Imo Model 1.27 (2012)
Imo Model 1.27 (2012)
Imo Model 1.27 (2012)
As at its date of issue, this document, in whole or in part, is subject to consideration by the IMO organ
to which it has been submitted. Accordingly, its contents are subject to approval and amendment
of a substantive and drafting nature, which may be agreed after that date.
Attached in the annex, is annex 1 to the Report of Drafting Group 1 on, Validation of model
training courses (STW 43/WP.6).
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 1
Note: Deleted text is shown as strikethrough and new text is shown underline.
Operational use of
Electronic Chart Display and Information
Systems (ECDIS)
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Table of Contents
Introduction 14
Part A: Course Framework 36
Part B: Course Outline and Timetable 910
Part C: Detailed Teaching Syllabus 1213
Part D: Instructor Manual 2123
Part E: Evaluation and assessment 6254
Appendices for the ECDIS instructor 8356
Guidance on the implementation of model courses 97
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The purpose of the IMO model courses is to assist maritime training institutes and their teaching staff in
organizing and introducing new training courses, or in enhancing, updating or supplementing existing
training material where the quality and effectiveness of the training courses may thereby be improved.
It is not the intention of the model course program to present instructors with a rigid “teaching package”
which they are expected to “follow blindly”. Nor is it the intention to substitute audio-visual or
“programmed” material for the instructor’s presence. As in all training endeavors, the knowledge, skills
and dedication of the instructor are the key components in the transfer of knowledge and skills to those
being trained through IMO model course material.
Because educational systems and the cultural backgrounds of trainees in maritime subjects vary
considerably from country to country, the model course material has been designed to identify the basic
entry requirements and trainee target group for each course in universally applicable terms, and to
specify clearly the technical content and levels of knowledge and skill necessary to meet the intent of IMO
conventions and related recommendations.
To use the model course the instructor should review the course plan and detailed syllabus, taking into
account the information provided under the entry standards specified in the course framework. The actual
level of knowledge and skills and the prior technical education of the trainees should be kept in mind
during this review, and any areas within the detailed syllabus which may cause difficulties because of
differences between the actual trainee entry level and that assumed by the course designer should be
identified. To compensate for such differences, the instructor is expected to delete from the course, or
reduce the emphasis on, items dealing with knowledge or skills already attained by the trainees. He
should also identify any academic knowledge, skills or technical training which they may not have
By analyzing the detailed syllabus and the academic knowledge required to allow training in the technical
area to proceed, the instructor can design an appropriate pre-entry course or, alternatively, insert the
elements of academic knowledge required to support the technical training elements concerned at
appropriate points within the technical course.
Adjustment of the course objectives, scope and content may also be necessary if in your maritime
industry the trainees completing the course are to undertake duties which differ from the course
objectives specified in the model course.
Within the course plan the course designers have indicated their assessment of the time that should be
allotted to each learning area. However, it must be appreciated that these allocations are arbitrary and
assume that the trainees have fully met all entry requirements of the course. The instructor should
therefore review these assessments and may need to re-allocate the time required to achieve each
specific learning objective.
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Lesson Plans
Having adjusted the course content to suit the trainee intake and any revision of the course objectives,
the instructor should draw up lesson plans based on the detailed syllabus. The detailed syllabus contains
specific references to the textbooks or teaching material proposed for use in the course. Where no
adjustment has been found necessary in the learning objectives of the detailed syllabus, the lesson plans
may simply consist of the detailed syllabus with keywords or other reminders added to assist the
instructor in making his presentation of the material.
The presentation of concepts and methodologies must be repeated in various ways until the instructor is
satisfied that the trainee has attained each specified learning objective. The syllabus is laid out in
learning-objective format and each objective specifies what the trainee must be able to do as the learning
For the course to run smoothly and to be effective, considerable attention must be paid to the availability
and use of:
Through preparation is the key to successful implementation of the course. IMO has produced “Guidance
on the Implementation of IMO Model Courses,” which deals with this aspect in greater detail and is
included as an attachment to this course.
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The course is designed to meet the STCW requirements in the use of ECDIS, as revised by the 2010
Manila Amendments, specifically as these apply to Tables A-II/1, A-II/2 and A-II/3, and also to revised
guidelines pertaining to training and assessment in the operational use of ECDIS in Table B-I (paragraphs
36 through 66), assessment in navigational watchkeeping, and evaluation of competence, both in Table
It should be understood that this is a generic course which requires a structured and complementary on-
board ship specific ECDIS familiarisation for each shipboard ECDIS system on which the navigating
officer serves.
Those who successfully complete this course should be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge, skill
and understanding of ECDIS navigation and electronic charts to undertake the duties of a navigational
watch officer defined by STCW Code, as amended. This knowledge, skill and understanding should
include Column 1 ECDIS competencies of Tables A-II, but is not limited to:
Knowledge of the capability and limitations of ECDIS operations, and all indicated sub-topics
Proficiency in operation, interpretation, and analysis of information obtained from ECDIS, and all
indicated sub-topics
Management of operational procedures, system files and data, and all indicated sub-topics
Entry Standards
It is assumed that trainees undertaking this course have accomplished some formal instruction in
Terrestrial Navigation, have at minimum some familiarization with visual navigation, have accomplished a
period of supervised bridge watch-keeping duties, and have prior completion of basic radar/ARPA (MC
1.07). Trainees should also have considerable familiarization with personal computing operating systems,
keyboards and mice or trackballs.
Course delivery
The outcome of this course may be achieved through various methods, including simulation-based
classroom and laboratory training, or in-service training, or combinations of these methods, such that
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each trainee is provided unshared access to a type-approved an ECDIS with ENC data for all required
hours of practice and assessment in a controlled visual underway navigational environment.
Methods of distance learning or computer-based training may be used to supplement the familiarization
stages of this course, but should not be substituted for the underway assessment of proficiency
The instructor- trainee ratio should be limited to 1:12.The ratio for lecturing in an open classroom setting
and for practical exercises in an Integrated Navigation Lab should be limited to 12:1. When a class size
exceeds 12 trainees, an assistant instructor is required in both settings, qualified to the satisfaction of the
lead instructor.
Staff requirements
The following are the minimum qualification for an instructor of an ECDIS course that adheres to the
recommendations of this Model Course. The instructor in charge should:
Hold a Master license (certificate of competency, issued by IMO white list flag state) or license at
least one level above trainee(s) enrolled in course
Have underway experience as navigator with, and maintainer or supervisor of, type approved
ECDIS (extent determined by flag state issuing approval of course)
Have successful completion of Train-The-Trainer course, preferably including the application of
simulators in training
Have successful completion of an approved ECDIS training course
The following are the minimum qualifications recommended for instructors delivering a course that follows
the IMO Model Course 1.27. The instructor in charge should:
.1 hold relevant certificate of competency in the deck department issued by an IMO white list flag state;
.2 have successfully completed an approved ECDIS course;
.3 have completed type specific familiarization relevant to the equipment used for training;
.4 have a detailed knowledge of the requirements of SOLAS chapters V/2, V/19, and V/27-20, as
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.5 have an up-to-date knowledge of the IMO ECDIS Performance Standards currently in force and
knowledge of relevant STCW requirements and guidance;
.6 have an up to date knowledge of ENC’s.
.7 be fully aware of current ENC data transfer standards and presentation libraries of the IHO, methods of
ENC licensing and updating and current IMO recommendations on ECDIS software and other issues;
.8 have a current relevant teaching qualification or have successfully completed a Train-The-Trainer
course, including the application of simulators in training and meets the requirements of STCW regulation
I/6 and I/12.
Simulation lab - Trainees develop and demonstrate proficiencies in an Integrated Navigation Lab (INL)
setting, where each trainee has use (either alone or in groups of no more than two) of an ownship in
semi-isolation (Bridge). The Integrated Navigation Lab (INL) should run the same simulation application
as in the ECDIS classroom, except that each bridge consists of four uniquely dedicated PCs: ECDIS with
trackball and keyboard, conning and control, radar/ARPA, and visualization channel displayed on a large
flat screen. As in the ECDIS classroom, all navigation functions should be integrated and interfaced to the
ECDIS. There should also be a provision in each Bridge for plotting on standard paper charts, as well as
VHF radio, either type-approved and de-amplified, or digitally embedded in the simulation software.
While exposure to a variety of ECDIS brands is encouraged, at a minimum, the particular brand and
software version of the ECDIS used in the classroom (open lab) environment should match that which is
used in the simulation lab. Trainees will benefit from gaining some familiarity with the approaches taken
by different manufacturers to the ECDIS Performance Standards, especially with regards to menu
structures and value-added options. However, the achievement of competency in safe navigation with
ECDIS should occur through prolonged and in-depth practice with one particular ECDIS common to both
training environments.
Materials - Screen projection through PC and document reader, CBT and PC presentations, hard-copy
handouts, and sample ECDIS interfaces on CD
Simulation software - The integrated navigation simulation application installed in the ECDIS classroom
and Integrated Navigation Lab as outlined above should include type-approved ECDIS software to which
the simulation delivers sensor input in an underway context. Assessment and evaluation systems built
into the simulation software offer considerable benefits, especially by unobtrusive and objective measure
of “safe navigation” parameters; its inclusion and application especially in route monitoring exercises is
ECDIS simulation equipment must meet all applicable performance standards set out in Regulation I/12
of the STCW Convention and also should meet the guidance in Section B-I/12, as amended
An example of equipment set up for ECDIS training has been provided in appendix 6
ECDIS Classroom/Lab:
The lecture portion of the course can take place in any suitable classroom with adequate desk/seating
space for all trainees. Standard classroom facilities must be available such as whiteboard/chalkboard,
appropriate projection system, etc.
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The practical demonstration and assessment portion of the course must take place in a space equipped
to provide a suitable ECDIS simulator work station for each individual trainee. The necessity of mounting
display monitors on the desk surfaces requires careful placement of all equipment and projection screens
to maintain good visibility for all trainees.
In addition to the trainee work stations there must be an instructor station with dedicated projection
system that will allow projection of the exercises and lecture materials. It is strongly recommended that
there be display(s) networked to the instructor station, thereby allowing display(s) of ARPA and ECDIS
information (or other training material) for the benefit of the trainees.
Note that the lecturing may take place in the same room as the simulation if the space is suitable. This
would require adequate visibility around/over the work stations to the whiteboard/chalkboard and
projection screens, and adequate work space for taking notes and written examinations.
In order to accomplish the goals of training and assessment included in this 2010 edition to the Model
Course, ECDIS simulation should adhere to the foregoing as performance standards.
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It is the intent of this 2010 edition to the Model Course to recognize the growing practice of integrating
ECDIS-supported navigation with the visual scene in simulation-based training. Additionally, since such
detail surpasses the scope of STCW Code and Guidance, it is the intent also of the Framework to the
2010 edition of this Model Course to specify the optimal physical layout for such simulation training.
The following description of the classroom and lab is based on an ideal maximum of 12 trainees in a
given iteration of the ECDIS training course, such that the entire group could be coached and instructed
at once for extended periods in the classroom, and 6 at a time could be assigned solo watchstanding
roles in the navigation lab for extended periods.
Optimal ECDIS classroom - Sit-down workstations for coaching (demonstration and practice of ECDIS
Part Function
Single PC, dual 19” LCD, specified VGA card, Win 7 O.S., ECDIS software and chart
data installed on each, to provide:
Optimal ECDIS navigation lab - Semi-isolated ownships for stand-up solo watchstanding (unassisted
application of ECDIS while faced with navigational decision making)
Part Function
Three PCs, three 19” LCDs, ECDIS software and chart data installed on each ECDIS
PC; one PC with specified VGA card and 42” LCD, Win 7 O.S. on all, to provide:
See Annex 4 of the 2010 edition of the Model Course for a brief example of integrated simulation training
for developing proficiencies in ECDIS navigation.
A4 Type-approved ECDIS workstation including ENC data, deriving inputs from simulation or live
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A5 Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) data, various, including permits, and update files
Bibliography (B)
B1 NMEA Interface Standard 0183 v.3.01 (Severna Park, MD, National Marine Electronic
Association, 1/2002)
B2 Facts about electronic charts and carriage requirements, 2nd Ed. (Finnish Maritime
Administration: Primar Stavanger and IC-ENC, 5/2007)
B4 Bole, et al. (2005) The Radar/ARPA Manual, 2nd ed., Chapter 10 “Ancillary Equipment”.
Burlington, MA: Elsevier
B5 American Practical Navigator (Bowditch, Pub. No. 9), 2002 Ed., Chapter 14 “Electronic
B7 User’s manual accompanying the type-approve ECDIS software utilized during the training
course (Manufacturer, Date)
B8 IEC 61174- Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems- Electronic
chart display and information system (ECDIS)- Operational and performance requirements,
methods of testing and required test results, Edition 3.0, International Electrotechnical
B9 IHO S-66, Facts about electronic charts and carriage requirements, Jan 2010 Edition.
B10 IHO S-61, Product specifications for Raster Navigational Charts, Edition 1.0
B11 IHO S-52 Specifications for chart content and display aspects of ECDIS, 5th ed., as amended
(IHB, 12/2001)
B12 IHO S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model, Ed. 1.0.0 (Monaco: IHB, 1/2010)
R2 1974 SOLAS Convention, Regulations V/19, V/20 and V/27, as amended 2009, IMO Res.
MSC 282(86)
R5 S-52 Specifications for chart content and display aspects of ECDIS, 5th ed., as amended
(IHB, 12/2001)
R6 S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model, Ed. 1.0.0 (Monaco: IHB, 1/2010)
R6 IMO SN.1/ Circ.266/ Rev. 1, Maintenance of Electronic Chart Display and Information System
(ECDIS) Software
Textbooks (T)
T1 Norris, A. (2010) ECDIS and Positioning. London: Nautical Institute
T2 Weintrit, A. (2009) The Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS): An
Operational Handbook. Gydnia: Gydnia Maritime University, Poland, Balkema Book, CRC
Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
T3 Hecht, et al. (20062010) The Electronic Chart, 2nd 3rd Ed. Lemmer, The Netherlands: GITC
T4 The ECDIS Manual, ECDIS Ltd, Witherby Seamanship International, Edition 2012.
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 14
Practice & Lecture Solo Independent ECDIS Solo evaluation Evaluation &
navigation Exam
27.529.0 hrs 9.08.0 hrs 3.53.0 hrs
The duration allocated to each topic is presented in the Course Timetables, and is repeated in Part C –
Detailed Teaching Syllabus, and in Part D – Lesson Plans and Exercises. The Learning Objectives for
each topic are presented generally in Part C, and with full detail in Part D.
As defined in Part A – Course Framework, the Classroom (open lab) setting should provide one
workstation for each trainee, and all workstations should be networked to the simulation instructor and
server such that each station offers a visual ownship including ECDIS and radar. The Integrated
Navigation Lab (INL) should consist of a sufficient number of isolated ownships similarly networked such
that all functions run on separate PCs and displays, and is approved by the national authority for ECDIS
With an open lab and INL arrangement of teaching facilities, most topics can be very effectively presented
in a combination of demonstration and lecture. Further distinction of these modes is therefore not
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13. Sensors
14. Ports & data feeds
15. Chart selection
16. Chart information
17. Changing the settings
18. Chart scaling
19. Information layers
Ex.2 Simulator exercise – coastal waters (chart display settings)
20. System & position alarms
21. Depth & contour alarms
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Day 1 2. 7. 10.
urpose of ECDIS osition source nderstanding chart data
alue to navigation
orrect & incorrect use
orts & data feeds
20. ECDIS Route Planning and 24. Ex.3 Simulator exercise – coastal
Monitoring & confined restricted waters
ystem & position alarms oute planning by chart (navigation alarms & route
22. scheduling)
Day 3 21. 25.
essel maneuvering
epth & contour alarms rack limits
hecking plan for safety
oute planning by table
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 19
27. ECDIS Targets, Charts & System 33.32. Ex.4 Simulator exercise –
confined restricted waters (advanced
mbedded tide, current & climate 30. Procuring & installing chart data integrated navigation with ECDIS)
almanac Additional Navigational RPA/ Radar tracked target 34.33.
Information overlay
Day 4 Installing chart corrections
28. 31.
oute schedule IS functions
29. 32.
ser charts in route planning adar overlay (RIB) functions
ata logging and logbook
Note: Teaching staff should note timetables are suggestions only as regards sequence and length of time allocated to each objective. These factors may be
adapted by instructors to suits individual groups of trainees depending on their experience and ability and on the equipment and staff available for training.
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In order to assist the instructor, reference publications are shown against the learning objectives in
addition technical material and teaching aids, which the instructor may wish to use when preparing course
material. The material listed in the course framework has been used to structure the detailed teaching
syllabus; in particular, teaching aids (indicated by A) and references (indicated by B, E, R, or T) will
provide valuable information to instructors.
R1 tab. A-II/2 refers to Table A-II/2 training requirements of STCW 1978, as amended (2010);
Al.2 sect. 1 refers to training section 5 (“Elements of ECDIS”) in the guidance notes of the instructor
manual (Part D) of the 2010 edition of this Model Course.
Throughout the course, safe working practices are to be clearly defined and emphasized with reference to
current international requirements and regulations. It is expected that the institution implementing the
course will insert references to national and/or regional requirements and regulations as necessary.
Learning Objectives
Subject Areas and topics have been outlined in Part B. In Part C, the Learning Objectives associated with
each topic are provided, along with teaching aids and references. In Part D, the topics are referred to as
Lesson Plans, and the Learning Objectives are further described in sufficient detail for the development of
an ECDIS Instructor’s Manual. The Learning Objectives are presented in a verb-based manner to
facilitate outcomes-driven learning and skills development. All Learning Objectives are understood to be
prefixed by the phrase: “The expected learning outcome is that the trainee is able to . . . .”
Bear in mind that the overarching competencies to be developed throughout the course are the “use of
ECDIS to maintain the safety of navigation” (STCW, A-II/1, A-II/3,Operational Level) and “maintain the
safety of navigation through the use of ECDIS and associated navigation systems to assist command
decision making” (STCW, A-II/2, Management Level). The ECDIS instructor should strive to present all of
the Learning Objectives in or as close to the contexts of underway navigation as possible. Through
practice and understanding of these Learning Objectives as tasks to master and apply, the trainee
achieves the desired competence and which the instructor may assess in the scored final underway
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Learning Objectives Reference
1. A1.1 T3 ch.1
ourse introduction & familiarization plan (0.5 hours) A3 B6
A4 B7
eneral introductions
amiliarization with ECDIS learning environment
2. A1 R3
urpose of ECDIS (0.5 hours) A1.2 T1 ch.3 &
A2 10.3
2.1. A3 T3 ch.2
ntroduce revised IMO Performance Standards for ECDIS (June A4 B4 ch.10.2
2006, Resolution MSC.232(82)) A5 B5 ch.14
ifferentiate between display options
dentify information types and areas on navigation display
pply presentation of ECDIS data
3. A1.2 T1 ch.6.8
alue to navigation (0.5 hours) A2 T1 ch.8.5
A3 T3 ch.11.1 &
3.1. A4 11.2
ecognize factors that characterize and modify chart presentation A5 B4 ch.11.2.2
3.2. & 11.2.3 &
ecognize factors that characterize and modify the data quality 11.3
anually change scale, area & position of ownship
valuate the route monitoring mode of ECDIS operation
xplain the value of ECDIS to navigation
4. A1.2 T1 ch.8.7
orrect & incorrect use (0.5 hours) A2 T3 ch.11.3.2
A3 & 7.5 &
4.1. A4 8.1.1
se ECDIS within the prevailing navigation situation A5 B2
4.2. B3
ecognize ways to avoid over-reliance on ECDIS
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Learning Objectives Reference
roficiency in the use of ECDIS includes assessing the integrity of
the system and all data at all times
5. A1.2 T1 ch.1
ork station start, stop & layout (1.00.5 hour) A2 T3 ch.7.3
A3 B7
5.1. A4
erform standard PC ECDIS workstation start A5
nterpret the ECDIS start windows for sensors requested,
sensors found, and selected chart data initializing
xamine alarms (if any) and determine initial conditions of ECDIS
readiness for navigation
6. A1.2 T1 ch.6.7
essel position (0.5 hours) A2 B7
6.1. A4
eview user interface methods A5
eview display of vessel’s position
xamine position information in the display panels
etermine a position fix on the ECDIS chart display panel
7. A1.2 T1 ch.2
osition source (1.0 hour) A2 T3 ch.7.5.5
A3 & 8.1.1
7.1. A4 B7
eview basics of GPSGNSS A5
oordinate GPSGNSS antenna position settings
elect position system
etermine fix quality (status) of GPSGNSS
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Learning Objectives Reference
8. A1.2 T1 ch.6.2
asic navigation (1.0 hour) A2 B7
8.1. A4
ctivate display categories and information layers A5
onitor vessel safety
ctivate route monitoring features
9. A1.2 T1 ch.8.1
eading & drift vectors (0.5 hours) A2 R3
A3 R4
9.1. A4 B7
ctivate vessel’s motion vectors A5
btain vessels’ course and speed from the positioning system
nterpret the movement of the vessel
ecognize the effects of gyro error
raphically monitor ownship’s approach to isolated dangers by
means of a guard ring
Ex.1 Simulator exercise – open sea (basic integrated navigation) A3, A4,
(2.5 0 hours) A5
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Learning Objectives Reference
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Learning Objectives Reference
Ex.2 Simulator exercise – coastal waters (chart display settings) A3, A4,
(2.0 hours) A5
Learning Objectives Reference
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Learning Objectives Reference
Ex.3 Simulator exercise – coastal & confined restricted waters A3, A4,
(navigation alarms & route scheduling) (2.0 hours) A5
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ccess target information display
nterpret target symbol features
330.5 Operate the user interface controls for radar overlay
330.6 Demonstrate sources of image offset
D30.7 Determine source of ECDIS-tracked target data
30.8 Make corrections to own ship’s position, using a reference
point captured by ARPA.
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Learning Objectives Reference
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Extract information on installation history
Learning Objectives Reference
36.35. A2 T1 ch.8.6
Archiving with ECDIS data management utility and data logging (0.5 A4 T3 ch.7.6 &
hours) A1.2 13.9
A3 B7
35.1. A5
se Discuss ECDIS data management utility to work with files
associated with ECDIS operations
se Discuss ECDIS data management utility to transfer selected
data files between storage media
Examine requirements and functions of logbook task in ECDIS
Examine display functions of ownship track and tracks of
AIS,and ARPA targets
Perform various hard copy print outs
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39.36. A1.2 R1
Responsibility (1.52.0 hours) A2 R3
36.1. R6B12
e-examineReview COLREGS – implicit B13
36.2. R7
e-examine Review SOLAS, as amended – explicit T1 ch.5
T3 ch.13.4
e-examine Review IMO approval of equipment and installations
e-examine Review IMO carriage requirements
e-examine Review national ECDIS carriage regulations (if
e-examine Review STCW Code, as amended
e-examine Review flag state (maritime) implementation
e-examine Review IMO training Guidance (and providing review
of course)
e-examine Review ISM and IMO requirements of ship owners &
Review IHO relevant regulations.
Review the need to ensure that ECDIS software is kept up to
Ev.2 Simulator exercise – coastal & confined restricted waters A3, A4,
(underway ECDIS navigation assessment) (2.5 0 hours) A5
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1.2. Administration:
• Issue study guides and other reference material,
• Review course syllabus
2.1. Introduce revised IMO Performance Standards for ECDIS (June 2006, Resolution MSC.232(82)):
• ECDIS definition,
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• Capability of displaying all chart information necessary for safe and efficient navigation,
• Swiftly enables positioning, route monitoring and route planning,
• Provides appropriate alarms and indications.
3.2. Recognize factors that characterize and modify the data quality:
• Accuracy, resolution, completeness,
• Assessment of differences.
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• Name the principles of navigation and operational guidance for officers in charge of a
navigational watch (STCW, SOLAS),
• Review the many areas of bridge operations to which ECDIS may be applied,
• Situational awareness includes the functioning of navigational aids and the reliability of
• ECDIS is only a tool designed to support the mariner performing navigational tasks, ECDIS
is a powerful and comprehensive navigational system yet its use does not eliminate the need to
verify the information using other means.
• A navigational watch is not to be performed on only one system (mostly unavoidable in this
simulation and proficiency training)
4.3. Proficiency in the use of ECDIS includes assessing the integrity of the system and all data at all
• However, such use should be integrated into standing a normal watch including a
competent visual lookout, and the continued maintenance of good situational awareness.
• One method of accomplishing this it to go to the ECDIS with a single purpose or query
within a strict and brief time limit, rather than to browse or surf menus and information panels.
Keeping to a 7-second glance as a scanning technique helps produce an integrative role for
• Another method is to overcome the problem of partial use – the less thoroughly the ECDIS
is used and applied, the less willing the users become to apply ECDIS to navigation, resulting
less familiarity and less trust.
5.2. Interpret the ECDIS start windows for sensors requested, sensors found, and selected chart data
• Recognize the significance of the ECDIS Activator Key (dongle) and associated license
• The ECDIS software boots up (loads) with:
• A small indicator window against the desktop background, then
• A full screen panel indication of initialization, then
• The ECDIS basic display with alarm indicators (if any) requiring acknowledgement.
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5.3. Examine alarms (if any) and determine initial conditions of ECDIS readiness for navigation
• The ECDIS initialization screen indicates on-line tests:
• For date/time, position, heading, and speed log,
• Displays “Received” when these inputs match expected protocols (“Received” status is
not a check on data accuracy),
• Displays “Aborted” when these inputs are missing or corrupt,
• Boot-up without inputs will continue, with alarms on ECDIS display,
• ENC data will be loaded from the chart files as licensed.
9.2. Obtain vessels’ course and speed from the positioning system:
• COG & SOG may be from position system or from ARPA reference,
• HDG is true or undefined (manual entry only when in DR),
• LOG may be bottom, water, ARPA, or position system referenced.
9.5. Graphically monitor ownship’s approach to isolated dangers by means of a guard ring or
equivalent ECDIS function
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Annex, page 46
• Demonstrate the following tasks groups on ECDIS while navigating safely in an open sea
setting with non-threatening ARPA targets:
• Monitor sea area,
• Use the pre-defined route as set by the instructor,
• Check position with pre-defined fix,
• Select pre-defined user layers,
• Check settings such as vector time, display reset, information layers, alarms, track,
sensors, and ownship configurations.
• Check settings such as vector time, display reset, information layers, alarms, track,
sensors, and ownship configurations.
Instructor guidelines
• Conduct simulation exercise according to exercise description:
• Set simulation parameters,
• Provide trainees with a pre defined route
• Brief and debrief trainees.
• Assess accomplishment of tasks according to exercise description.
• Consider the following options in designing scenarios for Exercise 1 (for descriptions of
optimal simulator arrangements, see Part A - course Framework; also App.4 and App. 5 in
Appendices for the Instructor):
Expected outcomes:
• Familiarise with the use of ECDIS
• Navigate with ECDIS
• Monitor SOG and COG
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Annex, page 47
Task group:
• Safe navigation through skills integration
• Navigate with ECDIS
• Monitor SOG & COG
• Apply standing orders: > 1 nm off land
• Stay in counter current
• 1-person watch
• Visual lookout
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Annex, page 48
Task groups:
• Safe navigation through skills integration
• Adjust heading to maintain track
• Navigate with ECDIS
• 1-person watch
• Cooperative navigation
• Visual lookout
• Limited maneuvering
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Annex, page 49
10.2. Name the differences between electronic chart systems and ECDIS:
• Different ECDIS systems,
• ECDIS and ECS,
• Vector and raster charts.
10.4. Explain the relationship between ECDIS data and the information presented on the display:
• ECDIS database and its structure,
• ENC data and the SENC,
• How manual updates are stored in the database,
• Steps and responsibilities during ENC creation.
10.5. Explain that only information stored as objects with corresponding attributes in the database
is available for display.
11.3. Assess all errors, inaccuracies and ambiguities caused by improper data management.
11.4. Explain the need and requirement that electronic chart data must be systematically updated
for safe navigation.
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The trainee handles ECDIS data at the workstation (this knowledge will be expanded upon and
exercised in Lessons 15, 33 & 34) (Refs: T1 ch.6.3; T3 ch.10 & 7.2.2; B7).
13.1. Explain the performance limits of devices for position, course over ground, heading, speed,
depth, radar, and AIS, especially concerning:
• Availability,
• Accuracy,
• Integrity.
13.2. Explain the need for selecting sensor data displayed in ECDIS that is appropriate and
unambiguous, and accurate.
• Correct response is to check the operation and connection of the relevant sensor
14.5. Monitor, identify and to a limited extent decode the data stream for each attached sensor:
• Select a sensor and monitor the data stream (live or simulated),
• Generally recognize the sentence syntax associated with the sensor,
• Where possible, associate data with displayed navigational information
14.7. Assess the impact on displayed information when a sensor port is improperly selected.
15.1. Demonstrate the variety of methods that chart data can be loaded and changed (called into
• Automatically,
• Manually for the presently loaded route,
• Manually from the total portfolio,
• Manually displayed by the cursor position
• During the activity of the operator using the graphics cursor (further detail is provided in
Lessons 23 & 24 on Route Planning and in Lesson 29 on User Charts)
15.2. Assess the inaccuracies and ambiguities caused by improper selection of a chart for display:
• When ownship position is on display, chart data list is sorted by scale
• When ownship position is not on display (viewing elsewhere), chart data list is sorted by
name (alpha)
• ECDIS displays largest scale data (smallest area) on the topmost layer, but the user may
prioritize by format, especially ENC to keep ECDIS in the ECDIS mode
• Automatic chart loading may be switched on or off or held to a user-selected chart (fixed)
15.3. Display updates in order to review content and to establish their inclusion in the SENC:
• Review their contents,
• Determine that they have been included in the SENC
15.4. Explain and analyze the data and chart alarms resulting from overscaling (zooming in) and
underscaling (zooming out)
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Annex, page 52
15.5. Explain and analyze the data and chart alarms resulting from use of a non-WGS 84 geodetic
16.1. Select the task panel and apply Apply the functions suitable for position monitoring, route
monitoring, route creation and editing, trial maneuver, creating and accessing user layers:
• Continuous positioning while monitoring navigation,
• Trial maneuvers,
• Route planning and scheduling,
• Creating User Charts,
• Other functions
16.3. Demonstrate how the presentation of navigation marks is changed according to ownship's
17.1. Manually test the major functions of hardware, keyboard, mouse / trackball, sensor data, and
chart data.
17.2. Check and / or select preferred operational settings in the primary relevant task panels and
on the primary information panel:
• Primary task panels
• Primary information panel
• Ship, Alarm, Chart, Logbook, ARPA;
• Configuration, Add Information (user layers), Route
17.6. Evaluate the range of information recorded in the log table (voyage recording):
• Check navigational conditions (ownship progress, charts displayed, etc.),
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19.1. Observe effect on information layers and status indications when chart data is loaded and
when chart area is underscaled:
• Determine native scale of chart data as it is loaded,
• Observe function of SCAMIN on and off when a chart area is underscaled (zoomed too far
• Observe indication of scale value
• Layers additional to ENC must not be excessive so as to obscure the standard display
19.3. Practice selecting information options in display category of “All other information”.
19.4. Differentiate between information layers, User Chart layers, and Event graphic:
• Information layers (chart display categories) and User Chart layers,
• The addition and removal of own chart entries such as manual corrections and voyage
planning notes,
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Annex, page 54
• Demonstrate the following task groups on ECDIS while navigating safely in an open sea
setting with non-threatening ARPA targets:
• Monitor sea area,
• Use pre-defined route as set by the instructor,
• Check position with pre-defined fix,
• Select pre-defined user layers,
• Check settings such as vector time, display reset, information layers, alarms, track,
sensors, and ownship configurations.
Instructor guidelines
• Conduct simulation exercise according to exercise description:
• Set simulation parameters
• Introduce ECDIS underway score sheet for familiarization (see Part E – Evaluation
and Assessment) Provide pre-defined route to the trainee.
• Practice remote monitoring of trainees’ ECDIS use
• Brief and debrief trainees
• Assess accomplishment of tasks according to exercise description
• Consider the following options in designing scenarios for Exercise 2 (for descriptions of
optimal simulator arrangements, see Part A - course Framework; also App.4 and App. 5 in
Appendices for the Instructor):
Expected outcomes:
• Navigate with ECDIS
• Individual watchkeeping
• Appropriate selection of user layers and alarms
• Successful fix of manual position
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 56
Task groups:
• Safe navigation through skills integration
• Adjust heading to maintain track
• Navigate with ECDIS
• 1-person watch
• Cooperative navigation
• Visual lookout
• Maneuvering
• Familiarization with underway scoring
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Task groups:
• Safe navigation through skills integration
• Create and apply route
• Adjust heading to maintain track
• Navigate with ECDIS
• 1-person watch
• Cooperative navigation
• Visual lookout
• Maneuvering
• Familiarization with underway scoring
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Annex, page 58
Task groups:
• Safe navigation through skills integration
• Create and apply route
• Adjust heading to maintain track
• Observe TSS rules
• Alarm zones
• Navigate with ECDIS
• 1-person watch
• Cooperative navigation
• Visual lookout
• Maneuvering
• Familiarization with underway scoring
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 59
20.1. Identify and respond to alarms for primary and secondary positioning systems, such as:
• Primary (Secondary) Failure
• Prim. (Sec.) Diff. Mode Loss,
• Prim/Sec Pos Diverge,
• Echo Ref. Loss,
• Primary (Secondary) Data not WGS84,
• Primary (Secondary) Unreliable Position
20.3. Identify and respond to ECDIS alarms from autopilot in Track Control, such as:
• Autochange,
• Autochange restore
The instructor should particularly emphasize which alarms have user settings and teach a
sensible approach to establishing suitable settings. In particular, going over the alarm/ indicator
setting controls for “approaching an area with special conditions” is highly important as incorrect
settings cause very frequent alarms that distract the operator.
22.1. Select appropriate turning criteria for efficient and effective use of Autopilot in heading control
• Autopilot parameters for turn radius and for turn rate govern the movement of the vessel
with results viewable on ECDIS
• Maneuvers measured on ECDIS may require adjustments in the Autopilot
22.2. Correlate rudder limits in Autopilot with turning radii and rates of turn for curved track
planning on ECDIS
• Turning radius for curved track planning (all waypoints),
• Maneuver data for steering to next route segment when underway using safe speed and
wheel over point settings Determine methods of alert for wheel over when approaching waypoints, such as:
• Turn radius maneuvering characteristics of ownship apply to curved track in ECDIS route
• Arrival circle centered on waypoint with circumference intersecting wheel over point on
ECDIS route The navigator must Discuss the need for the navigator to verify positioning especially
when ECDIS is connected to auto pilot
• Generally, only the “observed position” is controlled
• An Where an ECDIS curved predictor is provided, caution to be exercised as it may only
project a momentary rate of turn, rather than sophisticated hydrodynamic calculations, and
therefore have limited accuracy
23.2. Approve an existing route for planning, safety review and monitoring
• Apply systematic methods of examination
• Utilize appropriate chart data intended for use along the route
• Set alarm parameters,
• Adjust cross track zones
• Scale in on charts for safety check analysis
• Check route for date dependent data
23.3. Select the sea areas and the required waters for planning the whole passage.
23.4. Construct a route plan by inputting waypoint data alphanumerically into a route-planning
23.5. Adjust the route plan by editing, adding and deleting waypoints inside the table.
23.7. Establish procedures to name, link, rename, archive, retrieve and delete route files:
• Naming, linking and re-naming techniques for Route files
• Archiving route plans
• Deleting route plans
24.1. Select the sea areas and the required waters for planning the whole passage.
The trainee operates all specific functions and obtains all relevant information for setting track limits in
route planning (Refs: T1 ch.6.5.3 & 8.3; T3 ch.7.5; B7)
25.1. Review the alarm settings used as vessel is proceeding along a monitored route:
• Deviation of the current course angle as set in the planned route,
• XTE (cross track error) exceeds the value set in the route data table
• Guard vector for crossing safety contour,
• Guard vector for entering special purpose areas,
• Guard ring for crossing an isolated danger.
26.1. Check a previously created and saved route for crossing dangers of navigation according to
the setting of cross-track distance:
• Safety contours,
• Isolated dangers,
• Limits of Special Purpose Areas.
26.2. Check the route as it is being created for dangers as listed above
• Use Safety Check while adding a waypoint and leg along a route
• Use Safety Check while modifying an existing leg or waypoint
27.1. Discuss various hydro-meteorological data that could be available in the ECDIS database,
such as :Determine the force and direction of the true wind:
• Observe relative wind speed and direction and ownship’s heading and SOGTide
• Current
• Climatological
• Weather
• Wind
• Ice,
• Enable display of wind vector and assess its graphic validity
27.2. Display the ocean climate wind vectors and lines of equal wave height, selected by month.
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Annex, page 64
27.6. Determine bottom type and assess anchor holding ground from information obtained on an
appropriately scaled chart.
28.1. Observe any deviation from the route schedule setting in use as vessel is proceeding along a
28.4. Using the ETA application in ECDIS, calculate time or speed at a selected waypoint on a
monitored route:
• Speed to make good (STG) for the indicated waypoint (and display),
• Estimated time of arrival (ETA) at any waypoint
29.1. Review the ECDIS function for creating mariner's notes (User Chart)
• A User Chart is vector editor for creating added graphic and textual layers with specified
attributes in the SENC
• Display of User Chart objects is superimposed (layered) on any chart data without
changing it,
• There can be many User Charts maintained in the system directory, but usually only one or
two displayed at a time,
• Voyage planning notes and objects called into one layer may be merged into a file called
into the other layer, and resaved with or without a new name, to construct a composite file
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• A User Chart may also consist of a symbol providing a link to extensive notes and
hyperlinked files including photos and documents
29.4. Use the graphic editor for creating and modifying a User Chart:
• Add the many various types of new objects in the required position with care as pertains to
use of scale,
• Edit objects and information,
• Shift Move objects,
• Merge user charts
29.5. Create, save and move an anchor circle guard zone as on a User Chart.
• An anchor circle can include a "danger" attribute triggered by the ECDIS Consistent
Common Reference Point (CCRP)
• The diameter should represent the maximum swing circle of the vessel
• The User Chart anchor circle should be positioned on the vessel's hawse pipe at the
moment the anchor is let go
• Anchor Guard Zone functions provided on ECDIS (as on GPSGNSS units) generally do
not reference the position of the vessel's anchor or the vessel's swing circle
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Annex, page 66
• Demonstrate the following task groups on ECDIS while navigating safely in coastal setting
with non-threatening ARPA targets:
• Monitor sea area,
• Use route created by trainee including route schedule,
• Select user layers created by trainee
• Validate own ship's position by alternate means,
• Check settings such as vector time, display reset, information layers, alarms, track,
sensors, and ownship configurations.
• Assess environmental conditions such as tide, current, wind, waves,
• Modify the selected route as instructed, check for safety, adjust route schedule.
Instructor guidelines
• Conduct simulation exercise according to exercise description:
• Set simulation parameters
• Introduce ECDIS underway score sheet for familiarization (see Part E – Evaluation
and Assessment)
• Practice remote monitoring Monitoring of trainees’ ECDIS use
• Brief and debrief trainees
• Assess accomplishment of tasks according to exercise description
• Consider the following options in designing scenarios for Exercise 3 (for descriptions of
optimal simulator arrangements, see Part A - course Framework; also App.4 and App. 5 in
Appendices for the Instructor):
Expected outcomes:
• Navigate with ECDIS
• Individual watchkeeping
• Appropriate selection of user layers and alarms
• Route successfully monitored
• Radar/ ARPA overlay used
• Successful modification of the route
• Successful creation of route taking into account ship’s draft and under keel clearance.
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Task groups:
• Safe navigation through skills integration
• Adapt instruments to conditions
• Adapt track-keeping to workload
• Navigate with ECDIS
• 1-person watch
• Cooperative navigation
• Visual lookout
• Maneuvering
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Annex, page 68
Anchoring in semi-confined waters for 6 ownships (assign 2 times simultaneously for 12 OS)
Task groups:
• Safe navigation through skills integration
• Create and apply route
• Adjust heading to maintain track
• Observe anchorage rules
• Apply ECDIS user layer for anchoring
• Navigate with ECDIS
• 1-person watch
• Cooperative navigation
• Visual lookout
• Maneuvering
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Annex, page 69
30.2. Determine speed and heading inputs used in ARPA tracked target data calculations
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30.8 Make corrections to own ship’s position, using a reference point captured by ARPA.
• Corrections to own ship's position, using a reference point captured by ARPA/RADAR
• Position check using known object(s) utilizing radar navigation techniques
31.1. Describe what the connection of an Automatic Identification System (AIS) to ECDIS enables:
• Receiving identification and navigation information on other targets transmitting on AIS,
• Analysis of target’s motion over ground
• Potential control from ECDIS of ownship's Static and Voyage data
• Data string consists of considerable amount of encapsulated data,
• Data string is transmitted by VHF data link (VDL) with typical line of sight range limitations
• It is possible that ship’s fitted with ECDIS prior 01st January 2009 may not have AIS sensor
32.1. Describe the technical function of the radar integrator board (RIB) hardware
• The RIB functions by means of a hardware module which receives from radar an analog
video signal and the digital processing of that signal,
• RIB gain, filters, scaling, and target tracking function independently of the radar transceiver
delivering the raw video and trigger
• Is displayed in the SENC as a layer over chart data
• RIB functions on ECDIS permit the continuous recording in the ECDIS PC of the radar
picture and motion of tracked targets
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universal hydrographic data model has been developed recently to enable the easier integration
of hydrographic data and applications into geospatial solutions, and will eventually replace S-57 Examine license structure for various formats, and practice installation
• License / permit structure depends on the chart data format
• License / permit installation generally occurs through the chart data management utility
associated with the ECDIS:
• Proprietary / private vector format may install directly from data file
• ENC chart data in DX-90 format installs from ENC_ROOT folder using chart
management utility
• BSB raster chart data installs from BSB_ROOT folder using chart management utility
• US military data in VPF format (DNC) requires chart management utility
• Admiralty Raster Chart format (ARCS) requires chart management utility Explain why electronic chart data is maintained with up-to-date corrections:
• The safety of navigation requires data that is maintained with up-to-date corrections
• The responsibility of seaworthiness as defined by SOLAS requires charts for the intended
voyage that are up to date Add or modify a chart object using Manual Correction task or appropriate ECDIS function:
• Using the Manual Correction task in ECDIS, a chart object layer may be added or modified
• The manual correction may include attributes and links, may be concealed, may be made
time-active, and may be deleted
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Instructor guidelines
• Conduct simulation exercise according to exercise description:
• Set simulation parameters
• In SAR exercise (Option A), consider assigning 2 trainees per ownship, where one is
the ECDIS operator and the other makes conning decisions
• Sharing of ECDIS route can be accomplished copying a route file into the source
folder on the other ECDIS units
• Conduct practice grading on ECDIS underway score sheet for (see Part E –
Evaluation and Assessment)
• Practice remote monitoring Monitoring of trainees’ ECDIS use
• Brief and debrief trainees
• Assess accomplishment of tasks according to exercise description
• Simulate loss of one or more sensor inputs
• Simulate a Man Overboard situation
• Use dead reckoning
• Consider the following options in designing scenarios for Exercise 4 (for descriptions of
optimal simulator arrangements, see Part A - course Framework; also App.4 and App. 5 in
Appendices for the Instructor):
Expected outcomes:
• Navigate with ECDIS
• Individual watchkeeping
• Successful route planning
• Route monitoring
• Successfully fixing of position using alternate means
• Successful recovery of Man Overboard.
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Task groups:
• Safe navigation through skills integration
• Adapt ECDIS route to SAR (on-scene
command vessel creates route, other vessels
retrieve and apply that route)
• Adjust heading to maintain track
• Find MOB
• Share ECDIS route
• 1 or 2-person watch
• Cooperative navigation
• Team & communications
• Visual lookout
• Maneuvering
• Familiarization with underway scoring
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Task groups:
• Safe navigation through skills integration
• Adapt instruments to conditions
• Adapt track-keeping to workload
• Create and apply route
• Adjust heading to maintain track
• Navigate with ECDIS
• 1-person watch
• Cooperative navigation
• Visual lookout
• Maneuvering
• Familiarization with underway scoring
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Task groups:
• Safe navigation through skills integration
• Adapt instruments to conditions
• Create and apply route
• Adapt track-keeping to workload
• Adjust heading to maintain track
• Observe TSS rules
• Alarm zones
• Navigate with ECDIS
• 1-person watch
• Cooperative navigation
• Visual lookout
• Maneuvering
• Familiarization with underway scoring
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 78 Perform Discuss networked back-up procedures in (Master) ECDIS failure event:
• Includes prior equalizing of route, chart data and user data
36.35. Archiving with ECDIS data management utility and Data logging (0.5 hrs)
The trainee stores and retrieves files on the same workstation and transfers certain files between
workstations (Refs: B7) Use DiscussECDIS data management utility to work with files associated with ECDIS
• Select many groups of navigational data files (logbook, ownship tracks, target tracks, user
charts, routes, ship model, system log, S57 log)
• Convert from binary to text (can be subsequently opened in word processing programs for
formatting, printing or archiving)
• Convert formats
• View and print various converted data files directly within utility Use Discuss ECDIS data management utility to transfer select data files between storage
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Annex, page 79
35.3. Review requirements and functions of logbook task in ECDIS, such as:
• Voyage recording consists of 24-hour data files, changing dates at GMT midnight
• A complete status check of all alarm functions and many setup conditions upon date
• Collection of all fields upon:
• Waypoint and Watch change (basic),
• Manually triggered Event,
• Screen coordinates change due to display reset (true and relative motion) and scale
• Change in chart data displayed
• Change in alarm status and condition
• Chart data field includes displayed chart number (if ENC, also source, edition, date and
• Does not include Route or Route Schedule used in monitoring
35.4. Review display functions of ownship track and tracks of AIS, ARPA and overlay targets:
• Includes position and heading data up to every second, but possibly less frequent
depending on the ECDIS and its settings
• Ownship track history from alternate date may be displayed instead of current date -
creating ambiguity if unintentional
• No matter what track date is displayed, current track for six minutes will be displayed
• Targets tracked on ARPA, radar overlay and AIS (as connected sensors) will be included
in track file
37.1. Examine requirements and functions of logbook task in ECDIS, such as:
• Voyage recording consists of 24-hour data files, changing dates at GMT midnight
• A complete status check of all alarm functions and many setup conditions upon date
• Collection of all fields upon:
• Waypoint and Watch change (basic),
• Manually triggered Event,
• Screen coordinates change due to display reset (true and relative motion) and scale
• Change in chart data displayed
• Change in alarm status and condition
• Chart data field includes displayed chart number (if ENC, also source, edition, date and
• Does not include Route or Route Schedule used in monitoring
37.2. Examine display functions of ownship track and tracks of AIS, ARPA and RIB targets:
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
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• Includes position and heading data up to every second, but possibly less frequent
depending on the ECDIS and its settings
• Ownship track history from alternate date may be displayed instead of current date -
creating ambiguity if unintentional
• No matter what track date is displayed, current track for six minutes will be displayed
• Targets tracked on ARPA, radar overlay and AIS (as connected sensors) will be included
in track file
38.2. Explain that no route or route plan is securely associated with any playback
• No route or route plan is securely associated with any playback; there will be no indication
of any route plan(s) in the track files
• However, during playback, normal recording of Waypoint approaches in logbook can aid in
determining the route in use
38.3. Explain that no chart data is securely associated with any playback
• No chart data is securely associated with any playback; there may be no record of chart
formats enable or disabled in system setup
• However, during playback, the chart data displayed is captured in logbook with every entry
• Chart data available at the time of the selected track file can only be deduced by reviewing
chart installation and update history file
38.5. Closely observe the position and heading update interval in Playback
• During playback, analyze the updating interval for position and heading
38.6. During playback, analyze the logbook for the quality of navigation:
• Alarms and responses
• Chart data in use
• Operational settings in use
Ev. – 2 Simulation evaluation – coastal & confined restricted waters (2.52.0 hrs)
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 82 Re-examine Review IMO training Guidance (and providing review of course)
• A detailed outline for training and assessment in the operational use of ECDIS is now
included in the STCW 2010 Manila Amendments, Part B: Guidance, but is not to be regarded as
required or enforceable;
• See also SN.1/Circ.207/Rev.1 “Differences between RCDS and ECDIS”;
• This Revised Model Course 1.27 (2010 edition), will provide national authorities with a
detailed training course for guidance in assessment and certification in the primary STCW
competence regarding ECDIS: Maintain the safety of navigation through the use of ECDIS Re-examine Review ISM and IMO requirements of ship owners & operators
• Under the terms of the ISM Code (International Ship Management Code), the ship owner
or operator has a responsibility to ensure that personnel are given proper familiarization with
their duties.
• If a ship is equipped with a compliant an approved ECDIS, as the primary means of
navigation at sea, the ship owner has to provide ECDIS training to ensure that ECDIS users are
both properly trained and familiar with the shipboard equipment before it is used. Future impacts
on insurance and liability are possible. (See also IEC doc on ECDIS, Section 3.3) (Ref:
Paragraphs 6.2,6.3,6.5 of ISM Code)
• Under the terms of the STCW Convention, Regulation I/14:
Responsibilities of companies
1 Each Administration shall, in accordance with the provisions of section A-I/14, hold
companies responsible for the assignment of seafarers for service on their ships in
accordance with the provisions of the present Convention, and shall require every such
company to ensure that:
…..seafarers, on being assigned to any of its ships, are familiarized with their specific
duties and with all ship arrangements, installations, equipment, procedures and ship
characteristics that are relevant to their routine or emergency duties;
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 84
Instructor guidelines
• Administer written evaluation according to defined procedures
• Score performance according to standards and measures as defined
• While grading exam, trainees should be offered a course critique to complete
• Passing score should be set at 70%
The trainee successfully completes a simulated transit (See example of Trainee’s Evaluation on
Simulator, Appendix 5)
The trainee operates specific functions for route monitoring in coastal and confined waters, and obtains
all relevant information for safe navigation
• Demonstrate the following task groups on ECDIS while navigating safely in coastal &
confined setting with potentially threatening targets in specified waters:
• Monitor sea area,
• Use route created by trainee including route schedule,
• Select user layers created by trainee
• Validate own ship's position by alternate means,
• Check settings such as vector time, display reset, information layers, alarms, track,
sensors, and ownship configurations.
• Use ECDIS features to assess target threats and execute course and/or speed
alterations to avoid collision
• Modify route as instructed, checking for safety and adjusting schedule,
• Assess tide and current, adjust ETA for timed arrival at waypoint as instructed,
• Comply with COLREGS
• Comply with bridge procedures established by trainee and/or instructor
Instructor guidelines
• Conduct simulation exercise according to exercise description:
• Set simulation parameters
• Define unsafe navigation as that involving a clear violation of minimum under keel
clearance or CPA, where such a violation will require a retake of the underway evaluation
• Conduct grading on ECDIS underway score sheet for (see Part E – Evaluation and
• Remotely monitoring of trainees’ ECDIS use for grading of all tasks listed on the score
• Brief trainees
• Passing score should be set at 70%
• Debrief each trainee who experiences a violation of safe navigation to ensure
understanding prior to attempting a second evaluation
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 86
• Consider the following options in designing scenarios for Underway Evaluation (for
descriptions of optimal simulator arrangements, see Part A - course Framework; also App.4 and
App. 5 in Appendices for the Instructor):
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 87
Task groups:
• Create route (from prior lesson) and apply route; modify route underway
• Safe navigation through skills integration
• Adapt instruments to conditions
• Adapt track-keeping to workload
• Comply with VTS and TSS rules
• Navigate with ECDIS
• 1-person watch
• Cooperative navigation
• Visual lookout
• Maneuvering
• ECDIS Competency Assessment
(use of all ECDIS functions is observed
and scored)
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Consistent with the inclusion of detailed training objectives for ECDIS into the 2010 Manila Amendments
to STCW, the evaluation plan that follows addresses instrument-related competencies along with
proficiencies on integration of ECDIS with navigational practices. It is consistent with the intent of STCW
that demonstration of skills and practical understanding is determined by direct observation, while
knowledge and theoretical understand is determined through written examination in a variety of question
Proficiency checklists and score sheet
Where proficiencies are specified for a specific make and model of ECDIS, the instructional designer
adapting the Model Course should apply the task or concept to the specific ECDIS available in training.
This will be particularly appropriate for the Proficiency Checklist that follows in this Part. The specific tasks
of that document should, in fact, be used as a method to validate the transference and transferability of
skills between one specific ECDIS unit and another. It is well suited to the classroom or open lab training
environment. The Simulation Checklist, on the other hand, provides a less specific method, but no less
focused, more suitable for evaluating and scoring underway skill sets during solo navigation exercises.
For a more specific approach to scoring ECDIS proficiencies, a sample score sheet and associated tally
sheet are provided. These rely on the grouping of tasks introduced through the Simulation Checklist.
The effectiveness of any evaluation depends on the accuracy of the description of what is to be
The learning objectives that are used in the detailed teaching syllabus, Column 3 - Methods for
demonstrating competence - and Column 4 - Criteria for evaluating competence - in Tables A-II/1, A-II/2
and A-II/3 of the STCW Code, set out the methods and criteria for evaluation.
Instructors should refer to these when designing the assessment.
It is consistent with the intent of STCW that demonstration of skills and practical understanding is
determined by direct observation, while knowledge and theoretical understand is determined through
written examination in a variety of question styles.
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 90
Assessment is also covered in detail in IMO Model Courses [3.12 & 6.09A].
Assessment Planning
Assessment planning should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timebound
Some methods of assessment that could be used depending upon the
course/qualification are as follows and all should be adapted to suit individual needs:
• observation (In oral examination, simulation exercises, practical demonstration);
• questions (written or oral);
• tests;
• simulation (also refer to section A-I/12 of the STCW code 2010);
The evaluation methods must be based on clearly defined objectives, and must truly
represent what is meant to be assessed; e.g. against only the relevant criteria and the
syllabus or course guide. There must be a reasonable balance between the subject
topics involved and also, in the testing of trainees’ KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING
AND PROFICIENCY of the concepts.
Assessment should also be reliable (if the assessment was done again with a similar
group/learner, would similar results be achieved). Different group of learners may have
the same subject at different times. If other assessors are also assessing the same
course/qualification, there is need to ensure all are making the same decisions.
To be reliable an evaluation procedure should produce reasonably consistent results,
no matter which set of papers or version of the test is used.
If instructors are assessing their own trainees, they need to know what they are to
assess and then decide how to do this. The “what” will come from the
standards/learning outcomes of the course/qualification they are delivering and the “how”
may already be decided for them if it is in assignments, tests or examinations.
The instructors need to consider the best way to assess the skills, knowledge and
attitudes of their learners, whether this will be formative and/or summative and the
validity and reliability of the assessment.
All work assessed should be valid, authentic, current, sufficient and reliable; this is often
know as VACSR – “valid assessments create standard results”:
• valid – the work is relevant to the standards/criteria being assessed;
• authentic – the work has been produced solely by the learner;
• current – the work is still relevant at the time of assessment;
• sufficient – the work covers all the standards/criteria;
• reliable – the work is consistent across all learners, over time and at the required
It is important to note that no single method can satisfactorily measure knowledge and
skill over the entire spectrum of matters to be tested for the assessment of competence.
Care should therefore be taken to select the method most appropriate to the particular
aspect of competence to be tested, bearing in mind the need to frame questions which
relate as realistically as possible to the requirements of the officer's tasks at sea.
Compiling assessments
Whilst each examining authority establishes its own rules, the length of time which can
be devoted to assessing the competence of candidates for certificates of competency is
limited by practical, economic and social restraints. Therefore a prime objective of those
responsible for the organization and administration of the assessment system is to find
the most efficient, effective and economical method of assessing the competency of
candidates. An examination system should effectively test the breadth of a candidate's
KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND PROFICIENCY of the subject areas pertinent to the tasks he is
expected to undertake. It is not possible to examine candidates fully in all areas, so in effect the
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STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
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Basic Tasks
Identify all Control panels, Task panels, Operational panel buttons, Multi-
Open all Tasks – leave open and become familiar with Tabs for each Task
Drop and return ownship symbol – View, then Ahead, F8, icon, Position
Use ERBL – offset; info window; from ownship for CPA & TCPA; VRM
12 Select chart by position & when position is dropped – active list / table
Select correct scale to show chart layers – Zoom, use + & -, scale, “zoom
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 93
18 Obtain chart object information – vector chart, user chart (Add Info)
26 Choose Main or Dual display in best mode & orientation to view ownship
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Intermediate Tasks
29 Create route plan – rough draft, save, WP editor, scaling with + & -
30 Edit route plan – Focus on Route, fine tune, data entry, link, delete
Create & modify Route Schedule ETD, ETA, speeds – Function Panel /
44 Select AIS target identifier; set AIS voyage data; manage AIS messages
View Logbook – Select date & event groups (filter); go to logbook entry on
52 Make manual entry in the Ship Log – Event button, enter remarks
53 Unload & load existing Add Info charts – Info panel A & B, Task panel
55 Create Add Info with attributes – name & save, view hidden / danger
56 Edit existing Add Info chart – resave, delete, restore, merge, object search
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 96
Navigator Tasks
69 Select Entry timing for automatic log entry – configure watch cycle
70 Copy files using Data tool – between hard drive and external media
71 Convert (.txt) & View Logbook files using Data Tool; Print log selection
72 Import ECDIS Add Info files using Data Tool - .cra copied as .ai
73 Import ECDIS Route files using Data Tool – .rte copied as .rt3
74 Convert (.cvt) & View Route to Text files using Data Tool; Print route plan
77 View and copy route plan as Excel table from route planning
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 98
Trainee: A. B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 F. G. H. 8 I. 9 J. 0 K. L. 2
Bridge :
Simulation Evaluation
Task (see following pages for details)
Use all nav systems interfaced with
2. Verify settings of interfaced sensors
Check that settings conform to
Monitor info on ECDIS for safe
5. Verify position by alternate means
Score each task 3, 2, or 1 according to Evaluation Methods listed below. Max score = 30 pts. Minimum passing score = 21 pts (70%).
NOTES: Methods for evaluating competence: Assessment of evidence obtained from approved ECDIS simulator training in underway scenarios utilizing ship control,
visual scene and sensors providing integrated input to ECDIS including radar, target tracking, positioning, and AIS. (See also STCW B-I/12, Guidance regarding the
use of simulators, and B-II/1 and BII/2, Guidance regarding the certification of officers.) Criteria for evaluating competence: Information obtained from ECDIS is
correctly interpreted and analyzed taking into account the limitations of the equipment and prevailing circumstances and conditions.
Use all navigation systems interfaced with ECDIS [Uses most/all = 3; uses some = 2; uses none = 1]
.1 Determine what ECDIS functions are integrated with other navigation systems in the particular installation
Examples: Position from AIS-DGPS; time from GPS; radar overlay (RIB); radar tracked targets; autopilot track control; compasses;
Verify settings of interfaced sensors [Verifies most/all = 3; verifies some = 2; verifies none = 1]
.2 Routinely inspect sensors interfaced to ECDIS for correct settings and functioning
Examples: GPS allowable fix quality; depth mode for echo sounder (DBK, DBS); ECDIS route display enabled on radar;
Check that settings conform to procedures [Checks most/all = 3; checks some = 2; checks none = 1]
.3 Check the following settings on ECDIS in an efficient manner and ensure they conform to established procedures:
a. Alarm parameters for areas, anti-grounding, contacts, time functions
b. Completeness of chart data, chart licensing status, and chart update status
c. Navigation system backup arrangements
Monitor ECDIS information for safe navigation [Monitors most/all = 3; monitors some = 2; monitors none = 1]
.4 Monitor the following information on ECDIS in a manner that contributes to safe navigation:
a. Sea area
b. Position
c. Navigation information
d. Route monitoring
e. Chart information
f. Contact information
g. Status of alarms and indicators
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Verify position by alternate means [Confirms by two alternates = 3; confirms by one alternate = 2; confirms by no alternates = 1]
.5 Confirm the accuracy of vessel position on ECDIS by alternate means
Examples: Radar overlay; radar cursor (or VRM/EBL); secondary position source (PS2) by alternate GPS, Loran, etc.); visual LOPs;
Adjust settings to suit conditions [Adjusts most/all = 3; adjusts some = 2; adjusts none = 1]
.6 Adjust the following settings and values on ECDIS to suit the present conditions:
a. Sea area display, mode and orientation
b. Chart display categories
c. Chart selection, scale, and automatic functions
d. Route plan and/or route schedule
e. User-created information layers
f. AIS interface functions
g. Radar overlay
Use ECDIS-managed track control autopilot [Effective use of track control = 3; some use of track control = 2; no use of track control = 1]
.7 Adjustments made to ECDIS-controlled track keeping functions to maintain safety of navigation
Examples: Adjust autopilot parameters; re-align route plan intended for track control & perform safety check prior to Monitoring; verify track control;
Maneuver using accepted navigation practice [Effective maneuvers = 3; some inefficiencies in maneuvers = 2; unsafe maneuvers = 1]
.8 Decisions to amend course and/or speed are both timely and in accordance with accepted navigation practice
Examples: Use ECDIS trial maneuver for maneuver planning; use CPA/TCPA alarms on ECDIS; apply COLREGS; observe transit restrictions for given port;
Manage contacts by AIS & radar interface* Effective contact management = 3; some inefficiencies in contact management = 2; unsafe/no contact
management = 1]
.9 Identify contacts repeated on ECDIS from AIS and/or radar, and communicate with contacts by text messaging through ECDIS-AIS interface
(* Interfacing is recommended but not required.)
Assess environmental factors* Effective use of available functionality = 3; some sue of available functionality = 2; no use of available
functionality = 1]
.10 In addition to onboard environmental sensors interfaced with ECDIS, access port-supported binary messaging, and real-time tidal gauge data
(*Functionality is optional through ECDIS licensing and by regional availability.)
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The last group (On ECDIS: manage AIS and assess environmental conditions) is considered optional for
two reasons: First, AIS messaging and environmental factors such as tidal current cycles may not suit all
evaluation exercise scenarios, and second, not all Integrated Multiple Ownship Simulators can be
expected to include this functionality, although they should since these are commonly a vital and integral
aspect of navigation in confined and semi-confined waters.
Sample score sheet – The sample score sheet shown below is meant for each trainee in the underway
evaluation. Instructions are to: Score 3 (all), 2 (some), or 1 (not enough), or leave blank if n/a. Scoring 0
on [*] (in Task group 8) represents a Critical Fault. In that instance, the trainee should retake the
evaluation because it is always plausible that better use of ECDIS would have mitigated the dangers
related to close quarters and proximity to shoal water. An important consideration used in this scoring
scheme is to avoid a penalty for un-scored tasks, unless the entire Task Group is un-scored.
The scoring could be kept simple with the use of integers, or decimal values could be used for finer
differentiation. Consistency in either case is essential. The values recorded in the underway score sheet
are applied in the evaluation tally with weighted averages for each Task Group.
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As noted above, blank entries for specific tasks in the underway score sheet are disregarded in this initial
averaging per Task Group. The intent is to provide a flexible scoring system in the event that certain
devices are not included in the integrated simulation. On the other hand, simply entering a zero value in
place of a blank will cause that entry to be included in the average, significantly penalizing omitted
behaviors, and rendering the scoring system far more rigorous. Such a choice should be left to the
training course developer, and should not be directly dictated by a scoring system. The formulation here
yields to the scorer (0 or blank).
The achievement of each trainee by percentile is determined by utilizing 3 as the maximum possible
score for any given task in the score sheet:
There is considerable value in tracking the average scores by Task Groups over a succession of
underway evaluation exercises, in particular to aid in assessing and validating the outcomes of the ECDIS
navigation training overall. For example, certain Task Groups may show under-performance over several
iterations, indicating the need for revised emphasis of certain tasks in the underway context. Likewise, the
overall score for the evaluation exercise can be determined and tracked.
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
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Simulation Evaluation
Task (see underway score sheet for details) Avg.
1 Use all nav systems
interfaced with ECDIS [1]
2 Verify settings of [5]
interfaced sensors
3 Check that settings
conform to procedures [6]
4 Monitor info on ECDIS
for safe navigation
5 Verify position by
alternate means
6 Adjust settings to suit
7 Use ECDIS-managed
track control autopilot
Maneuver using
8 accepted navigation
9 Manage contacts by
AIS & radar interface* [2]
10 Assess environmental
factors* [3]
Average (non-zero):
Score (%):
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
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Multiple choice: Select the best answer and cite Revised P.S. (MSC.232(82))
4. Aside from the requirements for the Display Base and Standard Display, who selects the
display categories of the “All other information” display level?
a. The hydrographic office issuing the ENC data
b. The ECDIS manufacturer
c. The mariner
d. All of the above
C – PS 2.1, Appx. 2 Item 2.3
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Short-answer: Write a brief explanation (2-lines) and cite the relevant P.S. paragraph
ENC – database issued by hydrographic office that contains all chart info needed for safe
navigation; may contain supplemental info [PS 2.2]
SENC – database transformed by ECDIS; equivalent to up-to-date paper chart; may contain
info from other sources [PS 2.3]
Standard Display – level of SENC info shown when ECDIS first turned on; used for route
planning; can be modified by mariner depending on needs [PS 2.4]
Display Base – level in info that cannot be removed from display; required at all times; not
intended for safe navigation [PS 2.5]
Examples: Standard Display [PS 3.3], Remove radar info [PS 6.2]
Also: “shown on demand” [PS 9.5], “displayed on demand” [PS Appx.2 Item 3]
“manually on demand” (or Event) [PS]
9. In regard to the scale of the display, what are two important indications that an ECDIS
must show?
Alarm – announced by audible and/or audible & visual means; a condition that requires
[PS Appx. 5]
11. In the Route Planning Mode, what are the four primary ways to adjust a planned route?
1. Adding waypoints
2. Deleting waypoints
3. Changing the position of waypoints
4. Alphanumerically & graphically [all PS 10.4.2]
12. During Route Monitoring, what are the two primary things that should always appear on the
ECDIS display?
1. Selected route
2. Own ship’s position [both PS 10.5.1]
13. In terms of voyage recording, what are two major types of data that must be recorded at
one-minute intervals during the previous 12 hours?
1. Record of own ship’s track; time, position, heading, speed [PS]
2. Record of official data used (e.g., ENC) [PS]
14. What are the two primary reasons for backup arrangements in case of ECDIS failure?
Selected from depth contours provided; more emphasis shown (bold) than other contours
[PS 3.8]
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Multiple choice: (Questions 16-35 are typical of those presented on certificate examinations.)
16. If the electronic chart is part of an ECDIS, it must display the minimum data required by
IMO/IHO, to include all of the following EXCEPT __________.
a. Hydrography
b. aids to navigation
c. tidal currents
d. regulatory boundaries
17. Which of the following must the electronic chart of an ECDIS display, as required by
a. Hydrography
b. Ferry routes
c. Regulatory boundaries
d. All of the above
18. ECDIS units incorporate Digital Chart Data Formats, which include __________.
a. vector only
b. raster only
c. vector and raster
d. imposed viewing
19. Which of the following are data layer categories to be displayed on ECDIS?
a. ECDIS warnings and messages
b. Hydrographic Office data
c. Notice to Mariners information
d. All of the above
20. Which of the following data layer categories is NOT displayed on ECDIS?
a. Notice to Mariners information
b. ECDIS warnings and messages
c. Ship hydrodynamic information
d. Hydrographic Office data
21. The database resulting from (1) the transformation of the electronic navigational chart (ENC)
by ECDIS for appropriate use, (2) the updates to the ENC by appropriate means, and (3) the
additional data added by the mariner, is called the __________.
a. Display base information
b. Standard display information
c. System electronic navigational chart
d. Chart display information
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22. The database information that should be shown when a chart is first displayed on ECDIS is
the __________.
a. Display base information
b. Standard display information
c. System electronic nautical chart
d. Chart display information
23. The level of database information which cannot be removed from the ECDIS display and
consists of information which is required at all times in all geographic areas and under all
circumstances is the __________.
a. Display base information
b. Standard display information
c. System electronic nautical chart
d. Chart display information
24. ECDIS must give an alarm for which of the following cases?
a. When the specified limit for deviation from the planned route is exceeded
b. If the ship, within a specified time set by the watch officer, is going to cross a safety
c. If the ship, within a specified time set by the watch officer, is going to cross the boundary
of a prohibited area
d. All of the above
25. ECDIS must give an alarm for which of the following cases?
a. If the ship is going to reach a critical point on the planned route
b. When the speed of a dangerous target exceeds a set limit
c. If the ship's ETA has changed beyond the set limit
d. All of the above
26. ECDIS must give an alarm for which of the following cases?
a. When the speed of a dangerous target exceeds a set limit
b. When the specified limit for deviation from the planned route is exceeded
c. If the ship's ETA has changed beyond the set limit
d. None of the above
27. Chart information details to be used in ECDIS should be the latest edition of information
originated by a government-authorized hydrographic office and conform to the standards of
(the) __________.
a. International Maritime Organization
b. International Hydrographic Organization
d. US Coast Guard
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29. ECDIS must have the capability to preserve the record of the voyage track for the previous
a. 4 hours
b. 6 hours
c. 12 hours
d. 24 hours
34. ECDIS must be able to perform all of the following EXCEPT __________.
a. Determine true bearing and distance between two geographical points
b. Determine magnetic compass deviation
c. Transform a local datum to the WGS-'84 datum
d. Convert "graphical coordinates" to "display coordinates"
Name: Date:
Read the question carefully, and then select the best answer. Mark the test. Each question = 4
1. A faulty GPS position presents (a great risk / no risk) to navigation with ECDIS.
2. ECS is not intended to comply with the up-to-date chart requirements of SOLAS:
True / False.
3. RCDS is a mode of operation using raster data, whereas the ECDIS mode uses official
vector data: True / False.
4. When zooming out (“underscaling”) on an ECDIS using vector chart data, all information
layers remain on the display: True / False.
5. ENC data and official updates are transformed into the SENC database:
True / False.
6. Except for Display Base, the operator selects chart data for display that is relevant to the
current passage: True / False.
8. The position of own ship on ECDIS is unreliable if the position sensor and the displayed
chart information have different geodetic coordinate systems:
True / False.
9. Vector chart data is organized according to points, lines and polygons that are geo-
referenced and have coded attributes: True / False.
10. Match all of the following conditions to the resulting alarm or indication:
1 → a or b 2 → a or b 3 → a or b 4 → a or b
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b) When zooming in very close on an ECDIS displaying a vector chart, some chart objects
may be dropped from the display as lost layers: True / False.
12. Automatic updates are transformed into the SENC in a manner invisible to the user:
True / False.
13. ENC updates may be viewed on the ECDIS display: True / False
14. a) Manual corrections are transformed into the SENC as a user-added information layer:
True / False
b) The user cannot alter the contents of manual corrections: True / False
15. Vessels subject to SOLAS requirements must carry charts for the intended voyage that are
issued by an official hydrographic office and that are up-to-date: True / False.
16. Chart data used by an ECDIS meeting SOLAS requirements is produced according to IHO
S-57 edition 3 specifications: True / False.
17. Which of the following is a performance standard for the display of SENC information?
a. Information contained in the Display Base can be easily removed from the display.
b. The selected safety depth is always displayed, even with spot soundings turned off.
c. The selected safety contour is displayed with greater emphasis than other
d. When a chart is first displayed, the Standard Display at the smallest scale is presented.
18. Identify the orientation and mode of display required by the Performance Standards.
a. Ship’s draft plus under keel clearance.
b. North-up orientation and true motion mode.
c. Overwriting of the track file every 24 hours.
d. Any orientation in either true or relative mode.
19. Which of the following reflects the statement that ECDIS only supports the mariner in
performing navigational tasks?
a. Without official updated ENC data for the intended voyage, ECDIS does not replace
paper charts.
b. ARPA targets do not show up on ECDIS unless they are acquired and tracked.
c. ECDIS does not take the place of a proper lookout.
d. All of the above.
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20. Which of the following statements best describes manual chart corrections for ECDIS?
a. Manual corrections constitute user information layers, added by the mariner, with
no automatic record of installation.
b. Manual corrections are included in the CD that vessels receive periodically from NGA
(formerly NIMA).
c. When U.S. Notice to Mariners are downloaded from the NGA website, the .pdf and .jpg
files are automatically installed into the ECDIS chart database.
d. All of the above.
21. What error may occur in the ECDIS if hydrographic or chart survey data is inaccurate?
a. The vessel’s geographic position may not match the charted display.
b. Own ship may not be navigating in safe water, despite the information on the ECDIS
c. Radar overlay and chart data may appear to be mismatched.
d. All of the above.
22. If it is thought or known that floating aids to navigation (buoys) have shifted, how should this
be interpreted on ECDIS?
a. Charted buoy locations are always more reliable than own ship’s GPS position
b. ECDIS always shows the actual location of buoys.
c. Physical buoy positions may differ from charted locations on ECDIS, as with any
type of chart information.
d. Buoy position changes are never included in ENC updates.
23. If the ECDIS monitor’s resolution is poor or improperly set, what may be affected on ECDIS?
a. Chart scale may be misrepresented.
b. Chart features may not be shown in the intended color.
c. Fineness of detail may be lost.
d. All of the above.
24. Which of the following reference systems affect the information on ECDIS?
a. Draft of vessel entered into sounder that is connected to ECDIS.
b. Physical location of scanner for ARPA connected to ECDIS.
c. Geodetic system used in the creation of the chart data.
d. All of the above.
25. With radar overlay on ECDIS, what can be the cause(s) of radar echoes not matching the
charted position of a fixed object?
a. Incorrect input of ship’s position fixing device (GPS).
b. Improper coordinate setting of radar antenna, conning station or ship’s dimensions.
c. Either the Chart Display Category is in Base Display or the scale is so small that it is
showing Layers Lost.
d. All of the above.
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Appendix 4: STCW Manila Amendments onRegulation I/12 and Section A-I/12 and B-I/12 on
use of simulators for ECDIS training
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Appendix 1
The importance of revising the ECDIS Model Course to establish specific minimal
performance standards in the a use of ECDIS,
How the lessons and practice can be effectively structured to produce the ECDIS
proficiencies specified in the 2010 STCW Manila amendments
Optimal simulation classroom and lab arrangements to achieve these outcomes
To train on ECDIS as if its information were the source of navigation is to risk the disintegration of
navigational awareness, analysis and decision-making. Although this may seem self-evident to maritime
trainers and educators who have stood navigational watches using ECDIS, such loss of integration is
often the de facto outcome of training that is not properly conducted.
Seafarers who developed their navigational skills in the 20th Century may be able to keep ECDIS-
centered training in the context of visual navigation. They may be able to regard the risks to safe
navigation that are posed by exclusive focus on ECDIS for prolonged periods of time. However, seafarers
developing their navigational skills in the 21st Century are likely to misapprehend the supportive role
intended for ECDIS unless they are specifically trained and individually assessed in integrative skills.
ECDIS can be a very effective tool for introducing and illustrating general concepts of navigation, i.e.,
cartography, projections, direction, distance, depth, position fixing, plotting, sailings, deduced reckoning,
buoyage, tides and currents, ocean currents. ECDIS is, by definition, an integrative tool. The attempt to
present it outside the context of navigation results inevitably in its use as a substitution for navigation. On
the other hand, when a navigation training program is centered on ECDIS, navigation training remains the
focus and ECDIS remains a supportive tool.
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STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
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navigational purpose at the moment, but also to changing navigational points of view without
suffering any loss of situational awareness
Dividing a training course into "generic" ECDIS training (any aspect not requiring an actual
ECDIS) and "type-specific" training (some selected functionality of a particular ECDIS) has
produced regrettable outcomes:
• The course is not taught as navigation using ECDIS
• The course divests itself of responsibility for teaching and assessing the underway
use of ECDIS,
• The 3 or 4 day course making little or no use of one ECDIS unit per trainee in an
integrated visual navigation setting cannot be effective in achieving the minimum
objectives of the Model Course, original or revised
Competency by the letter and the spirit of STCW means unequivocally that the trainee must
be assessed individually during the course on one or another type-approved ECDIS, (the same
issue was settled long ago with regards to radar, ARPA and GMDSS training)
The issue of ECDIS competency is especially relevant under the Manila Amendments to the
STCW Convention and Code through:
• Details of expected outcomes,
• Application to all deck watch officers sailing where ECDIS is fitted,
• Through reference to this Model Course as presently revised
As best practices evolve regarding ECDIS use, discussion and practice involving applicable
COLREGS must be included in ECDIS training, especially where AIS and radar information can
be combined in the ECDIS display (see Lessons: 3, 13, 31, 32, 36, 37, 39, 40, Proficiency
Checklist, and Evaluation Checklist)
In e-Navigation, a role is envisioned for ECDIS that is quite ubiquitous, and implies a
thorough and uniform level of competence, reliability and usage. One purpose of e-Navigation
aims to prevent the overburdening and distraction of the seafarer; as such, principles and
practices of e-navigation must be included in ECDIS training (see Lesson 40)
Reliance on ECDIS
Past ECDIS training has focused on ECDIS functionality and the importance of training users to avoid
over-reliance on a computer-based navigation system.
These are somewhat valid considerations, when properly qualified, but they are counter effective
approaches to training. The over-arching goal of ECDIS training should be, in fact, to enable a very high
degree of reliance on ECDIS as a supportive tool. This presumes an approach to the limitations inherent
in every aspect of navigation, to include all instruments and sensors and visual assessments. This also
presumes that ECDIS functionalities are presented for their value and priority to navigational tasks. In its
most mature implementation, becoming more prevalent with most newly built ships, ECDIS is installed
with the intent of effectively applying rudder through Track Control.
With this in mind, there are three crucial and related points to remember when learning and teaching
At the end of the day, it is not ECDIS you are learning or teaching, but navigation using
What navigation actually is varies widely across the spectrum of ECDIS users, their vessels,
and their waterways
No one ECDIS setting can possibly suit all circumstances; this means that it is paramount to
emphasize and practice the adjustment of settings appropriate to changing conditions, such as
when changing between open and confined waters, changes in ambient light, monitoring and
changing route information, etc.
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Annex, page 121
All of these points require that the ECDIS trainee becomes skilled in adapting the ECDIS to a wide variety
of conditions and to changes in conditions while navigating in a visual environment. In fact, the
fundamental desired outcome should be that the use of ECDIS enhances rather than interferes with the
safety of navigation.
ECDIS training provides nothing short of comprehensive practice in safe navigation. ECDIS training
should therefore focus on the supportive tasks ECDIS has proven to perform, including:
Without being methodically assimilated into the training, these capabilities quickly become overwhelming
to the ECDIS user. Without practice in a comprehensive course, the ECDIS user will develop partial skills
even over the long term, and relegate the ECDIS to a secondary role in navigation. Thus the admonition
to avoid over-reliance is perpetuated.
The fallacy in this all-too-common circumstance is that ECDIS itself is unreliable. However, in a
comprehensive training approach to ECDIS such as this revised Model Course proposes, trainees can
discover for themselves the great extent to which ECDIS can be relied upon to improve the safety of
Keeping ECDIS training in the context of navigation means that the various functions of the device should
be introduced in their order of priority to the overall project of navigation, rather than for their appeal as
presented by the manufacturer. Broadly speaking, the training should approach three stages in fairly strict
The Proficiency Checklist that has been developed for inclusion in this 2010 edition to the Model Course
aims to keep this developmental process clearly in focus throughout the training on ECDIS. With its more
than 80 items, the Checklist, in fact, firmly establishes the importance of learning ECDIS with an ECDIS
unit running in simulation where there is no dire consequence to standing an inattentive watch while
experimenting with ECDIS.
ECDIS competency
There are two significant changes with regards to ECDIS in the Manila Amendments to the STCW Code:
The Officer of the Watch at both management and operational levels serving aboard vessels
larger and smaller than 500 GT fitted with ECDIS must be certified in the operational use of
Competence in ECDIS is defined in its use to maintain the safety of navigation, while the
knowledge, understanding and proficiency in the various tables is defined as:
• Table A-II/1: "Navigation using ECDIS: Knowledge of the capability and limitations of
ECDIS" and "Proficiency in operation, interpretation, and analysis of information obtained
from ECDIS"
• Table A-II/2: "Management of operational procedures, system files and data"
• Table A-II/3: "Thorough knowledge of and ability to use ECDIS"
(Tables A-II/1, A-II/2, and A-II/3, as amended, are included as Appendix 3 in the Annex to the
Instructor Manual.)
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Annex, page 122
The intent and specific criteria of the amended STCW Code on ECDIS is plain to see. Any Officer in
Charge of a Navigational Watch (OIC) must be able to monitor information on ECDIS in a manner that
contributes to safe navigation, while any Chief Mate or Master must be able to also establish, apply and
monitor operational procedures for using ECDIS.
Where these skills are acquired and assessed using approved ECDIS simulator training, or its equivalent,
the simulator and the associated ECDIS course of instruction must be able to produce a navigational
environment where unsafe events will occur when ECDIS information is incorrectly monitored and when
ECDIS operating procedures are inadequately applied.
In other words, it is the unsafe navigational events in a given scenario, where preventable by proper
operation of ECDIS, which should determine the baseline competency. Interwoven with this is the
opportunity to practice and apply the very many specific ECDIS functions that add up to proper operation,
and which will help avoid distractions resulting from unfamiliarity with ECDIS.
The methods for demonstrating this competence require either ECDIS simulator training or its equivalent
in underway experience. One purpose of this revised Model Course is to establish the high importance of
replicating that underway navigational experience with ECDIS in simulator training, or its equivalent. It is
fair to state that ECDIS simulator training that does not meet the "underway standard" cannot possibly
satisfy the letter or intent of the revised STCW Code. It is therefore appropriate that the learning and
assessment objectives of this revised Model Course and its Framework should deliver a practical
demonstration of this underway standard. (See Evaluation Checklist in the Evaluation Plan of the
proposed Revised Model Course, as it is applicable to some degree in every exercise.)
Perhaps the most significant challenge facing instructional design for ECDIS use is the recognition that
the mastery of navigational functionality of the device does not equate to skillful and safe navigation with
ECDIS. Because ECDIS is an integrative device by its structure and purpose and placement in integrated
bridge systems, the use of it and its use in the various acts of navigation cannot be separated for very
The consequence of training on ECDIS outside of its navigational context is to develop skills that depend
upon not having any other navigational distractions. This may be the most undesirable outcome
imaginable for training in the use of ECDIS. Regrettably, this particular approach, common to part-task
training everywhere, has taken hold in most instances of ECDIS certified training worldwide.
The STCW Manila Amendments, however, now define the fundamental competence in ECDIS as a
navigation function at both levels: Maintain the safety of navigation through the use of ECDIS (See
Appendix 3 in the Appendices for the Instructor). As with many other STCW navigational competencies,
this desired outcome of ECDIS use must be demonstrated as a solo act, and that fact demands that safe
navigation with ECDIS is practiced, and ultimately evaluated, in a solo navigational environment.
Many general aspects of navigation must be evaluated when ECDIS competence is kept in its integrated
context, as well as the use of specific ECDIS functions at the right time and place. Indirectly, the behavior
that is being assessed is the trainee’s ability to divide attention evenly amongst all navigational aids and
systems, not least being the visual scene.
When considering the STCW criteria for evaluating ECDIS competence as desired outcomes, Table A-II/1
Such training should encourage the application of judgment and the development of situational
Simulation in STCW
As given under Section A-I/12, Standards governing the use of simulators, the STCW Code requires that
any simulator used for mandatory simulator-based training "be capable of simulating the operating
capabilities of shipboard equipment concerned, to a level of physical realism appropriate to training
objectives and assessment objectives." The content of this section of the Code has not been altered in
the Manila Amendments.
As given under Section B-I/12, Guidance regarding the use of simulators, as amended, performance
standards for non-mandatory simulation equipment used for training and/or assessment of competence or
demonstration of skills in navigation and watchkeeping and in ship handling and maneuvering should
"provide a realistic visual scenario by day or by night ..." This is in addition to meeting all applicable
performance standards set out in section A-I/12. Here also, the content has not been altered from STCW-
However, as given under Section B-I/12, Guidance regarding the use of simulators, significant details
regarding training and assessment in the operational use of the ECDIS has been added in the Manila
Amendments. The source of this section of STCW is STCW.7/Circ.10, June 2001 (STW 32 and MSC 74).
The Guidance section recognizes the necessity gaining practical skills on individual ECDIS simulators.
Although this guidance as STCW.7/Circ.10 predates the cost-effective technology now available for
individual ownship workstations integrated with the visual scene and all instrumentation including type-
approved ECDIS, the intent to promote navigational understanding and skill with ECDIS is fully relevant.
"The main objective of simulator exercises is to ensure that trainees understand their responsibilities in
the operational use of ECDIS in all safety-relevant aspects and are thoroughly familiar with the system
and equipment used" (Section B-I/12, paragraph 47, as amended).
Effective ECDIS training demands that each user develops the practical discipline of approaching the
ECDIS with a single question to resolve at any one time - confirm position, present track tendency,
confirm progress in a critical turn, next course to steer, ETA to upcoming waypoint, chart information,
contact data, adjustment to display, adapting the route to changes in plans, etc. Developing this single-
point query approach helps ensure that the ECDIS serves as an aid to navigation, such that its reliability
can be efficiently verified.
For this form of training, each trainee in an ECDIS course adhering to this edition of the Model Course
should optimally be provided with their own live ECDIS to operate and their own vessel to operate
through simulation, the navigational functions of which are fully integrated.
This approach is necessary for the progressive development of skills and for the assessment of their
achievement in the underway context of navigation. There is, in this optimal approach to the training, no
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 124
place for multiple users on one ECDIS, or an ECDIS that is not receiving underway sensor input, or an
underway environment devoid of an integrated visualization of the scene.
For all of the foregoing reasons, ECDIS simulation performance standards and the description of an
optimal ECDIS training environment have been included in the Part A - Course Framework of this 2010
edition of Model Course 1.27.
Appendix 2
Resolution A.817(19), Performance Standards for Electronic Chart Display and Information
System (ECDIS); resolution MSC.64(67), annex 5, amending resolution A.817(19); resolution
MSC.86(70), annex 4, amending resolution A.817(19):
• Applying to ECDIS equipment installations between 1 January 1996 and 1 October
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 125
Appendix 3
(adopted on 5 June 2009)
RECALLING FURTHER article VIII(b) of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
(SOLAS), 1974 (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), concerning the amendment procedure
applicable to the Annex to the Convention, other than to the provisions of chapter I thereof,
1. ADOPTS, in accordance with article VIII(b)(iv) of the Convention, amendments to the Convention,
the text of which is set out in the Annex to the present resolution;
2. DETERMINES, in accordance with article VIII(b)(vi)(2)(bb) of the Convention, that the said
amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted on 1 July 2010, unless, prior to that date, more
than one third of the Contracting Governments to the Convention or Contracting Governments the
combined merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50% of the gross tonnage of the world's
merchant fleet, have notified their objections to the amendments;
3. INVITES SOLAS Contracting Governments to note that, in accordance with article VIII(b)(vii)(2) of
the Convention, the amendments shall enter into force on 1 January 2011 upon their acceptance in
accordance with paragraph 2 above;
5. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General to transmit copies of this resolution and its Annex
to Members of the Organization, which are not Contracting Governments to the Convention.
[. . .]
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 126
Regulation 19 – Carriage requirements for shipborne navigational systems and equipment
“.4 nautical charts and nautical publications to plan and display the ship’s route for the
intended voyage and to plot and monitor positions throughout the voyage. An electronic chart
display and information system (ECDIS) is also accepted as meeting the chart carriage
requirements of this subparagraph. Ships to which paragraph 2.10 applies shall comply with the
carriage requirements for ECDIS detailed therein;”.
[. . .]
5 After the existing paragraph 2.9, the new paragraphs 2.10 and 2.11 are added as follows:
“2.10 Ships engaged on international voyages shall be fitted with an Electronic Chart Display
and Information System (ECDIS) as follows:
.1 passenger ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after 1 July
.2 tankers of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after 1 July 2012;
.3 cargo ships, other than tankers, of 10,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed
on or after 1 July 2013;
.4 cargo ships, other than tankers, of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than
10,000 gross tonnage constructed on or after 1 July 2014;
.5 passenger ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 July
2012, not later than the first survey* on or after 1 July 2014;
.6 tankers of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 July 2012, not
later than the first survey* on or after 1 July 2015;
.7 cargo ships, other than tankers, of 50,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed
before 1 July 2013, not later than the first survey* on or after 1 July 2016;
.8 cargo ships, other than tankers, of 20,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less
than 50,000 gross tonnage constructed before 1 July 2013, not later than the first
survey* on or after 1 July 2017; and
.9 cargo ships, other than tankers, of 10,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less
than 20,000 gross tonnage constructed before 1 July 2013, not later than the first
survey* on or after 1 July 2018.
2.11 Administrations may exempt ships from the application of the requirements of
paragraph 2.10 when such ships will be taken permanently out of service within two years after
the implementation date specified in subparagraphs .5 to .9 of paragraph 2.10.”
* Refer to the Unified interpretation of the term “first survey” referred to in SOLAS regulations
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Annex, page 127
[. . .]
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Annex, page 128
Appendix 4
Regulation I/12
Use of simulators
1 The performance standards and other provisions set forth in section A-I/12 and such other
requirements as are prescribed in part A of the STCW Code for any certificate concerned shall be
complied with in respect of:
Section A-I/12
Standards governing the use of simulators
1 Each Party shall ensure that any simulator used for mandatory simulator-based training
.5 provide an interface through which a trainee can interact with the equipment, the
simulated environment and, as appropriate, the instructor; and
.6 permit an instructor to control, monitor and record exercises for the effective
debriefing of trainees.
2 Each Party shall ensure that any simulator used for the assessment of competence required
under the Convention or for any demonstration of continued proficiency so required shall:
.4 provide an interface through which a candidate can interact with the equipment
and simulated environment;
.6 permit an assessor to control, monitor and record exercises for the effective
assessment of the performance of candidates.
3 In addition to meeting the basic requirements set out in paragraphs 1 and 2, simulation
equipment to which this section applies shall meet the performance standards given hereunder in
accordance with their specific type.
Radar simulation
See relevant/appropriate performance standards adopted by the Organization.
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Annex, page 130
.2 model weather, tidal streams, current, shadow sectors, spurious echoes and other
propagation effects, and generate coastlines, navigational buoys and search and
rescue transponders; and
.5 trial manoeuvres.
6 Each Party shall ensure that the aims and objectives of simulator-based training are
defined within an overall training programme and that specific training objectives and tasks are
selected so as to relate as closely as possible to shipboard tasks and practices.
Training procedures
.1 trainees are adequately briefed beforehand on the exercise objectives and tasks
and are given sufficient planning time before the exercise starts;
.2 trainees have adequate familiarization time on the simulator and with its
equipment before any training or assessment exercise commences;
.3 guidance given and exercise stimuli are appropriate to the selected exercise
objectives and tasks and to the level of trainee experience;
.5 trainees are effectively debriefed to ensure that training objectives have been met
and that operational skills demonstrated are of an acceptable standard;
.7 simulator exercises are designed and tested so as to ensure their suitability for the
specified training objectives.
Assessment procedures
8 Where simulators are used to assess the ability of candidates to demonstrate levels of
competency, assessors shall ensure that:
.1 performance criteria are identified clearly and explicitly and are valid and
available to the candidates;
.2 assessment criteria are established clearly and are explicit to ensure reliability and
uniformity of assessment and to optimize objective measurement and evaluation,
so that subjective judgements are kept to the minimum;
.3 candidates are briefed clearly on the tasks and/or skills to be assessed and on the
tasks and performance criteria by which their competency will be determined;
.5 scoring or grading methods to assess performance are used with caution until they
have been validated; and
.6 the prime criterion is that a candidate demonstrates the ability to carry out a task
safely and effectively to the satisfaction of the assessor.
9 Each Party shall ensure that instructors and assessors are appropriately qualified and
experienced for the particular types and levels of training and corresponding assessment of
competence as specified in regulation I/6 and section A-I/6.
The relevant IMO Model Course(s) and resolution MSC.64(67), Recommendations on new and amended
performance standards, may be of assistance in the preparation of courses.
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 132
Section B-I/12
Guidance regarding the use of simulators
36 When simulators are being used for training or assessment in the operational use of
Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS), the following interim guidance
should be taken into consideration in any such training or assessment.
39 Demonstrations of, and practice in, ECDIS use should be undertaken, where appropriate,
through the use of simulators. Training exercises should preferably be undertaken in real time, in
order to increase trainees’ awareness of the hazards of the improper use of ECDIS. Accelerated
timescale may be used only for demonstrations.
.1 operate the ECDIS equipment, use the navigational functions of ECDIS, select
and assess all relevant information and take proper action in the case of a
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Annex, page 133
.2 state the potential errors of displayed data and the usual errors of interpretation;
.3 explain why ECDIS should not be relied upon as the sole reliable aid to
41 As the safe use of ECDIS requires knowledge and understanding of the basic principles
governing ECDIS data and their presentation rules as well as potential errors in displayed data
and ECDIS-related limitations and potential dangers, a number of lectures covering the
theoretical explanation should be provided. As far as possible, such lessons should be presented
within a familiar context and make use of practical examples. They should be reinforced during
simulator exercises.
42 For safe operation of ECDIS equipment and ECDIS-related information (use of the
navigational functions of ECDIS, selection and assessment of all relevant information, becoming
familiar with ECDIS man–machine interfacing), practical exercises and training on the ECDIS
simulators should constitute the main content of the course.
Simulator exercises
45 The choice of exercises and scenarios is governed by the simulator facilities available.
If one or more ECDIS workstations and a full-mission simulator are available, the workstations
may primarily be used for basic exercises in the use of ECDIS facilities and for passage-planning
exercises, whereas full-mission simulators may primarily be used for exercises related to
passage-monitoring functions in real time, as realistic as possible in connection with the total
workload of a navigational watch. The degree of complexity of exercises should increase
throughout the training programme until the trainee has mastered all aspects of the learning
46 Exercises should produce the greatest impression of realism. To achieve this, the
scenarios should be located in a fictitious sea area. Situations, functions and actions for different
learning objectives which occur in different sea areas can be integrated into one exercise and
experienced in real time.
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 134
47 The main objective of simulator exercises is to ensure that trainees understand their
responsibilities in the operational use of ECDIS in all safety-relevant aspects and are thoroughly
familiar with the system and equipment used.
48 The trainee should gain knowledge of the principal types of ECDIS in use; their various
display characteristics, data structure and an understanding of:
Emphasis should be placed on the need to keep a proper look-out and to perform periodical
checking, especially of the ship’s position, by ECDIS-independent methods.
SN/Circ.207/Rev.1 – Differences between RCDS and ECDIS.
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Annex, page 135
.10.2 checking the own ship’s position by using the other independent
position-fixing systems.
51 False interpretation of the data and proper action taken to avoid errors of interpretation
should be explained. The implications of the following should be emphasized:
.11 using the best-suited sensor to the given situation and circumstances;
52 Appreciation that RCDS is only a navigational aid and that, when operating in the RCDS
mode, the ECDIS equipment should be used together with an appropriate portfolio of up-to-date
paper charts:
.1 starting and setting up ECDIS; connecting data sensors: satellite and radio
navigation system receivers, radar, gyro-compass, log, echo-sounder; accuracy
and limitations of these sensors, including effects of measurement errors and
ship’s position accuracy, manoeuvring on the accuracy of course indicator’s
performance, compass error on the accuracy of course indication, shallow water
on the accuracy of log performance, log correction on the accuracy of speed
calculation, disturbance (sea state) on the accuracy of an echo-sounder
performance; and
.2 the current performance standards for electronic chart display and information
systems adopted by the Organization*.
See relevant/appropriate performance standards adopted by the Organization.
STW 43/WP.6/Add.1
Annex, page 137
.2 the selection of display presentation (standard display, display base, all other
information displayed individually on demand);
.3 the correct adjustment of all variable radar/ARPA display controls for optimum
display of data;
.1 the main characteristics of the display of ECDIS data and selecting proper
information for navigational tasks;
.2 the automatic functions required for monitoring ship’s safety, such as display of
position, heading/gyro course, speed, safety values and time;
.3 the manual functions (by the cursor, electronic bearing line, range rings);
.6 zooming;
.10 using different kinds of cursors and electronic bars for obtaining navigational
.11 viewing an area in different directions and returning to the ship’s position;
.14 selecting appropriate and unambiguous data (position, course, speed, etc.);
.16 using north-up orientation presentation and other kinds of orientation; and
Route planning
.4 route planning on a display by means of ECDIS, using the graphic editor, taking
into consideration rhumb line and great-circle sailing:
.4.2 taking into consideration turning radius and wheel-over points/lines when
they are expressed on chart scale;
.4.3 marking dangerous depths and areas and exhibiting guarding depth
.4.4 marking waypoints with the crossing depth contours and critical
cross-track deviations, as well as by adding, replacing and erasing of
.5.8 making a graphic copy of the monitor screen and printing a route;
.5.10 setting of safety values according to the size and manoeuvring parameters
of the vessel;
Route monitoring
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Annex, page 140
.2.6 entering independent data for the calculation of wind drift and current
Alarm handling
58 Knowledge and ability to interpret and react properly to all kinds of systems, such as
navigational sensors, indicators, data and charts alarms and indicator warnings, including,
switching the sound and visual alarm signalling system, should be attained in case of:
.5 approaching a waypoint;
.1 the ship’s position in dead-reckoning mode, when the satellite and radio
navigation system receiver is switched off;
.2 the ship’s position, when automatically obtained coordinates are inaccurate; and
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Annex, page 142
Chart updating
In the scenarios where non-updated data are employed to create a critical situation, trainees
should be required to perform ad hoc updating of the chart.
64 Trainees should gain an appreciation of the uses, benefits and limitations of ECDIS
operational warnings and their correct setting, where applicable, to avoid spurious interference.
.3 adequate back-up arrangements (take over and navigate using the back-up system).
Debriefing exercise
66 The instructor should analyze the results of all exercises completed by all trainees and
print them out. The time spent on the debriefing should occupy between 10% and 15% of the
total time used for simulator exercises.
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Annex, page 144
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Appendix 5a
Simple dynamics requiring effective use of ECDIS can include changes in passage requirements,
environmental conditions, vessel types, task emphasis through procedural orders, etc.
Scenarios can vary between 15 minutes and more than 100 minutes depending on the number and depth
of task elements involved
For example, six ships approach an anchorage at about the same time (an additional group can be run in
For example, two ships each with one assist tug (four ownships) entering a basin or channel is
exponentially more complex than one ownship with an instructor controlling a tug and numerous target
ships (additional groups of four can be run in parallel, depending on simulator capability):
All of the foregoing scenario types apply ECDIS in a wide variety of navigational tasks
Basic Tasks
1 Identify all information panels and functions
2 Enable / disable display of panels and functions
3 Set screen color palette – Day / night / etc.;
4 Become familiar with how to open panels and functions
5 Set orientation of Main display – N / H / C
6 Set mode of Main display – TM / RM
7 Select Dual display – alignment / mode / orientation / scale choice
8 Learn how to return to ownship display.
9 Reposition ownship in Relative Motion
10 Use of EBL and VRM.
11 Select vector length
12 Select different chart formats
13 Load specific charts
14 Select Chart options if available such as auto-load, auto scale, fixed
15 Select correct scale to show chart layers- Use of zoom function
16 Select chart display categories and layers
17 Obtain chart object information (vector chart)
18 Set Antigrounding – Safety Contour / Depth
19 Set Antigrounding cue or equivalent ECDIS function
Overall Presentation of Display
20 Select position & time from best available source
21 Cancel / verify / modify position offset
22 Select chart & scale appropriate to location
23 Create uncluttered display, depending upon context and conditions
24 Choose most appropriate display, orientation and motion
25 Load a pre-checked and approved Route for monitoring; load existing schedule
Select Safety Parameters appropriate to own ship location, route and
27 If in TM, select appropriate chart setting/ look ahead value.
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Intermediate Tasks
28 Create route plan – rough draft, save
29 Edit route plan – Focus on Route, fine tune additional data entry
30 Adjust distance calculations in route planning
31 Perform safety check
Create & modify Route Schedule ETD, ETA, speeds – Function Panel /
33 Select appropriate panel for display of route monitoring data
34 Select the appropriate active way point.
Set / select Route Monitoring alarms – Monitoring / Navigational Alarms if
available to do so.
36 Select appropriate display layers for route monitoring
37 Select relevant Navigation Alarms
38 Observe alarm condition (Alarm panel)
39 Set Time Zone for ship’s time
40 Select time icon to display – UTC / ship’s time
41 Observe & assess target information
42 Configure ARPA settings.
43 Configure AIS settings
44 Set anchor watch guard ring & alarm
45 Select tidal information from vector charts
46 View Logbook if available.
47 Make manual entry in the Ship Log if available
48 Unload & load existing user charts
49 Create a user chart object
50 Edit a user chart object
51 Insert a manual correction
52 Delete a manual correction
53 Activate Man Overboard function and view available data
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Annex, page 149
Navigator Tasks
54 Install / delete chart data
55 Install chart updates for RNCs.
56 Install chart updates for ENCs.
57 Modify ownship settings.
58 Toggle between UTC and local time
59 Import data files
60 Export data files
61 Print route plan
62 Create SAR date if option is available
63 Delete route plan(s)
64 View track history graphically
65 Playback files if option is available
66 Select DR mode
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Appendix 5b
The trainee operates specific functions for route monitoring in coastal and restricted waters, and obtains
all relevant information for safe navigation
• Demonstrate the following task groups on ECDIS while navigating safely in coastal &
restricted setting with multiple targets in specified waters:
• Monitor sea area,
• Use route created by trainee including route schedule,
• Select user layers created by trainee
• Validate own ship's position by alternate means,
• Check settings such as vector time, display reset, information layers, alarms, track,
sensors, and ownship configurations.
• Use ECDIS features to assess target threats and execute course and/or speed
alterations Modify route as instructed, checking for safety and adjusting schedule,
• Assess tide and current, adjust ETA for timed arrival at waypoint as instructed,
• Comply with COLREGS
Instructor guidelines
• Conduct simulation exercise according to exercise description:
• Set simulation parameters
• Define unsafe navigation as that involving a clear violation of minimum under keel
clearance or CPA, where such a violation will require a retake of the underway evaluation
• Monitoring of trainees’ ECDIS use for grading of all tasks listed on the score sheet
• Brief trainees
• Debrief each trainee
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Annex, page 151
Appendix 6
In order to accommodate 150 trainees per year, 2 integrated navigation labs (INL) are configured, each
with 16 isolated ownships (32 total). Additionally, a classroom (open lab) with 24 workstations, and
another classroom with 18-workstations are also configured. All four labs have the same fully integrated
simulation software package installed. Each lab is designed to run any combination of interacting
ownships, depending on the exercise design.
The coaching on equipment and exercise review are conducted in the classrooms (open lab, Figure 1,
below). Although each trainee sits at a dual-display desktop configuration, all of the same conning
capabilities are present, including full visualization. In this environment, familiarization with tasks and
functionalities are accomplished in a group manner that assures all trainees are developing the required
Each ownship in the integrated navigation labs (INL) consists of the visual scene on a 42” display,
conning including autopilot with track control and other navigation instruments, ECDIS and radar, VHF,
and chart table (Figure 2, below). Sound is also integrated. Each ownship is in a 9ft x 5ft cubicle, where
the conning officer stands. Space in each cubicle is sufficient for a team of two. The optimal training in the
labs is in solo watchstanding with ECDIS, paper chart backup, and all other navigational aids.
The real learning for each trainee, however, takes place in the semi-isolated multiple ownships of the INL.
The integration means there is always a visual scene for the underway context. The multiple ownships
allow for a wide variety of scenarios, from single ownship exercises run simultaneously in parallel, to a
single exercise with all ownships interacting as well as with target vessels from the instructor. In any case,
specific learning objectives can be achieved by clustering task elements that support the overarching goal
of safe navigation.
Figure 1 24-workstation integrated navigation classroom Figure 2 16-workstation Integrated Navigation Lab
for coaching in ECDIS functionalities and navigation (INL) for solo ECDIS navigation and assessment
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The following equipment specifications describe an example setup for ECDIS training, other
systems may be equally acceptable provided the system can deliver equal functionality.
Provided there is sufficient equipment and an acceptable layout the "ECDIS ship
mini-simulator" may be used for all relevant exercises in the course. If a full bridge simulator
is used for the final passage plan exercises; the trainee will be required to undertake individual
watchkeeping duties.
5 Server/Network to include:
i) server system of sufficient capability to store and run the required software
and data;
ii) simulator system software installed with suitable ownship models of
different characteristics and geographical sea and coastal training areas;
iii) full network control, which is interfaced with the installed simulator software
and hydrodynamic modelling data; and
iv) the transfer of data between various hardware components may be either
hard-wired or using wi-fi provided there is sufficient bandwidth and
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Annex, page 153
continuity of service.
6 Projection Display
A projection or other visual system to be provided so that exercises for group
demonstration of ECDIS functionality, ownship control and techniques of ECDIS-based
navigation can be displayed for instruction, feedback and other discussions.
8 Trainee ECDIS ownship mini simulator for use in route monitoring exercises:
i) workstation with ECDIS software and chart data installed with compatible
operating system sufficient to run installed ECDIS software and electronic
chart data;
ii) three displays that can separately display ECDIS data on the first screen, radar on
the second screen, and with engine control navigational equipment on the
iii) the ECDIS, conning, radar scenes to be capable of being displayed separately and
iv) the workstation to be connected to an ECDIS integrated ownship
network with navigational and ship control functionality and to have the
capability to operate in either an independent or interactive way; and
v) the ECDIS display to be able to show both radar and AIS data along
with the chart data.