Hermatic Compressor

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10th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 232 (2017) 012011 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/232/1/012011

Heat Transfer Simulation for Reciprocating Compressor with

Experimental Validation

Ruixin Zhou1, *Bei Guo1, Xiaole Chen1, Jinliang Tuo1, Rui Wu1,
Fabian Fagotti2, Yali Zhao2, Song Yang2, Bo Xu2
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University;
Beijing Embraco Snowflake Compressor Company Ltd

*Corresponding Author Email: guobei@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

Abstract: The efficiency of reciprocating compressor can be influenced by heat transfer and the
reliability can be also affected by the temperature distribution in compressor. In consideration of
the complex relationship of heat transfer, the compressor is divided into six control volumes
including the suction muffler, the cylinder, the discharge chamber, the discharge muffler, the
discharge line and the compressor shell. The steady state energy balance equations of the open
system for each control volume are built up after the crankshaft rotates one cycle. The heat flux
of the cylinder is calculated by the existing correlation. The heat transfer coefficient correlations
in energy equations are chosen in references and revised by experimental results. Three same type
reciprocating compressors used in R290 system installed with themocouples are tested under
some planed conditions in order to ensure accuracy. The simulation results are compared with the
experimental results. It shows that the simplified method presented in this paper is effective.

Compressor is the heart of refrigeration system. The performance of the refrigeration system is greatly
dependent on the performance of the compressor and the working conditions. As to the 1-D simulation
of refrigeration compressor, Wu Shoufei[1][2] simulated a certain refrigeration compressor based on the
4 basic equations of the 1-D flow. Ma Pengcheng[3] got the performance of a household refrigeration
compressor by building the mathematic model of valve and considering the leakage in the compressor.
Bei Guo[4] studied the valve movement and simulated the thermal performance of reciprocating
compressor with the refrigerant R600a experimental validation, but the heat transfer, which can
influenced the simulation results, was not considered in that program.
A lot of researchers had been carried out on the heat transfer simulation of refrigeration compressor.
Todescat and Fabian Fagotti[5] studied the heat transfer simulation based on lumped-parameter models

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10th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 232 (2017) 012011 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/232/1/012011

and finite volume method to get the temperature distribution in compressor, and experiments with the
refrigerant R134a was also carried out. The heat transfer coefficients of each control volume are
determined by experiments. Willianm A. Meyer[6] Kim, Tiow Ooi[7] and Cesar[8] have adopted classical
heat transfer correlations in literatures based on lumped-parameter models and finite volume method.
This method that heat transfer coefficients are from experiments is more accurate than the method that
coefficients are determined by classical heat transfer correlations in literatures. In order to insure the
practicability and precision, This method that heat transfer coefficients are from experiments is adopted.
Moreover, R290 is widely used in commercial compressor, such as the drinks refrigerator and wind
screen refrigerator which are used in supermarkets, but the refrigeration compressor with R290 was not
studied and its experiment was not carried out. In order to optimize the R290 compressor and enlarge
the practical scope of simulation, the experiment is carried out on R290 commercial compressors.
In this paper, the heat transfer model is established which calculates the heat flux between different
control volumes in the compressor. In consideration of the complex relationship of heat transfer, the
compressor is divided into 6 control volumes including the suction muffler, the cylinder, the discharge
chamber, the discharge muffler, the discharge line and the compressor shell. The heat transfer coefficient
of each control volume is measured by experiment and the heat flux of the cylinder is calculated by
Lawton model[9][10]. The experiments are also carried out and the thermalcouples are installed at its exact
position shown in following considering the insulation and leakage problems. The experiments results
indicate that the heat transfer model of the refrigerator compressor can accurately calculate the
thermodynamic performances and the comparable errors are reasonable.

2.Heat transfer simulation

Based on the simulation of performance parameters of reciprocating compressor [7], numerical
simulation method to simulate heat transfer in reciprocating compressor is applied. In order to achieve
the heat transfer subroutine, assumptions are shown below.
1) The process of heat transfer is a steady state.
2) The pressure of the suction side is the saturation pressure corresponding to the evaporating
temperature, and the pressure of the exhaust side is the saturation pressure corresponding to the
condensing temperature.
3) The internal temperature of a control volume is the average temperature of the inlet's and outlet's.
4) For the adjacent control volumes, outlet temperature of one control volume is equal to inlet's of the
next control volume.
5) The compressor shell temperature, internal environment of shell and each control volume is average.

2.1 Energy balance equation of control volumes

As shown in Fig 1, I is the suction muffler, II is the cylinder III is the discharge chamber. IV is the
discharge muffler. V is the discharge line. VI is the motor. Tsmw, Tdcw, Tdmw, Tcw, Tcore and Tshell are all the
wall temperature of each compressor parts. m_0 is the compressor mass rate and m_1 is the compressor
outlet mass rate and the m_1 is the mass rate of gas flow from inner environment to the suction muffler.
According to the law of mass conservation, equation (1) and (2) are established.
m _ 0  m _ dis (1)
m _ suc  m _ 0  m _1 (2)

10th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 232 (2017) 012011 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/232/1/012011

The compressor was divided into 6 control volumes, which are the suction muffler, the cylinder, the
discharge chamber, the discharge muffler, the discharge line and the compressor shell. The heat transfer
simulation was carried out on these 6 control volumes. Each control volume equation was solved
simultaneously, and then the wall temperatures and the internal environment temperature were worked
out. What must be pointed out is that the equation set should be calculated when the crankshaft rotates
dQ dQ
360°angle which is different from the calculation of d. The d term need be calculated when the
crankshaft rotate d angle and integrate the heat transfer value. As the same, the compress power
Wp ,the motor power We and all the mass rate are all integrate among 360°angle.

Qsm Qdc Tshell P1,T1 Qdc Tshell

Tdcw m_1 Tdcw
P2,T2 Ⅲ P4,T4 P2,T2 Ⅲ P4,T4 Tie
m_suc Qdm m_suc Qdm
m_dis Toe m_dis Toe
Tsmw Tcw P3,T3 Tcw P3,T3
Qc Ⅱ Tdmw Qc Ⅱ Tdmw
Compressor 压缩机入 Qsm
inlet mass 口质量流
m_leak WP P5,T5 m_leak WP P5,T5
rete m_0 P6,T6 率m_0
Tcoil_up P6,T6
P1,T1 Tcoil_up
P0,T0 Ⅴ Compressor P0,T0 Ⅴ 压缩机出
Tcore Ⅵ outlet mate Tcore Ⅵ 口质量
m_1 Qmotor rate m_dis Qmotor 流率m_dis
Tcoil_down Tcoil_down
Qd Qie Qd Qie
Toil Wmotor Toil Wmotor
Qae Qae

Fig 1. The control volume sketch of semi direct Fig 2. The control volume sketch of indirect
intake reciprocating compressor intake reciprocating compressor

The gas intake method of the suction muffler can be divided into 2 types in current refrigeration
compressors. One is the semi direct intake method and it is shown in Fig 1. Another is indirect intake
method, shown in Fig 2, whose inlet tube of compressor is not aimed to the suction muffler inlet, so the
inlet gas would be warmed up by the motor and discharge parts. Both of the gas intake method can be
expressed by an intake mixing coefficient  and m_1 is can calculate by equation (3).
m _1    m _ suc (3)
The semi direct intake method of the suction muffler is shown in Fig1. Its coefficient  is shown in
equation (4).
  m _ leak / m _ suc (4)
But as to the indirect intake method of the suction muffler, its coefficient  is equal to 1.
Above all the equations on mass rate, the energy balance equation of the suction muffler is shown in
equation (5) and equation (6).

m _ suc * h1   * m _ suc * hie  (1   ) * m _ suc * h0 (5)

 T  T2  (6)
m _ suc * (h2  h1 )   sm Fsm  1  Tie 
 2 
According to the research of Fabian[5], Lawton model was adopted in this thesis to calculate the heat
transfer value between the gas in cylinder and the cylinder wall. The energy equation of the cylinder is
shown in equation (7).

10th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 232 (2017) 012011 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/232/1/012011

 k (Tg (t )  Tcw ) Tcw d 

m _ dis * h3  m _ suc * h2  m _ leak * hie    (0.28Re(t )0.65  0.25L(t ) )  Sc    Wp
 D Tg (t )  Tcw dt 
As shown in Fig 1, the discharge chamber, the discharge muffler and the discharge line are all treated as
control volumes separately and their energy equations are shown in equation (8), equation (9) and
equation (10).
T T
m _ dis *(h3  h4 )   dc Fdc ( 3 4  Tie ) (8)
T T
m _ dis *(h4  h5 )   dm Fdm ( 4 5  Tie ) (9)
T T
m _ dis *(h5  h6 )   dl Fdl ( 6 5  Tie ) (10)
The shell temperature is easy to measure and it is also an important value to judge the characteristic of
condition case. So the shell temperature is listed in the energy equation of compressor shell. The heat
transfer capacity of the inner shell surface Qsi and outer shell surface Qso are equal. The energy equation
between the internal environment and inner shell surface is shown in equation (11) and the energy
equation between the internal environment and outer shell surface is shown in equation (12).

m _ dis * h6  m _ 0* h0   si Fsi (Tie  Tshell )  we (11)

 si Fsi (Tie  Tshell )   so Fso (Tshell  Toe ) (12)

The simultaneous equation set composed by equation (1) to (12) is calculated to get the variables with
red color. The  F term is the product value of heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer area. The
mass rate term m_0, m_dis, m_suc, the discharge gas temperature and the compress power Wp are all
calculated by the former simulation program[4] which used to calculate the compressor performance
parameters. Motor efficiency curve is tested on the R290 commercial reciprocating compressor, and it
is used to calculate the motor power We. h terms in the equation set shows that the equation set is
nonlinear and the calculation method is to call NIST REFPROP function library and use the Newton's
iterative method to resolve.

2.2 Heat transfer coefficients correlations

Ooi[7] and Joel[8] choose the empirical correlation in references and use them directly without revising
and this must cause big errors in simulation. In this thesis, the heat transfer coefficient of each control
volume is obtained by combining the theoretical heat transfer correlation with the experimental data.
The coefficient correlations of simple control volumes are chosen in references and revised by
experimetal results. The 3-D flow field simulation of the discharge chamber and discharge muffler,
where the gas flow is complecated, is carried out. The corresponding heat transfer correlation type is
selected according to the 3-D simulation results. Because the structure of the suction muffler is
extremely complex, its heat transfer coefficients correlation is fitted by experimental results. Table 1.
shows the revised heat transfer coefficient correlations used in the heat transfer simulation.
Table 1. The revised heat transfer coefficient correlations
Control volume Surface Correlation

10th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 232 (2017) 012011 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/232/1/012011

Inner Nu  0.019 Re0.8 Pr1/3  Pr  0.5

Compressor shell   1 2
    4
Outer Nu   2   0.8  Re 2  0.23  Re 3  Pr 0.4      (3.5  Re  7.6  104 , 0.71  Pr  380)
  w
     

Inner Nu  0.023Re0.8 Pr 0.3

Discharge line 0.372 Re1/2 Pr1/3   Re 5/8 
Outer Nu  0.18  1     Re  Pr > 0.2
1   0.4 / Pr   2/3 1/4
  282000  
 

Inner Nu  0.023Re0.8 Pr 0.3

Discharge muffler 0.62 Re1/2 Pr1/3   Re 5/8 
Outer Nu  0.3  1     Re  Pr > 0.2
  282000  
1   0.4 / Pr 2/3 
 

f / 8 Re D  1000  Pr
Nu   Pr  0.5;3 10 3
 Re  5  106 
Inner 1  12.7  f / 8
 Pr 2/3
 1
Discharge chamber
f =(0.79ln Re 1.64)2
Outer Nu  0.037 Re0.8 Pr1/3  Pr  0.5
Suction muffler Total  sm Fsm  1.19516  5492.97 * m
qw D Tw
Cylinder Inner Nu   0.28Re(t )0.65  0.25L(t )
k (Tg (t )  Tw ) Tg  Tw


3.1 Arrangements
Fig 3. is the experiment system sketch. According to the requirement of the standard testing condition,
the 3m/s wind blow from a fan is adopted.

Electric heating

H2O exchange Refrigerant outlet
H2O tube valve

Condens Condensation heating valve

Balance Comp
Liquid heating valve ressor
T10 heat Cooling fan
Throttle valve
Tank inlet
valve T1 T2 Pevap
Calorimeter Suction
tank Inlet heating valve Refrigerant inlet valve

heat Compressed air inlet valve

Electric heating tube Evacuating valve

Cooling by an
auxiliary refrigeration

Fig 3. The experiment system sketch

10th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 232 (2017) 012011 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/232/1/012011

In order to reach the unusual condensing temperature, the radiation heating installation and water-cooled
tube are installed on condenser side. Also in order to reach limiting evaporating temperature, the water-
cooled device and small refrigeration device with an extra refrigeration cycle are installed on the
evaporator side. The automatic regulating valve is adopted as the throttling valve.
Firstly, connect all the solder joints of themocouples installed in compressor to the temperature
acquisition equipment. Then, connect the temperature acquisition equipment to computer. Lastly, open
the software to test the themocouples’ accuracy. Fig 4 shows the compressor installed all thermocouples
and shows the solder joints on the shell.

Fig 4. The compressor sample installed thermocouples

The detailed information of the themocouples is shown in Table 2. The data acquisition frequency is
once per 10 seconds. The temperature of each test point under some condition is the average value of
the experimental data which acquired after the system is stable.

Table 2. The detail of the themocouples

No. Name Short name Position
1 Tup Temperature of the upper shell Middle of the upper shell
2 Tbottom Temperature of the bottom shell Middle of the bottom shell
3 Tleft Temperature of the left shell When facing to socket, middle of the left shell
4 Tright Temperature of the right shell When facing to socket, middle of the left shell
5 Tfront Temperature of the front shell When facing to socket, middle of the front shell
6 Tbehind Temperature of the behind shell When facing to socket, middle of the behind shell
The environment temperature NO.1 When facing to socket,The right side in compressor
7 Tie1 in compressor and between the shell and motor
The environment temperature NO.2 When facing to socket,The left side in compressor
8 Tie2 in compressor and between the shell and motor
9 T0 Gas temperature at suction pipe In the middle of the suction pipe
Gas temperature at suction muffler
10 T1 inlet
In the middle of the suction muffler inlet
Gas temperature at suction muffler
11 T2 outlet
In the middle of the suction muffler outlet
Discharge gas temperature of In the discharge chamber and facing to the
12 T3 cylinder discharge valve
Gas temperature at discharge
13 T4 muffler inlet
In the discharge muffler inlet
Gas temperature at discharge
14 T5 muffler outlet
In the discharge muffler outlet
15 T6 Gas temperature at the outlet pipe In the middle of the discharge pipe

10th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 232 (2017) 012011 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/232/1/012011

16 Toil Temperature of oil In the middle of the oil pool

17 Tcoil Temperature of coil The coil temperature
Drilling a hole at a distance of 3mm to the upper
18 Tshaft Temperature of shaft
shaft, and stick the themocouple in the hole
Drilling a hole at a distance of 3mm to piston, and
19 Tcw Temperature of cylinder wall
stick the themocouple in the hole.
20 Toe Temperature of ambient One themocouple in ambient

3.2 Experiment results

R290 is used in this experiment. Because the R290 commercial refrigerator is high efficiency when the
refrigeration case is in HBP(high back pressure)conditions, the ASHRAREHBP46 case is selected to
analyze the heat transfer value of each compressor part.
The detail of the condition: the evaporating temperature =7.2℃;The condensing temperature=54.4℃;
The suction temperature=35℃;The ambient temperature=35℃;The subcooled temperature=35℃.

Heat transfer value ratio of shell

Heat transfer value ratio of discharge chamber
0.7 Heat transfer value ratio of discharge muffler
Heat transfer value ratio of discharge line
0.6 Heat transfer value ratio of motor






200 250 300 350 400 450
Motor power(W)

Fig 5 Heat transfer value ratio of compressor parts

The heat transfer valve ratio is the ratio between the heat transfer value of each compressor part and the
motor power We. The heat transfer value of discharge line is 3-5 times as large as the value of discharge
chamber or discharge muffler. The heat transfer value ratio of motor is about 23%. The inner
environment of compressor is heat up by the discharge parts and the motor, but heat transfer of the shell
can cool down it. The heat transfer valve ratio of the shell is larger than 50% when the motor power is
lower than 220W, because the mass rate is smaller when the refrigeration system is in LBP (low back
pressure) cases and the pressure ratio is higher than those in HBP.

10th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 232 (2017) 012011 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/232/1/012011

T3 T6
T4 110 T2
T5 Tcw
Tcw 100 Tcoil
120 Tcoil Tshaft
T6 Toil
100 T2

T( )
80 Tshaft 80
T (℃)

Toil 70
T0 60
40 Toe

35 40 45 50 55
-30 -20 -10 0 10
Evaporating temperature (℃) Condensing Temperture ( ℃ )

Fig 6. The tested temperatures vary with Fig 7. The tested temperatures vary with
the evaporating temperature the condensing temperature

Fig 6 shows the tested temperatures vary with evaporating temperatures when the condensing
temperature is 35℃,the suction temperature is 32.2℃ and the ambient temperature is 32.2℃. Fig 7
shows the tested temperatures vary with condensing temperatures when the evaporating temperature is
5℃,the suction temperature is 32.2℃ and the ambient temperature is 32.2℃. The temperature Tie and
Tshell are all the average value of their testing points.

T3 T2
120 T6
110 T3
Toil 105 T6
110 Tcoil 100 Toil
Tshaft 95 Tcoil
100 Tcw 90 Tshaft
Tie 85
90 Tshell 80

80 70
50 45
40 35
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 28 30 32 34 36 38
Suction temperature(℃) Ambient temperature(℃)

Fig 8. The tested temperatures vary with Fig 9. The tested temperatures vary with
the suction gas temperature the ambient temperature
Fig 8 shows the tested temperatures vary with suction temperatures when the evaporating temperature
is 5℃,the condensing temperature is 54.4℃ and the ambient temperature is 32.2℃. Fig 9 shows the
tested temperatures vary with ambient temperatures when the evaporating temperature is 5 ℃,the
condensing temperature is 54.4℃ and the ambient temperature is 20℃.

4. Comparison
As shown in Table 3, three refrigeration cases are chosen to compare the simulation results and the
experimental results. Case No 1.( ASHRARELBP46) can express the LBP conditions. Case No
2.(ASHRAREHBP46) and No 3. can express the HBP conditions.

10th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 232 (2017) 012011 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/232/1/012011

Table 3. Refrigeration cases chosen to compare the simulation and experiment

Case No. Evap Temp(℃) Cond Temp(℃) Ambi Temp(℃) Suct Temp(℃)

1 -23.3 54.4 32.2 32.2

2 7.2 54.4 35 35
3 5 60 32.2 32.2

Table 4. shows the results comparison between simulation and experiment, and the error is the calculate
using equation (13).
Experiment value- Simulation value (13)
Relative error= *100%
Experiment value

Table 4. Results comparison between simulation and experiment

Case No.1 Case No.2 Case No.3
Parameters Error Error Error
Simu Test Simu Test Simu Test
(%) (%) (%)
T0(℃) 32.2 32.7 -1.53 35.0 35.1 -0.28 32.2 32.6 -1.23
T1(℃) 73.8 90.0 -18.00 60.1 65.5 -8.24 62.3 68.5 -9.05
T2(℃) 78.8 91.6 -13.97 64.3 66.6 -3.45 62.3 69.5 -10.36
T3(℃) 163.2 156.3 4.41 116.8 111.2 5.04 124.7 119.5 4.35
T4(℃) 157.9 148.6 6.26 111.9 108.5 3.13 119.9 116.6 2.83
T5(℃) 152.1 144.4 5.33 109.4 106.4 2.82 116.1 114.4 1.49
T6(℃) 122.8 115.7 6.14 98.7 96.7 2.07 104.5 103.0 1.46
Tcw(℃) 100.7 111.2 -9.44 70.85 75.7 -6.41 75.3 80.4 -6.34
Tie(℃) 73.8 78.8 -6.35 60.1 60.6 -0.83 62.3 62.6 -0.48
Tshell(℃) 55.3 60.6 -8.75 52.2 53.2 -1.88 51.8 52.9 -2.08
Tdcw(℃) 131.1 126.4 3.72 89.2 88.1 1.25 96.2 94.4 1.91
Tdmw(℃) 114.5 108.8 5.24 76.3 74.4 2.55 81.0 78.9 2.66
Wp (W) 176.66 —— —— 317.69 —— —— 328.20 —— ——
Motor efficiency 75.5% ——— —— 74.9% —— —— 74.6% —— ——
We(W) 248.84 247.36 0.60 424.28 388.69 9.16 439.96 408.36 7.74
1.11* 3.54* 3.13*
m_suc(kg/s) —— —— —— —— —— ——
10-3 10-3 10-3
-9.844 -9.688 -3.316 -3.365 -2.872 -2.921
m_dis (kg/s) 1.61 -1.45 -1.68
*10-4 *10-4 *10-3 *10-3 *10-3 *10-3
Capacity(W) 348.93 344.41 1.31 1022.37 1007.5 1.48 974.27 889.52 -1.71
COP 1.402 1.392 0.71 2.410 2.592 -7.02 1.987 2.178 -8.77

Results shows that the temperature error between simulation and experiment is below ±20%. The
compressor performance parameters error (power, capacity and mass rate) between simulation and
experiment is below±10%.

5. Conclusion
The experiments of R290 refrigeration compressor are carried out. The heat transfer value of discharge
line is 3-5 times as large as the value of discharge chamber or discharge muffler. The heat transfer value
ratio of motor is about 23%. There are linear relationships between the temperatures in compressor and

10th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 232 (2017) 012011 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/232/1/012011

the conditions temperature. The heat transfer simulation of reciprocating compressor is studied and the
heat transfer coefficients are chosen from reference and revised by experiment data. The relative error
of temperatures between simulation and experiment is below ± 20% and the relative error of
compressor performance parameters is below ± 10%. Therefore, the numerical simulation of
reciprocating compressor can simulate its working process well.

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605–610, 1994.


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