Wuolah Free Mock Exam Gulag Free
Wuolah Free Mock Exam Gulag Free
Wuolah Free Mock Exam Gulag Free
1. State the following grammatical concepts making use of suitable examples:
a) Base Morph: It is the form of a word to which prefixes and suffixed can be added to
create new words.
Example: Touchable → Toch- = Base
-able = Suffix
Unhappy → Un- = Prefix
-happy = Base
b) Bound Morph: Morphs that have a meaning but don’t have a communicative value on
their own, so they need to be attached to something else.
Example: Girls → Girl- = Base Morph
-s = Bound Morph
Larger → Larg- = Base Morph
-er = Bound Morph
c) NICE Properties: NICE Properties stands for “Negation, inversion, code and emphasis”.
Depending on the syntactic characteristics that distinguish auxiliary verbs from lexical
• Negation: Cannot appear after lexical verbs, only after auxiliary verbs.
Example: You can’t say “thinkn’t”, but you can say “do not think”.
• Inversion: This exchange is only allowed with auxiliary verbs.
Example: He pardons…
Pardons he…
• Code: We can only use auxiliary verbs to refer to lexical verbs, not lexical
Example: Se mixes… and so does he.
• Affirmation: This only happens with auxiliary verbs.
Example: -Teenagers learn little.
-Oh yes, they do learn.
Few words occur as inserts: expletives (bloody, the hell), euphemisms (figging), and
neutral terms (absolutely).
The insertion is most frequently made immediately preceding the syllable with primary
lexical stress (al-x-mighty). However, sometimes they occur before the second stress.
The derivational process is clear and uncomplicated, and its product is immediately
Container phrases are interpreted holistically whenever they are not prepositional