What Is Addie Course
What Is Addie Course
What Is Addie Course
What is ADDIE?
The ADDIE model is a process used by training developers and instructional designers to plan and
create effective learning experiences.
What does ADDIE stand for?
ADDIE is an acronym, meaning each letter stands for a different phase for creating an effective
eLearning course.
A- Analyze
D- Develop
D- Design
I- Implement
E- Evaluate
Continued Improvements
ADDIE's process allows instructional content creators to improve on the content by allowing a
constant flow.
Before you start developing your eLearning course, the ADDIE model states you should first analyze the
current situation. Basically, get a clear picture of where everything is currently to understand the gaps you
need to fill.
In the Design phase, we view all the information from the Analysis phase and make informed decisions
about creating the learning program. Be aware – this phase is often time-intensive and requires attention
to detail.
Your eLearning course has been created, tested, and approved. Now it’s time for your learners to take the
Most often in the world of eLearning, this means exporting your file and uploading the course to an LMS
(Learning Management System).
You’ve got your analysis. You’ve got your design. Now it’s time to start building.
The Development phase is where you actually begin creating or developing, your eLearning course.
After the eLearning course is designed, developed, and implemented, you want to make sure it’s doing its
job. Is the course effective? Are your learners confused?
The Evaluation phase is all about gathering important information to see if the course needs to be revised
and improved.
How can I use the ADDIE model?
If you have ever been asked to present to adult learners, the ADDIE model is for you. It takes
preparation work and time, but adult learners need to have engaging tasks, as well as relevant
new information.
Good luck with your future endeavors using the ADDIE model!