Alternating Current Narayana

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alternating supply, at which capacitive reactance Note: Series LCR circuit at resonance admit
becomes equal to the inductive reactance. maximum current at particular frequencies, so they
The current (I) in a series LCR circuit is given by can be used to tune the desired frequency or filter
unwanted frequencies. They are used in transmitters

I = I0 sin (t  )

If XL > XC , I lags E

If XL > XC , I lags E

If XL > XC , I lags E

and receivers of radio, television and telephone

L-C-R circuit
I 

E = E0 sin t

Z 2

 1  .....(i) carrier equipment etc.

Z = R2 + L –
R 2  L 

 C 

X = L –

I0 = Z

 = tan–1
From the above equation (i), it is clear that At resonance ,
current I will be maximum if the impedance (Z) a) Net reactance X = 0

by 

by 

by 
of the circuit is minimum. b) X L  XC

Table for values of different parameters for different components applied to ac

At low frequencies, L   L  2  f is very small c) Impedance Z = 0
1 1 E0

If XL = XC , E and I are
and C   C  2  f is very large. d) peak value of current I0  

If XL < XC , I leads E
If XL > XC , I Lags E


I = I0 sin t  2

E = E0 sin t


L-C circuit

Resonant frequency f 0 

At high frequencies, L is very large and is e)

 = 90°
2 LC

X = L –

I0 = Z
Z = L –
very small.

1 f) Voltage and current differ in phase by

in phase
For a particular frequency (f0), L   i.e. 2

by 90°

by 90°
X L  X C and the impedance (Z) of LCR circuit g) Power factor cos f  0
is minimum and is given by Z = R. RESONANCE IN L - C - R CIRCUIT :
At resonance,
Therefore, at the particular frequency ( f0 ), the a) Net reactance X = 0

I = I0 sin (t + )

current in LCR circuit becomes maximum. The

b) X L  XC

E = E0 sin t

I lags E by 
R-C circuit


frequency ( f0 ) is known as the resonant c) Impedance Z = R ( minimum )

I0 = Z
X = XC =
E0 E0

Z = R2 +

 = tan–1
frequency and the phenomenon is called d) peak value of current I0   ( maximum but
electrical resonance. Z R
not infinity )
Again, for electrical resonance (XL–Xc) = 0. 1
i.e. XL = XC e) Resonant frequency f 0 
1 1
2 LC
or L   2  f) Voltage and current will be in phase
C LC g) power factor cos   1

I = I0 sin (t – )

Z = R2 + (L)2
1 1

X = XL = L
E = E0 sin t

I lags E by 
  2f 0  

R-L circuit
or   h) Resonant frequency is independent of value of R.


i) A series L - C - R circuit behaves like a pure

I0 = Z

 = tan–1
1 resistive circuit at resonance.
or f 0  .....(ii)
This is the value of resonant frequency. BAND WIDTH.
The resonant frequency is independent of the • The frequencies at which the power in the circuit
resistanace R in the circuit. However, the is half of the maximum power (The power at

6) Peak value of current

7) Phase diff. between

sharpness of resonance decreases with the resonance) are called half power frequencies.

2) Resulting current
increase in R.
Pmax Parameter

4) Net reactance
Series LCR circuit is more selective when

5) Impedance
3) Resistance
resistance of this circuit is small.

8) Lead / lag
Y 1) Input emf

I0 P Pmax
R1 2
O X 1 2 3 V



• The current in the circuit at half power frequecies VL VC 0 L 1 • Choke coil for different frequencies are made by WE-21 :An electric bulb has a rated power of 50
(HPF) is 1 2 or 0.707 or 70.7% of maximum Q  factor  V or V  R or  CR using different substances in their core. W at 100 V. If it is used on an AC source of
R R 0
current (current at resonance). • For low frequency L should be large thus iron 200 V, 50 Hz, a choke has to be used in series
• There are two half power frequencies 1 L core choke coil is used. For high frequency ac circuit, with it. This choke should have an inductance
 Q  factor  L Should be small, so air cored choke coil is used. of
1  called lower half power frequency. At this R C
• The choke coil can be used only in ac circuits not in Sol: Here, P  50W , V  100volt
frequency the circuit is capacitive. WATTLESS CURRENT: dc circuits, because for dc frequency v  0 . Hence
In an ac circuit , R  0  cos   0 so P 50 V 100
3  called upper half power frequency. It is X L  2 vL  0. I   0.5 A, R    200
V 100 I 0.5
greater than  2 . At this frequency the circuit is Pav  0, i.e.., in resistanceless circuit the power • Choke coil is based on the principle of wattless Let L be the inductance of the choke coil
inducitve. consumed is zero, Such a circuit is called the current.
wattless circuit and the current flowing is E E 200
E  I v  v  or Z  v   400 
• Band width    : The difference of half power called the wattless current. • The current in the circuit I  with Z Iv 0.5
frequencies 1 and  2 is called band width Or
The component of current which does not 2 2 Now X L  Z 2  R 2  4002  200 2
Z   R  r    L  .
   and   3  1 . contribute to the average power dissipation  L  100  2 3
• For series resonant circuit it can be proved is called wattless current. • The power loss in the choke
pav  Vrms I rms cos   0 200 3 200 3 200 3 2  1.732
   R / L  wattless current = I rms sin  L     1.1H
 2 v 100 3.14
• Choke coil (or ballast) is a device having high as cos   Z  2  0
SERIES RESONANT CIRCUIT. r   2 L2  L A capacitor (C) and an inductor (L) are
inductance and negligible resistance. connected as shown in the figure. Initially the
• The characteristic of a series resonant circuit is WE-20: An ideal choke coil takes a current of 8
• It is used to control current in ac circuits and is charge on the capacitor is Q
determined by the quality factor  Q  factor  of used in fluorescent tubes. ampere when connected to an AC supply of
• The power loss in a circuit containing choke coil 100 volt and 50 Hz. A pure resistor under the
the circuit.
is least. same conditions takes a current of 10 ampere.
• It defines sharpness of i  v curve at resonance
If the two are connected to an AC supply of
when Q  factor is large, the sharpness of • In a dc circuit current is reduced by means of a
150 volts and 40 Hz. then the current in a
rheostat.This resutls in a loss of electrical energy
resonance curve is more and vice - versa. series combination of the above resistor and
I 2 R per sec. inductor is
Q- factor =infinity Iron core Sol: For pure inductor,
R = Very low Starter E 100 25  Energy stored in the capacitor U E 
Q- factor = large XL  0    2C
Choke Iv 8 2 The energy stored in the inductor, UB = 0.
i R = low Coil of Cu wire ~ coil
Q- factor = normal The capacitor now begins to discharge through
~ L, R 25 25 25 1 the inductor and current begins to flow in the
R = High Choke coil Application of choke coil L  ;L    H
Q- factor = low 2 2 2  2  50 8 circuit. As the charge on the capacitor decreases,
• It consists of a copper coil wound over a soft 1 2
V0 V V 100 U E decreases but the energy U B  LI in the
Resonance curve iron laminated core. This coil is put in series R   10 2
with the circuit in which current is to be reduced. I 10 magnetic field of the inductor increases. Energy
• Q  factor also defined as follows • Soft iron is used to improve inductance (L) of For the combination, the supply is 150 v, 40 is thus transferred from capacitor to inductor.
the circuit. Hz When the whole of the charge on the capacitor
Maximum energy stored disappears, the total energy stored in the electric
Q  factor  2  • The inductive reactance or effective opposition
 X L   L  2  40 
 10 field in the capacitor gets converted into
energy dissipation
of the choke coil is given by X L   L  2 vL 8 magnetic field energy in the inductor. At this
2 Maximum energy stored stage, there is maximum current in the inductor.
  • For an ideal choke coil r  0 , no electric cnergy Z  X L2  R 2  102  10 2  10 2ohm Energy now flows from inductor to the capacitor
T Mean power dissipated is wasted, i.e., average power P = 0. except that the capacitor is charged oppositely.
• In actual practice choke coil is equivalent to a Ev 150 15 This process of energy transfer continues at a
Resonant frequency 0 Iv   A A
  R  L circuit. Z 10 2 2 definite frequency (v). Energy is continuosly
Band width  shuttled back and forth between the electric field


in the capacitor and the magnetic field in the q02 q2 Pout Vs is
1  V
inductor. * In L - C oscilations  tells us the potential UE UM  (cos 2 t  sin 2  t )  0 \ i.e.,  %  P  100  V i  100
If no resistance is present in the LC circuit, the C  q  2C 2C in P P

LC oscillation will continue infinitely as shown. difference required to store a unit charge As q0 and C, both are time independent, this • For an ideal transformer Pout  Pin so
 F sum of energies stored in capacitor and induc   100% (But efficiency of practical transformer
+q0 * In a mechanical oscillation K    tells us the tor is constant in time. Note that it is
t x lies between 70% - 90 %)
-q0 equal to the initial energy of the capacitor.
external force requred to produce a unit TRANSFORMER For practical transformer Pin  Pout  Plosses
displacement of mass • A transformer works on the principle of mutual
However in an actual LC circuit, some resistance * In L - C oscillations current is the analogous P
is always present due to which energy is induction. So   P  100
quantity for velocity of the mass in mechanical •` It is a static device that is used to increase or
dissipated in the form of heat. So LC oscillation oscillations

will not continue infinitely with same amplitude * decrease the voltage in an AC circuit. Pout  P  PL  100
In L - C oscillations energy stored in capacitor • On a laminated iron core two insulated copper   100  in
as shown. is analagous to potential energy in mechanical
+q0 coils called primary and secondary are wound.  out L 
P  P Pin
oscillations • Primary is connected to an alternating source of •
* In L - C oscillations energy stored in inductor is In an ideal transformer the input power is equal to
t emf, By mutual induction, an emf is induced in the output power. V1I1 = V2 I2
analogous to kinetic energy of the mass in the secondary.
-q0 mechanical oscillations The efficiency of an ideal transformer is 100%.
Let q be the charge on the capacitor at any * In L - C oscillations maximum charge on
• If V1 and V2 are the primary and secondary •
capacitor q 0 is analogous to amplitude in The losses in a transformer are divided in to two
di mechanical oscillations voltages in a transformer, N1 and N2 are the types. They are copper losses and iron losses.
time t and be the rate of change of current. number of turns in the primary and secondary
dt *  As Vmax = A  in mechanical oscillations, • The loss of energy that occurs in the copper coils
Since no battery is connected in the circuit, I 0  q0 0 in L- C oscillations V1 N of the transformer (i.e. primary and secondary coils)
coils of the transformer, then  1 .
q di V2 N2 is called ‘copper losses’. These are nothing but joule
 L.  0 dq Analogies between Mechanical and Electrical Quantities heating losses where electrical energy is converted
c dt but i   Mecha nical System Electrical System • In a transformer the voltage per turn is the same
dt in primary and secondary coils. in to heat energy.
from the above equations, we get Mass m Inductance L The loss of energy that occurs in the iron core of
Force constant k Reciprocal capacitance 1/C
• The ratio N2/N1 is called transformation ratio.
q d 2q d 2q 1 • The voltage ratio is the same as the ratio of the the transformer (i.e. hysteresis loss and eddy current
L 2 0 2  q0 Displacement x Charge q loss) is called ‘iron losses’.
C dt dt LC number of turns on the two coils.
Velocity v = dx/dt Current I = dq/dt MINIMIZING THE LOSSES IN A
d2 x Mechnical energy Electromagnetic
• If the primary and secondary currents are I1 and TRANSFORMER:
The above equation is analogus to  2 x = 0 energy
dt 2 I 2 respectively, then for ideal transformer • The core of a transformer is laminated and each
(differential equation of S.H.M) lamination is coated with a paint of insulation to
Energy of LC Oscillations: Let q0 be the V2 I1

 2 reduce the ‘eddy current’ losses.
1 1 V1 I 2 N1
Hence on comparing  
 initial charge on a capacitor. Let the charged
LC LC capacitor be connected to an inductor of • In an ideal transformer the ampere turns are the • By choosing a material with narrow ‘hysteresis
same in primary and secondary coils. loop’ for the core, the hysteresis losses are
1 1 induct ance L. LC ciruit will sust ain an
2f   f  minimized.
1 • If N s  N P voltage is stepped up, then the Uses of transformer:
LC 2 LC oscillations with frequency (  2 f  )
The charge therefore oscillates with a frequency LC transformer is called step - up transformer. • A transformer is used in almost all ac operations,
1 At an instant t, charge q on the capacitor and the • If N s  N P voltage is stepped down, then the e.g
f  and varies sinusoidally with time. current i are given by; q(t )  q0 cos t ; transformer is called step - down transformer. • In voltage regulators for TV, refrigerator, computer,
2 LC air conditioner etc.
i   q0 sin t • In step - up transformer, VS  VP and I S  I P
COMPARISON OF L - C OSCILLATIONS • In the induction furnaces.
Energy stored in the capacitor at time t is • In step - down transformer, VS  VP and I S  I P
WITH SHM : The L - C oscillations can be • Step down transformer is used for welding
1 1 q 2 q02 • Frequency of input a.c is equal to frequency of purposes.
compared to S.H.M of a block attached to a U E  CV 2   cos2 (t ) output a.c
spring 2 2 C 2C • In the transmission of ac over long distnace.
• Transformation of voltage, is not possible with
1 Energy stored in the inductor at time t is d.c • Step down and step up transformers are used in
* In L - C oscillations  0  1 EFFICIENCY OF TRANSFORMER ( ) electical power distribution.
LC U M  Li 2
2 Effeiciency is defined as the ratio of output • Audio Frequency transformers are used in
K power and input power. radiography, television, radio, telephone etc.
* In Mechanical oscillations  0  where K 1 2 2 2 q2 1 • Radio frequency transformers are used in radio
m  Lq0  sin t   0 sin 2 (t )(  2  ) output power
2 2C LC Efficiency  communication.
is the spring constant input power
Sum of energies

WE- 22: A transformer having efficiency 90% is 9. If a capacitor is connected to two different A.C. 16. The phase angle between current and voltage
working on 100 V and at 2.0 kW power. If the
C. U. Q generators, then the value of capacitive in a purely inductive circuit is
current in the secondary coil is 5A, calculate reactance is 1) zero 2)  3)  / 4 4)  / 2
INSTANTANEOUS, PEAK,R.M.S & 1) directly proportional to frequency
(i) the current in the primary coil and (ii) 17. Ratio of impedence to capacitive reactance
AVERAGE VALUES OF A.C AND A.V 2) inversely proportional to frequency has
voltage across the secondary coil. 1. In an ac circuit the current 3) independent of frequency 1) no units 2) ohm 3) ampere 4) tesla
9 1) is in phase with the voltage 4) inversely proportional to the square of 18. An inductor coil having some resistance is
Sol: Here   90%  , Is  5A , E p  100V, 2) leads the voltage frequency connected to an AC source. Which of the
3) lags the voltage 10. In general in an alternating current circuit following have zero average value over a
(i) E p I p  2kW  2000W 4) any of the above depending on t he 1) the average value of current is zero cycle
2000 2000 circumstances 2) the average value of square of the current is 1) induced emf in the inductor only
Ip  or I p   20A
2. The average e.m.f during the positive half zero 2) current only 3) both 1 and 2 4) neither 1 nor 2
Ep 100
cycle of an a.c. supply of peak value E0 is 3) average power dissipation is zero 19. The current does not rise immediately in a
Output power E s I s 4) the phase difference between voltage and circuit containing inductance
(ii)    or E s Is   E p I p 1) E0 /  2) E0 / 2 3) E0 / 2 4) 2 E0 /  current is zero
Input power Ep Ip 1) because of induced emf
3. Alternating current is transmitted to distant A.C ACROSS R-L,R-C,L-C & 2) because of high voltage drop

 2000  1800W
places at L-C-R SERIES CIRCUIT 3) both 1 and 2 4) because of joule heating
10 1) high voltage and low current 20. In an AC circuit containing only capacitance
11. The magnitude of induced e.m.f in an LR
1800 1800 2) high voltage and high current circuit at break of circuit as compared to its the current
 Es    360 volt 3) low voltage and low current 1) leads the voltage by 180º
Is 5 value at make of circuit will be
4) low voltage and high current 1) less 2) more 2) lags the voltage by 90º
WE-23:A step up transformer operates on a 230 4. In case of a.c circuit, Ohm’s law holds good 3) some times less and some times more 3) leads the voltage by 90º
V line and a load current of 2 ampere. The for 4) nothing can be said 4) remains in phase with the voltage
ratio of the primary and secondary windings a) Peak values of voltage and current 12. The emf and current in a circuit are such that 21. A bulb is connected first with dc and then ac
is 1 : 25. What is the current in the primary ? b) Effective values of voltage and current of same voltage.Then it will shine brightly with
E = E0 sin  t and I = I0 sin ( t   ) . This AC 1) AC 2) DC 3) Equally with both
Sol: Using the relation c) Instantaneous values of voltage and current circuit contains.
1) only a is true 2) only a and b are true 4) Brightness will be in ratio 1/14
NP I N I 1) R and L 2) R and C 3) only R 4) only C 22. A capacitor of capacity C is connected in A.C.
 S ; IP  S S 3) only c is true 4) a, b and c are true 13. The correct graph between the resistance of
NS IP NP 5. In case of AC circuits the relation V = i Z, circuit. If the applied emf is V = V0 sin t ,
a conductor with frequency is then the current is
Here N p / Ns  1 / 25 (or) Ns / N p  25 / 1 = 25 where Z is impedance, can directly applied to 1) Y 2) Y
1) peak values of voltage and current only V0 V0  
and IS = 2A R R 1) I  sin t 2) I
sin  t  
2) rms values of voltage and current only L 
Current in primary, I P  25 2  50A 3) instantaneous values of voltage and current  
SKIN EFFECT: f 3) I  V0 C sin t 4) I  V0C sin  t  2 
only f X X  
• A direct current flows uniformly throughout the 4) both 1 and 2 are true 23. At low frequency a condenser offers
cross section of the conductor. 6. Alternating current can not be measured by Y Y 1) high impedance 2) low impedance
3) 4) 3) zero impedance
• An alternaitng current, on the other hand, flows direct current meters, because R R
1) alternating current can not pass through an 4) impedance of condenser is independent of
mainly along the surface of the conductor. This frequency
effect is known as skin effect. f X f X 24. Statement ( A ) : The reactance offered by
2) the average value of current for complete cycle 14. Same current is flowing in two alternating
• When alternating current flows through a is zero an inductance in A.C. circuit decreases with
conductor, the flux changes in the inner part of circuits. The first circuit contains only increase of AC frequency.
3) some amount of alternating current is inductance and the other contains only a Statement ( B ) : The reactance offered by a
the conductor are higher. destroyed in the ammeter capacitor. If the frequency of the e.m.f. is
• Therefore, the inductance of the inner part is capacitor in AC circuit increases with increase
4) peak value of current is zero increased, the current will of AC frequency.
higher than that of the outer part. Higher the 7. The r.m.s. value of potential due to 1) increase in first circuit and decrease in the 1) A is true but B is false
frequency of alternating current, more is the skin superposition of given two alternating other 2) Both A and B are true
effect. potentials E1 = E0 sin t and E2 = E0 cos t 2) increase in both circuits 3) A is false but B is true
• The depth upto which ac current flows through a will be 3) decrease in both circuits 4) Both A and B are false
4) decrease in first circuit and increase in the 25. Statement ( A ) : With increase in frequency
wire is called skin depth   . 1) E0 2) 2E0 3) E 0 2 4) Zero other of AC supply inductive reactance increases.
8. If the instantaneous values of current is 15. When an a.c source is connected across a Statement ( B ) : With increase in frequency
V I  2 cos(t  ) A in a circuit, the r.m.s. value resistor of AC supply capacitive reactance increase
R R
 R  VR2 1) The current leads the voltage in phase
PR of current in ampere will be 1) A is true but B is false
2) The current lags behind the voltage in phase 2) Both A and B are true
VR  rated voltage, PR  rated power  1) 2 2) 2 3) 2 2 4) zero 3) The current and voltage are in same phase 3) A is false but B is true
4) The current and voltage are out of phase 4) Both A and B are false
26. In an A.C circuit having resistance and 32. In series L - C - R resonant circuit, to increase 3) When an AC source is connected to a 48. A step up transformer is connected on the primary
capacitance the resonant frequency capacitor,then the rms current in the circuit gets side to a rechargable battery which can deliver a
1) emf leads the current 1) L will have to be increased increased if a dielectric slab is inserted into the large current. If a bulb is connected in the
2) current lags behind the emf 2) C will have to be increased capacitor. secondary, then
3) both the current and emf are in phase 3) LC will have to be decreased 1) the bulb will glow very bright
4) LC will have to be increased 4) In a pure inductive circuit emf will be in phase
4) current leads the emf. 2) the bulb will get fused
27. Select the correct options among the 33. If in a series L - C - R ac circuit, the voltages with the current.
40. The essential difference between a d.c. 3) the bulb will glow, but with less brightness
following: In an R-C circuit across R, L, C are V1 ,V2 ,V3 respectively. 4) the bulb will not glow
a) instantaneous A.C is given by Then the voltage of applied AC source is dynamo and an a.c. dynamo is that
49. The ratio of primary voltage to secondary
I = I0sin ( wt   ) always equal to 1) a.c. has an electromagnet but d.c. has a voltage in a transformer is ‘n’. The ratio of
permanent magnet
b) the alternating current in the circuit leads 1) V1 +V2 +V3 2) V12  (V2  V3 )2 the primary current to secondary current in
the emf by a phase angle  . 2) a.c. will generate a higher voltage the transformer is
3) V1 -V2 -V3 4) V12  (V2  V3 ) 2 3) a.c.has slip rings but the d.c. has a commutator 1) n 2) 1/n 3) n2 4) 1/n2
c) Its impedance is R 2  ( c) 2 4) a.c. dynamo has a coil wound on soft iron, 50. In a step down transformer, the number of
34. In non-resonant circuit, the nature of circuit
d) Its capacitive reactance is  c for frequencies greater than the resonant but the d.c. dynamo has a coil wound on copper turns in the primary is always
1) a, b are ture 2) b, c, d are true frequency is 41. The unit of impedence is 1) greater than the number of turns in the
3) c, d are true 4) a, c are true 1) resistive 2) capacitive 1) ohm 2) mho 3) ampere 4) volt secondary
28. If the frequency of alternating e.m.f. is f in L- 3) inductive 4) both 1 and 2 42. The power factor of a.c. circuit having L and 2) less than the number of turns in the secondary
C-R circuit, then the value of impedance Z 35. The phase difference between voltage and R connected in series to an a.c. source of 3) equal to the number of turns in the secondary
will change with log (frequency) as current in an LCR series circuit is angular frequency  is given by 4) either greater than or less than the number of
1) increases 1) zero always 2)  / 4 always turns in the secondary
2) increases and then becomes equal to 3)  4) between 0 and  / 2 R 2  2L2 R L R 51. The transformer ratio of a step up transformer
resistance, then it will start decreasing 36. In an LCR a.c circuit at resonance, the 1) 2) 2 2 2 3) 4) is
R R  L R L
3) decreases and when it becomes minimum current 1) greater than one 2) less than one
equal to the resistance then it will start increasing 43. The capacitor offers zero resistance to
1) Is always in phase with the voltage 3) less than one and some times greater than one
4) go on decreasing 2) Always leads the voltage 1) D.C. only 2) A.C. & D.C.
4) greater than one and some times less than one
29. An inductance and resistance are connected 3) Always lags behind the voltage 3) A.C. only 4) neither A.C. nor D.C.
52. A stepup transformer develops 400V in
in series with an A.C circuit. In this circuit 4) May lead or lag behind the voltage 44. Power factor is defined as secondary coil for an input of 200V A.C. Then
1) the current and P.d across the resistance lead 37. An inductance L and capacitance C and 1) apparent power/true power the type of transformer is
P.d across the inductance by  /2 resistance R are connected in series across 2) true power/apparent power 1) Steped down 2) Steped up 3) Same
2) the current and P.d across the resistance lags an AC source of angular frequency  . If 3) true power (apparent power) 2
behind the P.d across the inductance by angle 4) Same but with reversed direction
2 
then 4) true power x apparent power 53. Assertion(A) : If changing current is flowing
 /2 LC
3) The current across resistance leads and the TRANSFORMER through a machine with iron parts, results in
1) emf leads the current loss of energy.
P.d across resistance lags behind the P.d across 2) both the emf and the current are in phase 45. The core of a transformer is laminated so that
the inductance by  /2 3) current leads the emf 1) energy loss due to eddy currents may be Reason(R): Changing magnetic flux through
4) the current across resistance lags behind and 4) emf lags behind the current reduced an area of the iron parts causes eddy currents.
the P.d across the resistance leads the P.d across 38. Consider the following two statements A and 1)Both A and R are individually true and R is
2) rusting of the core may be prevented the correct explanation of A
the inductance by  /2 B and identify the correct answer. 3) change in flux may be increased
30. An LCR circuit is connected to a source of A) At resonance of L - C - R series circuit, the 2)Both A and R are individually true but R is
alternating current. At resonance, the applied 4) ratio of voltage in the primary to that in the not the correct explanation of A
reactance of circuit is minimum.
voltage and the current flowing through the B) The reactance of a capacitor in an A.C secondary may be increased 3)A is true but R is false
circuit will have a phase difference of circuit is similar to the resistance of a 46. A step up transformer is used to 4)Both A and R are false
1)  / 4 2) zero 3)  4)  / 2 capacitor in a D.C. circuit 1) increase the current and increase the voltage 54. Transformers are used in
31. The incorrect statement for L-R-C series 1) A is true but B is false 2) decrease the current and increase the voltage 1) d.c circuits only 2) a.c. circuits only
circuit is 2) Both A and B are true 3) increase the current and decrease the voltage 3) Both a.c and d.c circuits 4) Integrated circuits.
1) The potential difference across the resistance 3) A is false but B is true 4) decrease the current and decrease the voltage 55. The magnitude of the e.m.f. across the
and the appleid e.m.f. are always in same phase 4) Both A and B are false 47. A transformer changes the voltage secondary of a transformer does not depend
2) The phase difference across inductive coil is 39. Choose the wrong statement of the following. 1) without changing the current and frequency on
900 1) The peak voltage across the inductor can be 2) without changing the current but changes the 1) The number of the turns in the primary
3) The phase difference between the potential less than the peak voltage of the source in an 2) The number of the turns in the secondary
LCR circuit frequency
difference across capacitor and potential 3) without changing the frequency but changes the 3) The magnitude of the e.m.f applied across the
difference across inductance is 900 2) In a circuit containing a capacitor and an ac primary
source the current is zero at the instant source current
4) The phase difference between potential 4)The resistance of the primary and the
difference across capacitor and potential voltage is maximum 4) without changing the frequency as well as the
difference across resistance is 900 current
56. For an ideal transformer ratio of output to the capacitive reactance equals inductive reactance 68. Assertion (A): If current varies sinusoidally C. U. Q - KEY
input power is always 1 the average power consumed in a cycle is
1) greater than one 2) equal to one 4) current will be leading voltage if   LC zero. 1) 4 2) 4 3) 1 4) 2 5) 4 6) 2 7) 1
3) less than one 4) zero Reason (R): If current varies sinusoidally the 8) 2 9) 2 10) 1 11) 2 12) 1 13) 1 14) 4
64. The value of current in two series L C R 15) 3 16) 4 17) 1 18) 3 19) 3 20) 3 21) 3
57. Consider the following two statements A and average power consumed is zero
circuits at resonance is same when connected 22) 4 23) 1 24) 4 25) 1 26) 4 27) 1 28) 3
B and identify the correct answer. 69. Assertion (A) : The power consumed in an
across a sinusoidal voltage source. Then electric circuit is never negative 29) 2 30) 2 31) 3 32) 3 33) 4 34) 3 35) 4
A) In a transformer a large alternating 1) both circuits must be having same value of
current at low voltage can be transformed into Reason (R) : The average power consumed 36) 1 37) 1 38) 1 39) 4 40) 3 41) 1 42) 2
capacitance and inductance 43) 4 44) 2 45) 1 46) 2 47) 3 48) 4 49) 2
a small alternating current at high voltage 2) in both circuits ratio of L and C will be same V2
in an electric circuit is P = = I2 R 50) 1 51) 1 52) 2 53) 1 54) 2 55) 4 56) 2
B) Energy in current carrying coil is stored in R
the form of magnetic field. 3) for both the circuits X L / X C must be same at 70. Assertion (A): The inductive reactance limits 57) 2 58) 4 59) 2 60) 1 61) 2 62) 3 63) 3
1) A is true but B is false that frequency the current in a purely inductive circuit in the 64) 3 65) 1 66) 2 67) 4 68) 4 69) 1 70) 2
2) Both A and B are true 4) both circuits must have same impedance at same way as the resistance circuit. 71) 4 72) 1 73) 1 74) 2 75) 1 76) 1
3) A is false but B is true all frequencies Reason (R): The inductive reactance is C. U. Q - HINTS
4) Both A and B are false 65. When an AC source of emf e  E0 sin 100t  directly proportional to the inductance and to
58. Statement ( A ) : Flux leakage in a the frequency of the varying current. 67. 2
 sin  t  1/ 2
is connected across a circuit, the phase 71. Assertion (A) : An ac emf which oscillates
transformer can be minimized by winding the 1 2
difference betwen the emf e and the current symmetrically about zero, the current it
primary and secondary coils one over the 68.  P  im R
 sustains also oscillates symmetrically about 2
i in the circuit is observed to be ahead,If zero. 69. I is scalar in Joules heating effect is independent
Statement ( B ) : Core of the transformer is 4 Reason (R): In any circuit element, current is an direction of current.
made of soft iron the circuit consists possibly of R  C or always in the phase with voltage V V
59. Statement (A ) : In high current low voltage
windings of a transformer thick wire is used R  L or L  C in series, find the relationship 72. Assertion (A): A lamp is connected in series 70. I  X & i  R X L   L  2 vL
between the two elements: with a capacitor and ac source connected L
to minimize energy loss due to heat produced across their terminals consequently current
Statement ( B ) : The core of any transformer 1) R  1k  , C  10  F 2) R  1k , C  1 F 
flow in the circuit and the lamp will shine. 71. In inductor current lags the voltage by
is laminated so as to reduce the energy loss 3) R  1k , L  10 H 4) R  1k , L  1H Reaosn(R): capacitor block dc current and 2
due to eddy currents 66. An AC voltage source of variable angular allow ac current 
60. Statement ( A ) : Step up transformer 73. Assertion (A): An electric lamp is connected In capcitor current leads the voltage by
frequency  and fixed amplitude V0 is 2
converts low voltage, high current to high in series with a long solenoid of copper with
voltage, low current connected in series with a capacitance C and air core and then connected to AC source. If 1
Statement (B) : Transformer works on both an iron rod is inserted in solenoid the lamp 72. X C 
an electric bulb of resistance R (inductance 2 fC
ac and dc zero). When  is increased will become dim.
Reason (R): If iron rod is inserted in solenoid, for dc f  0 then X L  
61. To reduce the iron losses in a transformer, the 1) the bulb glows dimmer
core must be made of a material having 2) the bulb glows brighter the induction of solenoid increases. for ac f  0 then X C  finite
1) low permeability and high resistivity 3) total impendance of the circuit is unchanged 74. An inductor, capacitor and resistance
connected in series. The combination is 73. L  r
2) high permeability and high resistivity 4) total impendance of the circuit increases
3) low permeability and low resistivity connecte across AC source. more voltage is present across inductor
ASSERTION & REASON Assertion (A): Peak current through each so less voltage across bulb
4) high permeability and low resistivity
62. Maximum efficiency of a transformer depends 1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and remains same 74. In series current is same, inductor and capacitor
on Reason is the correct explanation of Reason (R) : Average power delivered by does not consume power
1) the working conditions of technicians. Assertion. source is equal to average power consumed 75. At resonance X L  X C and frequency
2) Both Assertion and Reason are true but by resistance.
2) weather copper loss =1/2 x iron loss
Reason is not the correct explanation of 75. Assertion (A): when frequency is greater than 1 1
3) weather copper loss = iron loss resonance frequency in a series LCR circuit, f0  If f  f0 then X L  X C , so it
4) weather copper loss =2 x iron loss Assertion. 2 LC
3) Assertion is true but Reason is false it will be an inductive circuit.
63. For a LCR series circuit with an A.C. source Reason (R): Resultant voltage will lead the will be an inductive circuit. AC current must lag
of angular frequency  4) Assertion is false but Reason is true AC voltage.
67. Assertion (A): The average value of current
1 76. Assertion (A): Maximum power is dessipated 2
76. At resonance P  I max R and VL and VC are out
1) circuit will be capacitive if   <sin 2t  is zero. in a circuit (through R) in resonance
LC of phase. I max is due to Z min  R which is due
Reason (R): The average value of function Reason (R) : At resonance in a series LCR
1 circuit, the voltage across indcutor and
2) circuit will be inductive if   1 T to out of phase of VL and VC .
LC F  t  over a period T is  F  t    F  t dt capacitor are out of phase.
T 0
3) power factor of circuit will be unity if
9. A steady P.D. of 10V produces heat at a rate
LEVEL-I (C.W) 'x' in resistor. The peak value of A.C. voltage
which will produce heat at rate of x/2 in same
AVERAGE VALUES OF A.C AND A.V 1) 5 V 2) 5 2 V 3) 10 V 4) 10 2 V
1. The r.m.s. value of an a.c. of 50 Hz is 10 A. 10. An alternating voltage of E  200 2 sin(100t)V
The time taken by the alternating current in is connected to a condenser of 1  F through
reaching from zero to maximum value and the an A.C. ammeter. The reading of the ammeter
peak value of current will be will be
1) 2 102 sec and 14.14 A 2) 110 2 sec and 7.07 A 1) 10 mA 2) 40 mA 3) 80 mA 4) 20 mA
3) 5 10 3 sec and 7.07 A 4) 5 10 3 sec and 14.14 A 11. The inductance of a coil is 0.70 henry. An A.C.
2. An inductor has a resistance R and inductance source of 120 volt is connected in parallel with
L. It is connected to an A.C. source of e.m.f it. If the frequency of A.C. is 60Hz, then the
EV and angular frequency  , then the current current which is flowing in inductance will be
Iv in the circuit is 1) 4.55 A 2) 0.355 A 3) 0.455 A 4) 3.55 A
 EV   EV 
1) 2) V 3) 2 2 2 4)  R    L  12. A transformer steps up an A.C. voltage from
L R R  L    
230 V to 2300 V. If the number of turns in the
3. The peak voltage of 220 Volt AC mains (in Volt) secondary coil is 1000, the number of turns in
is the primary coil will be
1) 155.6 2) 220.0 3) 311 4) 440.0 1) 100 2) 10,000 3) 500 4) 1000
4. The peak value of A.C. is 2 2A . It’s apparent 13. The transformer ratio of a transformer is 5. If
value will be the primary voltage of the transformer is 400
1) 1A 2) 2A 3) 4A 4) zero V, 50 Hz, the secondary voltage will be
5. Alternating current in circuit is given by 1) 2000 V, 250 Hz 2) 80 V, 50 Hz
I  I 0 sin 2 nt . Then the time taken by the 3) 80 V, 10 Hz 4) 2000 V, 50 Hz
current to rise from zero to r.m.s. value is equal 14. A step-up transformer works on 220V and gives
to 2 A to an external resistor. The turn ratio between
the primary and secondary coils is 2:25.
1) 1/2n 2) 1/n 3) 1/4n 4) 1/8n
Assuming 100% efficiency, find the secondary
6. Using an A.C. voltmeter the potential
voltage, primary current and power delivered
difference in the electrical line in a house is respectively
read to be 234 volt. If the line frequency is 1) 2750 V, 25 A, 5500 W 2) 2750 V, 20 A, 5000 W
known to be 50 cycles/second, the equation for 3) 2570 V, 25 A, 550 W 4) 2750 V, 20 A, 55 W
the line voltage is
1) V = 165 sin(100 t ) 2) V = 331 sin(100 t )
3) V = 220 sin(100 t ) 4) V = 440 sin(100 t )
7. A mixer of 100 resistance is connected to 15. A coil of self - inductance    H is connected
 
an A.C. source of 200V and 50 cycles/sec. The in series with a 300  resistance. A voltage of
value of average potential difference across 200V at frequency 200Hz is applied to this
the mixer will be combination. The phase difference between
1) 308V 2) 264V 3) 220V 4) zero the voltage and the current will be
A.C ACROSS PURE RESISTOR, 1  4  1  3  1  1  5
1) tan 2) tan 3) tan 4) tan 1  
 
 
4 4
8. The equation of an alternating voltage is 16. A condenser of 10 F and an inductor of 1H
E=220 sin(t   / 6) and the equation of the are connected in series with an A.C. source of
current in the circuit is I=10 sin( t   / 6) . frequency 50Hz. The impedance of the
Then the impedance of the circuit is combination will be (take  2  10 )
1) 10 ohm 2) 22 ohm 3) 11 ohm 4) 17 ohm 1) zero 2) Infinity 3) 44.7  4) 5.67 

17. A 100 km telegraph wire has capacity of 23. The voltage time (V - t) graph for triangular rms E 0 E C
0.02 F / km , if it carries an alternating current wave having peak value V0 is as shown in 10. Irms  X  2 LEVEL-I (H.W)
of frequency 5 kHZ. The value of an figure. 11. XL = 2 fl  6.28  60  0.70  263.76
inductance required to be connected in series INSTANTANEOUS, PEAK,R.M.S &
so that the impedence is minimum. V 120 AVERAGE VALUES OF A.C AND A.V
I   0.455 A
1) 50.7mH 2) 5.07mH 3) 0.507mH 4) 507mH X L 263.76 1. For a given AC source the average emf during
18. In an LCR series circuit the rms voltages n s Vs the positive half cycle
across R, L and C are found to be 10 V, 10 V 12. n  V 1) depends on E0
and 20 V respectively. The rms voltage across p p
2) depends on shape of wave
the entire combination is Vs 3) both 1 and 2
The rms value of V in time interval from t  0
1) 30 V 2) 1 V 3) 20V 4) 10 2 V 13. Frequency remains same. V  5
T p 4) depends only on peak value of E0
19. In the circuit shown, a 30V d.c. source gives a to is
4 Es N s i p 2. An alternating emf given by V  V0 Sin  t has
current 2.0 A as recorded in the ammeter A
and 30V a.c. source of frequency 100Hz gives V0 V V0 14. E  N  i , P  Esis peak value 10 volt and frequency 50 Hz. The
1) 2) 0 3) 4) 2Vo p p s
a current 1.2A. The inductive reactance is 3 2 2 1
R L 2 fL
1 instantaneous emf at t  s is
15. tan   , 600
1) 4 2) 3 3) 3 4) 2 5) 4 6) 2 7) 4  1

1) 10 V 2) 5 3V 3) 5 V 4) 1V
16. Z   2 fL  2 fC  3. The equation of A.C. of frequency 75Hz, if it’s
8) 2 9) 3 10) 4 11) 3 12) 1 13) 4 14) 1  
RMS value is 20A is
15) 1 16) 1 17) 3 18) 4 19) 2 20) 3 21) 4 1 1 1
1) 10 ohm 2) 20 ohm 3) 5 34 ohm 4) 40 ohm 17.   L 2  1) I  20Sin 150 t  2) I  20 2 Sin 150 t 
22) 3 23) 1 LC  C (2 n) 2 C
20. A choke coil has negligible resistance. The 20
2 3) I  Sin 150 t  4) I  20 2 Sin  75 t 
alternating potential drop across it is 220 volt LEVEL-I (C.W) - HINTS 18. V  VR2  VL  VC  2
and the current is 5mA. The power consumed 1 T 4. The voltage of an A.C. source varies with time
i0  2irms , T  ,t  V 30
is 1. 19. When d.c. source, R    15 according to the equation V  50sin100 t cos100 t ,
f 4 I 2
5 220 where 't' is in sec and 'V' is in volt. Then
1) 220  W 2) W E0 30 1) The peak voltage of the source is 100 V
1000 5 2. i , X L  L When a.c. source, Z   25
3) zero 4) 2.20 x 5W R 2  X L2 1.2 2) The peak voltage of the source is 100 / 2V
21. In an A.C. circuit, the instantaneous values of X L  (25) 2  (15) 2  625  225  20 3) The peak voltage of the source is 25 V
3. V0  2 .Vr .m.s .  2  200  311 volt 4) The frequency of the source is 50 Hz
e.m.f. and current are E = 200 sin 314t volt 20. Average power is zero
and I  sin(314t   / 3) ampere then the I0 5. The form factor for a sinusoidal A.C. is
4. I rms  1 200
average power consumed in watts is 2 21. Pavg  Irms Erms cos   cos 60 1) 2 2 :  2)  : 2 2 3) 2 : 1 4) 1 : 2
1) 200 2) 100 3) 0 4) 50 2 2 6. At resonance the peak value of current in L-
T 1
22. In a black box of unkown elements (L, C or R 5. t  50W C-R series circuit is
4 4f
or any other combination) an AC voltage 22. Here current leads the voltage. So, there is E0
6. E  E0 sin  t ; voltage read is r.m.s. value reactance which is capacitive 1) E0/R 2) 2
E  E 0 sin( t   ) is applied and current in the  1 
 X  X C  X L or X  X C alone besides R R 2   L  
circuit was found to be i  i0 sin(t     /4) . E0  2  234V  331 volt  C 
23. Ans : (a)
Then the unknown elements in the box may and  t  2 n t  2  50  t  100  t E0
V0 t 4V0 t E0
be Thus, the eqn of line voltage is given by V  3) 4)
T  1 
2 2R
V = 331 sin(100 t ) T 2 R 2   2 L  2 2 
Z 4 C 

7. For one complete rotation, average voltage is zero 7. In an AC circuit, the rms value of the current,
T 4 
E  2 
Z 0 I rms is related to the peak current I 0 as
8. I0  t dt 
4V 

 V0
1) only capacitor 2) both inductor and resistor  0  0T  1 1
3) either capacitor, resistor and inductor or only 9.
v2 v2 x
 x, 1   v1 
v Vrms  V2 T  4  3 1) I rm s  I0 2) I rms  I0
R R 2   2
capacitor and resistor 2 dt  
  3) I rms  2I0 4) I rms   I 0
4) only resistor  in the second case Vrms= V1  V0 = 2 V1  0 

8. A voltmeter connected in an A.C circuit reads 17. The transformer ratio of a transformer is 10:1. LEVEL-I (H.W) - HINTS 22.. Ans : (c)
220V. It represents, If the primary voltage is 440V, secondary emf 2 E0 2 E0
T /2 3 4 
1) peak voltage 2) RMS voltage is 1. Eav   sin  t  dt  i  5  sin t  cos t   5 sin  t   
1) 44 V 2) 440V 3) 4400 V 4) 44000 V T 0  5 5 
3) Average voltage 4) Mean square voltage
9. If the instantaneous current in a circuit is given A.C ACROSS L-R, L-C & L-C-R 1 5
2. V  10sin 100 t  ; t s rms value is
by I  2cos  t    A, the rms value of the
18. The frequency at which the inductive reactance 3. i  i0 sin t  2 irms sin  2 ft  Mean value can not be decided.
current is of 2H inductance will be equal to the capacitive Here current leads voltage so, it is RC circuit
1) 2 A 2) 2 A 3) 2 2 A 4) zero reactance of 2 F capacitance (nearly) 4. V0  2.Vr .m.s . 23. As initially charge is maximum
10. The time taken by an AC of 50 Hz in reaching 1) 80Hz 2) 40 Hz 3) 60Hz 4) 20Hz rms value q  q0 cos t
from zero to its maximum value will be 19. In a series LCR circuit R  10 and the 5. Form factor 
avg value over half a cycle dq
1) 0.5 s 2) 0.005 s 3) 0.05 s 4) 5s impedance Z  20  . Then the phase i    q0 sin t
11. A generator produces a voltage that is given difference between the current and the voltage I0 dt
9. Irms 
by V=240 sin 120t V, where t is in second. The is 2
1 2 q2
frequency and r.m.s. voltage are respectively 1) 60o 2) 30o 3) 45o 4) 90o T 1 Given Li 
10. t   2 2C
1) 60Hz and 240V 2) 19Hz and 120V 20. In an L-C-R series circuit, 4 4f 2
3) 19Hz and 170V 4) 754Hz and 170V R  5, X L  9, X C  7 . If applied voltage 11. V = Vm sin t compare to given equation, we get 
1 2  q cos t 
L   q0 sin t   0
A.C ACROSS PURE RESISTOR, in the circuit is 50V then impedance of the Vm = 240 and   120 2 2C
circuit in ohm will be
12. A 220 V, 50 Hz AC supply is connected across 1) 2 2) 3 3) 2 5 4) 3 5 f  
2 6.28
 19 H 2 and But,    tan t  1
21. In an AC circuit the potential differences LC
a resistor of 50 k  . The current at time t Vm 240
across an inductance and resistance joined in voltage =   170V   
second, assuming that it is zero at t  0, is series are respectively 16 V and 20 V. The total 2 2 t  t  LC
4 4 4
1) 4.4sin  314t  mA 2) 6.2sin  314t  mA potential difference across the circuit is 12. i  i0 sin  t
1) 20 V 2) 25.6 V 3) 31.9 V 4) 53.5 V
3) 4.4sin 157t  mA 4) 6.2sin 157t  mA 22. Current in an ac circuit is given by E0 2  Erms LEVEL-I (H.W)
  2 f ; i0  
i  3sin  t  4cos  t then R R
13. A resistance of 20 is connected to a source INSTANTANEOUS, PEAK,R.M.S &
1) rms value of current is 5 A i0
of alternating current rated 110 V, 50 Hz. Then
the time taken by the current to change from
2) mean value of this current in one half period will 13. E  E0 cos t , i  i0 cos  2 ft  but i  AVERAGE VALUES OF A.C AND A.V
be 6/ 2 1. The average current of a sinusoidally varrying
its maximum value to the r.m.s. value is Erms alternating current of peak value 5A with initial
3) if voltage applied is V  Vm sin t then the
1) 2.5  10 sec
 3 2) 2.5  10 sec
 2
14. irms  X phase zero, between the instants t = T/8 to t =
circuit must be containing resistance and c
3) 5  103 sec 4) 25  10 3 sec capacitance T/4 is ( Where 'T' is time period)
14. A condenser of capacity 1pF is connected to 4) if voltage applied is V  Vm sin t , the circuit may 15. X L   L  2 fl  2   2  2000 10 5 20 2 10
2 2 A 2) 2 A 3) A 4) A
an A.C source of 220V and 50Hz frequency. 1)
contain resistance and inductance Ip    
The current flowing in the circuit will be NS
23. A fully charged capacitor C with initial 16. N  I
-8 -6
1) 6.9 x 10 A 2) 6.9A 3) 6.9 x 10 A 4) zero p s
charge q0 is connected to a coil of self L-C-R SERIES CIRCUITS
1000 inductance L at t  0 . The time at which the N S Vs
15. In a circuit, the frequency is f  Hz and 1 2. A 100 resistance is connected in series with
2 energy is stored equally between the electric 17. N  V 18. f 
p p 2 LC a 4H inductor. The voltage across the resistor
the inductance is 2 henry, then the reactance and the magnetic fields is
will be  R is VR  2sin 1000t  V . The voltage across the
1) LC 2) 2 LC 3) LC 4)  LC 19. cos  
1) 200 2) 200 3) 2000 4) 2000 4 Z inductor is
LEVEL-I (H.W) - KEY 20. Impedance, Z = R+XC+XL    
TRANSFORMER 1) 80 sin 1000t  2  2) 40 sin 1000t  2 
16. The transformer ratio of a transformer is 10:1.
1) 3 2) 3 3) 2 4) 3 5) 2 6) 1 7) 2   
5i  7 j  9 j  5i  2 j    
The current in the primary circuit if the secondary 8) 2 9) 2 10) 2 11) 3 12) 2 13) 1 14) 1    
15) 3 16) 3 17) 3 18) 1 19) 1 20) 2 21) 2 | Z | 5  4  9  3 3) 80 sin 1000t  2  4) 40 sin 1000t  2 
current required is 100 A assuming the    
transformer be ideal, is 22) 3 23) 1 21. Vrms  162  202  656  25.6V
1) 500 A 2) 200 A 3) 1000 A 4) 2000 A
3. The reading of voltmeter and ammeter in the 8. The figure shows variation of R, XL and XC 1
LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY 11. At resonance,  L 
following figure will respectively be with frequenc f in a series L, C, R circiut. Then C
1) 1 2) 1 3) 1 4) 2 5) 1 6) 1 7) 3 current flowing through the circuit
for what frequency point, the circiut is inductive
A 8) 3 9) 2 10) 4 11) 2 V 100
XC = 4 I R   0.1A
So, voltage across L is given by
T /4
 idt I
XL = 4 R = 45  i  T /8
VL  I X L  I  L but  L 
R 1. T /4 
1) 0 and 2A 2) 2A and 0V  dt
T /8
3) 2V and 2A 4) 0V and 0A I 0.1
A B C f VI    250V
4. In the following circuit, the values of current V0  R   C 200  2  106
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) All points 2. i , VL  V0  L sint   and V0  L  XLi
flowing in the circuit at f = 0 and f =  will 9. A constant voltage at different frequencies is R  2
respectively be applied across a capacitance C as shown in the E LEVEL-II (H.W)
figure. Which of the following graphs correctly 3. Irms  rms  2A ; Vrms  Irms (X L  XC )  0
0.01H 10–5F 25 R
depicts the variation of current with frequency INSTANTANEOUS, PEAK,R.M.S &
 circuit is at resonance
C 4. I 

 1 
2 1. An alternating current 'i' is given by
R 2   2 f L 
 2 f C  i  i0 sin 2 (t / T  1 / 4) . Then the average
200V A.C. generator V r .m . s . V r .m . s . 100 current in the first one quarter time period is
I 5. I r .m.s .     2A 2i I I 3I
1) 8A and 0A 2) 0A and 0A I Z R 50 1) 0 2) 0 3) 0 4) 0
3) 8A and 8A 4) 0A and 8A   2 
5. In the series L-C-R circuit figure the voltmeter V  VR2  VL  VC  A.C ACROSS L-R, L-C &
1) 2)
and ammeter readings are L-C-R SERIES CIRCUITS
400V 400V  2. In an LR circuit, R = 10  and L = 2H. If an
V S  VB  VC  VL  VR i  2VR j  3VR j

V 6.
I I alternating voltage of 120V and 60Hz is
connected in this circuit, then the value of
 VR i  VR j , V  2VR
R = 50 L C current flowing in it will be _______ A (nearly)
E 220 1) 0.32 2) 0.16 3) 0.48 4) 0.8
A 3) 4) I ,  I= , Z=220
7. 3. The equation of an alternating current is
100V 50Hz
  I  50 2 sin400t A, then the frequency and
Z 2  R 2  X L2  X L  Z 2  R 2 the root mean square value of the current are
10. In a series L  C  R circuit R  200 and the
1) V=100 volt, I=2A 2) V=100 volt, I = 5 A 1 1
voltage and the frequency of the main supply L Z 2  R2 L  Z 2  R 2  0.68 H
3) V=1000 volt, I=2A 4) V=300 volt, I = 1 A is 220 V and 50Hz respectively. On taking out  2 f 1) 200Hz, 50 A 2) 400Hz, 50 2A
6. The potential difference between the ends of the capacitance from the circuit the current 3) 200Hz, 50 2A 4) 500Hz, 200A
VL   LI  2  0.5  0.68 1  213.6 V
a resistance R is VR, between the ends of lags behind the voltage by 300 . On taking out
capacitor is VC = 2VR and between the ends of 8. At A : XC > XL ; At B : XC = XL ; At C : XC < XL 360
the inductor from the circuit the current leads 4. A circuit operating at Hz contains a 1 F
inductance is VL =3VR. Then the alternating 1 2
the voltage by 300 . The power dissipated in 9. For capacitive circuits X C 
potential of the source in terms of VR will be C capacitor and a 20 resistor. The inductor
the L  C  R circuit is must be added in series to make the phase
VR 1) 305 W 2) 210 W 3) zero 4) 242 W V
1) 2VR 2) VR 3) 4) 5VR i  V C  i   angle for the circuit zero is
2 11. In a series resonant LCR circuit, the voltage XC 1) 7.7 H 2) 10 H 3) 3.5 H 4) 15 H
7. A 220V, 50Hz a.c. generator is connected to across R is 100V and R  1 k  with C  2  F . 5. A resistor R and capacitor C are connected in
10. The given circuit is under resonance as X L  X C series across an AC source of rms voltage 5
an inductor and a 50 resistance in series. The resonant frequency  is 200 rad/s. At
resonance the voltage across L is Hence, power dissipated in the circuit is V. If the rms voltage across C is 3 V then that
The current in the circuit is 1.0A. The P.D.
V2 across R is
across inductor is 1) 2.5  10 2 V 2) 40 V 3) 250 V 4) 4  103V P  242W 1) 1V 2) 2 V 3) 3 V 4) 4 V
1) 102.2V 2) 186.4V 3) 213.6V 4) 302V R


6. An LCR series circuit containing a resistance TRANSFORMER 10. V = 120sin 100 t cos100 t 4. An ideal inductor takes a current of 10 A when
of 120  has angular resonance frequency 13. The efficiency of a transformer is 98%. The = 60 x 2 sin100 t.cos100 t connected to a 125 V, 50 Hz AC supply. A pure
primary voltage and current are 200 V and 6A. resistor across the same source takes 12.5 A.
4 105 rad S 1 . At resonance the voltage = 60sin 200 t and   200
If the secondary voltage is 100 V, the if the two are connected in series across a
across resistance and inductance are 60V and  n  100cps
secondary current is 100 2 V , 40 Hz supply, the current through
40V respectively. Then the values of L and C 11. Energy E = 1/2LI2
1) 11.76 A 2) 12.25 A 3) 3.06 A 4) 2.94 A
are respectively. When I = change of current from minimum to the circuit will be
1) 0.2 mH ,1/ 32  F 2) 0.4 mH ,1/16  F LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY maximum. = 2–0 = 2J. 1) 10 A 2) 12.5 A 3) 20 A 4) 25 A
3) 0.2 mH ,1/16  F 4) 0.4 mH ,1/ 32  F 1) 1 2) 2 3) 1 4) 1 5) 4 6) 1 7) 3 12. For given circuit current is lagging the voltage by 5. A circuit containing resistance R1 , Inductance
7. The natural frequency of an LC - circuit is 8) 2 9) 4 10) 2 11) 4 12) 2 13) 3  / 2 so circuit is purely inductive and there is no L1 and capacitance C1 connected in series
1,25,000 cycles per second. Then the capacitor power consumption in the circuit. The work
resonates at the same frequency 'n' as a
C is replaced by another capacitor with a LEVEL-II (H.W) - HINTS done by battery is stored as magnetic energy in
dielectric medium of dielectric contant k. In the inductor. second combination of R2 , L2 and C2 . If the
T /4
this case, the frequency decreases by 25 kHz. idt two are connected in series. Then the circuit
The value of k is o
Vs I s 98 100  is
13.   V I  100  200  6 will resonates at
1.  i  T / 4
1) 3.0 2) 2.1 3) 1.56 4) 1.7 o dt p p

8. In the given figure, the instantaneous value of L2C2 L1C1

LEVEL-III 1) n 2) 2n 3) L1C1 4) L2C2
alternating e.m.f. is e = 14.14 sin t . The E E
2. I  Z  2
reading of voltmeter in volt will be R  4 2 f 2 L2 6. An AC source of variable frequency is applied
XL 1. An AC voltage source of variable angular across a series L-C-R circuit. At a frequency
300 3. I  50 2 sin 400 t ; I = I0 sin t frequency  and fixed amplitude V0 is double the resonance frequency. The
Comparing two equations, we get connected in series with a capacitance C and impedance is 10 times the minimum
R XC 200
  2 f  400 ; f = 200Hz an electric bulb of resistance R (inductance impedance. The inductive reactance is
zero). When  is increased 1) R 2) 2R 3) 3R 4) 4R
1) 141.4 2) 10 3) 200.0 4) 70.7 and I 0  50 2 1) The bulb glows dimmer
9. A coil of inductance 0.1H is connected to 50V, 7. A 20V, 750 HZ source is connected to a series
2) The bulb glows brignther
100Hz generator and current is found to be I0 combination of R = 100 , C = 10  F and
I rms   50 A 3) Total impedance of the circuit is unchanged
0.5A. The potential difference across 2 L = 0.1803 H. Calculate the time in which
4) Total impedance of the circuit increases
resistance of the coil is
1 2. In an A.C circuit the instantaneous values of resistance will get heated by 10o C . (If thermal
1) 15V 2) 20V 3) 25V 4) 39V L 
4. current and voltage are I  120 sin t ampere capacity of the material = 2 J / o C )
10. The voltage of A.C. source varies with time C
according equation. V = 120 sin 100t cos and E  300sin  t   / 3 volt respectively.. 1) 328 sec 2) 348 sec 3) 3.48 sec 4) 4.32 sec
100  t. Then the frequency of source is 5. E  ER2  EC2 8. An AC source of angular frequency  is fed
What will be the inductive reactance of series
1) 50Hz 2) 100Hz 3) 150Hz 4) 200Hz 6. At resonance across a resistor R and a capacitor C in series.
LCR circuit if the resistance and capacitive
11. The current in a coil of self inductance 5 henry V VL The current registered is I. If now the
1 reactance are 2 ohm and 1 ohm respectively?
i  X   L,   frequency of source is changed to  / 3 (but
is increasing according to i = 2 sin 2 t . The R XL ; L LC 1) 4.5 ohms 2) 2 ohms 3) 2.5 ohms 4) 3 ohms
amount of energy spent during the period when 3. A pure resistive circuit element 'x' when maintaining the same voltage), the current in
current changes from 0 to 2 amperes is 1 n1 C2 Kc n1 connected to an A.C. supply of peak voltage the circuit is found to be halved. The ratio of
1) 10J 2) 5J 3) 100J 4) 2J 7. n ;  C  c ; n  K 100 V gives a peak current of 4 A which is in reactance to resistance at the original
12. In an AC circuit the voltage applied is 2 LC n2 1 2
frequency  is
phase with the voltage. A second circuit
8. Reading of voltmeter in rms value element ‘y’ when connected to the same AC
E  E0 sin t . The resulting current in the 3 5 3 5
14.14 supply also gives the same value of peak 1) 2) 3) 4)
  E  10V 5 3 5 3
circuit is I  I 0 sin  t  2  . The power 2 current but the current lags behind by 900 . If
  9. An LCR circuit has L = 10 mH, R = 3 , and C
consumption in the circuit is given by E 50 the series combination of 'x' and 'y' is
9. I ; 0.5= Z  100 connected to the same supply. R.M.S. value = 1  F connected in series to a source of
E0 I 0 Z Z
1) P  2) P= zero of current is 15 cos  t volt. The current amplitude at a
2 2 2 2 2 , then R =
Z  R  L 78 frequency that is 10% lower than the resonant
5 2
E0 I 0 1) A 2) 2A 3) 1/2 A 4) A frequency is
3) P  4) P  2 E0 I 0 Now VR  VLR2  VL2  39V ; VR2  VL2  VLR2  2 5
2 1) 0.5 A 2) 0.7 A 3) 0.9 A 4) 1.1 A


10. In the given circuit, R is a pure resistor, L is a 16. The potential difference across a 2H inductor LEVEL-III - KEY C1C2
pure inductor, S is a 100V, 50 Hz AC source, L1C1  L2C2 ; Lnet  L1  L2 ; Cnet  C  C
as a function of time is shown in figure. At 1) 2 2) 1 3) 2 4) 1 5) 1 6) 4 7) 2 1 2
and A is an AC ammeter. With either K1 or time t = 0, current is zero.
8) 1 9) 2 10) 1 11) 2 12) 3 13) 1 14) 2  CC 
K alone closed, the ammeter reading is I. If Current t = 2 second is Lnet Cnet  ( L1  L2 )  1 2  ; L C  L C
15) 3 16) 4 17) 2 18) 4 19) 2  C1  C2 
2 net net 2 2
the source is changed to 100 V, 100 Hz, the VL(volt)
ammeter reading with K1 alone closed and 10 LEVEL-III - HINTS 6. Z 2  R 2  ( L  1/ C )2
with K 2 alone closed will be respectively.. 1. In R  C circuit, the impedance is
10 R 2  R 2  (2o L  1/ 2o C ) 2
t(s) 1
K1 K2
2 4 Z R  2 ; minimum impedance Zmin = R
  C2
1) 1A 2) 3A 3) 4A 4) 5A As  increases, Z decreases. o2 LC  1 ------- (1)
17. For the circuit shown in the figure the rms value
A of voltages across R and coil are E1 and E2, 1 1
Since, Power  , therefore the bulb 2o L   3R ------- (2)
1) I , I / 2 2) I , 2 I 3) 2 I , I 4) 2 I , I / 2 respectively. impedance 2o C
11. A capacitor has a resistance of 1200 M  and glows brighter.
R L,r 1
capacitance of 22  F . When connected to 2. I  120sin t , E  300sin  t   / 3 from(1) R  XC  R
Resistor Coil 2o C
an a.c. supply of frequency 80 hertz, then the Clearly,    / 3 ,
alternating voltage supply required to drive a from(2) X C  2o L  3R  R  4 R
current of 10 virtual ampere is R 1
e = E sint 0 Now, cos    cos 60   Z  2 R 1
1) 904 2V 2) 904V 3) 904 / 2V 4) 452V e =E
Z 2 7. XC   21.2
12. A 120V, 60Hz a.c. power is connected 800
The power (thermal) developed across the As R  2, Z  2  2  4; X C  1
non-inductive resistance and unknown Z  R 2  ( X L  X C )2  835
capcitance in series. The voltage drop across coil is 2
Now  X L  X C   Z 2  R 2  42  22  12
the resistance is found to be 102V, then voltage E  E12 E  E12  E22 IV  Ev / z  0.0239 A
drop across capacitor is 1) 2) X L  X C   12  2 3
1) 8V 2) 102V 3) 63V 4) 55V 2R 2R 2 (ms)
13. A 100 V a.c source of frequency 50 Hz is 2 X L  X C  2 3  1  3.464 IV Rt  (ms)  t  2

connected to a LCR circuit with L = 8.1 E2  E  E1  IV R

3) 4)
millihenry, C  12.5 F and R  10ohm , all 2R 2R Taking + value, X L  1  3.464  4.465  8. at frequency  , X C  1/  C
connected in series. What is the potential 18. A bulb is rated at 100 V, 100 W, it can be  
difference across the resistance? treated as a resistor. Find out the inductance 3. X L  o =25 ; R  o  25 ; Z= R 2  X 2 ; ' 3
Io Io C at frequency  / 3, X C   3X C
1) 100 V 2) 200 V 3) 300 V 4) 450 V of an inductor (called choke coil) that should C
14. A coil has an inductance of 0.7H and is joined be connected in series with the bulb to 4/ 2
I 01   o / Z  4 / 2 A; I r .m.s.  I 01 / 2   2A V I V XC 3
in series with a resistance of 220  . When an operate the bulb at its rated power with the 2 I ;  
R 2  X C2 2 R 2  9 X C2
alternating e.m.f. of 220V at 50 c.p.s. is applied help of an ac source of 200 V and 50 Hz R 5
to it, then the wattless component of the 4. For 50 Hz and 125 V supply

current in the circuit is 1) H 2) 100 H 3) 2 H 4) 3 H V 1 V 90 90 1
3   X L  L  L R   10 9. cv  cv  x =9000 rad/s
1) 5 ampere 2) 0.5 ampere iL 8 , iR 100 0 100 LC
3) 0.7 ampere 4) 7 ampere 19. In the circuit diagram shown,
15. Two alternating voltage generators produce X C  100 , X L  200  & R  100  . The For 40 Hz, 100 2 V supply E0
i0 
emfs of the same amplitude E0 but with a phase effective current through the source is 2  1 

V V R  L 
 C
i   C 
difference of . The resultant R 2  X L2 R 2  4 2 f 2 L2
3 200V R 10. In the second case induction reactance becomes 2
    1 1 times thus current through L when K2 is closed
1) E 0 sin  t   2) E 0 sin  t   5. n 
 3  6 1) 2 A 2) 2 2 A 2p L1C1 2p L2 C2 i
becomes . But current through R when K1 is
    2
3) 3E 0 sin  t   4) 3E 0 sin  t   3) 0.5 A 4) 0.4 A
 6  2 closed does not change


11. f = 80Hz, IV = 10A 220  L 22 Ferromagnetic core

  0.7  2   50 LEVEL-IV
Current through R, I R   ( R 2  L2 2 ) 7 AC R
R 12  108
220  (0.7  2  50) 1. At resonance, VL and VC are both very much
EV   220
Current through C I C  X  2 fC  EV (2202  2202 ) greater than the applied potential, V itself. 1°Coil 2°Coil

The primary coil is connected to a source of

220  220 1 The quality factor for an LCR circuit in alternating (AC) current. The secondary coil
 2  80  22  10 6  EV    0.5
220 2 (2) 2 XL is connected to a resistor such as a light bulb.
resonance is given by Q= . In practice, The AC source produces an oscillating voltage
= 352  10 5  EV IV2  I R2  I C2 15. E1 = E0 sin  t; E 2  E0 sin(t   / 3) R
and current in the primary coil that produces
Q  200 has been achieved.
EV2 E = E2 + E1 an oscillating magnetic field in the core
(102 )  (352 105  EV )2 material. This in turn induces an oscillating
(12 108 ) 2 = E0 sin(t   / 3)  E0 sin t L
voltage and AC current in the secondary coil.
 1  = 2 E0 sin(t   / 6) cos( / 6) 200H, 10 Student collected the following data comparing
 EV2  16
 1.2  104  the number of turns per coil (N), the voltage
 144  10  = 3E0 sin(t   / 6) (V) and the current (I) in the coils of three
100 104 di transformers
EV2  EV  904 volt 16. e  L  e dt  L  i2  i1  Primary Coil Secondary coil
1.2 dt 0.10V, 1.0 MHz
12. V 2  VR2  VC2 N1 V1 I1 N 2 V2 I2
e dt  area of  le for t  0 to 2 sec. (a) At resonance, the capacitor has been adjusted Transformer 1 100 10V 10 A 20 20 V 5 A
VC2  V 2  VR2 17. Draw the phasor diagram. for Transformer 2 100 10V 10 A 50 5 V 20 A
VC2  (120) 2  (102) 2 E 2  E12  E 22  2E1E 2 cos . 1 200×10-6 µF 2. 0.00013µF Transformer 3 200 10V 10 A 100 5 V 20 A
E2 a) The primary coil of a transformer has 100 turns
VC = 63V 3. 0.0013µF 4. 0.0013F and is connected to a 120V AC source. How
13. Here, E  100V , v  500 Hz (b) At resonance, the potential difference across many turns are in the secondary coil if there is
the inductance is a 2400 V across it
L  8.1 103 H , C  12.5  106 F , R  10  1) 5 2) 50 3) 200 4) 2000
 1) 1.3 V 2) 13 V 3) 0.3 V 4) none of these
X L   L  2 vL  1000  8.1 10 3  25.4 I E1 b) A transformer with 40 turns in its primary coil
(c) The potential across the capacitance at is connected to a 120 V AC source. If 20 W of
Thermal power developed in coil is resonance is
 1 power is supplied to the primary coil, the power
XC   P  E 2 cos  I and
C 1000  12.5  106 1) 13 V 2) > 13 V 3) < 13 V 4) none of these developed in the secondary coil is
103 E1 EE E 2  E12  E 22 (d) The Q factor is 1) 10 W 2) 20 W 3) 80 W 4) 160 W
   25.4 I  P  1 2 cos   c) One of the following is a correct expression
12.5 R R 2R VL VC V V
1. V 2. V 3. C 4. L for R, the resistance of the load connected to
100  100 V V the secondary coil (pick the correct one)
Z  R2   X L  X C 
18. Resistance of bulb is R   100 C L
100 (e) choose the right statement. 2
V 0  N 0   V 0  N 0. 
100 1 2 1 1
2 2
 10   25.4  25.4   10 Rated current is  1A 1. VL +VC can be greater than Vapplied 1)  I   N  2)  I 
 
100  1  1 
0 0
 1  N 2 
0 0

E 100 V 2. VL +VC =Vapplied 2

Iv  v   10 A In ac, I rms  rms ; Z  200 V 0  N 0 
1 1
 V 0  N 0 
Z 10 Z 3)  I   N 
4)  I 
3. VL +VC <Vapplied 
Potential difference across R  I v R 2  1  2 
0 0
 1  N 2  0 0

1002   L   200  2 L2  30000 and 4. none of these d). A 12 V battery is used to supply 2.0 mA of
 10 10  100V 2. A physics lab is designed to study the transfer current to the 300 turns in the primary coil of
30000 3
14. Watt less component of L  henry.. of electrical energy from one circuit to another a given transformer. What is the current in the
100 2 
E by means of a magnetic field using simple secondary coil if N 2  150 turns
A.C. = IV sin   V sin  V 200 200 transformers. Each transformer has two coils
Z 19. I R    2 A ; I LC   2A 1) zero 2) 1.0 mA 3) 2.0 mA 4) 4.0 mA
R 100 XL  XC of wire electrically insulated from each other
220 L
   L0.7  2  50 but wound around a common core of LEVEL-IV - KEY
R L 2 2
R  L22
I  22  22  2 2 A as I R inphase with V ferromagnetic material. The two wires are 1) a) 2 b) 3 c) 1 d) 3,4 e) 4
close together but do not touch each other.
I LC lages behind V by  2 2) a) 4 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4


7. The r.m.s. value of an ac of 50 Hz is 10 amp. 13. The rms and the average value of the voltage 16. Calculate the reading which will be given by a
LEVEL - V The time taken by the alternating current in wave shown in figure are hot-wire voltmeter if it is connected across the
reaching from zero to maximum value and the V terminals of a generator whose voltage
SINGLE ANSWER QUESTIONS peak value of current will be waveform is represented by
1. The value of current in two series L C R A) 2 × 10–2 sec and 14.14 amp 4
circuits at resonance is same when connected v  200sin t  100sin 3t  50sin 5t
B) 1 × 10–2 sec and 7.07 amp 2
across a sinusodial voltage source. Then: C) 5 × 10–3 sec and 7.07 amp A. 110V B. 162V C. 200V D. 220V
A. both circuits must be having same value of D) 5 × 10–3 sec and 14.14 amp 0 t 17. The current ‘i’ in an inductance coil varies with
1 2 3
capacitance and inductor 8. The voltage time (V-t) graph for a triangular time ‘t’ according to following graph
B. in both circuits ratio of L and C will be same wave having peak value Vo is as shown in i
C. for both the circuits X L / X C must be same at figure. The rms value of V is
that frequency V
D. both circuits must have same impedance at all V0 32 11
frequencies A. V;1V B. V;1V
T/4 T 2T t 3 3
2. The series RLC circuit in resonance is called: V0
A. Selector circuit B. rejector circuit 11 32
C. V;3V D. V;3V
C. amplifier circuit D. oscillator circuit Vo Vo 3 3 t
Vo Vo (0, 0)
3. In a series R-L-C circuit, the frequency of the A) B) C) D)
3 2 2 3 14. If i1  i01 sin  t  , i2  i02 sin  t    , then Which one of the following figures shows the
source is half of the resonance frequency. The
nature of the circuit will be 9. The average value for the saw-tooth voltage variations of voltage in the coil
i3 
a) capacitive b) inductive of peak value of V0 as shown in figure is V V
c) purely resistive d) selective
4. The graphs given below depict the dependence V0

of two reactive impedances X 1 and X 2 on the A) B)

(0, 0) t (0, 0) t
frequency of the alternating e.m.f. applied T/2 T 3T/2 t
individually to them. We can then say that i2 V V
2 2
A. i  i sin   t
01 02


V0 V0 2V V
a) b) c) 0 d) 0   C) D)
3 2 3 2  
B. i01  i02 sin   t  (0, 0) t
10. An alternating voltage is given by: 2  (0, 0) t
Frequency Frequency
e  e1 sin t  e2 cos t . Then the root mean
A. X 1 is an inductor and X 2 is a capacitor
B. X 1 is a resistor and X 2 is a capacitor square value of voltage is given by:
C.  01
02 
i  i  2i01 i02 cos  sin    t 
2 18. Find the rms and average value of the wave-
form shown in figure.
C. X 1 is a capacitor and X 2 is an inductor e1e 2 e 2  e 22 D.  i021  i022  2i01 i02 cos   sin    t  y

D. X 1 is an inductor and X 2 is a resistor A) e12  e 22 B) D) 1

e1e2 C)
2 2
5. In which of the following electrical appliances  i 2 sin   20
1 0
will AC fail to function where DC in normally 11. If i  t 2, 0  t  T then rms value of current is where   Tan  i  i cos  
used?  0 0  1 2

A. electric light B. voltmeter T2 T2 T2 T2

15. The average and effective values for the
A) B) C) D)
C. solenoid for electromagnet D. a cathode ray tube 2 5 2 5 waveshape shown in the figure are:
RMS & Average value of Alternating current 12. The rms current value of a semicircular wave V T 2T t
6. The instantaneous value of current and emf which has a maximum value i0 is
1 Y
A. 8.5, 10 B. 10.3, 20 C. 15.2, 15 D. 2.6, 5
in an AC circuit are I  sin314t amp and Vm 19.. Determine the rms value of a semi-circular
2 current wave which has maximum value of a.
  0 Phase A. 2.515 a B. 1.815 a C. 0.615 a D. 0.816 a
E  2 sin  314t   V , respectively. The  2 3
 6 20. An electric bulb is designed to operate at 12
phase difference between E and I (with respect 2 V Vm V volts DC. If this bulb is connected to an AC
-i0 +i0
A. Vm and m B. and m
to I) will be  2  2 source and gives normal brightness, what
    i0 2 i0 2 Vm Vm V would be the peak voltage of the source ?
A)  rad B)  rad C) rad D) rad A. B. i0 C. D. 2i0 and m
6 3 6 3 3 3 2 C. Vm and D. A. 37 V B. 17 V C. 18 V D. 10 V
 2  2 2
21. The current in a discharging LR circuit is given I I 29. The natural frequency of the circuit shown in 34. In the a.c. circuit shown in figure, the supply
the figure is voltage has a constant r.m.s. value but variable
by i  i0 e  t /  where  is the time constant of frequency f. Resonance frequency is
the circuit. Calculate the rms current for the 1 1
period t  0 to t   . C) D) H F
2 2

i0 e 2
1  B.
i0 e 2
1    L L

e 2 e 2 24. The resonance point in X L  f and X C  f

curves is 1 1 2
C. 0
 e  2 i
D. 0
e2  2   XL
2 LC
 LC
 LC
D) none

e 3 e 2 30. If the phase difference between voltage and A) 10 Hz B) 100 Hz C) 1000 Hz D) 200 Hz
22. The voltage across a pure inductor is P R S current is  / 6 and the resistance in the circuit 35. In a LCR circuit capacitance is changed from
represented by the following diagram. Which Q C to 2C. For the resonant frequency to remain
f is 300  , then the impedance of the circuit
one of the following diagrams will represent unchanged, the inductance should be change
will be from L to
the current A) 40  B) 20  C) 50  D) 13  A) 4L B) 2L C) L/2 D) L/4
V 31. In the circuit as shown in the figure, if value of 36. In an a.c. circuit V and I are given by
A. P B. Q C. R D. S
R  60  , then the current flowing through the V = 100 sin 100t  volts;
AC across L-R, L-C,L-C-R circuits
condenser will be  
I  100 sin  100t   mA .
t 25. When 100 volt DC is applied across a solenoid,
 3
a current of 1.0 amp flows in it. When 100 volt R L C
The power dissipated in the circuit is
AC is applied across the same coil, the current
i i 15V 20V 10V A) 104 watt B) 10 watt C) 2.5 watt D) 5 watt
drops to 0.5 amp. If the frequency of the AC
37. A series combination of R, L, C is connected
source is 50 Hz, the impedance and inductance
to an a.c. source. If the reistance is 3 and
A) t B) t of the solenoid are
A) 200 ohm and 0.55 henry the reactance is 4  , the power factor of the
B) 100 ohm and 0.86 henry circuit is
i i C) 100 ohm and 1.0 henry  A) 0.4 B) 0.6 C) 0.8 D) 1.0
D) 100 ohm and 0.93 henry. A) 0.5 A B) 0.25 A C) 0.75 A D) 1.0 A 38. If a current I given by I0 sin(t   / 2) flows
C) D) 26. A coil having an inductance of 1 /  henry is 32. The power in ac circuit is given by P = in an ac circuit across which an ac potential of
t t
connected in series with a resistance of
ErmsIrms cos .The vale of cos in series E 0 sin(t ) has been applied, then the power
23. A constant voltage at different frequencies is 300  . If 20 volt from a 200 cycle source are consumption P in the circuit will be
impressed across the combination, the value LCR circuit at resonance is:
applied across a capacitance C as shown in A) E0 I0 / 2 B) E0 I0 / 2 C) EI / 2 D) Zero
of the phase angle between the voltage and 1 1
the figure. Which of the following graphs A) zero B) 1 D)
C) 39. In a series CR circuit shown in figure, the
the current is : 2 2
applied voltage is 10 V and the voltage across
Signal 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 4 33. A generator with an adjustable frequency of
Generator A) tan B) tan C) tan D) tan . capacitor is found to be 8V. Then the voltage
4 5 4 3 oscillation is connected to resistance, R =
 V C
27. In a circuit containing an inductance of zero 100  , inductances, L1 = 1.7 mH and L2 = 2.3
across R, and the phase difference between
current and the applied voltage will
resistance, the current leads the applied a.c. respectively be
A mH and capacitances, C1  4 F , C2  2.5 F
voltage by a phase angle at
Correctly depicts the variation of current with A) 90o B) -90o C) 0o D) 180o and C3  3.5 F . The resonant angular  4
A) 6V, tan–1  
frequency ? 28. In RLC circuit, at a frequency , the potential frequency of the circuit is 8V VR  3
I I difference across each device are  VR max =  3
L1 R B) 3V, tan–1  
8.8 V,  VL max  2.6 V and  VC max  7.4 V .  4
 C1 C2 C3
The composed potential difference L2 5
C) 6V, tan–1  
A) B)  VC  VL max across inductor and capacitor
A) 0.5 rad/s B) 0.5  104 rad / s
  3
is 1  4 
  A) 10 V B) 7.8 V C) 7.4 V D) 4.8 V
10V D) 3V , tan  
C) 2 rad/s D) 2  104 rad / s 3
40. An inductor of inductance L and resistor of a) Connecting an inductor in series with the load 49. In an a.c.circuit, V & I are given by 54. If the reading of the voltmeters vary with time
resistance R are joined in series and b) Connecting a capacitor in series with the load V = 100 sin (100 t) volt.
c) Connecting a capacitor in parallel with the load  
connected by a source of emf V and frequency  as: V1  20sin t and V2  20 cos  t  
d) Connecting a capacitor in parallel with the load   6
 . Power dissipated in the circuit is I  100sin  100t   mA
45. A combination of elements is enclosed in a  2 then the unknown circuit element x is a:
( R 2  2 L2 ) V2R black box and the voltage and currents are The power dissipated in the circuit is:
A) B)
V ( R  2 L2 )
measured across this black box. The A) 1 watt B) 10 watt C) zero D) 5 watt V1 V2
expression for applied voltage; and the current 50. In R-L-C series circuit, we have same current
V R  L 2 2 2

C) D) flowing in it is V  V0 sin t ; at angular frequencies 1 and 2 . The

( R 2  2 L2 ) V2 X
41. Power loss in AC circuit will be minimum when i  2 2 sin  t   / 4  where   100 rad/ resonant frequency of circuit is R

A) Inductance is high, resistance is high sec. Then the wrong statement is: 12 22
B) Inductance is low, resistance is high A.
C. 12 D. 1  2 
C) Inductance is low, resistance is low A. pure (or ideal) inductor B. practical inductor
51. A choke coil of resistance R and inductance L
D) Inductance is high, resistance is low
42. In the circuit, as shown in the figure, if the
 Black
box is connected to an A.C. source of frequency f C. pure (or ideal) capacitor D. practical capacitor
value of R.M.S current is 2.2 ampere, the and maximum voltage V0 . Then, the average 2 V Vm V
A. Vm and m B. and m
power factor of the box is (E=220V) a) There must be a capacitor is the black box power dissipated in the choke is proportional  2  2
b) Power factor of circuit = 0.707 to:
100 C c) There must be a resistor in the box 2 V Vm Vm
A. f 2 B. f 2 C. f 1 D. f 0 C. Vm and m D. and
d) There must be an inductor in the box  2  2 2
1/ Henry 46. A high impedance AC voltmeter is connected 52. When two A.C. generators of emfs V1 and V2
in turn across the inductor, the capacitor and 55. In a series LCR circuit, at the frequencies f1
and same frequency connected in series, the
the resistor in a series circuit having an AC and f 2 of AC source, the current amplitude
source of 100 V(rms) and gives the same emf across A and B is (   phase angle
 reading in volts in each case. This reading is: difference between the generators): 1
a) 100 V b) 141 V c) 150 V d) 200 V falls to of the current amplitude at
1 3 1 2
A) B) 1 C) D) 47. In a black box of unknown elements (L, C or A v1 v2 B
2 2 2 R or any other combination) an AC voltage resonance. Then the value of f 2  f1 is
43. The impedance of a series RL circuit is same V1  V2
E  E0 sin t    is applied and current in the A. B. V1  V2 R R R R
as the series RC circuit when connected to the 2
A. B. C. D. 2
same AC source separately keeping the same circuit was found to be 2 2 2 2 2L L L L
C. V  V  2VV1 2 cos 
D. V  V
resistance. The frequency of the source is i  i0 sin  t     / 4  . Then the unknown 1 2 1 2 56. In the figure, which of the phasor diagram
53. At resonance of the given series R-L-C represents RLC circuit driven at resonance?
1 1 R 1 elements in the box may be:
A) B) C) D) circuit:
44. A current source sends a current V1 VL VR VL VR
i  i0 cos  t  . When connected across an
unknown load gives a voltage output of, R L
v  v0 sin t   / 4  across that load. Then
 C A. B.
A) only capacitor B) inductor and resistor both V2 V3 VC VC
voltage across the current source may be C) either capacitor, resistor and inductor or only
brought in phase with the current through it capacitor and resistor
by: V
D) only resistor
48. A given alternating current has an rms value VL VR VL
v = v0 sin (t + /4)

of 5.6 ampere. If this current flows in a curcuit  VR

i0 cos t

 containing 10 of resistance in series with

 Load

20 of inductive reactance, the power
consumed in the circuit will be
A. V 3  V1  V2  V32 B. V3  0
A) 313.6 W B) 940.8 W C) 627.2 W D) 168 W C. V1  0 D. V2  0


57. In LCR circuit at resonance current in the 66. When an ac source of e.m.f. e  E0 sin 100 t  70. A circuit consisting of a capacitor and a coil
i e
circuit is 10 2 A. If now frequency of the in series is connected to the mains. Varying
is connected across a circuit, the phase
source is changed such that now current lags the capacitance of the capacitor, the heat
difference between the e.m.f. e and the current
by 45º than applied voltage in the circuit. power generated in the coil was increased
t 
Which of the following is correct i in the circuit is observed to be , as shown n  1.7 times. How much (in per cent) was
4 the value of cos  changed in the process?
A. Frequency must be increased and current after in the diagram. If the circuit consists possibly
the change is 10 A A. 80% B. 25% C. 50% D. 30 %
only of RC or LC in series, find the
B.Frequency must be decreased and current after A. R = 1K  , C = 10  F relationship between the two elements
the change is 10 A B. R = 1K  , C = 1  F 71. An AC source producing emf
i or e
C. Frequency must be decreased and current is
same as that of initial value
C. R = 1K  , L = 10H D. R = 1K  , L = 1H
61. A radio tuner has a frequency range from i e  1
 
   0  cos 100 s t  cos 500 s t  is

D.The given information is insufficient to conclude 500kHz to 5 MHz. If its LC circuit has an connected in series with a capacitor and a
anything effective inductance of 200  H , what is the resistor. The steady-state current in the
58. A pure resistive circuit element X when  circuit is found to be
range of its variable capacitor? (Take  2  10 ).
connected to an sinusoidal AC supply of peak
voltage 200V gives a peak current of 5A which A. 2.5 pF to 250 pF B. 5.0 pF to 500 pF i  i1 cos 100 s 1  t  1 
C. 7.5 pF to 750 pF D. 10 pF to 1000 pF A. R  1k , C  10  F B. R  1k , C  1  F
is in phase with the voltage. A second circuit
element Y, when connected to the same AC
62. In a series LCR circuit the frequency of a 10V,
C. R  1k , L  10 H D. R  1k , L  1 H i2 cos  500 s 1  t  2 
AC voltage source is adjusted in such a
supply also gives the same value of peak fashion that the reactanace of the inductor 67. The figure shows variation of R, X L and X C A. i1  i2 B. i1  i2 C. i1  i2
current but the current lags behind by 900. If
the series combination of X and Y is connected measures 15  and that of the capacitor 11 1. with frequency f in a series L, C, R circuit. D. the information is insufficient to find the relation
If R= 3  , the potential difference across the Then for what frequency point, the circuit is between i1 and i2 .
to the same supply, the rms value of current is
series combination of L and C will be: inductive
10 5 5 72. In the circuit shown in the figure, the ac
A. A B. A C. A D. 5A A. 8V B. 10V C. 22V D. 52V XC XL
2 2 2
63. A resistor of resistance 100  is connected to source gives a voltage V  20 cos  2000 t  .
59. An A.C. circuit contains a resistor 'R', an Neglecting source resistance, the voltmeter
inductor 'L' and a capacitor 'C' connected in an AC source e  (12 V )sin(250 ps 1 )t. Find
R and ammeter reading will be
series. When it is connected to an A.C. the energy dissipated as heat during t  0 to
generator of fixed output voltage and variable
frequency, the current in the circuit is found
t  1.0 ms.
A. 0.61104 J B. 0.61104 J AB C
f  A

 A. A B. B C. C D. All points
to be leading the applied voltage rad,when C. 2.61104 J D. 2.61106 J 68. Which of the following plots may represent the
5mH 4 5F
4 64. A lamp consumes only 50% of peak power in reactance of a series LC combination
the frequency is f1 . When the frequency of an a.c. circuit. What is the phase difference
a V
between the applied voltage and the circuit
the generator increased to f 2 the current is
found to be lagging behind the applied voltage c
A. 0V, 0.47A B. 1.68V, 0.47A
   

A. B. C. D. C. 0V, 1.4A D. 5.6V, 1.4A
 b
by rad. The resonant frequency of the circuit 6 3 4 2 PASSAGE-1
4 65. Voltage and current for a circuit with two Frequency B
is elements in series are expressed as follows : + –2t
C=2F V =3e
f1f 2 2f1f 2 d - C
f f  
A. f  f B. 1 2 C. f  f D. f1f 2 v  t   170 sin  6.28 t   volts A
R=2 i1 i2 R=3
1 2 2 1 2  3 A. a B. b C. c D. d O
60. When an AC source of emf E = E0 Sin (100t)   69. An inductor-coil, a capacitor and an AC source CL L=4H
i  t   8.5sin  6.28 t   amp
is connected across a circuit, the phase  2 of rms voltage 24 V are connected in series. -
difference between the emf E and the current What are the values of the elements? When the frequency of the source is varied, a
 A. R  27.32 , C  25.92 mF maximum rms current of 6.0 A is observed. If
this inductor coil is connected to a battery of 73. The current iL is
I in the circuit is observed to be , as shown
4 B. R  17.32 , C  15.92 mF emf 12 V and internal resistance 4.0  , what a)  2  2 1  e   A
2 t
b)  2  2 1  e   A
2 t
in the figure. If the circuit consists only of R– C. R  7.32 , C  5.92 mF
C(or)R–L(or) L–C series. Possible values of will be the current?
D. R  10.32 , C  5.92 mF c) 3  2 1  e   A d)  2  3 1  e   A
2 t 2 t
the elements of the circuit are (IIT-scre-2003) A. 2 A B. 1.5 A C. 0.5 A D. 2.5 A


74. The variation of current in the inductor with VCD VCD LEVEL-V - KEY
time can be represented as : 1) C 2) A 3) A 4) C 5) C 6) A 7) D Vmean 
 v dt , V
t  V0
28 28 9. T
i2 (A) i2 (A)
8) D 9) D 10) D 11) C 12)B 13) A 14) D  dt
4 4
C) 12 D) 12 15) C 16 )B 17) D 18) C 19)D 20) B 21) A 10. e  e1 sin t  e 2 cos t
22) D 23) B 24) C 25) A 26) D 27) B 28) D  
A) 2 B) 2 t t e1 e2
29) A 30) B 31) B 32) B 33) B 34) C 35) C  e12  e22 sin t  cos t 
 e12  e22 e12  e22 
t t PASSAGE-2 36) C 37) B 38) D 39) A 40) B 41) D 42) A
An ac generator G with an adjustable 43) B 44) B 45) D 46) A 47) C 48) A 49) C  e12  e 22  sin t cos   cos t sin  
i2 (A) i2 (A)
frequency of oscillation is used in the circuit, 50) C 51) D 52) C 53) C 54) D 55) A 56) C
1 e2
4 4 as shown. 57) A 58) C 59) D 60) A 61) A 62) A 63) C  e  e12  e 22 sin  t    where   tan e
R = 100 64) B 65) B 66) C 67) C 68) D 69) B 70) D
C) 2 D) 2 emax e e2 2 2
e e 2
L1 = 1.6mH 71) C 72) D 73) B 74) A 75) C 76) A 77) C erms   1 2
 1 2

t t C2 =
78) B 79) C 80) D 81) B 82) B 83) D 2 2 2
4.5F C3 = 2.5F
G S C1 = 3F
75. The potential difference across inductor VL 1 T 2 T2
LEVEL-V - HINTS 11. i rms  i dt  W
is: L2 = 2.4mH
T 0 5
1. X L  X C at resonance
a) 8e2tV b) 9e 2 tV c) 16e 2 tV d) 18e 2tV 12. The equation of a semicircular wave is
76. The variation of potential difference across A 79. Current drawn from the ac source will be   1 . For both circuits or x 2  y 2  i02 or y 2  i02  x 2
and C with time can be represented as : maximum if its angular frequency is i0
2. The series RLC circuit at resonance selects that 1
VAC VAC A) 105 rad/s B) 104 rad/s current out of many currents whose frequency is
 irms   y dx

8 C) 5000 rad/s D) 500 rad/s 2i0  i0

4 equal to its natural frequency, hence called as
80. To increase resonant frequency of the circuit, ‘acceptor’ or ‘selector’ circuit. 2
 idt  i dt
B) 2 some of the changes in the circuit are carried 1
A) 3. Xc  and X L   L 13. iave  dt ; irms 
1 out. Which changes would certainly result in C   dt
12 t the increase in resonant frequency ? At   res , X C  X L  The circuit capacitive. 14. Apply principle of superposition
A) R is increased 
VAC VAC 1   
B) L1 is incresed and C1 is decreased 6. I sin 314t ; E  2 sin  314t  6  Vm  sin d 
28 2   2Vm
17 C) L2 is decreased and C2 is increased 15. V  0

with respect to current, the emf is lagging. ave
 
D) C3 is removed from the circuit 
C) 12 D) So phase difference is    
81. If the ac source G is of 100 V rating at resonant 6 Vm2  sin 2 d 
t t frequency of the circuit, then average power Vm
7. Irms  10A  Io  10 2 A  14.14 Amp Veff  0

supplied by the source is  2
77. The potential difference across AB VAB  is: Let I = 0 when t = 0.
A) 50 W B) 100 W 16. Since hot wire voltmeter reads only rms value we
 I  Io sin t
1 3t C) 500 W D) 1000 W will have to find rms value of the given voltage.
A) 8e2tV B) e V C) 17e 2tV D) 16e 2 tV 82. Aver age ener gy st or ed by t he induct or L 2  Considering one complete cycle,
2 Io  Io sin t  t 
78. The variation of potential difference across C (source is at resonance frequency) is equal to 2 2
1 2
A) zero B) 1.2mJ   1 vrms  v d
and D VCD  with time can be expressed as: t     5  103 sec 2 0
C) 2.4 mJ D) 4 mJ 2 2  2  f 200
83. Thermal energy produced by the resistance  4V  T  16V 2  1 2

28 R in time duration 1 ms, using the source at 8. V t   o

 T
 4
2 o
for 0  t  ; V   T 2  t
2 vrms 
2   200 sin   100 sin 3  50 sin 5  d
28   0

resonant condition, is  16Vo2  T / 4 2 2

A) 0J B) 1m J C) 100m J  2   t dt 1 2
A) 12 B) 12   200 sin   100sin 3  50 sin 2 5 
T  0 V2 
 V 0  T / 4  
2 2
 o V V 2
D) not possible to calculate from the given 
3 ;  Vrms  o
 o 0
t t  dt 3 3 2  200  100 sin  sin 3
information 0


2 100  50 sin 3 sin 5 2 2
x  y  a or y  a  x 2 2 2 2 XL  XC XL  0 1 1 1
2  50  200sin 5 sin  )d
27. tan        90o 35. fo  ; f 'o  =
R 0 2  LC 2 L ' C ' 2 L ' 2C
1 a 2
2a  a
1  200 2 1002 502   I rms  y dx L
   2  26, 250
E As per the question f 'o  fo ;  L ' 
2  2 2 2  2
1 a 2
vrms  26250  162V .
or I rms 
2a  a

a  x 2 dx  36. Erms 
18. The slope of the curve AB is BC/AC = 20/T. Next, a
1 a 2 1 2 x2 100 100 
consider the function y at any time t. It is seen that Irms  mA   10 3 A ,  

2a  a

a dx  x 2 dx 
a x
 2 2 3
DE / AE  BC / AC  10 / T a
100 100 
or  y  10 / t  10 / T or y  10  10 / T  t 3 3 2 ErmsIrms cos     10 3  cos
1  3 a a  2a Current lags behind the applied voltage by a phase 2 2 3
This giveus the equation for the function of one  a   a3   
2a  3 3 3 angle of 90o or current leads the applied voltage 100  100 1
cycle.   103   2.5 watt
by a phase angle of 90o . 2 2
1 T 1 T 10   I rms  2a 2 / 3  0.816 a . 28. In series R-L-C circuit, VL and VC are always 37. x  4  , R  3 
Yav 
T 0
y dt   10  t  dt
T 0 T  oppsoite in phase.
i0 V0 Z  R 2  X2  3 2  4 2  5
2 T
20. irms  ; VDC    Vc  VL   7.4  2.6  4.8 V
1 T 10  1 5t 2 2 R 3
T 0 
10.dt  .t.dt   10t   15 Power factor  cos     0.6
T  T T 0 12 1.4  16.8  17 29. L eq  L  L  2L Z 5
y C1C2 C2 C Eo I 
 Ceq    38. P  ErmsIrms cos    o cos  0
2 C1  C2 2C 2 2 2 2
 i dt
irms  0
1 1 1 39. V 2  VR2  VC2  VR  6 volt
20 21.  f  
D 2 L eqCeq C 2 LC
 dt 2 2L  X  V 
  tan 1  C   tan 1  C 
10 0 2
A y EC  R   VR 
25. A solenoid consists of inductance and resistance. R 3 300
30. cos   or  or Z  20  1  8  1  4 
When 100 V dc is applied,   0  Z  R |Z| 2 | Z|  tan    tan  
t T 2T 6  3
Time Vrms 100 31. I = current flowing through condenser/capacitor.
Z R  100  V R
Irms 1 R, L, C are connected in series. So same current 40. P  VIcos   V  
Mean square value flows through R. R 2  2L2 R 2  2L2
2 When 100 V, 50 Hz ac is applied, V 2R
1 T 2 T 10  1 P
VR  IR  15  I  60  I   0.25 A
T 0
 y dt   10  t  dt V 100 R2  2L2
0  T  Z  rms   200  4
I rms 0.5 V
R R I
1 T 100 2 200  32. cos    1 41. R 2   L 

T 0 
 100  2 t  .t  dt 2 2 2
Z  R  X  200  100   X 2 2 Z R
T T  L C
33. Ceff  C1  C2  C3 V 2R V2
T  XL  100 3  2fL  100 3 Power loss=I2R  2

1 100t 3 100t 2 700  4 F  2.5 F  3.5 F  10 F R 2   L  2L2
 100t    R
T 3T 2 T 3 100 3 R
0 L  0.55H Leff  L1  L2  1.7mH  2.3mH  4mH
2    50 For minimum power loss, resistance should be low
Resonance frequency, and inductance shold be high.
or rms value  10 7 / 3  15.2 .
1 1 1
19. The equation of a semi-circular wave (shown in 26. XL  2fL  2  200   400    220
 42. Z   100 , R = Z
figure) is L eff Ceff 4  10  10  10 6
R  300 4
y 10 1
XL 400 4   0.5  10 4 rad / s X C  X L  100  100
tan     2 
R 300 3 Power factor of box
1 1
4 fo    1000Hz R 100 1
   tan1   34. 2 LC 1 1  
-a +a x 3 2 .  10 6 = R 2  X 2C 1002  1002 2
0 2 2


43. The impedance in RL circuit is same as the RC But we cannot obtain a leading phase difference of  2
circuit: When current lags by : R  X  In LCR circuit, Z  R 2   X L  X C 
 / 4 if we use only capacitor 4
1 (phase difference of  / 2 ), or only (inductor and 2
R 2   2 L2  R 2  resistor) (Phase difference of Vrms Vrms  1 
 I rms   10 A  R2    L 
 2 L2
 / 2 ). or only resistor (phase difference of 0). 2
R X
2R   C 
1 1 48. Inductance does not consume power
 2  or f  E0 V 2R
LC 2 LC 2 2
Pav  I rms R   5.6  10  313.6 W 58. Initially 5  (for X) and E0  200V For C  C1 , P1  2
R  1 
  E R2    L 
44. v  v0 sin  t   / 4   v0 cos  t  
49. P  Vrms I rms cos  5  0 (for Y)   C1 
 4 100  100  XL
  103  cos900 = 0 In the series combinat ion of X and Y V 2R
2 2  For C  C2 , P2  2
E0 i0  1 
1 1 i0  R2    L 
50. 1 L   C  2 L   C ;  irms   C2 
R 2  X L2 2 
1 2
1 1 Accoriding to problem,
1  2f1 L 2f 2 L 
/4 Solving 12   02 59. tan   2f1C and tan   2f 2C P2   P1
52. Apply parallelogram law 4 R 4 R
1 V 2R V 2R
Since V lags current, an inductor canbring it in phase 53. At resonance VL and VC are equal in magnitude  
Resonant frequency   1 
 1 
with current. with phase difference 1800 2 LC L   R2 L   R2
45. Since current leads voltage by 450 , there mustbe 60. From the graph current leads emf, hence the circuit   C2    C1 
    should be R-C
a resistor and a capacitor. We  20sin  t   or
54. V2  20 cos  t  6   3
can say nothing about inductor surely. It may or   1 2

may not be present.

The element x is practical capacitor 61. Resonant frequency   1  2
ir 2 LC 2   L   C   R
46. It is condition of resonance then only potential on  1 
55. i  (say at angular frequencies 1 and 2 ) i
 2A
  L   C   R 
each are equal and 100V. 2 62. 2 2 
100 V V0 V 32  15  11
 0 R
100 V
2  1 
2R VL  VC  i  X L  X C   2 15  11  8V Power factor, cos  
R   L   Z
 C  63. Pave  Erms irms cos 
100 V R
1 Energy dissipated  Pave  time  cos  
47. If we have all R, L and C then I vs.E will be Solving, 1 L   C   R ..... (i) 2
 1  2
 L  C   R
IXC 1 1
1 64. P   V0i0 cos   P  Ppeak cos  1
2 L   R 2
E 2C ...... (ii)
1 1  R
IXL 1 2
 
 Ppeak  Ppeak cos   cos    
2 3
cos 1 
To obtain a leading phase differene of  /4 : Adding, 12  ...... (iii)  1  2
65. tan  
and  
   L   C   R
If X L  X C and we use all R, L and C in the circuit, R 2
Subtracting and using (iii) 2  1  CR 6
then the resultant graph will be: L 66. From the graph current leads emf. Hence the circuit 2

 1  R2
I(XC  Xi)  1   L   R2  ..........  2
 f 2  f1 
2L should be RC. For the circuit tan    C1  cos 2 1
4 CR
56. At resonance, VL = VC also VL and VC are in Similarly,
opposite phase. A series LCR circuit containing a 24
69. Initially at resonance 6   1 
resistance of 120 has an angular resonance R
  L   C   R  cos 2  ..........  3
E frequency. At resonance, voltage across resistance  Resistance of coil R  4  1 2

Which can give a leading phase difference of  / 4 : and inductance are 60 V and 40 V. 12 12 Form eqns. (1), (2) and (3), we get
57. At resonance X L  X C in LCR circuit at Later with 12V battery i    1.5 A
Similarly, if we have only resistance and capacitor Rr 44

1 
then we can obtain a phase resonance current 70. Average power 2   L   C   R

 1  2 1
difference of  / 4 (leading) for suitable values of V V 2R   L   R 
I mms  rms  10 2 ......  i  P   C2  
I, X C and R. R Z2

R 2
R 2 Vt (V) 7. In the a.c. circuit shown in the figure. The
or  or cos 2  2   cos 2 1
LEVEL-VI supply voltage has a constant r.m.s, value V,
cos 2 2  cos2 1 16
SINGLE ANSWER QUESTIONS but variable frequency f. Resonance
cos 2 cos 2 frequency in hertz is
or cos    ;  1   1 RMS & AVERAGE VALUE OF AC
1 cos 1 1. If a direct current of value of ‘a’ ampere is R=50 L
cos  2  cos 1 t superimposed on an alternating current

cos 1
   1  76. From KVL we have I  b sin t flowing through a wire, what is the 1
effective value of the resulting current in the 4 
 Percentage change in cos  is VA  i1R1  i2 R2  VC ; VA  VC  i1R1  i2 R2 circuit?
Substituting the values, we have 
 cos  2  cos 1  dc
 cos  1
  100   
  1  100 VAC  10e 2 t   2    4  3  I
I bo
a.c V=300V

On putting the value we get percentage change 30% o (a) 10 (b) 100 (c) 1000 (d) 200
VAC   20e2 t  12  V t t
0 0 8. If the power factor is 1/2 in a series RL circuit
i1  i2  At t  0,VAC  8V ; At t  ,VAC  12V
 1  ;
 1 
b2 a2 b2 with R = 100  . If AC mains, 50 Hz is used,
71. R2    R2    a) a2  b2 (b) a 2  (c)  b 2 (d) a 2 
 100C   500C  Therefore, VAC decreases exponentially from 8V 2 2 3 then L is
to - 12V . 2. The secondary coil of an ideal step down
Clearly i1  i2 transformer is delivering 500 watt power at 3
77. VA  i1R1  VC  VB ; V  V  V  i R  V 12.5 A current. if the ratio of turns in the (a) henry (b)  henry
Erms AB A B 1 1 C 
Ammeter reading, i  Substitution the value we have, primary to the secondary is` 5:1; then the
72.  1  current flowing in the primary coil will be: (c) 3 henry (d) 3 henry
R 2   L   VAB  10e 2t   2   3e 2t ; V AB  17 e 2tV
 C  a) 62.5 A b) 2.5 A c) 6 A d) 0.4 A
and R  4  6  10 Thus, VAB decreases exponentially from 17V to 0. 3. In a step-up transformer the turn’s ratio is 10. 9. An inductor  X L  2  a capacitor  X C  8 
78. VC  i2 R2  iL  VD ; VCD  VC  VD  i2 R2  iL If the frequency of the current in the
 1 
primary coil is 50 Hz then the frequency of and a resistance  8  are connected in series
Voltmeter reading, V = i R12   L  and Substituting the values we have,
 C  the current in the second ary coil will be with an ac source. The voltage output of A.C
R1  4 VCD   4  3  16e 2t ; VCD  12  16e 2 t V a) 500 Hz b) 5 Hz c) 60 Hz d) 50 Hz source is given by v =10 cos 100  t . The
4. A power transformer is used to step up an instantaneous p.d. between A and B, when it
73. In current in the capacitor, At t  0 , VCD  28V ; And at t   , VCD  12V alternating emf of 220 volt to 11 kv to transmit is half of the voltage output from source at
q  CVC   2   3e 2 t   6e 2t A i.e., VCD decreases exponentially from 28V to 12V 4.4 kw of power. If the primary coil has 1000
that instant will be:
79. C) Current drawn is maximum at resonant turns, what is the current in the secondary?
dq a) 4A b) 0.4A c) 0.04A d) 0.2A
Current, ic 2 t angular frequency. L eq = 4 mH Ceq = 10mF xC=8
dt  12e A AC across L-R, L-C, L-C-R of circuit xL=2 8
1 A
Current flows from B to O.   5000 rad / s 5. An alternating voltage of 200 volt, at 400 B
LC cycles/sec is applied in a circuit containing an
From KVL, we have iL  i1  i2  iC
80. (D) ceq decreases thereby increasing resonant inductance of 0.01 henry in series with a
 10e2t  4  12e2t   4  2e  A   2  2 1  e   A frequency.
2 t 2 t
resistance of 22.8 ohms. The voltage across 
100 the inductance is
74. iL vs. time graph is as shown in figure. iL increase 81. (B) At resonance irms   1A
100 a) 148.2 volt b) 392.4 volt
from 2A to 4A exponentially. 24 24 7 5
Power supplied = Vrms Irms cos  c) 74.1 volt d) 196.2 volt a) volts b) volts c) volts d) volts
i2 (A) 7 5 24 24
(  0 at resonance ) ; P = 100 W 6. If the readings V1 and V3 are 100 volt, each then
4 10. A resistor of resistance 100 is connected to
1 2 reading of V2 is:
2 82. (B) Average energy stored  Lirms L R C an AC source of emf   12V  sin  250s 1  t .
t 1 3 2 find the energy dissipated as heat during t=0
 (2.4  10 H ).(1A)  1.2mJ V1 V2 V3
2 to t=1.0ms
diL d
75. VL  L ;  4  4  2e2t   16e2tV 83. (D) As 1ms time duration is very less than time
dt dt period T at resonance, thermal energy produced is
200 volt, 50 Hz
a) 0.61 10 J b) 0.61 10 J
VL decreases exponentially from 16A to 0 as shown not possible to calculate without information about a) 0 volt b) 100 volt c) 200 volt c) 2.61104 J d) 2.61106 J
in figure start of the given time duration. d) cannot be determined by given information
11. In the given AC circuit, which of the following -1  X  X 18. The power factor of the circuit shown in the III) Readings in A and V1 are always in phase
C  -1  C 
is incorrect: a) tan  R   2 b) tan  R  figure is
    which of these statements are/is correct
xL=10 xC=10 R=10 R=20 XC=20
-1  X
C  
 V1
c) tan  R   2 d) XL=100
  2
15. In the circuit current through source will be 40
 [Given  cos 1  0.6   530  ]
 = 100 sin (100t + /2)  C
XL=40 R=30  R V2
a) Voltage across resistance is lagging by 900 than 220V, 50Hz
the voltage across capacitor (A) 0.4 (B) 0.2 (C) 0.8 (D) 0.6
b) Voltage across capacitor is lagging by 1800 than 19. What will be the reading of the voltmeter A. I only B. II only
voltage across inductor across the resistance and ammeter in the C. I and II only D. II and III only
c) Voltage across inductor is leading by 900 than  circuit shown in the figure? 22. Two impedances Z1 and Z 2 when connected
voltage across resistance R=100 separatley across a 230V, 50Hz supply
V  10  10 2 sin 100 t  450 
d) resistance of the circuit is equal to impedance consumed 100 W and 60 W at power factors
reactance of circuit 1 2 of 0.5 lagging and 0.6 leading respectively. If
(A)  sin 100 t  80  V V V
12. In the series circuit shown in the figure the 3 5 100V 100V
these impedances are now connected in series
voltmeter reading will be(all the meters are A across the same supply, find :
1 2
ideal). (B)  sin 100 t  80  (a) total power absorbed
5 5  (b) the value of the impedance to be added in
300V 300V
V V V 1 2 220V, 50Hz series so as to raise the overall power factor
(C)  sin 100 t  980 
3 5 (A) 300 V, 2A (B) 800 V, 2A to unity.
R L C 1 2 (C) 100 V, 2A (D) 220 V, 2.2A A. 19 W , 295  B. 19 W ,95 
A (D)  sin 100 t  980  20. In an L-R-C series circuit the current is given
200V 5 5 C. 99 W ,195  D. 75W ,195 
 by i  I cos t . The voltage amplitudes for 23. In the LCR circuit shown in figure
16. In figure below if Z L  Zc and reading of
a) 300 V b) 200 V c) 100 V d) 600 V ammeter is 1 A. the resistor, inductor and capacitor are VR ,VL XC=20 R=10 XL=10
13. In the circuit diagram shown, Find value of source voltage V. and VC respectively..
X C  100, X L  200 & R  100 . The ZL ZC (a) The instantaneous power into the resistor
effective current through the source is: (A) 80 volt
is pR  VR I cos 2  t .

C L H (B) 60 volt (b) The instantaneous power into the inductor
 V  200 2 sin t
200V  is pL  VL I sin t cos t .
R (1) current will lead the voltage
L R=80 (C) 100 volt (c) The instantaneous power into the capacitor
 (2) rms value of current is 20 A
 A is pC  VC I sin  t cos  t .
(D) None 1
a) 2A b) 2 2A c) 0.5A d) 0.4 A V, 30Hz (d) pR  pL  pC equals total power p (3) power factor of the circuit is
17. As shown in figure value of inductive 2
14. In the given circuit assuming inductor and supplied by the source at each instant of time. (4) voltage drop across resistance is 100 V
source to be ideal, the phase difference reactance X L will be if source voltage is A. (a), (c), (d) are correct A. (1) and (3) are correct
between current I1 and I2 : 100 volt B. (b), (c) are correct B. (1) and (4) are correct
R1=20 XL1=30 R2=10 XC1=40  C. (a) is correct C. (2) and (3) are correct
L D. (a), (b), (c), (d) are correct
D. (3) and (4) are correct
21. The diagram shows a capacitor C and a
I1 I=2A resistor R connected in series to an ac source. MULTI ANSWER QUESTIONS
V1 and V2 are voltameters and A is an ammeter 24. In an AC series circuit, the instantaneous

 consider now the following statements current is zero when the instantaneous voltage
is maximum. Connected to the source may be
I2 V I) Readings in A and V2 are always in phase
(a) pure inductor (b) pure capacitors
(A) 40  (B) 30  II) Reading in V1 is ahead in phase with reading (c) pure resistor
XC R (C) 50  (D) Can have any value in V2 (d) combination of an inductor and a capacitor
25. Which statement(s) is False for the series 30. A circuit has three elements, a resistance of (B) the voltage VC across the capacitance lags A) The current leads the emf in the circuit
resonant condition 11  , a coil of inductive reactance 120  and behind the current by a phase angle of  / 2 B) The circuit is more inductive than capacitive
(A) current maximum and phase difference between a capacitive reactance of 120  in series and (C) the voltage VR across the resistance is in phase C) To increase the rate at which energy is
E and i is  / 2 connected to an A.C. source of 110 V, 60 Hz. with the current transferred to the resistive load, L should be
(B) current maximum and phase difference between Which of the three elements have minimum (D) the votage across the series combination of L, decreased.
E and i is zero potential difference? C and R is V = VL + VC + VR. D) To increase the rate at which energy is
(C) voltage maximum and phase difference between (A) Resistance (B) Capacitance (C) Inductor transferred to the resistive load, C should be
35. In a series LCR circuit with an AC source
E and i is zero (D) All will have equal potential difference
(Erms = 50 V and  = 50 /  Hz ), R = 300  , decreased.
(D) voltage maximum and phase difference between 31. An inductor 20  103 henry, a capacitor 38. In the given AC circuit, which of the following
E and i is  / 2 100F and a resistor 50 are connected in C  0.02mF, L  1.0H . Which of the following
is incorrect:
26. An alternating e.m.f. of frequency series across a source of emf V  10sin 314t . is correct?
XL=10 XC=10 R=10
(a) The energy dissipated in the circuit in 20 (A) the rms current in the circuit is 0.1 A
 1 
 minutes is 951 J. (B) the rms potential difference across the capacitor
 2 LC  is applied to a series LCR is 50 V
(b) If resistance is removed from the circuit
circuit. For this frequency of the applied e.m.f. and the value of inductance is doubled, then (C) the rms potential difference across the capacitor
A. The circuit is at resonance and its impedance is the variation of current with time in the new is 14.1 V
made up only of a reactive part circuit is 0.52 cos (314 t) (D) the rms current in the circuit is 0.14 A 
B. The current in the circuit is in phase with the applied A. Both (a) and (b) are correct
2  = 100sin (100t + /2)
e.m.f. and the voltage across R equals this applied B. Both (a) and (b) are false 36. In the figure shown R  100 L  H and
emf C. Only (a) is correct D. Only (b) is correct 
A) Voltage across resistance is lagging by 900 than
C. The sum of the p.d’s across the inductance and 32. What will be the reading of the voltmeter 8
across the resistance and ammeter in the C   F are connected in series with an a.c. the voltage across capacitor
capacitance equals the applied e.m.f. which is 1800 
circuit shown in the figure? B) Voltage across capacitor is lagging by 1800 than
ahead of phase of the current in the circuit
100 source of 200 volt and frequency ‘f’. V1 and voltage across inductor
D. The quality factor of the circuit is
V2 are two hot-wire voltmeters. If the readings C) Voltage across inductor is leading by 900 than
 L / R or 1/  CR and this is a measure of the
V V V voltage across resistance
voltage magnification (produced by the circuit at of V1 and V2 are same then:
100V 100V D) Resistance of the circuit is equal to reactance of
resonance) as well as the sharpness of resonance A circuit
of the circuit. V1 V2
27. An alternating voltage (in volts) varies with  39. In the circuit shown, resistance R  100 ,
time t (in seconds) as V = 200 sin (100 t ) 1
200V, 50Hz inductance L H and capacitance
(A) The peak value of the voltage is 200 V 
(B) The rms value of the voltage is 220 V (A) 200 V (B) 300 V (C) 3 A (D) 2 A
33. A 50  electric heater is connected to 4
(C) The rms value of the voltage is 100 2 V c  F are connected in series with an ac
100 V, 60 Hz ac supply.  
(D) The frequency of the voltage is 50 Hz (A) The peak value of the voltatge is 100 V source of 100 volt and frequency ‘f’. If the
28. An AC source rated 100 V (rms) supplies a (B) The peak value of the current in the circuit is A) f=125 Hz B) f=250 Hz readings of the hot wire voltmeters V1 and
current of 10 A (rms) to a circuit. The average
2 2A C) Current through R is 2A
power delivered by the source V2 are same then:
(A) must be 1000 W (C) The rms value of the voltage is 100 V D) V1  V2  1000 volt
(B) may be 1000 W (D) The rms value of the current is 2 A 37. Graph shows variation of source emf V and V1 V2
(C) may be greater than 1000 W 34. In a series LCR circuit R L
current i in a series RLC circuit, with time.
(D) may be less than 1000 W 1
2 2 Vori
29. In an L-R circuit, the value of L is (0.4 / )
henry and the value of R is 30 ohm. If in the
circuit, an alternating emf of 200 volt at 50 V
R i 
cycles per second is connected, the impedance t
of the circuit and current will be  A) f = 125 Hz B) f = 250 Hz
(A) 50 ohm (B) 60 ohm (A) the voltage VL across the inductance leads the C) Current through R is 1A
(C) 2 ampere (D) 4 ampere. current in the circuit by a phase angle of  / 2 D) V1  V2 =500 volt
40. Choose correct statement of capacitance 42. A series LCR circuit containing a resistance 46. A resistor R is connected in series with a coil. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS
increases from zero (0) to infinity  . of 120 has angular resonance frequency The system is subjected to an A.C supply of PASSAGE-1:
Box–1 4  105 rads 1 . At resonance the voltages peak voltage V0 . If the peak voltages dropped A 100  resistance is connected in series with a
across resistance and inductance are 60 V and across the resistor R and the coil are V1 and 4H inductor. The voltage across the resistor is,
R XL C 40 V respectively. VR = (2.0V) sin (103t).
1 V2 respectively
F 49. Find the expression of circuit current
(a) The value of L and C are 0.2 mH, (a) The power dissipated in the coil is
32 (A) 2  102 A sin103 t 
V1 A (b) 8 105 rad/s, the current lags the voltage by 450 V02  V12  V22
(B) 2  103 A sin102 t 
 (c) 6 105 rad/s, the current lags the voltage by 450 2R
A. (a), (c) are correct B. (a), (b) are correct (b) The power dissipated in the circuit is (C) 2  103 A sin103 t 
V,fHz C. (a), (b), (c) are correct V02  V12  V22 (D)  2  102 A  sin 102 t 
(A) Current increases from 0 (zero) to maximum D. (a), (b), (c) are wrong
43. A current of 4 A flows in a coil when connected 2R 50. Find the inductive reactance
then decreases to zero Coil.
(B) Reading of voltmeter first increases and it will to a 12 V DC source. If the same coil is (A) 2 × 103 ohm (B) 3 × 103 ohm
connected to a 12 V, 50 rad/s AC source a R
(C) 4 × 103 ohm (D) 5 × 103 ohm
be maximum when X L  X C current of 2.4 A flows in the circuit. 51. Find amplitude of the voltage across the
(C) Power factor of circuit first increases then (a) The inductance of the coil is 0.06H V1 V2 inductor.
decreases (b) The inductance of the coil is 0.08H
A. Only (a) is correct B. Only (b) is correct (A) 40 V (B) 60 V (C) 80 V (D) 90 V
(D) V1 may be greater than V, V1 may be equal V, (c) When 2500 F capacitor is connected in C. (a), (b) are wrong D. (a), (b) are correct
series with the coil, then power developed in PASSAGE-2:
47. For the AC circuit shown, the reading of If various elements, i.e., resistance, capcitance and
V1 maybe less than V, where V1 the circuit is 17.28 W ammeter and voltmeter are 5A and
is reading of voltmeter and V is source voltage. A. (a), (c) are correct B. (b), (c) are correct inductance which are in series and having values
41. A box P and a coil Q are connected in series C. (a), (b), (c) are correct D. Only (b) is correct 50 5 volts respectively, then 1000  , 1F and 2.0 H respectively. Given emf
with an AC source of variable frequency. The 44. In the given series R-L-C circuit, R  100 , 20mH –
as, V  100 2 sin1000 t volts
emf of the source is constant at 10 V. Box P L  103 H , C  0.1F , V0  200V 10 50F 52. Voltage across the resistor is
contains a capacitance of 1F in series with a 6L
(A) 70.7 Volts (B) 100 Volts
resistance of 32 . Coil Q has a self- (C) 141.4 Volts (D) 270.7 Volts
inductance 4.9 mH and a resistance of 68 R R 3L 53. Voltage across the inductor is
in series. The frequency is adjusted so that (A) 70.7 Volts (B) 100 Volts
– –
the maximum current flows in P and Q. At this (C) 141.4 Volts (D) 270.7 Volts
frequency  A. average power delivered by the source is 250W 54. Voltage across the capacitor is
B. rms value of AC source is 50 volts (A) 70.7 Volts (B) 100 volts
(a) The impedance of P is 77 V= 200sin cot
C. voltage gain is 2 D. frequency of ac source is
(a) The resonant frequency is 15924 Hz (C) 141.4 Volts (D) 270.7 Volts
(b) The impedance of Q is 85 48. In the circuit shown in fig. If both the lamps
(b) The current at resonance is 1 A PASSAGE-3:
(c) Voltage across P is 7.7V (c) The power dissipated in the circuit at L1 and L2 are identical.
resonance is 100 W 500F One application of L-R-C series circuits is to high
(d) Voltage across Q is 9.76V L1
pass or low pass filters, which filter out either the
A. (a), (b), (c) are correct B. (a), (b), (c) are wrong
1mF C. Only (a), (b) are correct D. Only (b), (c) are correct low or high frequency components of a signal. A
32 68W 45. An alternating emf of frequency f = 50 Hz, L2
high pass filter is shown in figure Where the output
C R1 L R2 peak voltage V0  21 volt is applied to a series 10mH voltage is taken across the L-R where L-R
BoxP Coil Q circuit of resistance R  20ohm , an inductance 
combination represents and inductive coil that also
L  100mH and a capacitor of C  30F . has resistance due to the large length of the wire in
200 V, 500 Hz
(a) The maximum current is 3A the coil.
(b) The phase difference between current and A. their brightness will be same
 B. L1 will be brighter than L2
applied voltage is 750
C. as the frequency of supply voltage is increased,  Vs C
A. Only (a), (c) are correct (c) The current i as a function of time ‘t’ is
brightness of L1 will increase and that of L2 will R L
B. Only (a), (d) are correct i  3sin  314t  750  decrease
C. Only (c), (d) are correct A. Only (a), (b) are correct B. Only (b), (c) are correct D. only L2 will glow because the capacitor has
D. (a), (c), (d) are correct C. (a), (b), (c) are correct D. (a), (b), (c) are wrong infinite resistance Vout



55. Find the ratio for Vout / Vs as a function of the PASSAGE-5: 68. At the same instant, the magnitude of the 78. The power dissipated in the inductance coil is
An alternating voltage of 260 volt and potential difference in volt, across the ac A. zero B. 320 W C. 144 W D. 160 W
angular frequency  of the source
 = 100 radian/second, is applied in an LCR series source will be PASSAGE-11:
R 2  L2 R 2  2L2 A) 3cos 67 0 B) 5sin 37 0 C) 4 cos 97 0 D) 0 The maximum values of the phasors (currents and
2 2
circuit where L = 0.01H, C = 4  104 F and
(A)  1  (B)  1  69. If the current at this instant is decreasing the voltage) in A.C. circuits can be treated as vectors
R 2   L   R 2   L   R  10 .
 C   C  magnitude of potential difference at that rotating with an angular frequency equal to the
61. Find the power supplied by the source: angular frequency of the rotor of the generator. If
instant across the ac source is
R 2  2L A) 1000 W B) 6760 W C) 3380 W D) 3000 W
A) increasing B) decreasing 
1 
62. Find the resonance frequency of the circuit (in the phase difference between two phasors A1 and
(C)  (D) 1 C) Constant D) Can’t be said
R 2   C   hertz): 
 L  A2 is  , the resultant phasor is:
56. Which of the following statement is correct 25 250 40 200 A constant voltage at a frequency of 1 MHz is
A) B) C) D) w
when  is small in the case of Vout / Vs     applied to an inductor in series with variable A2

R R 63. The power sullpied by the source at the above capacitor; when capacitor is 500 pF, the current f
(A) RC (B) (C) RL (D) resonance frequency is: has its maximum value, while it is reduced to half A1
L C A) 1000W B) 6760W C) 3380W D) 3000W when capacitance is 600 pF. Find
57. Which statement is correct in the limit of large 70. Resistance (R) A  A12  A22  2 A1 A2 cos 
frequency is reached ? (for Vout / Vs ) (A) 30  (B) 20  (C) 40  (D) 50  
A steady 4A flows in an inductor coil when and the phase of A with respect to A1 is
R connected to a 12V source as shown in figure. If 71. The inductance L
(A) 1 (B) RC (C) RL (D) the same coil is connected to an ac source of 12V, (A) 0.05 mH (B) 0.5mH (C) 0.005mH (D) 5 mH A2 sin 
L 72. Q factor of an inductor   tan 1
PASSAGE-4: 50 rad/s, a current of 2.4A flows in the circuit as A1  A2 cos 
(A) 10.4 (B) 20.8 (C) 5.2 (D) 9.4
In A.C. source peak value of A.C. is the maximum shown in figure2. Now after these observations, a RMS value
value of current in either direction of the cycle. Root PASSAGE-9:
When 1A passed through three coils A, B, C in The rms value of y  f  t  is
moon square (RMS) is also defined as the direct capacitor of capacitance F is connected in
current which produces the same heating effect in 50 series the voltage drops are respectively 6, 3 and 1

a resistor as the actual A.C. series with the coil and with the same AC source 8 volt on direct current source and 7, 5 and 10 volt T 2 2
as shown in figure 3.    f  t   dt 
58. A.C. measuring instrument measures its on Alternating current source  
yrms  0 
(A) rms value (B) Peak value 73. Power factor of coil B, will be T
 
(a) Average value
(C) (D) Square of current (A) 0.6 (B) 0.8 (C) 0.7 (D) None
  74. Power dissipated in coil C  
59. Current time graph of different source is given
12V Average value
which one will have R.M.S. value V0 12V, 50 red/sec. 12V, 50 red/sec. (A) 10 watt (B) 6 watt (C) 5 watt (D) 8 watt
(Figure 1) (Figure 2) (Figure 3) 75. Power factor of whole circuit when alternating T

64. The inductance of the coil is nearly equal to current flow
The average value of y  f  t  is y 
 ydt
V0 A) 0.01 H B) 0.02 H C) 0.04 H D) 0.08 H (A) 0.6 (B) 0.8 (C) 0.78 (D) 1 av
T/2 T 2T T
A) 3T 2T B) 3T
65. The resistance of the coil is: PASSAGE-10: Using the above concepts, answer the following
T T/2
2 2V0 2 A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 A series circuit connected across a 200 V, 60 Hz questions.
66. The average power supplied to the curcuit line consists of a capacitive reactance 30 non 79. The currents i1 and i2 in A.C. circuit are given
after connecting capacitance in series is inductive resistor of 44 and a coil of inductive
2V0 4V0 approximately equal to: reactance 90 and resistence 36 as shown in      
C) (D) as: i1  4 sin  t  3  and i2  4 sin  t  3 
A) 24 W B) 72 W C) 144 W D) 18.2 W the diagram.    
XC=30 i3
V=2V0 sin r In a series L-R circuit, connected with a sinusoidal
ac source, the maximum potential difference across 200V 
60. Average voltage for the given source is 60Hz

L and R are respectively 3 volts and 4 volts. i2

67. At an instant the potential difference across i1
resistor is 2 volts. The potential difference in R2=36
volt, across the inductor at the same instant The current i3 can be given as:
T/2 T 3T 2T 76. The potential difference across the coil is
will be:  2   
2 A. 100 V B. 194 V C. 97 V D. Zero A. 4 3 sin  t  3  B. 2 3 cos  t  3 
a) 3cos 300 b) 3cos 600 77. The power used in the circuit is    
V0 3V0
(A) V0 (B) 2V0 (C) (D) c) 6 cos 45 0 d) 6 A. 320 W B. 144 W C. 160 W D. 96 W C. 4sin  t  D. 4cos  t 
2 2

80. The rms value of i3 is 86. Current versus time graph across the inductor 92. What pure resistance should be included in The primary (10) coil is connected to a sorce of
wil be place of the above passive elements so that alternating (AC) current. The secondary (20) coil
A. 2 6 B. 6 C. 3 2 D. 2 2 the lamp can run on its rated voltage ? is connected to resistor such as a light bulb. The
iL iL
81. The average value of i in i  t graph (semi- A. 120  B. 240  C. 800  D. 720  AC source produces an oscillating voltage and
circular) is current in the primary coil that produces an
t t PASSAGE-16: oscillating magnetic field in the core material. This
i A. B.
In the circuit shown in the figure in turn induces an oscillating voltage and AC current
2 R  50  , E1  25 3 volt and E2  25 6 in the secondary coil
iL iL sin  t volt where   100 s 1 . The switch s is Students collected the following data comparing
t the number of turns per coil (N) , the voltage (V)

closed at time t = 0, and remains closed for 14
2 4 and the current (I) in the coils of three transformers.
t D. t minutes, then it is opened.
   C.
93. Find the amount of heat produced in the Transformer Primary Coil Secondary Coil
A.  B. C. D.
2 3 2 resistor
1 100 10V 10A 200 20V 5A
PASSAGE-14: 2 100 10V 10A 50 5V 20A
A series R-L-C circuit has R=100 ohm. L=0.2
In the given arrangement the square loop of area
1 10 cm2 rotates with an angular velocity  about
3 100 10V 10A 100 5V 20A
mH and C  F . The applied voltage
2 its diagonal. The loop is connected to a inductance 96. The primary coil of a transformer has 100 turns
V  20sin t . Then of L  100 mH and a capacitance of 10 mF in and is connected to a 120 V AC source. How

series. The lead wires have a net resistance of E1 E2 S
many turns are in the secondary coil if there’s
VR max a 2400 V acorss it
82. At resonant frequency 0 , V  10  . Given that B = 0.1 T and   63 rad/s, A. 64000 J B. 56000 J C. 63000 J D. 75000 J
 L max 94. If total heat produced is used to raise the
A. 5 B. 50 C. 200 D. 2000
A. 2 B. 5 C. 3 D. 4 97. A transformer with 40 turns in its primary coil
temperature of 3 kg of water at 200 C , what is connected to a 120 V AC source. If 20 W of
83. When the current lags the applied voltage by     would be the final temperature of water ? power is supplied to the primary coil, how much
450 , the value of  is approximately     L A. 150 C B. 250 C C. 450 C D. 750 C power is developed in the secondary coil?
A. 5  10 5 rad / s B. 3  105 rad / s  A. 10 W B. 20 W C. 80 W D. 160 W
    C 95. Find the value of the direct current that will
C. 4  105 rad / s D. 4  1010 rad / s produce same amount of heat in the resistor 98. Which of the follwing is a correct expression
84. Referring the above question, the equation of in same time as combination of DC source and for R, the resistance of the load connected to
the current is 87. Find the rms current AC source has produced Specific heat of water the secondary coil
A. 6105 A B. 5105 A = 4200 J/kg-0 C. 2
A. 0.2 sin  t  tan 1 0.3   V10   N 20   V10   N 20 
C. 410 A 5
D. 710 A 5 A. 1.23 A B. 1.22 A C. 2.24 A D. 3.25 A A.  I   N  B.    
B. 0.2 sin  t  tan 1 0.3  88. Find the energy dissipated in 50 sec. PASSAGE-17:  10   10   I10   N10 
A. 6.12106 J B. 8.12105 J A physics lab is designed to study the transfer of 2
C. 0.3cos  t  tan 1 0.3  electrial energy from one circuit to another by means  V10   N10   V10   N10 
C. 5.12 10 J 5
D. 8.1210 6 J of a magnetic field using simple transformers. Each C.  I   N  D.    
D. 0.3cos  t  tan 1 0.3   10   20   I10   N 20 
89. If the current is in phase with voltage, what transformer has two coils of wire electrically
should be the frequency of rotation of the coil. insulated from each other but wound a round a 99. A 12 V battery is used to supply 2.0 mA of
A. 31.6 rad/s B. 29.5 rad/s common core of ferromagnetic material. The two current to the 300 turns in the primary coil of
The potential difference across a 2H inductor as a
C. 25.6 rad/s D. 20.5 rad/s wires are close together but do not touch each other a given transformer. What is the current in the
function of time is shown in figure. At time t = 0,
secondary coil if N2 = 150 turns
current is zero PASSAGE-15:
Ferromagnetic core A. zero B. 1.0 mA C. 2.0 mA D. 4.0 mA
85. Current at t = 2 s is A 20 V 5 watt lamp is used in ac main 220 V and
frequency 50 c.p.s. PASSAGE-18:
90. Capacitance of capacitor, to be put in series In the circuit shown in figure:
10 to run the lamp 3 3
R1  10, L  H , R2  20 and C mF..
A. 2m F B. 4m F C. 6m F D. 8mF 10 2
t(s) 91. Inductance of inductor, to be put in series to Current in L  R1 circuit is I1 in C  R2 circuit is
2 4
run the lamp. 0 0
A. 1 A B. 3 A C. 4 A D. 5 A A. 2.53H B. 5H C. 7.5H D. 9H
1 Coil 2 Coil I 2 and the main current is I



C R2 Column I 108. Column I Column II 111. All voltmeters are ideal and reading of
(A) The impedance of the circuit at resonance (in imax voltmeters V1 and V2 are given by V1  3
ohm) R L
R1 L
(B) The current amplitude at resonance (in A) volt and V2  4 volt in all cases. Match the
(C) The rms potential drop across the inductor at (a) (p)
 w following:
 resonance (in volt) O 0
Column I Column II
V  200 2 sin (100t)V (D) The rms potential drop across the resistor at imax
resonance (in V) R C
100. Phase difference between I1 and I 2 is Column II
(b) (q) V1 V2
A. 00 B. 900 C. 1800 D. 600 (P) 1250 V (Q) 200 V (R) 40 V (S) 5 2 A w
 O 0
101. At some instant current in L  R1 circuit is 10 106. In L-C-R series circuit suppose r is the L R
R C L imax
A. At the same instant current in C-R2 branch resonance frequency, then match the following
will be columns: (A) (p) V3  5 Volt
Column I (c) (r)
A. 5 A B. 5 2A C. 5 6 A D. 5 3A (A) If   r (B) If   r  
102. At some instant I1 in the circuit is 10 2A , C L imax 
(C) If   2r (D) If   r
then at this instant current I will be Column II
(d) (s)
A. 20 A B. 10 2A C. 20 2A D. 25 A (P) current will lead the voltage V3
(Q) voltage will lead the current  
MATRIX MATCHING QUESTIONS 109. In the series R-L-C a.c circuit, at resonance V1 V2
(R) XL  4XC
103. Column I Pmax - maximum power dissipation
A. In case of series L-C-R circuit, at resonance. (S) current and voltage are in phase
(T) None i0 - maximum current R
B. Only resistor in an a.c. circuit. C
107. In column I, variation of current with time t is f - frequency of the supply (B) (q) V3  1 Volt
C. Only inductor in an a.c. circuit.
given in figures. In column II root mean square (Given 2  10 )
D. Only capacitor in an a.c. circuit.
current irms and average current are given.
Column II Column I Column II
Match the column I with corresponding 
P. Current in the circuit has same frequency as that (a) power-factor (p) 0
quantities given in column II.
of source voltage. Column I Pmax
Q. Voltage lags the current by  / 2 . (b) i 2 R (q) 0.1 V3
i i 0
R. Current lags the voltage by  / 2 . i0 i0
S. Reactance of the circuit is zero. (c) 4 f LC (r) 1 V1 V2
0 t 0 t
T. Current is in phase with applied voltage. (A) T/2 T
(B) T/2 T (d) X L  X C (s) 0.5 L
104. Column I -i0 -i0 110. An LCR series circuit has a current which lags C
A. For square wave having peak value v0. behind the applied voltage by  . The voltage (C) (r) V3  7 Volt
B. For sinusoidal wave having peak value v0. i across the inductance has a maximum value
i0 i
C. Current leads the voltage by  / 2 . i0 equal to twice the maximum of the voltage
D. Wattless current. t 
Column II (C) T/2 T
(D) 0 t across the capacitor. EL  30sin 100t  . If
T/2 T
P. v0 > vrms > vav. Q. In a pure inductance. -i0 R  20 , then match the items given in V3
R. vav = vrms = v0 S. In a pure capacitance. Column-I with that in Column-II
105. Figure shows a series LCR circuit connected Column II Column I V1 V2
to a variable frequency 200 V source. L = 5 H, io (a) Reactance of capacitor if   450 (s) Current is lagging in
(P) irms 
C  80 F and R  40  . 3 0 phase from applied voltage
(b) Reactance of inductor if   45 L1 L2
L C (Q) Average current for positive half cycle is io (t) Applied voltage is
(c) Impedance of circuit if   450 (D)
i lagging in phase from
(R) Avreage current for positve half cycle is o (d) Reactance of circuit if   600 current
(S) Full cycle averge current is zero. Column II 
 (T) irms  io (p) 20 (q) 20 3 (r) 40 (s) 20 2
112. A resistance R and inductance L and a 115. Referring to the given circuit, match column-I 117. Referring to Fig. A and B match column - I COLUMN -II
capacitor C all are connected in series with an with column - II with column - II 1
a.c. supply. The resistance R is 16 and for 10mH 100 1F 1mH 1mH p)  
a given frequency, the inductive reactance of
q) Frequency is increased
L is 24 and capacitive reactance of C is 12
1 0.1F 1 0.1F r) space between the plates of capacitor is filled
. If the current in the circuit is 5 amp, then 
  with a meterial of high dielectric constant (assuming
match the following V=10 sin t (Volt) V=V0 sin t V=V0 sin t the capacitor to be an air capacitor initially)
Column I Column II COLUMN -I s) A meterial of high permeability is inserted in the
(A) Potential difference across R (P) 100 V COLUMN -I
A) For   8000 rad / s B) For   10000 rad / s inductor along its axis (assuming the inductor to be
(B) Potential difference across L (Q) 60 V A) In fig. A, for   105 rad/s
C) For   10500 rad / s D) For   10000 rad / s an air inductor initially)
(C) Potential difference across C (R) 120V COLUMN -II B) In fig. A, for   104 rad/s
(D) The voltage of A.C supply (S) 80 V STATEMENT TYPE QUESTIONS
p) Peak current in the circuit is less than 0.1A C) In fig. B, for   105 rad/s
113. Four different circuit components are given in a) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true;
q) Voltage across the combination and the current
each situation of column I and all the are in same phase D) In fig. B, for   10 4 rad/s statement-II is a correct explanation for
components are connected across an ac source r) Voltage across the combination leads the current COLUMN -II statement-I
s) Current through the circuit leads the voltage p) Current through the inductor and current through b) Statement-II is true, statement-I is true;
of same angular frequency w  200 rad/s. statement-II is a not a correct explanation
across it the capacitor are in same phase
The information of phase difference between q) Current through the inductor and current through for statement-I
116. In column I some ac circuits with meter reading
the current and source voltage in each situation are given and in column II some circuit the capacitor are in opposite phase c) Statement-I is true, statement-II is false
of column I is given in column II. Match the quantities are given. r) Current I through the source is zero d) Statement-I is false, statement-II is true
circuit components in column I with Match the entries of column I with the entries s) Current I through the source is non-zero 119. Statement-I: The D.C and A.C both can be
corresponding results in column II of column II 118. Referring to the given circuit, match column - measured by a hot wire instrument.
COLUMN - I COLUMN - I COLUMN - II I with column - II Statement-II: The hot wire instrument is based
10 V1 on the principle of magnetic effect of current.
L B1(bulb)
A) 120. Statement-I: The electrostatic energy stored in
500F capacitor plus magnetic energy stored in inductor
B) A) p) VR  150 V will always be zero in a series LCR circuit driven
5H 
 by ac voltage source under condition of resonance.
V1=158.11V; V2=200V Statement-IIThe complete voltage of ac source
C) 4H C B2(bulb)
3F V1
appears across the resistor in a series LCR circuit
driven by ac voltage source under condition of
D) 5H resonance.
COLUMN - II  121. Statement-I : The r.m.s. value of alternating current
B)  q) VL  50 V is defined as the square root of the average of I2
 250V C B3(bulb) during a complete cycle.
p) The magnitude of required phase difference is V1=150V
2 Statement-II : For sinusoidal a.c.
 I0
q) The magnitude of required phase difference is  ( I = I0 sin wt ) Irms  .
4 V2 2
r) The current leads in phase to source voltage (Assume the same value of applied voltage 122. Statement-I : In series LCR circuit resonance can
s) The current lags in phase to source voltage. V1 amplitude in each case and also a negligible take place.
internal resistance of the source) Statement-II :  Resonance takes if inductive
114. In a series RLC circuit, C)  r) VC  250 V
COLUMN -I COLUMN -II COLUMN -I reactance and capacitive reactance are equal with
A) If C decreases p) Z may increase V1=158.11V; V2=291.6V; A) Brightness of bulb B1 will increase if phase difference 1800 .
B) If L increases q) Z may decrease B) Brightness of bulb B2 will increase if 123. Statement-I :  In series LCR resonance circuit,
C) If R decreases r) Resonant the impedance is equal to the ohmic resistance.
frequency increases C) Brightness of bulb B3 may increase or decrease Statement-II :  At resonance, the inductive
s) Power factor
D) If P.D across L and C s) Resonant D) if reactance is equal and opposite to the capacitive
 of the circuit 3/5 reactance.
are increases in magnitude frequency decreases 250V D) Brightness of bulb B3 will be maximum if
124. Statement-I :  In series LCR circuit, the resonance 131. A series LCR circuit with R = 20  , L = 1.5 H 138. In a region of uniform magnetic induction 143. A coil of resistance 300  and inductance
occurs at one frequency only. and C = 35 F is connected to a variable- B  10 2 tesla, a circular coil of radius 30 cm 1.0 henry is connected across an voltage
Statement-II :  At this frequency, inductive frequency 200 V ac supply. When the and resistance  2 ohm is rotated about an axis source of frequency 300 / 2 Hz. The phase
reactance is equal to capacitive reactance. frequency of the supply equals the natural which is perpendicular to the direction of B difference between the voltage and current in
125. Statement-I :  For series RLC network, current frequency of the circuit, what is the average and which forms a diameter of the coil. If the the circuit is
of circuit in region (1) leading and in region (2) power in Kw transferred to the circuit in one coil rotates at 200 rpm the amplitude of the    
lagging over applied voltage. complete cycle ? alternating current induced in the coil is___mA A. B. C. D.
2 4 3 6
Statement-II : Overall nature of circuit in region 132. A sinusoidal voltage of peak value 283 V and 144. A circuit draws a power of 550 watt from a
frequency 50 Hz is applied to a series LCR
(1) is inductive while in region (2) is capacitive. 139. A series LCR circuit with L = 0.12H,C=480 source of 220 volt, 50 Hz. The power factor of
circuit in which R  3 , L = 25.48 mH, and the circuit is 0.8 and the current lags in phase
nF, R = 23  is connected to a 230 V variable
I C = 796 F . Find the impedance of the circuit. behind the potential difference. To make the
frequency supply.
133. Two resistors are connected in series across (a) The source frequency 663 Hz, current amplitude power factor of the circuit as 1.0, The
(2) 5V rms source of alternating potential. The is maximum and this maximum value is 14.1 A. capacitance should be connected in series with
potential difference across 6 resistor is (b) At the source frequency 663 Hz average power it is
3Vm . If R is replaced by a pure inductor L of absorbed by the circuit is maximum and the value A. 75  F B. 60  F C. 50  F D. 65  F
f1 f such magnitude that current remains same, of this maximum power is 2300 W. 145. An inductor  X L  2 a capacitor
then the potential difference across L is (c) At the frequencies 648 Hz, 678 Hz of the
126. Statement-I :  In a tube light choke coil is used to L
source, the power transferred to the circuit is half  X C  8 and a resitance 8  is connected
limit the current and at starting induced emf across the power at resonant frequency. The current in series with an ac source. The voltage output
tube light is higher than supply voltage. amplitude at these frequencies is 10 A of A.C source is given by V=10cos 100  t .
(d) The Q-factor of the given circuit is 21.7 A. The impedance of the circuit 10
Statement-II : Choke coil having higher inductive R 6
140. An ac source of angular frequency  is fed B. The instant at which voltage between A and
reactance than resistance, power factor of choke across a resistor R and a capacitor C in series.
coil is more.  B is equal to half of the voltage output from
The current registered is I. If now the
127. Statement-I :  Power loss in ideal choke coil will 5V frequency of source is changed to  / 3 ( but 1 1  17 
be zero. 134. In LCR circuit current resonant frequency is the source at that instant is 100 Tan  24 
maintaining the same voltage), the current in  
Statement-II : Ideal choke coil has zero power 600 Hz and half power points are at 650 and the circuit is found to be halved. Calculate the C. The impedance of the circuit is 8
factor. 550 Hz. The quality factor is ratio of reactance to resistance at the original D. The instant at which voltage between A and
128. Statement-I :  KVL rule can also be applied to 135. An ac ammeter is used to measure current in frequency  . B is equal to half of the voltage output from
AC circuit . a circuit. When a given direct current passes
through the circuit, the ac ammeter reads 3 A. 3 5 3 4 1 1  24 
Statement-II : Varying electrostatic field is non- A. B. C. D. the source at that instant is 50 Tan  7 
When another alternating current passes 5 3 4 3  
conservative through the circuit, the ac ammeter reads 4 A. 141. A circuit has a coil of resistance 60 ohm and 146. In the figure shown V1 ,V2 ,V3 are AC
INTEGER TYPE QUESTIONS Then the reading of this ammeter, if dc and ac inductance 3 henry. It is connected in series voltmeters and A is AC ammeter. The readings
129. A solenoid with inductance L = 7 mH and flow through the circuit simultaneously is with a capacitor of 4 F and A.C. supply
136. In a series LCR circuit the voltage across the of V1 ,V2 ,V3 and A are 10 V, 20 V, 20 V, 2A
resistance R  44  is first connected to a voltage of 200 V and 50 cycle/sec. Calculate respectively. Then
resistance, capacitance and inductance is 10
source of direct voltage Vo and then to a A. the impedance of the coil is 943
V each. If the capacitance is short circuited, R C L
source of sinusoidal voltage with effective x
B. the impedance of the coil is 843
value V = Vo. At what frequency (in KHz) of 10 C. the p.d. across the inductor coil is 1110V
the voltage across the inductance will be A V1 V2 V3
the oscillator will the power consumed by the 2 D. the p.d. across the capacitor is 924 V
solenoid be   5.0 times less than in the what is value of x 142. A circuit consists of a noninductive resistor of 
former case? 137. An ideal choke takes a current of 10 A when 50  , a coil of inductance 0.3 H and resistance 50Hz
connected to an ac supply of 125 V and 50 Hz. 2 , and a capacitor of 40F in series and is A. the value of R is 5
130. An LCR circuit has L = 10 mH, R = 3  and A pure resistor under the same conditions take
C = 1F connected in series to a source of supplied with 200 volt rms at 50 cycles/sec. 1
a current of 12.5 A. If the two are connected B. the value of C is  103 F
to an ac supply of 100 V and 40 Hz, then the 
15cos t  volt. Compute the average energy current in series combination of above resistor A. the current lag or lead by an angle150 51
dissipated per cycle (in 10-4) at a frequency B. the power in the circuit is 710.4 W C. the value of L is H
that is 10% lower than the resonance 10 x C. the power in the circuit is 640 W 10
and inductor is what is the value of x D. the value of source voltage is 10 V
frequency. Give the answer in nearest integer. 2 D. the current lag or lead by an angle12051

147. In the figure shown V1 ,V2 ,V3 are AC PREVIOUS IIT QUESTIONS 153. You are given many resistances, capacitors 154. An AC voltage source of variable angular
150. An inductor of inductance 2.0 mH is connected and inductors. These are connected to a frequency  and fixed amplitude V connected
voltmeters and A is AC ammeter. The readings variable DC voltage source (the first two in series with a capacitance C and an electric
across a charged capacitor of capacitance 5.0
of V1 ,V2 ,V3 and A are 10 V, 20 V, 20 V, 2A  F and the resulting L-C circuit is set circuits) or an AC voltage source of 50Hz bulb of resistance R (inductance zero). When
respectively. If the inductor is short circuited, frequency (the next three circuits) in different  is increased :
oscillating at its natural frequency. Let Q
then ways as shown in Column II. When a current (A) the bulb glows dimmer
denote the instantaneous charge on the
I (steady state for DC or rms for AC) flows (B) the bulb glows brighter
capacitor and I the current in the circuit. It is
R C L through the circuit, the corrresponding voltage (C) total impedence of the circuit is unchanged
found that the maximum value of Q is 200  C. (D) total impedence of the circuit increases
(1998) V1 and V2 . (indicated in circuits) are related
(a) When Q = 100  C, what is the value of as shown in Column I . match them (IIT-JEE 2010) LEVEL-VI - KEY
A V1 V2 V3
|dI/dt|? Column I
1) B 2) B 3) D 4) B 5) A 6) C
(b) When Q = 200  C, what is the value of  ? (A) i  0,V1 is proportional to i 7) C 8) A 9) B 10) C 11) A 12) B

(c) Find the maximum value of I. (B) i  0,V2  V1 (C) V1 =0,V2 =V 13) B 14) C 15) B 16) C 17) C 18) D
50Hz (d) when I is equal to one-half its maximum value, 19) D 20) D 21) C 22) C 23) A
(D) i  0, V2 is proportional to i
what is the value of |Q| ? 24) (A),(B),(D) 25) (A),(C),(D)
A. the reading of V1 is 2 5V 151. When an AC source of emf e = E0 sin (100 t) is Column II
26) A, B, C 27) (A),(C),(D)
B. the reading of V2 is 4 5V connected across a circuit, the phase V1 V2
difference between emf e and the current i in 28) (B),(D) 29) (A), (D)
C. the reading of V2 is 2 5V 6mH
30) (A) 31) A 32) (A), (D)
 3F
the circuit is observed to be , as shown in (p) 33) (B),(C),(D) 34) (A),(B),(C)
2 4 V 35) (A),(B) 36) (A, C,D)
D. the value of A is A
5 the diagram. If the current consists possibly 37) (B,C,D) 38) A,D
only of R–C or R–L or L–C in series, find the
148. In a series LCR circuit with an ac source 39) B,C,D 40) (A, B,C, D)
relationship between the two elements. (2003) V1 V2
E0  50V , I rns  0.1 amp, R  300 , 41) D 42) B 43) B 44) A 45) C 46) D
i e 47) A, B,C, D 48) B, C 49) (A)50) (C)
50 6mH 2
frequency v Hz . The average electric (q) 51) (C)52)(A) 53) (C)54) (A)55) (B) 56) (A)

field energy stored in the capacitor and
V 57) (A)58) (A)59) (A)60) (C)61) A 62) B
average magnetic energy stored in the coil are 63) B 64) A 65) C 66) D 67) A 68) B
25 mJ and 5 mJ. Then V1 V2
69) A 70) A 71) A 72) A 73) A 74) D
(a) R  1k, C  10F (b) R  1k, C  1F 75) C 76) B 77) A 78) C 79) C 80) D
A. capacitance C of capacitor is 20F
(c) R  1k, L  10H (d) R  1k, L  1H 6mH 2 81) B 82) B 83) A 84) B 85) D 86) B
B. inductance L of inductor is 2H 87) C 88) B 89) A 90) B 91) A 92) C
152. In an L-R series circuit, a sinusoidal voltage (r)
C. peak voltage of source is 50 V V = V0 sin  t is applied. It is given that L = 35 V 93) C 94) B 95) C 96) D 97) B 98) D
D. the sum of rms voltage across the three elements 
mH, R = 11  , Vrms = 220 V,  /2  = 50 Hz 99) A 100) B 101) D 102) B
is 35.4V and  = 22/7. Find the amplitude of current in V1 V2 103) A-p,s,t B- p,s,tC-p, r D - p, q
149. An LCR series circuit with 100  resistance the steady state and obtain the phase 104) A- R , B - P C - S, D - Q, S
is connected to an AC source of 200V and difference between the current and the 6mH 3F 105) A- R , B - S , C - P, D - Q
angular frequency 300 radians per second. voltage. Also plot the variation of current for (s) 106) A- q, B - s, C- q, r, D - p
When only the capacitance is removed, the one cycle on the given graph. (2004) V
 107) A-S, B-P, R, S, C- Q,S,T, D-Q
current lags behind the voltage by 600 . When V V=V0 somt 108) A-s; B-r; C-p, D-q
only the inductance is removed, the current V1 V2 109) A-r; B-s; C-q; D-p
leads the voltage by 600 . The average power 110) A-p; B-r; C-s; D-q
t 1k 3F
dissipated in LCR circuit T/4 T/2 3T/2 2T 111) A- p, s B - p, t C - q, t D - r, s
A. 200 W B. 100 W C. 50 W D. 400 W V 112) A – s; B – r; C – q; D – p
 113) A-q,r; B-p,s; C-p,r; D-q,s
114) A-p,q,r; B-p,q,s; C-q; D-p,q,r,s 8. Z  R 2  2L2 V 200 R E
13. I R    2A 23. power factor cos   irms  rms ; ER  Ri
115) A-p, s; B-q; C-p, r; D-q R 100 Z Z
R 1 100
116) A-p,q,r,s; B-p,r; C-p,q,r,s; D-r cos      Z  200  24. It is given that in series circuit, instantaneous current
2 2 2 V 200
I'   2A is zero when instantaneous voltage is maximum.
117) A-q, r; B-q, s; C-q, r; D-q, s  R2  2L2  Z 2  2L2  Z 2  R2 X L  X C 100
118) A-Does not match; B-q, r; C-q,r,s; D-p 2
   90o  R  0
 2L2  4  104  100   3  104  L  100 3 I I R2  I '2  2 2 A  circuit may be of pure capacitor, pure inductor
119) C 120) D 121) B 122) A 123) A 124) A
100 3 3 or combination of inductor and capacitor.
125) C 126) C 127) A 128) C 129) 2 130) 5 2    50  L  100 3  L   14. Let: Vs  Vs sin t
 25. At resonance XL  XC and Z = R (minimum)
131) 2 132) 5 133) 4 134) 6 135) 5 136) 1 2  50 
I1  I 01 sin  t   / 2  ; I 2  I 02 sin  t   
9. The current leads in phase by  X C  X L  XL  XC
137) 1 138) 6 139) (A), (B), (C), (D)140) A tan   0   0
141) A, C, D 142) A, B 143) B 144) A   37 0 tan   C ;
145) A, B 146) A, B, C, D I 
147) A, B, D 148) A, B, C, D 149) D 10cos 100 t  37 0   1  X C   2
R   XL  XC 
2 R (maximum).
i   cos 100  37 0
 So phase difference =   2 ; tan  R   2
 
150) (A) 104 A/s (B) zero Z So current is maximum and in phase with applied
(C) 2)0 A (D) 1)732 × 10–4 C V XL voltage.
 I , tan  
151) (A) 152) 20 A, 15. 2
R XL 
2 R
4 27. V  200 sin 100t 
153) A - r,s,t; B-q,r,s,t; C - p,q; D-q,r,s,t XC=XL=6 tan  
XC  X L 3
 Comparing the equation with V  Vo sin t we
R 4 16. Since Z L  Z C . Current will be same,
154) B have peak current
 = 37
LEVEL-VI - HINTS So, VZ L  VZC VL  1 2  30   60 volt 200
 Vo  200volt  Vrms  volt  100 2 volt
RMS & Average value of AC R=8 2
2 The instantaneous potential difference across AB VR  80 1  80 volt
 I dt   100  2f  100   f  50 Hz
1. I  a  b sin t ; I rms  is 2 2
 dt V  VL2  VR2  80    60  100 volt 28. Pav = VrmsIrms cos 
 I m   X C  X L  cos 100 t  37 0  90 0 
AC across L-R, L-C, L-C-R of circuit 2 2 If cos   1 then maximum average power =
2. For an ideal tranformer (100% efficient) The instantaneous potential difference across AB 17. V  I  20  10    X L  X L  X C2 
VrmsIrms = 1000 watt.
is half of source voltage
 Pin put  Poutput V1I1  V2 I 2 2 2 If cos   1then average power will be less than
 6 cos 100 t  53   5 cos100 t
0 100  2  30   30  X L  40
V2 I 2 40 12.5  1000 wattt.
 I1    2.5 A 2 2 2
So correct option is b, d
V1 40  5
cos100 t 

24  50    30    X L  10 
Solving we get 29. Here
1   7 / 24 
2 25 2
 n1 V1 5 V1 
 n  V  1  40 
 X L  10   80  20; X L  10  40; X L  50 0.4
 2 2   Instantaneous potential difference 18. Total resistance R  20  40  60 X L   L  2fL  2  50   40

3. Frquency of the current remains same, only 24 24 The impedance of LCR circuit is given by R = 30 
magnitudes of current changes in a transformer. = 5  volts
25 5 2 2 2 2
4.4 103 Z  R   X L  X C   60  100  20   100 2 2 2 2
 Z  R  X L  30  40  50
11. Since the circuit is at resonance so current in the
4. I s  Ps / Vs  I s   0.4 A
11103 circuit is in the phase with applied voltage. Voltage Power factor, cos   R / Z  60 /100  0.6 Vrms 200
Irms    4A .
Vrms across inductor leads the current by  / 2 and Z 50
I  5.9 amp  1 
5. 2 across a capacitor lags by  / 2 . So the voltage 19. | Erms  Ri  j   L   i 30. R  11, X L  X C  120 
R 2   L   
across resistance is lagging by 900 than the voltage C
VL  I L  148.2 volt. across capacitor. Erms  Ri  j VL  VC  Z  11, I   10 A
12. Voltage across the capacitor and inductor are same 11
6. Resultant voltage = 200 volt
Erms  RI  V  220 V VC  VL  120  10  1200 V ; VR  110 V
Since v1 and v3 out of phase, the resultant voltage i.e., VL  VC  IX L  IX C
I  220 /100  2.2 amp 31. Energy = Average power  time
is equal to v2  v2  200 volt  X L  X C (as they are in series) 2
Erms when resistance is removed, cos   0
1 1  The circuit is in resonance.  z = R 22. Pave  cos  some impedance should be added
fo    1000Hz Hence, the voltmeter reading across resistor will Z  V
7. 2 LC 1 1 in series such that resonance is to be obtained to
  ;  i  0 sin  t   
2    10 6 be 200 V. 2 Z
 4 become power factor unity.
32. V 2  VR2   VL  VC  But VL = VC Vdc 12 V 12 XL V out
43. R    3 ; Z  ac   5 Voltage gain  2 56. As   0,  CR
i 4 i 2.4 R VS
 VR  V  200 V and i   2A
use Z  R 2  2 L2 48. Brightness is proportional to power dissipated Vout
R   , 1
E2 R 57. As VS
33. Vrms = 100 V. Peak value of voltage = 100 2V . After capacitor is connected in series with the coil  P  rms2
2 Z 58. AC ammeters are based on heating effect of
100 2 Z '  R2   X L  X C  current. Heat produced depends on RMS current.
Peak value of current 
 2 2A V 2.0V sin 103 t 
Vac 49. i  R  Hence AC measuring instrument measures its rms
34. In series LCR circuit current remains same.  irms  R 100
P  i2 R value.
Let I  Io sin t VR  IoR sin t Z ' ave rms  2.0  102 A sin 103 t  T /2
V0  1  50. XL  L  103   4H   4.0  103 ohm 59. (a) Vrms  T  V 2dt
    i0   L ~ C  0
VL  Io XL sin  t   ; VC  Io XC sin  t   2 1
 2  2  1  ;   tan   51. Amplitude of voltage across inductor, V0  I0 X L T /2
45. R 2   L    R  2 2 2 2 T
 C   2.0  102 A 4.0  103 ohm = 80 volts Vrms   Vo2dt  .Vo 
   T T 2
VL leads the current by a phase angle of radian. 52. rms value of voltage across the source
2 i  i0 sin  t    Vrms  Vo
 100 2
VC lags behind the current by phase anlge of V1 Vrms   100 Volt T/2
2 2 2 2Vo
(b) Vrms  T  V 2dt 
radian. V2 V0 From question,   1000 rad / s 0 3
VR is in phase with I. V2 VL
46. V Vrms 2Vo
But voltage across series combination of LCR is V   i rms  rms  (c) Vrms   2 Vo
V1 Vr
|Z| R 2  X L  X C 
2 2
= V   VL  VC 
R Power dissipated in the coil is (d) Vrms  Vo So correct option is (a).
P  iV2Cos ..... (1) 
2 2 Area of the graph for time t  0 to T
2  1   1  60. Vav 
35. Z  R   L  ; R 2   L   Time int erval
 C  and V02  V12  V22  2V1V2 cos  ..... (2)  C 
1 T
Vrms V1   2Vo  0
100 VT V
Irms  ; VC  Irms XC and i  ..... (3)  Vav  2 2  o  o
Z R 2 T 2T 2
 1 
36. v1  v2  xL  xC 2
V V V 2 2 1000 
 1000  2   61. P  irms Vrms cos  ; Vrms  260 volt
Solving P  0 1 2  1000  1  106 
1 2R  0.0707 amp Vrms 260 R 10
 f   125 Hz Total power dissipated in the circuit is irms    10 ; P.F. = cos   
2 LC Since the curernt will be same every where in the Z 26 z 26
V circuit, therefore 2
v 200 P '  iV0 cos , i  1  1  
I0  0  = 2A R P.D. across resistor  z  R 2    L    26 
R 100   c  
V1  Vr V1  V2 cos  VR  i rms R  0.0707  1000  70.7 volts  
1 and Cos  V 
v1  v2  IX L  L   L   IL. V0 53. P.D. across inductor  10 
LC 0  P  10  260     1000 w..
2 2 2
VL  i rms XL  0.0707  1000  2  141.4 volt  26 
V V V
2 /  Solving P '  0 1 2
54. P.D. across capalitor VC  i rms X C 1
C  8 106 /   = 1000 volt 47. irms  5 A  0.0707 
 70.7 volts
62. Resonance frequency =
2 LC
1  1000  106 1 1
V  100 250
41. i0  0 ; Z P  R12  X C2 ; Z Q  R22  X L2 Reading of voltmeter  irms R  X c
2 2
VS 2  2 103 
R Vout 
 R 2  2L2 2 102  4 104  4 
55.  1  ;
VP  i0 Z P and VQ  i0 Z Q From this X C  20    10 rad / s
3 R 2   L 
 C  E i0 E

V  X L   L  20 70. i0  and 2 R2   X L  X C 
42. i  , V  i0 L Vout R2  2L2 R2  2L2 R
R L Therefore the circuit is in resonance   2
Vs  1 
 1  103
R2   L  R 2   L 
i  1  Erms  irms R  50V also power factor = 1  
C  Solving 3R   R  30
VC   L    C   6
and 0  C 
0C Tan 45  Av, power  Erms irms cos   250W

1 103 1 N 100   (B) If   r and XL  XC , Z = R.

71. 0  ;L  mH  0.05mH Hence N 2  V  V2   2400  2000 Current I  Io sin  t   The circuit will be resistive in nature, so the current
LC 500  4 2 1 120 2  
0 L 314 97. V1i1  V2i2 (or ) P1  P2 Frequency of current is same as applied voltage. will be in phase with voltage. B  S 
72. Q    10.4

R 30.01 99. Transformer does not work with DC input (C) If   2r then XL  XC . So voltage will lead
Current leads the applied voltage by .
73. RB  3; Z B  5 L 1 2 the current.
100. Tan1  R ; Tan2  CR 104. (A) Square wave having peak value Vo.
When   r , XL  XC .
Z B  RB2  X B2  4; p. f   0.6 1 2
5   1  2 Vav   Vdt  Vo If   2r then
T 0
74.  P  irms RC X 'L   2r  L  2r L  2XL  2XC .
200 2   2

75. RA  6, RB  3, RC  8 i1  sin 100t   2

Vrms  V 2dt  Vrms  Vo So if   2r then new inductive reactance will be
R12   L 
 3 T  0 two times the capacitive reactance in magnitude.
Z A  7, Z B  5, ZC  10
Vo  Vrms  Vav (D) If   r then XL  XC . The circuit will be
R(total) = 6+3+8 = 17 200 2  
and i2  sin  100t   (B) Sinusoidal wave: V = Vo sin t capacitive in nature.
X A  7 2  62  3.6  1 
 6 So the current will lead the applied voltage.
R22    2Vo V
 C  Vav  , Vrms  o T
X B  4; X C  6  2 21
X(total) = 3.6+4+6=13.6  107. Irms  T  I dt
102. At any time total current i  i1  i2  Vo  Vrms  Vav 0

Total impedance = R 2  X 2  21.8 m 103. (A) R-LC circuit at resonance (C) In pure capacitor circuit current leads the T/2
R 17 At resonance, XL  XC  Net reactance = 0.  In half cycle, Iav  T  Idt
Power factor =   0.78 voltage by . 0
Z 21.8 2 2
Z  R2   XL  XC   R 1
87.   BA cos  t (D) Wattless current flows due to reactance of the In full cycle, Iav  T  Idt
If E  Eo sin o t then I  Io sino t where circuit. 0
d (i.e. XL, XC or both)
e  BA sin  t Eo
Now calculate for different wave form.
dt Io  2 Io
R 2  1  (A) Irms 
v BA / 2 105. Z  R   L  2
irms  rms   Frequency of current is saem as frequency of  C 
Z 1 
2 alternating voltage source. 2Io
 2 (a) At resonance, XL  XC . So Z = R = 40 In half cycle, Iav 
L   R X  XC 
 C  tan   L 0  0 (b) At resonance Z = R = 40 ;
R In full cycle, Iav  0 .
0.1 103  63  current is in phase with applied voltage. 200
 Irms   5 A  Io  5 2 A 4Io T
(B) Only resistor in an ac circuit 40 (B) I  t 0t
 1  2
 Frequency of current is same as frequency of T 4
2  63  0.1    10   1 1
 50
 63  0.01   applied voltage. (c) o  LC  4
T /4
T /4
 4Io
 I
Reactance of the circuit is zero. 5  80  10 6 2
Irms 2
t  dt  o

T  I dt  T   T  3
 4.0  10 5 A X XL  oL  50  5  250  0 0

2 2 2
tan   0  0 Io
 B A    R R VL  Irms XL  250  5  1250 volt Irms  In half cycle,
88. E  Vrms irms cos t      50 So current is in phase with applied voltage. 3
 2 Z   Z  (d) At resonance, VR  IR  5  40  200 volt
(C) Only inductor in ac circuit 1 T
Let applied voltage E  Eo sin t  I
area 2 2 o Io
 0.1 2 3 2
10   63 10 50
2 Iav   
    XL XL time T 2
 1 
 5 Current in the circuit, I  Io sin  t  2  , where 2
2  63  0.1   10   8.12  10 J  
 63  0.01  In full cycle Iav  0
Eo 106.
Io  XC
1 1 XL (C) I  Io 0 < t < T/2
89.   LC

 0.1 0.01
 31.6 rad / s
 Frequency of current is same as applied voltage.
 T/2
2 2 2 2 2 T 2
Current lags behind applied voltage. Irms   I dt  T .I   Io ; Irms  Io
N1 N 2 (A) If   r then XL  XC , the circuit will be T
(D) Only capacitor in an a.c. circuit 0
96. V  V (we can see from the table) inductive in nature. So voltage will lead the current.
1 2



T E0 X  XC 2
1  2 3 1
; Tan  L
M M 
 Io 115. i0   133. Initially i   ; i A
a rea R   L 2  R 6  R  4
Z R R   L   2
Ia v   2  Io or 2
R 1     or R 1    
In half cycle, tim e T T   R     R   When R is replaced by L, i does not change
2 2
 I dt 1 5
R 2 R 2  
In full cycle Iav  0 Irms  0
or     1  2v   1 ;  X L  8
121. Definition of rms current, T
L L 2 4  X L2

(D) I = Io 0 < t < T/2  dt R

I=0 T/2 < t < T 0
v 2  1  2kHz 1
2L VL  iX L   8  4V
1 2 1
T/2 T
 1 2
 2 2
Irms  I dt   2
 I dt   0dt   T I
If I  Io sin t then Irms  T 0
I dt ; 130.   1  1
T 0  10 4 rad / s Resonant frequency f0
o o
T 2 2 o
134. Q  
0 T/2
LC 10 2  106
Io T
Band width f 2  f1
 Irms  1 2
In half cycle, Iav = Io. Irms   Io sin tdt  o 10 135. At an instant current in the circuit is
2 T0 2 w  wo  o  9  103 rad/s
In full cycle, Iav = Io/2 100
So both statements are true but statement-2 is not Hence i  3  4 2 sin t
110. Impedance Z  R 2  X 2 correct explanation of statement-1. XL  L  9 103  102  90  T
1 2
122. In a series R-L-C circuit resonance can takes Reading of ammeter is  i  i dt
T 0
Reactance X  X L  X C 1 1
place, because at a particular frequency of ac XC    111.11
C 9  103  106
3 source, the impedance can be minimum. 136. The source voltage is
5 X  XC  XL  111.11  90  21.11
2 2 2
Z  R   XL  XC  V  10 2  10  10   10V
111. (A) V3  5V current is lagging Impedance Z  R2  X2  3 2   21.112
0 Resonance means current is maximum 
4 Z  21.32  After capacitor is short circuited, let V1 be voltage
Impedance is minimum  XL  XC . across each of inductor, resistor
4 15 i 2
-370 123. In series R-L-C circuit Z  R2   XL  XC 2 Io  2
 0.704 A ; Pav  irmsR R o
21.32 2 10  V12  V12  2V1 ; V1 
At resonance I should be maximum 1 2
(B) 5 V3  5V Voltage is lagging 2
  0.704   3  0.74 watt
 Impedance Z should be minimum = 125 12.5
3  XL  XC and the minimum impedance is R (at 137. 2 50 L  ; L 
W 9  103 10 100
3 resonance) f  cycle / s So energy per cycle
2 2 125
124. Z  R2   XL  XC 2 and R   10
0.74 12.5
 5.16  10 4  5  10 4 Joules / cycle
3 In the series combination of L and R
(C) V3  1V Voltage is lagging 1 =  9  10 
At resonance XL  XC  oL   C  2  100 100 10
o i  
4 131. When frequency of supply is equal to natural 2
1 1 R 2   2 40 L  2
10  10 2
4 2foL   fo  frequency,
 2foC 2 LC NBA
then XL  XC . Z  R2   XL  XC 2  R 138. i0 
Resonance frequency depends on L and C. R
(D) 3V  7V Current is lagging V V 2 200  200 139. (a) Amplitude of current is maximum at resonance
3 VM2 Pav  VIcos   V. 1 
129. In case of direct current, PDC  R R 20 frequency.
The impedance of LR circuit is Pav  2000 watt  2kW 1 1
112. ER  Ri and i  5 A fr    663 Hz
132. To find the impedance of the circuit, we first 2 LC 2  3.14 0.12  480  10 9
Z  R2  XL2  R2  2L2
EC  X C i ; EL  X L i calculate X L and X C . Vrms 230
The voltage of AC source means RMS voltage VM VM Irms    10A Io  Irms . 2  14.14 A
 IM  Z  X L  2fL R 23
2 R 2  2L2 3 (b) Resonance frequency, power absorbed by
E  ER2   EL  EC   2  3.14  50  25.48  10   8
VM2R circuit is maximum.
 PAC  IMR  1 1 So f = 663 Hz.
1 R  2L2
2 XC    4
 1  2 fC 2  3.14  50  796  106
; 
114. Z  R    L  2 2
R  10  23  2300 watt
  C  LC According to the problem, PDC  PAC Therefore,
Pav  Irms
r L R
Z  R 2  (X L  X C ) 2  32  (8  4) 2  5 (c) Q factor =  r   
2 R 2L

  

 95.833 tan  
 1  

(lagging) b) The current leads in phase by  X C  X L  2  I 

2  0.12 0.24 R 4 0
  Ir R    I r L  r 
144. As the current lags behind the potential difference,   37  C 
Let f be half power frequency.
the circuit contains resistance and inductance. 10cos 100 t  37 0  2
2  f ~ fo   95.833  f ~ fo  15 Hz  102   20  20   10 volts
Power, P = vrms × irms × cos  ; i   cos 100  37 0 
f  fo  15  663  15  648 Hz and 678 Hz Z After the inductor is shorted
1 1 Io V Vs 10 2
I2R  Pmax  Io2R  I   10 Amp i rms  rms , where Z  [(R 2  (L) 2 )] Ir    A
2 2 2 Z XC  X L 3 2 1 25  10 5
XC=XL=6 tan    R  2 2
(d) Q factor  R 4
1 L 1 0.12 2
Vrms  cos  v 2  cos   = 37
=   21.7 P or Z  rms ; v1  I r R  2 5 volts; v2   4 5 volts
R C 23 480  109 Z P R=8 c
V 2
The instantaneous potential difference across AB 148. Av.Electric field energy =
I (220)  0.8 is
140. Z  R 2  XC2 , R2  XC2
So, Z   70.4 ohm 1 2  3
550  I m   X C  X L  cos 100 t  37 0  900   CVrms   25 10 J
2 
V I' R X 2 2 R
I'   C Now, power factor cos   or R = Z cos   6 cos 100 t  530  1 2
 C  I rms X C   25  103 J

R 2  3XC2  I R2  9XC2
The instantaneous potential difference across AB 2
 R = 70.4 × 0.8 = 56.32 ohm
Further, is half of source voltage. 1 1
1 R 2  X 2C  C I 02  25 10 3 J
 ; R2  9XC2  4R 2  4X2C 2 2 v 2 c 2
4 R2  9XC2  6 cos 100 t  530   5 cos100 t 2
Z 2  R 2  (L) 2 or (L)  (Z2  R 2 ) Or
 C  20  F
XC 3 7 1  17 
5X2C  3R2 ;  L  (70.4)2  (56.32) 2  42.2 ohm Solving, Tan 100t   t  Tan 1   1 2 
R 5 24 100  24  Average magnetic energy  LI rms   L  2H
When the capacitor is connected in the circuit, 2 
V 146. Let I r be the rms current through the circuit then
141. Z  R2   XL  XC 2 ; Irms   2
1   2  5  103
2  I L 
Z   R 2   L    and I r  2 A, r  20V , I rC  20 V and I r R  10V 2 L =1 heriry
Impedance of coil = Z1  R2  XL2   C   C .10 
Solving we get VR  I rms R  VC  50V = VL  I rms L
Potential drop across the coil R
cos   1 1
= Irms Z1  Irms R  X 2 2 R  5, C   103 F and L = H 1
L  2  2
1    10   .10  
 R   L     .10  .300  50 
Potential drop across capacitor = VC  Irms XC   C    Vs  source voltage = 2   .20 106
142. Total resistance R  50  2  52   t
1  1  50
Ir  R2  L  
L = 0.3 H, C  40  106 F when cos   1, L   C    .10   2 I 
C 2
2 I 
Z  R2   XL  XC  ; 2 
1 1   Ir R    Ir L  r   VR  30V  VC  50V  VL  10V
 C   C 
XL  L  2    50  0.3  30  (L) 2f (L) 50
rsm voltage of source Erms 
1 1 1  102   20  20   10 volts
XC    250   6
C 2    50  40  106 (2  3.14  50)  (42.2)  75  10 F  75F 147. Let I r be the rms current through the circuit then  Erms  35.36V
XC  XL so current leads the applied voltage. 145. I 150. (a) 104 A/s (b) zero (c) 2.0 A
XL=2  XC=8 8 I r  2 A, r  20V , I rC  20 V and I r R  10V (d) 1.732 × 10–4 C
Z  R2   XL  XC  
 52 
  30  250  
A C
Solving we get This is a problem of L – C oscillations
Vrms Charge stored in the capacitor oscillates simple
Irms  1 1
R  5, C   103 F and L = H harmonically as Q = Q0 sin (  t ±  )
2 
 10 Here, Q0 = maximum value of
E R E2 R 2  Vs  source voltage = Q = 200  C = 2 × 10–4 C
Pav  ErmsIrms cos   Erms rms   rms a) Impedance of circuit = R2   X C  X L 
2 2 2 2 1
1  1
 = = (2  10–3 H )(5.0  106 F ) = 104 s–1
300 Z  82   8  2   10
Ir  R2    L   LC
143. XL  2fL  2   1  300  ; R  300   C 
2 Let at t = 0, Q = Q0 then … (1)
Q(t) = Q­0 cos  t V  220 2 stv 
dQ v, t
I= = – Q0  sin  t and …(2) t  20 sin (t /4)
dt 20
0 T 9T/8
dI t
= –Q0  2 cos (  t) …(3) T/8 T/4 T/2 5T/2
dt 10 2
Q0 1
(a) When Q = 100  C or , cos t 
2 2
From Eq. (3) : 153. In the Circuit (P), as i is the steady state
dI 1 current, V1  0, i  0 . Hence V2  V .
–4 4 –1 2  
= (2.0 × 10 C)(10 s ) 2 So (P)  C,
dI In the Circuit (Q), in the steady state, V1  0 as
dt = 10 A/s
(b) When Q = 200  C or Q0 then cos (  t) = 1  0 . So V2  V  iR
i.e.,  t = 0, 2  ….
or I = 0 (OR) V2  i and V2  V1
(c) Imax = Q0  = (2.0 × 10–4 C)(104 s–1) So (Q)  B,C,D.
Imax = 2.0 A In the Circuit (R), the inductive reactance
(b) From energy conservation. X L   L  6  101  and resistance
1 2 1 1 Q2 R = 2 .
LI max = LI2 + or Q = 2
LC ( I max  I2)
2 2 2 C So V1  iX L and V2  iR . Hence V2  V1 .
I So (R)  A,B,D.
I = max = 1.0 A
In the circuit (S), V1  iX L and V2  iX c , Where
 Q = (20  103 )(5.0  106 )(22  I 2 )
10 4
Q = 3 × 10–4 C or Q = 1.732 × 10–4 C Xc  . So V2  V1 and V1  i also, V2  i .
151. (a) 3
Current leads voltage in RC cobination. So (S)  A,B,D
XC 1  In the circuit (T), V1  iR , where R  1000  ,
tan    1  
R CR 4 10 4
and V2  i X c with X c 
 3
152. 20 A,
4 So V2  V1 and V1  i also, V2  i .
Inductive reactance So (T)  A,B,D
XL =  L = (50)(2  )(35 × 10–3) » 11
1 So (A) - r,s,t; (B) - q,r,s,t;
Impedance Z= R 2  X L2 = (11) 2  (11)2 = 11 2  (C) - p,q; (D) - q,r,s,t
Given vrms = 220 volt di q
Hence, amplitude of voltage Note: For circuit (p), V  L   0
dt C
v0 = 2 vrms = 220 2 volt
di d 2i dq
 Amplitude of current OR CV  CL  q  0  CL 2  OR
dt dt dt
v0 220 2
i0 = = = 20 A d 2i 1 dq  1 
Z 11 2 t   .
Phase difference
 So, i  io sin 
dt 2 CL dt  CL 
 XL   11   As per given conditions, there will be no steady
f = tan–1  R  = tan–1  11  = 4 state in circuit .p.. So it should not be
 
In L – R circuit voltage leads the current. considered in options of .c..
Hence, instantaneous current in the circuit is, Vrms
i = (20A) sin (  t –  /4) i 
154. rms 1 when  increases, irms
Corresponding i – t graph is shown in figure. R2  2 2
increases so the bulb glows brighter


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