Apache MXNet
Apache MXNet
Apache MXNet
Supports an efficient deployment of a trained model to low-end devices for inference, such as mobile
devices (using Amalgamation[5]), Internet of things devices (using AWS Greengrass), serverless computing
(using AWS Lambda) or containers. These low-end environments can have only weaker CPU or limited
memory (RAM), and should be able to use the models that were trained on a higher-level environment
(GPU based cluster, for example).
Cloud Support
MXNet is supported by public cloud providers including Amazon Web Services (AWS)[6] and Microsoft
Azure.[7] Amazon has chosen MXNet as its deep learning framework of choice at AWS.[8][9] Currently,
MXNet is supported by Intel, Baidu, Microsoft, Wolfram Research, and research institutions such as
Carnegie Mellon, MIT, the University of Washington, and the Hong Kong University of Science and
See also
Comparison of deep learning software
Differentiable programming
1. "Release 1.9.1" (https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/releases/tag/1.9.1). 10 May
2022. Retrieved 30 June 2022.
2. "Building Deep Neural Networks in the Cloud with Azure GPU VMs, MXNet and Microsoft R
Server" (https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/machinelearning/2016/09/15/building-deep-neur
al-networks-in-the-cloud-with-azure-gpu-vms-mxnet-and-microsoft-r-server/). Microsoft.
Retrieved 13 May 2017.
3. https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~guestrin/open-source.html
4. "Scaling Distributed Machine Learning with the Parameter Server" (https://www.cs.cmu.edu/
~muli/file/parameter_server_osdi14.pdf) (PDF). Retrieved 2014-10-08.
5. "Amalgamation" (https://web.archive.org/web/20180808202721/https://mxnet.incubator.apac
he.org/faq/smart_device.html). Archived from the original (https://mxnet.incubator.apache.or
g/faq/smart_device.html) on 2018-08-08. Retrieved 2018-05-08.
6. "Apache MXNet on AWS - Deep Learning on the Cloud" (https://aws.amazon.com/mxnet/).
Amazon Web Services, Inc. Retrieved 13 May 2017.
7. "Building Deep Neural Networks in the Cloud with Azure GPU VMs, MXNet and Microsoft R
Server" (https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/machinelearning/2016/09/15/building-deep-neur
al-networks-in-the-cloud-with-azure-gpu-vms-mxnet-and-microsoft-r-server/). Microsoft
TechNet Blogs. Retrieved 6 September 2017.
8. "MXNet - Deep Learning Framework of Choice at AWS - All Things Distributed" (http://www.
www.allthingsdistributed.com. 22 November 2016. Retrieved 13 May 2017.
9. "Amazon Has Chosen This Framework to Guide Deep Learning Strategy" (http://fortune.co
m/2016/11/22/amazon-deep-learning-mxnet/). Fortune. Retrieved 13 May 2017.
10. "MXNet, Amazon's deep learning framework, gets accepted into Apache Incubator" (http://tec
hgenix.com/mxnet-amazon-apache-incubator/). Retrieved 2017-03-08.
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