Shivan Fascia Lymph 2023

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Solutions for your Fascia

Your Living Matrix

Dr. Christine Schaffner
Shivan Sarna
What We Will Cover
• The Fascia is our inner internet, water irrigation system, the key to
keeping cells healthy, and recovering from any illness
• The Lymph is within the Fascia and works in concert to drain our
extracellular matrix and keep our immune systems resilient
• Solutions and products for our Living Matrix
The Fascia
• Several anatomical terms are used to
describe the tissue between cells:
• The extracellular matrix, interstitial tissue,
multi-microvacuolar collagenous absorbing
system, loose or areolar tissue, connective
tissue, fascia
• An upgraded definition of fascia:
• Fascia is the tensional, continuous fibrillar
network within the the body extending from
the surface of the skin to the nucleus of the
cell. This global network is mobile, adaptable,
fractal, and irregular, it constitutes the basic
structural architecture of the human body.

Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau

Fascia is our Water Irrigation System
• “Fascia has recently been discovered by
Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau, to be not
only our connective tissue, holding us up
and together like a crocheted sack, but a
hidden irrigation system, a hidden
electrical system, conducted by water,
that sends cell-to-cell communication
instantly. It’s our inner internet. To work
well, it must be fully hydrated.”
• Fascia works like a hydraulic pump-
movement is necessary to transport EZ
water into the cells
• Fascia conducts electricity in the body and
is the fiber optic system of

communication in the body

• Crystalline water in the fascia is a super
conductor (Mae Wan Ho)
Quench by Dr. Dana Cohen and Gina Bria
The Lymph is within the Fascia
• The lymphatic network is located
within our fascia
• Since the lymphatic system does not
have a heart like the circulatory
system to pump the lymph, it relies on
our bodies movement by the muscles
and fascia to squeeze the lymphatic
vessels and push the lymph through
the system like a low-pressure hose
• When the fascia is healthy, hydrated,
and unrestricted, the lymph can move
more easily through it towards the
neck for removal
The Interstitium
• “New Organ”
• Network of fluid filled spaces, filled with lymph,
considered pre-lymph
• Fluid from the fascia and the interstitium drains into the
lymphatic system and is the source of lymph
• Resides beneath the top layer of skin and
surrounding muscles, blood vessels, fascia, the
gut, and other organs
• Rather than a "wall," this tissue is more like an
"open, fluid-filled highway"
• The tissue contains interconnected, fluid-filled
spaces that are supported by a lattice of thick
collagen "bundles”
• “Shock absorbers” to protect other body
The Lymphatic System
Symptoms of Lymph Congestion
• Brain Fog • Sinus congestion
• Insomnia • Allergies
• Fatigue • Edema
• Bloating • Cold hands and feet
• Constipation • Breast swelling prior to menses
• Pain • Weight gain
• Stiffness • Water Retention
• Cellulite • Acne
• Frequent sore throats • Itchy, dry skin
Inter-relationship between Lymphatic System
and the Circulatory System
Lymphatic Capillaries
Lymphatic Vessel
Lymph Nodes
• Secondary Lymphoid Organs
• Small bean shaped glands along the lymphatic
• Lobules enclosed in a touch fibrous capsule
• Cortex
• Outer cortex-B cells
• Para cortex-T cells and dendritic cells
• Medulla-plasma cells and macrophages
• Acts as a filter where bacteria, parasites,
viruses, fungi, toxicants encounter immune
system and make antibodies against the
• Cervical, axillary, supraclavicular, mediastinal,
inguinal, retroperitoneal, mesenteric, pelvic
lymph nodes
Tissues of the Lymphatic System
• Tissues of the Lymphatic
• Primary Organs
• Bone Marrow
• Thymus
• Secondary Organs
• Lymph nodes
• Tonsils
• Peyer’s Patches
• Appendix
• Spleen
Extracellular Matrix and Ground Regulation
• Alfred Pischinger (MD) was the first
scientist to describe the
importance of the extracellular
matrix (ECM) and to state that
almost every disease starts within
the ECM.
• “The concept of a cell is, strictly
speaking, only a morphological
abstraction. Seen from a biological
point of view, a cell cannot be
considered by itself without taking
its environment into account.”
The Extracellular Matrix & Lymphatics
• The matrix supports, nurtures, and detoxifies
all cell and tissues by supplying them with
oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and removing
cellular waste, toxicants, etc.
• The lymphatics and lymph organs are
connected with the ECM and are responsible
for the removal of waste
• “Everything that comes out of the blood takes
a somewhat complicated route through the
connective tissues, to the parenchymal cells,
and then into the lymphatics”
• The ECM regulates the cellular milieu and
since the lymphatics are highly intermeshed
with ECM, we can change the terrain by
lymph therapies
• Dr. Rob Cass
Extracellular Matrix (aka Ground Substance)
• The network between cells is
continuously regenerated by the
• Complex meshwork of cross-linked
proteins extends into organs,
tissues, and cells
• ECM is composed of proteoglycans
and hyaluronic acid
• Excess hydrogen in the matrix leads
too dehydration, poor cell to cell
communication, and impaired
Energy Medicine by Dr. James Oschman
Chondroitin Sulfate
The Living Matrix
• The Living Matrix is defined as the
continuous molecular fabric of the
organism, consisting of fascia, the
other connective tissues,
extracellular matrices, integrins,
cytoskeletons, nuclear matrices,
and DNA
• The living matrix generates and
transmits vibrations in the form of
mechanical waves, electrical
signals, magnetic and
electromagnetic fields, heat, and
Dr. James Oschman
The Living Matrix
The Living Matrix Connects us to our Biofield
Our Biofield Connects Us to the Unified Field
Note: It’s Key to Use Binders When Moving
Stagnant Lymph
• When clearing blocks and detoxing
on a physical and/or energetic
level, your drainage and
detoxification pathways need to
provide optimal flow for removal of
metabolic waste and toxicants
• If detoxification and drainage are
not addressed, then toxicants can
be reabsorbed back into your
• Binders are essential to any
lymphatic protocol
Bile Flow is Necessary for Lymph Flow!
• Bile acids are normally secreted • Intrahepatic Cholestasis-sluggish
from hepatocytes across the bile flow
canalicular membrane via the bile • Endotoxins
salt export protein (BSEP) • Inflammation
• Maintains acidic environment • Excess estrogen
• SIBO/SIFO • Pregnancy
• Fatty acid metabolism
• Bile build up in the liver cell-causes
• Excretion of waste products
inflammation-transport toxins back
• Gut Motility into the blood
• Maintains blood sugar
• Thyroid hormone activation • We need to keep bile flowing to
• Enterohepatic Recirculation support lymph flow
Create Flow
• Movement
• Rebounding
• Vibration Plates
• Dry Skin Brushing
• Structured water
• Flowpresso
• Manual Lymphatic Drainage
• Gua Sha
• * Note make sure your blood is
moving (endothelial glycocalyx,
fibrinogen, d dimer, hsCRP)
Dr. Gerald Pollack:
The Fourth Phase of Water
o 4th Phase of Water – H302 or EZ water (exclusion zone),
structured, gel form

o This thick, viscous structured, exclusion zone (EZ) excludes toxins,

solutes, and other substances

o Other properties:
• Responsible for the negative charge inside the cell
• Acts like a battery and holds energy
• Resembles liquid crystal structure
• Increases flow and circulation
• Absorbs UV light 270nm
• Sunlight builds EZ in our body
• Toxicants disrupt our EZ water
Breathing Pumps Our Lymph
• Inhalation
• During inhalation fluid returns in the
superior vena cava where the lymph fluid is
dumped into the heart via the thoracic duct
• Exhalation
• During exhalation the cisterna chyli empties
into the thoracic duct, allowing lymph to
flow, in the next inhalation, to the venous
angle (which leads to superior vena cava)
• “Deep diaphragmatic breathing stimulates
the cleansing of the lymph system by
creating a vacuum effect which pulls the
lymph through the bloodstream”
• Deep breathing rhythmically squeezes and
releases the lymphatic system
throughout all abdominal organs
Remove Lymph Cloggers in ECM/Lymphatics
• Toxicants
• Toxic substances may become trapped in the matrix which can affect cellular
communication and the ability of the cell to remove toxins if they are not eliminated
via the venous and lymphatic system
• Heavy Metals, Glyphosate, Biotoxins, Mycotoxins, Microplastics, Spike Protein
• Pathogens
• Immune cells in the matrix aim to destroy pathogens and neutralize biotoxins before
the get inside the cell, once inside cell immune system needs to destroy the infected
• Lyme/Co-infections, Viruses, Parasites, Fungi/Mold
• Trauma
• Living Matrix holds Trauma
• It is suggested that the living matrix is the physical substrate where traumatic
memories are stored and resolved (Dr. Oschman)
The Glymphatic System
• Glymphatic system-waste
clearance pathway for the CNS
that runs along the veins in the
• Increased activity at night, brain
shrinks at night to increase
clearance of fluid
• Removes beta amyloid from the
brain reducing risk of cognitive
The Glymphatics and Cervical Lymph Nodes
• The lymph coming from the brain drains in the deep
cervical lymph nodes
• This is a group of cervical lymph nodes found near the
internal jugular vein
• These nodes drain also the lymph from the mouth,
throat, nose, ears and salivary glands
• When the deep cervical nodes are either inflamed or
infected because of inflammation or infection in those
areas, they become congested, engorged and
• Therefore the lymph from the brain cannot be drained
and accumulates inside the brain with the consequent
accumulation of metabolites and toxins and the
disruption of the connections in the brain, of the brain
intrinsic immune system and of the brain
Waldeyer’s Ring
Lymphatics in the Gut
• Nutrient and fluid absorption in the GI tract requires lymphatic networks to
both regulate interstitial fluid balance and transport lipids
• Lacteals in the small intestine absorb fats
• Total lymph formation in humans is approximately 1–4 liters/day, most of
which (>50%) is formed in the GI tract
• Lymphatics in the GI tract: Tonsils, Salivary Glands, Esophagus, Stomach,
Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas
• GALT- Peyer’s patches and Mesenteric Lymph Nodes
• GI lymphatics also fulfill important mucosal immune functions in acquired
immunity and tolerance
Lymphatics in the Intestines
Radix Edema
• Lymphatic Stagnation in the
dorsal abdomen
• Focus lymphatic drainage on
draining the lymph in the
abdomen first in order for
the head, neck, and
extremities to drain
• Abdominal scars are
interference fields and can
cause lymphatic stagnation
• Formulated in collaboration with
Dr. Marco Ruggiero
• Key ingredients:
• Microbial Chondroitin Sulfate
• Fermented Probiotic Blend:
• Lactobacillus ferment
• Streptococcus thermophilus ferment
• Saccharomyces ferment
• Bifidobacterium
• Phosphatidyl Choline from
Enhance your Lymph Drainage
• Along collar bones
• Liver
• Kidneys
• Groin
• Behind the knees
• Bottom of the feet
• Painful areas
• Scars
Address Scars
Physical Emotional
• Unprocessed trauma can be at
the root of imbalanced
physiology, having similar effects
as a toxicant and/or stealth
• “Trauma is perhaps the most
avoided, ignored, belittled,
denied, misunderstood, and
untreated cause of human
suffering.” Peter A Levine, PhD
Scar Neural Therapy

• Scar tissue is non-specific and nature does

not repair and reshape living matter exactly
as it was before injury
• Scar tissue does not have any functional use
and its sole purpose to plug damaged tissue
• Adhesions can form underneath the scar
creating lack of flexibility and stiffness
• Pathogenesis of a scar interference field:
ANS, Matrix Theory, Psychogalvanic Reflex
(Radical Medicine)
• Scar tissue can create an “island of
turbulence” and trap toxicants, pathogens,
and emotions
Dr. Jean-Claude Guimbertreau
Dr. Louisa Williams
Phases of Sleep
• Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM)
• N1-Light sleep
• N2-The brain begins to produce bursts of
rapid, rhythmic brain wave activity
known as sleep spindles
• N3-Deep or Delta Wave Sleep
• Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
• During an 8-hour sleep period, the brain
goes in and out of REM 4-5 times
• Every 90 to 120 minutes, REM sleep and
dreaming occur. These periods may last
5 to 30 minutes and typically become
longer towards morning so that most
REM sleep is experienced in the last
one-third of the night
The Glymphatic System and Deep/REM Sleep
• Deep Sleep is associated with the slowest brain waves of sleep, known as Delta
brain waves that are high amplitude and low frequency
• Glucose metabolism in the brain increases during deep sleep, this supports short-term and
long-term memory and overall learning
• Pituitary gland secretes important hormones (GH secretion is highest during this phase)
• There is an increase in parasympathetic neural activity and a decrease in sympathetic neural
activity during this phase
• “The synchronized waves of neural activity during deep slow-wave sleep, specifically firing
patterns that move from front of the brain to the back, coincide with what we know about
the flow of CSF in the glymphatic system. It appears that the chemicals involved in the firing
of neurons, namely ions, drive a process of osmosis which helps pull the fluid through brain
• REM sleep is associated with a brain-wide increase in cerebral blood volume,
increasing cerebrospinal fluid (CFS) influx and glymphatic system activity
• The activity of the glymphatic system is increased while dreaming and, therefore, removal
of catabolites and detoxification of the brain
• GABA is poorly absorbed - and its
brain bioavailability is also poor -
when administered orally
• We created a transdermal
supramolecular complex of GABA
in combination of chondroitin
sulfate for optimal absorption
• Microbial (nonanimal- derived)
chondroitin sulfate is a molecule
that has inherent anti-
inflammatory, immune-modulatory
activities and allows GABA to cross
blood-brain barrier
Deep Sleep and REM Improve with Somnium
Night-time Application
Gemma comes from the Latin word bud.
It’s the super bright, super light, expansive
exhilaration exploding from the new growth
of the plant.
The buds powerful effects comes from the
growth hormones of the germinating plant
parts (Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins,
and Abscissin)
Once the plant bud, rootlet or young shoot
matures and begins producing chlorophyll,
many of these constituents begin to
subside. The plant bud extracts then carry
this regeneration energy into our own cells,
tissues and organs.
Liposomal Lymph Gemmo
• Sweet chestnut - relieves stagnant
lymph and supports venous blood
• Service tree - harmonizer of the
lymphatic circulation and blood
• Black currant - helps our adaptive
response to stress
• White birch - helps to stimulate liver
• Lemon tree - helps to alkalinize acids
Love Liposomal Lymph Gemmo
I love this product!!! I am doing a parasite cleanse and many are in my
lymphatic system (ugh). I use these drops just before my Bemer use and
it moves to evict them. SO grateful to slowly getting my lymph to move
again. Thank You so much!!!!
Liposomal Gallbladder Gemmo
• Hazel: The ‘breathing tree’; Anti-scar tissue agent; potent phyto-oncological
agent; Reduces cholesterol, fatty liver, and dyspepsis; Prevents fibrosis;
supports mesenchymal connective tissue, Primarily used as an anti-sclerotic
dietary supplement, Hazel supports the breakdown of sclerotic tissues
particularly in the lower limbs. Also supports restoring the elasticity of the
lung following bronchitis, emphysema, asbestosis, etc type diseases.
• Juniper: Detoxifier of the liver, kidneys, gut and gallbladder; Electrolyte
balancer; Anti-inflammatory, and antirheumatic properties; A powerful liver
and kidney drainer, this dietary supplement is typically used for
detoxification of auto-toxins and external toxins such as drugs, poisons,
contaminants and heavy metals.
• Rosemary: Supports the liver and inflammation. Tonic for the adrenals and
gall bladder, supporting the digestive system (lipids). hepatoprotective.
General metabolism. Reduces low density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglycerides.
Supports with memory and concentration; Rosemary is a liver and
gallbladder drainer and also used to support conditions of chronic
allergies. Particularly supports patients of Crohn’s Disease.
• Tamarisk: Support for the blood (red blood cells and platelets); activates the
metabolism of iron and cholesterol; bone marrow stimulant and helps with
all forms of anaemia. Secondary to viral infections (e.g. chicken pox) and in
the treatment of mononucleosis.
• Artichoke: Stimulates the flow of bile from the liver; Supports digestion, IBS,
• Rye: Liver support that stimulates, regenerates, and restores hepatocytes;
Anti-viral; Stimulates immunity; supports the repair of liver tissue such as a
result of hepatitis. Also supports the repair of skin conditions such as
Liposomal Spleen Gemmo
• Tamarisk: Support for the blood (red blood cells and platelets);
activates the metabolism of iron and cholesterol; bone
marrow stimulant and helps with all forms of anaemia.
Secondary to viral infections (e.g. chicken pox) and in the
treatment of mononucleosis.
• Walnut: Walnut: Support on a mucosal level, including
digestive system, urinary system, skin, and vagina. Stimulates
the pancreas to produce insulin; Harmonizer for CNS and
thyroid (hypothyroid); tropism of lymphatic and
integumentary system; restores the colonic flora after
antibiotics. Normalizes the pancreatic enzymes and insulin
production. Also supports health for skin conditions such as
psoriasis, acne, eczema, and various skin infections.
• Oak: Supports with adrenal function (energy buds); Supports
the reticulo-endothelial system, nervous system and glandular
system,; supports action on the adrenal cortex for hormonal
activity. Known to also stimulate testosterone production as
well as having an effect on the pituitary gland.
• Dandelion: Detoxifies the entire digestive system; gentle
diuretic; supports liver health
• Hedge Maple: Inhibits the growth of many different types of
viruses: Hepatitis A B and C and all forms of herpes, chicken
pox, Epstein-Barr virus, HIV, cytomegalovirus, and Bell’s palsy;
Helps to prevent the endothelial damage caused by oxidized
low density lipoprotein (LDL) and other oxidized fats; supports
lowering cholesterol and supports the gallbladder in
preventing gallstones.
Don’t Forget The Lymphatic System is
Part of Immune System
• Hemp seed proteins constituted by albumin and
edestin that are vegetal analogues of plasma
proteins that are known to support innate and
adaptive immunity and give rise to natural anti-
viral molecules.

• Zinc an element with known anti-microbial, anti-

viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, immune-
stimulating properties.

• Quercetin, a plant-derived polyphenolic flavonoid

with approved anti-tumor effects that has anti-
viral, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-
properties and acts as a binder and ionophore of
zinc thus enhancing its cellular uptake and
optimizing its utilization.
• Copper, an element known to play an important
role in the development and maintenance of
immune system function and also known to have
anti-viral properties.
Ipothecary Products
Special Gift! 7-Day Lymphatic Rehab Blueprint
• Day One-Understanding your Lymphatic
• Day Two-What Could be Clogging your
• Day Three-Improving Lymphatic Drainage
with Lymph Massage
• Day Four-Water and Your Lymphatic
• Day Five-Improving Lymphatic Drainage
with Movement & Breathwork
• Day Six -The Glymphatic System and
• Day Seven-The Lymphatics of the
Abdomen and Breasts

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