Diploma Workshop Practice II

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Semester II
Workshop Practice II Lab Manual

Workshop Practice
S.No. List of Experiment Page No.
To study different types of measuring tools used in metrology and determine least counts
1 9-9
of Vernier
nier calipers, micrometers and V
Vernier height gauges.
To study different types of machine tools (lathe, shaper or planer or
2 10-10
Slotter milling, drilling machines).
To prepare a job on a lathe involving facing, outside turning, taper turning,
3 11-11
step turning, radius making and parting
To make M.S Plate into to required model by T-fitting. 17-18

5 To make M.S Plate into required model by V

V- fitting. 19-20
6 To make a double lap joint, using the given mild steel pieces and by arc welding. 27-28
Preparation of butt joint by using shielded metal arc welding process. 29-30
In a machine shop, metals are cut to shape on different machine tools. A lathe is used to cut and
shape the metal by revolving the work against a cutting tool. The work is clamped either in a
chuck, fitted on to the lathe spindle or in
in‐between the centers. The cutting tool is fixed in a tool
post, mounted on a movable carriage that is positioned on the lathe bed. The cutting tool can be
fed on to the work, either lengthwise or cross cross‐wise.
wise. While turning, the chuck rotates in
clockwise direction, when viewed from the tail stock end.
Principal parts of a Lathe
Figure 1 shows a center lathe, indicating the main parts. The name is due to the fact that work
pieces are held by the centers.


It is an essential part of a lathe, which must be strong and rigid. It carries all parts of the
machine and resists the cutting forces. The carriage and the tail stock move along the guide
ways provided on the bed. It is usually made of cast iron.
Head stock
It contains either a cone pulley or gearings to provide the necessary range of speeds and feeds.
It contains the main spindle, to which the work is held and rotated.
Tail stock
It is used to support the right hand end of a long work piece. It may be clamped in any position
along the lathe bed. The tail stoc
stockk spindle has an internal Morse taper to receive the dead
center that supports the work. Drills, reamers, taps may also be fitted into the spindle, for
performing operations such as drilling, reaming and tapping.
Carriage or Saddle
It is used to control the movement of the cutting tool. The carriage assembly consists of the
longitudinal slide, cross slide and the compound slide and apron. The cross slide moves across
the length of the bed and perpendicular to the axis of the spindle. This movement is used for
facing and to provide the necessary depth of cut while turning. The apron, which is bolted to
the saddle, is on the front of the lathe and contains the longitudinal and cross slide controls.

Compound Rest
It supports the tool post. By swiveling the compound rest on the cross slide, short tapers may
be turned to any desired angles.

Fig: 1Parts of a center Lathe

Fig: 2 Three jaw and four jaw chuck

Fig: 3 Face plate Fig: 4 Lathe dog and driving plate Fig: 5 calipers
Tool Post
The tool post holds the tool holder or the tool, which may be adjusted to any working position.

Lead Screw
It is a long threaded shaft, located in front of the carriage, running from the head‐stock
head to the
tail stock. It is geared to the spindle and controls the movement of the tool, either for automatic
feeding or for cutting threads.
There are two centers known as dead center and live center. The dead center is positioned in
the tail stock spindle and the live center, in the head‐stock
‐stock spindle. While turning between
centers, the dead center does not revolve with the work while the live center revolves with the
Three jaw chuck
It is a work holding device having three jaws (self(self‐centering)
ring) which will close or open with
respect to the chuck center or the spindle center, as shown in figure. It is used for holding regular
objects like round bars, hexagonal rods, etc.
Face plate
It is a plate of large diameter, used for turning operations. Certain types of work that cannot
be held in chucks are held on the face plate with the help of various accessories.

Lathe dogs and driving plate

These are used to drive a work piece that is held between centers. These are provided with an
opening to receive and clamp the work piece and dog tail, the tail of the dog is carried by the
pin provided in the driving plate for driving the work piece.

1. outside and inside Calipers
Firm joint or spring calipers are used for transfer of dimensions with the help of a steel rule.

2. Venire Calipers

Venire caliper is a versatile instrument with which both outside and inside measurements may
be made accurately. These instruments may have provision for depth measurement also.

3. Micrometers
Outside and inside micrometers are used for measuring components where greater accuracy
is required.
Fig: 6 V
Vernier caliper

Fig: 7 O
Operations on lathe

1. Cutting speed

It is defined as the speed at which the material is removed and is specified in meters per
minute. Ti depends upon the work piece material, feed, depth of cut, type of operation and
so many other cutting conditions. It is calculated from the relation,
Spindle speed
peed (RPM) = cutting speed x 1000 / (πD)
Where D is the work piece diameter in mm.
2. Feed
It is the distance traversed by the tool along the bed, during one revolution of the work. Its value
depends upon the depth of cut and surface finish of the work desired.
3. Depth of Cut
It is the movement of the tip of the cutting tool, from the surface of the work piece and
perpendicular to the lathe axis. Its value depends upon the nature of operation like rough
turning or finish turning.
ral purpose hand cutting tools are usually made from carbon steel or tool steel. The single
point lathe cutting tools are made of high speed steel (HSS).the main alloying elements in 18‐4‐1
HSS tools are 18 percent tungsten, 4 percent chromium and 1 percen
percentt vanadium.5 to 10 percent
cobalt is also added to improve the heat resisting properties of the tool. Carbide tipped tools
fixed in tool holders, are mostly used in production shops.

1. Turning
Cylindrical shapes, both external and internal, are produced by turning operation. Turning is the
process in which the material is removed by a traversing cutting tool, from the surface of a
rotating work piece.. The operation used for machining internal su
rfaces is often called the boring
operation in which a hole previously drilled is enlarged. For turning long work, first it should be
faced and center drilled at one end and then supported by means of the tail‐stock
stock centre.

2. Boring
Boring is enlarging a hole and is used when correct size drill is not available. However, it
should be noted that boring cannot make a hole.
3. Facing
Facing is a machining operation, performed to make the end surface of the work piece, flat and
perpendicular to the axiss of rotation. For this, the work piece may be held in a chuck and rotated
about the lathe axis. A facing tool is fed perpendicular to the axis of the lathe. The tool is slightly
inclined towards the end of the work piece.
4. Taper Turning
A taper is defined as the uniform change in the diameter of a work piece, measured along its
length. It is expressed as a ratio of the difference in diameters to the length. It is also expressed in
degrees of half the included (taper) angle. Taper turning refers to the
he production of a conical
surface, on the work piece on a lathe. Short steep tapers may be cut on a lathe by swiveling the
compound rest to the required angle. Here, the cutting tool is fed by means of the compound
slide feed handle. The work piece is rot
rotated in a chuck or face plate or between centers.
5. Drilling
Holes that are axially located in cylindrical parts are produced by drilling operation, using a twist
drill. For this, the work piece is rotated in a chuck or face plate. The tail stock spindle has a
standard taper. The drill bit is fitted into the tail stock spindle directly or through drill chuck. The
tail stock is then moved over the bed and clamped on it near the work. When the job rotates, the
drill bit is fed into the work by turnin
turning the tail stock hand wheel.
6. Knurling
It is the process of embossing a diamond shaped regular pattern on the surface of a work piece
using a special knurling tool. This tool consists of a set of hardened steel rollers in a holder with
the teeth cut on their surface in a definite pattern. The tool is held rigidly on the tool post and the
rollers are pressed against the revolving work piece to squeeze the metal against the multiple
cutting edges. The purpose of knurling is to provide an effective gripping surface on a work
piece to prevent it from slipping when operated by hand.
7. Chamfering
It is the operation of beveling the extreme end of a work piece. Chamfer is provided for better
look, to enable nut to pass freely on threaded work piece, to remove burrs and protect the end of
the work piece from being damaged.
8. Threading
Threading is nothing but cutting helical groove on a work piece. Threads may be cut either on
the internal or external cylindrical surfaces. A specially shaped cutting tool, known as thread
cutting tool is used for this purpose. Thread cutting in a la
the is performed by traversing the
cutting tool at a definite rate, in proportion to the rate at which the work revolves.
Experiment No. -1
Aim: - To study different types of measuring tools used in metrology and determine least counts
of Vernier calipers, micrometers and V
Vernier height gauges.
Procedure:- Describe in brief the following measuring tools with neat sketch mentioning their
sizes & usage.
1) Vernier caliper
2) Micrometer (inside & outside)
3) Vernier height gauge
4) Vernier depth gauge
5) Standard wire gauge
6) Combination set
7) Screw thread gauge
8) Depth micrometer
9) Radius gauge
10) Caliper
11) Try square
12) Sine bar
13) Bevel protector
14) Dial indicator
Least count: - Least count of Vernier
ernier caliper, mic
micrometer, & Vernier height gauge to be calculated.


1) Measuring tools should not be mishandled.

2) Proper upkeep of measuring tool is necessary must be cleaned.
3) Tools before & after use kept in store
4) Tools should be calibrated after
ter certain interval & accuracy determined.
Experiment No. -2
Aim: - To study different types of machine tools (lathe, shaper or planer or slotter, milling,
drilling machines).


1) Neat diagram of following machine tools to be drawn.

2) Brief description of the machine tools to be given.
3) Important parts to be labeled & marked.
4) Accessories should be indicated.
5) Different function of the machine tool can perform to be described.

Machine tools:-

1) Different types of lathe.

2) Different types of drilling machine.
3) Different types of milling machine e.g. horizontal, vertical, universal.
4) Shaper
5) Planer
6) Slotter

1. How various operations can be perform performed

ed on a particular machine tool and the
precautions required for that to be remembered.
2. Upkeep & usual maintenance of the machine tools must be well understood.
3. Work piece should be firmly gripped in the three jaw chuck.
4. Coolant is to be used.
5. Hand gloves and apron must be used while working.
6. Proper rpm should be selected before the operation.
Experiment No. -3

Aim: - To prepare a job on a lathe involving facing, outside turning, taper turning, step turning,
radius making and parting-off.

Tool required: - Single point cutting tool, radius tool, parting tool.

Material required: - Mild steel rod.

Instruments required: - Steel rule, V

Vernier caliper, outside caliper, sine bar.


1. Job is fixed in three jaw chuck for proper alignment.

2. Single point cutting tool is fixed in the tool post and facing operation is completed.
3. A rough cut is used to turn the outer periphery.
4. Final turning and step turning operation are completed in sequence.
5. The compound slide is set at the taper angle as per calculation with the center line and tapering
operation is completed throughh different cuts.
6. Radius tool is fixed in tool post for making radius and the operation is completed.
7. For maintaining the proper length of the job parting off tool is used and parting operation is


1. Work piece should be firmly gripped in the three jaw chuck.

2. Coolant is to be used.
3. Hand gloves and apron must be used while working.
4. Proper rpm should be selected before the operation.
Machine tools are capable of producing work at a faster rate, but there are occasions when
components are processed at a bench. Sometimes it becomes necessary to replace or repair a
component that must fit accurately with one another or reassemble. This involves a certain
amount of hand fitting. The assembly machine tools, jigs, gauges etc., involves certain amount of
bench work.


Holding tools:-

1. Bench vice
2. V-block
block with clamp
3. C-clamp
Bench vice:-
It is a work holding device, when vice handle is turned in a clockwise direction the sliding jaw
forces the work against the fixed jaw, the greater the force applied to the handle, the tighter is the
work held.
V-block with clamp:-
It is a rectangular (or) square block with vv-groove
groove on one or both sides, opposite to each other. It
holds cylindrical work pieces.
This is used to hold work against an angle plate or vv-block.


1. Surface plate
2. Try square
3. Angle plate
4. Scriber
5. Universal scribing block
6. Odd leg caliper
7. Divider
8. Calipers
9. Dot punch
10. Vernier caliper
Surface plate:-
It is used for testing flatness of work piece, for marking out small works.
Fig: 1 Bench wise Fig: 2 V- Block

Fig: 3 C – Clamp Fig: 4 Surface plate

Fig: 5 Angle plate Fig: 6 Dot punch

Fig: 6 Try square Fig: 7 Scriber

Combination cutting pliers: -

This is made of tool steel and is used for cutting as well as for ripping work.
Taps and die holders: -
Tap and wrenches are used for cutting internal threads in a drilled hole.
Dies and die holders:-
They are used for making external threads. Dies are made either solid (or) split type.

Hand file:-
It is a rectangular in section tapered in thickness but parallel in width.
Flat file:-
Rectangular in section and tapered for 1/3rd length in width and thickness.
Square file:-
Square in section and tapered for 1/3rd length on all sides.
Half round file:-
tapered for 1/3rd length.
It has one flat face, connecting by a curved (surface) face & tape
Round file:-
Circular in cross section and tapered for 1/3rd length, it has double cut teeth.
Ball peen hammer:-
It has a flat face, which is used for general work and a ball end is used for
Screw driver:-
It is designed to turn the screws. The blade is made of steel and is available in different
lengths and diameters.
It is a tool for turning nuts and bolts. It is usually made of forged steel.

Removing metal with a chisel is called chipping and is normally used where machining
is not possible.
1. Pinning of files:-
Soft metals cause this; the pins are removed with a file card.
2. Checking flatness and square
squareness:-To check flatness across thickness of plate.


Measurements are taken either from a center line, for visibility of the non
non--ferrous metals
and oxide coated steels are used.

Fig: 8 O
Odd leg clamp and divider

Fig: 9 Calipers
alipers Fig: 10 Vernier caliper
Fig: 11 Parts of hand file

Fig: 12 Types of files Fig: 13 Ball

all peen hammer
Experiment No. 4

Aim: - To make M.S Plate into required model by T


Tools required: -
1. Bench vice
2. Steel rule
3. Try square
4. Ball peen hammer
5. Scriber
6. Hack saw with blade
7. Dot punch and Centre punch
8. Surface plate
9. Venire height gauge
10. Rough and smooth flat files
11. Flat chisel and triangular file
Material required: - Mild steel (M.S) plate of size 48 x 34
34–2 Nos.
Sequence of Operations: -
1. Filing
2. Checking flatness and square
3. Marking and measuring
4. Punching
5. Sawing
6. Chipping
7. Finishing


Procedure: -
1. The burrs in the pieces are removed and the dimensions are checked with a steel
2. The pieces are clamped one after the other and the outer mating edges are filed by
using rough and smooth files.
3. The flatness, straightness
htness and square
squareness i.e. right angle between adjacent sides
are checked with help of Try
4. Chalk is then applied on the surfaces of the two pieces.
5. The given dimensions of the T T-fitting
itting are marked with help of Vernier
V height
gauge carefully.
6. Using the dot punch, dots are punched along the ab above scribed lines.
7. Using the hack saw, the unwanted portions are removed.
8. Using the flat chisel, the unwanted material in the piece Y is removed.
9. The cut edges are filed by the half round file.
10. The corners of the stepped surfaces are filed by using a square or triangular file to get
the sharp corners.
11. The pieces (X and Y) are fitted together and the mating is checked for the
correctness of the fit.

Safety precautions: -
1. Care is taken to see that the marking dots are not crossed, which is indicated by the
half of the punch dots left on the pieces.
2. Apply pressure in forward direction during hack sawing.
3. Don’t rub steel rule on the job.
4. Fix blade in hack saw frame with correct tension.
5. During hack sawing the coolant like water or lubricating oil is to be used.
6. Use precision instruments like Vernier calipers and V Vernier
ernier height gauge
7. Files are to be cleaned properly after using.
Result: - T-fit
fit is made as per the required dimensions.
Experiment No. 5

Aim: - To make M.S Plate into required model by V

V- fitting.

Tools required: -
1. Bench vice
2. Steel rule
3. Try square
4. Ball peen hammer
5. Scriber
6. Hack saw with blade
7. Dot punch and Centre punch
8. Surface plate
9. Vernier height gauge
10. Rough and smooth flat files
11. Flat chisel and triangular file
Material required: - Mild steel (M.S) plate of size 48 x 34
34–2 Nos.
Sequence of Operations: -
1. Filing
2. Checking flatness and square
3. Marking and measuring
4. Punching
5. Sawing
6. Chipping
7. Finishing
Procedure: -
1. The burrs in the pieces are removed and the dimensions are checked with a steel
2. The pieces are clamped one after the other and the outer mating edges are filed by
using rough and smooth files.
3. The flatness, straightness and squareness i.e. right angle between adjacent sides
are checked with help of Try
4. Chalk is then applied on the surfaces of the two pieces.
5. The given dimensions of the V V-fitting
itting are marked with help of Vernier
V height
gauge carefully.
6. Using the dot punch, dots are punched along the above scribed lines.
7. Using the hack saw, the unwanted portions are removed.
8. Using the flat chisel, the unwanted material in the piece Y is removed.
9. The cut edges are filed by the half round file.
10. The corners of the stepped surfaces are filed by using a square or triangular file to get
the sharp corners.
11. The pieces (X and Y) are fitted together and the mating is checked for the
correctness of the fit.
Safety precautions: -
1. Care is taken to see that the marking dots are not crossed, which is indicated by the
half of the punch dots left on the pieces.
2. Apply pressure in forward direction during hack sawing.
3. Don’t rub steel rule on the job.
4. Fix blade in hack saw frame with correct tension.
5. During hack sawing the coolant like water or lubricating oil is to be used.
6. Use precision instruments like Vernier calipers and V Vernier
ernier height gauge
7. Files are to be cleaned properly after using.

Result: - V- fit is made as per the required dimensions.

Welding is the process of joining similar metals by the application of heat, with or without
application of pressure or filler metal, in such a way that the joint is equivalent in composition
and characteristics of the metals joined. In the beginning, welding was mainly used for repairing
all kinds of worn or damaged parts. Now, it is extensively used in manufacturing industry,
construction industry (construction of ships, tanks, locomotives and automobiles) and
maintenance work, replacing ri
riveting and bolting, to a greater extent. The various welding
processes are:
1. Electric arc welding,
2. Gas welding
3. Thermal welding
4. Electrical Resistance welding and
5. Friction welding
However, only electric arc welding process is discussed in the subject po
int of view.
Electric arc welding
Arc welding is the welding process, in which heat is generated by an electric arc struck between
an electrode and the work piece. Electric arc is luminous electrical discharge between two
electrodes through ionized gas.
Any arc welding method is based on an electric circuit consisting of the
following parts:
a. Power supply (AC or DC);
b. Welding electrode;
c. Work piece;
d. Welding leads (electric cables) connecting the electrode and work piece to the power supply.

Fig: 2 Parts of an electrode

Fig: 1 Arc welding set up

Electric arc between the electrode and work piece closes the electric circuit. The arc
temperature may reach 10000°F (5500°C), which is sufficient for fusion the work piece edges
and joining them. When a long joint is required the arc is moved along the joint line. The front
edge of the weld pool melts the welded surfaces when the rear edge of the weld pool solidifies
forming the joint.
ransformers, motor generators and rectifiers’ sets are used as arc welding machines. These
machines supply high electric currents at low voltage and an electrode is used to produce the
necessary arc. The electrode serves as the filler rod and the arc melts the surface so that, the
metals to be joined are actually fixed together.
Sizes of welding machines are rated according to their approximate amperage capacity at 60%
duty cycle, such as 150,200,250,300,400,500 and 600 amperes. This amperage is the rated
current output at the working terminal.
The transformers type of welding machine produces A.C current and is considered to be the
least expensive. It takes power directly from power supply line and transforms it to the voltage
required for welding. Transformers are available in single phase and three phases in the market.
Motor generators
These are D.C generators sets, in which electric motor and alternator are mounted on the same
shaft to produce D.C power as pert the requirement for w
elding. These are designed to produce
D.C current in either straight or reversed polarity. The polarity selected for welding depends
upon the kind of electrode used and the material to be welded.
These are essentially transformers, containing an electrical device which changes A.C into D.C
by virtue of which the operator can use both types of power (A.C or D.C, but only one at a
time).In addition to the welding machine; certain accessories are needed for carrying out the
welding work.
Welding cables
Two welding cables are required, one from machine to the electrode holder and the other, from
the machine to the ground clamp. Flexible cables are usually preferred because of the case of
using and coiling the cables. Cables are specified by their current carrying capacity, say 300 A,
400 A, etc.
Filler rods are used in arc welding are called electrodes. These are made of metallic wire called
core wire, having approximately the same composition as the metal to be welded. These are
coated uniformly with a protective coating called flux. While fluxing an electrode; about 20mm
of length is left at one end for holding it with the electrode holder. It helps in transmitting full
current from electrode holder to the front end of the electr
ode coating. Flux acts as an insulator
of electricity. In general, electrodes are classified into five main groups; mild steel, carbon steel,
special alloy steel, cast iron and non
ferrous. The greatest range of arc welding is done with
electrodes in the mildild steel group. Various constituents like titanium oxide, potassium oxide,
cellulose, iron or manganese, Ferro silicates, carbonates, gums, clays, asbestos, etc., are used as
coatings on electrodes. While welding, the coating or flux vaporizes and providesprovide a gaseous
shield to prevent atmospheric attack. The size of electrode is measured and designated by the
diameter of the core wire in SWG and length, apart from the brand and code names; indicating
the purpose for which there are most suitable
Electrodes may be classified on the basis of thickness of the coated flux. As
1. Dust coated or light coated
2. Semi or medium coated and
3. Heavily coated or shielded
1. Metallic and
2. Non‐metallic or carbon
1. Ferrous metal arc electrode (mild steel, low/medium/high carbon steel, cast iron, stainless
steel, etc )
2. Non‐ferrous
ferrous metal arc electrodes (copper, brass, bronze, aluminum, etc).
In case of non‐metallic
metallic arc electrodes, mainly carbon and graphite are used to make the

Fig: 3 Electrode holder Fig: 4 Ground Clamp

Fig: 5 Wire brush Fig: 6 Chipping

hipping hammer

Fig: 7Hand gloves Fig: 8Face shield

Fig: 9 Weld positions
Electrode holder
The electrode holder is connected to the end of the welding cable and holds the electrode. It
should be light, strong and easy to handle and should not become hot while in operation. Figure
shows one type of electrode holder. The jaws of the holder are insulated, offering protection
from electric shock.
Ground clamp
It is connected to the end of the ground cable and is clamped to the work or welding table to
complete the electric circuit. It should be strong and durable and give a low resistance
Wire brush and chipping hammer
A wire brush
ush is used for cleaning and preparing the work for welding. A chipping hammer is
used for removing slag formation on welds. One end of the head is sharpened like a cold chisel
and the other, to a blunt, round point. It is generally made of tool steel. Mol
ten metal dispersed
around the welding heads, in the form of small drops, is known as spatter. When a flux coated
electrode is used in welding process, then a layer of flux material is formed over the welding
bead which contains the impurities of weld matematerial.
rial. This layer is known as slag. Removing the
spatter and slag formed on and around the welding beads on the metal surface is known as
Welding table and cabin
It is made of steel plate and pipes. It is used for positioning the parts to be welded
wel properly.
Welding cabin is made‐up up by any suitable thermal resistance material, which can isolate the
surrounding by the heat and light emitted during the welding process. A suitable draught should
also be provided for exhausting the gas produced durin
during welding.
Face shield
A face shield is used to protect the eyes and face from the rays of the arc and from spatter or
flying particles of hot metal. It is available either in hand or helmet type. The hand type is
convenient to use wherever the work can be done with one hand. The helmet type though not
comfortable to wear, leaves both hands free for the work.
Shields are made of light weight non
reflecting fiber and fitted with dark glasses to filter out the
Harmful rays of the arc. In some designs, a cover glass is fitted in front of the dark lens to protect
it from spatter.
Hand gloves
These are used to protect the hands from electric shocks and hot spatters

Preparation of work
Before welding, the work pieces must be thoroughly cleaned of rust, scale and other foreign
material. The piece for metal generally welded without beveling the edges, however, thick work
Piece should be beveled or veed out to ensure adequate penetration and fusion of all parts of the
eld. But, in either case, the parts to be welded must be separated slightly to allow better
penetration of the weld. Before commencing the welding process, the following must be
a) Ensure that the welding cables are connected to proper power sourc
b) Set the electrode, as per the thickness of the plate to be welded.
c) Set the welding current, as per the size of the electrode to be used.

Depending upon the location of the welding joints, appropriate position of the electrode and
hand movement is selected. The figure shows different welding positions.
Flat position welding
In this position, the welding is performed from the upper side of the joint, and the face of the
weld is approximately horizontal. Flat welding is the preferre
preferredd term; however, the same position
is sometimes called down hand.
Horizontal position welding
In this position, welding is performed on the upper side of an approximately horizontal surface
and against an approximately vertical surface.
Vertical position welding
In this position, the axis of the weld is approximately vertical as shown in figure.
Overhead position welding
In this welding position, the welding is performed from the underside of a joint
Experiment No: 6

Aim:-To make a double lap joint, using the given mild steel pieces and by arc welding.

Material used: Two mild steel pieces of 100 mm X 40 mm X 6 mm.

Tools and equipment used
1. Arc welding machine,
2. Mild steel electrodes,
3. Electrode holder,
4. Ground clamp,
5. flat nose Tong,
6. Face shield,
7. Apron,
8. Hand gloves,
9. Metallic work Table,
10. Bench vice,
11. Rough flat file,
12. Try square,
13. Steel rule,
14. Wire brush,
15. Ball peen hammer,
16. Chipping hammer.
Operations to be carried out
1. Cleaning the work pieces
2. Tack welding
3. Full welding
4. Cooling
5. Chipping
6. Finishing
Fig: Lap joint
1. Take the two mild steel pieces of given dimensions and clean the surfaces thoroughly from
rust, dust particles, oil and grease.
2. Remove the sharp corners and burrs by filing or grinding and prepare the work pieces.
3. The work pieces are positioned on the welding table, to form a lap joint with the required over
4. The electrode is fitted in to the electrode holder and the welding cur current
rent is set to a proper
5. The ground clamp is fastened to the welding table.
6. Wearing the apron, hand gloves, using the face shield and holding the over lapped pieces the
arc is struck and the work pieces are tack
tack‐welded at the ends of both the sides.
7. The alignment of the lap joint is checked and the tack
welded pieces are reset, if required.
8. Welding is then carried out throughout the length of the lap joint, on both the sides.
9. Remove the slag, spatters and clean the joint.
1. Use goggles, gloves in order to protect the human body.
2. Maintain the constant arc length.
Result The lap joint is thus made, using the tools and equipment as mentioned above.
Experiment No: 7

Aim: Preparation of butt joint by using shielded metal arc welding process.
Material required: 2m.s flat pieces of given size.

Tools required:
1. Welding transformer,
2. Connecting cables,
3. Electrode holder,
4. Ground clamp,
5. Electrodes,
6. Hipping hammer,
7. Welding shield etc.

Fig. V – butt joint

1. The given metallic pieces filled to the desired size.
2. On both pieces beveled in order to have V groove.
3. The metallic pieces are thoroughly cleaned from rust grease, oil, etc.
4. The metallic pieces are connected to terminals of Trans former.
5. Select electrode diameter based on thickness of work piece and holds it on the electrode
holder. Select suitable range of current for selected dia.
6. Switch on the power supply and initiates the arc by either str
iking arc method or touch
and drag method.
7. Take welding to be done before full welding.
8. In full welding process after completion one part before going to second part. Slag is removed
from the weld bed. With the metal wire brush or chipping hammer.
9. Then the above process will be repeated until to fill the groove with weld bed or weld
1. Use goggles, gloves in order to protect the human body.
2. Maintain the constant arc length.
Result: Butt
utt joint is prepared as shown in figure by using aarc-welding process.

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