.
Release ______________ in Jesus Name. (Name specific forces through the Holy
Spirit’s guidance. Example: spirits of lust, adultery, sexual deviation, control, rebellion,
fear, occult, etc. See common demonic groupings.) Cleanse
_____________________ from their sins, and close the doorway forever with the
precious blood of Jesus, by faith I thank you Lord, for forgiving, cleansing and freeing
______________________ from these forces.
Ancestral sin
As a child of God purchased by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, I here and now
renounce and repudiate the moral impurity sins of my ancestors. (Father, mother, where
you can be specific - infidelity, for example.)
All adultery, fornication, sexual deviation, masturbation, I sever from every part of me.
Lord set me free from their power and influence. I cast out,
in Jesus’ Name, all demonic workings that has been passed on to me from my