Excel Professionally
Excel Professionally
Excel Professionally
Microsoft Excel Formulas
Developed by:
Brian Ireson, Suzanne Hixon
Edited by:
Suzanne Hixon,, Thelma Tippie, and Jeffrey DeRamus
Published by:
The Computer Workshop, Inc.
5200 Upper Metro Place, Suite 140
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, SUMIF Functions ...................................................................40
Using the SUMIF Formula .............................................40
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Formulas 6.0,
Lesson Notes
Lesson 1: Logical & Lookup Functions
A logical function is one that evaluates an expression or value
and returns a value based upon whether the expression is True
Functions or False. These are formulas that are commonly used to see if a
condition is met or not to determine one action or another.
values in quotations. Library Group on the Formulas Tab you will notice TRUE and
FALSE functions. These formulas don’t require any arguments
and will simply return the same value as the function. In essence
you just as easily write True or False into the cell and be done
with it.
=TRUE() returns True
=FALSE() returns False
Also within this group of functions you will find the IF, AND,
OR, and NOT formulas. These can be used as stand alone
functions and also in conjunction with an IF to expand the
capabilities of the IF to much broader parameters.
Naming cells
Select the cell or cells you want to name.
Click into the Name Box and type in the name.
Editing Names
Click the [Name Manager] button in the
Names Group on the Formulas
. Tab
Names, In the Edit Name dialog box.
3. Select cell B6. This is the first cell to assign a name to.
4. Click into the Name Box and type: State The Name Box will now display the name
then, press the [Enter] key. State instead of the address B6.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the following Cells that will be referred to in formulas are
names. now named.
IF Functions IF Functions
One of the most common logical functions is the IF function
result in the active cell based on the outcome of that test. The IF
Logical Test Value if False
If the salesperson’s sales total is above 5000 then the sales total
Should the sales total be less than 5000 then a zero value is
Results/ Comments:
1. should
MyLoanstill be open. If not, open
2. Select cell I9. This cell will show that appropriate sales
tax based on which state is entered in cell
B6 (State).
formula. The subsequent IF’s are placed in the Value if False part
of the formula. Should the Logical Test return a True value then
A Primary IF can run, this continues until either a True response is found or there
have up to seven are no other Logical Tests to run and the False is returned.
IFs nested in a
single formula.
Example of a Nested IF statement:
Primary IF Function
Nested IF Function
3. Type in Indiana and press the [Tab] key. This is the additional state.
formula returns the OhTax value. If not,
then the False argument begins a new IF
quotations marks.
9. Select cell B6 (State).
To test the formula.
10. Type in In and press the [Enter] key.
The value in cell I9 now shows the value
Logical TestLogical TestLogical Test
3. Click on the IFS Function sheet tab. This is the first sheet in the workbook.
4. Select cell A2. This will be the cell that tells us what month
is entered in cell A1.
5. Enter this formula, Unlike a nested IF, the IFS function allows
up to 127 conditional to be checked within
A1=3,”Mar”,A1=4,”Apr”, A1=5,”May”, the formula.
A1=6,”Jun”,A1=7,”Jul”, A1=8,”Aug”,
A1. cell
6. Select This is the cell that the IFS formula is
AND Functions There are times when you will need to check multiple cells to see if
they meet a set of parameters and return either a True or False
answer. If all the conditions are met then the formula will return
a True value. If any of the conditions are not met then the formula
returns a False value. One common use for the AND function is
to expand the usefulness of other functions that perform logical
tests. For example, the IF function performs a Logical Test and
then returns one value if the test evaluates to TRUE and another
value if the test evaluates to FALSE. By using the AND function as
the Logical Test argument of the IF function, you can test many
different conditions instead of just one.
=AND(F5>5000, A5=10)
Logical Test 1
If the value in cell F5 is greater than 5000 and the value in cell A5
is equal to 10 then the formula will return a True value. If either
of the values does not match the parameters of the Logical Tests in
the AND function then the formula will return a False value.
Nested AND formula Value IF True
5. Using autofill, fill cells F5:F14. There should a mix of TRUE and FALSE
7. Click into the formula bar to edit the Editing in the formula bar will allow us
formula. to apply the edit to all the selected cells
two IF’s to check for multiple variables to
OR Functions OR Functions
While the AND function requires that all Logical Tests be true to
return a TRUE value, the OR function allows any of the Logical
Tests to return a true value for the formula to return a TRUE value.
You may have a situation where multiple conditions must be
checked. If any one is true, then the formula will return a TRUE
value. Use the OR function, one of the logical functions,
to return a TRUE if any argument is TRUE. It returns FALSE if all
arguments are false.
Logical Test 1
In this example, if either condition is true, the formula will return
a TRUE value. Both conditions would have to be false for the
formula to return a FALSE value.
Using an OR in an IF Function
This again can be nested in an IF function to expand the scope of
the IF function
Primary IF formula Value If False
Nested OR formulaValue If True
The IF formula will return the Value If True if either one of the
OR formulas Logical Tests conditions is met. Should both the OR
Logical Tests conditions not be met, then the IF will return the
Value If False.
2. Select cell G4 on the Summary Tab. This is the cell where we will determine
if this salesperson has exceeded a $10,000
total in any quarter, which will entitle
4. Use the autofill to put the formula into There should a mix of TRUE and FALSE
cells G5:G14. values in the cells.
6. Double-click into the cell. To edit the formula in the cell instead of
the formula bar.
7. Add these changes to the formula Add only the bold text to the formula.
C4*0.07,C4*0.03) .
8. Use the autofill to put the formula into If any of the sales team sold more than
multiple Logical Tests, the NOT only contains a single Logical Test.
Logical Test
If the value in cell F5 is less than 5000 then the NOT function
will return a TRUE value. Should the value in cell F5 prove to
be greater than 5000 then the NOT function will return a FALSE
define is not met in order to get a positive result. Once the NOT
logical test is met, the IF function will return the Value if False
Nested NOT formulaValue IF False
In the example above, until the value in cell F5 is above 5000
the NOT formula will return a True result and return the Value
If True argument of the IF. As the value in F5 is greater than
5000 the NOT returns a False value and in turn the IF returns
the Value if False argument of the IF statement. So you will
know when the value in F5 is greater than 5000 when the cell
containing the formula begins returning values instead of 0.
3. Enter this formula If cell F4 contains the word Gold then the
4. Use the autofill to put the formula into Only Gold level members should have
6. Add these changes to the formula Add only the bold text to the formula.
7. Use the autofill to put the formula into Now only the Gold level members have a
cells H5:H14. NO value in the review column, all others
have YES values.
There are many times where you will need to search for specific
data in the worksheet or workbook and the filters will not do.
Functions Using lookup functions allows you to reach across worksheets to
look for the data you need. You can also add a data validation
list to the lookup cell to make the search much more efficient.
example, you can search for the last name of a student in a list
and then return a phone number from another cell on the same
TheLookup Value
way this works is that the is compared to the first column of
, this Array
determines which row of the Table Array will contain
the desired information. Once that is established the specifies
Col Index NumTable
what column of the
Array will contain the desired information. The contents of the
cell at the intersection of the row and column will be the value
returned by the formula.
One thing to remember is that the Col Index Num argument in the
formula refers only to the table and not the worksheet, therefore
it doesn’t matter wherever the table is located.
and places the Product brought in automatically from the MasterList. You can also use
description in cell B2 in the formula to automatically bring over the Price Per Unit and
3. Enter this formula At this point the formula can only return
=VLOOKUP(Years,Table,IF(State=”OH”, a value if the state is equal to either Oh
3,2)) or Mi, since the table name refers to cells
A13:C22. The values for Indiana need to
be added to the Interest table and its
name redefined.
7. Enter a number between 1 to 10. This will complete adding values that the
8. Select cellD12, and type: Indiana The header for this column is added.
9. In cell ,D13type:
This is the first value.
then, press [Enter].
11. Select cells and use the autofill Selecting both cells with values
to populate values to cell . D22 establishes the series that autofill will use
to populate the remaining cells.
12. Select cell E13 and enter This will be the return if no listed state is
Out of Region found by the formula.
Autofill it down to cell E22.
14. Select the Table name and click the [Edit] The Edit Name dialog box opens for the
button. selected name.
16. Click the [Close] button. The Name Manager dialog box is closed
and the name has been updated.
18. Add these changes to the formula Add only the bold text to the formula.
19. Change the state to either Mi or In to test The results in cell I5 (Rate) should change
the VLOOKUP formulas functionality. according to the state entered. You may
20. Change the value in the State cell toMA This state is not part of the table and will
(E4:M5) and then place the grade that appears in the second row
of the table into Column C.
within the range. For example, it wasn’t able to find the value 99,
but it still brought back a letter grade of “A+”. Excel was able to
determine that it was within a range and any number within that
3. Click the Discount Table sheet. This is the sheet that has the discount
table data.
4. Select cellsA2:F3
. 5.
Name the range Table. Use the Name Box to apply the name to
the cell range.
6. Click the Sales sheet. This is the sheet that we need the
HLOOKUP formula on.
7. Select cell I2. This is the cell that requires the formula to
see what discount is to be applied to the
10. Select cell J2 and enter the following Now we need to calculate what the
formula discounted price will be.
=H2-(H2*I2) .
11. Select cell J2, Autofill and format the Using the Autofill completes this column
column for currency. of data in the worksheet.
list, then this feature will prove invaluable. This tool does not
filter the data in any way, but will populate the cell with choices
made from the list and use only unique values in the list. The cell
2. Click on the Advanced Search sheet tab To make this much easier to find, we will
and select cell D1. now add drop-down lists to ensure that
users will search for only valid data.
3. Click Validation]
the button in the The Data Validation dialog box opens. We
. Tab
Data Tools Group on the Data will not worry about the Input Message
and Error Alert tabs.
4. In the Settings tab of the Data Validation This is the option that allows us to create
dialog box, choose List from the Allow: drop-down lists.
5. Click into the Source: field Since the worksheet has all the entries
Select cell A8, and hold both the [Ctrl + already listed, we can use those cell
6. Select cell D2. We will now get the drop-down list of the
10. Test the drop-down lists, then save the [Ctrl + S].
The Matchfunction is written like this;
Function, Function
continued Lookup Array
Lookup ValueMatch Type
In this example, the range A1:A3 contains the values 5, 25, and 38
respectively. The formula returns the number 2, because 25 is the
second item in the range.
2. Select cell H1. We want to find out what row contains the
value we are looking for.
3. Enter the following formula, The formula will first check to see what
=MATCH(D1,A8:A34,0) . value is in cell D1. Then it will take that
value and compare it to what is in the cell
range, A8:A34. Since we are searching for
exact matches, the third element of the
formula is set to 0.
4. Select cell D1 and choose any value from As the value changes, our formula tells us
the drop-down list. what row number we can find that value in.
[Ctrl + S].
8. Save the file.
There are two forms of the INDEX function: the array form and
reference form.
If both theColumn_num
Row_num and arguments are used,
INDEX the value in the cell at the intersection of Row_
Row_num and and
num. Column_num
Column_num must
point to a cell
within array; otherwise,
Reference Area_num
After and have selected a particular range,
and select a particular Row_num
1 is
the first row in the range, 1 is the first column, and so on. The
reference returned by is the intersection of
and . Column_num
Row_num Column_num
If you set or INDEX
to 0 (zero), returns
the reference for the entire column or row, respectively.
2. Select cell H3. Now we want to look for the value in the
cell that lies at the intersection of the row
and column numbers we found using the
MATCH functions.
3. Enter the following formula, This formula first defines the area where
=INDEX(B8:V34,H1,H2) . we are looking for data. Then the row
number that is being returned by the
MATCH in cell H1. The last element of
this formula is the column number which is
again being returned by the MATCH in cell
4. Try changing the values in cells D1 and Both the INDEX and MATCH functions are
D2. updated based on the choices made from
the drop-down lists in cells D1 and
Excel: Formulas
6.0, 02/17/2020
Lesson Notes
Lesson 2: Complex Summing Functions
a CSV file or simply as raw data in an Excel file. In this case, you
effective to spend a little time preparing the file and using the
Advanced Filter.
Once the file is open, click on the Data Tab and look in the
Sorting & Filtering Group of commands for the [Advanced]
button. Once the button is clicked the Advanced Filter dialog box
will open.
This dialog box allows you to choose the range of cells to filter
for specific items and either filter the data in place or place the
The following buttons allow you to choose how the results of the
filter will be handled.
If Filter list in place is selected, then the Copy To: field is
grayed out.
If Copy to another location is selected, then the Copy to:
field is available.
If you are looking to create a list of unique values,
check the Unique records only checkbox. Since the search
is for unique values only, there is no need to enter
anything into the Criteria range: field.
2. Save the file as My Sumif This file contains the raw data that we
need to extract information from, but as
process up.
3. Select cell A2, and hold [Shift + Ctrl] The entire column of customers is selected.
keys. Tap the down arrow key once.
4. Click into the NameBox and type: The range is now named to be used in our
Customer. formulas.
10. Click into the NameBox and type: Now main ranges needed for our formulas
Sales. Press the [Enter] key. are named.
11. [Advanced]
Click the button in the Sort The Advanced Filter dialog box opens.
on the .
& Filter GroupData Tab
13. In theList range: field enter This is the range of cells to be filtered.
$C$1:$C$2156 Include the header row since the filter will
automatically take the first entry as the
header of the list.
14. In theCopy to: field enter This is where we will place the list.
15. Check theUnique Records Only We will get only unique values returned
16. Click the [OK] button. Now a complete list of the salespeople is
17. Click the button in the[Advanced]Sort We will now extract a full list of the
on the .
& Filter GroupData Tab customers.
Click to
button to
List range: field enter
19. In the
Copy to: field enter
In the
Unique Records Only
21. Check the
the data is resorted the calculated values were off. This is because
the formula used a cell range but those values change in relation
mathematic expression
each row, sum the data from this range
it must be wrapped As an example, should you require a total of all sales made by a
in quotation marks.
This translates as: Search the range of cells named
Salesperson for any instances of text Smith and add only
those rows in the column named Sales.
3. Select cell O2, if necessary. This will be where the formula will be
4. Enter the following formula: The formula will examine the range
=SUMIF(Salesperson,$N2,Sales) named Salesperson for every instance of
press the [Ctrl +Enter] key combination. the name in cell N2 (use the [F4] key to set
the column as absolute). Once those are
5. Use the autofill handle to fill in cells Click and drag down to cell O10.
7. Select cell O2 and use the autofill handle You will copy this formula into cell
to pull the formula into cell P2. P2. Making the criteria use an absolute
8. Select cell P2 and Double-click into the The cell now displays its formula.
cell to edit the formula.
9. Change the Sales name to QTY and press Now the formula will total the number of
the [Ctrl + Enter] key combination. units sold by the salesperson on this row.
11. Select cell O15 and type: Here we want to see how much each
Sales Total customer has purchased.
then, press the [Enter] key.
12. In cell O16, enter the following formula: The formula will examine the range
=SUMIF(Customer,$N16,Sales) named Customer for every instance of
then, press the [Ctrl +Enter] key the name in cell N16 (use the [F4] key to
combination. set the column as absolute). Once those
are found it will add only those instances
in the Sales range. Using the [Ctrl
+Enter] key combination applies the
formula and keeps the cell active.
13. Use the autofill handle to fill in cells Double-click the autofill handle to run the
O17:O104. formula down as many rows as needed.
14. Try creating another column that Repeat steps 7 through 10 to fill cells
calculates how many units each customer P15:P104.
has purchased.
Range:required - the range to search for the specified
In criteria, a
question mark
(?) matches any Criteria: required - what is being searched for within
single character and an
3. Enter the following formula: This formula will return the average sale
=AVERAGEIF(Salesperson,N2,Sales) for the salesperson on this row.
then, press the [Ctrl +Enter] key
4. Use the autofill to fill in the remaining Now you know what each salesperson’s
salespeople’s values. average sale is.
5. Select cell Q15 and type:
You are beginning to create another
Average Purchase
subset of calculated data here.
then, press the [Enter] key.
[Ctrl + S].
This formula will work the same way as the previous formulas.
The syntax of this formula differs in one way only. It does not
use the optional third argument. Both arguments in this formula
are required.
where to count what will be searched for by
the criteria.
Criteria: what is to be searched for and counted within
the range.
3. In cell R2, enter the following formula: This formula will count the number
then, press the [CTRL + Enter] key of times the customer appears in the
combination. Customer range.
7. Use the autofill to complete the counts
for the remaining customers. We now know how often the customer has
8. Adjust the width of column R to show all made a purchase.
the contents.
[Ctrl + S].
Using the SUMIFS Formula
Functions Summing by one subset of data is extremely useful. There may
come a time when you will need to add more subsets to even
further refine the data coming out of your raw data. This is done
by using the SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS, or COUNTIFS. These
functions allow you to search for multiple criteria in multiple
made sales that met or exceeded target goals. This is where the
In this formula:
The first criteria argument defines the range containing
the data to be summed. Unlike a SUMIF the Sum_
Range is no longer an optional argument.
The first range defines what will be searched.
The first Criteria defines what will be searched for
within the first range.
The subsequent Range and Criteria pairs will narrow
the results to a fine point.
There can be up to 127 Range and Criteria pairs used in a single
SUMIFS formula. The AVERAGEIFS formula uses the same
syntax as the SUMIFS.
Range Criteria
The second pairing would search within the number of items
sold range for a specified amount. Here you can use mathematic
expressions to boost the functionality of the formula. When
Second Range
First Range and Criteria Pair
Second Criteria, using mathematic expression
3. In cell S2, enter the following formula: This formula will add the values in the
then, press the [CRTL + Enter] key found in the Salesperson range and the
5. Select
T1 cell and type: Now we will start to breakdown the data
6. In cell enter the following formula: This will count the number of cells that
then, press
[CRTL + the key
Enter] QTY range only if the name Salesperson
2. Select
U1 cell and type: The new header is added.
Sales between 5 and 9 Units
then, press the key.
3. In cell enter the following formula: This formula will narrow the search by
=COUNTIFS(Salesperson,N2, adding a third Range and Criteria pair.
QTY,”<10”,QTY,”>=5”) It will search the same range twice, first
then, + Enter]
press key to find values below 10 and then for any
the values ‘equal to and above’ 5 within the
combination. QTY range but count only those records
matching the salespersons’ name in cell
4. Use the autofill to complete the You now see how many sales of between
calculations for the remaining 5 and 9 each salesperson made.
5. Select cells E2:E2156. Select cell E2, hold down both the [Shift +
CTRL] keys and press the down arrow key
once to quickly select the range.
6. Click into the Namebox, enter: Since you will need to use this range for
Order_Date the next formula, it is a good idea to name
then, press the [Enter] key. the range.
7. Select cell S14, and type: You are adding in another header to define
Number of purchases by month an area where you are going to track
then, press the [Enter] key. purchases by month.
9. In cell S16, enter the following formula: This formula is going to count the records
MAXIFS The MAXIFS and MINIFS functions will return either the
and MINIFS you define. These functions are similar to SUMIFS, and
2. Select
W1 cell and enter: The new header is added.
Highest Sale Value.
W2 cell .
3. Select
4. Enter the following formula; This formula will find the highest value
=MAXIFS(Sales,Salesperson,N2) in the Sales column of data based on
then, press the [CTRL + Enter] key the Salesperson.
5. Use the autofill to complete the Now you know the value of each
calculations for the remaining salespersons best sale.
6. Select
X1 cell and enter: The new header is added.
Lowest Sale Value.
X2 cell .
7. Select
8. Enter the following formula; This formula will find the lowest value
Formulas 6.0,
Lesson Notes
Lesson 3: Date & Time Functions
Add time
As an example, consider two (or more) separate tasks where
each have their own duration. The tasks must be completed in
To create a order
number format that
to move forward on the project and you need to know how much
includes text that is
Easy enough when the total time will be less than 24 hours.
When the total will be greater than 24 hours, the cell needs a
Subtract time
Another common function is tracking the time spent on a
project when there is a start and end time recorded in the data.
To quickly calculate how much time was spent on the project,
Time, The cell containing the formula will use the same custom
continued format as discussed earlier; [h]:mm;@ .
Months as J-Dmmmmm
Days as 1-31d
Days as 01-31dd
Days as Sun-Satddd
Days as Sunday-Saturdaydddd
Hours as 0-23h
Hours as 00-23hh
Minutes as 0-59m
Minutes as 00-59mm
Seconds as 0-59s
Seconds as 00-59ss
Time as 4 AMh AM/PM
4. Right-click cell B4 and choose Format The Format Cells dialog opens.
Cells from the menu.
6. Notice the cell is formatted as time The Format Cells dialog shows what
8. Select cell G4. You will calculate the total hours this
person worked throughout the week.
9. Enter the following formula; This is a simple addition formula, but the
=SUM(B4:F4) value of 4:00 being returned is not
press [CTRL + Enter]. usable because any value above 24 is
not shown.
10. Right-click the cell and chooseFormat
11. Click the Number tab and chooseCustom The list of existing custom formats are
from the list of categories at the left. displayed along with the Type field,
number formats.
12. In the Type field enter the following: Adding the brackets around the hour
13. Use autofill to fill in cell G5:G8. Each person’s total is calculated.
16. Repeat steps 9 through 11. To apply the correct formatting to the cells.
This completes getting the cumulative
19. Make the Daily Totals sheet Click the sheet tab titled Daily Totals.
active. 20. Select cell E4. You will calculate the number of hours
worked by this team member, based on
start and end times.
21. Enter the following formula This subtracts the start time from the
=D4-C4 end time. The result should be 3:45 AM.
press [CTRL + Enter]. Next you will clear the AM or PM from
22. Right-click the cell and chooseFormat
Cells from the menu. The Format Cells dialog box opens.
23. Click the Number tab and choose
Custom The list of available number formats is
click the [OK] button. hours and minutes without the AM or PM.
26.E9. Select
27. Click button in the The total hours worked are added up.
Editing GroupHome
on the Tab
28..Save the file [Ctrl +S].
By default the
Refreshing the NOW Function
NOW function The =NOW() is refreshed each time a formula anywhere is
4. Enter the following formula: The current date and time are inserted
=NOW() in the cell.
press the [Enter] key.
5. Right-click cell G3 and choose Format The Format Cells dialog box opens.
Cells from the menu.
7. Choose Time from the list of categories The list of time formatting options is
on the left and choose 1:30 PM for the displayed. Choose the appropriate format
calculated here.
9. Enter the following formula: Notice the time should have updated to
10. Right-click cell C5 and choose Format The AM/PM needs to be removed from the
Cells from the menu. formatting of this cell.
11. Choose Time from the list of categories on The correct formatting is applied but the
the left and click the time without AM/ time is not updated.
PM. Click [OK].
13. Click the [Calculate Sheet] button in the All formulas in the spreadsheet are
Calculation Group on the Formula Tab. updated, including the time.
does not change to reflect the current date. Should you need to
always have a cell display the current date, Excel has the TODAY
function. This formula does not require any arguments in order
to function correctly.
example, “2001/1/30”),
as serial numbers (for
This will always return the current date. It is based on the
example, 36921, which system’s date (the date on the computer). Formulas which
represents January 30, refer to the cell will be updated every time the file is opened.
2001, if you’re using
formula as
If you have the dates in cells, use the cell references. When you
plan on using the same type of formula to calculate a range of
function is not Start_date: the starting date of the period of time.
part of Excels’ list
of functions but it is
End_date: the ending date of the period of time.
commonly used and
understood by the
Unit: The type of information that you want returned:
The table below lists the types of available units.
Unit Returns
“Y”The number of complete years in the period.
“M”The number of complete months in the period.
“D”The number of days in the period.
“MD”The difference between the days in start_date and
end_date. The months and years of the dates are
“YM”The difference between the months in start_date and
end_date. The days and years of the dates are ig-
“YD”The difference between the days of start_date and
end_date. The years of the dates are ignored.
The quotation marks are required when adding the Unit to the formula.
Date Functions, If you need to see the years, months, and days between two
continued dates then the formula requires a little modification in order to
return the information in the format needed.
If you need each unit in it’s own cell write each DATEDIF in it’s
own cell instead of combining them in a single cell.
number of days between a pair of start and end dates. The DAYS
formula returns a numeric value and should not be formatted as
a date.
End_date: required - the last day to be taken into
account by the formula.
Start_date: required - the first day to be taken into
account by the formula.
4. Enter the following formula; This puts today’s date into the cell. It will
5. Select cell J7, and Enter the following This formula works but returns a value in
press the [CTRL +Enter] key current date, and the last argument defines
combination. the unit of time you want.
8. Select cell L7. Here you need to know how many years,
9. Enter the following formula;
=DATEDIF(K7,$F$1,”y”) To return a value in years.
actively selected.
11. Use Autofill to complete calculating the Double-click the Autofill handle.
other employees years of service data.
number of days in the future to the current date since the date
is really a number. If you need to add only working days to a
Date: required - the starting date to which you want to
add days.
Number of Days: required - the number of days to
add to the start date.
Holidays: optional - can be a range of cells that lists
holiday dates.
dates with equal ease. The cell containing the formula must be
formatted as a date.
Start_date: required - the starting date to which you
want to add months to.
Number_of_Months: required - the number of
months to add to or subtract from the start date.
To subtract months, place a minus sign before the
6. Enter the following formula; This formula will add 90 working days
left and selectTab,
formatting. Click The value in cell M7 is now clear.
13. Enter the following formula This formula adds six months to the hire
=EDATE(K7,6) date.
press the [CTRL + Enter] key
14. Use AutoFill to complete the rest of the Double-click the AutoFill handle.
15. Save and close the file. [Ctrl + S] then [Ctrl + W].
end_date, [weekend],[holidays])
Start_date and end_date: Required. The dates for
which the difference is to be calculated. The start_date
can be earlier than, the same as, or later than the end_
Weekend: Optional. Indicates the days of the week
that are weekend days and are not included in the
number of whole working days between start_date
and end_date. Weekend is a weekend number or string
that specifies when weekends occur.
Holidays: is an optional argument, a range of one or
more dates to exclude from the working calendar, such
as state and federal holidays and floating holidays.
The list can be either a range of cells that contains the
dates or an array constant of the serial numbers that
represent the dates.
3. On the worksheet, select cell F2.
4. Enter the following formula; This formula will return the number of
press the [CTRL + Enter] key dates, excluding weekends and holidays.
5. Format the cell as a number and Autofill
the Format] drop-down in
the rest of the column. the Number GroupHome
on the .Tab
6. Press the [Tab] key to select cell G2.
8. Format the cell as a number and Autofill Use the [Number Format] drop-down in
the rest of the column. the Number Group on the Home Tab.
9. Press the [Tab] key to select cell H2. This column has the number of allocated
10. Hold the [CTRL +Shift] keys and press The rest of the column is selected.
the down arrow key once.
11. Click the [Conditional Formatting] The New Formatting Rule dialog box opens.
button drop-down in the Styles Group
on the Home Tab and choose New Rule.
12. In the Select a Rule Type: field, click Use You will be using a formula to determine
a formula to determine which cells to format whether or not to apply formatting.
17. Click the [OK] button to apply the Now when the hours worked exceeds the
formatting. allotted time, the cell is filled with red.
Serial_number: [required] what day of the week is the
date you have.
Return_type: [optional] the argument tells the function
how to number the days of the week. If you leave this
argument empty, Sunday will be 1 and Monday will
be 2 etc.
Below is the list of available Return_types
Value Description
1 or Numbers 1 (Sunday) through 7 (Saturday).
3. Select cell H2 and type This will begin the lookup list to use in a
1 VLOOKUP formula later .
then, press [Enter] and type: 2 in cell H3.
4. Select both cells and use autofill series You now have numbers 1 through 7.
down to cell H8.
5. Select cell I2 and type: Sunday These will be the days that correspond
then, press the [CTRL + Enter] key to the numbers.
6. Autofill cell I2 down to cell I8. The rest of the weekdays should now be
listed beside a number.
7. In cell B2, enter the following formula The formula will now return a numeric
=WEEKDAY(A2,1) value representing the day of week the
then, press the [Ctrl + Enter] keys. holiday falls on.
8. Autofill cell B2 down to cell B17. Now each holiday date is shown as a
numeric value of 1 to 7.
9. In cell C2, enter the following formula This will look for the value in cell A2,
=VLOOKUP(B2,$H$2:$I$8,2) compare it to the table and return the
then, press the [Ctrl + Enter] keys. correct day as a text value.
10. Autofill cell C2 down to cell C17. You now know what day of the week each
holiday falls.
value to represent the day of the week. Once that value was
and pull the day from a table. While this worked to show what
day of the week the date occurred on it does require the addition
of the table array needed in the VLOOKUP. Using the SWITCH
Cell whose value is to be replacedFirst possible replacementIf nothing matches use this
=SWITCH(ValueToSwitch,MatchValue1,MatchReturnValue1,[2-126 Pair],[NoMatchReturn])
WEEKDAY function can nested so the day of the week the date
falls on is returned.
Value To SwitchSecond Match/
Replace pair
2. Select
D2 cell and enter the following This formula will return the day of the
formula; week without any other lookups.
the + Enter key] combo
D2 down to cell D17.
3. Autofill cell
Serial_number : Required. A date within the week.
Dates should be entered by using the DATE function,
or as results of other formulas or functions. For
example, use DATE(2008,5,23) for the 23rd day of May,
2008. Problems can occur if dates are entered as text.
Return_type: Optional. A number that determines on
which day the week begins. The default is 1.
There may come a time when you need to know what week
number of the year a specific date falls in. Excel has added a new
formula to make this easy to determine, the ISOWEEKNUM
Date: Required- any date after January 1 1900 is valid.
Dates before the January 1 1900 will return a #NUM
The date cell must be formatted as a date in order
for the formula to work.
3. Enter the following formula; This formula will return the week number
=WEEKNUM(A2) of the year you were born in.
press the [Ctrl + Enter] keys.
4. Autofill cell E2 down to cell E17. You now know the week number each
holiday falls in.
Formulas 6.0,
Lesson Notes
Lesson 4: Formula Auditing
lesson, you will learn to use the tools Excel has to help you audit
and correct these formula errors and issues.
the one you want to follow and click the [OK] button to move to
the sheet or file. If the file is not currently open, it will be opened.
Tracing Dependents
Formulas, This tool is used to see what other formulas are drawing data
from the active cell. The Dependent cell does have to contain
a formula. It can be a static value. The arrows will now point
to cells that the active cell contributes to. Just like the [Trace
Removing Arrows
Since you can show both types of arrows at the same time,
the [Remove Arrows] button will remove any and all
Precedent or Dependent arrows with a single click. The drop-
down for the [Remove Arrows] button will offer three
3. Make the QTR 1 sheet active. Click the QTR 1 sheet tab below the
5. Click the [Trace Precedents]button in A blue line indicates what cells are
the Formula Auditing Groupon the referred to by the formula in cell
Formulas Tab. F13.
6. Click the
[Trace Precedents]button A new set of lines indicate the cells being
again. referred to by the first set of cells that are
being calculated in cell F13.
9. [Trace Dependents]
Click the
button Blue lines point to the cells that include
in theFormula Auditing Group on the the active cell in their formulas.
Formulas Tab.
10.[Trace Dependents]
Click the
button More lines appear, pointing to the next
in their formulas.
A black dotted line pointing to a
Click the Arrows] button in
The arrows are removed from the
12. Make the Summarysheet active. Click the tab below the spreadsheet.
14. Click the [Trace Precedents] button three Each time the button is clicked the
times. formula is traced back another level.
15. Double-click any of the dotted lines.. The Go to dialog box opens, showing the
reference or related references.
18. Click the [Remove Arrows] drop-down One level of Precedent lines is
button and choose
Remove Precedents removed from the spreadsheet.
19. Click the [Remove Arrows] button. The arrows are removed from the
20. Save and close the file. [CTRL + S] and [CTRL + W].
Errors Errors
Errors can be marked and corrected in two ways:
Using the [Error Checking] button (like a spelling
checker) checks for errors on the entire spreadsheet
Using the Error Checking Options immediately when
they occur on the worksheet as you work.
When an error occurs, a green triangle appears in the upper-left
corner of the cell.
Error Messages
Some errors cannot return a result and will display an error value
in the cell. The error messages are simple ways Excel explains
problems in formulas.
occurs when Excel does not recognize text
#NAME?in a formula, if using a name in a formula
and the name is misspelled or does not
When multiple
cells containing
errors are selected, When the icon is clicked a drop-down menu displays offering
the Error Checking suggestions on how to resolve the potential error. This could be
Options smart tag is
a potential error because you may not need to refer to the same
not displayed.
relative range in this instance. In which case Ignore Error would
be the best option to avoid having the icon appear when the cell
is selected.
: the basis error (it can change
depending on the formula) that has determined
Copy Formula from Above : will copy the formula from
the cell above to remove the perceived error
: opens
Help the dialog
on This box to the
specific error type help page
Ignore ErrorExcel
: leaves the formula as is without
continuing to display theError Checking Options
smart tag
Edit in Formula
displays Bar: in the
the formula
formula bar
Error Checking OptionsOptions
: opens the dialog
box, where you can select the rules governing error
each error at one time. These are similar options to those found in
the Error Checking Options Smart Tag menu.
When you click the [Options] button in the Error Checking dialog
you can edit the program options directly. A more direct method
the Options by
sequentially tapping
grades here.
4. Click the [Autosum] button drop-down The formula is added to all the cells.
in the Function Library Group on the You can also find the [Autosum] button in
Formulas Tab and choose Average. the Editing Group on the Home Tab.
6. Right-click the column and choose Insert A new column is added after column D.
from the menu.
7. Select cell E5 and type in:
The project header is added. If you
Photo Corrections want to add a soft return, use the+ Enter]
press the [Enter] key. key combination.
8. In cell E6, type: 85
then, press the [Enter] key.
9. In cell E7, type: 78
then, press the [Enter] key.
10. Select cells E6:E7.
Click the
Checking] button in
The Error Checking dialog box opens, this
the Formula Auditing Group on the acts like a spell check dialog box. You can
the spreadsheet.
17. Save and close the file. [CTRL + S] and [CTRL + W].
within a formula.
Select the cell containing the formula you would like to
Click the [Evaluate Formula] button in the Formula
Auditing Group of the Formulas Tab.
The Evaluate Formula dialog box will open. In the
Evaluation: field, the formula from the selected cell is
Evaluating Clicking the [Step In] button will evaluate each section
of the formula that is underlined. If a cell address is
Formulas, underlined and it is in fact the end result of a formula,
2. Save as My Evaluation
5. Examine the formula in the Evaluate The formula in cell H2 is displayed in the
Formula dialog box. Evaluation field. The underlined portion
of the formula is the active part of the
formula being evaluated. As the formula
is evaluated step by step, the underline
changes to show what part of the formula
is active .
6. Click the [Step in] button. Since the value is cell G2 results from a
formula, the formula used to determine
the value in cell G2 is displayed below.
Notice, it is indented to show it is a
secondary formula to the formula being
7. Click the [Step In] button again. Each time the [Step in] button is clicked,
the formula is traced back to the original
data the formula is drawing on. Once
all levels of the formulas have been
displayed, the value returned by the
formula is displayed.
8. Click the [Step out]buttons twice. Click this button to step back through the
interconnected formula until all indented
fields are removed.
11. Click the [Restart] button to begin going Choose whether to re-evaluate the
through the formula again, or click the formula or close the dialog box.
[Close] button to exit the dialog box.
12. Save and close the file. [CTRL + S] and [CTRL + W].
In the Watch Window, you can add watches to the cells that you
want to track changes being made somewhere else in the file
worksheet, name of the cell (if the cell has a name), cell address,
the cell values, and formulas. Add as many Watches as needed,
so you are able to easily keep track of changes from multiple
remain open until it is closed using the [Close] button in the top
right corner.
As long as the file and the Watch Window dialog box remain
Watch Window, open, you will see the values update when the data is altered.
2. WatchWindow
Save as
4. Select cell and enter the following A total of units sold is added.
press the .
then, [CTRL + Enter]
H67 a
5. Use autofill to populate cell with
A total of all sales is added.
relative copy of the formula.
6. Select cell A1.
[CTRL + Home] key combination takes
8. Click the [Add Watch...] button. The Add Watch dialog box opens.
9. Highlight the field and select cell G67 The cell is added to the Watch Window. Any
and click the [Add] button. relevant information regarding the cell is
10. Add another watch for cellH67. Repeat the Add Watch process for cell
11. Dock the Watch Window above the Drag the window by the title-bar up
Formula bar. toward the formula bar. It will snap into
12. Select cell G5 and type: 25 Editing a cell’s contents will impact the
then, press the [Enter] key. results of the formulas in cells G67 and
These changes are shown in the
.Watch Window
confusing. You may want the calculation to update once all your
2. Close the Watch Window. Click the [X] button at the upper right
corner of the window.
3. Select cell G65 and type: 25 The values in cells G67:H67 change to
then, press the [Enter] key. reflect the changes to the data.
5. Click the [Calculation Options]button This turns off the automatic calculation
and choose .Manual for these cells.
6. Select cellG65
and 50
type: Notice the values in cells G67:H67 do not
then, press the key.
[Enter] update to reflect the changes to the data.
7. Click the [Calculate Sheet] button. The values in cells G67:H6 are
8. Try changing the value in cell G65 again. The values in cells7 updated.
G67:H6 are not
9. Recalculate the sheet. The values in cells G67:H67 are
10. Save and close the [CTRL + S] and [CTRL + W]updated. .
Excel Level 1 L-1 Excel
Level 2 L-2 Excel Level 3
L-3 Excel Formulas FM
Import data into workbooks
Excel Data Analysis DA Import data from .txt file
Excel Charts CH Excel Import data from .csv files DA
PivotTables PT Excel
Data Analysis with
PowerPivot PPT
Navigate within workbooks
Search for data within a workbook L-
Navigate to named cells, ranges, or workbook
Insert and remove hyperlinks L-
Format worksheets and workbooks
Modify page setup L-
Adjust row height and column width 3
Customize headers and footers L-
Customize options and views L-
Customize the Quick Access toolbar
Display and modify workbook content in
different views
Freeze worksheet rows and columns L-
Change window views 2
Modify basic workbook properties
Display formulas L-
Configure content for collaboration L-
Set a print area L-
Save workbooks in alternative file 1
formats Configure print settings 2
Inspect workbooks for issues L-
Manipulate data in worksheets
CODES Paste data by using special paste options L-
Fill cells by using Auto Fill 1
Excel Level 1 L-1 Excel
Level 2 L-2 Excel Level 3 Insert and delete multiple columns or L-
L-3 Excel Formulas FM rows Insert and delete cells 1
Excel Data Analysis DA L-
Excel Charts CH Excel 1
Format cells and ranges
PivotTables PT Excel L-
Merge and unmerge cells L-
Data Analysis with
Modify cell alignment, orientation, and 1
PowerPivot PPT 1
Format cells by using Format Painter L-
Wrap text within cells 1
Apply number formats
Apply cell formats from the Format Cells dialog L-
box 1
Apply cell styles L-
Clear cell formatting 1
Define and reference named ranges 1
Define a named L-2 / FM
range Name a table DA
Summarize data visually L-
Insert Sparklines L-
Apply built-in conditional formatting 1
Remove conditional formatting L-
Create and format tables L-
Create Excel tables from cell 2
ranges Apply table styles 2
Convert tables to cell ranges L-
Modify tables L-
Add or remove table rows and 2
columns Configure table style options 2
Insert and configure total rows L-
Filter and sort table data
CODES Filter records L-
Sort data by multiple columns 2
Excel Level 1 L-1 Excel L-
Level 2 L-2 Excel Level 3
Insert references 2
L-3 Excel Formulas FM
Excel Data Analysis DA Insert relative, absolute, and mixed L-
Excel Charts CH Excel references Reference named ranges and
PivotTables PT Excel 1
named tables in
Data Analysis with formulas L-
PowerPivot PPT
Calculate and transform datas 2
Perform calculations by using the AVERAGE(),
MAX(), MIN(), and SUM() functions
Count cells by using the COUNT(), COUNTA(),
and COUNTBLANK() functions
Perform conditional operations by using the
IF() function
MID() functions
Format text by using UPPER(), LOWER(), and
LEN() functions
Format text by using the CONCAT() and
TEXTJOIN() functions
Create charts
Create charts
L-2 / CH
Create chart sheets L-2 / CH
Modify charts
Add data series to charts L-2 / CH
Switch between rows and columns in source
L-2 / CH
Add and modify chart elements L-2 / CH
Excel Level 1 L-1 Excel
Level 2 L-2 Excel Level 3
L-3 Excel Formulas FM Manage workbooks
Excel Data Analysis DA Copy macros between workbooks
Excel Charts CH Excel Reference data in other workbooks 3
PivotTables PT Excel Enable macros in a workbook
Data Analysis with Manage workbook versions 3
PowerPivot PPT
Prepare workbooks for collaboration 3
Restrict editing L-
Protect worksheets and cell ranges 2
Protect workbook structure L-
Configure formula calculation options 2
Manage comments L-
Use and configure language options FM
Configure editing and display languages L-
Use language-specific features 2
Fill cells based on existing data 1
Fill cells by using Flash Fill L-
Fill cells by using advanced Fill Series
Format and validate data 2
Create custom number formats L-1
Configure data validation L-3 / FM
functions FM
NOW() and TODAY() functions
Calculate dates by using the WEEKDAY()
and WORKDAY() functions
using the Consolidate feature
Perform what-if analysis by using Goal Seek
and Scenario Manager
Forecast data by using the AND(), IF(), and
NPER() functions
Calculate financial data by using the PMT() 3
Troubleshoot formulas
CODES Trace precedence and dependence FM
Monitor cells and formulas by using the
Excel Level 1 L-1 Excel FM
Watch Window
Level 2 L-2 Excel Level 3
L-3 Excel Formulas FM Validate formulas by using error checking FM
Excel Data Analysis DA rules
Evaluate formulas FM
Excel Charts CH Excel
PivotTables PT Excel
Data Analysis with Create and modify simple macros
PowerPivot PPT
Record simple L-
macros Name simple 3
macros Edit simple L-
macros 3
Create and modify advanced charts L-
Create and modify dual axis charts 3
Create and modify charts including Box &
Whisker, Combo, Funnel, Histogram, Map, CH
Sunburst, and Waterfall charts