3 Navigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.1 SAP Business Client (NWBC) Navigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
My Home Work Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Setup Work Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Access Management Work Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Reports and Analytics Work Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2 Fiori Launchpad Navigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6 Cross-Component Topics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
6.1 Maintaining Important Roles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
6.2 Profiles and Logons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
End User Logon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Administrator Logon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Your Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6.3 Custom Fields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
6.4 Special Privileges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
6.5 Background Jobs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Background Scheduler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Scheduling Background Jobs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Product Information
SAP Access Control is an enterprise software application that enables organizations to control access and
prevent fraud across the enterprise, while minimizing the time and cost of compliance. The access control
solution is an add-on to SAP NetWeaver, and works with SAP applications and other applications, such as SAP
Finance, SAP Sales and Distribution, Oracle, and JDE. The access control solution provides a framework for
managing application authorization functions.
Key Capabilities
Manage Access
• Self-service, automated access requests
• Workflow-driven approval process
• Embedded risk analysis simulations to “stay clean”
• Automated provisioning to enterprise applications
Maintain Role
• Rely on a configurable methodology for role definition and maintenance
• Define roles in business terms and align with business processes
• Analyze and optimize business roles
Certify Authorizations
• Automate periodic user-access review
• Certify role content and assignment to users
• Automate review of mitigating control assignments
Monitor Privileges
• Manage emergency access
• Review user and role transaction usage details
• Get proactive notification of conflicting or sensitive action usage
• Customize dashboards and reports
• SAP S/4HANA On-Premise
• SAP SuccessFactors
• SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll
• SAP Process Control
• SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list of
enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 21 - Master Note: 3311870 .
• To view the complete list of corrections, refer to 2206105 . To access corrections, refer to the
instructions in the Resolution section of the note.
Enhanced Features
• In Access Request, you can now include risks associated with the Firefigher ID (FFID) while performing risk
analysis. For more information, refer to SAP Note 3295064 .
• Administrators can now use functional updates for GRAC_FIREFIGHTER_SESSION (Transaction code:
GRAC_FFSESSION) report. For details, go to SAP Note 3326827 .
• Firefighter users can now have several consecutive firefighter ID user sessions within a single firefighter
session. In addition, sessions can be now closed by using the new logoff functionality. For more
information, refer to SAP Note 3318926 . Two new configuration parameters 4028 and 4029 have been
The parameter 4028 enables you to add an absolute URL of your own Terms and Conditions. The URL is
displayed as a button on the Reason Code screen.
The parameter 4029 allows you to set Acceptance of Terms and Conditions to mandatory in the EAM
Logon Pad.
• You can query session details such as firefighter object, connector, firefighter user in the Initatior rule of the
Firefighter Log Report as the Workflow ID is now stored in the External Key of the Workflow header. For more
details, refer to SAP Note 3317364 .
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
You can log into the access control solution via SAP Fiori Launchpad (FLP), SAP Business Client (NWBC), or
SAP Enterprise Portal (Portal). Your system administrators sets this up for you during the product instalaltion.
NWBC is an SAP user interface that offers a seamless integration of classic SAP GUI-based transactions and
Web Dynpro-based applications.
Using SAP Enterprise Portal, organizations can give their employees, customers, partners, and suppliers a
single point of access to the company applications, services, and information needed for conducting daily
The SAP Fiori Launchpad displays various tiles that provide a graphical entry point to your applications. Which
tiles are displayed depends on the user’s role.
For simplicity, this guide describes navigation paths from the SAP Business Client (NWBC) perspective. All
paths lead to the same applications no matter which navigation method you are using: SAP Business Client
(NWBC), SAP Fiori Launchpad, or SAP Enterprise Portal.
In the Business Client and Portal, related activities and tasks are grouped into blocks called work centers,
which are located at the top of the screen.
In the FLP, the related activities and tasks are grouped into blocks called catalogs.
In the SAP Business Client interface, the main features of the application are grouped in work centers. Work
centers are groupings of related activities and tasks, and appear at the top of the main screen.
• My Home
• Setup
• Access Management
• Reports and Analytics
The application provides a standard set of work centers. However, your system administrator can
customize them according to your organization's internal structures.
The My Home work center provides a location to view and act on your assigned tasks, and accessible objects.
• Work Inbox
You can view the workflow tasks assigned to you.
• My Delegation
You can delegate temporary approval of your workflow tasks to another person.
• Application Help
You can access Application Help.
• My Profile
You can create and track your access requests, view your access assignments, and manage your security
This topic covers Access Control functions. The menu groups and quick links are determined by your
More Information
To process a task, select a hyperlink in the table. The workflow window opens. Process the task as required.
To change the displayed columns, choose Settings, maintain the columns as required, and save the view.
You use the Simplified Work Inbox to view the access requests that require approval.
You can also use the regular work inbox to process access requests. For more information, see Work Inbox
[page 14].
1. Using the slider bar or the date input boxes, select a date or a date range for the requests.
2. (Optional) Select a category such as New Account to narrow your search.
3. (Optional) Select a number of results to show per page.
4. (Optional) Select a sort criterion such as Request Number or Requested By. The system retrieves the
requests that match your criteria.
5. Click a request number to drill into its details. Or click the flag icon to mark a request for follow up.
Your system administrator must configure your system for the simplified access request processes.
On the Approver Delegation screen, you can assign your task of approving a request to another user.
1. On the My Home work center, under the My Delegation menu group, choose Approver Delegation.
2. Choose Delegate to select a user. The Delegate Approver Details screen appears.
3. Select the ID for the approver, the validity dates, and the status of the approver.
4. Choose Save. My Profile
You can use My Profile to create and track your access requests, view your access assignments, and manage
your security settings.
In this section, the information is read-only. This information is maintained in the user data source
If you are using the End User Logon, on the End User Home screen, choose the My Profile quick link.
2. To filter the list by status, select the Status dropdown list, and then choose the relevant status.
3. To create or change the access request for an existing assignment, in the Select (first) column, select the
checkbox for the relevant items, and then choose Request Access.
To create an access request for a new assignment or one that is not on your list, choose Request Access
without selecting any items.
You can use the Request Status quick link to view the status for access requests you created. The requests may
be for you or on another person's behalf.
1. From the My Home screen, under the My Profile menu group, choose Request Status.
You can also access this function as follows: from the Access Management work group, under the
Access Request menu group, choose Request Status.
The MSMP Instance Status screen appears, and displays information about the request, such as Created
By, Creation Date, Path Status, Approvers of Selected Path, and Audit Log.
4. To open an access request, select the request and open it. Depending on the status of the request, you can
edit the request. For example, you have a request to Create a Mitigation Assignment. You can create a
control for it. However, if the request is pending, then the buttons are disabled.
5. To view logs, select the request, and then choose View Provisioning Logs.
• The administrator has maintained the password self–service option in the Customizing activity Maintain
Password Self Service, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control User Provisioning .
On the Reset Password screen, you can maintain your user passwords for specific systems.
1. From the My Home screen, choose the Reset Password quick link to open the Reset Password screen.
If you are using the End User Logon, on theEnd User Home screen, choose the Password Self Service
quick link.
The administrator can set the requirement that a minimum number of questions must be answered.
For example, require that answers to a minimum of three security questions must be provided to allow
resetting of passwords. For more information, see the Customizing activity Maintain Password Self
Service, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control User Provisioning .
3. Choose Add to select the systems for which you want to change your user password.
The screen displays all the systems for which you have a valid account. Select the relevant systems and
choose OK.
4. Choose Submit and then close the screen.
The application sends the link to a new temporary password to you in an e-mail. The application provides a
separate link for each system. You can use the temporary password to log on to the system and change the
For security purposes, the link to the temporary password can be used only once. You can specify the
period of time (in seconds) that the password is visible. You maintain the setting in the Customizing
activity Maintain Provisioning Settings, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control
User Provisioning .
On the Name Change screen, you can change your user name for specific systems.
If you are using the End User Logon, choose the Name Change quick link on the End User Home screen.
The administrator has maintained the password self-service option in the Customizing activity Maintain
Password Self Service, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control User Provisioning .
On the Security Questions screen, you can maintain the security questions used to confirm your identity when
resetting your user passwords.
1. From the My Home screen, choose the Register Security Questions quick link to open the Security
Questions screen.
If you are using the End User Logon, on the End User Home screen, choose the Register Self Service
Questions quick link.
The Setup work center provides a central location to perform one time or infrequent setup activities such as
creating access rule sets, creating mitigating rules, and so on.
This topic covers Access Control functions. The menu groups and quick links are determined by your
Use the Access Control Owners link to maintain what roles people are assigned to. You can assign a user to a
new role and/or delete existing ones. You can also download the information to a spreadsheet.
Role Description
Firefighter Role Owner Firefighter Role Owners are responsible for maintaining fire-
fighter roles and their assignments to firefighters.
Risk Owner Risk Owners are assigned to risks and are commonly re
sponsible for approving changes to risk definitions and viola
tions of the risk. Risk Owners may also receive conflicting
and critical action alerts.
Role Owner Role owners are responsible for approving either role con
tent or user-role assignment or both.
Mitigation Approvers Mitigation Approvers are assigned to controls and are re
sponsible for approving changes to the control definition and
assignments when workflow is enabled.
Firefighter Role Controller Firefighter Role Controllers are responsible for reviewing the
log report generated during firefighter role usage.
Security Lead Security Lead is a group or individual that can provide secon
dary approval for access requests and reviews.
Companies use the roles that apply to their business. Some companies will not use all of the roles or
perhaps combine roles. Contact your system administrator if the data is not as expected
Related Information
The Access Management work center provides a central location to perform tasks such as monitoring, testing,
and enforcing access and authorization controls.
This topic covers Access Control functions. The menu groups and quick links are determined by your
The Reports and Analytics work center provides a central location for reports and dashboards. It includes
alerts, user analysis, audit reports, and so on.
This topic covers Access Control functions. The menu groups and quick links are determined by your
Related Information
The SAP Fiori Launchpad displays various tiles that provide a graphical entry point to your applications. Which
tiles are displayed depends on the user’s role.
Home Page
The SAP Fiori launchpad displays a home page with tiles that can display live status indicators such as the
number of open tasks. Each tile represents a business application that the user can launch. The launchpad is
role-based, displaying tiles according to your role.
The tiles on the home page are arranged in groups that you can personalize by grouping, moving, and removing
tiles. You can also add, delete, rename, and reorder groups. The tile catalog lists all the tiles that are available to
use. For more information, see the Related Links section.
You begin by accessing your home page as the entry point for your work. Here, you select one of the SAP
Access Control overview tiles:
The illustration above shows a mockup of a Fiori Launchpad home page. In this example, you have access to
the EAM, Role Management, Access Request, and Access Risk Analysis capabilities of SAP Access Control.
This illustration is only an example. Your page may look slightly different.
The illustration above represents the types of tiles that you see on an overview page. There are several different
types of tiles, including analytical tiles and list tiles.
Analytical Tiles
The Firefighter Activity and the Firefighter Usage by System tiles are examples of analytical tiles. They show
up-to-date information on key indicators for EAM. You can click on the tile’s header to navigate directly to the
related SAP Access Control report.
List Tiles
The EAM Reports tile is an example of a list tile. Each list item on the tile links to the corresponding report or
transaction in SAP Access Control.
Related Information
Herein are the What's New information for previous support packages.
Technical Data
• Ability to generate roles for SAP S/4HANA and other external systems using a menu hierarchy in PFCG
• Feature corrections. For the full list of included corrections, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support
Package 01 - Master Note: 2622112 ..
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality. No new features were introduced. For
the full list of included corrections, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 02 - Master Note:
2663021 .
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 03 - Release
Information Note: 2731873 .
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 04 - Master Note:
Enhanced Features
• A feature has been implemented that allows managers to quickly review individual users and their
corresponding assignments in different user access review requests. To use this functionality, you must
set the IMG configuration parameter 2064 to Yes.
• In the SAP SuccessFactors system, it is now possible to synchronize and provision users with user
mapping if the USER ID is different from the SAP USER ID. To this end, a new configuration parameter
1055 has been introduced.
• The configuration parameter 1051 has been updated. It now specifies that depending on the number of
violations for each object (user/role/profile), the actual number of analytics data objects may be different,
as the file will not be split for the same object.
• Previously, an approver had to click the risk analysis button manually and wait for the result. To facilitate
this process, risk analysis in the background has now been enabled after an approval step in an access
• When one approver forwards a UAR request to another approver, the audit log previously showed only
the approver's ID. The audit log now displays the approver's full name. The purpose of this is to increase
accuracy and provide more information about approvers in UAR requests.
• Firefighting has previously been limited to SAP back-end systems. As applications move to Web-based
front ends, the Emergency Access Management feature for firefighting can now be implemented for
applications that use a Web GUI.
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 05 - Master Note:
Enhanced Features
• Previously, no mechanism was available to integrate business roles between SAP Identity Management
and SAP Access Control. SAP Access Control now provides a business role concept, which enables
you to export the technical role definitions from SAP Identity Management to SAP Access Control and
import the simplified business role definitions from SAP Access Control to SAP Identity Management. To
import and export these roles, an asynchronized communication channel that belongs to the SAP Identity
Management’s web service application programming interface (API) is used.
• The Action Usage report can now quickly execute a search in the foreground and/or background. In
addition, the performance code has been optimized and provides an option to import a list of users, roles
or transaction codes.
• An entry with Mitigation Assignment Request has been created in the audit log for Access Request. In
addition, a link to access request numbers in the Mitigation Assignment Request has also been provided.
So requesters and approvers now have access to appropriate information that makes audit easier.
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 06 - Master Note:
Enhanced Features
• To simplify the search and review process, a link has been provided between an access request created to
access the Firefigher (FFID) and the Firefighter log. When searching for the Firefigher log review request,
you will find the corresponding request number in the parent number column that is shown in the result
• Previously, no mechanism was available to perform the Risk Analysis asynchronously during a request
approval. A new option called Async is now available for RA Mandatory at the stage level in the workflow
• Action Usage Sync program captures the information of Web-dynpro components and BSP applications
executed in the system.
• You now can access a report to check the implementation of the GRC HANA Plugin and resolve basic
installation issues.
• Previously, the Approver could take action on indirect assignments shown in the user access request.
These assignments are no longer visible now.
• You can use the Firefighter for a HANA Plugin and now logon to the WebIDE with a new timeout feature.
This allows you to configure a timeout value that cancels the logon process if it does not finish within the
configured amount of time.
• We now offer a flexible solution to configure our background jobs in your systems. You can now use
BAdIs to take care of your business needs as required. The new BAdIs enable you to implement proper
connections, authorizations and own checks whenever a job is executed. For instance, you can use them to
connect to a plug-in system. You can now implement them for the EAM Master Data Sync, Firefighter Log
Sync, Role Usage Sync, Authorization Sync and Action Usage Sync and Repository Object Sync.
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 07 - Master Note:
Enhanced Features
• In the SAP Access Control Configuration Settings, when the value of the configuration parameter 2006 for
UAR Review is set to ROLE OWNER, the role owners can review UAR requests. Previously, role owners were
able to review requests for which they were role content approvers. Approving their own requests meant
that segregation of duties was violated. The parameter value has now been validated and does not let role
owners review their own requests.
• Indirect assignments are now no longer visible in the User Acces Review Request.
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 08 - Master Note:
Enhanced Features
• You can now provision information for Session Client to a user that you have created in HANA. A new BADI
is now available that needs to be implemented.
• User business roles can now be automatically synchronized from SAP Identity Management to SAP Access
Control. The business roles must be created in SAP Business Role Management for the synchronization to
be successful. The new configuration parameter 4023 must be set to Yes to achieve this functionality.
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 09 - Master Note:
Enhanced Features
• A new field called Timezone has been introduced in the user interface for Access Request. End User
personalization (EUP) settings can be maintained for the Timezone.
• A new report is now available for mass cancellation of UAR and SOD requests pending in the Admin Review.
• A new report for deleting Firefighter log data has been created. It can be executed for specific connectors
within the given timeframes.
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 10 - Master Note:
2957411 .
Enhanced Features
• A new configuration parameter 6002 has been introduced. To improve the performance, the UAR request
generation job uses the CDS Approach to generate requests. The parameter must be set to Yes to achieve
this functionality.
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 11 - Master Note:
2957379 .
• SAP Fiori for SAP AC 1.0 (UIGRAC01 100) can now be installed on SAP Fiori front-end server 2020 (FES).
You can download the Attribute Change Package (ACP) for UIGRAC01 100 from SAP Service Marketplace.
The current file name of the ACP is PAT-File I720020751259_0141410.PAT.
Enhanced Features
• Enhancement spot (GRCPI/GRIA_BADI_FF_VALIDATE) has been created to validate reason codes and
actions in a decentralized logon pad.
• A new configuration parameter 2065 has been introduced. The parameter allows UAR approvers to take
actions on their own assignments.
• Overview Pages (OVP) are now available for GRC Access Control dashboards. For more information, refer
to SAP Notes 3004415 and 3004501 .
• SAP GRC standard rules updates for SAP Access Risk Management are now available. For more
information, see SAP Note 3010795 .
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 12 - Master Note:
3009949 .
Enhanced Features
• New user interface is now available for GRC Access Control Dashboards that previously used Adobe Flash
application. For more information, refer to SAP Note 3007640 .
• Information on SAP S/4HANA Foundation that is relevant only for SAP Access Control 12.0 is available
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 13 - Master Note:
3027779 .
Enhanced Features
• Approvers can now add LINK_APPROVE_REJECT notification variable to notifications for Risk and Function
Maintenance Workflow. This option enhances the customer experience as approvers are guided directly to
the approval request. For more information, refer to SAP Note 3041085 .
• You can now remove all existing roles once a user is terminated via SAP SuccessFactors HR Trigger
Request. For details, see SAP Note 3039955 .
• With this feature, you can map fields from SAP SuccessFactors OData services with the user detail fields
via User Mapping for Connector Action 004. Further details are available in SAP Note 3028627 .
• This enhancement allows you to retain SAP HANA common roles if they are assigned to a user via different
business roles. See SAP Note 3043236 for more information.
• This enhancement helps you to retrieve changes related to SE16N_CD_KEY and SE16N_CD_DATA during
EAM Log Sync. Refer to SAP Note 3029257 for details.
• With this feature, you can use a dedicated/single Firefighter ID (FFID) per system via Access Request to
assign a firefighter. Details information is available in SAP Note 3036192 .
• After executing activities via Firefigher sessions in SAP HANA database, you can configure EVENT
ACTIONS either in Change Log or Audit Log. For more details, refer to SAP Note 3033650 .
• For Action Usage data or Firefighter, the OData usage is now available in Action Usage reports. For details,
refer to SAP Note 2901403 .
• In User Access Review (UAR), you now have the option of including organization assignments in
UAR request. The reviewer can also review indirect assignments. See SAP Note 3031693 for more
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 14 - Master Note:
3065742 .
Enhanced Features
• A new configuration parameter 4026 has been introduced. With this parameter, you can configure
connectors that use dedicated/single Firefighter ID requests.
• You can now open the Firefighter Log Review request that has been generated in the Consolidated Log
For more information, refer to SAP Note 3023514 .
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 15 - Master Note:
3090101 .
• You can now view Access Risk Analysis simulation for SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud roles
inAccess Request via the IAG Bridge Cloud: SAP (on-premise), SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance, and
Cloud Applications. For more information, refer to SAP Note 3119579 .
• When you submit Risk Change Request or Function Change Request, you can now view the planned
changes in the new Changes to Review tab. Refer to SAP Note 3077118 for details.
• The Save as Draft button is now enabled, provided that the current workflow stage in the workflow path is
not in the Reviewer Stage. Refer to SAP Note 3077118 for details.
• Supplementary Rules for SAP HANA Database is now enabled. You can create Supplementary Rules for
your SAP HANA Database plugin. For more information, see SAP Note 3094902 .
• You can now select a ticket number from a dropdown list for the Firefighter session that is open in the
decentralised scenario. More details are available in SAP Note 3089849 .
• A new Submit and Close button is available. You can now approve, submit, and close the Firefighter Log
Report Review Workflow by choosing just one button. Further details are available in SAP Note 3093370 .
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 16 - Master Note:
3066153 .
• This enhancement supports a new role type for SAP Concur (Entitlement) for Access Request scenario
in SAP Access Control using IAG Bridge Cloud: SAP AC 12.0 (on-premise), SAP Cloud Identity Access
Governance, and Cloud Applications. For more information, refer to SAP Note 3146713 .
• This feature allows SAP Access Control to integrate with SAP Concur using IAG Bridge Cloud: SAP AC 12.0
(on-premise), SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance, and Cloud Applications. For details, see SAP Note
3137551 .
• This enhancement helps you to create a new tool to detect time differences between your main GRC
system and your Plugin system. The report checks the previous timestamp of the GRC system and
retrieves the timestamp of the plugin system (Plugin) and then checks it against the the post timestamp of
the main GRC system. Further details are available in SAP Note 3128335 .
• With this feature, you can now view functions of risks and corresponding actions taken on those risks in
SoD Review History Report. See SAP Note 3126640 for more information.
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 17 - Master Note:
3058202 .
• Using the Search Request for Firefighter Log Report Reviews, you can now carry out authorization checks
for authorization object GRAC_FFOBJ.
The number of requests for Firefighter Log Report Reviews that you can view depends on the kind of
access you have. If you have unlimited access, all requests for authorizations are displayed. If you have
limited access, you can only view requests that you can authorize. For more information, refer to SAP Note
3168053 .
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 18 - Master Note:
3229804 .
Enhanced Features
• This enhancement helps you to update and reset existing information in GRAUSER table. Make sure to run
Repository Sync again. For more information, refer to SAP Note 3203333 .
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality and enhancements. For the full list
of corrections and enhancements, see the SAP Access Control 12.0 Support Package 19 - Master Note:
3265702 .
• This enhancement helps you to schedule a single background job for multiple connectors. For more
information, refer to SAP Note 3108075 .
• In this enhancement, the table GRACFFUSERARC stores all assignments made in Firefighters or Firefighter
IDs or those for which access requests were created. These records are then displayed in Historical
Firefighter Assignments that can be found in Emergency Access User Management Reports under the
Reports and Analytics tab. For more information, refer to SAP Note 3105586 .
• This enhancement enables you to retrieve user groups for specific users during Repository Synch when you
use these groups in your HANA Plugin system. For more information, refer to SAP Note 3240011 .
• You can now access functional updates for GRAC_FIREFIGHTER_SESSIONS (transaction:
GRAC_FFSESSION). For more information, refer to SAP Note 3253221 .
• User details are now passed to SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance when you update Business Role
Assignments. For more information, refer to SAP Note 3264810 .
• In SAP Access Control 12.0, when you create multiple user access requests for IAG Bridge scenario, user
details are updated for individual users. For more information, refer to SAP Note 3245485 .
• When all line items are set to rejected, Access Request is closed. For more information, refer to SAP Note
3229145 .
• For Risk Analysis in Access Request, case sensitivity for user IDs is taken into account and shown correctly
on the Risk Analysis screen. For more information, refer to SAP Note 3220312 .
• For Concur connector, the role type Concur Product is displayed in the Provisioning Report in the SAP Cloud
Identity Access Governance solution. For more information, refer to SAP Note 3165769 .
• Now when you run Risk Analysis with roles relating to SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance, all risks are
displayed because resource IDs for the cloud solution are defined. For more information, refer to SAP Note
3235946 .
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
Technical Data
New Features
• This support package contains corrections to existing functionality. No new features were introduced. For
the full list of included corrections, see Note: 2206105 . To access the details, refer to the instructions in
the Resolution section of the note.
More Information
For more information, see also the technical guides for SAP Access Control.
You can implement your company’s policies for managing emergency access in Emergency Access
Management (EAM). Users can create self-service requests for emergency access to systems and applications.
Business process owners can review requests for emergency access and grant access. Compliance persons
can perform periodic audits of usage and logs to monitor compliance with company policies. For more
information, see Creating Roles and EAM Terminology [page 48].
• Verify with your Administrator if your system is ID-based or Role-based. For more information, see .
• Track and approve requests for emergency access through a formal, documented process.
• Review the intended and actual usage of emergency access in a formal, documented process.
Investigate any differences between intended and actual usage.
• Implement a periodic audit of Firefighter ID usage and logs. Verify that Firefighter activities are
documented and reviewed, and that exceptions are investigated according to policy.
The Business Process Owner is the person assigned to these duties according to business need. For
example, a Firefighter ID owner or a Firefighter Role Owner may be assigned to approve the Firefighter
request. A Controller may be assigned to review the Firefighter activities.
The result of this process is that a process for requesting, granting and monitoring emergency access is in
Emergency Access Management Overview helps you to manage your firefighter roles by giving you up-to-date
information on key metrics and reports using analytical and list tiles.
Analytical tiles, such as Firefighter Activity, display a graphical overview of key metrics and allow you to drill
down into the supporting detail.
List tiles, such as Emergency Access Reports, contain links to the corresponding report or transaction in SAP
Access Control
The information and tilesdisplay depend on your role and the privileges and permissions associated with it.
For descriptions and procedures to configure emergency access management, see the Emergency Access
Management Configuration Guide, on the SAP Access Control 12.0 product page:
Before you request emergency access, your administrator must have previously set-up the Emergency Access
Management functionality. The administrator can also inform you if you will be using ID-based Firefighting or
Role-based Firefighting. For more information, see Accessing Systems to Perform Firefighting Activities [page
You can request emergency access to systems in your SAP landscape to perform firefighting. To create a
request for emergency access, you use the main access request creation process, and specify that you want to
be assigned a Firefighter ID or Firefighter Role.
1. On the User Access tab page, choose Add and select from the following:
• Firefighter ID
• Firefighter Role
When requesting a Firefighter ID or a Firefighter Role, you can filter the search using System and Action
Code. If you use Action Code, you must also specify the System. For both Firefighter ID and Firefighter
Role requests, the owner(s) displays in the Assignment Approver column.
2. Choose Submit.
On the Access Request screen, approvers can review, reject, change, or approve access requests.
System administrators can configure the buttons and fields that approvers can see. For example, you
can allow approvers to add roles to a request.
System administrators can configure the application to require that approvers perform a risk analysis
before approving any requests.
Authorized persons, such as owners of Firefighter IDs and administrators, can extend the validity periods of
firefighting assignments.
You can also set the default validity period (in days) in parameter 4001. You maintain the parameter in the
Customizing activity, Maintain Configuration Settings, under Governance, Risks, and Compliance Access
Control .
You can override the default validity period for each assignment by manually updating them.
Centralized Firefighting
You can extend the validity periods by using the Firefighter ID Assignment screens:
Decentralized Firefighting
1. On the plug-in system, open the Customizing activity, Maintain Validity Dates for Firefighter Assignments
(Plug-In), under Governance, Risks, and Compliance (Plug-in) Access Control .
The Validity Period table appears and displays the expired assignments that you are authorized to see.
2. Select a Firefighter ID or Firefighter Role, and then adjust the validity dates as needed.
3. Save your entry.
To enable administrators and owners to extend the validity period of firefighting assignments, you must
create the roles on the relevant plug-in systems, and assign to them the authorization object /GRCPI/001.
For the administrator role, enter the ACTVT field value as 70 or * (asterisk). For the owner role, enter the
ACTVT field value as blank (empty).
More Information
Decentralized Firefighting
This topic details how to access the correct system, depending on how your system is configured, to perform
firefighting activities.
The application allows you to use one of the following methods to access systems to perform firefighting
• If your company uses ID-based firefighting, you use the EAM Launchpad to log on to the systems.
• If decentralized firefighting is enabled, you can log on to the plug-in systems to perform firefighting
• If your company is using centralized firefighting, you must log on to the GRC system to perform
firefighting activities.
• If your company uses role-based firefighting, you can directly log on to the systems.
More Information
Creating Roles
For ID-based firefighting, you can use the Emergency Access Management (EAM) Launchpad to access your
assigned Firefighter IDs. The EAM Launchpad is available for both centralized and decentralized firefighting.
The functionality described below is the same for both centralized and decentralized firefighting, except for the
• For centralized firefighting, you use this transaction to open the EAM Launchpad on the GRC system:
• For decentralized firefighting, you use this transaction to open the EAM Launchpad on the plug-in
For decentralized firefighting scenarios, to enable the firefighter to use the EAM Launchpad, you must
create the Firefighter role on the relevant plug-in systems. Assign to the role the authorizations to use
transactions /GRCPI/GRIA_EAM and SU53.
The launchpad for centralized firefighting displays all the plug-in systems to which you have access. The
launchpad for decentralized firefighting does not display any systems because it allows you to access only
the current plug-in system.
Element Description
Firefighter ID This is the name of the Firefighter ID you are authorized to use. You may have one
or several.
System Name This is the name of the system the Firefighter ID is authorized to access.
Firefighter ID Owner This is the name of the owner of the Firefighter ID.
Red indicates the Firefighter ID is in use by another Firefighter. You can notify the
Firefighter by using the Message to Firefighter button.
FFID Used By This is the Firefighter who is currently using the Firefighter ID.
Message to Firefighter Use this button to send a pre-formatted message to the Firefighter that you want
to use the Firefighter ID after they are done.
Additional Activity After you choose Logon, enter a description of the activities you plan to perform. If
you need to carry out additional activities, choose the Additional Activity button to
open the Reason Code screen, and enter the information in the Additional Activity
Administrators can configure this field to only accept valid transaction codes.
Unlock Use this button to log out of the firefighting session, and allow others to use the
Firefighter ID.
1. In the SAP GUI, enter the transaction (GRAC_EAM OR /GRCPI/GRIA_EAM) to open the EAM Launchpad.
2. On the EAM Launchpad screen, find the relevant Firefighter ID and choose the Logon button.
The administrator, business process owner and controller need to have a formalized process of reviewing the
emergency access activities that have been conducted by firefighters. They can use the following reports to
analyze the activities.
1. Read through the Consolidated Log Report to identify problems or propose solutions.
• Consolidated Log Report – This is the most commonly used report. The Controller of the Firefighter
IDs can receive this by e-mail or through the workflow. On this report, they can see what Firefighter ID
is accessing what system, what transactions have been made and the details. How often it is delivered
(daily, weekly, and so forth) can be configured according to the business need.
2. If needed and authorized, the business process owner, controller or compliance person can create these
additional reports to investigate details of the emergency access activities.
• Invalid Emergency Access Report – This report specifies the user types for emergency access that
are expired, deleted, or locked, such as Firefighter IDs, Controllers, or Owners.
• Firefighter Log Summary Report – This report captures transaction data from the selected system
connector for Firefighter IDs.
Related Information
5.8.1 Firefighter ID Review
This job allows you to schedule periodic background jobs for Firefighter ID reviews. Firefighter Owners and
Controllers can then take any necessary actions such as removing the Firefighter ID from a user.
Depending on the workflow configuration, the request will advance to stage 2 for review.
SAP Access Control covers different authorization functions such as Access Requests (ARQ), Access Risk
Analysis (ARA), Business Role Management (BRM), Emergency Access Management (EAM), and Periodic
Reviews of User Access and Segregation of Duties (SoD). This section of the application help includes topics
that apply to more than one area including the following:
This is an overview document that gives directions as to where to maintain the different types of owners, roles,
and assignments. Help topics are included for detailed instructions. These roles reflect a company's business
needs and structure.
Access Control Owners Access Control Owners [page This link contains informa
Setup Access Owners
20] tion about who is assigned
Access Control Owners
to what role. Here you can
assign users to roles or de
lete assignments as needed.
You can also download the in
formation as a spreadsheet
or document for further
research. Information is in
cluded about:
• Firefighter ID Owner
• Firefighter Role Owner
• Risk Owner
• Role Owner
• Mitigation Monitor
• Mitigation Approver
• Firefighter ID Controller
• Firefighter Role Control
• Point of Contact
• Security Lead
• Workflow Administrator
Access Risk Owners Setup Access Owners Adding Access Risk Owners The new Risk Owners
[page 127] you add can now be as
Access Control
signed to risks. To do
Maintenance of Access Risk
Owners. Setup Access
Owners [page 128] this, go to Setup Access
Owners Mass Upload of
Rule Maintenance Mass
Risk Owners. Maintenance Of Risk Owners
Control Owners
EAM User Assignments Uploading and Downloading Refer to the Help topic for
Setup Emergency
EAM User Assignments
prerequisites for this action.
Access Management Mass
The topics in this section address how to manage both end user and administrator logons as well as how to
manage your user profile.
More Information
You can use the End User Logon screen to perform non-administrator provisioning tasks such as creating
access requests, managing your password, and so on.
To access the end user logon screen, use the link provided by your administrator. For more information see,
Managing the End User Logon [page 60].
You do not require an account in the SAP Access Control system to use the end user logon.
You have enabled the end user logon in the Customizing activity Activate End User Logon, under Governance,
Risk, and Compliance Access Control User Provisioning .
More Information
The application allows you to enable and disable the following end user logon features:
To enable and disable end user logon, and set the links displayed on the End User Logon screen:
1. Log on to the access control backend, and then start transaction SPRO.
2. Open the Customizing activity Activate End User Logon, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance
Access Control User Provisioning .
3. Maintain the settings as needed, and save the entry.
1. Log on to the access control backend, and then start transaction SPRO.
2. Open the Customizing activity Maintain Data Sources Configuration, under Governance, Risk, and
Compliance Access Control .
3. Double–click End User Verification.
More Information
6.2.2 Administrator Logon
You use the administrator logon to perform administrator tasks such as managing access requests, managing
access risks, maintaining roles, and performing emergency access and firefighter tasks.
More Information
6.2.3 Your Profile
In this section, the information is read-only. This information is maintained in the user data source
If you are using the End User Logon, on the End User Home screen, choose the My Profile quick link.
2. To filter the list by status, select the Status dropdown list, and then choose the relevant status.
3. To create or change the access request for an existing assignment, in the Select (first) column, select the
checkbox for the relevant items, and then choose Request Access.
To create an access request for a new assignment or one that is not on your list, choose Request Access
without selecting any items.
Custom fields are fields that you add to the application. They are also called user-defined fields. SAP delivers a
set of fields with the application. Your company may require fields that are not part of the standard set.
You maintain your user-defined fields in the Customizing activity User-Defined Fields, under Governance,
Risk, and Compliance General Settings .
The application has the following features for maintaining user-defined fields:
SAP Access Control users who have been assigned special privileges can be assigned as an owner. Users who
can be assigned special privileges include the following:
Type Description
Firefighter ID Owner Firefighter ID owners are responsible for maintaining firefighter IDs
and their assignments to firefighters. Firefighter ID owners use the
Firefighter Role Owner Firefighter role owners are responsible for maintaining firefighter
roles and their assignments to firefighters. Firefighter role owners
use the default role SAP_GRAC_SUPER_USER_MGMT_OWNER.
Risk Owner Risk owners are assigned to risks and are commonly responsible for
approving changes to risk definitions and violations of the risk.
Role Owner (ERM) Role owners are responsible for approving either content or user-role
assignment or both.
Mitigation Monitor Mitigation monitors are assigned to controls to monitor activity and
may receive control monitor alerts.
Mitigation Approver Mitigation approvers are assigned to controls and are responsible for
approving changes to the control definition and assignments.
Firefighter ID Controller Firefighter ID controllers are responsible for reviewing the log report
generated during firefighter ID usage. Firefighter ID controllers use
Firefighter Role Controller Firefighter role controllers are responsible for reviewing the log re
port generated during firefighter role usage. Firefighter role control
lers use the default role SAP_GRAC_SUPER_USER_MGMT_CNTLR.
Point of Contact Point of contact is an approver for a specific functional area. Func
tional area is an attribute used to categorize users and roles.
Security Lead Security lead is a group or individual that can provide secondary
approval for access requests and reviews.
• Owner
• Owner group
• Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) group
In the Access Management work center, under Scheduling, you can use the links to schedule and display
background jobs.
6.5.1 Background Scheduler
You can use Background Scheduler to create and maintain schedules for background jobs.
1. Select Create.
2. Enter the Schedule Name.
3. Select a Schedule Activity for the background job.
If your Schedule Activity is Generates data for access request UAR, a checkbox will appear. Select
Generate UAR for Business Roles if you want the business roles to be included in the data.
4. Select if you want to make this a Recurring Plan. Selecting Yes will give you a Recurring Range field to define
how long this schedule should run as well as the Frequency.
5. Select whether to start the background job immediately.
6. If you select No to starting the job immediately, specify the Start Date and time.
7. Select Next.
8. Select Variants from your Saved Variants or customize the schedule.
9. Select Next to Review the details.
10. If there are corrections, select Previous to modify the criteria. If you are satisfied with Schedule Details,
select Finish.
On the Scheduling screen, you can choose to schedule the job to run in the background at a specified time or
choose to run the job in the foreground.
To execute the job immediately, select the Foreground checkbox, and choose Submit.
SAP Access Control provides a standardized and centralized framework to request user access and to review
and manage those requests.
This process explains how to monitor and prevent risks using approval workflow and risk analysis during user
• Outside the application, you have identified your business needs and evaluated your approach to system
• Within the application, you have maintained the review and approval workflows.
You maintain the workflows in the Customizing activity Maintain MSMP Workflows, under Governance,
Risk, and Compliance Access Control Workflow for Access Control
The basic user provisioning process, as suggested by most system administrators, is described below.
Access is provisioned into environments without risks or with mitigated risks to ensure compliant user access.
The SAP Access Control application allows you to create access requests to obtain access to systems and
authorizations to perform tasks. You can create access requests for yourself, for another user, or for multiple
You can initiate the access request creation process on the following screens:
• For End User logon, go to the End User Home screen, and then choose Access Request.
• For NWBC logon or the Portal logon, go to the My Home work center or the Access Management work
center, and then choose Access Request or Create Request - Simplified.
The Access Request menu groups functions that allow you to create requests for user access, system access,
and organizational assignments. This menu group is available from the Access Management work center, where
you can do the following:
• Use Access Request to create requests for yourself, for another user, or for multiple users.
• Use Model User to create access requests based on a model user.
• Use Template Based Request to create access requests based on a template.
• Use Copy a Request to leverage details of an existing request to create a new request.
• Use Organizational Assignment Request to create requests for organizational assignments.
• Use Create Request - Simplified to create requests using a streamlined user interface.
Simplified Access Request processing allows you to process access requests using redesigned screens with
a streamlined user interface. You can use these screens in place of the traditional access request processing
screens, or you can continue to use the traditional screens. The following redesigned screens are available
A simpler user interface allows you to request roles for addition, removal or extension.
1. To request access for yourself or for others, enter the following information:
Field Description
Request Reason Either select a reason from the dropdown list or select
Others and write your reason in the box underneath.
User Information The system fills in your information when the request is
for yourself. If the request is for others, you can search
for user information by using the value help in the User ID
Select Roles for Addition Search for roles by role attributes such as name, system,
Tcode, or key word. Wildcards such as * are valid. You can
also use the Advanced Search for a more granular search.
Use the filters on the left of the screen to further refine
your search results.
Select Roles for Removal Select this option to remove the role assignments from
this user.
Select Roles for Extension Select this option to extend the validity dates of the role.
2. Optionally, when requesting access for other users, you can run risk analysis by clicking on the Risk
Analysis in the side panel.
Optionally, you can view the system-added roles by clicking on the System Added Roles side panel.
On the Access Request screen, you can create access requests for yourself, for another user, or for multiple
The administrator has completed the activities for the Customizing activity Maintain Provisioning Settings,
under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control User Provisioning .
1. From the Access Management work center, under the Access Request menu group, chooseAccess Request
• If you are using the End User logon, on the End User Home screen, choose Access Request.
Field Description
Request Type Examples: New Account, Change Account, Superuser Access, and so on.
You can maintain the list of available request types in the Customizing ac
You can maintain the list of available priorities in the Customizing ac
You can maintain the list of available business processes in the Custom
izing activity Maintain Business Processes and Subprocesses, under
You can maintain the list of available functional areas in the Customiz
4. On the User Access tab page, choose from the following options to select the roles that you want to be
assigned, and the systems for which you are requesting access:
• Choose Add and select from the following:
• Role
• Click Add and then click Role to search for the roles that you want. After the system presents
the results of your search, you can click a retrieved role name to access further details about
the role such as the actions that are valid for a composite role.
You can use the gear icon to customize your view of the Available and Selected roles on the
Select Roles screen.
• If you select a Business Role, you can choose which environment you wish to provision.
The environment options are: All, Development, Production, and Testing. This choice is only
available to you if you set the Access Control configuration parameter 3026 (Enable Business
Role Provisioning based on Environment) to Yes. The default value for this parameter is No.
For Role Search, the application allows you (requires administrator authorization) to configure
the search criteria fields. You can add custom fields and configure their attributes. For
example, you can set the default values and set whether the field is mandatory. You
can configure the fields in Customizing for Maintain Custom Field Attributes for Role
Search Personalization under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control User
Provisioning .
• System
• Click Add and then click System to search for the systems that you want.
• Firefighter ID
• If your Request Type is Superuser, when you click Add, you will have the option to input a
Firefighter ID.
When requesting a Firefighter ID or a Firefighter Role, you can filter the search using System and
Action Code. If you use Action Code, you must also specify the System. For both Firefighter ID and
Firefighter Role requests, the owner displays in the Assignment Approver column.
• Choose Existing Assignments to select from the list of roles and systems currently assigned to the
If the Request For field is set to Multiple, the application disables this button.
To use applications in a system, you must have both access to the system and a role on the system.
Therefore, you must request to have a user in the system and then request to assign a role to the
user. Alternately, if one does not already exist, you can specify that the application automatically
creates a user in the system by configuring the Customizing activity,Maintain Provisioning
Settings, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control User Provisioning .
• Choose Import Roles to import a list of roles that you want to assign to the user.
5. In the Provisioning Actions column, select the appropriate action, such as Create User, Assign (role), and so
You can set the provisioning actions available in the drop-down list in the Customizing activity Define
Request Type, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control User Provisioning .
6. In the Comments column, choose Add Comment and enter information about the request.
You can set whether comments are mandatory in the Customizing activity Maintain Configuration
Settings, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control . For the relevant columns, set
the following values:
• Parameter Group: Access Request Role Selection
• Parameter ID: 2036
• Parameter Value: Yes or No, as needed
7. On the User Details tab page, enter all required information.
8. Choose Simulation, if you want to run a risk analysis of the requested roles and system access before
submitting the request.
9. Choose Submit.
End users can view the status of the request from the Request Status [page 17]quick link.
More Information
Requestors can use tab delimited text files to upload multiple roles at once instead of searching for roles
individually and then adding each role to the request.
Multiple roles can be collected in a tab delimited text file and imported into the access request. The same
functionality is available for Template Based Request, and Copy Request.
Imported roles are subject to the same validation that occurs when roles are added individually. This is a faster
way to upload multiple roles that preserves the role validation features.
From the User Access tab page on the Access Request screen, click the Import Roles button to download the
template provided for the tab delimited text file. You open the file for editing using either Notepad or Microsoft
Excel. You then enter the desired role data into the indicated fields on the template. Finally, you upload the
template into your access request.
Follow the steps below to import multiple roles into an access request using this functionality.
1. 1. On the Access Request screen, fill in the Reason for Request and the Request Details.
2. On the User Access tab page, click Import Roles.
• a. The Import Roles screen displays.
3. Step 1 is to download the tab delimited text file template. Click the link under the Template heading.
• The app downloads a file named
The Import Roles Screen
4. You can open the downloaded template in Microsoft Excel by choosing Data → Get External Data→ From
Text and following the prompts. Below is an illustration of the downloaded template file.
Format of Template File
5. Step 2: you enter the desired role data into the template. The following fields are available for input:
Alphanumeric or Nu
Field meric Length Valid Values Mandatory?
TST - Test
PRD – Production
009 – Remove
010 – Retain/Change
6. Step 3: Once you have entered all your data into the template, enter the template file name
( into the field Source file for roles as shown in the illustration .
7. Step 4: Click Next to validate the roles.
8. The application shows a list of valid and invalid roles as illustrated below. You may remove roles, if desired.
You can either fix invalid roles or you can ignore them. The app will not import invalid roles into the access
On the Access Request screen, you can perform risk analyses and impact analyses on the following tab pages:
• Risk Violations
If you want to save the results of the analysis, use the analysis function on this tab.
• User Access
Simulation allows you to perform the analysis first and then choose whether or not to save the results.
• You can set the application to analyze risks automatically when someone submits an access request.
For example, if the requester chooses to submit a request without analyzing the risks first, the
application performs an analysis and adds the results to the access request that appears in the
approver's Work Inbox.
Column Value
Parameter ID 1071
• You can set the application to include firefighter assignments in the risk analysis.
Maintain this setting in the Customizing activity Maintain Configuration Settings, under
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control . For the parameter Consider FF Assignments
in Risk Analysis, enter the values as follows:
Column Value
Parameter ID 1038
This procedure is the same regardless of which tab page you choose to initiate it. The only difference is that the
simulation feature allows you to choose whether or not to save the results.
On the Assign Mitigation Controls screen, you can assign mitigation controls to risks found during risk analysis
and impact analysis.
The screen also allows you to mitigate risks for roles that are not part of the current request. For example,
you are currently mitigating risks for John_Current_Request. You can also mitigate risk violations for
John_Other_Request1 and John _Other_Request2. Choose the Add pushbutton to add and complete the
procedure below for step 4.
The Mitigate Risk feature is available on multiple screens in the application. In the procedure below, we
describe one access point; your access point may be different. The information is applicable regardless of
the access point.
1. On the Analyze Access Risk screen, under the Results section, select a risk violation or multiple violations,
and then choose the Mitigate Risk pushbutton.
The Assign Mitigation Controls screen appears. The application uses the information from the risk violation,
such as the Access Risk ID, and displays the relevant mitigating control.
2. To use the mitigating control suggested by the application:
1. Change the information in the relevant fields as needed, such as the validity dates, the Control ID, and
so on.
2. Choose Submit.
3. To create a new control:
1. Choose Create Control and complete the tasks for creating a new control.
2. Choose Add.
The application adds an empty line to the mitigation controls list.
3. Enter information in the relevant fields for the new control.
4. Choose Submit.
4. To assign mitigating controls for other roles or requests:
1. Choose Add.
The application adds an empty line to the mitigation controls list.
2. Enter information in the relevant fields for the new control.
3. Choose Submit.
Next Steps
7.1.4 Template Roles
You can use template roles to provide users with a set of attributes from which they can choose when creating
access requests.
For example, you specify that all Finance roles are valid for the template role. When a user requests a
finance role, he or she can choose additional attributes such as Region, Business Unit, Plant, and so on.
• You must enable the GRAC_TEMPLATE_ROLE BAdI to activate the template roles function.
1. On the Access Request screen User Access tab page, select a role and then choose the Template
Role button. A screen appears and displays the attributes from which the user can select for the role.
The button is only active if you select a role that is valid for the template role. You specify the valid roles
for the template.
2. Select the attributes for the role and complete the access request.
More Information
To enable template roles for access requests, you implement the GRAC_TEMPALTE_ROLE BAdI.
The IS_TEMPLATE_ROLE method is the minimum required method for enabling template roles.
Method Description
IS_TEMPLATE_ROLE You use this method to specify which business roles the
application considers as template roles. For example, you
can specify that any roles with the naming scheme of
Z_Template_role... are considered template roles.
GET_URL You use this method to get the URL of the custom applica
tion. This method is called when the template role is added
to the request. The URL returned by this method is displayed
as a new window and displays the details of the role,
VALIDATE_ROLE You use this method to check the consistency of the tem
plate role. The application calls this method during submis
sion of an access request. This method checks if the addi
tional information provided in the custom application is con
SET_PROVISIONING_STATUS You use this method to provide the status of the provision
You can use the functions on the Model User Access screen to create access requests for new users by copying
the authorizations of an existing user. This allows you to use the access settings of an existing user as a
template and saves time in the access creation process.
For example, you add new employees to your team, and you want them to have the same access as other
members of your team. Instead of entering the same information over and over, you select a current employee
as the model user, and the application copies the access information from them to the access request for the
new employees.
Refer to the Audit Log if later you want to see exactly which user the subsequent users were modeled on.
1. On the Access Management work center, under the Access Request menu group, choose Model User.
This is the standard procedure for creating an access request in the application.
You can use the Access Request screen to change the details for your user, such as name, position, manager,
organization, location, and so on.
1. From the Access Management work center, under the Access Request Creations menu group, choose
Access Request .
If you are using the End User logon, on the End User Home screen, choose Access Request.
2. Choose the Request Type field, and then choose Change Account.
3. On the User Access tab page, choose Add, and then select System.
On the User Access tab page, under the Provisioning Action column, the application automatically fills in
the action as Change User.
5. Choose the User Details tab page, change the user information as needed, and then choose Submit.
On the Copy Request screen, you can leverage information from previous access requests to create new
1. From the Access Management work center, under the Access Request menu group, choose Copy Request.
The Copy Request screen appears.
2. In the Request Number field, select the request from which to copy the attributes.
3. In the Attributes table, select the attributes you want to copy, and then choose Next.
4. In the Request For field, select whether the request is for Self, Other, or Multiple.
5. Change the relevant information on the User Details and Users tab pages as needed, and then choose Next.
The Users tab page is available only if you choose Request For: Multiple.
6. Enter the relevant request details as needed, such as system or role access on the User Access tab page,
and so on, and then choose Next.
7. Choose Submit.
For the above procedure, steps 1 through 3 are for copying the request. The remaining steps follow the
standard procedure for creating a request. For more information, see Creating Access Requests [page 69].
On the Organizational Assignment Request screen you can assign roles to organizational management (OM)
objects such as positions, jobs, or organizations, instead of users.
1. From the Access Management work center, under the Access Request menu group, choose Organizational
Assignment Request.
The SAP Access Control application provides a standardized and centralized framework to request user and
system access and to review and manage those requests. The basic user provisioning process, as suggested by
most system and security administrators, involves the steps described below.
The process described is an example. Your company's process may be different, and may have more or
fewer steps. The application allows you to customize the steps as required. For more information, see
the Customizing activity Maintain MSMP Workflows, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access
Control Workflow for Access Control .
• Outside the application, you have identified your business needs and evaluated your approach for
managing user and system access.
• Within the application, you have maintained the review and approval workflows.
You maintain the workflows in the Customizing activity Maintain MSMP Workflows, under Governance,
Risk, and Compliance Access Control Workflow for Access Control .
On the Access Request screen, approvers can review, reject, change, or approve access requests.
System administrators can configure the buttons and fields that approvers can see. For example, you
can allow approvers to add roles to a request.
System administrators can configure the application to require that approvers perform a risk analysis
before approving any requests.
On the Access Request screen, you can perform risk analysis and impact analysis before approving requests.
You have the following options for performing the analysis:
• On the Risk Violations tab, you can perform the analysis and save the results.
• On the User Access tab, you can use Simulation to first perform the analysis and then choose whether or
not to save the results.
• You can set the requirement that approvers must analyze risks before approving access requests.
Maintain this setting in the Customizing activity (transaction SPRO) Maintain MSMP Workflows,
under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control Workflow for Access Control . In the
Maintain Paths phase, under the Maintain Stages section, select Display Task Settings. Select the Risk
Analysis Mandatoryfield and choose Yes or No.
• You can allow approvers to approve access requests despite risks. Maintain this setting in the
Customizing activity Maintain MSMP Workflows, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access
Control Workflow for Access Control . In the Maintain Paths phase, under the Maintain Stages
section, select Display Task Settings. Select the checkbox for the Approve Despite Risk field.
This procedure is the same regardless of the tab page you choose to initiate it. The only difference is that
Simulation allows you to choose whether or not to save the results.
You can customize SAP Access Control to include firefighter assignments automatically in the risk
Maintain this setting in the Customizing activity (transaction SPRO) Maintain Configuration
Settings, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control . For the parameter
Consider FF Assignments in Risk Analysis, enter the values as follows:
Column Value
Parameter ID 1038
• You use Impact Analysis to determine authorization violations pertaining to other roles. That is, the
authorizations for the selected role, in combination with authorizations for another role, result in
7.2.3 Mitigating Risks
On the Assign Mitigation Controls screen, you can assign mitigation controls to risks found during risk analysis
and impact analysis.
The screen also allows you to mitigate risks for roles that are not part of the current request. For example,
you are currently mitigating risks for John_Current_Request. You can also mitigate risk violations for
John_Other_Request1 and John _Other_Request2. Choose the Add pushbutton to add and complete the
procedure below for step 4.
The Mitigate Risk feature is available on multiple screens in the application. In the procedure below, we
describe one access point; your access point may be different. The information is applicable regardless of
the access point.
1. On the Analyze Access Risk screen, under the Results section, select a risk violation or multiple violations,
and then choose the Mitigate Risk pushbutton.
The Assign Mitigation Controls screen appears. The application uses the information from the risk violation,
such as the Access Risk ID, and displays the relevant mitigating control.
2. To use the mitigating control suggested by the application:
1. Change the information in the relevant fields as needed, such as the validity dates, the Control ID, and
so on.
2. Choose Submit.
3. To create a new control:
1. Choose Create Control and complete the tasks for creating a new control.
2. Choose Add.
Next Steps
In the Stage Details screen of the MSMP Configuration, you can select the tasks that are available to approvers
on the Access Request screen for approvers and specify what they are authorized to do. For example, you can
allow approvers to reject a request or forward the request to another approver.
1. Choose the Customizing activity Maintain MSMP Workflows, under Governance, Risks, and Compliance
Access Control Workflow for Access Control .
Path Reevaluation New Role When applied to the access request workflow, this set
ting allows approvers to analyze the roles in the request
against the initiators to determine if another parallel work
flow must be created. You can choose from the following:
Approve Despite Risk Allows approvers to approve requests despite risk viola
• Request
Approvers have the authority to approve all roles in a
request. For example, security approvers can approve
any role relevant to a request.
• Role
Approvers can approve only those roles that belong
to them.
• System and Role
Approvers have the authority to approve systems and
Rejection Level Allows approvers to reject requests for the following levels:
• Request
Approvers have the authority to reject all roles in a
request. For example, security approvers can reject
any role relevant to a request.
• Role
Approvers can only reject those roles that belong to
• System and Role
Approvers have the authority to reject systems and
In the EUP ID field, you enter the ID of the end user per
sonalization you want to use.
Display Review Screen Allows approvers to see the Access Review screen.
Risk Analysis Mandatory Requires approvers to perform risk analysis before ap
proving or rejecting a request.
Allow Manual Provisioning Allows approvers to provision directly from the stage ap
proval screen.
5. Choose Save.
You can use the SAP Access Control application to manage and review access requests, assignments,
accounts, and processes. The application displays these functions in the Access Request Administration menu
1. From the NWBC logon or the Portal logon, choose the Access Management work center.
2. Under the Access Requests Administration menu group, choose the relevant activities:
• Creating and Managing Templates [page 92]
• Searching Requests [page 93]
• Viewing Provisioning Logs [page 94]
• Unlocking and Deleting Password Self# Service Accounts [page 95]
• Approver Delegation [page 96]
You have created End User Personalization IDs (EUP ID) in the Customizing activity Maintain End User
Personalization under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control User Provisioning .
You can use the Access Request Template screen to create, update, or delete templates. Templates allow you
to facilitate the creation of access requests by defining details that you consistently use in access requests. For
example, you know that members of the finance team always require access to the finance system and always
require the Finance_User role. You can create a template with these details and you can use this template
to create requests for new finance members. The application automatically inserts the information from the
template into the new request.
1. On the Access Management work center, under the Access Request Administration menu group, choose
Template Management.
The EUP ID defines the fields and default values on the Access Request screen.
4. On the Access Details tab page, enter details for user, access, and so on, as needed.
5. Choose Save.
7.3.2 Searching Requests
You can use the functions on the Search Request screen to create a report that lists requests, request type,
priority, status, and due date, among other information. You can also use Search Request to open a specific
request, to display request administration information, to display the audit log for a request, and to cancel a
request instance or to make other changes, as allowed by your configuration.
Do the following:
1. Choose the object type using the first dropdown list.
2. Choose the operator using the second dropdown list, from among the following:
• is
• is not
• starts with
• contains
3. Type or select the value in the third field.
4. Optionally, add a line to the search criteria by choosing the plus (+) pushbutton and specifying the
appropriate fields. Alternatively, remove a line from the search criteria by choosing the corresponding
minus (-) pushbutton.
3. Optionally, save the search criteria as a variant by typing a name in the Save Variant as field and choosing
4. Choose Search.
You can choose to expand or collapse the audit log entries and to print the log.
6. To display the instance status, select a request in the table and choose Instance Status. The Access
Request Search screen opens showing the instance details.
7. To open a specific request, select the request in the table. The Approve Access Request screen opens.
You can view the following request details by choosing the corresponding tab:
• User Access
• Risk Violations
• User Details
• Audit Log
• Comments
• Attachments
8. To display request administration information, select a request in the table and choose Administration. The
Request Administration screen appears.
The table at the bottom of the screen shows all paths for the request. Choose a path link to display a
screen that allows you to approve the corresponding request.
9. To cancel an instance, select the request in the table and choose Cancel Instance. A confirmation dialog
Choose Yes to cancel the workflow instance; choose No to dismiss the dialog without canceling the
You can also choose to abort the instance in the dialog that appears.
You can use the Provisioning Logs screen to review provisioning activities and to confirm that provisioning was
The Provisioning Log only displays information for completed requests. To view the status of requests that
are in process see Searching Requests [page 93].
1. On the Access Management work center, under the Access Request Administration menu group, choose
Provisioning Logs.
In the Results table, the application displays the requests that meet your search criteria.
The table displays information such as the status, provisioning action, time stamp, and so on.
You have completed the configuration steps in the Customizing activity Maintain Password Self Service, under
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control User Provisioning .
On the Manage Password Self Service screen, you can unlock or delete accounts that have been locked due to
too many unsuccessful logon attempts.
To configure password options such as enabling or disabling password self-service, the number of times a
user may attempt to logon before their account is locked, and so on, use the Customizing activity Maintain
Password Self Service, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control User Provisioning .
1. From the Access Management work center, under the Access Request Administration menu group, choose
Manage Password Self Service.
7.3.5 Approver Delegation
On the Admin Delegation screen, you can reassign the approval tasks from one user to another. For example, as
the administrator, you have the authority to delegate the approval tasks of Approver_A to Approver_B.
1. On the Access Management work center, under the Access Request Administration menu group, choose
Admin Delegation.
Change the validity dates and status as needed, and choose Save.
3. To create a new delegation, choose Delegate.
Under the Approver Details section, enter the information for the person who currently owns the approval
Under the Delegated Approval Details section, enter the details for the person to whom you want to assign
the approval tasks.
Next Steps
For information about delegating your own approval tasks to another user, see Delegating Your Approval Tasks
[page 15].
The administrator has created the access request templates. For more information, see Creating and Managing
Templates [page 92].
You can use the Create Request with Template screen to create new access requests using templates. You store
frequently used access request information in templates, and then use the templates to create new access
requests that require the same information. The benefits of this method are consistency and time savings.
1. On the Access Management work center, under the Access Request menu group, choose Template Based
The User Details tab page appears. The application automatically populates the fields with the user detail
information from the template.
3. Enter information in the required fields and make any relevant changes, and then choose Next.
4. Enter request details as needed, and then choose Submit.
These steps are part of the standard procedure for creating access requests.
Next Steps
The manage risk process involves prioritization and taking actions to address risk occurrences based on the
risk analysis results. Depending on the risk characteristics, different methods can be employed.
If appropriate control already exists, then skip this step and go to step 6.
The detected risks are remediated by removal of the access and/or mitigation.
You can use Mitigating Controls to associate controls with risks, and assign them to users, roles, profiles, or HR
objects. You can then define individuals as control monitors, or approvers, and assign them to specific controls.
You can also create organizations and business processes to help categorize mitigating controls.
Using the Mitigating Controls section, you can complete the following tasks:
More Information
You can search and view mitigating controls using the Mitigating Controls screen.
The Mitigating Controls screen opens showing all defined Mitigating Controls.
2. Choose Filter, enter the criteria in the Control ID, Title, Description, and Organization fields, and press Enter.
You can make changes to the Mitigation Control Owners directly through the application (for a few changes) or
with an XML template (for numerous changes).
1. Choose Setup > Mitigation Controls > Mass Maintenance of Mitigation Control Owners. The Mitigation
Control Owners: Step 1 (Search) screen displays.
2. Search for the Mitigation Control Owners you need to maintain.
3. Choose Next. The Mitigation Control Owners: Step 2 (Edit) screen displays.
4. Select the Reassign button. The New Owner ID column is editable and has F4 help. The Action column will
read Change.
5. Select Validate and Next. The Mitigation Control Owners: Step 3 (Review) screen displays. The status of the
records is displayed under the Status Message column.
6. Verify the information is all correct. Choose Next. The Submit View displays the count of modified owners
and unchanged owners.
1. Choose Setup > Mitigating Controls > Mass Maintenance of Mitigation Control Owners. The Mitigation
Control Owners Owners: Step 1 (Search) screen displays.
2. Search for and select the mitigation control owners you need to maintain. Select Export to download the
current data. Or, if you select none, you can download the blank template.
3. Fill in the template with new or modified material and save.
4. Select Import. Search for and select your completed template.
5. Select OK.
6. In the New Owner ID column, use the F4 button to select new owners for existing Mitigation Controls. After
selection the new owner from the Search: New Owner ID pop-up screen, select Validate.
7. Select Next.
8. Review the changes made to mitigation control owner's data on the Mitigation Control Owners: Step 3
(Review) screen. Choose Next.
9. Verify your changes on Mitigation Control Owners: Step 4 (Submit) screen.
The Rule Setup work center provides a central location to create and manage rules to mitigate access request
This topic covers Access Control functions. The menu groups and quick links are determined by your
The Rule Setup work center contains the following Access Control sections:
Exception rules eliminate false positives based on organizational-level restrictions. This enables exception-
based reporting for organizational rules and supplemental rules.
More Information
The organization rules functionality provides an additional filter for your segregation of duties (SoD) reports.
Organization rules are used to eliminate false positive risks in your access risk analysis reports. Use this
functionality for exception-based reporting only.
Prior to implementation, companies should do analysis to ensure that their situation warrants the use of
organization rules. You should not institute organization rules until the remediation phase of your project. It is
only after identifying a possible organizational rule scenario that you should create organization rules.
If you create organizational rules incorrectly, you could potentially filter out too much. By filtering out too
much, you cannot identify possible control concerns with your access. From a control perspective, it is
much better to over-report (causing false positives) rather than under-report (causing false negatives).
Use organization rules exclusively for exception-based reporting to remove false positive conflicts that
result from organization-level segregation.
Do not use organization rules for grouping users into reports by organizational level for the purpose of
distributing SoD reports to various management levels.
Due to the sizable performance impact that organization rules can have, use them only those in situations
where the company has made a conscious decision to segregate via organization levels.
A customer has a shared service center that allows a team member to process vendor invoices and create
accounts payable (AP) payments. In many cases, this action might be a high-risk conflict. However, the
shared services center also segregated its team members so that the same individual cannot process the
invoice and make the payments within the same organizational level.
More Information
The Organization Rule Wizard makes the process of creating an organization rule faster and eliminates possible
invalid entries due to manual input.
1. From the Setup workcenter, locate the Exception Access Rules section. Select Organization Rule Creation
2. Overview – Read the instructions on the first stage and choose Next.
3. Select System and Rule set – Select the ERP System that you need to work on.
Select the Rule Set(s) required. You can select multiple rule sets by holding down the control button and
selecting multiple rule sets. Choose Next.
4. Review Organization Levels – Select the Organization Levels from the existing risks. Choose Next.
5. Select Org Values – Select the Organization Level Values from the ERP system. You can also remove the
values that you do not want to use. Choose Next.
You can create organization rules only after you have identified a possible organizational rule scenario.
• Organization Rule ID: The identification code for the organization rule. Enter a 10-character
alphanumeric name, including underscores (_). No spaces are allowed.
• Parent OrgRule ID: If you are creating a completely new organization rule, this field is not required.
If you are creating an organization rule based on a previously created rule, choose the Parent
OrgRule ID you want to use.
• Risk ID: Select from the list of available risk IDs
• Description: Enter a meaningful description for this rule.
4. Choose System if you want to activate the Organization rule for specific systems only.
Limiting the rules to certain systems can improve the performance times.
5. Choose Add to assign more than one organization level and corresponding values for the organization
rule’s duration, condition, and status. Choose Remove to remove a previously entered organization level.
6. Choose Save.
A confirmation message appears stating that the data has been saved.
More Information
You cannot modify information on the Systems tab for parent organization rule IDs.
Administrators can use the following Customizing activities (from transaction SPRO), under Governance,
Risk, and Compliance Access Control Access Risk Analysis SOD Rules to create and modify large
volume of organization rules:
More Information
Deleting an organization rule invalidates any rule generated from that organization rule.
Create a supplementary rule to ensure correct analysis results for a violation that might be reported as a false
When you match wildcard values, the wildcard value requires an exact match of the entry in the rule
and the entry to be checked in the SAP table.
If you set the parameter Use Supplementary SoD Analysis to Yes, the system considers the supplementary rule
when it generates the report.
More Information
Next Steps
Next Steps
Access risk analysis processes access risks that you define. It generates rules based on the actions or
permissions that an access risk contains.
Use this feature to view the reports containing the results of rules generated by using the Access Risks feature.
When you generate segregation of duties (SoD) action risks, access risk analysis creates a separate rule for
each combination of actions that pose a risk.
If an access risk includes two functions, each of which has five actions, and the access risk applies to two
systems, access risk analysis generates 20 distinct rules from the access risk.
You might have an access risk (P086) that includes the following functions:
If this access risk applies to three different versions of SAP that all run in your environment, then P086
translates to 98,532 distinct rules (21x46x34x3).
The maximum number of SoD rules allowed per risk is 1,679,615. When access risk analysis attempts
to process an access risk that generates more than the maximum number of rules, the following error
message appears:
ERROR: Risk: #### has exceeded the maximum number of rules (1,679,615) that can
be generated for a risk
More Information
Use the Access Rule Summary screen to view an access rule summary report.
Consider running the report in the background when generating a large set of results.
If you choose Run in Foreground, confirm that you want to run the analysis immediately by choosing OK.
The analysis results appear in a new screen.
The access rule summary report shows the relationships between functions and access risks.
Next Steps
You must generate rules by using the Access Risks feature before you can view an access rule detail report.
Use the Access Rule Detail screen to view an access rule detail report.
Consider running the report in the background when generating a large set of results.
If you choose Run in Background, the Background Scheduler dialog appears. Enter the scheduler details
and choose OK. The job number appears on the User Level screen.
If you choose Run in Foreground, confirm that you want to run the analysis immediately by choosing OK.
The analysis results appear in a new window.
The access rule details report shows the rules generated for both actions and permissions.
Next Steps
You can use the Access Rule Maintenance section to manage the following access rule entities:
• Rule sets – These are categories or groupings of rules used primarily for determining the group of access
risks to use when running an access risk analysis.
• Functions – These are a collection of one or more actions that an employee needs to complete to perform
a specific goal.
• Access risks – These are objects that identify potential access problems that your enterprise might
Using the Access Rule Maintenance section, you can do the following:
• Search and display existing rule sets, functions, and access risks
• Create new rule sets, functions, and access risks
• Modifying existing rule sets, functions, and access risks
• Delete rule sets, functions, and access risks, as necessary
More Information
Rule sets are arbitrary definitions that apply only to access risks and rules. They define categories or groupings
of rules. A rule set is used mainly for determining the group of access risks that are to be used when running an
access risk analysis.
When you choose the Rule Set link, the Rule Sets screen appears, showing the existing rule sets that you are
authorized to access.
• Enter search criteria to find a particular rule set using the Filter button
• Define a new query
• Rearrange column settings to create a personalized view of the screen
The tasks associated with managing risks include creating, viewing, modifying, and deleting rule sets.
More Information
A rule set includes an identifier and a description. To create a rule set, you choose a name and enter a
Next Steps
To modify a rule set or to delete it, you begin by searching for the rule set and viewing it.
The filter returns all the rule sets that meet the search criteria. If you do not filter the text in these fields,
the search returns all existing rule sets. The search supports wildcards (*).
The number of rule sets returned depends on how much you restricted your search criteria terms. If the search
does not return the rule sets you expected, perform the search again with more restrictive search criteria.
Next Steps
You can change only the rule set description. After you have created a rule set, you cannot change its ID.
1. Follow the procedure in Searching and Viewing a Function [page 120] to search for the rule set you want to
2. Select the rule set and choose Open.
The Description field for that rule set turns white to indicate that you can edit the text field.
3. Edit the text and choose Save.
The Change History tab on the Rule Set screen shows all of the changes for a selected Rule Set.
Next Steps
Before you can delete a rule set, you must remove the rule set assignment from all access risks by assigning a
different rule set to each access risk.
You can delete a rule set. However, if the rule set is assigned to another rule set, an access risk, or a rule, you
cannot delete it.
1. Follow the procedure in Viewing a Function [page 120] to search for the rule set you want to delete.
2. Choose the rule set you want to delete, and then choose Delete.
A dialog box appears asking you to confirm that you want to delete the rule set.
Next Steps
A function is a grouping of one or more actions. An access risk is an object that associates two or more
conflicting functions or a critical action and critical permission. Critical actions and critical permissions are also
referred to as attributes. The attributes impact how the access risk translates into an access rule.
When you define an access risk, you specify a combination of functions that represent an access risk to an
The definition of a risk includes other attributes that impact how the risk translates into rules. The
condition that determines the presence of a risk is one or more functions that when combined, create
a conflict.
Actions assigned to a function represent the tasks an employee must be able to perform for a specific purpose.
An employee who has access to inventory records should not have the authority to sign for deliveries. When
these two functions are combined, they pose a SoD risk. Functions
Functions are the building blocks of access risks. They define a collection of one or more tasks that an
employee needs to complete to perform a specific goal.
Function Attributes
Attribute Description
Business Process A value that defines to which business process this function
belongs. It is used for categorization purposes.
When you define a function, you associate one or more actions to the function. Each of these actions has an
associated permission (security object) that defines the scope of access for the action. Creating a Function
You create a function by assigning it an ID, describing it, and by defining its attributes.
The Permissions screen appears, displaying the permissions (authorization objects) for all of the actions
that have been added to the function.
This screen allows you to further restrict the access defined in the permission object. You cannot
expand the access or reconfigure the permission object.
• If you do not need to modify an associated permission, use the Permission Definition dialog.
• To view and evaluate the details of a permission before you modify it, use the Permissions tab to
expand and view each permission.
6. Choose Save.
Next Steps
To modify a function or to delete it, you must first search for and view the function.
The filter returns all of the functions that meet the search criteria.
Restrict your search with filters or search terms or the search returns all existing functions. The search
supports wildcards (*). Modifying a Function
1. Follow the procedure Searching and Viewing a Function [page 120] to find the function you want to edit.
2. After you find the function, select the row and choose the Open pushbutton.
3. Modify the function.
The modifications you can make to a function are the same as the attributes you define in Creating a
Function [page 119].
4. Choose Save.
Next Steps
Use caution when you delete a function. You must first remove the function from any existing risk before you
delete it.
You can refer to Searching and Viewing a Function [page 120] for instructions on searching for the function
that you want to delete.
4. Once you find the function, select the row and choose the Delete pushbutton.
Next Steps
Access risks identify potential access problems that your enterprise may encounter.
1. Choose Setup Access Rule Maintenance Access Risks . The Access Risk screen appears.
2. Choose Create.
3. Enter the basic attributes for the access risk.
1. In the Risk ID field, enter a 4-character alphanumeric code to identify the risk. This code must be
unique to this access risk.
2. In the Description field, enter a short description of the risk.
3. From the Risk Type dropdown list, select the risk type.
Risk types include:
• Segregation of Duties (SoD) risk
• Critical Action risk
• Critical Permission risk
4. From the Risk Level dropdown list, select the severity of the risk.
Risk Levels include:
• Low
• Medium
• High
• Critical
5. From the Business Process dropdown list, select the business process for this risk.
6. From the Status dropdown menu, select either Enabled or Disabled to indicate whether to activate the
risk when you save it.
4. Choose the Functions tab to identify functions for this risk:
Repeat these steps until you have included all the functions in the risk:
Avoid Tab keyboard characters when you enter risk data in the Detailed Description and the Control
Objective text fields. Tab keyboard characters can cause problems when you use the Export and
Import utilities to move rules from one system to another.
7. Choose the Risk Owners tab to display the Owner ID screen and identify the employee or employees who
own this risk:.
To assign a risk owner to an access risk, you must ensure that the user is assigned as an owner. Refer
to . [page 127]
Repeat these steps until you have added all the rule sets to the risk.
9. Choose Save.
Next Steps
This procedure describes how to search for and view an access risk.
When you press Enter, the application returns the access risks that meet the search criteria in the Search
Results screen.
If you did not filter the search, the application may return a long list of access risks. You can navigate through
the list to find the access risk that you seek.
Next Steps
You can modify most access risk selection criteria. However, you cannot modify the ID and Risk Type.
Next Steps
You can delete any access risk. However, deleting an access risk invalidates any rule generated from that
access risk.
Next Steps
You can use a template to add several new access risk owners or, if you just have a few, you can add them one
at a time.
To add an individual risk owner, go to Setup Access Owners Access Control Owners. Enter the user's
name and other material and select what type of Owner this person is in your organization.
The new Risk Owners are now eligible to be assigned to Risks. To do this, go to Setup Access Rule
Maintenance Mass Maintenance Of Risk Owners Assignments .
You can make changes to the Access Risk Owners directly through the application (for a few changes) or with a
template (for numerous change).
1. Choose Setup Access Rule Maintenance Mass Maintenance of Risk Owners Assignments . The Risk
Owners Reassign: Step 1 (Search) screen displays.
2. Enter variables needed to search for the Risk IDs that you need.
3. Select Search and the Results are shown.
4. Choose Next. The Risk Owners Reassign: Step 2 (Edit) screen displays. The New Owner ID column is
editable and has F4 help.
5. Make any needed changes.
6. Select Validate. The Risk Owners Reassign: Step 3 (Review) screen displays. Data that is valid from the Edit
View is forwarded to this screen. The status of the records is displayed under the Status Message column.
7. Verify the information is correct. Choose Next. The Submit View displays the count of modified owners and
unchanged owners.
1. Choose Setup Access Rule Maintenance Mass Maintenance of Risk Owners Assignments . The Risk
Owners Reassign: Step 1 (Search) screen displays.
2. Enter variables needed to search for the Risk IDs that you need.
3. Select Search and the Results are shown.
4. Decide if you have information to modify or just want to enter new risk owners.
• Select Export. This provides a template with the data you have selected.
• Or, if nothing is selected, you can export the blank template.
5. Fill in the template with new or modified material.
6. Select Import. Search for and select your completed template.
7. Validate the information.
Data that is uploaded from the file is appended to the existing records.
Use this feature to identify individual roles and profiles that pose an access risk to your enterprise. For example,
any person who has the role of master database administrator is a risk to your enterprise. Verify that an
employee assigned to this role meets the authorization requirements for your enterprise. Make sure that you
designate the role as a critical role. If your system uses profiles, you may have defined profiles that pose an
access risk. Make sure that you designate each one as a critical profile.
More Information
Identify individual roles and profiles that pose an access risk to your company. For example, any person who
has the role of master database administrator is a risk to your enterprise. Ensure that an employee assigned to
this role has been properly authorized. Make sure that you designate the role as a critical role. If your system
uses profiles, you may have defined profiles that pose a risk. Make sure that you designate each one as a
critical profile.
More Information
Use this feature to identify roles that pose a risk to your company.
Use the Filter option to search for and make changes to a critical role.
More Information
Use this feature to identify profiles that pose a risk to your company.
Use the Filter option to search for and make changes to a critical profile.
More Information
An access risk is one or more actions or permissions that, when available to a single user (or single role, profile,
or HR Object), creates the potential for fraud or unintentional errors.
As part of business operations, you can define access risks that require additional control to ensure that your
organization is operating appropriately. You can then monitor and control these risks to prevent users from
exploiting vulnerabilities to commit fraud or post unintentional errors.
Access Control enables you to specify the following types of access risks:
• Segregation of Duties – This is defined as one individual having the ability to perform two or more
conflicting functions to control a process from beginning to end without the involvement of others. For
After you have defined the risks, you can use the Access Risk Analysis section to generate reports presenting
different types of information, including reports presenting access risks, conflicts, or the use of critical actions
by user, role, profile, or HR object.
The administrator can configure the application to include firefighter (FF) assignments in the risk analysis.
If the feature is enabled, the Risk Analysis screen displays the Include FFIDs checkbox. You can then choose
whether or not to include firefighter assignments for your specific risk analysis.
The administrator configures this in the Customizing activity Maintain Configuration Settings, under
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control . For the parameter Consider FF Assignments in
Risk Analysis, enter the values as follows:
Column Value
Parameter ID 1038
When you identify an access risk in a report, you can resolve or remediate the risk by either removing it or by
applying a mitigating control. You can also use reports in the Access Risk Analysis section to view mitigated
risks and risks that have not yet been remediated.
More Information
You can create a report displaying the user-level access risk analysis for your organization.
You can use custom user groups to perform risk analysis for the group instead of separately for
each user. For example, you create Group_A , and then add User_01 through User_10. You can
then run risk analysis on Group_A. For more information, see Creating a Custom User Group.
[page 135]
• Include Users
• Include Role Assignment
• Org Level
• Org Rule
• User ID
• Org Unit
• Org Value
• Risk by Process
• Access Risk ID
• Risk Level
• Rule Set
• User
On an ad hoc basis, you can run a risk analysis for a filtered list of users based on their
SU01 attributes. To do this, select Multiple Selections in the middle column. Then select Add
Selection. Then select Search SU01 to identify the attributes you want to analyze.
This view allows you to start remediation actions directly from the report. For more
information, see Remediation View [page 226].
• Technical View
• Business View
4. In the Type section, select the report type:
• Access Risk Analysis – Select Action Level, Permission Level, Critical Action, Critical Permission, and
Critical Role/Profile.
• Access Risk Assessment
• Mitigating Analysis – Choose either Mitigating Controls or Invalid Mitigating Controls.
5. In the Additional Criteria section, select additional criteria. You can, for example, include mitigated risks.
6. Optionally, save the analysis criteria as a variant by typing a name in the Save Variant as field and choosing
7. Choose Run in Foreground or Run in Background.
If you choose Run in Background, the Background Scheduler dialog appears. Enter the details and choose
OK. The job number appears on the User Level screen.
If you choose Run in Foreground, confirm that you want to run the analysis immediately by choosing OK.
The analysis results appear in a new window.
You can use custom user groups to perform activities, such as risk analysis, for the group instead of separately
for each user. For example, you create Group_A , and then add User_01 through User_10. You can then perform
the activity on Group_A.
This functionality is applicable to two scenarios, User Level Analysis and User Level Simulation.
• You can use the Customizing activity (transaction SPRO). Locate the activity and documentation at
Governance, Risk and Compliance Access Control Maintain Custom User Group .
• You can create it directly from the application, if you have authorization. The steps below give
instructions how to create the group through the application. This method also allows you to add
users to the group based on their SU01 attributes.
To see the existing groups, select Reset to clear the field. Then click Search. The left column lists the
existing Custom Group Names. The right column shows the User IDs of the members of the selected
More Information
Creating a Custom User Group (through SPRO): Governance, Risk and Compliance Access Control
Maintain Custom User Group
You can use the functions on the User Level Simulation screen to perform user-level simulation as part of the
access risk analysis for your organization.
The Simulation: User Level screen appears and displays the Define Analysis Criteria phase.
2. Define the analysis criteria:
• Use an existing set of analysis criteria by entering its name in the Saved Variants field.
Use the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons to add or remove criteria fields.
If you want to import several roles, select the Import Roles button. The Import Roles screen
has a template to download. Then you can upload the completed Excel sheet for validation and
3. Choose the Profiles tab to add or remove profiles, or add or remove permissions associated with
4. In the Additional Criteria section, select additional reporting criteria such as Exclude Values and
Risk from Simulation Only.
5. Optionally, save the simulation criteria as a variant by entering a name in the Save Variant as field
and choosing Save.
6. Choose Run in Foreground to start the simulation immediately or choose Run in Background to
schedule a time and date to start the simulation.
7. If you choose Run in Foreground, confirm you want to run the analysis immediately by choosing
OK. The simulation results appear in the Confirmation screen.
4. On the Confirmation screen, review the results.
Optionally, choose Export Result Sets to export the results to your local machine.
You can create a report displaying the role-level access risk analysis for your organization.
Do the following:
1. Choose the object type using the first dropdown list, from among the following:
• System
• Org Level
• Org Rule
• Org Unit
• Org Value
• Risk by Process
• Access Risk ID
• Risk Level
• Role
• Role Type
• Rule Set
• Validity Date
2. Choose the operator using the second dropdown list, from among the following:
• is
• is not
• starts with
• contains
Do the following:
1. In the Format section, select the format type and view.
You can choose from among the following format types:
• Summary
• Detail
• Management View
• Executive View
You can choose from among the following views:
• Technical View
• Business View
4. In the Type section, select the report type from among the following:
• Access Risk Analysis – You can select Action Level, Permission Level, Critical Action, Critical
Permission, Critical Role/Profile, and Analytical Report.
• Access Risk Assessment
• Mitigating Analysis – You can choose either Mitigating Controls or Invalid Mitigating Controls.
5. In the Additional Criteria section, select any additional reporting criteria.
6. Optionally, save the analysis criteria as a variant by typing a name in the Save Variant as field, and then
choosing Save.
7. Choose Run in Foreground or Run in Background.
If you choose Run in Background, the Background Scheduler dialog appears. Enter the scheduler details
and choose OK. The job number appears on the User Level screen.
If you choose Run in Foreground, confirm that you want to run the analysis immediately by choosing OK.
The analysis results appear in a new window.
Next Steps
Use the functions on the Role Level Simulation screen to perform role-level simulation as part of the access risk
analysis for your organization.
The Simulation: Role Level screen displays the Define Analysis Criteria phase.
2. Define the analysis criteria by the following methods:
• Use an existing set of analysis criteria by entering its name in the Saved Variants field.
• Use the fields to specify new analysis criteria:
1. Under the Analysis Criteria area, use the fields to specify the analysis criteria, such as System,
Analysis Type, and so on.
Use the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons to add or remove criteria fields.
If you want to import several roles, select the Import Roles button. The Import Roles screen
has a template to download. Then you can upload the completed file for validation and
3. Choose the Profiles tab to add or remove profiles, or add and remove permissions associated with
4. In the Additional Criteria section, select any additional criteria such as Exclude Values and Risk
from Simulation Only.
5. Optionally, save the simulation criteria as a variant by entering a name in the Save Variant as field
and choosing Save.
6. Choose Run in Foreground to start the simulation immediately or choose Run in Background to
schedule a time and date.
7. If you choose Run in Foreground, confirm you want to run the analysis immediately by choosing
OK. The simulation results appear in the Confirmation screen.
4. On the Confirmation screen, review the results.
Optionally, choose Export Result Sets to export the results to your local machine.
Next Steps
You can create a report displaying the profile-level access risk analysis for your organization.
Do the following:
1. Choose the object type using the first dropdown list, from among the following:
• System
• Profile
• Risk by Process
• Access Risk ID
• Risk Level
• Rule Set
• Validity Date
2. Choose the operator using the second dropdown list, from among the following:
• is
• is not
• starts with
• contains
• is between
• multiple selections
3. In the Value field, enter or select the value in the third field.
4. Optionally, add a line to the analysis criteria by choosing the plus (+) button and specifying the
appropriate fields. Alternatively, remove a line from the analysis criteria by choosing the corresponding
minus (-) button.
3. Specify the report options.
Do the following:
If you choose Run in Background, the Background Scheduler dialog appears. Enter the scheduler details
and choose OK. The job number appears on the User Level screen.
If you choose Run in Foreground, confirm that you want to run the analysis immediately by choosing OK.
The analysis results appear in a new window.
Next Steps
You can use the functions on the Profile Level Simulation screen to perform profile-level simulation as part of
the access risk analysis for your organization.
The Simulation: Profile Level screen appears and displays the Define Analysis Criteria phase.
2. Define the analysis criteria by the following methods:
• Use an existing set of analysis criteria by entering its name in the Saved Variants field.
• Use the fields available on the screen to specify new analysis criteria by doing the following:
1. Under the Analysis Criteria area, use the available fields to specify the analysis criteria, such as
System, Analysis Type, and so on.
You can use the plus (+) and minus (-) pushbuttons to add or remove criteria fields.
7. If you choose Run in Foreground, confirm you want to run the analysis immediately by choosing
OK. The simulation results appear in the Confirmation screen.
4. On the Confirmation screen, review the results.
Optionally, choose Export Result Sets to export the results to your local machine.
Next Steps
You can create a report that displays the access risk analysis for HR Objects for your organization.
You can use the plus (+) and minus (-) pushbuttons to add or remove criteria fields.
2. Under the Report Options area, select and choose from the following:
• Format, such as Summary, Detail, Management Summary, and Executive Summary
• View, such as Technical View and Business View
• Additional Criteria, such as Include Mitigated Risks and Show All Objects
3. In the Type area, select from the following types and options:
• Access Risk Analysis
You can select from the following access risk analysis options: Action Level, Permission Level,
Critical Action, Critical Permission, Critical Role/Permission
• Access Risk Assessment
• Mitigation Analysis
You can select from the following mitigation analysis options: Mitigating Controls, or Invalid
Mitigating Controls.
4. Optionally, you can save the analysis criteria as a variant by entering a name in the Save Variant as
field and choosing Save.
3. Choose Run in Foreground to start the analysis immediately or choose Run in Background to schedule a
time and date to start the analysis.
To view the status of background jobs, navigate to Access Management Scheduling Background
Jobs .
Next Steps
You can perform HR object-level simulation as part of the access risk analysis for your organization.
The Simulation: HR Object Level screen appears and displays the Define Analysis Criteria phase.
2. Define the analysis criteria by the following methods:
• Use an existing set of analysis criteria by entering its name in the Saved Variants field.
• Use the fields available on the screen to specify new analysis criteria by doing the following:
1. Under the Analysis Criteria area, use the available fields to specify the analysis criteria, such as
System, Analysis Type, and so on.
You can use the plus (+) and minus (-) pushbuttons to add or remove criteria fields.
2. Under the Report Options area, select and choose from the following:
• Format, such as Summary, Detail, Management Summary, and Executive Summary
• View, such as Technical View and Business View
• Type, only Access Risk Analysis is available and is automatically selected. You can select
from the following access risk analysis options: Action Level, Permission Level, Critical Action,
Critical Permission, Critical Role/Permission
• Additional Criteria, such as Include Mitigated Risks and Show All Objects
3. Optionally, you can, save the analysis criteria as a variant by entering a name in the Save Variant as
field and choosing Save.
4. Choose Next.
7. If you choose Run in Foreground, confirm you want to run the analysis immediately by choosing
OK. The simulation results appear in the Confirmation screen.
4. On the Confirmation screen, review the results.
Optionally, choose Export Result Sets to export the results to your local machine.
Next Steps
You can create a report of the user-level invalid mitigations for your organization. Through the report, you can
delete invalid mitigation assignments or extend the validity date. If you have invalid monitors, you can reassign
a valid monitor to the mitigation control.
1. Choose Access Management Access Risk Analysis User Level Invalid Mitigations .
You can use custom user groups to search for invalid mitigations for the group instead of
separately for each user. For example, you create Group_A , and then add User_01 through
User_10. You can then search for invalid mitigations in Group_A. For more information, see
Creating a Custom User Group. [page 135]
• Include Users
• Include Role Assignment
• Org Level
• Org Rule
• Org Unit
• Org Value
• Risk by Process
• Access Risk ID
• Risk Level
• Rule Set
• User
On an ad hoc basis, you can run an analysis for a filtered list of users based on their SU01
attributes. To do this, select Multiple Selections in the middle column. Then select Add
Selection. Then select Search SU01 to identify the attributes you want to analyze.
• User Group
• User Type
• Validity Date
2. Choose the operator using the second dropdown list.
3. In the Value field, enter or select the value in the third field.
4. Optionally, add a line to the analysis criteria by choosing the plus (+) pushbutton and specifying the
fields. Or you can remove a line by selecting the minus (-) pushbutton.
3. Specify the Report Options. You can Delete Invalid Mitigation assignments or extend them. If you want the
report to show the status for mitigation monitors, select the Invalid Mitigation Monitors checkbox. If you do
not select this checkbox, the report shows the Control ID Status. It will not show the Monitor Status.
4. Optionally, save the criteria by typing a name in the Save Variant as field and choosing Save.
5. Choose Run in Foreground or Run in Background.
If you choose Run in Foreground, confirm to run the analysis immediately by choosing OK. The analysis
results appear in a new window.
6. Optionally, change invalid mitigation control monitors.
1. If the report displays invalid monitors, you can drill down on the monitor status from within the report.
2. Click the hyperlink for the invalid monitor and the monitor screen opens.
3. Search for and select another monitor. The application only displays valid monitors.
4. After changing the monitor on the Owners tab, also make the change on the Reports tab.
5. Save your changes to complete the process.
Next Steps
You can create a report of the role-level invalid mitigations for your organization. Through the report, you can
delete invalid mitigation assignments or extend the validity date. If you have invalid monitors, you can reassign
a valid monitor to the mitigation control.
1. Choose Access Management Access Risk Analysis Role Level Invalid Mitigations .
If you choose Run in Background, the Background Scheduler dialog appears. Enter the details and choose
If you choose Run in Foreground, confirm to run the analysis immediately by choosing OK. The analysis
results appear in a new window.
6. Optionally, change invalid mitigation control monitors.
1. If the report displays invalid monitors, you can drill down on the monitor status from within the report.
2. Click the hyperlink for the invalid monitor and the monitor screen opens.
3. Search for and select another monitor. The application only displays valid monitors.
4. After changing the monitor on the Owners tab, also make the change on the Reports tab.
5. Save your changes to complete the process.
Next Steps
Mitigated Access allows you to manage the risks associated with access control by identifying risks, assessing
the level of those risks, and assigning mitigating controls to users, roles, and profiles to mitigate access rule
A risk is identified through risk analysis and cannot be mitigated unless the control has been previously
The first step in defining or creating a mitigating control is to create a mitigating control ID. This ID appears in
risk analysis reports. All risk IDs associated with the control must also be mitigated with this control.
You can print all search results in mitigation or export them to an Excel file. Due to screen size limitations, the
printed and exported versions of the search results may contain more data fields than the screen can display.
More Information
Use the Mitigated Users area to make new mitigated users by associating them with predefined mitigating
controls individually or with blanket mitigation. Blanket mitigation allows you to mitigate access risks for
several users at one time.
You can also use this feature to search for users already mitigated by association of a user and a mitigating
You must first define a mitigating control before you can assign it to users to mitigate an access risk.
More Information
You must first define a mitigating control before you can assign it to an organization to mitigate an access risk.
More Information
You must first define a mitigating control before you can assign it to a role to mitigate an access risk.
More Information
You must first define a mitigating control before you can assign it to a profile to mitigate an access risk.
More Information
You can use the functions on the HR Mitigation screen to mitigate access risks by assigning mitigating controls
to human resource (HR) objects.
Use the Role Organization Mitigation screen to assign mitigating controls to an organization rule for a role.
You must first define a mitigating control before you can assign it to an organization role to mitigate an access
On the Access Request screen, you can perform risk analysis and impact analysis before approving requests.
You have the following options for performing the analysis:
• On the Risk Violations tab, you can perform the analysis and save the results.
• On the User Access tab, you can use Simulation to first perform the analysis and then choose whether or
not to save the results.
• You can set the requirement that approvers must analyze risks before approving access requests.
Maintain this setting in the Customizing activity (transaction SPRO) Maintain MSMP Workflows,
under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control Workflow for Access Control . In the
Maintain Paths phase, under the Maintain Stages section, select Display Task Settings. Select the Risk
Analysis Mandatoryfield and choose Yes or No.
• You can allow approvers to approve access requests despite risks. Maintain this setting in the
Customizing activity Maintain MSMP Workflows, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access
Control Workflow for Access Control . In the Maintain Paths phase, under the Maintain Stages
section, select Display Task Settings. Select the checkbox for the Approve Despite Risk field.
This procedure is the same regardless of the tab page you choose to initiate it. The only difference is that
Simulation allows you to choose whether or not to save the results.
1. From the My Home work center, select Work Inbox. On the Workitems screen, select Access Management.
Choose an access request.
2. Do one of the following:
• Select the Risk Violations tab.
• On the User Access tab, choose Simulation.
3. In the Analysis Type dropdown list, select the relevant analysis type.
• You use Risk Analysis to determine violations pertaining to the authorizations assigned to the role. For
example, when the authorizations result in segregation of duties violations.
You can customize SAP Access Control to include firefighter assignments automatically in the risk
Column Value
Parameter ID 1038
• You use Impact Analysis to determine authorization violations pertaining to other roles. That is, the
authorizations for the selected role, in combination with authorizations for another role, result in
On the Access Request screen, you can perform risk analyses and impact analyses on the following tab pages:
• Risk Violations
If you want to save the results of the analysis, use the analysis function on this tab.
• User Access
Simulation allows you to perform the analysis first and then choose whether or not to save the results.
• You can set the application to analyze risks automatically when someone submits an access request.
For example, if the requester chooses to submit a request without analyzing the risks first, the
application performs an analysis and adds the results to the access request that appears in the
approver's Work Inbox.
Maintain this setting in the Customizing activity Maintain Configuration Settings, under
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control . For the parameter Enable risk analysis on
form submission, enter the values as follows:
Column Value
Parameter ID 1071
• You can set the application to include firefighter assignments in the risk analysis.
Maintain this setting in the Customizing activity Maintain Configuration Settings, under
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control . For the parameter Consider FF Assignments
in Risk Analysis, enter the values as follows:
Column Value
Parameter ID 1038
This procedure is the same regardless of which tab page you choose to initiate it. The only difference is that the
simulation feature allows you to choose whether or not to save the results.
You can use the Analyze Access Risk phase to perform the following analysis types:
• You use Risk Analysis to determine violations from the authorizations assigned to the role, for example, the
authorizations result in segregation of duties violations.
• You use Impact Analysis to determine authorization violations with other roles. That is, the authorizations
for this role, in combination with authorizations for another role result in violations.
The Select Options for Impact Analysis area is only enabled when Impact Analysis is selected.
4. In the middle area of the screen, choose to run the analysis job in the foreground or background.
5. In the View Results For area, select Risk Analysis from the dropdown list, and then choose Go.
6. In the Result area, you can choose different ways to view the analysis results.
7. Choose Mitigate Risk, to mitigate any violations.
More Information
On the Assign Mitigation Controls screen, you can assign mitigation controls to risks found during risk analysis
and impact analysis.
The screen also allows you to mitigate risks for roles that are not part of the current request. For example,
you are currently mitigating risks for John_Current_Request. You can also mitigate risk violations for
John_Other_Request1 and John _Other_Request2. Choose the Add pushbutton to add and complete the
procedure below for step 4.
The Mitigate Risk feature is available on multiple screens in the application. In the procedure below, we
describe one access point; your access point may be different. The information is applicable regardless of
the access point.
1. On the Analyze Access Risk screen, under the Results section, select a risk violation or multiple violations,
and then choose the Mitigate Risk pushbutton.
The Assign Mitigation Controls screen appears. The application uses the information from the risk violation,
such as the Access Risk ID, and displays the relevant mitigating control.
2. To use the mitigating control suggested by the application:
1. Change the information in the relevant fields as needed, such as the validity dates, the Control ID, and
so on.
2. Choose Submit.
3. To create a new control:
1. Choose Create Control and complete the tasks for creating a new control.
2. Choose Add.
The application adds an empty line to the mitigation controls list.
3. Enter information in the relevant fields for the new control.
4. Choose Submit.
Next Steps
8.9 Alerts
When a user performs critical or conflicting actions, the system can send an escalation alert to the appropriate
personnel. You can use the Alerts feature to monitor Conflicting and Critical Access and Mitigating Control
alerts, as appropriate.
More Information
1. Choose Access Management Access Alerts Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts or Access
Management Access Alerts Mitigating Controls .
The Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts or Mitigating Control Alerts screen opens.
2. Specify the search criteria.
1. Choose the object type using the first dropdown list.
For Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts, you can choose from among the following object types:
• Business Process
• System
• Date Time Executed
• Access Risk ID
• Risk Level
• Risk Owner
• Risk Type
• User ID
• Alert Date Time
For Mitigating Control Alerts, you can choose from among the following object types:
• Action
• System
• Control ID
• Date Time Executed
• User ID
• Alert Date Time
2. Choose the operator using the second dropdown list, from among the following:
• is
• is not
• starts with
• contains
Next Steps
8.9.2 Cleared Alerts
After an alert message has been delivered and cleared, or deleted, it remains as an archived record. You can
continue to track and monitor these alerts using the Cleared Alerts tab of the Conflicting and Critical Risk Alerts
and Mitigating Controls screens.
More Information
1. Choose Access Management Access Alerts Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts or Access
Management Access Alerts Mitigating Controls .
The Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts or Mitigating Control Alerts screen opens.
2. Specify the search criteria.
3. Choose Search.
The alert is cleared. You can view cleared alerts using the Cleared Alerts tab. For more information, see
Searching Cleared Alerts [page 168].
Next Steps
1. Choose Access Management Access Alerts Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts or Access
Management Access Alerts Mitigating Controls .
The Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts or Mitigating Control Alerts screen opens.
2. Select the Cleared Alerts tab.
3. Specify the search criteria.
1. Choose the object type using the first dropdown list.
For Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts, you can choose from among the following object types:
• Business Process
• System
• Date Time Executed
• Access Risk ID
• Risk Level
• Risk Owner
• Risk Type
• User ID
• Alert Date Time
For Mitigating Control Alerts, you can choose from among the following object types:
• Action
• System
• Control ID
• Date Time Executed
• User ID
• Alert Date Time
2. Choose the operator using the second dropdown list, from among the following:
• is
• is not
• starts with
The Clear Alert dialog appears displaying the reason. Choose Cancel to dismiss the dialog.
Next Steps
In the Access Management work center, under Scheduling, you can use the links to schedule and display
background jobs.
You can use Background Scheduler to create and maintain schedules for background jobs.
1. Select Create.
2. Enter the Schedule Name.
3. Select a Schedule Activity for the background job.
If your Schedule Activity is Generates data for access request UAR, a checkbox will appear. Select
Generate UAR for Business Roles if you want the business roles to be included in the data.
4. Select if you want to make this a Recurring Plan. Selecting Yes will give you a Recurring Range field to define
how long this schedule should run as well as the Frequency.
5. Select whether to start the background job immediately.
6. If you select No to starting the job immediately, specify the Start Date and time.
7. Select Next.
8. Select Variants from your Saved Variants or customize the schedule.
9. Select Next to Review the details.
10. If there are corrections, select Previous to modify the criteria. If you are satisfied with Schedule Details,
select Finish.
This overview process explains how to monitor and prevent risks during role creation and update.
Roles are introduced into environments without risks or with mitigated risks to provide compliant user access.
Role Management Overview helps you to manage your roles by giving you up-to-date information on key
metrics and reports using analytical and list tiles.
Analytical tiles, such as Role by Type, display a graphical overview of key metrics and allow you to drill down
into the supporting detail.
List tiles, such as Role Relationship Reports , contain links to the corresponding report or transaction in SAP
Access Control.
The information and tiles that display depend on your role and the privileges and permissions associated
with it.
Related Information
Role Management allows you to manage roles from multiple systems with a single unified role repository.
The roles can be documented, designed, analyzed for control violations, approved, and then automatically
generated. It enables standardized practices to ensure that role definitions, development, testing, and
maintenance are consistent across the entire enterprise.
Implementation Considerations
A role is a predefined set of access permissions. In this model, access is not granted to individual users, but
rather to roles.
To provision access to a financial application for a user, you must assign to that user a role that has access
to the application. When the user is assigned to the requisite role, the user has access to the application.
Different users need to access the same module or application yet require different levels of access. For any
application, multiple roles exist that include some form of access. Role assignment defines both the application
to which the user has access, and the level of access the user is granted within the application.
The roles Receiving, Inventory, and Accounts Payable are usually mutually exclusive. To prevent the risk
of fraud, a person responsible for cataloging deliveries cannot have the ability to catalog inventory, and to
authorize payment for a delivery.
To facilitate role planning and role maintenance, see the Reports and Analytics work center that include
reports for:
Role Creation Methodology allows you to customize the role management process to match your
requirements. You can also set up multiple methodologies. For example, create one methodology for finance
roles and another for security roles.
A role creation methodology consists of predefined actions and the steps associated with those actions. The
steps create a methodology that guides you through the process of defining, generating, and testing a role
during role creation.
The methodology process is flexible and can be configured. For example, you can repeat a step multiple times,
such as requiring an approval step several times in your process, or you can remove steps you do not need.
You can use the role creation methodology delivered with the application, change it, or create your own.
To customize the role maintenance process, you define condition groups. A condition group uses the role
attribute values, such as the role type or role name, to define a rule that is used to select a methodology.
For example, users with the Finance role use the finance methodology, and users with Security roles use the
security methodology.
You can have multiple condition groups associated to one methodology process. However, you cannot have
multiple processes associated with one condition group.
1. Generate Business Rules Framework plus (BRFplus) applications, approvers, and methodology functions
by using the Customizing activity Generate BRFplus Applications, Approvers, and Methodology Functions
under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control Role Management .
2. In BRFplus, create condition groups and define the set of attributes, such as role type, and so on.
3. Assign the condition groups to the BRFplus function using the Customizing activity Assign Condition
Groups to BRFplus Functions, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control Role
Management .
4. Define the methodology processes using the Customizing activity Define Methodology Processes and
Steps, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control Role Management .
5. Assign the methodology processes to the condition group using the Customizing activity Associate
Methodology Process to Condition Group, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control
Role Management .
You Reapply Methodology to update an existing role’s methodology because of a change to the methodology,
role content, or conditions.
• Role Maintenance
On the role maintenance screens, choose the Reset Role Methodology button.
The application applies the changes and resets the current phase to the definition phase (first phase).
• Roles in the approval stage are not updated. The approval must be complete before the roles are updated.
• Roles in the edit mode are not updated. The internal status of the role is locked.
• If the role contains derived roles, and the new methodology does not contain the Derivation step, you must
first remove the derived roles and update the roles separately.
More Information
Role derivation allows administrators to derive roles from a single master role. The master role serves as the
template for the authorizations and attributes. The derived roles are differentiated from the master role and
each other by organizational levels.
You can choose any role of the role type Single Role to be a master role. The application automatically creates
the relationship between the master role and the derived roles.
The attributes, such as business process, are propagated to the derived roles only when the derived roles are
created. After creation, they are independent roles, and any changes to the attributes in the master role are not
The authorization data, such as transactions, objects, fields, and so on, continues to be propagated but not
automatically. You can choose to manually propagate authorization data changes to the master role by going to
the Maintain Authorization screen and doing the following:
• For the master role, choose the Propagate Authorizations pushbutton to propagate authorizations to the
derived roles.
• For the derived roles, choose the Copy Authorization pushbutton to copy authorizations from the master
9.2.2 Role Maintenance
The application provides a standardized and centralized framework to design, test, and maintain roles.
The basic role maintenance process, used by most system and security administrators, involves the steps
described below.
The process described below is an example. A company's process may be different, and may have more or
less steps. The application allows you to customize the steps as required. For more information, see Role
Creation Methodology [page 174].
The process described is an end-to-end process for creating roles. Once you have created a role, you can
use the Go to Phase button to go directly to a stage and change the information. For example, to change the
authorizations, open the role and go to the Maintain Authorization phase.
To edit a role, on the Business Role Management screen, you must select the role, and choose the Open
button. For some phases, such as Define Role and Maintain Authorizations, you must also choose the Edit
button at the top of the phase screen.
If you select the role by choosing its name, the application displays the role in read-only mode. All the
buttons are disabled and you can only view the information.
When you change a business role, for example, by adding or deleting a technical role, any users who are
assigned to that business role are automatically notified of those changes via e-mail after you click Update
We deliver a template that you can use for the notifications. You can also create your own custom template for
user notifications in Customizing under SAP Reference IMG Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access
Control Workflow for Access Control Maintain Customer Notification Messages .
• Outside the application, you have identified your business needs, and evaluated your approach for
managing roles.
1. Defining roles
2. Maintaining authorizations
3. Deriving roles
4. Analyzing access risks
5. Approving roles
6. Generating roles
7. Maintaining test cases
You use Define Roles to create and maintain attributes for role types. The role types are categorized as either
technical roles or business roles.
Technical roles are roles that physically exist on the back-end system. You assign a technical role to a user to
grant them authorization and access to the back-end system that contains the role. For example, you want to
grant HR authorizations to a user for system Sys_1. You would create a technical role HR_USER_SYS_1 with the
authorizations and assign the technical role to the user in the back end.
Business roles are logical roles that exist only in the Access Control; they do not exist in the back-end systems.
They allow you to grant authorizations to a user for multiple roles. The roles may be from multiple systems,
rather than manually assigning separate roles for each system.
The New Role screen appears. The application displays different tabs, based on the role you are creating.
2. On the Details tab, enter information for:
Maintain the list of functional areas in the Customizing activity Maintain Functional Areas under
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control Role Management .
5. On the Company tab, select the required companies.
Maintain the companies in the Customizing activity Define Companies under Governance, Risk, and
Compliance Access Control Role Management .
6. On the Custom Fields tab, maintain custom fields that you have defined.
Maintain the list of companies in the Customizing activity Define Companies under Governance, Risk,
and Compliance General Settings User-Defined Fields .
7. On the Owners/Approvers tab, do the following:
1. Choose Edit to enable the buttons.
2. Choose Add, and then select a role to be the owner or approver.
3. Select the checkboxes to specify the role as Assignment Approver, Role Owner, or both.
4. In the Alternate column, select a user to serve as a backup if the owner or approver is not able to
perform their duties.
5. Choose Default Approvers to use the default approvers, rather than specifying owners or approvers.
Before you can change the Owners/Approvers tab, you must save the role. The functions for this tab
are disabled in Create mode.
8. On the Roles tab, select the roles to associate with this role. This is available only for composite roles and
business roles.
9. On the Prerequisite tab, add any prerequisites that are required for the user to be assigned this role.
1. Select the Verify on Request checkbox to require the application to verify that the user has completed
the prerequisites before allowing the role assignment.
2. Select the Active checkbox to enable the prerequisite.
Select the Consider Parent Role Approver checkbox to use only the approvers associated with the parent
roles and ignore any approvers associated with the child roles.
If you are using a business role, you do not need this function.
Next Steps
You can use the Additional Details tab to maintain supplementary information for the role. The tab page is
available on all the role maintenance screens, so you can maintain the information for all the phases of the role
maintenance process.
• Detail Description
A free text entry field you can use to enter any relevant information.
• Provisioning
Maintain provisioning settings for the role. For more information, see Maintaining Role Provisioning
Settings [page 181].
• Where-Used Roles
A list of the system landscapes where the roles are used. The list includes the business process and
• Assigned Users
A list of all the users that are assigned the role, the relevant system, and the validity period.
• Attachments
Attach any files or documents required for the role.
• Change History
A history of the changes to the role in SAP Access Control.
You maintain these settings to control how the application provisions the role.
1. Select the Role Status field, and choose a status. If you want the role to be for provisioning, you must
choose Production.
Maintain the role statuses in the Customizing activity Maintain Role Status, under Governance, Risk, and
Compliance Access Control Role Management .
2. To set the validity period for a system, select a system, and choose the Set Default Period.
3. To allow users to search for the role and request to be assigned to the role, select Provisioning Allowed, and
choose Yes.
4. To allow the application to automatically provision roles to users once their user access request has been
approved, select Allow Auto-Provisioning, and choose Yes.
5. Choose Save.
The application performs provisioning only for roles that are set as productive and where provisioning is
allowed. That is, if the role is set as productive, but both Provisioning Allowed and Allow Auto-provisioning
are set to No, the application does not provision the role.
You can use the Maintain Authorizations phase to maintain the role authorization data for the Single role type.
This phase is not relevant for other role types and is not displayed for them.
• If you are updating an existing role, choose the Edit button to enable the buttons on the screen.
• When in Edit mode, you cannot navigate to other phases. You must choose Save to make the Go To
Phase button active.
The application provides different features for maintaining PFCG role authorizations and non-PFCG role
1. On the Maintain Authorizations tab page, choose from the following features:
• Add/Delete Function to maintain the functions for the role
• Maintain Authorization Data to start the PFCG transaction on the back-end system
• Synch. with PFCG to pull the role authorization data from PFCG and overwrite the role authorization
data in access control
In this mode, the application disables the Add/Delete Function and Maintain Authorization Data
buttons. To cancel the synchronization and enable the buttons, choose the Cancel PFCG Synch.
• Propagate to Derived Roles to push any changes of role authorization data to all derived roles
associated with this role
• Push Authorization Data to Back-end System to push the role authorization data from access control to
the back-end system and overwrite the authorization data in PFCG
2. Save the entries.
The following tab pages are read-only and display authorization data from the back-end system for the role:
• Actions
• Permissions
• You have created and saved the master role in the PFCG back-end system.
• You have assigned the default back-end system in the Customizing activity Maintain Mapping for Actions
and Connector Groups, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control .
• If you want to allow role derivation using org value maps without a leading org, you have maintained
Parameter ID 3025 in the Customizing activity: Maintain Configuration Settings, under Governance, Risk,
and Compliance Access Control
Role derivation allows administrators to derive one or more roles from a single master role. The master role
serves as the template for the authorizations and attributes. The derived roles are differentiated from the
master role and each other by organizational values. A Leading Org that the system uses to filter the Org Value
Maps during role derivation may or may not be required depending on how your system is configured.
As delivered, the system requires that Org Value Maps that are used for role derivation contain a leading
org. If you want to allow role derivation from maps that do not contain a leading org, your administrator
can maintain Parameter ID 3025 in the Customizing activity: Maintain Configuration Settings, under
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control .
You can only use the role type Single Role for master roles; therefore, you can only derive roles from single
1. Search for role that has been created and is in the derivation phase.
The role opens in a new window with the methodology process active on theDerivation tab.
You can only derive one role at a time when using this option.
To derive the role without using org value maps, do To derive the role using org value maps that do not
the following: contain leading orgs, do the following:
1. Click Next.
2. Go to step 6.
To use this option, Parameter ID 3025 must be set
to Yes in Customizing.
5. To derive a role using organizational value maps that contain a leading org:
1. Select the Leading Org. Level.
2. Enter the organizational values.
To specify just one organizational value, only enter a value in Organizational Value From field.
3. Under the Org. Value Mapping area, choose Add to select one or more organizational value maps.
4. Choose Next.
6. In the Derived Role Name field, give the derived role a name and then choose Next.
You can configure naming conventions for role names in the Customizing activity Specify Naming
Conventions, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control Role Management .
7. Review the information for the derived role, and then choose Save.
The application saves the derived role. To generate the derived role, go to the Generate Roles phase.
You can use the Analyze Access Risk phase to perform the following analysis types:
• You use Risk Analysis to determine violations from the authorizations assigned to the role, for example, the
authorizations result in segregation of duties violations.
• You use Impact Analysis to determine authorization violations with other roles. That is, the authorizations
for this role, in combination with authorizations for another role result in violations.
The Select Options for Impact Analysis area is only enabled when Impact Analysis is selected.
4. In the middle area of the screen, choose to run the analysis job in the foreground or background.
5. In the View Results For area, select Risk Analysis from the dropdown list, and then choose Go.
6. In the Result area, you can choose different ways to view the analysis results.
7. Choose Mitigate Risk, to mitigate any violations.
More Information
On the Assign Mitigation Controls screen, you can assign mitigation controls to risks found during risk analysis
and impact analysis.
The screen also allows you to mitigate risks for roles that are not part of the current request. For example,
you are currently mitigating risks for John_Current_Request. You can also mitigate risk violations for
John_Other_Request1 and John _Other_Request2. Choose the Add pushbutton to add and complete the
procedure below for step 4.
The Mitigate Risk feature is available on multiple screens in the application. In the procedure below, we
describe one access point; your access point may be different. The information is applicable regardless of
the access point.
1. On the Analyze Access Risk screen, under the Results section, select a risk violation or multiple violations,
and then choose the Mitigate Risk pushbutton.
The Assign Mitigation Controls screen appears. The application uses the information from the risk violation,
such as the Access Risk ID, and displays the relevant mitigating control.
2. To use the mitigating control suggested by the application:
1. Change the information in the relevant fields as needed, such as the validity dates, the Control ID, and
so on.
2. Choose Submit.
3. To create a new control:
1. Choose Create Control and complete the tasks for creating a new control.
2. Choose Add.
The application adds an empty line to the mitigation controls list.
Next Steps
You can use Role Owners link to perform changes to Role Owners (additions, subtractions or modifications).
1. On the Setup page, under Access Owners, select the Role Owners link.
2. Evaluate your changes and determine if you have a few minor changes or more pervasive changes.
• For a few changes, make your changes directly on the first screen. Here you can Add, Remove, and
Save your changes to the Role Owners.
• For mass changes, select the Export or Import button. From the Import button, you can download a
template, input your new Role Owners and then Upload it. There is a Validate step that determines
if your material can be used in the system and lets you edit it directly on the screen to make any
You can save changes to business role to technical role associations in a draft form. You can also Revert back to
the last active role if the changes are not approved by the role owner.
These capabilities are applicable only for business-role-to-technical-role associations. It does not affect any
other role functions. For example, if you change the validity dates for a role, a draft version is not created
and the Revert button does not rollback those changes.
• Draft Versioning
Any work-in-progress role changes are designated as drafts until they are approved and activated. The
active version will continue being used by end users.
• Revert to Last Approved Version
In the Generate Roles phase, you can submit roles for generation.
The screen displays a summary of the following for the roles to be generated:
• Default system
The application pulls the default system information from the system landscape. You maintain the
default system information in the Customizing activity Maintain Mapping for Actions and Connector
Groups, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control .
• Other systems
The application pulls the system information from the system landscape. You maintain the default
system information in the Customizing activity Maintain Mapping for Actions and Connector Groups,
under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control .
• Derived roles
The application displays a list of the roles derived from this master role.
2. Choose Next.
3. Schedule [page 64] the job for generating the roles, and choose Next.
4. Analyze risks.
The application performs risk analysis. If it does not detect any risk, it immediately goes to the
Confirmation phase.
You can configure whether or not the application performs risk analysis before it generates roles.
To do so, set parameter ID 3011 in the Customizing Activity Maintain Configuration Settings, under
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control .
You can configure whether or not the application generates roles even with risks. To do so, set
parameter IDs 3014 to 3018 in the Customizing Activity Maintain Configuration Settings, under
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control .
You can use the Maintain Test Cases phase to document test results for any testing done for the role. You can
enter single test cases, upload multiple test cases, or attach documents.
The process of approving role requests consists of procedures for the person making the request and for the
person approving the request.
You have selected the role owners and role approvers in the Define Role phase.
1. In the Request Approval phase, the requestor chooses the Initiate Approval Request button to initiate
the workflow for approving the role. The requestor can also monitor the request status and read any
comments for the request.
2. In the Work Inbox, the approver receives the task for approving the request, and then chooses from the
following actions:
• Reject
• Forward
• Hold
• Request Information
You can configure the list of available actions and the approval workflow in the Customizing activity
Maintain MSMP Workflows, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control Workflow for
Access Control .
3. (Optional) In Customizing (transaction SPRO), configure e-mail notifications.
• To configure custom e-mail notifications to inform the requestor that their request has been approved
or rejected, you maintain the Customizing activity Maintain Custom Notification Messages, under
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control Workflow for Access Control .
You can configure it so that all recipients of the same notification event receive the same message,
or you can configure it so that different recipients of the same notification event receive different
messages. For example, you can configure it so that recipients from the Finance department receive a
message with wording specific to Finance.
• To configure e-mail notifications for the person approving the role request, you maintain the
Customizing activity Maintain MSMP Workflows, under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access
Control Workflow for Access Control .
More Information
You can use this feature to reprovision business roles to users when the technical roles assigned to the
business roles have changed.
The application allows you to assign multiple technical roles to a logical role called a business role. This allows
you to provision the authorizations from multiple technical roles to a user in one step by provisioning the
single business role. This feature allows you to reprovision the business roles to users if the technical role
assignments changed after you initially provisioned the roles.
The following figure illustrates that the business role, Business_Role_01, changed its technical role
assignments from Technical_Role_03 to Technical_Role_05 and Technical_Role_06.
You have enabled the Provisioning phase for the role methodology.
You maintain the phase in the Customizing activity, Define Methodology and Steps, under Governance, Risk
and Compliance Access Control Role Management .
1. Choose Access Management Role Management Role Maintenance The Business Role Management
screen appears.
2. Select a business role and choose Open.
The business role maintenance screen appears.
The workflow graphic at the top of the screen displays the Provisioning phase only if both these
requirements are met:
3. In the Definition phase, change the assignment of the technical roles to the business role as needed and
then choose Save and Continue.
4. Complete the phases of the workflow as required, such as Analyzing Risks, to get to the Provisioning phase.
The Provisioning tab page is displayed only if you have completed the conditions above.
It has the following sub-tabs and functions:
Tab Functions
Provisioning Choose the Update Assignment button and the application performs a background
job to reprovision the business role to the associated users. The application per
forms the background job immediately, but depending on your system setup, it
may take some time.
The Update Assignment button is enabled only if the business role has been
assigned via the access request process.
The table displays the relevant background jobs and its status.
Choose the Refresh button to refresh the status. When the Result column displays
Complete, the background has finished reprovisioning the business role.
Summary by User This tab displays the results of the reprovisioning background job by user. This al
lows you know which users were affected by this reprovisioning. The Result column
displays whether the reprovisioning was Successful or Failed.
Details This tab displays the details of the reprovisioning job. It lists the following informa
• Job ID
• User
• Associated Role
• System
• Valid From
• Valid To
• Action
Whether the job added or deleted the role.
• Result
• Reason
For example, the reason why reprovisioning failed.
• Provisioned On
Time and date the application provisioned the roles.
• Initiated On
Time and date the background was started.
• Initiated By
The person who initiated the provisioning job.
5. Choose Save and Continue, and then complete any remaining phases in the workflow as needed.
More Information
9.2.5 Role Search
You can search for roles based on role attributes such as role type, role name, and so on. Choose the plus (+)
button to add additional criteria.
The application allows you to search for roles from several screens. On the Access Request screen, with
administrator authorization, you can configure the search criteria. You can add custom fields and configure
their attributes. For example, you can set the default values and whether the field is mandatory. Configure
the fields in Customizing (SPRO) under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control User
Provisioning Configure Attributes for Role Search Criteria in Access Requests .
We recommend that you restrict the search criteria to produce more targeted results.
On the search results screen, you can change, copy, delete, or export the roles.
• To change the role, choose Open. This opens the role in the role maintenance workflow screen.
• To define a new role name based on an existing role, select a role, and then choose Copy. On the Role
Copyscreen, select the attributes you want to copy, and then choose Submit.
• To delete a role, select the role(s) you wish to delete, and then choose Delete.
• To export roles and role details, select the roles and choose the Export and Role Details Export as required.
More Information
9.2.6 Default Roles
You use Default Roles to specify roles the application assigns to a user automatically during provisioning.
1. Choose Create.
2. Select an Attribute and Attribute Value, and then choose Add.
3. Select a system and a role name from the respective columns.
4. Save the entries.
You have two roles for inventory employees in your system: Inventory_Clerk and Inventory_Manager. You used
Default Roles to specify that the application use the role Inventory_Clerk, if a user access request for system
Inventory01 contains the attribute Subprocess, attribute value Check_Inventory, and no specific role name.
Attribute Subprocess
System Inventory01
• Employee_01 specified only that they required authorization for the Check_Inventory subprocess. The
application automatically provisions their access with the default role Inventory_Clerk.
• Employee_02 specified that they required authorization for the Check_Inventory subprocess and for
the role Inventory_Manager. The application provisions their access with two roles: Inventory_Clerk and
Administrator’s use Maintain Rule to Role Mapping to map access rules to user role assignments. These rules
are then used by the BRF+ framework to match the right access to users.
1. From the SAP NetWeaver Business Client, navigate to Setup User Assignment Rules Maintain Rule
to Role Mapping .
2. In the Name field, click the value selection icon to search for and select an access rule.
3. Click Add to search for and select the roles that you want to associate with this rule.
4. Click Save.
BRF+ is a generic framework that is used to define and maintain business rules for all kinds of business
applications including SAP Access Control. BRF+ enables business users to adapt system behavior to their
Once you create your rule to role mapping in SAP Access Control, you must connect it with a BRF+ function.
For instructions on how to use the BRF+ framework, see the link below.
Role Mining groups together features that allow you to target roles of interest, analyze the roles, and then take
action. For example, find all roles that are due to expire and affirm if they are still relevant.
9.4.1 Action Usage
You use Action Usage to generate a report listing action usage by roles, users, and profiles. You can view the
last execution date of the action and number of times the action is executed in a specific time period for SAP
The Action Usage report screen shows the usage for the specified action for the specified date range and for
the selected system.
The report shows action usage information only for the system where the role was associated with the action.
To view an Action Usage report, enter information in the fields as needed, and then choose either Run in
Foreground or Run in Background.
9.4.2 Role Comparison
You use Role Comparison to compare two or more roles in the access control application or between the
application and another system. You can compare roles by Comparison Type and Comparison Level. If there is a
difference between the roles, you can synchronize the roles by choosing to overwrite the values of one role with
another. For more information, see below.
1. Selecting roles
On the Select Roles screen, choose Add, search for, and then select roles. You must select at least two
2. Selecting comparison criteria
On the Comparison Criteria screen, select the comparison level and type. If you choose to Compare roles
between Access Control and System, you must select a system in the System field.
3. Reviewing the comparison results
On the Comparison Results screen, the results are displayed on the Actions and Permissions tab pages.
4. Synchronizing the roles
On the Synchronization screen, select from the following options:
• Access Control to System
You are choosing to overwrite the role information on the selected system with the role information
from Access Control.
• System to Access Control
You are choosing to overwrite the role information in Access Control with the role information from the
selected system.
Synchronization is only valid if you select the Type as Compare roles between Access Control and
Systemon the Comparison Criteria screen.
In the following example, the access control application is the role management interface for the following
back-end systems: Financial (FIN) and Human Resources (HR). It illustrates that the FIN_ROLE_01 role on the
FIN system does not have the same authorizations as the role in the access control application. This may occur
if someone has bypassed the access control application and made changes directly to the roles on the system.
Role Comparison allows you to synchronize the roles by overwriting the role information between the access
control application and the selected system.
9.4.3 Role Reaffirm
You use Role Reaffirm to reaffirm permissions and authorizations for selected roles that are due to expire.
For example, over a period of time, employees may change employment positions within a company or
leave the company. It is standard practice for companies to have their managers review whether or not the
authorizations and roles assigned to their employees are still relevant.
On the Role Reaffirm screen, you can search for roles, and then choose from the following actions: Approve,
Remove, or Hold.
You can use Role Mass Maintenance to import and change authorizations and attributes for multiple roles.
If you have completed importing the roles or if the roles are already in the access control application, you
can perform the procedures in any order required.
You can use Role Import to bring multiple roles from other systems in to the access control application.
On the Define Criteria screen, you specify the role type, import source, and other parameters for importing
multiple roles.
When you select a role type, the application makes inactive fields that are not applicable for that
type. For example, if you select Business Role, the application makes inactive the User Input and Role
Authorization Source fields.
You must have the authorization S_CTS_SADM to use the option File on Server.
Role attributes are details for the role, and include information such as role name, process, subprocess,
and so on. Depending on the role type, the role attribute source may be from the following: User Input, File
on Server, or File on Desktop.
The role authorization source is the object that provides the authorization information for the roles.
Depending on the role type, the role authorization source may be from the following: Backend System, File
on Server, or File on Desktop. The settings are applicable to both PFCG and non-PFCG role authorizations.
For technical roles, you can choose Skip if the role authorization source is not applicable.
The application types available in the Application Type dropdown list changes depending on the role
type you select.
5. In the Role Selection Criteria area, further refine the roles to import by specifying the source system, range
of roles, and so on.
You can choose to Import all roles except SAP Predefined Roles. That is, only import roles you have created
or customized; do not import the standard roles provided by SAP.
In the Methodology Status field, you can choose to import only roles of a specific status, such as Complete
or Initial.
On the Select Role Data screen, you enter the information for the Role Attribute Source and the Role
Authorization Source, such as location of the attribute and authorization files.
Based on the options you chose for Role Attribute Source and Role Authorization Source, the application
displays the applicable fields. For example, if you chose File on Server for the Role Attribute Source, the
application displays the File Source field for you to enter the location of the file on the server. It also includes a
link for you to download a template for the role attributes.
If you chose User Input for the Role Attribute Source, the application displays additional tabs and fields.
On the Scheduling screen, you can choose to schedule the job to run in the background at a specified time or
choose to run the job in the foreground.
To execute the job immediately, select the Foreground checkbox, and choose Submit.
You can use Role Update to change the attributes for multiple roles. The available actions are update, delete, or
1. Selecting Roles
1. On the Select Roles screen, choose Add.
2. Search for and select roles based on criteria, such as role name, critical level, business process, and so
3. Choose OK and then Next.
2. Selecting Criteria
1. On the Select Criteria screen, choose the Attributes dropdown list and select an attribute to update.
2. Choose the Actions dropdown list, and select an available action. You can choose to update, delete, or
The actions displayed in the dropdown list are dependent on the attribute. Multiple valued
attributes display Update, Delete, and Add. Single valued attributes display only Update. For
example, for the attribute business processes, only the action Update is available.
3. Select your option for Reset Role Methodology. Choose Yes to set the roles back to the first phase of
the role methodology. For example, a role is in the fourth phase of a role methodology; this function
sets the role back to the first phase.
3. Selecting Values
On the Select Values screen, enter the old value you want to change, and the new value you want to change
it to.
If you selected All Attributes on the Select Criteria screen, the Select Values screen displays all attributes.
Select the attributes you want to change.
4. Schedule the background job for updating the roles or choose to run the job in the foreground.
You can use the following procedure to reapply the role methodology to multiple roles:
The following is a clarification about the Reset Role Methodology function and the Reapply Role
Methodology function:
• Reset Role Methodology sets the roles back to the first phase of the role methodology. For example,
a role is in the fourth phase of a role methodology; this function sets the role back to the first
phase. It does not consider whether the role methodology has changed. This means that even if the
methodology has changed, the role continues to use the old methodology
• Reapply Role Methodology applies any updates to the methodology, and resets the current phase back
to the first phase.
More Information
You can use Derived Role Organizational Values Update to push updates of the organizational field values to
multiple derived roles.
To change the authorization data for derived roles, you must propagate the authorization data from the master
role. To change the organizational values for the derived roles, you must open and change it for each role. This
feature allows you to use organizational value maps to update values for multiple roles at one time.
The Impacted Roles screen displays the all derived roles in the landscape that are affected by the changes.
3. Schedule the job.
Next Steps
You can use Role Derivation to derive multiple roles for selected organizational levels. A Leading Org that the
system uses to filter the Org Value Maps during derivation may or may not be required depending on how your
system is configured.
You want to create three roles for your organizations on the west coast: HR_Recruiter, Accountant, and
Manager. Instead of manually creating each role separately, you want to derive these roles from existing
master roles that have the required authorization data. To facilitate this task, you group the respective
organizational levels and values into an organizational value map West_Coast, select the respective master
roles, and then derive the new roles.
As delivered, the system requires that Org Value Maps that are used for role derivation contain a
leading org. If you want to allow role derivation from maps that do not contain a leading org, your
administrator can maintain Parameter ID 3025 in the Customizing activity:Maintain Configuration Settings,
under Governance, Risk, and Compliance Access Control .
1. On the Mass Role Derivation screen, select the organizational value map.
1. Enter either the map name or the leading organizational level. The leading organizational level is the
parent organizational level in an organizational value map.
2. If you want to only search for a subset of the available values in the organizational map, select the
Consider Range for Values checkbox, and then enter the values in the Value From and Value To fields.
3. Choose OK, and then choose Next.
2. If Parameter 3025 is set to Yes in Customizing, follow the steps below; if not, go to step 3.
1. On the Select Master Role screen, you can enter values for the following search filters:
• Role Name
• Role Description
• Business Process
• Sub Process
• Landscape
• Exclude master roles have been derived for selected leading org
• Exclude master roles that do not have the selected leading org
2. Choose Search to display all available single roles.
3. Select the master roles from the results list, and choose Next.
3. Derive the roles.
The application derives one new role for each master role.
1. In the Derive Roles table, select the Name field, and enter a name for each of the new roles.
2. In the Schedule area, choose a scheduling option.
3. Choose Submit.
Next Steps
You can use Role Risk Analysis to perform risk analysis on multiple roles.
1. Choose Add.
The application automatically creates a background job for the role risk analysis.
Next Steps
1. Select from the following options for updating the role methodology:
• Do not change methodology
The application does not change the methodology for any of the roles.
• Keep in generation phase
The application changes the phases for all the roles to the generation phase.
• Complete generation phase
The application completes the generation phase for all the roles.
2. In the Select Roles table, choose Add to search for and select the roles.
3. Choose Submit.
The application creates a background job to generate the role. For more information about viewing the
status of the background job, see Background Jobs [page 64].
This process explains how periodic access reviews are defined and deployed.
A process for periodically reviewing access is defined and deployed based upon policy.
Administrators can schedule periodic reviews of user access and segregation of duties (SoD) risks. During
these reviews, Access Control automatically forwards review requests to designated managers and reviewers
within a predefined workflow that is customized for the enterprise. Compliance Certification Reviews enable
you to complete these periodic reviews to ensure that user access and SoD risks are properly maintained
within your organization.
Within Access Control, coordinators are responsible for verifying that all reviewers (managers or role owners)
perform user access and SoD risk reviews. As part of your compliance certification reviews, you can review
requests that do not have a reviewer or coordinator assigned, and assign corresponding reviewers and
coordinators as required.
You can also manage coordinator-to-reviewer mappings as part of your compliance certification reviews,
including creating, importing, modifying, and deleting these mappings, as required. Finally, you can manage
rejections, including searching for rejected users, generating review requests, and canceling review request
generations (for requests that have not been completed).
You can complete the following tasks when performing Compliance Certification Reviews:
More Information
10.1.1 Managing Coordinators
As part of your compliance certification review, you can assign coordinators to reviewers, and manage these
relationships to help monitor user access reviews. Access Control uses the coordinator information for SoD
and user access reviews and to generate reports that you can use while managing the review process.
More Information
You can manually map coordinators to reviewers or import multiple coordinator-to-reviewer mappings using
the functions on the Manage Coordinators screen.
Procedure Modifying Coordinators
You can modify coordinator-to-reviewer mappings or delete a mapping, using the Manage Coordinators screen.
1. Choose Access Management Compliance Certification Reviews Manage Coordinators . The Manage
Coordinators screen appears.
2. Select the mapping you want to modify, and choose the Open pushbutton. The Change Mapping screen
3. Enter or select a new Coordinator ID, as required.
4. Enter or select a new Reviewer ID, as required.
5. Choose Save.
6. Choose Close. The updated mapping appears in the table on the Manage Coordinators screen.
To delete a coordinator-to-reviewer mapping:
7. Choose Access Management Compliance Certification Reviews Manage Coordinators . The Manage
Coordinators screen appears.
8. Select the mapping you want to delete and choose the Delete pushbutton. A confirmation dialog box
9. Choose Yes.
Next Steps
You can search for coordinator-to-reviewer mappings and export the results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
using the Manage Coordinators screen.
1. Choose Access Management Compliance Certification Reviews Manage Coordinators . The Manage
Coordinators screen appears.
2. Choose the Filter link. An empty row appears at the top of the table.
3. Type appropriate values in the corresponding columns and press Enter. The table displays the filtered
results based on the values you entered.
4. To export the results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, choose Export Export to Microsoft Excel .
Choose Save, navigate to the appropriate folder, and choose Save again.
10.1.2 Reviewing Requests
You need to schedule and run the following activities using the Background Scheduler before reviewing
Verify that you have also scheduled the following activities using the Background Scheduler:
You can review requests, including user access and segregation of duties (SoD) risks, using the functions on
the Request Review screen. Using this screen, you can verify that requests have a reviewer or coordinator
assigned and change reviewers or cancel requests.
In the Customizing activity Maintain Configuration Settings under Governance, Risk, and Compliance
Access Control , verify that the UAR Review parameter (2007) is set to YES. This specifies that an
administrator needs to review requests before the requests reach reviewers. If the parameter is set to NO,
requests are routed directly to reviewers (managers or role owners).
Do the following:
1. Choose the Process Type, using the dropdown list, from among the following:
• User Access Review Workflow
• SOD Risk Review Workflow
2. Choose the Request Type using the dropdown list.
3. Enter or choose the User ID.
4. Enter or choose the Reviewer ID.
5. Enter or choose the Coordinator ID.
To specify no coordinator, select the No Coordinator checkbox.
6. Enter or choose the Date From/To in the corresponding fields.
7. Enter the Job ID.
8. Specify the maximum number of results in the Maximum Search No. field.
3. Choose Search. The search results appear in the Assignments table.
4. To change reviewers, select an assignment and choose the Change Reviewers pushbutton. The Assign
Reviewers dialog box appears.
Select one more reviewers and coordinators from the Available list and choose the right-arrow pushbutton
to move the entry to the Selected list. After assigning the reviewers, choose OK.
5. To cancel a request, select an assignment and choose the Cancel Request pushbutton.
A confirmation dialog box appears. Choose Yes to mark the users as rejected for request regeneration.
10.1.3 Managing Rejections
You can manage rejections, including searching for rejected users, generating review requests, and canceling
review request generations (for those requests that have not been completed), using the functions on the
Manage Rejections screen.
You schedule and run the Generates new request for UAR rejected request activity using the Background
Scheduler after managing rejections.
Do the following:
1. Enter or select the Start Date and End Date, as appropriate.
2. Choose the Status using the corresponding dropdown list, from among the following:
• New–Requests submitted by the reviewer.
• Error–The generation background job has encountered an error.
• To Generate–The user is marked for regeneration, but the generation background job has not
started. You can click Cancel Generation to cancel the request generation.
• In Process–The background generation job has started but has not completed. You cannot cancel
requests with this status because the background job has started.
• Completed–The generation background job has completed. The new request number is updated.
3. Choose the Reason from the corresponding dropdown list.
Before generating requests for rejected users, make sure that the users have the correct reviewer
information. This precaution prevents incorrect information from entering the request cycle again. For
example, if the reviewer information is stored in an LDAP data source and is incorrect, you must update the
information in the LDAP data source so that new requests are generated with the correct reviewer name.
If you select multiple requests for generation in which some of the requests are grouped by user and
others are grouped by role/risk owner, the system does not combine the requests when generating.
Consider the case when a request is grouped by risk/role owner and by manager:
• Request grouped by risk/role owner:
• Risk1 User1
• Risk2 User1
• Request grouped by manager:
• User1 Role1
• User2 Role2
In this case, if you select the four requests for generation (with grouping by manager) you can expect
the following results:
• Request grouped by risk/role owner:
• Risk1 User1 – 5 is the new request number
• Risk2 User1 – 5 is the request number
• Request grouped by manager:
• User1 Role1 – 6 is the request number
• User2 Role2 – 7 is the request number
5. To cancel a generation, select a rejection in the table and choose the Cancel Generation pushbutton.
You can cancel generations only for rejections with a status of To Generate. After the request status is In
Process, the background job has started and the request cannot be canceled.
6. To export the results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, choose Export Export to Microsoft Excel .
Choose Save, navigate to the appropriate folder, and choose Save again.
Next Steps
When a user performs critical or conflicting actions, the system can send an escalation alert to the appropriate
personnel. You can use the Alerts feature to monitor Conflicting and Critical Access and Mitigating Control
alerts, as appropriate.
More Information
10.2.1 Searching Alerts
1. Choose Access Management Access Alerts Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts or Access
Management Access Alerts Mitigating Controls .
The Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts or Mitigating Control Alerts screen opens.
Next Steps
After an alert message has been delivered and cleared, or deleted, it remains as an archived record. You can
continue to track and monitor these alerts using the Cleared Alerts tab of the Conflicting and Critical Risk Alerts
and Mitigating Controls screens.
More Information Clearing Alerts
1. Choose Access Management Access Alerts Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts or Access
Management Access Alerts Mitigating Controls .
The Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts or Mitigating Control Alerts screen opens.
2. Specify the search criteria.
3. Choose Search.
The alert is cleared. You can view cleared alerts using the Cleared Alerts tab. For more information, see
Searching Cleared Alerts [page 168].
Next Steps
1. Choose Access Management Access Alerts Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts or Access
Management Access Alerts Mitigating Controls .
The Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts or Mitigating Control Alerts screen opens.
2. Select the Cleared Alerts tab.
3. Specify the search criteria.
1. Choose the object type using the first dropdown list.
For Conflicting and Critical Access Alerts, you can choose from among the following object types:
• Business Process
• System
• Date Time Executed
• Access Risk ID
• Risk Level
The Clear Alert dialog appears displaying the reason. Choose Cancel to dismiss the dialog.
Next Steps
The Reports and Analytics work center provides a central location to display reports and dashboards, such as
alerts, user analysis, audit reports, and so on.
This topic covers Access Control functions. The menu groups and quick links are determined by your
Category Description
Access Dashboards Dashboards for access risk analysis, business role manage
ment, and user access management
Access Risk Analysis Reports Reports related to access risk analysis, including user risk
violations, role risk violations, profile risk violations, and HR
Object risk violations
Access Request Reports Reports related to access requests, including service level
for requests and requests with conflicts and mitigation
Emergency Access User Management Reports Reports related to superuser activities, including invalid su
perusers and consolidated logs
• Start Date
• To Date
• System
You click the bar graph to drill down into the detailed information. You can use Print to create a PDF file or
Export to download the detailed results of the requests for which roles were assigned or removed.
On the drill down screen, the application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on
the main dashboard screen you may see the totals for the entire company; whereas on the drill down screen,
you may only see the totals for North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
To view access request data in this report, you must be assigned to a role with authorization to view access
request objects.
The The Access Requests Dashboard displays access requests by status and type using the following filtering
• Start/To Dates
• System
The dashboard only displays systems that you have authorization to view.
• Process Type
• Priority
• Functional Area
• Request Type
• Status
• Approved
• Cancelled
• Decision Pending
• Rejected
You drill down into the detailed information by clicking a specific area of the pie chart. On the drill down screen,
the application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the main dashboard
screen you see the totals for the entire company; whereas on the drill down screen, you may only see the totals
for North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
To view access request data in this report, you must be assigned to a role with authorization to view access
request objects.
The Access Rule Library Dashboard displays views of Rules by Risk Level and Business Process. You can group
the results by the following criteria:
• Action
• Permission
• Critical Action
• Critical Permission
• Access Risk
This dashboard also shows the number of active risks, the number of disabled risks, and the number of
You click the pie chart or the bar graph to drill down into the detailed information. You can use Export to
download the details.
You drill down into the detailed information by clicking a specific area of the pie chart or bar graph. On the
drill-down screen, the application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the main
dashboard screen you see the totals for the entire company; whereas on the drill down screen, you may only
see the totals for North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
11.1.4 Alerts Dashboard
• Alerts by Month
This dashboard displays a line graph that represents the number of alerts generated across the time period
that you specify. You can ask to see the following alert types: All, Mitigation, or SOD. You can drill down on
the circles to see the alert details at particular points on the line.
• SOD Alerts by Process
This dashboard displays the total number of uncleared SOD alerts by business process in both table and
bar chart formats. The results are filtered by time period and alert type. You can click either the table or the
bar chart to view the report details.
You drill down into the detailed information by clicking a specific area of the line graph, bar chart, or table. On
the drill down screen, the application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the
main dashboard screen you may see the totals for the entire company; whereas on the drill down screen, you
may only see the totals for North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
You can use Print to produce a PDF file of the detailed results or you can use Export to download the detailed
results to a MicrosoftExcelspreadsheet.
You drill down into the detailed information by clicking on the pie chart, the bar graph, or the table. On the drill
down screen, the application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the main
dashboard screen you may see the totals for the entire company; whereas on the drill down screen, you may
only see the totals for North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
The Risk Violations Dashboard displays the number of Access Risk Violations by role, user, or profile for
selected systems. It shows the number of users analyzed and the total number of violations.
The Risk Violations Dashboard displays access risk violations using the following filtering criteria:
• Year/Month
• System
You only see the systems that you are authorized to view. Select the Search icon to choose the Systems
you want to analyze.
The bottom half of the Risk Violations Dashboard displays risk violations by business process
Access the detailed information by clicking the pie chart, legend or bar graph.
On the drilldown screen, the application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For
example, on the main dashboard screen you see the totals for the entire company; whereas on the
drilldown screen, you may only see the totals for North America.
Clicking on a pie chart element displays more risk detail for a user, role or profile for the current or
last executed month only. Because of the quantity of records stored, this feature is only available for
the current or last executed month. To view risk details from prior months, store your data in Business
3. Optionally, select the Run Risk Analysis button. This produces the Risk Violations Drilldown report.
4. Choose how to run the report (Run in the Foreground or Run in Background). If you choose Run in
Background, the Background Scheduler screen opens so you can schedule it.
More Information
You must have already selected your parameters and Run Risk Analysis from the initial report to see the
detailed remediation view. This functionality can be accessed from the following:
• Access the Remediation View from Reports and Analytics workcenter Access Dashboards Risk
Violations Dashboard [page 224] and User Analysis Dashboard [page 229].
• Access the Remediation View from Access Management Access Risk Analysis User Level Access Risk
Analysis [page 133]
To view the status of background jobs, navigate to Access Management Scheduling Background
Jobs .
The remediation view graphically identifies the access risk violations and allows users to make informed
decisions. You can take remediation action directly from the results of user-level access risk analysis. You can
initiate a workflow to update user or role authorization assignments, validity dates and mitigate access.
The type of report you see (Remediation, Business or Technical view) from the dashboard depends on
the default selected by your System Administrator. From the Customizing activities (transaction SPRO),
SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Governance, Risk and Compliance Access Control Maintain
Configuration Settings . The parameter that needs to be set is 1050, Default Report View for Risk Analysis. On
the Risk Analysis: User Level screen, you can also change the view.
1. Analyze the report. For more information, select entries in the User, Risk, Rule ID and Access columns. A
side-panel appears with detailed information for each of these.
2. Decide how to mitigate the risk. From the remediation view, you can:
• Assign a mitigating control in the Risk column (to apply to all rules) or the Rule ID column (for one
rule). Select the mitigation icon to access the Assign Mitigating Controls screen.
3. After completing your actions, there are icons that reflect the status.
• Green indicates the action is completed.
• Yellow indicates it is in progress.
• Red indicates there is a problem.
• Segregation of Duties
This dashboard displays the number of mitigated roles with no risk violations and roles with risk violations
by the severity level of those violations. For the specified filters, It also displays:
• The number of users analyzed
• Users with no violations
• Users with violations
You can filter the results by the following selections:
• Year/Month
• System
The system only displays systems for which you have authorization.
• Analysis Type
• Violation count by Access Risk or Permission
The dashboard generates a pie chart showing Critical, High, Medium, and No Violations as well as Mitigated
You can drill down on areas of the pie chart to view the details of the roles analyzed.
• Access Risk Violations by Role and User
This dashboard displays a breakdown of the SOD violations in bar graph format at the role and user level
for the selected system. You can drill down on the graph for more details.
You can use Print to produce a PDF file of the detailed results or you can use Export to download the detailed
results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
You drill down into the detailed information by clicking a specific area of the pie chart or bar graph. On the drill
down screen, the application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the main
dashboard screen you may see the totals for the entire company; whereas on the drill down screen, you may
only see the totals for North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
Clicking on a pie chart element displays more risk detail for a role or profile in a separate table for the
current or last executed month only. Because of the mass quantity of records stored, this feature is only
The Role Library Dashboard displays all the roles in your application. It displays the total number of roles and
the number of roles with violations. There are two views:
• System Type
• System Landscape
• Role Owner
You click the pie chart, the bar graph, or the table to drill down into the detailed information.
You drill down into the detailed information by clicking a specific area of the pie chart or bar graph. On the drill
down screen, the application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the main
dashboard screen you see the totals for the entire company; whereas on the drill down screen, you may only
see the totals for North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
The Service Level for Access Requests Dashboard displays two views:
• Date
• System
The dashboard only displays systems that you have authorization to view.
• Request Type
• Process type
• Priority
• Functional Area
Both dashboards show the results in line graph format. You can click on the beginning or end of the line to see
the detailed results by request number.
You can use Print to produce a PDF file of the detailed results or you can use Export to download the
detailed results to a MicrosoftExcel spreadsheet.
You drill down into the detailed information by clicking either end of the line graph. On the drill down screen, the
application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the main dashboard screen
you may see the totals for the entire company; whereas on the drill down screen, you may only see the totals
for North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
To view access request data in this report, you must be assigned to a role with authorization to view access
request objects.
• Segregation of Duties
This dashboard displays the number of users who are mitigated or who have risk violations by severity
It also displays Number of Users Analyzed, User with No Violations, and Users with Violations.
• Critical Actions and Roles
This dashboard displays a breakdown of the number of users with critical action and critical role profiles.
• Month/Year
• System
The dashboard only displays systems that you have authorization to view. Select the Search icon to choose
the Systems you want to analyze.
• User Group
Select the Search icon to choose the User Groups you want to analyze.
• Violation Count by
Click the pie chart, legend or bar graph to drill down into the remediation view. You can use Print to create a
PDF file or Export to download the detailed results.
Access the details by clicking the pie chart, legend or bar graph.
On the drilldown screen, the application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For
example, on the main dashboard you see the totals for the entire company; whereas on the drilldown
screen, you may only see the totals for North America.
Clicking on a pie chart element displays risk detail for the current or last executed month. Because of
the quantity of records stored, this feature is only available for the current or last executed month. To
view risk details from prior months, store your data in Business Warehouse.
3. Optionally, select the Run Risk Analysis button. This produces the Risk Violations Drilldown report.
4. Choose how to run the report (Run in the Foreground or Run in Background). If you choose Run in
Background, the Background Scheduler screen opens so you can schedule it.
• Quarterly/Monthly Comparison
This dashboard displays quarterly or monthly risk violations filtered by the following selections:
• Calendar Type
• From/To Dates
• System
You only see systems for which you have authorization.
• Analysis Type
• Violation count by Access Risk or Permission
The The Risk Violation in Access Request Dashboard displays two views:
• Start Date
• End Date
• System
You only see the systems that you are authorized to view.
• Request Type
• Priority
• Functional Area
• Workflow Type
The bottom half of the dashboard displays risk violations by criticality: Critical, High, Medium, and Low. Click
the pie chart, the table, or the bar graph to drill down into the details.
You can use Print Version to produce a PDF file of the detailed results or you can use Export to download the
detailed results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
On the drill down screen, the application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on
the main dashboard screen you may see the totals for the entire company; whereas on the drill down screen,
you may only see the totals for North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
To view access request data in this report, you must be assigned to a role with authorization to view access
request objects.
This report lists risks and conflicting functions for all risk types.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Access Risk ID
• Access Risk Description
• Business Process ID
• Rule Set
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
This report lists risks, functions, transaction codes, and associated permission details for all risk types.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• System
The report only displays systems that you have authorization to view.
• User ID
• User Group
• Valid To
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
This report shows all mitigated Users, Roles, Profiles, User Organizations, Role Organizations, and HR Objects
with associated mitigation controls.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Mitigating Control ID
• Access Rule ID
• System
The report only displays systems that you have authorization to view.
• Approver
• User Group
• User ID
• Monitor ID
• Organization ID
• Access Risk ID
• User
• Role
• Profile
• User Org
• Role Org
• HR Object
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data.
Report Details – The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the
report results you may only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North
This report lists all the risk violations for selected HR objects. To run the report, designate values for the
following filtering criteria:
• System
The report only displays systems that you have authorization to view.
• Analysis Type
• Object Type
• Object ID
• Risk Level
• Rule Set
Option Choices
Format • Summary
• Detail
• Management Summary
• Executive Summary
View • Technical
• Business
• Action Level
• Critical Action
• Critical Role/Profile
• Permission Level
• Critical Permission
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data, Print Version to create a PDF file, or Mitigate Risk to assign mitigation controls to selected objects.
Report Details – The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the
report results you may only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North
This report lists all mitigating controls with control details and descriptions.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Mitigating Control ID
• Short Description
• Access Risk ID
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
Report Details – The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the
report results you may only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North
This report lists all the risk violations for selected profiles. To run the report, designate values for the following
filtering criteria:
• System
The report only displays systems that you have authorization to view.
• Profile
• Risk by Process
• Access Risk ID
• Risk Level
• Rule Set
Option Choices
Format • Summary
• Detail
• Management Summary
• Executive Summary
View • Technical
• Business
• Action Level
• Critical Action
• Critical Role/Profile
• Permission Level
• Critical Permission
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data, Print Version to create a PDF file, or Mitigate Risk to assign mitigation controls to selected objects.
Report Details – The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the
report results you may only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North
This report lists all the risk violations for selected roles. To run the report, designate values for the following
filtering criteria:
• System
The report only displays systems that you have authorization to view.
• Profile
• Risk by Process
• Access Risk ID
• Risk Level
• Rule Set
Option Choices
Format • Summary
• Detail
• Management Summary
• Executive Summary
View • Technical
• Business
• Action Level
• Critical Action
• Critical Role/Profile
• Permission Level
• Critical Permission
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data, Print Version to create a PDF file, or Mitigate Risk to assign mitigation controls to selected objects.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
This report lists all the risk violations for selected users. To run the report, designate values for the following
filtering criteria:
• System
The report only displays systems that you have authorization to view.
• User
Option Choices
Format • Summary
• Detail
• Management Summary
• Executive Summary
View • Remediation
• Technical
• Business
• Action Level
• Critical Action
• Critical Role/Profile
• Permission Level
• Critical Permission
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data, Print Version to create a PDF file, or Mitigate Risk to assign mitigation controls to selected objects.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America if that is what you are authorized to see.
To run the report, you can designate values for the following filtering criteria:
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export to download the data.
To run the report, you can designate values for each of the following filtering criteria:
• Process Type
• Creation Date
• Status
• System
The report only displays systems that you have authorization to view.
• PD Profile Name
• Description
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export to download the data.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
To view access request data in this report, you must be assigned to a role with authorization to view access
request objects.
To run the report, you can designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Process Type
• Creation Date
• Role Name
• Status
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export to download the data.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
To view access request data in this report, you must be assigned to a role with authorization to view access
request objects.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Report Name
• System
You only see the systems for which you are authorized.
• Process Type
• Request Number
• Creation Date
• Requestor
• Status
• Risk ID
• Approver
• Mitigate Controls
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
To view access request data in this report, you must be assigned to a role with authorization to view access
request objects.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Process Type
• Display only requests that exceed service level
• Service Level Agreement
• Request Number
• Creation Date
• Requestor
• Status
• Approver
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Result Set to download the
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
To view access request data in this report, you must be assigned to a role with authorization to view access
request objects.
This report provides the history of actions performed on SoD review tasks including mitigation reaffirm.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Request Number
• Creation Date
• Escalated
• User ID
• Status
• Risk ID
• System
You only see the systems for which you are authorized.
• Reviewer ID
• Coordinator ID
• Action
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export to download the data.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
To view access request data in this report, you must be assigned to a role with authorization to view access
request objects.
This reports provides the history UAR requests and the action that were taken for those requests.
To run the report, you can designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Request Number
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export to download the data.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
To view access request data in this report, you must be assigned to a role with authorization to view access
request objects.
This report lists the request status for SoD review and user access review.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Process Type
• Request Number
• Creation Date
• Escalated
• User ID
• Status
• Reviewer ID
• Coordinator ID
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
To view access request data in this report, you must be assigned to a role with authorization to view access
request objects.
This report compares the actions in the role menu to the authorizations to identify any discrepancies.
To run the report, you can designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Application Type
• Landscape
• Role Name
• Role Type
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
For a given role and system, this report compares the role's status for two different users. For example, Role
XYZ may be assigned to User A but missing from User B in the Access Control system.
The report can be run in two different modes, depending on which Report Source you choose.
• If you choose the Report Source to be Access Control, the report compares two users within the Access
Control system.
• If you choose the Report Source to be Backend System, the report compares two users within a particular
backend system.
To run the report, you must designate values for each of the following filtering criteria, depending on your
choice for Report Source:
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Application Type
• Landscape
• Role Name
• Role Type
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
Report Details
The application only displays objects that you are authorized to see. For example, if you are only authorized to
see North America, in the report results you will only see the data related to North America.
This report lists the relationship between master and derived roles including the organization level at which the
derivation is made. The report is useful when you audit master and derived roles.
The report displays based on the Master Role authorization and not on the Derived Role authorization.
To run the report, designate values for each of the following filtering criteria:
• System
The report only displays systems that you have authorization to view.
• Role Name
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
Report Details
You can choose Export Results Sets to download the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
This report displays change documents for role administration for a specified system.
To run the report, designate a system or systems for which you have authorization.
The report only displays systems that you have authorization to view. If you are not authorized to any
system, PFCG Change history button is disabled.
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
This report is based on data from backend systems. System authorization is the only security parameter
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Generated By
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
This report shows, for a given role, all child and associated roles.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Role Name
• Role Selection Criteria (child roles or associated roles)
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
Report Details
The application only displays objects that you are authorized to see. For example, if you are only authorized to
see North America, in the report results you will only see the data related to North America.
This report lists the roles assigned to users and user groups.
• System
The report only displays systems that you have authorization to view.
• User Type
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
This report is based on data from backend systems. System authorization is the only security parameter
This report lists the relationship between single and composite roles.
The report displays based on the Composite Role authorization and not on the Single Role authorization.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• System
The report only displays systems that you have authorization to view.
• Role Name
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
Report Details
You can choose Export Results Sets to download the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
This report lists users and their assigned roles. It can be run against the Access Control respository or against a
backend system.
1. Choose whether to run the report against the Access Control respository or against a backend system.
2. Select from among the available analysis criteria.
If you run the report on the Access Control repository, in the search results, you can drill down to the role
definition. This does not apply when you run the report on a backend system.
The report only displays systems that you have authorization to view
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data.
To run the report, you can designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• System
• Action Usage Date
• Action
• Action Description
• Report By (User, Role, or Profile)
• User ID
• User Group
• Only displays actions that are not used
• Report Type (Actions Defined in Risks or All)
• Access Risk ID
• Access Risk ID Description
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export to download the data.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
This report counts user authorizations and highlights those outside the system limits.
To run the report, you must designate values for each of the following filtering criteria:
• System
• User
• User Group
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data or Print Version to produce a PDF file.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
This report provides the authorization count for roles by role name.
To run the report, you must designate values for each of the following filtering criteria:
• Application Type
• System
• Role Name
• Role Type
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Results Sets to download
the data or Print Version to produce a PDF file.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
This report lists roles that have expired or are about to expire based on the dates you specify.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• System
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You can choose Export Set Results to download the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
This report provides change information on Access Control objects such as role, risk, and profile. The
information includes who changed the object, the timestamp, new and old values, the entity name and type,
attributes, and the type of change.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Changed On
• Critical Profile
• Critical Role
Click Search to run the report in the foreground. Click Clear to clear the search value field.
You can choose Export to download the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
To save the results of your search for later retrieval, enter a name beside Save Search As, then click Save.
Use the Load button to retrieve the saved search and the Delete button to delete the saved search.
This report only supports report-level security. That is, if you have authorization to view this report, you can
view all the possible fields with no restrictions.
To run the report, designate values for each of the following filtering criteria:
• Action
• System
• Program
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
Report Details
You can choose Export Results Sets to download the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
This report lists all the actions that are in roles but are not part of the rule library.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• System
• Profile
• Role
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You can choose Export Results Sets to download the entire data set, Export to download the results on the
screen, or Print Version to create a PDF file. You can also mark individual items as having been analyzed.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
This report lists all the permissions that are in roles but are not part of the rule library.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• System
• Profile
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You can choose Export Results Sets to download the entire data set, Export to download the results on the
screen, or Print Version to create a PDF file. You can also mark individual items as having been analyzed.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
Access Control provides the following reports for emergency access management:
• Consolidated Log Report [page 260] – This report captures data from the selected system connector
for Firefighters. The report provides information based on the following logs from the remote systems:
Transaction Log, Change Log, System Log, Security Audit Log, OS Command Log. This is the most
commonly-used report. You can configure your system to receive this report either through e-mail or
the workflow.
You must be authorized to view the following reports by an Administrator. If, after looking at the Consolidated
Log Report, you have a need to do further investigation, access these reports:
• Invalid Emergency Access Report [page 261] – This report allows you to specify the user types for
emergency access that are expired, deleted, or locked, such as Firefighters IDs, Controllers, or Owners.
• Firefighter Log Summary Report [page 261] – This report captures transaction data from the selected
system connector for Firefighter IDs
• Reason Code and Activity Report [page 262] – This report displays data from the selected system
connector for each Firefighter ID. The report lists the reason and activity for each login event.
• Transaction Log and Session Details Report [page 264] – This report captures transaction data from
the selected system connector for Firefighter IDs and Firefighters. It displays the number and type of
transactions accessed for each Firefighter ID and each Firefighter.
• SoD Conflict Report for Firefighter IDs [page 263] – This report provides the history of actions performed
on Segregation of Duties (SoD) review tasks including mitigation reaffirm.
This report captures data from the selected system connector for Firefighter IDs. The report provides
information based on the following logs from the remote systems:
Log Description
Document Objects Change Log Captures change log of change document objects from ta
bles CDPOS and CDHDR.
Table Data Change Log Captures change logs when table changes are performed
using transactions SE16/SE16N/SE17/SM30/SM31 and so
Security Audit Log Captures Security Audit Log from transaction SM20.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• Report Name
• System
You only see the systems for which you are authorized.
• Firefighter
• Owner
• Firefighter Role
• Transaction
• Date
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You can choose Export to download the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
Report Details
The application displays objects that you are authorized to see. For example, if you are only authorized to see
North America, on the report results you will only see data related to North America.
This report captures transaction data from the selected system connector for Firefighter IDs.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• System
You only see the systems for which you are authorized.
• Firefighter
• Owner
• Firefighter ID
• Date
• Result set Size
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You can choose Export to download the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
This report allows you to specify the user types (Firefighter IDs, Controllers, or Owners) that are expired,
deleted, or locked.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• System
You only see the systems for which you are authorized.
• Firefighter
• Owner
• Firefighter ID
• Controller
• Result Set Size
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export to download the data or
Print Version to create a PDF file.
Report Details – The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the
report results you may only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North
This report displays data from the selected system connector for each Firefighter ID. The report lists the reason
and activity for each login event.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• System
You only see the systems for which you are authorized.
• Firefighter
• Owner
• Firefighter ID
• Date
• Result Set Size
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export to download the data or
Print Version to create a PDF file.
Report Details – The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the
report results you may only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North
This report provides the history of actions performed on SoD review tasks including mitigation reaffirm.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• System
• Firefighter ID
• Owner
• Firefighter
• Action
Report Options – The following options are available fore this report:
• Format
• Summary
• Detail
• Management Summary
• Executive Summary
• Technical View/Business View
• Access Risk Analysis Type
• Action / Permission Level
• Critical Action / Permission
• Critical Role/Profile
• Additional Criteria
• Show All Objects
• Executed Transactions Only
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You may run the report in the foreground or the background. You can choose Export Set Results to download
the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
Report Details – The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the
report results you may only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North
This report captures transaction data from the selected system connector for Firefighter IDs and Firefighters. It
displays the number and type of transactions accessed for each Firefighter ID and for each Firefighter.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• System
You only see the systems for which you are authorized.
• Firefighter
• Firefighter ID
• Transaction
• Reason Code
• Date
• Result Set Size
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You can choose Export to download the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
Report Details
The application displays only objects that you are authorized to see. For example, on the report results you may
only see the data related to North America, if you are only authorized to see North America.
This report provides information on role changes that are directly updated in backend systems.
To run the report, designate values for the following filtering criteria:
• System
• Role/User
• Generated By
• Generation Date
• Generation Time
• Reason
If you frequently run the same report using the same filtering values, define a variant and save it. The
next time you want to run that set of values, retrieve the variant from Saved Variants and the system
automatically inserts your values.
You can choose Export to download the data or Print Version to create a PDF file.
Some links are classified by an icon and/or a mouseover text. These links provide additional information.
About the icons:
• Links with the icon : You are entering a Web site that is not hosted by SAP. By using such links, you agree (unless expressly stated otherwise in your
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• The content of the linked-to site is not SAP documentation. You may not infer any product claims against SAP based on this information.
• SAP does not agree or disagree with the content on the linked-to site, nor does SAP warrant the availability and correctness. SAP shall not be liable for any
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• Links with the icon : You are leaving the documentation for that particular SAP product or service and are entering an SAP-hosted Web site. By using
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Example Code
Any software coding and/or code snippets are examples. They are not for productive use. The example code is only intended to better explain and visualize the syntax
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