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1 LADLE ON CYCLE PROCESS PREHEATING .....................................................................................3

2 ALLOYS/FLUXES CHILLING FACTORS AND CHARACTERISTICS .................................................3

2.1 CHILLING FACTORS ............................................................................................................................3
2.2 MAIN ADDITION TYPICAL COMPOSITION ...............................................................................................5
2.3 MAIN ADDITIONS SIZE AND YIELD ........................................................................................................6
3 TAPPING PRACTICE ............................................................................................................................7
3.1 GENERAL DATA .................................................................................................................................7
3.2 STEEL DEOXIDATION ..........................................................................................................................7
3.2.1 No Al killed steel (no aluminium in analysis) – 140 ton ............................................................7
3.2.2 Al killed steel (aluminium in analysis) – 140 ton.......................................................................7
3.3 LADLE ADDITION ................................................................................................................................8
3.3.1 Ferroalloys and lime addition at tapping ..................................................................................8
3.4 SLAG- MAKING PRACTICE ...................................................................................................................8
3.4.1 Slag reduction ..........................................................................................................................8
3.4.2 Slag composition ......................................................................................................................8
4 LADLE FURNACE REFINING TREATMENT......................................................................................10
4.1 HEATING RATE ................................................................................................................................10
4.2 ARGON STIRRING PRACTICE .............................................................................................................11
4.3 FIRST HOMOGENISATION .................................................................................................................11
4.4 SLAG PRACTICE AT LF .....................................................................................................................11
4.4.1 Slag reduction ........................................................................................................................12
4.5 ALLOYING PRACTICE AT LF ..............................................................................................................12
4.5.1 First alloying ...........................................................................................................................12
4.5.2 Second Alloying .....................................................................................................................13
4.5.3 Final Trimming (Wire Injection) ..............................................................................................13
5 STEEL GRADE PROCESS CARDS ....................................................................................................15

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 The ladle inner refractory has to be maintained at temperature between 1000-1200°C after returning
from the casting. At the moment of the tapping the refractory temperature must be not below
900°C.The furnace has to call the ladle 10 min before the tapping time.
 The ladle has to be free of any refractory damages. It should not contain any slag and/or skull from
the previous heat.
 In presence of skull, the furnace tapping temperature will be increased of 10°C from the standard.
 The argon porous plugs must be always checked before sending the ladle to the heating station. The
porous plugs have to work correctly (flow, pressure).
 The sand for slide gate closing has to be inserted at the last minute before sending the ladle to the
heating station before tapping.


The liquid steel temperature is affected by the amount of alloys and fluxes added during the treatment; for
the calculation are assumed the following chilling factors

2.1 Chilling factors

Heating – Melting - Solution in liquid steel °C/kg/t

C (graphite) - 5.95
Al + 0.53
FeSi + 0.70
FeMnHC - 2.74
FeMnLC - 2.23
FeCrCharge - 2.75
FeCrHC - 2.40
FeCrLC - 2.17
FeTi - 2.00
FeMo - 1.40
Mo oxi - 4.21
FeSiMn - 1.92
Ni - 1.69
FeNi24 - 2.00
FeNi50 - 1.84
Carbon scrap - 1.84
Lime - 3.14
Fluorspar - 2.00
Bauxite - 2.55
Oxidation in liquid steel °C/kg/t
Al +32.6
Si +33.8

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The various operations carried out during the treatment have influence on the liquid steel

Various Operations °C/min

Heating by electric power + 2.8  + 5.0 °C
Strong argon stirring - 2.5  - 3.0 °C
Medium argon stirring - 1.5  - 2.5 °C
Low argon stirring - 1.0  - 1.5 °C
No argon stirring - 0.5  - 0.8 °C
Ladle cover and no argon stirring - 0.2  - 0.4 °C
CaSi injection - 1.0  - 2.5 °C

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2.2 Main addition typical composition

Material %C %Mn %Si %Cr %Mo %Ni %Nb %Ti %V %Al %S %P
FeCr HC 8,5 0,15 0,22 69 0,03 0,02
FeCr LC 0,064 0,10 0,40 70 0,002 0,02
FeCr Charge 7,10 0,15 13,55 64 0,28 0,06 0,02
FeMnHC 6,80 76 0,26 0,01 0,12
FeMnLC 0,90 81 0,005 Trace Trace
FeNi 24% 0,10 0,40 24 0,03 0,01
FeNi 50% 0,10 0,30 50 0,03 0,01
Ni 99 0,03 0,01
FeNb 0,05 66 0,09 Trace

FeSi 75 0,10 0,40 75 0,30 1,5 0,07 0,02

FeSi 75 (Low Al) 0,10 0,40 75 0,30 0,1 0,07 0,02
FeSi 65 0,10 0,40 65 0,30 2,5 0,07 0,02
FeSi 45 0,20 0,60 45 0,50 2,0 0,07 0,02
FeTi 70 0,22 73 0,02 Trace
FeV 80 0,27 81 2,0 0,03 Trace
FeV 60 0,27 60 2,0 0,03 Trace
FeSiMn 1,90 66 17 0,03 0,17
FeSiMn LC 0,04 61 28 0,02 Trace
FeMo 60 0,05 0,80 60 0,10 0,05
Mo Oxi 0,01 99 0,004 Trace
FeS 30
FeP 30,00
Al ingot 99 Trace Trace
Al grain 99 Trace Trace
Al drops min 97

Material %C %Si %Ti %V %Al %Ca %B %Fe %F %S %P %Pb
Ti 0,2 1 70 2,5 4 0,030 Trace
FeB 0,5 2 1,5 19,0 0,2 0,020 Trace
FeV 80 Trace
CaSi 0,7 60 1,4 31,0 0,070 Trace
S 99,0 Trace
C for recarburisation 98,0 1,000 Trace
Al 99,0 Trace
Pb Trace 99,0
FeCa 29,0 69,0 Trace

Material %SiO2 %CaF2 %AL2O3
Fluorspar ≤4 ≥ 90
Bauxite ≤6 ≥ 85

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Lime Carbon for Recarburisation

CaO ≥ 93 MOISTURE < 0,5
MgO < 2,0 ASH < 0,2
SiO2+AL2O3 < 3,0 VOLATILE < 0,8
S < 0,05 CARBON ≥ 98
P < 0,05 SULPHUR < 0,5
L.O.I. < 4,0 HYDROGEN < 0,2
Reactivity 60°C in 2 min NITROGEN <1

2.3 Main additions size and yield

Material Size Expected Yield Kg/m
FeCr Charge 20-50 mm 99,00
FeCrHC 20-50 mm 99,00
FeCrLC 20-50 mm 99,00
FeMnHC 20-50 mm 90-100
FeMnLC 20-50 mm 90-100
FeMo <50 mm 100
FeNi 20-50 mm 100
Side ≤ 25 mm
Ni electroly 100
Tick ≤ 10 mm
FeNb <50 mm 90
FeSi 20-50 mm 85-95
FeTi 20-50 mm 70-95
FeV 20-50 mm 80-90
FeSiMn 20-50 mm 85-95
FeSiMnLC 20-50 mm 85-95
Side ≤ 25 mm
Mo Oxi 100
Tick ≤ 10 mm
C for recarburisation 3-5 mm 90
Al ingot 10-12 Kg 50-80
Al grain 4-10 mm 50-80
Ti Wire D 13 mm 85 0,395
B wire D 13 mm 85 0,535
CaSi wire D 13 mm 25 0,237
S wire D 13 mm 90 0,2
C wire D 13 mm 95 0,2
Al wire D 13 mm 90 0,312
FeCa wire D 13 mm 20 0,285


Material Size
Lime 5-20 mm
Fluorspar 10-20 mm
Bauxite 10-20 mm

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3.1 General data
Argon porous plug: Before start tapping to fix the argon porous plug at 2 ÷ 4 Nl/ton*min
Steel tapping weight: LF treatment up to 140 ton
Primary slag carry over: The maximum slag carried over into the ladle  4 ÷ 5 kg/ton of steel
Steel temperature expectation, just before EBT opening: 1620-1640°C
Typical chemical composition from primary furnace:


%C %Mn %Si %P %S %Cr %Ni %Mo %Cu %V
min 0.03
max 0.10 0.10 - 0.012 0.025 - - - - -

3.2 Steel deoxidation

3.2.1 No Al killed steel (no aluminium in analysis) – 140 ton
%C at tap [O] ppm at 1630°C (1) Al kg %Al at LF start
0.03 890 153 %Alaim ≤ 0.003 (2)
0.04 667 116 %Alaim ≤ 0.003 (2)
0.05 534 94 %Alaim ≤ 0.003 (2)
0.06 445 79 %Alaim ≤ 0.003 (2)
0.07 381 68 %Alaim ≤ 0.003 (2)
0.08 334 60 %Alaim ≤ 0.003 (2)
0.09 297 54 %Alaim ≤ 0.003 (2)
0.10 267 49 %Alaim ≤ 0.003 (2)
(1) Estimated – (2) For the most steel grade
3.2.2 Al killed steel (aluminium in analysis) – 140 ton
%C at tap [O] ppm at 1630°C (1) Al kg %Al at LF start
0.03 890 184 %Alaim = 0.025 (2)
0.04 667 147 %Alaim = 0.025 (2)
0.05 534 125 %Alaim = 0.025 (2)
0.06 445 110 %Alaim = 0.025 (2)
0.07 381 99 %Alaim = 0.025 (2)
0.08 334 91 %Alaim = 0.025 (2)
0.09 297 85 %Alaim = 0.025 (2)
0.10 267 80 %Alaim = 0.025 (2)
(1) Estimated – (2) For the most steel grade

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3.3 Ladle addition

3.3.1 Ferroalloys and lime addition at tapping
The addition shall be according to the tapping temperature

Mn TARGET 65 ÷ 85% of aim (where it is possible)

Si TARGET 65 ÷ 85% of aim (where it is possible)
C TARGET 65 ÷ 85% of aim (where it is possible)
Cr TARGET 65 ÷ 85% of aim (where it is possible)
Mo TARGET 65 ÷ 85% of aim (where it is possible)
Ni TARGET 65 ÷ 85% of aim (where it is possible)
V TARGET 65 ÷ 85% of aim (where it is possible)
CaO TARGET 5/7 kg/ton
Typical additions sequence:
AFTER 5 ÷ 10% of the steel tapping weight: Al and C
AFTER 20% of the steel tapping weight: Fe alloys
AFTER 40 ÷ 60% of the steel tapping weight: Slag builders

At the end of tapping add 0.15 kg/ton of aluminium grains over the slag.
Increase the argon stirring at 3 ÷ 5 Nl/ton*min and keep strong stirring for 2 ÷ 3 min.

3.4 Slag- making practice

A production of good steel is connected with a good slag conditioning. The slag has a strong
influence on the process development: desulphurization, protection from steel oxidation,
nitrogen pick-up, inclusions removal, ladle refractory protection.
Normally the total addition of CaO during the refining process is in the range of 9  12 kg/ton,
anyhow it shall be adapted to the request desulphurization and to cover the arc length.
3.4.1 Slag reduction
The slag must be always reduced. An oxidised slag releases oxygen in the steel bath.
According to the previous item, at the beginning of the treatment add Al grains and/or Carbon
and/or fine FeSi. The steel according to the previous item (STEEL DEOXIDATION) has to be
just reduced.
It’s very important to check visually the slag by taking some samples during the treatment. The
slag shows different colours and status according to its composition:
 Good composition: friable and nearly white. Sometimes it could be greyish, yellowish or
greenish (due to Cr2O3)
 Glass consistency: poor of CaO and rich of SiO2
 Dark colour: oxidised slag, high content of FeO and MnO
 During the slag reduction some elements as Cr, Mn, P or Si go back to the steel. It is
caused by the reduction of the relative oxides, present in the slag.
 The reduction of the slag must continue during whole LF treatment.
3.4.2 Slag composition
At the beginning of the treatment, the main purpose of the slag is the desulphurization, which
occurs as per following reaction:

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(CaO) + [S]  (CaS) + [O]

This reaction is favoured by:
 High temperature: the temperature should be > 1580°C, since it’s an endothermic reaction
 Low oxygen activity: it should be < 10 – 25 ppm
 High slag basicity: CaO/SiO2 3 ÷ 4
 Slag good fluidity: good slag-metal interaction
 Reduced slag: (FeO + MnO) < 1% (Al steel). (FeO + MnO) < 2% (no Al steel).
 CaO in the slag approx. 50 ÷ 60%
 Basic refractory lining
 Intensive stirring injection: approx. 4 ÷ 6 Nl/min*ton
If the slag is too fluid add CaO, if conversely it’s too hard add flux (bauxite or fluorspar) and
increase the power: the quantity of addiction depends on slag condition.
The Al2O3 reacts with CaO, the compound of reaction is calcium-aluminates (CaO  Al2O3)
which has a low melting temperature. The alumina in the slag is generated from the steel and
slag deoxidation by Al as well as from Bauxite that can be used for slag fluidification.
The fluorspar (CaF2) gives a strong slag fluidification. It must be used carefully, because it is
aggressive versus ladle basic refractory lining.

Typical slag composition:

Al-killed steel
Constituent Content %
CaO 52 ÷ 58
SiO2 5 ÷ 10
Al2O3 20 ÷ 25
FeO+MnO+Cr2O3 1 max.
MgO 6÷8
S 0.3 ÷ 2.0

Si-Mn killed steel

Constituent Content %
CaO 55 ÷ 62
SiO2 15 ÷ 20
Al2O3 5 ÷ 10
FeO+MnO+Cr2O3 2 max
MgO 6÷8
S 0.3 ÷ 1.5
CaF2 5 ÷ 10

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The refining treatment can be subdivided into three main steps

 Slag builder addition and conditioning of the slag: it depends on the slag characteristics and
conditioning as explained on the previous item.
 Ferroalloys addition: it depends on the steel grade and the actual analysis.
 Heating: heating power depends on the amount and type of alloying additions, treatment
time, energy transfer rate, ladle refractory lining thermal characteristic, steel grade and
argon stirring intensity.

4.1 Heating rate

Available taps with relative heating rates for 140 ton of liquid steel

For the first part of the slag building phase Danieli recommend a working point with shorter arc
length and low power. For the other phases a nominal working point is considered: usually an
70-80% of the maximum heating rate. If it’s necessary heating up very quickly there are some
suitable working points available.

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4.2 Argon stirring practice

Steps [Nl/min*ton] Nl/min [Nl/min*ton] Nl/min
140 t 140 t
SAMPLING 0.4 56 0.8 112
HEATING 0.4 56 2.5 350
ALLOYNG 2.5 350 4.0 560
FINAL STIRRING 0.4 56 1.0 140
WAITING 0.4 56 0.8 112
WIRE INJECTION 0.4 56 1.0 140
4.3 First Homogenisation
 Checking of the slag layer condition at the ladle entrance.
 Heating for 1  5 minutes: slag melting, steel and slag homogenisation
 Temperature measurement: if it is lower than 1580°C heat again to reach this minimum
 Sampling for chemical analysis: Oxygen activity measurement if the relative sampler is


During the manual operations in the LF platform area during the treatment, such as
temperature, sampling, manual addition, the electrodes must be in high position and the power
switched off.
4.4 Slag practice at LF
The total amount of slag builders (lime and fluxes) has to be divided in two or three steps (up to
four depending on the quantity and slag state). After each addition the slag has to be melted
(arc power) and mixed by argon stirring.
Usually a good and strong desulphurization is required; the slag must have a proper
composition and fluidity. The steel and slag interaction has to be increased at maximum
possible by intensive argon stirring. On the other hand too much intensive argon stirring can
cause a steel re-oxidation.
During this phase the slag becomes enriched in Al2O3, SiO2 and CaS. Some lime has to be
added to balance it. An excessive lime addition increases too much the slag viscosity. During
the steel treatment some other addition of lime should be done to balance the lime by fluxes
addition, to protect the steel from air re-oxidation and to capture the inclusions. Towards middle
of treatment the argon stirring intensity has to be reduced progressively to avoid slag layer
breakage (nitrogen pick-up and steel re-oxidation).
At the end of treatment the slag has to appear as “crocodile skin”.


Slag type Slag Appearance Step 1 Step2 Step3
Liquid Very thin and Lime 3 kg/ton Lime 2 kg/ton Lime 2 kg/ton
bright layer. Bauxite 0.3 kg/ton Bauxite 0.2 kg/ton or Bauxite 0.2 kg/ton
Very liquid or CaF2 0.07 kg/ton CaF2 0.07 kg/ton Or CaF2 0.07 kg/ton
Fluid Thin and bright Lime 2.5 kg/ton Lime 2.5 kg/ton Lime 2 kg/ton

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layer. Bauxite 0.4 kg/ton Bauxite 0.4 kg/ton or Bauxite 0.4 kg/ton
Lightly viscous. or CaF2 0.1 kg/ton CaF2 0.1 kg/ton Or CaF2 0.1 kg/ton
Formed Less bright. Lime 2 kg/ton Lime 2 kg/ton Lime 2 kg/ton
Viscous. Bauxite 0.4 kg/ton Bauxite 0.4 kg/ton Bauxite 0.4 kg/ton
Start cooling on or CaF2 0.1 kg/ton or CaF2 0.1 kg/ton Or CaF2 0.1 kg/ton
the surface
(crocodile skin)
Dense No bright. Very Bauxite 1.2 kg/ton
viscous or CaF2 0.4 kg/ton
Tendency to form
a solid skin
The above table wants to be a main guideline for slag builder addition. The slag has to be
continuously checked during the treatment. Slag builder addition has to be done according to
the real slag condition.
4.4.1 Slag reduction
 Reduce slag by Al grain addition or FeSi powder
 Check slag fluidity and then add lime, bauxite or fluorspar
 Melt and keep a complete slag homogenisation
4.5 Alloying practice at LF
4.5.1 First alloying
The alloying phase starts when the first steel chemical analysis is available. Calculate the
required alloy amount for steel composition adjustment. The sequence order of alloying should
be the following:
Aim the C at minimum. Consider the contribution of the others Fe-alloy in the calculation. It’s
better to add C with other ferroalloys and put carbon as first in the batch hopper.
From statistic evaluation, the average Al consumption during the standard process in the ladle
furnace is approx. 68 ppm/min. This kind of consumption is related to the treatment
parameters such as steel reduction, slag reduction, slag composition, slag fluidity, argon stirring
practice, etc.
The general rule (for the production of clean steel) is to make the addition of aluminium only
during tapping, considering enough Al for deoxidation, to be in analysis and to compensate the
losses during the LF process.
Obviously it could be needed to make some adjustment during or after LF treatment (during LF
treatment with aluminium in bulk and by wire after LF). It’s better to avoid this practice: anyhow
it’s important in this case to make a longer soft bubbling to remove the alumina that shall be
[FeSiMn or FeMn or FeSi]
Aim at the minimum of the Manganese and Silicon. The yield can be considered 100%.
Aim at the minimum of the Chromium; its yield can be considered 100%.
Aim at the minimum of the Molybdenum; its yield can be considered 100%.
[FeV, FeNb]
Aim at the minimum of the Vanadium and Niobium; its yield can be considered 100%.

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 Try to avoid massive addition of material (more than 3% of the heat size) because they can
cause lumps formation. When it’s required the addition of a big amount of material, it has to
be splitted in two or three steps.
 At the end of alloying heating for about 5 minutes with enough stirring for obtaining steel
homogenisation and desulphurization.
 Take a steel sample and measure the temperature.
4.5.2 Second Alloying
The second alloying phase starts from the previous steel chemical analysis. Calculate the
required alloy amount for steel composition adjustment. The sequence order of alloying is the
[FeSiMn or FeMn or FeSi]
Aim at the target Manganese and Silicon.
Aim at the target. Consider the contribution of the Fe-alloy in the calculation. In this phase, in
order to optimize addition yield and accuracy, it’s better to use C wire. Otherwise it’s better to
add C with other ferroalloys and put carbon as first in the batch hopper.
Add Aluminium only if its consumption has been abnormal. In this phase is better using Al wire.
Aim at the target.
Aim at the target.
[FeV, FeNb]
Aim at the target.

At the end of the alloying reach the temperature TF +15°C.

Stop heating for 2  4 minutes, intensive stirring (steel homogenisation and desulphurization).
Argon stirring at minimum (see ARGON STIRRING TABLE)
Measure the temperature and take the sample.
4.5.3 Final Trimming (Wire Injection)
The final trimming phase starts from the previous steel chemical analysis availability. Calculate
the required alloy amount for steel composition adjustment. The sequence order of the wire is
the following:
Aim at the target
Aim at the target
The amount of the CaSi has to be according to the steel chemical composition. The CaSi is
injected for inclusion modification (Al2O3). The Calcium, in form of CaO reacts with Al2O3 and
forms Calcium-Aluminate compound (CaO  Al2O3). The CaSi injection has to be followed by
soft bubbling, this practice is foreseen for the flotation of the modified inclusions, from the steel
to the slag. The soft argon stirring has to be continued for a minimum of 8 minutes with no open
eye. The normal consumption is in the range between 0.15-0.50 kg/ton.
Aim at the target. It could be injected 1 minute after CaSi injection.

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Aim at the target. The S is used for resulphurized steel. It has to be added after CaSi addition
to avoid CaS formation. After CaSi injection (or Ti injection), wait 10 minutes (soft bubbling)
before to inject S wire.
Aim the target. The Boron has great affinity with Oxygen and Nitrogen. The Boron has to be
added when the oxygen has been killed by deoxiding elements as Al, and the Nitrogen has
been killed by Titanium. It shall be injected 3 minutes after S injection or 10 minutes after Ti

The injection speed for CaSi wire can by calculated with the following linear formula
100 + Steel weight (ton) * 0.75 = Wire speed (m/min) = 100+140*0.75  205 m/min
The other wires can be injected with a speed approx. 100 – 120 m/min

After wire injection it is not permitted to heat again to avoid steel reoxidation.

After LF treatment, cover the ladle with 0.8  1.0 kg ton of steel of insulating powder.

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Attachments to this manual the following 3 typical process cards (140 t) has been selected from
the steel grade production mix:
1. Low Carbon: D-15 (DIN17140), EAF-LF process route;
2. Medium Carbon: St52-3 (DIN17100), EAF-LF process route;
3. HSLA: 34CrMo4 (DIN17200), EAF-LF process route.

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Grade: Low Carbon D-15 (DIN17140) EAF-LF process route

LF cycle
Only for reference Steel Grade D-15 Size 140,1 ton
At Tapping 1st at LF 2nd at LF Wire
T meas.
C 100 ---- ---- ---- ---- CaSi 16 Temp.
FeSi 182 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- T Liq.
1800 Al 50 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FeMnSi 1167 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Temperature C

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1600 1632
1600 1601
Slag builder 1 Slag builder 2
1500 Lim e 690 Lim e 430 Slag builder 3
CaF2 77 Lim e 200
CaF2 48

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Time from tapping [min]
Ladle Transport


Tapping EAF

Heating +


Ladle transport
Tem p + Sam pling
Tem p + Sam pling
Tem p + Sam pling

EAF After TAP After LF1 After LF2 LF Dep.

C 0.08 C 0.155 C 0.155 C 0.155 C 0.155
Si ------- Si 0.2 Si 0.2 Si 0.2 Si 0.2
Mn ------- Mn 0.5 Mn 0.5 Mn 0.5 Mn 0.5
P 0,013 P 0,013 P 0,013 P 0,013 P 0,013
------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ -------
------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ -------
------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ -------
------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ -------

GP0V6V-GE11-G0000-BB001.doc DCM-TT
Danieli & C. Spa – Buttrio (UD) - ITALY JDN Document Number Revision

 Nisco
( Iran )
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Page : 21

Standard Operating Practice LF

Only for reference Grade: D-15

C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B Pb
0,08 0 0 0,013 0,024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ttap [°C] Tliq [°C] weight [t] stirring [Nl/min]
1630 1529 139 277,2
Addition at tapping
Lim e CaF2 C FeSi Al FeMnSi ---- ---- ----
690 77 100 182 50 1167 ---- ---- ---- [kg]
Total: 2266 kg

Arrival at LF
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B Pb
0,155 0,2 0,5 0,013 0,0192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tin [°C] Tliq [°C] weight [t]
1563 1519 140

1st heating slag heating

Duration [min] stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap Sampling
5 277,2 3 T+S
after 1st heating

2nd heating
Duration [min] stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap Slag builder [kg] Addition at start of 2nd heating
14 415,8 29 Lime 430
CaF2 48

nd st
2 alloying (1 at LF) after 9 minutes of second heating alloying based on sampling after 1st heating
Lim e ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Sampling
200 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- [kg] T+S
Total: 200 kg after 2nd heating
stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap
485,1 29

3rd heating
Duration [min] stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap Sampling
12 415,8 29 T+S
Analysis after 2nd alloying after 3rd heating
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B Pb
0,155 0,20 0,50 0,013 0,0102 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0 0 0 0 0

3rd alloying (2nd at LF) after 9 minutes of third heating alloying based on sampling of 2nd heating
Lim e ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
0 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- [kg]
Total: 0 kg
stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap
415,8 29

Analysis after 3rd alloying

C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B Pb
0,155 0,20 0,50 0,013 0,01 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0 0 0 0 0

Duration [min] stirring [Nl/min]
13 110,88

Wire feeding
CaSi ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
[kg] 16 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
diameter [mm] 13
Length [m] 74
Total: 74 m

LF departure
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B N
0,155 0,20 0,50 0,013 0,01 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0 0 0 0 0

Tdep [°C] Tliq [°C] superheat weight [t] Sampling

1599 1519 80 °C 140 T+S

GP0V6V-GE11-G0000-BB001.doc DCM-TT
Danieli & C. Spa – Buttrio (UD) - ITALY JDN Document Number Revision

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Grade: Medium Carbon St52-3 (DIN17100) EAF-LF process route

LF cycle
Only for reference Steel Grade St52-3 Size 141,0 ton
At Tapping 1st at LF 2nd at LF Wire
T meas.
C 47 C 34 FeMnHC 185 CaSi 39 Temp.
FeSi 157 FeMnHC 645 ---- ---- ---- ---- T Liq.
1800 Al 85 ---- ---- ---- ----
Al 76
FeMnSi 1742 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Temperature C

1700 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
1600 1623
1584 1592
Slag builder 1 Slag builder 2 Slag builder 3
1450 Lim e 690 Lim e 430
Lim e 200
Bauxite 138 Bauxite 86

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Time from tapping [min]
Ladle Transport


Tapping EAF

Heating +


Ladle transport
Tem p + Sam pling
Tem p + Sam pling
Tem p + Sam pling

EAF After TAP After LF1 After LF2 LF Dep.

C 0.08 C 0.13 C 0.18 C 0.19 C 0.19
Si ------- Si 0.25 Si 0.25 Si 0.25 Si 0.25
Mn ------- Mn 0.75 Mn 1.1 Mn 1.2 Mn 1.2
P 0,013 P 0,013 P 0,013 P 0,013 P 0,013
Al ------- Al 0,025 Al 0,076 Al 0,034 Al 0,025
------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ -------
------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ -------
------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ -------

GP0V6V-GE11-G0000-BB001.doc DCM-TT
Danieli & C. Spa – Buttrio (UD) - ITALY JDN Document Number Revision

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Page : 21

Standard Operating Practice LF

Only for reference Grade: St52-3

C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B Pb
0,08 0 0 0,013 0,024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ttap [°C] Tliq [°C] weight [t] stirring [Nl/min]
1630 1529 138 276
Addition at tapping
Lim e Bauxite C FeSi Al FeMnSi ---- ---- ----
690 138 47 157 85 1742 ---- ---- ---- [kg]
Total: 2859 kg

Arrival at LF
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B Pb
0,13 0,25 0,75 0,013 0,018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,025 0 0
Tin [°C] Tliq [°C] weight [t]
1557 1519 140

1st heating slag heating

Duration [min] stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap Sampling
5 276 3 T+S
after 1st heating

2nd heating
Duration [min] stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap Slag builder [kg] Addition at start of 2nd heating
15 414 34 Lime 430
Bauxite 86

nd st
2 alloying (1 at LF) after 10 minutes of second heating alloying based on sampling after 1st heating
Lim e C FeMnHC Al ---- ---- ---- ---- Sampling
200 34 645 76 ---- ---- ---- ---- [kg] T+S
Total: 955 kg after 2nd heating
stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap
483 34

3rd heating
Duration [min] stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap Sampling
15 414 34 T+S
Analysis after 2nd alloying after 3rd heating
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B Pb
0,18 0,25 1,10 0,013 0,0108 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0 0 0,076 0 0

rd nd
3 alloying (2 at LF) after 10 minutes of third heating alloying based on sampling of 2nd heating
Lim e FeMnHC ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
0 185 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- [kg]
Total: 185 kg
stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap
483 34

Analysis after 3rd alloying

C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B Pb
0,19 0,25 1,20 0,013 0,01 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0 0 0,034 0 0

Duration [min] stirring [Nl/min]
13 110,4

Wire feeding
CaSi ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
[kg] 39 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
diameter [mm] 13
Length [m] 185
Total: 185 m

LF departure
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B N
0,19 0,25 1,20 0,013 0,01 0,00 0,00 0,00 0 0 0 0,025 0 0

Tdep [°C] Tliq [°C] superheat weight [t] Sampling

1590 1512 78 °C 141 T+S

GP0V6V-GE11-G0000-BB001.doc DCM-TT
Danieli & C. Spa – Buttrio (UD) - ITALY JDN Document Number Revision

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Page : 21

Grade: HSLA 34CrMo4 (DIN17200) EAF-LF process route

LF cycle
Only for reference Steel Grade 34CrMo4 Size 142,3 ton
At Tapping 1st at LF 2nd at LF Wire
T meas.
C 57 C 76 C 40 CaSi 39 Temp.
FeSi 323 FeMnHC 368 FeCrHC 206 ---- ---- T Liq.
1750 FeCrHC 996 FeCrHC 1015 FeMo 106 ---- ----
Al 84 FeMo 420 ---- ---- ---- ----
FeMnSi 1042 Al 76 ---- ---- ---- ----
Temperature C

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
1550 1578
Slag builder 1 Slag builder 2 Slag builder 3
1450 Lim e 690 Lim e 430 Lim e 200
Bauxite 138 Bauxite 86

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Time from tapping [min]
Ladle Transport


Tapping EAF

Heating +


Ladle transport
Tem p + Sam pling
Tem p + Sam pling
Tem p + Sam pling

EAF After TAP After LF1 After LF2 LF Dep.

C 0.08 C 0.18 C 0.3 C 0.34 C 0.34
Si ------- Si 0.25 Si 0.25 Si 0.25 Si 0.25
Mn ------- Mn 0.45 Mn 0.65 Mn 0.65 Mn 0.65
P 0,013 P 0,013 P 0,013 P 0,013 P 0,013
Cr ------- Cr 0,45 Cr 0,95 Cr 1,05 Cr 1,05
Mo ------- Mo ------- Mo 0,18 Mo 0,225 Mo 0,225
Al ------- Al 0,025 Al 0,076 Al 0,034 Al 0,025
------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ -------

GP0V6V-GE11-G0000-BB001.doc DCM-TT
Danieli & C. Spa – Buttrio (UD) - ITALY JDN Document Number Revision

 Nisco
( Iran )
External Document Number
Page : 21
Page : 21

Standard Operating Practice LF

Only for reference Grade: 34CrMo4

C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B Pb
0,08 0 0 0,013 0,024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ttap [°C] Tliq [°C] weight [t] stirring [Nl/min]
1630 1529 138 275
Addition at tapping
Lim e Bauxite C FeSi FeCrHC Al FeMnSi ---- ----
690 138 57 323 996 84 1042 ---- ---- [kg]
Total: 3330 kg

Arrival at LF
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B Pb
0,18 0,25 0,45 0,013 0,018 0,45 0 0 0 0 0 0,025 0 0
Tin [°C] Tliq [°C] weight [t]
1550 1516 140

1st heating slag heating

Duration [min] stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap Sampling
5 275 3 T+S
after 1st heating

2nd heating
Duration [min] stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap Slag builder [kg] Addition at start of 2nd heating
15 412,5 32 Lime 430
Bauxite 86

nd st
2 alloying (1 at LF) after 10 minutes of second heating alloying based on sampling after 1st heating
Lim e C FeMnHC FeCrHC FeMo Al ---- ---- Sampling
200 76 368 1015 420 76 ---- ---- [kg] T+S
Total: 2155 kg after 2nd heating
stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap
481,25 32

3rd heating
Duration [min] stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap Sampling
15 412,5 32 T+S
Analysis after 2nd alloying after 3rd heating
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B Pb
0,3 0,25 0,65 0,013 0,0108 0,95 0,00 0,18 0 0 0 0,076 0 0

3rd alloying (2nd at LF) after 10 minutes of third heating alloying based on sampling of 2nd heating
Lim e C FeCrHC FeMo ---- ---- ---- ----
0 40 206 106 ---- ---- ---- ---- [kg]
Total: 352 kg
stirring [Nl/min] Heating Tap
481,25 32

Analysis after 3rd alloying

C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B Pb
0,34 0,25 0,65 0,013 0,01 1,05 0,00 0,23 0 0 0 0,034 0 0

Duration [min] stirring [Nl/min]
13 110

Wire feeding
CaSi ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
[kg] 39 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
diameter [mm] 13
Length [m] 184
Total: 184 m

LF departure
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti V Al B N
0,34 0,25 0,65 0,013 0,01 1,05 0,00 0,23 0 0 0 0,025 0 0

Tdep [°C] Tliq [°C] superheat weight [t] Sampling

1576 1500 76 °C 142 T+S

GP0V6V-GE11-G0000-BB001.doc DCM-TT

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