The Military Strategy
The Military Strategy
The Military Strategy
Key Words: The Prophet of Islam, The Battle of Badr, The Battle of
Ohud, The Battle of Khandaq, Foresight, Strategy, Defense, the Army
of Islam.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was used to sort out his matters by
better understanding of situations, taking sound decisions in time,
and formulating excellent strategies. He did not carry out his tasks
by the extraordinary power of miracles, given to him by Allah
Almighty. His unmatched successes and accomplishments in
military, religious, and political fields in his short period of
prophethood was the outcome not only of the blessings and
providence of God, his foresight and strategies also played a major
role in them. It was his brilliant strategy that the Islamic army,
instead of being small in numbers, always defeated armies larger
multiple times than it. The military strategies he employed in battles
are models for Muslim leaders, especially military ones, to follow. In
this paper, some aspects of his military tactics and strategies have
been discussed.