Rs 22,510 Rs 743 367 Rs.36,748: Total
Rs 22,510 Rs 743 367 Rs.36,748: Total
Rs 22,510 Rs 743 367 Rs.36,748: Total
Thus, the R/p has short declared I suppressed taxable sales / supplies amounting to
Rs.367,485,148/- and these suppressed supplies / sales made to un-reglstered
persons. Therefore the R/p Involved in the Tax Fraud In terms of section 2( 37) of
the Sales Tax Act, 1990 and caused huge loss to the National Exchequer. The R/p
have thus violated sections 2(41), 2(44), 2(46), 3, 6, 7, 22, 23, 26 & 73 read with
section 2(37) of the Sales Tax Act,
1990 and the amount of Sales Tax evaded / short paid of Rs.36,748,514/- (Sales Tax
at the rate or 10%) + Rs. 11,024,554/ - (Further Tax) =
Rs.47.773.095 / - Is
from the R/p in terms of section 11(2) & 11(3) of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 along with
default surcharge (to be calculated at the time of final payment) under section 34 &
penalty u/s 33 (13) of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 read with section 2(37) of the Sales Tax
Act, 1990 Ibid.
As perIncome Tax returns for the tax years 2017 declared by the R/p, It Is
revealed that the R/p has declared Total Assets as of Rs.681538,028/ - and whereas In
Income Tax return for the tax year 2019, the R/p has declared Total Assets as of
Rs.1,299,337,480/ -, which shows huge rapid Increase In his Total Assets (Plant
& machinery, deposits, stocks, cash etc). The R/p Is therefore required to clarify /
explain his position along with supporting record / documents l.e All Bank Statements
(personal &
business), All Business details, Stock IInventory record (Item wise I product wise on dally
basis), sales records (item wise / product wise on dally basis) & purchase records (item wise
/ product wise on daily basis) & Involved huge amount of sales I supplies without
payment of Sales Tax. n case of non-furnishing of requisite record I Information /
clarification with plausible and cogent reasons, necessary action ls to be Initiated
against the R/p as per the relevant sections / rules made there In the Sales Tax Act,
1990, ncome Tax Ordinance, 2001 and Federal Excise Act, 2005 read with rules made
there under as well as legal action
Is also required to be initlated against the R/p under the relevant rules / laws made
there under.
As perIncome Tax return for the tax years 2017 declared by the R/p, it Is
revealed that the said R/p has declared trade creditors I payables of Rs.55,046,276 /-
and whereas in the ncome Tax return for the tax year 2019, the R/p has declared
trade creditors / payables Rs.1,370, 171,019/-, which shows huge fapld Increase In
his trade creditors I payables. Therefore the R/p Is required to clarify / explain his
position along with supporting record / documents l.e all bank statements (personal &
business), all business details, stock/Inventory record (Item wise / product wise on
dally basis), sales records