What's Next - Bachelor's 2023-2024
What's Next - Bachelor's 2023-2024
What's Next - Bachelor's 2023-2024
If your decision letter states that you need to provide both certified copies of original documents and sworn translations,
please note that the copies of the originals must (also) be certified by an authorized institution/individual and cannot only be
certified by the (sworn) translator.
▪ A delayed release of diploma documents (incl. qualifications from the UK, Italy and CAPE) If your
diploma documents are issued after the start of the academic year, we will first need to receive a
certified graduation statement (in English) from your school/institution by post. Click here for a
sample statement that you can have your school fill out.
In this case your enrolment will be completed on the basis of this certified graduation statement.
However, your admission will remain provisional until we have received certified copies of your final
diploma document(s).
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Should you not provide us with the requested certified copies of your final diploma documents as soon
as they are available to you then we will inform the Faculty and they will decide on the consequences
for your enrolment.
If you have a non-EU/EEA nationality, you will need a visa and/or residence permit if you plan to stay
in the Netherlands for a period longer than three months. For more general information, please click
If applicable, the ISD will apply for this document/these documents on your behalf and they will
contact you about the procedure in due time. Do not apply for a visa/residence permit for the
purpose of study yourself!
Please note that the visa/residence permit procedures can only be started by the ISD once you have
fulfilled all the conditions of your admission.
If you cannot meet the conditions of your admission before 1 June 2023 – e.g. because your final
results are issued after this date – you will need to follow the steps in the ‘Visa/Residence Permit
Checklist’ that you received with your decision letter.
If you have not received this checklist, contact your Admissions Officer as soon as possible.
Responsible department:
Central Student Administration (CSA)
The Admissions Office cannot help you with any questions about tuition fees. For information on
(current) tuition fees, please click here. If you have any specific questions about tuition fees, please
contact the CSA.
As from June 2023 onwards, you will be informed when and how you need to pay your tuition fees
through Studielink. On our website you can already find detailed information about your payment
Matching procedure
Responsible department:
‘Matching’ is a way for you to find out whether the programme of your choice meets your
expectations and future career perspectives.
A number of the faculties of the University of Groningen has made matching a compulsory element of
the application procedure for both Dutch and international students. Make sure you complete the
matching process before the deadline, regardless of whether you have already received an admission
decision. This means that if you do not complete the matching activities in time, your application will
be withdrawn and you will not be able to start your studies. The deadlines for meeting the matching
requirement can vary per faculty, therefore make sure to check the details for your respective faculty.
Matching is organized by the faculties, therefore please contact your faculty if you have any questions
about matching.
You can find more information on matching and contact details here.
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Practical information
▪ Accommodation
Like most Dutch universities, the University of Groningen does not have a campus. Therefore,
arranging accommodation is the applicant’s own responsibility.
One of the organizations international students are referred to is the SSH (Stichting Studenten
Huisvesting: Organization for Student Accommodation). More information on SSH can be found here.
When filling out the registration form, please select the following options under ‘Institution’ to ensure
your housing application is directed to our Admissions Office for approval:
City - Groningen
(Educational) Institution - University of Groningen (RUG)
Department/Faculty - RUG Admissions Office Bachelor/Master (1st option in the dropdown
menu) Type of resident - RUG Bachelor/Master
You can only reserve accommodation through SSH once you are (conditionally) admitted. Do note that
reserving housing for the set 10/12-month rental period while still having to fulfil your conditions of
admission is your own responsibility. Reserving housing for September 2023 will be possible from
spring 2023 onwards.
For questions about SSH housing, please contact SSH at groningen@sshxl.nl.
▪ General information
General information for international candidates can be found on our website, as well as information
for Admitted students.
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The Student Information and Administration (SIA) assists applicants, students and staff members with
questions about registration, tuition fees, scholarships, admission and immigration. Student
Information and Administration consists of the Central Student Administration (CSA), Immigration
Service Desk (ISD), Mobility and Scholarship Desk (MSD) and the Admissions Office. You can find our
contact details on the website of the Student Information and Administration department.
Should you wish to visit us or one of the other departments, please note that you will have to
schedule an appointment beforehand.
1 September 2023
Start Academic year
1 June 2023
March 2023 non-EU/EEA: deadline
Matching portal opens for all to meet conditions 31 August 2023 Final deadline to
faculties arrange your tuition fee payment
20 August 2023
EU/EEA: deadline to meet
May 2023
Deadline to complete conditions and send
and submit your certified documents
Studielink and OAS
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Graduation Statement
This template must only be used if your official diploma documents are released after 1 September
Date of birth
* As indicated on passport
Secondary education
Herewith it is certified that the applicant was enrolled at:
Name of the school/institution
The applicant has obtained the following qualification(s) on the following date:
Official name of diploma in original language
Graduation date*
This document should be sent to the UG in hard copy, bearing an original stamp and signature
UG – Admissions Office – Broerstraat 5 – 9712 CP – Groningen – The Netherlands
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