Kasten Job Aid Customer Persona
Kasten Job Aid Customer Persona
Kasten Job Aid Customer Persona
DevOps Engineer
I am also known as a: What I do:
Platform Engineer, Operations • Implement integration of systems as requested by customers.
Engineer, Build Engineer, Site • Deploy applications that meet the goals of stability and security, and provide
Reliability Engineer, Release Manager, updates and fixes where needed.
Site Availability Engineer. • Develop software to integrate with internal back-end systems and scripts to
automate visualization.
Who I am: • Perform root cause analysis for production errors.
As a DevOps Engineer, I work with • Optimize and tune applications, tools, services, and hardware.
developers and the IT Operations • Design procedures for systems troubleshooting and maintenance.
staff to oversee the code releases. I
am skilled in infrastructure design, Some of my challenges are:
virtualization, and infrastructure • Keeping systems secure and free of data breaches and insider threats, performing
automation tools. I am also data disaster recovery when a breach happens, maintaining the safety of data
knowledgeable about systems design, users, and fixing database malfunctions.
container orchestration, Git + Git • Understanding the systems, log files, code, use case, and troubleshooting so I can
workflows, and SecOps trends and debug as needed.
updates. • Identifying issues and ensuring that there is a process in place to solve them.
• Creating runbooks to automate responses to incidents and apply critical updates
to production environments without impacting users.
• Responding to and recovering from various outages in underlying IaaS services.
• Managing multiple tools to protect multiple clouds/ workloads/services, and the
ability to move data between them.
Software Developer
I am also known as a: What I do:
Software Engineer, Application • Ensure the completion of sprints, or other Agile tracking milestones.
Developer, Digital Solutions • Implement requirements from product and design teams.
Developer, Mobile Developer. • Oversee software development life cycle, user interface design, and back-end
Who I am: • Perform tests or get input from testers before software is released.
As a Software Developer, I spend • Streamline the software delivery process across the organization by providing
most of the time focused on pipeline definitions and Continuous Integration (CI) templates for other teams use.
completing planned development
tasks with about 30-40% of my Some of my challenges are:
time in meetings, planning for • Keeping data secure and backed up, recovering and restoring data when needed,
the next sprint, fixing bugs, or working with insecure APIs and malfunctioning databases.
completing customer requests • Completing code reviews and resolving issues in a reasonable timeframe.
as they arise. I am involved in all • Balancing load between the servers and adding additional servers when needed.
software development steps including • Maintaining performance standards to avoid issues like poorly written code,
conceiving, specifying, designing, unmanaged growth of data, traffic spikes, default configuration, and troublesome
programming, documenting, third-party services.
testing, and bug fixing. I understand
coding languages and sometimes I measure my success by:
work alongside graphic artists, • Adhering to specified requirements and initial budget estimations.
data scientists, and other software • Following agile process metrics like delivery timelines, cycle time, and team
experts to create applications. I can velocity.
also code new microservices and • Using production analytics to measure mean time between failures (MTBF), mean
cloud-native applications, but I not time to recover/repair (MTTR), and application crash rate.
involved in infrastructure or resources • Using security metrics to measure endpoint incidents and MTTR.
provisioning. • Ensuring business success metrics drive software improvements.
• Developing or updating multiple applications.
• Shortening the time to develop and launch new applications.
Dev Ops Customer Personas job aid
Storage Engineer
I am also known as a: What I do:
Cloud Infrastructure Architect, • Communicate and collaborate with technical and business audiences and align
Database Administrator, Infrastructure technological strategy to business objectives.
Engineer. • Plan, build, and deliver infrastructure.
• Design, implement, manage network architectures.
Who I am: • Design and develop CI/CD pipelines.
As a Storage Engineer, I maintain • Create policies and oversee governance for the cloud.
and scale infrastructure and
configurations. My priority is to Some of my challenges are:
automate as much as possible and, • Just like the DevOps Engineer and the Software Developer, keeping data secure
when needed, to build and help and backed up is a challenge. Insecure APIs, insider threats, and human error are
deploy servers. I possess a deep all challenges.
technical expertise and can act as a • Working with a large volume of work requests through a variety of channels, often
bridge across the company’s IT units on a reactive basis.
and business operations. I am also • Inconsistency in teams following processes and implementing preventive
knowledgeable about cloud platforms recommendations.
and services, cloud-native design, and • Working with archaic infrastructure which makes it difficult to ensure everyone
container technologies. has what they require to manage the pipeline.
• Creating backup and disaster recovery policies, ensuring regular backups, and
providing disaster recovery services during outages and incidents.