RULE OF LAWgrade10
RULE OF LAWgrade10
RULE OF LAWgrade10
It can be defined as the supremacy of law over everybody; both the rulers and the ruled and all
decisions taken in the country. The theory of rule of law was propounded or introduced by a British
professor of English law (Prof.A.V Dicey) in 1885 in the book titled “ Introduction to the law of the
He posited that those entrusted with the administration of a country should rule in accordance
with the laws of the land. He maintained that both the government and the governed should respect
and act in accordance with the provisions of the constitution.
Professor A.V Dicey propounded the following three principles of rule of law. These include
1. EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW: This principle state that all citizens, irrespective of their age,
gender, status, religious belief are equal before the law. If a president and servant (ordinary
citizen) committed the same offence, the principle maintains that both should be given the
same punishment.
2. IMPARTIALITY: It means that no one should be made to suffer any penalty or punishment in any
way unless found guilty of breaking the law which must however be established in the court.
Even an accused person should be assumed innocent until a court of law finds him guilty .
According to A.V Dicey, no one should be arrested without being told of his offence. Everyone is
entitled to defend himself with the assistance of a lawyer and should not be tried in a special
court but in the same courts others are tried.
3. THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS: This principle states that citizens of a country
should enjoy certain basic inalienable rights and privileges under the law, violation of these
rights of which they have the rights to seek redress in the court of law. The rights which are
stated in most constitutions commonly referred to as Fundamental Human Rights together with
their limits.
1. Public trials of the accused persons not secret trials.
2. The press must be free, not gagged or censored.
3. The judiciary must be independent and impartial
4. Citizens should be granted the rights to appeal against any judgement they feel like.
5. There should be no delayed justice which will lead to denied justice.
6. Accused person should have access to lawyers to defend them
7. There should be an atmosphere of peace and order in a country because rule of law is
undermined in a period of war.