Popular Literature (Kepustakaan Populer)
Popular Literature (Kepustakaan Populer)
Popular Literature (Kepustakaan Populer)
Compiled by
Name: Zhidan Yanuar Pamungkas
Class : 3A (PGSD)
NPM : 2014060042
Course: Educational Literaturean
Video resume 1
History of Library Establishment
Resume Video 2
Starting from the Egyptians in 2400 BC he took advantage of the invention of the PAPYRUS
PLANT which made a piece of PAPYRUS PLANT paper then the papers were rolled and the
paper roll became the first book scroll in the world. Then the Chinese wrote on a fingerprint
that was tied into one thing that influenced the writing system in China where Chinese letters
were written vertically from top to bottom.
Orientals use sheepskin spread in lamb fat called PERGAMENUM fat which is then called
PARCHMENT or kulis paper. Parchment itself has a stronger texture and is stronger in cut
and made folds so that it is easy to stack.
Books made of paper first appeared after the Chinese managed to jerk paper in 105 AD from
the basic material of bamboo invented by a Chinese named Tsai Lun. His paper was made
using pulp like modern papermaking today. Tsai Lun said the Chinese nation made progress
so that the 2nd century became the only paper exporter in the world, after the Chinese
succeeded with the invention of paper and then Johan Gutenberg who was a German national
managed to create the world's first paper printing machine using metal lettering.
In Indonesia, books are written on palm leaves, palm leaves that have been written and then
bound to form a book. The development of books from significant book changes with the
printing of paper which until now is still used as raw material for making books.