SWMS No1 V1.0
SWMS No1 V1.0
SWMS No1 V1.0
CEM Services
ABN: 86 111 306 631
Web: www.cleaningenmore.com
Email: cleaningenmore@outlook.com
Employer/Contractor: Cleaning En More ABN: 50 681 139 768 Date to be Reviewed: 05/06/2025
When deciding on the best way to control a risk, start at the top of the hierarchy of controls, i.e. investigate if the risk can be eliminated first, for example by changing the way the work
is done, or by using safer substances or equipment. This is the most effective way to control a hazard. If these methods are not possible, use isolation, engineering, administrative
and/or PPE controls to reduce or minimise the risk. Often a combination of the above methods is the most reasonably practicable solution.
Residual Risk
Break the job down Environmental Hazards Initial Risk responsible
into steps What can go wrong to ensure control
measures are
Issue of personal N/A 1 1 1 Ensure that adequate PPE is available for all tasks to be completed. 1 1 1 Worker
protective equipment Ensure PPE is maintained in good condition. Replace if necessary.
Arrival at site Parking in incorrect area 3 1 6 Only park in permitted parking areas. It may be necessary to stop in 2 1 3 Worker
one location to unload equipment and to then park elsewhere.
Follow the site guidelines and instructions from your supervisors.
Cleaning En More takes no responsibility for any parking or traffic
fines incurred by workers.
Ask your supervisor for further information if in doubt.
Entry into unsafe areas 3 3 13 Follow the site-specific guidelines for reporting to the site office or 1 3 4 Worker
site supervisor as required. Guidelines are to be obtained from the
Cleaning En More supervisor.
Residual Risk
Initial Risk
Break the job down Environmental Hazards responsible
into steps What can go wrong to ensure control
measures are
Workers unaware of site 3 3 13 Follow the site-specific guidelines for reporting to the site office or 1 3 4 Worker
rules and conditions that site supervisor as required. Guidelines and any site rules are to be
may pose a risk obtained from the Cleaning En More supervisor. Some clients may
require a site induction which is to be arranged by the Cleaning En
More supervisor.
Ask your supervisor for further information if in doubt.
Conduct while on site Conduct that may be 3 3 13 Conduct must be in accordance with Cleaning En More and client 1 3 4 Worker
unacceptable to requirements, including:
Cleaning En More or to • Loud and unruly behaviour is not permitted
the client, or may pose • Swearing or loud music is not permitted
undue risk to workers • Attending work affected of alcohol or drugs is not permitted
or others • Harassment of any kind is not permitted
• Theft and inappropriate or unauthorised use of any item is not
Breaches may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal.
Planning and Other people entering 3 3 13 If practicable, ensure that other people do not enter the immediate 1 3 4 Worker
preparation for tasks to work area work area if tasks may create a hazard, such as wet floors. If
be undertaken exclusion is not permitted or not practicable, use signage to alert
others to the hazards.
Manual handling injuries 3 3 13 Take care when moving heavier items and use correct lifting 1 3 4 Worker
techniques as per the Cleaning En More manual handling training.
Consider using a team lift or mechanical aids if moving heavy or
awkward objects. Wear safety gloves and safety boots as required.
See the SWMS for manual handling for more details.
Slips, trips and falls 2 3 8 Plan routes with an awareness of the hazards. Clear up trip 1 3 4 Worker
hazards, including waste materials.
Hazardous or incorrect 2 3 8 Ensure that the correct equipment is available and is in good 1 3 4 Supervisor
equipment condition.
Residual Risk
Initial Risk
Break the job down Environmental Hazards responsible
into steps What can go wrong to ensure control
measures are
Exposure to hazardous 4 2 14 Ensure that only cleaning products approved and issued by 2 2 5 Worker
substances Cleaning En More are used. These are environmentally friendly and
safe to use under normal conditions. Ensure controls specified in
the product Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are used, including the use
of PPE.
All cleaning products must be labelled correctly.
Ensure product Safety Data Sheets are available for all cleaning Supervisor
Electrocution and 3 5 20 Ensure that all electrical equipment has a current electrical 1 5 11 Worker
electrical shock inspection tag attached. Visually check all electrical equipment for
damage or faults prior to use.
Do not operate electrical equipment in wet areas unless that
equipment is specifically designed for use in the wet.
Unloading of Manual handling injuries 3 3 13 Take care when moving heavier items and use correct lifting 1 3 4 Worker
equipment techniques as per the Cleaning En More manual handling training.
Consider using a team lift or mechanical aids if moving heavy or
awkward objects. Wear safety gloves and safety boots as required.
See the SWMS for manual handling for more details.
Impact by another 2 5 16 Unload in an area clear of other traffic. If a clear area is not 1 5 11 Worker
vehicle available, unload from the side of the vehicle that is away from
other traffic, e.g. the side nearest the footpath.
Slips, trips and falls 3 3 13 Plan routes with an awareness of the hazards. Clear up trip 2 3 8 Worker
hazards, including waste materials.
Setting up and use of Electrocution and 3 5 20 Do not operate electrical equipment in wet areas unless that 1 5 11 Worker
equipment – including electrical shock equipment is specifically designed for use in the wet.
vacuum, floor polisher Take care when running out electrical lead to avoid damage to lead.
etc. Elevate leads on lead hooks or stands if floors are wet or if required
under the site rules.
Do not “piggy back” leads. Use a residual current device (RCD) if
the power supply is not already protected.
Where practicable, use battery powered equipment in preference to
mains powered equipment.
Only trained personnel are to use specialist equipment
Residual Risk
Initial Risk
Break the job down Environmental Hazards responsible
into steps What can go wrong to ensure control
measures are
Spray Surfaces to be Exposure to hazardous 4 2 14 Use cleaning products only as directed on container or in the SDS, 2 2 5 Worker
cleaned substances including the use of PPE. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Do not
spray into the air or towards other personnel.
Do not spray cleaning products on objects or surfaces that may be
damaged by the products or by water.
Wipe down sprayed areas with a clean cloth as per training. When
finished, rinse cloth in clean water and return with cleaning
chemicals to storage area or to vehicle.
Mopping floors Exposure to hazardous 3 2 9 Use cleaning products only as directed on container or in the SDS, 2 2 5 Worker
substances including the use of PPE. Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
When finished, rinse mop in clean water and return, with cleaning
chemicals, to storage area or vehicle.
Slips on wet floors 3 3 13 “Dry mop” where practicable – use minimal water on mop, or mop 1 3 4 Worker
leaving as little water on the floor as practicable.
If other personnel are in the are or may enter the area prior to the
floor drying, ensure caution signage is used at each entry point to
any wet area.
Ensure all equipment is returned to storage upon completion of task
– including signage when floor has dried.
Cleaning at height Falls from height and 2 4 12 Where practicable, cleaning should be done from ground level. 1 4 7 Worker
falling objects Consider the use of long handled cleaning aids to minimise the
need to work at heights.
Residual Risk
Initial Risk
Break the job down Environmental Hazards responsible
into steps What can go wrong to ensure control
measures are
Manual handling injuries 3 3 13 Be aware of the increased risk of strains and similar injuries when 1 3 4 Worker
working overhead. Do not extend further than you are comfortable
with. Seek assistance if required.
Collecting sharps Needle stick injury 2 4 12 Refer to the Cleaning En More procedure for collecting of sharps, 1 3 4 Worker
including needles and syringes. Disposal method may vary from
site to site.
Never pick them up with your hands and always report them to your
Pack up, clean up and Waste not disposed of 3 3 13 Ensure all waste is disposed of correctly, recycling where 1 3 4 Worker
leave site. correctly practicable to do so. Liaise with your supervisor if in doubt about
any site specific requirements. Empty cleaning chemical containers
are to be returned to Cleaning En More unless instructed otherwise
by you supervisor.
Ensure all equipment has been returned to the storage area or
Prior to leaving the site, follow any site specific requirements for
reporting etc. and ensure that any security arrangements are
followed such as turning on alarms and/or locking up.
Driving to and from site Traffic accidents 3 3 13 Only licensed drivers are to drive to and from Cleaning En More 2 3 8 Worker
work sites. Drivers must follow all road rules including obeying
parking restrictions. Cleaning En More takes no responsibility for
traffic or parking fines or infringements.
General Failure to comply with 2 3 8 Ongoing inspections by Cleaning En More supervisors and other 1 3 4 Supervisor
the content and intent of staff may be conducted to ensure all members of the team involved
this SWMS may result in with this work are compliant with the requirements of this SWMS.
injury to persons or Task observations may also be carried out to ensure compliance
damage to equipment with this SWMS.
General Environment in which the 3 3 13 Work is to cease immediately when the environment changes and 1 3 4 Worker
activities are carried out there is an identified need to re-assess exposure to risk.
changes or hazards are Immediately notify the Supervisor who will, in consultation with the
identified which were work group, review this SWMS and then submit those changes to
previously unidentified, the Cleaning En More management team as
resulting in unacceptable required for review and approval.
Residual Risk
Initial Risk
Break the job down Environmental Hazards responsible
into steps What can go wrong to ensure control
measures are
risk to persons or
property. i.e. rain, wet Provided the changes as outlined do not diminish the standard
conditions, high winds, of controls, work may continue until the next shift provided that any Supervisor
electrical storms, poor changes are noted on the SWMS and signed by all workers working
lighting, etc. under the revised SWMS, or a documented toolbox talk held to
identify any changes.
Alternatively, the activity may be deferred until the unacceptable
risk is no longer present (such as the passing of an electrical
The hazards identified and risk control methods described in this Safe Work Method Statement may not be exhaustive. It is the responsibility of the persons carrying out the work activities to identify the
hazards, assess the likelihood and consequences of the associated risks, and implement adequate controls, prior to commencing work.
I, the undersigned supervisor, confirm that I have checked all qualifications/licences and verify that they are applicable and current. I have ensured that all inductions have
taken place and that all equipment, hand tools, electrical leads, ladders etc. are properly maintained and safe to use. I have issued all relevant permits and have ensured
to the best of my ability that the work area is safe and that works will not damage any property or injure any persons.
I the undersigned, confirm that I clearly understand and accept the above SWMS. I also confirm that any required qualifications to undertake this activity are current.
I also clearly understand the controls in this SWMS must be applied as documented, otherwise work is to cease immediately and the Supervisor is to be consulted.
I the undersigned, confirm that I clearly understand and accept the above SWMS. I also confirm that any required qualifications to undertake this activity are current.
I also clearly understand the controls in this SWMS must be applied as documented, otherwise work is to cease immediately and the Supervisor is to be consulted.
I the undersigned, confirm that I clearly understand and accept the above SWMS. I also confirm that any required qualifications to undertake this activity are current.
I also clearly understand the controls in this SWMS must be applied as documented, otherwise work is to cease immediately and the Supervisor is to be consulted.