The Status of Tanzanian Honey Trade Markets Nov2006

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Tanzania-The status of Tanzanian honey Trade- Domestic and International Markets

Mwakatobe, A. and Mlingwa, C.

Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute, P.O. Box 661, Arusha, Tanzania
.Tel: +255 0 (27) 2509871/2544677
Fax: +255 0 (27) 2548240

1.0 Background Information

Beekeeping in Tanzania plays a major role in socio-economic development and environmental
conservation. It is a source of food (e.g. honey, pollen and brood), raw materials for various
industries (e.g. beeswax candles, lubricants), medicine (honey, propolis, beeswax bee venom)
and source of income for beekeepers. It is estimated that the sector generates about US$ 1.7
million each year from sales of honey and beeswax and employ about 2 million rural people. It
is an important income generating activity with high potential for improving incomes, especially
for communities leaving close to forests and woodlands. Beekeeping also plays a major role in
improving biodiversity and increasing crop production through pollination.

Beekeeping in Tanzania is carried out using traditional methods that account for 99% of the
total production of honey and beeswax in the country. Approximately 95% of all hives are
traditional including log and bark hives. Others are reeds, gourds, pots etc. During the colonial
and early independence period the production of bee products was higher than what we have
now and was among the important non-wood products from the forests with a higher
contribution to the national GDP and international trade (Kihwele, 1991). However, today the
industry has declined in exports to an insignificant level despite of its high potential.

Tanzania (i.e. then Tanganyika) was an important source of beeswax during the Germany
colonial period (Ntenga, 1976). The production of beeswax from Tanzania increased from 320
to 905 tons during 1906 to 1952. Honey was estimated at an annual average production of
10,000 tons, all consumed locally (Smith, 1958). Following independence in 1961, a marketing
organization of honey and beeswax was formed. According to Ntenga (1976), Tanzanian
exports averaged 368 tons of beeswax and 467 tons of honey. During the 1996/97 period, the

annual exports dropped to 359 tons of beeswax and 2.46 tons of honey (Tanzania Customs
Department, 1997).

According to Seegeren . (1996), in 1984 world honey export totalled 270 000 tones of
which 60% came from the tropics. Prices varied between US $ 0.7 and 2.5 kg-1. Beeswax,
which, among other things, is used in the manufacture of cosmetics, candles, foundation
sheets for hives, medicines and polishes, had a good and very stable market. In 1990 world
market prices varied between US$ 2 and 3 kg-1. Beeswax production varies from 0.2 to 0.5
kilograms hive-1 year-1 when frames are used and 0.5 to 2 kilograms hive-1 year-1 when the
honey is pressed and all combs are melted.

In Tanzania traditional beekeeping is credited for almost all production of honey and beeswax
(Mwakatobe, 2001). Besides playing wider domestic roles in the bees and bee-products
industry in Tanzania, beekeeping is also a good source of foreign exchange earnings. The
information currently available indicates that during the year 1996/1997, Tanzania exported
359 tons of beeswax and 2.46 tons of honey worth US$ 1 019 020 and US$ 2 058 respectively
(BDP, 2005; Tanzania Customs Department, 1997). Several authors (Kihwele & Bradbear,
1989; TFAP, 1988; Mlay, 1997) have estimated that the production of bee products could
increase by 50%, if its potential could be optimally exploited.


2.1 Beekeeping potentials and production

Tanzania is endowed with favourable environment for production of honey, beeswax and other
bee products. The country has about 33.5 million hectares of forests and woodlands that are
scattered throughout the country and are ideal for developing beekeeping industry. Almost
20.5million hectares out of this area are unreserved forests and woodlands, while 13 million
hectares of forest and woodland have been gazetted as forest reserves. More than 80,000
hectares of the gazetted forest reserves consist of forest plantations that are also suitable for
beekeeping. The mangrove forests of mainland Tanzania that covers about 115,500 ha are
also valuable as bee fodder. High potential for beekeeping is also found in agricultural land
where substantial bee products can be harvested from agricultural crops e.g. sunflower, green
beans, coffee, coconut and sisal. The presence of both stinging and non-stinging honeybees
coupled with existence of indigenous knowledge in beekeeping is also a great potential (see
Table 1).

It is estimated that Tanzania has about 9.2 million honeybee colonies where production
potential of bee products is about 138,000 tons of honey and 9,200 tons of beeswax per
annum (URT, 1998). These are worthy US $ 138 million and US $ 18.4 million, respectively
(using average prices of the year 2003, i.e. US $ 1 per kg. of Honey and US $ 2 per kg. of
beeswax). .

Table 1: Honey production potentials and actual production in selected districts in Tanzania

High producing area Medium producing area Un-exploited areas

District Potential Actual District Potential Actual District Potential Actual
(Tons) (tons) (tons) (tons) (tons) (tons)
Kahama 4,000 500 Kondoa 3,000 300 Lindi 8,000 50
Mpanda 8,000 1,500 Kiteto 2,000 250 Songea 6,000 50
Sikonge 6,000 2,000 Babati 1,200 150 Iringa 5,000 40
Urambo 6,000 1,400 Kibondo 4,000 250 Biharamulo 4,000 15
Nzega 4,000 400 Handeni 3,000 150 Kasulu 4,000 5
Tabora 5,000 1,200 Kigoma 3,000 100 Newala 4,000 15
Chunya 6,000 400 Arumeru 1,500 100 Tunduru 4,000 15
Manyoni 8,000 600 Rufiji 2,500 50 Singida 3,000 5
Bukombe 5,000 800 Nkasi 1,500 50 Hai 2,500 5
Total 52,000 7,800 21,700 1,400 40,000 180
Production ratio of honey and beeswax per colony per year is estimated to be 15: 1
Source: National Beekeeping Programme, 2001.


2. 1 The National Beekeeping Policy, 1998

The Government of Tanzania developed the National Beekeeping Policy (NBP) in 1998. The
overall goal of the National Beekeeping Policy is to enhance the contribution of the beekeeping
sector to the sustainable development of Tanzania and the conservation and management of
its natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations. NBP encourages active
participation of all stakeholders in establishment and sustainable management of bee reserves
and apiaries, promoting beekeeping-based industries and products and promoting sustainable
management of beekeeping in cross sectoral areas for ecosystem conservation and
management. To enable effective implementation of the NBP, two instruments have been put
in place:
o The National Beekeeping Programme (NBKP) and
o The Beekeeping Act No. 15 of 2002.

2. 1.1 The National Beekeeping Programme

The National Beekeeping Programme (NBKP, 2001) is an instrument designed to put into
practice the NBP with emphasis on stakeholders participation in the planning, management,
ownership and sustainable utilization of bee resources for poverty eradication, improved
biodiversity development and environmental conservation. The programme has three sub
programmes including Beekeeping Development Programme, Legal and Regulatory
Framework Programme and Institutional and Human Resources Development Programme.

2.1.2 The Beekeeping Act No. 15, (2002)

The Beekeeping Act No. 15 of 2002 was enacted by Parliament in April 2002. Its main
objectives are: (i) To make provisions for the orderly conduct of beekeeping; (ii) To improve the
quality and quantity of bee products; (iii) To prevent and eradicate bee diseases and bee
pests, and (iv); To improve revenue collection.

2.3 National Forestry Policy, 1998

The National Forestry Policy Provides opportunities for beekeepers to practice beekeeping in
forest reserves.

2. 4 Wildlife Policy of Tanzania, 1998

Beekeeping activities are encouraged to be carried out in Wildlife Management Areas (WMA)
by involving local communities. With special permission from the Director of Wildlife
beekeepers are allowed to carryout beekeeping in game reserves and game controlled areas.

2.5 Village Land Act, 1999

The Village Land Act 1999 is one of the most important legislative texts that support
community based natural resources management (Wily, 2003). It empowers the community at
local level (village) recognising it as the appropriate representative structure to implement
natural resources management. In view of this, through village land use management system
beekeepers can be allocated land for beekeeping development.

Our main challenge now is to use this enabling environment created by the Policy, Programme
and legal framework to encourage Tanzanians and other investors to take up beekeeping so
that they can benefit in terms of income, poverty reduction and conservation of environment.


3.1 Internal market

According to Mapolu (2005), the internal markets for honey and beeswax are not well
established. Demand for honey as food and as an authentic ingredient in various foods and
as a product with healing qualities is increasing. About 50% of honey produced is sold locally
for honey beer and honey wine production and about 10% of honey produced are consumed
locally as industrial honey in confectioneries and pharmaceutical industries. At the beekeepers
gate 1 kg of honey is selling between 0.6 US$ and 0.9 US$ while in cities like Dar-es salaam,
Arusha, Moshi etc the price of honey is between 1.0 US$ and 2.5 US$ per kg.

The potential unexploited markets are large towns, hotels, airlines and tourist centres if packed
in proper packaging materials. Only very small quantities of beeswax are consumed locally in
candle making and batiks. The price of 1kg of beeswax is selling between 1.5 US$ to 2.5 US$.

In the domestic market, the key players are beekeepers, private traders, processors,
associations and honey beer brewers.

3.2 International market

Demand for honey and beeswax in the world market is very high and the demand for Tanzania
honey and beeswax exceeds supply. The international markets for Tanzanian honey and
beeswax are highly competitive in terms of quality. In 1991, Tanzania honey won by 100% the
quality test for "organic honey" in UK. However, quality control in terms of other factors such as
"HMF", color, taste, viscosity and aroma, needs legal directives that will have to be adhered by
all people handling the honey before it reaches the consumer (URT, 1998).

The main buyers of Tanzania honey are the European Union member countries especially The
UK, Germany and The Netherlands. Other countries are United Arab Emirates, Oman and
Kenya. The main importers of Tanzanian beeswax are Japan, USA and European Union
member countries. Regarding international market prices, the highest quality table honey price
is 1,200 US $/ ton, while industrial honey is only about 1,000 US $/ ton. The price of beeswax
is 5,000 US$ per ton. Table 2 below shows the export trend of honey and beeswax for the last
five years.

Table 2: Tanzania Honey and beeswax exports for 1998/99- 2003/2004

Beeswax Honey
Year Tons Value (US$) Tons Value (US$)
1998/99 403.0 1,440,678.0 39.0 35,533.0
1999/2000 643.0 2,405,550.0 156.0 167,698.0
2000/2001 370.0 1,056,790.0 12.3 14,760
2001/2002 235.0 617,618.0 - -
2002/ 2003 592.0 1,776,000.0 823.13 905,443.0
2003/2004 332,0.0 1,165,490.0 821.0 1,087,657.0
2004/2005 Nov. 193.0 757,400.0 367.72 418,358.0

Exchange rate: 1USD= 1069 TAS
Source: BDP, Mapolu ( 2005)

Tanzania honey fetches high prices on the international market. For example, during
1999/2000 one ton of honey fetched 3,741.13 USD (Table 3), while the price of beeswax was
about 1,075 USD. When compared with the prices of other export crops, export prices of bee
products have remained relatively high which indicates high demand and lucrative opportunity
for Tanzanian bee products.

Table 3: Export prices for Bee Products for 1999/2000 to 2002/2003

Year Honey Beeswax

Tshs/ton USD/ton Tshs/ton USD/ton
1999/2000 2,950,624.83 3,741,13 849,883.11 1,074.99
2000/2001 2,284,951.35 2,856,19 959,349.59 1,200.00
2001/2002 2,365,345.45 2,628.16 904,616.35 1,157.50
2002/2003 3,000,000.00 3,000.00 931,982.97 1,168.75
Source: FDB, 2004


The major constraints that hinder beekeeping development in Tanzania as stipulated in the
policy can be grouped in three categories as follows:

(i) Poor quality of bee products

Inadequate skills/knowledge to apply improved technologies.
Use of inappropriate technology in harvesting, processing, storage and packaging.
Poor storage of products.

(ii) Low production of bee product

Poor use and access to improved production technologies.
Increased loss of beekeeping areas.

Inadequate and ineffective extension services.
Inadequate statistical information to guide plans and operations.

iii) Inadequate marketing of bee product

Inaccessibility to markets.
Unreliable transport.
Lack of market information.
Inadequate entrepreneurship skills among beekeepers.
Inadequate joint efforts in marketing.


According to Ngaga (2005), there are opportunities for improving marketing practices and
efficiencies exist in Tanzania for both domestic and international markets.

5.1 Domestic Markets

In Domestic Markets the opportunities include:
a) Improving the awareness of the uses of bee products;
b) Increasing outputs per head per beehive;
c) Creasing sustainable bee reserves;
d) Enabling entrepreneurs, beneficiaries and stakeholders to perform efficiently;
e) Increasing the availability of relevant information to all stakeholders and beneficiaries;
f) Developing market centres in strategic locations for collecting and storing bee products
and providing solutions to beekeepers needs and problems;
g) Improving access to support services from private, government; and international

5.2 International Market

International marketing opportunities include:

a) Collection and dissemination of market information;
b) Knowledge of demand, supply delivery requirements;
c) Improvements in market accessibility (e.g. reduction in restrictive, productive and
preventive trade practices and regulations quality control, etc.);
d) Improvement in export prices, packaging; and
e) Increases in trade development.


The Government with the support of donors, private sector and NGOs has initiated several
interventions to support beekeeping development through improvement of quantity and quality
of bee products in Tanzania.

Few examples are as follows:

6.1. Government budgets

The Government in its annual budget sets fund for beekeeping activities such as training of
extension workers, surveying and demarcation of bee reserves, extension services and quality
control of the products.

6.2. Beekeeping Development Project in five Districts

The Government of Norway through NORAD is cooperating with the Ministry of Natural
Resources and Tourism (MNRT) in supporting beekeeping in five potential Districts (Handeni,
Manyoni, Kondoa, Kibondo and Tabora) through the Beekeeping Development Project (BDP).
BDP was formed as a strategy to implement the National Beekeeping Policy (1998). BDP is
implementing sub programme of Beekeeping Development Programme of the NBKP, 2001.

6.2.1 The purpose

The purpose of the BDP is to increasingly involve communities and other stakeholders in
managing honeybee resources in sustainable manner.

6.2.2 The key project activities

Information management,
Extension and information dissemination,
Institutional collaboration with internal and external institutions,
Capacity building of resource managers and entrepreneurs and
Improved processing, packaging and marketing of bee products.

The BDP is implemented through a partnership between the Forestry and Beekeeping Division
(FBD), District Councils and Beekeepers (local communities).

6.2.3 Major achievements

i) Establishment of bee reserves

The National Beekeeping Policy (1998) envisages setting aside sufficient forest cover as bee
conservation area for the purpose of providing areas for production of bee products;
conservation of biodiversity; source of packaging bees etc. The villages in these five districts
have proposed an area of 82,931 ha as bee reserves. Out of these 20,732 ha (25%) have
been surveyed and demarcated.

ii) Training of extension agents

The project has already trained 1,400 beekeepers in appropriate beekeeping technologies
where by 662 are women and 738 are men. The trained beekeepers are the trainers for other


iii) Production of extension materials

Publishing a book, Beekeeping in Tanzania (Swahili and English Versions). The sales of the
books are expected to generate Tshs 82,500,000 that will be a contribution to Beekeeping
Development Fund (BEDF). Several leaflets and brochures have been produced and
disseminated to the stakeholders.

iv) Average honey production increase

The average production of honey per trained beekeeper has increased from 3.7 tons in the
year 1999 to 6.5 tons in the year 2003 in Manyoni district.

v) Average income
During the period 2003/2004, the price of honey increased from Tshs 15,000 per 30kg
container in June 2003 to 18,000 Tshs by June 2004. In Manyoni district for example,
beekeepers accrued an average income per beekeeper of Tshs 574,403.20. Beekeepers
therefore, accrued the highest income as compared to others.

vii) Training of beekeepers on processing of bee product

About 1400 beekeepers were trained on appropriate beekeeping practices including
processing, packing and marketing of bee products. As a result of quality control and
monitoring of bee products about 100 tons of export quality honey was purchased from the
project area by several companies for export.

6.3 Intervention to be supported by the Government of Belgium

The government is expecting to receive support from the Government of Belgium. This support
will specifically focus on the development and improvement of processing, packaging, and
marketing of honey beeswax and other bee products. The project is expected to work on
three districts of Rufiji, Kibondo and Kigoma. The government in collaboration with the

Government of Belgium has prepared an identification study, which was submitted to the
Belgian Government in July 2004.

7.0 Future Plans

Completion and put in operational two important documents for quality assurance of bee
o National Beekeeping Standards
o Beekeeping Regulation

8.0 Conclusion

Beekeeping in Tanzania has a great potential of contributing to poverty reduction through income
generation to the beekeepers and the government, creating employment to the community and
improving biodiversity. It is our duty and responsibility to support community to utilize this potential
to improve livelihood.

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International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands, pp 140: 43-59.

Kihwele, D.V.N. (1991). Paper presented on

4 July, 1991. Dar Es Salaam, MNRT. pp 54:4.

Kihwele, D.V.N. and Bradbear, N. (1989). TFAP, Tanzania Sector Review Mission Report of Beekeeping. Dar
Es Salaam, MNRT. pp 15.

Mapolu, M. (2005). Beekeeping In Tanzania; An Overview. pp 8.

Mlay, C. (1997). Opening remarks. In:
Edited by NWRC) 19 - 21 May 1997, A.I.C.C.
Arusha, Tanzania, pp 79: 8 -9.

Mwakatobe, A.R. (2001). The Importance Of Homegardens On Beekeeping Activities In

Arumeru District, Arusha-Tanzania. Dissertation Submitted In Partial Fulfilment Of The
Requirements For The Degree Of Master Of Science In Management Of Natural
Resources For Sustainable Agriculture Of Sokoine University Of Agriculture. pp 147.

Ngaga,Y.M., Otsyina, R., Senkondo, E. and P. Mpuya( 2005). Economic Survey on the Role of
Beekeeping in Poverty Reduction and Environmental Conservation in Chunya, Songea
and Nachingwea District in Tanzania.

Ntenga, G. (1976). Beekeeping Development programmes in Tanzania. In:

. IBRA, London, pp 207:147-154.

Seegeren, P., Mulder, V., Beetsma, J and Sommeijer, R (1996). Beekeeping in the Tropics.
Series No. 32 AGROMISA Sixth edition. Wageningen Publisher, pp 84:7.

Smith, F.G. (1958). . Empire Forestry

reviews 32 (92): pp 159-164.

TFAP, (1989). pp 12..

URT, (1998). . Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism


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