Meena 2019
Meena 2019
Meena 2019
Keywords: Withania somnifera L. Dunal, is one of the important medicinal crops and extensively used in the traditional
Withania somnifera medicine systems of India. Leaf spot disease caused by Alternaria alternata is a major concern and adversely affect
Alternaria alternata the commercial cultivation as well as production of crop. The disease symptoms appear around 50 days after
Internal transcribed spacer sowing (DAS) on naturally infected plants while on artificially inoculated plants symptoms developed within 2
weeks. The associated pathogen was characterized for precise identification based on the sequencing of partial
Disease severity
internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and actin gene considering the microscopic observations. The disease is pre-
Humidity vailing more severe at flowering stage, 90 DAS under high temperature and low relative humidity. In the present
study 328 breeding lines and 140 accessions of W. somnifera were procured under breeding program and
screened against leaf spot disease under natural field conditions for three consecutive years. The results of our
study revealed that only 12.85% of accession lines viz., RAS – 36, MWS-207, MWS-211, MWS-303, MWS-304,
RAS -10, RAS – 49, RAS – 50, MWS-336, RAS – 130, IC – 283942, RAS – 60, RAS – 61, RAS – 143, RAS – 133, RAS
– 137, MWS-139 and RAS – 41 and 7.32% of breeding lines viz., DWS-108, DSW-130, DWS-74, DWS-118, DWS-
152, DWS-279, DWS-96, DWS-37, DWS-107, DWS-133, DWS-234, DWS-311,DWS-34, DWS-41, DWS-42, DWS-
69, DWS-86, DWS-127, DWS-170, DWS-223, DWS-293, DWS-270, DWS-296 and DWS-309 were falling under the
highly resistant class. The pathogenesis as well as disease progress mechanisms influenced by environmental
factors and growth stages of crop. Maximum temperature 35 + 5 °C when coincide with low relative humidity
(66 + 5% RH1) supported the aggressiveness of the pathogen.
1. Introduction use the medicinal plants in traditional system of health care has been
transmitted orally by different cultural communities and also through
Withania somnifera L. Dunal, commonly known as ashwagandha or thousands of written scripts. The awareness about the value of natural
Indian ginseng is a well known herbal plant for its therapeutic prop- products for health care has led to increased demand of ashwagandha
erties and immensely used in the Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani systems based products. The crop is suitable for growing under warm, tropical
of medicines (Chopra et al., 1958; Murthy et al., 2008). This plant and subtropical climate around the word. In India, ashwagandha is
belongs to family Solanaceae and grown widely in tropical and sub- successfully grown in Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Utter Pradesh, Har-
tropical climate of Africa, Middle East and Mediterranean region of the yana, Rajasthan and Punjab (Bhatia et al., 1987).
world. The roots of the plants contain several bio active principal The crop encounters many pest and diseases in the field condition
compounds which include withaferin-A, withanolides, sterols and especially coleopteran and lepidopteran pest infestation and fungal
phenols etc., (Bhattacharya et al., 2002). The entire plant as such pos- disease infection were observed frequently (Verma et al., 2007; Kumar
sesses important medicinal value, although therapeutic properties of et al., 2009; Sharma et al., 2011). Among them, leaf spot disease caused
the roots have been explored immensely against large number of by Alternaria alternata is the most abundantly prevailing (Shivanna
human as well as animal ailments like tumour (Uma devi, 1996), car- et al., 2014) and significantly affect the secondary metabolites pro-
diac disorders (Mohanty et al., 2008), cancer (Widodo et al., 2007) and duction (Pati et al., 2008). The species of genus Alternaria included
also as anti- aging agent (Singh et al., 2008). In India, the knowledge to mainly saprophytic fungi and collectively causes devastating foliar
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.P. Meena).
Received 3 October 2018; Received in revised form 25 June 2019; Accepted 27 June 2019
Available online 04 July 2019
2214-7861/ © 2019 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
R.P. Meena, et al. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 14 (2019) 100211
Table 1
Description of disease infection type, scoring scale and host reaction.
Host reaction Scoring scale Description of reaction
Highly resistant (HR) 0 Leaves free from infection or 0 to 5% leaf area with lesions
Resistant (R) 1 Small irregular brown spots with concentric rings covering 6–10% leaf area
Moderately resistant (MR) 2 Lesions enlarging, irregular brown with concentric rings covering 11–25% leaf area
Moderately susceptible (MS) 3 Lesions coalesce to form irregular and appears as a typical leaf spot covering 26–50% leaf area
Susceptible (S) 4 Lesions coalesce to form irregular and appears as a typical blight symptom covering > 50% leaf area
diseases on wider host range. Fungicide spraying is one of the common (Thermo scientific) 0.5 μl of each 10 mM of forward and reverse primers
management practices followed for controlling the disease, but re- and sterile nuclease free water. The following PCR program was per-
peated use of same group of fungicides leads to development of fun- formed following one cycle at 94 °C for 4 min, 35 cycles at 94 °C for
gicides resistance as observed in many other pathogens (Golembiewski 35 s, 56 °C for 50 s, and 72 °C for 1 min, followed by final extension at
et al., 1995). Nevertheless, roots of the plants are food storage reserved 72⁰C for 10 min. Amplicons were purified using commercial kits and
and hence fungicide application may lead to residual toxicity. purified PCR product was sequenced in both the directions. The re-
Therefore, in the present investigation attempts were made to trieved sequences were assembled and compared via BLAST with the
identify the resistance source against leaf spot disease from the avail- DNA sequences available in GenBank (
able genetic resources of W. somnifera and also to characterize the as- genbank/).
sociated pathogen. Besides that the epidemiological investigations were
also attempted to assess the growth and development of the disease. 2.4. Evaluation of accessions and breeding lines
The information generated from this study will be helpful for the
breeders in crop improvement programmes and can mitigate the re- Total 328 breeding lines and 140 accessions lines of W. somnifera
sidual toxicity by curtailing the use of fungicides. were procured from the breeding program of W. somnifera grown in
augmented randomized block design keeping three replication of each
2. Materials and methods at the experimental field, ICAR-Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic
Plants Research, Boriavi, Anand (Gujarat). The experimental material
2.1. Experimental site and cultivation measures collected from Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Utter Pradesh and Southern
part of the country. All these accessions and breeding lines were
The field study and laboratory experiments were conducted at the screened during three consecutive crop seasons of 2015–16, 2016–17
ICAR- Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research (ICAR- and 2017–18 under the natural epiphytotic conditions. Based on the
DMAPR), Boriavi, Anand, Gujarat (India) for three consecutive crop pooled data of three years, accessions and breeding lines were cate-
seasons during 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18. The experimental site is gorised in five host reaction classes as described in Table 1.
located at 22° 35′ N and 72° 55′ E at an altitude of about 45.1 m above
sea level. The soil was less fertile with sandy loam texture having pH 2.5. Disease incidence and scoring
7.62 and EC 0.27 dS m−1. The crop was sown during first fortnight of
October and the area belongs to subtropical conditions. Disease incidence and severity on the W. somnifera accessions and
breeding lines were recorded with the standard methods considering
2.2. Sample collection and development of pure culture the whole plant as a unit. The variable measures of disease were ob-
served on 10 plants of each accession /breeding lines. The observations
The infected leaf samples exhibiting disease symptoms were col- on the infection type and disease severity were recorded at the weekly
lected from the experimental field of ICAR-DMAPR and kept separately intervals. The categorization of accessions and breeding lines for dis-
in aluminum foil pack. Small pieces of the freshly infected leaf were cut ease reaction was determined based on the disease severity (Fig. 1)
off, surface sterilized with sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl) of according to the assigned relative value of infected area under the
4.0% concentration by dipping the leaf bits for 3 min and followed by disease scoring scale of 0–4 as described in Table 1.
three washing with the sterile distilled water. About 2 mm size of the The disease incidence (DI) was calculated using the following for-
leaf tissues were transferred for inoculation on the sterile potato dex- mula:
trose agar (PDA) plates using a sterile needle and kept for incubation at
25 + 2 °C in BOD incubator. The mycelia growth of fungus was ob- Disease Incidence(DI) = × 100
served after 48 h of incubation and pure culture of the fungus was re-
trieved following the standard protocol of single spore isolation (Choi Where IP: number of infected plants (Plant with the visible leaf spot
et al., 1999). disease symptoms), TP: Total number of plants observed for incidence.
Where the disease severity (DS) was calculated using the formula of
2.3. Morphological and molecular characterization Wheeler (1969).
Sum of individual ratings x 100
Microscopic slides were prepared by scraping the fungal colonies Disease Severity(DS) =
No. of leaves observed x Maximum disease grade
from natural substrata as well as 7 days old culture, mounted in cotton
blue and examined under microscope for morphological measurements.
For more precise and molecular characterization, total DNA was iso- 2.6. Area under disease progressive curve (AUDPC) and statistical analysis
lated from the fresh mycelia grown in PD broth using the commercial
Nucleo-pore gDNA fungal/bacterial mini kit following the manu- Observations on the disease incidence and disease severity of leaf
facturer’s instructions. Partial ITS region and Actin gene of A. alternata spot disease were recorded at weekly intervals. The area under disease
were amplified using primers, ITS1 and ITS4 (White et al., 1990) and progressive curve (AUDPC) was calculated based on the disease severity
ACT 512 F and ACT 783R (Carbone and kohn, 1999), respectively, in on 10 tagged plants chosen randomly in each plot, under the natural
PCR assay. The PCR reaction was performed with a total volume of conditions using the following formula given by Shaner and Finney
20 μl containing 1.5 μl of template DNA, 10.0 μl PCR master mix (1977).
R.P. Meena, et al. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 14 (2019) 100211
Fig. 1. Leaf spot disease scoring scale on ashwagandha (W. somnifera) based on the disease severity and host reaction, where: 0- Highly resistant, 1- Resistant, 2-
Moderately resistant, 3- Moderately susceptible and 4- Susceptible.
Fig. 2. Leaf spot disease of W. somnifera (A.) Typical symptoms of Alternaria leaf spot disease (B.) Morphology of the fungal pure culture (C.) Conidia of the Alternaria
alternata observed under the compound microscope and (D.) Gel profile of amplified Actin and ITS region of the pathogen where Lane M; 100bp DNA ladder, 1; Actin
and 2; sowing amplified ITS region.
R.P. Meena, et al.
Table 2
Categorization of ashwagandha (W. somnifera) accessions/breeding lines against leaf spot disease.
S. No. Reaction Infection type Genetic materials
1 0 Highly resistant (HR) RAS – 36, MWS-207, MWS-211, MWS-303, MWS-304, RAS -10, RAS – 49, RAS – 50, MWS-336, DWS-108, DSW-130, DWS-74, DWS-118, DWS-152, DWS-279, DWS-96, DWS-37, DWS-107,
RAS – 130, IC – 283942, RAS – 60, RAS – 61, RAS – 143, RAS – 133, RAS – 137, MWS-139, RAS DWS-133, DWS-234, DWS-311,DWS-34, DWS-41, DWS-42, DWS-69, DWS-86, DWS-127,
– 41 (18) DWS-170, DWS-223, DWS-293, DWS-270, DWS-296, DWS-309. (24)
2 1 Resistant (R) MWS-213, RAS-134, MWS-334, RAS-62, MWS-315, MWS-219, RAS-66, MWS-117, RAS-20, DWS-11, DWS-23, DWS-30, DWS-31, DWS-35, DWS-36, DWS-39, DWS-40, DWS-43, DWS-47,
MWS-333, MWS-335, MWS-124, MWS-130, MWS-132, MWS-135, MWS-218, MWS-323, MWS- DWS-48, DWS-56, DWS-65, DWS-67, DWS-68, DWS-80, DWS-82, DWS-83, DWS-85, DWS-87,
324, MWS-327, MWS-332, RAS-7, RAS-51, RAS-140, RAS – 22, RAS – 59, RAS – 39, MWS-310, DWS-88, DWS-89, DWS-90, DWS-95, DWS-97, DWS-98, DWS-104, DWS-106, DWS-109, DWS-
MWS-316, RAS – 34, MWS-210, RAS – 33, RAS – 21, MWS-330, MWS-321, MWS-205, MWS- 114, DWS-116, DWS-122, DWS-132, DWS-140, DWS-146, DWS-128, DWS-129, DWS-182,
131, MWS-204, MWS-221, MWS-222, MWS-227, MWS-302, MWS-309, MWS-314, MWS-322, DWS-131, DWS-134, DWS-141, DWS-148, DWS-150, DWS-151, DWS-153, DWS-154, DWS-
JA-20, RAS – 11, RAS – 142, MWS-226, RAS – 13, RAS – 52, JA-134, RAS – 42, RAS – 65, MWS- 155, DWS-158, DWS-163, DWS-84, DWS-169, DWS-183, DWS-184, DWS-185, DWS-186,
206 (54) DWS-217, DWS-221, DWS-222, DWS-232, DWS-233, DWS-234, DWS-235, DWS-238, DWS-
243, DWS-244, DWS-250, DWS-264, DWS-266, DWS-251, DWS-274, DWS-280, DWS-294,
DWS-318, DWS-325, DWS-326, DWS-327, DWS-328. (77)
3 2 Moderately resistant IC-310595, MWS-201, MWS-114, RAS-37, MWS-108, MWS-141, MWS-306, MWS-329, Red DWS-12, DWS-15, DWS-24, DWS-32, DWS-172, DWS-19, DWS-25, DWS-45, DWS-81, DWS-
(MR) Barries, RAS-30, RAS-40, RAS-135, IC-310620-B, MWS-223, RAS-58, RAS-141, MWS-209, 91, DWS-93, DWS-94, DWS-103, DWS-105, DWS-115, DWS-38, DWS-92, DWS-99, DWS-123,
MWS-203, RAS-53, IC-283662, BNM-42, IC-283966, RAS-16, RAS-35, RAS-136, MWS-208, DWS-126, DWS-190, DWS-13, DWS-9, DWS-17, DWS-21, DWS-276, DWS-70, DWS-100, DWS-
MWS-319, MWS-214, MWS-216, MWS-217, MWS-312, MWS-318, MWS-328 (33) 157, DWS-117, DWS-137, DWS-143, DWS-161, DWS-168, DWS-174, DWS-176, DWS-181,
DWS-187, DWS-196, DWS-203, DWS-175, DWS-312, DWS-191, DWS-314, DWS-211, DWS-
162, DWS-313, DWS-218, DWS-167, DWS-216, DWS-230, DWS-245, DWS-206, DWS-236,
DWS-219, DWS-220, DWS-224, DWS-231, DWS-237, DWS-246, DWS-247, DWS-248, DWS-
249, DWS-253, DWS-212, DWS-262, DWS-263, DWS-265, DWS-283, DWS-213, DWS-290,
DWS-291, DWS-292, DWS-295, DWS-297, DWS-317, DWS-320, DWS-317, DWS-322, DWS-
324, DWS-10, DWS-29, DWS-53, DWS-54, DWS-66, DWS-77, DWS-110, DWS-135, DWS-156,
DWS-164, DWS-165, DWS-177, DWS-195, DWS-258, DWS-278, DWS-282, DWS-284, DWS-
287, DWS-289, DWS-307, DWS-323, DWS-78, DWS-208, DWS-269, DWS-28, DWS-121, DWS-
147, DWS-189, DWS-194, DWS-18, DWS-111, DWS-180, DWS-241, DWS-27, DWS-73, DWS-
75, DWS-145, DWS-201, DWS-215, DWS-261, DWS-281, DWS-286, DWS-300, DWS-22, DWS-
136, DWS-144, DWS-159, DWS-199, DWS-209, DWS-228, DWS-304, DWS-138, DWS-298,
DWS-321, DWS-49, DWS-59, DWS-305, DWS-26, DWS-101, DWS-210, DWS-226, DWS-242,
DWS-315 (142).
4 3 Moderately susceptible RAS-14, RAS-15, RAS-138, RAS- 67, RAS-29, RAS-23, RAS-44, RAS-45, MWS-313, IC-286632, DWS-225, DWS-310, DWS-188, DWS-239, DWS-8, DWS-44, DWS-20, DWS-260, DWS-142,
(MS) K-86, RAS-55, MWS-101, RAS-139, MWS-202, RAS-56, MWS-307, MWS-100, RAS-47, RAS-64, DWS-197, DWS-302, DWS-214, DWS-252, DWS-160, DWS-149, DWS-6, DWS-113, DWS-120,
RAS-32, MWS-301, MWS-311, RAS-57, RAS-28, IC-310620-A (26) DWS-124, DWS-198, DWS-271, DWS-200, DWS-227, DWS-299, DWS-166, DWS-125, DWS-
179, DWS-204, DWS-229, DWS-254, DWS-277, DWS-301, DWS-193, DWS-55, DWS-102,
DWS-308, DWS-4, DWS-50, DWS-119,DWS-139, DWS-178, DWS-202, DWS-207, DWS-240,
DWS-255, DWS-267, DWS-306, DWS-1, DWS-58, DWS-64, DWS-112, DWS-173, DWS-273,
DWS-275, DWS-51, DWS-46, DWS-268, DWS-288, DWS-62, DWS-63, DWS-79, DWS-272,
DWS-3, DWS-5, DWS-256, DWS-16, DWS-72, DWS-171, DWS-259, DWS-285 (70).
5 4 Susceptible (S) RAS-27, MWS-325, RAS-18, RAS-31, RAS-46, RAS-54, RAS-48, RAS-63, RAS-38 (9) DWS-71, DWS-316, DWS-60, DWS-303, DWS-52, DWS-257, DWS-57, DWS-76, DWS-205,
DWS-7, DWS-61, DWS-33, DWS-2, DWS-192, DWS-14 (15).
Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 14 (2019) 100211
R.P. Meena, et al. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 14 (2019) 100211
Table 3
Frequency distribution of the response to leaf spot disease infection among the accessions/ breeding lines of ashwagandha (W. somnifera).
Response Disease scoring Accessions accession Accessions (%) Breeding lines accession Breeding lines (%)
Fig. 3. Effect of different weather factors on development of leaf spot disease of W. somnifera observed under the field condition.
Table 4 Table 5
Correlation values between the leaf spot disease severity on W. somnifera and Relationship of environmental factors with disease severity, AUDPC of leaf spot
the environmental factors. disease development in ashwagandha (W. somnifera).
S. No. Weather factors Correlation coefficient ‘R’ values Ob. Weeks Max T Mini T RH1 (%) RH2 (%) Disease AUDPC
(2 weeks (°C) (°C) severity (%)
1. Maximum temperature 0.87013 after sowing)
2. Minimum temperature 0.78768
3. Relative humidity I −0.67419 1 30 10.4 95.86 40.71 0 0
4. Relative humidity Il −0.83969 2 26.2 9.3 89.86 38.29 0 0
3 26.8 12 81 44.71 0 25.2
4 31.1 13.5 92.57 39.29 7.2 92.57
5 31.4 11.1 90.14 37.14 19.25 156.06
for leaf spot disease in W. somnifera and following the same scale, the
6 28.7 10.2 81.29 29.57 25.34 191.62
328 breeding lines and 140 accessions were evaluated for three con- 7 32.2 16.1 75.71 38.71 29.41 216.82
secutive years (Appendix-1 & 2). In our study the results revealed that 8 33.4 13.8 80.71 26.86 32.54 235.06
only 12.85% accessions viz., RAS-36, MWS-207, MWS-211, MWS-303, 9 36.1 14.1 77.14 23.14 34.62 249.16
MWS-304, RAS-10, RAS-49, RAS-50 & MWS-336 and 7.32% breeding 10 33.6 15.8 71 26.71 36.57 261.97
11 33.9 12.6 68.86 19.57 38.28 281.82
lines viz., DWS-108, DSW-130, DWS-74, DWS-118, DWS-152, DWS-279,
12 37.3 18.8 70.71 25.57 42.24 306.81
DWS-96, DWS-37, DWS-107, DWS-133, DWS-234, DWS-311,DWS-34, 13 40.8 20.8 66 19.57 45.42 336.59
DWS-41, DWS-42, DWS-69, DWS-86, DWS-127, DWS-170, DWS-223, 14 37.3 20.6 88.29 29.29 50.75 –
DWS-293, DWS-270, DWS-296 & DWS-309 accessions fall under the S.Em. 1.11 1.00 2.62 2.21 4.73 –
CV (%) 12.75 26.45 12.19 26.41 68.51 –
highly resistant class. Out of 140 accessions, 6.42% and among the
SD 4.178 3.761 9.81 8.28 17.69 –
breeding lines 4.57% were recorded highly susceptible (Table 2). The
other accessions and breeding lines of W. somnifera fall under resistant, Ob. Weeks = observation week; Max T = maximum temperature; Mini
moderately resistant and moderately susceptible classes as presented in T = minimum temperature; RH1= relative humidity 1; RH2= relative hu-
Table 2 and details of the total accessions is presented in Table 3. midity 2; AUDPC = area under disease progress curve; S.Em. = standard error;
CV = Coefficient of Variation & SD = Standard deviation.
3.4. Etiology and AUDPC
temperature was coincided with the +75% indicating the positive
The effects of various weather parameters were evaluated and dis- correlation with the higher temperature (Tables 4 and 5). AUDPC for
ease development was measured at the weekly interval (Fig. 3). The the disease was also analysed based on the three years pooled data on
progress of leaf spot disease was found to be higher when maximum leaf spot disease severity. The disease severity observation at the con-
temperature of 28 +4 °C and an average 70% or more relative humidity stant interval could identify the progress of disease development. The
(RH) coincided with the vulnerable stage of the plants. The prompt AUDPC value was highest when the maximum temperature 35+5 °C
growth in disease development was recorded when 30+2 °C maximum coincided with the 66+5% RH1 for the leaf spot disease. The disease
R.P. Meena, et al. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 14 (2019) 100211
progress curve changed abruptly at the initial stage of the infection and the chemical fungicides in management of the diseases which will help
gradually increased over the period. When crop reached at the mature in mitigating the residual and negative effects on the health of end
stage, the infected leaves dried up first and following by leaf shedding. users.
Leaf spots are the most commonly prevailing diseases in the sola- This article does not contain any studies with human participants or
neceous crops and imposed major constraints in the production of ve- animals performed by any of the authors.
getable and oil crops. The genus Alternaria consisting opportunistic
pathogenic species and have recorded to cause leaf spot, blight and Funding
other diseases on over 380 plant host species (Simmons, 1995; Chavan
and Korekar, 2011). The aerial pathogens mainly destroy the active leaf The author (s) received the financial support from its institutional
area and may directly reduce the photosynthetic activities thus redu- research grant of ICAR- DMAPR, Anand for the research work.
cing the productivity (Balasubrahmanyam and Kolte, 1980). It has been
reported from the previous studies that A. alternata causes leaf spot Acknowledgments
disease on W. somnifera (Mishra et al., 2018) but for more precise
identification of the pathogen, ITS and Actin genes were amplified and The work has been funded by ICAR- Directorate of Medicinal and
sequenced in the present study. The pathogen may affect the quanti- Aromatic Plants Research (DMAPR), Anand, from its institutional re-
tative characteristics viz., root biomass as well as secondary metabolites search grant. The authors express their sincere thanks and gratitude to
production in many crops (Carson, 1985; Meena, 2012; Pati et al., the Director, ICAR-DMAPR, for extending research facilities for con-
2008) and also the photosynthesis activities (Sharma et al., 2014). The ducting the present study.
pathogen A. alternata produced conidia in branched chain as earlier
illustrated (Simmons, 1995). The pathogenicity of the pathogen proved Appendix A. Supplementary data
in earlier investigation and similar results reported that initial disease
symptoms appeared within 2 weeks on artificially inoculated plants but Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
in the field conditions the symptoms observed about 45–50 DAS. The online version, at doi:
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