04 Section 30 - Pvi - PVN

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Station Class and Intermediate

Surge Arresters

NOTE: Because Hubbell has a policy of continuous product improvement, we reserve the right to change design and specifications without notice.
Copyright 2009 Hubbell/Ohio Brass
Power Systems MARCH 2009
Printed in USA RGS 2M

Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................ 2
Introduction Warranty..................................................................... 2
With the introduction of the station class Type PVN, General Arrester Information...................................... 3
Ohio Brass has expanded its line of polymer-housed   Arrester Application................................................ 3
arresters for distribution, substation and transmission   Pressure Relief........................................................ 3
applications. PVN arresters are suitable for applica-   Temporary Overvoltage Capability......................... 3
Polymer Housed Arresters......................................... 4
tions up through 230kV. The PVI arresters are suitable
  Description.............................................................. 4
for applications up through 138kV.   ESP Weathershed Material..................................... 4
These designs combine the advantages of a polymer   Construction........................................................... 4
housing and metal-oxide varistor valve blocks, and of-   Benefits................................................................... 4
fer the benefits of a one piece arrester construction for   Seismic Performance.............................................. 4
all voltage ratings. Stacking of individual arrester units Key to the Catalog Numbers...................................... 5
is not required with polymer housings. PVI Polymer Housed Intermediate Arrester................ 6
  Protective Characteristics....................................... 6
Also available are porcelain and silicone station (Type   Dimensions and Mounting...................................... 7
VN, SVN and VL) arresters.   PVI Nameplates...................................................... 7
All DynaVar Intermediate and Station Class Surge   PVI Terminals.......................................................... 8
  Mounting Information............................................. 8
Arresters in this catalog comply with ANSI/IEEE
PVI-LP Polymer Housed Intermediate Class
Standard C62.11-1999. Arresters..................................................................... 9
The Type PVN Station Class Arresters described   Dimensions and Mounting...................................... 9
in this publication are protected by patent num-   Protective Characteristics..................................... 10
bers 4,656,555; 4,899,248; 4,905,118; 5,043,838; PVIA Intermediate Class Surge Arresters................. 11
5,138,517; 5,159,159 and others pending.   Dimensions and Mounting.................................... 11
  Protective Characteristics..................................... 12
The Type PVI Intermediate Class Arresters described PVN Polymer Housed Station Arresters................... 13
in this publication are protected by patent numbers   Protective Characteristics..................................... 13
4,656,555; 4,899,248; 4,905,118 and others pending.   Mounting Positions............................................... 13
  Dimensions and Mounting.................................... 14
  Grading Rings....................................................... 14
  PVN Terminals....................................................... 14
  Packaging (PVI/PVN)............................................ 15
Warranty - Material
Hubbell Power Systems, Inc. warrants all products sold by it to be merchantable (as such
  PVN Nameplates................................................... 15
term is defined in the Uniform Commercial Code) and to be free from defects in material and   Base Mounting Information.................................. 15
workmanship. Buyer must notify the Company promptly of any claim under this warranty. The   Crossarm Mounting.............................................. 15
Buyer's exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty shall be the repair or replacement, F.O.B.   Discharge Counters (PVI/PVN)............................. 15
factory, at the Company's option, of any product defective under the warranty which is returned
to the Company within one year from the date of shipment. NO OTHER WARRANTY, WHETHER   Insulating Subbases (PVI/PVN)............................. 15
EXPRESS OR ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OF   Brackets................................................................ 16
PRODUCTS OR ANY SALE OR USE THEREOF. The Company shall in no event be liable for
any loss of profits or any consequential or special damages incurred by Buyer. The Company's
Surge Arresters......................................................... 17
warranty shall run only to the first Buyer of a product from the Company, from the Company's   Dimensions and Mounting.................................... 17
distributor, or from an original equipment manufacturer reselling the Company's product, and is   Protective Characteristics..................................... 18
non-assignable and non-transferable and shall be of no force and effect if asserted by any per- VL and VN Porcelain Housed Station Class
son other than such first Buyer. This warranty applies only to the use of the product as intended
by Seller and does not cover any misapplication or misuse of said product. Arresters................................................................... 19
  Introduction........................................................... 19
Warranty - Application
Hubbell Power Systems, Inc. does not warrant the accuracy of and results from product or
  Application Guide................................................. 19
system performance recommendations resulting from any engineering analysis or study. This   Description and Operation.................................... 19
applies regardless of whether a charge is made for the recommendation, or if it is provided free   Protective Characteristics..................................... 20
of charge.
  Nameplates........................................................... 20
Responsibility for selection of the proper product or application rests solely with the purchaser. In   Dimensions and Mounting.................................... 21
the event of errors or inaccuracies determined to be caused by Hubbell Power Systems, Inc., its
liability will be limited to the re-performance of any such analysis or study. SVN Polymer Housed Arresters............................... 22
  Construction......................................................... 22
  Catalog Ordering System..................................... 23
  Protective Characteristics..................................... 25
  Nameplates........................................................... 25
  Dimensions and Mounting.................................... 26
Discharge Counters.................................................. 27
  Insulating Subbases............................................. 27
  Arrester Routine & Design Testing........................ 28


MARCH 2009 Power Systems


General Arrester Information


MCOV FOR VARIOUS SYSTEM VOLTAGES Pressure Relief Capability-Symmetrical rms kA
Arrester ANSI Standard Ohio Brass
Arrester MCOV (kV)
Type C62.11 Minimum Demonstrated Values
System Temporarily Ungrounded, VLA* 10
L-L Voltage Impedance Grounded or VL* 65
Grounded 40-65
kV Ungrounded Circuits VN* 93
Neutral 40-65
Nominal Maximum Circuits (1) (2) SVN* 40-65 63
PVN** 40-65 80
   2.40    2.52    2.55    2.55    2.55 PVNA** 40
   4.16    4.37    2.55    5.1    5.1 PVI** 60
   4.8    5.04    5.1    5.1    5.1 PVI-LP** 16.1
   6.9    7.25    5.1    7.65    7.65 PVIA** 16.1
   8.32    8.74    5.1    7.65    8.4
  12   12.6    7.65   10.2   12.7 * Rating for initial venting only.
  12.47   13.1    7.65   12.7   12.7 ** Polymer arresters will survive multiple venting operations.
  13.2   13.9    8.4   12.7   12.7
  13.8   14.5    8.4   12.7   15.3 All DynaVar station-intermediate arresters exceed pressure
  20.78   21.8   12.7   19.5   22 relief requirements of ANSI C62.11.
  22.86   24   15.3   19.5   22
Energy Capability
  23   24.2   19.5   22
  24.94   26.2   15.3   22   24 Kilojoules per kV of MCOV
  34.5   36.2   22   29   36 Max. Energy Discharge
  46   48.3   29   39   48 Type Capability kJ/kV - MCOV
  69   72.5   42   57   70 PVIA 3.6 (1)
115 121   70   98 115 PVNA, PVI, PVI-LP 6.0 (2)
138 145   84 115 131
  98 PVN 9.0 (3)
161 169 140 152
230 242 140 209 220 VL/VLA 9.0 (3)
345 362 209  —  — VN 13.0 (4)
400 420 245  —  — SVN 13.0 (4)
(1) For currents .4 or less
(1) For normal duty. Line-to-ground fault up to 30 minutes. (2) For currents .65kA or less
(2) For severe duty. Line-to-ground fault up to 2,000 hours. (3) For currents 1.00kA or less
(4) For currents 1.5 kA or less
Arrester Application Switching surge capability of DynaVar arresters is expressed
The DynaVar arrester is described by its maximum continu- in terms of dissipated energy.
ous line-to-ground operating voltage (MCOV). The arrester’s These capabilities assume a two shot energy discharge takes
most important application criterion is the maximum voltage place within one minute.
which can be continuously applied.
The indicated current levels are not an arrester limitation, but
For effectively grounded neutral systems, any DynaVar ar- are related to the indicated energy capability.
rester with MCOV equal to maximum line-to-neutral kV is the
Calculations based on the conservative assumption that the
normal application. For example, a 138kV system usually has
entire line length is charged to maximum surge voltage are
a maximum line-to-line continuous voltage of 145kV rms.
easily made, and the values obtained seldom exceed the
145kV divided by √ 3 gives 84kV line-to-ground voltage. The
considerable energy capability of the DynaVar arrester.
appropriate DynaVar arrester for this application is the Dyna-
Var 84, with MCOV of 84kV. Temporary Overvoltage Capability
For ungrounded or impedance grounded systems, the gap- DynaVar arresters are gapless and consist of a column of metal-
less DynaVar arrester’s temporary overvoltage capability oxide blocks connected between line and ground. The blocks
is used. For applications where a ground fault is expected can withstand a significant power frequency overvoltage for a
to be removed within 30 minutes, the minimum MCOV is limited time, depending on the magnitude of any immediately
maximum system line-to-line voltage divided by 1.25. For preceding surge duty. This duty can be the result of switching
extended operation under ground fault conditions up to surges on higher voltage lines, or from other sources. The energy
2,000 hours but not to exceed five percent of service life, discharge capability is found in the above table.
the minimum MCOV is maximum system line-to-line voltage All of the TOV curves are available in the Design Test Reports
divided by 1.11. which are listed on page 30-29. The Design Test Reports are
DynaVar arresters are designed to be used where average available on our web site www.hubbellpowersystems. com or by
ambient temperature does not exceed 40°C (104°F) and the calling an Ohio Brass representative. The temporary overvoltage
daily maximum temperature does not exceed 60°C (140°F). capability can be determined from this curve. The prior duty
curve of this table is based upon absorption of rated energy
immediately preceding application of the overvoltage.


Power Systems MARCH 2009


Polymer Housed Arresters (Type PVI and PVN)

Description Benefits
The Type PVI & PVN arresters contain the same high-quality The PVI and PVN arresters have many additional benefits
metal-oxide varistors used in other Ohio Brass DynaVar that are included with the polymer housing.
arresters which have operated successfully since 1981.
• A PVI or PVN arrester unit are less than half the weight
They have all the MOV advantages such as high temporary
of an equivalent porcelain-housed arrester. This makes
overvoltage capability, contamination resistance, improved
transportation, handling and installation much easier.
surge-duty capability and excellent protective characteris-
tics. • All voltage ratings are of single unit design. Field assem-
bly of stacked units is not required.
In the unlikely event of arrester failure, violent fragmentation
of porcelain is eliminated. Instead, the higher available fault • With a reduced diameter of energized line terminal and
currents may cause splits or tears in the polymer rubber grading rings, the PVI and PVN arresters reduce space
housing while the internal fiberglass wrap restrains the valve requirements.
elements. • The polymer housing makes the PVI and PVN arresters
Weight is greatly reduced compared to conventional porce- much safer than porcelain arresters.
lain-housed designs. Installation is simplified because with • Single-unit, high voltage design provides improved con-
the reduced weight, a patented, single housing design can tamination performance over multi-unit designs.
be utilized for all arrester voltage ratings. • Closer spacing — Smaller line end casting and smaller
The small diameter line end terminal hardware permits closer grading rings allow closer phase-to-phase spacing.
phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground spacings useful in • Increased creepage — Standard units may fulfill high
modern compact substation designs and on mobile trans- creep requirements.
former applications.
• Minimal Internal Atmosphere — Will not “breathe” or leak,
eliminates moisture ingress, a cause of arrester failure.
ESP™ Weathershed Material all PVN up to 152kV MCOV meet IEEE 693 as of 1997 High
The arrester housing is made of ESP silicone alloy weather- Performance Level. 0.5g zPA.
shed material that has been successful in field operations for
over a decade. The improved ESP housing resists track- Top Cap
ing from surface leakage currents and the housing contour
provides exceptional leakage distance. The housing sections
are mechanically secured to provide a housing suitable for
high pressure hot-washing in locations where contamination
is severe and routine station maintenance includes washing
Fiberglass Wrap
procedures. Contact Ohio Brass for recommended proce-
Coated with
dures. Silicone Dielectric

Construction ESP Housing

The housing consists of one or more molded sections which
are mechanically secured into one continuous length for all
arrester voltage ratings. The base of the arrester is equipped
with a factory installed casting which provides the conven- MOV Element
tional 8.75 inch diameter bolt circle customarily provided
with intermediate and the 10 inch diameter bolt circle for
station class surge arresters.
The varistor column is centered and restrained in alignment Contact Disc
with tightly woven fiberglass filament strands impregnated
with epoxy resin. The interstices between the stranding are
filled with a silicone dielectric compound so the design is
free of air and moisture. The fiberglass stranding construc-
tion provides fault withstand capability in excess of the
requirements of IEEE/ANSI C62.11-1999. Ground

Section View of Typical PVI/PVN Arrester


MARCH 2009 Power Systems


Key to the Catalog Numbers


3 1 XXXX Standard
Catalog Voltage MCOV
Polymer Number kV rms
003    2.55 
005    5.10 
“0” ... Type PVI 008    7.65 
“1” ... Type PVN 009    8.40 
010   10.20 
013   12.70 
015   15.30 

017   17.00 
019   19.50 
022   22.00 
024   24.40 
029   29.00 
031   31.50 
036   36.50 

039   39.00 
042   42.00 
048   48.00 
057   57.00 
070   70.00 
“0” ... Small Top, Tripod Base “1” ... Small Top, Small Base 076   76.00 
(vertical mounting only) 084   84.00 
088   88.00*
098   98.00*
106 106.00*
115 115.00*
*Available in PVN only.

“2” ... Tripod Top, Small Base “3” ... Tripod Top, Tripod Base

“4” ... Spade Top, “5” ... Tripod Top,

Tripod Base Spade Base
(only available (underhung)
with Type PVN) only available
with Type PVN


Power Systems MARCH 2009


Type PVI Polymer Housed Intermediate Class Arrester

Protective Characteristics
Arrester Ratings Maximum
Maximum Maximum Switching Maximum Discharge Voltage
Standard Duty Continuous 0.5µs Surge Using an 8/20
Arrester Cycle Operating Discharge Protective Current Wave-kV
Catalog Rating Voltage Voltage Level
Type Number kV rms kV rms kV (1) kV (2) 1.5kA 3kA 5kA 10kA 20kA 40kA
PVI 300003 3    2.55    8.6    6.4    6.8    7.2    7.5    8.1    9.0   10.1
PVI 300005    6    5.1   17.1   12.7   13.6   14.4   15.0   16.2   17.9   20.2
PVI 300008    9    7.65   25.8   19.1   20.5   21.6   22.6   24.4   27.0   30.4
PVI 300009   10    8.4   28.4   21.1   22.6   23.8   24.9   26.9   29.8   33.5
PVI 300010   12   10.2   34.1   25.3   27.1   28.6   29.9   32.3   35.8   40.3
PVI 300013   15   12.7   42.9   31.8   34.1   36.0   37.6   40.6   44.9   50.6
PVI 300015   18   15.3   51.6   38.3   40.9   43.2   45.2   48.8   54.0   60.9
PVI 300017   21   17   56.9   42.2   45.1   47.7   49.9   53.8   59.6   67.1
PVI 300019   24   19.5   68.3   50.6   54.2   57.2   59.9   64.6   71.5   80.6
PVI 300022   27   22   77.4   57.4   61.4   64.9   67.9   73.2   81.0   91.3
PVI 300024 30   24.4   85.3   63.3   67.7   71.5   74.8   80.7   89.3 101.0
PVI 300029 36   29 100.0   73.9   79.0   83.5   87.3   94.2 104.0 117.0
PVI 300031 39   31.5 108.4   80.4   86.1   90.9   95.1 102.6 113.6 127.9
PVI 300036 45   36.5 125.1   92.8   99.3 104.9 109.8 118.4 131.1 147.6
PVI 300039 48   39 130.9   97.1 103.9 109.7 114.8 123.8 137.0 154.4
PVI 300042 54   42 148.0 109.8 117.5 124.0 129.8 140.0 155.0 174.6
PVI 300048 60   48 170.6 126.5 135.4 143.0 149.6 161.4 178.7 201.0
PVI 300057 72   57 199.0 147.7 158.1 166.9 174.6 188.4 209.0 235.0
PVI 300070 90   70 250.0 185.7 198.7 209.8 219.5 236.8 262.0 295.0
PVI 300076 96   76 261.7 194.1 207.7 219.4 229.5 247.6 274.1 308.8
PVI 300084 108   84 296.0 219.5 234.9 248.1 259.6 280.0 310.0 349.2
PVI 300088 108   88 296.0 219.5 234.9 248.1 259.6 280.0 310.0 349.2
PVI 300098 120   98 327.7 243.0 260.1 274.7 287.4 310.0 343.2 386.6
PVI 300106 132 106 375.2 278.3 297.8 314.5 329.1 355.0 393.0 443.0
PVI 300115 144 115 392.0 290.9 311.3 328.7 343.9 371.0 411.0 463.0

(1) Maximum discharge voltage for a 10-kA impulse current wave which produces a voltage wave cresting in 0.5 µs. This can be used for
coordination where front-of-wave sparkover was formerly used.
(2) Based on a 500A surge of 45-µs time to crest.


MARCH 2009 Power Systems


Type PVI Polymer Housed Intermediate Class Arrester

Dimensions and Mounting
Arrester Ratings Minimum Mounting
Maximum Spacing on center†
Standard Duty Continuous Phase to
Arrester Cycle Operating “X” Leakage Phase Phase to Net
Catalog Rating Voltage Figure Dimension Distance (in-line) Ground Weight
Type Number kV rms kV rms Number (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Pounds)
PVI 300003 3    2.55 1   9.5   19   9.5   5.5 11
PVI 300005    6    5.1 1   9.5   19   9.5   5.5 12
PVI 300008    9    7.65 1   9.5   19   9.5   5.5 12
PVI 300009   10    8.4 1   9.5   19   9.5   5.5 12
PVI 300010   12   10.2 1   9.5   19   9.5   5.5 12
PVI 300013   15   12.7 1 12.0   26   9.5   5.5 15
PVI 300015   18   15.3 1 12.0   26   9.5   5.8 15
PVI 300017   21   17 1 12.0   26   9.5   6.8 15
PVI 300019   24   19.5 1 17.5   40   9.5   7.8 20
PVI 300022   27   22 1 17.5   40 10.5   8.8 20 FIGURE 1
PVI 300024 30   24.4 1 17.5   40 10.5   8.8 21
PVI 300029 36   29 1 17.5   40 12.5 10.8 21
PVI 300031 39   31.5 1 22.8   54 13.5 11.8 26
PVI 300036 45   36.5 1 22.8   54 15.5 13.8 27
PVI 300039 48   39 1 22.8   54 16.5 14.8 27
PVI 300042 54   42 1 22.8   54 18.5 16.8 28
PVI 300048 60   48 1 33.2   81 20.5 18.8 38
PVI 300057 72   57  1 33.2   81 23.5 21.8 39
PVI 300070 90   70 2 44.0 109 40.0 33.0 52
PVI 300076 96   76 2 44.0 109 42.0 35.0 53
PVI 300084 108   84 2 44.0 109 46.0 39.0 54
PVI 300088 108   88 2 44.0 109 46.0 39.0 54
PVI 300098 120   98 2 66.5 162 51.0 44.0 67.5
PVI 300106 132 106 2 66.5 162 55.0 47.0 67.5
PVI 300115 144 115 2 66.5 162 58.0 50.0 67.5

For standard terminals shown in Figure 1 and 2 (page 30-8) and standard package, order suffix
code 3001. For non-standard requirements contact your Ohio Brass representative.
PVI Namplates
Each arrester is identified with a nameplate attached to the Grading Rings
line end casting. Rings are required on arresters 70kV
These nameplates display the maximum continuous operat- MCOV and above.
ing voltage rating, the duty cycle voltage rating, the pressure Diameter Drop
relief current rating, the catalog number and the year of the kV - MCOV (Inches) (B) (Inches) (A)
manufacture. 70 - 88 14   4.8
98 - 115 16.5  9

† Minimum clearances are based

on arrester protective levels
and should be increased when
necessary to meet local require-
ments for spacing of energized


Power Systems MARCH 2009

PVI Terminals
Standard line and ground terminals will accommodate conductor sizes from 1/4 inch to
13/16 inch diameter (.25 - .81 inch diameter). The terminals are of hot-dip galvanized mal-
leable iron, compatible with either aluminum or copper.

Standard Line terminal Number 71874 Standard Ground terminal Number 71874.

Terminal Number 273373 is not regularly Connector Number 271414 used with
furnished, but is available on order. all terminal combinations. Range of
NOTE: Use suffix code 3002 to order, conductor sizes .25 to .81 inch.
i.e., 3000033002.
Base Mounting Information
The end casting is furnished with three
holes 120° on 8.75 inch diameter bolt Attachment Lug
Bolt Bolt
circle. These mounting holes are 0.56 Circle Size Thickness Hole Size
inch diameter to accommodate 1/2 (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches)
inch bolts. (Mounting bolts and wash-
8.75 0.5 0.75 0.56
ers are not provided with the arrester.)

Mounting Positions
Type PVI arresters may be mounted vertically, horizontally or
underhung, provided the cantilever moment is not exces-
sive. (PVI 98, 106, 115kV MCOV arresters are designed for
vertical mounting only.) Underhung mounting requires factory
assembly of the base mounting hardware at the top of the
arrester. Use catalog number series 3020XX3001.
The rated (ultimate) cantilever moments of Type PVI arrester
with the tripod base is 10,000 in-lbs and the maximum work-
ing moment is 5,000 in-lbs. For the small base, the maximum
working moment is 3,000 in-lbs.
For horizontal mounting, the residual cantilever loads are
given below. They already take into account the reasonable
worst case loading consisting of 120 m.p.h. wind and the
weight of the arrester and represent the maximum residual
load that can be applied to the horizontal arrester without Crossarm Mounting
exceeding its maximum cantilever working load. Type PVI arresters can be
Residual Cantilever Load-Lbs. easily mounted on a NEMA
Horizontal Mounting PVI crossarm bracket, by using
catalog #3010XX3011 (available
Cat. No. 300XXX
kV - MCOV Cat. No. 302XXX through 42kV MCOV).
2.55 - 10.2 467
12.7 - 17.0 317
19.5 - 29.0 274
31.5 - 42.0 203
48.0 - 57.0 127
70.0 - 84.0   74


MARCH 2009 Power Systems


Polymer Housed
Intermediate Class Arrester
.56 DIA - 4 HOLES

3.6 1.75

Clamp Type Line Clamp Type Line

& Ground Terminals & Ground Terminals
Suitable for use with Suitable for use with
CU or AL Conductor CU or AL Conductor
.25 to .81 Dia. .25 to .81 Dia.

[X] [X]
4.3 DIA 4.3 DIA



Figure 1 PVI-LP with Eye-bolt Line Terminal Figure 2 PVI-LP with four-hole NEMA Pad Line Terminal

PVI-LP Terminals:
Standard line and ground terminal and standard domestic packaging: use code3001 (Example: 3008XX3001, Figure 1)
Four hole NEMA line terminal, standard ground terminal and domestic packaging: use code 3002 (Example: 3008XX3002, Figure 2))

Other options: For underhung mounting: use catalog number 3028XX3001 or 3028XX3002.

Dimensions and Mounting

Minimum Mounting
Spacing on Center
Type Catalog MCOV “X” Leakage Net
Number Dimension Distance Weight
(inches) (inches) (pounds)
Ph-Ph Ph-Grd
PVI-LP 300803 2.55   6.8 15.4 4.4   3.3   6.2
PVI-LP 300805 5.1    6.8 15.4 4.6   3.2   6.2
PVI-LP 300808 7.65   6.8 15.4 4.7   3.3   6.2
PVI-LP 300809 8.4   6.8 15.4 4.9   3.5   6.2
PVI-LP 300610 10.2   6.8 15.4 4.9   3.5   6.2
PVI-LP 300813 12.7 12.2 30.8 6.2   4.8 10.0
PVI-LP 300815 15.3 12.2 30.8 6.6   5.2 10.0
PVI-LP 300817 17.0 12.2 30.8 7.6   6.2 10.0
PVI-LP 300620 19.5 12.2 30.8 7.6   6.2 10.0
PVI-LP 300822 22.0 17.6 46.2 9.6   8.2 13.5
PVI-LP 300824 24.4 17.6 46.2 9.8   8.4 13.5
PVI-LP 300629 29.0 17.6 46.2 9.8   8.4 13.5
PVI-LP 300831 31.5 23.0 61.6 12.8 11.4 17.0
PVI-LP 300636 36.5 23.0 61.6 12.8 11.4 17.0
PVI-LP 300639 39.0 23.0 61.6 12.8 11.4 17.0
PVI-LP 300642 42.0 28.4 77.0 15.8 14.4 19.6
PVI-LP 300648 48.0 28.4 77.0 15.8 14.4 19.6
PVI-LP 300657 57.0 33.8 92.4 19.8 18.4 23.1


Power Systems MARCH 2009


Polymer Housed
Intermediate Class Arrester
Base Mounting Information:
The end casting is furnished with three slots suitable for use on either 8.75" or 10" diameter bolt circle. Mounting hardware is
not furnished with the arrester.

Bolt Attachment Lug

Size Thickness Slot Width
(Inches) (Inches) (Inches)
0.5 0.75 0.56

Protective Characteristics
Maximum Maximum Maximum
Maximum Discharge
Standard Duty Continuous 0.5µs Switching
Voltage Using an
Arrester Cycle Operating Discharge Surge
8/20 Current Wave-kV
Catalog Rating Voltage Voltage Protective
Number Level
kV rms kV rms kV (1) kV (2) 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 20 kA 40 kA
300803 3   2.55   8.6    6.4    6.8    7.2    7.5    8.1    9.0   10.1
300805 6   5.1   17.1   12.7   13.6   14.4   15.0   16.2   17.9   20.2
300808 9   7.65   25.8   19.1   20.5   21.6   22.6   24.4   27.0   30.4
300809 10   8.4   28.4   21.1   22.6   23.8   24.9   26.9   29.8   33.5
300610 12 10.2   34.1   25.3   27.1   28.6   29.9   32.3   35.8   40.3
300813 15 12.7   42.9   31.8   34.1   36.0   37.6   40.6   44.9   50.6
300815 18 15.3   51.6   38.3   40.9   43.2   45.2   48.8   54.0   60.9
300817 21 17.0   56.9   42.2   45.1   47.7   49.9   53.8   59.6   67.1
300620 24 19.5   68.3   50.6   54.2   57.2   59.9   64.6   71.5   80.6
300822 27 22.0   77.4   57.4   61.4   64.9   67.9   73.2   81.0   91.3
300824 30 24.4   85.3   63.3   67.7   71.5   74.8   80.7   89.3 101.0
300629 36 29.0 102.0   76.0   81.3   85.9   89.8   96.9 107.0 121.0
300831 39 31.5 108.4   80.4   86.1   90.9   95.1 102.6 113.6 127.9
300636 45 36.5 125.1   92.8   99.3 104.9 109.8 118.4 131.1 147.6
300639 48 39.0 136.6 101.3 108.4 114.5 119.8 129.2 143.0 161.1
300642 54 42.0 147.9 109.7 117.4 125.0 129.7 139.9 154.9 174.5
300648 60 48.0 165.0 122.4 131.0 138.3 144.7 156.1 172.8 195.0
300657 72 57.0 199.0 147.7 158.1 166.9 174.6 188.4 209.0 235.0

(1) Maximum discharge voltage for a 10-kA impulse current wave which produces a voltage wave cresting in 0.5 microsecond.
This can be used for coordination where front-of-wave sparkover was formerly used.
(2) 500A surge of 45-microsecond-time to crest.

Pressure Relief Capability-Symmetrical rms kA: 16.1 (Minimum required by ANSI C62.11)
Energy Capability: 5.1kJ/kV MCOV, based on 2 transmission line discharges.
Cantilever Strength: Maximum working cantilever moment with the tripod base - 2000 inch pounds
Rated ultimate cantilever moment with the tripod base - 4000 inch pounds


MARCH 2009 Power Systems


Intermediate Class Surge Arrester
Dimensions and Mounting
Catalog Rating MCOV “X” Dimension Leakage Net Weight ‘B’
Number (kV) (kV) (inches) (inches) (pounds) (inches)

300703 3   2.55   4.5    8   5.1 4.0

300705 6   5.1    6.9   15.4   5.8 4.0
300708 9   7.65   6.9   15.4   5.8 4.0
300709 10   8.4    6.9   15.4   5.8 4.0
300710 12 10.2    6.9   15.4   5.8 4.0
300713 15 12.7    9.9   26   8.8 4.5
300715 18 15.3    9.9   26   8.8 4.5

300717 21 17    9.9   26   8.8 4.5

300720 24 19.5  12.2   30.8   9.1 4.0
300722 27 22  18.6   52 14.8 4.5
300724 30 24.4  18.6   52 14.8 4.5
300729 36 29  18.6   52 14.8 4.5
300731 39 31.5  18.6   52 14.8 4.5
300736 45 36.5  27.1   78 20.8 4.5

300739 48 39  27.1   78 20.8 4.5

300742 54 42  27.1   78 20.8 4.5
300748 60 48  27.1   78 20.8 4.5
300757 72 57  36 104 26.8 4.5

.56 DIA - 4 HOLES


3.6 1.75

Clamp Type Line Clamp Type Line

& Ground Terminals & Ground Terminals
Suitable for use with Suitable for use with
CU or AL Conductor CU or AL Conductor
.25 to .81 Dia. .25 to .81 Dia.

[X] [X]


Figure 1 PVIA with Eye-bolt Line Terminal Figure 2 PVIA with four-hole NEMA Pad Line Terminal

Standard line and ground terminals supplied with DynaVar as a 4-hole NEMA pad with single eye-bolt (Cat. No. suffix
arresters will accommodate conductor sizes from .25-inch to 3002) as shown in Fig. 2 (Example: 3007033002). Ground end
.81-inch diameter. The terminals are of hot-dip galvanized ferrous terminals are single eye-bolt, automatically included with either
material, compatible with either aluminum or copper. suffix. Terminals are shipped in a separate bag.
Line end terminals are available either as a single eye-bolt (Cat. Maximum recommended tightening torque to be applied to
No. suffix 3001) as shown in Fig. 1 (Example 3007033001) or the line end stud when installing the terminals and the lead is
20 ft-lbs.
Power Systems MARCH 2009


Base Mounting Information:

The end casting is furnished with three slots suitable for use
on either 8.75" or 10" diameter bolt circle. Mounting hardware
is not furnished with the arrester.

Bolt Attachment Lug

Size Thickness Slot Width
(Inches) (Inches) (Inches)
0.5 0.75 0.56

Protective Characteristics
Standard Duty Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Discharge
Arrester Cycle Continuous 0.5µs Switching Voltage Using an
Catalog Rating Operating Discharge Surge 8/20 Current Wave-kV
Type Number Voltage Voltage Protective
kV rms kV rms kV (1) kV (2) 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 20 kA 40 kA

P 300703  3 2.55 9.9 6.6 7.2 7.8 8.2 9.1 10.4 12.3
PVIA 300705  6 5.1 20 13.3 14.6 15.7 16.6 18.4 21 24.8
PVIA 300708  9 7.65 26.8 17.8 19.5 21 22.2 24.5 28.1 33.2
PVIA 300709 10 8.4 29.5 19.6 21.5 23.1 24.4 27 31 36.6
PVIA 300710 12 10.2 35.5 23.6 25.9 27.9 29.4 32.5 37.3 44
PVIA 300713 15 12.7 44.2 29.4 32.2 34.7 36.7 40.5 46.5 54.8
PVIA 300715 18 15.3 53.4 35.5 38.9 41.9 44.3 48.9 56.1 66.2
PVIA 300717 21 17 60.7 40.3 44.3 47.6 50.3 55.6 63.8 75.3
PVIA 300720 24 19.5 70.9 47.1 51.7 55.6 58.7 64.9 74.4 87.9
PVIA 300722 27 22 78.6 52.2 57.3 61.7 65.2 72 82.6 97.5
PVIA 300724 30 24.4 88.5 58.7 64.5 69.4 73.3 81 92.9 110
PVIA 300729 36 29 105 69.7 76.5 82.4 87 96.1 110 130
PVIA 300731 39 31.5 115 76.5 84 90 95 105 120.5 142.5
PVIA 300736 45 36.5 133.5 88.5 97.5 105 110.5 122 140 165.5
PVIA 300739 48 39 142 94.5 103.5 111.5 118 130 149.5 176
PVIA 300742 54 42 160.5 107 117 126 133 147 169 199
PVIA 300748 60 48 175 116 127.5 137.5 145 160 183.5 217
PVIA 300757 72 57 214 142.5 156 168 177.5 196 225 265.5

(1) Maximum discharge voltage for a 10-kA impulse current wave which produces a voltage wave cresting in 0.5µs. This can be used for
coordination where front-of-wave sparkover was formerly used.
(2) 500A surge of 45-µs-time to crest.
Pressure Relief Capability: 16.1 Symmetrical rms kA
Energy Capability: 3.6kJ/kV MCOV
Cantilever Strength: Maximum working cantilever moment - 1200 inch pounds
Rated ultimate cantilever moment - 3000 inch pounds


MARCH 2009 Power Systems


Type PVN Polymer Housed Station Class Arrester

Protective Characteristics
Arrester Ratings Maximum
Maximum Maximum Switching Maximum Discharge Voltage
Standard Duty Continuous 0.5µs Surge Using an 8/20
Arrester Cycle Operating Discharge Protective Current Wave-kV
Catalog Rating Voltage (MCOV) Voltage Level
Type Number kV rms kV rms kV (1) kV (2) 1.5kA 3kA 5kA 10kA 20kA 40kA
PVN 31*003 3    2.55    8.4    6.0    6.4    6.7    7.1    7.6    8.4    9.6
PVN 31*005    6    5.1   16.7   11.9   12.8   13.5   14.1   15.2   16.8   19.1
PVN 31*008    9    7.65   25.0   17.8   19.2   20.2   21.1   22.7   25.1   28.3
PVN 31*009   10    8.4   27.8   19.8   21.4   22.5   23.5   25.3   28.0   31.8
PVN 31*010   12   10.2   33.3   23.7   25.6   26.9   28.1   30.3   33.5   38.1
PVN 31*013   15   12.7   41.7   29.7   32.0   33.7   35.2   37.9   42.0   47.6
PVN 31*015   18   15.3   50.1   35.6   38.4   40.4   42.3   45.5   50.4   57.2
PVN 31*017   21   17   56.3   40.1   43.2   45.5   47.6   51.2   56.7   64.4
PVN 31*019   24   19.5   63.9   45.5   49.1   51.6   54.0   58.1   64.3   73.0
PVN 31*022   27   22   72.9   51.9   56.0   58.9   61.6   66.3   73.4   83.3
PVN 31*024 30   24.4   80.4   57.2   61.7   64.9   67.9   73.1   80.9   91.9
PVN 31*029 36   29   95.9   68.3   73.6   77.4   81.0   87.2   96.5 109.6
PVN 31*031 39   31.5 104.2   74.2   80.0   84.1   88.0   94.7 104.8 119.0
PVN 31*036 45   36.5 120.9   86.1   92.8   97.6 102.1 109.9 121.7 138.1
PVN 31*039 48   39 128.7   91.6   98.8.0 103.9 108.7 117.0 129.5 147.1
PVN 31*042 54   42 144.4 102.8 110.9 116.6 122.0 131.3 145.3 165.0
PVN 31*048 60   48 163.5 116.4 125.5 132.0 138.0 148.6 164.5 186.8
PVN 31*057 72   57 191.8 136.6 147.3 154.9 162.0 174.4 193.1 219.2
PVN 31*070 90   70 241.8 172.1 185.6 195.2 204.2 219.8 243.3 276.3
PVN 31*076 96   76 257.4 183.2 197.6 207.8 217.4 234.0 259.0 294.1
PVN 31*084 108   84 288.9 205.6 221.8 233.2 244.0 262.6 290.7 330.1
PVN 31*088 108   88 288.9 205.6 221.8 233.2 244.0 262.6 290.7 330.1
PVN 31*098 120   98 326.9 241.3 251.0 263.9 276.1 297.2 329.0 373.6
* PVN 31*106 132 106 352 252 270 284 298 317 353 404
PVN 31*115 144 115 386.1 285.0 296.5 311.7 326.1 351.0 388.6 441.2
PVN 31*131 168 131 445 330 343 363 380 409 446 503
PVN 31*140 172 140 455 338 351 372 389 419 457 516
PVN 31*144 180 144 476 354 367 389 407 438 478 539
PVN 31*152 192 152 508 377 391 415 434 467 509 575
PVN 31*180 228 180 604 448 465 493 516 556 607 684
* Designates Change
(1) Maximum discharge voltage for a 10kA impulse current wave which produces a voltage wave cresting in 0.5 µs. This can be used for
coordination where front-of-wave sparkover was formerly used.
(2) Based on a 500A surge of 45-µs time to crest through 88kV MCOV, and 1,000A surge of 45-µs time to crest for 98kV MCOV and higher
Mounting Positions
Type PVN arresters may be mounted vertically, horizontally or assumes a worst case loading consisting of 150 m.p.h. wind
underhung, provided the cantilever moment is not excessive. and the weight of the horizontally mounted arrester. Ratings
Underhung mounting requires factory assembly of the base above 115kV MCOV are not recommended for horizontal
mounting hardware at the top of the arrester. For the correct mounting.
catalog number replace third digit of the Catalog Number
with 2 or 5. Example: 310042 becomes 312042 or 315042 Residual Cantilever Load (lbs.)
(See page 30-5).
Horizontal Mounting PVN
Because PVN arrester construction is non-rigid, there will be
an observable deflection when cantilever load is applied. Cat. No. 310XXX Cat. No. 314XXX
kV - MCOV Cat. No. 312XXX Cat. No. 315XXX
The rated ultimate cantilever moment of the PVN arrester
with the tripod base is 20,000 inch-lbs. The maximum work- 2.55 - 8.4 1100 870
ing moment for the 2.55 - 115kV MCOV is 10,000 inch-lbs. 10.2 - 15.3   880 690
17 - 24.4   580 490
For 131 thru 180kV MCOV with the tripod base, the maxi-
29 - 39   425 370
mum working moment is 5,000 inch-lbs. For the round cap 290
42 - 48   330
base design, the maximum working moment is 3,000 inch-   175 160
lbs. 70 - 76   150 140
For horizontally mounted 2.55 through 115kV MCOV arrest- 84 - 98    90   85
ers the following table summarizes the maximum load that 106 - 115    50   45
can be applied to the top end of the arrester without exceed-
ing the arrester’s maximum working load. This calculation Note: MCOV 84kV through 180kV include a grading ring.


Power Systems MARCH 2009

Dimensions and Mounting
Arrester Ratings Minimum Mounting
31*_ _ _ Maximum Spacing on center†
Standard Duty Continuous Phase to
Arrester Cycle Operating “X” Leakage Phase Phase to Net
Catalog Rating Voltage MCOV Dimension Distance (in-line) Ground Weight
Type Number kV rms kV rms (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches)‡ (Pounds)*
PVN 31*003 3    2.55   10.2   23 12.3   7.7   20.3
PVN 31*005 6    5.1   10.2   23 12.3   7.7   20.8
PVN 31*008 9    7.65   10.2   23 12.3   7.7   21.3
PVN 31*009 10    8.4    10.2   23 12.3   7.7   21.6 FIGURE 1
PVN 31*010 12   10.2    12.8   31 12.3   7.7   25.2 310XXX
PVN 31*013 15   12.7    12.8   31 12.3   7.7   25.8
PVN 31*015 18   15.3    12.8   31 12.3   7.7   26.3
PVN 31*017 21   17   18.2   46 12.3   7.7   33.6
PVN 31*019 24   19.5    18.2   46 12.3   8.0   34.2
PVN 31*022 27   22   18.2   46 12.3   8.8   34.7
PVN 31*024 30   24.4   18.2   46 12.3   9.6   35.2
* PVN 31*029 36   29   18.2   46 13.8 11.0   36.5
PVN 31*031 39   31.5   23.5   62 14.6 11.8   43.5
PVN 31*036 45   36.5   23.5   62 16.3 13.5   44.4
PVN 31*039 48   39   23.5   62 17.0 14.2   45.2
PVN 31*042 54   42   28.8   78 18.6 15.8   52.6
PVN 31*048 60   48   28.8   78 20.6 17.8   53.6
* PVN 31*057 72   57   34   92 23.4 20.6   76.7
* PVN 31*070 90   70   44.6 124 27.0 24.5   77.0
* PVN 31*076 96   76   44.6 124 30.5 28.0   80.0
* PVN 31*084 108   84   55.3 156 44.5 36.5   98.9
* PVN 31*088 108   88   55.3 156 44.5 36.5   98.9 FIGURE 2
PVN 31*098 120   98   55.3 156 49.0 41.0 101.0 314XXX
* PVN 31*106 132 106   55.3 156 53.0 45.0 105.0
PVN 31*115 144 115   65.8 186 56.0 48.0 120.1
PVN 31*131 168 131   84.4 234 74.0 60.0 152.0
PVN 31*140 172 140   84.4 234 77.0 63.0 152.0
PVN 31*144 180 144   84.4 234 78.0 64.0 152.0
PVN 31*152 192 152   84.4 234 84.0 70.0 152.0
PVN 31*180 228 180 112.2 312 94.0 80.0 201.0

* Designates Change
† Minimum clearances are based on arrester protective levels and should be increased when
necessary to meet local requirements for spacing of energized equipment.
‡ The large energized diameter of the 313XXX requires additional clearance.
Other Configurations (see Figures on page 30-11)
* Catalog 310XXX Small top, tripod base with 10 inch B.C. For upright and hori-
zontal mounting (see Fig. 1) (Dimensional weights as shown.)
* Catalog 311XXX Small diameter line and ground terminals for vertical mounting
only (deduct 1 inch and 4 pounds). FIGURE 3
* Catalog 312XXX Similar to 310XXX for underhung mounting. 314XXX
* Catalog 313XXX (available through 57kV MCOV) With 10 inch B.C. at each end All arresters 84kV and above include ring.
for upright, underhung and horizontal mounting (add 1 inch and 5 pounds). Grading Rings
* Catalog 314XXX Integral NEMA pad line terminal and 10 inch B.C. base for up- Rings are required on arresters 84kV
right and horizontal mounting (see Fig. 2 & 3) (add 3.5 inches and 2 pounds). MCOV and above.
* Catalog 315XXX Similar to 314XXX for underhung mounting. Drop Diameter
kV - MCOV (Inches) (A) (Inches) (B)
For standard terminals shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3 and standard packaging, order suffix 84 - 88   4.8 14.0
code 3001. For non-standard requirements, contact your Ohio Brass representative. 98 - 115   9.0 16.5
131 - 180 14.5 27.9
PVN Terminals
Standard line and ground terminals will accommodate conductor sizes from 1/4 (.25) inch to 13/16 (0.81) inch diameter. The
terminals are of hot-dip galvanized malleable iron, compatible with either aluminum or copper.

Connector Number 271414 used with

Line terminal Number 71874 Standard Ground terminal all terminal combinations. Range of
(small top only). Number 71874. conductor sizes .25 to .81 inch.
MARCH 2009 Power Systems


PVI/PVN Packaging Discharge Counters

Polymer station and intermediate arresters through 98kV
MCOV are packaged in a cardboard carton. PVN arresters will
be packaged in a crate above 98kV MCOV. Grading rings are
packaged separately. Maximum weight of largest PVN arrester
is 123 pounds. Maximum weight of largest PVI arresters is 60

PVN Nameplates
Each arrester is identified with a nameplate attached to the
bottom or top casting with information required by IEEE/ANSI,
CSA and IEC.
These nameplates display the maximum continuous operating
voltage rating, the duty cycle voltage rating, the pressure relief
current rating, the catalog number, serial number and the year
of manufacture. 245121 245120
Arrester discharge counters can be furnished with or without
a built-in milliammeter which provides a continuous reading
of the grading current. Operation of an arrester discharge
counter and the optional grading current instrument requires
Used on Arresters with that the arrester base be insulated from the ground.
“small top” option.
Insulating Subbases When ordering, each
Catalog Number is a set of
three insulating subbases.

Standard nameplate on tripod base.

PVN Crossarm Mounting

Number 2738303001 Number 2730973001

For use with For use with
PVN arresters Type PVI arresters

PVN Base Mounting Information

The end casting is furnished with three holes at 120° on a 10
inch diameter bolt circle. (Mounting bolts and washers are not
provided with the arrester.)

Arrester Bolt Bolt Attachment Lug

MCOV Circle Size Thickness Hole Size
(kV) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches)

3110XX3011 2.55 - 180 10.0 0.50 1.25 0.56

Crossarm Mounting Application available through 57kV
Power Systems MARCH 2009


Station/Intermediate Mounting Brackets

(Bracket is also drilled
for 10-inch bolt circle.)

11⁄2" x 41⁄2" Min.
4" x 61⁄2" Max.

(Bracket is also drilled
5" x 41⁄2" Min.
for 10-inch bolt circle.)
81⁄2" x 61⁄2" Max. Number 718643001 Number 900643001
Double crossarm base mounting plate. Maximum arrester Single crossarm mounting bracket. Electrical clearances
size that may be mounted on this bracket is 39kV MCOV. must be observed. Maximum arrester size that may be
mounted on this bracket is 48kV MCOV for type PVN and
31.5kV MCOV for type PVI. Pipe spacers are included with
attachment bolts to clear channel thickness and permit
mounting the arrester with bracket in an inverted position.
Note: Some users prefer to use a lightweight distribution ar-
(Bracket is also drilled rester bracket as shown on page 30-8 (PVI) and 30-11 (PVN).
for 10-inch bolt circle.)

13⁄4" x 41⁄2" Min.
41⁄2" x 61⁄2" Max.

(Bracket is also drilled

for 10-inch bolt circle.)

Number 901063001
Double crossarm mounting bracket. Electrical clearances
must be observed. Maximum arrester size that may be
mounted on this bracket is 48kV MCOV. Pipe spacers are Number 718653001
included with attachment bolts to clear channel thickness Wall mounting bracket. Electrical clearances must be ob-
and permit mounting the arrester with bracket in an inverted served. Maximum arrester size that may be mounted on this
position. bracket is 57kV MCOV.
Mounting Brackets for PVI Arresters

Number 968763001    Number 968753001

Pole mounting bracket for single arrester. Maximum arrester Pole mounting bracket for three arresters. Maximum arrester
size that may be mounted on this bracket is 57kV MCOV. size that may be mounted on this bracket is 57kV MCOV.
Provides horizontal arrester mounting for armless construc- Provides horizontal arrester mounting for armless construc-
tion and cable riser poles. tion and cable riser poles.


MARCH 2009 Power Systems


Polymer Housed Station Class Surge Arrester
Dimensions and Mounting
“X” Leakage Minimum Mounting Net
Catalog MCOV Dimension Distance Spacing on Center (in.) Weight
Type Number (kV) Figure (inches) (inches) Ph-Ph Ph-Grd (pounds)

PVNA 31*703   2.55 1   6.9 15.4 4.4   3.3   6.7

PVNA 31*705   5.1  1   6.9 15.4 4.6   3.2   6.7
PVNA 31*708   7.65 1   6.9 15.4 4.7   3.3   6.7
PVNA 31*709   8.4  1   6.9 15.4 4.9   3.5   6.7
PVNA 31*710 10.2  1   6.9 15.4 5.6   4.2   6.7
PVNA 31*713 12.7  1 12.2 30.8 6.2   4.8 10.4 
PVNA 31*715 15.3  1 12.2 30.8 6.6   5.2 10.4 
PVNA 31*717 17  1 12.2 30.8 7.6   6.2 10.4
PVNA 31*720 19.5  1 12.2 30.8 8.6   7.2 10.4
PVNA 31*722 22  1 17.6 46.2 9.6   8.2 14.1
PVNA 31*724 24.4  1 17.6 46.2 9.8   8.4 14.1
PVNA 31*729 29  1 17.6 46.2 11.8 10.4 14.1
PVNA 31*731 31.5  1 23.0 61.6 12.8 11.4 17.8
PVNA 31*736 36.5  1 23.0 61.6 14.8 13.4 17.8
PVNA 31*739 39  1 23.0 61.6 15.8 14.4 17.8
PVNA 31*742 42  1 28.4 77.0 17.8 16.4 21.5
PVNA 31*748 48  1 28.4 77.0 19.8 18.4 21.5
PVNA 31*757 57  1 33.8 92.4 22.8 21.4 25.2

.56 DIA - 4 HOLES


3.6 1.75

Clamp Type Line Clamp Type Line

& Ground Terminals & Ground Terminals
Suitable for use with Suitable for use with
CU or AL Conductor CU or AL Conductor
.25 to .81 Dia. .25 to .81 Dia.

[X] [X]
4.3 DIA 4.3 DIA



Figure 1 Figure 2
Mounting Configurations: PVNA Terminals:
The third digit designates the mounting configuration. For upright Standard line and ground terminals are included with the arrester
mounting small top and tripod base, order catalog numbers and will accommodate conductor sizes from 1/4 (.25) inch to
series 3107XX3001 (Figure 1). If a four-hole terminal pad is 13/16 (.81) inch. The terminals are hot dipped galvanized mal-
required, use catalog number series 3107XX3002 (Figure 2). leable iron compatible with either aluminum or copper.
All PVNA arresters are packaged one per carton. Other hardware options available. Contact your local repre-
For underhung mounting tripod top and small base, order sentative.
catalog number series 3127XX3001.
Power Systems MARCH 2009


Polymer Housed Station Class Surge Arrester
Base Mounting Information:
The end casting is furnished with three slots suitable for use on either 8.75" or 10" diameter bolt circle. Mounting hardware is
not furnished with the arrester.

Bolt Attachment Lug

Size Thickness Hole Size
(inches) (inches) (inches)

0.5 0.75 0.56

Cantilever: Rated ultimate cantilever moment is 4,000 inch-
pounds. Continuous cantilever moment is 2,000 inch-
Energy Capability: 5.1 kJ/kV MCOV
Pressure Relief: 40 kA rms Symmetrical
Protective Characteristics
Standard Duty Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Discharge
Arrester Cycle Continuous 0.5µs Switching Voltage Using an
Catalog Rating Operating Discharge Surge 8/20 Current Wave-kV
Number kV rms Voltage Voltage Protective
kV rms kV (1) Level
kV (2) 1.5 kA 3 kA 5 kA 10 kA 20 kA 40 kA

31*703 3 2.55 8.5 6.3 6.7   7.1   7.4    8 8.9 10

31*705 6 5.1  16.9 12.5 13.4   14.2   14.8   16 17.7 20
31*708 9 7.65 25.3 18.7 20.1   21.2   22.2   23.9 26.5 29.8
31*709 10 8.4 27.6 20.5 21.9   23.1   24.2   26.1 28.9 32.5
31*710 12 10.2 33.5 24.9 26.6   28.1   29.4   31.7 35.1 39.5
31*713 15 12.7 42.2 31.3 33.5   35.4   37   39.9 44.2 49.8
31*715 18 15.3 50.5 37.5 40.1   42.4   44.3   47.8 52.9 59.6
31*717 21 17 55.3 41 43.9   46.3   48.5   52.3 57.9 65.2
31*720 24 19.5 67 49.7 53.2   56.2   58.8   63.4 70.2 79.1
31*722 27 22 75.9 56.3 60.2   63.6   66.6   71.8 79.5 89.5
31*724 30 24.4 82.9 61.5 65.8   69.5   72.7   78.4 86.8 98
31*729 36 29 101 74.6 79.8   84.3   88.2   95.1 105 119
31*731 39 31.5 105.8 78.5 84     88.7   92.8 100.1 110.8 124.8
31*736 45 36.5 122.3 90.7 97.1 102.5 107.3 115.7 128.1 144.3
31*739 48 39 134 99.4 106.4 112.3 117.5 126.8 140.4 158.1
31*742 54 42 144 106.8 114.3 120.7 126.3 136.2 150.8 169.8
31*748 60 48 161.6 119.9 128.3 135.5 141.7 152.9 169.3 191
31*757 72 57 195 144.7 154.9 163.6 171.1 184.6 204 230

(1) Maximum discharge voltage for a 10-kA impulse current wave which produces a voltage wave cresting in 0.5µs. This can be used for
coordination where front-of-wave sparkover was formerly used.
(2) 500A surge of 45-µs-time to crest.


MARCH 2009 Power Systems


Type VL and VN Porcelain Housed Station Class Arresters

Introduction Application Guide
For over 30 years, Ohio Brass has been supplying surge For a 12-page Application Guide, request publication EU
arresters to the electric utility industry. Many unique physical 1091-H from your Ohio Brass representative.
and electrical design changes have been introduced for:
• achieving more compact arrester dimensions
• significantly reducing equipment costs through drastic
reductions in insulation levels
• greatly improving protection performance for greater
system reliability.
DynaVar® station class arresters, with metal-oxide varistor
design, provide improved operating characteristics over sili-
cone-carbide design arresters. They offer superior protective
capability and durability under natural and system-generated
surge duty.

All VL, VLA & VN DynaVar Station Class Surge Arresters

in this catalog comply with ANSI/IEEE Standard C62.11.

Description and Operation

Maximum Operating Altitudes
DynaVar station arresters can be applied at the altitudes Rated cantilever base moments are as follows:
listed below. For special altitude applications, contact your Type VL......................................................70,000 inch-pounds
Ohio Brass representative. Type VN...................................................150,000 inch-pounds
Maximum recommended working base moment under any
combination of loading conditions is 40 percent of the above
Maximum Operating Altitudes
figures. The side force on the top terminal of VLA arresters
Maximum Altitude Above Sea Level should not exceed 100 pounds.
Arrester Type feet meters Subbases are available with cantilever strengths consistent
VLA, VL, VN 12,000 3,600 with arrester strength.

Mechanical Strength
The low silhouette and simple columnar shape of DynaVar
arresters minimize wind resistance. They will withstand winds
as high as 120 m.p.h. with a generous safety factor.
The tallest DynaVar VL/VN arrester will also withstand in
excess of 0.2 g of earthquake shock. As arrester height de-
creases at lower voltages, strength improves progressively.
Throughout the range of sizes, this exceeds general station
Cantilever Strength
The high cantilever strengths of DynaVar arresters adequate-
ly meet service requirements with generous safety factors for
windstorms or earthquakes. Horizontal force can be estab-
lished by dividing cantilever moment by distance between
base mounting and center of force.


Power Systems MARCH 2009

Porcelain Housed Station Class Arresters
Protective Characteristics
Maximum Maximum Switching
Standard Duty 0.5µs Surge Protective Maximum Discharge Voltage
Arrester Cycle Arrester Discharge Level At Classifying Using an 8/20
Catalog Rating MCOV- Voltage Current Levels Current Wave-kV
Type Number kV rms kV rms kV (1) kV (2) 1.5kA 3kA 5kA 10kA 20kA 40kA
VLA 217003 3    2.55    9.1    6.3    6.9    7.2    7.5    8    9   10.3
VLA 217005 6    5.1   17.9   12.4   13.6   14.2   14.8   15.8   17.7   20.3
VLA 217008 9    7.65   26.6   18.4   20.2   21.1   22   23.5   26.4   30.2
VLA 217009 10    8.4   29.3   20.3   22.2   23.3   24.2   25.9   29.1   33.3
VLA 218510 12   10.2   35.5   24.6   26.9   28.2   29.4   31.4   35.2   40.4
VLA 217013 15   12.7   44.2   30.6   33.5   35.1   36.6   39.1   43.9   50.3
VLA 217015 18   15.3   53.3   36.8   40.4   42.3   44.1   47.1   52.8   60.6
VLA 218517 21   17.0   59.1   40.9   44.8   46.9   48.9   52.3   58.7   67.2
VLA 218519 24   19.5   67.8   46.9   51.4   53.8   56.1   60   67.3   77.1
VL 216003  3    2.55    9.1    6.3    6.9    7.2    7.5    8    9   10.3
VL 216005    6    5.1   17.9   12.4   13.6   14.2   14.8   15.8   17.7   20.3
VL 219508    9    7.65   26.6   18.4   20.2   21.1   22   23.5   26.4   30.2
VL 219509   10    8.4   29.3   20.3   22.2   23.3   24.2   25.9   29.1   33.3
VL 219510   12   10.2   35.5   24.6   26.9   28.2   29.4   31.4   35.2   40.4
VL 219513   15   12.7   44.2   30.6   33.5   35.1   36.6   39.1   43.9   50.3
VL 216015   18   15.3   53.3   36.8   40.4   42.3   44.1   47.1   52.8   60.6
VL 219517   21   17   59.1   40.9   44.8   46.9   48.9   52.3   58.7   67.2
VL 219519   24   19.5   67.8   46.9   51.4   53.8   56.1   60   67.3   77.1
VL 216022   27   22   76.5   52.9   58   60.8   63.3   67.7   75.9   87
VL 216024 30   24.4   84.9   58.7   64.3   67.4   70.3   75.1   84.2   96.5
VL 219529 36   29 101   69.7   76.4   80   83.4   89.2 100 115
VL 216031 39   31.5 110   75.8   83   86.9   90.6   96.9 109 125
VL 219536 45   36.5 128   88.3   96.8 102 106 113 127 146
VL 219539 48   39 136   93.8 103 108 113 120 135 155
VN 219542 54   42 135 100 107 112 117 125 136 151
VN 219548 60   48 150 111 119 125 130 139 151 168
VN 219557 72   57 178 132 141 148 154 165 179 199
VN 219570 90   70 225 166 178 187 195 208 226 251
VN 219574 90   74 238 176 188 198 206 220 239 265
VN 219576 96   76 238 176 188 198 206 220 239 265
VN 219584 108   84 269 199 213 224 233 249 270 300
VN 219588 108   88 275 203 218 228 238 254 276 306
VN 217598 120   98 306 235 242 254 265 283 307 341
VN 219606 132 106 332 254 263 276 287 307 333 370
VN 219615 144 115 360 276 285 299 312 333 361 402
VN 219631 168 131 416 319 330 346 360 385 418 464
VN 217740 172 140 438 336 347 363 379 405 439 488
VN 217744 180 144 450 345 357 374 390 416 452 502
VN 217752 192 152 476 365 377 395 412 440 477 531
VN 217780 228 180 568 436 450 472 492 526 570 634
VN 217909 258 209 659 526 522 547 570 609 661 735
VN 217912 264 212 662 528 524 550 573 612 664 738
VN 217920 276 220 687 548 544 570 594 635 689 766
VN 217945 312 245 773 617 612 641 668 714 775 862

(1) Maximum discharge voltage for an impulse current wave which produces a voltage wave cresting in 0.5 µs. Discharge currents are 10
kA for 2.55 - 245kV MCOV. This can be used for coordination where front-of-wave sparkover formerly was used.
(2) Discharge voltages are based on a 500A surge of 45 µs time to crest through 88kV MOV and 1,000A surge of 45 µs-time to crest
through 180kV MCOV and 2,000A through 245kV MCOV.

Each arrester is identified with an arrester nameplate at- nameplate identifies the serial number of the specific unit.
tached to the bottom casting. The arrester nameplate is
attached to the bottom unit of multiple-unit stacks.
Standard Configurations
Arrester nameplates display the maximum continuous oper-
ating voltage, duty cycle rating, pressure relief current, serial
and catalog numbers, and stacking sequence if the unit is
the base unit of a multiple stack.
Multiple-unit arresters must be stacked in the order listed on
the base nameplate. (Stacking sequence is also listed on the
arrester crates.)
Multiple-unit arresters are also identified with a unit name- Unit Nameplate Arrester Nameplate
plate attached to the upper casting of each unit. The unit
MARCH 2009 Power Systems


Dimensions and

Drawing 1 Drawing 2
(Type VLA) (Type VL) Drawing 3
(Type VN)
Minimum Mounting
Maximum Spacing on center†
Standard Duty Continuous Minimum Phase to Phase to
Arrester Cycle Operating “X” Leakage Phase Ground Net
Catalog Rating Voltage Drawing Dimension Distance (in-line Weight
Type Number kV rms kV rms Number (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Pounds)
VLA 217003 3    2.55 1   12   11.1   11    5.5   35
VLA 217005 6    5.1 1   12   11.1   11    5.5   40
VLA 217008 9    7.65 1   12   11.1   11    5.5   40
VLA 217009 10    8.4 1   12   11.1   11    5.5   40
VLA 218510 12   10.2 1   12   11.1   11    6.5   42
VLA 217013 15   12.7 1   16.25   20   11    7.5   50 Drawing 4
VLA 217015 18   15.3 1   16.25   20   11    9   50 (Type VN)
VLA 218517 21   17.0 1   16.25   20   11    9   51
VLA 218519 24   19.5 1   16.25   20   11    9   52
VL 216003    3    2.55 2   19.13    6.2   12    6   65
VL 216005    6    5.1 2   19.13    6.2   12    7   65
VL 219508    9    7.65 2   19.13    6.2   13    7   66
VL 219509   10    8.4 2   19.13    6.2   13    8   66
VL 219510   12   10.2 2   21.13   11.1   14    8.5   72
VL 219513   15   12.7 2   21.13   11.1   14    8.5   73
VL 216015   18   15.3 2   24.13   20   16    9   80
VL 219517   21   17 2   24.13   20   16    9   81
VL 219519   24   19.5 2   24.13   20   17   11   82
VL 216022   27   22 2   28.13   31.7   18   12   90
VL 216024 30   24.4 2   28.13   31.7   18   12   91
VL 219529 36   29 2   28.13   31.7   20   14   93
VL 216031 39   31.5 2   31.88   41   21   14 105 Drawing 5
VL 219536 45   36.5 2   31.88   41   21   15 107 (Type VN)
VL 219539 48   39 2   31.88   41   22   15 109
VN 219542 54   42 3   38.13   60   24   18 180
VN 219548 60   48 3   38.13   60   25   19 185
VN 219557 72   57 3   44.13   80   26   20 220
VN 219570 90   70 3   50.63 101   33   27 250
VN 219574 90   74 3   50.63 101   35   29 260
VN 219576 96   76 3   50.63 101   37   31 265
VN 219584 108   84 3   57.13 122   38   32 280
VN 219588 108   88 3   57.13 122   39   33 285
VN 217598 120   98 3   57.13 122   42   36 290
VN 219606 132 106 4   76.63 140   44   38 395
VN 219615 144 115 4   82.63 160   51   46 425
VN 219631 168 131 4   89.13 181   59   54 465
VN 217740 172 140 5   89.13 181   78   59 475
VN 217744 180 144 5   89.13 181   83   64 480
VN 217752 192 152 5   96.13 202   83   67 515
VN 217780 228 180 5 108.63 244   92   73 590
VN 217909 258 209 6 128.13 262 111   92 700
VN 217912 264 212 6 133.63 282 116   96 725
Drawing 6
VN 217920 276 220 6 133.63 282 120 100 730
(Type VN)
VN 217945 312 245 6 147.13 324 130 110 800
See the Dimensions and
† Minimum clearances are based on arrester protective levels and should be increased
Mounting Table for more
when necessary to meet local requirements for spacing of energized equipment.
detailed information.
‡ Three units.

Grading Rings
Where a grading ring is required (Drawings 5 & 6), it is included in the shipment.


Power Systems MARCH 2009


Polymer Housed Arresters

(Type SVN)

• Hollow Core Design
• Silicone Rubber Housing
• Same proven sealing
system as used in our
porcelain VL & VN designs
• High mechanical strength
• High leakage distance
designs available
• Same high quality MOV
technology as all other
Ohio Brass arresters

For non-catalog polymer arresters that require higher creepage or special application
please consult your Ohio Brass representative.

Polymer Overview (Type SVN)

Ultimate Strength
Product Type Housing Material Strength
SVN Silicone 35,000* 70,800
*MDCL – Maximum Design Cantilever Load


MARCH 2009 Power Systems


Polymer Housed
Station Class Arrester

Ohio Brass SVN Ordering System:

Use the following selection tables to build the correct Ohio Brass SVN Arresters.

Catalog Ordering System

 A B  C D E F G H I J K L
S  V  N G A

Step 1: Enter the Rated Voltage of the Arrester into Cells C through E using Table 1.

Table 1
Rated Rated
Voltage (kV) Voltage (kV)
  54 0 5 4 180 1 8 0
  60 0 6 0 192 1 9 2
  72 0 7 2 228 2 2 8
  90 0 9 0 258 2 5 8
  96 0 9 6 264 2 6 4
108 1 0 8 276 2 7 6
120 1 2 0 312 3 1 2
132 1 3 2 396 3 9 6
144 1 4 4 420 4 2 0
168 1 6 8 444 4 4 4
Power Systems MARCH 2009


Step 2: Select the appropriate MCOV from Table 2 that Step 3: Select the appropriate Line and Ground ter-
corresponds with the Rated Voltage selected for C through minals based on the conductor size ranges in Table 3
E and fill in Cells H through J. and fill in K & L.
Table 2 Table 3
Rated Voltage Line Size Ground Size
(kV) dia. (in) dia. (in)

54 42 0 4 2 0.32 - 0.78 0.32 - 0.78 A A

60 48 0 4 8 0.32 - 0.78 0.38 - 1.12 A B
72 57 0 5 7 0.32 - 0.78 1 - 1.4 A C
90 70 0 7 0 0.38 - 1.12 0.32 - 0.78 B A
90 74 0 7 4 0.38 - 1.12 0.38 - 1.12 B B
96 76 0 7 6 0.38 - 1.12 1 - 1.4 B C
108 84 0 8 4 1 - 1.4 0.32 - 0.78 C A
108 88 0 8 8
1 - 1.4 0.38 - 1.12 C B
120 98 0 9 8
1 - 1.4 1 - 1.4 C C
132 106 1 0 6
144 115 1 1 5
168 131 1 3 1
172 140 1 4 0
180 144 1 4 4
192 152 1 5 2
228 180 1 8 0
258 209 2 0 9
264 212 2 1 2
276 220 2 2 0
312 245 2 4 5
396 318 3 1 8
420 335 3 3 5
444 353 3 5 3

SVN Catalog Ordering Example

• Rated Voltage – 54kV
• MCOV – 42kV
• Line & Ground Size - 0.32 - 0.78 inch diameter
Step 1: Fill in C through E
v (SVN054GAxxxxx)
Step 2: Select MCOV
v (SVN054GA042xx)
Step 3: Select Terminals
v (SVN054GA042AA)
Step 4: Order Ohio Brass Catalog Number
v (SVN054GA042AA)


MARCH 2009 Power Systems


Hollow Core Silicone Housed Station Class Arresters

Protective Characteristics
Maximum Switching Surge
Rated 0.5µs Protective Level Maximum Discharge Voltage
Standard Arrester Voltage MCOV
Discharge At Classifying Using an 8/20 Current Wave-kV
Catalog Number Voltage(1) Current Levels
kV (2)
kVrms kVrms kV kV 1.5kA 3kA 5kA 10kA 20kA 40kA
SVN054GA042AA 54 42 133 94 103 108 113 121 131 146
SVN060GA048AA 60 48 152 107 118 124 129 138 150 166
SVN072GA057AA 72 57 181 127 140 147 153 164 178 198
SVN090GA070AA 90 70 222 156 172 181 188 201 218 243
SVN090GA074AA 90 74 235 165 182 191 199 213 231 256
SVN096GA076AA 96 76 241 170 187 196 205 218 237 263
SVN108GA084AA 108 84 266 187 207 217 226 241 262 291
SVN108GA088AA 108 88 279 196 217 227 237 253 274 305
SVN120GA098AA 120 98 311 228 241 253 264 282 305 340
SVN132GA106AA 132 106 336 247 261 274 285 305 330 367
SVN144GA115AA 144 115 365 268 283 297 310 330 358 399
SVN168GA131AA 168 131 416 305 323 338 353 376 408 454
SVN172GA140AA 172 140 444 326 345 362 377 402 436 485
SVN180GA144AA 180 144 457 335 355 372 388 414 449 499
SVN192GA152AA 192 152 482 354 374 393 409 437 473 527
SVN228GA180AA 228 180 571 419 443 465 485 517 561 624
SVN240GA190AA 240 190 602 472 468 491 511 546 592 658
SVN258GA209AA 258 209 663 519 515 540 563 601 651 724
SVN264GA212AA 264 212 673 526 522 548 571 609 660 735
SVN276GA220AA 276 220 698 546 542 568 592 632 685 762
SVN288GA230AA 288 230 729 571 566 594 619 661 716 797
SVN312GA245AA 312 245 777 608 603 633 660 704 763 849
SVN396GA318AA 396 318 1009 790 783 821 856 914 991 1102
SVN420GA335AA 420 335 1063 832 825 865 902 963 1043 1161
SVN444GA353AA 444 353 1120 876 869 912 950 1014 1100 1223

(1) Maximum discharge voltage for an impulse current wave which produces a voltage wave cresting in 0.5 µs. Discharge Currents are
10kA for 42 - 353kV MCOV. This can be used for coordination where front-of-wave sparkover formerly was used.

(2) Discharge voltages are based on a 500A surge of 45 µs time to crest through 88kV MCOV and a 1000A surge of 45 µs to crest through
180kV MCOV and 2000A through 245kV MCOV.

Nameplates Standard Configurations

Each arrester is identified with an arrester nameplate at-
tached to the bottom casting. The arrester nameplate is
attached to the bottom unit of multiple-unit stacks.
Arrester nameplates display the maximum continuous oper-
ating voltage, duty cycle rating, pressure relief current, serial
and catalog numbers, and stacking sequence if the unit is
the base unit of a multiple stack.
Multiple-unit arresters must be stacked in the order listed on
Unit Nameplate Arrester Nameplate
the base nameplate. (Stacking sequence is also listed on the
arrester crates.)
Multiple-unit arresters are also identified with a unit name-
plate attached to the upper casting of each unit. The unit
nameplate identifies the serial number of the specific unit.


Power Systems MARCH 2009


Dimensions and Mounting

Minimum Mounting
Spacing on Center (1)

Maximum A B
Continuous Minimum Phase to Phase to
Operating Figure Height Leakage Phase Ground Ring
Standard Arrester Duty Cycle Voltage Number “H” Distance (in-line) (Inches) Net Weight Diameter
Catalog Number kV rms kV rms (Page 23) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Pounds) (Inches)
SVN054GA042AA 54 42 1 38.1 83 15.6 10.9 104
SVN060GA048AA 60 48 1 38.1 83 17.1 12.5 107
SVN072GA057AA 72 57 1 38.1 83 19.5 14.8 112
SVN090GA070AA 90 70 1 44.4 113 26.0 18.2 125
SVN090GA074AA 90 74 1 44.4 113 27.0 19.2 130
SVN096GA076AA 96 76 1 44.4 113 27.5 19.8 128
SVN108GA084AA 108 84 1 52.1 142 31.2 21.8 141
SVN108GA088AA 108 88 1 52.1 142 32.2 22.9 144
SVN120GA098AA 120 98 1 52.1 142 36.4 25.5 149
SVN132GA106AA 132 106 1 58.8 171 38.4 27.6 167
SVN144GA115AA 144 115 1 58.8 171 40.8 29.9 172
SVN168GA131AA 168 131 2 76.9 196 44.9 34.1 231
SVN172GA140AA 172 140 3 76.9 196 77.0 48.9 257 25
SVN180GA144AA 180 144 3 76.9 196 78.0 50.0 257 25
SVN192GA152AA 192 152 3 83.2 225 80.1 52.0 262 25
SVN228GA180AA 228 180 3 90.9 254 87.4 59.3 291 25
SVN240GA190AA 240 190 3 98.6 285 90.0 61.9 317 25
SVN258GA209AA 258 209 3 105.3 313 116.6 73.9 349 39
SVN264GA212AA 264 212 3 105.3 313 117.4 74.6 351 39
SVN276GA220AA 276 220 3 105.3 313 119.5 76.7 330 39
SVN288GA230AA 288 230 3 112.0 344 122.1 79.3 360 39
SVN312GA245AA 312 245 4 129.7 367 126.0 83.2 406 39
SVN396GA318AA 396 318 4 151.8 455 178.4 112.9 539 80

SVN420GA335AA 420 335 4 158.5 484 182.8 117.3 564 80

SVN444GA353AA 444 353 4 165.2 514 187.5 122.0 532 60
(1) Minimum clearances are based on arrester protective levels and should be increased when necessary to meet local requirements for
spacing of energized equipment.

Grading Rings A B
Where a grading ring is required (Figures 3 and 4 on page 23),
it is included in the shipment.

A P-P centerline
B P-G clearance to groundplane
MARCH 2009 Power Systems

Dimensions and Mounting (continued)
Base Mounting Information Terminals
End castings of Types VLA, VL, VN and SVN arresters are fur-
nished with three holes at 120 degrees on a 10-inch diameter Note: For standard terminals and standard pack-
bolt circle. Mounting holes will accommodate 1/2-inch bolts. age, order suffix 3001 for VL/VLA and suffix 5001
Rated cantilever strength is achieved with 1/2-inch bolts. for VN.
Mounting bolts, nuts and washers are not furnished with
DynaVar arresters. Line and ground terminals for conductors from .25 to .81-
inch diameter are supplied with DynaVar arresters. These
Bolt Bolt Attachment Lug
terminals are made from hot-dip galvanized malleable iron,
Arrester Circle Size Thickness Hole Size compatible with either aluminum or copper. The arrange-
Type Inches Inches Inches Inches
ment of mounting terminals on arresters makes it possible to
VLA, VL, align them in any direction to accommodate the angle of the
10 1/2 0.63 0.56
VN, SVN incoming lead wire.
Insulating Subbases Contact your Ohio Brass representative for quotation where
1/2-13 STUD, NUT &
conductor size exceeds standard terminal capacity.

Number 2730973001
For use with Type 2.62 (67)
VLA and VL arresters.
1.38 (35)
1/2-13 STUD, NUT &

1/2-13 UNC-2A STUD


Terminal Number 71874 used for both line and ground con-
Number 2721453076 nection of VLA and ground of VL, VN and SVN arresters. Note
For use with Type VN
6 (152) 3.88 (98) DIA
figure above shows typical ground configuration.
and SVN arresters. 2 (51)

2.25 (57)

4.88 (124)

Discharge Counters

Connector Number 271414 used with all terminal combinations.

Range of conductor sizes .25 to .81-inch.

245121 245120 Mounting Positions

Arrester discharge counters can be furnished with or without DynaVar Types VL, VLA, VN and SVN may be mounted in
a built-in milliammeter which provides a continuous reading upright or, within mechanical limitations, horizontal position.
of the grading current. Operation of an arrester discharge Types VL, VN and SVN may be either base-supported or
counter and the optional grading current instrument requires top-suspended. Type VLA may be mounted inverted if not
that the arrester base be insulated from the ground. Insulat- exposed to the weather. Either end of these types may be
ing subbases are required to mount the discharge counter. electrically connected to line or ground.
Suspension Cap Details
Seen in Drawings 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Packing for Shipment
All VN and SVN arresters are packed with each porcelain unit
in a separate wooden crate. Most VL and all VLA arresters
are packed with each porcelain unit in a separate cardboard
carton. All packing includes proper labeling for correct as-
sembly upon construction. Stacking bolts when required are
included. Grading rings are packed and shipped separately
with tagging for easy identification. Please contact your Ohio
Brass representative if special packing is required.
Catalog No. 272087
Suspension cap for Type VL, VN and SVN arresters. This cap is the
standard normally furnished on VL, VN and SVN shipments.
Power Systems MARCH 2009


Arrester Routine Factory Testing

After assembly operations, the arresters are 100 percent
tested as follows:
Starting Voltage — The voltage necessary to produce 1 mA
peak resistive current is measured. For example, an accept-
able range for a 48kV MCOV rated VN station class arrester
is 55.2 - 62.4kV rms.
Internal Ionization — RIV must be equal to or less than 10-
microvolts above background with an applied voltage of 1.05
times MCOV and less than 50-microvolts with an applied
voltage of 1.25 times MCOV.
Grading Current — Grading current is measured at MCOV.
The acceptable peak current range is as follows:
-- Type VN and SVN: 1.35 ± .25 mA
-- Type VL:   .97 ± .16 mA
-- Type PVI:   .60 ± .15 mA
-- PVN:   .93 ± .15 mA
The above testing procedure indicates our diligence in pro-
ducing high quality metal-oxide arresters.

Fully assembled DynaVar standard polymer-

Complete Design Test Reports are Available. housed station arrester (left) undergoes rou-
tine electrical testing prior to shipment.

Arrester Report Number

Type PVN EU1295-H

Type PVNA EU1502-H

Type PVI EU1250-H

Type PVI-LP EU1464-H

Type PVIA EU1498-H-00

Type VL/VLA EU1196-HR

Type VN EU1029-HR-2-00

Type SVN EU1526-H

These may be ordered from your Ohio Brass representative.

MARCH 2009 Power Systems

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