Esp32cam s2 Aithinker
Esp32cam s2 Aithinker
Esp32cam s2 Aithinker
Board ini merupakan pengembangan dari original design ESP32-Cam yang sebelumnya diproduksi oleh AI-Thinker.
Cerdas ESP32-Cam menambahkan built-in USB to serial CH340. Sehingga memudahkan bagi kamu untuk
memprogramnya. Untuk powering board ini kamu bisa gunakan dua konektor berikut :- USB type C, selain untuk
memprogram, dengan adanya konektor USB ini kamu bisa memberikan catu daya PC, laptop, power bank maupun
sumber tengangan DC 5V lainnya. Konektor XH 1.5mm, yang bisa kamu hubungkan dengan baterai LiPo 3.7V (baterai
tidak termasuk) Semua board yang kami produksi sudah ditest sebelum dikirim termasuk kamera OV2640 nya. Jadi
kalau menerima defect board, kami ganti dengan yang baru. Contoh Aplikasi : - Absensi Face Recognition, - Object
Tracking Robot, - Color Detection,- IOT CCTV Untuk memprogramnya tinggal hubungkan dengan kabel USB type C ke
komputer. Gunakan Arduino IDE dengan nama board "AI-Thinker ESP32-CAM"
- Ultra-small 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi + BT/BLE SoC module
- Low-power dual-core 32-bit CPU for application processors
- Up to 240MHz, up to 600 DMIPS
- Built-in 520 KB SRAM, external 2M PSRAM
- Supports interfaces such as UART/SPI/I2C/PWM/ADC/DAC
- Support OV2640 and OV7670 cameras with built-in flash
- Support for images WiFI upload
- Support TF card
- Support multiple sleep modes
- Embedded Lwip and FreeRTOS
- Support STA/AP/STA+AP working mode
- Support Smart Config/AirKiss One-click distribution network
- Support for serial local upgrade and remote firmware upgrade (FOTA)
- Support secondary development
Isi paket
1. BOARD kompatibel:
1x Cerdas ESP32 Cam
1x Camera Module OV2640 2MP (already mounted)
(1) Install Board “AI Thinker ESP32-CAM”
easytarget / esp32-cam-webserver Public
LGPL-2.1 license
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If you want to try the Face Recognition features please use the 3.x maintenance
branch, which still recieves bugfixes, but is not receiving any further development.
They were a demo, only worked in low resolution modes, did not preserve the face database
between power cycles, and were of little use in real-world applications.
There are other (specialised) sketches for the ESP-CAM that do use face recognitioni more
effectively, if this is your thing :-)
The original example is a bit incomprehensible and hard to modify as supplied. It is very focused
on showing off the face recognition capabilities, and forgets the 'webcam' part.
There are many other variants of a webcam server for these modules online, but most are
created for a specific scenario and not good for general, casual, webcam use.
Hopefully this expanded example is more useful for those users who wish to set up a simple
ESP32 based webcam using the cheap(ish) modules freely available online. Especially the AI-
THINKER board:
I have four AI-THINKER ESP32-CAM boards, so the descriptions below are for that board. But I
took care to leave the default definitions and controls for other boards in the example intact. You
may need to adjust the programming method to suit the your board, look for examples online.
For some other good examples and information on ESP32 based webcams I also
recommend the sketches here:
The AI thinker wiki can be quite informative, when run through an online translator and read
Default pinouts are also included for WRover Kit, ESP Eye and M5Stack esp32 camera
modules. I do not have any of these boards, so they are untested by me. Please let me know
if you find issues or have a board not in the list.
A lot of common issues with this sketch are discussed and covered in the discussion forums:
The existing issues list on Github is a good place to start if you have a specific issue not covered
above or in the forums.
There is also this excellent guide for help with some common issues seen with the camera
Known Issues
Builds made with PlatformIO are currently (v4.0) broken; the stream will die shortly after starting.
See #218 for more info.
The ESP32 itself is susceptible to the usual list of WiFi problems, not helped by having small
antennas, older designs, congested airwaves and demanding users. The majority of disconnects,
stutters and other comms problems are simply due to 'WiFi issues'. The AI-THINKER camera
module & esp32 combination is quite susceptible to power supply problems affecting both WiFi
conctivity and Video quality; short cabling and decent power supplies are your friend here; also
well cooled cases and, if you have the time, decoupling capacitors on the power lines.
A basic limitation of the sketch is that it can can only support one stream at a time. If you try to
connect to a cam that is already streaming (or attempting to stream) you will get no response
and, eventually, a timeout. The stream itself is a MJPEG stream, which relies on the client (the
web browser) to hold the connection open and request each new frame in turn via javascript.
This can cause errors when browsers run into Javascript or caching problem, fail to request new
frames or refuse to close the connection.
If you cannot start the stream you can check the /dump page of the cam to see if it
currently reports the camera as streaming or not.
Note that I do not respond to any Private Messages (via github, hackaday, or wherever) for
For programming you will need a suitable development environment, I use the Arduino IDE,
but this code should work in the Espressif development environment too.
Make sure you are using the latest version of the IDE and then follow This Guide to set up
the Espressif Arduino core for the IDE.
I do not recommend or support running with development builds of either the IDE or the
ESP arduino core.
If you have a development board (anything that can be programmed via a standard USB
cable/jack on the board itself) you are in luck. Just plug it in and skip ahead to the config
section. Remember to set your board model.
The AI-THINKER board requires use of an external 3.3v serial adapter to program; I use a
FTDI Friend adapter, for more about this read AdaFruits excellent FTDI Friend guide.
Be careful not to use a 5v serial adapter since this will damage the ESP32.
Connect the RX line from the serial adapter to the TX pin on ESP32
The adapters TX line goes to the ESP32 RX pin
The GPIO0 pin of the ESP32 must be held LOW (to ground) when the unit is powered up to
allow it to enter it's programming mode. This can be done with simple jumper cable
connected at poweron, fitting a switch for this is useful if you will be reprogramming a lot.
You must supply 5v to the ESP32 in order to power it during programming, the FTDI board
can supply this.
You can get the latest stable development release by cloning / downloading the master
branch of the repo.
This will give you an archive file with the Version number in it, eg. esp32-cam-webserver- . You need to unpack this into your Arduino sketch folder, and then you need to
rename the folder you extracted to remove the version number, eg. esp32-cam-webserver-
4.0 becomes esp32-cam-webserver .
Once you have done that you can open the sketch in the IDE by going to the esp32-cam-
webserver sketch folder and selecting esp32-cam-webserver.ino .
By default the sketch assumes you have an AI-THINKER board, it creates an AccessPoint called
ESP32-CAM-CONNECT and with the password InsecurePassword ; connect to that and then
browse to . This is nice and easy for testing and demo purposes.
To make a permanent config with your home wifi settings, different defaults or a different board;
copy (or rename) the file myconfig.sample.h in the sketch folder to myconfig.h and edit that,
all the usable defaults are in that file. Because this is your private copy of the config it will not get
overwritten if you update the main sketch!
Assuming you are using the latest Espressif Arduino core the ESP32 Dev Module board will
appear in the ESP32 Arduino section of the boards list. Select this (do not use the AI-THINKER
entry listed in the boiards menu, it is not OTA compatible, and will caus the module to crash and
reboot rather than updating if you use it.
Make sure you select the Minimal SPIFFS (1.9MB APP with OTA/190KB SPIFFS) partition
scheme and turn PSRAM on.
The first time you program (or if OTA is failing) you need to compile and upload the code from
the IDE, and when the Connecting... appears in the console reboot the ESP32 module while
keeping GPIO0 grounded. You can release GPO0 once the sketch is uploading, most boards have
a 'boot' button to trigger a reboot.
Once the upload completes (be patient, it can be a bit slow) open the serial monitor in the IDE
and reboot the board again without GPIO0 grounded. In the serial monitor you should see the
board start, connect to the wifi and then report the IP address it has been assigned.
Once you have the initial upload done and the board is connected to the wifi network you should
see it appearing in the network ports list of the IDE, and you can upload wirelessly.
If you have a status LED configured it will give a double flash when it begins attempting to
conenct to WiFi, and five short flashes once it has succeeded. It will also flash briefly when you
access the camera to change settings.
Go to the URL given in the serial output, the web UI should appear with the settings panel open.
Click away!
My Modifications:
The WiFi details can be stored in an (optional) header file to allow easier code development, and
a camera name for the UI title can be configured. The lamp and status LED's are optional, and the
lamp uses a exponential scale for brightness so that the control has some finess.
All of the face recognition code has been removed as of V4.0; this reduces the code size enough
to allow OTA programming while improving compile and programming times.
The compressed and binary encoded HTML used in the example has been unpacked to raw text,
this makes it much easier to access and modify the Javascript and UI elements. Given the
relatively small size of the index page there is very little benefit from compressing it.
The streamviewer, lamp control, and all the other new features have been added. I have tried to
retain the basic structure of the original example,extending where necessary.
The web UI has had changes to add the lamp control (only when enabled) and make the
streamm window rotate and resize appropriately. I also made the 'Start Stream' and 'Snapshot'
controls more prominent, and added feedback of the camera name + firmware.
I would also like to shoutout to @jmfloyd; who suggested rotating the image in the browser
since the esp32 itself cannot do this.
The communications between the web browser and the camera module can also be used to send
commands directly to the camera (eg to automate it, etc) and form, in effect, an API for the
I only have AI-THINKER modules with OV2640 camera installed; so I have only been able to
test with this combination. I have attempted to preserve all the code for other boards and
the OV3660 module, and I have merged all changes for the WebUI etc, but I cannot
guarantee operation for these.
I created a small board with a handy switch for power, a pushbutton for the GPIO0
programming switch, and a socket for the AI-THINKER board. This proved very useful for
development work and programming multiple devices.
I found some excellent cases on Thingieverse.
Contributions are welcome; please see the Contribution guidelines.
Time allowing; my Current plan is:
+ 21 releases
Contributors 9