Veritas (Week 7)
Veritas (Week 7)
Veritas (Week 7)
BSN 2 – Y1 – 2
Module Activity:
3. Can you cite some instances or examples in which your journey in seeking for
what is true has been hindered?
o My transition phase of being an adult is the journey of seeking the truth that
hindered me. My expectation of being an adult was different from what I am
experiencing right now. As a kid, I dreamt of becoming an adult because I thought
life would be beautiful and easy. I expected adults stress-free, with no
responsibilities, and independent. But all these expectations are not the reality of
being an adult. So, it hindered me from thinking that if I reach this phase or stage,
I’ll be experiencing paradise. It hits me from the truth of life and how life works.
Do the exercise honestly. Recall some activities that disregard one’s pursuit for
what is true that you have engaged in. You have to be clear of the reasons in
engaging such. Remember, being honest is the beginning of one’s quest for truth.
During my high school days, as a friendly person, I cannot deny that “gossiping” became
my system, and I engaged a lot in it. My friends and I used to talk about the personal or
private life of others, even if we were all not sure if the gossip was true or not. In those
years, I never know that “gossiping” spreads false information and seriously affects a
person. I felt guilty because I think we’re too much judging the person without knowing
the truth. As time by, we had a chance to get to know the person we usually gossip about,
and we we’re all wrong. All the things we talked about to her are all wrong.
Do you think the experience you have written will definitely reflect who you are and
of what you will become? Why?
Those years, yes, gossiping reflects who I was. But I contradict that it reflects what I will
become in the future. As I became aware of the effects of gossiping, I terminated my
engagement with it. People change, and I regret what I’ve done before.
Below are the tendencies and/or interests of human beings in their everyday undertaking
and interaction with themselves, others, and the community at large. Assess yourself by
checking the appropriate column that best describes your inclination in each item.
Always 2
: __________ 4
Sometimes : __________
Seldom 0
: __________ Never 4
: __________
Journal Writing:
Do you think all the items where you have checked Always will help you respect
yourself and others in the quest (search) for what is true? Why?
Out of the ten questions, only two of them I answer ALWAYS. Those questions I put a
check on ALWAYS are the things that I usually do in my everyday life. I believe it helps
me in the quest for what is true, especially in knowing my strengths and weakness or
the truthfulness of my being. Through that, I respected myself even more.