Sedimentology of Lower Goru in Badin Platform
Sedimentology of Lower Goru in Badin Platform
Sedimentology of Lower Goru in Badin Platform
Abstract – This study investigates the depositional followed by indigenous company OGDCL with discoveries
environments of B-sand of Upper sands of Early Cretaceous (Copestake et al., 1995). According to Ahmed (2004) ,
Lower Goru Formation in the subsurface of the Southern Sindh the Lower Goru play discoveries are mostly located within
Monocline, Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan. The B-sand is being
the platform parts of the Middle and Lower Indus Basin,
investigated essentially by various sediment logical, mineralogical
extends from Mari High in north to the Badin area, Sindh
and wireline log techniques. These included subsurface facies
analysis, which is based on 62 well cutting samples of five wells of Monocline in South (Ahmed, et al., 2004) as shown in
Badin block. The cumulative frequency curves constructed B-sand Figure-1.
is medium grained sandstone (1.9º to 2.03º), moderately to well
sorted (0.48-1.42º
skewed. The microscopic study reveals that the sandstones are
predominantly composed of quartz particles of fine, medium to
coarse grained, moderately well sorted sub-angular to well
rounded in shape. Petrographic study indicates that the B-sands
are mature as the samples comprise of 75 to 85% quartz with small
amount of feldspar, muscovite and iron oxide. The XRD analysis
indicates that the sandstone samples contain 75 to 85% quartz as
the major mineral constituent while the cementing material is
calcite. Within the B-sand a number of distinct coarsening and
fining upward sequences found during the study indicates
frequent changes in the sedimentary depositional facies and
characterization of log response. The B-sand gamma ray log
calibrate with the well cuttings samples that shows serrate funnel
shape at the base and followed by one or more cycles of a cylinder
(blocky) or bell shape. The results indicates that the B-sand of
Lower Goru formation were deposited as barrier bar and
transgressive facies in deltaic to shallow marine conditions due to
the fluctuations in sea level and greater sediment supply. The
study proved the B-sand facies as reservoir in the Lower Goru
Exploration for petroleum was started in Southern Sindh
Monocline by Union Texas Pakistan (UTP) group in 1977
and first discovery of oil in Upper sands of Lower Goru
Formation was made at Khaskheli in 1981 by UTP. This Fig.1 Map Showing Location of Southern Sindh Monocline
discovery was made in Lower Cretaceous Goru Formation with Prolific Discoveries Lower Goru Sand Play (Modified after
sandstone play (Ahmad, et al, 1998, Abbasi, 2015). By Nazeer et al., 2012-2013)
1997 UTP group as an operator had made a total of 49 Sembar - Goru Formation is most important stratigraphic
discoveries in the Lower Goru Sandstone Play and similarly package of study area (IEDS (1985), Abbasi (2015))
Fig. 3 Location Map of Study Area & Relevant Oil / Gas wells
The study area consist of five wells drilled in Badin Area
Total sixty two (62) B-sandstone samples were washed and
belongs to Southern Sindh Monocline. These well are
preserved for analysis Table-1. The well cutting samples
Junathi South-1, Zaur-5, Sonoro-1, Jarir-3 and Jagir-4. Mud
have been taken at an average interval of 10 feet, which were
cutting samples were donated by BP Pakistan which
investigated for their textural characteristics (size, sorting,
formerly known as Union Texas Pakistan. Location Map is
skewness), and mineral composition. Zoom stereo
shown in Fig-3. The B-sand is being investigated essentially
microscope were used for textural, and lithological
by various sedimentological, mineralogical and wireline log
characteristics. A set of British standard sieves with an
techniques. These included subsurface facies analysis, which
aperture interval of 0.25 was used. Ultimately cumulative
is based on 62 well cutting samples of five wells of Badin
weight percentage is plotted against the grain size in phi.
Textural parameters were calculated by Folk and Ward,
1957, techniques. The cumulative frequency curves were
prepared by Microsoft Excel.
6460 - B-
4 Zaur-5 54
6470 sand
Junathi- 5190 - B-
5 66
South-1 5200 sand
Table 2. Chip Cuttings of five (5) wells are selected for Preparation
of Thin Section Analysis. The pictures also Shows the
Morphological Features of Grains.
Among various qualitative techniques, the X-Ray
Diffraction is indispensable tool in analytical sedimentology,
especially for sandstones (Kaelble, 1967) and (Brindley and
Brown, 1980). The D8 Advance XRD by Bruker was used to
confirm the mineral phases identified during the thin section
study. Zussman (1977) and Moore and Reynolds (1997) gave
comprehensive treatment of the theoretical and practical
aspects of the XRD technique. The details of the five chip Fig. 4 Interactive wireline correlation of Oil / Gas wells Zoom stereo
cuttings samples are given in Table-3. The Gamma ray log is microscopic analysis and interpretation of well cuttings samples.
Grain Size Analysis shows that B-sand is medium to Depth Lithofacies identified from
Sample Type
coarse grained sandstone (1.48 to 2.1 ), moderately (Feet) B-sand of Jagir-3 well
sorted and strongly negative skewed. Sandstone with 85%
Quartz, coarse grained in sizes, sub-angular to sub-rounded Light to dark grey and
brown, medium to coarse
in thin section. Lithofacies description of B-sand of Jagir – grained sandstone, well
4 well is given in Table.4. Also XRD pattern of Jagir-4 well Composite
7000-7030 sorted, angular to sub-
also favours petrographic study with quartz 73% (Fig. 5). rounded, 90% quartz
grained, and dark colored
Sample Depth Lithofacies identified from heavy minerals.
Type (Feet) B-sand of Jagir-4 well Off white to light grey, fine
to medium grained sand,
Light colored, medium grained Composite
7030-7070 85% quartz grains and about
Composite 7316- sandstone, 80% quartz grained, Cuttings
2% dark colored heavy
Cuttings 7330 moderately to well sorted, minerals.
angular to sub-rounded. Whitish to light grey,
medium grained sandstone,
Off white and grey, medium to Composite
7070-7100 80% quartz, moderately
7330- coarse grained sandstone Cuttings
Cuttings sorted to well sorted and
7340 contain mainly 90% quartz, sub-angular in shape.
moderately sorted and rounded. Off white to grey, fine to
Light grey, fine to medium Composite medium grained sandstone,
grained sandstone, moderately Cuttings well sorted, angular to sub-
Composite 7340- angular.
sorted, and sub-rounded.
Cuttings 7370 White to light brown,
Feldspar grains are also
medium to coarse grained
present. Composite sandstone, well sorted, sub-
Grey to light grey, medium to Cuttings angular to sub-rounded.
Composite 7370- coarse grained sandstone, Glauconite grains are also
Cuttings 7400 moderately sorted, angular to present.
sub-rounded. Light brown, grey, medium
Composite to coarse grained sandstone,
White to transparent white, fine 7160-7200
Cuttings moderately sorted, angular
medium sandstone. 90% quartz to sub-rounded.
Composite 7400-
grained, well sorted, sub- Light grey, colorless grains,
Cuttings 7420 medium sandstone. 90%
angular to rounded, glauconitic Composite
grains are also present. 7200-7240 quartz grained, moderately
to well sorted and sub-
White to off white, medium to rounded in shape.
Composite 7420- coarse grained sandstone, 70 to Light grey, fine to medium
Cuttings 7440 90% quartz grained, well grained sandstone, 85%
sorted, sub-rounded. Composite quartz grained moderately to
Cuttings well sorted, well rounded.
Transparent white, medium Glauconite grains are also
grained sandstone. Up to 85% present.
Composite 7440-
quartz grained, very well
Cuttings 7460 Table 5 Lithofacies Description of Jagir-3
sorted, sub-angular to well
White to off white, medium to
Grain Size Analysis shows B-sand is fine to medium
Composite 7460- coarse sand grained, and 80%
grained sandstone (2.0 to 2.51), moderately sorted with near
Cuttings 7484 quartz grained well sorted and
symmetrical and negative skewness. Sandstone with 75%
Quartz, coarse grained in sizes, sub-angular to sub-roundedin.
Table 4. Lithofacies description of Jagir – 4 well. Thin section No. 34 of Table 5. XRD pattern of Jagir-4 well
also favours petrographic study with quartz 93% (Fig. 5). The
results of the XRD analysis indicate that the sandstone samples
consist of quartz as the major mineral constituent while the
cementing material is calcite and iron oxide. The Jagir-3 well
is similar to Jagir-4 showing same stratigraphy.
Grain Size Analysis shows that B-sand is medium
Fig. 6a XRD analysis results for Sonro-4 and Junathi South-1 strongly negative skewed. The sandstone with 85% quartz
mineral, coarse grained, sub-rounded to sub-angular in
Junathi -1, -66, -San shape, Feldspar (F), and Muscovite (M) mineral are also
South S.No B d presen Thin Section 53 of Table 8. The results of the XRD
analysis indicate that the sandstone samples consist of quartz
as the major mineral constituent while the cementing
material is calcite and iron oxide XRD pattern of Jagir-4 well
also favours petrographic study with quartz 87% (Fig.7).
Zaur-5 (B-Sand)
S.No. Mean Sorting Skewness LEGEND
55 1.968 1.224 -5.758
55 2.25 1.389 -0.778
54 2.334 1.278 -1.950
10 53 2.034 1.409 -5.165
52 2.334 0.879 -3.665
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Fig. 7a XRD Analysis Results for Zaur-5 Well CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY CURVE
Jagir-4 (B-Sand)
Zaur -5 well. S. No -54, B-Sand 90 95
80 84
Cummulative Weight Percentage
50 66
Quartz (Sio 2) S -Q= 87.3% 40
Calcite (CaCo 3) S -Q= 12.7%
S.No. Mean Sorting Skewness LEGEND
68 2.81 1.49 -6.68
20 16 67 2.91 1.38 -6.64
66 2.87 1.24 -6.86
10 5 65 2.10 1.04 -1.62
64 2.48 1.39 -4.10
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Cumulative Weight Percentage
70 moderately sorted, and strongly negative skewed
60 25
24 Sonro-1
50 23
22 symmetrical and negative skewness.
S.No. Mean Sorting Skewness
24 2.063 1.239 -0.492
10 23 2.125 2.287 -0.492 Junathi
22 2.316 1.047 -3.65
0 South-1
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 symmetrical and/or negative skewness.
Grain Size (Phi Value)
Table.9 Grain Size Analysis is summarized in table
Fig. 10 Cumulative frequency curves of B-sand of Sonro-1 well
Zaur-5 (B-Sand)
Cumulative Weight Percentage
S.No. Mean Sorting Skewness LEGEND
55 1.968 1.224 -5.758
55 2.25 1.389 -0.778
54 2.334 1.278 -1.950
10 53 2.034 1.409 -5.165
52 2.334 0.879 -3.665
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Junathi-South-1 (B-Sand)
Cumulative Weight Percentage
40 60
S.No. Mean Sorting Skewness LEGEND
64 2.3 0.701 -1.094
63 2.06 1.218 -0.09
62 1.34 1.249 -1.25
10 61 2.06 0.473 -1.799
60 2.31 0.983 -1.26
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Grain Size (Phi Value) Table. 10 Petrographic study of well cuttings samples.
(Pl = Plain light, XPL Polarizing light)
Fig. 12 Cumulative Frequency Curves of B-sand of Junathi
South-1 well
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