Selection Process
Selection Process
Selection Process
The procedure of selections will vary from organisation to organisation and even from
department to department within the same organisations according to the kinds of the
jobs to be filled. The number of steps in the procedure and the sequence of steps also
varies, for instance, some organisations do not hold preliminary interview, test or
screening, whereas in other organisations such as commercial banks, preliminary
tests are given to eliminate a large number of applicants.
However the main steps or stages that could be incorporated in the selection
procedure are as under.
1. Preliminary interview.
2. Receiving applications.
3. Screening of applications.
4. Employment test.
5. Employment interview.
6. Physical examination.
7. Checking references.
8. Final selection.
1. Preliminary interview
The selection program begins with a preliminary interview or screening. The
preliminary interview is generally brief and does the job of eliminating the total
unsuitable candidates. The preliminary interview offers advantages not only to the
organisation but also to the applicants. If an applicant is eliminated at this stage, the
organisations will be saved from the expenses of processing him through the
remaining steps of the selection procedure and the unsuitable candidate will be saved
from the trouble of passing through the long procedure.
2. Receiving applications
Standard application forms may be drawn up for different jobs and supplied to the
candidate on request. Specimen of an application form for the post of Statistical
Officer is given. The application form is useful for several reasons. It gives a
preliminary idea of the candidate to the interviewer and helps him in formulating
questions to have more information about the candidate.
3. Screening of applications
After the applications are received, they are screened by a screening committee and a
list is prepared of the candidates to be interviewed. Applicants may be called for
interview on some specific criteria like sex, desired age group, experience and
4. Employment tests
Individuals differ in almost all aspects one can think of. They differ with respect to
physical characteristics,capacity, level of mental ability, their likes and dislikes and
also with respect to personality traits. The pattern of physical, mental and personal
variables gives rise to thousand and one combination and the particular pattern
makes the individual suitable for several classes of activities, Jobs or field of work.
So before deciding upon the jobs or job suitable for a particular individual, one
should know the level of his ability and the knowledge, the pattern of his interest and
aptitude in detail. This will require the use of employment tests which are listed
1 intelligence tests
2 aptitude tests
3 trade or proficiency tests
4 interest tests
5 personality tests
5. Employment interview
Interviews may be used to secure more information about the candidate. The main
purposes of unemployment interview are
(a) to find out the suitability of the candidate,
(b) to see more information about the candidate, &
(c) to give him an accurate picture of the job with details of terms and conditions and
some idea of organisations policies.
6. Checking references
Prior to final selection, the prospective employer normally makes an investigation on
the references supplied by the applicant and Undertake more or less through search
into the candidates past employment.