Ashrae 62-73

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Approved by the American Society of Heating,

Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
Inc. Standards Committee January 28, 1973,
and Board of Directors by Letter Ballot
February 16, 1973.

ASHRAE Standards are updated (

cycle; the date following the Stan
is the year of approval. The latest
may be purchased from the ASH1
Sales Department, 345 East 47th
New York NY 10017.

Copyright 1973
Old Braeknell Lane. Braeknell,
hrkehire RGl2 4AH Kenneth E. Robinson
Sam P. Soling
Td: Bracknell (0344) 25071
i David J. Sutton
Due lor return to the libracy by the last date shown below 1 Warren Viessman
George S. Yamamoto,
(Stds. Committee Liaison)
19. FEB.1992
38,APR. 1984
Frederick J. Reed
Joseph K. Thornton
Jack E. Tumilty
G. Harold West
John I.Woodworth
Joseph D. Loveley, ExO, BOD
William J. Collins, Jr.,
(Coordinating Officer, BOD)
, Director of Standards


Metin Lokmanhekim
Joseph D. Loveley
John P. Slattery
Leon J. Taub
Lloyd L. Wdlsaom
John I. Woodworth
Don J. Massa, ExO, BOD
William J. Collins, Jr., ExO, BOD
*,Director of Standards


This Standard was prepared under the auspices of t h e American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. It may be used, in whole or in part, by any
association or government agency with due credit to the American Society'of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. Adherence i s strictly on a voluntary basis
and merely in the interest of obtaining uniform standards throughout the industry.
Ratings published as conforming t o this Standard must comply with the publication
provisions stated herein.


ASHRAE Standards are established to assist industry and the public by offering
a uniform method of testing equipment for rating purposes, by suggesting safe
practices in designing and installing such equipment, by providing proper defini-
tions of this equipment and by providing other information which may serve to
guide the industry. The creation of ASHRAE Standards is determined by the
need for them; and conformance to them i s completely voluntary.
I n referring to this standard and in marking of equipment and in advertising, no
claim shall be made, either stated or implied, that die product has been approved
The following form of statement should be used:
A representative product sample of the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . model, has
been tested in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 62-73.

Section Page

1 Purposeandscope ................................................ 3
2 Definitions ...................................................... 3

3 Acceptable Ventilation Air Quality .................................... 4. 5

4 Ventilating Systems-General Requirements .............................. 5

5 Recirculation .................................................... 5

6 Ventilation Requirements ........................................... 5 1 7


The importance and confusion regarding the need for ventilation standards i s evidenced
by the existence of such standards in numerous building codes since the early 1900's and,
at the same time, the diverse and often conflicting specifications. In 1965, ASHRAE was
invited to participate in the revision and updating of ASA Standard ,453.1, Light and
Ventilation, dated May 23, 1946. Responsibility for the Mechanical Ventilation Section
of t h i s Standard was assigned to an ASHRAE Project Committee appointed in 1966. With
the reorganization of ASA (now ANSI) and a change in i t s procedures, the A53
Committee became inactive; at the instructions of the ASHRAE Standards Committee,
the Project Committee was advised to continue i t s efforts and develop an ASHRAE
To meet i t s responsibility, the Project Committee undertook an extensive program to
obtain input from all segments of industry, the public, and ASHRAE members. A
comprehensive review and comparison of ventilation codes was undertaken to aid the
Committee in its formulation and standardization of definitions and recommendations.
An article in the ASHRAE JOURNAL and a press release to the trade press solicited
opinions, comments and suggestions. An open forum was held a t the ASHRAE Semi-
annual Meeting in Chicago, January 1969. Interest was high and considerable information
was obtained for guidance of the Project Committee. Following Project Committee
acceptance of the eighth draft, the proposed Standard was submitted to an additional
review by ASHRAE members and representatives from industry and government prior to
approval by the Standards Committee and ASHRAE's Board of Directors.
The Standard recommends ventilation rates based upon the best available scientific
and technical knowledge. It also incorporates, for the first time, a quantitative definition
of "acceptable outdoor air" and specifies conditions under which the amount of outdoor
air may be reduced, thereby taking advantage of advancements in air cleaning technology.
The Committee wishes to thank all those who submitted comments and suggestions
and wishes it to be known that each reviewer's comment received serious consideration
and in many cases was incorporated into this final document. Further comments are
welcome and should be sent to the ASHRAE Director of Standards.


STANDARDS FOR NATURAL AND 2 2 AIR CONDITIONING: the process of treating air
MECHANICAL VENTILATION to meet the requirements of the conditioned space by
controlling simultaneously its temperature, humidity,
SECTION 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE cleanliness, and distribution.
2.3 AIR, EXHAUST: air removed from a space and not
'Ihis standard* defines ventilation requirements for
spaces intended for human occupancy and specifies
minimum and recommended ventilation air quantities 2.4 AIR, OUTDOOR: air taken from outdoors and
for the preservation of the occupants' health, safety, therefore not previously circulated through the system.
and well-being.
2 5 AIR, RECIRCULATED return air again supplied
Good ventilation practice exists when clean ventila-
to a space.
tion air is provided in sufficient quantities to maintain
the required oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other air 2.6 AIR, RETURN: air removed from a space and
quality levels in the space under consideration. recirculated or exhausted.
The standard does not speclfy the air quantities
2.7 AIR, SUPPLY: that air delivered to each or any
required for the control of temperature and humidity
space in the system, or the total delivered to all spaces
or the exhaust quantities required for source control of
in the system, which is used for ventilation, heating,
domestic or industrial wastes. The specifications are
cooling, humidification, dehumidification, distribution,
based on the current state of knowledge and acceptable
practice related to air filtration, odor control and en-
vironmental physiology. 2.8 AIR, VENTILATION: that portion of supply air
which comes from outside (outdoors) plus any recircu-
*Replaces the ventilation section of ASA Standard A53.1
dated May 23, 1946. lated air that has been treated to maintain the desired
quality of air within a designated space. (See Section
2.9 EXFILTRATION: air flow outward through cracks
and interstices, around windows and doors, and
SECTION 2.0 DEFINITIONS (SEE FIG. 1 ) through floors and walls of a space or building.
2.1 AIR CLEANER: a device capable of removing 2.10 INFILTRATION: the inward air leakage through
airborne impurities such as dusts, gases, vapors, fumes cracks and interstices, around windows and doors, and
and smokes. through floors and walls of a space or building.


Fig.1 Diagram of Defmitions
2.1 1 MECHANICAL EXHAUST SYSTEM: a system 3.2.1 Monitoring Data of governmental pollution-
for removing air from a room or space by mechanical control agencies such as the National Air Pollution
means. Control Administration show that the air quality of the
community in which the ventilation system is located
212 MECHMCAL SUPPLY SYSTEM: a system for
meets the requirements of Table I;
forcing air into a room or space by mechanical means.
3.2.2 The Community in which the ventilation sys-
2.13 NATURAL VENTILATION: the movement of air tem is located is similar in population, geographic ahd
into and out of a space through intentionally provided meteorological setting and industrial pattern to a com-
opening, such as windows and doors, or through non- munity having acceptable air quality as determined in
powered ventilators. paragraph 3.2.1 ;
3.2.3 The Community in which the ventilation sys-
2.14 VENTILATION:the process of supplying ventila-
tem is located has a population of less than 20,000
tion air to any space by natural or mechanical means.
people, and no nearby substantial contamination
(Provision must be made for simultaneous removal of
source ;
air from the space.) '
3.2.4 Air Monitoring, for three consecutive months,
as required fol inclusion in the NAPCA-SORAD Sys-
tem, shows that the air quality meets the requirements
AIR QUALITY (SEE BIBLIOGRAPHY) 3.3 AIR shall be considered unacceptable for ventila-
tion use in accordance with this standard if it contains
3.1 TABLE I lists the maximum allowable pollutant
any contaminant in a concentration greater than one-
concentrations in ventilation air commensurate with
tenth the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) currently ac-
the ventilation requirements set forth in Section 6.0 of
cepted by the American Conference of Governmental
this Standard. In addition ventilation air shall conform
Industrial Hygienists. Where there is reasonable ex-
to the limiting conditions given in Section 3.3.
pectation that the air is unacceptable, as indicated
3.2 O U T W O R AIR shall be considered of that quality above, sampling and analysis shall be carried out by
which meets or exceeds the criteria of Table I if one of qualified personnel in accordance with procedures and
the following conditions is met: equipment acceptable to the American Conference of

Table I
Maximum Mowable Contaminant Concentrations
for Ventilation Air

Annual Average Short-Term Level

(Arithmetic Mean) (Not to be exceeded Averaging
Contaminant pg/m3 More than once a Year) fig/m3 Period (hr)

Particulates 60* 150* 24

Sulfur Oxides 80 400 24
Carbon Monoxide 20,000 30,000 8
Photochemical Oxidant 100 500 1
. Hydrocarbons (not
including methane) 1,800 4,000 3
Nitrogen Oxides 200 500 24
Odor Essentially Unobjectionable**

*Federal criteria for U.S. by 1975.

**Judged unobjectionable by 60% of a panel of 10 untrained subjects.

The levels listed are met by ambient outdoor air in many major cities, or will be met
by such outdoor air when passed through minimal air treatment systems (containing
suitable combinations of heaters, coolers, humidifiers, etc., and including roughing
particulate fdters). Conformity of users' local air to these concentrations may be
determined by reference to the Storage and Retrieval of Aerometric Data System
(SORAD) of the National Air Pollution Control Administration, and by other means,
as listed in Section 3.2.


Governmental Industrial Hygienists, the American In- 4.8 WHEN SPECIAL EXHAUSTS are used (as in the
dustrial Hygiene Association or the Occupational kitchen), consideration must be given to provide a d s
Health Section of the U.S. Public Health Service. quate supply air to the space to replace the exhaust air.
3.4 IF OUTDOOR AIR of the quality specified by
Sections 3.1 and 3.3 is not available, filtration or other
treatment devices shall be used to bring its quality to SECTION 5 .O. RECIRCULATION
or above the minimum level defined by Sections 3.1
and 3.3. The requirements for ventilation quantities given in
3.5 ACCEFTABLE VENTILATION AIR may contain Section 6.0 are for 100% outdoor air when the outdoor
a mixture of suitably treated recirculated air and out- air meets the specifications for air quality given in
door air such that the mixture meets or exceeds the Section 3.0. Except for areas where recirculation is
quality limits stated in 3.1 and 3 3 (See Section 5.0). prohibited by other codes or standards having prece-
dence, the outdoor air requirements may be reduced to
33% of the specified required ventilatioq air quantity if
adequate temperature control is provided, in addition
SECTION 4.0. VENTILATING SYSTEMS- to filtering equipment, so that the maximum allow-
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS able concentration of particulates entering the space is
less than that specified in Table I. If, in addition, high
4.1 VENTILATING SYSTEMS shall be provided with efficient adsorption or other odor and gas removal
adequate openings for supply, return and exhaust air to equipment is employed, so that the air entering the
obtain the required circulation. space has been purified to meet the requirements of
Sections 3.1 and 3.3, the.outdoor air requirement may
4.2 OUTDOOR AIR INLETS shall be located to mini- be reduced to 15% of the specified required ventilation
mize or eliminate possible contamination. air quantity. In no case shall the outdoor air quantity
4.3 EXHAUST DISCHARGES shall be located so that be less than 5 cjin per person
the air exhausted to the outside does not create a
nuisance or contaminate outdoor air near outdoor air
4.4 VENTILATING SYSTEMS shall be designed and
installed so that the air coming in contact with occu-
pants is at a temperature, velocity and quality not to The required air quantities are for outdoor air meet-
constitute a health hazard or discomfort.
ing the requirements of Section 3.0 or for a combina-
4.5 VENTILATING DUCTS shall be constructed en- tion of acceptable outdoor air and recirculated air in
tirely of incombustible, nonporous materials. Their accordance with Section 5.0. Minimum and recom-
construction shall comply with the standards of air mended values are given to provide different qual-
conditioning and ventilating systems of the National ity levels in recognition of the need to provide
Fire Protective Association (Pamphlets NFPA No. 90A choices of environmental performance for different
and NFPA No. 90B). classes of projects. In either case the designer is en-
couraged to use his experience and judgment in the
4.6 OCCUPIED SPACES shall be provided with means of
application of this Standard as long as the minimum
supplying sufficient ventilation air for the maximum
requirements are satisfied.
number of persons for which such spaces are designed.
In many cases the required ventilation air quantities
4.7 THIS STANDARD assumes that contaminants for spaces with positive exhaust system, such as
from concentrated sources which can be a potential toilets, baths, lobbies, corridors, and kitchens, may be
hazard or nuisance (heat, smoke, fumes, etc.) are col- supplied from adjacent spaces. The sum of the ventila-
lected as close as pwible to the source by exhaust tion requirements for the space and the adjacent space
systems separate from the space ventilating system. shall be provided.


Estimated Comments
persons/ Required ventilation air,
1000 sq cubic feet per minute per
ft floor human occupant, (when the
area. Use number is bracketed, refer
only when to the notes).
design oc-
cupancy is
not known Minimum Recommended \

(Private dwelling places,
single or multiple units)

Single Unit Dwgllings

General Living Areas, Bedrooms
Baths, Toilet Rooms
Basements, Utility Rooms
Multiple Unit Dwellings
General Living Areas, Bedrooms
Baths, To+t Rooms
Basements, Utility Rooms
Mobile Homes
*Installed capacity for intermittent use.
**cfm per sq ft of floor area.

General Requirements-Merchandising
(Apply to all forms unless specially noted)
Sales Floors and Showrooms
(Basement and Street Floors) 30 7 10-15
Sales Floor and Showrooms
(Upper Floors) 20 7 10-15
Storage Areas (Serving Sales
Floors and Storerooms) 5 5 7-10
Dressing Rooms - 7 10-15
Malls and Arcades 40 7 10-15
Shipping and Receiving Areas 10 15 15-20
Warehouses 5 7 10-15
Elevators - 7 10-15
Food Markets, Supermarkets, etc.
Meat Processing Rooms 10 5 5 a

*Spaces maintained at low temperatures (-10 to 50 F) are not covered by these requirements unless the occupancy is continuous.
Ventilation from adjoining spaces is permissible. When the occupancy is intermittent, infdtration will normally exceed the
ventilation requirement. (See Chapter 23, Refrigeration Load, ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, 1972).

Drug Stores
Pharmacists' Work Rooms 10 20 25-30
Specialty Shops
Pet Shops - ( 1.o) (1.5)-(2.0)
Florists 10 5 7
Greenhouses 1 5 7-10
*cfm per sq ft of floor area
**Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) for sulfur dioxide = 30 pglcu rn
***Ventilation t o optimize plant growth, temperature, humidity, etc., will almost always be greater than shown.


Estimated Comments
1000 sq
ft floor
area. Use
only when
design oc-
cupancy is
not known

Banks (see sales floors

and offices
Food Services
Dining Rooms
Cafeterias, Short-Order,
Drive-Ins, Seating Areas,
and Queuing Areas
Bars (Predominantly Stand-up)
Cocktad Lounges
*Exhaust to outside; source control as required.

Hotels, Motels, Resorts

Bedrooms (Single, Double) 5
Living Rooms (Suites) 20
Baths, Toilets (attached to
bedrooms) -
Comdors 5
Lobbies 30.
Conference Rooms (Small) 70
Assembly Rooms (Large) 140
Public Rest Rooms 100
Cottages (treat as single-
unit dwellings) -
(See also Food Services, Industrial, Merchandising,
Barber and Beauty Shops, Garages for associated
Hotel/Motel Services)
'Installed capacity for intermittent use.

Dry Cleaners and Laundries

Storage/Pickup Areas
Exhaust to outside; source control a s required.
**installed equipment must incorporate positive exhaust and
control (as required) of undesirable contaminants (toxic or

Barber, Beauty and Health Ssrvices

Beauty Shops (Hair dressers)
Reducing Salons (Exercise Rooms)
Sauna Baths and Steam Rooms
Barber Shops

Photo Studios
Camera Rooms, Stages
'Thermal effects probably determine requirements.

Shoe Repair Shops

(Combined Workrooms/
Trade Areas)


- -

Estimated Comments
persons/ Required ventilation air,
1000 sq cubic feet per minute per
ft floor human occupant, (when the
area. Use number is bracketed, refer
only when t o the notes).
design oc-
cupancy is
not known Minimum Recommended

Garages, Auto Repair Shops,

Senice Stations
Parking Garages (enclosed)
Auto Repair Workrooms (general)
Service Station Offices
*cfm per sq f t of floor area
**Stands where engines are run must incorporate systems for
positive engine exhaust withdrawal

Ticket Booths -
Lobbies, (Foyers and bunges) 150
Auditoriums (in Motion Picture
Theatres, Legitimate
Theatres, Lecture, Concert
and Opera Halls-no smoking) 150
Auditoriums (smoking permitted) 150
Stages (with proscenium and
curt aim) 70
Green Rooms and Workrooms 20
Public Rest Rooms 100
*Thermal effects probably determine requirements
**Special ventilation will be needed to eliminate stage effect

Bowling Alleys (Seating Area)
Gymnasiums and Arenas
Playing Floors-minimal or
no seating
Locker Rooms
Spectator Areas
Ramps, Foyers, and Lobbies

Pool Rooms
Amusement Parlors
Tennis, Squash, Handball
Courts (indoor)
Swimming Pools (indoor)
*The same for air-supported structures

Iceskating and Cnrfing

*The same for air-supported structures

Roller Rinks
*The same for air-supported structures


Estimated Comments
persons/ Required ventilation air,
1000 sq cubic feet per minute per
ft floor human occupant, (when the
area. Use number is bracketed, refer
only when to the notes).
design oc-
cupancy is
not known Minimum Recommended

Waiting Rooms 50 15 20-25
Garages - (1.5) (2.OH3.0)
Ticket and Baggage Areas,
Corridors and Gate k e a s 50 15 20-25
Control Towers 50 25 30-35
Hangers 2 10 15-20
Public Rest Rooms i 100 15 20-25
Platform 150 10 15-20
Concourses 150 10 15-20
Repair Shops - 10 15-20
*cfm per sq ft of floor area
**Special sohrent and exhaust problems handled separately

General Office Space 10 15 15-25
Conference Rooms 60 25 3040
Drafting Rooms, Art Rooms 20 7 10-15
Doctor's Consultation Rooms - 10 15-20
Waiting Rooms (Doctors, Em-
ployment Agencies, etc.) 30 10 15-20
Lithographing Rooms 20 7 10-15
Diazo Printing Rooms 20 7 10-15
Computer Rooms 20 5 7- 10
Keypunching Rooms 30 7 10-15
Public Rest Rooms 100 15 20-25
*Installed equipment must incorporate ~tpsitiveexhaust and
control (as required) of undesirable contaminantr (toxic or

TV/Radio Broadcasting Booths,
Radio Studios 20 30 35-40
Motion Picture and TV* Stages 20 30 3540
Pressrooms 100 15 20-25
Composing Rooms 30 7 10-15
Engraving Shops 30 7 10-15
Telephone Switchboard Rooms
(Manual) 50 7 10-15
Telephone Switchgear Rooms
(Automatic) - 7 10-15
Teletypewriter/Facsimile Rooms - 5 7-1 0
*Tharnal effects probably determine requirementr

Occupational safety laws in the various states usually regulate the ventilation requirements. h o s t always,these are
far in excess of the ventilation requirements for the occupants. The following list gives the requirements for the
occupants only, assuming that the ventilation air is of a q u d t y equal to or exceeding the limits listed in Section 3.0.


persons1 Required ventilation air,
1000 sq cubic feet per minute per
ft floor human occupant, (when the
area. Use number is bracketed, refer
only when to the notes).

de& oc-
cupancy is
not known Minimum Recommended

Mining and Rock Products*

Underground Mine Shafts
Underground Mine Faces (non-
Toxic Materials)
Underground Mine Faces (Toxic
Materials: Beryl, Uranium
and other radioactive rocks;
radon emanators)
Underwater Tunneling
Control Cabs for Rock-Handling
Control Rooms (for Lime and
Cement Kilns, Crushers,
Tipples, Weighing stations,
Stonecutting Rooms
Areas Serving Cement Kilns,
Crushers, etc.
'Special contaminant control systems may be required

Metallurgy *
Control Rooms -
Crane Cabs -
Halls Containing Cupolas,
Melting Furnaces, Oxygen
Furnaces, Pot Lines, etc. -
'Special contaminant control system, may be required

Metalworking and Metal Finishing*

Foundry Mold, Core Making
and Shakeout Areas
Halls Housing Heavy Metalwork-
ing, such as Foundry Pouring
Rooms, Drop Forges, Scarfing
and Rolling Stands, Cast Iron
Halls Housing Medium Metalwork-
ing, such as Finish and non-
Ferrous Machining, Punch Press
and Brake Operations, Spot-
welding, Extruding
Gas- and Arc-Welding Booths
IIalls Housing Light Metalwork-
ing: Appliance, Aircraft,
Automotive and Machine As-
sembly (Excluding 3.3.7)
Automotive Engine Test, Drive-
Away Areas in Automotive
Assembly Plants
Paint Spray Booths
Pickling, Etching, and
Plating Lines


Estimated Comments
1000 sq
ft floor
area. Use
only when
design oc-
cupancy is
not known

Degreasing Booths, Steam

Cleaning Booths
Sandblasting Booths, Frit
Spraying Booths
Rooms.Serving Porcelain
Enamel and Heat-Treating
Grinding and Polishing Rooms

*Special contaminant control systems may be requind

**Special exhaust systems required
Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
Rooms Containing Grinders,
Mullers, Blenders, Puhrer-
izers, Pelletizers Sieving
and Other Dusty Operations
Rooms Containing Reaction
Vessels, Stills, Contactors,
Extractors, Evaporators and
Other Potential Gas Emitters
Rooms Containing Drying Ovens
Fermentation Rooms
Pillmaking and Capsule
Filling Booths
Packaging Areas
Utility Rooms (Refrigeration
Plants, Heating Plants)
Control and Computer Rooms
*Special contaminant control system may be required

Textiles, Clothing Manufacture

Carding Rooms; Nonwoven Fabric
Production and Pile Fabric
Shearing Areas
Spinning Rooms (Natural and
Staple Fibers)
Spinning Rooms (Synthetic
Continuous Fiber Production)
Yarn Rewinding, Warping Rooms
Yarn and Cloth Dyeing and Coat-
ing; Cloth Printing Rooms
Weaving and Knitting Rooms
Cutting and Sewing Lofts
Plastics and Rubber Processing*
Rooms Containing Mixing and
Compounding Operations
(dry or liquid)
Rooms Housing Thermoplastic
Thermosetting Froming Opera-
tions (Extrusion, Injection
Molding, Bead Molding,
Vacuum Forming, etc.)


Required ventilation air,
cubic feet per minute per
ft floor human occupant, (when the
area. Use number is bracketed, refer
only when t o the notes).
design oc-
cupancy is
Minimum Recommended

Foam-moulding Rooms (especially

Glassfiber Reinforced Plastic
Layup Rooms
Trimming, Grinding and Polish-
ing Rooms
Vacuum-Coating Rooms
Painting, Printing and Adhesive
Assembly Operations -
Rubber Calendering Rooms -
Moulding, Vulcanizing, Lamina-
tion Rooms -
*Special contaminant control s y s t e m may be required

Electrical Electronics and Aerospace

Semiconductor Processing Rooms
Circuit Board Etching, Solder-
ing Rooms
Magnetic Tape Production Areas
Clean Rooms (Class 100)
Clean Rooms (Class 10,000)
Clean Rooms (Class 100,000)
Encapsulation Operations (Plastic,
Glass and Ceramics)
Coil Winding Capacitor, Relay
and Transformer Manufactur-
ing Areas
Lamp and Tube Manufacture
TV Picture and Image Tube
Manufacturing Areas
Magnet, Magnetic Core
Manufacturing Areas

Wood Products, Papermaking

Sawmills, Lumber Planing and
Sanding, Wood Turning,
Shaping, Drilling and Rout-
ing Operations, Veneer Mak-
ing Areas
Clueing and Plywood Manufactur-
ing Areas
Chipboard, Bagasseboard and
Hardboard Manufacturing
Rubbing, Staining, Varnishing
and Painting Rooms
Crate and Pallet Making, Build-
ing Prefabrication (Nailing
Operations) Areas
Lumber and Panel Warehouses
Chipping, Barking and Grinding
Operations Areas
Pulping Operations, Digesters,


Estimated Comments
persons/ Required ventilation air,
1000 sq cubic feet per minute per
ft floor human occupant, (when the
area. Use number is bracketed, refer
only when to the notes).
design oc-
cupancy is
not known Minimum

, .
Papermaking Operations (Beat e n ,
Fourdrinier machiners, dryers,
creped wadding machines, calen- -
Winding, Slitting, Curring,
Envelope Making Rooms -
Paper Warehouses -
Corrugated Board Honeycomb
Manufacture, Boxmaking room -
Coating Rooms -
*Special contaminant control systems may be required
**Special solvent and exhaust problems handled separately

Brewing, Distilling, Wineries, Bottling**

Grain Mixing and Handling Areas -
Yeast Production Areas -
Fermentation Areas -
Distillation Rooms -
Fruit Handling, Crushing Areas -
Caves -
Warehouses -
Filtration Rooms, Blending -
Rooms -
Bottling Areas -
Soft-Drink compounding Areas -
Carbonation Areas -
*Special solvent and exhaust problems handled separatdy
**Spaces maintained at low temperatures (-10 t o 50 F) are
not covered by these requirements unless the occupancy is
continuous. Ventilation from adjoining spaces is pexmissible.
When the occupancy is intermittent, Witration will norm-
ally exceed the ventilation requirement. (See Chapter 23,
Refrigeration Lad, ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals.

Food Processing****
Fruit and Vegetable Sorting
and Cleaning Areas
Cutting, Chopping, Shredding,
Crushing, Squeezing Areas
Canning Operations
Bakeries, Cereal Processing,
Candy making
Fish Processing
Meat Curring, Canning
Dairies (Fluid Milk Operations)
Cheesemaking, Yogurt
Flour Milling, Bagging, etc.
Sugar Purification and Salt
Control Rooms for Coffee
Roasting, Grinding
Vacuum Drying Operations


Estimated Comments
persons; Required ventilation air,
1000 sq cubic feet per minute per
f t floor human occupant, (when the
area. Use number is bracketed, refer
only when t o the notes).
design oc-
cupancy is
not known Minimum I Recommended

Tea and Spice Handling,

Refrigeration Plants, Steam
*Thermal effects probably determine requirements
**Special sohrent and exhaust problems handled separately
***Special contaminant control systems may be required
****Spaces maintained at low temperatures (-10 t o 50 F) are
not covered by these requirements unless the occupancy
is continuous Ventilation from adjoining spaces is per-
missible. When the occupancy is intermittent, infiltration
will normally exceed the ventilation requirement. (See
Chapter 23, Refrigeration Load, ASHRAE Handbook of
Fundamentals, 1972).

Tobacco Processing
Blending and Shredding
Redrying, Reconstituting
Cigar Manufacturers
Cigarette Manufacturers,
Pipe Tobacco Packaging

Power Plants
Control Rooms
Boiler Rooms
Generator Rooms

Sewage Treatment Plants

Control Rooms
Cornpressor/Blower Motor

Glass and Ceramic Manuhcture

Sand Handling and Mixing Areas
Melting Furnace Support Areas
Platemaking, Pouring Areas
Bottlemaking, Blowing Machinery
Fiber Spinning Areas
Grinding Rooms
Ceranics (Powder) Pressing and
Molding Areas
Potters Workrooms (wet)
Kiln and Sintering Furnace
Service Areas
Frit and Glaze Sprayroorns
'Thermal effects probably determine requirements
**Special contaminant control systems may be required

(Inchdes installations on farms, farmers"markets,
grain elevators, etc.; for processing operations)
Fodder, Seed and Grain
Handling, Storage


Estimated Comments
persons/ Required ventilation air,
1000 sq cubic feet per minute per
ft floor human occupant, (when the
area. Use number is bracketed, refer
only when to the notes).
design oc-
cupancy is
not known Minimum Recommended

Animal Husbandry -
Vegetable and Fruit Handling,
Storage -
Dairy Products -
Natural Fiber Handling -
Tobacco Handljng, Warehousing -
Mushroom Growing -
'Special contaminant c o n t r d systems may be required
**Spaces maintained at low temperatures (-10 t o 50 F) are
not covered by these requinments unlas the occupancy is
continuous Ventilation from adjoining infiltration will
normally exceed the vsntilation requirement. (See Chapter
23, Refrigeration Load, ASHRAE Handbook of Funda-
mentals, 1972).

Multiple Use Rooms
Craft Shops, Vocational
Training Shops
Music, Rehearsal Rooms
Common Rooms, Lounges
Locker Rooms
Lunchrooms, Dining Halls
Utility Rooms
Dormitory Bedrooms
*Special contaminant control systems m y be required

Hospitals, Nursing and ConvaIescwt Homes

Single, Dual Bedrooms
Food Service Centers
Operating Rooms, Delivery
Ready Rooms, Recovery Rooms
Physical Therapy Areas
Autopsy Rooms
Incinerator Service Areas
For Shops, Restauranis, Utility Rooms, Kitchens,
Bathrooms and other service items see Hotels.
'Special requirements o r codes msy determine rcqlrirements
**Special exhaust s y s t e m r c q w e d


persons/ Required ventilation air,
1000 sq cubic feet per minute per
f t floor human occupant, (when the
a e a . Use number is bracketed, refer
only when t o the notes).
design oc-
cupancy is
not known Minimum Recommended

Research Institutes
Laboratories (Lightduty,
nonchemical) 50
Laboratories (Chemical) 50
Laboratories (Heavy-duty) 50
Laboratories (Radioisotope,
Chemically and Biologically
Toxic) 50
Machine Shops , 50
Darkrooms, Spectroscopy Rooms 50
Animal R o a n s ' 20
'Special contaminant control systems may be required
**Special requirements or codes may determine requirements

Military and Naval Installations

Shower Rooms
Drill Halls
Ready Rooms, MP Stations
Indoor Target Ranges
*Floor area behind firing line only

Exhibit Halls

Prisons (See also Gymnasiums,

Libraries, Applicable
Industrial Areas)
Cell Blocks
Eating Halls
Guard Stations

Veterinary Hospitals
Kennels, Stalls
Operating Rooms
Reception Rooms
'Special requirements or codes may determine requirements

Churches, Tempks
(See theaters, schools
and offices)

Legislative Halls
Legislative Chambers
Committee Rooms and Conference


Estimated Comments
persod Required ventilation air,
1000 sq cubic feet per minute per
ft floor human occupant, (when the
area. Use number is bracketed, refer
only when to the notes).
design oc-
cupancy is
not known Minimum Recommended

Foyers, Corridors 50 20 25-30

Offices 10 10 15-20
Press Lounges 20 20 25-30
Press/ Radio/TV Booths 20 20 25-30
Public Rest Rooms 20 15 20-25
Private Rest Rooms - 20 30-50
(For Food Service, Utilities,
etc. see Hotels) t
Police and Fire Stations
(See Prisons and Military
Installations) - - -
Survival Shelters - 5 -
'Special requirements or codes may determine requirements

1. Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter, dants, NAPCA, Pub AP-63,1969
National Air Pollution Control Administration, 8. Air Quality Criteria for Hydrocarbons, NAPCA,
(NAPCA) Pub AP49, 1969; Environmental Protection Pub AP-64,1969
Agency. 9. Effects of Air Pollution on Electrical Contact
2. Air Quality Criteria for Sulfur Oxides, Materials: A Field Study, V.R Chiarenzelli and E.L.
(NAPCA, Pub AP-50, 1969) Joba, Journal Air Pollution Control Association,
3. Field Study of Air Quality in Air-Conditioned (JAPCA) 16 (3) 123-127,1%7
Spaces, J.R Swanton, Jr. et al (Final Report, ASHRAE 10. Effects of Air Pollution oa Exposed Cotton
Study RP-86; Arthur D. Little, Inc, 1971) Fabrics, R J . Bryson et al, JAPCA, 17 (5) 294298
4. Contributions to the London Conference on 11. Effects of Photochemical Oxidants on Materi-
Museum Climatology, The International Institute for als, L.S. Jaffe, JAPCA 17 (6) p. 375, 1967
Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, London, 12. Effects of Photochemical Air Pollution on
1968 Vegetation with Relation to Air Quality Requirements,
5. Performance and Application of Electric Air L.S. Jaffe, JAPCA 17 (I), p. 38, 1%7
Cleaners in Occupied Spaces, D.J. Sutton et al, 13. Threshold Limit Values of Airborne Contam-
ASHRAE JOURNAL, June 1964, p. 55 inants Adopted by ACGM: American Conference of
6. Air Quality Criteria for Carbon Monoxide, Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Cincinnati OH
NAPCA, Pub AP-62, 1969 14. Air Quality Criteria for Nitrogen Oxides,
7. Air Quality Criteria for Photochemical Oxi- NAPCA, Pub. 1971


ASHRAE Standards are updated o n a flveye&.cycle; the date following the Standard number Is the year
of approval. The latest coples of ASHRAE Standards may be purchased from the ASHRAE Circulation
Sales Department, 345 East 47th St., N.Y. 10017. Postage and handling: U.S. add S.25 for each
individual copy. $1.00 for full set; forelgn add t.50 for each indlvidual copy. $2.00 for full Set.
Remmittance required with order.
Standards approved by the American National.Standards Institute are designated ANSI:

h p l e t e Set of Standards (as is) en- Form 3310-2 Volatlle Refrigerant Coll
:lased in an attractlve 3 ring blnder.. .... $37.50 ' $75.00 Test Data and Calculations.
Binder alone ................................... $ 5.00 S 5.00
Form 33TD-3 Water Coll T u t Data and
12-75 ReMqwatlon T a m s and Definl- Caicuiatims.
Ions: (ANSI 853.1-1958 .................. $ 6.00 $12.00
Form 3 3 T M Stoom Coll T u t Data and
113-8s ~ w d o i Refrigeratolr.
d Com- Calculations.
~ l n r t l o n'Refrigerator-Freezers and
iousohold Freezers, American Nation- A d d i t i o ~forms,
l uch ......................
11 Standard Method of m t l n g : (ANSI 136-72 Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
W.1-1970 revision and consolidation Conditlonlng Equlpmmt, Methods of
~f838.2-1 958, 838.3-1 955). ............ Testing for Sound Rating ................... S 3.00 S 6.00
I14437 Condensing Unlts, Positiva 018- 137-69 Unltrry Air-Condltionlng L Hoot ;r

~Ircc~nent,Mechanical, Methods of
'esting for Rating ............................ Pump Equlpment, Methods of Tostlng
for Rating ....................................
1. $ 6.00 $12.00
,15-70 Safety Code for Mechanical 140-70 Hoot Operated Unitary AI~-CO"-
Iefrigwation: (ANSI 89.1 -1971) ........ dltloning Equipment for Cooling, Meth-
,1649 Room Alr Conditioners, Method ods of Testlng for Ratlng ................... $ 2.50 $ 5.00
t i Testlng for Rating ......................... 141.1-74 Standard Measurements
'17-75 Expnnslon Valves, Refrigerant, Guge: Sactlon on Temperature Moo-
Iethod of Rating and Twtlng: (ANSI
leo.1-1950). .................................
swements [Revised 41-86 Part 11 .: , ,. S 5.00 $10.00
145-72 Non-Resldentlal Warm A l i H q
116-70 [Supersedes 18-82 ] Drinking ers, Methods of Testing for Ratlng..:..L; S 2.50 $ 5.00
Yatw Coolws with Self Conulned 147-69 Return Llne Low-Vaeuum H w t -
I d t a n i c a l Rdrigeratlon Systems,
IotHods of Testing for Ratlng ............. ing Pumps, Methods of Testing and
Ratlng........................................... S 2.00 5 4.00
RO-70 [Supersedes 20-601 Remote 151-75 Laboratory Methods of Tsrtlng
bchanlcai Draft Air-Cooled Refrlgw- Fans for Rating (AMCA 210-74) ........... $ 5.00 $10.00
~ n Condensers,
t Method of Testing for >
latlng 152-68 Alr Cleaning Dwlces U s d i n
U2-71 [Supersedes 22-611 Water-Cool- General Ventllation for Removing Par-
d Rdrigerant, Condensers, Methods tlculate Matter, Method of Testlng ....... S 3.00 $ 6.00
~fTsrtino- for Ratino .........................
- 155-74 Thermal Environmental Condi-
12347 Compressors, Positive Disolac6-
tions for Human Occupancy ............... S 5.00 $10.00
nent, ~ d r l g w a n t ,Methods of ~ b s t i n g 158-74 Room Air Conditlonw H w t l n g
or Ratlng....................................... S 2.75 S 5.50 Capacity, Method of T ~ t i n for
g Rating. S 3.00 s 6.00
162-73 Natural and M w h r n i u l Vmtila-
124-71 [Supersedes 24-61] Liquid Cool-
rr, Methods of T w t l n g for Ratlng....... tlon, Standards for ...........................
663-88 Llquld Llno Refrigerant Drlws,
l25-68 [rwised 25-56] Forced Convec-
Ion and Natural Convection Alr Coolws Method of Testing ............................
or Refrlgeratlon, Methods of Testing 1164-74 Remote Mochanlcal-Drrtt E v r p
or Ratlng....................................... orative Refrigerant Condenssrs, Meth-
ES.63 Mwhanlcai Refrlguation Instal-
ods of Tmtlng .................................
'atlons on Shipboard, Recommended 169-71 Discharge Llne Refrigrant-Oil,
Practice for: Updated and revised from Separators, Methods of Tostlng ..........
Standard 26-56 (ANSI 858.1 -1964) ...... 170-72 Alr Flow Performance of Outlets
-72 Capiiilary Tubos, Method of 6 inlets. Method of Testlng for Ratlng..
Tostlng.. ........................................ 171-73 Unlt Ventllators, Method of Tost-
129-71 Ice Makws, Methods of Testlng. lng for Ratlng ..................................
130-60 Liquid Chilling Packaga, Moth- 172-74 Open Refrlgerrtors foc Food
Dds of Testlng for Ratlng ................... Stores, Method of Testlng for Rating ...
132-71 Bottled Beverage Coolers, Meth- 174-73 Solar-Optlcal Propartlos of
Dds of Ratlng and Testing .................. Matwlrls. Method of Measuring ..........
13364 Forced Clrculatlon, Air-Coollng 178-74 Flow Capaclty of Suctlon Llne
Coils [undw non-frostlng conditions] Fllters and Filter Drlws, Method of
rnd Alr-Heatlng Coils, Methods of Test- Testlng.. ........................................
ing for Rating: Includes 4 forms for
'ecording coil physical data, test and '26 Construction Drawings for ASHRAE STANDARD 52-68
:alculations.. .................................. describe how to apply the methods outlined in the Standard
Form 33TD-1 Coll Physical Data and Alr to the building of apparatus for testing air cleanlng devices.
Slde Test Data. The set S25.00. Postage: add $1.00 for U.S. and $2.00 for
1500(1at r e p . ) 8 / 7 5 - C P Printed in U.S.A.

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