WILP Degree Course Descriptions

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(Work Integrated Learning Programmes)
Course descriptions for Work-Integrated Learning & Collaborative Programmes

AAOC ZC111Probability and Statistics 3 AE* ZG512 Embedded System Design 4

Probability spaces; conditional probability and independence; Introduction to embedded systems; embedded architectures:
random variables and probability distributions; marginal and Architectures and programming of microcontrollers and
conditional distributions; independent random variables; DSPs. Embedded applications and technologies; power
mathematical expectation; mean and variance; binomial, issues in system design; introduction to software and
Poisson andnormal distributions; sum of independent random hardware co-design.
variables; law of large numbers; central limit theorem (without AE* ZG513 Maintenance Engineering 5
proof); sampling distribution and test for mean using normal
and student's t-distribution; test of hypothesis; correlation and Introduction, maintenance systems, methods and tools of
linear regression. maintenance analysis, eligibility and safety, maintainability,
supportability, design for maintenance,
AAOC ZC221 Graphs and Networks 3
maintenanceintegration, computerized maintenance
Basic concepts of graphs and digraphs behind electrical management systems, TPM, world-class maintenance
communication and other networks behind social, economic systems, and maintenance effectiveness and performance
and empirical structures; connectivity, reachability and evaluation.
vulnerability; trees, tournaments and matroids; planarity; AE* ZG514 Advanced Automotive Systems 4
routing and matching problem; representations; various
algorithms; applications. Frame, suspension, springs and wheels, clutch and gear box,
propeller shaft, universal joint, final drive, differential and rear
AAOC ZC222Optimization 3
axle, front axle and steering mechanism, brakes, automotive
Optimization of functions of one and many variables with and air conditioning, electrical vehicles, automotive electrical
without constraints; Kuhn-Tucker conditions; gradient systems, automotive electronics systems.
methods; linear programming; simplex based and integer AE* ZG515 Non-Destructive Testing 5
programming methods; duality theory; transportation and
assignment problems; dynamic programming; branch and Ultrasonic testing, X-radiography, eddycurrent testing,
bound methods; models of linear production systems, magnetic methods of crack detection, liquid penetrant
sequencing and scheduling, PERT, CPM. inspection, acoustic emission and acousto-ultrasonic testing
AE* ZC442 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems 4
AE* ZG516 Advances in Internal Combustion Engines 4
Automotive safety systems, assist and autonomous systems,
automotive sensors and actuators for ADAS (stereo and Air standard cycles, fuel air cycles, actual cycles and their
mono cameras ultrasonic sensors, LIDAR, RADAR), analysis, fuels, alternative fuels, carburetion, mechanical and
fundamentals of machine vision, data fusion for ADAS, electronic injection systems, ignition, combustion and
mechatronics for ADAS, human – machine interface for combustion chambers, engine friction and lubrication, heat
ADAS, telematics and infotainment, ADAS system, legal and rejection and cooling, engine emissions and their control,
ethical aspects of ADAS, real time systems and development, measurements and testing, performance parameters and
advanced driver assistance systems, advanced computer characteristics, engine electronics, supercharging, two-stroke
systems, automated driving applications and systems. engines. Power-train auxiliary systems integration, newer
engine technologies such as hybrid engines.
AE* ZC443 Connected Cars 4
Fundamentals of IOT - Architecture, Sensors, Cloud and the AE* ZG517 Automotive Systems Engineering 4
trade-off between polling and storage requirements, Structure Automotive systems development and testing, compatibility
and implementation of CAN networks, CAN message, priority issues, performance prediction, design requirements and
& arbitration and the control hardware involved in the engineering metrics, systems engineering process, life cycle
network, data analytics by creating a simple data model using standards and management, concurrent engineering,
OBD tools, ethical and legal aspects of connected car systems analysis applications, and advanced model based
applications including data theft, privacy and security development.
vulnerabilities, building of predictive analytic model based on
in-vehicle data. AE* ZG518 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 4
AE* ZG510 Automotive Control Systems 5 Electric motors, drives, control, batteries, architectures,
energy storage, recovery, and management, characteristics
Introduction to vehicle electronics, semiconductor diodes, of autonomous vehicles, modelling, simulation, analysis and
FETs, rectifiers, small signal amplifiers, circuit models, comparison of relations among multiple parameters for
automotive applications and case studies, automotive micro electric, hybrid and autonomous vehicles, insights into
controllers, auto sensors and actuators, vehicle electronics, regulations and norms with respect to electric, hybrid and
feedback control, control strategy, analog and digital autonomous vehicles, hybrid vehicle propulsion systems,
controllers, expert systems and neural networks, advanced sustainable automotive power technology.
topics in EMC, vehicle communication networks, automotive
control system design, transmission and powertrain, brake, AE* ZG519 Automotive Security 4
traction, suspension, active safety and supplementary Security concepts, security attacks and risks, architectures,
restraint systems, intelligent vehicle systems and ADAS. policy management, mechanisms, understanding the risks
AE* ZG511 Mechatronics 5 and advantages of vehicle to internet (V2I), vehicle to vehicle
(V2V), vehicle to IoT (V2IoT) connectivity, issues concerning
Concepts of measurement of electrical and non-electrical the security of intelligent transport systems that communicate
parameters; displacement, force, pressure etc. and related with the vehicle, telematics, cryptography, security standards,
signal conditioning techniques, drives and actuators, security system interoperation and case studies of the
concepts of microprocessors/ microcontrollers architecture automotive security systems and connectivity technologies,
and programming, memory and I/O interfacing. System automotive cyber security and autonomous vehicles,
design concepts through case studies. connected vehicle driver responsibility, issues around
liabilities related to automotive cyber security incidents.

AE* ZG521 World Class Manufacturing 5 Lanczo’s algorithm – estimation of core and time
The world-class manufacturing challenge, developing a requirements.
world-class manufacturing strategy, just-in-time, total quality, AE* ZG542 Just-in-time Manufacturing 4
total employee involvement, world-class information systems,
Introduction; Toyota production system; JIT implementation
managing the change, methods and procedures; improved surveys; Design, development and implementation of JIT
brainstorming methods, using the check-total quality - the first manufacturing systems; Supply management for JIT;
steps, getting people involved, monitoring world-class
Framework for implementation of JIT; Theoretical research in
performance. JIT systems; Various case studies.
AE* ZG522 Advanced Vehicle Acoustics 4 AE* ZG611 Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat
Fundamentals of noise sources, transfer paths, principles of Transfer 4
noise and vibrations control, assessment and control of Integral and differential conservation laws for mass,
engine noise and vibration, road / tyre noise, vehicle body
momentum, and energy, solution of Navier-Stokes equations,
noise and vibration, evaluating the vibration and acoustic theory of potential flow, boundary layer theory, hydrodynamic
characteristics of future vehicle systems. stability turbulent flow, compressible flow quasi-one-
AE* ZG523 Project Management 4 dimensional nozzle flows numerical solution of a two-
dimensional supersonic flow, incompressible Couette flow.
Concepts and techniques of project formulation, evaluation
and implementation; Project planning and scheduling; Risk supersonic flow over a flat plate, experimental techniques
management; Time-cost trade off; Resource leveling and and uncertainty analysis, integral and differential forms of
energy conservation law for heat transfer, heat transfer in
allocation; Project monitoring and control; Contract
management. internal laminar and turbulent flow, heat transfer in external
laminar and turbulent flow, natural convection heat transfer,
AE* ZG524 Vehicle Dynamics 4 mixed convection heat transfer, convective heat transfer in
Fundamentals of vehicle dynamics, steering, single and two porous media flow, condensation, evaporation, and boiling.
degree-of-freedom systems, vibration isolation, absorbers, radiation heat transfers in non-participating and participating
anti- vibration mounts, exhaust mount, tire properties, media. radiation transport equation, heat transfer of engine
influence on vehicle dynamics, tire forces/moments & cooling, exhaust manifold and HVAC for automobiles,
kinematics, modified SAE tire axes & terminology, computational analysis of fluid flow, heat transfer and multi-
introduction to tire modeling ,suspension and steering effects phase flow problems with special emphasis on problems
, basic tire modeling consideration, brush tire model, steady relevant to automotive applications.
state lateral/longitudinal slip force generation, interaction AE* ZG612 Advances in Materials, Composites & Plastics
between lateral slip and longitudinal slip, transient tire forces, 4
steady state cornering stability analysis, handling diagram,
Definition of composite materials; classification; particulates
quasi steady state cornering, straight line braking stability
analysis, transient cornering dynamic cornering, principles of and dispersion hardened composites, continuous and
anti-lock braking system (ABS), steady state cornering of discontinuous fiber reinforced composites, metal-matrix
composites, carbon-carbon composites, molecular
single unit heavy trucks, effect of tandem axles and dual tires,
equivalent wheelbase handling diagram of complex vehicles, composites, micro and multilayer composites, theory of
vehicle parameters and states estimation, road and basic reinforcement; reinforcement by continuous and
discontinuous fibers, concept of microfibril; effect of
driver models principles, basic powertrain, modeling, brake
system modeling, electronic stability control (ESC), vibration orientation and adhesion; mechanical behaviour of
mounts, construction and heavy engineering equipment. composites, stress-strain relationship, strength, fracture
toughness and fatigue; properties of fibre reinforcement and
AE* ZG531 Product Design 5 production technology of composites. Plastics and their
Introduction to creative design; user research and processing technology including injection moulding, blow
requirements analysis, product specifications, Computer moulding etc. Mathematical modeling and simple
Aided Design; standardization, variety reduction, preferred computational techniques for the mechanics of composites
numbers and other techniques; modular design; design and plastics. Applications of plastics and composite in
economics, cost analysis, cost reduction and value analysis automotive and aerospace structures. Advanced metals and
techniques, design for production; human factors in design: alloys including titanium, aluminum and magnesium, Ceramic
anthropometric, ergonomic, psychological, physiological and metal alloys (CERMETS) including Aluminum based
considerations in design decision making; legal factors, alloys and other ceramic components.
engineering ethics and society. AE* ZG613 Tribology 5
AE* ZG532 Computer Aided Engineering 5 Introduction, lubricants and lubrication, surface texture,
Mathematics and computer implementation methodologies of bearing materials, fundamentals of viscous flow, reynolds
parametric geometric modeling for computer aided design equation and applications, thrust bearings, journal bearings,
including modeling of curves, surfaces, solids and NURBS, squeeze-film bearings, hydrostatic bearings, gas bearings,
geometric transformations, concepts of elasticity and material dry and starved bearings, selecting bearing type and size,
behavior, theories of failure, finite element analysis (FEA) of principles and operating limits, friction, wear and lubrication.
one-, two- and three-dimensional problems with special AE* ZG614 Fracture Mechanics 5
emphasis on the application areas of noise and noise,
vibration and harshness (NVH), durability, crash, occupant Introduction, energy release rate, stress intensity factor and
complex cases, anelastic deformation at the crack tip, elastic
safety, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and heat transfer,
FEA of mechanical vibrations and fracture. In all plastic analysis through J-integral, crack tip opening
implementation work and assignments, suitable commercial displacement, test methods, fatigue failure, numerical
analysis, mixed mode crack initiation and growth.
CAE software packages such as ABAQUS is required to be
used. AE* ZG615 Advanced Engine Technology 5
AE* ZG535 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 5 Engine Design & Development: Design and development of
Boundary value problems; wave equations; nonlinear partial various engine components viz. cylinder block, head,
differential equations; calculus of variations; Eigen value combustion chamber, pistons, crank shaft, connecting rod,
cam shaft, valves, intake and exhaust systems, fuel supply
problems; iteration problems including forward and inverse
iteration schemes – Graham Schmidt deflation – systems, Engine balance and vibration; Engine Combustion:
simultaneous iteration method – subspace iteration – Process, analysis and diagnostics; Engine Emissions &

Controls: Analysis of gas emissions and control; Alternate AE* ZG633 Advances in Vehicle Body Structures 4
Fuels: Alternative Fuels for Land, Rail, Marine and Aviation Light Weight design of Vehicle Structure i.e. Front-End,
Transportation, Utilization of Alternative Fuels in Internal
Under Body etc; Materials Selection in Automotive Design;
Combustion Engines; Engine Testing & Certification: Test Material Matching and gauge Optimization; Lightweight
facilities and methods, Instrumentation, Engine tests and Automotive Alloys; Mechanical Behaviour of Structural
quality standards; Vehicle Component Testing: Test facilities
Polymers; Designing and Manufacturing with Lightweight
and methods for interior and exterior parts of an automotive Automotive Materials; Design and Manufacturing for
vehicle. Environment – Light Weight material perspective; Vehicle
AE* ZG621 Durability, Crash and Safety Engineering 4 Crashworthiness - Light Weight material perspective;
Advanced Light Weight Steels for Automobiles; Fuel Cell
Classical failure theory ,creep, fatigue, buckling, low and high
cycle fatigue test, crack initiation and fracture mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing; Automotive Assembly
Effect of surface and metallurgical parameters on fatigue, Processes - Light Weight material perspective; Analysis of
Lightweight Automotive Structures; Light Weight Power-train
EN-SN curves, plasticity corrections, Road load acquisition
methods/instruments, Proving ground events & duty cycle Materials and Design; Environmental Degradation of
preparation accordance with vehicle GVW, Joint Design, bolt Materials - Light Weight material perspective; Application of
Hybrid material and Joining methods.
slippage & torque relaxation methods in FEM. Durability of
plastics - material failure criteria, Rattle & squeeze issues in AEL* ZC441 Automotive Vehicles 3
automotive trims, IP panels. Optimization Internal combustion engines; vehicle performance; analysis
techniques/algorithms - Influence of space, size, weight etc., and design of vehicle components. Experimental or
on form design, aesthetic and ergonomic considerations,
theoretical investigation of problems selected from the field of
Fundamentals of Crash Analysis, Transient Dynamic automotive vehicles.
solutions, Lagarangian and Eulerian codes of solution,
explicit and implicit methods of solving crash problems, crash AEL* ZC442 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems 4
worthiness, Contact theory and algorithms, Quasi-static and Automotive safety systems, assist and autonomous systems,
dynamic events for crash analysis, time-step computation automotive sensors and actuators for ADAS (stereo and
and mass scaling of models, different element types, mono cameras ultrasonic sensors, LIDAR, RADAR),
formulations and application, Material representations for fundamentals of machine vision, data fusion for ADAS,
Crash analysis, Human modeling and biomechanics, Human mechatronics for ADAS, human – machine interface for
injuries and remedies, Impact sensor, types and ADAS, telematics and infotainment, ADAS system, legal and
developments, Active and Passive safety, Regulations for ethical aspects of ADAS, real time systems and development,
Automotive safety, Crash Worthiness Ratings, Model building advanced driver assistance systems, advanced computer
and integration, Quasi-static load cases – Roof Strength, side systems, automated driving applications and systems.
door intrusion, Seating load cases, Internal head impacts,
Whiplash, Airbag – types, modeling and applications. AEL* ZC443 Connected Cars 4
Fundamentals of IOT - Architecture, Sensors, Cloud and the
AE* ZG622 Advanced Manufacturing Processes 4 trade-off between polling and storage requirements, Structure
High strength material forming, tooling for high strength and implementation of CAN networks, CAN message, priority
materials, Cold and hot stamping, hydro forming, vacuum & arbitration and the control hardware involved in the
forming, high speed stamping, Aluminum forming & tooling network, data analytics by creating a simple data model using
technology including progressive and transfer dies for sheet OBD tools, ethical and legal aspects of connected car
metal forming, Advanced Automotive BIW assembly/welding applications including data theft, privacy and security
technology, laser welding technology, robotic hemming. vulnerabilities, building of predictive analytic model based on
Tooling for lightweight composites, Carbon fibre moulds & in-vehicle data.
advanced plastic moulding technology, High speed AEL* ZG510 Automotive Control Systems 5
machining, precision machining technology, Resistance
welding. Aluminum part manufacturing technique including Introduction to vehicle electronics, semiconductor diodes,
die casting, tailor-made blanking etc. Mathematical modelling FETs, rectifiers, small signal amplifiers, circuit models,
and analytical and numerical computations for sheet metal automotive applications and case studies, automotive micro
forming processes using AutoForm. Newer sheet metal controllers, auto sensors and actuators, vehicle electronics,
forming techniques. feedback control, control strategy, analog and digital
controllers, expert systems and neural networks,advanced
AE* ZG629T Dissertation 16 topics in EMC, vehicle communication networks, automotive
A student registered in this course must take a topic in an control system design, transmission and powertrain, brake,
area of professional interest drawn from the on the job work traction, suspension, active safety and supplementary
requirement which is simultaneously of direct relevance to the restraint systems, intelligent vehicle systems and ADAS.
degree pursued by the student as well as to the employing / AEL* ZG512 Embedded System Design 4
collaborating organization of the student and submit a
comprehensive report at the end of the semester working Introduction to embedded systems; embedded architectures:
under the overall supervision and guidance of a professional Architectures and programming of microcontrollers and
expert who will be deemed as the supervisor for evaluation of DSPs. Embedded applications and technologies; power
all components of the dissertation. Normally the Mentor of the issues in system design; introduction to software and
student would be the Dissertation supervisor and in case hardware co-design.
Mentor is not approved as the supervisor, Mentor may play AEL* ZG513 Automotive Communication Systems 5
the role of additional supervisor. The final grades for
dissertation are Non-letter grades namely Excellent, Good, Introduction to communication engineering; automotive
Fair and Poor, which do not go into CGPA computation. communication systems: basic, current and future generation
automotive communication protocols and telematics,
advanced communication, intersystem communication and
multiplex systems, wireless and photonics systems
engineering, communications and networking, signal
propagation in a mobile environment, modulation, coding,
equalization, multiple access techniques, spread spectrum
systems, second and third generation systems, UMTS, IMT-
2000; Intra Vehicular Buses - CAN, TTCAN, FTTCAN, RT
and FT Ethernet, TTP/A, TTP/C, Flexray, LIN, MOST; Clock

Synchronization and Diagnostic Services in Intra Vehicular VANETS, Network Architecture, Protocols, Network Stack,
Buses. MAC protocols, IEEE Wave and DSRC, Routing Protocols,
AEL* ZG514 Robust and Intelligent Systems Design 5 Network Security – Attacks and Solutions. Emerging and
advanced automotive networks – Aerial Networks;
Principles of fault tolerant systems, redundancy, parallel and Interconnection between various networks in ITS –
shared resources, spatial systems, configurations, design Interconnection between Intra and Inter Vehicular Systems,
aspects, intelligent transport systems, neural networks and Network Models in Automotive Systems – Publisher
fuzzy logic, reconfigurable hardware system design, energy Subscriber Model, Producer Consumer Models, Device
aware computing systems. Interoperability Issues in Interconnected Vehicles,
AEL* ZG517 Automotive Systems Engineering 4 Middleware in Automotive Systems, Network Management
Function, Objects and Device Management - AutoSar and
Automotive systems development and testing, compatibility Networked OS; Protocol-independent design methodology for
issues, performance prediction, design requirements and distributed real-time networks in vehicles – Volcano.
engineering metrics, systems engineering process, life cycle
standards and management, concurrent engineering, AEL* ZG554 Reconfigurable Computing 5
systems analysis applications, and advanced model based Overview of Programmable Logics. FPGA fabric
development. architectures. Logic Elements and Switch Networks. Design
AEL* ZG518 Electric and Hybrid vehicles 4 and Synthesis of Combinational and Sequential Elements.
Placement and Routing. Pipelining and other Design
Electric motors, drives, control, batteries, architectures, Methodologies. Fine-grained and Coarse-Grained FPGAs.
energy storage, recovery, and management, characteristics Static and Dynamic Reconfiguration. Partitioning.
of autonomous vehicles, modelling, simulation, analysis and Hardware/Software Portioning and Partial Evaluation;
comparison of relations among multiple parameters for Systolic Architectures.
electric, hybrid and autonomous vehicles, insights into
regulations and norms with respect to electric, hybrid and AEL* ZG557 Artificial and Computational Intelligence 5
autonomous vehicles, hybrid vehicle propulsion systems, Agents and environments, Task Environments, Working of
sustainable automotive power technology. agents; Uninformed Search Algorithms: Informed Search.
AEL* ZG519 Automotive Security 4 Local Search Algorithms & Optimization Problems: Genetic
Algorithm; Searching with Non-Deterministic Actions, Partial
Security concepts, security attacks and risks, architectures, Information and Online search agents, Game Playing,
policy management, mechanisms, understanding the risks Constraint Satisfaction Problem, Knowledge Representation
and advantages of vehicle to internet (V2I), vehicle to vehicle using Logics: TT-Entail for inference from truth table, Proof
(V2V), vehicle to IoT (V2IoT) connectivity, issues concerning by resolution, Forward Chaining and Backward Chaining,
the security of intelligent transport systems that communicate Inference in FOL, Unification & Lifting, Forward chaining,
with the vehicle, telematics, cryptography, security standards, Backward Chaining, Resolution; Probabilistic
security system interoperation and case studies of the Representation and Reasoning : Inference using full joint
automotive security systems and connectivity technologies, distribution, Representation of Conditional Independence
automotive cyber security and autonomous vehicles, using BN, Reinforcement Learning; Difference between crisp
connected vehicle driver responsibility, issues around and fuzzy logic, shapes of membership function, Fuzzification
liabilities related to automotive cyber security incidents. and defuzzification, fuzzy logic reasoning; Decision making
AEL* ZG531 Product Design 5 with fuzzy information, Fuzzy Classification; Connectionist
Models: Introduction to Neural Networks, Hopfield Networks,
Introduction to creative design; user research and Perceptron Learning, Backpropagation & Competitive
requirements analysis, product specifications, Computer Learning, Applications of Neural Net: Speech, Vision,
Aided Design; standardization, variety reduction, preferred Traveling Salesman; Genetic Algorithms - Chromosomes,
numbers and other techniques; modular design; design fitness functions, and selection mechanisms, Genetic
economics, cost analysis, cost reduction and value analysis algorithms: crossover and mutation, Genetic programming.
techniques, design for production; human factors in design:
anthropometric, ergonomic, psychological, physiological AEL* ZG621 Safety Critical Advanced Automotive
considerations in design decision making; legal factors, Systems 4
engineering ethics and society. Functional safety, safety in electrical engineering,
AEL* ZG533 Autotronics 5 architecture / design practices for safety critical systems, ISO
26262: Road vehicles – functional safety, IEC 1508
Fundamentals of automotive EMC, control concepts, control standards; Methodology of certification and qualification for
design with the help of sensors and signal conditioning. IEC 1508, modelling real time systems (UML-RT, and the
Understanding of autotronics and vehicle intelligence, sensor tools), reliable, common system bus – VME, ASCB, safeBus,
technologies, intelligent systems and mechatronic modelling. multiBus II etc. Real time and safety standard and
Introduction, electricity and electronic fundamentals, sensors, certifications, FPGA and ASIC based design, low-power
sensor types, signal conditioning, system modelling, dynamic techniques in RT embedded systems on-chip networking;
response of systems, feedback/closed loop controllers, Hardware software partitioning and scheduling, co-simulation,
electronic fuel control systems, actuators: fuel injectors, synthesis and verifications, architecture mapping, HW-SW
exhaust gas recirculation, motors and ignition systems, interfaces.
AEL* ZG626 Hardware Software Co-Design 5
AEL* ZG534 Automotive Networking 4
FPGA and ASIC based design, Low-Power Techniques in RT
Overview of TCP/IP systems, Disturbed and Networked Embedded Systems On-chip networking. Hardware Software
Embedded systems, Embedded Internet, Real Time partitioning and scheduling, Co-simulation, synthesis and
Networks and Fault Tolerant Networks – Issues and Design, verifications, Architecture mapping, HW-SW Interfaces and
Intelligent Transport Systems and IoT for Automotive Re-configurable computing.
Systems; Fault and Error Containment, Intra and Interworking
in Vehicular Systems: Intra Vehicular Buses - an overview,
Time Triggered and Event Triggered Networks in Intra
Vehicular Systems, Automotive Network Domains – Power
Train, Chassis, Body Domains – Network Characteristics and
Domain Requirements, V2I/V2R, V2V , VANETS - MANETS
vs VANETS, Safety Applications vs Comfort Applications of

AEL* ZG631 Automotive Diagnostics and Interfaces 5 AIML* ZG513 Advanced Deep Learning 4
Sensors used in today's vehicles, such as temperature, Introduction to Representation Learning, PCA and variants,
pressure, position, distance, velocity, torque and flow; likelihood based models, flow models, autoregressive
Designing and building analogue interfaces, regulation and models, latent variables, Deep autoencoders, Boltzmann
control problem with reference to power electronic Machines, Generative Adversarial learning, Variants of GAN
converters; converter models for feedback: basic converter and applications, DeepDream, neural style transfer, self-
dynamics, fast switching, piece-wise linear models, discrete- supervised learning, semi-supervised learning, language
time models, On board diagnostics II (OBD II); Voltage mode model learning, applications in time series modelling,
and current mode controls for DC-DC converters, comparator representation learning for reinforcement learning, deep
based control for rectifier systems, proportional and clustering
proportional-integral control applications; Control design AIML* ZG514 Graph Neural Networks 4
based on linearization: transfer functions, compensation and
filtering, compensated feedback control systems; Hysteresis Basics of graph theory, machine learning on graphs, node
control basics, and application to DC-DC converters and embeddings, link analysis, representation learning for graphs,
inverters; Automotive diagnostics, electronic interfaces, label propagation for node classification, empirical risk
sensors and interfacing, introduction to microsystems minimization, graph convolutional filters, composition with
packaging, microcomputer control systems, reliability, pointwise nonlinearities, permutations, dilation and stability,
diagnostics, and testing of vehicles. transferability, graph RNN, algebraic neural networks,
applications of graph NN in subgraph mining,
AEL* ZG628T Dissertation 16 recommendation systems, community structures in networks,
A student registered in this course must take a topic in an deep generative models, knowledge graph embeddings and
area of professional interest drawn from the on the job work reasoning.
requirement which is simultaneously of direct relevance to the AIML* ZG515 Distributed Machine Learning 4
degree pursued by the student as well as to the employing /
collaborating organization of the student and submit a Introduction to parallel and distributed models of computation:
comprehensive report at the end of the semester working Scalable frameworks to parallelize machine learning
under the overall supervision and guidance of a professional algorithms, Data and computation heterogeneity, Data
expert who will be deemed as the supervisor for evaluation of parallelism vs Model parallelism, Challenges: consistency,
all components of the dissertation. Normally the Mentor of the fault tolerance, communication, resource management,
student would be the Dissertation supervisor and in case programming models; Distributed ML algorithms: K-means,
Mentor is not approved as the supervisor, Mentor may play DBSCAN, Distributed association rule mining: FDM, Linear
the role of additional supervisor. The final grades for and logistic regression; Distributed DL Algorithms: Gradient
dissertation are Non-letter grades namely Excellent, Good, descent techniques for empirical risk minimization, SGD in
Fair and Poor, which do not go into CGPA computation. Neural Network Training and its convergence analysis,
Distributed Synchronous SGD, Asynchronous SGD, Hogwild,
AIML* ZC416 Mathematical Foundations for Machine Local-update SGD, Decentralized SGD, Overlap SGD,
Learning 4 Quantized SGD, Adacomm Vs Distributed SGD, Elastic
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic Averaging, AdaSyn, AdaQuant; Federated learning: Privacy
equations and their solutions; Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and and security in federated learning; Hyper parameter
diagonalization of matrices, multivariate calculus, vector optimization; In depth case studies of a few algorithms.
calculus, Jacobian and Hessian, multivariate Taylor series, AIML* ZG516 ML System Optimization 4
gradient descent, unconstrained optimization, constrained
optimization, nonlinear optimization, stochastic gradient Review of parallel and distributed systems, System
descent, dimensionality reduction and PCA, optimization for Performance Trade-offs, Distributed machine learning for
support vector machines. large models and datasets, general purpose distributed
computing frameworks - Hadoop, map reduce and Apache
AIML* ZC418 Introduction to Statistical Methods 4 Spark, Deep Learning frameworks and runtimes, deep
Basic probability concepts, Conditional probability, Bayes learning hardware, Deep learning compilers with
Theorem, Probability distributions, Continuous and discrete optimizations, scalable training and Inference Serving ,
distributions, Transformation of random variables, estimating parameter serving, Federated Learning, model compression
mean, variance, covariance, Hypothesis Testing, Maximum for optimizing communication and resource constrained
likelihood, ANOVA – single factor, dual factor, time series devices, Case studies of machine learning on single GPU
analysis: AR, MA, ARIMA, SARIMA, sampling based on systems, on GPU Clusters.
distribution, statistical significance, Gaussian Mixture Model, AIML* ZG517 Fair, Accountable, Transparent Machine
Expectation Maximization. Learning 4
AIML* ZG511 Deep Neural Networks 4 Biases and fairness, fair representation learning,
Introduction to neural networks, approximation properties, Interpretability and Transparency, Example and Visualization
back propagation, deep network training, regularization and Based Methods for Interpretability, Interpreting deep neural
optimization, convolution neural networks, recurrent neural networks, Fairness Through Input Manipulation, Fair
networks, attention models, transformers, neural architecture NLP/Vision, Robustness and adversarial attacks/defence, ML
search, federated learning, meta learning, applications in time auditing, privacy
series modelling and forecasting, online (incremental) AIML* ZG518 Computational Learning Theory 4
Introduction. The PAC model, Overfitting and Occam's razor,
AIML* ZG512 Deep Reinforcement Learning 4 The Online Mistake-Bound model, Combining Expert Advice /
Introduction and applications. Markov decision Multiplicative Weights, Regret Minimization, sleeping experts,
processes(MDP), Tabular MDP planning, Tabular RL policy The Perceptron Algorithm, Margins, and introduction to
evaluation, Q-learning, model based RL, deep RL with Kernels. SVMs, Uniform Convergence and VC-Dimension,
function approximation, policy search, policy gradient, fast Rademacher Bounds. Boosting. Statistical Query Model,
learning, applications in game playing, imitation learning, RL Computational Hardness Results for Learning. MDPs and
for neural architecture search, batch RL Reinforcement Learning. Differential Privacy and Learning.
Semi-Supervised Learning.

AIML* ZG519 NLP Applications 4 Recommending music; Speech processing and synthesis —
generating artificial voice for conversational agents; tagging
Sentiment Analysis, Grammar and Spelling Checkers, Cross and generation; Similarity search for audio files; HMM; AI for
Lingual Language Models, Machine Translation including ultrasonic and infrasonic applications
Indic Languages, Question answering and Chatbots,
AIML* ZG528 AI and MLfor Robotics 4
Information extraction (named entity recognition, relation
extraction), Knowledge graph Fundamentals of robotics. Aerial robots, warehouse robots,
AIML* ZG520 Speech Processing 4 under actuated robots. Sensor systems for robots. Effectors
and actuators. Robot Operating System. Robot motion
Introduction to statistical speech processing. HMM, WFST models. PID control, Beam model of range finders. Recursive
and neural net based acoustic modelling, language state estimation - Bayes filters, Kalman, extended Kalman,
modelling, acoustic feature analysis, neural networks for information filters, and nonparametric filters such as particle
speech recognition, search and decoding, speech synthesis filters. Mobile robot localization - extended Kalman filter, Grid
AIML* ZG521 Conversational AI 4 and Monte Carlo. Simultaneous mapping and localization
Intro to conversational AI, Use cases of chatbots, NLU and algorithms, path planning algorithms, Instance based
Dialog Management, Design the flow of conversation, learning, demonstration based path planning using
Crafting training data, Training the NLU model, reinforcement learning, deep learning and reinforcement
Understanding Dialog Management, Intent classification and learning based mapping, navigation and control of mobile
entity extraction, using slots for context understanding, robots.
Understanding NLU components, supporting multiple AIML* ZG529 Data Management for Machine Learning 4
languages, Voice bots, Testing the bot, Failing gracefully with Data Models and Query Languages: Relational, Object-
fall back action Relational, NoSQL data models; Declarative (SQL) and
AIML* ZG522 Social Media Analytics 4 Imperative(MapReduce) Querying; Data Encoding: Evolution,
Social Media Platforms, NLP in SMA, Text Summarization, Formats, Models of dataflow; Machine learning workflow;
Opinion Science and dynamics, ML/DL in SMA- Community Data management challenges in ML workflow; Data Pipelines
detection, Ethical Social Media, Case Studies- Role of social and patterns; Data Pipeline Stages: Data extraction,
media in disaster management, SM driven mental health and ingestion, cleaning, wrangling, versioning, transformation,
behaviour Analysis exploration, feature management; Modern Data
AIML* ZG523 MLOps 4 Infrastructure: Diverse data sources, Cloud data warehouses
and lakes, Data Ingestion tools, Data transformation and
Adaptation of DevOps for building and deploying machine
modelling tools, Workflow orchestration platforms; ML model
learning systems, Model Deployment: Infrastructure
metadata and Registry, ML Observability, Data privacy and
requirements; Deployment patterns, Model CI/CD (Build,
Test, Integration and Delivery of model); Model Serving tools
and technologies; Model life cycle management, ML pipelines AIML* ZG530 Natural Language Processing 4
with data management support, model assessment, evolution Natural Language Understanding and Generation, N-gram
and management in production, MLOps infrastructure and and Neural Language Models, Word to Vectors / Word
tools; Trends in Model deployment: ML on the Cloud / Edge / Embedding (Skip gram/CBOW, Glove, BERT/ XLM, MURIL),
Browsers; VMs, Containers, Docker, Kubernetes (K8S), Part of Speech Tagging, HiddenMarkov Models, Parsing -
FaSS; ML-as-a-Service. Syntactic, Statistical, Dependency, Word Sense
AIML* ZG524 Design of Algorithms 5 Disambiguation, Semantic Web Ontology.
Review of important data structures, Design techniques such AIML* ZG531 Video Analytics 4
as divide-and-conquer, greedy, recursion, backtracking, Digital Video; Spatio temporal sampling; Low-Level Features
branch-and-bound, simulation, Dynamic Programming to High-Level Semantics; Video enhancement technologies
(Examples, Analysis, General Structure of Solutions, (denoising, stabilization, unsharp masking, super-resolution);
Limitations and Applicability); Illustrations dealing with background modelling and Foreground Detection; ML
problems in AI and machine learning; Computational techniques for Video Motion Detection; tracking;
complexity and bounds; NP-hard and NP-complete problems; compression; Indexing and Retrieval; Browsing and
Introduction to Approximation algorithms; Randomized Summarization; Applications in License plate detection on
algorithms. moving vehicles, monitor traffic jams; Activity recognition;
AIML* ZG525 Computer Vision 4 crowd management; gesture recognition.
Image formation, structure, and transformations; Low- AIML* ZG532 Automated Reasoning 4
level(filters, features, texture), Mid-level(segmentation, Propositional Logic: Propositions and logical connectives,
tracking, morphology) and High-Level Vision (registration, Propositional logical consequence, Logical equivalence,
contour geometry, object detection and classification, Inductive definitions and structural induction and recursion;
segmentation); deep learning for object detection; Deductive Reasoning in Propositional Logic: Axiomatic
recognition; face detection and face recognition; Facial key systems for propositional logic, Semantic Tableaux, Natural
point recognition;Optical Character recognition; visual Deduction, Clausal Resolution, Resolution-based
annotation; Activity recognition; Applications for autonomous derivations; First-order Logic: Syntax and Semantics of first-
cars – Landmark detection and tracking, track pedestrians; order logic, Logical validity, consequence, and equivalence,
3D projection; Image search and retrieval; edge devices for Syllogisms; Deductive Reasoning in First-order Logic:
computer vision Axiomatic system for first-order logic, Semantic Tableaux,
AIML* ZG526 Probabilistic Graphical Models 4 Natural Deduction, Prenex and clausal normal forms,
Resolution, Soundness and completeness; Limitations:
HMM, Markov Random Field, Bayesian networks, Hilbert’s programme, Tarski’s theorem on the undefinability of
Representation, Learning, Inference; Dynamic Bayesian truth, Incompleteness of axiom systems, Godel’s
Networks and Temporal Bayesian networks, applications. incompleteness theorem, Definability and decidability,
AIML* ZG527 Audio Analytics 4 Church’s theorem, Church-Turing hypothesis.
Audio data; sound analysis using DFT, STFT, file formats; AIML* ZG537 Information Retrieval 4
Spectrogram; Spectral features; Feature extraction from
Audio signal; Sinusoidal model; Harmonic model; Sound Organization, representation, and access to information;
transformations; Sound and music description; Automatic categorization, indexing, and content analysis; data
speech recognition - Acoustic Phonetics, Dialog, Speech structures for unstructured data; design and maintenance of
Synthesis, Text to Speech (TTS); Meaning Extraction; Music such data structures, indexing and indexes, retrieval and
genre classification; Indexing music collections; classification schemes; use of codes, formats, and standards;

analysis, construction and evaluation of search and BA* ZC412 Models and Applications in Operations
navigation techniques; search engines and how they relate Research 4
to the above. Multimedia data and their representation and
This course provides a survey of selected topics in operations
search. research (OR). Emphasis is placed on the practical
AIML* ZG548 Advanced Data Mining 4 application of OR tools rather than on the mathematical
Topics beyond conventional record data mining. Mining properties. Application areas include: financial planning and
portfolio selection, production, priority planning and
complex data structures. Tree/graph mining, sequence
mining, web/text data mining, stream data mining, marketing. Topics include linear programming and its
spatiotemporal data mining, mining multi-variate time series applications; programming to achieve a set of goals or targets
with applications in finance and production; capital budgeting
data, high-dimensional data clustering, and mining social
networking sites. Mining data from multiple relations (Multi- and project selection; transportation and network models; and
relational Data Mining). Privacy preserving Data Mining. portfolio models.
Distributed computing solutions for data intensive data BA* ZC413 Introduction to Statistical Methods 3
Different types of data; Data Visualization; Data
AIML* ZG557 Artificial and Computational Intelligence 5 summarization methods; Tables, Graphs, Charts,
Agents and environments, Task Environments, Working of Histograms, Frequency distributions, Relative frequency
agents; Uninformed Search Algorithms: Informed Search. measures of central tendency and dispersion; Box Plot;
Chebychev’s Inequality on relationship between the mean
Local Search Algorithms & Optimization Problems: Genetic
Algorithm; Searching with Non-Deterministic Actions, Partial and the standard deviation of a probability distribution. Basic
Information and Online search agents, Game Playing, probability concepts, Conditional probability, Bayes Theorem,
Probability distributions, Continuous and discrete
Constraint Satisfaction Problem, Knowledge Representation
using Logics: TT-Entail for inference from truth table, Proof distributions, Transformation of random variables, Moments,
by resolution, Forward Chaining and Backward Chaining, Correlation and Covariance, Parameter Estimation,
Hypothesis Testing.
Inference in FOL, Unification & Lifting, Forward chaining,
Backward Chaining, Resolution; Probabilistic BA* ZC414 Optimization Methods for Analytics 4
Representation and Reasoning : Inference using full joint This course will focus on development of analytical models
distribution, Representation of Conditional Independence
using optimization (and simulation) techniques to analyze and
using BN, Reinforcement Learning; Difference between crisp recommend appropriate solutions for complex business
and fuzzy logic, shapes of membership function, Fuzzification problems across various functional areas including finance,
and defuzzification, fuzzy logic reasoning; Decision making
economics, operations, and marketing. Key topics covered in
with fuzzy information, Fuzzy Classification; Connectionist this course are as follows: solving various problems related to
Models: Introduction to Neural Networks, Hopfield Networks, planning, production, transportation, microeconomics, etc.
Perceptron Learning, Backpropagation & Competitive
using LP models.Decision making in the context of multi
Learning, Applications of Neural Net: Speech, Vision, stage LP models.Application of Goal Programming (GP) and
Traveling Salesman; Genetic Algorithms - Chromosomes, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for decisions relating to
fitness functions, and selection mechanisms, Genetic
large teams and complex problems with long term
algorithms: crossover and mutation, Genetic programming. implications. We will use various tools including spreadsheets
AIML* ZG565 Machine Learning 4 and other software for the experiential components of this
Introduction to Machine Learning, Various kinds of learning, course to illustrate the application of these techniques to
various industries.
Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Model
Selection; Bayesian Learning, MAP Hypothesis, MDL BA* ZC415 Analytics for Competitive Advantage 4
Principle, Bias Variance Decomposition, Bayes Optimal In today's competitive business environment, high performing
Classifier, Naive Bayes Classifier; Linear Models for companies are doing more than just collecting data, storing it
Regression, Linear Models for Classification; Non-Linear
and generating reports. They are developing competitive
models, Decision trees; Instance Based Learning, KNN strategies using Business Analytics. In this course we will
Algorithm, CBR Learning; Support Vector Machines, VC look at how to use data-driven insights to differentiate a firm's
Dimension; Neural Networks, Perceptron Learning, Back
business/ product strategy from other companies that are
Propagation Algorithm; Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. making the same product or delivering the same
AIML* ZG567 AI and ML Techniques for Cyber Security 5 service. This course is designed for analysts in any function:
Introduction to Cyber-Security; Supervised Learning for marketing, operations, quality, customer service, IT,
finance/accounting or human resources. We will use case
Misuse/Signature Detection; Machine Learning for Anomaly
Detection; Malware detection and classification; Network studies and other experiential components to study the
Intrusion detection and classification; Detection and application of data-driven insights in the context of various
categorization of domain names; Profiling Network Traffic;
Adversarial Machine Learning for Malware detection BA* ZC416 Investment Banking Analytics 4
AIML* ZG577 Metaheuristics for Optimization 4 Modern portfolio theory, Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM),
Metaheuristics refers to class of approximation algorithms Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT), and efficient market theory;
which can solve hard optimization problems within an Passive investing: indexing; Introduction to behavioral
finance; Active investing: security analysis – fundamental
acceptable time limit. This course covers principles behind
such algorithms and application to real world problems. The analysis (strategic, financial, marketing tools) and technical
algorithms covered in the courses include simulated analysis; Portfolio management including allocation,
rebalancing and risk management; Transaction cost analysis;
annealing, evolutionary algorithms, ant colony method, and
particle swarms. Fixed-Income and Credit Sensitive Instruments.

BA* ZC411 Marketing 4

Definition and scope, consumer behavior, competitive
behavior, demand estimation, new product introduction,
product/brand management, pricing policies, channels of
distribution, credit management, advertising and other sales
promotion, positioning, marketing regulation, market research
basics of industrial marketing.

BA* ZC417 Financial Risk Analytics 4 BA* ZC424 Supply Chain Analytics 4
The course will first cover the basics of Financial Risk and Demand Management and Forecasting: static, adaptive and
then focus on applications such as: currency, interest rate rolling plans. Supply chain Network design: Mathematical
derivatives, equity markets and products, and commodity Programming Models for Selecting the right number, location,
markets and products. Major topics include methodologies for territory, and size of warehouses, plants, and production
measuring and analyzing volatility (a key metric of risk) lines; and optimizing the flow of all products through the
including EWMA, ARCH & GARCH processes, volatility supply chain. Space Determination and Layout Methods.
clusters and the issue of time varying volatility; Extreme value Inventory Management: Inventory aggregation Models,
theory; Measuring risk using Value-at-Risk, including Dynamic Lot sizing Methods, Multi-Echelon Inventory models.
computation of VaR by various methods, and stress testing; Transportation Network Models and scheduling
Monte Carlo simulation, address issues in generating price algorithms: Efficient and responsive supply chains. Maximal
process (such as Brownian Motion, Ito Process), Cholesky Flow Problems, Multistage Transshipment. Supply chain
decomposition in computing multi-asset VaR; Currency risk dynamics and integration: Cost analysis of supplier selection,
analysis in global investing, interest rate parity (covered and order fulfillment process, levers for improved supply chain
uncovered); Value at risk for fixed income portfolios; Credit performance, pricing and revenue management and
Risk Analytics. The topics covered in this course will have coordination in supply chain. Application of Analytic Hierarchy
inbuilt case studies in financial risk management so as to Process (AHP) to supply chain analytics.
understand the practical implications of the methodologies BA* ZC425 HR Analytics 4
covered in the course.
In this course students will learn how to leverage analytic
BA* ZC418 Advanced Financial Modeling 4
techniques in the context of the challenges faced by the HR
Valuation of equity securities, fixed income securities, and and Talent Acquisition and Management functions. The
derivatives. Topics include Introduction to Financial Modelling primary goal is to leverage analytical techniques to deliver
and Spreadsheet Essentials, Measuring Risk (Testing market meaningful insights for effectively managing employees for
efficiency with regression analysis & pivot tables), Portfolio achieving the goals of the organization. Applications include
optimization (Mean-variance portfolio selection, Bond attracting right talent, forecasting future staffing needs,
portfolio selection, Term structure estimation, Capital managing attrition and improving employee satisfaction
budgeting), Advanced risk analysis (Monte-Carlo simulation, levels. We will be extensively leveraging experiential
Risk analysis of discounted cash flow models, Spreadsheet components such as case studies to understand how various
features using @Risk for Monte-Carlo simulation and organizations have applied these concepts in practice.
combining macros with @Risk), Business and equity BA* ZC426 Real-time Analytics 4
valuation modeling , LBO Analysis Model , Stock Merger
Model, etc. Motivation and challenges of real-time, distributed, fault-
tolerant data processing, distributed messaging architecture
BA* ZC420 Data Visualization 3
(Apache Kafka), Real time data processing platform: Storm,
Information overload and issues in decision making. Design Storm basic programming skills, linking Spouts, and
of visual encoding schemes to improve comprehension of connecting to the live Twitter API to process real-time tweets,
data and their use in decision making; presentation and multi-language capability of storm (with Python scripts), Case
visualization of data for effective communication. elementary study: Networking fault prediction. This course also helps a
graphics programming, charts, graphs, animations, user student to analyze and understand Big-data using visuals.
interactivity, hierarchical layouts, and techniques for Topics include, Design principles, Perception, color, statistical
visualization of high dimensional data & discovered patterns. graphs, maps, trees and networks, high dimensional data,
BA* ZC421 Marketing Models 4 data visualization tools.
BA* ZC471 Management Information Systems 3
The primary purpose of this course is to enhance your ability
to develop and critically evaluate marketing models. The Introduction to Information Systems; Concepts of
course will examine a variety of models, including models of management, concepts of information, systems concepts;
consumer behavior, industrial buying and firm behavior, Information Systems and Organizations; decision making
(aggregate) market models (e.g., competition, market entry), process; database systems; data communications; planning,
strategic marketing models, forecasting methods, new designing, developing and implementing information systems;
product models, marketing response models (e.g., channels, quality assurance and evaluation of information systems;
pricing, advertising, promotion), forecasting models and future developments and their organizational and social
decision support systems. implications; decision support system and expert systems.
BA* ZC422 Marketing Analytics 4 BA* ZG512 Predictive Analytics 4
This course discusses in detail how analytics can play a vital Basic concepts in predictive analytics / predictive modeling.
role in the various elements of the marketing research Two core paradigms for predictive modeling: classification
process viz. Problem Definition, Development of an approach and regression. Identification of important variables and their
to the problem, Research Design formulation, Fieldwork or relation to each another. Basic modeling techniques such as
Data collection, Data preparation & Analysis and finally k-nearest neighbors, classification and regression trees
Report preparation and Presentation. The emphasis of the (CART), and Bayesian classifiers. Ensemble techniques.
course is proportionately focused on Concepts, Techniques & Model selection techniques.
Methodology, and Marketing Research Applications. BA* ZG521 Financial Management 4
BA* ZC423 Retail Analytics 4
Concepts and techniques of financial management decision;
RFM (recency, frequency, monetary) analysis, chum concepts in valuation – time value of money; valuation of a
modeling, retention modeling, shopper analytics, market firm’s stock, capital asset pricing model; investment in assets
basket association analysis, customer segmentation and and required returns; risk analysis; financing and dividend
profiling, propensity scoring models to identify prospective policies, capital structure decision; working capital
customers, best customers, lifetime value modeling, management, management of cash, management of
marketing campaign response modeling, cross sell modeling, accounts receivable; inventory management, short and
etc. intermediate term financing, long term financial tools of
financial analysis, financial ratio analysis, funds analysis and
financial forecasting, operating and financial leverages.
BA* ZG522 Business Data Mining 4

Principles andcurrent practices of data mining; data analytics BITS ZC423T Project Work 20
tools and applications; acquiring and cleaning data, role of Consistent with the student’s professional background and
data warehousing in data mining; challenges and issues in
work-environment, the student will be required to carry out
data mining; Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD); role work-oriented projects. The student would be required to
of data mining in KDD; algorithms for classification, select an area of work that is considered vital to the
association rules, and clustering; Time series analysis.
sponsoring organization. The topic of the project and detailed
BA* ZG523 Introduction to Data Science 3 project outline that is prepared by the student, in consultation
Context and use of Data Science. High-dimensional data, with his/her Mentor, needs to be approved by the Dean,
graphs, vectors in high dimensional space and large WILPD. On approval, the student carries on with the work-
centered project, adhering to the guidelines provided in the
matrices; Algorithms for massive data problems, sampling
techniques. Techniques for extracting information/patterns detailed course handout, taking all the prescribed evaluation
from data. components on time. At the end of the semester, the student
should submit a comprehensive Project Report, to the
BA* ZG524 Advanced Statistical Methods 4 Institute for evaluation. The student will be evaluated on the
Point and interval estimation and hypothesis testing, chi- basis of the various interim evaluation components, contents
square tests, non- parametric statistics, analysis of variance, of the report and Seminar/Viva-Voce that may be conducted
regression; linear and multiple linear, correlation, factor at Pilani or at any other Centre approved by the Institute.
models, decision theory, Bayesian statistics and BITS ZC424T ProjectWork 10
autocorrelation, multivariate regression, randomization and
sampling processes, Markov processes with Consistent with the student’s professional background and
discrete/continuous state space, statistical simulation and work-environment, the student will be required to carry out a
work-oriented project. At the beginning of the semester, the
pattern recognition, Time Series Analysis.
student should select an area of work that is considered vital
BA* ZG525 Big Data Analytics 4 to the sponsoring organization, and prepare a detailed project
Big Data and its applications in various domains such as outline, in consultation with his/her Mentor. The student
banking and finance, social media, e-commerce, and carries on with the work-centered project, adhering to the
healthcare. Five V’s of big data, namely Volume, Variety, guidelines provided in the detailed course handout, and
Velocity, Veracity, and Value. Analysis of structured and taking all the prescribed evaluation components on time. At
unstructured data in various forms, including web logs, the end of the semester, the student should submit a
videos, e-mails, photographs, tweets etc. Uncovering hidden comprehensive Project Report. The student will be evaluated
patterns and unknown correlations for better business on the basis of the various interim evaluation components,
decisions. Key technologies used in storing, manipulating, contents of the report and a final seminar and viva-voce.
and analyzing big data. Tools for statistical analysis and key BITS ZC461Software Engineering 3
methods used in machine learning as applied to Big Data.
Distributed computing techniques used in Big Data Analytics. Software engineering concepts and methodology; formal
requirements specification; estimation; software project
Open source frameworks for data analysis including tools,
languages, and platforms such as Hadoop, Pig, Hive, R, planning; detailed design; techniques of design; productivity;
Spark, Mahout Etc. documentation; programming languages styles, code review;
tool, integration and validation; software quality assurance;
BA* ZG537 Text Analytics 4 software maintenance; metrics, automated tools in software
Emerging methods of organizing, summarizing, and engineering.
analyzing collections of unstructured and lightly-structured BITS ZC463 Cryptography 3
text. Basics of text processing and natural language
processing. Applications of text analysis such as sentiment Objectives of cryptography; ciphers – block and stream;
mathematical foundations – modular arithmetic, finite fields,
analysis and opinion mining. Text processing techniques
stop word removal, text parsing, and other relevant tree discrete logarithm, primality algorithms; RSA; digital
processing steps; text preprocessing, feature selection, text signatures; interactive proofs; zero–knowledge proofs;
probabilistic algorithms; pseudo-randomness.
classification, text clustering, and summarization. Natural
language processing techniques/steps – Syntactic Analysis, BITS ZC471Management Information Systems 3
Semantic analysis, and Pragmatic analysis. Case studies Introduction to Information Systems; Concepts of
with focus on business processes. management, concepts of information, systems concepts;
BA* ZG621 Supply Chain Management 4 Information Systems and Organizations; decision making
process; database systems; data communications; planning,
Customer driven strategies in production and distribution
systems; Integrated production and distribution networks; designing, developing and implementing information systems;
SCM in the context of JIT and MRP–II; Distribution Resource quality assurance and evaluation of information systems;
future developments and their organizational and social
Planning; Management of dealer networks; Total Control &
Product innovation across the supply chain; Incoming implications; decision support system and expert systems.
logistics and supplier relationships; Value addition analysis; BITS ZC481Computer Networks 3
Metrics for management of supply chain performance; Introduction, history and development of computer networks;
Mathematical models and computer assisted decision
Reference models; Physical Layer: theoretical basis,
support for SCM; Mathematical programming for SCM. transmission media, types of transmission; MAC sub-layer:
BITS ZC411 Object Oriented Programming 3 local area networks, FDDI; Data Link Layer: Sliding Window
Object orientation concepts and principles: abstraction, protocols, design aspects; Network Layer: routing algorithms,
congestion control algorithms, internetworking; Transport
encapsulation, modularity, inheritance, and polymorphism;
classes and objects; static and dynamic binding; class Layer: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN),
utilities; metaclasses; object oriented software engineering; Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) - reference models,
service classes, switch design, LAN emulation; Application
programming and problem solving using one or more of the
popular object-oriented programming languages like C++ or Layer protocols.
Java. BITS ZG553 Real Time Systems 5
Real time software, Real time operating systems-scheduling,
virtual memory issues and file systems, real time data bases,
fault tolerance and exception handling techniques, reliability
evaluation, data structures and algorithms for real

time/embedded systems, programming languages, compilers Primitive Types, Tuples, Choices (Unions or Enumerations),
and run time environment for real time/embedded systems, Lists/Arrays, Pointers and Dynamically Allocated Data. Input
real time system design, real time communication and output and Files.
security, real time constraints and multi-processing and BSDC* ZC151 Writing Practice 3
distributed systems.
The course aims to develop students’ writing ability. It is
BITS ZG628TDissertation 16
assumed that students who will be part of this course have
A student registered in this course must take a topic in an not received explicit and extensive training in academic
area of professional interest drawn from the on the job work writing. Therefore, the course begins with paragraph writing
requirement which is simultaneously of direct relevance to the and goes on to cover areas such as elements of writing,
degree pursued by the student as well as to the employing / language issues and vocabulary related to writing and ends
collaborating organization of the student and submit a with different models of writing. Effort has been made to
comprehensive report at the end of the semester working provide students with a comprehensive background in writing
under the overall supervision and guidance of a professional so that they can write their assignments, examinations,
expert who will be deemed as the supervisor for evaluation of letters, reports and essays more effectively.
all components of the dissertation. Normally the Mentor of the BSDC* ZC211 Principles of Economics 3
student would be the Dissertation supervisor and in case
Mentor is not approved as the supervisor, Mentor may play Nature and scope of economic science, its relationship with
the role of additional supervisor. The final grades for other social sciences; quantification of economic variables,
dissertation are Non-letter grades namely Excellent, Good, theories of consumer behaviour and of the firm: linear
Fair and Poor, which do not go into CGPA computation. economic models; market structures; social accounting and
basic elements of economic planning.
BITS ZG629T Dissertation 20
BSDC* ZC214 Science, Technology and Modernity 3
A student registered in this course must take a topic in an
area of professional interest drawn from the on the job work Interrelationship between science, technology and modern
requirement which is simultaneously of direct relevance to the society; forms in which beliefs and values of a modern
degree pursued by the student as well as to the employing / society shape sciences and technologies; forms in which
collaborating organization of the student and submit a scientific discoveries and technological developments
comprehensive report at the end of the semester working influence and shape modern societies. Scientific Revolution
under the overall supervision and guidance of a professional and the emergence of modernity as a social condition;
expert who will be deemed as the supervisor for evaluation of Enlightenment promise of progress within the economic
all components of the dissertation. Normally the Mentor of the system of capitalism. Some critiques of the received view;
student would be the Dissertation supervisor and in case recent phase of capitalism and the role of technology in
Mentor is not approved as the supervisor, Mentor may play globalization.
the role of additional supervisor. The final grades for BSDC* ZC215 Digital Design 4
dissertation are Non-letter grades namely Excellent, Good,
Fair and Poor, which do not go into CGPA computation. Boolean Algebra & logic minimization; combinational logic
circuits: arithmetic circuit design, Design using MSI
BITS ZG659Technical Communication 4 components; Sequential Logic Circuits: flip flops & latches,
Roleand importance of communication; effectiveness in oral registers and counters, Finite state machine; HDL
and written communication; technical reports; technical Implementation of Digital circuits; Digital Integrated Circuits;
proposals; technical descriptions; definitions and Programmable logic devices; Memory organization;
classifications; business correspondence; precis writing; Algorithmic State machine; Introduction to computer
memorandum;notices,agenda and minutes; oral organization; The course will also have laboratory component
communication related to meetings, seminars, conferences, on digital design.
group discussions, etc.; use of modern communication aids. BSDC* ZC222 Discrete Structures for Computer
BSDC* ZC111 Probability& Statistics 3 Science3
Probability spaces; conditional probability and independence; Sets & operation on sets; relations & equivalence relations;
random variables and probability distributions; marginal and number theory; weak & strong form of mathematical
conditional distributions; independent random variables; induction; principle of inclusion & exclusion, pigeonhole
mathematical expectation; mean and variance; binomial, principle; recurrence relations & generating functions;
Poisson and normal distributions; sum of independent digraphs & graphs, graph isomorphism & sub-graphs,
random variables; law of large numbers; central limit theorem spanning trees, Euler & Hamiltonian graphs, planar graphs,
(without proof); sampling distribution and test for mean using chromatic numbers & graph coloring; groups; Lagrange
normal and student's t-distribution; test of hypothesis; theorem finite groups; Rings & Fields.
correlation and linear regression. BSDC* ZC224 Print and Audio-Visual Advertising 3
BSDC* ZC112 Electrical Sciences 3 The Dimensions of Advertising; Advertising and Marketing;
Course covers basic passive circuit elements, dependent Creative strategy and Creative process; Creative Execution:
and independent sources, network theorems, circuit analysis Art and copy; Media strategy; Advertising research;
techniques and response of first and second order circuits. Relationship Building: Public relation and Corporate
Introduction to three - phase circuits, magnetic circuits, advertising; Ethical issues.
transformers, basics of rotating machines. Semiconductors - BSDC* ZC225 Environmental Studies 3
operation of diodes, zener diodes, bipolar junction transistors
and field effect transistors. Biasing techniques and Environment, human population, and industrialization; natural
applications ofdiodes and transistors. Introduction to resources and the impact of man-made activitieson them;
operational amplifiers and applications. Introduction to Digital structure and function of ecosystem, population ecology,
Electronics. biodiversity and its conservation, overview of natural
resources, environmental pollution, social issues and the
BSDC* ZC142 Computer Programming 4 environment, and environmental impact assessment.
Basic Model of a Computer; Problem Solving-Basic BSDC* ZC226 Creative Thinking 3
Computing Steps and Flow Charting (Assignment,
Sequencing, Conditionals, Iteration). Programming Creative thinking & its importance, Process of creative
Constructs – Expressions, Statements, Conditionals, thinking, Road blocks to creative thinking, Developing
Iterators/Loops, Functions/Procedures; Data Types – creative thinking, Brainstorming, Bloom’s Taxanomy,

Assessment of creative thinking, Conceptual framework for BSDC* ZC314 Software Development for Portable
Critical thinking, Aspects of critical thinking, Stages of critical Devices 3
thinking; Reasoning: Fountain head of critical thinking, Need
Introduction to mobile computing and emerging mobile
& benefit of critical thinking, Critical thinking in decision application and hardware platforms; Developing and
making, Developing critical thinking in classroom, accessing mobile applications; Software lifecycle for mobile
Assessment of critical thinking skills.
application – design and architecture, development – tools,
BSDC* ZC231 Dynamics of Social Change 3 techniques, frameworks, deployment; Human factors and
Nature of society, social institutions; concept and nature of emerging human computer interfaces (tangible, immersive,
socio-cultural change, obstacles, rate and direction of attentive, gesture, zero-input); Select application domains
such as pervasive health care, m-Health; Mobile web
change; factors of social change-ideological, economic,
technological and political demographies; agencies of social browsing, gaming and social networking.
change-education, leadership, propaganda, legislative BSDC* ZC315 Web Programming 3
reforms; five-year plans and social change, peasant and land Technologies related to web development and associated
reform, bhoodan and gramdan; changing pattern of family,
technologies that make the web work. Scripting languages
marriage, caste and religion. like HTML, CSS and JavaScript; Design of dynamic websites;
BSDC* ZC234 Linear Algebra & Optimization 3 on both client-side and server-side scripting technologies;
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic full-stack web development. Design and development of web
applications, web applications that could query database and
equations and their solutions; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and
diagonalization of matrices; Formulation of linear fetch information over the network; development and testing
programming problems, Simplex method, Big-M method, two of web applications.
phase method, Sensitivity analysis, Revised and Dual BSDC* ZC316 Computing and Design 3
Simplex Methods.
Design Principles - Separation of Concerns, Abstraction, and
BSDC* ZC236 Symbolic Logic 3 Modularity. Application of these principles in the design of
A brief historical survey of the development of logic; nature Computers. Hardware and Components - Modularity.
and kinds of arguments; sentential connectives; Instruction Set Architecture - Abstraction and Modularity.
Computing Systems - Hardware, Operating Systems, and
symbolization of statements and arguments; truth tables,
establishing validity of arguments by truth tables and different Communication. Highlights of Operating System Design:
Abstraction and Interfaces in Operating Systems - Processes,
types of proofs, quantified statements; quantified arguments
and their validity. System Calls; Modularity in Operating Systems - Kernels vs.
external modules such as device drivers. Abstraction in
BSDC* ZC242 Cultural Studies 3 Programming: Data Abstraction and Control Abstraction.
Introduction to Cultural studies, Importance of cultural Modularity and Reuse in Programming. Design Principle -
studies, types of cultural studies, relation to Critical theory, Virtualization. Virtualization at the Architecture and OS level.
relation to Literary Criticism. Introduction to theories such as Virtualization in Software.
Communication studies, Film studies, Feminist theory, Art [Design as an activity will be an integral part of teaching and
history/Criticism, Societal impact, business relevance, learning as well as evaluation for this course.]
introduction to myriad practices, institutions, beliefs and
BSDC* ZC317 Algorithm Design 3
varied social structures within a given culture.
BSDC* ZC311 – Information Security 3 Effective construction and analysis of algorithms.
Understanding, application, and implementation of algorithm
Course Description to be developed design techniques like divide-and-conquer, greedy, dynamic
BSDC* ZC312 Evolution of Design 3 programming, and back-tracking. Worst case and average
case analysis of algorithms. Basic notions of complexity
Intellectual nature of design - two thousand years of design - classes – P, NP, and NP-complete and Reduction.
three forms in which the design appears -mechanism,
structure and systems – energy and design-materials and BSDC* ZC322 Critical Analysis of Literature and Cinema
design- the aesthetic basis of design- evolution and design- 3
economy, form and beauty- production and design in nature- Creativity and Aesthetics; An overview of Major Movements
The relation between manufacturing and design- verbal and in Literature and Cinema; Interpretation of Selected Works;
visual thoughts-some aids to design- evolution of design in Cinema & Art; Understanding Drama: Theme, Character,
decorative arts.[Design as an activity will be an integral part Plot, form; Understanding Poetry: Diction, Imagery,
of teaching and learning as well as evaluation for this course.] Symbolism, Structure and Form, Personification, Apostrophe,
BSDC* ZC313 Object Oriented Programming and Design Sound and Rhythm; Understanding fiction: Setting, Point of
4 View, Plot and Character; Understanding Short Fiction:
Meaning and message, Style and Coherence; Understanding
Object oriented concepts and design, abstraction, Cinema: Plot; Character; Screenplay; Linguistic, Social,
architecture and design patterns, GUI programming and Musical codes; Cinematic Codes; Camera Work.
frameworks, design of object oriented solutions using UML,
design for concurrency, implementation of solutions using BSDC* ZC327 Systems Programming 3
object oriented languages like C++ or Java; Language level Batch processing Systems programs; operating
mapping and realization of object oriented constructs, characteristics and limitations; parallel processing of I/O and
realization and performance issues versus abstraction and interrupt handling, multiprogramming; multiprocessing
usability. systems; design of system modules and interfaces; other
selected topics.
BSDC* ZC328 Humanities and Design 3
Ideas and Designs, Thinking about New Designs,
Perspectives to Design: Historical, Social, Technical and
Creative Dimensions; Engineering Design and Problem
Solving; Basic Concepts in Engineering Design; Design
Skills, Abstraction, Identification of Patterns in Processes and
Products, Application of Systematic Techniques to Problem
Solving, Application and Adaptation of tools and technologies

to new problems; Core Principles of Design; Elements of dynamics of organizational behavior- group dynamics, power
Design, Form and Functionality, Central Activity of & politics, conflict & negotiation, leadership process & styles,
Engineering Designs; Language and Interface Design, communication; the organizational processes-decision
Design Thinking: Influence of Context Vs. Conflict with making, job design; organizational theory and design,
Context. organizational culture, managing cultural diversity;
BSDC* ZC329 Design for Social Media 3 organizational change & development.
BSDC* ZC352 Advanced Writing Course 3
The course Design for Social Media will help understand the
emerging role of Social Media as an important vehicle for This course includes components related to development of
promoting a culture of participation, interaction, persuasion creative content and writing skills required for professional
and influence where social networks, news, photos, blogs communication and documentation purposes. In addition, the
and videos are used to harness collective intelligence and course also tries to enable students to become independent
encourage active communication among users. The course and effective writers by exposing them to citation and
will focus on – Emergence of Social Media, Types of Social referencing conventions, document formatting, use of web
Media, Functions and Dysfunctions of Social Media, Design platforms for writing, international laws related to plagiarism,
aspects for Usability, Design aspects for Sociability, etc.
Presentation and Navigation schema of content, Information BSDC* ZC353 Computer Organization and Architecture 4
Handling, Design for Interactivity, Media Richness, Language
aspects of Social Media, Content and Design Analysis of Overview of logic design; Instruction set architecture;
Media, Working with mime types in Social Media, Using Assembly language programming; Pipelining; Computer
software tools like Photoshop / Illustrator. Arithmetic; Control unit; Memory hierarchy; Virtual memory;
Input and output systems; Interrupts and exception handling;
BSDC* ZC330 Appreciation of Art 3
Implementation issues; Case studies; This course covers the
Visual perception and basic techniques used in art, fundamentals of computer organization and architecture from
compositional balance, space, movement form, light colour, a programmer's perspective.
texture, tensions, expressions lines; mainstreams of art; BSDC* ZC354 Introduction to Architecture 3
influence of Indian art abroad; various schools of art-
Greecian, Medieval, Christian Renaissance, Baroque and Origin and history of architecture; designing object, space,
Romanticism, impressionism and post impressionism, building, cities; form, space and order as fundamental design
fauvism, futurism, expressionism, Dadaism and surrealism, considerations; elements of architecture; iterative design
metaphysical art, non-representational and abstract art; process; developing concepts; tools and techniques for
analysis of work of art and their evaluation. generating ideas; materials and perception of space; building
structure and methods of construction; building systems;
BSDC* ZC342 Computer Mediated Communication3
architectural practice and communication; allied fields
Computer Mediated Communication- Definitions and BSDC* ZC356 Data Structures 4
overview; Evolution of Computer Mediated Communication;
Components of Computer Mediated Communication; Elementary data structures; Linked lists, stacks, queues;
Computer Mediated Discourse Analysis- Theories and Searching and Sorting. A selection of sorting algorithms and
faceted Approach; Information-Interactivity Dynamism in their usage and context; Non-linear data structures: Trees,
Computer Mediated Communication; Gender perspectives in binary trees, and heaps – applications, construction and
Computer Mediated Communication; Privacy Issues in operations, traversals, implementation techniques.
Computer Mediated Communication; Socialization in Social Dictionaries - Hash tables, Binary Search Trees, and
Media-Profiles, Identity and traversal; Computer Mediated Balanced Binary Search Trees; Introduction to analysis of
Communication and technology acceptance; Computer algorithms and complexity.
Mediated Communication Theories; Human-Computer BSDC* ZC364 Operating Systems 3
Introduction to operating systems; Various approaches to
BSDC* ZC343 Software Engineering 4 design of operating systems ; Overview of hardware support
Software engineering concepts and methodology; formal for 0perating systems; Process/thread management:
requirements specification; estimation; software project synchronization and mutual exclusion, inter process
planning; detailed design; techniques of design; productivity; communication, CPU scheduling approaches ;Memory
documentation; programming languages styles, code review; management: paging, segmentation ,virtual memory, page
tool, integration and validation; software quality assurance; replacement algorithms ; File systems: design and
software maintenance; metrics, automated tools in software implementation of file systems; Input /Output systems; device
engineering. controllers and device drivers; Security and protection ; Case
studies on design and implementation of operating system
BSDC* ZC344 Professional Ethics 3
Ethics, nature and purpose; ethical theories; ethics in BSDC* ZC365 Human Computer Interaction 3
business and management; ethics in engineering, global
ethical issues. Principles of human-computer interaction; Evaluation of user
interfaces; Usability engineering; Task analysis, user-
BSDC* ZC350 Human Rights: History, Theory and
centered design, and prototyping; Conceptual models and
Practice 3
metaphors; Software design rationale; Design of windows,
The meaning and history of human rights; Human rights menus, and commands. Voice and natural language I/O;
debates and controversies; Political, civil, social and Response time and feedback; Color, icons, and sound;
economic rights; Culture and human rights; Themes - Internationalization and localization; User interface
Democracy, dictatorship, and human rights; Science, architectures and APIs.
technology, and human rights; Ethnicity; Gender; Children’s BSDC* ZC412 Software Design Principles 4
rights and others;Evaluating the progress made and
challenges in practice of human rights. Software Development lifecycle; Role of high level and low
level design in lifecycle. Object-Oriented Abstraction and
BSDC* ZC351 Organizational Behaviour 3
Object Oriented Design. Design for Reuse and Design for
A new perspective of management; conceptual model of Change – Refactoring. Design Patterns - History of Patterns
organization behavior; the individual processes- personality, in Building Architecture and Relevance to Software Design,
work attitude, perception, attribution, motivation, learning and Evolution of Software Design Patterns and Impact of Using
reinforcement, work stress and stress management; the Design Patterns in Lifecycle. Crosscutting Concerns and

Aspects – Aspect Oriented Design. High-level design vs. Introduction to Streaming Data – characteristics and sources,
Low-level design. Basic Architectural Elements and Styles – Processing of Streaming Data – components and architecture
Layered Architectures and Event-Driven Architectures, MVC of a typical real-time / streaming processing system; Analytics
architecture in User Interfaces. Tasks – Regression, Classification, and Clustering; Tools and
[Design as an activity will be an integral part of teaching and Platforms for implementing Analytics Tasks; Regression –
definition, use-case and example, using a tool to implement
learning as well as evaluation for this course.]
regression; Classification – definition and use-cases;
BSDC* ZC413 Database Design 4 representing classes using a tree; Overcoming tree
Introduction to database systems; DBMS Three-schema limitations with Random Forest; using a tool to implement a
architecture; Conceptual data modelling-ER modelling and classifier; Clustering – definition and use-cases, notion of
Extended ER modelling and use of UML in modelling similarity, k-means clustering and hierarchical clustering,
databases; Relational query languages- Relational algebra using a tool to implement a clustering solution; Case studies
and SQL; Database design- functional dependencies, of Analytics.
normalization, normal forms and decomposition; Query CBDA ZG541 Capstone Project 2
processing and Optimization; Database tuning; Introduction
to - Indexing, Transaction processing, Concurrency control Consistent with the student’s professional background and
and Recovery. work-environment, the student will be required to carry out a
work-oriented project that demonstrates application of
BSDC* ZC432 Applied Statistical Methods 3 knowledge and skills acquired through the program. This is
Review of estimation and testing of hypotheses; Simple and an unstructured open-ended course where under the
multiple regression methodology through method of least supervision of a mentor, the student will carry out the project
squares, Multicollinearity and residual analysis, Categorical and must submit a project report and an artifact (such as a
data handling through logistic regression; Multivariate data design, system, or software) as a culmination of his / her
analysis by Hoteling T 2 , Mahalanobis D2 , discriminant endeavor and investigation.
analysis, cluster analysis and factor analysis; Data handling CBDE ZG511 Foundations of Big Data Systems 2
and forecasting time series data by various components time
Understanding Big Data – Big Data Sources and
series methodology; Statistical Quality Control of variables
Applications, Characteristics, Processing Requirements and
and attributes control charts; Non parametric data handling
Constraints; Structured and Unstructured Data. Storing and
through Kruskal walls test, Mann Whitney and KS two sample
Exchanging Big Data – Review of Data Structure Design,
Data Structures for exchanging large volumes of data,
BSDC* ZC481 Computer Networks 3 Search trees and Queries including range search. Algorithm
Introduction, history and development of computer networks; Design for Big Data – Review of Divide-and-Conquer, Design
Reference models; Physical Layer: theoretical basis, of Distributed Algorithms using Divide-and-Conquer, Select
transmission media, types of transmission; MAC sub-layer: Design Patterns for Distributed Algorithms including Map and
local area networks, FDDI; Data Link Layer: Sliding Window Reduce.
protocols, design aspects; Network Layer: routing algorithms, CBDE ZG521 Platforms for Big Data 2
congestion control algorithms, internetworking; Transport
Distributed Computing Environments for Big Data – Clusters
Layer: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN),
and Map-Reduce Execution, In-memory vs. Persistent Data
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) - reference models,
Stores, Distributed FileSystems for Map-Reduce based
service classes, switch design, LAN emulation; Application
processing, NoSQL databases, and high- level programming
Layer protocols.
using parallel data flows. Programming environment and
BSDC* ZC229T Design Project 5 constructs for distributed in-memory processing. Data Store
Operate, maintain, design and develop software in innovative on the Cloud - introduction to Cloud as a platform for storage
areas and activities of the industry; the student’s actual day- and execution, concept of virtualization and its usage in the
to-day task involvement would constitute the central thread of context of deploying storage and applications on the cloud,
the learning process. The evaluation will recognize this simple object store and databases on cloud.
aspect by demanding day-to-day engagement and CBDE ZG531 Processing Big Data - ETL & Batch
productivity of the student. Processing 2
BSDC* ZC499T Capstone Project 15 Data Warehousing – fundamentals of Data Warehousing and
Real life problems encompassing computing and design ETL, ETL vs. ELT, Data Lakes, Batch Processing. Data
problems/requirements obtained from organizations/third Ingestion – Data Ingestion for structured and unstructured
party vendors; Jointly mentored by the industry experts and data, Data ingestion in the context of distributed and map-
faculty; Presentation of theprogress and results in appropriate reduce execution platforms. Event processing – flows, tools
forms; Periodic review of progress of the project. and technologies for event processing, complex event
processing applications. Workflow Management - workflow
CBDA ZG511 The Hadoop Framework 1 specifications and processing, tools, and interfaces with
Distributed computing environments for Big Data; Distributed distributed platforms. Batch processing on the Cloud – elastic
storage and processing of Big Data using the MapReduce processing and models.
programming model; High-level programming for the CBDE ZG541 Processing of Real-Time Data and
environment. Streaming Data 1
CBDA ZG521 ETL & Batch Processing with Hadoop2 Introduction to Streaming Data – characteristics and sources.
Fundamentals of Data Warehousing and ETL, ETL vs. ELT, Processing of Streaming Data – components and architecture
Data Lakes; Data Ingestion – Data Ingestion for structured of a typical real-time / streaming processing system. Stream
and unstructured data, Data ingestion in the context of Processing – sourcing and modeling, abstractions, platforms,
distributed and map-reduce execution platforms; Event and programming interfaces used for processing streams,
processing – flows, tools and technologies for event windowing / micro-batching techniques. Case studies and
processing, complex event processing applications; Workflow applications.
Management - workflow specifications and processing, tools, CBDE ZG551 Big Data Analytics 1
and interfaces with distributed platforms.
Analytics Tasks and Cases – Regression, Classification, and
CBDA ZG531 Big Data Analytics using Spark 3 Clustering. Tools and Platforms for implementing Analytics
Tasks. Regression – definition, use-case and example, using

a tool to implement a solution based on regression, applying design concepts such as microservices and
visualizing and interpreting the results. Classification – container-based deployment on the cloud; Demonstration of
definition and use-cases; classifier models - line, curve, and compliance with principles of agile and CI/CD.
plane separating classes; representing classes using a tree; CGM* ZC411 Marketing 3
probabilistic representation of classes; classifier performance;
using a tool to implement a classifier; visualizing results. Definition and scope, fundamentals of consumer behaviour,
Clustering – definition and use-cases, notion of similarity, competitive behaviour, demand estimation, new product
unsupervised grouping, k-means clustering and deciding k, introduction, channels of distribution, advertising and other
using a tool to implement a clustering solution, visualizing sales promotion, positioning, marketing regulation, market
and interpreting results. Case studies of Analytics. research, basics of industrial marketing.
CBDE ZG571 Capstone Project 3 CGM* ZC421 Financial and Management Accounting 3
Consistent with the student’s professional background and Basic concepts, double entry accounting, journal, ledger, trial
work-environment, the student will be required to carry out a balance, profit & loss account, balance sheet, cash flow
work-oriented project that demonstrates application of statement, fundamentals of financial statement analysis, ratio
knowledge and skills acquired through the program. This is analysis, cost-volume-profit analysis, inventory valuation,
an unstructured open-ended course where under the inflation accounting, basics of cost accounting.
supervision of a mentor, the student will carry out the project CGM* ZC431 Quantitative Methods 3
and must submit a project report and an artifact (such as a
design, system, or software) as a culmination of his / her Grouping data, measures of central tendency and dispersion,
endeavor and investigation. probability distribution, sampling and estimation,testing
hypotheses, chi-square and analysis of variance, regression
CFSE ZG511Overview of Full Stack Engineering 2 and correlation, non-parametric methods,fundamentals of
Overview of the modern application landscape; Typical time series analysis, index numbers, decision theory,
structure of an end-to-end application: components and applications of various statisticalsoftware and spreadsheets.
connections; Design considerations and implementation CGM* ZC414 Managerial Economics 3
choices; Case study for each of the topics discussed.
Fundamental concepts, supply, demand, market mechanism;
CFSE ZG521Web Development5 theory of demand (consumer behaviour);production costs
Components of front-end web application development: User (theory of firm); market structures (perfect competition,
interfaces, rendering, Document Object Model, Event and monopoly, monopolisticcompetition, oligopoly); circular flow
State handling; Languages/tools such as HTML, CSS, of income, fundamentals of money and banking, employment,
JavaScript, AJAX; Web apps development frameworks; interest,inflation; basic concepts relating to economics of
Components of back-end web development: Web Server information, adverseselection, moral hazard problem,market
essentials; Server Side scripting; REST architecture; failure, externalities, public goods.
Database interactions; Integration with code repositories. CIOT ZG511 IoT Technology and Applications 3
CFSE ZG531Mobile Application Development 2 Introduction to IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems; IoT Enabling
Mobile application building blocks such as the screens (UI), Technologies; Different Levels of IoT Systems; IoT Design
background services; Communication between the Methodology; Introduction to IoT Platforms and End Devices,
application components; Application development using Introduction to IoT Network and Cloud Services; IoT
native multi-platform development; Interaction of applications Applications - Design Challenges; Basic Architecture and
with Internet resources, REST APIs, databases; Unit testing Components.
of applications; Integration with code repositories. CIOT ZG521 Hardware Architectures for IoT 4
CFSE ZG541Cloud Native Development 3 This course covers the concepts necessary for designing IoT
Basics of cloud computing. Different types of services; Virtual device hardware and developing optimal firmware to meet the
machines vs Containers deployment; Characteristics of cloud demands of IoT applications which include time critical
native application; Elements to build cloud-native response, low power consumption, fault tolerance etc. Topics
applications; Cloud native architecture and micro-services; include - Low power processor and microcontrollers –
Design, decomposition of applications to micro-services; architecture, programming & interfacing; IoT platforms;
Developing micro-services; Interactions with data services Memory architectures- Cache, Memory Management and
and databases. Memory protection, Speed Vs power optimizations; On-board
/ On-chip buses and I/O interfaces.
CFSE ZG551Agile and DevOps 3
CIOT ZG531 Communication and Networking
Overview of Agile methodology: Scrum, Test driven Technologies in IoT 3
development, DevOps, Continuous Integration/Continuous
Delivery (CI/CD); Code repository: Multi-user, distributed Wireless Communication & Network protocols – 802.11, BLE,
development, version control; Continuous inspection of code NFC, LORA, Zigbee; Wireless Sensor and Ad hoc networks,
quality; Build and build tools; Automated Testing; Integration Cross-Layer protocol optimization; Industrial and Automotive
tools; Implementing CI/CD. Networks, VANETS, Security issues and QoS in IoT
CFSE ZG561Deployment of Micro-services 2
CIOT ZG541 Sensors, Actuators, and Signal Processing
Containerizing applications by creating container 3
configuration files and build processes; Manage deploying,
scaling, and updating applications with micro-services using Sensing Technologies for remote data gathering; Sensors
container management platforms such as Kubernetes; and actuators of varied complexity; Signal Acquisition,
Configure and launch auto-scaling, self-healing clusters; Best Processing and Conditioning; Sensor fusion, Smart Sensors
practices for container management, when architecting and and interface to the internet; Introduction to advanced
developing new micro-services. Sensing technologies- HCI in IoT, BCI in IoT; Control of
actuators via Internet.
CFSE ZG571Capstone Project 4
CIOT ZG551 Software and Programming in IoT4
Full stack applications demonstrating the UI, server, and
database components of an end-to-end multi-user Operating Systems for IoT applications; Building Android
application; Usage of one or more well-known development applications; Web server implementation and deployment;
frameworks; Demonstration of scalability and reusability by Commonly used software tools and technologies for IoT

CIOT ZG561 Data Management in IoT 2 CNSS ZG511 Sanitation Technology 5
This courses covers topics in management of data in the This course aims to give the participants a review of the
context of the Internet of Things. Specific topics include Data fundamentals as well as the latest technological
sources in IoT and Data Types in IoT, Data-centric IoT developments applied in the field of sanitation. Urban
products, Flow of Data, Challenges in managing IoT Data; Drainage and Sewerage, Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus
Data Models and Data acquisition in Wireless Sensor removal & recovery; sludge treatment, Site evaluation; toilets;
Networks (WSNs), Query Processing and Query Optimization onsite sanitation systems; emptying and transport;
in WSNs, Sensor Data Cleaning and Storage, Embedded established and transferring technologies for dewatering,
Database Systems; Data Acquisition in RFID Networks – stabilization, pathogen inactivation and nutrient management,
RFID data cleaning and data preparation; Stream Processing urban low cost drainage, Innovation processes, Intro &
– Event Processing, Event Processing in RFID, Mining Data Exercise technology selection tool / decision support system;
Streams – Clustering, Classification, Frequent Pattern discuss outcomes
Mining, Change Detection, Dimensionality Reduction, CNSS ZG512 Sanitation and Public Health 5
Forecasting; Big Data Management in IoT – Big Data Storage
and Processing, Distributed Processing – Issues and This course will have four modules – Introduction to
solutions. Case studies. Sanitation, Sanitation system and services, Public Health and
Analysis of sanitation flow. Background on urban sanitation,
CIOT ZG571 Capstone Project 3
Material flow analysis, Monitoring frameworks, Shit Flow
Consistent with the student’s professional background and Diagrams, Human Health Hazards and Waste, Review and
work-environment, the student will be required to carry out a Assessment of Transmission Routes, Review and
work-oriented project that demonstrates application of Assessment of Transmission Routes, Disease Cycles –
knowledge and skills acquired through the program. This is Lifecycles & Vectors, Control Measures, Risk Evaluation
an unstructured open-ended course where under the Tools, Urban development trends, demography, Urban
supervision of a mentor, the student will carry out the project sanitation planning & programming
and must submit a project report and an artifact (such as a CNSS ZG513 Sanitation Governance, Behavioral Change
design, system, or software) as a culmination of his / her and Advocacy 5
endeavour and investigation.
This particular course will have two modules – Sanitation
CMP* ZC411 Managing People & Organizations 3
Governance and Behaviour change & Advocacy. Water &
Fundamental concepts and principles of management as sanitation governance: definitions, debates, controversies,
applied to a variety of organizations; elementary study of Power relations among actors in the local and global levels:
managerial roles, styles, activities and decision making; Gender, class & race relations and power asymmetries,
relationship with organizational effectiveness; basic concepts Practices of coordination & decision, making around
relating to planning activities, manpower development; basic contested water distribution, Case studies on regulatory
concepts relating to organizational behaviour. frameworks around the world – how is sanitation managed:
CMP* ZC426 Operations Management 3 where, how and why, Everyday sanitation from different
perspectives. Behaviour with reference to Societal and
Fundamentals of production systems; product and process cultural aspects, Types: Knowledge, motivations and
design; facility location & layout; operations scheduling and reactions, Reinforcements: Norms and behaviour Settings
control; productivity of operations; fundamentals of inventory
CNSS ZG515 Emergency Sanitation & Leadership 5
planning & independent demand systems; MRP; basic
concepts relating to quality management; Japanese approach This course will have two modules – Emergency Sanitation
to operations management (JIT, TPM, continuous and Leadership. The evolution of humanitarian aid: historical
improvement). events and the humanitarian system as it stands today.
CMP* ZC437 Lean Manufacturing 4 Overview of the international legal framework (Refugee law,
International Humanitarian Law-IHL, International Disaster
Fundamentals of continuous improvement, value added and Relief Law-IDRL), code of conduct and guiding principles of
waste elimination, elements of lean production:small lot humanitarian action. Standards applied by relief agencies
production, setup time reduction, maintaining and improving and global cluster, Sphere, WASH cluster. Disaster cycle, risk
equipment, pull production systems,focused factories and reduction/ response/ recovery/ development, emergency
group technologies, work cells and cellular manufacturing, response phases. Overview of relief organizations, their
standard operations, qualityof design, systems for eliminating mandates, their commitments and priorities in emergencies.
defects, basics of production planning and control systems:
CS ZC444 Real-Time Systems 3
scheduling forsmooth flow, synchronizing and balancing
process, planning and control in pull production. Introduction to real-time systems, clock synchronization, task
CMP* ZC422 Total Quality Management 3 assignment and scheduling, programming language with real-
time support, ADA, real-time communication protocols, real-
TQM principles and practices; leadership; customer time databases, fault tolerant techniques, reliability evaluation
satisfaction; employee involvement; continuous methods; case studies in real-time operating systems,
processimprovement; supplier partnership; performance simulation of real-time systems, embedded system
measures; statistical process control; ISO programming.
9000;benchmarking; quality function deployment.
CS ZG524 Real Time Operating Systems 5
Introduction to real-time systems, clock synchronization task
assignment and scheduling, programming language with real-
time support, ADA, real-time communication protocols, real-
time database, fault tolerant techniques, reliability evaluation
methods; case studies in real-time operating systems,
simulation of real-time systems, embedded system
CS ZG525 Advanced Computer Networks 5
Topics in advanced networking – Quality of Service in IP
networks, IPv6, Wireless and Mobile Networks, Carrier
Technologies (Frame Relay, FDDI, ISDN, ATM), Peer-to-

Peer Networks and Overlays, Routing and QoS Issues in CSI* ZC263Digital Electronics &Microprocessors 4
Optical Networks. Binary logic gates; logic circuits; Boolean algebra and K-map
CS ZG551 Advanced Compilation Techniques 5 simplification; number systems and codes; arithmetic logic
units; flipflops; registers and counters; introduction to
Generic Code Optimization Techniques - loop optimization,
inlining, and other transformations. Impact of architectures on microprocessors; architecture; instruction set and
code generation and optimization: RISC architectures, VLIW programming; memory and I/O interfacing examples of
system design.
architectures, special-purpose architectures. Architecture-
specific code optimizations – register allocation, instruction CSI* ZC311Information Security 3
scheduling. Code Optimizations under real-time / embedded Program security, Web security, Database security,
constraints - cacheless / diskless memory models, bounded Protection in operating systems, Cloud security
time responses. Garbage Collection Techniques. Virtual
fundamentals; Privacy and Anonymity in computing; Legal
Machines and Just-in-Time Compilation techniques - and ethical issues in security, Secure programming and
HotSpot-like optimizations. Implementation of exception Trusted systems design; policy, administration and
handling, concurrency, and generic jumps (like call/cc).
procedures; auditing; physical security; content protection.
CS ZG623 Advanced Operating Systems 5
CSI* ZC313Object Oriented Programming & Design4
Overview of advanced operating systems: motivation for their
Object oriented concepts and design, abstraction,architecture
design, and various types of advanced operating systems; and design patterns, GUI programmingand frameworks,
Distributed operating systems: architecture of distributed design of object orientedsolutions using UML, design for
systems, theoretical foundation of distributed systems,
concurrency, implementationof solutions using object
deadlock detection/resolution,agreement protocols, file orientedlanguages like C++ or Java; Language level
systems, distributed shared memory, scheduling, fault mappingand realization of object oriented
tolerance and recovery; Multiprocessor operating systems:
constructs,realization and performance issues versus
multiprocessor system architectures, multiprocessor abstractionand usability.
operating system design issues, threads, process
synchronization, process scheduling and memory CSI* ZC327Systems Programming 4
management; Data base operating systems: introduction, Batch processing; Systems programs; operating
concurrency control: theoretical and algorithmic aspects; characteristics and limitations; parallel processing of I/O and
Case Study: Amoeba and Mach. interrupt handling, multiprogramming; multiprocessing
CSI* ZC132Linear Algebra & Optimization 3 systems; design of system modules and interfaces with focus
on contemporary open source operating system-specific
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic programming; laboratory experiments or programming
equations and their solutions; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and assignments involving Unix/Linux System-specific
diagonalization of matrices; Formulation of linear
Programming including shell-scripting via online laboratory
programming problems, Simplex method, Big-M method, two facility.
phase method, Sensitivity analysis, Revised and Dual
Simplex Methods. CSI* ZC337Database Systems &Applications 4
CSI* ZC163Computer Programming 4 Introduction to Database Management Systems; File
organization; Data Independence in databases; Data Models;
Basic Computing Steps and Flow Charting (Assignment,
Query processing systems; Database Design techniques;
Sequencing, Conditionals, Iteration). Programming Concepts of security and integrity in databases; Distributed
Constructs – Expressions, Statements, Conditionals, Databases; Applications using DBMS, database
Iterators/Loops, Functions/ Procedures; Data Types –
programming experiments involving use of SQL, database
Primitive Types, Tuples, Choices (Unions or Enumerations), creation etc. via online laboratory facility.
Lists/Arrays, Pointers and Dynamically Allocated Data. Input
output and Files. Laboratory Component: Programming CSI* ZC353Computer Organization &Architecture 4
Exercises involving development and testing of iterative and Overview of logic design; Instruction set
procedural programs using bounded and unbounded architecture;Assembly language programming;
iterations, function composition, random access lists, Pipelining;Computer Arithmetic; Control unit; Memory
sequential access lists, dynamically allocated lists, and file hierarchy;Virtual memory; Input and output
access. systems;Interrupts and exception handling;
CSI* ZC213Probability & Statistics 3 Implementationissues; Case studies; This course covers the
fundamentalsof computer organization and architecturefrom a
Probability spaces; conditional probability and independence; programmer's perspective.
random variables and probability distributions; marginal and
conditional distributions; independent random variables; CSI* ZC363Data Structures & Algorithms 4
mathematical expectation; mean and variance; binomial, Introduction to software design principles, modularity,
Poisson and normal distributions; sum of independent abstract data types, data structures and algorithms; analysis
random variables; law of large numbers; central limit theorem of algorithms; Linear data structures – stacks, arrays, lists
(without proof); sampling distribution and test for mean using queues and linked representations; Pre-fix, in-fix and post-fix
normal and student's t-distribution; test of hypothesis; expressions; Recursion; Set operations; Hashing and hash
correlation and linear regression. functions; Binary and other trees, traversal algorithms,
CSI* ZC252Discrete Structures for Computer Huffman codes; Search trees, priority queues, heaps and
balanced trees; Sorting techniques; Graphs and digraphs;
Science 3
Algorithmic design techniques; Data structures for external
Sets and relations; graphs and digraphs; trees, lists and their storage, multi-way search and B-trees.
uses; partially ordered sets and lattices; Boolean algebras CSI* ZC364Operating Systems 4
and Boolean expressions; semigroups and machines; codes
and applications. Introduction to operating systems; Various approaches to
design of operating systems; Overview of hardware support
for operating systems; Process management: process
synchronization and mutual exclusion, interprocess
communication, process scheduling; CPU scheduling
approaches; Memory management: paging, segmentation,
virtual memory, page replacement algorithms; File systems:

design and implementation of file systems; input/output Introduction, evolution of data warehousing; decision support
systems; device controllers and device drivers; Security and systems; goals, benefit, and challenges of data warehousing;
protection; Case studies on design and implementation of architecture; data warehouse information flows; software and
operating system modules, select laboratory experiments hardware requirements; approaches to data warehouse
related to creating different elements of operating system design; creating and maintaining a data warehouse; Online
and/or implementation of select scheduling, memory Analytical Processing (OLAP) and multi-dimensional data,
management and I/O related algorithms/schemes, using multi-dimensional modeling; view materialization; data marts;
system calls for creating file system specific command, data warehouse metadata; data mining.
creating simple file system etc. via online laboratory facility. CSI* ZG515Introduction to DevOps 4
CSI* ZC424Software Development for Portable Devices
Continual Service - continuous integration and continuous
delivery; Scaling: automating infrastructure and infrastructure-
Introduction to mobile computing and emerging mobile as-code; DevOps and Cloud: platform-as-a service and
application and hardware platforms; Developing and DevOps, use of virtual machines and containers for
accessing mobile applications; Software lifecycle for mobile deployment, Micro-services; application lifecycle
application – design and architecture, development – tools, management: deployment pipeline and application
techniques, frameworks, deployment; Human factors and deployment, continuous deployment pipeline; stack
emerging human computer interfaces (tangible, immersive, management - life cycle of stack and events, resource and
attentive, gesture, zero-input); Select application domains event monitoring, auto healing; Security: security of
such as pervasive health care, m-Health; Mobile web deployment pipeline, policy-as-code.
browsing, gaming and social networking. CSI* ZG518 Database Design & Applications 5
CSI* ZC446Data Storage Technologies &Networks 3
DBMS architecture; Data models: Network model,
Storage Media and Technologies – Magnetic, Optical and Hierarchical model and Relational model; Database design &
Semiconductor media, techniques for read/write operations, optimization; Query processing & Query optimization;
issues and limitations. Usage and Access – Positioning in the Transaction Processing; Concurrency control; Recovery;
memory hierarchy, Hardware and Software Design for Security & protection; Introduction to Object Oriented data
access, Performance issues. Large Storages – Hard Disks, model & Multimedia Databases.
Networked Attached Storage, Scalability issues, Networking CSI* ZG520Wireless & Mobile Communication 5
issues. Storage Architecture. - Storage Partitioning, Storage
System Design, Caching, Legacy Systems. Storage Area Signal propagation in a mobile environment, modulation,
Networks – Hardware and Software Components, Storage coding, equalization; first generation systems; multiple
Clusters/Grids. Storage QoS – Performance, Reliability, and access techniques like FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, spread
Security issues. spectrum systems; second & third generation systems,
UMTS, IMT-2000; Wireless LAN, Wireless ATM and Mobile
CSI* ZC462Network Programming 3
IP; emerging trends in Wireless & Mobile Communication.
Overview of computer networks; inter-process CSI* ZG522Design and Operation of Data Centers 5
communication; network programming; socket interface;
client-server computing model: design issues, concurrency in Data Center Design: Principles (Scalability, Reliability, and
server and clients; external data representation; remote Elasticity), Components - Computing Infrastructure
procedure calls; network file systems; distributed systems (Processing, Storage, and Networking) and Physical
design. Infrastructure (Power, Cooling, and Physical Security);
Servers – Server Hardening, Server Optimization, Server
CSI* ZC463Cryptography 3
Deployment and Consolidation, Converged and Hyper-
Objectives of cryptography; ciphers – block and stream; Converged Infrastructure. Applicationmonitoring and
mathematical foundations – modular arithmetic, finite fields, maintenance. Networking for data centers – device
discrete logarithm, primality algorithms; RSA; digital hardening, bandwidth aggregation, traffic management,
signatures; interactive proofs; zero–knowledge proofs; redundancy, network isolation, deployment of internal
probabilistic algorithms; pseudo-randomness. security and peripheral security; Contingency Planning &
CSI* ZC467Computer Networks 4 Disaster Recovery: Backup, recovery, and
redundancy/replication technologies and approaches. Data
Introduction, history and development of computer networks; Center Architecture: Private, Public, and Hybrid models;
Reference models; Physical Layer: theoretical basis, Distributed Data Centers; Introduction to Software Defined
transmission media, types of transmission; MAC sub-layer: Data Centers. Costing and Pricing– Costing and Cost
local area networks, FDDI; Data Link Layer: Sliding Window Optimization, Pricing and Economics of Data Center
protocols, design aspects; Network Layer: routing algorithms, Operation.
congestion control algorithms, internetworking; Transport
CSI* ZG523Introduction to Data Science 3
Layer: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN),
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) - reference models, Context and use of Data Science. High-dimensional data,
service classes, switch design, LAN emulation; Application graphs, vectors in high dimensional space and large
Layer protocols, Laboratory experiments / assignments matrices; Algorithms for massive data problems, sampling
related to simulation of network protocols, programming techniques. Techniques for extracting information/patterns
simple network applications, implementing select routing from data
algorithms via online laboratory facility. CSI* ZG524 Middleware Technologies 4
CSI* ZG511IT Infrastructure Projects &Processes 3
Evolution of Middleware Technologies: Transaction
Course description to be developed Processing, Remote Procedure Calls, Message-Oriented-
CSI* ZG513Network Security 4 Middleware, Object Request Brokers, Web services and
REST; Forms of Middleware: Enterprise Middleware, Web
This course examines issues related to network and Middleware, and Cloud / Services Middleware; Middleware
information security. Topics include security concepts, Elements: communication protocols, middleware protocols,
security attacks and risks, security architectures, security data representation, server process control, naming and
policy management, security mechanisms, cryptography directory services, security, system management; Select
algorithms, security standards, security system interoperation case studies such as MS .NET, J2EE. Service Oriented
and case studies of the current major security systems. Architecture: Loosely Coupled Systems, Business processes,
CSI* ZG514Data Warehousing 5 Tiers, Architectural Choices; Resiliency in Middleware:

resiliency techniques, hardware failures, communication modeling and simulation; materials;packaging;
failures, software failures; Performance and scalability in microfabrication: bulk, surface, LIGA etc;
Middleware; Security in Middleware; Implementation Aspects: micromanufacturing; microfludidics; microrobotics; case
business process implementation, enterprise integration, web studies.
and database middleware (e.g. NoSQL middleware) change DE* ZG511 Mechatronics 5
management. Case studies of Enterprise application
architecture (EAI) - Eg. Tibco, Websphere. Concepts of measurement of electrical and non-electrical
parameters; displacement, force, pressure etc. and related
CSI* ZG525Advanced Computer Networks 5
signal conditioning techniques, drives and actuators,
Topics in advanced networking – Quality of Service in IP concepts of microprocessors/ microcontrollers architecture
networks, IPv6, Wireless and Mobile Networks, Carrier and programming, memory and I/O interfacing. System
Technologies (Frame Relay, FDDI, ISDN, ATM), Peer-to- design concepts through case studies.
Peer Networks and Overlays, Routing and QoS Issues in DE* ZG512 Finite Element Methods 5
Optical Networks.
Element properties, Isoparametric elements, Finite element
CSI* ZG526Web Technologies 4
methods and analysis, Applications in design including
Introduction to the World Wide Web. Web Application continuum mechanics, Dynamic systems, Heat conduction
Architecture –2-tier and 3-tier architectures, RESTful and Electrical potentials, etc. will be taken up.
applications, Web Services, and mash-ups; Hyper-Text DE* ZG613 Tribology 5
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Web Servers – Case studies
e.g. Apache and IIS; Deploying and tuning web servers. Web Introduction, lubricants and lubrication, surface texture,
Application Front Ends: Markup (HTML and XML), Styling bearing materials, fundamentals of viscous flow, reynolds
(CSS), and Scripting (Client Side and Serve Side Scripts, equation and applications, thrust bearings, journal bearings,
Objects and Document Object Models – APIs for parsing squeeze-film bearings, hydrostatic bearings, gasbearings, dry
documents, Event Handling and Asynchronous Scripting). and starved bearings, selecting bearing type andsize,
Application Deployment on the Web: Dynamic Back-ends, principles and operating limits, friction, wear and lubrication.
Database Connectivity, Unstructured Data and NoSQL. Web DE* ZG514 Fracture Mechanics 5
Security – Typical Security Solutions for the Web.
Introduction, energy release rate, stress intensity factor and
CSI* ZG527Cloud Computing 5 complex cases, anelastic deformation at the crack tip, elastic
Concurrency and distributed computing, message passing plastic analysis through J-integral, crack tip opening
over the network, connectivity and failure models, local vs displacement, test methods, fatigue failure, numerical
remote connectivity, distributed resource modeling, analysis, mixed mode crack initiation and growth.
distributed data models; replication & consistency; DE* ZG515 Computational Fluid Dynamics 5
virtualization; CPU virtualization, memory and storage
virtualization, virtualized networks, computing over WAN and Philosophy of computational fluid dynamics (CFD),
Internet; computing on the cloud, computing models, service governing equations of fluid dynamics, mathematical
models and service contracts, programming on the cloud; behavior of partial differential equations, basics of the
Cloud infrastructure, LAN vs Wan issue, resource scaling and numeric: basic aspects of discretization, grids with
resource provisions, performance models, scalability, appropriate transformations, and simple CFD
performance measurement and enhancement techniques; techniques, applications, numerical solutions of quasi-
cloud applications and infrastructure services. one-dimensional nozzle flows, numerical solution of a two-
dimensional supersonic flow, incompressible couette flow,
CSI* ZG528Cyber Physical Systems 4 and supersonic flow over a flat plate, advanced topics in
Course description to be developed. CFD.
CSI* ZG533Service Oriented Computing 4 DE* ZG521 World-Class Manufacturing 5
Course description to be developed. The world-class manufacturing challenge, developing a
world-class manufacturing strategy, just-in-time, total quality,
CSI* ZG538Infrastructure Management 4
total employee involvement, world-class information systems,
Course description to be developed. managing the change, methods and procedures; improved
CSI* ZG582Telecom Network Management 5 brainstorming methods, using the check-total quality - the first
steps, getting people involved, monitoring world-class
Network architecture and protocols; LAN, MAN and WANs; performance.
internetworking; network planning; network management
DE* G522 Advanced Composites 5
concepts and standards; administrative, operational and fault
management; security issues; remote network management. Definition of composite materials; classification; particulates
CSI* ZG656Networked Embedded Applications 4 and dispersion hardened composites, continuous and
discontinuous fibre reinforced composites, metal-matrix
Networked embedded systems, Clock synchronization, composites, carbon-carbon composites, molecular
Protocol mechanisms protocol performance, CAN Bus composites, micro and multilayer composites, theory of
architecture, USB Architecture, Embedded Internet, reinforcement; reinforcement by continuous and
distributed computing, Use of Java in building networked discontinuous fibres, concept of microfibril; effect of
systems, Reliability & Fault Tolerance etc. Mission-critical orientation and adhesion; mechanical behaviour of
distributed real-time applications, e.g., military, air traffic composites, stress-strain relationship, strength, fracture
control; Prototyping benchmark applications, e.g. simulated thoughness and fatigue; properties of fibre reinforcement and
air traffic visualization, radar display; Networking: TCP/IP, production technology of composites.
distributed objects; Embedded system programming and
middleware: I/O, analog / digital conversion, DSP, runtime
monitoring of CPU, processes, network equipment; Modeling
distributed real-time systems; Quality of service maintenance.
DE* ZC415 Introduction to MEMS 4
Overview, history and industry perspective; working
principles; mechanics and dynamics, thermos fluid
engineering; scaling law; microactuators, microsensors and
microelectromechanical systems; microsystem design,

DE* ZG523 Project Management 4 Review of numerical methods, dynamic programming, data
Concepts and techniques of project formulation, evaluation interpolation and statistical analysis, modeling, linearization of
nonlinear systems, modeling and simulation of mechanical,
and implementation; Project planning and scheduling; Risk
management; Time-cost trade off; Resource leveling and electronic and electric drive systems, hardware in the loop
allocation; Project monitoring and control; Contract (HIL), model in the loop (MIL), simulation and real-time
control, design of engineering structures for minimum weight
and maximum strength, dynamic models of multibody systems
DE* ZG525 Mechanical System Design 5 and analysis, thermal efficiency optimization using
Concept of system design; modeling of structural and mathematical models, design of experiment methods to create
kinematic systems, and determination of system models of physical systems.
characteristics; reliability of systems; design of machine DE* ZG548 Design for Industrial Internet of Things 5
elements for specified reliability; concepts of optimization;
techniques of design optimization for linear and non-linear IoT overview and technologies, smart devices and smart
problems. products, cyber-physical systems, smart devices and control
system, integrating smart concepts into existing products,
DE* ZG531Concurrent Engineering 5 programming using IoT, implementing a small IoT project,
Introduction of concurrent engineering and need, concurrent wireless communication and technologies, case studies.
engineering tools, advances in design and manufacturing DE* ZG561 Mechanisms & Robotics 5
engineering, design for manufacture, design for assembly,
rapid prototyping, simulation, concurrent approaches to design, Classification of robots & manipulators; fields of application;
synthesis of planar & spatial mechanisms; methods of
manufacturing and other aspects of engineering.
function & path generation; coupler curve synthesis; linkages
DE* ZG532 Quality Assurance and Reliability 5 with open loop; actuators & drive elements; microprocessor
Quality planning and control, economics of quality control, application and control of robots.
Specifications, tolerances and process capability studies, DE* ZG611 Dynamics & Vibrations 5
total quality control concepts in quality circles, quality
Steady and transient Vibration of single and multi-degree
incentives. Fundamental concepts of reliability engineering,
Failure analysis, Reliability versus quality control, Systems freedom systems. Systems with distributed mass and
reliability evaluation, reliability allocation, maintainability, and elasticity. Non-linear and self-excited vibrations, structural
designing for reliability. Illustrative examples of design damping,Random vibrations, vibration analysis, vibration
ensuring reliability to be taken up. control - reduction, isolation and vibration absorbers.

DE* ZG535 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 5 DE* ZG612 Advanced Finite Element Modelling &
Analysis 5
Boundary value problems; wave equations; nonlinear partial
Creation of FEA models, performing analysis and interpreting
differential equations; calculus of variations; Eigen value
problems; iteration problems including forward and inverse the results for the following cases using industrial examples
iteration schemes – Graham Schmidt deflation – and case studies, including selection of elements, boundary
conditions and loading, static analysis (plane stress & plane
simultaneous iteration method – subspace iteration –
Lanczo’s algorithm – estimation of core and time strain), nonlinear analysis, dynamic (modal , harmonic
requirements. transient analysis), thermal analysis (conduction, convection,
mixed boundary conditions), coupled (thermal + structural),
DE* ZG541 Product Design 5 fluid flow analysis, fatigue creep and fracture, crash analysis.
Introduction to creative design; user research and DE* ZG621 Computer Aided Analysis and Design 5
requirements analysis, product specifications, Computer
Aided Design; standardization, variety reduction, preferred The course aims at developing complete self-reliance in
numbers and other techniques; modular design; design solving analysis & design problems of engineering with the
aid of computers. It stresses upon the use of more powerful
economics, cost analysis, cost reduction and value analysis
techniques, design for production; human factors in design: tools includingsystem planning, simulation and modelling.
anthropometric, ergonomic, psychological, physiological The student will take up a design project and will work
independently on the project guided by the instructor or
considerations in design decision making; legal factors,
engineering ethics and society. resource person as and when required. The effort must
culminate with a CAAD program and a project report.
DE* ZG542 Machine Tool Engineering 5
DE* ZG631 Materials Technology & Testing 5
Design principles of machine tools; stiffness and rigidity of
separate construction elements and their combined Study of characteristics and technology of metals, plastics,
rubbers, ceramics, polymers, composites, optical fibres and
behaviour under load; design of stepped and stepless drives;
electrical, mechanical and hydraulic drives; design of other modern engineering materials and their application with
bearings and sideways; machine tool controls; machine tool particular reference to Railways. Destructive and non-
destructive testing techniques and their applications in
dynamics; recent developments in machine tool design.
DE* ZG544 Design for Additive Manufacturing 5
DE*ZG641 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity 5
Fundamentals of computer aided design, part modeling and
analysis using contemporary tools, design for manufacturing Basic equations of theory of elasticity; elementary elasticity
& assembly particularly in additive manufacturing, design problems in two and three dimensions; theories of plastic
flow; problems in plastic flow of ideally plastic and strain
considerations for additive manufacturing, support structures
in metal-based systems and lightweight structures. hardening materials; theory of metal forming processes.

DE* ZG545 Advanced Control Engineering 5 DM ZG511 Mechatronics 5

Modeling and classification of dynamical systems, properties Concepts of measurement of electrical and non-electrical
and advantages of feedback systems, time-domain analysis, parameters; displacement, force, pressure etc. and related
signal conditioning techniques, drives and actuators,
frequency-domain analysis, stability and performance
analysis, state space analysis, controller design and root concepts of microprocessors/ microcontrollers architecture
locus plot, compensator design and bode plot, non-linear plant and programming, memory and I/O interfacing. System
design concepts through case studies.
control, model predictive control systems.
DM ZG521 Design for Additive Manufacturing 5
DE* ZG546 Model Based System Design 5

Fundamentals of computer aided design, part modeling and work holding systems, cutting tools and tool management,
analysis using contemporary tools, design for manufacturing physical planning of system, software structure functions and
& assembly particularly in additive manufacturing, design description, cleaning and automated inspection,
considerations for additive manufacturing, support structures communications and computer networks for manufacturing,
in metal-based systems and lightweight structures. quantification of flexibility, human factors in manufacturing,
DM ZG531 High Precision Manufacturing 4 FMS and CIM in action (case studies), justification of FMS,
modelling for design, planning and operation of FMS.
Introduction to high precision manufacturing processes.
DM ZG512 Embedded System Design 4
Process and design considerations of both conventional and
non-conventional processes in micro and nano Introduction to embedded systems; embedded architectures:
manufacturing. Applications of high precision manufacturing Architectures and programming of microcontrollers and
in the fields such as semiconductor devices, medical devices. DSPs. Embedded applications and technologies; power
Common quality defects in high precision manufacturing. issues in system design; introduction to software and
Emerging trends in the field. hardware co-design.
DM ZC472 Precision Engineering 3 DM ZG522 Behavioral Operations 4
Concept of accuracy, accuracy of numerical control systems, Human behavior & cognition and their impacts on operating
tolerances and fits, acceptance tests for machine tools, static systems and processes. Heuristics used by operations
stiffness and its influence on machining accuracy, managers to make spot decisions, their analysis using
inaccuracies due to thermal effects, influence of forced behavioral decision making literature with their potential
vibrations on accuracy, dimensional wear of cutting tools and implications for OM settings. The traditional operational
its influences on accuracy, clamping and setting errors, issues (rational anomalies) such as bullwhip effect,
location principles and errors due to location, surface explanation using behavioral operations theories. The impact
roughness and microfinishing processes, dimensioning and of cognitive biases and methods of dealing with them in
dimensional chains, methods of improving accuracy and factory settings. Cognitive overload, decision making under
surface finish, thread and gear measuring instruments, uncertainty and ethical blindness in profession, which are
coordinate measuring machines, introduction to computer relevant for modern digital factories.
aided tolerancing. DM ZG532 Big Data Analytics in Manufacturing 4
DM ZG612 Advances in Materials, Composites & Plastics
Big Data and its applications in manufacturing. Five V’s of big
data, analysis of structured and unstructured data in various
Definition of composite materials; classification; particulates forms, uncovering hidden patterns and unknown correlations
and dispersion hardened composites, continuous and for better operational decisions. Key technologies used in
discontinuous fiber reinforced composites, metal-matrix storing, manipulating, and analyzing big data. Tools for
composites, carbon-carbon composites, molecular statistical analysis and data visualization. Open source
composites, micro and multilayer composites, theory of frameworks for data analysis.
reinforcement; reinforcement by continuous and DM ZG533 Manufacturing Planning & Control 5
discontinuous fibers, concept of microfibril; effect of
orientation and adhesion; mechanical behaviour of Planning and control of manufacturing operations; material
composites, stress-strain relationship, strength, fracture flow planning; product and process planning; demand
toughness and fatigue; properties of fibre reinforcement and forecasting and forecasting models; facility location; plant
production technology of composites. Plastics and their layout planning and design; machine cells; capacity planning;
processing technology including injection moulding, blow designing work methods; material handling; line balancing;
moulding etc. Mathematical modeling and simple aggregate planning; inventory models and systems for
computational techniques for the mechanics of composites independent demand; materials requirements planning;
and plastics. Applications of plastics and composite in elements of monitoring and production control; current
automotive and aerospace structures. Advanced metals and developments in operations management.
alloys including titanium, aluminum and magnesium, Ceramic DM ZG534 Sustainable Manufacturing 5
and metal alloys (CERMETS) including Aluminum based
alloys and other ceramic components. Introduction to sustainable manufacturing, sustainable
manufacturing design, practice and matrices, life cycle
DM ZC622 Industrial IoT 4 management and assessment, end of life (EOL) strategies,
Workplace safety, industrial revolution 4.0, connected implementation framework, sustainable business models,
factories, smart industrial devices and products, cyber waste minimization, case studies.
physical system in manufacturing, connecting industrial DM ZG535 Cyber Security in Manufacturing 4
devices and equipment with each other and with internet,
data acquiring and collection, communication technologies, Overview of cyber security for industry 4.0 landscapes with
RFID, QR codes and cellular technologies, protocols, an emphasis on design and manufacturing application.
hardware in IoT, software (IDE), cloud platform, connectivity Technological foundation of cyber security within
and networking in IIoT, smart eyes on shop floor, integrating manufacturing domain, existing threats faced by industry 4.0
smart into existing equipment, programming using IoT, case sectors along with the existing solutions. Implementation of
study and implementation. risk mitigation measures in industry.
DM ZG6631 Additive Manufacturing Process 5 DM ZG541 Product Design 5
Overview of additive manufacturing process, its importance to Introduction to creative design; user research and
industries and its rapid development. Process, development requirements analysis, product specifications, Computer
and optimization for group of additive manufacturing Aided Design; standardization, variety reduction, preferred
technologies with special focus on metal based systems. numbers and other techniques; modular design; design
Application of additive manufacturing technology in different economics, cost analysis, cost reduction and value analysis
settings for a given application. Additive manufacturing techniques, design for production; human factors in design:
process from CAD file import till post processing and anthropometric, ergonomic, psychol giccl, physiological
finishing. Emerging trends in additive manufacturing. considerations in design decision making; legal factors,
engineering ethics and society.
DM ZC412 Flexible Manufacturing Systems 4
DM ZG561 Mechanisms & Robotics 5
Introduction CAD/CAM systems, overview of FMS, system
hardware and general functions, material handling system,

Classification of robots & manipulators; fields of application; The object of this course is to give an introduction to the
synthesis of planar & spatial mechanisms; methods of problems and techniques of A.I. along with the applications of
function & path generation; coupler curve synthesis; linkages A.I. techniques to the fields like natural language
with open loop; actuators & drive elements; microprocessor understanding, image processing, game theory and problem
application and control of robots. solving. The course also aims at understanding its
DM ZG629T Dissertation 16 implementation using LISP and PROLOG languages.
DSE* ZC465 Machine Learning 4
A student registered in this course must take a topic in an
area of professional interest drawn from the on the job work Introduction to Machine Learning, Various kinds of learning,
requirement which is simultaneously of direct relevance to the Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Model
degree pursued by the student as well as to the employing / Selection; Bayesian Learning, MAP Hypothesis, MDL
collaborating organization of the student and submit a Principle, Bias Variance Decomposition, Bayes Optimal
comprehensive report at the end of the semester working Classifier, Naive Bayes Classifier; Linear Models for
under the overall supervision and guidance of a professional Regression, Linear Models for Classification; Non-Linear
expert who will be deemed as the supervisor for evaluation of models, Decision trees; Instance Based Learning, KNN
all components of the dissertation. Normally the Mentor of the Algorithm, CBR Learning; Support Vector Machines, VC
student would be the Dissertation supervisor and in case Dimension; Neural Networks, Perceptron Learning, Back
Mentor is not approved as the supervisor, Mentor may play Propagation Algorithm; Introduction to Genetic Algorithms.
the role of additional supervisor. The final grades for DSE* ZG515 Data Warehousing 5
dissertation are Non-letter grades namely Excellent, Good,
Fair and Poor, which do not go into CGPA computation. Introduction, evolution of data warehousing; decision support
systems; goals, benefit, and challenges of data warehousing;
DSE* ZC415 Data Mining 3
architecture; data warehouse information flows; software and
Data Mining – introduction, fundamental concepts; motivation hardware requirements; approaches to data warehouse
and applications; role of data warehousing in data mining; design; creating and maintaining a data warehouse; Online
challenges and issues in data mining; Knowledge Discovery Analytical Processing (OLAP) and multi-dimensional data,
in Databases (KDD); role of data mining in KDD; algorithms multi-dimensional modeling; view materialization; data marts;
for data mining; tasks like decision-tree construction, finding data warehouse metadata; data mining.
association rules, sequencing, classification, and clustering; DSE* ZG516 Computer Organization &
applications of neural networks and machine learning for Software Systems 5
tasks of classification and clustering.
Programmer model of CPU; Basic concept of buses and
DSE* ZC416 Mathematical Foundations for Data Science
interrupts; Memory subsystem organization; I/O organization;
Concept of assembler, linker & loader; Types of operating
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic systems; Concept of process; OS functions: Process
equations and their solutions; Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and scheduling, Memory management, I/O management and
diagonalization of matrices, multivariate calculus, vector related issues.
calculus, Jacobian and Hessian, multivariate Taylor series, DSE* ZG517 Systems for Data Analytics 5
gradient descent, unconstrained optimization, constrained
optimization, nonlinear optimization, stochastic gradient Fundamentals of data engineering - data engineering vs data
descent, dimensionality reduction and PCA, optimization for science; Data processing concepts - partitioning, replication,
support vector machines. grouping and sorting, data locality; Flynn's taxonomy; Task vs
DSE* ZC418 Introduction to Statistical Methods 4 Data Parallelism; Databases, parallel vs distributed
databases, architecture – performance; Distributed
Basic probability concepts, Conditional probability, Bayes computing architecture; Processing frameworks - batch, map-
Theorem, Probability distributions, Continuous and discrete
reduce, stream processing, parallel processing, real time
distributions, Transformation of random variables, estimating processing; Cloud fundamentals - virtualization, batch-
mean, variance, covariance, Hypothesis Testing, Maximum transactional-continuous workloads, execution models and
likelihood, ANOVA – single factor, dual factor, time series
examples- AWS , Azure etc..
analysis: AR, MA, ARIMA, SARIMA, sampling based on
distribution, statistical significance, Gaussian Mixture Model, DSE* ZG519 Data Structures and Algorithms Design 5
Expectation Maximization. Introduction to Abstract Data Types, Data structures and
DSE* ZC420 Data Visualization 3 Algorithms; Analysis of Algorithms – Time and Space
Complexity, Complexity Notation, Solving Recurrence
Information overload and issues in decision making. Design
Relations.; Divide-and-Conquer as a Design Technique;
of visual encoding schemes to improve comprehension of Recursion – Design of Recursive Functions / Procedures, Tail
data and their use in decision making; presentation and Recursion, Conversion of Recursive Functions to Iterative
visualization of data for effective communication. elementary
Form. Linear data structures – Lists, Access Restricted Lists
graphics programming, charts, graphs, animations, user (Stacks and Queues) – Implementation using Arrays and
interactivity, hierarchical layouts, and techniques for Linked Lists; Searching and Order Queries. Sorting – Sorting
visualization of high dimensional data & discovered patterns.
Algorithms (Online vs. Offline, In-memory vs. External, In-
DSE* ZC426 Real Time Analytics 4 space vs. Out-of-space, Quick Sort and Randomization).
Motivation and challenges of real-time, distributed, fault- Unordered Collections: Hash tables (Separate Chaining vs.
tolerant data processing, distributed messaging architecture Open Addressing, Probing, Rehashing). Binary Trees – Tree
Traversals. Partially Ordered Collections: Search Trees and
(Apache Kafka), Real time data processing platform: Storm,
Storm basic programming skills, linking Spouts, and Height Balanced Search Trees, Heaps and Priority Queues.
connecting to the live Twitter API to process real-time tweets, Algorithm Design: Greedy Algorithms and Dynamic
Programming. Graphs and Graph Algorithms: Representation
multi-language capability of storm (with Python scripts), Case
study: Networking fault prediction. This course also helps a schemes, Problems on Directed Graphs (Reachability and
student to analyze and understand Big-data using visuals. Strong Connectivity, Traversals, Transitive Closure. Directed
Acyclic Graphs - Topological Sorting), Problems on Weighted
Topics include, Design principles, Perception, color, statistical
graphs, maps, trees and networks, high dimensional data, Graphs (Shortest Paths. Spanning Trees). Introduction to
data visualization tools. Complexity Classes (P and NP) and NP-completeness. NP-
Hard problems. Designing Algorithms for Hard Problems –
DSE* ZC444 Artificial Intelligence 3 Back tracking, Branch-and-Bound, and Approximation

DSE* ZG521 Graphs - Algorithms and Mining 5 Natural Language Understanding and Generation, N-gram
Basic concepts of graphs and digraphs connectivity, and Neural Language Models, Word to Vectors / Word
Embedding (Skip gram/CBOW, Glove, BERT/ XLM, MURIL),
reachability and vulnerability; Trees, tournaments and
matroids; Planarity; Routing and matching problems; Part of Speech Tagging, HiddenMarkov Models, Parsing -
Representations; Various algorithms; applications, Syntactic, Statistical, Dependency, Word Sense
Disambiguation, Semantic Web Ontology.
introduction to graph mining, Graph Pattern Mining, Graph
Classification, Graph Compression, graph model, graph DSE* ZG531 Design of Experiments for Data Science 4
dynamics, social network analysis, visualization, Introduction and importance of Experimental Design, Testing
summarization, graph clustering, link analysis, applications of of Hypothesis, Designs with One Source of Variation, Multiple
graph patterns. Comparison Testing, Interaction Effect, Factorial Experiment,
DSE* ZG522 Big Data Systems 5 Fractional Factorial Designs & Confounding, Latin Squares
and Graeco-Latin Squares, Fractional-Factorial Designs,
What is big data - are existing systems sufficient?; Data Taguchi Design, Designs with Random Effects, Optimal
Warehouse v/s Data Lakes; Hadoop – Components; Storage Designs and Model Uncertainty, Design for Nonlinear Model,
- Relational DBs/ NoSQL dbs / HDFS / HBase / Object Data Sequential Designs.
stores - S3; Serialization; Interfaces - Hive/ Pig; Stream DSE* ZG532 Introduction to Data Science 5
Processing; Spark; Mahout.
Data Analytics, Data and Data Models, Data wrangling,
DSE* ZG524 Deep Learning 4 Feature Engineering, Classification and Prediction,
Common Architectural Principles of Deep Networks; Building Association Analysis, Clustering, Anomaly Detection,
Blocks of Deep Networks; Convolutional Neural Networks exploratory / explanatory data analysis with visual storytelling,
(CNNs); Recurrent Neural Networks; Recursive Neural Ethics for Data Science.
Networks; Building Deep Networks with ND4J; Applications to DSE* ZG537 Information Retrieval 4
Sequence Data, Anomaly Detection; Tuning Deep Networks;
Vectorization. Organization, representation, and access to information;
categorization, indexing, and content analysis; data
DSE* ZG526 Probabilistic Graphical Models 4 structures for unstructured data; design and maintenance of
HMM, Markov Random Field, Bayesian networks, such data structures, indexing and indexes, retrieval and
Representation, Learning, Inference; Dynamic Bayesian classification schemes; use of codes, formats, and standards;
Networks and Temporal Bayesian networks, applications. analysis, construction and evaluation of search and
navigation techniques; search engines and how they relate
DSE* ZG527 Ethics for Data Science 4 to the above. Multimedia data and their representation and
Nature of data - data as a by-product of computing, search.
operations data (e.g., sales/marketing), surveillance data
DSE* ZG554 Distributed Data Systems 4
(business or government), data collected for research; Ethics
- What are ethics, need for ethics, Ethical concerns in Distributed File Systems - File System Models; Replication
computing and analytics. Why data science needs ethics? ; and Synchronization - Caching; Failure & Recovery; File
Issues -political/social, liberty and justice, fairness and System Security. Distributed Databases - Distributed Data
equality, business competitiveness, privacy, anonymity, and Sources and Updates; Database Connectivity; Concurrency
security; Data Ownership, Informed Consent, Security Risks Control and Distribution mechanism; Distributed indexing
(Privacy, Anonymity, Integrity, and Provenance); Ethical schemes. Database security. Data on the Web - Web as a
methods for sourcing/collecting data, and for storage/ distributed data repository. Data Collection and Use
distribution of data. Data validation. Algorithmic Fairness and Crawlers, Search Engines, and Indexing Schemes.
Case Studies; Solutions to address ethical issues for Information Retrieval Techniques. Data Exchange -
government, corporations/organizations, research, public use Hierarchical Data Models, XML, and query languages. Semi-
of data, social norms, legal compliance, and case studies. structured / Unstructured data -querying and synchronization.
Data ethics in specific domains - e.g. health care, finance, Pervasive Data - Data distribution and access for non-
and social studies/research. computing devices, small computing devices, embedded
DSE* ZG528 Optimization Techniques for Analytics 5 computing devices and sensory devices.
Role of optimization in different types of analytics, DSE* ZG555 Data visualization and Interpretation 5
Introduction to Linear Programming, LP Model and graphical Visualization as a Discovery tool, Visualization skills for the
solution, Primal Simplex method, Dual Simplex and Post masses, The Visualization methodology, Visualization design
Optimality Analysis, Revised Simplex method with examples, objectives, Exploratory vs. explanatory analysis,
Application of linear programming in transportation, Understanding the context for data presentations, 3 minute
assignment problems, Integer linear programming, mixed story, Effective Visuals, Gestalt principles of visual
integer programming, complexity analysis, branch and bound perception, Visual Ordering, Decluttering, Story Telling,
techniques, goal programming, Network models - critical path Visualization Design; Taxonomy of Data Visualization
method and PERT, Dynamic programming, game theory, Methods: Exploring Tableau, Dashboard and Stories, Bullet
additional meta heuristic techniques, 2-3 case studies from graphs, Pareto charts, Custom background images;
relevant industry domains. Dashboard : Dashboard categorization and typical data,
DSE* ZG529 Data Management for Machine Learning 4 Characteristics of a Well-Designed Dashboard, Key Goals in
Data Models and Query Languages: Relational, Object- the Visual Design Process; Power of Visual Perception:
Relational, NoSQL data models; Declarative (SQL) and Visually Encoding Data for Rapid Perception, Applying the
Imperative (Map Reduce) Querying; Data Encoding: Principles of Visual Perception to Dashboard Design.
Evolution, Formats, Models of dataflow; Machine learning DSE* ZG556 Stream Processing and Analytics 5
workflow; Data management challenges in ML workflow; Data
Pipelines and patterns; Data Pipeline Stages: Data Real Time , Streaming Data & Sources, Real time streaming
extraction, ingestion, cleaning, wrangling, versioning, system architecture , Characteristics of a Real Time
transformation, exploration, feature management; Modern Architecture and Processing ; Configuration and Coordination
Data Infrastructure: Diverse data sources, Cloud data Systems: Distributed State and Issues, Coordination and
warehouses and lakes, Data Ingestion tools, Data Configuration using Apache ZooKeeper; Data Flow
transformation and modelling tools, Workflow orchestration Management : Distributed Data Flows , Various Data Delivery
platforms; ML model metadata and Registry, ML and Processing Requirements, N+1 Problem, Apache Kafka
Observability, Data privacy and anonymity. (High-Throughput Distributed Messaging); Processing
DSE* ZG530 Natural Language Processing 4 Stream Data with Storm; Overview of Data Storage –

Requirements: Need for long-term storage for a real time EA ZC451 Internetworking Technologies 3
processing framework, In-memory Storage, No-Sql Storage Introduction to internetworking concepts; the internet
Systems, Choosing a right storage solution; Visualizing Data
architecture; goals and key issued related to internetworking
:Requirements, Principles and tools; Bounds of Random technologies; design aspects; HTTP and other relevant
variables, Poisson Processors, Maintaining Simple Statistics protocols; agent technology and tools relevant to the internet;
from Data Streams, Sliding Windows and computing statistics
techniques of data compression; voice, video, and interactive
over sliding windows, Data Synopsis (Sampling, Histograms, video-on-demand over the internet; multimedia operating
Wavelets, DFT), Exact Aggregation, Timed Counting and systems and their impact; multimedia networking; mobile
Summation, Multi Resolution Time Series Aggregation,
computing; internet security, case studies.
Stochastic Optimization; Statistical Approximation to
Streaming Data: Probabilities and Distributions,Sampling EA ZC473 Multimedia Computing 3
Procedures for Streaming Data, Approximating Streaming Introduction to multimedia; media & data streams; image,
Data with Sketching, Registers and Hash Functions, Working video & audio file formats; image & video processing,
with Sets, The Bloom Filter, Distinct Value Sketches, The synthesis of sound signal; image coding & compression,
Count-Min Sketch; Clustering techniques for Streaming Data; video & audio codes, low bit rate video telephony; audio-
Classification methods : Decision Tree (VFDT); Evaluating visual integration, lip reading, face animation; augmented
stream processing algorithms; Case Studies in Designing reality; multimedia search services, content based image&
solutions to streaming data video indexing; access to multimedia, human-machine
DSE* ZG557 Artificial and Computational Intelligence 5 interfaces, spoken language interface; algorithm vs.
architecture based approaches, multimedia processors,
Agents and environments, Task Environments, Working of
performance quantification; case studies, vision 2010.
agents; Uninformed Search Algorithms: Informed Search.
Local Search Algorithms & Optimization Problems: Genetic EBCT ZG511Overview of e-Business 3
Algorithm; Searching with Non-Deterministic Actions, Partial E-Business Environment and Opportunities:Background; E-
Information and Online search agents, Game Playing, Business evolution; E-Business environment; Diverse
Constraint Satisfaction Problem, Knowledge Representation opportunities in E-Business; E-Businesseson the
using Logics: TT-Entail for inference from truth table, Proof Internet.Categories of E-Business - B2B/E2EI, B2C, C2C;
by resolution, Forward Chaining and Backward Chaining, Overview of E-Business implementation technologies. E-
Inference in FOL, Unification & Lifting, Forward chaining, Business Models - Enterprise portal, CRM, ERP, Supply
Backward Chaining, Resolution; Probabilistic Chain Planning(SCP), Transport Management System(TMS),
Representation and Reasoning : Inference using full joint Warehouse Management System(WMS), Content
distribution, Representation of Conditional Independence Management. E-Business Products- Development products;
using BN, Reinforcement Learning; Difference between crisp integration products; generic tools; performance analyzer
and fuzzy logic, shapes of membership function, Fuzzification tools; content management tools; component generator tools.
and defuzzification, fuzzy logic reasoning; Decision making Electronic Transaction and Security – Online payment system
with fuzzy information, Fuzzy Classification; Connectionist and security issues; Secure Transport Protocols, Secure
Models: Introduction to Neural Networks, Hopfield Networks, Transactions, Secure Electronic Payment Protocol (SEPP),
Perceptron Learning, Backpropagation & Competitive Secure Electronic Transaction (SET); Security features –
Learning, Applications of Neural Net: Speech, Vision, certificates for authentication (SSL, third party certifications);
Traveling Salesman; Genetic Algorithms - Chromosomes, security on Web servers and Enterprise Network. Emerging
fitness functions, and selection mechanisms, Genetic E-Businesses Scenario- Changing economic considerations;
algorithms: crossover and mutation, Genetic programming. Emerging business opportunities and revenue models;
DSE* ZG568 Applied Machine Learning 4 emerging technologies; Social aspects.
Need for machine learning. Prediction and classification ED* ZC164 Computer Programming 4
methods. Use cases in application domains. Interpretation of Basic Computing Steps and Flow Charting (Assignment,
results. Limitations of various techniques. End to end Sequencing, Conditionals, Iteration). Programming
Machine learning - data collection, data preparation, model Constructs –Expressions, Statements, Conditionals,
selection. Iterators/Loops, Functions/ Procedures; Data Types –
EA ZC412 Flexible Manufacturing Systems 4 Primitive Types, Tuples, Choices (Unions or Enumerations),
Lists/Arrays, Pointers and Dynamically Allocated Data. Input
IntroductionCAD/CAM systems, overview of FMS, system output and Files. Laboratory Component: Programming
hardware and general functions, material handling system,
Exercises involving development and testing of iterative and
work holding systems, cutting tools and tool management, procedural programs using bounded and unbounded
physical planning of system, software structure functions iterations, function composition, random access lists,
anddescription,cleaning and automated inspection,
sequential access lists, dynamically allocated lists, and file
communications and computer networks for manufacturing, access.
quantification of flexibility, human factors in manufacturing,
FMS and CIM in action (case studies), justification of FMS, ED* ZC211 Electrical & Electronics Technology 3
modelling for design, planning andoperationof FMS. Electric circuit, electromagnetism, magnetic circuit,
electrostatics, AC voltage and current, single-phase circuits,
semiconductor devices, amplifiers, digital systems,
microprocessors, DC machines, polyphase circuits,
transformers, synchronous machines, induction motors,
power electronics, measurements, illumination.
ED* ZC231 Principles of Management 3
Fundamental concepts of management - planning;
organizing; staffing; directing and controlling; production,
financial, personnel, legal and marketing functions;
accounting and budgeting, balance sheets.

ED* ZC232 Engineering Materials 3 ED* ZC322 Kinematics & Dynamics ofMachines 3
Mechanical, electrical, electronic and chemical properties and Kinematics of mechanism: introduction to mechanisms,
applications of common engineering materials; ferrous and position, displacement, velocity, acceleration analysis, cam
non- ferrous metals and alloys; thermosetting and design, gear trains, synthesis of linkages. Dynamics of
thermoplastic plastics; natural and synthetic resins; rubber; machines: static force analysis, dynamic force analysis
glass; abrasives and ceramics; common building materials, (planar), dynamics of reciprocating engines, balancing, cam
namely, timber, stone, lime and cement; corrosion of metals dynamics, flywheels, governors and gyroscopes, free and
and methods of preventing corrosion; protective and forced vibrations.
decorative coatings; insulating materials; testing of materials. ED* ZC324 Mechatronics & Automation 4
ED* ZC233 Calculus 4
Mechatronics design approaches, interfacing, instrumentation
Limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, Fourier series, and control systems, modeling of mechanical and
ordinary differential equations for initial and boundary value electromechanical systems, sensors and actuators,
problems, solution through Laplace transforms, numerical introduction to automation, pneumatics and hydraulics in
solution using Picard’s iteration and higher order methods, automation, pneumatic circuits for automation, PLC
partial derivatives, partial differential equations, analytical programming and interfacing with pneumatic and hydraulic
solution techniques. systems, introduction to MEMS, modeling and simulation of
ED* ZC235 Linear Algebra & Optimization 3 MEMS, CNC machines, automated material handling,
introduction to FMS.
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic
ED* ZC325 Fluid Power Systems 4
equations and their solutions; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and
diagonalization of matrices; Formulation of linear Introduction to Fluid power, advantages of fluid power,
programming problems, Simplex method, Big-M method, two applications, Introduction to Pneumatics, Air preparation and
phase method, Sensitivity analysis, Revised and Dual Components, Pneumatics Circuits and Applications, Electro
Simplex Methods. pneumatics, Electrical Controls for fluid power circuits, ,
ED* ZC241 Technical Report Writing 3 Physical properties of hydraulic fluids, Energy and Power in
Hydraulic Systems, Frictional Losses in Hydraulic Pipelines,
Elements of effective writing; art of condensation; business Hydraulic Pumps, Hydraulic Cylinders and Cushioning
letter writing; memos; formal reports; technical proposals; Devices, Hydraulic Motors, Hydraulic Valves, Hydraulic
conducting, and participating, meetings; agenda and minutes; Circuit Design and Analysis, Ancillary Hydraulic Devices,
strategies for writing technical descriptions, definitions, and Hydraulic Conductions and Fittings, Maintenance of Hydraulic
classifications; oral presentation; use of graphic and audio- Systems, Use of PLC programming for interfacing
visual aids; editing. pneumatics and Hydraulic Circuits.
ED* ZC245 Fluid Mechanics and Machines 4 ED* ZC332 Mechanical Engineering Design I 4
Introduction and fundamental concepts, fluid statics, Introduction to mechanical engineering design, stress and
kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow, inviscid flows, pipe strain, deflection and stiffness, introduction to materials and
flow and network design, open channel flow, incompressible manufacturing, failures resulting from static loading, failures
viscous flow, laminar boundary layers, turbulent flows, resulting from variable loading, design of mechanical
essentials of compressible flow, dimensional and model elements: screws, fasteners, permanent joints,
analysis, orifice, venturi, notches and weirs, hydraulic nonpermanent joints and mechanical springs. Practice of
turbines, centrifugal and reciprocating pumps, fluid couplings machine part and assembly drawings using Pro/Engineer or
and torque convertors, compressors. similar solid modeling environment.
ED* ZC251 Engineering Measurements 4 ED* ZC342Mechanical Engineering Design-II 4
Performance characteristics of measuring instruments, Lubrication and journal bearings, rolling contact bearings,
measurement methods for mechanical, electrical, radiant, introduction to gearing, spur helical, bevel and worm gears,
chemical, magnetic and thermal energy variables. Emphasis clutches, brakes, couplings, flywheels, belts, chains, wire
in this course shall be on the operation and use of rope,shafts and axles. Practice of machine part and assembly
instruments. drawings using Pro/Engineer or similar solid modeling
ED* ZC261 Mechanical Technology 4 environment.

Fundamental concepts of heat, work and energy; second law ED* ZC423T Project Work 20
of thermodynamics; properties of gases and vapors; basic Consistent with the student’s professional background and
cycles; flow of liquids; steam boilers; steam engines and work-environment, the student will be required to carry out
pumps; steam turbines and condensers; hydraulic pumps and work-oriented projects. The student would be required to
turbines; internal combustion engine. select an area of work that is considered vital to the
ED* ZC311 Manufacturing Process 4 sponsoring organization. The topic of the project and detailed
project outline that is prepared by the student, in consultation
Fundamentals of casting process; forging; powder metallurgy; with his/her Mentor, needs to be approved by the Dean,
soldering; brazing and welding technology; metal forming WILPD. On approval, the student carries on with the work-
process, its analysis and design; Introduction to Metal cutting, centered project, adhering to the guidelines provided in the
machine tools; mechanics of metal cutting; other machining detailed course handout, taking all the prescribed evaluation
processes; grinding and finishing operations; non convention components on time. At the end of the semester, the student
machining; chipless machining processes; NC machines should submit a comprehensive Project Report, to the
programming; control system in CNC; CNC, DNC; FMS and Institute for evaluation. The student will be evaluated on the
machining center. basis of the various interim evaluation components, contents
ED* ZC321 Mechanics of Solids 3 of the report and Seminar/Viva-Voce that may be conducted
at Pilani or at any other Centre approved by the Institute.
Fundamental principles of mechanics; introduction of
mechanics of deformable bodies; forces and moments ED* ZC433Mechanical Vibrations & Acoustics 4
transmitted by slender members; stress and strain; stress- Introduction, single degree-of-freedom systems: free and
strain-temperature relations; torsion; stresses and defections forced vibration problems, concept of resonance and
due to bending; stability of equilibrium. damping, vibration isolation, multi-degree-of-freedom
systems: modeling of multi-degree-of freedom systems, eigen
value problem and calculation of normal modes of a system,

forced response using modal superposition techniques, future developments and their organizational and social
introduction to acoustics - terminology used in acoustics and implications; decision support system and expert systems.
definitive of fundamental quantities 1D wave, equation (plane EE* ZG511 Environmental Chemistry 5
waves) & 3D wave equation, formulation and fundamental
solution to the equations, measurement of noise & vibration – Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry, Water Chemistry,
vibration measurement principles. Water pollution, Green Chemistry, Fundamentals of
Analytical Chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry and air
ED* ZC434, Quality Control, Assurance &Reliability4
pollution, Energy and climate change, Toxic compounds,
Basic concepts of probability and probability distributions, Metals, soils, sediments and waste disposal, Case studies
standard probability distribution, sampling and sampling EE* ZG512 Environmental Biotechnology 5
distributions, confidence intervals, testing significance,
statistical tolerance, various types of control charts, statistical Principles, concepts and applications of Biotechnology to the
process control techniques, value analysis, defect diagnosis management of environmental problems, Microbial
and prevention, basic concepts of reliability, reliability design technologies for waste management, Bioremediation of
evaluation and control, methods of applying total quality toxicants, Microbial systems for detoxification, Microbial
management, production process. Practical assignments on technologies for waste management, Biochemical kinetics
statistical quality control using suitable statistical software and engineering, Concept of rDNA technology, Regulation
tools such as R-software, MS Excel, SAS, Minitab or SPSS. and ethics
ED* ZC436Computer Aided Design 4 EE* ZG513 Applied Transport Phenomena 5
CAD software and CAD hardware. Mathematical modeling of Introduction to fluid, heat and mass transport, Newton’s laws
parametric curves, surfaces and solids, and their computer of viscosity, Fourier’s laws of heat conduction, Fick’s laws of
simulation on spreadsheets and using specialized solid diffusion, Continuity equation, Concept of laminar and
modeling packages. CAD/CAM data exchange. Introduction turbulent flow, Convective heat and mass transfer,
to finite element analysis and FEM practice on a specialized Introduction to transport equations for fluid, heat and mass
CAE package. Rapid prototyping. Hands-on in assignments transport, Sedimentation, Packed beds, Fluidization, Pumps
and CAD project. and compressors, pipingnetworks, Heat and mass transfer
equipment related to environmental systems, Dimensionless
ED* ZC441 Automotive Vehicles 3
numbers and their significance
Internal combustion engines; vehicle performance; analysis EE* ZG514 Environmental Sampling and analytical
and design of vehicle components. Experimental or methods 5
theoretical investigation of problems selected from the field of
automotive vehicles. Principles of sample collection and data analysis /
interpretation, Gravimetric methods, titrimetric methods,
ED*ZC452 Composite Materials and Design 4
electrochemical methods, Spectrometric methods of analysis,
Introduction to composites, concepts of reinforcement, Chromatographic methods of analysis, Sampling techniques
strengthening mechanisms, fibrous reinforcements, matrix for air and water pollution, Biological methods of analysis,
materials, micromechanical aspects of composites, Interpretation of data in environmental monitoring
manufacturing methods, composite production design EE* ZG515 Environmental Management Systems 5
methods design of tensile members, pressure vessels,
storage tanks, and other chemical process equipment made Study of environmental policies, Environmental laws,
of FRP, design of joints, damage of composites by impact, Environmental regulations and permit procedures; ISO
FRP grids, recent development in manufacturing of series; Life Cycle analysis; Environmental audit;
composites and technologies. Simulation of mechanics of Environmental impact assessment, Risk assessment,
composite materials using suitable software tools. Hazardous waste management, Integrating environmental
and safety management; Case studies.
ED* ZC453 Product Design & Development 4
EE* ZG521 Physico – Chemical treatment principles &
Introduction to product design and development, product design for wastewater systems 4
development planning and process tools, technical and
business concerns, understanding customer needs, function Pollutant classification, Source selection process, Selection
modeling, product teardown and experimentation, of treatment chain, Plant siting, Physical treatment methods
benchmarking and engineering specifications, product like screening, sedimentation, filteration, etc., Chemical
architecture, concept generation, concept selection, concept treatment principles like precipitation, coagulation, ozonation
embodiment, modeling of product metrics, design for X, etc., adsorption, Novel processes like membranes,
physical prototypes, physical models and experimentation, electrodialysis, etc., Design of physico-chemical systems for
robust design, case studies. wastewater treatment, Case studies.
ED* ZC454 Reverse Engineering and Rapid EE* ZG522 Biological treatment principles & design for
wastewater systems 4
Prototyping 4
Fundamentals of biological treatment, Biochemistry and
Introduction to reverse engineering, methodologies and
kinetics of biochemical processes like oxidation, nitrification &
techniques for reverse engineering, reverse engineering denitirification, Dephosphatization, Acedogensis and
hardware and software, selecting reverse engineering methogenasis, Aerobic and anaerobic treatment processes,
system, introduction to rapid prototyping, relationship
Basic description of equipment and design methodologies,
between reverse engineering and rapid prototyping. Reverse Design of reactors and configurations; Case studies for
engineering in automotive engineering, aerospace industrial and wastewater treatment.
engineering, medical device industry. Legal aspects and
barriers for reverse engineering. Practice of virtual and EE* ZG523 Environmental Statistics 4
physical rapid prototyping of simple models. Introduction to probability and Statistics, Probability concepts
ED* ZC471 Management Information Systems 3 and probability distributions, Fundamentals of data analysis,
Uncertainty in Measurement, Precision and accuracy,
Introduction to Information Systems; Concepts of Reproducibility/repeatability, Types of errors, Error
management, concepts of information, systems concepts;
propagation, Confidence intervals, Hypothesis testing for
Information Systems and Organizations; decision making equality of mean and standard deviation: t-test, chi-square
process; database systems; data communications; planning, test and F-test, Errors in hypothesis testing, Experiment
designing, developing and implementing information systems;
design and analysis of variances, Autocorrelation, cross-
quality assurance and evaluation of information systems;

correlation and sensitivity analysis in data sets, Linear least- Space imaging, Case studies on various applications of GIS
squares regression. Precision of parameter estimates, for environmental management.
Coefficient of determination; Interpreting statistical results, EE* ZG613 Environmental systems modeling 4
documentation and recommendations, Theory of attributes,
Time series analysis, Case studies Introduction to air quality models, Atmospheric stability and
turbulence, Gaussian dispersion models, single source and
EE* ZG532 Pumps and Automation Systems 4
multisource models, Transport and fate of pollutant in aquatic
Pumps and Pumping stations: Need of pumping, systems, Introduction to modeling of river, lake and estuarine
classification and type of pumps, Pumping power, Head and hydrodynamics, Stratification and eutrophication of water
capacity of pump, site selection pump specification and bodies, Dissolved oxygen model for water streams,
selection; Distribution system: Type of distribution system, Computational methods in environmental modeling and
different layout of distribution system, methods of supplying simulation, Transport and fate of pollutants in soils and
water, pressures in distribution system, distribution resources ground water, Applications of public domain models and
and its capacity, type of reservoirs & accessories; Valves and software; Case studies.
Fittings: Different type of valves, hydrants, meters, stop cock EE* ZG614 Air Pollution Control Technologies 4
& water tap, pipe fittings, leakage & waste of water factors,
affecting losses & wastes. Introduction to Automation: Introduction to air pollution, Atmospheric diffusion of air
Sensors and actuators for pumping, basic control concepts, pollutants, Particulate control, Gaseous pollutant control,
micro controllers and PLC’s, Introduction to SCADA and HMI Methods for monitoring and control, Selection and design of
interface; Pump Drivers: Basics of AC motors, Types, starting control equipments, Meteorological aspects of air pollution,
methods, types coupling, motor and coupling selection; Water Applications and case studies
Automation systems: Automatic switching systems, control of EE* ZG621 Solid Waste Management 4
Submersible Pumps, timer based control, level based control,
Tank to Tank Flow Automation System. Introduction to solid waste management: Sources and
classification, Composition and Properties of Solid Waste and
EE* ZG533 Industrial Pollution Abatement 4 emerging e-waste, Onsite handling, storage and processing
Different types of wastes generated in an industry, their including segregation, Collection of solid waste, Transfer and
effects on living and non-living things; environmental transport, Recycling, Incineration pyrolysis and composting,
regulatory legislations and standards and climate changes; Processing technique and equipment, Recovery of resources,
quantification and analysis of wastewater and treatment; conversion products, and energy, Biomedical and hazardous
different unit operations and unit processes involved in waste, Electronic waste, Regulatory framework,
conversion of highly polluted water to potable standards; categorization, generation, collection, transport, treatment
atmospheric dispersion of air pollutants, and operating and disposal, Leacheate collection and treatment,
principles, design calculations of particulate control devices; Bioleaching and bioremediation; Case studies.
analysis and quantification of hazardous and non-hazardous EE* ZG622 Environmental Process Engineering 4
solid wastes, treatment and disposal.
Origin, Nature and composition of solid, liquid and gaseous
EE* ZG534 Urban Water Management 4 emissions from various processes in Industries, institutions
The urban water cycle (description, social imperatives, and human habitats, Assessment of pollution potential
environmental considerations, and economic challenges); through study of process chemistry and process engineering,
water supply (availability, service levels, and technical Understanding block flow diagrams (BFD), Process Flow
options); free basic water, demand management, loss Diagrams (PFD) and Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
control, use of recycled water; sewage (public health (P&ID) and Process Pollution Flow Diagram (PPFD),
considerations, service levels and technical options, the dry- Maximum Attainable Control Technologies (MACT) and Best
versus-wet sanitation debate, social acceptance, and grey Available Control Technologies (BACT), Reasonably
water management); drainage (service levels and technical Available Control Technology (RACT) and Lowest Attainable
options, sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS), urban Emission Rate (LAER), List of equipment and processes for
litter management, urban rivers, risk management, and BACT/RACT/LAER and their description, Estimating thermo-
groundwater issues); management (water sensitive urban physical and thermodynamic data for pollutants, Use of
design, introduction to asset management, GIS as a water software in Environmental Process Engineering Equipment
management tool, and sustainability indicators). design and datasheet generation, Technical audit of Existing
process technology, Environmental carrying capacity
EE* ZG611 Energy generation and management in waste
calculations; Interpretation of field/on-site and laboratory
treatment Plants 4
data, Case studies.
Energy audit and minimization in waste treatment facilities; EE* ZG623 Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment 4
Novel energy conservation technologies, Estimation of
energy potential of waste; Selection of energy generation Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),
technologies coupled with waste treatment, e.g. incinerators, Environmental assessment framework, Impact assessment
pyrolysis units, bio-digesters and purification and methodologies; Air and water quality Impact analysis (AQIA /
enrichment of off gases from these units; Utilization of fuel WQIA), Energy and noise impact analysis (EnIA / NIA),
&fertilizer value of gases & liquids from bio-digesters and Vegetation, wild life and socio-impact analysis, Environment
pyrolysis units; Energy generation from waste sludge. risk assessment, Environmental Impact statement.
EE* ZG612 Environmental remote sensing and GIS 4 EE* ZG624 Advanced Water Treatment Technology and
Water Supply Systems 4
Principles of remote sensing, Components of GIS: Hardware,
Software and Organization Context, Types of Maps; Spatial The course will cover estimation of water demand,
and Non Spatial, Types of Projections, Editing the Raster characterization of water quality (physical, chemical and
and Vector data structures, Analysis using raster and Vector biological), different unit operations for treatment of water
Data, Data Retrieval, Data Reclassification, Data Overlaying (screening, sedimentation, coagulation, filtration, disinfection
and Buffering; Data Output; Pollution data gathering in GIS etc.), nature of emerging contaminants (types of
area under consideration through terrestrial and aerial contaminants and sources, physical & chemical
stations, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) equipped with characteristics and their health hazard), advanced techniques
imaging and spectroscopic probes; Pollution mapping for water purification (includes advanced process such as
coupled to GIS through wireless network; Water body reverse osmosis, desalinization process, membrane filtration
pollution monitoring instruments coupled to GIS through etc., and advanced material such as nanomaterial, composite
wireless network, Thermal and microwave remote sensing,

material etc.), water distribution system, pumping at the namely, timber, stone, lime and cement; corrosion of metals
mains, water leakage and their detection, water auditing. and methods of preventing corrosion; protective and
EE* ZG625 Advanced Wastewater Engineering 4 decorative coatings; insulating materials; testing of materials.
ENGG ZC241Mechanical Technology 4
The course will cover design of sewer system (including
pumping of swage, sewer hydraulic, layout and construction), Fundamental concepts of heat, work and energy; second law
Characterization of waste (physical, chemical and biological of thermodynamics; properties of gases and vapors; basic
characteristics), Natural attenuation, Wastewater unit cycles; flow of liquids; steam boilers; steam engines and
operation (preliminary treatment, secondary or biological pumps; steam turbines and condensers; hydraulic pumps and
treatment), Sludge disposal, Industrial waste and their turbines; internal combustion engine.
characterization (physical, chemical characteristics, health ENGG ZC242 Maintenance & Safety 3
hazard), Advanced wastewater treatment (nature of waste,
application of nanotechnology, biotechnology, and other Objectives, functions, and types of maintenance; defects due
advanced material etc.), Solid waste management (source to wear; lubrication and surfacing techniques to reduce wear;
and nature of waste, disposal method, recycle and reuse, maintenance of different equipment’s and their elements;
guideline and legislation); Water and wastewater sampling spares planning; overhauling; TPM; safety and safety
and laboratory analysis. management; environmental safety; chemical safety;
occupational health management; control of major industrial
EEE ZG512 Embedded System Design 4
hazards; managing emergencies; employee participation in
Introduction to embedded systems; embedded architectures: safety; HRD for maintenance and safety.
Architectures and programming of microcontrollers andDSPs. ES* ZC111 Probability & Statistics 3
Embedded applications and technologies; power issues in Probability spaces; conditional probability and independence;
system design; introduction to software and hardware co- random variables and probability distributions; marginal and
conditional distributions; independent random variables;
EEE ZG571 Optical Communication 4 mathematical expectation; mean and variance; binomial,
Optical communication systems and components; optical Poisson and normal distributions; sum of independent
sources and transmitters (basic concept, design and random variables; law of large numbers; central limit theorem
(without proof); sampling distribution and test for mean using
applications); modulators (electro-optic, acousto-optic and
laser modulation techniques); beam forming; focusing and normal and student's t-distribution; test of hypothesis;
correlation and linear regression.
coupling schemes to optical repeators; optical amplifiers;
ES* ZC115 General Physics I 3
optical field reception; coherent and non-coherent light wave
systems; fibre optic communication system design and Units, Physical Quantities and Vectors; Motion along a
straight line; Motion in two and three dimensions; Newton’s
performance; multichannel light wave systems; long haul
communications; fibre optic networks. Laws of Motion; Applying Newton’s Laws; Work and Kinetic
Energy; Potential Energy and Energy Conservation;
EEE ZG572 Satellite Communication 5 Momentum, Impulse and Collisions; Rotation of Rigid Bodies;
Review of microwave communications and LOS systems; the Dynamics of Rotational Motion; Equilibrium and Elasticity;
various satellite orbits like GEO, MEO, LEO; the satellite link Fluid Mechanics; Gravitation; Periodic Motion; Mechanical
analysis and design; the communication transponder system Waves; Sound and Hearing
like INSAT, INELSAT etc; the earth segment and earth ES* ZC116 English Language Practice 3
station engineering; the transmission of analog and digital Writing Grammar and usage, sentence completion, jumbled
signals through satellite and various modulation techniques sentences, emphatic word order, vocabulary building,
employed; the multiple access techniques like FDMA, TDMA, message organization, paragraph development techniques
CDMA, DAMA, etc; the INSAT program; salient features of and note taking. Reading: Skimming, scanning, rapid reading,
INSAT – systems and services offered; satellite services analytical reading, factual reading, and aesthetic reading.
offered by INTELSAT, INMARSAT and future satellites like Listening: Content listening, critical listening, aesthetic
IRIDIUM etc; future trends in satellite communications. listening, empathetic listening, listening to short
conversations, stories, lectures.
EEE ZG573 Digital Signal Processing 3 ES* ZC117 Chemistry-I 3
Introduction; design of analog filters; design of digital filters Structure of atoms; formation of molecules and related
(IIR and FIR); structures for the realization of digital filters; bonding theories with the help of quantum chemistry;
random signals and random processes; linear estimation and properties of solid, liquid and gas; chemical thermodynamics
prediction; Wiener filters; DSP processor architecture; DSP and its applications to solutions, equilibrium and
algorithms for different applications. electrochemical systems and chemical kinetics.
ES* ZC118 General Physics II 3
EEE ZG582 Telecom Network Management 5 Electric Charge and Electric Field; Gauss’s Law; Electric
Network architecture and protocols; LAN, MAN and WANs; Potential; Capacitance and Dielectrics; Current, Resistance
internetworking; network planning; network management and Electromotive Force; Direct Current Circuits; Magnetic
concepts and standards; administrative, operational and fault Fields and Magnetic Forces; Sources of Magnetic Field;
management; security issues; remote network management. Electromagnetic Induction; Inductance; Alternating Current;
Electromagnetic Waves; Nature and Propagation of Light;
ENGG ZC111Electrical & Electronics Technology 4
Geometric Optics; Interference; Diffraction
Electric circuit, electromagnetism, magnetic circuit, ES* ZC119 General Physics III 3
electrostatics, AC voltage and current, single-phase circuits, Temperature and Heat; Thermal Properties of Matter; The
semiconductor devices, amplifiers, digital systems, First Law of Thermodynamics; The Second Law of
microprocessors, DC machines, polyphase circuits, Thermodynamics; Relativity; Photons - Light waves behaving
transformers, synchronous machines, induction motors, as particles; Particles behaving as Waves; Quantum
power electronics, measurements, illumination. mechanics I - Wave functions; Quantum Mechanics II -
ENGG ZC232Engineering Materials 4 Atomic Structure; Molecules and Condensed Matter; Nuclear
Physics; Particle Physics and Cosmology.
Mechanical, electrical, electronic and chemical properties and ES* ZC131 Engineering Mathematics - I 3
applications of common engineering materials; ferrous and Differential and integral calculus in one dimension, vector
non- ferrous metals and alloys; thermosetting and algebra, calculus of several variables, partial derivatives,
thermoplastic plastics; natural and synthetic resins; rubber; directional derivatives, maxima and minima in higher
glass; abrasives and ceramics; common building materials, dimensions, constrained maxima and minima using Lagrange

multipliers, vector calculus – properties of grad, div and curl, ES* ZC225 Environmental Studies 3
line, surface and volume integrals, Green’s, Gauss and Environment, human population, and industrialization; natural
Stokes theorems, Complex variables – Continuity and
resources and the impact of man-made activities on them;
Differentiability, analytic functions, harmonic functions, structure and function of ecosystem, population ecology,
Cauchy Riemann equations. biodiversity and its conservation, overview of natural
ES* ZC142 Computer Programming 4
resources, environmental pollution, social issues and the
Basic Model of a Computer; Problem Solving-Basic environment, and environmental impact assessment.
Computing Steps and Flow Charting (Assignment, ES* ZC227 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Sequencing, Conditionals, Iteration). Programming 4
Constructs – Expressions, Statements, Conditionals,
Passive circuit elements; network theorems and analysis;
Iterators/Loops, Functions/Procedures; Data Types – introduction to single and three phase systems; DC/AC
Primitive Types, Tuples, Choices (Unions or Enumerations), machines; electrical installation; semiconductors - operation
Lists/Arrays, Pointers and Dynamically Allocated Data. Input
of diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field effect
output and Files. transistors.
ES* ZC212 Engineering Mathematics - II 3 ES* ZC232 Fundamentals of Engineering Measurements
First order ordinary differential equations, Second order linear 4
differential equations: initial conditions, boundary conditions, Introduction to measurement techniques; the basic concept of
Applications of differential equations, Computer units, static & dynamic performance characteristics and error
implementation of Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta methods analysis; the construction and design of measuring devices
and Finite difference method for two point boundary value and circuits; measuring instruments and their applications;
problem, Sturm-Liouville problem, Laplace transforms, Instrument design aspects, techniques and specifications of
Fourier series, Classification of second order partial electronic instruments; types of transducers used in
differential equations, Analytical solutions of heat, wave and instrumentation and measurement particularly for
Laplace equations using method of separation of variables. Temperature, Pressure, Flow and level variables.
Numerical experiments will be carried out/performed using ES* ZC234 Linear algebra & Optimisation 3
MATLAB. Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic
ES* ZC120 Chemistry - II 3
equations and their solutions; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and
Industrially important reactions; homogeneous and
diagonalization of matrices; Formulation of linear
heterogeneous catalysis; important materials and its programming problems, Simplex method, Big-M method, two
applications, especially polymer materials; alternative energy phase method, Sensitivity analysis, Revised and Dual
applications; wide range of characterization tools of
Simplex Methods.
molecules and materials for industrial applications.
ES* ZC217 Materials Science - I 3 ES* ZC319 Mechanisms 4
Fundamentals of materials: elastic moduli; atomic bonding; Overview of the various means to effectively convert force
crystalline structure; imperfections; application of elastic into desired motion, Classical mechanisms, mechanisms of
deformation; Strength of materials: yield strength, tensile mechatronics devices; concept of Mechanical Advantage;
strength & ductility; modification of properties; Failure: Physics of mechanisms such as, inclined planes, jacks,
fracture; fatigue; creep; corrosion; friction & wear; Properties levers, linkages, gears, chains, pulleys, genevas, cams, and
of materials: thermal, electrical, magnetic; Material selection: clutches; Safety mechanisms; Torque, speed, tension &
functional, environmental, cost & availability. limit control mechanisms; Free and forced vibrations;
ES* ZC218 Introduction to Thermodynamics & vibration control; Hydraulic & pneumatic mechanisms; Bio-
Applications 4 mechanics.
Fundamental concepts, thermodynamic properties, equations ES* ZC320 Introduction to Industrial Instrumentation 4
of state, laws of thermodynamics and their application to Importance and objectives of process control; process
industrial systems, entropy and its significance, basics modelling; system dynamics (first order and second order);
concepts of thermodynamics applied to chemical reactions, control structures: ON-OFF control, Proportional Integral and
reaction equilibrium and combustion calculations. Derivative control; tuning; analog signal conditioning; PID
ES* ZC219 Materials Science - II 3 implementation; actuators and final control elements; other
Metal structures; phase diagrams; structural change; kinetics; control configurations; Piping and Instrumentation Diagram;
alloys; carbon steel; alloy steels; metal processing – Programmable Logic Controllers.
materials science perspective; ceramics; cement & concrete; ES* ZC321 Manufacturing Sciences 4
polymers; composites; wood; material characterization Principles, methods and equipment; product disassembly
supported by lab. studies; science and engineering principles of metal casting,
ES* ZC220 Introduction to Economics 3 metal forming, joining, and metal cutting; common defects
Big ideas in economics; Functioning of economy; Scarcity and the physics behind them.
and choice; Consumer behaviour; Firm behaviour; ES* ZC333 Introduction to Transport Phenomena 3
Competitive markets; Labour markets; Unemployment; Introduction and basic concepts in fluid mechanics; fluid
Capital market; Banking and non-banking financial institution; statics and fluid kinematics; dimensional analysis; mass,
Central banking; Economic growth; Inflation; Monetary policy; momentum and energy balance; internal flows, external flow,
Fiscal Policy. pressure loses and flow devices; basics of heat transfer:
conduction, convection and radiation; convective heat
transfer coefficients radiation view factor; and heat transfer
equipment. Introduction to mass transfer; molecular diffusion;
mass transfer coefficient.
ES* ZC334 Numerical & Computational Methods 3
Numerical solution of differential equations including
fundamentals: roots of single nonlinear and simultaneous
(Matrix) equations, least squares fitting and statistical
goodness, interpolation, finite differences, differentiation,
integration, eigen solutions. Engineering problem solving
using MATLAB; Working with Variables: creating variables,
data import from external sources, data entry, scalars, vector
and matrix data, vector and matrix arithmetic, plotting and
visualization. Lab component: Exercises drawn from

engineering industry, solved using the various tools and ES* ZC348 Robotics and Automation 3
methods learnt in the course. Fundamentals of automation and robotics such as types of
ES* ZC335 Integrated Engineering Science 3 automation, history of robotics, robot anatomy, end-effectors
This is a cross-disciplinary course, aims to integrate the and sensors. Application of basic mathematics in the motion
various engineering science concepts and practices learned analysis and control of robots using forward and inverse
in the earlier semesters. The course adopts a problem-based kinematics and control theory. Fundamentals and
learning approach, wherein industry scale problems from the applications of machine vision and artificial intelligence.
specialization streams are drawn and discussed with a Programming the robot for performing simple tasks using
particular emphasis on the environmental and ethical motion, end-effector and sensor commands. Social issues,
dimensions. future and the applications of robotics.
ES* ZC336 Contemporary Manufacturing Processes 4 ES* ZC229T Project 5
Manufacturing process, attributes and equipment: Investment Apply the knowledge of the foundation in the workplace to
& die castings; metal forming and machining. The classroom design/ improve an existing process or product as a team;
learning is augmented with virtual labs. Additive demonstrate team working & communication skills, and
manufacturing: The distinctive features; technology; methods; ethical & environmental concerns in addition to critical
applications. Students will execute team project designing thinking abilities; the student’s actual day-to-day task
and developing simple products using additive process. Non- involvement would constitute the central thread of the
traditional manufacturing: Classifications; applications and learning process. The evaluation will recognize this aspect by
limitations. demanding day-to-day engagement and productivity of the
ES* ZC337 Digital Electronics & Microcontrollers 3 student.
Introduction to Digital Systems: Combinational circuits: Logic ES* ZC498T Capstone Project 10
gates; decoders; encoders; Mux/Demux; Sequential Circuits: Real life problems encompassing design, analysis, and
Latches & Flip-flops; Design of combinational and sequential improvement projects obtained from the workplace/ third
circuits; Microcontrollers; Controller architecture; Assembly party vendors; jointly mentored by the industry experts and
programming; Peripheral devices – Parallel & Serial I/O faculty; to learn and demonstrate the various skills and
interfacing. competencies gained throughout the program with a
ES* ZC338 Digital Manufacturing 4 particular emphasis on team-working, communication,
Manufacturing, a historic perspective; Internet of Things & planning, ethics and environmental concerns. Presentation of
associated technologies: Smart sensors and actuators, smart the progress and results in appropriate forms; Periodic review
things/ devices, connected factories, cobots, material & of progress of the project.
information flow; Digital transformation: preparing and ES ZC263Digital Electronics and Microprocessors4
aligning organizations for digital transformation and cyber
physical production systems; development, characteristics Binary logic gates; logic circuits; Boolean algebra and K-map
and framework; Case studies and examples of digital simplification; number systems and codes; arithmetic logic
factories. Students will gain hands-on experience of various units; flipflops; registers and counters; introduction to
IOT devices and manufacturing systems through remote lab microprocessors; architecture; instruction set and
experiments. programming; memory and I/O interfacing examples of
ES* ZC339 Engineering Design and drawing 4 system design.
The course introduces the subject with a real-life illustrative ES ZC343 Microprocessors & Microcontollers3
project, deducing the product design process, concept to
model to detailed design to manufacturing to disassembly. Introduction to microprocessors andmicrocontrollers.
The course then proceeds in developing simple models using Architecture of 8086 microprocessors; Assembly directives,
engineering modelling tools. The student will undertake a Assembly language programs with algorithms, Memory
team project to design and model a simple product or interfacing and timing diagrams; Architecture of 8-bit
assembly using modelling software. microcontrollers; Assembly language programming for
ES* ZC340 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 3 microcontrollers; Interfacing I/O devices; System design
Overview of the supply chain concept, its elements and examples.
interactions; integrated view of the supply chain; global ES*ZG629T Dissertation 20
supply chains, benefits and challenges; make-buy-
outsourcing decisions; forecasting, aggregate planning and A student registered in this course must take a topic in an
scheduling, materials requirement planning, inventory area of professional interest drawn from the on the job work
management systems, distribution systems. requirement which is simultaneously of direct relevance to the
ES* ZC345 Maintenance for productivity and safety 3 degree pursued by the student as well as to the employing /
The major industrial disasters, their causes and collaborating organization of the student and submit a
consequences, learnings from the history, predictive and comprehensive report at the end of the semester working
preventive maintenance practices, statistical measure of under the overall supervision and guidance of a professional
equipment uptime, TPM as an integrated approach to expert who will be deemed as the supervisor for evaluation of
maintenance. all components of the dissertation. Normally the Mentor of the
ES* ZC346 Manufacturing Systems Design &Analysis 4 student would be the Dissertation supervisor and in case
Historical evolution of manufacturing systems, mass Mentor is not approved as the supervisor, Mentor may play
production and its attributes, the need for new production the role of additional supervisor. The final grades for
system; Toyota way, how Toyota went about discovering, dissertation are Non-letter grades namely Excellent, Good,
designing, developing and deploying the Toyota production Fair and Poor, which do not go into CGPA computation.
systems, the challenges; Tool and techniques: JIT, Pull, ES* ZC424 Software for Embedded Systems 3
Kanban, level production, 5S, throughput & takt, SMED,
Real-time and Embedded Systems; Software issues in
Jidoka. Finally, the course concludes by providing an
Embedded Systems; Software Development Process;
integrated view of Toyota Production Systems. The concepts
Requirements Analysis– Use Cases, Identification and
are illustrate using simple models.
Analysis of use cases, Use Case Diagrams. Design –
ES* ZC347 Quality Control & Metrology 4
Architectural Design, Design Patterns, Detailed Design.
Overview of quality control, quality management and
Implementation – Languages, Compilers, Runtime
dimensional metrology; Quality control: Statistical basis of
Environments and Operating Systems for embedded
sampling & process control; Quality management: Principles
software. Testing – Methodologies, Test Cases.
& practices including quality system standards; Metrology:
Measurement system nomenclature, measurement of ES* ZC441 Robotics 3
distance, form and surface; calibration.

The objective of this course is to make the students familiar allocation; Project monitoring and control; Contract
with Robotics, the main components of kinematics, sensors, management.
transmission and drives, control systems, intelligence and ES* ZG524 Real Time Operating Systems 5
vision, geometric modelling and reasoning, assembly
planning, grasping, collision avoidance, mobile robots, force Introduction to real-time systems, clock synchronization task
strategies, uncertainty analysis, and representation of visual assignment and scheduling, programming language with real-
world. time support, ADA, real-time communication protocols, real-
time database, fault tolerant techniques, reliability evaluation
ES* ZC446 Data Storage Technologies & Networks 3
methods; case studies in real-time operating systems,
Storage Media and Technologies – Magnetic, Optical and simulation of real-time systems, embedded system
Semiconductor media, techniques for read/write operations, programming.
issues and limitations. Usage and Access – Positioning in the ES* ZG525 Avionics Systems 5
memory hierarchy, Hardware and Software Design for
access, Performance issues. Large Storages – Hard Disks, Civil avionics systems, fly-by-wire technology, flight control
Networked Attached Storage, Scalability issues, Networking systems, engine control systems, fuel systems, hydraulic
issues. Storage Architecture. - Storage Partitioning, Storage systems, electrical systems, pneumatic systems,
System Design, Caching, Legacy Systems. Storage Area environmental control systems, navigational systems,
Networks – Hardware and Software Components, Storage emergency systems, rotary wing systems, advanced
Clusters/Grids. Storage QoS – Performance, Reliability, and systems, system design and development, avionics
Security issues. technology, environmental conditions, flight management
systems, vehicle health management systems,
ES* ZC481 Computer Networks 3
communication protocols, hardware certification process,
Introduction, history and development of computer networks; software certification process, certification considerations for
Reference models; Physical Layer: theoretical basis, highly integrated / complex aircraft systems.
transmission media, types of transmission; MAC sub-layer: ES* ZG526 Advanced Computer Networks 5
local area networks, FDDI; Data Link Layer: Sliding Window
protocols, design aspects; Network Layer: routing algorithms, Topics in advanced networking – Quality of Service in IP
congestion control algorithms, internetworking; Transport networks, IPv6, Wireless and Mobile Networks, Carrier
Layer: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), Technologies (Frame Relay, FDDI, ISDN, ATM), Peer-to-
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) - reference models, Peer Networks and Overlays, Routing and QoS Issues in
service classes, switch design, LAN emulation; Application Optical Networks.
Layer protocols. ES* ZG531 Pervasive Computing 4
ES* ZG511 Mechatronics 5 Select application architectures; hardware aspects; human-
Concepts of measurement of electrical and non-electrical machine interfacing; device technology:hardware, operating
parameters; displacement, force, pressure etc. and related system issues; software aspects, java; device connectivity
signal conditioning techniques, drives and actuators, issues and protocols; security issues; device management
concepts of microprocessors/ microcontrollers architecture issues and mechanisms; role of web; wap devices and
and programming, memory and I/O interfacing. System architectures; voice-enabling techniques; PDAs and their
design concepts through case studies. operating systems; web application architectures;
architectural issues and choices; smart card-based
ES* ZG512 Embedded System Design 4
authentication mechanisms; applications; issues and
Introduction to embedded systems; embedded architectures: mechanisms in WAP-enabling; access architectures;
Architectures and programming of microcontrollers and wearable computing architectures.
DSPs. Embedded applications and technologies; power ES* ZG532 Testability for VLSI 5
issues in system design; introduction to software and
hardware co-design. BIST, boundary sean, stuck-at faults, test generation
algorithms for combinatorial logic circuits and sequential
ES* ZG513 Network Security 4
circuits, logic simulation and fault simulation, synthesis for
This course examines issues related to network and test, built in self-test, pseudo-random test techniques, other
information security. Topics include security concepts, test methods - IDDQ testing, boundary scan etc.
security attacks and risks, security architectures, security ES* ZG545 Control & Instrumentation for Systems 5
policy management, security mechanisms, cryptography
algorithms, security standards, security system interoperation The regulation and control problem with reference to power
and case studies of the current major security systems. electronic converters. Converter models for feedback: basic
converter dynamics, fast switching, piece-wise linear models,
ES* ZG514 Mechanisms & Robotics 5
discrete-time models. Voltage mode and current mode
Classification of robots & manipulators; fields of application; controls for DC-DC converters, comparator based control for
synthesis of planar & spatial mechanisms; methods of rectifier systems, proportional and proportional-integral
function & path generation; coupler curve synthesis; linkages control applications. Control design based on linearisation:
with open loop; actuators & drive elements; microprocessor transfer functions, compensation and filtering, compensated
application and control of robots. feedback control systems. Hysteresis control basics, and
ES* ZG520 Wireless & Mobile Communication 5 application to DC-DC converters and inverters. General
boundary control: behaviour near a boundary, and choice of
Signal propagation in a mobile environment, modulation, suitable boundaries. Basic ideas of fuzzy control techniques,
coding, equalization; first generation generation systems; and performance issues. Sensors for power electronic
multiple access techniques like FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, circuits, speed and torque transducers.
spread spectrum systems; second & third generation
systems, UMTS, IMT-2000; Wireless LAN, Wireless ATM and
Mobile IP; emerging trends in Wireless & Mobile
ES* ZG523 Project Management 4
Concepts and techniques of project formulation, evaluation
and implementation; Project planning and scheduling; Risk
management; Time-cost trade off; Resource leveling and

ES* ZG553 Real Time Systems 5 techniques, linear least square estimator, minimum variance
Real time software, Real time operating systems-scheduling, algorithm, stochastic approximation method and maximum
likelihood method, simultaneous state and parameter
virtual memory issues and file systems, real time data bases,
fault tolerance and exception handling techniques, reliability estimation of extended kalman-filter, non-linear identification,
evaluation, data structures and algorithms for real quasi linearization, numerical identification methods.
time/embedded systems, programming languages, compilers ES* ZG621 VLSI Design 5
and run time environment for real time/embedded systems,
Introduction to NMOS and CMOS circuits; NMOS and CMOS
real time system design, real time communication and processing technology; CMOS circuits and logic design;
security, real time constraints and multi-processing and circuit characterization and performance estimation;
distributed systems.
Structured design and testing; Symbolic layout systems;
ES* ZG554 Reconfigurable Computing 5 CMOS subsystem design; System case studies.
Overview of Programmable Logics. FPGA fabric ES* ZG625 Safety Critical Embedded System Design 4
architectures. Logic Elements and Switch Networks. Design Architecture / Design practices for Safety critical systems;
and Synthesis of Combinational and Sequential Elements. DO178B standards. Methodology of Certification and
Placement and Routing. Pipelining and other Design
Qualification for DO178B, Modelling real time systems (UML-
Methodologies. Fine-grained and Coarse-Grained FPGAs. RT, and the tools), Reliable, common system bus – VME,
Static and Dynamic Reconfiguration. Partitioning. ASCB, SafeBus, MultiBus II etc. Safety critical system busses
Hardware/Software Portioning and Partial Evaluation;
& protocols, ARINC 429, 629, Mil-1553B & 1773, Ethernet
Systolic Architectures. based switched network for safety critical applications, Real
ES* ZG556 DSP Based Control of Electric Drives 3 time and safety standard and certifications, Reliability
State space and transfer matrix representations, Maintainability & Safety of Embedded Systems.FPGA and
ASIC based design, Low-Power Techniques in RT
representation of nonlinear systems by update of parameters,
output feedback and state feedback control, basic notion of Embedded Systems On-chip networking. Hardware Software
state estimation. Sampling of signals, discrete representation partitioning and scheduling, Co-simulation, synthesis and
verifications, Architecture mapping, HW-SW Interfaces and
of signals, z-transforms. Nature of discrete time poles and
zeros. A/D and D/A converters as system elements. FIR and Re-configurable computing.
IIR behaviour, noise and its nature. AR, MA, and ARMA ES* ZG641 Hardware Software Co-Design 4
models of systems. The Fourier transform and what it
FPGA and ASIC based design, Low-Power Techniques in RT
conveys. Processing requirements of a DSP, floating point Embedded Systems On-chip networking. Hardware Software
DSP’s: the TMS320C3x family. Memory organization, partitioning and scheduling, Co-simulation, synthesis and
interrupt systems, and I/O interface with the TMS320C3x
verifications, Architecture mapping, HW-SW Interfaces and
family. The TMS320C31 as an embedded controller, drive Re-configurable computing.
control features. Applications in vector and direct torque
control of synchronous motors, vector and direct torque ES* ZG642 VLSI Architecture 4
control of induction motors, torque control of SRM’s. Overview of CISC processor architectures; Instruction set
ES* ZG571 Optical Communication 5 architecture of CISC processor; hardware flow-charting
methods; implementing microprocessor logic from hardware
Optical communication systems and components; optical flowcharts; RISC instruction set architecture; pipelined
sources and transmitters (basic concept, design and execution of RISC instructions; pipeline execution unit
applications); modulators (electro-optic, acousto-optic and
design; control hazards; design of memory hierarchy.
laser modulation techniques; beam forming; focusing and
coupling schemes to optical repeaters; optical amplifiers; ES* ZG651 Networked Embedded Applications 4
optical field reception; coherent and non-coherent lightwave Networked embedded systems, Clock synchronization,
systems; fibre optic communication system design and Protocol mechanisms protocol performance, CAN Bus
performance; multichannel lightwave systems; long haul architecture, USB Architecture, Embedded Internet,
communications; fibre optic networks. distributed computing, Use of Java in building networked
ES* ZG573 Digital Signal Processing 3 systems, Reliability & Fault Tolerance etc. Mission-critical
distributed real-time applications, e.g., military, air traffic
Introduction; design of analog filters; design of digital filters:
control; Prototyping benchmark applications, e.g. simulated
(IIR and FIR); structures for the realization of digital filters; air traffic visualization, radar display; Networking: TCP/IP,
random signals and random processes; linear estimation and distributed objects; Embedded system programming and
prediction; Wiener filters; DSP processor architecture; DSP
middleware: I/O, analog / digital conversion, DSP, runtime
algorithms for different applications. monitoring of CPU, processes, network equipment; Modeling
ES* ZG611 Advanced Control Systems 5 distributed real-time systems; Quality of service maintenance.
Review of State variable modelling of linear continuous, linear ET ZC234 Manufacturing Processes 4
discrete and nonlinear control systems; Time varying Fundamentals of casting process; forging; powder metallurgy;
systems; Time domain solution; Controllability and
soldering; brazing and welding technology; metal forming
observability; Stability; direct method of Lyapunov; Modal process, its analysis and design; Introduction to Metal cutting,
control; Optimal Control System; Calculus of variation, machine tools; mechanics of metal cutting; other machining
Minimum principle, dynamic programming, search
processes; grinding and finishing operations; non convention
techniques, Ricatti equation, Stochastic processes and machining; chipless machining processes; NC machines
Stochastic estimation and control; Adaptive Control system. programming; control system in CNC; CNC, DNC; FMS and
ES* ZG612 Fault Tolerant System Design 5 machining center.
Principles of fault tolerant systems, redundancy, parallel and ET ZC323 Mechatronics and Automation 4
shared resources, spatial systems, configurations, design
Introduction to mechatronics, sensors and
aspects etc. transducers,pneumatic and hydraulic actuation
ES* ZG613 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 5 systems,mechanical actuation systems, electricalactuation
Review of stochastic processes, models and model systems, digital logic, microprocessorsand programmable
logic controllers; Introductionto automation, features of
classification, the identification problem, some field of
applications, classical methods of identification of impulse numerical control machinetools, numerical control part
response and transfer function models, model learning programming,control loops for numerical control systems,

computerizednumerical control, adaptive control Smart devices and control system, Connectivity and
systems,industrial robots, automatic identificationand data networking in IoT, Smart eyes on shop floor, Integrating
capture, automated production lines andautomated assembly smart into existing, Programming using IoT, Case study and
systems. implementation.
ET ZC341Instrumentation & Control 3 ET ZC412Production Planning & Control 4
Measurement systems, transducers, feedback control, Generalized model of production systems; typesof production
components: electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic; Signal flows; life cycle concepts; facilities location and layout
conditioning and processing, controllers, display, recording, planning; aggregate and batch production planning; inventory
direct digital control, programmable logic controllers, PC systems; materials requirements planning; elements of
based instrumentation. monitoring & production control.
ET ZC342Materials Management 4 ET ZC413 EngineeringDesign 4
Integrated materials management, policy aspects, purchasing The Engineering Design Process, Current Practices in
management, warehousing and storage of inventory control Engineering Design, Establishing Need, Design Proposal,
systems; appraisal and control; just in time (JIT); automation Formulating the Problem, Structuring the Search for a
in materials management. Solution: Design Goals and Specifications; Applying and
ET ZC344Instrumentation & Control 4 Protecting Technical Knowledge, Abstraction and Modeling,
Synthesis in Engineering Design, Ethics and Product Liability
Generalized measurement system and performance Issues, HazardAnalysisand FailureAnalysis, Design Analysis
characteristics, Transducers - principles and applications, - Alternative Designs, PrioritizingtheDesign Goals, Decision
Signal conditioning circuits – bridges, amplifiers, data Matrix and Economic Analysis, Implementation -
converters, filters; Process control – control schemes, Transforming a Design Concept into Reality, Materials
controllers, multi-loop control configuration, Control valves; Selection in Design, Common Fabrication Materials,
Programmable Logic Controllers, DCS and Materials Testing, Manufacturing Processes, Communicating
SCADA,Simulation,Case Studies. the Design, Case Studies.
ET ZC352 Energy Management 4 ET ZC414 Project Appraisal 3
Energy management principles; energy conservation; energy Overview of project and project phases; project formulation
auditing; analysis; formulation of energy management aspects in terms of market studies, technical studies,
options; economic evaluation, implementation & control; financial studies, economic studies, environmental studies,
energy conservation techniques – conservation in energy etc.; project evaluation aspects in terms of commercial
intensive industries; steam generation, distribution systems, profitability prospects, national economic profitability
and electrical systems; integrated resource planning; prospects; issues of project preparation in project
demand-side. management; cogeneration; total energy implementation.
schemes; thermal insulation; energy storage; economic
ET ZC415 Manufacturing Excellence 4
evaluation of conservation technologies; analysis of typical
applications. Introduction, frameworks of manufacturing excellence,
ET ZC362Environmental Pollution Control 3 practices for manufacturing excellence: leadership and
change management, manufacturing strategy, innovative
Air and water pollutants; sampling and analysis; control product planning, total productive maintenance, total quality
methods for air & water pollutants; modeling of different management, lean manufacturing, customer relations
control techniques; advanced wastewater treatment management, green manufacturing, supply chain
processes; solid waste management, noise pollution; case management, knowledge management and social
studies. responsibility.
ET ZC348 ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING 4 ET ZC423 Essentials of Project Management 3
Introduction to Additive Manufacturing, CAD for Additive Programmes project management, project manager: role and
Manufacturing; Material Science Aspects in Additive responsibilities, project management and organization,
Manufacturing, Different materials used in AM, Use of project planning and scheduling, graphical techniques and
multiple materials, multifunctional and graded materials in PERT, CPM, price estimation and cost control; proposal,
AM, Role of solidification rate; Various Additive control valuation monitoring and trade off analysis in a project
Manufacturing Processes Powder‐ based AM processes environment, pitfalls and future scenario.
involving sintering and melting, Printing processes (droplet
ET ZC426 Plant Layout & Design 4
based 3D printing), Fused deposition modelling (FDM),
Laminated object manufacturing, Stereolithography, Micro Factors affecting plant layout, Types of layout, procedure for
and nanoadditive manufacturing processes; Modelling in plant layout, techniques and tools for planning layout,
Additive Manufacturing Transport phenomena models: quantitative layout analysis, material handling equipment,
temperature and fluid flow, molten pool formation, Various improving and revising existing layout, evaluation of layout,
case studies modelling of fusion based AM process, powder plant location, evaluation of location, design of layout,
bed melting based process, droplet based printing process; computer applications in layout design.
Applications of Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace, ET ZC434 Quality Control, Assurance &Reliability 3
Automotive, Electronics industries and Biomedical
applications Basic concepts of probability and probability distributions,
standard probability distribution, sampling and sampling
distributions, confidence intervals, testing significance,
Safe work practices and workplace safety, Industrial statistical tolerance, various types of control charts, statistical
revolution 4.0, Forces behind Industry 4.0 (IoT, big data and process control techniques, value analysis, defect diagnosis
cloud computing, robotics and artificial intelligence), and prevention, basic concepts of reliability, reliability design
Connected factories (what is connected factory and criteria evaluation and control, methods of applying total quality
for connected factory), Smart devices and smart products, management, production process.
cyberphysical system, definition; cps in manufacturing, ET ZC442 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems 4
Connecting devices with each other and with internet, Data
acquiring and collection, Communication technologies (WIFI, Automotive safety systems, assist and autonomous systems,
IEEE 802.15.41), RFID, QR codes and cellular technologies, automotive sensors and actuators for ADAS (stereo and
Protocols, Hardware in IoT, Software (IDE), Cloud platform, mono cameras ultrasonic sensors, LIDAR, RADAR),

fundamentals of machine vision, data fusion for ADAS, exchange markets, international parity conditions, foreign
mechatronics for ADAS, human – machine interface for currency options, transaction exposure, operating exposure,
ADAS, telematics and infotainment, ADAS system, legal and translation exposure, sourcing capital globally, foreign
ethical aspects of ADAS, real time systems and development, investment decisions, basics of multinational taxation,
advanced driver assistance systems, advanced computer transfer pricing, principles of multinational capital budgeting,
systems, automated driving applications and systems. and managing multinational operations . Extensive use of
ET ZC443 Connected Cars 4 case studies and simulations to connect theory with practice.
Fundamentals of IOT - Architecture, Sensors, Cloud and the FIN ZG519 Business Analysis and Valuation 4
trade-off between polling and storage requirements, Structure Theory of finance, value maximization, stakeholder theory,
and implementation of CAN networks, CAN message, priority
and corporate objective function: value creation – ways and
& arbitration and the control hardware involved in the means, business analysis: The techniques of strategy and
network, data analytics by creating a simple data model using competitive analysis, value chain analysis for competitive
OBD tools, ethical and legal aspects of connected car
advantages, business valuation – approaches and methods,
applications including data theft, privacy and security the dark side of valuation: strategic investment decisions.
vulnerabilities, building of predictive analytic model based on
in-vehicle data. FIN ZG520 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
FIN ZC415 Financial and Management Accounting 4
Introduction to investment and securities; profile of financial
Basic concepts, double entry accounting, journal, ledger, trial
assets; new issue market or primary market, initial public
balance, profit & loss account, balance sheet, cash flow offerings (IPO); secondary market; framework of risk & return;
statement, financial statement analysis, ratio analysis, cost- fundamental analysis- economy, industry; company analysis;
volume-profit analysis, inventory valuation, inflation
stock evaluation models; multiple holding period and multiple
accounting, cost accounting and budgetary control systems, growth rate; bond analysis and bond management strategies;
financial analysis and forecasting. technical analysis; efficient market theory; portfolio
FIN ZG512 Global Financial Markets and Products 4 management; Markowitz model; Sharpe’s Single Index
model; capital asset pricing model; financial derivatives,
Capital markets; stock markets, bond markets, derivative
markets; operations of these markets from a global options & futures.
perspective; Overview and features of key financial products, FIN ZG521 Financial Management 4
equities, fixed income securities and derivatives; bond
Concepts and techniques of financial management decision;
features, indenture, coupon, maturity, YTM, zero coupon, concepts in valuation – time value of money; valuation of a
valuation, duration, convexity; Equities, product features, firm’s stock, capital asset pricing model; investment in assets
basic valuation concepts; derivatives, forwards, futures,
and required returns; risk analysis; financing and dividend
options, swaps, commodity derivatives, cost of carry, policies, capital structure decision; working capital
concepts, basic features, payoff, put call parity, basic option management, management of cash, management of
strategies; relevant case studies, simulations, modeling.
accounts receivable; inventory management, short and
FIN ZG513 Management of Banks & Financial intermediate term financing, long term financial tools of
Institutions 4 financial analysis, financial ratio analysis, funds analysis and
Overview and operation of financial institutions and banks; financial forecasting, operating and financial leverages.
Commercial banking, Investment banking; Define, quantify, FIN ZG522 Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate
and manage various types of risks faced by financial Restructuring 4
institutions; asset liability management - overview, Basics of M&A (corporate finance, strategy, economics),
strategies; off balance sheet activities of banks; sovereign merger types, trends; theories underlying M&A; legal aspects;
risk; deposit insurance; capital adequacy; study current best
evaluating an acquisition target; valuation of mergers and
practices using selected case studies; bank management acquisitions, MVA, relative valuation, multiples, DCF, FCFF,
failures; insights from collapse of Lehman Brothers; FCFE; M&A deal structuring; synergy analysis; break-up
introduction to bank regulation; international considerations;
valuation; sensitivity analysis; terms of merger; financing
relevant case studies, simulations, modeling. considerations; capital structure decisions; structuring and
FIN ZG514 Derivatives and Risk Management4 valuing of Leveraged Buy-out (LBO) transaction; financing
Overview of Financial Markets. Introduction to derivatives. considerations; exit strategies; extensive use of relevant case
studies, simulations, modeling.
Definition of future, forward, option and swap. Difference
between various players of derivative market, their motives FIN ZG523 Market Risk Management 4
and types of position they can hold. Mechanics of future, Market risk measurement and management in foreign
option & swap markets. Hedging strategies. Option Pricing exchange markets, debt markets, equity markets,
and understanding of various factors affecting option price.
commodities markets; application of Value-at-Risk (VaR) to
Calculations of Greeks. Introduction to interest rates, yield, market risk management, VaR methods, VaR mapping,
term structure and forward rates. Mechanics of Bond Market. stress testing, multi factor VaR, limitations of VaR, alternative
Review of concept of compounding and time value of money.
metrics to VaR, expected shortfall; market risk in bank trading
Difference between floating rate and fixed income bonds. strategies; market risk management in fixed income
Price quotes and accrued interest. Pricing of Bonds. securities, duration, convexity, advanced term structure
Computation of yield. Bond Price volatility. Duration, Modified
models, mortgage backed securities, pre-payment risk,
Duration and convexity. Factors affecting Bond Yields and burnout, modeling pre-payment risk; volatility smiles, exotic
the Term Structure. Concept of Risk. Perspective of Risk options; measuring and managing corporate risk, cash flow
from view point of individuals, companies & financial
exposures; extensive use of relevant case studies,
institutions. Commercial Banks and risks faced by them. simulations, modeling.
Different types of Insurance and risk faced insurance
companies. Introduction to various risks: Market Risk, Credit FIN ZG524 Credit Risk Management 4
Risk, Operational Risk, Liquidity risk & Model Risk. Concept Default, charge-off, bankruptcy; loan restructuring, loan
of Value at Risk. moratorium; counterparty credit risk, measurement,
FIN ZG518 Multinational Finance 4 management; credit risk modeling, quantitative models,
Probability of Default, Exposure at Default, Loss Given
Effective financial decision making in a multinational Default, Expected and Unexpected losses; qualitative
corporation; issues in global financial management,
framework, five Cs of credit; application of Value-at-Risk
international monetary system, balance of payments, foreign

(VaR) to credit risk management, i.e. Credit VaR, default risk HHSM ZG516Epidemic & Disaster Management 4
measurement and management in Fixed Income securities, Disaster management; impact and response; relief phase;
and securitization; extensive use of relevant case studies,
disaster mitigation in health sector; disaster preparedness;
simulations, modeling. policy development; man-made disasters; international
FIN ZG525 Operational Risk Management 4 agencies providing health based humanitarian assistance;
Topics covered include: operational risk measurement, and strategies for disaster management.
management framework; internal loss data, external loss HHSM ZG517Health Care Management 4
data; key risk indicators; scenario analysis, stress testing; risk
Basis of organizational culture and management techniques
appetite; reputational risk and operational risk; application of for efficient administration of health delivery; general
value-at-risk (VaR) to operational risk management; liquidity principles of HR, materials and operation management;
risk, definition, measurement and management; liquidity
understanding the organizational culture that exists in public,
adjusted VaR; liquidity and leverage; legal risk, compliance private and non-Govt. sector agencies; management
risk; fraud risk (internal and external); model risk; enterprise information system.
risk management; extensive use of relevant case studies,
simulations, modeling. HHSM ZG614 Hospital Operations Management 4
FIN ZG526 Advanced Risk Models 4 Operations Management aspects connected with outpatient
ward, casualty, operation theatres, diagnostic laboratories,
Advanced VaR models, expected shortfall, stressed VaR, pathology laboratories, pharmacy, diet and nutrition, blood
historical simulation, delta/ gamma models, full revaluation, bank, laundry, medical records, security, scheduling and
risk factor selection, volatility clustering, structured Monte
deployment of doctors, nurses and other staff, accounts
Carlo analysis, stress testing, scenario analysis, back testing; among others; Equipment planning and management,
country and sovereign risk models; management of country Materials management, Management of human resources in
and sovereign risks, external and internal credit ratings
hospitals, Hospital Management Information Systems,
methodology and framework; expected and unexpected loss Licensing and legal compliance, Quality and accreditation of
framework and related metrics; extensive use of relevant hospitals and healthcare organizations. The course will
case studies, simulations, modeling.
involve onsite visits in a hospital, discussions and
FIN ZG527 International Regulatory presentations on the practical aspects of hospital operations
Framework for Banks 4 management.
Three pillars of the Basel II framework; key elements of risk HHSM ZG615 Service Quality Excellence in Healthcare 4
management in banks; various methodologies used to
Quality in healthcare, Leadership for Quality, Customer
calculate capital and provision requirements under Basel III satisfaction in healthcare, Continual improvement, cost of
framework, capital conservation buffer, counter cyclical quality, Benchmarking, Performance measures, Statistical
capital buffer; liquidity coverage ratio, NSFR, leverage ratio;
process control, Experimental design, Quality tools, Lean
implications for the management of credit risk, market risk tools applied in healthcare, Case study in healthcare.
and operational risk; basic approach, standardized approach,
advanced approach, etc.; extensive use of relevant case HHSM ZG617 Strategic Management of Healthcare
studies relating to bank failures and 2008 financial crisis. Organizations 4
FIN ZG528 Venture Capital & Private Equity 4 Strategic management function within contemporary health
services organization with focus on organizational strategic
This course will lay a strong foundation in core concepts, planning processes including principles and methods of
features and characteristics of the venture capital and private strategic assessment, strategy formulation, evaluation,
equity markets; specialized services provided by VC's and
implementation, and control, Case studies in healthcare
PE funds; stages in VC investing; deal flow; deal sourcing, systems.
evaluation; risk return tradeoff of VC/ PE investments;
valuation of VC/ PE transactions; structuring and execution of HHSM ZG631Introduction to Health Systems &
deals; exit options, distributions; Course will make extensive Environmental Health 4
use of case studies to understand industry best practices and Introduction to health systems; functions of health systems;
current trends. managing health systems; problems of health systems
HHSM ZG513 Biostatistics & Epidemiology 4 management; Major environmental health problems including
quality of water, waste disposal food production and
Methods of collection and presentation of statistical data;
processing, vector control etc. Air pollution and its controlling,
calculation and interpretation of various measures like mean, Hazards of radiation, municipal and other wastes,
median, mode, standard deviation, kurtosis, correlation Occupational health hazards.
coefficient; probabilitydistributions; sampling and estimation
of parameters; tests of hypothesis; data analysis. Introduction IS ZC313Object Oriented Programming & Design 4
to the principles and methods of epidemiology. Epidemiology Object oriented concepts and design, abstraction,architecture
of some illustrative infectious diseases (of bacterial, rickettsial and design patterns, GUI programmingand frameworks,
and viral origins), sexually transmitted diseases, chronic design of object orientedsolutions using UML, design for
diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, concurrency, implementationof solutions using object
neurological disorders etc. Use of biostatistics in orientedlanguages like C++ or Java; Language level
epidemiology. mappingand realization of object oriented
constructs,realization and performance issues versus
abstractionand usability.
IS ZC314 Software Development for Portable Devices 3
Introduction to mobile computing and emerging mobile
application and hardware platforms; Developing and
accessing mobile applications; Software lifecycle for mobile
application – design and architecture, development – tools,
techniques, frameworks, deployment; Human factors and
emerging human computer interfaces (tangible, immersive,
attentive, gesture, zero-input); Select application domains
such as pervasive health care, m-Health; Mobile web
browsing, gaming and social networking.

IS ZC323Systems Programming 3 protection; Case studies on design and implementation of
Batch processing Systems programs; operating operating system modules.
characteristics and limitations; parallel processing of I/O and IS ZC363Data Structures & Algorithms 4
interrupt handling, multiprogramming; multiprocessing
Introduction to software design principles, modularity,abstract
systems; design of system modules and interfaces; other data types, data structures andalgorithms; Analysis of
selected topics. algorithms; Linear datastructures – stacks, arrays, lists,
IS ZC327 Systems Programming 4 queues andlinked representations; Pre-fix, in-fix and post-
fixexpressions; Recursion; Set operations; Hashingand hash
Batch processing; Systems programs; operating
characteristics and limitations; parallel processing of I/O and functions; Binary and other trees, traversalalgorithms,
interrupt handling, multiprogramming; multiprocessing Huffman codes; Search trees,priority queues, heaps and
balanced trees; Sortingtechniques; Graphs and digraphs;
systems; design of system modules and interfaces with focus
on contemporary open source operating system-specific Algorithmicdesign techniques; Data structures for
programming; laboratory experiments or programming externalstorage, multi-way search and B-trees;
Implementationtechniques for different data structures
assignments involving Unix/Linux System-specific
Programming including shell-scripting via online laboratory includingtrees, graphs and search structures;
facility. Performanceevaluation of data structures andalgorithms;
Implementation issues in large datastructures.
IS ZC328 Software Testing 3
IS ZC364 Operating Systems 4
Brief description of importance of software, Life cycle model
Introduction to operating systems; Various approaches to
and process, Basic software testing, all definitions, Types of
testing and techniques (CFG, CDG etc.), Black Box & white design of operating systems; Overview of hardware support
box Testing Methodologies, Finite State Machine Model, for operating systems; Process management: process
synchronization and mutual exclusion, interprocess
State based Testing, Static Testing and analysis, Test cases,
Test Data Generation ,Test selection ,Minimizations and communication, process scheduling; CPU scheduling
Prioritization, Test adequacy criteria, Software Testing on approaches; Memory management: paging, segmentation,
virtual memory, page replacement algorithms; File systems:
Web Engineering, Object based Software Testing,
Architecture of Testing tool, Software Test Effort Estimation, design and implementation of file systems; input/output
systems; device controllers and device drivers; Security and
Testing behavior and process model, Qualitative analysis,
Quality factors in software testing, Selection of testing tools. protection; Case studies on design and implementation of
operating system modules, select laboratory experiments
IS ZC332 Database System & Application 3 related to creating different elements of operating system
Introduction to Database Management Systems; File and/or implementation of select scheduling, memory
organization; Data Independence in databases; Data Models; management and I/O related algorithms/schemes, using
Query processing systems; Database Design techniques; system calls for creating file system specific command,
Concepts of security and integrity in databases; Distributed creating simple file system etc. via online laboratory facility.
Databases; Applications using DBMS. IS ZC365 Human Computer Interaction 3
IS ZC337 Database Systems & Applications 4 Principles of human-computer interaction; Evaluation of user
Introduction to Database Management Systems; File interfaces; Usability engineering; Task analysis, user-
organization; Data Independence in databases; Data Models; centered design, and prototyping; Conceptual models and
Query processing systems; Database Design techniques; metaphors; Software design rationale; Design of windows,
Concepts of security and integrity in databases; Distributed menus, and commands. Voice and natural language I/O;
Databases; Applications using DBMS, database Response time and feedback; Color, icons, and sound;
programming experiments involving use of SQL, database Internationalization and localization; User interface
creation etc. via online laboratory facility. architectures and APIs.
IS ZC343 Software Engineering 4 IS ZC373 Complier Design 4
Software engineering concepts and methodology; formal Introduction to Programming Languages and Compilers,
requirements specification; estimation; software project Programming Language Features, Front End of a Compiler,
planning; detailed design; techniques of design; productivity; Back End of a Compiler, Special aspects of compilers and
documentation; programming languages styles, code review; runtime.
tool, integration and validation; software quality assurance; IS ZC415 Data Mining 3
software maintenance; metrics, automated tools in software
engineering. Data Mining – introduction, fundamental concepts; motivation
and applications; role of data warehousing in data mining;
IS ZC353Computer Organization &Architecture 4 challenges and issues in data mining; Knowledge Discovery
Overview of logic design; Instruction set in Databases (KDD); role of data mining in KDD; algorithms
architecture;Assembly language programming; for data mining; tasks like decision-tree construction, finding
Pipelining;Computer Arithmetic; Control unit; Memory association rules, sequencing, classification, and clustering;
hierarchy;Virtual memory; Input and output applications of neural networks and machine learning for
systems;Interrupts and exception handling; tasks of classification and clustering.
Implementationissues; Case studies; This course covers the IS ZC422 Parallel Computing 3
fundamentalsof computer organization and architecturefrom a
Introduction to parallel computing; Models of parallel
programmer's perspective.
computers; Interconnection networks, basic communication
IS ZC362Operating Systems 3 operations; Introduction to parallel algorithms; Parallel
Introduction to operating systems; Various approaches to programming paradigms; issues in implementing algorithms
design of operating systems; Overview of hardware support on parallel computers; Parallel programming with message
for operating systems; Process management: process passing interface; Performance analysis; Scalability analysis;
synchronization and mutual exclusion, interprocess Basic design techniques for parallel algorithms; Parallel
communication, process scheduling; CPU scheduling algorithms for selected topics like sorting, searching and
approaches; Memory management: paging, segmentation, merging, matrix algebra, graphs, discrete optimization
virtual memory, page replacement algorithms; File systems: problems and computational geometry.
design and implementation of file systems; input/output IS ZC423 Software Development for Portable Devices 3
systems; device controllers and device drivers; Security and

Introduction to mobile computing and emerging mobile IS ZC465 Machine Learning 4
application and hardware platforms; Developing and Introduction to Machine Learning, Various kinds of learning,
accessing mobile applications; Software lifecycle for mobile
Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Model
application – design and architecture, development – tools, Selection; Bayesian Learning, MAP Hypothesis, MDL
techniques, frameworks, deployment; Human factors and Principle, Bias Variance Decomposition, Bayes Optimal
emerging human computer interfaces (tangible, immersive,
Classifier, Naive Bayes Classifier; Linear Models for
attentive, gesture, zero-input); Select application domains Regression, Linear Models for Classification; Non-Linear
such as pervasive health care, m-Health; Mobile web models, Decision trees; Instance Based Learning, KNN
browsing, gaming and social networking.
Algorithm, CBR Learning; Support Vector Machines, VC
IS ZC424 Software for Embedded Systems 3 Dimension; Neural Networks, Perceptron Learning, Back
Real-time and Embedded Systems; Software issues in Propagation Algorithm; Introduction to Genetic Algorithms.
Embedded Systems; Software Development Process; IS ZC467 Computer Networks 4
Requirements Analysis– Use Cases, Identification and Introduction, history and development of computer networks;
Analysis of use cases, Use Case Diagrams. Design –
Reference models; Physical Layer: theoretical basis,
Architectural Design, Design Patterns, Detailed Design. transmission media, types of transmission; MAC sub-layer:
Implementation – Languages, Compilers, Runtime local area networks, FDDI; Data Link Layer: Sliding Window
Environments and Operating Systems for embedded
protocols, design aspects; Network Layer: routing algorithms,
software. Testing – Methodologies, Test Cases. congestion control algorithms, internetworking; Transport
IS ZC425 Data Mining 3 Layer: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN),
Data Mining – introduction, fundamental concepts; motivation Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) - reference models,
service classes, switch design, LAN emulation; Application
and applications; role of data warehousing in data mining;
challenges and issues in data mining; Knowledge Discovery Layer protocols, Laboratory experiments / assignments
in Databases (KDD); role of data mining in KDD; algorithms related to simulation of network protocols, programming
simple network applications, implementing select routing
for data mining; tasks like decision-tree construction, finding
association rules, sequencing, classification, and clustering; algorithms via online laboratory facility.
applications of neural networks and machine learning for IS ZC471 Management Information Systems 3
tasks of classification and clustering.
Introduction to Information Systems; Concepts of
IS ZC444 Artificial Intelligence 3 management, concepts of information, systems concepts;
The object of this course is to give an introduction to the Information Systems and Organizations; decision making
problems and techniques of A.I. along with the applications of process; database systems; data communications; planning,
designing, developing and implementing information systems;
A.I. techniques to the fields like natural language
understanding, image quality assurance and evaluation of information systems;
processing, game theory and problem solving. The course future developments and their organizational and social
implications; decision support system and expert systems.
also aims at understanding its implementation using LISP
and PROLOG languages. IS ZC472 Computer Graphics 3
IS ZC446 Data Storage Technologies & Networks 3 Generation of dots, lines, arcs and polygons; color graphics,
Storage Media and Technologies – Magnetic, Optical and shades and levels; image transformation, windowing and
Semiconductor media, techniques for read/write operations, clipping; 2-D and 3-D graphics; data structures, algorithms
and optimization methods; case studies using GKS, CORE,
issues and limitations. Usage and Access – Positioning in the
memory hierarchy, Hardware and Software Design for etc; graphic languages and compilers.
access, Performance issues. Large Storages – Hard Disks, IS ZC481 Computer Networks 3
Networked Attached Storage, Scalability issues, Networking Introduction, history and development of computer networks;
issues. Storage Architecture. - Storage Partitioning, Storage
Reference models; Physical Layer: theoretical basis,
System Design, Caching, Legacy Systems. Storage Area transmission media, types of transmission; MAC sub-layer:
Networks – Hardware and Software Components, Storage local area networks, FDDI; Data Link Layer: Sliding Window
Clusters/Grids. Storage QoS – Performance, Reliability, and
protocols, design aspects; Network Layer: routing algorithms,
Security issues. congestion control algorithms, internetworking; Transport
IS ZC462 Network Programming 3 Layer: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN),
Overview of computer networks; inter-process Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) - reference models,
service classes, switch design, LAN emulation; Application
communication; network programming; socket interface;
client-server computing model: design issues, concurrency in Layer protocols.
server and clients; external data representation; remote MATH ZC161Engineering Mathematics I 3
procedure calls; network file systems; distributed systems Limit concept; derivatives of elementary functions and their
applications; introduction to ordinary and partial differential
IS ZC464 Machine Learning 3 equations and initial/boundary value problems. Convergence
Neural networks; neuro-computing theory and applications, tests for series; power series and interval of convergence;
knowledge representation; computational learning theory; series solution of differential equations. Approximation and
error, interpolation; roots of algebraic and transcendental
statistical/probabilistic methods, genetic algorithms;
inductive/analytic/reinforcement learning and bayesian functions, Newton's method.
networks; selected topics such as alpha-beta pruning in MATH ZC222Discrete Structure for Computer Science3
game trees, computer models of mathematical reasoning, Sets and relations; graphs and digraphs; trees, lists and their
natural language understanding and philosophical
uses; partially ordered sets and lattices; Boolean algebras
implications. and Boolean expressions; semigroups and machines; codes
and applications.
MATH ZC232Engineering Mathematics II 3
Algebra of vectors and matrices; Gauss's row-reduction
process; applications of simultaneous linear equations and
matrix inversion; determinants and Cramer's rule. Numerical

differentiation and integration; numerical methods for solving MBA* ZC419Financial Risk Analytics 4
ordinary and partial differential equations. The course will first cover the basics of Financial Risk and
MATH ZC233 Calculus 4 then focus on applications such as: currency, interest rate
derivatives, equity markets and products, and commodity
Limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, Fourier series,
ordinary differential equations for initial and boundary value markets and products. Major topics include methodologies for
problems, solution through Laplace transforms, numerical measuring and analyzing volatility (a key metric of risk)
including EWMA, ARCH & GARCH processes, volatility
solution using Picard’s iteration and higher order methods,
partial derivatives, partial differential equations, analytical clusters and the issue of time varying volatility; Extreme value
solution techniques. theory; Measuring risk using Value-at-Risk, including
computation of VaR by various methods, and stress testing;
MATH ZC234 Linear Algebra & Optimization3 Monte Carlo simulation, address issues in generating price
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic process (such as Brownian Motion, Ito Process), Cholesky
equations and their solutions; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and decomposition in computing multi-asset VaR; Currency risk
diagonalization of matrices; Formulation of linear analysis in global investing, interest rate parity (covered and
programming problems, Simplex method, Big-M method, two uncovered); Value at risk for fixed income portfolios; Credit
phase method, Sensitivity analysis, Revised and Dual Risk Analytics. The topics covered in this course will have
Simplex Methods. inbuilt case studies in financial risk management so as to
understand the practical implications of the methodologies
MBA ZC411 Marketing 4 covered in the course.
Definition and scope, consumer behavior, competitive MBA ZG511 Managing People & Organizations 4
behavior, demand estimation, new product introduction,
product/brand management, pricing policies, channels of Concepts and principles of management as applied to a
distribution, credit management, advertising and other sales variety of organizations; study of managerial roles, styles,
promotion, positioning, marketing regulation, market research activities and decision making; relationship with
basics of industrial marketing. organizational effectiveness; planning activities, leadership &
control; manpower development; organizational behavior and
MBA* ZC413Analytics for Competitive Advantage4 theory.
In today's competitive business environment, high performing MBA* ZG512Predictive Analytics 4
companies are doing more than just collecting data, storing it
and generating reports. They are developing competitive Basic concepts in predictive analytics / predictive modeling.
strategies using Business Analytics. In this course we will Two core paradigms for predictive modeling: classification
look at how to use data-driven insights to differentiate a firm's and regression. Identification of important variables and their
business/ product strategy from other companies that are relation to each another. Basic modeling techniques such as
making the same product or delivering the same k-nearest neighbors, classification and regression trees
service. This course is designed for analysts in any function: (CART), and Bayesian classifiers. Ensemble techniques.
marketing, operations, quality, customer service, IT, Model selection techniques.
finance/accounting or human resources. We will use case MBA ZG513 Enterprise Resource Planning 4
studies and other experiential components to study the
Course description to be developed.
application of data-driven insights in the context of various
industries. MBA ZG514 Leadership & Managing Change 4
MBA ZC415 Financial and Management Accounting 4 Individuals as leaders, team leadership and organizational
Basic concepts, double entry accounting, journal, ledger, trial leadership. Introduction to managing change, management of
balance, profit & loss account, balance sheet, cash flow change: organizational structure, culture, recruitment,
performance management, human resource development,
statement, financial statement analysis, ratio analysis, cost-
volume-profit analysis, inventory valuation, inflation reward management, employee relations and involvement,
accounting, cost accounting and budgetary control systems, downsizing, and evaluating and promoting.
financial analysis and forecasting. MBA ZG515 Consulting & People Skills 4
MBA ZC416 Managerial Economics 4 Facilitation skills, Communication skills, Presentation and
Interviewing skills, Analytical Skills, Creativity, Partnership
Fundamental concepts, supply, demand, market mechanism;
theory of demand (consumer behaviour); production, costs and networking skills, Critical thinking skills, Emotional
(theory of the firm); market structures (perfect competition, Intelligence Development, Stress Management, Ethics and
respect for the client, Vision and Framing of issues,
monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly); circular flow
of income, national income accounting, national income Synthesizing Skills, Leadership skills.
determination; money and banking, employment, interest, MBA* ZG516 Introduction to FinTech 4
inflation, economics of information, problem of adverse Overview of FinTech, Current disruptions in Financial
selection, moral hazard problem, marketfailure,externalities,
Services, Fintech in the Context of the Digital Economy,
public goods. Landscape of Fintech, Disruptions in Asset Servicing,
MBA ZC417 Quantitative Methods 4 Disruptions in the Capital Markets, Disruptions in Investment
Grouping data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, Management, Alternative Data in Portfolio Management,
Lending and Crowdfunding, Robo-Advisory, Overview of
probability distribution, sampling and estimation, testing
hypotheses, chi-square and analysis of variance, regression Technologies - Big Data, Machine Learning and AI, Cloud
and correlation, non-parametric methods, time series and Computing, Future of FinTech
forecasting, index numbers, decision theory, linear MBA* ZG517 Financial Analytics 4
programming, transportation and assignment problems,
Different sources of Financial Data, Statistical characteristics
queuing theory, network problems, simulation; application of of financial data, Distributions of Financial Data, Statistical
statistical software (SYSTAT, SPSS, SIMULA8, etc.) and Applications in Finance, Exploratory Data Analysis, Modelling
using Financial Statements Data, Modelling stock price
behaviour, Modelling Credit Default using classification
algorithms, Introduction to Machine Learning for price
forecasting and Portfolio Modelling, Introduction to Monte
Carlo simulation, Bootstrapping, Cross validation, Sentiment
Analysis in Finance

MBA* ZG518 Multinational Finance 4 Ecosystems, Emerging Markets and Social Impact, Valuation
Effective financial decision making in a multinational of FinTech Firms, FinTech Solutions - Case Studies, Legal,
Regulatory, Data privacy and Ethical aspects of FinTech
corporation; issues in global financial management,
international monetary system, balance of payments, foreign startups, Capital and Investment for new businesses,
exchange markets, international parity conditions, foreign Enterprise Innovation.
currency options, transaction exposure, operating exposure, MBA* ZG528 Venture Capital and Private Equity 4
translation exposure, sourcing capital globally, foreign
This course will lay a strong foundation in core concepts,
investment decisions, basics of multinational taxation, features and characteristics of the venture capital and private
transfer pricing, principles of multinational capital budgeting, equity markets; specialized services provided by VC's and
and managing multinational operations . Extensive use of
PE funds; stages in VC investing; deal flow; deal sourcing,
case studies and simulations to connect theory with practice. evaluation; risk return tradeoff of VC/ PE investments;
MBA ZG519 Business Analysis and Valuation 4 valuation of VC/ PE transactions; structuring and execution of
Theory of finance, value maximization, stakeholder theory, deals; exit options, distributions; Course will make extensive
use of case studies to understand industry best practices and
and corporate objective function: value creation – ways and
means, business analysis: The techniques of strategy and current trends.
competitive analysis, value chain analysis for competitive MBA* ZG529 Machine Learning for Finance 4
advantages, business valuation – approaches and methods, Univariate and Multivariate Financial Time series and their
the dark side of valuation: strategic investment decisions.
characteristics, Applications of Support Vector Machines,
MBA* ZG520 Security Analysis & Portfolio Management 4 Neural Networks and Gradient-Based Optimization,
Introduction to investment and securities; profile of financial Applications of Tree based ensemble methods (Random
assets; new issue market or primary market, initial public Forests, Boosting), Dimension reductions using PCA and
Auto Encoders, Feature Engineering, Cross validations,
offerings (IPO); secondary market; framework of risk & return;
fundamental analysis- economy, industry; company analysis; Credit Scoring, Predicting Bankruptcy, Fraud Identification
stock evaluation models; multiple holding period and multiple models, Applications of Clustering Algorithms, Introduction to
Sequential Learning.
growth rate; bond analysis and bond management strategies;
technical analysis; efficient market theory; portfolio MBA* ZG530 InsurTech 4
management; Markowitz model; Sharpe’s Single Index Digital Transformation in Insurance, Insurance of Things,
model; capital asset pricing model; financial derivatives,
From Insurance Premium to Discrete Event, Telematics,
options & futures. Collaborative Approach, InsurTech Value Chain, Business
MBA ZG521 Financial Management 4 Models, Practical Robotics in Insurance, Claims Handing,
Concepts and techniques of financial management decision; Applications of Technology in Underwriting, New Business
Generation and Policy Processing.
concepts in valuation- time value of money; valuation of a
firm's stock, capital asset pricing model; investment in assets MBA ZG531 Statistical Quality Control 5
and required returns; risk analysis; financing and dividend Sources of Variation: Common and Assignable Causes,
policies, capital structure decision; working capital Descriptive Statistics, Statistical Process Control Methods,
management, management of cash, management of
Control Charts for Variables, Control Charts for Attributes, C-
accounts receivable; inventory management, short and Charts, Process Capability, Acceptance Sampling, Operating
intermediate term financing, long term financial tools of characteristic curve, Statistical Quality Control in Services.
financial analysis, financial ratio analysis, funds analysis and
financial forecasting, operating and financial leverages. MBA* ZG532Deep Learning Application in Finance 4
MBA ZG522 Total Quality Management 4 Review of Machine Learning, Foundations of Neural networks
and deep learning, Fundamentals of deep networks,
TQM principles and practices; leadership; customer Multilayer Perceptron, Convolutional neural networks (CNN),
satisfaction; employee involvement; continuous process Recurrent neural networks (RNN) frameworks – LSTM, GRU.
improvement; supplier partnership; performance measures;
Hands on building Deep Learning networks, Auto-encoders,
statistical process control; ISO 9000; benchmarking; quality Parameter tuning, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN),
function deployment; concurrent engineering; experimental Semantic Segmentation, Unsupervised Learning,
design; Taguchi’s quality engineering; product liability.
Applications of Deep Learning in FinTech.
MBA ZG523 Project Management 4
MBA* ZG533Technology Disruptions in FinTech 4
Concepts and techniques of project formulation, evaluation
Big Data in the Financial Services Industry, Internet of
and implementation; Project planning and scheduling; Risk Things, Impact of IoT on Businesses, IoT in Financial
management; Time-cost trade off; Resource leveling and Services, Cyber Security, Cybersecurity Categories and
allocation; Project monitoring and control; Contract
Players, Data Privacy and Governance, Cloud Computing,
management. Networks, Mobile Applications and Smart Phones
MBA ZG525 Business Process Analysis 4 MBA* ZG534 Sustainable Manufacturing 4
Course description to be developed. Introduction to sustainable manufacturing, sustainable
MBA ZG526 Operations Management 4 manufacturing design, practice and matrices, life cycle
Operations strategy; process view vs. functional view in management and assessment, end of life (EOL) strategies,
implementation framework, sustainable business models,
operations; factors in product and process design and
selection; facility configuration; demand planning and waste minimization, case studies.
forecasting; capacity planning; aggregate planning; planning MBA ZG535 Decision Analysis 4
service operations; productivity of operations; inventory Introduction to quantitative techniques and statistics, Decision
planning and independent demand systems; materials
making, intelligence design and choice phases, basic theory
requirements planning; quality management; uncertainty and of decision making under uncertainty; decision trees,
variability; project management; current developments in qualification of judgments and preferences, Bayes theorem,
operations management.
the structuring of complex decisions, and multi-attribute utility
MBA* ZG527Entrepreneurship in FinTech 4 theory. Statistical estimation and forecasting.
FinTech Themes, Changing landscape in raising capital, MBA* ZG536 Foundations of Data Science 4
FinTech Hubs, Early stage funding, Integrated FinTech

Introduction, Role of a Data Scientist, Statistics vs. Data Nature, Importance and Uniqueness of Family Business –
Science, Fundamentals of Data Science, Data Science Various Perspectives, Zero sum dynamics and family culture,
process and life cycle, Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Family systems perspective, Family Genograms, Family
Engineering and shaping, Overview of Data Science Emotional Intelligence, FamilyBusiness interaction factor,
Techniques and Models, Introduction to Regression, Unity and continuity, Family employment policy,
Classification, Shrinkage, Dimension Reduction, Tree-based Conflictmanagement, Shareholderpriorities,effective
models, Support Vector Machines, Unsupervised learning, governance of the shareholder–firm relationship, Profile of
Choosing and evaluating models, Featurization, Overview of successful successors - rewards and challenges for latter-
Neural Networks, Data mining, and pattern recognition generation family members, crafting the next generation
techniques, Documentation, Deployment, and Presentations career plan, Sources of Value creation, Three states of
of the insights. evolution, Business Rejuvenation matrix
MBA ZG537 Lean Manufacturing 5 MBA* ZG544 Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate
Restructuring 4
Birth of Toyota production system, house of Toyota
production system, stability, standardization, just-in-time, Basics of M&A (corporate finance, strategy, economics),
jidoka, involvement, hoshin planning, Toyota culture, Toyota merger types, trends; theories underlying M&A; legal aspects;
way, Case Studies. evaluating an acquisition target; valuation of mergers and
MBA* ZG538Advanced Statistical Methods 4 acquisitions, MVA, relative valuation, multiples, DCF, FCFF,
FCFE; M&A deal structuring; synergy analysis; break-up
Point and interval estimation and hypothesis testing, chi- valuation; sensitivity analysis; terms of merger; financing
square tests, non- parametric statistics, analysis of variance, considerations; capital structure decisions; structuring and
regression; linear and multiple linear, correlation, factor valuing of Leveraged Buy-out (LBO) transaction; financing
models, decision theory, Bayesian statistics and considerations; exit strategies; extensive use of relevant case
autocorrelation, multivariate regression, randomization and studies, simulations, modeling.
sampling processes, Markov processes with
MBA ZG545 Product Design and Development 4
discrete/continuous state space, statistical simulation and
pattern recognition, Time Series Analysis. Product Development Process and Tools; Scoping Product
MBA* ZG539Data Visualization and Communication 4 Development; Understanding Customer Needs; Establishing
Product Function; Product Teardown and Experimentation;
Need for visualization, Presentation and visualization of data Benchmarking and Establishing Engineering Specifications;
for effective communication, the importance of context and Product Portfolios and portfolio architecture; Product
audience, choosing an effective visual, Visualizations of a Architecture; Generating Concepts; Concept Selection;
single number, Visualizations for comparisons, Displaying Concept Embodiment; Modelling of Product Metrics; Design
relative performances, Visualizing survey results, for Manufacturing and Assembly; Design for Environment;
Visualizations for Ranking and Branching, Visualizations for Physical Prototypes, and Models and Experimentation.
parts of a whole, Visualizing correlations and regression,
MBA* ZG547 Modern Manufacturing 4
Visualizing Qualitative Data, Visualizing Trends, Tree-based
visualizations, Visualizing Geo Data, Techniques for Computer Integrated Manufacturing, ASRS, Robotics, Mass
visualization of high dimensional data & discovered patterns, Customization, Additive manufacturing, Internet of Things
Common mistakes in dashboards, Visual perception, Create and distributed manufacturing, Managing Global
interactive Dashboards and Stories manufacturing systems and Global sourcing.
MBA* ZG540 International Business and Trade 4 MBA* ZG548 Manufacturing Strategy 4
Overview of International Business and Globalization, Corporate strategy; Missing links in manufacturing strategy;
Culture, Governmental and Legal Systems, Economic Audit approach; Restructuring; Manufacturing strategy
Systems and Market Methods, Trade and Factor Mobility process in practice; Formulation as a process; Operating
Theory, Trade Protectionism, Economic Integration and strategies; Methodology framework; Lean production;
Cooperation, Markets for Foreign Exchange, Factors that Competitive priorities; Strategic value of response time and
Influence Exchange Rates, Global Debt and Equity Markets, product variety; Flexibility in context of manufacturing
Ethics and Social Responsibility, Strategies for International strategy; Manufacturing focus; Business process
Business, Evaluation of Countries for Operations, Modes of reengineering; Theory of constraints; Link between strategy
Trading Internationally and organizational culture; Evolution of manufacturing
MBA ZG541 Consultancy Practice 4 systems; Operations management strategic perspective.
MBA ZG549 Managing Quality in Services Industry 4
Strategic planning and marketing of consultancy services,
client consultant relationships, technology transfers, Key Differences between Services Sector and Manufacturing
negotiations, agreements, guarantees, organizing and Sector, and the implications for Quality Management, Key
executing consultancy services, quality in consultancy quality metrics in services sector, quality measurement
services, technical audit, government policies such as scales in service sector (INSTAQUAL, SERVEQUAL,
industrial policy, trade policy, technology policy, patent and MEQUAL), Concept of Net Promoter Score, Components of
trademarks etc. quality in services sector, Importance of human element in
MBA* ZG542 Entrepreneurship and New Ventures 4 quality management in services, Establishment of quality
management system forservices sector, Designing the
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship; Creativity service encounter, Quality management as driver of
& Lateral Thinking; Design Thinking; Effectual Thinking; innovation in service industry, Business process excellence in
Market Validation; Development and Evaluation of Business services industry, process blueprinting, benchmarking,
Idea; Introduction to Business Model Generation; Developing Applications of Six Sigma in services industry
Lean Business Model for the Business Idea; Developing
Prototype and Evaluating assumptions in Business Model
using prototype cheaply; Presentation of Business Model;
Raising Finance; NDAs and Term Sheets; Exit Strategies;
Scaling up the venture; Developing Business Plan; Business
MBA* ZG543 Family Business Management 4

MBA ZG550 Quality Management Systems 4 Advanced VaR models, expected shortfall, stressed VaR,
ISO 9000 series of standards, formation of ISO (1947), historical simulation, delta/ gamma models, full revaluation,
risk factor selection, volatility clustering, structured Monte
background & development of ISO 9000. ISO 9000 family of
standards, selection & use of appropriate model of ISO 9000. Carlo analysis, stress testing, scenario analysis, back testing;
Requirements of ISO 9001; System demonstration & country and sovereign risk models; management of country
and sovereign risks, external and internal credit ratings
documentation, how to organize a formal quality assurance
system, other quality system standards, relating ISO 9000 methodology and framework; expected and unexpected loss
with QS 9000 and ISO 14000, Understanding ISO 16949 and framework and related metrics; extensive use of relevant
case studies, simulations, modeling.
PPAP/APQP/FAI/Configuration Management.
MBA* ZG557FinTech in Wealth Management 4
MBA* ZG551 Quality Analytics 4
Introduction, Traditional wealth management industry,
Systems approach to Quality, Systems engineering- (RAMS
Framework, Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety, Digitization in wealth management, Digitizing client advisory,
Testability), Safety engineering and systems safety, Fault Robo advisors, Gamification, Digitizing wealth management
operations, Digital platforms, products and eco systems,
tolerant systems, redundancy, Types of failures by attribution:
Manufacturing and assembly induced failures, storage Block chain applications in asset and wealth management,
induced failures, transport induced failures, maintenance Algorithms of Automated Portfolio Rebalancing, Digital
Financial Advisor, Future of Digital Advice, Personalize the
induced failures, human errors, TCO Approach of making
decisions,Quality, Simulations, Systematic methodology of Investment Experience, Future of wealth tech.
Research, Sampling techniques, Research design, Sampling MBA* ZG558 Financial Risk Management 4
design, Data Collection for measuring quality, Applications of Introduction to Financial Risk Management, Financial
statistics (univariate and bivariate) in quality management,
Institutions and their trading, Credit Crisis of 2008, Market
Hazard rate modelling, Applications of Machine Learning and Risk (Risk Management by traders, Interest rate risk,
Artificial Intelligence in Quality Management volatility, Correlation and Copulas, Value at Risk and
MBA* ZG552 Business Acumen for Managing Quality4 Expected Shortfall, Historical Simulation and Extreme Value
Theory, Model-Building Approach), Credit Risk (Estimating
Aligning quality strategy with the overall business strategy,
Quality and the target Customer segment, concept of Default Probabilities, CVA, DVA, Credit Value at Risk),
Regulation (BASEL I, II and III), Fundamental Review of the
perceived quality and optimal quality, Economics of Quality,
Costs related to quality, Taguchi Loss Function, Quality as a Trading Book, Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing,
competitive advantage, Defining Quality metrics for BI Overview of Operational Risk, Liquidity Risk, Economic
Capital and RAROC.
dashboards, Communicating the product quality to the
consumer, Differential Quality SLAs for different segments, MBA* ZG559 Management of Banks & Financial
Business Ethics and Quality, Managing Quality in the era of Institutions4
Industry 4.0, Quality and Regulation, Introduction to Weights Overview and operation of financial institutions and banks;
and Measures Act, Consumer Rights and regulatory
Commercial banking, Investment banking; Define, quantify,
implications of quality imperfections, Quality for Safety, and manage various types of risks faced by financial
Health and Environment, How organizations can go safe? institutions; asset liability management - overview,
MBA* ZG553Block Chain and Applications4 strategies; off balance sheet activities of banks; sovereign
risk; deposit insurance; capital adequacy; study current best
Introduction, Evolution of Block chain, Building blocks of
block chain, Smart contracts, Block chain Principles, Asset practices using selected case studies; bank management
Monetization in Block Chain, Building a block chain network, failures; insights from collapse of Lehman Brothers;
introduction to bank regulation; international considerations;
Use cases of Block chain in different sectors across the world
(Manufacturing and Industrial, Government and Public relevant case studies, simulations, modeling.
Sector, Consumer Goods and Retail Industry, Food Industry, MBA* ZG560Global Financial Markets and Products4
Cryptocurrencies in detail), Limitations of existing block Capital markets; stock markets, bond markets, derivative
chains, Regulatory Aspects, Strategy to implement across the
markets; operations of these markets from a global
enterprise, Best Practices in implementing Block chain, perspective; Overview and features of key financial products,
Different types of Block chain architectures – Hyper Ledger, equities, fixed income securities and derivatives; bond
Ethereum, Future challenges.
features, indenture, coupon, maturity, YTM, zero coupon,
MBA* ZG554Digital Banking and Beyond 4 valuation, duration, convexity; Equities, product features,
Traditional Banking landscape, First principles of Banking, basic valuation concepts; derivatives, forwards, futures,
Effect of Digital Technology, New Operating Models for options, swaps, commodity derivatives, cost of carry,
concepts, basic features, payoff, put call parity, basic option
Banking, Regulation vs. Innovation, Reframing identity
through Technology, Embedded Banking, Banking Chatbots, strategies; relevant case studies, simulations, modeling.
From products and channels to experiences, Designing MBA* ZG561 Behavioural Finance 4
Digital banks without branches, Building Relationships Introduction, Rational Market Hypothesis, Foundations of
through digital banking, Technologies enabling digital
Rational Finance (Expected Utility, MPT, CAPM, EMH),
banking, Security, New economics of digital bank, Beyond Challenges to rational behaviour, Heuristics, Cognitive
digital banking, Role of AI and Big Data in Banking. Biases, Self-Deception, Prospect Theory, Mental Accounting,
MBA* ZG555Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading4 Emotional Factors, Challenges to Efficient Market
Hypothesis, Investor Behaviour, Market Outcomes, Value
Introduction to Algorithmic trading, Users of Algorithmic
Trading, Currently Popular trading Algorithms, Algo trades for Investing, Applications of Behavioural Finance, Introduction
individual investors, Optimization, Stock personality clusters, to Behavioural Corporate Finance.
Selecting a Cohort of Trading Stocks, Stock Profiling, MBA* ZG562 Derivatives & Financial Engineering 4
Volatility, Alpha Algo strategies, Benchmarks and
Introduction to derivatives market, forward, futures, options,
Performance Measures, Technical Analysis (TA), Heuristics, swaps, Pricing and valuation of derivatives, options trading
AI, Artificial Neural Networks and Other Avenues, From the strategies, Elementary Stochastic calculus, binomial tree
Efficient Market Hypothesis to Prospect Theory, Mean
model, Black Scholes Merton model, option Greeks, Exotic
Reversion strategies, Momentum strategies, risk Options, Volatility Smiles, credit risk, credit derivatives, credit
management. default swaps, collateralized debt obligations, valuation of
MBA* ZG556 Advanced Risk Models 4 synthetic CDO, Interest rate Derivatives.

MBA* ZG563 Analytics for HR 4 Volatility clusters and the issue of time-varying volatility,
Leveraging analytic techniques in the context of the Extreme Value Theory, Correlation and Copula, Introduction
to Multivariate Forecasting), VaR Computation, Stress
challenges faced by the HR and Talent Acquisition and
Management functions. Applying analytical techniques to testing, Monte Carlo simulation, address issues in generating
deliver meaningful insights for effectively managing price process (such as Brownian Motion, Ito Process),
Cholesky decomposition in computing multi-asset VaR;
employees for achieving the goals of the organization.
Attracting right talent, forecasting future staffing needs, Currency risk analysis in global investing, interest rate parity
managing attrition and improving employee satisfaction (covered and uncovered); Value at risk for fixed income
Credit Risk Analytics Case Studies, simulations, hands-on
levels. Case Studies, simulations, hands-on exercises using
tools like R / Python. exercises using tools like R / Python.

MBA* ZG564Models in Marketing 4 MBA* ZG571Analytical Models in Finance 4

Introduction to Marketing Models, Models of consumer Modelling and valuation of equity securities, fixed income
behavior, industrial buying and firm behaviour, (aggregate) securities, and derivatives, Introduction to Financial
Modelling, and Spreadsheet Essentials, Measuring Risk
market models (e.g., competition, market entry), strategic
marketing models, forecasting methods, new product models, (Testing market efficiency with regression analysis & pivot
marketing response models (e.g., channels, pricing, tables), Portfolio optimization (Mean-variance portfolio
selection, Bond portfolio selection, Term structure estimation,
advertising, promotion), forecasting models and decision
support systems. Case Studies, simulations, hands-on Capital budgeting), Advanced risk analysis (Monte-Carlo
modeling. simulation, Risk analysis of discounted cash flow models,
Monte- Carlo simulation, Business and equity valuation
MBA* ZG565Supply Chain Analytics 4 modelling, LBO Analysis Model , Stock Merger Model, etc.,
Introduction to supply chain analytics, Data understanding Case Studies, simulations, hands-on modelling exercises.
and data preparation, Supply chain performance , MBA* ZG572 Digital Business Design 4
Descriptive analytics, Predictive analytics and setting up the
problem, Supply chain forecasting, studying holt, winter and Design Thinking in Digital Business, Components of
ecommerce, Usability and information architecture, Product
ARIMA models, Supply chain Network Planning, Multi
echelon network optimization, Supply chain sales and Design, Product Management, Mastering Disruptive Business
Models, Platform Business Models, Network of platform
operations planning, Supply chain segmentation, Vehicle
routing problems, Supervised and Unsupervised learning, economies, relevant technologies, Innovation through
Use of Bayesian networks in supply chain, Simulation and SC Experimentation: A/B Tests and Minimum Viable Products,
building scalable digital businesses
models, Supply chain risk management.
MBA* ZG566Analytics for Marketing 4 MBA* ZG573 Digital Strategies for Business 4
Digital transformation of conventional enterprises, mastering
Introduction to Marketing Research, Research Methodology,
Problem definition, research design formulation, Field work disruption, Digital Transformation, Culture for Digital
and Data Collection, Data preparation and Analysis, Final Business, Business Process Re-engineering, Frameworks to
invent/reinvent business models for a digital world, Big Data
report preparation and presentation, Case Studies,
simulations, hands-on exercises using tools like R / Python. and How to Build Data as a Strategic Asset, Translating the
lean start-up to enterprise scale innovation, Applications of
MBA* ZG567Analytics for Retail Industry 4 these frameworks through case studies
RFM (measuring customer recency, frequency and monetary) MBA* ZG574 Digital Customer Experience Management4
Analysis, churn modeling, retention modeling, shopper
Customer relationship management, Understanding the
analytics, market basket association analysis, customer
segmentation and profiling, propensity scoring models to customer journey, making plans to improve the user
identify prospective customers, best customers, lifetime value experience, assessingthe strategic options for channel
selection, Understanding relevant insights into digital
modeling, marketing campaign response modeling, cross sell
modeling, etc., Case Studies, simulations, hands-on customers, Understanding howdigital channelsare managed
exercises using tools like R / Python. effectivelyin practice, Defining requirements for legal
compliance in digital campaigns.
MBA* ZG568Operations Research Models 4
MBA* ZG575 Digital Technologies and Analytics 4
Practical application of OR tools. Application areas include:
Intro to Industry 4.0, IOT, Cloud Computing, AR, VR, AI,
financial planning and portfolio selection, production, supply
chain, priority planning and marketing. Linear programming Machine Learning, Foundations of data science, glimpse of
and its applications; programming to achieve a set of goals or blockchain, fintech and crypto-currency, CRISP DM
Framework, Applications of data analytics in business, data
targets with applications in finance and production; capital
budgeting and project selection; transportation and network pre-processing and cleaning, types of data analytics, text
models; and portfolio models, Case Studies, simulations, analytics topic modeling, realtime analytics, data privacy and
protection, legal aspects of data in digital businesses.
hands-on exercises using tools like R / Python.
MBA* ZG569Analytics for Investment Banking 4 MBA* ZG576 Digital Marketing 4
3C Framework, Content Marketing, Web Analytics, Search
Modern portfolio theory, Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM),
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT), and efficient market theory; Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Email
Passive investing: indexing; behavioral finance; Active Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Social
Media Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Marketing Spends
investing: security analysis – fundamental analysis (strategic,
financial, marketing tools) and technical analysis; Portfolio Optimization, Pay-per-click, Their advantages and
management including allocation, rebalancing and risk disadvantages, Link building campaigns, Online Reputation
Management, Sponsored content, Push notification, In-game
management; Transaction cost analysis; Fixed-Income and
Credit Sensitive Instruments. Case Studies, simulations, advertising, Sharing economies in digital marketing.
hands-on exercises using tools like R / Python. MBA* ZG577 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
MBA* ZG570Financial Risk Models 4 4

Basics of financial risk, Its applications in the form of Applications of A.I. techniques to the business and
management fields like natural language understanding,
derivatives- Currency and interest rate derivatives, equity
markets and products, commodity markets and products, image processing, game theory and problem solving,
Measuring and Analysing Volatility- EWMA, ARCH, GARCH, Introduction to Machine Learning, Various kinds of learning,

Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Feature design reviews, critical design reviews, test reviews;
Engineering, Classification, Model Selection; Bayesian engineering reviews, walkthroughs, inspections, internal
Learning, Bayes Optimal Classifier, Naive Bayes Classifier; reviews; quality gate categories; technical environment and
Linear Models for Regression, Linear Models for quality; planning for software quality, quality requirements for
Classification; Non-Linear models, Decision trees; KNN planning, quality needs, elements of quality planning, quality
Algorithm, Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, Deep assessments during planning, software quality organization
Learning, Text Mining, Association Rule Mining, and requirements; quality evaluation of software development
Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. process, process quality attributes, measuring software
MBA* ZG578 Digital Manufacturing and Logistics 4 process quality; software process metrics; quality gate
integrity; software product quality, standards and
Industrial revolution 4.0, connected factories, smart industrial conventions, metrics; quality hierarchy, factors; quality
devices and products, cyber physical system in assessment; quality evaluation techniques, reviews,
manufacturing, connectivity and communication technologies, walkthroughs, audit, inspections, analytical evaluation
RFID, QR codes and cellular technologies, protocols, techniques; quality systems.
hardware in IoT, software (IDE), cloud platform, connectivity
MBA ZG623TProject 12
and networking in IIoT, smart eyes on shop floor, integrating
smart into existing equipment, programming using IoT, Digital Consistent with the student’s professional background and
Supply Chains, Warehousing automation. work-environment, the student will be required to carry out
MBA* ZG579 Entrepreneurial Finance 4 work-oriented projects. The student would be required to
select an area of work in Engineering / Management aspects
Principles of entrepreneurship, Changing landscape in raising that are considered vital to the sponsoring organization. At
capital, characteristics of the venture capital and private the end of the semester, the student should submit a
equity markets, specialized services provided by VC's and comprehensive Project Report. The student will be evaluated
PE funds, stages in VC investing, deal flow, deal sourcing, on the basis of the various interim evaluation components,
evaluation, risk return trade off of VC/ PE investments, contents of the report and a final seminar & viva-voce.
valuation of VC/ PE transactions, structuring and execution of
ME*ZC112 Electrical and Electronics Technology 3
deals, exit options, distributions, Early stage funding,
Integrated Financing tech Solutions - Case Studies, Legal, Electric circuit, electromagnetism, magnetic circuit,
Regulatory, Capital and Investment for new businesses, electrostatics, AC voltage and current, singlephase circuits,
Enterprise Innovation. semiconductor devices, amplifiers, digital systems,
MBA ZG611 Strategic Management &Business Policy 4 microprocessors, DC machines, polyphase circuits,
transformers, synchronous machines, induction motors,
Strategic management elements; internal, external, external power electronics, measurements, illumination.
environment. assessment of corporate strengths,
ME* ZC113 Probability and Statistics 3
weaknesses and opportunities; planning and deployment of
capital assets; profit planning and control functions problems, Probability spaces; conditional probability and independence;
pressures, responsibilities, limits of the chief executive; random variables and probability distributions; marginal and
evaluation of one's own business undertaking; formulating conditional distributions; independent random variables;
objectives, strategies, policies and programmes for improving mathematical expectation; mean and variance; binomial,
company’s present situation; personnel strength and Poisson and normal distributions; sum of independent
implementation of the policies and programmes, random variables; law of large numbers; central limit theorem
development, implementation, evaluation and control of (without proof); sampling distribution and test for mean using
strategies, strategic management of MNCs, management normal and student's t-distribution; test of hypothesis;
style and behavior, corporate style, behavior and culture. correlation and linear regression.
MBA ZG621 Supply Chain Management 4 ME* ZC164 Computer Programming 4
Customer driven strategies in production and distribution Basic Computing Steps and Flow Charting (Assignment,
systems; Integrated production and distribution networks; Sequencing, Conditionals, Iteration). Programming
SCM in the context of JIT and MRP–II; Distribution Resource Constructs – Expressions, Statements, Conditionals,
Planning; Management of dealer networks; Total Control & Iterators/Loops, Functions/ Procedures; Data Types –
Product innovation across the supply chain; Incoming Primitive Types, Tuples, Choices (Unions or Enumerations),
logistics and supplier relationships; Value addition analysis; Lists/Arrays, Pointers and Dynamically Allocated Data. Input
Metrics for management of supply chain performance; output and Files. Laboratory Component: Programming
Mathematical models and computer assisted decision Exercises involving development and testing of iterative and
support for SCM; Mathematical programming for SCM. procedural programs using bounded and unbounded
MBA ZG634 Strategic Change Management 4 iterations, function composition, random access lists,
sequential access lists, dynamically allocated lists, and file
Results-based management, managing foroutcomes– access.
objectives and targets; strategy; indicator,performance
ME* ZC213 Engineering Measurements 3
information; environmental scan and SWOT analysis;
planning, budgeting,implementation, review - the (strategic) Performance characteristics of measuring instruments,
management cycleModels and theories of planned change, measurement methods for mechanical, electrical, radiant,
Strategic management: transformational leadership or chemical, magnetic and thermal energy variables. Emphasis
change management (or learning),Strategic management in a in this course shall be on the operation and use of
context of joint action and networks, Participation and instruments.
Empowerment, Teams and Teamwork, Parallel learning
structures, OD Interventions, Team Interventions, Intergroup
and third party interventions, Structural and Comprehensive
interventions, Action research, Socio-clinical and Socio-
technical Approaches,Issues in Consultant-Client
Relationships, Power Politics and Organization Development.
MBA ZG661 Software Quality Management 4
Software quality challenges and expectations; quality
dilemma; software life cycle and link to quality; quality gates,
formal reviews, system requirement reviews, preliminary

ME* ZC231 Principles of Management 3 ME* ZC271 Manufacturing Excellence 3
Fundamental concepts of management - planning; Introduction, frameworks of manufacturing excellence,
organizing; staffing; directing and controlling; production, practices for manufacturing excellence: leadership and
financial, personnel, legal and marketing functions; change management, manufacturing strategy, innovative
accounting and budgeting, balance sheets. product planning, total productive maintenance, total quality
ME* ZC233 Calculus 4 management, lean manufacturing, customer relations
management, green manufacturing, supply chain
Limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, Fourier series, management, knowledge management and social
ordinary differential equations for initial and boundary value responsibility.
problems, solution through Laplace transforms, numerical
ME* ZC311 Automobile Technology 3
solution using Picard’s iteration and higher order methods,
partial derivatives, partial differential equations, analytical Introduction; working and construction of IC Engines; its
solution techniques. components; cycles; fuel air cycle; diesel cycles; combustion
ME* ZC234 Maintenance & Safety 3 in SI and CI Engines; fuels and combustion; fuel supply
systems; scavenging process; engine cooling and lubrication;
Objectives, functions, and types of maintenance; defects due engine cooling system, friction and lubrication, engine testing
to wear; lubrication and surfacing techniques to reduce wear; and performance; super charging, analytical method of
maintenance of different equipments and their elements; performance and estimation; emission controls; alternate
spares planning; overhauling; TPM; safety and safety fuels; modern trends in engine development.
management; environmental safety; chemical safety;
ME* ZC312 Automobile Technology-II 3
occupational health management; control of major industrial
hazards; managing emergencies; employee participation in Vehicle classification; chassis construction; clutches-friction
safety; HRD for maintenance and safety. clutches, fluid coupling; gear box-arrangement and design of
ME* ZC235 Linear Algebra & Optimization 3 gear boxes; epicyclical gear box; torque converters,
semiautomatic and automatic gear boxes; propeller shaft;
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic universal joint; differential; rear axle suspension systems;
equations and their solutions; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and front axle and steering mechanisms – power steering
diagonalization of matrices; Formulation of linear mechanism; brakes –mechanical, hydraulic and air brakes;
programming problems, Simplex method, Big-M method, two servo and power operated brake systems; wheels and tyres;
phase method, Sensitivity analysis, Revised and Dual testing and performance of automobiles; vehicle vibration;
Simplex Methods. and human comfort; auto-electrical systems; ignition system-
ME* ZC236 Engineering Materials 3 conventional and electronic system, alternators; charging
system; storage batteries; wiper motors; lighting system;
Mechanical, electrical, electronic and chemical properties and electrical vehicles; automobile law.
applications of common engineering materials; ferrous and
non- ferrous metals and alloys; thermosetting and ME* ZC323 Design of Machine Elements 4
thermoplastic plastics; natural and synthetic resins; rubber; Fundamentals and principles of design; properties of
glass; abrasives and ceramics; common building materials, engineering materials; design of simple machine parts;
namely, timber, stone, lime and cement; corrosion of metals shafts, keys and couplings; power screws; threaded joints,
and methods of preventing corrosion; protective and welded and riveted joints, bearings and seals, gears, cams
decorative coatings; insulating materials; testing of materials. and followers; design of mechanisms.
ME* ZC241 Technical Report Writing 3 ME* ZC324 Mechatronics and Automation 4
Elements of effective writing; art of condensation; business Introduction to mechatronics, sensors and transducers,
letter writing; memos; formal reports; technical proposals; Concepts of measurement of electrical and nonelectrical
conducting, and participating, meetings; agenda and minutes; parameters; displacement, force, pressure etc. and related
strategies for writing technical descriptions, definitions, and signal conditioning techniques , pneumatic and hydraulic
classifications; oral presentation; use of graphic and audio- actuation systems, mechanical actuation systems, electrical
visual aids; editing. actuation systems, digital logic, microprocessors and
ME* ZC242 Manufacturing Process 3 programmable logic controllers; Introduction to automation,
control loops for numerical control systems, adaptive control
Fundamentals of casting process; forging; powder metallurgy; systems, industrial robots, automatic identification and data
soldering; brazing and welding technology; metal forming capture, automated production lines and automated
process, its analysis and design; Introduction to Metal cutting, assembly systems, System design concepts through case
machine tools; mechanics of metal cutting; other machining studies.
processes; grinding and finishing operations; non convention
machining; chipless machining processes; NC machines ME* ZC331 Production Planning & Control 3
programming; control system in CNC; CNC, DNC; FMS and Types of production systems and problems of planning and
machining center. control, product planning, forecasting, product demand,
ME* ZC251 Mechanical Technology 3 process planning, project management, capacities location
and layout of facilities, aggregate planning and scheduling,
Fundamental concepts of heat, work and energy; second law materials requirement, planning, inventory management,
of thermodynamics; properties of gases and vapors; basic systems and recent trends in production management.
cycles; flow of liquids; steam boilers; steam engines and
pumps; steam turbines and condensers; hydraulic pumps and ME* ZC332 Operations Research 3
turbines; internal combustion engine. Sampling, simulation, design of experiments and analysis of
ME* ZC261 Mechanics of Solids 3 variance, nonparametric tests; correlation and regression
analysis; quality control, reliability; decision theory; queuing
Fundamental principles of mechanics; introduction of theory; deterministic and probabilistic inventory systems.
mechanics of deformable bodies; forces and moments
transmitted by slender members; stress and strain; stress- ME* ZC343 Materials Management 3
strain-temperature relations; torsion; stresses and defections Integrated materials management, policy aspects, purchasing
due to bending; stability of equilibrium. management, warehousing and storage of inventory control
systems; stores management; material planning, make or buy
decisions; scheduling, strategic sourcing, JIT, Kanban
system; inventory costing principle; concept of MRP II;

vendor development; central excise, customs, importing, Design techniques such as divide-and-conquer, recursion,
sales tax. backtracking, branch-and-bound, simulation; Analysis in
ME* ZC412 Flexible Manufacturing Systems 4 terms of average level and worst level efficiency; Relationship
to appropriate data structures; Illustrations dealing with
Introduction CAD/CAM systems, overview of FMS, system problems in computer science, graph theory and
hardware and general functions, material handling system, mathematics; Computational complexity and bounds; NP-
work holding systems, cutting tools and tool management, hard and NP-complete problems.
physical planning of system, software structure functions and
MEL* ZG512 Optoelectronic Devices, Circuit & Systems 5
description, cleaning and automated inspection,
communications and computer networks for manufacturing, Physics of optical radiation and principles of calculation in
quantification of flexibility, human factors in manufacturing, radiation physics & optics, fundamental laws of photometry.
FMS and CIM in action (case studies), justification of FMS, Interaction between optical radiation and matter. Radiation
modelling for design, planning and operation of FMS. sources. Parameters of IR detectors and junction
ME*ZC418 Lean Manufacturing 3 photodetectors, parameters common to emitters and
receiver, radiation measurements, optoelectronic
Fundamentals of continuous improvement, value added and components, optoelectronic integrated devices, photodetector
waste elimination, elements of lean production: small lot circuits, methods of modulation and optoelectronic system
production, setup time reduction, maintaining and improving design and applications.
equipment, pull production systems, focused factories and
MEL* ZG520 Wireless & Mobile Communication 5
group technologies, work cells and cellular manufacturing,
standard operations, quality of design, systems for Signal propagation in a mobile environment, modulation,
eliminating defects, simplified production planning and control coding, equalization; first generation systems; multiple
systems: scheduling for smooth flow, synchronizing and access techniques like FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, spread
balancing process, planning and control in pull production, spectrum systems; second & third generation systems,
beyond the production systems: managing the supply chain, UMTS, IMT-2000; Wireless LAN, Wireless ATM and Mobile
activity based costing, performance measurement. IP; emerging trends in Wireless & Mobile Communication.
ME* ZC421 Essentials of Project Management 3 MEL* ZG524 Real Time Operating Systems 5
Programmes project management, project manager: role and Introduction to real-time systems, clock synchronization task
responsibilities, project management and organization, assignment and scheduling, programming language with real-
project planning and scheduling, graphical techniques and time support, ADA, real-time communication protocols, real-
PERT, CPM, price estimation and cost control; proposal, time database, fault tolerant techniques, reliability evaluation
control valuation monitoring and trade off analysis in a project methods; case studies in real-time operating systems,
environment, pitfalls and future scenario. simulation of real-time systems, embedded system
ME* ZC432 Quality Control, Assurance &Reliability 3 programming.
MEL* ZG526 Embedded System Design 4
Basic concepts of probability and probability distributions,
standard probability distribution, sampling and sampling Introduction to embedded systems; embedded architectures:
distributions, confidence intervals, testing significance, Architectures and programming of microcontrollers and
statistical tolerance, various types of control charts, statistical DSPs. Embedded applications and technologies; power
process control techniques, value analysis, defect diagnosis issues in system design; introduction to software and
and prevention, basic concepts of reliability, reliability design hardware co-design.
evaluation and control, methods of applying total quality MEL* ZG531 Testability for VLSI 5
management, production process.
BIST, boundary sean, stuck-at faults, test generation
ME* ZC471 Management Information Systems 3
algorithms for combinatorial logic circuits and sequential
Introduction to Information Systems; Concepts of circuits, logic simulation and fault simulation, synthesis for
management, concepts of information, systems concepts; test, built in self-test, pseudo-random test techniques, other
Information Systems and Organizations; decision making test methods - IDDQ testing, boundary scan etc.
process; database systems; data communications; planning, MEL* ZG553 Real Time Systems 5
designing, developing and implementing information systems;
quality assurance and evaluation of information systems; Real time software, Real time operating systems-scheduling,
future developments and their organizational and social virtual memory issues and file systems, real time data bases,
implications; decision support system and expert systems. fault tolerance and exception handling techniques, reliability
evaluation, data structures and algorithms for real
MEL* ZC415 Introduction to MEMS 4
time/embedded systems, programming languages, compilers
Overview, history and industry perspective; working and run time environment for real time/embedded systems,
principles; mechanics and dynamics, thermofluid engineering; real time system design, real time communication and
scaling law; microactuators, microsensors and security, real time constraints and multi-processing and
microelectromechanical systems; microsystem design, distributed systems.
modeling and simulation; materials;packaging; MEL* ZG554 Reconfigurable Computing 5
microfabrication: bulk, surface, LIGA etc;
micromanufacturing; microfludidics; microrobotics; case Overview of Programmable Logics. FPGA fabric
studies. architectures. Logic Elements and Switch Networks. Design
and Synthesis of Combinational and Sequential Elements.
MEL* ZG510 RF Microelectronics 5
Placement and Routing. Pipelining and other Design
Introduction; application of RF electronics in modern systems; Methodologies. Fine-grained and Coarse-Grained FPGAs.
basic concepts in RF circuit design, active RF components: Static and Dynamic Reconfiguration. Partitioning.
various RF diodes and transistors and their circuit models, Hardware/Software Portioning and Partial Evaluation.Systolic
matching and biasing networks, RF amplifier design: low Architectures.
power, low noise and broadband amplifiers, RF oscillator MEL* ZG573 Digital Signal Processing 3
design; negative resistance oscillator; dielectric resonator
oscillators, phase noise. RF Mixers: Balanced mixers; low Introduction; design of analog filters; design of digital filters:
noise mixers; noise in RF circuits, microwave transmitters (IIR and FIR); structures for the realization of digital filters;
and receivers. random signals and random processes; linear estimation and
MEL* ZG511 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 5

prediction; Wiener filters; DSP processor architecture; DSP flowcharts; RISC instruction set architecture; pipelined
algorithms for different applications. execution of RISC instructions; pipeline execution unit
MEL* ZG611 IC Fabrication Technology 5 design; control hazards; design of memory hierarchy.
MEL* ZG651 Hardware Software Co-Design 4
Material properties; Crystal growth and doping; diffusion;
oxidation; epitaxy; Ion implantation; Deposition of films using FPGA and ASIC based design, Low-Power Techniques in RT
CVD, LPCVD and sputtering techniques; Wet and dry etching Embedded Systems On-chip networking. Hardware Software
and cleaning; Lithographic process; Device and circuit partitioning and scheduling, Co-simulation, synthesis and
fabrication; Process modeling and simulation. verifications, Architecture mapping, HW-SW Interfaces and
MEL* ZG613 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 4 Re-configurable computing.
MEL* ZG652 Networked Embedded Applications 4
Review of stochastic processes, models and model
classification, the identification problem, some field of Networked embedded systems, Clock synchronization,
applications, classical methods of identification of impulse Protocol mechanisms protocol performance, CAN Bus
response and transfer function models, model learning architecture, USB Architecture, Embedded Internet,
techniques, linear least square estimator, minimum variance distributed computing, Use of Java in building networked
algorithm, stochastic approximation method and maximum systems, Reliability & Fault Tolerance etc. Mission-critical
likelihood method, simultaneous state and parameter distributed real-time applications, e.g., military, air traffic
estimation of extended kalmanfilter, non-linear identification, control; Prototyping benchmark applications, e.g. simulated
quasi linearization, numerical identification methods. air traffic visualization, radar display; Networking: TCP/IP,
MEL* ZG621 VLSI Design 5 distributed objects; Embedded system programming and
middleware: I/O, analog / digital conversion, DSP, runtime
Introduction to NMOS and CMOS circuits; NMOS and CMOS monitoring of CPU, processes, network equipment; Modeling
processing technology; CMOS circuits and logic design; distributed real-time systems; Quality of service maintenance.
circuit characterization and performance estimation;
MGTS ZC211 Principles of Management 3
Structured design and testing; Symbolic layout systems;
CMOS subsystem design; System case studies. Fundamental concepts of management - planning;
MEL* ZG623 Advanced VLSI Design 5 organizing; staffing; directing and controlling; production,
financial, personnel, legal and marketing functions;
Deep submicron device behavior and models, interconnect accounting and budgeting, balance sheets.
modeling for parasitic estimation, Clock signals and system
MM ZC412Flexible Manufacturing Systems 4
timing--Digital phase locked loop design, memory and array
structures, Input/output circuits design, ASIC technology, Introduction CAD/CAM systems, overview of FMS, system
FPGA technology, High speed arithmetic circuits design, - hardware and general functions, material handling system,
Parallel prefix computation, Logical effort in circuit design, work holding systems, cutting tools and tool management,
Low power VLSI Circuits-Adiabatic logic circuits, Multi physical planning of system, software structure functions and
threshold circuits, Digital BICMOS circuits, Design of VLSI description, cleaning and automated inspection,
systems. communications and computer networks for manufacturing,
MEL* ZG625 Advanced Analog and Mixed Signal Design quantification of flexibility, human factors in manufacturing,
5 FMS and CIM in action (case studies), justification of FMS,
modelling for design, planning and operation of FMS.
Design of high speed compartors and Op-amps; analog
MM ZC441 Human Resource Management 4
buffers; different architectures of A/D and D/A converters;
analog multipliers and dividers; design of PLLS; design Introduction, manpower planning, career and succession
methods for switched capacitor filters sample and hold planning, procurement of personnel, performance appraisal,
circuits; mixed signal design issues; noise coupling from job satisfaction and morale, job rotation, employee
substrate and its reduction; cross talk and shielding; analog communication, audit and control, management training and
layout techniques for mixed signal designs. development, wage and salary administration, welfare
MEL* ZG631 Physics & Modelling of Microelectronic administration, trade unions and collective bargaining,
Devices 5 industrial dispute and worker participation in management.
Physics and properties of semiconductor - a review; pn
junction diode; bipolar transistor; metalsemiconductor Introduction to Additive Manufacturing, CAD for Additive
contacts; JFET and MESFET; MOSFET and scaling; CCD Manufacturing; Material Science Aspects in Additive
and photonic devices. Manufacturing, Different materials used in AM, Use of
MEL* ZG632 Analog IC Design 5 multiple materials, multifunctional and graded materials in
AM, Role of solidification rate; Various Additive
Basic concepts; BICMOS process and technology; current Manufacturing Processes Powder‐ based AM processes
and voltage sources; Differential and Operational Amplifiers; involving sintering and melting, Printing processes (droplet
Multipliers and modulators; phase-lock techniques; D-to-A based 3D printing), Fused deposition modelling (FDM),
and A- to-D converters; Micropower circuits; High voltage Laminated object manufacturing, Stereolithography, Micro‐
circuits; Radiation Resistant Circuits; Filter design and nano‐ additive manufacturing processes; Modelling in
considerations. Additive Manufacturing Transport phenomena models:
MEL* ZG641 CAD for IC Design 5 temperature and fluid flow, molten pool formation, Various
case studies ‐ modelling of fusion based AM process,
Introduction to VLSI design methodologies and supporting powder bed melting based process, droplet based printing
CAD tool environment; Overview of `C', Data structure, process; Applications of Additive Manufacturing in
Graphics and CIF; Concepts, structures and algorithms of Aerospace, Automotive, Electronics industries and
some of the following CAD tools; Schematic editors; Layout Biomedical applications
editors; Module generators; Silicon compilers; Placement and
routing tools; Behavioral, functional, logic and circuit MM ZC449 IoT in Manufacturing 4
simulators; Aids for test generation and testing. Safe work practices and workplace safety, Industrial
MEL* ZG642 VLSI Architecture 4 revolution 4.0, Forces behind Industry 4.0 (IoT, big data and
cloud computing, robotics and artificial intelligence),
Overview of CISC processor architectures; Instruction set Connected factories (what is connected factory and criteria
architecture of CISC processor; hardware flow-charting for connected factory), Smart devices and smart products,
methods; implementing microprocessor logic from hardware

cyberphysical system, definition; cps in manufacturing, Planning and control of manufacturing operations; material
Connecting devices with each other and with internet, Data flow planning; product and process planning; demand
acquiring and collection, Communication technologies (WIFI, forecasting and forecasting models; facility location; plant
IEEE 802.15.41), RFID, QR codes and cellular technologies, layout planning and design; machine cells; capacity planning;
Protocols, Hardware in IoT, Software (IDE), Cloud platform, designing work methods; material handling; line balancing;
Smart devices and control system, Connectivity and aggregate planning; inventory models and systems for
networking in IoT, Smart eyes on shop floor, Integrating independent demand; materials requirements planning;
smart into existing, Programming using IoT, Case study and elements of monitoring and production control; current
implementation. developments in operations management.
MM ZC472 Precision Engineering 3 MM ZG534Sustainable Manufacturing 4
Concept of accuracy, accuracy of numerical control systems, Introduction to sustainable manufacturing, sustainable
tolerances and fits, acceptance tests for machine tools, static manufacturing design, practice and matrices, life cycle
stiffness and its influence on machining accuracy, management and assessment, end of life (EOL) strategies,
inaccuracies due to thermal effects, influence of forced implementation framework, sustainable business models,
vibrations on accuracy, dimensional wear of cutting tools and waste minimization, case studies.
its influences on accuracy, clamping and setting errors, MM ZG535Decision Analysis 4
location principles and errors due to location, surface
roughness and microfinishing processes, dimensioning and Introduction to quantitative techniques and statistics, Decision
dimensional chains, methods of improving accuracy and making, intelligence design and choice phases, basic theory
surface finish, thread and gear measuring instruments, of decision making under uncertainty; decision trees,
coordinate measuring machines, introduction to computer qualification of judgments and preferences, Bayes theorem,
aided tolerancing. the structuring of complex decisions, and multi-attribute utility
theory. Statistical estimation and forecasting.
MM ZG512Manufacturing Strategy 4
MM ZG537Lean Manufacturing 5
Corporate strategy; Missing links in manufacturing strategy;
Audit approach; Restructuring; Manufacturing strategy Course description to be developed.
process in practice; Formulation as a process; Operating MM ZG539 Six Sigma 4
strategies; Methodology framework; Lean production;
Competitive priorities; Strategic value of response time and History of Six Sigma, Implementing Six Sigma, Becoming a
product variety; Flexibility in context of manufacturing Customer and Market-Driven Enterprise, Customer
strategy; Manufacturing focus; Business process Expectations and Needs, Linking Six Sigma Projects to
reengineering; Theory of constraints; Link between strategy Strategies, Attributes of Good Metrics, Using resources
and organizational culture; Evolution of manufacturing wisely, Project Management Using the DMAIC and DMADV
systems; Operations management strategic perspective. Models, The Define Phase, The Measure Phase,
Measurement System Analysis, Analyzing Data: Value
MM ZG513 Maintenance Engineering 5 Streams and Dealing with Variations, Designing Experiments,
Introduction, maintenance systems, methodsand tools of The Improve Phase, The Control Phase.
maintenance analysis, reliability andsafety, maintainability, MM ZG541 Product Design 5
supportability, designfor maintenance, maintenance
integrationcomputerized maintenance management Introduction to creative design; user research and
systems,TPM, world-class maintenance systems,and requirements analysis, product specifications, Computer
maintenance effectiveness and performanceevaluation. Aided Design; standardization, variety reduction, preferred
numbers and other techniques; modular design; design
MM ZG514 Leadership and ManagingChange 4 economics, cost analysis, cost reduction and value analysis
Individuals as leaders, team leadership and organizational techniques, design for production; human factors in design:
leadership. Introduction to managing change, management of anthropometric, ergonomic, psychol giccl, physiological
change: organizational structure, culture, recruitment, considerations in design decision making; legal factors,
performance management, human resource development, engineering ethics and society.
reward management, employee relations and involvement, MM ZG611 Strategic Management & Business Policy4
downsizing, and evaluating and promoting.
Strategic management elements; internal, external, external
MM ZG515Quantitative Methods 4 environment. assessment of corporate strengths,
Basic concepts in Operations Research; Analytical & weaknesses and opportunities; planning and deployment of
Mathematical Modeling Techniques; Model Building; capital assets; profit planning and control functions problems,
Inventory Control, queuing theory; Linear Programming; pressures, responsibilities, limits of the chief executive;
Transportation and assignment problems, simulation, index evaluation of one's own business undertaking; formulating
numbers, decision theory, etc. objectives, strategies, policies and programmes for improving
company’s present situation; personnel strength and
MM ZG522 Total Quality Management 4
implementation of the policies and programmes,
TQM principles and practices; leadership; customer development, implementation, evaluation and control of
satisfaction; employee involvement; continuous process strategies, strategic management of MNCs, management
improvement; supplier partnership; performance measures; style and behavior, corporate style, behavior and culture.
statistical process control; ISO 9000; benchmarking; quality
function deployment; concurrent engineering; experimental
design; Taguchi’s quality engineering; product liability
MM ZG523 Project Management 4
Concepts and techniques of project formulation, evaluation
and implementation; Project planning and scheduling; Risk
management; Time-cost trade off; Resource leveling and
allocation; Project monitoring and control; Contract
MM ZG533Manufacturing Planning & Control 5

MM ZG621 Supply Chain Management 4 Limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, Fourier series,
Customer driven strategies in production and distribution ordinary differential equations for initial and boundary value
problems, solution through Laplace transforms, numerical
systems; Integrated production and distribution networks;
SCM in the context of JIT and MRP–II; Distribution Resource solution using Picard’s iteration and higher order methods,
Planning; Management of dealer networks; Total Control & partial derivatives, partial differential equations, analytical
solution techniques.
Product innovation across the supply chain; Incoming
logistics and supplier relationships; Value addition analysis; MT* ZC234 Maintenance & Safety 3
Metrics for management of supply chain performance; Basic maintenance systems and practice; maintenance
Mathematical models and computer assisted decision planning; estimating and budgeting; scheduling maintenance
support for SCM; Mathematical programming for SCM.
jobs; importance of safety; factors affecting safety; safety
MM ZG627ManagerialCorporateFinance 4 aspects of site and plant; hazards of commercial chemical
Introduction tocorporatefinance;financialstatements -analysis reaction and operation; instrumentation for safe operation;
and interpretation;value creation – ways and means; time safety education and training; personnel safety; disaster
planning and measuring safety effectiveness; future trends in
value of money; risk and return; understanding and analyzing
various cost concepts and behaviour; analysis and impact of industrial safety; maintenance of components and
leverage; cost of capital; project appraisal and management - equipments; new dimensions in maintenance covering plant
engineering, tribology, materials technology, terotechnology
emphasis on technology projects (Diamond framework:
NTPC - Novelty, Technology, Pace and Complexity); (life cycle costing) etc.; extensive case studies.
dimensions of adaptive technology project management; MT* ZC235 Linear Algebra & Optimization 3
measuring and controlling assets employed in a project; Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic
project risk analysis; management control of projects; project
equations and their solutions; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and
financing – leasing and hire purchase; management control diagonalization of matrices; Formulation of linear
system - budget preparation; analyzing financial performance programming problems, Simplex method, Big-M method, two
reports (variance analysis) and performance measurement
phase method, Sensitivity analysis, Revised and Dual
system; working capital management – managing operating Simplex Methods.
MT* ZC236 Engineering Materials 3
MM ZG628TDissertation 16
Mechanical, electrical, electronic and chemical properties and
A student registered in this course must take a topic in an
applications of common engineering materials; ferrous and
area of professional interest drawn from the on the job work non- ferrous metals and alloys; thermosetting and
requirement which is simultaneously of direct relevance to the thermoplastic plastics; natural and synthetic resins; rubber;
degree pursued by the student as well as to the employing /
glass; abrasives and ceramics; common building materials,
collaborating organization of the student and submit a namely, timber, stone, lime and cement; corrosion of metals
comprehensive report at the end of the semester working and methods of preventing corrosion; protective and
under the overall supervision and guidance of a professional
decorative coatings; insulating materials; testing of materials.
expert who will be deemed as the supervisor for evaluation of
all components of the dissertation. Normally the Mentor of the MT* ZC241 Technical Report Writing 3
student would be the Dissertation supervisor and in case Elements of effective writing; art of condensation; business
Mentor is not approved as the supervisor, Mentor may play letter writing; memos; formal reports; technical proposals;
the role of additional supervisor. The final grades for conducting, and participating, meetings; agenda and minutes;
dissertation are Non-letter grades namely Excellent, Good, strategies for writing technical descriptions, definitions, and
Fair and Poor, which do not go into CGPA computation. classifications; oral presentation; use of graphic and audio-
MT* ZC112 Electrical and Electronics Technology 3 visual aids; editing.
Electric circuit, electromagnetism, magnetic circuit, MT* ZC245 Fluid Mechanics and Machines 4
electrostatics, AC voltage and current, singlephase circuits, Introduction and fundamental concepts, fluid statics,
semiconductor devices, amplifiers, digital systems, kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow, inviscid flows, pipe
microprocessors, DC machines, polyphase circuits, flow and network design, open channel flow, incompressible
transformers, synchronous machines, induction motors, viscous flow, laminar boundary layers, turbulent flows,
power electronics, measurements, illumination. essentials of compressible flow, dimensional and model
MT* ZC213 Engineering Measurements 4 analysis, orifice, venturi, notches and weirs, hydraulic
turbines, centrifugal and reciprocating pumps, fluid couplings
Performance characteristics of measuring instruments,
and torque convertors, compressors.
measurement methods for mechanical, electrical, radiant,
chemical, magnetic and thermal energy variables. Emphasis MT* ZC251 Mechanical Technology 4
in this course shall be on the operation and use of Fundamental concepts of heat, work and energy; second law
instruments. of thermodynamics; properties of gases and vapors; basic
MT* ZC221 Computer Programming 4 cycles; flow of liquids; steam boilers; steam engines and
pumps; steam turbines and condensers; hydraulic pumps and
Elementary computer organization; introduction to Number turbines; internal combustion engine.
Systems; Representation of integers, real numbers and
characters on computers; concept of range and accuracy; MT* ZC261 Mechanics of Solids 3
Arithmetic Overflow; Algorithms and algorithm development; Fundamental principles of mechanics; introduction of
structured program development through step wise mechanics of deformable bodies; forces and moments
refinement. Introduction to C language; Functions; Recursion; transmitted by slender members; stress and strain; stress-
Data structure & algorithms; File management & file handling; strain-temperature relations; torsion; stresses and defections
Problem solving using C. due to bending; stability of equilibrium.
MT* ZC231 Principles of Management 3 MT* ZC311 Automobile Technology-I 4
Fundamental concepts of management - planning; Introduction; working and construction of IC Engines; its
organizing; staffing; directing and controlling; production, components; cycles; fuel air cycle; diesel cycles; combustion
financial, personnel, legal and marketing functions; in SI and CI Engines; fuels and combustion; fuel supply
accounting and budgeting, balance sheets. systems; scavenging process; engine cooling and lubrication;
MT* ZC233 Calculus 4 engine cooling system, friction and lubrication, engine testing

and performance; super charging, analytical method of Sampling, simulation, design of experiments and analysis of
performance and estimation; emission controls; alternate variance, nonparametric tests; correlation and regression
fuels; modern trends in engine development. Virtual analysis; quality control, reliability; decision theory; queuing
demonstration of automobile parts and assemblies may be theory; deterministic and probabilistic inventory systems.
demonstrated. Some amount of Pro/Engineer (CREO) FlexSim and Lingo/Lindo based virtual simulations.
modeling of automobile structures may be practiced. MT* ZC342Machine Design 4
MT* ZC312 Automobile Technology-II 4
Fundamentals and principles of design, design and selection
Vehicle classification; chassis construction; clutches-friction of machine elements such as shafts, spindle supports, gears,
clutches, fluid coupling; gear boxarrangement and design of bearings; etc.; design of mechanism; design of machine tool
gear boxes; epicyclical gear box; torque converters, structure; dynamics of machine tools; introduction to CAD,
semiautomatic and automatic gear boxes; propeller shaft; CAM, CIM; Design of jigs and fixtures; press tools for
universal joint; differential; rear axle suspension systems; blanking; punching; drawing; combination tools and
front axle and steering mechanisms – power steering progressive tools. Machine Drawing of part and assembly
mechanism; brakes –mechanical, hydraulic and air brakes; drawing using Pro/Engineer (CREO) or similar software tools
servo and power operated brake systems; wheels and tyres; are to be conducted.
testing and performance of automobiles; vehicle vibration; MT* ZC343 Materials Management 4
and human comfort; auto-electrical systems; ignition system-
conventional and electronic system, alternators; charging Integrated materials management, policy aspects, purchasing
system; storage batteries; wiper motors; lighting system; management, warehousing and storage of inventory control
electrical vehicles; automobile law. Virtual demonstration of systems; stores management; material planning, make or buy
automobile parts and assemblies may be demonstrated. decisions; scheduling, strategic sourcing, JIT, Kanban
Some amount of Pro/Engineer (CREO) modeling of system; inventory costing principle; concept of MRP II;
automobile structures may be practiced. vendor development; central excise, customs, importing,
sales tax. FlexSim/Quest based simulations.
MT* ZC315Casting and Welding 4
MT* ZC344Metal Forming and Machining 4
Casting: fundamentals of casting processes, design of
castings, furnaces, foundry mechanization, special casting Metal forming: introduction, metal forming machines, metal
processes, economics of casting, inspection and defects of forming process analysis and design. Machining: introduction,
casting. Powder metallurgy: introduction, methods of powder metal cutting machine tools, mechanics of metal cutting,
production, characteristics and properties of powder, other aspects of machining processes, grinding and finishing
manufacturing methods, furnaces, finishing processes, operations, non-conventional machining processes and
economics of powder metallurgy. Welding: various welding processing of plastics. It may consist of virtual practical work
processes, design for welding, safe practices in welding, using software tool CNC Simulator-Pro
inspection and defects of welding, economics of welding, (http://cncsimulator.info/). Similarly, we need to get metal
brazing and soldering. Virtual simulation of casting and forming process animations in 3DS-Max, Maya or similar
welding processes. software tools. Virtual simulation of metal forming and
machining processes.
MT* ZC316 Transport Phenomena 4
MT* ZC411 Tool and Fixture Design 3
Fundamental concepts of fluid flow, concept of momentum
transfer, Newton’s law of viscosity, Continuity and Bernoulli’s Tool-design methods, tool making practices, tooling materials
equation, concept of pressure drop and drag; Heat transfer: and heat treatment, design of cutting tools, gages and gage
steady state and unsteady state heat conduction; analytical design, locating and clamping methods, design of drill jigs,
and empirical relations for forced and free convection heat design of fixtures, design of sheet metal blanking and
transfer; heat exchanger analysis and design, heat transfer piercing dies, design of sheet metal bending, forming and
by radiation; Elements of mass transfer; one dimensional drawing dies, using plastics as tooling materials, tool design
compressible flow; associated laboratory on condenser, for numerically controlled machine tools and automatic screw
boiler, economizer, super heater etc. machines.
MT* ZC324 Mechatronics & Automation 4 MT* ZC412 Flexible Manufacturing Systems 4
Introduction to mechatronics, sensors and transducers, Introduction CAD/CAM systems, overview of FMS, system
Concepts of measurement of electrical and nonelectrical hardware and general functions, material handling system,
parameters; displacement, force, pressure etc. and related work holding systems, cutting tools and tool management,
signal conditioning techniques , pneumatic and hydraulic physical planning of system, software structure functions and
actuation systems, mechanical actuation systems, electrical description, cleaning and automated inspection,
actuation systems, digital logic, microprocessors and communications and computer networks for manufacturing,
programmable logic controllers; Introduction to automation, quantification of flexibility, human factors in manufacturing,
control loops for numerical control systems, adaptive control FMS and CIM in action (case studies), justification of FMS,
systems, industrial robots, automatic identification and data modelling for design, planning and operation of FMS.
capture, automated production lines and automated FlexSim/Quest based simulations.
assembly systems, System design concepts through case MT* ZC418 Lean Manufacturing 4
studies. Virtual demonstration of mechatronics elements,
their assembly to obtain devices and products etc. Fundamentals of continuous improvement, value added and
waste elimination, elements of lean production: small lot
MT* ZC331 Production Planning & Control 4 production, setup time reduction, maintaining and improving
Types of production systems and problems of planning and equipment, pull production systems, focused factories and
control, product planning, forecasting, product demand, group technologies, work cells and cellular manufacturing,
process planning, project management, capacities location standard operations, quality of design, systems for
and layout of facilities, aggregate planning and scheduling, eliminating defects, simplified production planning and control
materials requirement, planning, inventory management, systems: scheduling for smooth flow, synchronizing and
systems and recent trends in production management. balancing process, planning and control in pull production,
Simulations using software tools such as FlexSim or Quest beyond the production systems: managing the supply chain,
may be conducted. activity based costing, performance measurement. Logistics
case studies using software tools such as FlexSim may be
MT* ZC332 Operations Research 4
MT* ZC421 Essentials of Project Management 3

Programmes project management, project manager: role and Introduction, frameworks of manufacturing excellence,
responsibilities, project management and organization, practices for manufacturing excellence: leadership and
project planning and scheduling, graphical techniques and change management, manufacturing strategy, innovative
PERT, CPM, price estimation and cost control; proposal, product planning, total productive maintenance, total quality
control valuation monitoring and trade off analysis in a project management, lean manufacturing, customer relations
environment, pitfalls and future scenario. management, green manufacturing, supply chain
MT* ZC432 Computer Aided Manufacturing 3 management, knowledge management and social
responsibility. FlexSim/Quest based simulations.
Introduction, features of NC machine tools, NC part
PCAM* ZC211 Regression 2
programming, CAM system devices, interpolators for
manufacturing systems, control loops of NC systems, Regression as a type of supervised learning technique where
computerized numerical control, adaptive control systems, the target attribute is a continuous variable; regression
CAD to CAM, CAPP, industrial robots, computer aided models from theoretical and implementation perspectives.
production planning & control, computer aided inspection and Model selection and performance measures; Issues with
quality control, CIM systems. regression models such as overfitting and the ways of
MT* ZC434 Quality Control, Assurance &Reliability 4 combatting overfitting like ridge and lasso regression;
Interpretability/explicability of the models;
Basic concepts of probability and probability distributions,
PCAM* ZC111 Feature Engineering 1
standard probability distribution, sampling and sampling
distributions, confidence intervals, testing significance, Feature Engineering as a step to develop and improve
statistical tolerance, various types of control charts, statistical performance of Machine Learning models; Data wrangling
process control techniques, value analysis, defect diagnosis techniques that help transforming the raw data to an
and prevention, basic concepts of reliability, reliability design appropriate form for learning algorithms; Data preprocessing
evaluation and control, methods of applying total quality techniques such as normalization, discretization, feature
management, production process. Practical assignments on subset selection etc. and dimension reduction techniques
statistical quality control using suitable statistical software such as PCA. Different ways of visualizing the data such as
tools such as R-software, MS Excel, SAS, Minitab or SPSS. Box plots, Contour plots, Heat maps etc.
Introduction to Additive Manufacturing, CAD for Additive Classification is a type of supervised learning techniques
Manufacturing; Material Science Aspects in Additive
where the target attribute takes discrete values; Three types
Manufacturing, Different materials used in AM, Use of of techniques to solve classification problems – discriminant
multiple materials, multifunctional and graded materials in function, generative, and probabilistic discriminative
AM, Role of solidification rate; Various Additive
approaches. Algorithmic perspective of popular classification
Manufacturing Processes Powder‐ based AM processes algorithms - k-NN, Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Logistic
involving sintering and melting, Printing processes (droplet Regression and SVM. Implementation details of these
based 3D printing), Fused deposition modelling (FDM),
models along with tuning of parameters. Ensemble methods,
Laminated object manufacturing, Stereolithography, Micro‐ bagging, boosting, Random Forest and eXtreme Gradient
and nano‐ additive manufacturing processes; Modelling in Boosting. Interpretability/explicability of the models;
Additive Manufacturing Transport phenomena models:
temperature and fluid flow, molten pool formation, Various PCAM* ZC221 Unsupervised Learning and Association
case studies ‐ modelling of fusion based AM process, Rule Mining 2
powder bed melting based process, droplet based printing Unsupervised learning algorithms for finding regularities in
process; Applications of Additive Manufacturing in the absence of explicit labels or supervised outputs;
Aerospace, Automotive, Electronics industries and Clustering as an unsupervised learning task to find natural
Biomedical applications grouping in the data. Various clustering algorithms such as K-
MT* ZC449 IoT in MANUFACTURING 4 Means, EM Algorithm, Single Linkage Algorithm, Complete
Safe work practices and workplace safety, Industrial Linkage algorithm and DBSCAN. Various ways of assessing
revolution 4.0, Forces behind Industry 4.0 (IoT, big data and the quality of clustering and detecting outliers. Typical
cloud computing, robotics and artificial intelligence), industrial applications of unsupervised learning algorithms;
Connected factories (what is connected factory and criteria Introduction to HMM in the context of performing time series
for connected factory), Smart devices and smart products, prediction; role of EM algorithm in estimating the parameters.
cyberphysical system, definition; cps in manufacturing, Algorithms to learn association or discover dependencies
Connecting devices with each other and with internet, Data between the data items; Apriori algorithm and different
acquiring and collection, Communication technologies (WIFI, metrics to measure the interestingness of the rules.
IEEE 802.15.41), RFID, QR codes and cellular technologies,
Protocols, Hardware in IoT, Software (IDE), Cloud platform, PCAM* ZC231 Text Mining 2
Smart devices and control system, Connectivity and Unstructured or semi structured data and their forms;
networking in IoT, Smart eyes on shop floor, Integrating Extracting the relevant text data and identifying patterns
smart into existing, Programming using IoT, Case study and therein. Converting documents to vectors using TF-IDF, Parts
implementation. of Speech Tagging, Topic modelling using LDA, sentiment
MT* ZC452 Composite Materials and Design 4 analysis and recommender systems.
Introduction to composites, concepts of reinforcement, PCAM* ZC241 Deep Learning and Artificial Neural
strengthening mechanisms, fibrous reinforcements, matrix Networks 2
materials, micromechanical aspects of composites, Details of neural networks as well as deep learning
manufacturing methods, composite production design architectures. An algorithmic perspective and implementation
methods design of tensile members, pressure vessels, details of ANN, RNN, LSTM, CNN, RCNN, Faster RCNN,
storage tanks, and other chemical process equipment made Autoencoders, Generative deep learning models like
of FRP, design of joints, damage of composites by impact, Boltzmann Machine, Deep Belief Machines and GAN etc.
FRP grids, recent development in manufacturing of
composites and technologies. Simulation of mechanics of PCAM* ZC321 Capstone Project 3
composite materials using suitable software tools. Real life problems encompassing a typical data science
MT* ZC471Manufacturing Excellence 4 pipeline obtained from organizations/third party vendors;
Jointly mentored by the industry experts and faculty;
Comparative study of the relevant techniques covered in the

course; Presenting the results in the required format; business/ product strategy from other companies that are
Fortnightly review of progress of the project. making the same product or delivering the same
PCGM* ZC411 Marketing 4 service. This course is designed for analysts in any function:
marketing, operations, quality, customer service, IT,
Definition and scope, consumer behavior, competitive finance/accounting or human resources. We will use case
behavior, demand estimation, new product introduction, studies and other experiential components to study the
product/brand management, pricing policies, channels of application of data-driven insights in the context of various
distribution, credit management, advertising and other sales industries.
promotion, positioning, marketing regulation, market research
PDBA* ZC417 Quantitative Methods 4
basics of industrial marketing.
PCGM* ZC415 Financial and Management Accounting 4 Grouping data, measures of central tendency and dispersion,
probability distribution, sampling and estimation, testing
Basic concepts, double entry accounting, journal, ledger, trial hypotheses, chi-square and analysis of variance, regression
balance, profit & loss account, balance sheet, cash flow and correlation, non-parametric methods, time series and
statement, financial statement analysis, ratio analysis, cost- forecasting, index numbers, decision theory, linear
volume-profit analysis, inventory valuation, inflation programming, transportation and assignment problems,
accounting, cost accounting and budgetary control systems, queuing theory, network problems, simulation; application of
financial analysis and forecasting. statistical software (SYSTAT, SPSS, SIMULA8, etc.) and
PCGM* ZC417 Quantitative Methods 4 spreadsheets.
Grouping data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, PDBA* ZG512Predictive Analytics 4
probability distribution, sampling and estimation, testing Basic concepts in predictive analytics / predictive modeling.
hypotheses, chi-square and analysis of variance, regression Two core paradigms for predictive modeling: classification
and correlation, non-parametric methods, time series and and regression. Identification of important variables and their
forecasting, index numbers, decision theory, linear relation to each another. Basic modeling techniques such as
programming, transportation and assignment problems, k-nearest neighbors, classification and regression trees
queuing theory, network problems, simulation; application of (CART), and Bayesian classifiers. Ensemble techniques.
statistical software (SYSTAT, SPSS, SIMULA8, etc.) and Model selection techniques.
PDBA* ZG517 Financial Analytics 4
PCGM* ZC416 Managerial Economics 4
Different sources of Financial Data, Statistical characteristics
Fundamental concepts, supply, demand, market mechanism; of financial data, Distributions of Financial Data, Statistical
theory of demand (consumer behaviour); production, costs Applications in Finance, Exploratory Data Analysis, Modelling
(theory of the firm); market structures (perfect competition, using Financial Statements Data, Modelling stock price
monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly); circular flow behavior, Modelling Credit Default using classification
of income, national income accounting, national income algorithms, Introduction to Machine Learning algorithms for
determination; money and banking, employment, interest, price forecasting and Portfolio Modelling, Introduction to
inflation, economics of information, problem of adverse Monte Carlo Bootstrapping, simulation and cross validation,
selection, moral hazard problem, market failure, externalities, Sentiment Analysis in Finance.
public goods.
PDBA* ZG523 Project Management 4
PCMP* ZG511 Managing People & Organizations 4
Concepts and techniques of project formulation, evaluation
Concepts and principles of management as applied to a and implementation; Project planning and scheduling; Risk
variety of organizations; study of managerial roles, styles, management; Time-cost trade off; Resource leveling and
activities and decision making; relationship with allocation; Project monitoring and control; Contract
organizational effectiveness; planning activities, leadership & management.
control; manpower development; organizational behavior and
PDBA* ZG536Foundations of Data Science 4
PCMP* ZG526 Operations Management 4 Introduction, Role of a Data Scientist, Statistics vs. Data
Science, Fundamentals of Data Science, Data Science
Operations strategy; process view vs. functional view in process and life cycle, Exploratory Data Analysis, Data
operations; factors in product and process design and Engineering and shaping, Overview of Data Science
selection; facility configuration; demand planning and Techniques and Models, Introduction to Regression,
forecasting; capacity planning; aggregate planning; planning Classification, Shrinkage, Dimension Reduction, Tree-based
service operations; productivity of operations; inventory models, Support Vector Machines, Unsupervised learning,
planning and independent demand systems; materials Choosing and evaluating models, Featurization, Overview of
requirements planning; quality management; uncertainty and Neural Networks, Data mining, and pattern recognition
variability; project management; current developments in techniques, Documentation, Deployment, and Presentations
operations management. of the insights
PCMP* ZG537 Lean Manufacturing 5 PDBA* ZG538 Advanced Statistical Methods 4
Course description is same as given under MBA ZG537 Point and interval estimation and hypothesis testing, chi-
PCMP* ZG522 Total Quality Management 4 square tests, non- parametric statistics, analysis of variance,
regression; linear and multiple linear, correlation, factor
TQM principles and practices; leadership; customer models, decision theory, Bayesian statistics and
satisfaction; employee involvement; continuous process autocorrelation, multivariate regression, randomization and
improvement; supplier partnership; performance measures; sampling processes, Markov processes with
statistical process control; ISO 9000; benchmarking; quality discrete/continuous state space, statistical simulation and
function deployment; concurrent engineering; experimental pattern recognition, Time Series Analysis.
design; Taguchi’s quality engineering; product liability.
PDBA* ZG539 Data Visualization and Communication4
PDBA* ZC413 Analytics for Competitive Advantage4
Need for visualization, Presentation and visualization of data
In today's competitive business environment, high performing for effective communication, the importance of context and
companies are doing more than just collecting data, storing it audience, choosing an effective visual, Visualizations of a
and generating reports. They are developing competitive single number, Visualizations for comparisons, Displaying
strategies using Business Analytics. In this course we will relative performances, Visualizing survey results,
look at how to use data-driven insights to differentiate a firm's

Visualizations for Ranking and Branching, Visualizations for Credit Sensitive Instruments. Case Studies, simulations,
parts of a whole, Visualizing correlations and regression, hands-on exercises using tools like R/ Python.
Visualizing Qualitative Data, Visualizing Trends, Tree-based PDBA* ZG570 Financial Risk Models 4
visualizations, Visualizing Geo Data, Techniques for
visualization of high dimensional data & discovered patterns, Basics of financial risk, Its applications in the form of
Common mistakes in dashboards, Visual perception, Create derivatives- Currency and interest rate derivatives, equity
interactive Dashboards and Stories. markets and products, commodity markets and products,
Measuring and Analysing Volatility- EWMA, ARCH, GARCH,
PDBA* ZG563Analytics for HR 4
Volatility clusters and the issue of time-varying volatility,
Leveraging analytic techniques in the context of the Extreme Value Theory, Correlation and Copula, Introduction
challenges faced by the HR and Talent Acquisition and to Multivariate Forecasting), VaR Computation, Stress
Management functions. Applying analytical techniques to testing, Monte Carlo simulation, address issues in generating
deliver meaningful insights for effectively managing price process (such as Brownian Motion, Ito Process),
employees for achieving the goals of the organization. Cholesky decomposition in computing multi-asset VaR;
Attracting right talent, forecasting future staffing needs, Currency risk analysis in global investing, interest rate parity
managing attrition and improving employee satisfaction (covered and uncovered); Value at risk for fixed income
levels. Case Studies, simulations, hands-on exercises using Credit Risk Analytics Case Studies, simulations, hands-on
tools like R or Python. exercises using tools like R/ Python.
PDBA* ZG564Models in Marketing 4 PDBA* ZG571 Analytical Models in Finance 4
Introduction to Marketing Models, Models of consumer Modelling and valuation of equity securities, fixed income
behavior, industrial buying and firm behaviour, (aggregate) securities, and derivatives, Introduction to Financial
market models (e.g., competition, market entry), strategic Modelling, and Spreadsheet Essentials, Measuring Risk
marketing models, forecasting methods, new product models, (Testing market efficiency with regression analysis & pivot
marketing response models (e.g., channels, pricing, tables), Portfolio optimization (Mean-variance portfolio
advertising, promotion), forecasting models and decision selection, Bond portfolio selection, Term structure estimation,
support systems. Case Studies, simulations, hands-on Capital budgeting), Advanced risk analysis (Monte-Carlo
modeling. simulation, Risk analysis of discounted cash flow models,
PDBA* ZG565Supply Chain Analytics 4 Monte- Carlo simulation, Business and equity valuation
modelling, LBO Analysis Model , Stock Merger Model, etc.,
Customer driven strategies in production and distribution Case Studies, simulations, hands-on modelling exercises.
systems; Integrated production and distribution networks;
PDFI ZG517 Financial Analytics 4
SCM in the context of JIT and MRP–II; Distribution Resource
Planning; Management of dealer networks; Total Control & Different sources of Financial Data, Statistical characteristics
Product innovation across the supply chain; Incoming of financial data, Distributions of Financial Data, Statistical
logistics and supplier relationships; Value addition analysis; Applications in Finance, Exploratory Data Analysis, Modelling
Metrics for management of supply chain performance; using Financial Statements Data, Modelling stock price
Mathematical models and computer assisted decision behaviour, Modelling Credit Default using classification
support for SCM; Mathematical programming for SCM. algorithms, Introduction to Machine Learning for price
PDBA* ZG566Analytics for Marketing 4 forecasting and Portfolio Modelling, Introduction to Monte
carlo simulation, Bootstrapping, cross validation, Sentiment
Introduction to Marketing Research, Research Methodology, Analysis in Finance
Problem definition, research design formulation, Field work
PDFI ZG516 Introduction to FinTech 4
and Data Collection, Data preparation and Analysis, Final
report preparation and presentation, Case Studies, Overview of FinTech, Current disruptions in Financial
simulations, hands-on exercises using tools like R/ Python. Services, Fintech in the Context of the Digital Economy,
PDBA* ZG567Analytics for Retail Industry 4 Landscape of Fintech, Disruptions in Asset Servicing,
Disruptions in the Capital Markets, Disruptions in Investment
RFM (measuring customer recency, frequency and monetary) Management, Alternative Data in Portfolio Management,
Analysis, churn modeling, retention modeling, shopper Lending and Crowdfunding, Robo-Advisory, Overview of
analytics, market basket association analysis, customer Technologies - Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial
segmentation and profiling, propensity scoring models to Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Future of FinTech.
identify prospective customers, best customers, lifetime value
PDFI ZG558 Financial Risk Management 4
modeling, marketing campaign response modeling, cross sell
modeling, etc., Case Studies, simulations, hands-on Introduction to Financial Risk Management, Financial
exercises using tools like R/ Python. Institutions and their trading, Credit Crisis of 2008, Market
PDBA* ZG568Operations Research Models 4 Risk (Risk Management by traders, Interest rate risk,
volatility, Correlation and Copulas, Value at Risk and
Practical application of OR tools. Application areas include: Expected Shortfall, Historical Simulation and Extreme Value
financial planning and portfolio selection, production, supply Theory, Model-Building Approach), Credit Risk (Estimating
chain, priority planning and marketing. Linear programming Default Probabilities, CVA, DVA, Credit Value at Risk),
and its applications; programming to achieve a set of goals or Regulation (BASEL I, II and III), Fundamental Review of the
targets with applications in finance and production; capital Trading Book, Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing,
budgeting and project selection; transportation and network Overview of Operational Risk, Liquidity Risk, Economic
models; and portfolio models, Case Studies, simulations, Capital and RAROC.
hands-on exercises using tools like R/ Python.
PDFI ZG561 Behavioural Finance 4
PDBA* ZG569 Analytics for Investment Banking4
Introduction, Rational Market Hypothesis, Foundations of
Modern portfolio theory, Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Rational Finance (Expected Utility, MPT, CAPM, EMH),
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT), and efficient market theory; Challenges to rational behaviour, Heuristics, Cognitive
Passive investing: indexing; behavioral finance; Active Biases, Self-Deception, Prospect Theory, Mental Accounting,
investing: security analysis – fundamental analysis (strategic, Emotional Factors, Challenges to Efficient Market
financial, marketing tools) and technical analysis; Portfolio Hypothesis, Investor Behaviour, Market Outcomes, Value
management including allocation, rebalancing and risk Investing, Applications of Behavioural Finance, Introduction
management; Transaction cost analysis; Fixed-Income and to Behavioural Corporate Finance.
PDFI ZG562 Derivatives & Financial Engineering 4

Introduction to derivatives market, forward, futures, options, introduction to bank regulation; international considerations;
swaps, Pricing and valuation of derivatives, options trading relevant case studies, simulations, modeling.
strategies, Elementary Stochastic calculus, binomial tree PDFI ZG519 Business Analysis and Valuation 4
model, Black Scholes Merton model, option Greeks, Exotic
Options, Volatility Smiles, credit risk, credit derivatives, credit Theory of finance, value maximization, stakeholder theory,
default swaps, collateralized debt obligations, valuation of and corporate objective function: value creation – ways and
synthetic CDO, Interest rate derivatives. means, business analysis: The techniques of strategy and
competitive analysis, value chain analysis for competitive
PDFI ZC415 Financial and Management Accounting 4
advantages, business valuation – approaches and methods,
Basic concepts, double entry accounting, journal, ledger, trial the dark side of valuation: strategic investment decisions.
balance, profit & loss account, balance sheet, cash flow PDFI ZG528 Venture Capital & Private Equity 4
statement, financial statement analysis, ratio analysis, cost-
volume-profit analysis, inventory valuation, inflation This course will lay a strong foundation in core concepts,
accounting, cost accounting and budgetary control systems, features and characteristics of the venture capital and private
financial analysis and forecasting. equity markets; specialized services provided by VC's and
PE funds; stages in VC investing; deal flow; deal sourcing,
PDFI ZG518 Multinational Finance 4
evaluation; risk return tradeoff of VC/ PE investments;
Effective financial decision making in a multinational valuation of VC/ PE transactions; structuring and execution of
corporation; issues in global financial management, deals; exit options, distributions; Course will make extensive
international monetary system, balance of payments, foreign use of case studies to understand industry best practices and
exchange markets, international parity conditions, foreign current trends.
currency options, transaction exposure, operating exposure, PDFI ZG544 Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate
translation exposure, sourcing capital globally, foreign Restructuring 4
investment decisions, basics of multinational taxation,
transfer pricing, principles of multinational capital budgeting, Basics of M&A (corporate finance, strategy, economics),
and managing multinational operations . Extensive use of merger types, trends; theories underlying M&A; legal aspects;
case studies and simulations to connect theory with practice. evaluating an acquisition target; valuation of mergers and
acquisitions, MVA, relative valuation, multiples, DCF, FCFF,
PDFI ZG520 Security Analysis and Portfolio
FCFE; M&A deal structuring; synergy analysis; break-up
Management 4
valuation; sensitivity analysis; terms of merger; financing
Introduction to investment and securities; profile of financial considerations; capital structure decisions; structuring and
assets; new issue market or primary market, initial public valuing of Leveraged Buy-out (LBO) transaction; financing
offerings (IPO); secondary market; framework of risk & return; considerations; exit strategies; extensive use of relevant case
fundamental analysis- economy, industry; company analysis; studies, simulations, modeling.
stock evaluation models; multiple holding period and multiple PDFI ZG556 Advanced Risk Models 4
growth rate; bond analysis and bond management strategies;
technical analysis; efficient market theory; portfolio Advanced VaR models, expected shortfall, stressed VaR,
management; Markowitz model; Sharpe’s Single Index historical simulation, delta/ gamma models, full revaluation,
model; capital asset pricing model; financial derivatives, risk factor selection, volatility clustering, structured Monte
options & futures. Carlo analysis, stress testing, scenario analysis, back testing;
country and sovereign risk models; management of country
PDFI ZG521 Financial Management 4
and sovereign risks, external and internal credit ratings
Concepts and techniques of financial management decision; methodology and framework; expected and unexpected loss
concepts in valuation – time value of money; valuation of a framework and related metrics; extensive use of relevant
firm’s stock, capital asset pricing model; investment in assets case studies, simulations, modeling.
and required returns; risk analysis; financing and dividend PDFT* ZC417 Quantitative Methods 4
policies, capital structure decision; working capital
management, management of cash, management of Grouping data, measures of central tendency and dispersion,
accounts receivable; inventory management, short and probability distribution, sampling and estimation, testing
intermediate term financing, long term financial tools of hypotheses, chi-square and analysis of variance, regression
financial analysis, financial ratio analysis, funds analysis and and correlation, non-parametric methods, time series and
financial forecasting, operating and financial leverages. forecasting, index numbers, decision theory, linear
programming, transportation and assignment problems,
PDFI ZG560 Global Financial Markets and Products 4
queuing theory, network problems, simulation; application of
Capital markets; stock markets, bond markets, derivative statistical software (SYSTAT, SPSS, SIMULA8, etc.) and
markets; operations of these markets from a global spreadsheets.
perspective; Overview and features of key financial products, PDFT* ZC419 Financial Risk Analytics 4
equities, fixed income securities and derivatives; bond
features, indenture, coupon, maturity, YTM, zero coupon, The course will first cover the basics of Financial Risk and
valuation, duration, convexity; Equities, product features, then focus on applications such as: currency, interest rate
basic valuation concepts; derivatives, forwards, futures, derivatives, equity markets and products, and commodity
options, swaps, commodity derivatives, cost of carry, markets and products. Major topics include methodologies for
concepts, basic features, payoff, put call parity, basic option measuring and analyzing volatility (a key metric of risk)
strategies; relevant case studies, simulations, modeling. including EWMA, ARCH & GARCH processes, volatility
clusters and the issue of time varying volatility; Extreme value
PDFI ZG559 Management of Banks & Financial
theory; Measuring risk using Value-at-Risk, including
Institutions 4
computation of VaR by various methods, and stress testing;
Overview and operation of financial institutions and banks; Monte Carlo simulation, address issues in generating price
Commercial banking, Investment banking; Define, quantify, process (such as Brownian Motion, Ito Process), Cholesky
and manage various types of risks faced by financial decomposition in computing multi-asset VaR; Currency risk
institutions; asset liability management - overview, analysis in global investing, interest rate parity (covered and
strategies; off balance sheet activities of banks; sovereign uncovered); Value at risk for fixed income portfolios; Credit
risk; deposit insurance; capital adequacy; study current best Risk Analytics. The topics covered in this course will have
practices using selected case studies; bank management inbuilt case studies in financial risk management so as to
failures; insights from collapse of Lehman Brothers; understand the practical implications of the methodologies
covered in the course.

PDFT* ZG516 Introduction to FinTech 4 Players, Data Privacy and Governance, Cloud Computing,
Overview of FinTech, Current disruptions in Financial Networks, Mobile Applications and Smart Phones
Services, Fintech in the Context of the Digital Economy, PDFT* ZG553 Block Chain and Applications 4
Landscape of Fintech, Disruptions in Asset Servicing,
Introduction, Evolution of Block chain, Building blocks of
Disruptions in the Capital Markets, Disruptions in Investment block chain, Smart contracts, Block chain Principles, Asset
Management, Alternative Data in Portfolio Management, Monetization in Block Chain, Building a block chain network,
Lending and Crowdfunding, Robo-Advisory, Overview of
Use cases of Block chain in different sectors across the world
Technologies - Big Data, Machine Learning and AI, Cloud (Manufacturing and Industrial, Government and Public
Computing, Future of FinTech. Sector, Consumer Goods and Retail Industry, Food Industry,
PDFT* ZG517 Financial Analytics 4 Cryptocurrencies in detail), Limitations of existing block
chains, Regulatory Aspects, Strategy to implement across the
Different sources of Financial Data, Statistical characteristics
of financial data, Distributions of Financial Data, Statistical enterprise, Best Practices in implementing Block chain,
Applications in Finance, Exploratory Data Analysis, Modelling Different types of Block chain architectures – Hyper Ledger,
Ethereum, Future challenges.
using Financial Statements Data, Modelling stock price
behaviour, Modelling Credit Default using classification PDFT* ZG554 Digital Banking and Beyond 4
algorithms, Introduction to Machine Learning algorithms for Traditional Banking landscape, First principles of Banking,
price forecasting and Portfolio Modelling, Introduction to Effect of Digital Technology, New Operating Models for
Montecarlo Bootstrapping, simulation and cross validation,
Banking, Regulation vs. Innovation, Reframing identity
Sentiment Analysis in Finance through Technology, Embedded Banking, Banking Chatbots,
PDFT* ZG521 Financial Management 4 From products and channels to experiences, Designing
Concepts and techniques of financial management decision; Digital banks without branches, Building Relationships
through digital banking, Technologies enabling digital
concepts in valuation – time value of money; valuation of a
firm’s stock, capital asset pricing model; investment in assets banking, Security, New economics of digital bank, Beyond
and required returns; risk analysis; financing and dividend digital banking, Role of AI and Big Data in Banking.
policies, capital structure decision; working capital PDFT* ZG555 Algorithmic and High Frequency Trading 4
management, management of cash, management of
Introduction to Algorithmic trading, Users of Algorithmic
accounts receivable; inventory management, short and Trading, Currently Popular trading Algorithms, Algo trades for
intermediate term financing, long term financial tools of
individual investors, Optimization, Stock personality clusters,
financial analysis, financial ratio analysis, funds analysis and Selecting a Cohort of Trading Stocks, Stock Profiling,
financial forecasting, operating and financial leverages. Volatility, Alpha Algo strategies, Benchmarks and
PDFT* ZG527 Entrepreneurship in FinTech 4 Performance Measures, Technical Analysis (TA), Heuristics,
AI, Artificial Neural Networks and Other Avenues, From the
FinTech Themes, Changing landscape in raising capital,
FinTech Hubs, Early stage funding, Integrated FinTech Efficient Market Hypothesis to Prospect Theory, Mean
Ecosystems, Emerging Markets and Social Impact, Valuation Reversion strategies, Momentum strategies, risk
of FinTech Firms, FinTech Solutions - Case Studies, Legal,
Regulatory, Data privacy and Ethical aspects of FinTech PDFT* ZG557 FinTech in Wealth Management 4
startups, Capital and Investment for new businesses, Introduction, Traditional wealth management industry,
Enterprise Innovation Digitization in wealth management, Digitizing client advisory,
PDFT* ZG529 Machine Learning for Finance 4 Robo advisors, Gamification, Digitizing wealth management
operations, Digital platforms, products and eco systems,
Univariate and Multivariate Financial Time series and their
characteristics, Applications of Support Vector Machines, Block chain applications in asset and wealth management,
Neural Networks and Gradient-Based Optimization, Algorithms of Automated Portfolio Rebalancing, Digital
Financial Advisor, Future of Digital Advice, Personalize the
Applications of Tree based ensemble methods (Random
Forests, Boosting), Dimension reductions using PCA and Investment Experience, Future of wealth tech.
Auto Encoders, Feature Engineering, Cross validations, PDFT* ZG560 Global Financial Markets & Products 4
Credit Scoring, Predicting Bankruptcy, Fraud Identification Capital markets; stock markets, bond markets, derivative
models, Applications of Clustering Algorithms, Introduction to
markets; operations of these markets from a global
sequential Learning perspective; Overview and features of key financial products,
PDFT* ZG530 InsurTech 4 equities, fixed income securities and derivatives; bond
Digital Transformation in Insurance, Insurance of Things, features, indenture, coupon, maturity, YTM, zero coupon,
valuation, duration, convexity; Equities, product features,
From Insurance Premium to Discrete Event, Telematics,
Collaborative Approach, InsurTech Value Chain, Business basic valuation concepts; derivatives, forwards, futures,
Models, Practical Robotics in Insurance, Claims Handing, options, swaps, commodity derivatives, cost of carry,
concepts, basic features, payoff, put call parity, basic option
Applications of Technology in Underwriting, New Business
Generation and Policy Processing. strategies; relevant case studies, simulations, modeling.

PDFT* ZG532 Deep Learning Applications in Finance 4 PDMM* ZG511 Managing People & Organizations 4

Review of Machine Learning, Foundations of Neural networks Concepts and principles of management as applied to a
and deep learning, Fundamentals of deep networks, variety of organizations; study of managerial roles, styles,
activities and decision making; relationship with
Multilayer Perceptron, Convolutional neural networks (CNN),
Recurrent neural networks (RNN) frameworks – LSTM, GRU. organizational effectiveness; planning activities, leadership &
Hands on building Deep learning networks, Auto-encoders, control; manpower development; organizational behavior and
Parameter tuning, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN),
Semantic Segmentation, Unsupervised Learning, PDMM* ZG522 Total Quality Management 4
Applications of Deep Learning in FinTech. TQM principles and practices; leadership; customer
PDFT* ZG533 Technology Disruptions in FinTech 4 satisfaction; employee involvement; continuous process
Big Data in the Financial Services Industry, Internet of improvement; supplier partnership; performance measures;
statistical process control; ISO 9000; benchmarking;
Things, Impact of IoT on Businesses, IoT in Financial
Services, Cyber Security, Cybersecurity Categories and qualityfunction deployment; concurrent engineering;

experimental design; Taguchi’s quality engineering; product PE*ZC112 Electrical and Electronics Technology 3
liability. Electric circuit, electromagnetism, magnetic circuit,
PDMM* ZG526 Operations Management 4 electrostatics, AC voltage and current, singlephase circuits,
semiconductor devices, amplifiers, digital systems,
Operations strategy; process view vs. functional view in
operations; factors in product and process design and microprocessors, DC machines, polyphase circuits,
selection; facility configuration; demand planning and transformers, synchronous machines, induction motors,
power electronics, measurements, illumination.
forecasting; capacity planning; aggregate planning; planning
service operations; productivity of operations; inventory PE* ZC113 Probability and Statistics 3
planning and independent demand systems; materials Probability spaces; conditional probability and independence;
requirements planning; quality management; uncertainty and random variables and probability distributions; marginal and
variability; project management; current developments in
conditional distributions; independent random variables;
operations management. mathematical expectation; mean and variance; binomial,
PDMM* ZG537 Lean Manufacturing 5 Poisson and normal distributions; sum of independent
Course description is same as given under MBA ZG537 random variables; law of large numbers; central limit theorem
(without proof); sampling distribution and test for mean using
PDMM* ZC411 Marketing 4 normal and student's t-distribution; test of hypothesis;
Definition and scope, consumer behavior, competitive correlation and linear regression.
behavior, demand estimation, new product introduction, PE* ZC164 Computer Programming 4
product/brand management, pricing policies, channels of
distribution, credit management, advertising and other sales Basic Computing Steps and Flow Charting (Assignment,
Sequencing, Conditionals, Iteration). Programming
promotion, positioning, marketing regulation, market research
basics of industrial marketing. Constructs – Expressions, Statements, Conditionals,
Iterators/Loops, Functions/ Procedures; Data Types –
PDMM* ZC415 Financial and Management Primitive Types, Tuples, Choices (Unions or Enumerations),
Accounting 4 Lists/Arrays, Pointers and Dynamically Allocated Data. Input
Basic concepts, double entry accounting, journal, ledger, trial output and Files. Laboratory Component: Programming
balance, profit & loss account, balance sheet, cash flow Exercises involving development and testing of iterative and
statement, financial statement analysis, ratio analysis, cost- procedural programs using bounded and unbounded
volume-profit analysis, inventory valuation, inflation iterations, function composition, random access lists,
accounting, cost accounting and budgetary control systems, sequential access lists, dynamically allocated lists, and file
financial analysis and forecasting. access.
PDMM* ZC416 Managerial Economics 4 PE* ZC211 Principles of Management 3
Fundamental concepts, supply, demand, market mechanism; Fundamental concepts of management - planning;
theory of demand (consumer behaviour); production, costs organizing; staffing; directing and controlling; production,
(theory of the firm); market structures (perfect competition, financial, personnel, legal and marketing functions;
monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly); circular flow accounting and budgeting, balance sheets.
of income, national income accounting, national income PE* ZC213 Engineering Measurements 3
determination; money and banking, employment, interest,
inflation, economics of information, problem of adverse Performance characteristics of measuring instruments,
measurement methods for mechanical, electrical, radiant,
selection, moral hazard problem, market failure, externalities,
public goods. chemical, magnetic and thermal energy variables. Emphasis
in this course shall be on the operation and use of
PDMM* ZC417 Quantitative Methods 4 instruments.
Grouping data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, PE*ZC214 Pharmaceutical Analysis 3
probability distribution, sampling and estimation, testing
Basic techniques of pharmaceutical analysis, data handling
hypotheses, chi-square and analysis of variance, regression
and correlation, non-parametric methods, time series and and analysis, sources of error in analysis. The analytical
forecasting, index numbers, decision theory, linear methods would comprise of various titrimetric methods, such
as acid-base, complexometric, non-aqueous, oxidation-
programming, transportation and assignment problems,
queuing theory, network problems, simulation; application of reduction, precipitation, conductometric; physical and
statistical software (SYSTAT, SPSS, SIMULA8, etc.) and instrumental analysis such as gravimetric, polarography,
nephelometry, amperometry, turbidometry, potentiometry;
chromatographic separations such as TLC, coloumn, ion-
exchange, extraction methods such as gel-filtration,
fractionation processes, analysis of metallic and non-metallic
elements; water content, as well as evaluation of drug
constituents in various pharmaceutical preparation.
PE* ZC221 Disinfection & Sterilization Processes3
Common sources of microbes, contamination methods;
processes involved in disinfection of materials; enclosed
space, sanitation; sterilization methods – dry heat, moist
heat, air, filtration; aseptic processing, sterility testing,
indicators and sampling methods; skin disinfection.
PE* ZC231Engineering Materials 3
Mechanical, electrical, electronic and chemical properties and
applications of common engineering materials; ferrous and
non- ferrous metals and alloys; thermosetting and
thermoplastic plastics; natural and synthetic resins; rubber;
glass; abrasives and ceramics; common building materials,
namely, timber, stone, lime and cement; corrosion of metals
and methods of preventing corrosion; protective and
decorative coatings; insulating materials; testing of materials.

PE* ZC233 Calculus 4 process flows: Component and total mass balances of
Limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, Fourier series, reactive and non-reactive systems including recycling, Batch
and steady state flows, Unit Processes in pyrometallurgy:
ordinary differential equations for initial and boundary value
problems, solution through Laplace transforms, numerical calcination, roasting, sintering, smelting , converting,
solution using Picard’s iteration and higher order methods, distillation, Metallothermic reduction and hydrogen reduction,
refining processes with examples for metals like copper,
partial derivatives, partial differential equations, analytical
solution techniques. nickel, lead, zinc, etc. Unit processes in hydrometallurgy:
leaching, purification of leach liquor, solvent extraction and
PE* ZC234 Manufacturing Processes 3 ion exchange process, metal recovery from aqueous phase.
Fundamentals of casting process; forging; powder metallurgy; Unit processes in electrometallurgy: Faraday's laws of
soldering; brazing and welding technology; metal forming electrolysis, concept of overvoltage, limiting current density,
process, its analysis and design; Introduction to Metal cutting, overall cell voltage, series and parallel electrical circuits in
machine tools; mechanics of metal cutting; other machining refining, Electrowinning and electrorefining with reference to
processes; grinding and finishing operations; non convention Cu, Zu, Al, Mg.
machining; chipless machining processes; NC machines PE* ZC262 Iron Making 3
programming; control system in CNC; CNC, DNC; FMS and
machining center. World production of Iron and steel, occurrence and
distribution of iron ore, coal and limestone in India and world,
PE* ZC235 Linear Algebra & Optimization 3 General layout of integrated steel plant, Raw materials in
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic ferrous production metallurgy, coke production,
equations and their solutions; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and agglomeration of iron ores. Technology of blast furnace iron
diagonalization of matrices; Formulation of linear making - operational details, Study of blast furnace processes
programming problems, Simplex method, Big-M method, two and blast furnace slag, Blast furnace reactions, Raceway,
phase method, Sensitivity analysis, Revised and Dual Cohesive zone, Thermodynamics of slag-metal reactions,
Simplex Methods. high top pressure, oxygen enrichment, injection of auxiliary
fuels. Blast furnace design, Furnace productivity, the coke
PE* ZC241 Mechanical Technology 3 rate, hot metal quality. Alternate routes of iron making,
Fundamental concepts of heat, work and energy; second law Temperature profile, Aerodynamics, different factors,
of thermodynamics; properties of gases and vapors; basic Irregularities etc., Heat exchange zones in blast furnace.
cycles; flow of liquids; steam boilers; steam engines and PE* ZC272 Furnace Technology 3
pumps; steam turbines and condensers; hydraulic pumps and
turbines; internal combustion engine. Conventional, non-conventional and newer sources of
energy, energy management problems in metallurgical
PE* ZC242 Thermodynamics& Kinetics 3 Industries, role of high temperature systems and materials,
Importance and Fundamental concepts of Thermodynamics, deposits, manufacturing, properties and testing of solid, liquid
concept of states, systems, equilibrium, extensive and and gaseous fuels; Principles of fuel combustion and burner
intensive properties, homogeneous and heterogeneous design. Classification of refractory, manufacturing and
systems, First Law of Thermodynamics, Internal energy, heat properties of common refractories such as silica, fire clay,
capacity, isothermal, and adiabatic processes, Second law of high alumina, dolomite, magnesite and chrome refractories.
Thermodynamics, criteria of equilibrium, Maxwell's relations, Furnaces, Types, Design of high temperature furnaces,
Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, Entropy, Kinetic Theory, Auxiliary waste heat utilization, heat recuperators and refrigerators,
Functions, Heat Capacity, Enthalpy, Phase Equilibrium in one stack design, gas cleaning, heat balance diagrams; furnace
component system, Concept of Third law, relation between dynamics: fluid flow calculations, fuel fired furnaces, electric
Cp and Cv, Fugacity, equilibrium constant, use of Y S - arc furnaces, vacuum, electron beam, plasma, laser
functions, Ellingham-Richardson diagrams, phase stability furnaces.
diagrams, Behaviour of Solutions, Thermodynamics of non- PE* ZC311 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 4
reacting mixtures, reaction rate theory, Introduction to
metallurgical kinetics, heterogeneous reaction kinetics-gas- Concept of heat and work, Ideal and real gas systems,
solid, solid-liquid, liquid-liquid and solid-solid systems, Thermodynamic Laws, P-V-T behaviour of real gases,
concept of Johnson- Mehl equation, effect of temperature on Concept of entropy, Heat effects, First and Second law
reaction rates, energy of activation, Solutions, partial molal analysis of processes including power plants and refrigeration
quantities, ideal and non-ideal solutions, Henry's law, Gibbs - systems, Thermodynamic Property relations, Vapour liquid
Duhem equation, regular solution, Change of standard state, equilibrium, Solutions thermodynamics: Theory and
Phase relations and phase rule, Free energy composition applications, Chemical Reaction equilibria, Special topics in
diagrams for binary alloy systems, determination of liquidus, Phase equilibrium, Role of thermodynamics in process
solidus and solvus lines, Effect of pressure on phase simulation, Case studies.
transformation and phase equilibria. PE* ZC312 Steel Making & Casting 3
PE* ZC252 Mineral Beneficiations and Fundamentals of Steel making, Historical development of
Agglomeration 3 steel making processes. Open hearth, basic oxygen, electric
Early development in Metal Extraction, General methods of arc and induction furnace steel making, processes,
extraction, The necessity and methods of beneficiation, Thermodynamics, kinetics and transport phenomena in steel
mineralogical assessment, Minerals and ores, refining, making, Introduction to ladle metallurgy. Refining of Steel.
importance of mineral dressing, principles of flotation, Continuous Casting, near net shape making, clean steel
Refractories, different comminution methods-fracture, practices, stainless steel making and emerging trends in steel
Crushing and Grinding machines, liberation, size-criteria, making and continuous casting. Introduction to casting,
energy-size relationships, crushing grinding and attrition, Molding Equipment Processes, Molding Sand, Cores, Core
screening and classification, cyclones, concentration Materials, Solidification of Metals.
processes-density, electrical, magnetic separators and other
physical methods, Interfacial phenomenon, surfactants,
Floatation principles and froth floatation, liquid-solid
separation-floculation, thickening, classification, free and
hindered settling, Dry and wet sizing, Jigging, surface
chemistry of minerals, dewatering, Pollution in beneficiation
plants, Agglomeration: Basic processes-Nodulization,
briquetting, Pelletization, sintering, Material Balances in

PE* ZC313 Technical Report Writing 3 PE* ZC321 Chemical Process Calculations 3
Elements of effective writing; art of condensation; business Properties of gases, liquids and solids; material and energy
letter writing; memos; formal reports; technical proposals; balances; elementary process analysis involving phase
conducting, and participating, meetings; agenda and minutes; equilibria and chemical reactions; recycling and unsteady
strategies for writing technical descriptions, definitions, and state processes; combustion calculations and typical
classifications; oral presentation; use of graphic and audio- industrial applications.
visual aids; editing. PE* ZC322 Process Design Principles 4
PE* ZC314 Power Plant Engineering 3
Process invention using heuristics and analysis (The Design
Classification of power plants. Components and layout of; process, Process creation and heuristics for process
thermal, nuclear, hydroelectric power plants. Site selection for synthesis), Sequencing of separation trains, concept of pinch
various power plants. Combined cycle power plants. Magneto technology and heat exchanger network analysis, Cost
Hydro Dynamics (MHD) systems. Economics of power estimation and profitability analysis, Role of simulators in
generation, economic loading of power stations. Load curve process engineering, Case studies.
analysis; load factor, diversity factor. Power plant PE* ZC323 Corrosion Engineering 3
instrumentation and controls.
Corrosion principles: electrochemical aspects, environmental
PE* ZC316 Transport Phenomena- I 4
effects, metallurgical & other aspects; various forms of
Diffusional transport of fluid heat and mass (a comparison), corrosion. Materials: metals and alloys, non-metallics
Fluid statics, Laminar and turbulent flows, Boundary layer (polymers and ceramics). Corrosion prevention: Materials
concept (hydrodynamic, thermal and concentration), selection, alteration of environment, design, cathodic and
Continuity equation, Bernoulli’s equation, Introduction to anodic protection, Coatings, Case Studies.
equations of motion, Laminar and turbulent flow in pipes, PE* ZC324Chemical Reaction Engineering 3
concept of drag, packed beds and fluidization, steady state
heat conduction, concept of heat transfer coefficient, Ideal reactor concepts, design equations for batch and
convective heat transfer (forced and natural convection continuous reactors (constant and variable volume), Kinetics
correlations), introduction to radiative heat transfer, and interpretation of batch reactor data, Catalytic reactors
interphase mass transfer and mass transfer coefficients, including external diffusion and intra-particle diffusion effects,
analogy between fluid flow, heat and mass transfer. Non-ideal reactor concepts, Industrial reactor systems.
PE* ZC317 Transport Phenomena – II 4 PE* ZC331 Quality Control Assurance & Reliability 3
Transportation and metering of fluids (pumps, fittings, valves Basic concepts of probability and probability distributions,
and compressors), flow measurement, Condensation and standard probability distribution, sampling and sampling
boiling, heat exchange equipment, absorption, concept of distributions, confidence intervals, testing significance,
equilibrium stage operations, distillation, extraction selected statistical tolerance, various types of control charts, statistical
operations like crushing, grinding, drying, filtration, process control techniques, value analysis, defect diagnosis
evaporation, etc. and prevention, basic concepts of reliability, reliability design
evaluation and control, methods of applying total quality
PE* ZC318 Fundamentals of Transport Processes 4
management, production process.
Concept of momentum transfer, Newton’s law of viscosity, PE* ZC342 Materials Management 3
Continuity and Bernoulli’s equation, Concept of pressure drop
and drag, Introduction to conduction, convection (free and Integrated materials management, policy aspects, purchasing
forced) and radiation including Fourier’s law of heat management, warehousing and storage of inventory control
conduction, Newton’s law of cooling, Stefan Boltzmann and systems; appraisal and control; just in time (JIT); automation
Kirchhoff’s laws, concept of resistance and lumped in materials management.
capacitance; Boundary layer theory (momentum, thermal and PE* ZC343 Industrial Pharmacy 3
mass), Heat transfer correlations; Phase change heat
transfer, Diffusion fundamentals including Fick’s law, Pharmaceutical processes and equipment commonly used in
Interphase mass transfer, Concept of mass transfer pharmaceutical industries; drug extraction and clarification;
coefficient, Momentum, heat and mass transfer analogies, mixing and granulation; pharmaceutical preparations such as
Introduction to transport equations. aromatic waters, spirits, syrups, elixirs, lotions, liniments,
official solutions etc.; galenical products like infusions,
PE* ZC319Unit Operations - 1 4 decoctions, tinctures, extracts, etc, glandular preparations
Pumps and compressors, Flow measurement devices, piping and blood plasma substitutes.
networks, Agitation and mixing, Packed and fluidized beds, PE* ZC344 Thermodynamics & Reaction Engineering 4
Heat exchangers including boilers and condensers, LMTD,
epsilon-NTU method, Co-current counter-current and cross Development and applications of the combined first and
flows, NTU – epsilon method for exchanger evaluation, second laws; relations between state properties; chemical
Distillation, Absorption, Leaching, Humidification and drying, equilibria in reacting and non-reacting systems; Kinetics of
Cooling towers. homogeneous, heterogeneous reactions; ideal reactors;
selectivity; analysis and design of chemical reactors.
PE* ZC320Unit Operations - II 4
PE* ZC345 Pharmaceutical Quality Control & Regulatory
Sedimentation, Evaporation, Liquid – Liquid extraction, Affairs 3
adsorption, Mechanical separations like filtration,
centrifugation, froth floatation etc., Solid separations based Course description to be developed.
on size reduction including sieving operations and related PE* ZC352 Energy Management 4
equipment like crushers, mills, pulverizers etc., special
separation processes like ion-exchange, membranes, World and Indian Energy scenario including production,
chromatography etc. consumption and pricing, Energy conservation and its
importance, Energy conservation act and its features, Energy
Management and Audit including energy audit instruments,
Energy action planning, Energy monitoring and targeting,
Energy economics, Energy efficiency in thermal utilities,
Energy efficiency in electrical utilities, Energy performance
assessment for equipment and utilities, Application through
case studies.

PE* ZC353 Industrial Engineering 3 PERT, CPM, price estimation and cost control; proposal,
Industrial systems and organization; engineering economy; control valuation monitoring and trade off analysis in a project
environment, pitfalls and future scenario.
work measurement techniques; motivation and time studies;
factory planning and materials handling; industrial PE* ZC423T ProjectWork 10
standardization; critical path methods; quality control; Consistent with the student’s professional background and
reliability; maintenance and management planning; work-environment, the student will be required to carry out a
scheduling; job analysis (evaluation); value engineering.
work-oriented project. At the beginning of the semester, the
PE* ZC361 Environmental Pollution Control 3 student should select an area of work that is considered vital
Air and water pollutants; sampling and analysis; control to the sponsoring organization, and prepare a detailed project
methods for air & water pollutants; modeling of different outline, in consultation with his/her Mentor. The student
carries on with the work-centered project, adhering to the
control techniques; advanced wastewater treatment
processes; solid waste management, noise pollution; case guidelines provided in the detailed course handout, and
studies. taking all the prescribed evaluation components on time. At
the end of the semester, the student should submit a
PE* ZC362 Steel Processing 3 comprehensive Project Report. The student will be evaluated
Introduction to metal casting, Moulding, materials and on the basis of the various interim evaluation components,
processes, patterns, sand and binders. directional contents of the report and a final seminar and viva-voce.
solidification, rapid solidification. Solidification of short & long PE* ZC434 Quality Control, Assurance &
freezing range alloy castings, Gating and Risering of Reliability 4
castings, Cupola, rotary furnace, induction furnace, crucible
furnace melting, Introduction to cast alloys, classification, Basic concepts of probability and probability distributions,
microstructures and properties of cast irons, plain carbon and standard probability distribution, sampling and sampling
distributions, confidence intervals, testing significance,
Hadfield Manganese steels, Heat treatment of cast alloys,
Casting defects and remedy, Special casting processes, statistical tolerance, various types of control charts, statistical
Introduction to metal joining processes, welding, process control techniques, value analysis, defect diagnosis
and prevention, basic concepts of reliability, reliability design
Fundamentals of metal working, Temperature, strain rate,
friction & lubrication, Rolling, Classification & processes evaluation and control, methods of applying total quality
management, production process. Practical assignments on
Forging, Extrusion, Drawing, cold working and warm working,
Bulk and sheet metal forming, Mechanical and Hydraulic statistical quality control using suitable statistical software
Presses, Stretching, drawing and bending of sheet metal, tools such as R-software, MS Excel, SAS, Minitab or SPSS.
Metallurgical changes during metal working; thermo- PE* ZC442 Advances in Materials Science 3
mechanical processes. Slab analysis of plane strain and
Deformation of materials, deformation at high temperatures
axisymmetric upsetting. and creep, recovery, recrystallization and grain growth,
PE* ZC382 Cement Technology 3 fracture of materials and fatigue failure, deterioration of
Indian & Global Cement Industries; Geological classification materials, corrosion and oxidation, surface properties,
surface energy and tribology, polymers and fibre reinforced
of rock; Geo-chemistry of lime stone; Crushing, Grinding and
Raw material handling process; different type of milling polymeric composites, mechanical testing, nondestructive
systems and applications - Raw mill, Coal mill, Cement mill; testing techniques.
Kiln system and process, Fuel and firing system, Clinker PE* ZC452 Process Plant Safety and Environment4
cooling, storage, grinding and packing; merging trends in
Role of safety in society; engineering aspects
cement manufacture. ofprocessplantsafety; chemical hazards and workersafety;
PE* ZC385 Fertilizer Technology 3 hazardous properties of chemicals; safety aspects in site
Introduction, fertilizer industry in India during last few selection andplantlayout; design and inspection of pressure
vessels; storage, handling and transportation of hazardous
decades; technology / production of fertilizer products such
as intermediates, nitrogenous fertilizers, phosphatic chemicals; risk assessment methods; toxic release, fire and
fertilizers, potassic fertilizers, complex fertilizers; guidelines explosions; boiling liquid expanding vapor
explosions;safetyaudit; emergency planning and disaster
for mixing fertilizers.
management; Introduction to air pollutants, water pollutants
PE* ZC383 Extractive Metallurgy 3 and solid wastes; sampling & analysis techniques; impact of
Introduction, Methods of extraction and refining of metals, these on environment; national and international regulations,
principles of pyrometallurgy, heat transfer and fluid flow, rates case studies.
of metallurgical reactions, analysis of unit processes, PE* ZC453 Process Control & Instrumentation 4
principles of electro and hydrometallurgy.
Importance of Process Control; Process dynamics, modeling
PE* ZC411 Production Planning & Control 3 and transient response; Control actions and feedback control;
Generalized model of production systems; typesof production Hydraulic-, pneumatic- and electronic controllers; Controller
flows; life cycle concepts; facilities location and layout design, tuning and stability; Measuring instruments and their
planning; aggregate and batch production planning; inventory working principles; Instrument characteristics and
systems; materials requirements planning; elements of transmission; Transducers, sensor and actuators; Control
monitoring & production control. valves; Piping and Instrumentation diagrams; Signal
conditioning and processing; Display and recording; Signal-
PE*ZC412 Process Equipment Design 4 flow graph and Mason’s gain formula; Feed forward,
Process design of major fluid, heat and separation equipment cascade and ratio control; Direct digital control;
including pumps and heat exchangers, Mechanical Design Programmable logic controllers; DCS and SCADA systems;
considerations and material of construction, Pressure vessel PC basedinstrumentation; Introduction to multivariable control
design, Storage vessel design, Design of flange and vessel system.
heads, Mechanical design of specific equipment like heat
exchangers, distillation columns etc., Case studies.
PE* ZC423 Essentials of Project Management 3
Programmes project management, project manager: role and
responsibilities, project management and organization,
project planning and scheduling, graphical techniques and

POM* ZC441 Human Resource Management 4 manufacturing, pharmaceutical process validation, drug
Introduction, manpower planning, career and succession regulatory affairs, clinical research protocols, new drug
applications, drug product labeling.
planning, procurement of personnel, performance appraisal,
job satisfaction and morale, job rotation, employee POM* ZG523 Project Management 4
communication, audit and control, management training and Concepts and techniques of project formulation, evaluation
development, wage and salary administration, welfare and implementation; Project planning and scheduling; Risk
administration, trade unions and collective bargaining,
management; Time-cost trade off; Resource leveling and
industrial dispute and worker participation in management. allocation; Project monitoring and control; Contract
POM* ZC471 Management Information Systems 3 management.
Introduction to Information Systems; Concepts of POM* ZG525 Pharmaceutical Process Development &
management, concepts of information, systems concepts; Scale-up 4
Information Systems and Organizations; decision making
Optimization techniques in pharmaceutical processing;
process; database systems; data communications; planning, development of test systems to evaluate performance of
designing, developing and implementing information systems; dosage forms and unit operations; Scale-up of unit operations
quality assurance and evaluation of information systems;
related to various pharmaceutical formulations; process
future developments and their organizational and social analytical technology (PAT) and its applications in solving
implications; decision support system and expert systems. problems of scale-up.
POM* ZG511 Disinfection and Sterilisation 4 POM* ZG531 Manufacturing Organization and
Theories and kinetics of the disinfection reaction, study of the Management 5
principles involved in vivo and in vitro evaluation of
Manufacturing environment; Engineering considerations;
disinfectants and antiseptics, structure activity relationships of Design and planning of manufacturing systems;
the representative groups of disinfectants, sterilization, heat, Manufacturing cost control; Material flow control; Quality;
ionizing and ultraviolet radiations, ultrasonic waves, filtration,
Human resources; Financial management; Marketing
gaseous sterilization and cellular dessication methods, management.
controls used and special problems involved.
POM* ZG532 Supply Chain Management 4
POM* ZG512 Dosage Form Design 5
Customer driven strategies in production and distribution
A study of physical and chemical, pharmacological and
systems; Integrated production and distribution networks;
biopharmaceutic factors involved in the design and stability of SCM in the context of JIT and MRP–II; Distribution Resource
dosage forms; transport of drugs across biological Planning; Management of dealer networks; Total Control &
membranes; absorption, distribution and elimination of drugs;
Product innovation across the supply chain; Incoming
formulation additives, closures and containers and sustained logistics and supplier relationships; Value addition analysis;
release dosage forms; micro-encapsulation; radio Metrics for management of supply chain performance;
Mathematical models and computer assisted decision
POM* ZG513 Financial Management 4 support for SCM; Mathematical programming for SCM.
Concepts and techniques of financial management decision; POM* ZG534 Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology 5
concepts in valuation – time value of money; valuation of a Overview of pharmaceutical processes used in
firm’s stock, capital asset pricing model; investment in assets pharmaceutical manufacturing; advanced manufacturing
and required returns; risk analysis; financing and dividend
equipments for various pharmaceutical dosage forms; current
policies, capital structure decision; working capital manufacturing techniques for large scale production of
management, management of cash, management of tablets, hard and soft gelatin capsules, aerosols, semi-solid
accounts receivable; inventory management, short and
preparations including ophthalmic formulations, small and
intermediate term financing, long term financial tools of large volume parenterals, and multiparticulate systems;
financial analysis, financial ratio analysis, funds analysis and approaches of in-process quality assurance and
financial forecasting, operating and financial leverages.
documentation in automated manufacture; advanced
POM* ZG515 Pharmaceutical Administration and packaging technology for various pharmaceutical dosage
Management 5 forms.
Technology innovation and creativity, new drugs and POM* ZG541 Modern Analytical Techniques 4
products planning, strategic considerations, project Fundamentals and applications of sophisticated analytical
implementation, product development, production
instruments like NMR, Mass spectrometer; X-ray
management and scale up, preparation of product literature crystallography; GC, HPLC, UV, IR, Atomic absorption
and marketing strategy, IPR processes, human resource spectrophotometer, High voltage electrophoresis, gel
development, industrial relations, documentation, R & D
electrophoresis, ultracentrifuge, spectrofluorimeter, DTA,
management, ethical aspects. DSC polarimeter in pharmaceutical industry including spectral
POM* ZG521 Statistical Process Control 5 data analysis and molecular characterization
What is SPC, history & development of SPC, averages & POM* ZG542 Production and Operations
measures of dispersion, process variation, variable & attribute Management 4
data, simple statistical problem solving tools: check sheets,
Production & operations management functions; capacity
histograms, Pareto diagrams, stratification graph, scatter plots, requirement planning; inventory control; layout, handling &
cause & effect diagram; Various types of control charts, control location decisions; resource procurement & operation control;
chart for attributes, cumulative sum charts, X bar R charts;
project scheduling & resource allocation; the production &
construction & interpretation of control charts process operating function; methods of forecasting demand; financial
capability; Lot try lot acceptance sampling for attributes, analysis of operating plans; determination of economic order
acceptance sampling variables, other acceptance sampling
quantity; development of efficient work methods, quality
procedures. control, management of R&D, technological forecasting,
POM* ZG522 Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs 5 equipment replacement and interfaces with other functional
Quality control, quality assurance, quality management, various areas.
parameters for achieving quality pharmaceutical products, POM* ZG545Intellectual Property Rights and
application of statistics in quality assurance, reliability, current Pharmaceuticals 3
good manufacturing practice (cGMP) for pharmaceutical

Key aspects of intellectual property law and their impact on POW* ZC164 Computer Programming 4
Pharmaceutical industry; concept of property with respect to Basic Computing Steps and Flow Charting (Assignment,
intellectual creativity; emerging debates, policy issues and
Sequencing, Conditionals, Iteration). Programming
law reforms related to IPR with respect to pharmaceuticals; Constructs – Expressions, Statements, Conditionals,
Issues of Intellectual Property such as Patents, Copyright, Iterators/Loops, Functions/ Procedures; Data Types –
Trademarks, and Design; rules and regulations of marketing
Primitive Types, Tuples, Choices (Unions or Enumerations),
and competition; Patent processing, infringement of patents, Lists/Arrays, Pointers and Dynamically Allocated Data. Input
ethics and economic issues related to IPR. output and Files. Laboratory Component: Programming
POM* ZG551Advanced Physical Pharmaceutics 5 Exercises involving development and testing of iterative and
procedural programs using bounded and unbounded
Preliminary evaluations and molecular optimization, Drug
substance considerations including protein, peptide and iterations, function composition, random access lists,
biological products, Bulk characterization, Solubility analysis, sequential access lists, dynamically allocated lists, and file
Rheology and dispersed systems, Micromeritics and shape
factor analysis, Compression and compaction, Principles of POW* ZC231 Thermodynamics 3
dissolution, Dissolution test design and release kinetics Concepts and laws of thermodynamics; macroscopic
evaluation, Compatibility testing, Stability analysis and test thermodynamic properties; application to closed and open
design according to international standard, Studies of broad
system; microscopic approach to entropy; equations of state;
category of polymers used in drug delivery, Rationale basis of thermodynamics of non-reacting mixtures.
formulation recommendation.
POW* ZC232 Principles of Management 3
POM* ZG611 Strategic Management & Business Policy5
Fundamental concepts of management - planning; organizing;
Strategic management elements; internal, external, external staffing; directing and controlling; production, financial,
environment. assessment of corporate strengths,
personnel, legal and marketing functions; accounting and
weaknesses and opportunities; planning and deployment of budgeting, balance sheets.
capital assets; profit planning and control functions problems,
pressures, responsibilities, limits of the chief executive; POW* ZC233 Calculus 4
evaluation of one's own business undertaking; formulating Limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, Fourier series,
objectives, strategies, policies and programmes for improving ordinary differential equations for initial and boundary value
company’s present situation; personnel strength and problems, solution through Laplace transforms, numerical
implementation of the policies and programmes, solution using Picard’s iteration and higher order methods,
development, implementation, evaluation and control of partial derivatives, partial differential equations, analytical
strategies, strategic management of MNCs, management solution techniques.
style and behavior, corporate style, behavior and culture.
POW* ZC234 Linear Algebra & Optimization 3
POM* ZG628T Dissertation 16
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic
A student registered in this course must take a topic in an equations and their solutions; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and
area of professional interest drawn from the on the job work diagonalization of matrices; Formulation of linear
requirement which is simultaneously of direct relevance to the programming problems, Simplex method, Big-M method, two
degree pursued by the student as well as to the employing / phase method, Sensitivity analysis, Revised and Dual
collaborating organization of the student and submit a Simplex Methods.
comprehensive report at the end of the semester working
under the overall supervision and guidance of a professional POW* ZC242 Engineering Measurements 3
expert who will be deemed as the supervisor for evaluation of Performance characteristics of measuring instruments,
all components of the dissertation. Normally the Mentor of the measurement methods for mechanical, electrical, radiant,
student would be the Dissertation supervisor and in case chemical, magnetic and thermal energy variables. Emphasis
Mentor is not approved as the supervisor, Mentor may play in this course shall be on the operation and use of
the role of additional supervisor. The final grades for instruments.
dissertation are Non-letter grades namely Excellent, Good,
Fair and Poor, which do not go into CGPA computation. POW* ZC313 Power Generation 4

POM* ZG631 TQM Tools and Techniques 5 Indian power scenario, sources of energy, working of thermal,
nuclear, IC engine, gas turbine, hydro and renewable energy
Benchmarking; introduction, why benchmark; Planning: what to based power plants, power plant building and layout,
benchmark, benchmarking partners, data collection methods; economics of power generation, environmental impact
Analysis: determining the current competitive gap, projecting assessment of power generation.
future performance levels; Integration: developing action plan,
implementing specific actions & monitoring progress, re- POW* ZC314 Prime Movers & Fluid Machines 4
calibration; Maturity: beyond benchmarking; Quality function Theoretical analysis of energy and momentum transfer
deployment, QFD concept, overview & QFD process, the voice between fluid and rotor; principles of axial, mixed and radial
of customer developing a QFD matrix, reviewing the matrix for flow compressors, turbines and pumps; design
priority items, organizing teams & planning QFD projects; considerations; cascade aerodynamics and performance
Process RE-engineering, BPR philosophy, possibilities & limitations; applications to power plant systems, laboratory
pitfalls, BPF framework, opportunity assessment, planning & exercises in testing reciprocating machines.
BPR project, risk & impact assessment, planning &
POW* ZC315 Transport Phenomena 4
implementing the transition; Failure mode & effect analysis;
FMEA: concepts & applications in TQM; Quality cost, concepts, Fundamental concepts of fluid flow, concept of momentum
quality cost definitions, quality cost program implementation transfer, Newton’s law of viscosity, Continuity and Bernoulli’s
use of quality cost, reducing quality cost. equation, concept of pressure drop and drag; Heat transfer:
steady state and unsteady state heat conduction; analytical
POW*ZC112 Electrical and Electronics Technology3
and empirical relations for forced and free convection heat
Electric circuit, electromagnetism, magnetic circuit, transfer; heat exchanger analysis and design, heat transfer
electrostatics, AC voltage and current, singlephase circuits, by radiation; Elements of mass transfer; one dimensional
semiconductor devices, amplifiers, digital systems, compressible flow; associated laboratory on condenser,
microprocessors, DC machines, polyphase circuits, boiler, economizer, super heater etc.
transformers, synchronous machines, induction motors,
POW* ZC316 Power Electronics 4
power electronics, measurements, illumination.

PNPN devices, power transistor characteristics, rating and POW* ZC431 Maintenance & Safety 3
specifications; triggering mechanism and commutation Basic maintenance systems and practice; maintenance
circuits; controlled power rectifiers, Inverters (DC to AC
planning; estimating and budgeting; scheduling maintenance
converters), choppers (DC to DC Converters); speed control jobs; importance of safety; factors affecting safety; safety
of DC motors, speed control of AC motors; other industrial aspects of site and plant; hazards of commercial chemical
applications of thyristors and power transistors; voltage
reaction and operation; instrumentation for safe operation;
regulation and starting of electrical drives; logic modules for safety education and training; personnel safety; disaster
static converters; introduction to application of planning and measuring safety effectiveness; future trends in
microprocessors for electrical drives.
industrial safety; maintenance of components and
POW* ZC321 Technical Report Writing 3 equipment’s; new dimensions in maintenance covering plant
Elements of effective writing; art of condensation; business engineering, tribology, materials technology, terotechnology
letter writing; memos; formal reports; technical proposals; (life cycle costing) etc.; extensive case studies.
conducting, and participating, meetings; agenda and minutes; POW* ZC434 Quality Control, Assurance &
strategies for writing technical descriptions, definitions, and Reliability 4
classifications; oral presentation; use of graphic and audio-
visual aids; editing. Basic concepts of probability and probability distributions,
standard probability distribution, sampling and sampling
POW* ZC332 Energy Management 3
distributions, confidence intervals, testing significance,
System's view of energy in society involving societal goals, statistical tolerance, various types of control charts, statistical
energy resources, the sub-systems for the generation. T&D, process control techniques, value analysis, defect diagnosis
and utilization of energy carriers, energy economics and and prevention, basic concepts of reliability, reliability design
analysis, energy strategies, policies, policy instruments, evaluation and control, methods of applying total quality
policy agents and policy implementation. The "development- management, production process. Practical assignments on
oriented end-use approach" to energy analysis, strategy statistical quality control using suitable statistical software
design and policy formulation involving the disaggregation tools such as R-software, MS Excel, SAS, Minitab or SPSS.
and scrutiny of demand beyond sectors into end-uses and POW* ZC441 Power Systems Engineering II 3
basic needs. Energy management at the national, state, firm,
city and village levels. Elementary principles of power system economics - Powers
systems stability, equal area criterion and step by step
POW* ZC342 Power Systems Engineering I 3
method - protection, relays and relaying, protection of
Parameters of transmission lines, electrical and mechanical transmission lines, transformer and generators - High Voltage
characteristics of transmission line, synchronous phase Protection - Symmetrical components, symmetrical and
modifiers - overhead insulators - underground cables - unsymmetrical faults.
distribution lines - substation practice -relevant portions of POW* ZC412 Power System Operation & Control 3
Indian Electricity Act.
POW* ZC422 Power System Drawing and Design 3
POW* ZC343 Microprocessors &Microcontollers 3
Course description for the above courses to be developed.
Introduction to microprocessors andmicrocontrollers.
Architecture of 8086 microprocessors; Assembly directives, POW* ZC452 Renewable Energy 3
Assembly language programs with algorithms, Memory Introduction of renewable energy, advantages, potential,
interfacing and timing diagrams; Architecture of 8-bit status of development, broad details of different renewable
microcontrollers; Assembly language programming for energy systems such as solar, wind, biomass, microhydel,
microcontrollers; Interfacing I/O devices; System design geothermal etc.; Renewable energy development policy,
examples. Renewable energy industries, international co-operation,
POW* ZC344Instrumentation & Control 4 HRD and career growth opportunities, consultancy areas and
future thrust areas in renewable energy development.
Generalized measurement system and performance
characteristics, Transducers - principles and applications, POW* ZC471 Power Electronics & Drives 3
Signal conditioning circuits – bridges, amplifiers, data Course description for the above course to be developed.
converters, filters; Process control – control schemes,
controllers, multi-loop control configuration, Control valves; POW* ZC481 Plant Layout & Design 4
Programmable Logic Controllers, DCS and Factors affecting plant layout, Types of layout, procedure for
SCADA, Simulation, Case Studies. plant layout, techniques and tools for planning layout,
POW* ZC411Environmental Pollution Control 3 quantitative layout analysis, material handling equipment,
improving and revising existing layout, evaluation of layout,
Environmental pollution: Solid, liquid and gaseous pollutants; plant location, evaluation of location, design of layout,
removal of soluble and particulate pollutants from computer applications in layout design.
atmosphere, natural water systems and process systems;
use of current literature for pollution control problems. PS* ZC111 Probability and Statistics 3
POW* ZC413 Process Control 3 Probability spaces; conditional probability and independence;
random variables and probability distributions; marginal and
Dynamic modeling and simulation of momentum, energy and conditional distributions; independent random variables;
mass transfer and reacting systems; analysis of the dynamic mathematical expectation; mean and variance; binomial,
behaviour of lumped and distributed parameter systems; Poisson and normal distributions; sum of independent
analysis and design of simple feedback and advanced control random variables; law of large numbers; central limit theorem
systems; design of control systems with multiple input and (without proof); sampling distribution and test for mean using
multiple output; introduction to computer control. normal ES* ZGand student's t-distribution; test of hypothesis;
POW* ZC421 Essentials of ProjectManagement 3 correlation and linear regression.
Programmes project management, project manager: role and PS* ZC112 Human Anatomy and Physiology 3
responsibilities, project management and organization, Structure and functions of the various systems of the human
project planning and scheduling, graphical techniques and body; Homeostatic mechanisms; Progression of disease;
PERT, CPM, price estimation and cost control; proposal, Principles of drug action.
control valuation monitoring and trade off analysis in a project
environment, pitfalls and future scenario. PS* ZC113 General Mathematics - I 3

Review of coordinate geometry, Theory of equations, of acid base interactions, Hard soft acid base(HSAB)
Progression and series, permutations and combinations, concept- relevance to diverse metal-ligand interactions,
Binomial theorem, Functions: Trigonometric (with identities), symbiosis; Main group elements (Periodicity); Introduction to
Transcendental. One Dimensional Calculus: Limit and co-ordination compounds including double salts, chelates and
continuity, Differentiation, Integration. Applications of isomers, VB and CF theories, organometallic chemistry, bio-
derivatives and definite integration. inorganic chemistry.
PS* ZC114 General Mathematics – II 3 PS* ZC232 Chemistry of Synthetic Drugs 3
Polar coordinates, Function of several variables, Multiple Synthesis of Five-membered heterocyclic drugs; Six-
integrals, Vector valued functions. Complex functions and membered heterocyclic drugs; Five-membered heterocyclic
their analyticity. First order and second order ordinary fused with benzene ring; Six-membered heterocyclic fused
differential equations, Laplace transformations and its with benzene ring; Seven-membered heterocyclic fused with
applications to ordinary differential equations. benzene ring; Heterocycles fused to two benzene rings;
PS* ZC212 Basic Statistical Process Control 3 Heterocycles fused to other heterocyclic rings.
PS* ZC233 Pharmaceutical Packaging 3
Course description to be developed.
PS* ZC213 Scale –Up of Pharmaceutical Operations 3 Course description to be developed.
PS* ZC234 Techniques in Pharmaceutical Analysis4
Pilot plant design including process and product layout;
Scale-up consideration in solid dosage forms including Principles of titrimetric analysis including acid-base, redox
powder mixing, granulation, compaction, and coating; Scale- and complexometric titrations; Modern analytical techniques
up considerations in non-sterile liquids and semi-solids used in drug product analysis – concepts, instrumentation,
including principles of similarity, dimensionless numbers method of analysis and interpretation; UV-Visible
method, inter-relationship between surface area and volume spectroscopy, Spectro-fluorimetry, Infrared spectroscopy,
upon scale-up; Sterile drug product scale-up; Synthetic scale- NMR spectrometry, Mass spectroscopy, Chromatography
up; Chromatographic scale-up; Scale-up of biotechnology including Paper, TLC, GC, HPLC and electrophoresis.
derived products. PS* ZC235 Linear Algebra & Optimization 3
PS* ZC214 Utilities in Pharmaceutical Operations 3
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic
Course description to be developed. equations and their solutions; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and
PS* ZC221 Business Communication 3 diagonalization of matrices; Formulation of linear
programming problems, Simplex method, Big-M method, two
Managerial communication – national and international phase method, Sensitivity analysis, Revised and Dual
contexts, Interpersonal Communication, persuasive Simplex Methods.
communication, communication technology, effective
PS* ZC241 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3
listening group communication, professional presentation.
PS* ZC222 Pharmaceutical Quality & GMP 4 This course deals with study of important classes of organic
compounds such as alcohols, ethers, esters, aldehydes etc
Regulatory perspective for drug product filing and approval, and their reactions. The mechanisms for various reactions
NDA, ANDA, sNDA and drug user fee act; Quality systems will also be dealt with to comprehensively cover the basics of
including concepts of TQM, ICH guidelines like Q1, Q3, Q6, chemical reactions. Some important five and six member
Q7 and Q9; Quality control and validation including process heterocycles with their reactions will also be part of the
validation, prospective and retrospective validation, analytical course. This course also emphasizes the use of inorganic
method validation; Good manufacturing practices in compounds in pharmacy.
pharmaceutical industry; SUPAC guidelines; Quality audits.
PS* ZC244 Physical Pharmacy 3
PS* ZC223 Fundamentals of Biochemistry and
Microbiology 4 This course is designed to make the students conversant with
the applications of physico-chemical principles to the study of
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Chemistry of biomolecules the drug stability behaviour of drug powers and of other
like carbohydrates, proteins & peptides, lipids, vitamins and pharmaceutical systems; it includes the discussion of drug
nucleic acids; Enzymes – classification, mechanism of action, degradation, micromeritics, rheology and interactions of
kinetics and regulation of activities; Growth of drugs.
microorganisms including media requirements, growth curve,
PS* ZC311 Pharmaceutical Unit Operations – I 3
preserving and obtaining bacterial culture; Viruses;
Sterilization techniques including principles, instruments and Various pharmaceutical unit operations like Extraction,
methods; Antiseptics, disinfectants and preservatives; Distillation, Evaporation, Re-crystallization, Filtration and
Sterility testing, pyrogen testing, evaluation of antimicrobial Drying; Equipment used; Factors affecting the process and
drugs, Biosafety. the properties of the product obtained; Identification of the
PS* ZC224 Novel Drug Delivery Systems 3 critical factors; Relevance to manufacturing of various
pharmaceutical products.
Course description to be developed.
PS* ZC225 Environmental Studies 3
Environment, human population, and industrialization; natural
resources and the impact of man-made activities on them;
structure and function of ecosystem, population ecology,
biodiversity and its conservation, overview of natural
resources, environmental pollution, social issues and the
environment, and environmental impact assessment.
PS* ZC231 Physical & Inorganic Chemistry 3
Atomic structure and chemical bonding including the
concepts of hydrogenic atoms and VB theory;
Thermodynamics and chemical kinetics; Electrochemistry
including Nernst equation and its application, electrochemical
series; Concepts in inorganic chemistry including
electronegativity, measure of acid-base strength, Systematics

PS* ZC312 Pharmaceutical Unit Operations – II 3 quality control tests performed; Selection of suitable liquid
Various pharmaceutical unit operations like Size reduction & and semi-sloid dosage form for a given drug.
Size Separation, Mixing, Granulation, Compression & PS* ZC332 Pharmaceutical Formulations – II 4
Consolidation, Humidification & De-humidification and
Various solid dosage forms and aerosols manufactured in
Materials of Construction; Equipment used; Factors affecting pharmaceutical industries; Excipients used and their role in
the process and the properties of the product obtained; solid dosage forms and aerosols; Manufacturing methods
Identification of the critical factors; Relevance to
and equipment used in manufacturing solid dosage forms
manufacturing of various pharmaceutical products. and aerosols; Various quality control tests performed;
PS* ZC313 Technical Report Writing 3 Selection of suitable solid dosage form for a given drug.
Elements of effective writing; art of condensation; business PS* ZC341 Drug Discovery and Action 4
letter writing; memos; formal reports; technical proposals; Drugs discovery process; Different regulatory requirements in
conducting, and participating, meetings; agenda and minutes;
the process of drug discovery; Effect of drugs on living
strategies for writing technical descriptions, definitions, and organisms and application to therapeutics; Mechanism of
classifications; oral presentation; use of graphic and audio- action; physiological and biochemical effects
visual aids; editing.
(pharmacodynamics); Absorption, distribution, metabolism
PS* ZC314 Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence in India 3 and excretion (pharmacokinetics); Adverse effects and
Growth of modern pharmacy & pharmaceutical industry, brief interactions.
overview of pharmacy act; Central Drugs Standard Control PS* ZC342 Medicinal Chemistry 3
Organization (CDSCO): about the CDSCO, importance, This course deals with the study of important classes of
functioning, and regulation; Drugs and Cosmetics Act;
drugs. Various aspects like structure, properties, therapeutic
Various provisions of Schedule M; Branded and Generic and pharmaceutical importance and the uses of drug
medicines; Ministry of chemical and fertilizers: importance, molecules both of natural and synthetic origin will be covered.
functioning, and regulations; Indian Pharmacopoeia
Study of physico-chemical properties, mechanism of action,
Commission: importance, functioning, and regulations; S.A.R. and metabolism of drugs dealt will also be
Provisions of Drug Price Control Order and National emphasized. Special emphasis will be given on Important
Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority; Narcotic and Psychotropic
topics such as Anti hypertensive drugs, Drugs affecting sugar
Substances Act; Medicinal and Toilet Preparations Act; metabolism, Antimalarial drugs, Anticancer agents, Antiviral
Bonded and non-bonded laboratories; Drugs and Magic
agents etc.
Remedies Act (Objectionable advertisements); The
prevention of cruelty to animals act; Provision of Insecticide PS* ZC343 Professional Ethics 3
Act; Consumer protection Act. Ethics, nature and purpose; ethical theories; ethics in
PS* ZC318 Fundamentals of Transport Processes4 business and management; ethics in engineering, global
ethical issues.
Concept of momentum transfer, Newton’s law of viscosity,
Continuity and Bernoulli’s equation, Concept of pressure drop PS* ZC344 Natural Drugs 3
and drag, Introduction to conduction, convection (free and The course imparts a knowledge of the crude drugs of natural
forced) and radiation including Fourier’s law of heat origin used in pharmaceutical and medical practice. Study will
conduction, Newton’s law of cooling, Stefan Boltzmann and include the different systems of classifications of crude drugs;
Kirchhoff’s laws, concept of resistance and lumped cell contents; general principles of cultivation, collection,
capacitance; Boundary layer theory (momentum, thermal and drying, storage and commerce of natural products of current
mass), Heat transfer correlations; Phase change heat medical and pharmaceutical importance; their morphologial
transfer, Diffusion fundamentals including Fick’s law, and microscopical study: use and knowledge of common
Interphase mass transfer, Concept of mass transfer substitutes and adulterants.
coefficient, Momentum, heat and mass transfer analogies,
Introduction to transport equations. PS* ZC361 Environmental Pollution Control 3
PS* ZC321 Chemical Process Calculations 3 Air and water pollutants; sampling and analysis; control
methods for air & water pollutants; modeling of different
Properties of gases, liquids and solids; material and energy control techniques; advanced wastewater treatment
balances; elementary process analysis involving phase processes; solid waste management, noise pollution; case
equilibria and chemical reactions; recycling and unsteady studies.
state processes; combustion calculations and typical
industrial applications. PS* ZC414 Biopharmaceutics 3
PS* ZC322 Pharmaceutical Quality by Design 3 Biopharmaceutics and Biopoharmaceutical aspects of drug
delivery covering absorptions, distribution, metabolism and
Course description to be developed. elimination (ADME) characters of drugs. Compartment
PS* ZC323 Sterile Pharmaceutical Products 3 model, pharmacokinetics of drugs and their applications,
bioavailability, bioequivalence and their studies, drug-drug
Sterile products characteristics; Sterile dispersed systems;
interactions and other related matters.
Sterile manufacturing process; Freeze drying of sterile
products; QA & QC of sterile drug products; Process PS* ZC229T Project 5
validation & equipment qualification in sterile product Apply the knowledge of chemical technology operations in
manufacturing; Packaging of sterile drug products. the manufacture of API or formulation technology operations
PS* ZC324 Name Reactions in Chemical Synthesis 3 in the manufacture of pharmaceutical drug product and
assess the quality of the same; the student’s actual day-to-
Stereochemistry in drug action; Rearrangement reactions and day task involvement would constitute the central thread of
their applications to drug synthesis; Name reactions and the learning process. The evaluation will recognize this
examples in drug synthesis.
aspect by demanding day-to-day engagement and
PS* ZC331 Pharmaceutical Formulations- I 3 productivity of the student.
Various liquid dosage forms and semi-solid dosage of drugs
manufactured in pharmaceutical industries; Excipients used
and their role in liquid dosage forms and semi-solid dosage
forms; Manufacturing methods and equipment used in
manufacturing liquid and semi-sloid dosage forms; Various

PS* ZC499T Capstone Project 15 QM ZG526Operations Management 5
Real-life problems relatedtothe manufacture and quality Operations strategy; process view vs. functional view in
control of active pharmaceutical ingredients and operations; factors in product and process design and
pharmaceutical drug products, as per applicable regulatory selection; facility configuration; demand planning and
guidelines; Jointly mentored by the industry experts and forecasting; capacity planning; aggregate planning; planning
faculty; Presentation ofthe progress and results in appropriate service operations; productivity of operations; inventory
forms; Periodic review of the progress of the project. planning and independent demand systems; materials
QM ZC441Human Resource Management 4 requirements planning; quality management; uncertainty and
variability; project management; current developments in
Introduction, manpower planning, career and succession operations management.
planning, procurement of personnel, performance appraisal,
QM ZG528Reliability Engineering 5
job satisfaction and morale, job rotation, employee
communication, audit and control, management training and Basic Reliability Models, Reliability of Systems, Design for
development, wage and salary administration, welfare Reliability and Maintainability, Maintainability, availability and
administration, trade unions and collective bargaining, reliability; Data Collection and Empirical Methods, Reliability
industrial dispute and worker participation in management. Testing, Identifying Failure and Repair Distributions,
QM ZC472 Precision Engineering 3 Reliability Estimation and Application.
QM ZG531Statistical Quality Control 5
Concept of accuracy, accuracy of numerical control systems,
tolerances and fits, acceptance tests for machine tools, static Sources of Variation: Common and Assignable Causes,
stiffness and its influence on machining accuracy, Descriptive Statistics, Statistical Process Control Methods,
inaccuracies due to thermal effects, influence of forced Control Charts for Variables, Control Charts for Attributes, C-
vibrations on accuracy, dimensional wear of cutting tools and Charts, Process Capability, Acceptance Sampling, Operating
its influences on accuracy, clamping and setting errors, characteristic curve, Statistical Quality Control in Services.
location principles and errors due to location, surface QM ZG532Total Quality Management 4
roughness and microfinishing processes, dimensioning and
dimensional chains, methods of improving accuracy and TQM principles and practices; leadership; customer
surface finish, thread and gear measuring instruments, satisfaction; employee involvement; continuous process
coordinate measuring machines, introduction to computer improvement; supplier partnership; performance measures;
aided tolerancing. statistical process control; ISO 9000; benchmarking; quality
function deployment; concurrent engineering; experimental
QM ZG514Leadership & Managing Change 4
design; Taguchi’s quality engineering; product liability
Individuals as leaders, team leadership and organizational QM ZG533 Manufacturing Planning & Control 5
leadership. Introduction to managing change, management of
change: organizational structure, culture, recruitment, Planning and control of manufacturing operations; material
performance management, human resource development, flow planning; product and process planning; demand
reward management, employee relations and involvement, forecasting and forecasting models; facility location; plant
downsizing, and evaluating and promoting. layout planning and design; machine cells; capacity planning;
designing work methods; material handling; line balancing;
QM ZG515 Quantitative Methods 4
aggregate planning; inventory models and systems for
Basic concepts in Operations Research; Analytical & independent demand; materials requirements planning;
Mathematical Modeling Techniques; Model Building; elements of monitoring and production control; current
Inventory Control, queuing theory; Linear Programming; developments in operations management.
Transportation and assignment problems, simulation, index QM ZG535Decision Analysis 4
numbers, decision theory, etc.
Introduction to quantitative techniques and statistics, Decision
QM ZG524Quality Management Systems 5
making, intelligence design and choice phases, basic theory
Quality system & quality management, evolution of quality of decision making under uncertainty; decision trees,
post world war II era i.e. Quality control, quality assurance, qualification of judgments and preferences, Bayes theorem,
total quality control & total quality management; ISO 9000 the structuring of complex decisions, and multi-attribute utility
series of standards, formation of ISO (1947), background & theory. Statistical estimation and forecasting.
development of ISO 9000. ISO 9000 family of standards, QM ZG536Design of Experiments 4
selection & use of appropriate model of ISO 9000.
Requirements of ISO 9001; System demonstration & Course description to be developed.
documentation, how to organize formal quality assurance QM ZG539 Six Sigma 4
system, pyramid of quality system documentation structure,
two tier, three tier & four tier documentation, preparation of History of Six Sigma, Implementing Six Sigma, Becoming a
quality manual & quality procedures, quality records; Customer and Market-Driven Enterprise, Customer
Implementing documented quality system, how to proceed, Expectations and Needs, Linking Six Sigma Projects to
how to implement change, obtaining top management Strategies, Attributes of Good Metrics, Using resources
commitment, assessing current company position, developing wisely, Project Management Using the DMAIC and DMADV
the implementation plan, initiating people (employees) to own Models, The Define Phase, The Measure Phase,
the system, system development; System audit & review, Measurement System Analysis, Analyzing Data: Value
objective of system audit, types of quality audit, product Vs Streams and Dealing with Variations, Designing Experiments,
system audit, internal quality audit, management review; The Improve Phase, The Control Phase.
System certification, benefits of third party certification, QM ZG541 Product Design 5
choice of certification body, route to certification, surveillance
& renewal; Other quality system standards, relating ISO 9000 Introduction to creative design; user research and
with QS 9000 and ISO 14000. requirements analysis, product specifications, Computer
Aided Design; standardization, variety reduction, preferred
QM ZG523 Project Management 4 numbers and other techniques; modular design; design
Concepts and techniques of project formulation, evaluation economics, cost analysis, cost reduction and value analysis
and implementation; Project planning and scheduling; Risk techniques, design for production; human factors in design:
management; Time-cost trade off; Resource leveling and anthropometric, ergonomic, psychological, physiological
allocation; Project monitoring and control; Contract considerations in design decision making; legal factors,
management. engineering ethics and society.

QM ZG611Strategic Management & Business SE* ZC111Probability and Statistics 3
Policy 4 Probability spaces; conditional probability and independence;
Strategic management elements; internal, external, external random variables and probability distributions; marginal and
conditional distributions; independent random variables;
environment. assessment of corporate strengths,
weaknesses and opportunities; planning and deployment of mathematical expectation; mean and variance; binomial,
capital assets; profit planning and control functions problems, Poisson and normal distributions; sum of independent
random variables; law of large numbers; central limit theorem
pressures, responsibilities, limits of the chief executive;
evaluation of one's own business undertaking; formulating (without proof); sampling distribution and test for mean using
objectives, strategies, policies and programmes for improving normal ES* ZGand student's t-distribution; test of hypothesis;
correlation and linear regression.
company’s present situation; personnel strength and
implementation of the policies and programmes, SE* ZC163Computer Programming 4
development, implementation, evaluation and control of Basic Computing Steps and Flow Charting (Assignment,
strategies, strategic management of MNCs, management Sequencing, Conditionals, Iteration). Programming
style and behavior, corporate style, behavior and culture.
Constructs – Expressions, Statements, Conditionals,
QM ZG621 Supply Chain Management 4 Iterators/Loops, Functions/ Procedures; Data Types –
Customer driven strategies in production and distribution Primitive Types, Tuples, Choices (Unions or Enumerations),
systems; Integrated production and distribution networks; Lists/Arrays, Pointers and Dynamically Allocated Data. Input
output and Files. Laboratory Component: Programming
SCM in the context of JIT and MRP–II; Distribution Resource
Planning; Management of dealer networks; Total Control & Exercises involving development and testing of iterative and
Product innovation across the supply chain; Incoming procedural programs using bounded and unbounded
iterations, function composition, random access lists,
logistics and supplier relationships; Value addition analysis;
Metrics for management of supply chain performance; sequential access lists, dynamically allocated lists, and file
Mathematical models and computer assisted decision access.
support for SCM; Mathematical programming for SCM. SE* ZC222Discrete Structures for Computer Science 3
QM ZG661Software Quality Management 4 Sets and relations; graphs and digraphs; trees, lists and their
uses; partially ordered sets and lattices; Boolean algebras
Software quality challenges and expectations; quality
dilemma; software life cycle and link to quality; quality gates, and Boolean expressions; semigroups and machines; codes
and applications.
formal reviews, system requirement reviews, preliminary
design reviews, critical design reviews, test reviews; SE* ZC234Linear Algebra & Optimization 3
engineering reviews, walkthroughs, inspections, internal Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic
reviews; quality gate categories; technical environment and equations and their solutions; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and
quality; planning for software quality, quality requirements for
diagonalization of matrices; Formulation of linear
planning, quality needs, elements of quality planning, quality programming problems, Simplex method, Big-M method, two
assessments during planning, software quality organization phase method, Sensitivity analysis, Revised and Dual
requirements; quality evaluation of software development
Simplex Methods.
process, process quality attributes, measuring software
process quality; software process metrics; quality gate integrity; SE* ZC241Principles of Management 3
software product quality, standards and conventions, metrics; Fundamental concepts of management - planning;
quality hierarchy, factors; quality assessment; quality organizing; staffing; directing and controlling; production,
evaluation techniques, reviews, walkthroughs,audit, financial, personnel, legal and marketing functions;
inspections, analytical evaluation techniques; quality systems. accounting and budgeting, balance sheets.
QM ZG663Concurrent Engineering 5 SE* ZC263Digital Electronics and Microprocessors4
Introduction of concurrent engineering and need, concurrent Binary logic gates; logic circuits; Boolean algebra and K-map
engineering tools, advances in design and manufacturing simplification; number systems and codes; arithmetic logic
engineering, design for manufacture, design for assembly, units; flipflops; registers and counters; introduction to
rapid prototyping, simulation, concurrent approaches to design, microprocessors; architecture; instruction set and
manufacturing and other aspects of engineering. programming; memory and I/O interfacing examples of
QM ZG628T Dissertation 16 system design.
A student registered in this course must take a topic in an SE* ZC312Technical Report Writing 3
area of professional interest drawn from the on the job work Elements of effective writing; art of condensation; business
requirement which is simultaneously of direct relevance to the letter writing; memos; formal reports; technical proposals;
degree pursued by the student as well as to the employing / conducting, and participating, meetings; agenda and minutes;
collaborating organization of the student and submit a strategies for writing technical descriptions, definitions, and
comprehensive report at the end of the semester working classifications; oral presentation; use of graphic and audio-
under the overall supervision and guidance of a professional visual aids; editing.
expert who will be deemed as the supervisor for evaluation of
all components of the dissertation. Normally the Mentor of the SE* ZC313 Object Oriented Programming & Design4
student would be the Dissertation supervisor and in case Object oriented concepts and design, abstraction,
Mentor is not approved as the supervisor, Mentor may play architecture and design patterns, GUI programming and
the role of additional supervisor. The final grades for frameworks, design of object oriented solutions using UML,
dissertation are Non-letter grades namely Excellent, Good, design for concurrency, implementation of solutions using
Fair and Poor, which do not go into CGPA computation. object oriented languages like C++ or Java; Language level
mapping and realization of object oriented constructs,
realization and performance issues versus abstraction and
SE* ZC333 Systems Programming 4
Batch processing; Systems programs; operating
characteristics and limitations; parallel processing of I/O and
interrupt handling, multiprogramming; multiprocessing
systems; design of system modules and interfaces with focus

on contemporary open source operating system-specific data and their use in decision making; presentation and
programming; laboratory experiments or programming visualization of data for effective communication. elementary
assignments involving Unix/Linux System-specific graphics programming, charts, graphs, animations, user
Programming including shell-scripting via online laboratory interactivity, hierarchical layouts, and techniques for
facility. visualization of high dimensional data & discovered patterns.
SE* ZC337Database Systems & Applications 4 SE* ZC425 Data Mining 3
Introduction to Database Management Systems; File Data Mining – introduction, fundamental concepts; motivation
organization; Data Independence in databases; Data Models; and applications; role of data warehousing in data mining;
Query processing systems; Database Design techniques; challenges and issues in data mining; Knowledge Discovery
Concepts of security and integrity in databases; Distributed in Databases (KDD); role of data mining in KDD; algorithms
Databases; Applications using DBMS, database for data mining; tasks like decision-tree construction, finding
programming experiments involving use of SQL, database association rules, sequencing, classification, and clustering;
creation etc. via online laboratory facility. applications of neural networks and machine learning for
SE* ZC344 Software Engineering 4 tasks of classification and clustering.
SE* ZC444 Artificial Intelligence 3
Software engineering concepts and methodology; formal
requirements specification; estimation; software project The object of this course is to give an introduction to the
planning; detailed design; techniques of design; productivity; problems and techniques of A.I. along with the applications of
documentation; programming languages styles, code review; A.I. techniques to the fields like natural language
tool, integration and validation; software quality assurance; understanding, image processing, game theory and problem
software maintenance; metrics, automated tools in software solving. The course also aims at understanding its
engineering. implementation using LISP and PROLOG languages.
SE* ZC353 Computer Organization &Architecture4 SE* ZC465 Machine Learning 4
Overview of logic design; Instruction set architecture; Introduction to Machine Learning, Various kinds of learning,
Assembly language programming; Pipelining; Computer Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Model
Arithmetic; Control unit; Memory hierarchy; Virtual memory; Selection; Bayesian Learning, MAP Hypothesis, MDL
Input and output systems; Interrupts and exception handling; Principle, Bias Variance Decomposition, Bayes Optimal
Implementation issues; Case studies; This course covers the Classifier, Naive Bayes Classifier; Linear Models for
fundamentals of computer organization and architecture from Regression, Linear Models for Classification; Non-Linear
a programmer's perspective. models, Decision trees; Instance Based Learning, KNN
SE* ZC363 Data Structures & Algorithms 4 Algorithm, CBR Learning; Support Vector Machines, VC
Dimension; Neural Networks, Perceptron Learning, Back
Introduction to software design principles, modularity, Propagation Algorithm; Introduction to Genetic Algorithms.
abstract data types, data structures and algorithms; Analysis
SE* ZC467Computer Networks 4
of algorithms; Linear data structures – stacks, arrays, lists,
queues and linked representations; Pre-fix, in-fix and post-fix Introduction: components of a modern computer network,
expressions; Recursion; Set operations; Hashing and hash packet switched network and its metrics, layered architecture
functions; Binary and other trees, traversal algorithms, of protocols and historical perspective; Application Layer:
Huffman codes; Search trees, priority queues, heaps and principles, examples: Web and HTTP, Email, DNS, Peer-to-
balanced trees; Sorting techniques; Graphs and digraphs; Peer applications, socket programming; Transport Layer:
Algorithmic design techniques; Data structures for external Services, the concept of connection less, connection oriented
storage, multi-way search and B-trees; Implementation and reliable transport, TCP congestion control; Network
techniques for different data structures including trees, Layer: addressing mechanism in networks, router
graphs and search structures; Performance evaluation of architecture, intra and inter-AS routing protocols, multicast
data structures and algorithms; Implementation issues in and broadcast; Link Layer: error detection and correction,
large data structures. medium access, MAC addressing, Ethernet, switches, Point
SE* ZC364 Operating Systems 4 to point protocol and link virtualization; Physical Layer:
signals, medium, and transmission methods, QoS: forward
Introduction to operating systems; Various approaches to error correction, scheduling and policing mechanism in the
design of operating systems; Overview of hardware support networks.
for operating systems; Process management: process
SE* ZC472 Computer Graphics 3
synchronization and mutual exclusion, inter process
communication, process scheduling; CPU scheduling Generation of dots, lines, arcs and polygons; color graphics,
approaches; Memory management: paging, segmentation, shades and levels; image transformation, windowing and
virtual memory, page replacement algorithms; File systems: clipping; 2-D and 3-D graphics; data structures, algorithms
design and implementation of file systems; input/output and optimization methods; case studies using GKS, CORE,
systems; device controllers and device drivers; Security and etc; graphic languages and compilers.
protection; Case studies on design and implementation of SE* ZG512 Object Oriented Analysis & Design 4
operating system modules, select laboratory experiments
related to creating different elements of operating system Object orientation concepts, theories and principles;
and/or implementation of select scheduling, memory fundamental concepts of the object model: classes, objects,
management and I/O related algorithms/schemes, using methods and messages, encapsulation and inheritance,
system calls for creating file system specific command, interface and implementation, reuse and extension of
creating simple file system etc. via online laboratory facility. classes, inheritance and polymorphism; process of object-
oriented requirements specification, analysis and design;
SE* ZC373 Compiler Design 4
notations for object-oriented analysis and design; case
Introduction to Programming Languages and Compilers, studies and applications using some object oriented
Programming Language Features, Front End of a Compiler, programming languages.
Back End of a Compiler, Special aspects of compilers and
SE* ZC420 Data Visualization 3
Information overload and issues in decision making. Design
of visual encoding schemes to improve comprehension of

SE* ZG514 Introduction to DevOps 4 SE* ZG527Cloud Computing 5
Continual Service - continuous integration and continuous Concurrency and distributed computing, message passing
delivery; Scaling: automating infrastructure and infrastructure- over the network, connectivity and failure models, local vs
as-code; DevOps and Cloud: platform-as-a service and remote connectivity, distributed resource modeling,
DevOps, use of virtual machines and containers for distributed data models; replication & consistency;
deployment, Micro-services; application lifecycle virtualization; CPU virtualization, memory and storage
management: deployment pipeline and application virtualization, virtualized networks, computing over WAN and
deployment, continuous deployment pipeline; stack Internet; computing on the cloud, computing models, service
management - life cycle of stack and events, resource and models and service contracts, programming on the cloud;
event monitoring, auto healing; Security: security of Cloud infrastructure, LAN vs Wan issue, resource scaling and
deployment pipeline, policy-as-code. resource provisions, performance models, scalability,
SE* ZG515Data Warehousing 5 performance measurement and enhancement techniques;
cloud applications and infrastructure services.
Introduction, evolution of data warehousing; decision support
SE* ZG528 Cyber Physical Systems 4
systems; goals, benefit, and challenges of data warehousing;
architecture; data warehouse information flows; software and This course provides an overview of Cyber-Physical
hardware requirements; approaches to data warehouse Systems, with respect to its components and characteristics.
design; creating and maintaining a data warehouse; Online As an example of a Cyber-Physical System, this course
Analytical Processing (OLAP) and multi-dimensional data, explains the various aspects of IoT systems, and helps
multi-dimensional modeling; view materialization; data marts; students understand the IoT system components, its protocol
data warehouse metadata; data mining. stack and design methodologies. The course also enables
SE* ZG516 Embedded Systems Design 4 students to get familiar with the Raspberry Pi platform, via
simple examples/applications. At the end of this course,
Design issues involved in embedded systems and system- students will be able to explain the various facets of Cyber-
on-chip technologies, Programming languages and processor Physical Systems, with focus on IoT and demonstrate simple
architectures used for embedded systems, Standard IoT applications.
Embedded System Development tools and hands-on
SE* ZG533 Service Oriented Computing 4
experience involving these tools, understanding design
constraints such as – power, memory, size constraints in Introduction to Web Services: Distributed computing using
system design and tradeoffs. Introduction to other specialized software component technologies like DCOM and EJBs-
embedded design techniques – such as hardware, software overview about Service Oriented Architecture- RPC and
co-design, design of accelerated and distributed embedded Document centric SOAP enabled web Services-Describing
systems, fault tolerant design etc. information using XML -SAX and DOM based XML parsers-
SE* ZG518Database Design & Applications 5 XSLT-XPath. SOAP Protocol for web services- Describing
Web Services using WSDL-Publishing and Finding web
DBMS architecture; Data models: Network model, services using UDDI Registry-UDDI SOAP APIs-Inquiry APIs-
Hierarchical model and Relational model; Database design & Publisher APIs. Web Services security –Need for secured
optimization; Query processing & Query optimization; web service-confidentiality of web service invocation using
Transaction Processing; Concurrency control; Recovery; XML encryption and its advantages over SSL security -
Security & protection; Introduction to Object Oriented data Integrity of soap message using xml digital signing-
model & Multimedia Databases. Maintaining confidentiality and integration together for soap
SE* ZG519Data Structures & Algorithms Design 5 messages -Authentication mechanisms for Web service client
– Security Assertion Markup Language- Incorporating saml
Introduction to Abstract Data Types, Data structures and assertions for web service client authentication- IP layer
Algorithms; Analysis of Algorithms – Time and Space security for web service- Need for work flow of web services-
Complexity, Complexity Notation, Solving Recurrence Usage of Business Process Execution Language for
Relations.; Divide-and-Conquer as a Design Technique; describing workflow of web services-Rest web service, its
Recursion – Design of Recursive Functions / Procedures, Tail protocol and usage-Usage of Ajax in invoking Rest web
Recursion, Conversion of Recursive Functions to Iterative service-Role played by web services in cloud computing.
Form. Linear data structures – Lists, Access Restricted Lists
(Stacks and Queues) – Implementation using Arrays and SE* ZG544 Agile Software Processes 4
Linked Lists; Searching and Order Queries. Sorting – Sorting Course description to be developed.
Algorithms (Online vs. Offline, In-memory vs. External, In-
SE* ZG547 Usability Engineering 5
space vs. Out-of-space, QuickSort and Randomization).
Unordered Collections: Hashtables (Separate Chaining vs. Usability-driven approach to Information Design; software
Open Addressing, Probing, Rehashing). Binary Trees – Tree usability bridge& its critical components; Iterative &
Traversals. Partially Ordered Collections: Search Trees and evaluation of a two-level approach of UCID (User-Centered
Height Balanced Search Trees, Heaps and Priority Queues. Information Design); five key principles of UCID; getting UCID
Algorithm Design: Greedy Algorithms and Dynamic into organization ; Benefits of implementing UCID; key
Programming. Graphs and Graph Algorithms: Representation features of UCID;UCID process & analysis; traditional
schemes, Problems on Directed Graphs (Reachability and processes for information development & their limitations;
Strong Connectivity, Traversals, Transitive Closure. Directed Managing UCID; role of usability engineers; preparing the
Acyclic Graphs - Topological Sorting), Problems on Weighted usability plan; implementing a metrics program in typical
Graphs (Shortest Paths. Spanning Trees). Introduction to UCID projects; key contributors; goal setting for software
Complexity Classes (P and NP) and NP-completeness. NP- usability & information quality; critical design goals; designing
Hard problems. Designing Algorithms for Hard Problems – the information architecture ;designing the specifications &
Back tracking, Branch-and-Bound, and Approximation prototypes; evaluating prototypes; two-level design activities;
Algorithms. designing software labels; designing effective messages;
SE* ZG522 Big Data Systems 5 designing online support elements & printed support
elements; achieving information design goals; online search
What is big data - are existing systems sufficient?; Data & navigation; evaluating information; two-level evaluation;
Warehouse v/s Data Lakes; Hadoop – Components; Storage approach achieving information design goals for improved
- Relational DBs/ NoSQL dbs / HDFS / HBase / Object Data software usability; testing information & validating; quality
stores - S3; Serialization; Interfaces - Hive/ Pig; Stream indicators; retrievability; implementation techniques & issues;
Processing; Spark; Mahout. Application of Usability Engineering in typical live projects to

validate improved software usability . platform applications using some of the existing development
SE* ZG548 Advanced Data Mining 4 frameworks.
SE* ZG586Edge Computing 5
Topics beyond conventional record data mining. Mining
complex data structures. Tree/graph mining, sequence This course will explore frameworks and applications in Edge
mining, web/text data mining, stream data mining, Computing. The topics covered will include edge architecture,
spatiotemporal data mining, mining multi-variate time series edge to edge and edge to cloud communication, Sensor
data, high-dimensional data clustering, and mining social networks and related protocols, Distributed caching,
networking sites. Mining data from multiple relations (Multi- Reliability, availability and energy efficiency in edge
relational Data Mining). Privacy preserving Data Mining. computing, Pipeline, Performance issues like latency and
Distributed computing solutions for data intensive data Data flow for Big data analytics, Semantic Web of Things and
mining. Application level security.
SE* ZG552 Software Testing Methodologies 4 SE* ZG587Open Source Software Engineering 4
Concepts and principles of software testing and quality This course aims to develop an understanding about open
assurance; software testing tools; functional, structural, source software, its life cycle, its history and the benefits that
integration and system testing techniques; software testing it has provided to the world’s technology infrastructure over
process and its management; evaluation of test the past few decades. It also aims to teach the students
effectiveness; testing specialized systems and applications; about ways to contribute to open source projects
automated software testing; case studies. productively, learn and engage themselves in effective
SE* ZG566 Secure Software Engineering 5 collaboration and gain benefits from it. The course will also
discuss about different licensing models that are available,
Best practices for designing secure systems, software with a view to develop expertise to choose the best one for
engineering principles for designing secure systems, criteria your project/organization. Hands-on on hosting and
for designing secure systems; analysis of system properties development of open source software on distributed code
and verification of program correctness; use of formal hosting platforms like GitHub etc., will also be carried out.
methods and verification for security; tools for verification of
SE* ZG589 Middleware Technologies 4
security properties; techniques for software protection (such
as code obfuscation, tamper-proofing and watermarking) and Evolution of Middleware Technologies: Transaction
their limitations; analysis of software based attacks (and Processing, Remote Procedure Calls, Message-Oriented-
defenses), timing attacks and leakage of information, and Middleware, Object Request Brokers, Web services and
type safety. REST; Forms of Middleware: Enterprise Middleware, Web
SE* ZG568 Applied Machine Learning 4 Middleware, and Cloud / Services Middleware; Middleware
Elements: communication protocols, middleware protocols,
Need for machine learning. Prediction and classification data representation, server process control, naming and
methods. Use cases in application domains. Interpretation of directory services, security, system management; Select
results. Limitations of various techniques. End to end case studies such as MS .NET, J2EE. Service Oriented
Machine learning - data collection, data preparation, model Architecture: Loosely Coupled Systems, Business processes,
selection. Tiers, Architectural Choices; Resiliency in Middleware:
SE* ZG569 Blockchain Technologies & Systems 4 resiliency techniques, hardware failures, communication
failures, software failures; Performance and scalability in
Highly successful decentralized blockchain-based systems, Middleware; Security in Middleware; Implementation Aspects:
such as Bitcoin, have immense potential to revolutionize business process implementation, enterprise integration, web
financial, information, and other infrastructures. This course and database middleware (e.g. NoSQL middleware) change
aims to provide a broad overview of the essential concepts management. Case studies of Enterprise application
involved in blockchain technology in order to lay down the architecture (EAI) - Eg. Tibco, Websphere.
foundation necessary for developing applications. This
course also covers the technical aspects of consistency and SE* ZG622 Software Project Management 4
consensus in distributed algorithms, public distributed Managing a software development project, concepts, objects
ledgers, public-key cryptography and cryptographic of a project, environment of a software project, system
properties, cryptocurrencies, and smart contracts. The course development life cycle, tools, review process; documentation
aims to develop expertise among students to build these in software program management, procedures, diagramming
systems, interact with them, and to design and build secure techniques, management; Planning and monitoring a
distributed applications. software project, project planning, management tools,
SE* ZG583 Scalable Services 5 software project definitions, project management packages,
project control; software project definition, classification,
Software principles related to scalability. Architectures for project sizes and methodologies, feasibility, requirements and
Scaling. Microservices - design, service discovery, load start-up; programmer productivity; software planning, control
balancing, API management. Deployment - container tools, accelerated design; prototyping and role in software
configurations and orchestrations, automated deployments of project management; software production and software
microservices, integration with CI/CD pipelines. Performance: project management; software system installation, managing
Scaling and load balancing with containers and testing requirements, test plans, alpha and beta systems;
microservices, Ensuring QoS and SLAs. emerging directions in project management.
SE* ZG585Cross Platform Application Development4 SE* ZG626 Hardware Software Co-Design 5
Cross-platform applications development involves creation of FPGA and ASIC based design, Low-Power Techniques in RT
software applications that are compatible with multiple Embedded Systems On-chip networking. Hardware Software
platforms or software environments. This can be achieved partitioning and scheduling, Co-simulation, synthesis and
through various development frameworks like Ionic, React verifications, Architecture mapping, HW-SW Interfaces and
Native, Adobe PhoneGap, Xamarin etc. This course aims to Re-configurable computing.
equip students with the expertise to design and develop web
and mobile based applications that can operate in varied SE* ZG651Software Architectures 5
environments and platforms. Additionally, it also aims to Systems engineering and software architectures; Hatley-
develop the understanding of the role and importance of API Pirbhai architectural template; architecture flow diagrams;
management in such applications. The course involves requirements engineering and software architecture;
hands-on exposure to full stack development of cross- architectural design processes; design post-processing; real-

time architectures; architectural design patterns; software phase method, Sensitivity analysis, Revised and Dual
architecture and maintenance management; object oriented Simplex Methods.
architectures; client-server architectures; forward engineering SS* ZC241Principles of Management 3
for object oriented and client-server architectures; emerging
software architectures. Fundamental concepts of management - planning;
organizing; staffing; directing and controlling; production,
SE* ZG661 Software Quality Management 4
financial, personnel, legal and marketing functions;
Software quality challenges and expectations; quality accounting and budgeting, balance sheets.
dilemma; software life cycle and link to quality; quality gates, SS* ZC263Digital Electronics and Microprocessors4
formal reviews, system requirement reviews, preliminary
design reviews, critical design reviews, test reviews; Binary logic gates; logic circuits; Boolean algebra and K-map
engineering reviews, walkthroughs, inspections, internal simplification; number systems and codes; arithmetic logic
reviews; quality gate categories; technical environment and units; flipflops; registers and counters; introduction to
quality; planning for software quality, quality requirements for microprocessors; architecture; instruction set and
planning, quality needs, elements of quality planning, quality programming; memory and I/O interfacing examples of
assessments during planning, software quality organization system design.
requirements; quality evaluation of software development SS* ZC312Technical Report Writing 3
process, process quality attributes, measuring software
process quality; software process metrics; quality gate Elements of effective writing; art of condensation; business
integrity; software product quality, standards and letter writing; memos; formal reports; technical proposals;
conventions, metrics; quality hierarchy, factors; quality conducting, and participating, meetings; agenda and minutes;
assessment; quality evaluation techniques, reviews, strategies for writing technical descriptions, definitions, and
walkthroughs, audit, inspections, analytical evaluation classifications; oral presentation; use of graphic and audio-
techniques; quality systems. visual aids; editing.
SE* ZG681 Cyber Security 4 SS* ZC313 Object Oriented Programming & Design4
Cyber Security principles; Security architectures; Security Object oriented concepts and design, abstraction,
threats, attacks and vulnerabilities; CIA Triad, Cyber Security architecture and design patterns, GUI programming and
Policies, Models and Mechanisms; Types of Cyber Attacks; frameworks, design of object oriented solutions using UML,
Security Risk Management; Malware; Ransomware; design for concurrency, implementation of solutions using
Implementing Cyber Security Solutions object oriented languages like C++ or Java; Language level
mapping and realization of object oriented constructs,
SE* ZG685 Software Product Management 5 realization and performance issues versus abstraction and
Identifying customer needs. Defining value proposition. usability.
Specifying and validating MVP. Building products through SS* ZC327 Systems Programming 4
agile and scrum. Metrics, measurement and improvements.
Software product lifecycle management; analytical evaluation Batch processing; Systems programs; operating
techniques; quality systems. characteristics and limitations; parallel processing of I/O and
interrupt handling, multiprogramming; multiprocessing
SS* ZC111Probability and Statistics 3 systems; design of system modules and interfaces with focus
Probability spaces; conditional probability and independence; on contemporary open source operating system-specific
random variables and probability distributions; marginal and programming; laboratory experiments or programming
conditional distributions; independent random variables; assignments involving Unix/Linux System-specific
mathematical expectation; mean and variance; binomial, Programming including shell-scripting via online laboratory
Poisson and normal distributions; sum of independent facility.
random variables; law of large numbers; central limit theorem SS* ZC328 Software Testing 3
(without proof); sampling distribution and test for mean using
normal ES* ZGand student's t-distribution; test of hypothesis; Brief description of importance of software, Life cycle model
correlation and linear regression. and process, Basic software testing, all definitions, Types of
testing and techniques (CFG, CDG etc.), Black Box & white
SS* ZC163Computer Programming 4 box Testing Methodologies, Finite State Machine Model,
Basic Computing Steps and Flow Charting (Assignment, State based Testing, Static Testing and analysis, Test cases,
Sequencing, Conditionals, Iteration). Programming Test Data Generation ,Test selection ,Minimizations and
Constructs – Expressions, Statements, Conditionals, Prioritization, Test adequacy criteria, Software Testing on
Iterators/Loops, Functions/ Procedures; Data Types – Web Engineering, Object based Software Testing,
Primitive Types, Tuples, Choices (Unions or Enumerations), Architecture of Testing tool, Software Test Effort Estimation,
Lists/Arrays, Pointers and Dynamically Allocated Data. Input Testing behavior and process model, Qualitative analysis,
output and Files. Laboratory Component: Programming Quality factors in software testing, Selection of testing tools.
Exercises involving development and testing of iterative and SS* ZC337 Database Systems & Applications 4
procedural programs using bounded and unbounded
iterations, function composition, random access lists, Introduction to Database Management Systems; File
sequential access lists, dynamically allocated lists, and file organization; Data Independence in databases; Data Models;
access. Query processing systems; Database Design techniques;
Concepts of security and integrity in databases; Distributed
SS* ZC222Discrete Structures for Computer Science 3 Databases; Applications using DBMS, database
Sets and relations; graphs and digraphs; trees, lists and their programming experiments involving use of SQL, database
uses; partially ordered sets and lattices; Boolean algebras creation etc. via online laboratory facility.
and Boolean expressions; semigroups and machines; codes
and applications.
SS* ZC234Linear Algebra & Optimization 3
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic
equations and their solutions; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and
diagonalization of matrices; Formulation of linear
programming problems, Simplex method, Big-M method, two

SS* ZC343 Software Engineering 4 Design methodologies for embedded software, Real time
Software engineering concepts and methodology; formal operating systems fundamentals, Embedded Linux and other
commercially available real time systems, fundamental of
requirements specification; estimation; software project
planning; detailed design; techniques of design; productivity; device drivers development, Introduction to Android
documentation; programming languages styles, code review; SS* ZC444 Artificial Intelligence 3
tool, integration and validation; software quality assurance; The object of this course is to give an introduction to the
software maintenance; metrics, automated tools in software
problems and techniques of A.I. along with the applications of
engineering. A.I. techniques to the fields like natural language
SS* ZC353 Computer Organization & Architecture4 understanding, image processing, game theory and problem
Overview of logic design; Instruction set architecture; solving. The course also aims at understanding its
implementation using LISP and PROLOG languages.
Assembly language programming; Pipelining; Computer
Arithmetic; Control unit; Memory hierarchy; Virtual memory; SS* ZC446 Data Storage Technologiesand Networks3
Input and output systems; Interrupts and exception handling; Storage Media and Technologies – Magnetic, Optical and
Implementation issues; Case studies; This course covers the Semiconductor media, techniques for read/write operations,
fundamentals of computer organization and architecture from
issues and limitations. Usage and Access – Positioning in the
a programmer's perspective. memory hierarchy, Hardware and Software Design for
SS* ZC363 Data Structures & Algorithms 4 access, Performance issues. Large Storages – Hard Disks,
Introduction to software design principles, modularity, Networked Attached Storage, Scalability issues, Networking
issues. Storage Architecture. - Storage Partitioning, Storage
abstract data types, data structures and algorithms; Analysis
of algorithms; Linear data structures – stacks, arrays, lists, System Design, Caching, Legacy Systems. Storage Area
queues and linked representations; Pre-fix, in-fix and post-fix Networks – Hardware and Software Components, Storage
Clusters/Grids. Storage QoS – Performance, Reliability, and
expressions; Recursion; Set operations; Hashing and hash
functions; Binary and other trees, traversal algorithms, Security issues.
Huffman codes; Search trees, priority queues, heaps and SS* ZC462 Network Programming 3
balanced trees; Sorting techniques; Graphs and digraphs; Overview of computer networks; inter-process
Algorithmic design techniques; Data structures for external
communication; network programming; socket interface;
storage, multi-way search and B-trees; Implementation client-server computing model: design issues, concurrency in
techniques for different data structures including trees,
server and clients; external data representation; remote
graphs and search structures; Performance evaluation of procedure calls; network file systems; distributed systems
data structures and algorithms; Implementation issues in design.
large data structures.
SS* ZC463 Cryptography 3
SS* ZC364 Operating Systems 4
Objectives of cryptography; ciphers – block and stream;
Introduction to operating systems; Various approaches to
mathematical foundations – modular arithmetic, finite fields,
design of operating systems; Overview of hardware support discrete logarithm, primality algorithms; RSA; digital
for operating systems; Process management: process signatures; interactive proofs; zero–knowledge proofs;
synchronization and mutual exclusion, inter process
probabilistic algorithms; pseudo-randomness.
communication, process scheduling; CPU scheduling
approaches; Memory management: paging, segmentation, SS* ZC467Computer Networks 4
virtual memory, page replacement algorithms; File systems: Introduction: components of a modern computer network,
design and implementation of file systems; input/output packet switched network and its metrics, layered architecture
systems; device controllers and device drivers; Security and of protocols and historical perspective; Application Layer:
protection; Case studies on design and implementation of principles, examples: Web and HTTP, Email, DNS, Peer-to-
operating system modules, select laboratory experiments Peer applications, socket programming; Transport Layer:
related to creating different elements of operating system Services, the concept of connection less, connection oriented
and/or implementation of select scheduling, memory and reliable transport, TCP congestion control; Network
management and I/O related algorithms/schemes, using Layer: addressing mechanism in networks, router
system calls for creating file system specific command, architecture, intra and inter-AS routing protocols, multicast
creating simple file system etc. via online laboratory facility. and broadcast; Link Layer: error detection and correction,
SS* ZC373 Compiler Design 4 medium access, MAC addressing, Ethernet, switches, Point
to point protocol and link virtualization; Physical Layer:
Introduction to Programming Languages and Compilers,
signals, medium, and transmission methods, QoS: forward
Programming Language Features, Front End of a Compiler, error correction, scheduling and policing mechanism in the
Back End of a Compiler, Special aspects of compilers and networks.
SS* ZG512 Embedded Systems Design 4
SS* ZC416 Mathematical Foundations for Data Science 4
Design issues involved in embedded systems and system-
Vector and matrix algebra, systems of linear algebraic
on-chip technologies, Programming languages and processor
equations and their solutions; Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and architectures used for embedded systems, Standard
diagonalization of matrices, Sets and relations; Graphs and Embedded System Development tools and hands-on
digraphs; Trees, lists and their uses; Partially ordered sets
experience involving these tools, understanding design
and lattices. constraints such as – power, memory, size constraints in
SS* ZC425 Data Mining 3 system design and tradeoffs. Introduction to other specialized
Data Mining – introduction, fundamental concepts; motivation embedded design techniques – such as hardware, software
co-design, design of accelerated and distributed embedded
and applications; role of data warehousing in data mining;
challenges and issues in data mining; Knowledge Discovery systems, fault tolerant design etc.
in Databases (KDD); role of data mining in KDD; algorithms SS* ZG513 Network Security 4
for data mining; tasks like decision-tree construction, finding This course examines issues related to network and
association rules, sequencing, classification, and clustering;
information security. Topics include security concepts,
applications of neural networks and machine learning for security attacks and risks, security architectures, security
tasks of classification and clustering. policy management, security mechanisms, cryptography
SS* ZC427 Software for Embedded Systems 4 algorithms, security standards, security system interoperation

and case studies of the current major security systems. Data Center Design: Principles (Scalability, Reliability, and
SS* ZG514 Object Oriented Analysis & Design 4 Elasticity), Components - Computing Infrastructure
(Processing, Storage, and Networking) and Physical
Object orientation concepts, theories and principles; Infrastructure (Power, Cooling, and Physical Security);
fundamental concepts of the object model: classes, objects, Servers – Server Hardening, Server Optimization, Server
methods and messages, encapsulation and inheritance, Deployment and Consolidation, Converged and Hyper-
interface and implementation, reuse and extension of Converged Infrastructure. Application monitoring and
classes, inheritance and polymorphism; process of object- maintenance. Networking for data centers – device
oriented requirements specification, analysis and design; hardening, bandwidth aggregation, traffic management,
notations for object-oriented analysis and design; case redundancy, network isolation, deployment of internal
studies and applications using some object oriented security and peripheral security; Contingency Planning &
programming languages. Disaster Recovery: Backup, recovery, and
SS* ZG515Data Warehousing 5 redundancy/replication technologies and approaches. Data
Center Architecture: Private, Public, and Hybrid models;
Introduction, evolution of data warehousing; decision support Distributed Data Centers; Introduction to Software Defined
systems; goals, benefit, and challenges of data warehousing; Data Centers. Costing and Pricing– Costing and Cost
architecture; data warehouse information flows; software and Optimization, Pricing and Economics of Data Center
hardware requirements; approaches to data warehouse Operation.
design; creating and maintaining a data warehouse; Online
Analytical Processing (OLAP) and multi-dimensional data, SS* ZG525Advanced Computer Networks 5
multi-dimensional modeling; view materialization; data marts; Topics in advanced networking – Quality of Service in IP
data warehouse metadata; data mining. networks, IPv6, Wireless and Mobile Networks, Carrier
SS* ZG516 Computer Organization and Software Technologies (Frame Relay, FDDI, ISDN, ATM), Peer-to-
Systems 5 Peer Networks and Overlays, Routing and QoS Issues in
Optical Networks.
Programmer model of CPU; Basic concept of buses and
interrupts; Memory subsystem organization; I/O organization; SS* ZG526Distributed Computing 5
Concept of assembler, linker & loader; Types of operating The course focuses on the fundamental principles and
systems; Concept of process; OS functions: Process models underlying all aspects of distributed computing. It
scheduling, Memory management, I/O management and addresses the principles underlying the theory, algorithms
related issues. and system aspects of distributed computing. The course
SS* ZG518Database Design & Applications 5 covers topics such as Logical and Vector clocks, Global state
and Snapshot recording algorithms, Basic distributed
DBMS architecture; Data models: Network model, algorithms, Message Ordering and termination detection,
Hierarchical model and Relational model; Database design & Distributed Mutual Exclusion & Deadlock detection,
optimization; Query processing & Query optimization; Consensus and Agreement Algorithms, Peer-to-Peer
Transaction Processing; Concurrency control; Recovery; computing and Overlay graphs, Cluster Computing & Grid
Security & protection; Introduction to Object Oriented data Computing, and Internet of Things.
model & Multimedia Databases.
SS* ZG527 Cloud Computing 5
SS* ZG519Data Structures & Algorithms Design 5
Concurrency and distributed computing, message passing
Introduction to Abstract Data Types, Data structures and over the network, connectivity and failure models, local vs
Algorithms; Analysis of Algorithms – Time and Space remote connectivity, distributed resource modeling,
Complexity, Complexity Notation, Solving Recurrence distributed data models; replication & consistency;
Relations.; Divide-and-Conquer as a Design Technique; virtualization; CPU virtualization, memory and storage
Recursion – Design of Recursive Functions / Procedures, Tail virtualization, virtualized networks, computing over WAN and
Recursion, Conversion of Recursive Functions to Iterative Internet; computing on the cloud, computing models, service
Form. Linear data structures – Lists, Access Restricted Lists models and service contracts, programming on the cloud;
(Stacks and Queues) – Implementation using Arrays and Cloud infrastructure, LAN vs Wan issue, resource scaling and
Linked Lists; Searching and Order Queries. Sorting – Sorting resource provisions, performance models, scalability,
Algorithms (Online vs. Offline, In-memory vs. External, In- performance measurement and enhancement techniques;
space vs. Out-of-space, QuickSort and Randomization). cloud applications and infrastructure services.
Unordered Collections: Hashtables (Separate Chaining vs.
Open Addressing, Probing, Rehashing). Binary Trees – Tree SS* ZG528 Cyber Physical Systems 4
Traversals. Partially Ordered Collections: Search Trees and This course provides an overview of Cyber-Physical
Height Balanced Search Trees, Heaps and Priority Queues. Systems, with respect to its components and characteristics.
Algorithm Design: Greedy Algorithms and Dynamic As an example of a Cyber-Physical System, this course
Programming. Graphs and Graph Algorithms: Representation explains the various aspects of IoT systems, and helps
schemes, Problems on Directed Graphs (Reachability and students understand the IoT system components, its protocol
Strong Connectivity, Traversals, Transitive Closure. Directed stack and design methodologies. The course also enables
Acyclic Graphs - Topological Sorting), Problems on Weighted students to get familiar with the Raspberry Pi platform, via
Graphs (Shortest Paths. Spanning Trees). Introduction to simple examples/applications. At the end of this course,
Complexity Classes (P and NP) and NP-completeness. NP- students will be able to explain the various facets of Cyber-
Hard problems. Designing Algorithms for Hard Problems – Physical Systems, with focus on IoT and demonstrate simple
Back tracking, Branch-and-Bound, and Approximation IoT applications.
SS* ZG529 Deep Learning 4
SS* ZG520 Wireless and Mobile Communication 5
Common Architectural Principles of Deep Networks; Building
Signal propagation in a mobile environment, modulation, Blocks of Deep Networks; Convolutional Neural Networks
coding, equalization; first generation generation systems; (CNNs); Recurrent Neural Networks; Recursive Neural
multiple access techniques like FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Networks; Building Deep Networks with ND4J; Applications to
spread spectrum systems; second & third generation Sequence Data, Anomaly Detection; Tuning Deep Networks;
systems, UMTS, IMT-2000; Wireless LAN, Wireless ATM and Vectorization.
Mobile IP; emerging trends in Wireless & Mobile
SS* ZG530 Natural Language Processing 3
SS* ZG522 Design and Operation of Data Centres5 Language modelling with N-gram, spelling correction, Neural

networks and neural language models, Parts-of-Speech schemes. Database security. Data on the Web - Web as a
tagging, Syntactic parsing, Language semantics, distributed data repository. Data Collection and Use
Computational symantics. Crawlers, Search Engines, and Indexing Schemes.
SS* ZG536 Advanced Statistical Techniques for Analytics Information Retrieval Techniques. Data Exchange -
4 Hierarchical Data Models, XML, and query languages. Semi-
structured / Unstructured data -querying and synchronization.
This course will cover the statistical techniques which are Pervasive Data - Data distribution and access for non-
very important in Data analytics. It covers the models related computing devices, small computing devices, embedded
to descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, predictive computing devices and sensory devices.
analytics and applied multivariate analytics. And also this
SS* ZG556 Stream Processing and Analytics 5
course introduces the important tools used in Data Analytics
in Particular R language. Real Time , Streaming Data & Sources, Real time streaming
SS* ZG537 Information Retrieval 4 system architecture , Characteristics of a Real Time
Architecture and Processing ; Configuration and Coordination
Organization, representation, and access to information; Systems: Distributed State and Issues, Coordination and
categorization, indexing, and content analysis; data Configuration using Apache ZooKeeper; Data Flow
structures for unstructured data; design and maintenance of Management : Distributed Data Flows , Various Data Delivery
such data structures, indexing and indexes, retrieval and and Processing Requirements, N+1 Problem, Apache Kafka
classification schemes; use of codes, formats, and standards; (High-Throughput Distributed Messaging); Processing
analysis, construction and evaluation of search and Stream Data with Storm; Overview of Data Storage –
navigation techniques; search engines and how they relate to Requirements: Need for long-term storage for a real time
the above. Multimedia data and their representation and processing framework, In-memory Storage, No-Sql Storage
search. Systems, Choosing a right storage solution; Visualizing Data
SS* ZG547Usability Engineering 5 :Requirements, Principles and tools; Bounds of Random
variables, Poisson Processors, Maintaining Simple Statistics
Usability-driven approach to Information Design; software from Data Streams, Sliding Windows and computing statistics
usability bridge& its critical components; Iterative & over sliding windows, Data Synopsis (Sampling, Histograms,
evaluation of a two-level approach of UCID (User-Centered Wavelets, DFT), Exact Aggregation, Timed Counting and
Information Design); five key principles of UCID; getting UCID Summation, Multi Resolution Time Series Aggregation,
into organization ; Benefits of implementing UCID; key Stochastic Optimization; Statistical Approximation to
features of UCID;UCID process & analysis; traditional Streaming Data: Probabilities and Distributions, Sampling
processes for information development & their limitations; Procedures for Streaming Data, Approximating Streaming
Managing UCID; role of usability engineers; preparing the Data with Sketching, Registers and Hash Functions, Working
usability plan; implementing a metrics program in typical with Sets, The Bloom Filter, Distinct Value Sketches, The
UCID projects; key contributors; goal setting for software Count-Min Sketch; Clustering techniques for Streaming Data;
usability & information quality; critical design goals; designing Classification methods : Decision Tree (VFDT); Evaluating
the information architecture ;designing the specifications & stream processing algorithms; Case Studies in Designing
prototypes; evaluating prototypes; two-level design activities; solutions to streaming data
designing software labels; designing effective messages;
designing online support elements & printed support SS* ZG562 Software Engineering and Management5
elements; achieving information design goals; online search Current concepts, methods, techniques, and tools of the
& navigation; evaluating information; two-level evaluation; software engineering process; software process models;
approach achieving information design goals for improved process definition and assessment; software measurement
software usability; testing information & validating; quality and metrics; project planning, estimation and control;
indicators; retrievability; implementation techniques & issues; requirements analysis and specification, design methods;
Application of Usability Engineering in typical live projects to quality assurance and testing; configuration management;
validate improved software usability . process improvement; case studies and project work.
SS* ZG548 Advanced Data Mining 4 SS* ZG566 Secure Software Engineering 5
Topics beyond conventional record data mining. Mining Best practices for designing secure systems, software
complex data structures. Tree/graph mining, sequence engineering principles for designing secure systems, criteria
mining, web/text data mining, stream data mining, for designing secure systems; analysis of system properties
spatiotemporal data mining, mining multi-variate time series and verification of program correctness; use of formal
data, high-dimensional data clustering, and mining social methods and verification for security; tools for verification of
networking sites. Mining data from multiple relations (Multi- security properties; techniques for software protection (such
relational Data Mining). Privacy preserving Data Mining. as code obfuscation, tamper-proofing and watermarking) and
Distributed computing solutions for data intensive data their limitations; analysis of software based attacks (and
mining. defenses), timing attacks and leakage of information, and
SS* ZG553Real Time Systems 5 type safety.

Real time software, Real time operating systems-scheduling, SS* ZG567 AI and ML Techniques in Cyber Security 5
virtual memory issues and file systems, real time data bases, Introduction to Cyber-Security; Supervised Learning for
fault tolerance and exception handling techniques, reliability Misuse/Signature Detection; Machine Learning for Anomaly
evaluation, data structures and algorithms for real Detection; Malware detection and classification; Network
time/embedded systems, programming languages, compilers Intrusion detection and classification; Detection and
and run time environment for real time/embedded systems, categorization of domain names; Profiling Network Traffic;
real time system design, real time communication and Adversarial Machine Learning for Malware detection
security, real time constraints and multi-processing and
distributed systems.
SS* ZG554 Distributed Data Systems 5
Distributed File Systems - File System Models; Replication
and Synchronization - Caching; Failure & Recovery; File
System Security. Distributed Databases - Distributed Data
Sources and Updates; Database Connectivity; Concurrency
Control and Distribution mechanism; Distributed indexing

SS* ZG568 Applied Machine Learning 4 networking protocols and technologies. The course focuses
on the most widely used mobile and wireless network
Need for machine learning. Prediction and classification standards including cellular (LTE), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.
methods. Use cases in application domains. Interpretation of During the course, students will learn the specific
results. Limitations of various techniques. End to end mechanisms of different network architectures and tools used
Machine learning - data collection, data preparation, model to analyze network performance. Given wireless and mobile
selection. networking is a very dynamic and constantly changing area,
SS* ZG569 Blockchain Technologies & Systems 4 the course will cover emerging research advances in the
areas of 5G, Internet-of-Things, LTE-direct, and other work
Highly successful decentralized blockchain-based systems, from recent conferences in the field.
such as Bitcoin, have immense potential to revolutionize
financial, information, and other infrastructures. This course SS* ZG579 Real Time Scheduling 4
aims to provide a broad overview of the essential concepts Real time scheduling algorithms, Resource constraints and
involved in blockchain technology in order to lay down the allocation, Real time scheduling for multi-processing and
foundation necessary for developing applications. This distributed systems, Real time operating systems
course also covers the technical aspects of consistency and
SS* ZG580 Software Defined Networks 5
consensus in distributed algorithms, public distributed
ledgers, public-key cryptography and cryptographic The course covers genesis of Software Defined Networks
properties, cryptocurrencies, and smart contracts. The course (SDN), characteristics and operation of SDN, SDN Devices
aims to develop expertise among students to build these and controller, Protocols such as overflow, Controller and
systems, interact with them, and to design and build secure application models, Middleboxes and network function
distributed applications. virtualization in SDNs, SDN in the data center, Applications of
SS* ZG570 Cloud, IoT and Enterprise Security 5 SDN.
SS* ZG584 Data Management for IoT 5
Enterprise Security Overview, Security Architectures,
Security as a Process, Securing the Network, Systems, Data in IoT, IoT analytics, data acquisition and preparation for
Enterprise Data, Internet of Things, Security Requirements in IoT, data exploration for IoT, Big data management for IoT,
IoT and Current Vulnerabilities, Security Architecture in the applied predictive analytics, IoT analytics over the cloud, IoT
Internet of Things , Device Security and Node Authentication, data analytics case studies.
Data Security Schemes for IoT and Social IoT Concerns, SS* ZG585Cross Platform Application Development 4
Cloud Computing Fundamentals, Cloud Computing Software
Security Fundamentals, Cloud Computing Risk Issues, Cloud Cross-platform applications development involves creation of
Computing Security Challenges, Cloud Computing Security software applications that are compatible with multiple
Architecture platforms or software environments. This can be achieved
through various development frameworks like Ionic, React
SS* ZG574 Embedded Network Security 4
Native, Adobe PhoneGap, Xamarin etc. This course aims to
Introduction to networked embedded systems, network equip students with the expertise to design and develop web
security fundamentals, internet communication and security and mobile based applications that can operate in varied
protocols, techniques for embedded network security, environments and platforms. Additionally, it also aims to
wireless communication in embedded network security, develop the understanding of the role and importance of API
wireless and cellular network security, WSN and adhoc management in such applications. The course involves
network security, embedded device attestation techniques, hands-on exposure to full stack development of cross-
handling attacks from compromised systems, security issues platform applications using some of the existing development
in IoT devices and networks. frameworks.
SS* ZG575 Ethical Hacking 3 SS* ZG586Edge Computing 5
Techniques and tools for ethical hacking and This course will explore frameworks and applications in Edge
countermeasures; exploit approaches – social engineering, Computing. The topics covered will include edge architecture,
scanning, footprinting, enumeration, sniffers, buffer overflows, edge to edge and edge to cloud communication, Sensor
web-hacking including cross scripting, SQL injection, privilege networks and related protocols, Distributed caching,
escalation, root kits, search engine highjack, covert channel, Reliability, availability and energy efficiency in edge
binary auditing, services specific hacking like DNS, Email, computing, Pipeline, Performance issues like latency and
Web servers, Proxy; techniques of bypassing security Data flow for Big data analytics, Semantic Web of Things and
mechanisms and hardening systems and networks for Application level security.
countermeasures of security analysis, monitoring and SS* ZG588 Cyber Crimes, Forensics and Incident
analysis tools including network traffic and system logs. Handling 4
SS* ZG576 Identity and Access Management
Introduction to Computer Forensics: collection, preservation,
Technologies 4
analysis, preparation and presentation of computer based
Course description to be developed. evidence for the purposes of criminal law enforcement or civil
SS* ZG577 Metaheuristics for Optimization 4 litigation. Structure of Storage Media: Study of different file
systems (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, EXT2/EXT3, etc.).
Metaheuristics refers to class of approximation algorithms Study of digital forensic techniques: Disk forensics, Network
which can solve hard optimization problems within an forensics and Device forensics. Understanding Computer
acceptable time limit. This course covers principles behind Crime, Data Acquisition, Forensic Analysis (Internet History
such algorithms and application to real world problems. The files, Email files and major operating system files for different
algorithms covered in the courses include simulated OS’s). Study of Steganography: information hiding and
annealing, evolutionary algorithms, ant colony method, and retrieval. Live versus Dead forensics. Use of Forensic Tools
particle swarms. for file system analysis, registry analysis, network analysis,
SS* ZG578Mobile Networks 4 etc., Introduction to computer crimes in India and abroad,
Overview of cloud forensics.
This course covers networking topics, including in-depth
study of networking protocols and system designs, with
specific focus on mobile and wireless scenarios and
applications. The main objective of this course is to introduce
a wide range of current and next-generation wireless

SS* ZG589 Middleware Technologies 4 SS* ZG684 Parallel Embedded Architectures 4
Evolution of Middleware Technologies: Transaction Instruction level parallelism, Typical RISC Pipeline Design,
Processing, Remote Procedure Calls, Message-Oriented- Superscalar Architectures, Data Parallel Architecture, Thread
Middleware, Object Request Brokers, Web services and & Process Level Parallel Architectures, Multi-Threaded
REST; Forms of Middleware: Enterprise Middleware, Web Architectures.
Middleware, and Cloud / Services Middleware; Middleware SSTM* ZG511 Sanitation Technology 5
Elements: communication protocols, middleware protocols,
data representation, server process control, naming and This course aims to give the participants a review of the
directory services, security, system management; Select fundamentals as well as the latest technological
case studies such as MS .NET, J2EE. Service Oriented developments applied in the field of sanitation. Urban
Architecture: Loosely Coupled Systems, Business processes, Drainage and Sewerage, Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus
Tiers, Architectural Choices; Resiliency in Middleware: removal & recovery; sludge treatment, Site evaluation; toilets;
resiliency techniques, hardware failures, communication onsite sanitation systems; emptying and transport;
failures, software failures; Performance and scalability in established and transferring technologies for dewatering,
Middleware; Security in Middleware; Implementation Aspects: stabilization, pathogen inactivation and nutrient management,
business process implementation, enterprise integration, web urban low cost drainage, Innovation processes, Intro &
and database middleware (e.g. NoSQL middleware) change Exercise technology selection tool / decision support system;
management. Case studies of Enterprise application discuss outcomes
architecture (EAI) - Eg. Tibco, Websphere. SSTM* ZG512 Sanitation and Public Health 5
SS* ZG626 Hardware Software Co-Design 5 This course will have four modules – Introduction to
FPGA and ASIC based design, Low-Power Techniques in RT Sanitation, Sanitation system and services, Public Health and
Embedded Systems On-chip networking. Hardware Software Analysis of sanitation flow. Background on urban sanitation,
partitioning and scheduling, Co-simulation, synthesis and Material flow analysis, Monitoring frameworks, Shit Flow
verifications, Architecture mapping, HW-SW Interfaces and Diagrams, Human Health Hazards and Waste, Review and
Re-configurable computing. Assessment of Transmission Routes, Review and
Assessment of Transmission Routes, Disease Cycles –
SS* ZG653Software Architectures 5
Lifecycles & Vectors, Control Measures, Risk Evaluation
Systems engineering and software architectures; Hatley- Tools, Urban development trends, demography, Urban
Pirbhai architectural template; architecture flow diagrams; sanitation planning & programming
requirements engineering and software architecture; SSTM* ZG513 Sanitation Governance, Behavioral Change
architectural design processes; design post-processing; real- and Advocacy 5
time architectures; architectural design patterns; software
architecture and maintenance management; object oriented This particular course will have two modules – Sanitation
architectures; client-server architectures; forward engineering Governance and Behaviour change & Advocacy. Water &
for object oriented and client-server architectures; emerging sanitation governance: definitions, debates, controversies,
software architectures. Power relations among actors in the local and global levels:
Gender, class & race relations and power asymmetries,
SS* ZG656 Networked Embedded Applications 4
Practices of coordination & decision, making around
Networked embedded systems, Clock synchronization, contested water distribution, Case studies on regulatory
Protocol mechanisms protocol performance, CAN Bus frameworks around the world – how is sanitation managed:
architecture, USB Architecture, Embedded Internet, where, how and why, Everyday sanitation from different
distributed computing, Use of Java in building networked perspectives. Behaviour with reference to Societal and
systems, Reliability & Fault Tolerance etc. Mission-critical cultural aspects, Types: Knowledge, motivations and
distributed real-time applications, e.g., military, air traffic reactions, Reinforcements: Norms and behaviour Settings
control; Prototyping benchmark applications, e.g. simulated SSTM* ZG514 Sanitation Financing & Project
air traffic visualization, radar display; Networking: TCP/IP, Management 5
distributed objects; Embedded system programming and
middleware: I/O, analog / digital conversion, DSP, runtime This course will have two modules – Sanitation Financing and
monitoring of CPU, processes, network equipment; Modeling Project Management. Introduction to financial viability,
distributed real-time systems; Quality of service maintenance. CAPEX, OPEX, business models and PPP of sanitation
project, Calculating CAPEX and OPEX of a sanitation project
SS* ZG681 Cyber Security 4
and developing a business model, Local authority/municipal
Cyber Security principles; Security architectures; Security budgeting and public/government financing, Key aspects of
threats, attacks and vulnerabilities; CIA Triad, Cyber Security project management including stakeholders’ relationship,
Policies, Models and Mechanisms; Types of Cyber Attacks; people management, risk management, budget
Security Risk Management; Malware; Ransomware; management, reporting, Objective Oriented Project Planning.
Implementing Cyber Security Solutions SSTM* ZG515 Emergency Sanitation & Leadership 5
SS* ZG682 Embedded Middleware Design 5
This course will have two modules – Emergency Sanitation
System Middleware, hardware abstraction Middleware, and Leadership. The evolution of humanitarian aid: historical
distributed computing middleware, with a focus on events and the humanitarian system as it stands today.
architectural principles, overview of required functions of Overview of the international legal framework (Refugee law,
emerging middleware and how middleware is designed to International Humanitarian Law-IHL, International Disaster
support these function, middleware for mobile computing, Relief Law-IDRL), code of conduct and guiding principles of
middleware for embedded systems, and middleware for humanitarian action. Standards applied by relief agencies
sensor networks. and global cluster, Sphere, WASH cluster. Disaster cycle, risk
SS* ZG683 Fault Tolerant Embedded System 4 reduction/ response/ recovery/ development, emergency
response phases. Overview of relief organizations, their
Design techniques for reliable, fault-tolerant, fail-safe and fail- mandates, their commitments and priorities in emergencies.
soft systems, Fault diagnosis and fault avoidance methods,
Fault Tolerant Networks, Experimental and Commercial fault-
tolerant embedded systems

SSTM* ZG516 Environmental Sampling and Analytical Introduction to air & water pollutants & solid wastes; sampling
Methods 5 & analysis techniques; impact of these on environment;
national & international regulations; ISO series; conventional
Principles of sample collection and data analysis /
interpretation, Gravimetric methods, titrimetric methods, & non-conventional energy resources; life cycle analysis;
electrochemical methods, Spectrometric methods of analysis, environmental audit; sustainable developments; case studies.
Chromatographic methods of analysis, Sampling techniques SSTM* ZG528 Environmental Risk and Impact
for air and water pollution, Biological methods of analysis, Assessment 4
Interpretation of data in environmental monitoring Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),
SSTM* ZG521 Environmental Chemistry 5 Environmental assessment framework, Impact assessment
Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry, Water Chemistry, methodologies; Air and water quality Impact analysis (AQIA /
WQIA), Energy and noise impact analysis (EnIA / NIA),
Water pollution, Green Chemistry, Fundamentals of
Analytical Chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry and air Vegetation, wild life and socio-impact analysis, Environment
pollution, Energy and climate change, Toxic compounds, risk assessment, Environmental Impact statement.
Metals, soils, sediments and waste disposal, Case studies SSTM* ZG628T Dissertation 16
SSTM* ZG522 Environmental Biotechnology 5 A student registered in this course must take a topic in an
area of professional interest drawn from the on the job work
Principles, concepts and applications of Biotechnology to the
management of environmental problems, Microbial requirement which is simultaneously of direct relevance to the
technologies for waste management, Bioremediation of degree pursued by the student as well as to the employing /
collaborating organization of the student and submit a
toxicants, Microbial systems for detoxification, Microbial
technologies for waste management, Biochemical kinetics comprehensive report at the end of the semester working
and engineering, Concept of rDNA technology, Regulation under the overall supervision and guidance of a professional
expert who will be deemed as the supervisor for evaluation of
and ethics
all components of the dissertation. Normally the Mentor of the
SSTM* ZG523 Biological Treatment Principles and student would be the Dissertation supervisor and in case
Design of Waste Water Systems 4 Mentor is not approved as the supervisor, Mentor may play
Fundamentals of biological treatment, Biochemistry and the role of additional supervisor. The final grades for
kinetics of biochemical processes like oxidation, nitrification & dissertation are Non-letter grades namely Excellent, Good,
denitirification, Dephosphatization, Acedogensis and Fair and Poor, which do not go into CGPA computation.
methogenasis, Aerobic and anaerobic treatment processes, ST* ZG511 Matrix Methods in CivilEngineering 5
Basic description of equipment and design methodologies,
Design of reactors and configurations; Case studies for Matrix techniques; basic equations of solid mechanics;
industrial and wastewater treatment. variational methods; finite difference and finite element
methods; applications to structural mechanics, soil and rock
SSTM* ZG524 Environmental Statistics 4 mechanics, fluid mechanics, and hydraulic structures.
Introduction to probability and Statistics, Probability concepts ST* ZG513 Advanced Computational Techniques 4
and probability distributions, Fundamentals of data analysis,
Uncertainty in Measurement, Precision and accuracy, Interpolation, Polynomial Interpolation, Lagrange, Newton’s
Reproducibility/repeatability, Types of errors, Error Interpolation, Numerical integration, Wilson  Method,
propagation, Confidence intervals, Hypothesis testing for Newmark’s Method, Gauss and Hermitian Quadrature,
equality of mean and standard deviation: t-test, chi-square Quadrature rules for multiple integrals, Large system of linear
test and F-test, Errors in hypothesis testing, Experiment simultaneous equations, Direct and iterative algorithms based
design and analysis of variances, Autocorrelation, cross- on Gauss elimination, Gauss Seidel method and symmetric
correlation and sensitivity analysis in data sets, Linear least- banded equations, storage schemes – skyline, band solver,
squares regression. Precision of parameter estimates, frontal solver, Cholesky decomposition, Non-linear system of
Coefficient of determination; Interpreting statistical results, equations, Eigen value problems, Forward iteration, Inverse
documentation and recommendations, Theory of attributes, iteration, Jacobi, Given’s method, Transformation of
Time series analysis, Case studies generalized Eigen value problem to standard form, Vector
iteration method, Initial and boundary value problems,
SSTM* ZG525 Environmental Systems Modelling4 Solution of first and second order differential equations using
Introduction to air quality models, Atmospheric stability and Euler, modified Euler, and Runge-Kutta methods, Finite
turbulence, Gaussian dispersion models, single source and difference operators.
multisource models, Transport and fate of pollutant in aquatic ST* ZG514 Structural Optimization 4
systems, Introduction to modeling of river, lake and estuarine
hydrodynamics, Stratification and eutrophication of water Introduction, Engineering Optimization Problems, Optimal
bodies, Dissolved oxygen model for water streams, problem formulation, Single-variable optimization algorithms,
Computational methods in environmental modeling and Bracketing methods, Region Elimination methods, Gradient-
simulation, Transport and fate of pollutants in soils and based methods, Multivariable optimization algorithms,
ground water, Applications of public domain models and Evolutionary optimization methods, Simplex Search method,
software; Case studies. Hooke-Jeeves pattern search method, Powell’s conjugate
direction method, Cauchy’s method, Newton’s method,
SSTM* ZG526 Solid Waste Management 4 Conjugate Gradient method, Constrained Optimization
Introduction to solid waste management: Sources and algorithms, Kuhun-Tucker conditions, Transformation
classification, Composition and Properties of Solid Waste and methods, Direct search for constrained minimization,
emerging e-waste, Onsite handling, storage and processing Feasible Direction Method, Specialized algorithms, Integer
including segregation, Collection of solid waste, Transfer and Programming, Geometric Programming, Nontraditional
transport, Recycling, Incineration pyrolysis and composting, optimization Algorithms, Genetic algorithms, Simulated
Processing technique and equipment, Recovery of resources, Annealing, Structural Optimization, Methods of optimal
conversion products, and energy, Biomedical and hazardous design of structural elements, minimum weight design of
waste, Electronic waste, Regulatory framework, truss members, optimum reinforced design of R.C. C. Slabs
categorization, generation, collection, transport, treatment and beams, Optimization to the design of structures such as
and disposal, Leacheate collection and treatment, multi-storey buildings, water tank, shell roofs, folded plates.
Bioleaching and bioremediation; Case studies. ST* ZG521 Topics in Structural Engineering 5
SSTM* ZG527 Environmental Management Systems 5

Introduction to structural optimization, application to simple ST* ZG552 Advanced Structural Mechanics
structures such as trusses, and simple frames; Theory of and Stability 4
plates and its applications in Civil Engineering; folded plate
Analysis of stress and strain in three-dimension domain,
design; theory and design of shell structures specifically with deviatoric stress and strain; stress and strain invariants,
application in structures covering large area. compatibility conditions, equilibrium equations; stress-strain
ST* ZG522 Structural Health Assessment and relations for anisotropic, orthotropic and isotropic elastic
Rehabilitation 4 materials; yield criterion; plastic potential and flow rules.
Introduction, Overview of present repair, retrofitting, and Problems on plane stress and plain strain conditions, Airy
strengthening practices, Distress identification, Repair stress function; Axi-symmetric problems; torsion of prismatic
bars, circular and non-circular sections; thin-walled sections,
management, Causes of deterioration and durability aspects,
Holistic models of Deterioration of RCC, Durability Aspects, membrane and sand-heap analogies, concept of stability of
Intrinsic and Extrinsic causes an stages of Distress, Condition structures and examples of instability. Stability of structures
with one and two degree of freedom, buckling of columns;
Survey and Non-destructive Evaluation, Classes of
Damages and Repair Classification, Structural Analysis and beam-columns and simple frames, lateral torsion buckling of
Design, Reserve Strength, Evaluation of Building beams; and introduction to postbuckling of plates.
Configuration, Repair materials and their selection, ST* ZG553 Theory of Plates and Shells 4
Rehabilitation and Retrofitting Methods, Analysis and Design
Analysis procedure and the basic theory of plates and shells;
of Externally FRP and ECC Strengthened Structures, Different kinds of plates such as rectangular, circular, and
Retrofitting using External Unbonded Post-tensioning and elliptical; Different kinds of shell structures such as shell of
Near Surface Mounted FRP Rebars, Durability Based Design
revolution: spherical shells, cylindrical shells and special shell
of FRP Reinforced/Strengthened Bridge Girders, Case Study structures; Principles and applications of bending of plates,
Problems. membrane theory, bending of shells, and stability of plates
ST* ZG523 Advanced Concrete Technology 4 and shells; Kirchoff theory, Reissner-Mindlin-Naghadi type
theories, rectangular plates-solution by double Fourier
Components of Concrete, chemical properties of cement &
cementitious paste, properties of aggregates; chemistry of series,membrane theory of shells, and case study on plates
admixtures: mineral, chemical; effect of concrete composition and shells using numerical tools.
on properties of fresh concrete and hardened concrete; ST* ZG554 Advanced Structural Design 4
Durability of concrete and its relation with concrete Practical design problems on analysis and design of
composition; Techniques for non-destructive evaluations multistoried and industrial buildings, chimney, retaining wall,
(NDE) of concrete; Concrete mix design; Special concrete,
water tank, towers, etc using both the steel and concrete
Concrete with alkali activated binder. materials. Modeling of structures subjected to various load
ST* ZG524 Advanced Concrete Structural Design 5 (DL, LL, WL, EQ etc.) combinations, structural analysis,
Design of indeterminate beams and frames; Design of beam- design, and detailing of specific advanced concrete and steel
column joints, Design of flat slabs, Analysis of slab using
yield-line theory; Design of circular slabs; Design of beams ST* ZG610 Computer Aided Analysis and Design in Civil
curved in plan, Design of Folded plates and cylindrical shells, Engineering 5
Design of Water Tanks. Computer languages; CAD, graphics; database management
ST* ZG532 Advanced Soil Mechanics 4 system; knowledge base expert system; development of
preprocessor and post processor with graphic interface;
Modern concept of soil structure and its application in
explaining its behaviour; effects of seepage on equilibrium of analysis and design, optimization techniques, genetic
ideal soil; mechanics of drainage; theories of elastic subgrade algorithms, software development for analysis and design,
reaction; theories of semi-infinite elastic soils; vibration
problems. ST* ZG612 Advanced Steel Structures 4
ST* ZG533 Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Steel properties; high strength steels, structural behaviour,
4 analysis and design; loads and environmental effects; load
Introduction and History of FRP, Overview of Composite and resistant factor design (LRFD); column and beams;
connections; member under combined loads; bracing
materials, Physical and Mechanical Properties and Test
methods, Design of RC Structures reinforced with FRP Bars, requirements; composite members; plastic analysis and
Flexural Strengthening of RC Beams, Shear Strengthening of design; tall steel buildings, detailing in steel structures.
Beams, Flexural Strengthening of Slabs, Strengthening of ST* ZG613 Advanced Concrete Structures 4
Axially and Eccentrically Loaded Columns, Seismic Retrofit of
Materials; high strength concrete, flexure analysis and
Columns. design; shear and diagonal tension; bond and anchorage;
ST* ZG551 Dynamics of structures 4 serviceability; torsion; columns; joints; indeterminate beams
Free and forced Vibration Analysis of SDOF system, and frames; yield line analysis; strip method for slabs;
composite construction; footing and foundations; concrete
Response to general dynamic loadings, Numerical evaluation
of dynamic response, Effect of damping; Free and forced building system; concrete tall buildings, detailing in concrete
vibration of undamped and damped multi degree of freedom structures.
systems; Modeling for multi degree of freedom systems; ST* ZG614 Prestressed Concrete Structures 4
Equation of motions, Evaluation of natural frequencies and
Effect of prestressing; source of prestress, prestressing steel;
mode shapes, orthogonality conditions, Modal analysis and concrete for construction; elastic flexure analysis, flexural
modal combination rules, Numerical evaluation of dynamic strength; partial prestressing; flexural design based on
response for multi degree of freedom, time history analysis;
concrete stress limits; tension profile; flexural design based
support excited vibration, analysis of non-linear systems, on load balancing; losses due to prestress; shear diagonal
Free and forced vibration analysis of continuous systems, tension and web reinforcement; bond stress, transfer and
Random vibrations, Stochastic response; Vibration isolation,
development length, anchorage zone design, deflections.
vibration absorber and tuned mass damper; Evaluation of
wind, blast, wave loading and other dynamic forces on ST* ZG615 Earthquake Engineering 4
structure; Modeling and dynamic analysis of buildings, Single and multi-degree freedom system; seismic risk,
bridges, water tank, liquid storage tanks, stack like structure, causes and effects of earthquakes; seismicity, determination
machine foundations etc. of site characteristics; design earthquakes; earthquake

resistant design philosophy; seismic response; earthquake TA ZC163 Computer Programming 4
resistant design of structures; detailing for earthquake Basic Computing Steps and Flow Charting (Assignment,
resistance in concrete and steel structures.
Sequencing, Conditionals, Iteration). Programming
ST* ZG616 Bridge Engineering 4 Constructs – Expressions, Statements, Conditionals,
Purpose of bridge; classification of bridges; characteristics of Iterators/Loops, Functions/ Procedures; Data Types –
each bridge; loads stresses and combinations; design of RC Primitive Types, Tuples, Choices (Unions or Enumerations),
Lists/Arrays, Pointers and Dynamically Allocated Data. Input
bridges; design of non-composite and composite bridges;
prestressed bridge; continuous spans, box girders, long span output and Files. Laboratory Component: Programming
bridges; substructure design for bridges. Exercises involving development and testing of iterative and
procedural programs using bounded and unbounded
ST* ZG617 Advanced Structural Analysis 4 iterations, function composition, random access lists,
Flexibility Method; stiffness method; beam curved in plan; two sequential access lists, dynamically allocated lists, and file
dimensional and three dimensional analysis of structures; access.
shear deformations, shear wall analysis; interactive software TA ZC164 Computer Programming 4
development for analysis of structures.
Basic Computing Steps and Flow Charting(Assignment,
ST* ZG618 Design of Multi-Storey Structures 4 Sequencing, Conditionals, Iteration). Programming
Loads and stresses; building frames; framing systems, Constructs – Expressions,Statements, Conditionals,
bracing of multistorey building frames; diaphragms; shear Iterators/Loops, Functions/Procedures; Data Types –
walls and cover; tube structure, approximate analysis and Primitive Types,Tuples, Choices (Unions or
preliminary design; frame analysis; design loading, wind Enumerations),Lists/Arrays, Pointers and Dynamically
effects and response, earthquake response of structures. AllocatedData. Input output and Files.Laboratory Component:
Programming Exercisesinvolving development and testing of
ST* ZG619 Finite element analysis 5 iterative andprocedural programs using bounded and
Fundamentals of Finite Element Method (FEM); basic unboundediterations, function composition, randomaccess
formulations of FEM; assembly of elements, solution lists, sequential access lists, dynamicallyallocated lists, and
techniques; 2D and 3D problems; review of the isoparametric file access.
elements; thin and thick plate elements; introduction to shell TA ZC142Computer Programming 3
formulations; use of newly developed elements; mixed finite
element method; material and geometric nonlinear problems; Elementary computer organization; introduction to Number
application of FEM to civil engineering problems, Systems; Representation of integers, real numbers and
programming FEM. characters on computers; concept of range and accuracy;
Arithmetic Overflow; Algorithms andalgorithm development;
ST* ZG620 Advanced Foundation Engineering 4 structured program development through step wise
Types of foundations, capacity and settlement of foundations, refinement. Introduction to C language; Functions; Recursion;
soil properties, design considerations, discrete method for Data structure & algorithms; File management & file handling;
analysis, design of shallow and deep foundations, failure in Problem solving using C.
foundations, remedial measures, case studies of foundations. TA ZC233Engineering Measurements 4
ST* ZG621 Fluid Dynamics 5 Performance characteristics of measuring instruments,
Mechanics of turbulent flow; semi-empirical expressions; measurement methods for mechanical, electrical, radiant,
statistical concepts; stability theory;flow of non-Newtonian chemical, magnetic and thermal energy variables. Emphasis
fluids; stationary and moving shock waves; Prandtl-Mayer in this course shall be on the operation and use of
expressions; two and three dimensional subsonic and instruments.
supersonic flow; methods of characteristics; small TA ZC312Technical Report Writing 3
perturbation theory and similarity rules.
Elements of effective writing; art of condensation; business
ST* ZG622 Soil-Structure-Interaction 4 letter writing; memos; formal reports; technical proposals;
Importance of soil-structure interaction, basic theories, types conducting, and participating, meetings; agenda and minutes;
of interaction problems, numerical modelling, experimental strategies for writing technical descriptions, definitions, and
and field investigations, prediction of failure mechanism, classifications; oral presentation; use of graphic and audio-
economic considerations. visual aids; editing.
ST* ZG623 Ground Improvement Techniques 4 TE* ZG511 Soil Mechanics for Highway Engineering4
Requirements for ground improvement, various techniques of Origin and classification of soils; physicochemical properties,
improvement, water table lowering, ground freezing, electro- index properties of soil, IS classification of soils and their
osmosis, compaction, tamping, use of explosives, vibratory applications in roads, airfields and embankments, Stresses
probes, thermal treatment, addition of lime, cement and within a soil, effective stress principle, Soil - water systems -
bitumen, gravel and sand columns, preloading techniques, capillarity, flow, Darcy’s law, permeability, and tests for its
reinforced earth, soil replacement techniques. determination, Stresses due to applied load, Stress analysis
for embankments and pavements, Compressibility and
ST* ZG631 Selected Topics in Soil Mechanics and consolidation characteristics, over consolidation ratio,
Geotechnical Engineering 4 determination of coefficients of consolidation and secondary
Formation of soil & soil deposits, subsurface exploration, compression (creep), consolidation under construction
collapsible soils identification treatment & design loading, Shear Strength and Mohr Coulomb strength criterion,
consideration, review of casting expansion models in soil, direct and triaxial shear tests, drained, consolidated
treatment of weak soil, numerical modelling, fracture undrained and undrained tests, strength of loose and dense
propagation & fracture energy, fluid infiltered materials, sands, NC and OC soils, dilation, pore pressures,
modern trends. Skempton’s coefficients. Compaction characteristics, water
content – dry unit weight relationships, OMC, maximum dry
ST* ZG641 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity 5
unit weight, field compaction, quality control, etc. Analysis
Basic equations of theory of elasticity; elementary elasticity and design of highway embankment, Characterization of
problems in two and three dimensions; theories of plastic ground, site investigations, methods of drilling, sampling, in
flow; problems in plastic flow of ideally plastic and strain situ test - SPT, CPT, plate load and dynamic tests, in-situ
hardening materials; theory of metal forming processes. permeability and groundwater level, etc., Earth Pressure
Theories, Selection and design of earth retaining structures.

TE* ZG512 Soil Exploration and Field Techniques 4 sulphate attack; alkali silica reaction; delayed ettringite
Necessity and Importance of soil exploration, Method of sub formation; methods of providing durable concrete; short-
term tests to assess long-term behaviour; Mix design:
surface exploration Test pits, Trenches, Wash boring,
Percussion drilling, Rotary drilling, Factors affecting the Review of methods and philosophies; mix design for special
selection of a suitable method of boring. Extent of boring, purposes; Special concretes: Lightweight concrete:
autoclaved aerated concrete, no-fines concrete, lightweight
Factors controlling spacing and depth of bore holes, Spacing
and depth of various Civil engineering structures. Indirect aggregate concrete and foamed concrete. High strength
method of exploration, Seismic method, Electrical resistivity, concrete; refractory concrete; high density and radiation-
shielding concrete; polymer concrete; fibre-reinforced
Resistivity sounding and profiling, Different method of
stabilization of the bore holes, their relative merits and concrete; mortars; renders; recycled concrete; Special
demerits. Different method of ground water observation: Time processes and technology for particular types of structure:
Sprayed concrete; underwater concrete; grouts, grouting
lag in observation, sampling of ground water. Source of
disturbance and their influence. Type of sampler, Principle of and grouted concrete; mass concrete; slipform construction;
design of sampler, Representative and undisturbed sampling pumped concrete; concrete for liquid retaining structures;
vacuum process; concrete coatings and surface treatments;
in various types of soils. Surface sampling, Amount of
sampling, Boring and sampling record, Preservation and Ready-mixed concrete; Precast concrete; Concrete for
shipment of sample, preparation of bore log. Penetration roads and industrial floors
tests, Standard penetration tests, Dynamic cone penetration TE* ZG515 GIS Applications in Transportation
tests with and without bentonite slurry, Static cone Engineering 4
penetration tests, Pressure meter, Dilatometer, factors Remote sensing: Physics of remote sensing, Ideal remote
affecting the penetration tests. Various corrections in the test sensing system, Remote sensing satellites and their data
results. Interpretation of test result for design and
products, Sensors and orbital characteristics, Spectral
determination of modulus of deformation. Small size reflectance curves, resolution and multi concept, FCC,
penetrometers, Plate load test, Field CBR, Dynamic cone Interpretation of remote sensing images. Digital image
penetrometer for CBR evaluation. Various corrections,
processing: Satellite image – characteristics and formats,
empirical correlations and interpretation of test result for Image histogram, Introduction to image rectification, Image
design in transportation engineering.
enhancement, Land use and land cover classification system.
TE* ZG513 Reinforced Soil Structures for Transportation Geographic information system (GIS): Basic concept of
Engineering 4 geographic data, GIS and its components, Data acquisition,
Introduction and need for geosynthetics, Types, functions, Raster and vector formats, Topography and data models,
Spatial modelling, Data output, GIS applications. Global
properties and testing of geosynthetics, Strength analysis of
reinforced soil, different types of soil retaining structure, positioning system (GPS): Introduction, Satellite navigation
Design codes for reinforced soil retaining walls, External and system, GPS- space segment, Control segment, User
segment, GPS satellite signals, Receivers; Static, Kinematic
internal stability of reinforced soil retaining walls, Bearing
capacity of footings resting on reinforced soil, Geo-synthetics and Differential GPS. Applications in Transportation
in flexible pavements, geosynthetics application and design Engineering: Intelligent Transport System, Urban Transport
Planning, Accident Studies, Transport System Management,
for Separation, Filtration, drainage, erosion control, barrier in
highway engineering, Reinforced slope, Design and Road Network Planning, Collecting Road Inventory
Construction of Geosynthetic Reinforced Embankments on TE* ZG516 CAD Laboratory in Transportation
Soft Subsoils, Other methods of reinforcement like soil Engineering 4
nailing, rock bolting, stone columns etc., Practical case
Basic AUTOCAD commands, exercises on earth work
studies of reinforced soil structures, Applications of Geocell, computations, cross sections of highways, exercises on
PVD, Jute Geotextile and Coir Geotextile in transportation packages like MX Roads to compute earth work, geometric
engineering, case studies.
design of highways, Exercises on HDM 4 package
TE* ZG514 Advanced Concrete Technology in
TE* ZG517 Road Safety and Audit 4
Transportation Engineering 4
Characteristics of accidents, accidents vs. crash, land use
Cements including blended cements, chemical and physical and road environment for safety, Multidisciplinary approach to
processes of hydration; concrete admixtures: pulverized planning for traffic safety and injury control; pre-crash and
fuel ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag, silica fume;
post-crash models; role of vehicle, roadway traffic, driver, and
effects on properties of concretes, mortars and grouts; environment on road safety, crash and injuries.; accident
methods of test; applications; mixer blends and blended analysis, conflict points at intersections, pedestrian safety,
cement; admixtures: Review of types and classification;
road safety improvement strategies; Road safety audit and
chemical composition; origin and manufacture; actions and analysis: Stages, aim and objectives, principles, process,
interactions; usage; effects on properties of concretes, roles and responsibility, Specific parameters, design
mortars and grouts; methods of test; applications;
standards, various stages of road safety audit, Road safety
Aggregates: Review of types; elementary mineralogy and audit for rural roads, Checklists, Structuring of report. Steps
petrology; aggregate prospecting; quarrying and gravel- in treatment of crash locations, diagnosing crash problem and
winning practice; production of artificial aggregates;sampling
solutions, accident report form, storing of data, using and
and testing; effects on properties ofconcretes, mortars and interpreting crash data, identifying and prioritizing hazardous
grouts; Fresh concrete: Rheology of concentrated locations, condition and collision diagrams; Vulnerable road
suspensions, pastes, mortars and concretes; workability,
users: crashes related to pedestrian and bicyclists, their
segregation and bleeding. Theory and principles governing safety, provision for disabled; Crash reconstruction:
the correct placing and compaction of concrete; Setting and understanding basic physics, calculation of speed for various
hardening concrete: Plastic settlement and plastic
skid, friction, drag, and acceleration scenarios; Engineering
shrinkage; exothermic characteristics; early age thermal Measures: Speed humps and bumps, speed tables and
movements; strength development; maturity, accelerated cushions; Community awareness and education;
curing; assessment of safe stripping times; hot and cold
Enforcement- Non-physical measures- physical measures;
weather concreting; Properties of hardened concrete: Road Safety Audit Case study.
Strength; deformation under load; elasticity; creep; drying
shrinkage and other volume changes. Thermal properties; TE* ZG518 Pavement Analysis and Design 4
Durability of concrete and concrete construction: Durability Types of pavements, flexible, rigid and semi-rigid;
concept; pore structure and transport processes; components of pavement structure; stresses and strains in
reinforcement corrosion; fire resistance; frost damage; flexible and rigid pavements: layered systems, visco-elastic

solutions; stresses and deflections in rigid pavements; Soil properties for highway engineers: Origin, properties of
computer programmes for analysis of stresses and soils, tests on soils, Aggregates: origin, classification,
deflections in rigid pavements; traffic loadings, load requirements, properties, importance of aggregate gradation;
equivalency factors, traffic projections and analysis; material bituminous materials: origin, preparation, properties and
characterization as input to pavement design; flexible tests, criterion for selection of different viscosity grades of
pavement design using IRC, AASHTO, MEPDG methods; bitumen, modified binders and bituminous emulsions,
Rigid pavement design using IRC, AASHTO, MEPDG, ACI Bituminous mixture design: Marshall method of mixture
and PCA methods; design of overlays; Considerations in design, SUPERPAVE procedure of mixture design;
pavement drainage design. mechanical properties of bituminous mixtures: resilient
TE* ZG519 Pavement Evaluation Field Project 4 modulus, dynamic modulus, visco-elastic and fatigue
characteristics. Warm mix asphalt, micro-surfacing, slurry
Structural condition, Functional Condition and Safety seal, dense bituminous Macadam and bituminous concrete
evaluation of pavements, Flexible and Rigid Pavement Rating Cement concrete pavement materials: requirements and
and establishment of Pavement Condition Index, Case study, design of concrete mixture for rigid pavement, IRC and IS
involving a failed pavement structure, to investigate specifications and tests, joints, filler and sealant materials.
thecondition and suggest remedial measures, Use of HDM 4
TE* ZG535 Highway Geometric Design 4
software for establishing the best alternative remedy for the
chosen case study. Highway functional classification; route layout and selection,
TE* ZG520 Infrastructure Planning and Management 4 design controls and criteria: turning paths, driver
performance, traffic characteristics; highway capacity; access
The goals and perspectives of planning; forecasting and control; safety; environment; Elements of design: sight
design of alternatives; plan testing: economic, financial and distance, horizontal alignment, transition curves, super
environmental evaluation; the challenges of managing elevation and side friction; vertical alignment: - grades, crest
infrastructure; Information management and decision support and sag curves; highway cross-sectional elements and their
system; Concepts of total quality management; Economics: design; at-grade Inter-sections – sight distance consideration
life-cycle analysis and maintenance, Rehabilitation and and principles of design, channelization, mini roundabouts,
Reconstruction (M.R & R) programming; Infrastructure layout of roundabouts, inter-changes: major and minor
management system (IMS) development and implementation; interchanges, entrance and exit ramps, acceleration and
Rural Infrastructure Planning. deceleration lanes, bicycle and pedestrian facility design;
TE* ZG521 Environmental Impact Assessment 4 parking layout and design; terminal layout and design,
geometric design for express ways.
Environment and global problems; Framing Environmental
issues; effects of infrastructure development on environment; TE* ZG536 Traffic Engineering and Safety 4
prediction and assessment of environmental impacts of Road users and their characteristics; traffic studies- volume,
infrastructure projects: technical and procedural aspects, speed, origin-destination (O-D) and delay studies; analysis
guidelines and legal aspects of environmental protection, and interpretations of traffic studies; traffic forecasting;
impacts on air, water, soil and noise environment, valuation, capacity and level of service analysis; traffic characteristics at
strategic assessment, mathematical modeling for un-signalized and signalized intersections; design of
environmental processes; social impact assessment (SIA), signalized intersections, capacity and LOS of signalized
dislocation/disruption impact of Infrastructure projects; Life intersections, actuated signal control, signal coordination;
Cycle Assessments (LCA) and risk analysis methodologies; traffic controls: signs, markings, street furniture; traffic
mitigation of environmental impacts; case studies; regulations; parking studies; nature of traffic problems and
environmental management plan (EMP), national and their solutions; traffic safety: accidents- data collection and
international certification and guidelines including ISO. analysis; causes and prevention.
TE* ZG523 Transportation Systems Planning and TE* ZG537 Transportation Economics and Finance4
Management 4
Need for economic evaluation; concept of total transport cost;
System and environment; sequential transportation systems fixed and variable costs, elasticity of demand, marginal costs;
planning: trip generation, trip distribution, modal split and value of travel time, accident costs; methods of economic
traffic assignment. Transportation Systems Management evaluation; taxation in road transport, user charges: fees and
(TSM) actions: traffic management techniques for improving tolls; highway legislation; investment policies and pricing,
vehicular flow, preferential treatment for high occupancy issues in financing and subsidy policy, public private
modes, demand management technique for reduced traffic partnership (PPP) options in transport sector: BOT, BOOT,
demand, staggered hours, vehicle restrictions; planning for BOLT; feasibility studies, identification and sharing of risks in
pedestrians, parking planning; Methods of accident data PPP projects, operation and management agreements.
collection and analysis.
TE* ZG539 Introduction to Discrete Choice Theory4
TE* ZG524 Urban Mass Transit Planning, Operations and
Introduction, element of choice process, individual preferences,
Management 4
behavioral choice rule, utility based choice theory; data collection
Modes of public transportation and application pf each to techniques, stated preference (SP) survey, revealed preference
urban travel needs; Comparison of transit modes and (RP) survey, paradigms of choice data; discrete choice models,
selection of technology and transit service; Estimating property of discrete choice models, Multinomial logit model;
demand in transit planning studies and functional design of overview and structure, Nested logit model formulation;
transit routes; Terminal design; Management and operation discriminant analysis, Naive Bayes classification, classification
of transit systems, Model for operational management; Fleet trees, classification using nearest neighbors; application of fuzzy
and crew management; Terminal management; Fiscal logic and artificial neural network in discrete choice modeling.
management. TE* ZG543 Traffic Flow Theory 4
TE* ZG528 Selection of Construction Equipment and Traffic flow elements: speed, volume and density and their
Modeling 4 relationships; time-space diagrams, controlled access
Selection and application of construction and earth moving concept, freeway concept, system performances, measures
equipment; Productivity analysis of equipment operations; of effectiveness; mathematical modeling; probabilistic &
stochastic models of traffic flow process, discrete and
mathematical models for construction operations; Quality
issues in construction process modeling. continuous modeling: headways, gaps and gap acceptance;
macroscopic models; car-following model; queuing models;
TE* ZG534 Pavement Material Characterization5 fundamentals & development of queuing processes; traffic
simulation; intelligent transportation systems (ITS).

TE* ZG545 Airport Planning and Design 4 TE* ZG549 Rural Road Technology 4
Air Transport-structure and organization; forecasting air travel Network planning, accessibility and mobility; road alignment
demand: trend forecasts and analytical methods; air freight and survey; geometric design: cross-sectional elements, sight
demand; airport system; characteristics of the aircraft; airport distance, horizontal and vertical alignments; road materials
planning: site selection, layout plan, orientation and length of and use of marginal materials; pavement design, drainage,
runway; airport capacity and configuration; geometric design culverts and small bridges; construction and specifications;
of runway, taxiway and aprons; passenger terminal function, quality control in construction; pavement failures;
passenger and baggage flow, design concepts, analysis of maintenance; preparation of detailed project report (DPR);
flow through terminals, parking configurations and apron community participation in planning, design, construction and
facilities; air cargo facilities-flow through cargo terminals, management.
airport lighting; airport drainage; pavement design; airport TE* ZG616 Bridge Engineering 4
access problem; environmental impact of airports.
Purpose of bridge; classification of bridges; characteristics of
TE* ZG546 Highway Construction Practices 4
each bridge; loads stresses and combinations; design of RC
Road planning and reconnaissance; right of way selection; bridges; design of non-composite and composite bridges;
fixing of alignment; road construction techniques: prestressed bridge; continuous spans, box girders, long span
construction staking, clearing and grubbing of the road bridges; substructure design for bridges.
construction area; subgrade construction: excavation and TE* ZG619 Finite element analysis 5
filling, compaction, preparation of sub grade, quality control
tests as per MORTH specifications; granular subbase and Fundamentals of Finite Element Method (FEM); basic
base course construction: gravel courses, WBM, WMM, formulations of FEM; assembly of elements, solution
stabilized soil subbases, use of geo-textiles and geo-grids; techniques; 2D and 3D problems; review of the isoparametric
construction of bituminous layers; concrete pavement elements; thin and thick plate elements; introduction to shell
construction; field quality control ; road making machinery. formulations; use of newly developed elements; mixed finite
element method; material and geometric nonlinear problems;
TE* ZG547 Pavement Failures, Evaluation and Rehabilitation 4
application of FEM to civil engineering problems,
Pavement deterioration, distress and different types of programming FEM.
failures, pavement surface condition deterioration such as
TE* ZG623 Ground Improvement Techniques 4
slipperiness, unevenness, rutting, cracking; pot holes, etc.,
causes, effects, methods of measurement and treatment, use Requirements for ground improvement, various techniques of
of modern equipment for pavement surface condition improvement, lowering the water table, ground freezing,
measurements, Analysis of data, interpretation. Structural electro-osmosis, compaction, tamping, use of explosives,
deterioration of pavements: causes, effects, methods of vibratory probes, thermal treatment, addition of lime, cement
treatment. Structural evaluation of flexible pavements by and bitumen, gravel and sand columns, preloading
rebound deflection method, analysis of data, design of techniques, reinforced earth, soil replacement techniques,
overlay, use of FWD and other methods for evaluation of Modern methods of ground improvement with rubber tires,
flexible and rigid pavements and their application. Evaluation construction wastes, bio-cementation.
of new pavement materials, model studies, pavement testing
under controlled conditions, accelerated testing and
evaluation methods, Test track studies. Instrumentation for
pavement testing.
TE* ZG548 Pavement Management Systems 4
Components of pavement management systems, pavement
maintenance measures; pavement performance evaluation:
general concepts, serviceability, pavement distress survey
systems, performance evaluation and data collection using
different equipment; evaluation of pavement distress
modeling and safety; pavement performance prediction:
concepts, modeling techniques, structural condition
deterioration models, mechanistic and empirical models,
HDM-IV models, comparison of different deterioration
models, functional and structural condition deterioration
models; ranking and optimization methodologies: Recent
developments, economic optimization of pavement
maintenance and rehabilitation.


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